and so we're want to look at our CRA agenda first of course we have our Cent agenda there are there any questions or concerns about the consent agenda good to see citizens using the the incentive program and the paint program so that's that's good to see so that that is good uh in regards to new business discussion of possible approval of the new commer incentive for the Lin Haven C any questions about that yeah I do um first question I have is is there a limit on how much we pay for those incentives for the year do we just budget it out and say once we reach that point and it's in the budget yes that he'll have a c i don't I not remembering what's in his budget but tell yes overall we we have uh an allocated item in our CRA budget for all of the incentives and and for this particular incentive per application the maximum amount is $25,000 yeah I didn't know from the budget if it was like $100,000 was like towards this or if there was like a Max I have to look at the budget I think it was 50,000 okay um but it's capped for the year it's Capp well it's Capp depending on how much the cost of the project is yeah but I'm saying like once for the year yeah cap for the year so like it wasn't if we had like 20 businesses coming yeah I think we sort of allocate for maybe two businesses a year is what I'm thinking we sort of budgeted for is uh at least the past few years has been two businesses a year is what we've allocated for right and you know and I looked at this um my first thought was you know um you get a lot of people that are like got start on another gas station another fast food establish we know we all know that we can't dictate what developers put on the on the prop on the parcels as long as it abides by the unified Land Development code and that um but to me I I would think it' be more beneficial if we were if we could because I notice there's a list of businesses that you that that don't qualify for it right but is there certain establishments certain businesses that we want to bring into Lin Haven and should we focus on those type of businesses cuz you know like let's say a fast food place wants to come in do we want to use it for that do we want to use it for a gas station or something like that or do you want to say specifically you want to use it for these types of businesses well I I think the challenge to what and I and I agree with you I think the challenge is is that this is limited to the CRA yep so it's what do we have available in the CRA that we could bring a business to to attract them to that you know for example like um major Smoke House is that in the C so we have major smok house but it's and it's a nice establishment but it's a small establishment too right um and so I think that's what of the challenge in the CRA because now we've gone back on land capacity as well in the 1911 plat so we've also cut back possibly what a business could do um which may make it a little harder to attract I think Florida is going to be that area that we are trying to bring businesses to so I think that is going to be the incentive you know maybe that's where we put our focus is trying to get you know as we build up Florida Avenue trying to get businesses you know on Florida which is why it was great that the steakhous chose Florida Avenue was because that's sort of where we're trying to direct some um see and I think those type of businesses I I think you know the residents are really wanting to to come to LY Haven yeah um and there's the other aspect as far as tax revenue there are certain businesses that bring more net tax revenue than other businesses but that's a good question cuz I that's the question I am asked quite often is what incentives do we offer for businesses to come to inh Haven and so is that something we could advertise to those businesses if I'm hearing is like hey there's a possibility you could get this $255,000 uplift if you're or facelift if you're establishing a business in the CRA yeah and is that with a building that's already um on ground is that if they're if you're expanding it and that's that's I think one of the main goals here with this new incentive is to really for us to gain some traction when it comes to commercial development in the CRA right and the storefront assistance program that is already in place I think it's a great program however it limits us only to the renovation of the storefronts so what do you do if you don't have a storefront but you want to you have a good running business and you want to expand it you want to add five maybe 10 jobs you want to add on to your existing structure we don't we want to support this of course but right now we can't and um so I thought um with this commercial incentive it it gives us some more flexibility on one hand on the one side but then on the other side I also added this paragraph to kind of limit the type of businesses that this incentive would qualify for right so there's a fine line I guess and um I guess it's up to the C board in which direction because these would come to you if if when they apply we just don't give them to them that you still have to approve them so right well I I love the idea of this by the way and great great job coming up with this um I think I would like to see like commissioner work is saying is get like dig into the Weeds on this because obviously we're not going to deny people if they if they meet the laws but if we can kind of figure out what people want and and bring it this is our opportunity there are limitations obviously but for example like one of the things that a lot of people would like to see is a g like a g like maybe said it last time last meeting a place to gather inside you know like a good example be like portal downtown or something like that where people can just gather so I think what I'd like to see is maybe um have it to where you have a square mileage or a radius of 5 miles from the center of the c or something if you don't have certain business if there is not a certain business type of that type within a square mileage of the C then that would make you eligible because if you bring something unique to the CRA that is is not available within a certain mileage people are going to be driving to LY Haven to use that facility because they don't have it within driving distance set their own so if we can really use this as a way to incentivize unique businesses to come in I think that would benefit everybody the citizens the city even people bringing in money from other cities it's another tool in our toolbox and um should the C board approve this incentive I will share the this with our um site consultant next site they will love to hear this because that's another perk another incentive that they can um mention to potential new businesses that are looking at at sides here in our area um to make our area a little bit more attractive from a commercial perspective yeah other questions for the commercial incentive other just I I'm just leaning towards I think we should determine like what do we want what type of businesses we want to grow in Lin Haven and what we want to focus on and I I think that to me my opinion is what the program should focus on okay so you're saying like limit the program to particular businesses such as regular restaurants sit down restaurants okay um what was the one you brought you I think you had an example like like uh family entertainment family entertainment inside family entertainment or something like that and I'll ask you all you this I mean would you really want to use this for another gas station right you know what I mean CU I not saying gas stations are bad but they're coming already they don't need the incentive and and that's true especially if it's a you know a franchise business or something they probably have their own programs so that qualif you have to remember to the space and the CRA is very lied there's not a lot of space there you already have yeah it's it's already businesses there I would love actually some businesses I can think top of my head I would love for them to apply for that to enhance their build business when Ben and I talked about this this was one of the things that we wanted uh really to focus in on the CRA to enhance it um as we are doing the new Florida Avenue revalidation it goes in well with what will happen there and so that some of those business just need to expand just a little maybe to hire another additional person but don't have the money to do it that's just that's going to help us in the long run and them so we really are focused on in the CRA we know there's not a lot lot of land to build to build things like gas station yeah so so um and then what he can do is get you a list of all those businesses in the CRA and then we have a list of vacant properties in the CRA which are not very as well so I I'm pretty confident that it will surely and I'm hoping it will help uh businesses that are already there I would love for them to be a part of that and then um he can give you the the the vacant lands as well and then really you can see from vacant land what could and could not be built what would the process be let's say hypothetically we approved as is how easy would it be to you know study it and say okay um give it a year and say like okay we want to we want to modify this incentive program to be more specific you just come back and modify it okay what would it be the same process we're doing now is would be the process we draft another we draft a modification and then come back and vote on it Y is there something that you'd want to line up with um when we do the yearly budget or around that time I should say not at the same time well well we would add money to the budget either way for this program and just like we do our residential so it would be in the budget anyway so I think