e calling our city Haven Commission meeting to order at 5:30 p.m at this time we'll have the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance led by Ben Haven Police Department chaplain Frank Stevens remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance after the invocation Heavenly Father we give thanks to you for and we pray for wisdom and discernment for our mayor City commission members our Police and Fire Chiefs for our our fire and police first uh Personnel our First Responders keep them safe and out of Harm's Way we give thanks for the dedication of our city employees who Faithfully serve our local community strengthen them with wisdom and Grace for the heavy burdens they carry give them wisdom give them discernment as they manage their teams and projects bless and strengthen them as they work in the best interest of the citizens of L linhaven and uh that they're called to serve we pray pray this in Jesus name amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all public commentary of Miss Jerry Parker good evening commission I'm going to talk about the elephant in the room y'all already know what I'm going to talk about administrative leave means you leave it doesn't mean you stay at work I think you'll need to change the description of Chief Rey's situation his little tap on the wrist in my opinion um it's administrator of stay as far as I'm concerned this keeps on getting kicked down the road one judge recused himself and a second judge was in there knew him also in my opinion he should have recused himself immediately however then the lawyer said hey you should recuse yourself so it keeps on getting kicked down the road the good people of the citizens of Len Haven they deserve to know that their police chief has shown consistent unethical behavior and that is not acceptable and you the commission are dare look in your duty By ignoring this unethical behavior that has not only happened once it has happened multiple times my other question that I have is where's Kevin where's Kevin and also the other one is welcome back Kiki um but where did the other guy go did he get let go did he get fired where is he thank you thank you uh Daniel Harmon public commentary is a Daniel Harmon I'm here for public commentary okay thank you all right is there additional public commentary right if not moving on to our uh mayor's report I guess real quickly in response to to miss Parker's questions one a point of clarity remember was clear duties and that city manager made a distinction between the two between administrative leave and administrative duties and so as I'm understanding it from our city manager and assistant city managerhr is that administrative leave is basically a paid vacation on behalf of the city whereas administrative duties is still stripped of the functions of a police officer however he is still in a consultant position to help us because of his experience as the police chief and so we thought it would be in the best interest of the best interest of the citizens tax dollars at this moment they put him on administrative duties which is what we stated that he was on administrative duties and not administrative leave um in regards to uh where is Kevin well he's not here tonight we have Miss Amy that has been here with us for the past few weeks and so Kevin is still working with us from my understanding there's a pretty major workload over there at the law firm and so we've he's the firm has asked that Miss Amy come and work with us as well so uh we are still in communication with Kevin so it's sort of a a tandem or a tag team between the two of them um in regards to working with the city and in regards to uh Mr Daniel uh he had to leave for personal reasons so so um that's that's our understanding of that um in regards to the uh to the marriage report just want to say let's continue to be in prayer for uh family and friends of those who were impacted by uh the death today they're on um Highway 389 so let's continue to uh be mindful uh of that just ask everyone to be cautious and safe um also uh it's been a a a great jazz and soul we had a great time over at Wild rout on Friday night so it was glad to see some of our citizens able to come out and hang out with us and I think we're going to do that again sometime in July um and so we're working on another date now so it was a couldn't people wouldn't leave we had to just like hey you got to go um it's 8 o00 right this it's time to go so it was a great a great night just looking forward to having um you know some some Vibes like that in in Lin Haven uh again did have a a good Town Hall good discussion uh of course the uh attendance was very slim however it was good discussion um that we had about different things pertaining to the city of Lin Haven and even some clarification on some things that were not pertaining to the city of Lin Haven to give direction on um points of question as to where someone could go in order to get uh their questions answered about those particular concerns they did have one of the things that's unique about the city of L Haven is often challenging is knowing where I boundaries are what belongs to us and what belongs to the county what belongs to the state and sometimes they play switcher and don't tell us that either and so um so