e have the invocation the Pledge of Allegiance from Pastor John Ramsey Harvest Church Lin Haven Heavenly Father we thank you for this day we ask that you lead us and guide us in all decisions that we might make our community stronger in Jesus name we pray to the flag United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all thank you this time we have public commentary please state your name address for the record any public commentary if not moving on to the oh I'm sorry that's why we need that list cuz I didn't see your hand that's okay good evening good evening I just wanted to say thank you to all of you um we had the um food truck festival it was a really good um Festival I think a good turnout a lady was in line next to me and they were not from here they had moved here and she said we just love the city of Lin that's what we want to hear we you know it's all about the quality of life life and I also wanted to say thank you for the Citywide amesty day that was very much needed the only little complaint that I had was you know we put it out on Saturday and we had to wait for the pickup and I was just so tired of people who didn't even live in our neighborhood coming through and just rumaging through what we were getting rid of but it was it was needed and I noticed that a lot of my neighbors put things out as well so thank you thank you additional public [Music] commentary all right moving on to the May's report uh has been a productive past uh couple of weeks um been able to uh go to some various events and represent the city of Lin Haven um recently uh city manager and myself were able to attend the round table discussion that was at MOS High School um led by uh first lady Casey Des santis um also attended by our uh commissioner for the Department of Education also our uh secretary for the um the lottery as well as the uh teacher of the year for the State of Florida so just very Insight insightful as to um what they're wanting to do to encourage the students uh throughout the State of Florida I'm also was able to follow up uh we receiv received a followup from uh first later desantis's uh office in regards to ways that the uh city of Lin Haven as well as our citizens um can connect with hope Florida I'm had a chance a couple of months ago to attend that round table at the uh the veteran affairs um there in Lin Haven or there in panal city and so her bring bringing back that bringing that back up shows that you know this is the way our community can get involved um to sort of be partnering with the state on the ways to serve those that are in our local community communities um as well so that was something that was um again very insightful uh well attended and informative I'm also got a chance to uh attend the unity service here that was at Sharon shefield Park on Sunday afternoon um it was good to see uh varying groups come out um to celebrate uh Unity throughout our community and so they uh though they're from varying parts of Bay County they like to come to Lin Haven uh love Sher sherfield Park and just the community F that's provided here um in our in our community I did get a chance to go out and talk to some uh other citizens as well about some concerns they had uh about speeding in their Community uh matter of fact I want to say when I was at the unity Service uh Miss Miller mentioned that she would like for us to um sort of maybe have a follow up on Mississippi that there are some um speech ERS that are using Mississippi as a thoroughfare um to cut through and you know just a lot more speeding is happening on that street um especially with the expansion and the road workk on 390 so that might you know maybe not just Mississippi that might be some other um areas over there to uh to bring our attention to as well but I know she mentioned Mississippi um and I was able to talk with uh police department as well as the um Public Works regarding some um issues that were identified on uh believe that's 18th Street um off of Michigan and so to talk about some of the areas that were over there which is actually a dead end so those are some of the streets that we don't go down very often or at least I don't I mean I don't go down dead end streets because you get you know you get stuck there so um but was able to go over and talk to several of the citizens that lived in that area about some of the issues that they were having with um speeding and with some of the other concerns they had for their neighborhood um with dilapidated property um also got a chance to help them understand how the code enforcement process works that just because you make a complaint to me I can't necessarily make that complaint to you when somebody comes out that you need to make that complaint um to code enforcement per state statute and so that was something that was very informative for them as well and uh probably like all of us filled a few other calls that I forwarded to the city manager um in order to talk about some of the the concerns in our community and city manager and I met with a a citizen right before this meeting to uh to give some advisement on some things they can do in their neighborhood to resolve some of the problems that they were having um with some water flow there and so uh we're here to help and assist in any way that we can and just uh reach out to us if you need us that's my report for today thank you mayor uh I had the honor of participating in the alternative baseball organization Community integration event at G Coast State College that was a lot of fun it was um it's an organization that allows um those with special needs and are uh to participate in baseball because you know sometimes they don't get the opportunities that some of us uh that don't have special needs have and it was a f it's a fantastic organization what they did is they brought in some of their players from the league as well as people from the community and we played together in a in in an INR game um I learned real quick that I'm out of shape I was sore for like a week and a half after that uh I got a hit and on my way wearing to first base I fell down so that was awesome everyone got to see me fall so that was cool um but it was a lot of fun we got smoked like 15 to four um uh but it's all good it was a lot of fun and I I highly suggest checking that out they have a Facebook group it's uh just I think it's uh baseball or something like that you should be able to find it on Facebook pretty easily uh definitely go check them out uh I have a coffee meet up on Saturday morning at solo at 8:00 a.m. if anyone wants to come have coffee and and talk about things that are on your mind I'd love