we'll be fine with the budget we have okay there there's nothing wrong with it wait coming back a year later and to kind of absolutely to kind of revisit this incentive and to see the things that work well and the things that don't work well and then make some adjustments that's that's perfectly fine I do want to take a moment and really give credit to miss miss Vicki and the mayor they really they challenged me uh to come up with an incentive they gave me the parameters what they Envision and so I I created that based on that conversation awesome thank you for thank you I think it's great it's uh you know businesses is important that's what brings the most Revenue to the city so and keeping the ones that we have here and helping them to grow that's you know it's really important to me very excited about this I too than moving on to our regular meeting agenda uh have our warrant list are there any questions about that for Tuesday about the warrant list I did have one I can get with them afterwards okay all right and oh the doc you sign for 10,000 that's something we just pay yearly or something just one year cut down on um killing about 200,000 trees so it's just one once a fee once a year we pay okay yeah that was the question sorry is the 200,000 uh the Sledge Haller 204 green sou yes it was 20 100 yes so we're hoping that's going to start going down yeah so we signed off on a I believe 165 or $163,000 invoice yesterday that'll be on the the next check run be on your next warrant list but yes it will start going down we we do have the pond repairs that we'll have to pay them for um but the overall sledg hauling will start coming down all right consent agenda uh of course approval of the meeting minutes uh discussion of possible approval of amendment to um everybody good with the consent agenda um so if I understand it right the amount of money is not going to change it's just changing to the like the different phases the project right that is good okay all right uh new business any questions about number 10 um so is that getting paid by FEMA reimbursement we have $890,000 I think in the budget for that yeah so the parch project was I think $10 million um for all of the parks so everything 428 4 great and so you can move that money around anywhere and we're just waiting on um f right now it's going through the process and they're trying to decide if they wanted to go through the ehp meaning you know um the historical uh part of it again but I don't think it will because we really didn't change the footprint we just changed the way some of the places in there are long as you don't change the footprint so it's getting 100% reimbursed by FEMA what we have left over from the park and I think it's um $1.2 million we have left over from Part Parts projects so it's 100% reimbursed by female this would be 800 yes yes okay gotcha okay and I I think it said uh future for future playground equipment are we going to are we planning on putting any playground equipment in at this time yes we did have on our plans and playground equip equipment why did it say future then I don't I have no no clue oh well this is this is Amanda right here yeah this is on the development side yeah yeah um really because what we're looking at is the actual plan and the site um and things like the um pickable courts and everything are part of the site plan whereas playground crit uh equipment is just stuff extra stuff you buy afterwards and okay yeah can we go back to nine I I must have been sleeping or something sorry it said that uh we're we're this has been brought back to us because the first one had some errors in it okay when you deal with agencies just so you know um they do amendments and um the Amendments got mixed up if I'm not mistaken and so that they now they're going to come back and do this is now the Second Amendment we had already done the First Amendment cor the first amendment was approved back in 2022 then earlier this year um I had this amendment uh this was approved by the city commission and the mayor signed the amendment we sent it to Tallahassee for them to sign the amendment on their end and then they realized they the language that they sent us had some mistakes in it so they reached out to us and said uh Lin Haven we need to change this amendment that you just approved in February and this is the updated version so housekeeping item yeah view I just wanted to clarify that no that's word yes so the mistake is not on I yeah just wanted to point out that oh no we don't have any we don't make any sakes around here right all right everybody good with number 10 all right number 11 just want to say it's pretty cool that uh they thought about the tree leave tree up and did did were they at the planning meeting were there any objections to this any any people show up or no um the developer was there um and the engineers were there um there weren't any objection no there weren't any objections I mean the Planning Commission had some questions but they're in the the minutes but nobody had any the only concern really is the guarantee that the tree will not be damaged during construction because it does have such a wide route system that Scot it has surface roots that are huge so they did say that um they wanted to ensure that the tree would not be damaged during construction because at the end of the day bear in mind I mean it's wonderful that they're saving the tree it really is wonderful they're saving the tree but if they're not putting in as much asphalt they're saving money on that and they're also saving money and not having to mitigate for the tree right um yeah and it said at first that it was going to be eight cars and then six cars and now no it was always eight um in the code it says eight but you know the code is looking at things like restaurants not just a nice vending kiosk so I think that's fair when they came back with the four no when Jim slanina um sent us the email which I think was the day of or the day before the Planning Commission meeting he inadvertently put six that the original was six but it never was six it was was always eight the original plan show eight that was just his typo okay all right any other questions and moving on to agenda item number 12 for establishing agenda preparation protocol I have some question I have a question okay um in one place it says that uh it'll be discussed it it should be discussed at the pre meeting and then then another place it said it can be added at the meeting with a two3 vote is that what we intended um I think we're trying to capture all of what was said uh specifically what part are you talking about one see there's an opportunity for anybody to at this meeting request an item be placed on the draft agenda and some timing as to how you do that um section B says that it becomes binding once it's approved at beginning of your regular scheduled meeting we're trying to also provide for when you how you add something when you don't have this meeting um where's your point of entry so then in section c as in the event you don't have this pre- meeting or even if something comes up between the Friday and the Tuesday meeting there's also an opportunity at the well built into this proposed resolution anyway um that you have an opportunity to add delete or um well modify the agenda by adding or deleting an item at the very beginning of the meeting so now does this mean we're going to section two back to section 2B does this mean that every meeting we would vote to approve the agenda this this is something for y'all to discuss but yes um Robert's Rules of procedure do contemplate the approval of the agenda at some point and generally that happens at the top of the meeting I be so I recommend striking that is what I would recommend um based on if we're going off of what Panama City does I don't know if y'all looked at their last few meetings but when I look at the minutes from every meeting there's something added or deleted every single meeting because that option is there um and it could be add in its some of the things that are added are just hey this me this citizen wants to talk about their water bill so then that's voted on and that's added so it's not even so it's not even things that are really for the commission to discuss um and then it obviously extends the meeting so I think we could I think we should try to handle all of our things in commission meeting I think the initial intention of this was to really is what you're asking commissioner Vander Griff was to actually write down on what our process was and then sort of tweak that so that it could be more uh I guess linear or so they could be more understood as to what our process was so that that's my thought would be um striking one C and then just whenever we call the meeting to order uh like before when commissioner wanted to add something um said okay hey I think I want to add this but I think it could become a now if that's you know could become a regular habit if we have it on the agenda that now we're adding or deleting something on the agenda every single time which so one C you want to strike one BC okay that wrong yeah B and C okay well I don't know I to me there's a big difference between trying to add something to the agenda and trying to remove something to the agenda I know we discussed this before and uh well I think the issue which we came to the conclusion on is and it says it in here is that are we adding something that's in the purview of the commission so for example if something is happening in Miami literally we could add that to the agenda and say let's discuss what's happening in Miami but we have no control over what's happening in Miami so why would that be something that we want to add to the agenda to discuss something that we can't even make a decision on um in