e e e e e e e e e e e e e and calling to order our city Commission meeting on Tuesday May the 14th at 9 a.m. this time we'll have the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance let's pray together Heavenly Father we come to you this morning because you tell us to come you tell us to keep asking and keep seeking and keep knocking you tell us if we come and we ask for wisdom that you will not get on to us for that but we ask in faith and father we pray that you would Grant wisdom to our commission to our leaders God we pray that your favor would continue to be on our city and father we pray that you would be honored in all that is said and done in this meeting today we pray it all in Jesus name to the flag of the United un States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right thank you uh Mr Jerry we'll have you to come once we do the proclamation uh I'll introduce myself my name is Jerry Morano um I've lived in Lin Haven for 28 years so I'm almost a Native Son um at 21 years in the Coast Guard auxiliary and uh 42 years um sailing the borders of the Gulf of Mexico from Mississippi to Panama City and Beyond so um I'm happy and honored to be here to accept this Proclamation for national state boting week uh from the council uh on behalf of the the Coast Guard and the Coast Guard auxiliary I could take a couple minutes and just tell you a little bit uh about what we do and what we provide for the community we have one failla in Bay County failla 1 19 this is the smallest unit of organization of the of auxiliary the auxiliary was founded in 1939 by an act of Congress we the only auxiliary that serves the act of Duty in this manner in fact uh our mission is to be the eyes and ears of the Coast Guard and we can carry out any of the missions of the Coast Guard as an Assistance or on our own except law enforcement uh Coast Guard the Coast Guard is the only active duty agency that has a responsibility for enforcement of federal laws in the waters of the United States all navigable Waters uh the territories of the United States Hawaii and Alaska there are only 44,000 coard auil re active duty they're spread thin and tell you the the country is uh undergoing U if you read the papers threats from all areas these people need our help the Coast Guard and they need our support and that's what the auxiliary uh does there 31,000 auxiliarist in the United States but here in Panama City Panama City Beach we have 35 now the primary mission of the uh auxiliary is to provide Motor Safety instruction for the general public we provide motor safety courses we provide U inspections of uh commercial and recreational vessels and we provide literature to the general public about boater safety now in Bay County alone there's 18,000 recreational boats registered of those 18,000 boats we maybe inspect 5% per year very small number the other situation is that the the most uh accidents are now occurring with uh personal watercraft jet skis this those jet skis are like the motorcycles of our uh highways they can go up to 70 miles an hour they can have four people on board if you're involved in an accident at 70 miles an hour you're not going to survive uh and there are instances if you read the uh safety reports where people have really been killed or injured the second uh area of concern is paddle boards paddle boards are boths less than 16 ft they can operate in Florida at night with a flashlight they're very hard to see they're getting hurt as well so my message is that we have a beautiful area um enjoyed by a lot of uh tourists that come into our area they support our economy they have a good time they go home but some people don't go home they they get hurt or injured in our uh Waters um I can cite references to you it makes the headlines all the time but I don't want to go through that I don't have enough time but I will tell you that if you have proper situation awareness you can avoid all this these U incidents you can recognize that danger and not get yourself out of the way or if you're in a a situation where you can't get out of the way if you have the proper training you know how to react you know how to handle your boat all right so situation awareness is two parts it's training and it's experience so the Coast Guard auxiliary uh we can bring the training to the general public through our courses and then the general public can use that training to gain experience and we can share our experiences we had AR filla it's amazing 35 people many of them are retired military okay and um we have all branches of service Representatives we even have a Brier General who's retired who's a member of our uh our our auxiliary so that's the kind of people you're dealing with the rest of us civilians uh we've got extensive uh boating experience in the uh recreational commercial power and sale uh boting so we have a lot to offer but we need to get that message out because the public is not taking advantage of our services I'm very frustrated because the last class we taught we had three people show up uh so we need we need help from the press and from the people here because in our best interest not to have accidents on the water so again thank you for that Proclamation thank you for listening I could go on for another 10 minutes but I know you don't have the time so um I appreciate that and you know you know with 42 years experience out there on a boat um and I'm only 50 years old I'm lying of course but um I've seen a lot and I can I'd like to share those experiences with people if they're interested thank you very much thank you you want to give me the proclamation or you get that later it's on the agenda for in a moment so give us one moment thank you Mr Walker good morning uh on on what's been going on lately dealing with public commentary and everything like that is very interesting and as you know it's a s subject with me uh but I'm dealing with one thing uh for 20 years I've been here I've attended a lot of meetings a lot of public speaking been