it was interesting to to talk through um some of those things and had a chance to talk to some uh citizens on the phone um in regards to some concerns that they had we brought some of that up on uh Friday in regards to uh EMS and addresses and so we did have a citizen to respond with a little more clarification via email as to to um what their concerns were but they were very grateful for uh our staff here Miss Amanda and others that have helped Point them in the right direction to uh cause a little get some clarity on the the melee of sorts that you're going through to get some uh some direction on the directions there in the The Villages of M Bayou and probably like the rest of the commission have just tried to help citizens as they've asked different questions and have their different concerns and just point them in the right direction so we can get those things clarified hopefully everyone had a great Memorial Day uh weekend uh had a great crowd out at Porta Park on yesterday um being very festive and and just having a great time remembering the Fallen those who have sacrificed um for us to have the freedoms that we have so I think often times we sometimes forget that so um you know let's remember that we can come and have this space that we have and openly debate and openly discuss our differences and our issues because men and women have literally sacrificed their lives for us to do that so there are people who engrave so we can come in here and do what we do and so uh don't forget to be thankful for their families and encourage them especially if you know someone who is uh who has died in the line of duty give them a call give their family a call and and say thank you um because we can we can afford to do that because we're living the greatest nation in the world other nations around the world can't do what we're doing now uh can't speak out at the government as great as England is I remember there was this uh this little square the last time I was there uh during the Queen's Jubilee and it said this is the Public Square you can say anything you want to say except anything about the government right and we actually provide a public forum for you to come and talk about the government and so uh that what that's what makes America America but it's the the men and women who have given their lives um that make America America so I thank you all who have sacrificed your life in and thank you for those who continue to put themselves um In Harm's Way for our safety that's my report commissioner Peebles thank you mayor uh I'm going to have my next coffee meet up at 8:00 a.m. at Wild Root on June 15th for anyone that wants to come and sit down with me uh I like swapping between all of our coffee areas around here because I love coffee and uh want to make sure I support all of them so uh had a conversation with multiple citizens about this agenda so I just wanted to say publicly thank you for everyone that reached out to me uh I'm always appreciative of that uh today actually I had a really fun conversation with Mr Walker um and I learned a lot of history about ly Haven so thank you for that I had a good time um learned a lot and uh also this past few weeks I I've worked with a a local Pastor who had um set up a church event at one of our Parks so I just want to say thank you to the city staff and everyone that that was able to do that communication and make that happen um and finally I want to say touching on Memorial Day um you know it's it's um it's an emotional time you know uh sorry uh some of us have lost friends to to this and um for us for our freedom and so I just ask that uh that you can remember them just remember that uh and many many gave some but some G gave all and finally I want to thank the staff for uh these past few weeks they've there's been a lot of events and uh different things that have happened in the city and um thank you just from the bottom of my heart thank you that's all I have commissioner pero thank you mayor thank you Sam um I just uh just have a a couple of things nothing um there's a governor Transit committee meeting on Monday that I'll be attending for the for the TPO as so it's basically the TPO subcommittee is also called the governor's Transit committee um last year the TPO and the governor's Transit they tried to form uh a different way of fun funding the the um the T the T not the TPO pelf but just developing a Transit Authority well it got it got prepared and it went to session but it it never got moved on this year so they want to keep it alive and we're going to have our first meeting for to continue the formation of a Transit Authority in in Bay County and then there's also going to be the next TPO meeting is going to involve um approving our our fiveyear work plan as it's been presented as as we spoke of about I spoke of in my last report about the survey and whatnot that you could get on do and some people contacted me and I appreciate it um to get to get that survey in so the more important we make widening um 390 from from Highway 77 to 231 is is uh on the Forefront of how fast it gets done so we want we want to try to stay involved with uh with our government process and let the do know and trust me they hear you when you when you reach out so um the other thing is um uh talking to a