regards to the chief of police situation we can add that to the agenda we voted to not add that to the agenda because it's not on our purview to actually even make a decision on that so um now that that opens up a whole another can of worms I know me and the city manager talked about because there was things I did not know about that that I was never told about well we tried to tell you but you kept pushing forward no that's not true yeah it it is true sir we told you that hey we can't we can't fire the chief of police no we can't fire the chief of police but so I make a motion to make a motion to discuss the employment of firing the chief of police if we can't even do that that was never told to me oh we we can't fire right but we and then it was understood that we can't direct her to fire him right but we didn't learn that until afterwards I did not learn that until after the fact the maybe the language wasn't as stated as Miss Amy stated but that is what was being told to us that that was my that's what Kevin said that's what David said they never so when I no I'm just saying but you kept pushing for it though they said hey commission you can't do this they they kept telling you can't no that didn't happen we did say that the commission has no authority over what happens in the Personnel issues of the city Behavior I really didn't want to rehash all this but no let's rehash it because obviously that's their point of contention for you so when I when I originally brought it up in the email yes that that was my original motion was um to fire the police chief we can't do that okay hold on right but at the commission meeting I changed my motion for discussion and POS approval about we brought it up and the commission voted no right and but my issue was the the City attorney never or nobody ever told me that we cannot uh do that motion no one ever told me that so when I the thing is it's not that you can't do that motion but why are we making a motion on something that we don't have control over that's say and okay you can make we can make the motion right I'm okay with that but I was still never told that even so go ahead so when I originally emailed Miss Gainer about it right I didn't hear anything right the the agenda comes out Thursday afternoon I believe it was I looked at it it's not out there I contacted Miss Gainer where's where's my agenda item she explained me that you and the City attorney had talked about it and based on his recommendation not to have it on there I'm like what and I could have called him but he also could have contacted me at that time he should have contacted me and said you can't have it on there because of this reason I was never told that I think we we had discussed all of that prior to you asking for that now let me say this that was really a matter of timing so it wasn't a we made this decision on Wednesday we publish it on Thursday and then you find out it was a matter of timing where as soon as you got it we had just made the this I had just got off the phone with the attorney then and you can't contact me about it right so so I was there when she emailed you so I was in the office had just got off the phone with the attorney she emailed you you responded with the email so that was really a timing thing where in essence nobody had the time to call when I say didn't have the time before the commission meeting you were told before you made the before that was before the commission meeting but no one told me I could not make that motion here's what we're saying commissioner Ward you can make the motion but again we can make a motion about telling the mayor of Miami to open his beaches at 3:00 in the morning we can make a motion and do that but why if it's not under our authority to do that right I would never explain that we so if you can't fire the chief of police then how do we not think that it's not under authority to make a motion to fire the chief of police so my original thinking was we all five of us are the boss of the city manager right she has five bosses and I figured just like Chain of Command right if we can direct her to do that because she works for us that would be a viable motion but come to find out that's not the case and I didn't know that at the time as I understood it from Dave Marcy which you had a chance to talk with yeah and as I understood it from Kevin is that the Personnel matters of the city of L Haven and even Jennifer made mention of it that the Personnel matters of the city ly Haven were to be decided by the city manager that that fell under her provision was that be that was to be decided by her so when HR attorney came and talked to us I asked him that specific question and he didn't really have the full answer he was like wow he was like yep that would be up to the city manager to decide that right and I said is there anything the commission can do to um to try to make that happen and he goes well that's kind of um I forgot the exact wording but he wasn't he didn't really have an exact answer for that and so he didn't really know because that's not because even so that's not under my purview right prior to that what we had discussed is that we is the commission would stay out of it and let the city manager deal with it that's what we had discussed M and so that was the what we had thought was the consensus of the commission however you wanted to continue to pursue it I did and so another reason we said no we're not going to put this on was because the the consensus of the commission was that we're going to let the city manage to deal with it so again I think it's just a personal issue that that's I I don't know I don't know what you got going on with the chief but I think it's a personal issue with the chief I don't know no I mean if I okay I'll say this if I had if I had a personal issue with the chief when last time we talked about it with the whole text message thing I could have made a big deal about that I did not so and I didn't and I have my I have My reasonings okay I I don't believe that was back then that was uh I mean so so going to harass Florida State Patrol har going to harass the people at new that's what they're saying that's what they're reporting that you're going that you're going to bully them for information at newbies at State Patrol I just I went down so to make sure we clear everything okay I went down to newbies yep and I asked if they knew anything about it okay so everybody knows everybody knows I went down there and I didn't know at the fact I guess I wasn't supposed to do that so if that's the case I wasn't supposed to fine but after that I never went back down there they didn't tell me any information I didn't get any information okay so I didn't get anything from that so I went down there one time so but what we're so here's the the word Sho hey they felt intimidated that you even came over and addressed them so I'm just telling you what what I I wasn't trying to force them to do anything I I introduced who I was we have a commissioner that is going got been an investigator for a HR situation so that is definitely out of our out our scope I get it at the time I did not get that okay but that's what we were saying though we were saying hey let let HR and city manager let them deal with it that's what we kept telling you but there but there's been other other municipalities where commission has gotten involved but we're not other municipalities really in Haven that's why we're top 10 city in the State of Florida because we're not those other municipalities because when Commissioners do get involved that's when the issues start because we blur the lines when we get involved which is what has happened we blurred the lines we're not going by what is actually stated in documentation we're just we're going off our own intuition and our intuition is not always the right thing so if we don't agree with the decision that the city manager is making what then what do we do talk to the city manager I have and she knows you know how I feel about it right I've been very direct about it um you know so there's a reason why we get involved because we are her boss so and that's why but us getting involved doesn't have us getting over involved which is what we which is what happened so we yeah we can we get involved to the extent of dealing with her but not getting involved with the extent of dealing with the case that's a h I understand I I agree I overstepped my bounds when I went down to miss Newt so so that's what I'm saying was that we have we have our lines and our lane that we stay in she has the lane that she stays in at times they intersect but we just can't like ve off and drive across the median and jump in her Lane we just can't do that so well I I understand what you're saying but if there's something that we disagree with a decision that the city manager is making we do have a say so in that I'm not saying we don't have a say so tell her hey hey we disagree with this right we might so I'm I hate to pick on you Chief right we may not agree with the selection of the new Chief right so do we go and tell her hey we don't like the new Chief now you need to get somebody else that we like to know the candidate better because that's what we say well there actually is a difference in your code and your Charter regarding the selection you do get to be sort of involved in that process you don't get to have a say in the separation or termination of an employee or department heads so sorry so so really the only only thing that we can do as a commission is a vote of no confidence if we wanted to is that right that is that is an option yes so that we could legally do that's yeah she is within your purview you could do that yes right that's probably what we should have done from the beginning so that we know where