to talk with you just have a designated time where we can come and meet and and talk uh I want to thank the city for allowing that United event that happened on Sunday night it's a lot of fun brought my children and my wife out there a lot colder than I anticipated um I my kids had short sleeves on so bad on my part but it's all good we we got them warmed up uh and then I wanted to thank everyone not just the staff but everyone in the city uh that did a good job of communicating the Amnesty Day uh man there was so many people in my neighborhood that had stuff out uh so many like it was almost uh became a fun little game that my wife and I would have driving down and seeing all the people that had put stuff out beside their Road um so I want to say thank you to everyone that communicated that and I also want to say thanks to all the staff that made that happen because I know that you had to do a lot of extra work to make that happen and so I wanted to say thank you for that because uh it's funny CU as children you don't realize like how important it is that someone is willing to come and take all of your extra stuff away from your house for free as an adult when you realize you got to put it in a truck pay for it drop it off and all that it's a lot so the the Amnesty Day is awesome and I just want to say appreciate the staff for for working hard in making that happen with that that's my report thank you commissioner perno thank you mayor thank you commissioner um definitely Echo his sentiments and U the only thing I have is um I I've and and I'm probably late to the game understanding this but three different business owners um have contacted me about the pable water back flow that they've received a notice on having to install um I knew that we had um an irrigation um backf flow that was that was going on for residential but these business owners they they they all told me you know they've been in business a long time all three of them are on Highway 77 but they were contacted by the city and told that they had a short amount of time to uh to get these back flows on their poble water and I I don't I don't completely understand it so I would ask probably for a public explanation that would help you know get everyone on the same page with this because uh um one of the business owners is embarking on doing some some U um Remodel and they didn't know what whether they could put it off until they do their building remodel or what but it seems to be U that it's that it's come upon people pretty quickly and the whole idea of uh of of this type of backf flow is was explained to me by one of the business owners it's pretty expensive and they like I said they've been in business a long time so that would be my only question other other than just to tell everybody thank you for for their service to the city and thank you for all the citizens who are care enough to be here tonight so but that that's my report thank you commissioner War um I don't really have a whole lot um I had my time with the commissioner um this month and had a couple people come out had some good conversations um yeah I got a lot of compliments about the Amnesty Day a lot of people were happy about that I took advantage of that too and to the young lady that came and talked about people picking through the things I uh through the the stuff uh we had the same thing in our neighborhood and it's like one person's junk another man's treasure right so um but yeah I think a lot of people um we happy about that so thank you to all the staff that did that and uh that's all I have thank you thank you commissioner vanag gri uh I had an interesting experience the other day I wore um my athletic shirt that on the back of it it says commissioner and it says 24 and I went to the grocery store and if you ever want to get people's opinion wear one of your commissioner shirts to the grocery store because in that period of time I talked to probably um six to eight different people with not just concerns but compliments so it it was both ways um they complemented the um the children's activities for example one of them had a child in baseball and another one had had had a little girl play in the volleyball league and they were very complimentary of things that we were doing to help with to keep the kids busy uh one complaint was about uh King Griffin Park the parking and I explained to the her that I thought that we would help to remedy that when the new parking lot was uh finished but it it was an experience uh a good experience so just a word of advice if you really want to find out what's going just go to Every uh grocery store and you'll hit a lot of people all right that's it and sometimes you don't have to wear your shirt so but I understand I understand um and I guess I I got matter of fact I went to I think after the last commission meeting I went to a restaurant and had on had on our shirts and uh and they were actually nice to me so I was wondering you know how that would work out but the waitress was really nice and complimented on how well things are going to Lin Haven so that that worked out really well all right city manager thank you mayor so am day a lot of oh sorry Mr Pete come up good evening everybody are there any questions about the warrant list okay thank you very much and anytime you have questions once he sends those out you can surely ask for any documentation you need you need for those so MC day was very very successful um I know the last time I think we did one may have been in 2017 maybe I think it was and we and I really wanted to bring that back simply because um you know we have a beautiful city and we are trying very hard to to really give citizens something back um to the community and I think that went over very very well so it was very great but I want to thank some people personally we just had a little lunch in yesterday for the uh sanitation department do Brewer Preston Sosa Justin Evans Alan brunfield Chris Bernie Dave Tomkinson David eldrid Michaela Swindle and Isaac Delgado so they really uh did coordinate very well and did a really good job of picking up everything uh just a couple of things about sports and W um they're preparing for summer uh they are a NeverEnding activity uh and sports uh compilation of a little bit of everything but their their Seasons don't ever in right now they are planning for um the uh tournament for All Stars last year if you remember we had three teams that went to the allstar in SE Haven I think it was South Haven and this year we'll have at least six teams that will go for Allstars and one of them came pretty close to to uh winning the championship uh so