involved in a lot of public incidents uh some catastrophic to this commission and to this city I'm very costly by mistakes made by Commissioners in their duties um the thing that I take an exception to or look at is you're saying that the public commentary should not be at the end of the meeting for 20 years it was that way it worked worked why it worked because you were able to say what you had to say your legislative branch had to say what they had to say and then the people got a chance to to answer it sometimes they never knew what was going to be on the agenda therefore they didn't know how to sign in or do the right thing they had to wait then they found out that something was detrimental to them they couldn't speak about it I believe that you should reconsider the time the public commentary would it last that way we get to say over the whole content of the meeting if some surprises are made and they are made we get to say something we get to say out three minutes and you and the legislative branch do not get to rebuttal it please think about this we need a fair chance at the game don't think we're getting it thank you thank you Proclamation whereas Florida leaves the nation and the number of registered vessels and by far had the most accidents with 16% of those vessels being pwcs involved in 24% of the accidents and whereas drowning was the cause of 80% of recreational boating fatalities of which 75% were not wearing life jackets and 85% were males and whereas most accidents are caused by improper Lookout an operator inexperience with collision with another vessel being the primary accident type followed by Falling overboard and whereas most accidents occur between 2: p.m. and 7: p.m. with the highest number of accidents and fatalities occurring in the months of May and July and whereas during National safe boating week the US Coast Guard and his federal state and local safe boating Partners encourage all boers to explore and enjoy America's beautiful Waters responsibly by following basic boting safety procedures like like carrying life saving emergency distress and Communications equipment ensuring everyone on board is wearing life jackets visiting the cgaux.org website to attend a boating safety course and participate in free boat safety checks make a float plan and always let someone on Shore know where your trip itinerary include operating passenger information boat description and registration know where you are going and travel at safe speeds use the mandatory engine cut off switch never operate boat under the influence of drugs or alcohol and always designate a sober Skipper now therefore we support the goals of safety boating campaign and urge all those who vote to participate to practice safe boting habits and wear a life jacket at all times while boating and by The Virtue and Authority invested in me as mayor of the city of ly Haven and on behalf of the commission we hereby declare May 18th through May 24th 20124 as National safe boting week signed this day the 14th day of May 20 24 [Applause] [Applause] Proclamation for National Public Works week whereas Public Works professionals focus on infrastructure facilities and services that are of vital importance to sustainable and resilient communities and to the public health high quality of life and well-being of the people of the city of ly Haven and whereas these infrastructure facilities and services cannot be provided without the dedicated efforts of Public Works professionals who are Engineers managers and employees at all levels of government and the private sector who are responsible for rebuilding improving and protecting our nation's Transportation water supply water treatment and Solid Waste Systems public buildings and other structures and Facilities essential for our citizens and whereas it is in the public interest interest for the citizens Civic leaders and children in the city of Lin Haven to gain knowledge of and to maintain an ongoing interest and understanding of the importance of Public Works and Public Works programs in their respective communities and whereas the year 2024 March the 63rd annual National Public Works week sponsored by the American public works Association Canadian Public Works Association now therefore by virtue and Authority invested in me as mayor City ly Haven and on behalf of the city commission we declare May 19th through 25th 2024 as National Public Works week sign this 14th day of May 2024 [Applause] [Applause] now for the uh mayor's report uh thank you for that information regarding the Coast Guard auxiliary and the trainings that are offered there um hopefully as more boers get on the water they'll seek out that training um and know that that's available to you not sure if y'all's training is available on um and you can just let us this just me providing some feedback um I know like uh when you look at like uh Florida Wildlife they have different boa courses so not sure if they list you all on that Bo of course or not so that might be someone to check with um in regards to the other um entities that encourage voters to get safety training um in regards to the uh public commentary um certainly this has been a I guess a question uh since I've been mayor um certainly I haven't been here for 20 years but as long as I've been coming to commission meetings that have not been at the end of the meeting um matter of fact uh prior to me getting elected it was after uh the reports and as you mentioned Mr Walker there was no rebuttal and so the complaint that I would hear as I would sit in those meetings is that the commission was not responding to the public commentary therefore or as a commission we decided to move the public commentary up so that uh just like I'm doing now we could respond to the public commentary um in regards to people not knowing what was going to be on the agenda I don't know how it was done 20 years ago I wasn't here then but I do know now that the agenda is publicized prior to the meeting so by the end of close of