all of us stand on this issue I know it's a contentious issue I'm as you know I'm passionate about it because I think this is an Integrity thing and it's not just this issue I I even at the um the special Commission meeting we had the HR attorney um I was um can't remember what I was going to say but I was pretty specific on why I felt the way I did and I was like even if you take away the criminal charge which I get the city as a city not us as a city but as a city staff they have to not use that in consideration because that's an open case and we don't you know they're supposed to be innocent until proven guilty I got that that's why at the uh the special commission meeting we had I had brought up okay if you just take the Civil citations and other actions the individual had had made could that be a viable reason to fire an individual and that goes back to what we were talking about earlier whether that could happen or not and he said yeah I think what you're talking about is conduct Unbecoming and I'm like that's exactly what I'm saying so um I I and it and in the initial so in the initial when this first went went down I came at with city manager I talked to the HR guy for an hour and a half I talked to Jennifer for an hour and a half on what can we do what type of disciplinary action can we do cuz people are asking for discipline reaction what can we do one of the things the City attorney said is and he said here when he came or HR attorney and he said it when he came was that to take initial action when stated person said hey this was a medical issue was a whole different ball of wax versus just you know conduct uncoming because now it's we're not just looking at conic un becoming now we're looking at a medical issue was then I think they say would put us under the Disability Act yeah and so that was that that is really what said okay hey let's pump the bricks a little bit so that that is so when this initially happened I probably spent seven or eight hours between the three of them and even talking to other department heads on what is something you know what do we do with this you know what what do we do with this and so there was a lot of I think citizens probably don't realize that there was a lot of work dug into I know what are we what are we doing with this you know to the extent that I don't even remember the whole month of February because we're dealing with this right um however the conclusion I came to was okay let's pump the brakes for me so I'm not saying I agree with the actions of the chief and I have expressed that to him you know hey don't don't agree with the actions however because those actions do lead into justice system the HR department there's lines there that I don't understand there's rules and regulations that that I don't understand then you get into I think is uh statute 112 with the police with the police officers so there's a whole gamet of things that go beyond just hey this is a act you know this is conduct of becoming that I have to understand before making a decision on hey what is the exact action that we need to take um and so like others I have expressed my concerns to the city manager again I the chief and I we probably had an hour conversation about you know what my concerns were what my this you know what what I was concerned about and expressing him citizens concerns at the same time however it's hey let's pump the brakes until we can actually figure out what we're supposed to do so that we won't have a $10 million lawsuit and I'm you know because and here's and this is what I explain to city manager Chief is like what 51 52 so there's another 10 years all right so if I'm Chief if I get terminated wrongfully and if I think I got terminated wrongfully I'm going to see for all of my salary for those 10 years I'm going to get my financial advisor to calculate what I would got from my investment for those 10 years what that potentially could have been and then whatever loss and damage is and then that's the lawsuit I'm going to bring so I'm going to bring a $5 million lawsuit because maybe that's what you're taking from me if you if I believe you terminate me wrongfully and then what happens is is yeah we it might be justified but then if it believes that there's the pressure from the commission mhm that influenced the decision of the city manager when that really wasn't in our preview that now we're saying that hey if she doesn't fire chief we're going to fire her although we may not stick that directly yeah if we're saying hey we're going to hold you accountable if you don't fire the chief which means we're going to fire her that that's what that's the reason we're saying hey let's be careful what we say in our meetings let's be careful what we vote on because his attorney is asking for everything so every email that you sent with every dis you know the issue that you had has probably been a part of a public request I'm sure it has so that's what me as mayor saying hey guys let us pump the brakes is because his lawyer is for him he doesn't work for us his lawyer doesn't care about us no I get that you know Chief and his employee here but also Chief has to look out for Chief and so that's why we're saying hey guys let's pump the brakes on this so that we won't go on record talking about particular things we should have learned that from the the the previous trial the things that we said in public commission meeting I'm not those things the reason we didn't discuss as much then thank you know part of it was a trial because now those things are supposedly coming back in the lawsuit because they're listening to our commission meetings waiting for us to say something you know so the the fch lawsuit I don't I think it's been filed hasn't been filed so the F lawsuit is saying that hey we as the commission have cooperated to exit him from any contracts because since you not been on commission there have been no contracts order at Fenix construction that's true and so now what's being said is because we ask certain questions during City commission meetings or during pre-commission meetings hey there's a vendetta personal Vendetta out against Mr James Finch by the city of L Haven to make sure he doesn't get contracts because of what we say in our meeting or because of the questions that we ask so I'm so I have the backdrop of that with okay now we have another situation where this could turn into a lawsuit right I think Ricky Ry loves the city of L Haven he mve back to the city of L Haven but if you fire me and I got 10 to 15 more years of work I'm going to sue you for every dollar I can get no matter how much I love and I said that during my statement I I think he's done a lot of good work I I don't I don't dispute that and no I don't have something personal against them I don't um that's the way it seems I'm just saying well if I had with the Bulldog isness of how you're going after it seemed like it was something that was personal well it is personal because to me that position is an extremely important position and it's not just for anyone and it has there are certain well I even said it there in my statement there's that that specific person has a lot of duties and responsibilities and they have to be good in all facets of the job all of them and it doesn't mean that he's a bad person or anything like that it just I just don't think I think with everything that he's done up to this point with certain actions taken to the past that brought negative publicity to the city I just don't think he's the right person for it I don't got it and it's not because I have a personal Vendetta against them I do not I I truly feel that way and you know me and me and commissioner PE both in the Air Force you know and what's what's our our core values what's our first core value Integrity first Integrity first right and that's a big big deal in the Air Force and if I obviously this is not the military I got that but you know we were brought up a certain way where if you don't if you don't have certain integrity and and certain you won't hold certain positions or if you were holding a certain position you will not be in that position anymore if you if you do certain actions and that's kind of how I feel about this one because it's a extremely important position so and it's not just this last incident it's incidents prior to this and just all bump when you when you look at them individually no it's it's not something where I feel we should fire the police chief but when you bundle it all together it's like this is doesn't look good and there's a I see some red flags in there and I I don't like gotta so that's how I truly feel and again I don't have a vendetta against the police chief I do not so thank you for explaining that um and I think that is the the seed bed of where number c comes up Miss ay okay is is that one c yeah uh well yeah b 1 BC yes one one BC on the actual legenda yeah so I think the discussion we've had is where that is that se that's where that come that's I think that's where all of this came up um was trying to understand how do we yeah how do we add stuff to the how do we add because I've never every time I've had something added all I had to do is go to the city manager and was added was done and as I said there have been certain things where and it's hasn't been things of this hierarchy where uh if if it's something that we look at and say hey let's let staff handle this because initially that's what we're pushing it to is Staff well yeah staff has a huge part in the agenda absolutely so um so there are items that are called before City commission meeting um and city manager calls say hey this is getting called and again I think in your scenario where it wasn't added because I remember that day it was really a timing issue and when I say timing