##VIDEO ID:eU8jcGA-7ro## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] calling our meeting order at 5:32 uh p.m. let us pray together father we come now um asking that your grace and mercy will continue to abide with us ask that you would allow a spirit of peace peace uh to be in our meeting today may we be filled with your spirit so that we can have your thoughts and be guided by your wisdom as we make decisions for our city today um Lord we pray now uh in the the midst of what is coming to be a storm that you would protect us we pray that you will keep it in the gulf and that no one on the east or west of Us North or even South will be impacted by this storm um and father for whatever reason uh you allow it to come our way ask that there be no loss of life that there be no severe damage to our properties and that most of all we would be safe in Christ's name we pray Amen to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all um on yesterday the uh Governor declared a state of emergency and so um as a commission um we would need to pass a resolution um for our own local state of emergency and so we need to add that to the agenda and that will be a resolution of the city L Haven Florida to adopt a state of local emergency for tropical storm um heling and that would be under agenda item number number 14 um after that will be in our new business so that'll be our last agenda item which will be number 14 um and so we can discuss it further then but is there a motion to uh add this resolution to our agenda so moved a second moved by commissioner perno a second by commissioner Peebles um any comments from the public if you'll call the the role commission perno yes commissioner pebles yes commission VRI yes commissioner War yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed thank you now moving on to our public commentary we have uh Mr Zach he's up Zack de Waller Harvard Boulevard good evening everybody um you should have received my email last week inquiring as to the Gree development that's going on at 390 in Harvard Boulevard I know we've discussed it before so I won't go into too many of the particulars previous to this however I I have one glaring question that I am trying to figure out and that is why a city would allow a developer to Begin work on a development without accurate plans on file I've submitted four public records requests up until last week and the city including Amanda's staff has told us that that they do not have the plans on file nor do they plan to have the plans on file so let me tell you about what has happened on this development the storm water that we were really worried about has moved and changed in size the building has moved from the West over to the east the parking lot has changed the driveways have changed the plumbing has changed pretty much everything on this development has changed it didn't go through engineering review it didn't go through planning review in fact it didn't go through any reviews and now they are building driveways and getting ready to because they are bringing in dirt today they are getting ready to build up that mound and start developing so I asked the city manager and I asked multiple people in this staff why is the city unconcerned with this development and it's hard for me to understand why they wouldn't be but let's go back the mayor received a donation to his campaign 8 days before this development order was submitted nope don't talk I have a minute no sir let's not let's not tell that lie that's a lie um she has receipts don't worry previously you said that that donation was given can we please pause that no we can't because you're lying and we're not going to we're not going to do that so you taking up my time right now previously you stated that you are taking up my time you are taking up my time right now you are taking up my time give up your time you are taking up my time right now sir we're not going to lie so you can give up your time or you can continue and tell the truth so you can continue received a campaign donation from Mr James Aaron lit on February the 16th and the development order was submitted on February the 24th previously you stated that I signed the development order 8 days later no I said they submitted it and that was you said signed it but go ahead okay so I would like to know why the city is unconcerned with a development that's being built where drainage is at stake where other things are at stake the county has confirmed that they would require submittal of the development order most of the cities in this area have confirmed that they would require resubmittal I reached out to the aicp which is the accreditation board for planning and they said that they typically would require resubmittal so why is the planning manager here not going to do that and the only reason I can figure well I think we already stated it thank [Music] you Martha Harvard Boulevard Martha [Music] gson okay B Owens Ryan scay uh thank thank you may um so a few things I wanted to cover um item 13 I know you guys will go over it later but I don't need another separate uh three minutes so on the chapter 10 for the animals somebody recently asked me about you know the ordinances related to loose dogs and things like that so I spent a considerable amount of time going through that chapter and to be honest there's a lot there it's really confusing to jump back and forth through different sections to try to find the answer I know you are doing a preliminary reading or whatever on it but if there's a way to condense that down a little bit that would be appreciated it's it's hard for the general public to follow and understand what's what's in that chapter um I know it was recently increased in size uh like a year or two ago so just think about that when you guys are reviewing it um also um there's probably not much the city can do here but if you all have been following bcso Facebook page there's been a lot of students getting charged with felonies or misdemeanors related to school threats and school violence the the sheriff's office went into all of the schools and talked to these kids about it now I think most of the people in this room right now are probably at least 25 or 30 or older so we all grew up in a different time than these kids are um but something got to be done so I don't know if he can do do I'm sure it's just a talking point but some kind of schol safety resolution or something but it really comes down to the parents I mean parents got to know what's going on with their kids' lives all of these incidents I've been talking to my daughter about them her mom and stepdad are talking to her about them like it's something's got to be done because it can't just be reliant on just the school system and the school board to deal with this issue this issue extends into every every home within this County um even if you think it's not your issue it is your issue because you live here me mental health and and goes right along with it there needs to be a more focus on that like why are kids thinking that it's okay to do this like um and then the only other thing I wanted to um kind of comment on is um thought I should have went in the other order so I would have remembered it I can't remember it so I'll just leave it at that but thank you thank you Roberta from derby um