##VIDEO ID:ob4khdEqHhs## e e e our p and calling our meeting to order at 9 a.m. um we'll have our invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance heavenly father thank you for this time to come together to discuss um the concerns as well as the uh challenges that we are facing in the city of Lin Haven father we thank you for the the great abundance of blessings that you are providing for us here in our city as we continue to rebuild so that we can continue to grow to be the exceptional city that you desire for us to be now we also um pray for the other Floridians who are in the the wake of the oncoming hurricane Milton ask that you would cover them with your grace and mercy that you would protect them and that you would uh allow them to be safe in Christ's name we pray Amen to the flag of United States of America to the for stand Nation indivisible andice right is there any public commentary yes sir good morning uh we might be lucky this week um my subject matter here is something that started a long time ago our staff worked very diligently uh both on the ground and in Legally in establishing a tax write off for a company that was bought in our Industrial Park uh as it stands right now of the five or four in companies that are in that industrial park there are only two left uh the two that have been sold just recently one of them is the one I'm talking to acmt was given a tax write off by you not to pay taxes on the following reasons they could would enlarge get more employees and they would increase the value of the property they bought the property for $2 million of that $2 million the city made many days many hours and our legal staff and the Commissioners invested in increasing this outlook for that property they failed to live up to the agreement they sold the building right now for $5 million they made $3 million in profit okay during this time they did not live up to the agreement and they came to owe us $35,000 missioners have gone there visited it citizens have visited we've discussed it with the owner and he is walking away with 5 mil and owing US 35 you're not going to get it back please if the two new businesses that come into that area up there are given a tax right off by you learn a lesson don't be snookered into this again don't be I don't want to have when you have a citizen that doesn't pay his taxes you put a lean on that property and you own it in this way you can't do it learn a lesson learn a very strong lesson don't make this mistake again thank you all right thank you any additional commentary right moving on to our um commission reports uh with the mayor's report I just want to highlight a great celebration I was able to attend on yesterday uh with the groundbreaking at Harvest Worship Center uh one of our local churches here in the city of Lin Haven they were impacted uh like other churches and businesses by Hurricane Michael and they are just now having the opportunity to uh to rebuild so grateful and thankful they were able to work through all the femo process and get the the right contractors on board so now they can move forward um with their their rebuilding and it was a great turnout from the community as well uh to be a part of that celebration so excited about the forthcoming uh Ministry and service that they're going to continue to provide to our uh community as they rebuild their new structure so that is my report for today um commissioner Peebles hello I just wanted to say to everybody sorry I couldn't be there today um I've been deployed down south to I guess I should say Central Florida for the incoming hurricane um everything's going great here just wanted to say if you could keep the families that are going to be impacted in your thoughts and prayers because it's not really matter of if it hits It's when it hits and uh so far it's been the second lowest pressured recorded hurricane in recorded history so uh it's there's going to be a lot of damage down here and so I just ask that everyone would keep the families down here in your thoughts and prayers and uh just want to say thanks to everybody up in the city of Lin Haven doing a great job up there keep up the good work and that's my report commissioner perno thank you mayor um Harvest Worship Center um even you know through rebuilding they last um Thursday um someone from Harvest Worship Center was in our parking lot and they collected um all throughout the day from 11: to 7 we collected items to bring down to the people in the in the Big Ben area that are affected by Hurricane Helen and uh I just got to just they do great work there I mean they're they're uh their child Center takes care of a lot of folks in Lin Haven and U it's good to have them back you know so um also uh I'm a I'm a linh Haven resident and I consider this my home but I I grew up in Melbourne Florida and they're directly on the path of the the the Atlantic outgoing of the storm which will probably still be a category three or category four storm when it gets across the state so um I've talked to my family and sever friends and I'm just hoping that everybody in the path has as as much comforter or uh Moxy that they can muster to get through it CU we all know what it's like when there's nothing but white smoke on the ground for over two hours and you don't know when you think it's bad and it gets worse it's you know you those feelings I don't wish on anybody so um with that I'll just I'll end my report and thank thank everybody in the city of L Haven it's just just kind of odd that it you know it's going to fall on the exact 6th anniversary of hurricane Michael so let's just hope everybody uh stays out of Harm's Way as much as possible my report