it was trying to publish the pre because I didn't come in till late that afternoon like literally around 4:00 and so it's was okay let's get this pre- agenda out um so it was coming in talking with her cuz she had informed about the email that came in for your request so we talked about it then we said let's call Kevin about it I talked to Kevin about it and then we said okay hey let's not publish this now as I understood it Kevin was supposed to call you I think and talk with you about it he never did that now it's easy for me to say that CU he's not here so as I understood it uh cuz I couldn't call you and tell you yeah know you know so I couldn't call in and have this conversation that we're having so as I understood it then you were supposed to have a conversation and because of the timing she went on ahead and publish the agenda and then I think you responded like immediately as soon as you got so what I'm saying as soon as you got it I was still in the office so I know you had an immediate response yeah so there was so that was still done before pre-commission meeting however we didn't have a pre-commission meeting which was the thing um and the reason we didn't have a pre Commission meeting because that was the only that would have been the only item to me to discuss it wasn't only agenda then we didn't meet to we we did not meet because there wasn't anything else to discuss um and even let's say with our agenda even with our pre-commission agenda sometimes we do confer with the city attorney is there anything that we need to meet about to discuss and so in Consulting with him about that it was well hey if that's not on the agenda then you need to have the pre-commission meeting um so all of that all of that was done so as I understood it you and him were supposed to have a conversation cuz he said he had already talked to you before and told you that you couldn't do that I understand it not one time has he ever told me that not once so that that's how I understood it was that you know so based on that conversation I was like okay well is he just trying to push you know trying to Bulldog this to get it on the agenda when we're saying we're not going to discuss this no at not one time was I told I could not put that on agenda not once and until we came to the commission meeting and that whole thing happened so he never ever told me that not once so and there's yeah and we've had a conversation about that so sorry for the miscommunication no and I apologize too I I I know I can be contentious sometimes but it's because yeah most of the time oh come on well it's not because do it it's fun eating spicy well I mean I think all all the fun I think all of us want to do to take certain actions to make the city better we do and I mean obviously we all got different opinions on it but um it's just frustrating when you're you're you you know what the right decision is and you can't get there and I think once things are handled in June and I think the the as I the consensus is hey we we all have our opinion let's let the courts do what the court cours do and then that'll give us all the information that we need to make the right decision or either the best decision of we of what we need to make right um because I will say you know that being extended through a curveball so when we were thinking everything was going to be settled in April when it went to June that threw a curveball so um so right now we're you know we're waiting and uh in June it be here before we know it so wow and that's if it doesn't get delayed again I hopefully hopefully no more delays I hope not I really do but right now some action has been taken he's on administrative uh duties and when I you know a citizen ask me you know difference between administrative leave and administrative duties essentially we're still getting our money's worth to an extent you know he's still here to be a consultant for us on different matters um and not just pay him to be on vacation so right um but I mean as a as an officer I mean he's been stripped of all of his his duty so no arresting rights you know not driving a company vehicle so at this he's really not an officer right now and when we talk about you know character integrity all of those things I mean it's stri them to the core of hey you're you're a staff member now um so you come to work every day you know you do your job you know in your office but you're you're on desk Duty now so um so yeah I think once once things come out in June then we Circle back around you know the city manager will update us on what her decisions are and then again we meet with her and express our agreement or discontent with what now I will say this if I did have that conversation that I could not put on the agenda I would have never brought it up here yeah so so that that was my understanding that never I'm telling you I'm telling you that never happened never but thank you thank you for clearing it up cuz that's how I understood it was that that conversation had happened and I think that would avoided the whole thing honestly yeah so it was my understanding that he he spoke to each of you this um and said um we we were not going to discuss that at any meeting I don't know if he could you just ask you not to just discuss that until we had either more information or um I could give you more information yeah there was that conversation that was like at the like towards the beginning of the whole thing and when we had our first pre-commission meeting we were all all of us didn't really say anything even though I wanted to I really wanted to but then later when um I got the public records request from Florida Highway Patrol with everything and that's when I sent the email to miss Gainer that's when I sent well you know that's when I sent the email on the whole thing but when I sent that after that point I never there was no conversation that said you cannot do that not once and so what I was under the impression of when that email came in is that there was a conversation that happened prior to that said hey you can't do this and then this email is coming in going against what we've been you know what we've been suggested not to do to it's like hey what what are we doing and so that's when Kevin and I talked and he said well I've already talked to him and I'll talk with him again because like this conversation we're having right here this is what I felt like we needed the very first pre-commission we had and it was like no don't don't say anything well I think initially because we didn't know what was going to happen so we again we didn't want to but the first pre-commission meeting because everything was so so much in the air as to what should be done it was new it what is new that we didn't want anything to be done we didn't want our statements to be premature before the action and that we might have influence on whatever that action might be and then we're putting ourselves you know up for a lawsuit and then we're we're part of that so that I think that was the the initial and the first part was that everything was so new because it I mean we got the information and then we had a meeting like the the next day or so so it's like okay what what really is going on what's the difference between fact and what social media is saying right and what what's really you know what's really happening what what's really going on and so I think we're just waiting for all the facts to come you know at that point so okay all right um are there any objections orri striking one BC I think uh if we're going to do that maybe rather than striking it amend it and say that um if there is a pre-commission meeting like uh no I'm saying that backwards have it to where it says you do this if there's no pre-commission meeing right because that's the whole idea is that we have a chance to talk about it and and I think what we're saying is that because in our rules we do follow Rob FS of order that there's always a chance to add something to it right right right I and I get why you're saying that like your whole point of striking and saying we have a chance to talk about anyway I'm pre-commission no no no I'm saying with Robert's Rules of Order just like and not to heart back on it just like commissioner wart when he asked well hey how do I get something added to the agenda then I brought brought in Robert rooms of and said okay we make a motion we carry that motion out and such okay so you're suggesting just like L like um so something want to be added we just do it like in our commissioner report or something is that what you're were saying I'm just want to make sure we so so what I'm saying is is that if we're as I'm understanding it we're wanting to add 1bc because here's what I've heard because hey this is what Panama City does this is their process for it when I'm going back and review all of Panama City commission meetings there is always something added deleted Etc during pre doing the commission meeting the concern we have about adding something at thee at the commission meeting to some extent is does it give staff enough opportunity to actually go and give us the information that you need for I'm I'm so so so what I'm saying is is that if we strike that it doesn't mean that we can't add stuff we're just saying hey this may not be our official yeah way of doing it but you can always say hey this happened the city manager can can add something or again hey this happened over the weekend I think something we really need to talk about today and if it comes up at the once we call the meeting to order after the invocation you said hey M there something I like to add to the agenda and then at that point we can add something to the agenda okay but I think to make it a part of our standard policy I understand got it is because what again