I'm just a concerned citizen from that area of College Point that this grease Pro is potentially going to be built um Miss Vandergriff I know that you have family extended family that live in that area and you know how well it floods um I've personally lost three vehicles due to the flooding in that area so it is a huge concern um for that Community um so I hope that you guys take that in consideration it's a residential area um putting agrees Pro in there is just kind of an odd place it seems like something that you might put on 231 instead of on 390 especially with the Expansion Project I hope in the future we'll we'll be there um and in the new and in the plans it does have a entrance onto Harvard Drive um it's a small um roadway you have children that go to school that you have school buses it's also a very difficult um eress I don't know if you've ever been down 390 in Harvard during um school time it is there's no light and it is prone for for traffic accidents so I hope that you guys take that in consideration I hope that you realize that there's a community there that is really hurting and we have a storm coming and I'm personally worried about my own house um it's it's not it has to do with the um probably all the um new development and our pumps can't handle it and yet we keep building on top of and taking away um trees and things that would help um with that flooding so I hope that you guys take that in consideration when you're looking at those new plans that have been submitted for this um Greece Pro on 390 all right thank you another Resident from Derby Woods I can't uh read the handwriting but it's another Resident from Derby Woods um another Resident from Derby Woods that would like to speak okay yes sir no you you L Haven Florida not technically ly Haven sorry if you can't hear me um you know because I'm a County resident I technically can't vote for you guys so you know I have no input on what you guys do or if I can vote for you or not that little piece of land right there at uh Harvard in 390 it's like your little Lin Haven island surrounded by a county people that don't want this that deal with constant traffic flooding all kinds of issues just go there one day one day go there when school is in and out and see for yourself would you want your children driving there and it's so frustrating but what really is concerning is you kind of G came to a happy medium with us when this was going on that they were going to do this and that's how you were going to allow it to go forward and they're not complying to that and you're just letting it go it's really like do the right thing man stop lying that's all I got to say Thank you Mr David Switzer good evening maybe I can lighten the mood a little bit with a story um maybe a parable there once was a man from from Europe and he had Big Dreams but small means and his big dream was to go on a cruise and go to the um uh some of the uh European cities that he had learned about in school he loved history he loved art he loved architecture being of small means he scrimped and he saved and he saved and he scrimped and finally he saved enough money to go on this Cruise now the day came and since he had little means he had his two two suitcases one was full of his clothes and his his needs the other one was full of canned food and he boarded he went on his Cruise each day he would go to you know one city he'd go to Istanbul then he'd go to Greece then he'd go to Rome and he learned and he experienced had a great time but each night he came home and he go to his cabin and he'd eat his canned food because that's all that he could afford he would see everybody else eating having fun enjoying their themselves but he was he'd go back to his cabin alone as time went the last day he happened to be walking on the on the ship and one of the employees asked him what he was going to do for the final event for his last night and it was there that he realized that with the price of admission his Cruise was all inclusive so while he was eating canned corn he could have been living much higher eating at the buffet enjoying all the shows that he had missed out on so I'm not going to tell you why I tell you this story about this man who was living below his means but I'll guide your mind when I was uh 10 years ago I had a volunteer I was a volunteer at an organization a nonprofit organization I worked with a guy who I thought was a great leader and he said uh he told me he said David you know you can tell what kind of a leader You Are by the people who you piss off if you're pissing off the people who are always there complaining no matter what you do you know you did it wrong then you to compound that if you're pissing off the people let's just say metaphorically you're uh pissing off the a grandma who's getting up off of her uh Front Porch Rocker and putting her needle kneading needles KN needles for knitting down then that's a whole another story so I'll leave you with that and I appreciate the time thank you Mr Walker good evening uh Rich Walker 1106 Michigan um I had a previous uh statement in a meeting dealing with uh item number 12 that was on that agenda at the time and I didn't have enough time to finish um what it came to be is most of the people that uh ceased to make up public commentary at that time because that was on the agenda and because there was not a second to the motion therefore there was no public discussion on it I think that was a fallacy and bad it didn't allow all those people that came to that meeting to discuss the issue were not able to do it I would like to bring a point to you Robert's Rule state if you disagree or you want to have a discussion if a motion is made nobody seconds it fine that's it's dead however you can as a commission ER commissioner can say I disagree and then that motion is second then it goes to discussion when it gets the discussion exactly what one commissioner wanted to do wanted to discuss the issue you're allowed to do that that's Robert's rules that takes overall away from the chairman there motion is second you you disagree with it that brings it to a discussion stage you second it whether you agree with it or not then you get to discuss it therefore the people would have had plenty of time to discuss item number 12 which was very relevant and they were there to to talk about it and actually you denied them the right to talk thank you right thank you addition public [Music] commentary if not moving on to uh mayor's report in regards to to um the city's response regarding some questions with the gree Pro development uh that will be uh responded to doing the city manager report um I will say to uh to Mr Zach um man to imply that uh I have anything to do with this development because I got a donation from someone is fraud um I don't know I don't have any updates as to when development orders are submitted so I don't know so the first time when you said hey I signed it on this day or whatever I see the development orders come in I have as much awareness as any other commissioner about development orders prior to that donation when I received that donation nothing was said to me from Aaron love or anyone in his party about hey we're getting ready to put a grease Pro on 390 and we want to support the mayor so we can do it have no idea that the three