##VIDEO ID:HM4pJi5eQ08## e e e e calling our meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. uh this time we have our invocation and our Pledge of Allegiance ask everyone if we would uh please stand heavenly father thank you for this day thank you for your goodness your grace and your glory ask oh God that your spirit will continue to be with us as we we convene to handle the business of this city thank you for being a Watchman over our city and thank you for protecting us and securing us all these many years ask God as we come together now that you would um endow us with wisdom give us uh sympathy and may we have uh Mercy ask God that your spirit will continue to bless all the citizens that reside within the city of ly Haven continue to bring us together in unity so that we may move forward to be a city that brings you glory in Christ's name we pray amen I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all this time we have public commentary from Miss Jerry Parker good morning um within the last two weeks we have met with four of the Commissioners and we have discussed in detail the packet that we handed out to those Commissioners now what I'm asking of those Commissioners is that you use discernment and really dig deep into what was in that information that was not our opinion those are facts that we presented to each one of you there are layers of corruption that was done by Ricky Ry there were false statements made to the FBI by Vicky Gainer that is a fact when are you as a commission going to start paying attention to the facts because you're looking weak and you're looking weak to the public and it needs to be addressed with that being [Music] said Sam I heard an interesting thing the other day that Ricky Remy asked for your phone records is that correct Ricky Remy asked for your phone records ask that you direct your comments to the chair please okay well maybe you can answer it in your comments so also another thing that I would like to address is the lights on our entrance signs are on 24 hours a day shouldn't those be on timer I would expect those are very expensive lights so I'd like that addressed as well thank you thank you Mr Walker morning ladies and gentlemen Commissioners um a while back I had a conversation with the office of chief of police in Residence with that conversation was the office of the city manager I assume she was going to be a witness or she was protecting the City chief of police the discussion robed around a interview we had with the former mayor when she investigated turning the police department over to the sheriff which is done normally and uh she investigated it and found out it could be done economical it has been done in Springfield has been done in other municipalities this group here loves to do what other municipalities do they don't like to stand alone and have enough guts to do it on their own so they have to mirror what other people do so the discussion was to make the police chief an elected official the disagreement with that came from the office of the police said it would be political and I says okay that's that's a good observation however as we stand now we cannot do anything as Citizens to the office of the police can't fire them can't hire them can't do anything we can sit and watch and wait however if you're elected you become the responsibility of the people this didn't go down too good with the office of chief of police he didn't like that is I work for one person and one person alone and that is a city manager so with that statement I knew exactly where I stood and where the people of this town stand it's a bad statement I didn't like it I believe fully that we should look into making the office chief of police and elected thing he would get his own budget he has his budget now he would get everything that's due to him but he would be responsible to the people the people could fire him recall him do anything they like if they find according to Florida Statutes that he's performing outside his boundaries that is the People's Choice not the office of the city manager thank you thank you um Christen mckoy before I get started I do have if you'll give those to our City attorney please if you will give all of those to our City attorney please yes if you would if you would give all those to our City attorney please call the order that's your public commentary time all right moving on to the m yes are you going to up here I would just just like to say the victim of Ricky Ry was an African-American man I want to thank you all for meeting with us meeing the four Commissioners invite I invite the the mayor and the city manager to do the same thing you'll find educ thank you thank you I appreciate you moving on to the mayor's report Proclamation for children Cancer Awareness Month whereas children are Lin Haven's most valuable resources and their health is crucial to our City's development continued success and well-being as a whole and whereas Northwest Florida reports an average of 50 local children are newly diagnosed with cancer each year and whereas cancer is the number one disease killer of children in the United States yet Childhood Cancer Research is severely underfunded where only 4% of the National Institute of Health allocates cancer research funding to children and whereas research in the field of Childhood Cancer will allow for better treatment options safety quality therapies and ultimately a cure for this deadly disease now therefore by The Virtue and authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Lin Haven on behalf of the city commission and all the citizens of Lin Haven we do hereby proclaim the month of September 2024 as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and encourage others to participate in efforts throughout the year to raise awareness and funding for Childhood Cancer Research with rally Gul Coast while supporting families who face devastating effects and cost so we proclaimed this on the 13th day of August 2024 thank you to uh city manager and staff for hosting a great um music by the bay um saw a great great turnout for that and heard a lot of great things um happen with that um thankfully though