what I see is something being constantly added or deleted at every at every meeting I think where you're trying to prevent if someone come in the example you used before and just continually adding menial stuff that shouldn't be added at that particular time I get that let's say let's say 20 years from now you got a commissioner that doesn't like anybody and they just want to be a pain in the butt or something and they could just make people vote just he of it I get it it's preventing that from happening yeah so certainly not trying to say hey that we're not to add things that are important or things that are vital or critical um because there is the option of even if we vote on it even if we have this commission meeting and it states in here and there's something that comes up over the weekend that the city manager needs to add then you know she can add that to it um and if it's time critical right if it's something that that's time critical so obviously if there's something that needs that's critical for us as a commission that we need to discuss per Robert's Rules of orders there's already something in there that say we can add it to the agenda okay um um in one go ahead but there's a difference when the city manager adds something because she has the opportunity to contact each one of us mhm right and give us the background information that's true that at a commission meeting we could be blindsided by a motion and not have the time nor the information to to make a good decision and I'll tell you the way I am if I don't have the information or if I feel like I need to think about this I'm going to vote against it you know um table it yeah and there is an option in there we have built in a prerogative so that when you are sort of surprised or blindsided by an issue you every commissioner has the right on to just table an item because they don't have enough information and the result of that it doesn't require a vote you can say this has been added to the agenda and as soon as we get to that new business item you say I want to I want to table this until the next meeting I to get more information there's no more discussion there's no vote and it automatically gets placed on the next agenda to give you that time to get more information so let's say theoretically I said uh during my commission report I want to add this item to the agenda let's say commissioner Vandergriff says I want to table that does it have to get voted on like to get added it has to be voted on right but would it automatically be added the next week or is it just hey we'll talk about this next like on the following pre-commission meeting so that's going to be up to y'all how you do this this resolution would allow you to say I'd like to ask you know dog parks to the discussion on dog parks to this agenda and that it'll be subject to a vote of two3 of you so if two-thirds of you say yes it gets added to new business automatically now when you get to that new business if she says I don't I'm not prepared to talk about this at all I don't even want to have this conversation for another two weeks she can exercise her right to I want to table this until me got yep it's a little bit procedural but they're two different yeah for sure they one is the exercise of a prerogative and when is a procedural addition of a discussion item to the agenda um you said you have one is that one opportunity per a meeting so on any issue so when if you exercise the prerogative to take dog parks off the agenda at the next agenda no one gets to exercise the prerogative to then delay the discussion indefinitely it has to happen it's a pass you get Once on that item oh it's the item okay um back to back to the 2/3 I feel feel like we should uh change the verbiage to either three votes or majority because if you do the math two uh 2/3 of five is 3334 so that would theoretically mean you need four votes which I don't think in any other situation we would require four votes randomly I'm certain it came from the city of Panama City you can make it whatever you want a majority is the is what Robert required yeah so yeah we can just say majority because even then that would be if a commission member is absent and you would still need a majority if you have a quorum of three two would have to vote to add yeah so you'll say majority there and uh one other thing I had is back on Section 1 c um talking about not in the purview of the commission maybe we should um consider making specifically State what's in the purview of the commission that way that we won't have any like it would prevent any confus usion or contention potentially because you know I think that list will be exhaustive though well your code and your chart are already essentially say is in the purview of the city manager um what is left to the city commission to do um so I do think that the execution of that just requires a little bit more communication yeah I'm think I'm just kind of thinking like in the future as more people come in because we're creating this for not just us but for future commissions so maybe could you add a reference to whatever document says what's in the purviews since it's already written I can make a reference to the Charter um which that's for what are the duties of the city manager and what are the duties of the commission yeah so I can do that perfect Yeah so basically when you say purview of the commission basically the mayor looks at and kind of gets an idea of whether he thinks the commissioner thinks it should be on the agenda or not well we it's it's in it's in consultation with city manager and City attorney it's a threeway discussion when I see something on the agenda that I don't think is within your Authority I'm going to pick her up and call and say what is the action you're actually proposing they take or the commission so that I can or correct um well I I I won't know it until I see it on the agenda to react to it but if I want to know particularly if I don't think it's within the commission's authority I want to know specifically is this Vicki reporting something to y'all or is this a proposed action you're considering taking and normally I will call the attorney and say you I need I need to do this or said and they'll say that's within your perview um the commission doesn't need to to devote on that usually as always whether or not the commission needs to vote on something okay so so just to make sure I understand is so if it comes to the pre-commission meeting and the mayor doesn't think that there's enough support to have that item at the next Commission meeting the mayor decides no that's not how this reads no okay um so assuming there is a pre-commission meeting um you can say at this meeting I would like to add to the new business on or on Tuesday's meeting a discussion of dog parks y'all will discuss that here and there will be agreement that yeah let's have that discussion at the next meeting that's how onec works right now okay no so it's up to the the commission as a whole then by consensus it will be so not one person is making a decision so the way this reads is by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday contact her to let her know what you would like to see on the agenda okay um if it's about terminating the police chief we're going to say no we're not going to discuss that right right we're not going to have that on the agenda um other than that it's going to be put on the agenda and that's where the the the pray that's where it's if it's something that's critical of okay is this s that the commission really needs to discuss is this under author is this a staff issue is this a city commission issue um if it's you know what are we going to do with the splash pad and Al Kino that's something that we that the commission has to decide so that stays on there once we come here as she said then we like we do each time that's been our procedures we go through the agenda hey is everybody good with this everybody good with this everybody good with this um then once we get to you know dog parks you know has your name beside it and or Splash Pad has your name beside it if we're like uh let's let's hold off and let's not discuss this right now if we sort of all agree on that then we remove it from the agenda um so it's not the chairperson making the decision on necessarily what's on the agenda what's not on the agenda um it's looking at it saying is this something that we do need to discuss um as a commission or is it something that again a staff a staff the staff can handle so for example I went over to 18th Street there they gave me probably five things over there that they wanted done on 18th Street so I called city manager and she said hey for that information to Bobby um for the information to Bobby or I could have just waited and said I want to put this on a commission meeting that we're having issues on 18th Street and then when that comes to the city mention like why don't you just why don't we just get staff on this and so that's what we're saying is that there're going to be things that we probably want to discuss that we need to discuss but some of it can just be given to staff um to handle before the commission meeting even happens Because by the time we discuss it and we may not even be able to take an action on it cuz what action are we going to take on a pothole on 18th Street and uh question about a fire hydrant on 18th Street what there's no actions for me to take for us as a commission to take on that so that that's what we're sort of saying is that there is some things there is no action for us to take on that that really falls back to C city manager and staff because that's a daily operational issue I think it's Commissioners if we understood that hey we're you know policy we're ordinances we're codes we're you know