commissioner Ward uh don't have a whole lot um I know it's been talked about already but um definitely hasn't been a good year for hurricanes for the State of Florida um we've been pretty fortunate here um um I'm hoping that this is the last one of the year and uh we all know what they're about to go through we've all been through it having the deal insurance carriers and rebuilding and that it's definitely not fun so uh my thoughts go out to them and hopefully hopefully it's not as bad as they're predicting so um last only thing I have is um I have my time with the commissioner on the 19th of October 11:30 at Slim Chickens anybody wants to come out and and talk and discuss things uh you're more than welcome to come out and hope to see you there thank you thank you commissioner vag [Music] gri um I would like to um compliment the staff on the spring concerts they've been well attended and I think the community has really enjoyed them I'd also like to compliment um the fact that the new sidewalks look great and um I think they're going to be utilized um and that's all it's been pretty slow week I know I know they're getting used on Twi all right thank you and I I guess uh just one may if I may I forgot one thing in my report that um I did email city manager there was a recap newsletter from the Estuary program the St Joe Bay St Andrew Bay EST program and I believe she forwarded to you they had a great um 5K for the bay um on September 28th and uh it was really a successful event and uh I wish I wish the EST program nothing but the best as they take off here in our community so awesome right C the manager yes and concerning um AC CMT the uh abatement there is a letter being crafted to send to them and it is um you 34,000 and some change along with Eda that they um also owe a substantial amount of money as well uh so that letter will will be sent to them I've asked um Ben Jank to put it together we've met with Ed um the Eda and um we both know that there some money to be gotten there so we will work very diligently to get that money all is not lost yet um also I was going to talk about the sidewalks the sidewalks do look well um very very good we've already seen people you utilizing the sidewalks and um did remind the contractors that we need to water the grass to make sure the Grass Grows and it's pretty um because those are in areas where people live uh but I can tell you very uh assuredly that uh people are using the sidewalks uh met with some some officials last week from Mariana uh they wanted to come out and tour our Sports con complex facility uh there was commissioner that came out city manager Public Works uh person director and parts and ground uh they had heard that we built recently built a sports complex the gym came out and and uh looked at it uh wanted really to look at our plans and and mimic a lot of things really mirror uh the the sports complex that we have in place there um so we're very pleased to to show them around as well um if you'll look at our signs our entrance signs we have turned those to Pink and honor of Breast Cancer month here October is Breast Cancer month and so you'll see a lot of things throughout the city that may be pink um because we do support that and I know that everyone has had someone uh that has been aest affected by breast cancer and we just want everyone to know uh that we support it and the city will be on October 11th I think it is uh we've asked all staff to wear a pink shirt something pink on October 11th um and honor of Breast Cancer month we're still reg registering for flag football and co-ed adult adult co-ed softball if you're interested please go to the the website and sign up um we think it we've had some really good runs in all of our Sports and just ask that if you want to be a part of it U go and sign up or you can call Sports in Department um we also have been talk in talks with DOT regarding the safe roads to school program our whole goal is to keep every citizen every student safe as they walk to school or people are just doing it for quality of life that is very very important to the staff um and if we can put more sidewalks out in areas where we know a lot of our youth walk to school then um we are happy to do so Art in the Park is scheduled for November 1st uh from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Sheffield Park The Old City Hall clock we're waiting for that ETA on the clock itself that's we're waiting for we have all of the rest of the parts except for the clock itself and so as soon as that comes in it will be installed and um that is my report oh lastly people have asked what's going on um at Sheffield Park and I I know that we've talked about this but I I just want to continue remind people that there uh we're expanding the pond uh for storm water infrastructure Shake future growth and so that's what it will be and um hopefully they'll be finished soon but that's what's happening there okay any questions about the warrant list okay that's my report thank you uh City attorney have a report right right do we have any questions for the City attorney all right thank you all right consent agenda approval of minutes 92424 approval to hold one commission meeting in November on November 12th and one in December on December 10 approval and authorized Demir to sign modification two for project 4399 065 R 4399 084 R and 4399 088 R an approval of the settlement agreement with k Harris versus city of Lin Haven is there a motion for this motion to approve the consent agenda second right motion by commissioner perno second by commissioner VRI City manage recall the vote commissioner perno yes commissioner VRI yes commissioner work yes