we were prepared for um the storm that could have been heading our way we're thankful that it did not um land on us and that it moved Eastward um hopefully those who were in the path of the storm are doing okay I know there has been certain groups dispatch from Bay County to go over and to assist those who've been impacted by the storm so let's continue to pray for those who have been impacted um by that storm and knowing that there are other storms that are on the way so let's continue to try to be uh prepared and encourage our citizens to be proactive in their preparations whether that's water other supplies that's needed sandbags um so do as much as we can to try to encourage our citizens to be proactive in their um disaster relief preparation um also uh wanted to follow up with statement I made publicly after further inquiry and discussion with commissioner War seemingly the eyewitnesses that stated they saw commissioner wart meeting with a group to conspire to fire Ricky Ry and um city manager Vicky Gainer during the election of 2021 were mistaken and did not see him um in that group so commissioner War I do believe you to be a man of integrity and so I certainly apologize um if I misstated that you were there um and you were not there so that's my report for today uh commissioner pebles thank you mayor uh had my coffee meet at the end of last month um I'm continue to do that and I encourage anyone to come and sit down and have some coffee with me typically I do it around the last Saturday of each month I'll keep you all updated on when uh when that the next one is um also wanted to bring up that now is early voting for The the primary which is an Open Primary uh so regardless of how you're registered you can go vote right over here in fact I also want to give some props to the citizens of Lin Haven if you go on Bay votes.org and look at each Precinct and how many people have voted Glen Haven Senior Center is number one in total votes cast by a long shot so good job to those of you that voted over here and and just want to publicly thank everyone that's working the election uh two weeks of early voting this is the last week of early voting and then August 20th will be the election so please don't forget to vote if you have not again Open primary uh as to answer the question about the phone records um Ricky Ramy did not personally ask me for anything uh I did get a public records request but those are Anonymous and then it was eventually dropped so I have no idea what happened with that but um a public records request was brought to me I complied but then it was dropped before anything was turned in so I to answer your question I don't I don't know um so yeah I mean it's Anonymous I have no clue but uh that's my report just thank you everyone for all your hard work these past few weeks and keep up the good work thanks commissioner perno thank you uh I don't have much to report other than um i' I've had contact with some citizens uh regarding um the flooding on the recent rains that we had um but we haven't had much rain um thank goodness um do have one thing I want to give out to the commission um I was on my porch this morning uh the 5K uh 5K for The Bays it's coming up from the EST program and I have more if anybody anybody's interested um I'm bringing some to post at my business so I'll just pass these out and uh um I did uh I didn't attend the the um the Bays or the the the music by the bay but I heard it was a really good um I'm looking forward to uh to our our fall concert series um it's on it's going to be on Friday nights this year so I know that's a little competition with high school football but there's people that go to high school football and there's people that want to maybe attend a nice concert too and I think we'll have a good blend there and have something to something to offer um U with that with that being said I also attended our Workshop um U about our about our um our comprehensive plan I have thoughts on that I know we're going to discuss that later in the meeting but Bo it's really um feather in our cap to have FSU nearby and then tap into a resource like that it really really was a it was a good it was a good meeting and a very informative formative Workshop so that being said I'll just thank everyone uh every city employee and all our First Responders and Military and um that's my report thank you commissioner Ward uh I don't have any anything thank you commissioner vff commissioner perno and I attended the TP which is Transportation Planning Group and um like I've said before it's important for ly Haven to be represented on that committee it's very um it's a very informative process um yeah even though our our last meeting was a bit of a rhubarb well we there is a lot of discussion because you have all of the municipalities there and they're all fighting for control yes and but don't worry we we hang in there there's a governing group also the the Emeral Coast Regional Council so yeah they were put on the they were put on the podium a little bit there so but they're going to keep the ER the ecrc which does a great job um of running the TPO governing yeah the the important thing is that uh ly Haven is represented on that uh committee um the I did attend the U music by the bay what's great about the music by the bay is it really is a family atmosphere there were a lot of kids a lot of young families Ames and I think we need to get some of those young families involved in government and uh cuz I know it's the same old statement they are the future but it is the truth that's all I have to say thanks all right thank you um city manager report uh the warrantless any questions and now it is time for our employees of the quarter I'm going to ask that um first uh Ty Ferris come up to recognize his employee of the quarter Courtney thought she was here this morning to speak on behalf of Article 5 and six so this is sort of a surprise for her a big surprise um the success of any Department really boils down to the dedication of the people and the character of the people you have gone far above and beyond since you've taken over at the shelter as the Director of the department I