the the big view um that's our sort of data that's that's our operation going through the code of ordinances and we're going to get back to that we sort of sort of slow down because I know we need to know Hammer these things out um but it's it's making those type of decisions that I think if we focus on those things and let the person who's getting and I remind her all the time hey you get paid for this she'll tell you that she'll mayor I said nope no no I don't get paid for that you know now people may you know not like the fact that hey I don't get paid for but what I am saying is I do remind her like hey this let let her do her job because that's what we're literally paying her to do right and she does more than what you know she gets paid to do from a v from a money perspective we need to talk about that at some point um you know evaluation and and salary and things like that as well but I think letting her do her job um because I don't get paid to come up here eight hours a day and get into the the day-to-day operations of the city and that's not my role as a mayor commissioner um my role is to stay engaged with the community to hear the concerns of the community to beison between the city manager and the community and then to try to talk about Solutions on how we can develop like we did with M Highlands M Highlands had a problem we we brought it to the city manager we all discuss you know with her team you know hey what's a solution for this um but that wasn't necessarily something we put on the agenda cuz it's not an action item right you know that's that's a team thing so I sort of think that's that's sort of where we are with that but we wanted to put in process so as I'm understanding this by Tuesday 5:00 p.m you'll send her the information of what you like to see on the agenda if it's something that's not like of critical nature that shouldn't be discussed which the city the city attorney gives us um input on that as well then we'll bring it to the pre-commission meeting as we go through the agenda on the pre-commission meeting if if the issue isn't resolved at the pre-commission meeting because it might be something that we can discuss here and resolve it here if the issue isn't resolved at the pre-commission meeting then if we're all in agreement by consensus and when I say consensus it just means agreement um like the consent agenda I mean it's by consensus so we all agree okay hey the consent agenda is fine we discuss it and then once we go to City commission meeting on Tuesday once we do the call to order um then we are adopting that agenda for the day without having to vote to ad the agenda or to approve the agenda just by doing the the the call to order then that would allow us to adopt the agenda now once doing the call to order after we do our prayer and our uh Pledge of Allegiance um prior to I would say prior to public commentary um as opposed to waiting to our reports if there's an agenda item of critical nature that someone wants to add I would think that would be the time to add it would be during that time um to say hey mayor um I think you know I would like for to consider adding this you know for discussion and then we'll take the vote for it if it gets a second then we'll take the vote for it and then we will add it to the new business of of the agenda so it's really just understanding Robert who of order is following those protocols um again that are already in Robert's Rules of orders um so it's not that we got to create new protocols for it it's already there um but we have the flexibility what we have the flexibility to do is that we don't always have to follow Robert's R of order the way that they're always written per se so sometimes you'll see me you know have a discussion from the public before we take a before we make a motion in a second um and then sometimes we'll make a motion in a second and then we'll have discussion from the public so it so because we're not strict to follow Robert R's order will you make the motion have the second ready for the question discussion Etc that we have that flexibility but we still follow all the functional procedures that we need to so any other discussion on this no all right cool uh I got so I do have a question yes ma'am so you're going to make the changes so is this still going to be on the agenda I'll make them as soon as I get back to the office so that when it beend Tuesday yeah cuz and so you know resolution only requires one meeting um ordinances require two M um so with it being a resolution and we only have to it'll be on Tuesdays Tuesday's agenda um so just a couple of things for you city manager uh and I I told them I would I told everybody to tune in because I would mention some of this during pre-commission meeting um me buou residents have concerns about uh the street names and this might have come up before have some concerns about their street names and this is in regards to EMS because they said recently EMS went to the wrong address um Bay County EMS went to the wrong address because there's like a North Shore View South Shore View then a Shore View that's confusing um now they're not blaming the city for it they didn't say it's the city's fault um but they are asking what you know they're asking us for a solution um and so so about two years ago they asked for signs and so we put signs out there that are definitely not any type of code or anything but it's what they wanted to specify roads and they are out there um other than that I don't know what else to do to make their roads clearer for them so that this there just the conversations I had yesterday so so they've got the the regular street signs and then under that they've got smaller signs that say like South Shore View I think is one of them with an arrow pointing and then North Shore View pointing with an arrow pointing um and then there's another one that's a weird name or not a weird name but contradicts the other one um there's signs to specify but it is yeah when I was campaigning that that happened to me yeah my GPS got confused yeah so the complaint for us was the door Dash was delivering to the wrong houses so that's how this whole ordeal got started yeah so that that's what I got yesterday was that the the Bay County EIT went to the wrong address um so came anything then we can do that critical issue so I did ask would they be open to changing the street names um so of course you know that those individuals can't speak for the whole of the community but is that a salute would that be the don't they have to go through the postal well you see their Postal Services cway yeah and and don't aren't they the ones that they have they have Panama City um they're in Lin Haven but they have Panama City ZIP code so um Bay County contacted um the city oh gosh I don't know six weeks ago or so maybe two months I'm not sure um because the residents had contacted whomever the post office addresses are used to be under the control of the post office now it's emergency services so we contract with Bay County to do our addressing um and I'm not sure if we did it that time or of we were doing it but we always had to send the addresses to the emergency services to to tell us if they're okay with it or not and sometimes they were sometimes they weren't um I'm just trying to recall the emails that we got so I think I was contacted by Bay County telling me that the residents wanted to change the address and they were doing the research into why the address addesses were the way that they were and from what I recall the postmaster of the post office that was responsible for all of those Zips told the city back then how he wanted things and when we and they wanted to try and change their addresses or try try and change their zip codes but the issue that we face is that not just that we don't set the addresses that you know we contract with Bay County EMS are the ones that approve them um is that the postmasters are very hesitant to change things particularly zip codes and things because the amount of retirement income they get depends upon the number of properties they have in their zip code um so this is like an ongoing thing at the moment that is being researched by um Bay County doing research into yeah got it yeah okay it's a whole lot more complicated comp I have heard about the real the the the meil routes and how that really determines what you what you get for your income yeah so I'm not sure what the outcome of all that was but I will definitely reach out like probably on Tuesday when we come back in um reach out to Bay County and see what they've come up with what they've discovered or whatever yeah I mean that's the only thing we can do yeah yeah than a lot of work for door Das it is a lot of work all right uh well thank you all uh anything else of critical nature that we need to discuss before we go um the only thing I had was I think you all got an email maybe on the Bay County League of cities for the 10th of June so um we uh they've been kind of like since the hurricane and Co they kind of been kind of gone to the Wayside and we're we're bringing it back we're making it more uh Lively and active so um it be nice if we could all go well I you guys I know I'm saying that for the benefit of everybody yeah yeah yeah I just need to know who's going because I need to send it as a group and then get get it paid for so I know somebody said they were not going um yeah I'm I'm I'd like to go yeah so you're going I'm not going to be able to go I'd like to go thank you for breef yeah I agree I it needs to be devitalized it is and we we are and um if you guys got suggestions on speakers or venues and that uh let us know and uh um we're we've got a lot of great ideas and it's going to be something different than it was in the past you know we're going to make