commissioner peoples yes mayor son yes motion passed looking at our old business final reading of ordinance 1171 amending the city's code of ordinances related to animals uh city manager if you read this sure ordinance number 1171 ordinance of the city of linh Haven Florida amending the city's code of ordinances related to animals updating definitions clarifying prohibited nuisances providing requirements for the keeping and sanitation of file prohibiting the exclusion of service an animals from public places repealing our ordinance or parts of ordinance in Conflict providing seil separability and providing an immediate effective date thank you I know the last meeting there was a question or statement from a citizen in regarding to the layout um of this chapter and the feasibility of the layout in order that um citizens may be able to easily obtain information um however after speaking with staff um that citizen withdrew sort of their concerns therefore um there were no Corrections or changes or adaptations that have been made since the last time um that we had our discussion on this are there any more comments uh City attorney all right is there any uh the discussion from the commission is there a motion for this well I'd like to make a motion that we approve the the animals um portion of the code of ordinances all right there's a motion is there a second second all right motion by commissioner perno second by commissioner Vander there any comments from the public okay any further discussion from the [Music] commission City minut you call the vote commissioner perno yes commissioner VRI yes commissioner War yes commissioner pees yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed and thank you to the Commissioners City staff City attorney and citizens for all the work on this uh animal related ordinance right first reading by title only of ordinance 1170 petition for contraction or Parcels 11823 055 118235 C the manager if you read the ordinance by title only please an ordinance Contracting from the municipal limits of the city of L Haven certain Parcels land located at 3320 brenon Avenue ID number number 1 1823 d5500 number 11823 d050 -00 for an approximate 6.6 Acres of property as more particularly described here here in amending the boundaries of the city to exclude set land repelling all ordinances or parts of ordinances in Conflict here with and providing effective date right thank you I know we discussed this on Friday of course this being the first reading so there's no need for a motion um for discussion um are there any additional questions or comments regarding this yeah so I read the notes from the planning board and my understand the big reason they want to DNX is because of utilities but from my understand if they move it to the county it's going to be just as much if not more expensive so it just seems like there's something more here and I I don't know what the story is but do we do we know if it's in fact more expensive if to hook up the utilities if they go to the county is there anybody has to know in that okay I'm not aware of exactly where the County's utilities are but it is our service area MH so if we're closer they would need to hook to us so they would have to hook to it if they were to D Annex from the county they would have to hook up to the Lin Haven anyway Lin Haven utilities anyway whatever's closest right right but if they're out of the city they would pay the 25% right but the utilities are nowhere near close to the property right is there any is there is a possible for us to find out if the Count's closer and how expensive it would be or well I know they're not closer they're not no okay not on that side of the road right ours is closer yes ours is closer but they're still not close right they're quite a bit away I'm just reading this I'm just a little confused it just doesn't make any sense to me I don't know what you guys think it's just I know we I just like to know the real reason if there's another reason yeah we had a de de annexation or a contraction in the past but it was across the street you know it was across well not Sarasota but it was on the other side of East it was onal street because yeah yeah it was kind of like kind of went up against rails for Trails right there and and that was because we couldn't provide utilities and they had to go to the county right and that makes sense I know and we're we're very close to that you know it's just just back of one street over and and you know it's that it's that partial behind the the housing on Sarasota right there off Sarasota correct yes yeah yeah that's all I had I mean if they're if it's a 6.6 parcel they're looking to hook utility and water up there could be a possibility of development in the future and depending on what they're wanting to develop of course our rules are different than the county rules so that when you that may be you know the unofficial reason um they might have some you know future development plans that won't work out within the city of Lin Haven so right thanks right but great question great Point um any other questions from the [Music] commission all right any questions from the public yes sir good morning again um this is the second de annexation and it's a de annexation that I've been a witness to since I've been here in Lin Haven um there was two other ones that were threatened and they didn't come about um the two that were done um City could not Supply the services to that area when you Annex this property you put it in your service area I don't know if you understand where your service areas are they're quite extensive however one of the properties does have a what I call a Cess pool or