you you'll also be looking for some camps for this summer for youth uh camps and volleyball basketball uh we're still taking summer signups for the softball coed team uh we already have 109 kids registered for summer youth basketball um registration ends the 10th uh and also uh on May 27th we will give away tree giveaway remember we been doing this uh since hurricane Michael our goal is to continue to replenish the trees that were lost here in the city of L Haven and also helps us to continue to be a tree City we will give uh 100 books to the first uh 100 kids that come it's called The Giving Tree and so we look forward to that um I'll be out there along with some other volunteers to help uh with the tree giveaway I want to give a shout out to our fire chief chief Delan uh he will be retiring on April 30th he's done a tremendous job of being here and just leading the fire department in a very professional U Manner and we just want to say thank you to him the TPO will meet on Wednesday afternoon to discuss um and vote on the transportation alternative Grant project and they're looking for the ideas that have already been submitted and one of them is an extension to the L rails to Trail from the south trail head along Orman Avenue to the sports complex and it appears at this point you don't ever know how grants go but it appears to be a priority so we're hoping that it continues to be a priority um with uh them as well but lots of great things going on as mayor said we did attend Mosley where we got a chance to meet first lady des santis and talk about the city of Len Haven um and of course this Friday is Spring Concert Series we hope to see you all out um and that's my report thank you City attorney I have no report but I'm available for questions right there any questions for the City Attorney at this [Music] time right moving on to our consent agenda approval of minutes for 4924 regular meeting minutes is there a motion motion to approve second motion commissioner Ward second commissioner perno uh city manager if you call the vote commissioner W yes commissioner perno yes commissioner Peebles yes commissioner venag yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed public hearing for final reading ordinance 1167 request for annexation parcel number 08835 000000001 121 Cashel Marvel drive at 5:49 p.m. ordinance number 1167 an ordinance annexing into the municipal limits of the city of Lin Haven Florida certain contiguous compact unincorporated land located in Bay County Florida for an approximate 0.2 plus or minus Acres of property parcel number 08835 d-00 as is more particularly described here in pursuant to Florida statutes section 17144 amending the boundaries to the city to include said land repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in Conflict here with and reciting an effective dat yes ma'am do you swear or affirm the testimony you'll give us the truth and nothing but the truth I do hi yes this is ordinance number 1167 the request for annexation final reading the applicant is Ross Pritchard uh owners the same Ross Pritchard uh parcel number 00 08835 000000000000 uh location is 121 Cashel Mar Drive and the property size is approximately 0.24 Acres it is contiguous to the city on the northwest and East Side Water and Sewer is available within 300 ft uh this does not create an enclave it will the annexation will close an enclave and the property will be accessed via an easement uh this is the aerial view of the property and the uh that's the city municipality Mount that indicates it's currently in the county and the green is the city and the survey that indicates the property along with the easement all right any questions there a motion any comments from the public is there a motion for this motion to approve second motion by commissioner perno second by commissioner Ward city manager recall the vote commissioner perno yes commissioner War yes commissioner ven yes commissioner people yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed hearing closed at 5:51 public hearing at 552 final reading of ordinates 1168 request for small scale future land use map Amendment parcel number 0835 0000001 121 casamar Drive in ordance 1168 an ordinance providing for the adoption pursuant to chapter 163 Florida ordinance the statutes of the land use change from Bay County public institutional to City of Len Haven mixed use for an approximate 0.24 acres plus and miners of property located at 121 cash Mar Drive in the city of L Haven Bay County Florida repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with and providing effective date no okay this is ordinance number 1168 the future land use map Amendment final reading the honor is Ross Pritchard parcel number 08835 d-00 location is 121 Cashel Mar Drive parcel size is approximately 0.24 Acres the existing future land use category is Bay County public institutional the requested future land use category is city of L Haven mixed juuse the adjacent future land use Mount destinations are to the north north city of Len Haven high density residential to the South North Bay East city of Len Haven high density residential and to the West City of Lin Haven mixed juice again I'm sorry uh aerial uh the current land use map which indicates Bay County public institution and the proposed land use change to City of lenh Haven mixed juice all right are there any questions there's no question is there a motion motion to approve second motion by commissioner perno second by commissioner peos City manag if you call the vote commissioner perno yes commission pees yes commissioner War yes commissioner VRI yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed hearing closes at 5: 54 p.m. final reading of ordinance 1169 emitting article 7 public meetings of chapter two of the city's code of ordinances ordinance number 1169 an ordinance of the city of Len Haven Florida amending article 7 public meetings of chapter 2 of the city's code of ordinances authorizing public participation guidelines and decorum rules to be adopted by resolution of the city commission repealing provisions of ordinances in Conflict here with providing for codification and reciting an effective date all right thank you are there any is there any discussion for this from the commission any questions if there are no questions there a motion I move we accept all right there's a motion is there a second second all right motion by commissioner Vander gri second by commissioner parno is there any comments here from the [Music] public C Moore on amher Street um I'm not sure if this is even appropriate for this question or the next one um I'm not exactly sure