that re Pro was going on to 390 until the rest of us were made aware of it so please don't imply that I'm that I'm doing something like that I know whatever you got your public record request sure fine but no I have no idea about it I don't get any updates we get development orders all the time I don't get any updates about it as much as as much as um any other person so let's just be clear on that um because that can give the wrong implications to people all right so um so I don't don't know anything about that development order and that is my response I'll say my report to the next meeting commissioner pebles thank you mayor uh just wanted to say to uh keep an eye out on the city's Facebook page or uh my Facebook page I'll do my best to update but there has been quite a few updates as things have come on with the storm um and I my opinion is that Facebook is the easiest way to get those updates so please keep an eye on the Facebook uh the city website um because there's been I'll give an example the city ran out of sandbags but then they got more you know and so um you wouldn't know that if you weren't you know paying attention so I highly suggest you know liking the Facebook page or following it and you can turn on updates so that you can get updates as they're posted um that's really important during a storm another thing I wanted to point out um just some lessons learned in the past and with I with what I do with the living for a living you know you're going to hear all these different like apps you should download on your phone because of the storm coming and how you can communicate uh be very very careful with that um don't just start downloading random apps on your phone and most of them don't work anyways like for example everyone says to download WhatsApp uh WhatsApp takes internet so if you lose Internet it's not going to work anyways so um um just do your research on things like that and make sure that if you're downloading something to be updated on the storm and things like that people there are bad people out there that will take advantage of you so please do your research on that um this past week I had the honor of going to Washington DC um it's always great to see the great history there I highly suggest if you ever get a chance to go up there please do almost everything up there other than the tri is free so the Smithsonian museums are free you can go see the Washington Monument Lincoln Memorial all that stuff is free all that costs is uh I guess the food to fuel your body to walk there um you do will do a lot of walking I think I average like 21,000 steps a day but that being said highly suggest it if you haven't been um it's great experience for for anyone if you can make it up there um and uh final thing is please continue to email me uh like you've been doing um that does not go unnoticed I obviously keep a mental note of all the emails and it really helps me to get a pulse on what's going on within the community and or Facebook message whatever I really do appreciate it um please keep those coming and uh that's all I have for now all right thank you commissioner perno thank you mayor I don't have much I just hope everybody's uh planning to stay safe the next couple days um uh I did well I hope our I hope we have a good response for everybody as this grease Pro thing that we did had the big uh Workshop about and whatnot I I'm thought we had a little bit of a compromise there um and I just hope that um through the city management report comes through and we're uh we're going to we're going to do the right thing in the end for everybody I hope so I think I think it might had to do with the they're making a small footprint cuz they're doing less maybe I don't I don't I don't know but I'll let I'll let her handle that and and we'll go from there but I did get an email from a citizen that we had talked about in our pre meeting from the Connecticut Avenue 1301 1303 and and I I reached out to the gentleman last night and he just happened to be where I could get to him and we talked and uh Mr clubs I think I saw him here but U there he is yeah and uh I spoke to um I spoke to Mr Lightfoot in between the CRA and the meeting so he wants to get with you about plans that it's something to do with them right in October when there's when the funds come available with our new budget so I hope we can get to an agreement there for for the situation that he's in as well so with with that being said I'll just I'll just let things roll as they may and and uh um thank everybody and I'll thank all U all of our city employees what they're enduring and all of our First Responders so and our dispatchers that's my report all right thank you commissioner Ward um don't have too much but um back to some of the comments about um I guess mainly about grease Pro and developments and that I think a lot of people have the perception that we can just say no to developments and it's not true the states has guidelines and laws about property rights and as long as they're abiding by all the local state and federal laws you have to allow them to develop and and for us you know we have land use codes and as long as that matches the land use code you have to let them do it so does it always make me happy no um I hear your concerns but I just want to make sure everyone understands that and the last thing I have is um and know if everybody remembers uh Michael Williams who's uh one of the Lin Haven police officers who had a uh brain tumor unfortunately he's uh back in the hospital again and has to get surgery it's it's it's amazing he's made it as far as he has and uh just ask that you keep your uh your thoughts with the family and uh hope that he gets through this finally and uh so I wish the best to him and his family and uh that's all I have thank you commissioner vff I hope the citizens of our city pay close attention to the weather I'm sure you are but I I want you to realize that our staff has been paying close attention for about a week now and so they on your behalf have made plans to try to help keep the city safe so I just want to say thanks to the staff because I know you've been putting already been putting in a lot of overtime and we hope that of course you know we hate to say well we hope it goes to the ease because that's a community too um so let's just pray that it Fizzles that's all I have all right thank you thank you Commissioners for your report courts uh city manager I'm going to let uh Kiki do the uh warrant list update first and then I'll answer some questions good evening you have questions about the warrant list thank you thank you Kiki [Music] um concerning greebo we have we very much looking at what's going on and we have not just sat on the sideline as commissioner work said they do have a right to develop the property uh in the motion it does not restrict them from doing site work when their plans change we've already informed them if those plans have changed DRS drastically they will come back to the commission that's fair enough Amanda do you have any additional information to add to that I think the only thing that I would like to add is that as soon as we saw Machinery had gone on to that site we reached out to the engineer uh the developers engineer it had gone so long without them doing anything that we actually had begun to