and has a well so what you don't know is what uh commissioner Jamie warrant is to discussing what the person wants to do do with this looks like he want to put a development there and you don't have a development order so you don't know what he's going to do therefore he's asking for de annexation because you can't Supply the services in the two that you had before you couldn't Supply that service to the business that was going in there and you broke it a deal you broke it a deal to have a septic tank put in it was there already and he's on a well uh yes you can have septic tanks in Lin Haven you have 500 in them however if you're within 300 ft of Lin Haven services you have to take it so what you have here is uh you're denying the person the right that what he would have gotten or received is the annexation the services you can't support it is that because your sewer plant can't take it I don't know you don't know if he's going to put a development there what he's going to do now is go back to Panama City annexing to Panama City and they'll put the services in there and he'll build the development and get away with lesser code violations and doesn't have to pay the impact fees that we charge so I think you're making a little bit of a mistake here you want to get more property in here taxable so you can make more Revenue but you're going to deny this person the right to get the services that should normally come when he annexes into this city um a lot of things you don't know and understand about this we won't know should be brought up as Mrs War Mr warno is saying thank you right thank you right any other discussion on this matter Jeff Gregory 3320 Bradington Avenue I own the subject property there um I've owned the property since 2002 um I'm a developer I didn't understand at the beginning when I bought the property that it was going to be what it's turned out to be today I was issued a building permit on the property I built a building there uh understand now it is non-conforming I have a business license I've been running a construction company there since 200 too um with it being non-conforming it's my concern that any day City says you can't operate your business here anymore um I have I had a buyer for the property at one time and they came to the city to ask for a business license and they were told they couldn't do what they wanted to do there so that that's when it came to my attention that at some point I might be shut down at this point um the property that was de annexed at 34th and 389 I was actually a part of that also the water and sewer came from the uh corner of coastal Plumbing where the lift station is so we can get water and sewer from that point over down Sarasota it is cost prohibitive for me to get water and sewer in the city of L Haven um I've got engineer that I'm working with on this is indicated to me that yall want to have us put a loop system in from a zela place all the way back over to Highland Heights which I developed also where we have a lift station there it's cost prohibitive to run that water and run that Loop through that undeveloped property there so um you know basically non-conforming if I go to the county I'll be conforming at that point we're contiguous to commercial I don't know at this point that we'll get it rezoned or L us change to commercial but in the county we will be conformed any questions for sir if I can ask when did when did you get told you were nonconforming what what year probably 2010 and I realized it obviously it was not conforming from day one but there's also there's future land use map that's shows conservation coming up into my building up to it and into it but I was issued a permit to build this building there I don't know how that happened and I understand the L use future L use has been in place since before I bought the property MH but they still I didn't see that I didn't know that but they still allowed me to build this building top of the conservation and and did you apply for any land use change to commercial with the city of ly Haven not not it was um I think it was a lengthy process uh to go through DCA because of the conservation in the future lanus map was it was indicated to me that it probably would not pass so I didn't want to spend the money to get a l use change through L Haven when it wouldn't pass I didn't want to take a chance is there is there any way we can we could all meet and see if uh if we can [Music] satisfy Amanda what exactly would you like to satisfy I mean the man wants to go to the county in instead of the city of linh Haven which is a business decision on his part right criteria for contraction you have the authority to Grant it or not it's a legislative decision but it's based on it's based on what he just said it's based on the fact that he said he was nonconforming and he he felt like he didn't even need to to to go through the process of a land use change with us the land use map has shown conservation on that property since 1999 there is a small area of density residential which is where he has his business what makes it non-conforming is that he has a business on low density residential so he has been grandfathered in and he has been operating as a non-conforming business since 200000 a long time it will remain non-conforming he continue he can continue to run his business there unless it's destroyed by more than 50% or it's vacant for more than 6 months and it loses its non-conforming status and anything else that is constructed on there would have to conform to low density residential so basically a single family house probably because the majority of that property is conservation and that is a future land use