what this ordinance is um but if it's addressing um signin you know when people come in and um and so forth that might be the next thing that that's been discussed whether people have to sign in when they come in correct that's the that's on the resolution that's not this one okay well then I'm uh addressing this appropriately um I just don't understand the entire purpose of a sign-in sheet um people already come up and say State their name and state where they live um I think that that would actually uh cause people to be intimidated if they have to sign in and another question I have okay if you want to do the signin sheet um then what if somebody didn't think that they were going to talk and then they decided to talk would they still be allowed to come up and speak because I don't care if there's a signin sheet I mean if I come in and I'll sign my name everybody knows who I am anyway but I just don't want that to be list to be exhaustive that you would have to wait until the next meeting so that's my concern with that and that's my question to you if you want to answer that um I just think that if you want to be trans arent and you want to be open you need to let people come and speak I just don't see the purpose of having a signning sheet I do agree that people need to come and have decorum at these meetings obviously I don't like it when it's chaotic so I think absolutely I think there's uh procedures in place that already cause that to happen my other point is and I had emailed all of you and this was my concern too and this was my point um I've been coming to these meetings for well over a decade and you know I know that there's a couple of times people get out of hand or people get upset about something but that is rare and I think most of the time this works I think you know people want to speak you know they raise their hand they come up they say their three minutes they say their peace and then that's it you want to be open you don't want to and and mayor you ran on transparency and openness and government you want people to be welcoming that's been said by this commission that you want people to feel welcome when they come here I just don't think you want to do anything that's going to cause people to feel unwelcome or to be intimidated dated if they have to write their name down on something that's just my point and that's for this issue and the next issue thank you right thank you is there any additional yes arleene Harrison Michigan Avenue uh my question on a signing sheet is will people be called up to speak in the order that they signed in my question thank you any additional public commentary and I'm going to we're going to respond to these so we're just getting them all out the way Mr Walker and I'm not saying get them all out the way but getting the questions together so we can respond good afternoon Rich Walker 1106 Michigan Avenue I I was asked with a meeting with Jamie um um when the um signin sheet disappeared it never disappeared always was there it just hasn't been used since this commission started in effect it always was there we always had with the agreement of the chairman which is the mayor that uh if anybody had anything to say they raised their hand and they would be honored and is that still going to be an effect is that still going to be an effect I'll answer that once I get to the other questions okay all right um another thing is uh this is a resolution um and that's we're on the ordinance right now the resolution is nexted we're on the ordinance right now okay you're in the ordinance which is not talking about the sign in sheet okay F I'm sorry I thought this was about the resolution because usually have to have a resolution first uh res as I had a discussion with the attorney resolutions can only be changed by a resolution ordinance can be changed only by an ordinance correct however in order ofy resolution to be in effect we had to approve the ordinance first I got I got that from the attorney I got I got to clear it up about that I thank her for that um if we're dealing with the ordinance if I read this correctly uh we're looking at making a criminal offense involved in that ordinance is that correct you may answer that later on if you are making it a criminal offense I would suggest you outline what the offense is what the punishment is what the duration is what it is period and is the person going to be arrested etc etc uh if you could answer those questions I would appreciate it thank you all right thank you are there any questions regarding the ordinance any questions for the ordinance all right uh we have a a motion and a sec motion by commissioner Vander gri and second by commissioner perno City minut you call the vote commissioner V yes commissioner perno yes commissioner pebles yes commissioner W yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed agenda item number 12 discussion possible approval of resolution 20244 428 adopting public participation guidelines and the cor rules for public meetings a resolution of the city of Lin Haven Florida to adopt public participation guidelines and decorum roles providing an immediately effective date all right thank you um so there was some questions regarding this resolution in our previous discussion on the agenda item and so we'll work through some of those questions um in regards to the signin sheet or not having a signin sheet um this was actually in place um prior to this commission so uh what we did ask our City attorney uh Miss Amy to do was to go back and sort of research that for us and so she told us in pre-commission meeting that this the original ordinance or the ordinance that we just amended um was actually adopted in 199 96 so that preceded mayor Kelly that preceded mayor Anderson that preceded myself so that will go all the way back to 19 um 96 in regards to what those rules were however sometimes uh as Mr Walker noted those rules are not always enforced so for example when we talk about the uh rules for decorum what we placed on our agendas were the rules that were already in our ordinance um previously so we didn't come up with any rules that's why we didn't have to vote on any rules initially because those rules were just taken from our ordinance and put on the agenda in regarding to the clapping and the disturbing and such um and so in regards to the signin sheet uh that's something that the Commissioners brought up that they would like for us to reinstitute um is the sign in sheet uh when I became mayor I did talk with city manager and got some feedback from others on should we have the sign in sheet or not have the sign in sheet you know three years ago