business on Friday the agenda is posted we even have pre-commission meetings to get a sneak peek of what the agenda is like um and so those agendas are posted on Friday prior to uh commission meeting so there's Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday morning or either Tuesday all day so that's like four you know four to four to five days um for people to know what's on the um on the agenda so that's one of the reasons it actually moved up and so that we could discuss so as you stated at the end we do not get to make a rebuttal that that's fine however a lot of times during public commentary questions are being asked um and so then we would just have public commentary and we would leave so uh if public commentary was just individuals making statements then I guess we would have to say don't expect a response if you ask a question at the same time so um again I know that's something that uh some have differences of opinion about in regards to where the public commentary should be placed in different cities throughout the State of Florida and throughout America put it in different places some of them have it at the end some of it have it in the middle some of them it at the beginning like we do so I think it's really what works best for that city um and its citizens the other issue we having public commentary at the end is if we do have someone like often times I see is that someone comes for public commentary and then they give it UPF front uh and then they leave so some cities that actually put it at the end uh whether you know it or not is to defer people from having public commentary because they want you to wait the entire meeting before you say something hoping that you'll be uh a little discouraged and you will would leave before it's your time for public commentary so that's one reason why some cities you know probably have it at the end so as I've stated what I do see is people coming in they might be taking off for work might be on their morning Break um or might have to go to a softball game or some other kind of game at the end of the day so uh they come they give their public commentary and they leave they're not really interested in staying for what's on the entire agenda um at the same time so you know those are just some thoughts on uh where the public commentary is is on the agenda and it was a consensus of the commission to move it to that point if you all remember that it wasn't just the mayor saying hey let's move public commentary here and it happened it was a consensus of the entire commission that we move public commentary there but the purpose of doing what I'm doing now which is to provide feedback to the citizens um so they can receive some type of uh response to the questions and concerns that they they might have um also just want to uh thank the city manager for uh addressing some of citizen issues that we had over these past couple of weeks had a chance to meet with her um as well as some citizens to try to resolve some problems in their neighborhoods and so um giving them some direction and guidance on how they can sort of Take Charge on that um certainly the city we have our responsibility as Government to provide services for you but do remember it's your neighborhood so there are things that you as private citizens and owners um of your neighborhood can actually do as well um and so had a chance T to sit down with some citizens and just talk about some of the things they could do um in their in their neighborhoods I also had a chance to attend the concert for moms there at the um Sheron sherfield Park on Mother's Day so Carver High School B from a g Alabama came down and put on a great performance for uh the moms that were able to come out from the community as well as for those that were just having fun in the park with their children um and their moms as well so that was a a great great concert um thank you to uh just all of our staff those that are working really really hard um I get a chance sometimes to go out to the sports complex and walk around and so I mean it's work going on there all the time I mean from the time I get there to the time I leave um there's always somebody there working and so thank you guys for the the hard work and the diligence that you put in um you know for what you're what you're doing and so we certainly appreciate um the work that you're doing there um as as well of course we know uh Chief Delan um had his retirement so we're going to certainly uh miss him uh usually uh whenever we have these storms and stuff like that I would get you know we get some type of report saying what the storm is going to be um and uh and yesterday you know just sort of missed that so um so yeah just just certainly wishing him well in his retirement but I know he's left a lot of good wisdom for for his those that are coming up after him so thank you guys and Lin Haven that are contining to serve and you know just continue to make us uh top 10 cities so Del L and uh he set a high bar you know when he retired we left as top two safest city in the State of Florida per Capal and top 10 best place to live so we can't go to number 11 right we got to stay in the top 10 okay so let's keep striving for that and meeting Meeting those goals as well also man the Spring Concert Series it was great this year and I know it's been something that's very popular and I do get good feedback from those in the community that when they talk about the entertainment that we offer here in Lin Haven the spring con the concert series is something that always comes up even most recently um now one thing that people did you know ask about is some type of indoor entertainment facility for families and so I do hear that a lot from um couples with children is that having somewhere where we can go so um and I encourage the Commissioners as because we all meet different people that as you're meeting different individuals who might want to make an investment into Lin Haven um encourage them to think about and if