couldn't have done it without you and I appreciate all the hard work that you wouldn't for it [Applause] [Applause] what was absolutely surprised she thought she was coming in to do something else today she works really hard at at the animal shelter if you never seen her in action out there with all of those different animals people coming in and trying to adopt animals she and Mr Miller doing a fantastic job so I just want to say thank you again for the work that you do for our city um and trying to keep uh animals in home homes for us so thank you Courtney [Applause] and I'm going to ask Jennifer she she'll come up and say the next employee of the quarter thank you city manager and to the Commissioners and the mayor it is my honor and pleasure to announce that the co-recipient of the employee of the quarter is my nominee Jeremy [Applause] bargie so since moving into this building the quiet Tech specialist who has been in every office making sure we're connected with our computers our internets our phones our cell phones and then fixing them when we mess them up which we do on a regular basis I'm one of the majors um Jeremy comes very quickly stealthily quietly gets us back up and running without complaint I too sat down and said so jemy you know why you're here this morning and he pointed to the three minute um he had no idea which is what we like to do um but he continues to work hard for all the employees the citizens and the city making sure we're staying on track Jeremy thank you [Applause] [Applause] the way the employee of the quarters have chosen is that they're recommended through their supervisor or someone else that's seen great things that they're doing doing above and beyond um their job duties these are two people that do just that with a great attitude and um just want to say thank you again and congratulations we love [Applause] surprises just a couple other things several meetings with contractors developers residents and Commissioners this over this past two two weeks uh city government week is coming up in October and we have some pretty things planned for city government week uh we're also looking at a date in October maybe for Art in the Park that's been a really really great event uh we're going to be pretty busy this SE season so I'm going to give you some dates of things ahead of time uh tree lighting is uh December the 3rd this year the Christmas parade the first city this year is on the 7th we'll do our 91 911 ceremony at 9 a.m. Winter Wonderland will be on the 16th of November this year and yes our fall concert series kicks off on September 20th at 6 PM with string theory um registration for Fall Ball has closed now we have a total of 900 participants in Fall Ball normally fall ball is a very smaller group but uh I think that the sports and Rec Department is doing an outstanding job of recruiting and giving um our Our Youth and coaches top quality softball and baseball so we're pretty excited about that as well uh we are also looking for because our program is growing that means that we need more coaches so we're looking for anyone that would be interested and uh coaching a team uh we're particularly looking for coaches for The sixu if you don't know our biggest um probably division is wee ball that is like the three and four year olds and um pretty pretty exciting with for them as well uh we did make preparations for the storm and um we have sandbags that we give out throughout the year but you'll see in the coming days that uh we have kind of revamped the way we give out uh Sam bags and sand and you'll see that uh posted pretty soon uh table talk is this Thursday at 5:30 and um thank you R rotary for allowing me rotary of Lin Haven I went to speak there uh this past week just to give new updates about what's going on in the city look into the future it was a great day so thank you ly Haven rotary and that's my report thank you right City attorney have no report right moving on to our consent agenda approval of the minutes for 72324 approval of the RFP for Fuel Services contract for a one-year time extension for Davis and Fuel and oil approval of the RFP for Disaster Recovery consultant Services contract for one-year time extension for tetratech approval to amend the RFP for tractor for King tractor Services ditch digging contract for an addition year with no price increase approved a piggy back off of bay County's sodium hydrochlorate contract with Odyssey manufacturing which is used as a disinfectant at the city's wastewater treatment plant approval to authorize the mayor to assign Amendment one-time extension for the cdbg drr grant uh for West Tim Street utility improvements project with du Engineers approval of the amendment number two for FD vulnerability study contract approval to a change the public hearing for the fiscal year 2425 budget dates from September 10th to September 11th at 5:30 p.m. an approval to declare an asset a Honda one and a Honda 2 Surplus and auction off uh is there a motion for this agenda I move to approve the consent agenda second motion by commissioner vandagriff second by commissioner perno city manager if you call the role commissioner vff yes commissioner perno yes commissioner peoples yes commissioner Ward yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed new business first reading by title only of ordinance 1166 amending the city's eodc to repeal regulations in chapters 1 39 and 10 and amending chapter 14 of the city's code of ordinances to the flood man flood management um regulations City attorney want me read it first yeah ordinance number 1166 an ordinance of the city of Len Haven Florida amending the city's unified Land Development code to repal regulations in chapters 1 3 9 and 10 related to fledge management amending chapter 4 of the city's code of ordinances related to building regulations to adopt flood management regulations providing applicability severability and an immediately effective date so this ordinance makes substantial changes to your code of ordinances and your unified Land Development code um all of these changes are prompted by FEMA's update of their flood maps which will go into effect in October so FEMA has reviewed