because we didn't want to prevent anyone from coming and uh being able to share however uh with our new commission or uh additions to our commission um what we have noticed is that sometimes we do want to follow with citizens but we don't have their information and so if a citizen does come up and they don't provide us with their name and address um or they might give us their name and address and we don't know what city they're from um and now we're not not saying what city they're from to discriminate but there are cities in Bay County that have the same streets and so we don't know what city that person would be from and so this would allow us to be able to have better recordkeeping but also be able to make sure we can follow with citizens so I think that was the consent that I got from the Commissioners is that this is not to um hamper our citizens but to help us in better communicating and engaging with our citizens um in regards to the order that is called or the order that you sign in how you're going to be called up um with the signin sheet you're also going to place uh and it's here in the resolution how that's going to be outline um you're also going to identify what agenda item that you would like to speak on so although you might be the first person to sign up if you're not speaking on agenda item number 12 um and then there's agenda item number 11 then whoever signed up for number 11 would obviously be called up first however to Mr Walker's question um for the public for the agenda items we cannot limit who can address those we would only just put order of preference as to who's speaking on those but if there's someone that did not sign up for those they can still speak because Florida statute does not allow us to not allow you to speak on those agenda items however as I'm understanding it um and I believe this was uh I was going to ask commissioner War if number three was worded the way that he wanted it to be worded on the um page 4 45 number three in regards to speaking on public commentary but not um you know with the signing like if you're not signed in for a public commentary then you can't speak on that when that time is closed so I was make sure that verbiage is what you wanted it to be because I remember you we sort of went through that Friday trying to see if that verbiage was how you wanted it to be read for said page 45 number uh number three at the top uh B3 the top yeah B3 on page 45 B3 yeah so I think the way this is saying if I understand it right is this is just um for public participation and if you don't for just the one where you can talk about anything during public commentary and if it's specific agenda items then um you can sign in it's urge for you to sign in but you don't have to and then um anyone can come up they can just raise their hand on any agenda item when there's commentary for that correct so that's reading the way you okay all right um and so to Mr Walker's Point no on an agenda item again I'm I'm repeating that there there is no there will be order in which we do that that if a person signed up they will be called up first and then we'll look out to say hey is there anybody else that would like to speak on this agenda item they rais their hand you know and then we we called them up you know for that right um because again that's Florida statute however for public commentary we'll follow if this resolution passes as as printed then we'll follow um a different procedure for um public commentary uh in regards to the um State Statute I was looking through did we remove that state statute um from this can you what page this on City attorney I was the state statute it was was referenced in the ordinance and we didn't remove the reference um we we did change some language in that section to reference the generally the rules of public participation in the Quorum adopted by the city Commission because you are now adopting them by resolution and they are not whol contained um in the code of ordinances but we didn't remove we didn't touch the site to the that's right that's still in the ordinance got it and so Mr Walker see your question uh in regards to um the criminal uh I guess the you know the the crime that be pending for that that is actually according to Florida State Statute so that we reference Florida State Statute and then it's outlined in that um is what we make the reference to on that uh for that ordinance is is what we make reference to there right is there any further discussion from the commission or questions for City attorneys or any comments from City attorney regarding resolution um just for convenience I did put the changes we discussed and directed on Friday in legislative format but this resolution is essentially a branding I did see that yeah so thank you um any other just discussion we've heard some things from our citizens and of course you're welcome to come up and speak again uh since this is another agenda item um but anything on what we've heard so far or what you've heard people talk about in the public regarding this is this the one I hope I didn't screw this up but is this the one where we can add when we want to add agenda items or would that have been the last one this yeah this is where we need to do this one here did we put I didn't see that put in here um I guess but yes this is where we would want to add that add that too yeah okay how we would uh how we would follow that yes so I uh I did a lot of thinking on it and um this is my personal opinion on this is I I personally think the agenda should be made up of us as the entire thing as the commission as opposed to one person so so if I'm understanding you don't want the city manager to create their no no no no no no I understand all that I'm talking um as far as what can be added to the the agenda from the commission right that's what we do in Friday's meeting right well yeah so that's we had discussed about it right and I thought about it quite a bit and uh you know I me personally I think I think it should be made the it should be approved by the entire commission as opposed to one person that's my opinion now some of us might disagree I don't know so let us and I'm not trying to stop you um let us let's maybe create a different resolution for that okay so that wouldn't be with this one that would be right so let's um only because I don't want us to bog us down and having to rewrite something for this one so I'm I'm not pushing off but that's all good so I'm suggesting that we create a a different resolution or look back at our um article to so yeah create a different resolution that'll address that how we you know format that and then it'll