couple citizens I I talked to um I talked to Mr life foot on the break and uh there was a citizen who had some concern about um something and he's already handled it then he'll be talking to somebody about it and I just talked to a lieutenant INF finger and I spoke with another citizen who talked to people in his neighborhood and it is the time of year when kids are out of school right now and we we want to be safe as far as uh several things one being um sometimes dad's at work and kids take the golf cart out and they're not exactly you know they're not exactly of the definition of what it what what we have for operating a golf cart in the neighborhood so be on the lookout for that as Citizens and Lieutenant finger said call call you know Lin Haven PD you know as soon as you see something like that that so we it's for everybody's safety we don't want you know we don't want someone operating something that they they shouldn't and the other thing uh was mentioned was the uh bicyclist and and electric electric bikes on Highway 77 this person witnessed our my friend my friend Chris Henderson you guys have seen him around town in his wheelchair and he he's double double ampute and uh don't feel sorry for him because that boy played football at University of lville and he's one heck of a guy and and uh he I I get to talk to him several times a week but he was cut off by an electronic bike the other day but he said it was a friend of his but people people are whiz whizzing up and down the sidewalks and on the sidewalks aren't bike paths you know so we got to just be cognizant of that and uh another thing that this this same person mentioned he said he goes to the grocery store he sees the cars lined up in the fire lane and I I know for a fact that the Arlin hav PD when they come to Publix they they move people out of that fire Lan pretty quick but it's something that we got to be cognizant of especially in the summertime so just just a couple just a couple things there that that was brought up to me by a citizen I'm not smart enough to figure this stuff out so with that being said and a thankful heart to everybody in the city of linh Haven uh that's my report thank you commissioner Ward I uh don't really have anything um just want to thank uh the staff First Responders and dispatchers for all you do um I know you don't get thanked enough so thank you and uh that's all I have and commissioner vand gri one day you're going to let me go first right backwards yeah I mean we could do it in reverse so actually you get to go first next time [Laughter] thank you um I attended the Mosley graduation as a representative for of ly Haven um it gave me hope for the future all those bright kids and eager to prove themselves and uh it was a good three hours but I enjoyed it um it it did it it renewed my faith in in the youngsters um and I appreciate the opportunity to represent uh ly Haven um last meeting I I asked about reminding citizens to please put uh house numbers um that there seems to be an issue since the hurricane that a lot of our homes Len Haven have no numbers and so um I notice this when I'm traveling around when someone calls and asks me to look at something a ditch [Music] or a things in the yard that need to be removed and and I have a hard time finding the even with the GPS I have a hard time of finding and it states uh in section 14 -57 that all homes are to have a minimum size of 5 in and it'll be no script no Roman numerals and should be in contrasting colors uh after I made the statement last time about please put house numbers a member of the staff sent this to me and said you can even be a little more specific than that so I I hope that helps minimum of five inches okay that's it thanks thank you um I cannot recall at the moment I saw a a news story maybe within the past couple of weeks of a city that had an Initiative for house addresses I can't remember what city that was at the moment so that might be something we consider is just you know having a house number campaign um you know just encouraging citizens you know to have those house numbers there cuz it it is important uh even if it's just on your mailbox maybe put it larger on your mailbox because faded letters you know those foils do come off on the mailboxes and such so uh maybe there something we can ask city manager staff to look at it as sort of a an initiative um to uh encourage our citizens to do that city managers report just a few things so a couple of people have asked me about um what's going on behind the animal shelter that is the rebuild of the facility maintenance uh building of course you know after Hurricane Michael that building was totally destroyed and it will be shared by community service and facility maintenance will be able to ask um to put some of our really good equipment inside to to preserve it a little bit more we're looking at that building being finished somewhere around August uh latter part of August first part of September um and so we're looking forward to them actually being in a building at this point please remember that you can still uh purchase a flag for those may be some left out there that you will be able to um purchase uh one of the banners um and then also applications for uh July 4th are still available uh to be in the parade