think that perhaps they weren't going to do anything um and we had just a couple of weeks before that had a look to see when their development order expired um I think it was up for expiry in November um so literally I was driving by saw Machinery on there called my assistant and she received a phone call that same afternoon I said to her there's Machinery on site I'm anticipating we're going to start getting phone calls we got a phone call from a woman at that time she was asking whether we'd had anything submitted and we had not had anything submitted we reached out to the engineer um and the engineer told us that they had been going through getting their F permits they had redesigned the site but they had to submit those plans to fot for the fot permit and the County permits and so they were waiting on that approval before they brought it back to us in the meantime just that day um the uh owner wanted to start putting driveways in and that next day we received the site plans for review when we saw them and we realized yes they have taken off the building because they were actually given a development order so they were able to go on and do work on that site but it was contingent upon the removal of that building so they had an active development order um when we saw that there were uh they had removed the building but there were also uh there was an in out now instead of just an out or and there were some other changes and they changed still more Pond where that was located we sent the um site plans to our reviewing Engineers to review we're still waiting to hear back from them um and we have given our well we've also compiled our comments after reviewing those site plans which are waiting on the comments from the engineer and once we get them we will be submitting them to the developers engineer in the meantime they know that they are not allowed to dig out any storm water ponds or anything like that they can just do prep work and they can put in the driveways oh and concerning the public records requests I was fored um I was fored emails that had as a title public records request but there was no actual public records request nobody asked me to give them any site plans or anything that had been submitted after a certain date there were just those was just dialogue text and questions thank you right are there any additional questions for Miss Amanda yeah I just had one question so you know we I know we approved the development over but if they decide to change anything on the development order has to come back to the commission for approval Right is coming back to it amended development order but it's just a general question not just necessarily gree Pro but in general whenever we approve a development order and and if they make any changes to that development order has to come back to the commission correct yeah I mean yeah okay thank you than exactly right thank you so just to confirm that it will be coming back yes and we've already informed them that it it will be coming back okay hey um we have had many many budget meetings and um many storm meetings uh we have been doing this now for uh a couple of days as commissioner vaner Griff said working on storm I commend staff uh working night and day to get diges clean out be in touch with fdot um about many of the the the dishes and pipes that belong to them getting those cleaned out um our our guys have been working very hard day and night uh to prepare for this storm because we still don't we know it's veering to the east but we all have in our minds about hurricane Michael and so we have to be diligent until this storm actually hits where it needs to um and so we'll talk a little bit about that and item the last item and and tell you some of the things that we're doing uh with this storm uh I just wanted to to keep top of mind that the uh Old City Hall clock is scheduled to arrive in October and then that's like a three day Pro thre month process to put all of that together um it will be high bells and whistles for uh The Old City Hall and I think you you really like it I want to thank um actually our Girl Scouts for building 15 bird houses along the Rails to Trails which is really nice and then Art in the Park is November the 1st from 3: to 5: at Sheffield Park and hopefully we can have a really great time and uh lastly before we go into our uh Workshop I just want to welcome our uh new fire treat Mark Johnson he comes from Fort Pierce and he has extensive background in uh as being Chief and and just emergency services and always he came here actually to help us uh to get through the storm and we commend him and thank him very much for being here so thank you so very much uh chief for being here and then uh again just keep uh in touch with our Facebook but we have set up some other things uh in terms of communicating with the staff which is a email that we're going to ask you to use and it's specifically for flooding concerns um that we know we we're going to get some rain we can only mitigate it as much as we can um can during this time uh but there if there are questions are or concerns or major issues please email those to storm at Cen haven.com uh that way we will have several people working to get answers because it's just it's very difficult to try to hit everything on Facebook but if you send an email we surely will respond to uh that email um so and we are also are still continuing to work on the stuck meters uh Chris and those guys are doing a great job of getting those Stu stuck meters unstuck and um making sure everything is working properly we're going to go on and just uh Kiki's going to come up and see if there are any final questions um for the budget workshop and then U move on from there good evening do you have any additional questions from the last review no questions from me um hold on we might have some from the public um any questions from the public in regards to the uh proposed budget for fiscal year 2024 2025 any additional questions from the [Music] commission thank [Music] you okay uh any updates from the city attorney report all right moving on to our public hearing opening at 608 this is for the disc discussion and possible approval to adopt resolution 2024 0944 the final community redevelopment agency budget for fiscal year 2024 2025 uh city manager if you read the resolution by title only please resolution number 202 24944 a resolution of the city of Lin Haven of Bay County Florida adopting the final community redevelopment agency budget for fiscal year 2024 202 providing for an effective date all right are there any comments from the public regarding um the budget for the CRA all right is there a motion to adopt this resolution for the budget a motion to approve second motion by commissioner Peebles second by commissioner per city manager if you call the vote commissioner pebles yes commissioner perno yes commissioner ven yes commission Ward yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed public hearing closed 609 p.m. public hearing opened 609 p.m. for the discussion and possible approval of resolution 2024 9441 for the final millage rate for the 2025 tax Ro City manage if you read the resolution by title please also have resolution first resolution number 2024 9441 a resolution a resolution of the city of Lin Haven of Bay County Florida