they just want to make money and don't have a particular Vision or goal encourage them to think about creating some type of indoor entertainment facility um for our our families and for everyone because on a day like yesterday when it rains we can't go out on our boats and uh and we can't really enjoy the park and so either we have to take all of our money to Panama City or Panama City Beach um to really still have a good time so uh there something for us to consider here what I don't know what that looks like if it looks like a a skating ring or if it looks like like a a bowling alley um but something where families can enjoy um their time here in Lin Haven as well I know we have the sports complex um but sometimes the pickleball takes over and the basketball takes over so uh we we need something here for our family so again as you're out talking to different individuals as people are coming in eating chicken wings um you know might want to remind them there there's you know they can also provide facilities for entertainment um for our families here in Lin Haven and also on May 24th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. um I'll be part of hosting a night of jazz and soul there at Wild rot and so invite you to come out here's some local artists in our community uh providing a little more entertainment for us there is no cover charge so just come out and enjoy I think that's pizza night too and so get some pizza some good food some good vibes and uh and just have a a great time that is my report thank you mayor uh it got me kind of hungry because Wild Root has some of the best pizza around on Friday nights but uh anyways as the mayor said um the concert Ser the Spring Concert Series came to a close it was fantastic it was always a great turnout and um I'm really excited for that so I just wanted to thank everyone all the staff and and the artists and everyone that made that happen I hope that it continues to happen for many years in the future I had my coffee meet up at the end of last month at Sola um and I will continue to do that in the future um probably the the last week of May um so I'll let I'll post that on Facebook and let you guys know if you want to come meet up with me for coffee and as always you can always reach out to me at other time for other meetings too it doesn't just have to be during coffee I actually just set aside a a specific amount of time um and I wanted to thank the Lin Haven Golf Cart crew for for having their annual cleanup day the Bailey Bridge um this past week I think it was Friday the 10th that it happened so thank you for doing that um it's it's always awesome to see citizens get together and make Lin Haven a better place um one of the reasons why we are in the top 10 is because the citizens care so much about the city and continue to make it be beautiful and uh an accommodating place for everybody so thank you for that um and with that I just want to thank the staff and and everyone for doing a great job these past few weeks um it's been it seems like forever since our last meeting I think it's been three weeks just because of the way the calendar fell so uh it's been thank you so much um there was hardly any emails or anything of any anyone being upset about anything or or anything like that or anything going wrong so that means you know that you're doing a great job because if everything's going great you know it's relatively quiet so it was definitely relatively quiet the past few weeks which means um everything went smoothly and that's a a testament to everyone doing a great job so thank you for that and um yeah that's my report thank you commissioner pebles commissioner perno thank you mayor um thank you for the Shameless plug I appreciate it um um wild rot does Pizza on Friday and Saturday so just to throw it out there for Mr Eric and Mr peteza Eric they do a great job um I did have one citizen uh meet with me um what in in Publix and he just wanted to state that um to to let everyone know that there are people out there listening to our meetings um online and he just said he just wanted to make sure he said you know he says I think there's more people than you think that aren't at the meetings that are that are listening to our meetings so kind of made me feel good to know that there was there was a silent silent majority out there you know but uh the only thing um I have is beside my normal thank you is uh that U ly Haven uh host the longest running amateur golf tournament in the southeast United States and it's going to happen this this weekend it's going to be a soggy Sherman Invitational as there will be rain but there will be golf uh in between the spotty rain so um and it it is um i' I've participated in it and I have attended it uh um anybody who who would uh who would like to experience the game of golf firsthand I'd encourage them to come out and be part of The Gallery at the Lin Haven at the Panama country club so the Sherman Invitational starts on Friday Friday and Saturday is pool pool play and then Sunday is the actual is the actual flights and and and awards so it's a great time and uh I I would be remiss if I didn't didn't encourage anyone to to visit Panama country club this weekend um with that um I'll just uh I I want to thank the guys from public works I want to thank uh every Department uh want to thank Chief tan for his service um I want I want to thank all of our uh city employees our First Responders and uh and I'll leave the dispatchers up to you commissioner wart that's my report thank you commissioner perno commissioner wart I guess I'll start off with that thank you for all the city staff especially the dispatchers for what they do um I have my time with the commissioner later this month on the 25th of May at Slim Chickens at 11:30 for anyone would like to come out out and talk to me anything about the city or concerns or suggestions or anything they may have um I did have the pleasure of going to Chief delange's retirement um quite a few people showed up