all of these all of these amendments um you are repealing um some Provisions entirely but they're not going away they're actually being relocated to other portions of the code so that most of your flood management regulations are all in one place all right are there any questions for the City attorney no voting on this today we will vote on this at our second meeting in August right discussion and possible approval of resolution 20248 434 to adjust the midye budget for fiscal year 2324 a resolution of the city of linh Haven Florida amending the final budget for fiscal year 2324 and providing for an effective date this is just um we transferred one some money from one Department to where it really should have been in streets for Paving and also a um emergency um situation ured that we had to get someone out to fix uh some pipes are there any additional questions for city manager or chief infrastructure director yes I have one I had a meeting with um city manager about this yesterday and I just don't understand how this this pipe that broke is located in Callaway you want to talk you want to talk about that yes sir it's actually located in the City of Springfield it's um right there at Highway 98 and Cherry Street and it is the city's effluent line that leaves the sports park goes down transmitter Road crosses over and then makes its way to the Bay for the surface water disposal of our Wastewater effluent where how does our Wastewater end up in C it it's a long way um it Bay County the City of Panama City and the City of L Haven all discharged behind the Old Paper Mill site um it's been over there since the late 80s early 90s but that is where we are permitted to discharge I just you know I I got the information but I I just wanted it to be out there to the public so yes or it travels a long way to to be discharged yeah right any other questions for city manager staff is there a motion for this motion to approve is there a second I second all right motion by commissioner perno second by commissioner Peebles is there any comment from the public yes sir question is this an emergency problem that has come up dealing with the sewer and water plant yes sir that was an emergency it happened okay days ago thank you remember what your finance officer said you can't have any emergencies dealing with this that's thank you for the answer I I will tell you that the the money that we're using for this particular emergency we have some money set aside that came from arpa so that is money that's not been taken from the sewer okay right see the minute if you call the vote commissioner perno yes commissioner pebles yes commissioner War yes commissioner VRI yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed discussion and possible approval of Marshall Brothers to perform emergency repairs on the city's Wastewater AFF fluent line in the amount of 13455 yes sir this is what we just discussed for the budget resolution and what we discussed Friday it's our 24in effluent line um there's a check valve in a vault that is leaking um the check valve was used back in the 90s when all three uh the city of Len Haven the City of Panama City and Bay County converged in one line and the check valve was used to keep water from coming back into the city's line um since then the lines have been separated and the check valve is no longer needed so the rotten check valve will be removed and a spool piece installed so the leak is eliminated and the water can continue to flow to the Bay um if you see in the in the um car here and in The Proposal the repair itself is $104,500 and then there were two options uh $30,000 for a Lin stop and $75,000 for an insert valve um we chose the the line stop um just because this time it's more cost effective um than having the insert of valve put in so it's $134,500 and the city will supply the materials um and that's valued at about $6,000 so this thing went dormant like it wasn't being used except for the valve no sir the the line is used every day it's whatever we can't use in in the ReUse system and what doesn't go into the ReUse tank and disperse to the customers is discharged to the Bay currently we probably put about 20% of our affluent to the Bay um so the City of Springfield had gotten a call that they had a leak um they went out and determined it was on our line we went out there and and it was but the lines were merged right they're all three so the lines used to all be in one and in the late '90s they separated those lines so now there's a Bay County Line a Panama City Line and a len Haven line so the Len Haven line unfortunately is the one that's leaking any additional questions for Mr Lightfoot right is there a motion for this a motion to approve a second motion by commissioner perno second by commissioner pebles um is there any comments from the public all right City manag we call the vote commissioner perno yes Comm commissioner pebles yes commissioner War yes commissioner Vander yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed discussion and possible approval to authorize the city manager to enter into a one-year agreement with air gas for 150 PB cylinders of of sulfur deoxide and chlorine gas for the water and wastewater treatment facilities but back in 2018 uh the city entered into an agreement with NEX a for gas cylinder for chlorine and SO2 for our water and wastewater uh plants um since then uh the city has continued to use NEX a with with no interest in looking at other companies um our assistant director Danny McCardle has taken a lot of time and work uh to pursue some cheaper alternatives um air gas has promised to deliver um the chlorine gas for about $189 183 cheaper per cylinder and about $457 cheaper per SO2 uh this will be a one-year term and next year if they can hold their prices we will bring uh before the commission for approval for an extension or we will pursue other options for a cheaper price um currently air gas NEX a and Industrial chemicals are the only provider however industrial chemicals decline to um give us a quote because they do a lot of business with both of the other companies so they didn't want to compete with their Enders all right any additional