map designation that can only be changed by the state okay so if he does go to the county if he annexes into the county will he will he have the same Quagmire that he has with us I I don't know if he can what the county will do about that land use map designation because it's our designation but there was a reason it was put into conservation and my guess is that when the subdivisions close by next to it were developed that was probably or when the land use was changed on those what often happens and has happened with St Joe in the past is that they have put and I think this was St Joe property actually at one time is that um they are required to put land in into conservation so that they can get permits to build on Wetlands or whatever I don't know if that's what happened as a long long time ago but I don't know how that will influence the County's decisions if he goes to the county until the county changes its own Maps the cities will it works exactly the same way for annexation City when the city annexes property if it doesn't change its comp plan Maps the Count's Maps control until the city changes something that's the default but the county won't have a land use on that property because it's not in the county it's in the city the city's land use map will control oh okay so it will stay conservation the until they change got it thank you just that last part I just want to make sure I got that right so if a DX dnex to the county it'll St have to stay conservation the city's land use uh designation will control until the county changes their Maps yes but then isn't it as simple as he goes to the county and and wants to D after we let him DNX he goes to the county and then they do the land use change so he' had he'd have to go through that process regardless whether he dnxs or not and will he be held up by the state will the county be held up by the state on a land use change now let me ask that that's our snafu right now we're held up by the state no no no no no your that is not your snafu your snaf you your only point to decide is whether or not he meets the criteria it doesn't matter his motivation it doesn't matter what does next right just if he meets the criteria for contraction then I'll I'll the only thing I'll ask you another question sir as a businessman to a businessman I mean if you if if if you had a um you if you you had second thoughts and wanted to stay in the city of linh Haven if if if we did a land use change is that what you're but I'm also hearing him say that it's about connecting to our water system as well it's not just the for me to run the water and loop that system back into place I need two Services you won't have the same issue with the county yeah so that's what I'm hearing Count's not making me Loop the system guess we have our answers all right thank you sir okay thank you and again we'll vote on this at the next meeting today is just by title only all right uh discussion about naming the chamber after the former mayor Walter T Kelly uh city manager yes mayor this came up at my table talk uh residents brought it up resident brought it up and uh you know was uh very uh driven by the fact that and of course um our former mayor had 25 years as um mayor and I think before then as a commissioner and um just pointed it out that there's nothing in the city that is named after our former mayor mayor T Kelly uh and so I told him I would bring it to the commission uh I I think we surely have honored some other Commissioners in the past and um the residents that were there agree with them all right um is there any further uh discussion any questions objections from the commission for this I see mayor Kelly in Publix all the time he says he's listening so I want to say hi to Mayor Walt Kelly I would support anything like that to name the chamber after him for his years of service to our country and our city um so that it can be officially on record and not come up 30 years from now um that we didn't officially do this is there a motion uh to name the chamber uh after the former mayor Walter T Kelly I would proudly make the motion to name the chamber after Walter T Kelly is there a second for this second um any discussion from the public all right city manager if you call the vote commissioner pno yes commissioner Vander Griff yes commissioner War yes commissioner Peebles yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed and discussion only about chap CH 26 um the environmental chapter um I know Friday we had a good discussion and highlighted a few things uh some of the language that was in there as well and also just ask that our um direct Department directors that they would submit info to the city manager so that we could receive that and that we could look through that as well on the different suggestions that they may have um in regards to updating this chapter is there any additional questions or things thought about or maybe questions from the citizens since we met on Friday um May if I may I just like to thank Miss Amanda for the undertaking and what we're going to do because at our preting it seemed like we're kind of going to stand back a little bit and wait for you to make a lot of changes or to changes that you deem necessary in the in the chapters and I think you're undertaking a project that you know I we're bring bringing light to it but it's going to fall in your lap here for a little while and I appreciate all your efforts so I want to make a thank you to her and everybody else who's who's looking at this diligently so all right thank you um other Commissioners any additional questions or input for this all right if not hopefully everyone has a great week meeting a journ