be separate from this um so that we won't necessarily have any so we won't have any any delay in adopting this right um because we may have to go back and make some changes to this but then push it off to the next meeting um so we can still bring a resolution back for the next meeting for what we're discussing okay um so we can still discuss it okay but uh I'm good with that you know so but not to add it so let's let's continue the discussion but just not to add it to this resolution here okay all right that recommendation okay um are there any other comments on on resolution yeah I got one so on back on page 45 top number three uh do we want to add that during public commentary if someone wants to if they did not put their name on the signin sheet that they can still raise their hand and be allowed to speak as long as they provide the information that would be on the signin sheet for record keeping because there's been times when I've been out there that someone has said something and I would not have thought about it um until they said something else and it brought something to my mind do we want to suggest okay save that until next meeting and bringing up in public commentary or do we want to give them the option to raise their hand as long as they meet the the um requirements of saying their name their address City and all that so would I've and I'll let commissioner Ward speak to that because I know this was his one of his points so I'll let him speak to that first um so you're just talking about the public commentary talking about anything right is that what you're talking talking well the way this is worded it's uh just it it says during discussion of a specific agenda item by raising their hand so that suggests that you can't do that in public commentary so my what I'm asking is what happens if I'm sitting out there let's say I was a citizen that's not up here someone comes up says something and then I was like oh I didn't even think about that let me add you know I think the in my opinion I think with just general public commentary it's not in just one specific topic like the agenda is which makes sense where you have discussion on things like like when we were talking about um this one and the one prior people came up and talked about things and someone might have went up there and said something and somebody like well I didn't think of that or they thought of something else besides that and wanted to come up where you're talking general public commentary they could be talking about pothole out in the road in front of their house or you know all kinds of different things you know what I mean so I I think it's more appropriate for specific agenda items in my opinion I I will say commissioner per May to speak to this cuz he's been here longer than all of us I will say in my my brief experience is that if someone misses public commentary because it would be that same scenario right if they miss public commentary usually if it's something that they really want to address they will come up and talk to us afterwards and most of the time it's something that I'll direct to city manager to give to staff um most so it's not that there issues isn't getting hurt um or if they miss public commentary then I can say okay hey let's have a meeting about it and that way we can sit down and dialogue more about it and some citizens depending on what the issue is they need more than their 3 minutes to talk about it which is what I encourage when I try to encourage most citizens to do even and we've said this before even before public commentary hey please come up and have your public commentary but you only get three minutes right versus if you come have a meeting with myself or with the staff you really get a chance to explain um what it is that you're trying to do we can actually get probably more accomplished than that so I try to share with them to you know hey I'm we're not stifling any wants freedom of speech but maybe let public commentary be your last resort right versus where you start versus your starting point you know that if youve reached out to City departments and they haven't responded if you reached out to the city manager and it seems like she hasn't responded you reached out to some of us seem like we haven't responded this may be your last resort um because some people aren't just really public people but to to your point I in my experience is that if someone's miss public commentary um or didn't want to come up and address during public commentary they still come up and talk to us afterwards and then we're able to still try to help resolve whatever the ISS yeah I hear you I think uh my suggestion would be then if this passes let's um during public commentary before it just remind people like hey if you didn't get heard we're going to be here afterwards feel free to come and talk to us you know so that because I because yeah and when you know we just it's not something that would be in the resolution itself but just you know I suggest let's continue to remind people hey if you weren't heard in public commentary you can still come talk to us after afterwards and then let's be available to them you know if they want to talk to us the other thing too is they in public commentary just general public commentary there's no action item taking place which I think that's probably why Florida came up with a statute that you have to require people to come have commentary on those specific items which yes that makes sense so but go ahead I'm sorry it's okay it's okay I I had just had something a little bit different than this um I lost my train of thought oh about the signin sheet um one of the things I think is a benefit to is sometimes people I think they get confused when they can talk about something and I'll give you a good example like when we talked about the storm water assessment fee remember how many people were there there was people talking about the storm water assessment feed dur in public commentary when there was actually a agenda item so I think it helps with that as far as you see something on there and you're like hey um we'll be have we have agenda item for that well I'll give you I'll call you up at that time you know and and that way it kind of Falls in line with all that I think that's good mayor U as far as the history goes I mean I've been I've been here u a little over five years and when we first did commission meetings as you know when I was a rookie 19 the you know the public commentary came at the end of the meeting and and a lot of the public commentary was was based on the agenda items and how we voted at that time that's kind of it's it's