questions for Mr lot right is there a motion for this I'll motion to approve I'll second the motion all right motion by commissioner pebles second by commissioner perno any comment from the public all right City minut if you call the vote commissioner pebles yes commissioner herno yes commissioner vandagriff yes commissioner War yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed uh discussion and possible approval of contract with CW Roberts in the amount of $780,000 for phase 4 of the legislative roadway Paving project um good morning good morning are there any additional questions for Mr Baker I just wanted to ask this is the one that will be matched right if we pay it it'll be matched back well it's not a match on the city's part do is for the legislative funding pays for it right okay okay we pay upfront and get reimbursed right right right right are there any additional questions is there a motion for this a motion to approve second all right motion by commissioner peble second by commissioner perno any comments from the public see the manag we call the vote commissioner pebles yes commissioner perno yes commissioner VRI yes commissioner War yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed discussion and possible approval of construction and Engineering Services agreement with duberry in the amount of $1,125 uh Mr Baker this is the engineering Construction Services for the phase four Paving project that you just awarded it do requires us to use a third party and under our continuing service contract we are able to do it through that all right are there any additional questions for Mr Baker this is this goes out to bid the third party you have to pick a party or no we were able to use our continuing service contract with duberry but we are required to have a third party as an inspector and do has approved it all right any other additional [Music] questions right was there a motion for this I'll motion to approve second right motion by commissioner peble second by commissioner manag Griff is there any comments from the public city manag you call the vote commissioner pebles yes commissioner vandagriff yes commissioner War yes commissioner perno yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed um this time we have our discussion only about uh chapter 10 articles five and six from our code of ordinances um we're still um discussing the animal chapter are there any comments regarding articles five and six all right no comments regarding articles number five and six moving on to the discussion only about the process for reviewing the comprehensive plan um as commissioner parno stated earlier we did have a very um good Workshop um led by Dr um chapen as well as um some good input from our staff on um previously how the comprehensive plan has been reviewed and given us some suggestions on what we can do to review the plan moving forward um Friday we did have uh I think a good discussion um regarding our comprehensive plan um I think we're still sort of um looking at a start date that we would want to start looking at the plan I know we did give some uh direction to the city manager regarding um compiling a survey so that we could start sending that survey out and so we did receive sort of that draft survey in our email on yesterday so just asked that you would you know look over that make sure we give her some good feedback on that um following the meeting Friday talked a little bit more with her um about time line and so uh here's sort of what I'm proposing and of course please give your feedback is we would conduct a survey in September that we would have our choices or input by this month and then September we would roll out the survey um and then during the month of October those survey findings or the survey responses would be compiled and also in October we would have our town hall um led by a facilitator hopefully we're she's checking on the schedule for that to see if a facilitator would be available um specifically the one that we used for the uh Florida Avenue um Workshop that we had so checking to see if she's available um in October to conduct a town hall for us or Workshop charet you know whatever term you like to use for it but basically you know a forum so that our citizens can come and give their input and again we can compile that information information um compare that to what we reive in the survey so that that will give input to what the vision of um to our vision statement now when we make mention a vision statement that is actually what the purpose statement is in the comprehensive plan so we look at the comprehensive plan and it's talking about you know the purpose of this plan that's really the vision statement so we have a vision statement already but it's reviewing that with the input that we've received so we're not starting from scratch on trying to create a vision statement so it's looking at that purpose that we see but then you know revising that based on the input that we're receiving from um people that we talk to individually I know like commissioner war and commissioner pebles you're going to have your you know meeting with the Commissioners I'm sure people going to have some input for that so it's not just hey only input from surveys um uh the the open Forum or the town hall but whoever is speaking to us to to put that information together and then it will give us the opportunities in November and December when we meet to discuss revising that Vision with the idea that hopefully in January we can sort of hit the ground running with starting to review the comprehensive plan so that's sort of the thought is September we roll out the survey October we follow up with the town hall and then November December we get a chance to discuss the results of the survey survey and how that should revise the purpose statement or the vision that's in the comprehensive plan and then we can we can start discussing you know the various sections starting in January so that's sort of that's the timeline that I'm proposing any feedback on that I like the plan any other feedback sounds good to me all right um commissioner perno uh yesterday in your discussion with the city