adopting the final leving of avalor taxes for Bay County for fiscal year 2024 2025 providing for an effective date the name of the taxing Authority is the city of Len Haven the roadback rate is 3.75 N4 percentage of increase over roadback is 77299 millit rate to be Levi 4.05 all right um is there any uh comments from the public for um the final millage rate for the 2025 tax rooll any questions or comments discussion with the commission right is there a motion for this like to make a motion that we approve the the final budget second all right Motion in second for the final millage rate um city manager you call the vote commissioner perno yes commissioner commissioner venag yes commissioner peoples no commission Ward no mayor Nelson yes motion passed uh discussion and possible approval to adopt resolution 40202 49442 final general fund Enterprise fund budget for fiscal year 2025 uh city manager if you read the resolution item resolution of the city of Lin Haven and Bay County Florida adopting the final budget for fiscal year 2024 2025 providing for an effective date right are there any comments from the public regarding the um proposed budget for the general fund and for the Enterprise funds all right is there any discussion question comments from the commission yeah I have a comment um I just want to say that uh going back over and looking at the budget I know I just voted no on the millage rate but it did pass and um based on our last meeting being three votes I I not I knew there was a possibility and so that it'd be approved and I just wanted to say that with with the millage rate that we now have at 4.05 I think that Kiki and the staff really did do an excellent job of making a budget with within the millage rate so uh great job on it um I am excited to see uh what the city can do with the budget um so good job on that and uh really did a good job thanks any other comments discussion questions regarding the U budget for the general fund or for the Enterprise funds all right is there a motion for the this I'll motion to approve second all right motion by commissioner Peebles second by commissioner perno City man if you call the vote commissioner pebles yes commissioner perno yes Comm commissioner venag yes commissioner Ward yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed public hearing closed at 6:13 p.m. send agenda approval of minutes for 91124 um is there a motion for [Music] this a motion to approve second all right motion and second motion by commissioner pebl second by commissioner perno see a minut if you call the vote commissioner pebles yes commission perno commissioner Vander yes commissioner War yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed new business discussion and possible approval of request for development order medals Run subdivision parcel number 11352 d01 -00 uh Mr Amanda thank you this is an application for a development order for Meadows Run subdivision um it's also qu judicial public hearing do you swear from the testimony you'll give tonight is truth and nothing but the truth I do the applicant is Southern Coastal Homes Incorporated the owner also Southern Coastal homes the agent um was John Lewis we actually have the project engineer Chris shorta from dubber Engineers here tonight representing the um the owner if you have any questions for him and the reviewing engineer in this case was Doug crook from Panhandle engineering the parcel number is 11352 010- 000000 the location is 2604 Highway 390 and the property is 10 acres inside the future land use category for this property is low density residential which allows for up to 4.99 dwelling units per acre the existing uses on the site is currently vacant and the applicant is requesting permission to construct 28 single family homes the Planning Commission recommended unanimous approval there are trees there are quite a lot of trees on this site um which will be mitigating for they are going to try and keep as many as they can some of the larger trees will be kept on site but those that come off will be paid into the mitigation fund the and I believe it's something like 69,000 it's a lot of money um which will be obviously going into the tree fund to be used to replant trees in the city elsewhere in the city the greatest number of vehicle trips generated by the project will be during the weekday PM PE hour and the Saturday a PM peow both are an average of 28 trips which includes trips exiting and trips entering the subdivision so PM p is usually like 4: to 5:00 p.m. um 5 to 6:00 p.m. this shows the site um there's a Grant's Mill is there on the East and uh just to let you know that we have actually had a phone call we did receive a phone call a few weeks ago from some do lives in Grants Mills saying that they were happy that there were single family homes that were going on that site this is the layout the site plan which is in your packets showing the layout of the site and you can't see it very well on here but you also had the landscape plan um included and also there will be irrigation thank you all right are there any questions for Miss Amanda are those 28 trips 28 trips out and 28 trips back or 28 total total okay cool any other additional questions there's side roads so it's not one entrance in and one entrance out back on the other slide it there is one main entrance in and out um which is allowable we have a rule that if there are 50 homes then there have to be two but for this number of homes that that was not an exit that I saw on this side where is it right there that I'm trying to see it on here here that little that [Music] little sidewalk it's like a a pedestrian access this doesn't yeah there yeah that's that's a like a pedestrian tra kind of access from what I understood yes it's not [Music] vehicle that's kind of a side question but when was that rule for two after 50 homes implemented do you know it's in the comprehensive plan um and it's in ourc I think it was probably around 1999 2000ish okay yes so we'll be reviewing all of those cool any other questions for Miss Amanda right thank you um are there any comments from the public yes sir Mr scra L which one one that was just on the side screens all right can you pull back up the image yes that one there thank you up there yeah so that sidewalk that commissioner work pointed out thank you commissioner work okay perfect that so we talk about responsible development I have no problem with single family homes but we talk about responsible development developers have rights to come up with plans I'm not going to dispute that but this is not a responsibly designed development you have a road in and out of a neighborhood that already gets traffic and it's already a tight spot there on 390 traffic in traffic out it's just why are you not putting the main form of egress connecting with Lake View Terrace where that that sidewalk is to limit the amount of traffic in ins and outs to one road instead of two that are what maybe I'm a bad judge of depth I never played football or anything like that but let's say 100 yards apart like where's the responsible development aspect in this you know I I know they have rights to develop I'm not disputing that but if the developer would think about the impact on the community and and work with you guys to come up with a caveat to redesign these plans and