to that it was an awesome event I thought the city did a great job sending him off um pretty emotional day for him because 30 years is a long time to be in one organization um I don't know too many people have been in one Organization for 30 years it's kind of almost unheard of nowadays so I appreciate his service and dedication he uh it's going to be some pretty big shoes to fill but um he'll be very missed and uh some of the accolades he got were pretty remarkable um he got this um gold ring it's about the size of my head it's it's a huge ring so best of luck to him in his next chapter of his life um this past Saturday I went to Publix and I wore my Lin Haven commissioner Shir and I went around the whole place not one person came up to me so yeah I must not be as goodlook as commissioner tender or commissioner Vandergriff and uh so I even uh you know went by people and I was like and nothing and I got really desperate and I I went and introduced myself to people I said hey I'm commissioner work and they're like Commissioner of Publix what so uh it wasn't very successful so I I left with my head down so must must be more charismatic than I am so and then the last thing I have is I don't know if anybody knows this but today is an extremely special day I'm surprised the whole city didn't come out but if in case you don't know uh today is commissioner pee's 21st birthday so congratulations we got some milk and cookies in the break room for you so don't eat too many I don't want you get a tummy ache all right so happy birthday that's all I have commissioner bag gri uh I won't comment on commissioner people's age although ID probably worked 40 years when he was born so um I had the privilege of presenting on behalf of ly Haven the scholarship uh to Nate Reeves at the uh senior recognition at Mosley last week and uh yeah I don't know if you remember Nate but he's the one that designed the signs and so he was very thrilled and um he's a good kid and we wish him the best uh I also spoke with someone uh that was complaining about something close to their house so I uh what I usually do is I take a ride you know to to that area and it brought up a point that uh I I think is serious for our community uh house numbers you would not believe the number of home homes that have no house numbers on them now I know you say well there's GPS and I know it brings you to the neighborhood but to pinpoint the house you know just for safety reasons you would think that you would want house numbers on your home and so I just urge the citizens uh I know a lot of them probably were damaged during Michael or storms since then but if you you um do not have house numbers on your house please please look into that and address that issue uh for safety sake for the fire for the uh paramedics for the ambulances uh so that they you know a few seconds can save a house or save a life so um that's all I have thank you thank you city manager first of all let me welcome back Kiki Roman she's come to help us out uh for a little B while in finance and so we're happy to have her back and she's happy to be back so thank you Kiki she's going to do the war thank you I'm very happy to be back you have questions about the warrant list normally I asked mine beforehand but I didn't but uh the Honda Bay County what's that for that is for a Tru for facilities maintenance thank you you're welcome okay and then first let me introduce our fire chief Joe Baba he's sitting in the back he has been with the city I think about 26 years if I'm not mistaken and um he is going to be taking on the Reigns of fire chief it's already doing a great job and so we say welcome to you uh and we are delighted that he's part of the team we we did we did do National search and uh you know it came to uh down to several applicants and uh we just thank Joe for his patience but um we're glad he's here so we did have the last uh Spring Concert Series and uh of course it was a success Will Thompson did a great job and uh we were already work working on Fall concert series and we did do a survey and ask citizens would they like the concert series to be on a Thursday or Friday overwhelm they said Friday uh and so we're going to try Friday this year for fall concert series and see how it goes um from there uh actually we are asking people also to update their information uh you should be receiving in the mail just your regular utility bill and there's a place there that you can send back in to customer service for your stuff to be updated why is that important uh because the more updated information you have within the system the better we can communicate with you uh Tyler notify is really ran off of the information that you have within the system and your utility billing and so it's really important we have updated information you can call them or you can uh stop by or send in uh the form that was with your bill to do so uh each week I'm going to start something that I think is very important to ask uh probably at one of the meetings uh um Department had to come up and just kind of give you an update of all the great things that are going on you hear me talk about sports and recreation a lot so I asked Justin Ward the director of sports and recreation to kind of give you a brief update of all the things that are going on Sports and Rec it is absolutely rocking there as you know we are over 1100 kids uh as opposed to 5 years ago we had 250 so Justin would you just give an update please yes ma'am good morning happy birthday um morning listen if the weather works with us we're wrapping up Spring ball uh we should start playoffs next week for Spring ball um we should have approximately five to six teams that will go to Allstar um World Series this year um that would be June 26th that they will participate with that um we're also hosting our own local All-Star tournament um that will be June 13th so if you guys want to watch the teams play you can come out June 13th through 15th right here um we just finished registration