kind of been removed and and I don't know whether that was a necessary evil or not but we got our we we we got our come upin or you know we got we we got told how people felt basically it was kind of our scorecard on the meeting you know as as as we as we committed to it that night now the the way public commentary comes in the front of the meeting you know people load up and give the public commentary I would think and I I know you're Fair mayor and and I I I just asked the City attorney if she's ever been to City of Callaway meeting with mayor Henderson I think you know before you go on pass public commentary you might want to look at the room someone might urgent who didn't sign up might urgently be raising their hand and you know you may you you may ask ask them publicly you know did you use the signin sheet and would you like you know would you like a minute to come up I'm sure that's going to happen and I'm sure we're compassionate enough human beings to to I I would hope not to turn anybody away on on their their Fair three minutes and that that that's that's up to you that's your decorum but I know you know in in in your in your mind and your heart you would you would react that way too so someone raises their hand I think we're still going give them their give them their due so um that's kind of that's kind of where we you know where where I've seen I've seen things and what's what's right or wrong is you know it's just it's just a it's just a matter of of how the public feels and and I think we can hash everything out as on the agenda items as as meeting goes now it's just that we were we were we were a little held to the fire a little bit more when it was at the end and there was there was a little more emotion to the meetings in that respect as far as how people how people felt on how the commission the commission voted and stood but either way is good for me um uh I think every person in this room would have a chance to speak on on on any subject whether you sign the sheet or not I know commissioner vandagriff and I attend TPO meetings and for the longest time the TPO does the first thing they do is public commentary and you have to come and sign the sheet prior you have to fill out your card prior to the meeting and and and they address it immediately and that's that's how the meeting starts off so it's it's good you know um and it's it's you know whatever whatever works so I've seen it I've seen it both ways and and and I don't know if this conjures up any more public comments or not but that's um that's kind of the history of uh of where it's been you know and and I I I feel good about not bringing the um uh any anything into the meeting signs or so forth like that because I I I when I was new at this and I know a previous mayor we they passed out red and green signs and as we did our our commentary and our questionings they said people could raise a green whether they agreed with us or read whether they disagreed and it was very stifling for me like first getting being a commissioner just to be talking and see a CF red go up because you said something you know what I mean so I I I you know I think we can sway that differently you know we don't need to have people raising up their colors as we're speaking but I'm I'm always open to hearing from folks you know on how they feel about how we're doing a I've I've got it right in the face the other night on some subjects and um I go to the grocery store 10 times a day Miss vaner Griff and I I engage with people all the time so it's it's just one of those things where we're you know we're setting you set the decorum we're setting it up like it like it was in the past and you know let's let's kind of let's kind of stick to it and see where it goes but I don't think we'd ever turn our backs on anybody who wanted to speak any just I don't see it you know so that's my feeling you have any comments Miss Miss VRI commissioner vff anything you want to say in regards to the [Music] resolution well we seem to be discussing this over and over again even in the pre commission meetings um I I'm kind of with Pat let's see where this goes and then um we're not um we're not horrible people I don't think well well Jamie no depends on who you ask yeah um I think we're reasonable and uh I think we need to stick with something we've been talking about this over and over again let's go with it and then if it doesn't work we can modify it all right commission Ward so um let me ask you guys this is how many people have come and talk to you about this we have been talking about it for a while I I may have talked to like two two different people yeah and they were they were they could they could go either way so yeah so I haven't had any objections from anyone to stated resolution I've had handful yeah and probably going to go a little off subject but I that's the thing I I struggle with and I thought you know how do how do I get more people involved and and communicate and I have my time with a commissioner every month and of course yeah I I'm going to do it I'm going to do the uh wear my shirt and go to different grocery stores and see how works out but you know I that's why I do the time with a commissioner every month and honestly I don't get a whole lot of people and I just wish I had more people involved and we've been like I said we've been talking about this for a while you know so I don't know this might actually stir people up to come and sign up yeah you know that's just my thoughts all right uh do you have anything say the attorney all right awesome is there a motion for this motion to approve second motion by commissioner Ward second by commissioner perno any discussion from the public again regarding the ordinance and now the resolution um I've been coming to meetings since the early 2000s and this ordinance might have been adopted in 1996 but it was not observed because I never had to sign in anywhere um you know this isn't going to affect people like me so I'm I'm speaking for other people I mean I know what to do if I know there's a sign-in sheet fine I'll I'll sign in that most of the people here are the regulars they know to sign in so the people that you're really hurting are people who might be blind you know we that happened what if they walk by the they don't know that it's there um you might be affecting people who don't come to meetings but they have something they want to address with you um and they walk right past past a signning sheet because they don't know so this isn't affecting the the people who normally show up and who are engaged what you're affecting is people who might come to something um who