it's always a great parade uh with lots of participation so uh please remember to do that um and that is my report warrantless thank you good evening any questions about the point list thank you thank you and yeah I do see that building going up there behind or across from the animal shelter and I think they're having too much fun putting it up whenever I go out there and I'm walking I mean like the guys are just with all the equipment out there they're just having lots of fun you know so I think it seemed like they're having too much fun um rebuilding that um but glad to see that going back up um look like it's going to be certainly larger than what it was before to be able to um hold more of more equipment and glad to be able to see that a lot of the work is being done in housee as well good to see a lot of the work is being done in house and so I certainly know that's a cost saving and so we certainly appreciate um all of our workers that are able to to help us save money in that type of way so and city attorney's report I have no report all right all right consent agenda approval of minutes for 54 24 regular meeting minutes and discussion approval of amendment two of the Florida Ohio Grant agreement is there a motion for this a motion to approve second right motion second motion by commissioner pebl second by commissioner vff City manag if you call the vote commissioner pebles yes commissioner vanag Griff yes commissioner perno yes commissioner War yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed new business discussion and the possible approval of development order requests James Rogers Park improvements parcel number 11634 250 this is an application for a development order for James Rogers Park rebuild uh this is also qu judicial public hearing do you swear from the testimony you'll give tonight's truth and nothing but the truth I do the applicant here is the city of linh Haven um city of linh Haven is also the owner the agent is Bobby Baker infrastructure director parcel number 11634 d250 d00 and the location is Floyd Drive the property size is approximately 1.41 Acres the future land use map category is Recreation open space the project engineer was uh William Thompson Panhandle engineering and the reviewing engineer Chris Shaw from dubury there will be with this rebuild of the park which was destroyed by the hurricane there will be a basketball court two pickle ball courts and playground equipment as well as improved parking storm water improvements and Landscaping and there were uh meetings that took place between um the city manager and staff and the residents seeings as how it is kind of a small resident Park Community Park um to get their input on what it was they would wanted to see in the rebuild this areial shows the location of the park on Floyd Drive this is the site plan which sews the basketball court pickleball courts new storm water Pond and the parking and the this is the landscape plan and also the uh irrigation plan thank you all right are there any questions for Miss Amanda I have a question well it's really not a question I just want to um I've had some statements from uh individuals that live in that area concerned they want to make sure that the storm water has a fence around it yes yes all right I just wanted it to go everybody to know that I've asked and that we've said yes right are there other any other questions is there a motion for this motion to approve second is there any comments from the public right motion by commissioner perno second by commissioner pebles city manager we call the vote commissioner perno yes commissioner pebles yes commission War yes commissioner VRI yes mayor nson yes motion passed discussion and possible approval of development order request ice vending kiosk 1706 and 1710 Tennessee Avenue thank you I'm going to go through the basics and then I'm going to add a little bit of information here so this is an application for development order for an ice vending kiosk this is also Quai judicial public hearing swear from the testimon you'll give tonight is the truth and nothing but the truth I do the owner here is Cara Ice House LLC the agent was Wyatt Lewis from PE p Panhandle engineering we have Jim slanina here tonight to answer any questions on this one there are two parcel numbers involved 1 82- - 000000 and 11082 d5- 000000 the location 1706 and 1710 Tennessee Avenue and the parcel size approximately 0.223 Acres the future land juice category on this is mixed juice it's currently vacant and um I just want to add that it is one of the parcels that had the majority of its land taken by the widening of 390 which actually left it as really a nonviable parcel there really isn't much that could be constructed on this we did have some people interested and you know could they put a house on it but it was too small so there really isn't a lot of choice as to what can go on here um what they are asking for is an allowable use within mixed juice the it is not in the CRA the reviewing engineer was Chris short from dubery this will be an ice venting kiosk as well as storm water infrastructure and Landscaping improvements this went before the Planning Commission and the Planning Commission were unanimous in their approval of a modified site plan to retain the Heritage tree