it better so how form we talking like shorts and t-shirt suit business attire no not business business casuals casual thefw for bar relax I'll get this group get it pay for RSVP for everyone okay where is it again VFW it's on Sherman Avenue you know where I think it's like Van Horn Buffalo Rock say you bu Buffalo Rock yeah down the road Buffalo Rock what is the time right when uh 10 June and I Sherman it Sherman or east go Sherman 10 June and starts I think it's either 5:30 or 6 o'clock think it's 5:30 okay Crossover at popey cross over so um the other question I know I brought this up before but we get any more um news on the comp plan as far as when we're going to review in that so amand and I've in contact with Dr shapen um we know that that's going to he is going to try to get together and do will chop in July um for everyone here there'll probably be a Wednesday or Friday we have a conference call with him that we're trying to set up to kind of just give him an overall of everything um I think he had been out of the country CU he's he FSU um so anyway that will happen in July okay yeah we just need to firm down a date and I asked him if it could be like the middle of July and we'll have that phone call with them and then come back to you and see if it works good that's all I have thank you um couple more things our next our July commission meeting will actually fall on July the 9th and what happens is we have July the 4th at Thursday um typical fashion is the staff is off July the 5th so I'm proposing that we move the meeting to that Wednesday or Thursday um to give staff enough time to probably so it can the commission made I mean so that we can get everything out to the public and they'll have enough time to look at it um because they they'll just we getting back really that Monday and then trying to turn things around for us that that Tuesday so proposing that we have commission meeting on July the 11th which would be Thursday Thursday yeah okay and that'll be our morning meeting um okay what Thursday is that thur so the 11 yeah and 9 eight8 9 o' at 9 don't don't give us too early I say 6 o'cl we just knock it out Donuts right better be donuts and lots of coffee okay and we'll get we'll public notice that if we have to yes I heard a lot of compliments about the um concert series that we had had a great time yeah um any plans for any summer activities for our CI Lots okay but we have what's called music by Bay in August um is that the one over there in p park and then we spend after concert series and even before then we spend until now until um July 4th working on nothing but um July 4th parade and concert as everyone's heard Dina car is coming we got some huge sponsors to to sponsor to get her here um and um we will have the fly over again this year I've already made arrangements for that to happen so it'll be another great year I know this is political season so we'll probably have you know lots of participants this year I think it'll be it's probably going to be huge so we staff and I we've been meeting on July 4 you talk to about getting in the parade who do we see about uh Communications Communications yeah do you need an application um yeah I think the Moose Lodge down want send application yeah okay I'll do that I'll share if you can just for one to all of us when I'll do that yeah I'll just forward it to everyone parade application and then just making sure everybody will be here for the parade so that we can make preparations for that as well I'll be there okay will um Can can you make sure that the float uh you need a crane to lift you know some of us up on we bu a stair baby steps we got a staircase that's start the steps of block away yeah good we buil the staircase so we we'll work um I guess had a ramp one last thing um you may or may not know uh I'm completing a PhD and so my PhD studies are in South Africa um a couple years ago I had to go to South Africa for like a month or so and so this year I have to go back to South Africa so the month of June I'll actually be out um those for those two meetings so um who's Pro Tam now oh yeah okay okay so I'm giving you fair warning right now nothing controversal okay so just wanted you all to to know about that I I think you officially when that meeting happens I guess excuse my absence or something have to put on motion to excuse your absence both standing what's your topic uh what is my topic uh a grounded Theory analysis of traditional Baptist preaching in the 21st century something like that yeah so just studying three um African-American preachers in the year of 2020 to see what their sermons were like around the death of George Floyd in the presidential election of 2020 so what were they what were they saying what were they preaching and then sort of how does that look historically throughout the African-American community so so hopefully uh you know so I go I just my I was the professor via zoom on the way here so uh so yeah I'll be doing that in June and hopefully have everything done by November and then I have to go back again for defense and then go back again for graduation I look forward to reading that 400 Pages hey I'm I'm looking for it to getting it done wait for the paper yeah I'm 120 pages in now so he want the paperback version mayor just two reminders REM I'm reminding everyone um that you did vote to have a lot of of the development and planning on the second meeting so usually those meetings are going to probably be f with a lot of lot of uh agenda items probably the first um meeting will probably be very light um but because we have so much growth that's going on um lots of uh contracts we need to do lots of uh bids that have gone out but we're waiting on pricing we're having to negotiate with some of the contractors because bid right now for projects is outrageous um and so um you'll probably get a lot of those on the second um meeting that's where we'll try to keep them um because that that also gives um people a chance to come out um and kudos to everyone about the Minnesota Avenue sidewalk I don't know if you've seen that uh but it is absolutely uh marvelous we we are trying to put in lots of sidewalks so we can cut down on um the cars that are around that area because it is very very congested in that area and then lastly I think all of you got the email about Mo howand um we do have a traffic study committee and it does take us a while but we get there because we want to make sure we're doing the right thing and um so those speed uh bumps will be going out uh and uh you know probably next couple of weeks we don't know but you guys have some pretty bad speeders in MO Island simp I thought that uh you didn't want to put speed bumps because of EMS and fire yeah this is this is pretty bad but they'll be fine I think we talked to Chief about that and he was fine with that because one of the reasons we didn't put stop signs is because most of the streets the streets that we wanted to put them on are not aligned they don't line up it's like off a little bit yeah so yeah so we talked to Chief and he was fine with that if it's done de it doesn't have a stop sign until you inter with P yeah so that's a strip right there only one other area you could put it is on inness and whatever that other street is on the other side there but that's towards the beginning of it Andrews has the safe drivers that's right mayor's house on the corner so they know they got to they know mayor in right but that that will we we definitely think that will help some a lot okay awesome hey everybody have a great weekend Oh commissioner pno I just was wondering and just one thing and I don't want to hold anybody up but where are we at on the Technology Center Library like of a place uh a budget uh I know there was talk there's talk of the the little building behind old Joe and the parking lot of the faculty parking lot over there for the inh elementary there's that little wooden building over there there's there's we we had what do we have a budget to rebuild the library we do have a budget to rebuild the library if you notice we took some of the money out because we knew wouldn't do any construction um starting this time but that is something that's a policy and a contract thing that absolutely has to come to the commission um once we um are finished I think the plans are probably like 95% at this point to bring to the commission but before we can do that you just approved last the last meeting or you will approve excuse me you will approve and this is a bid that came in over uh for the infrastructure to be put in place remember that was in the budget uh we've got to do that first okay um and so that's that's one of the major things is to put that infrastructure in place as well and then the commission uh will need to decide and then you've had this conversation before if you want to save that 1.9 million or if you want to continue to build the library yeah I remember uh I want to say the last time we discussed it it revolved around the financial review Financial Review Committee and they were the ones that recommended made the recommendation not to you know to take that 1 point million and put that towards debt versus um rebuilding the library um and course I got a lot of feedback from the citizens saying you know they wanted the library um so so so we got a lot of feedback from them about that so certain I think it's something worth discussing and it certainly is especially when you also on the other hand say we want a Gathering Place you know so very true we're we might be able to put all our eggs in one basket totally so just saying that's it yeah because that's money that's used by Insurance there no FEMA tied to that because we didn't get anyone from FEMA for that no all right everybody have a great weekend see you Tuesday