want to speak on in public commentary and really you're preventing them from doing that they're going to be put off because then they have to wait till the next meeting maybe they don't want to talk to you privately maybe they want to talk to you in public commentary I just think it's a big mistake obviously I think the mood here is to go ahead and pass it and see how it goes but I think what you're doing is actually if you want to welcome people to these meetings and people who don't normally come I think you're actually going to stop people from from feeling like they that you're approachable and that they can come and be heard I think that's the end result is what you're doing thank you um I will say in other meetings that I've attended where the signin sheet has been instituted I don't see that stopping anyone from going to Panama City meetings or to uh Bay County um Board of Education meetings and following those rules there um with their deorum actually see that it actually makes the meeting a little more engaging um to know who's speaking on particular topics so uh but thank you for those comments additional commentary yes sir Rich Walker 1106 Michigan this subject is dear to my heart it's always been it's one of the freedoms we have it is put in our constitution both in the United States and in state of Florida first and Fourth Amendment thank First Amendment no one can a bridge no one that's that's in writing but you're trying to do it however as long as you have rules and you explain them to the people they'll go by them we are a country of rules we have to live by that there are other subjects within what you're doing that I have exception with but they are minor things let the rules put it in writing don't sit up there for 25 minutes and buy explain it make sure they're explainable in writing then we can live with it we will will live with it however don't change them Midstream by one person a with what You' written and we'll we'll get along with it thank you good luck thank you additional commentary yes ma'am Arlene Harrison 904 Michigan Avenue Lyn Haven um during the commission discussion you were talking about well if it seems inappropriate to talk about this subject right now you can always come to one of us after the meeting is over and talk to us individually but in that case not everybody hears it you know it when I come up and talk to you now you oops you all know it you all hear heard me but if I have to go individually that's not going to work after the meeting everybody breaks up and goes and um so I just didn't like to hear I wouldn't like to hear you say oh you can't talk about that right now come talk to us later thank you thank you I don't I don't think that's what we were trying to imply is that we would if a person that comes and gives public commentary that we would say hey that's an inappropriate thing to discuss at the time it's if you missed the public commentary time in any regular setting for example public commentary has been missed so there were some individuals that came in out the public commentary after it's been missed well how are they heard because we're not doing public commentary now and if they do come up and start talking and we're talking about the resolution and they start talking about storm water I'm going to respectfully say hey that's not our discussion right now we're talking about resolution versus the storm water meet with us after the meeting to follow up with storm water or I would ask you know Bobby Baker or Chris lefoot to meet with them to have that discussion which we've done before as well is direct them to the staff um who can then follow through on that issue um so yeah it's not to say hey you can't talk about this talk to us individually um but ideally if you miss public commentary how do you still get heard instead of waiting till the next meeting you can try to talk to one of us about it um but I do understand your point as well we've had our had our three had your time already oh you've already had your time yeah right sure go ahead all right I like what Pat brought up about the com public commentary being at the end of the meeting so as we're listening to the meeting and we have qu further questions or F further thoughts on the matter we can bring it up to you at that time again one of the reasons we remove we move the public commentary to the beginning is because we don't do the back and forth dialogue therefore if you come up it if we move it to the end and you have your questions those questions may not be answered after the public commentary because that is at the end of the meeting and there's not a chance to give reports and have that discussion afterwards which is why we move them to the beginning of the meeting so that as people have questions they can't ask those questions afterwards any additional comments on uh this resolution I just say something before we vote Yes sir um I think one thing couple things we need to do is one make sure we do everything to try to get the word out on this if it passes I suspect it will and two um wherever we do the sign-in sheet have like a a little pamphlet or brochure on about public commentary and um the agenda and stuff and all the rules and that way if somebody's got questions on it they can take that and read it right uh or for that matter you could have one of us stand up there for 15 minutes before the meeting starts welcoming everybody and reminding them that they need to sign in okay so you do I nominate you to be the first one may I'll do it we'll have staff to do that we'll make sure that everything is in order so yeah we're going to make sure the word gets out um for for that as well um but again if we're talking about participation literally we've only had two Len Haven citizens to come and Mak any comment on it and this is a 5:30 meeting M I mean I know you've been concerned about 5:30 meetings late meetings so how many people live in Lin Haven if you raise your hand citizens citizens citizens okay one two three four five six seven eight nine staff y'all got to be here so but 10 11 I get it y'all y'all can vote for sure I I got you back there sir I got you the blue shirt on yeah so that's nine people at a 5:30 meeting on what seems to be a very hot topic so either softball is more important tonight or whatever else is going on with family activities or just hey they just want us to take care of it as Mr Walker said and just do the best job we can and good luck with it all right see the manager if you call the vote commissioner War yes commissioner perno yes commissioner Peebles yes commissioner vff yes mayor Nelson yes motion pass meeting adjourn