manager was she able did you all discuss the staff's proposal about making sure that we go ahead and um approve what needs to be done so we our deadline I just double checked with the city attorney on that while you were talking okay understand so it's our efforts won't won't hold anything up got it all right awesome um has there been any other thoughts since Friday I know we had a really good discussion about the the comprehensive plan um on Friday and just sort of the feedback that we got from uh Dr chapen and others and so so I think it was a really good really good discussion um any other discussion um on the comprehensive plan from Friday any new ideas from Friday I just I'm sorry go ahead um I reviewed the um sample survey I have some suggestions that I'll speak to the city May um now one of the things that uh we are also considering as we discuss the comprehensive plan is to um allow citizens usually for discussion only we don't really get a lot of Citizen input but possibly with this comprehensive plan to allow citizens a time to make comments um during our discussion time so that in case they don't make it to the Forum in case they're not able to do a survey that um they won't feel like their voice is not being heard in regards to the comprehensive plan um so instead of waiting until we get ready to vote on it and then having to go back and you know make those adjustments um that we would hear it meeting by meeting um in a timed manner but that we would also allow our citizens to have some input as we're discussing that because it's all it's the city's plan right you know we're you know sort of leading the charge but it's it's our City's plan so I understand uh you know based on the the the the lecture that we had in the workshop I didn't get a chance to I'm sorry I wasn't there Friday but um I mean my take my take on that is yeah we the changes need to be made the tweaking of the comprehensive plan based on our true efforts are going to be in changing our regulations correct and and and uh you know cuz basically all of our all of our zoning guidelines are in the comprehensive plan but we need to get just as we have the the maps for our our land uses and whatnot I mean we need to we need to if our if our if our if our minds are right on what we want to do for our city so we need to have a zoning map in place so that'll be in certain zones of the city there could be certain land uses so that will be something that we'll discuss like in November December you know coming as part of the vision do we want to create zoning districts um or do we want to leave it as is now uh so that that is something that we discussed very briefly we didn't get a chance to get into the the zoning part I just wanted to make my feelings known because I wasn't at the discussion on Friday so we did miss you um and uh but we did also make the emphasis or the statement that we do once we finish our comprehensive plan we want to roll right into looking at um our ulc because that's a lot of times what we're discussing when it comes to development orders and such as we're going back to our ulc not so much the comprehensive plan because it's a big picture as Dr CH said it's sort of the it's sort of our guide as to what do we want to do in our ulc and so we did mention the idea of you know eodc is our regulations and that we want to really start digging into that but you know I think what we do in the eodc will be guided by what we've accomplished in our comprehensive plan so that should you know give give us a better guide as to the decisions that we make and the changes that we suggest um for the uldc man has some additional information okay yes ma'am first of all I just wanted to um apologize for coming in late but I was on the phone with Florida commerce for an hour and a half discussing the comp plan update and basically what they said is you know I was wondering if it was a possibility for an extension and that kind of thing so uh we would not be allowed an extension but if whatever we send to them for January if they found it to not be in compliance with their requirements they would give us 180 days to amend that um and then possibly another 180 days after that so we had also discussed doing two parts doing the statutory required changes and then the other changes that you that are going to take longer for the the vision type stuff right all they're interested in is the required updates based upon data and Analysis so all of those things that have to be updated and looked at um for a 10-year planning period and then a 20-year planning period regarding things like facilities um that we provide so things with a level of service connected to them so water sewer um the um Capital plan um projects those kinds of Capital Improvements things like that that's what they're focused on so that's got to be accompanied by lots of data a map series looking at Transportation the kind of things that really we don't have any control over stuff that they just need for us to show that we're going to be able to meet the anticipated growth based upon Bieber's uh population statistics growth sta statistics that's a lot of work um I'll be working a lot of weekends um I feel that that's what I'm going to be focusing on to make sure that we get them in in time and I'll be bringing them to you when they're done um I'll probably have to reach out to the planning Council for some assistance on where to get some of the data and also help with the map series because we were looking back to see when the last map series was submitted and I think it was like 2006 so you know we've got a lot of work ahead of us so I just wanted to let you know that I had reached out to them to find out what we could do what the parameters were so we've got to get that done first and then yes this is brilliant what your you're discussing you can take your time over that because they don't want the two things submitted at the same time this is what they're interested in and then your vision stuff is is kind of like icing on the cake as far as they're concerned thank you thank you thank you for that followup um anything else on the comprehensive plan all right meeting adjourn