and see if they can limit the amount of egress in and out right there on on 390 instead of putting two Community roads right next to each other I'm pretty sure there's a third one not too far to the to the east there uh let's try to consolidate stuff let's be sensible logical responsible let's develop smartly not just hey let's make a circle put a bunch of houses there and put another road out on the 390 he smart thank you any additional comments from the public so I'm going to pair it what uh Ryan said and I had the same thought when I was looking at it that sidewalk actually enters into a public right of way space um surprisingly uh Lake View Terrace once you get past that last house that's actually all right of way to there so they do have the ability to actually do that that's not a or privately owned roadway that's a publicly owned roadway so they do have the availability but my other actual question and you can see it better on the screens here is it looks like a turn lane is going to go into that location however there's a roadway directly across from it it's a dirt roadway and there's going to be no accompanying left-hand turn lane going the opposite direction even though there's going to be traffic coming out of it we already have problems with the linh Haven ballpark right next to Harvard Road where people sit in those crosshatches and go right across it the reason that we didn't want a certain type of driveway on the grease Pro but my major question is is the roadway is actually not large enough for that turn lane so is the developer going to be paying fdot to widen that roadway to put in that turn lanane or who exactly is going to be responsible for the turn lanane that is on that development right thank you um any additional comments from the public Mr short would you be able to respond to those uh questions from the public please absolutely uh Chris sh duberry um I guess first to uh to Zach's comment about the turn lanane uh we are this is the current plan as shown with that left turn lane um we because we are going through the fdot driveway connection their access connection permit process and Dot has plans for this section of roadway to do the widening there's a coordination process what their current design plans are versus what we typically we would have shown this we would have shown the widening that would have you know just been that section of Road be widened at developers cost they have to bond it and do all that stuff but we're still going through that process it it may be that if dot doesn't have the accommodation for it or if it's so longterm that that would be the case is that that turn lane would be put in at developers cost with the widening with permission from dot of course U and with regards to the uh I guess swapping out the um pedestrian connection to Lake View Terrace uh Road uh I mean that's something that really ultimately would mess with the the geometry of the development um as uh as Zach actually mentioned as well you see in that drawing very faintly there but again you can see it better there where that public rideway begins um so then you would have basically the roadway would have to have enough separation from that uh private property it just the concept I I get the concept but just with putting it down on paper um with the way the geometry would work and then you know dumping all of those trips right at the entrance of Lake View Terrace you know it was done this way because instead of troubling the folks who live in The Meadows you know funneling the traffic right to where they're trying to get out on 390 with 390 being widened in the future that's that's basically why it was selected to go this way and it meets the intersection or access connection spacing guidelines with do with the adjacent developments so yeah are there any additional questions for Mr short did I hear you correctly this say when you did you say that the developer is going to be responsible for the turn lanane yeah I mean I don't know how that's going to work out with do um if Dot's long-term plan is long-term enough to where they're not going to be doing the project um in an acceptable timeline uh for the developer or for the development order itself they would have to go in and do these improvements themselves typically fdot access connection permits we always see widenings adding of turn Lanes right hand left hand what have you the uh developer is responsible for paying that they have to bond the work with DOT just in case the contractor walks away do can take that Bond make the improvements to the roadway all of that being said that's typically how it's handled but with DOT having plans here we're actually still coordinating with their design Engineers you know that design for the widening of 390 and and access points and turn lane locations um that's kind of still still a feral thing it's kind of Shifting and changing as we go so we're going through that process it could be that dot works out some kind of agreement where rather than putting up the money for the widening they contribute I don't know how that works with theot as far as that side of the negotiations go all I know is this is what would be required per Do's um guidelines for the access connection permit and if you took the whole 390 project out of the equation it would be at the developer costs to do that widening thank you right any other questions for Mr short so basically what you're saying is there's no chance that we can have a second exit I for the Land Development code it's it's not required mhm I know what's I know it's not required and I guess the question would be um and this is just and I certainly understand your question is looking at the development one you know we're saying it's not a requirement because it's the Land Development code but second would there be enough distance between those two um is the development large enough to have an entrance exit on that in that same area because then that'll be be you know if we're concerned about putting one entrance already on 390 and then we'll be adding another one would that you know just create more traffic issues so just a thought I don't know but just and that's that's correct I mean it's essentially we meet the spacing requirements for DOT accesses access locations uh access connections uh currently but if you go and try to throw another one on the same Frontage of the same property now dot you know they have a certain requirement based on design speed of the roads and proximity of access connection points and I that's something that would potentially be a problem in this case right um any other questions from the commission I see a question on your face commissioner War so yeah um something I just never thought of that Ryan brought up um and I don't know how much that Lake View ter traffic I don't know if it backs up there is there a lot of traffic there is it not a lot of traffic well not not just the the 390 I'm talking actually on Lake vot you Terrace there people coming out of the neighborhood sir we're we're speaking to the to the engineer could you answer that for us Mr short um I honestly cannot answer that for l v Terrace on you know but it I mean is is it doable I guess is the first question not not two not two access points but just one access points that connects with Lake View