which is where I'm going to go into just a little bit of extra information um the original development order that was submitted for this had a um the site plans showed a stacking Lane to accommodate eight Vehicles which is required for a regular drive-through facility per the unified Land Development code the eight stack Lane meant that a 30in diameter Heritage Oak would have had to have been removed the city asked an arborist to determine if the oak was healthy as it had been damaged to some extent by Hurricane Michael and was bent over the arborist reported back that the tree was indeed healthy had lien upon it and would survive even though it was bent over by the storm although it does lean over and is very low with huge surface roots which would probably be damaged by any development the results meant that if the tree were removed it would need to be mitigated for shortly before taking the item to the Planning Commission the engineer for the project submitted an amended site plan showing the stacking Lane reduced to four cars and requested that they be allowed to have a reduction in the length required in order to save the healthy 30in Oak they stated that the eight um in the me in the email it incorrectly stated six vehicle stack it was an eight vehicle stack that is required for restaurants Etc might be excessive for an ice kiosk the Planning Commission made a recommendation to the city commission that the amended site plans with the reduced stacking Lane be approved to retain the Heritage tree with an insurance uh by the developer that the tree would not be damaged during construction the amended site plans were reviewed by the contracted city engineer to make sure that ifications to the storm water Pond due to the reduction in impervious surface with a shortening of a stacking Lane met City requirements both sets of plans have therefore been reviewed and have been found to be in compliance with the city of Lin Haven unified Land Development code other than the stacking Lane requirement technical standards and Florida State requirements so um staff also recommends approval of the review stacking Lane option if the developer can ensure that there will be no damage to the tree or its root system and the city commission can determine which site plan they wish to approve right thank you there any questions for Miss Amanda you said we can decide which site plan yes sir so do they go with the original eight stat which is required in unified Land Development code but was put in there for things like restaurants um those kinds of drive-thru facilities not a little ice vending um machine so well what and then what's the other choice um the reduced stacking Lane so it's either the eight one which will take out the Heritage tree or it's the reduced four stack um stacking Lane which will keep the Heritage tree but with the assurance that they do not damage that tree or its root system through construction e gri is just as good with both yes sir and I have um I have um the infrastructure director here I have Chris who's um over the utilities I also have the uh submittal engineer and I'm not sure if I've got the reviewing engineer Jim yeah I'm not seeing Chris shorta but he reviewed the um the resubmitted plans Chris shorta dubery reviewed the plans to make sure because there was going to a reduction in the size of the storm water pond with the reduction of the size the length of the stacking Lane to make sure that the shortened Pond was going to meet all of the requirements as far as the 100y year flood event and everything else that we require so both have been reviewed additional questions uh I just have more of a comment uh so here after Friday I drove around the county and um looked at different ice machines kind of see like at different times of day to see how many cars there were CU I knew we talked about a little bit like you know how many cars and all three times I didn't even see a single car you know so um the O I think the odds of there being eight cars there at one time are pretty slim especially right there um so because it's not like it's right near an area where we're going to go fishing or taking your boat out you know so um that's just just something I wanted to add I think Mr Harmon is here uh Mr Selena would y'all like to speak to this at this time um May Commissioners Miss Vicky Miss Amy Miss Amy um I just want to say hi um Wyatt was a became a commissioned officer in the Navy he's over in Jacksonville now spent seven years with us we're very proud of him okay and so and I get to uh I get to take over for the guy that took over for me so it's all good um yes it's a simple it's a property that was chopped up and made almost undevelopable no net tax benefit benefit um this was an opportunity that the client identified um it's wide enough for two lanes which is a stacking Lane and a bypass lane um it seemed during the review process that it really didn't make any sense to have that much pavement and take out a 30-inch Oak I mean there's always times to refine codes one size doesn't fit all for a bank and a restaurant and a and a qsr and stuff like it does a simple small ice machine and I agree with you sir um so to that end we took the initiative met up with planning planning supported the idea that if we can make it