for B basetball um we have 240 kids signed up we're actually still looking for a few coaches so um any of you guys I know you play basketball anybody wants to coach um we're looking for extra coaches for basketball um we have our turbo pixel tournament that is Competitive Gaming this is our second tournament that will be June 15th at the sports complex um 9:00 a.m. start um also for your basketball fans we're going to have a basketball tournament that will be May 25th um through the 26 and then there's going to be a following tournament after that June 22nd through the 23rd um along with that we have a volleyball camp which will be Coast hosted by um the head coach of North Bay Haven that volleyball camp will be two days June 29th we will have 3rd through sixth grade um we're only taking 24 participants for that and then July 20th we're doing all of Middle School um so we're breaking up in days cuz I I guess they actually use different sizes of of balls the weight of the ball so June 29th 3rd through 6th grade um and June 20th all of Middle School um and then we're going to have a 4 day basketball camp that will start June 3D um four days it would include lunch I believe it's 125 bucks um that will be by coach Ross of u ruford high school he's going to be helping us put that on for the adults this summer we're starting adult kickball um kicking that back off we have eight teams right now we need one more team um so anybody that wants to sign sign up please reach out to us as soon as possible and we have adult softball um at the sports complex we have 15 teams signed up for that right now um that's $600 a team for adult softball that's pretty much what we have going on right now any questions questions for Justin yes he doing a great job also bringing in some additional revenue and we're very appreciative for it for all of the programs that are going on and you notice all of the programs that are happening we had to make sure we give uh something for everyone even gaming there there are some kids that don't play sports uh that need some type of outdoor act uh indoor activity so um mayor I think we're hitting all those angles in terms of all the activities that could be going on and the program continues to grow uh just another update too uh the Boys and Girls Club someone had asked me about how was it going they're full they have a 100 kids and a boy Boys and Girls Club here in the city of L Haven um and so they are at capacity and that program is doing really really well um we are I just wanted to give a shout out also to Public Works and Public Utilities but Public Utilities as you know we've been working to really get that plant back up and going um in a very positive manner and so a couple of things we've done here and and thanks to Chris and Danny m for for handling these situations our pond at the Wastewater Plant is emptied and uh the sludge and silt cleaned out that has been a huge ta task so we're putting in the linear um repair we're doing the linear repairs and uh we're going to be getting that done in the next uh couple of days or so the centrifuge um ran for the first time last week for the first time last week that's where uh when we're talking about turning uh the sludge into cake that will definitely save us money so that's going to be able to help us out um with the cake sludge and then just a reminder on water meters crews are working to change out all stuck and bad meters so if you haven't been receiving a bill in the past couple of months you will water bills will be more accurate to those have who have not had accurate bills because we are diligently going and changing out any stuck meters or bad me meters to make sure that we can U get all the income available U on that same subject we are now at 10,700 um accounts before hurricane Michael we were at 10,2 the city is surely growing in many of those areas and um we are definitely thanking uh Stephanie and her crew for doing a great job with customer service and um I think those oh lastly um would you guys stand up the public works here if you've ever heard M Chris Bobby heard of TR a trash truck that was a big moment if you've seen it on on Facebook our guys actually took um a truck out to uh someone I think that was having a birthday party and a trash truck actually is pretty uh widespread right now and so they reached out to the public work department and they drove one of our trash trucks over and kids got to see them dump uh trash into the truck and of course they were absolutely just thrill so thank you guys very much for doing that okay that's my report sir if I may I I'm I I missed one thing to to just announce publicly is that is that the um the the the TP um the do has their five-year work plan we'll be voting on it in June um but theyve theyve um their window for their public Workshop ended yesterday um that for but they still have a if you go to their website they still have a way where you can do a survey um the and and I know in in year years past I've I did during my report I actually had the the way that you could get on there and and and uh it's the same exact way to go to the fdot website and you their five-year work plan you can do their survey and you can move up or Express the need for um for urgently getting a project done so I would I would encourage everyone as I did the last time they did this uh to uh to get on there and do a survey and uh make it a priority to to uh expand um the the um Highway 390 from from Highway 77 to 231 they're just they're they're waiting they're waiting on the 231 project um it they're saying that it should be about 2030 before they start on this uh so but but they said it can move up the priority list so the general public can help so I just wanted to put that out there right thank you commissioner City attorney uh since our last meeting I have been working on a resolution regarding the agenda preparation protocol and approval so you should expect to see that at your next meeting have thank you are there any questions