Terrace well and I'm again just from Zach's you know response that he just provided you know the lake view terrrace he says it does back up I I cannot confirm that honestly but you know I could just it would be problematic to take the traffic from one development yes that's public right away but if traffic already backs up on Lake View Terrace for people trying to to exit onto 390 and then take to you know traffic from an adjacent development and dump it right there where they're already trying to get out even though it's public right away um I think that would that potentially could cause more more problems so just to add to that I'm looking at if you look at let's say you're going I'll just walk up and touch it right that's really where the entrance would have to be cuz there's already houses so if you were to put the second entrance right there it really wouldn't be much different than if you had a turn lane on 390 cuz you're just going to be turning and then turning so the traffic would still be backing up on 390 coming in there the only way it would help is from if people were coming in from the opposite way which they probably wouldn't be doing anyways because those are already homes so I don't really see a huge B if there were not homes there already could see the argument but with the fact that you'd literally just be turning on to Lake View Terrace just to take a right it'd be pretty much the same thing as if you had a turn lane on 390 guess I guess original question is it doable legally it's problematic um because the owner of that property in between l view terce and this property is not an applicant to this so they'd have to get approval from the the owner of the other property and if you take the action if you were to make a condition secondary access you have um a takings problem you also need to address okay because that owner did not consent or volunteer that joint access okay from a regulatory standpoint as you reevaluate your comp plan you may want to consider incentivizing joint access shared access and but here I want to advise you strongly advise you against um insisting on shared access okay thank you all right any further discussion right is there a motion for this on motion to approve it right is there a [Music] second second all right motion by commissioner Peeble second by commissioner vender gri city manager if you call the vote commissioner pebles yes commissioner vandagriff yes commissioner parno yes commission War yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed agenda item number 12 discussion and possible approval of preliminary plat for Meadows Run subdivision this is uh accompanying the previous item this is the preliminary plat approval the applicant is Southern Coastal homes um again the owner Southern Coastal homes the agent John Lewis the project surveyor was David John Bartlett from dubury engine and the reviewing surveyor was Randall L Roberts from cph Corporation he was reviewing it on behalf of the city parcel number 11352 010- 0000 2604 Highway 390 the property is approximately 10 acres in size low density residential and is vacant this is asking for approval of the preliminary plat dividing the property into 28 at single family home lots and supporting infrastructure and again the Planning Commission commission recommended unanimous approval once the infrastructure has been installed this comes back to the Planning Commission and to you as a final plat after um the site has you know has it has been confirmed that the infrastructure has been put in place where it should per the preliminary plan thank you right thank you are there any questions about this again it's standard procedure that it has to go with it but are there any questions about it all right any questions comments from the public all right is there a motion for this a motion to approve second motion by commissioner pebles second by commissioner perno city manager if you call the vote commissioner pebles yes commissioner pero yes commissioner vandagriff yes commissioner Ward yes mayor Nelson yes motion pass uh first reading by title only of ordinance 1171 amending the city's code of ordinances related to animals um sen attorney do you have any um input on this this ordinance should reflect all of the changes y'all discussed over the last several months yes um so there should not be any surprises in it um I think the only text you haven't seen um is a brand new provision regarding service animals but it reflects the presentation and comments the time made okay Mr scay if you could come up uh you were saying earlier in your comments that there was some confusion Within These ordinances so if you could um I guess explain a little bit of course this is just our first reading but that way we have a chance to look at it by our second reading so um so unfortunately my phone died so I can't get to my notes um this day and age dead phone what do you do with your life right um but going back to the conversation of the person that reached out to me so loose dogs in the area and they're like what can you do call Animal Control Animal Control can only do so much you know are they adequately staffed to go out and chase after every loose dog um running a community Social Media Group get a lot of lost dogs or loose dog reports I myself have stopped and picked up loose dogs and brought them to animal control um but reading through the ordinance I'm trying to figure out exactly what what is included in the ordinance in chapter 10 in regard to even a simple subject like you know Lo loose animals and you have to go through the whole thing to figure it out and it's it's not there's so much there it's for a common citizen it's too much um there's way too much stuff going on in that chapter um it took me more time than it needed to to find go through the whole chapter and figure it out and I think the only answer I came up with is you can call Animal Control if they're available to go after the dog they will but there's really no repercussions to somebody having a loose dog um there's there's really not much in the way of consequences um I know there's a little bit there's a little bit there's a leash law it includes um oral or verbal Communications but if like your dog just digs under your fence and is out running around um for me to answer a fellow citizen like what can they do and what can the city do like it was too complex to go through that chapter um a lot of stuff in there seems redundant or competitive so I don't know if maybe y'all can just look at it give it a really good thorough run through and just see if you can condense it down um or maybe break it out into maybe a little I don't know maybe this different sections um given this is a preliminary I'll take a stab at doing that and share it with you all see see what I come up with too but it was really hard to point a fellow citizen to specific spots in that chapter for them to to read and and address their issue and their concerns so yeah um chapters 1 through nine I have haven't had that problem yet I think you guys did good reviews on those but chapter 10 was the first one I was like here's an opportunity for us to really dig in and look at look at it for review so okay I'll uh what what would the cuto off date be for like emailing yall as far as kind of feedback on that so if you would