logically sensible to save the oak um and make it work and that's why we're here today we've actually gone through the rep permitting process not just with the city and Haven but with do because our of course there was a guywire from the telephone pole um we we've had to reperit we're rep permitting the access point to slide it down to match up with it we were trying to keep it in it but it didn't all that being said um it was a great opportunity to work with staff and come to you with a um a much better solution to a pretty small project okay I'd be glad to answer any questions you might have exactly where is this on Tennessee Street landmarks it's just nor north of Phoenix construction there is a welding shop with exterior storage of Steel out there and a few things like this um but the answer is it's right across from Phoenix if you will Phoenix construction okay it was hard for me to realize where it was when when I look it's actually a great location for visibility yeah and I think you're going to see it no it's not next to a fishing area or somewhere you're going to see a lot of people stacking but um but it's right off of 390 kind of right off it's on it fronts 390 access is off 17th Street just a little bit in and we it's exit only on 390 please yeah I I saw the arrow but I still couldn't get a grasp on the L the landmarks as to where it was and it showed a couple blocks but that that explains it really really well Jim it's a it's an in and an out yeah entry only exit only um has a nice Landscaping plan It's always important to the plan yeah and I and I and I have I have that here we go it's it's before the elementary school yeah what you see there if you don't mind me talking is that there's a 25 and a 20 foot setback on the property leaves you about 22 feet in the middle to build something that right oh okay that's the house that's next to thing that's Jeff tilman's office over there so this was the E car see how many cars we have stacked up there yeah yeah pretty ridiculous and then that you know obviously the long all that impervious and this is the reduced so this is forast you've got a car you've got a car actually at the machine and then you've got full car stack and a full withth bypass lane um and then this is the landscape plan and the irrigation and I think we committed during Planning Commission that the the Landscaping plan would be consistent with the overall property and not the reduced Development Area associated with the shortened driveway so the entire property is still going to be well landscaped storm water little the storm water is going to meet do it's a do permited facility which has the same 100 year that Bobby has um so we're permitting through not only the city but also through Dot like I say not the biggest project in town but actually one that was U pretty cool yeah it's a good what good way to work to the best solution K kro ice is that local or is that kro Georgia just wondering like Georgia over in Czechoslovakia or Georgia right almost Florida Georgia no no I think the G they Bay County residents that they have they live in 30 308 postar yeah but that's where they're at okay but what okay yeah yeah see my my my actually he's my attorney Amy are there additional questions thank you thank you this Mr Jim looks good with a tan that retirement looking good on it all right okay so we have the option of and for clarity I'm just going to use the dates that are on these one is for March 29th and that's the one with the eight cars and the second plan is for May the 21st that's the second plan with the four cars so first plan March 29th revised plan that keeps the tree right is May 21st is there a motion for this development order I'd like to motion for the second plan with the four stack and the and the sav in the tree I'll second that right there's a motion and second is there a comment from the public all right no comment from the public sen manag you call the vote commissioner perno yes commissioner Peebles yes commissioner War yes commissioner venag yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed right discussion and possible approval of resolution 2024 0543 establishing the agenda preparation protocol uh commission asked uh I believe it was commissioner war that asked that we would look into um actually um notating what the agenda protocol was for the city of Lin Haven and so we uh city manager myself and Miss Amy talked about what our protocols were in regards to developing an agenda brought that before the commission for discussion on this past uh past not past well this past Friday um to discuss and then um made some amendments to uh the original uh proposal and that's what we're bringing before you today um are there any other questions or comments from the commission about the establishing the agenda preparation protocol is there a motion for this resol oh resolution number 20245 430 a resolution of the city of Len Haven adopting protocol for the creation approval and modification of City commission agendas is there a motion for this I move that we approve the agenda protocol there's a motion by commissioner vendar is there a second all right since there is no second uh motion dies and we do not have uh resolution for establishing the agenda preparation protocol all right meeting adourn