follow with Mr Tai Ferris cuz he would oversee that um and then by the next commission meeting he'll follow with us to try to give more clarity to that it could be as simple as um adding another heading that talks about that specific issue just reorganizing a little bit maybe so but yeah if you'll follow with him on that and then we'll get some clarity from there okay I'll get a date from him after the meeting I can provide some clarity as well so okay there there are at least two places where uh the leash laws or off off property animals at large animals are addressed one of them is at the top of the the very beginning of chapter 10 where it deals with nuisances and one of them is later on in 1081 and 1083 speak to Direct Control and the requirement for leashes one is specific to public property and one is just sort of in the City generally um I I get how they're redundant but I will say that the reason for that um is intentional from an enforcement perspective uh declaring it a public nuisance and T to at the very beginning creates a right of action for neighbor against neighbor if your dog if your neighbor's dog is repeatedly at large a nuisance for you it gives you the ability as a private citizen to also have an enforcement action whereas for the 1081 and 1083 those are not nuisances those are violation those violations of that would be just of city code um that the city could enforce with a civil penalty so the remedies are a little bit different and they're they're organized differently but like where and there does it to like like if I were just to tell citizen go look in chapter 10 at this section or whatever it doesn't what it doesn't give is like what can a citizen do to encourage or get the city to to specifically take action like for example if I'm let's say to Tomorrow there's a loose dog and I call Animal Control I mean I I know they're not deeply staffed so it's like do they have to every time there's a report go follow it up or or is it optional or does it depend on the circumstances um if it's the same dogs over and over like that's I think that's the element that's confusing for a citizen is when they read through those ordinances is like what are what are my options as a citizen not me specifically but like just any citizen what are my options and what can I expect from the city right legally the enforcement remedies are there practically I'm not sure that the resources are always available but would refer to the C so what's in there you think adequately describes to a general citizen what to expect in regard to enforcement it's straightforward to me and it's not it you're a lawyer though I know I read these every day um so I can't I don't know that I can answer it I I don't know if anyone's familiar but Eli five explain it like I'm five maybe not 5 years old but maybe maybe a you know 17 or 18y old can understand it least to that level but I'll I'll get with Tai see see what we can figure out there but this is just the first chapter that is expans of that all right thank you thanks um any other comments on chapter 10 for the um animal ordinances right moving on to you want me to read the title we didn't read it oh yeah ordinance number 1171 an ordinance of the city of L Haven Florida amending the code of ordinances related to animals updating definitions clarifying prohibited nuisances providing requirements for keeping um and sanitation of file prohibiting the exclusion of service animals and from public places repealing all ordinances uh or parts of ordinances in Conflict providing for severability and providing infected dat all right thank you again since this first reading only there's not a motion for this this uh moving on to agenda item number 14 which is our under new business is the resolution for um state of emergency for the city of Lin Haven city manager if you read that by title only please resolution number 2024 9443 a resolution of the city of L Haven Florida to adopt a state of local emergency for tropical stor hilling all right um is there any discussion or questions about this from our uh commission I just want to say uh from a personal perspective this is really important it helps certain people in certain capacities to be able to prove that there is a local emergency and it helps with their um employment and things like that to prove that there's a reason why they have to do certain things um and so this is a good thing to do this so all right um thank you any any other questions or comments regarding this resolution so the state has already passed a state U emergency um for tropical storm Helen also Bay County has done this and then as I told you before that we would do it it gives us some guidance in terms of if the storm makes a turn um and we have to apply for PA we have that ability to do that because we did declare a local uh state of emergency it also helps me to uh deploy cenal Personnel that will be available uh on the day of Thursday we will have essential Personnel here and then the leadership team along with some other Central Personnel we will be here 24 hours tomorrow monitor things and make sure that the city is safe uh that uh we are solving problems and need be and then be ready to go on that Friday if that is the case this local state emergency does end on Friday if by chance that this local state of emergency has to be reenacted uh then that would be called a special meeting to reenact a local state emergency are there any additional questions or comments from the commission right is there a motion for this a motion to approve second um any comments from the public Mr scay is coming up and then we'll get Mr Walker hey uh two things first as you said it expires Friday Frid yes is there a way to just caveat that it matches with it'll expire no later than whenever bake counties expires no and simply because of the fact that there's some there are some Financial Obligations attached to ours and so we want to make sure that we are fiscally responsible for I just wanted to make sure like I wasn't here for Michael but I've heard all the stories and like the Challen ever getting three even three of you all together to extend it if you needed to and one of the things that they can is call in by phone so we didn't have that ability before then but you can have actually proove an extension exactly second thing is as um as we saw not me specifically but the community saw during Michael was you know certain authorities and Powers were handed over to the mayor does that is that included automatically or is that a separate vote that that is in this local state emergency okay so basically until Friday mayor Nelson's in charge M okay just wanted to clarify about that for the community right Mr Walker just a point we've got a very expensive Marquee out there can we have that listed as a state emergency and a City emergency on the Marquee we can surely change that Mr and on the website also yes sir as soon as this was passed we would do all those things we could do before thank you you're welcome right any additional questions right there's been a motion by commissioner pebles second by commissioner Vander see if you call the vote commissioner pebles yes commissioner vandri commission Ward yes commission perno yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed have a good evening stay safe e