for the City attorney all right moving on to our consent agenda approval of minutes 42 3 24 regular meeting minutes approval of the city Lin Haven 1911 plat residential paint program is there a motion for this um M mayor I I just have one question about the the approval of the city of Lin Haven 1911 plat residential paint program is that only the CRA within the plant cuz I see it's highlighted in blue on the map or is it the whole 1911 plat because the 1911 plat goes over this CRA correct yep that is correct um the this um this application or this this incentive is for the 1911 PL area except the CRA area because we already have this incentive available in the C we have seen the benefits of this program within the C what it can do to the positive impacts that that it can create in in the CRA or it has been creating in the C and now we're proposing to expand this to the 1911 PL area perfect are you prepared to financially do you have an idea what what it's going to be or we already have some in terms of the the budget um we did not really do any um major changes to um the budget for for this because we we still have some incentive funds um available um under the economic this would fall under the economic development department and we still have some funds for incentives available uh in that area and we could use those funds to cover the anticipated expenses for the remainder of the fiscal year thank you that's all IAD and with that I'd like to make a motion to approve was there a second all second motion and second uh City minut if you call the vote commissioner parno yes Peebles yes commission War yes commissioner vff yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed moving on to new business discussion and possible approval of resolution number 2024 04427 for the fiscal year 2324 midyear budget question you know midye this is our midyear budget will we do some adjustments in our budget um we're happy to say that our budget is down uh we worked on it much with the former Finance director and then Kiki came in and looked at some additional things um that needed to be changed uh so we got those changed and then right after that we're starting to our budget so this is our mid year and um I think mayor normally uh we have a resolution in place uh she'll give you kind of the summary of that and you can decide whether or not you just want to F each page and just identify those areas that we've gone up or down just do like we've done before just flip the page and identify those areas and if there's any questions we can stop and ask certainly I'll be happy to do that as um city manager mentioned there is a 1% budget savings from the numbers that I brought you last September so congratulations for that that's wonderful news and that is in the resolution um I will go quickly through each of the departments please stop me if you have questions along the way um the highlights for the revenues which are your first few pages that have the green bars green columns are the revenues the first few pages of the document uh I'm assuming you have this in front of you a highlight for the general fund is we've added an additional $221,000 to reserves that's like putting money away in the savings account for future use so that's wonderful news for general fund um we are pushing back some of the projects in the storm water department the hmgp grant uh projects will be pushed to the next fiscal year so I'll bring those to you next go around that resulted in a 39% savings for the storm water department the grants will be totaling $1,791 th000 that's on the bottom of page nine and each of the grants is highlighted on that page Capital expenditures um Citywide will be 16, 865,000 that's on the bottom page 12 and each of the Departments are highlighted individually if you have questions about what will be purchased during then we get to the Departments legislative has uh 2% increase um that had to do with some of the shirts that you're wearing today the executive department has uh stayed stagnant was saving $382 finance department is saving $61,000 plan planning department is saving 700 sorry $7 7,782 th000 the public works department is saving 8,643 uh there's no change to the general fund Debt Service facility's maintenance is saving $6,300 um administrative support that is going up $312,000 because we are putting an an additional $221,000 in the bank so that gets a little that's a good thing there it we are going to spend um an additional $52,000 that's primarily for the purchase of a new server at $30,000 law enforcement we are increasing by $154,000 uh that's r&m building and grounds there's $66,000 that going to be spent on r&m and and I wasn't involved in those discussions so I'm not exactly sure what the detail for that number is but I can certainly find out if you're interested the fire department we're spending an additional $558,000 also has to do with um sorry uh the wind retrofit there's $48,000 spent on the Wind retrofit Ro enforcement is saving 9,00 , 456 protective inspections is saving $823,000 823 HR is spending an additional $2,436 Lin Haven bio preserve is has increased by $387 I'll remind you that that is completely Grant funded so we submit invoices for um complete reimbursement for what is spent at the biop park preserve that uh we I have not done the analysis I'll be able to report to you later how much is left on that original Grant amount customer service has um made no changes at all the streets department is spending another $958,000 and that has to do with sidewalks on 26th Street and 8th Street we will be using impact fees for those um for those two projects and that's almost $600,000 just for those two projects 's see fet we've increased by $3,063 Economic Development we've increased by $66,000 that's for the V vulnerability assessment project always difficult for me to say I'm not sure why um that's an increase of 60 Grand Sports and wreck that you've heard all these wonderful things about we are increasing by $162,000 that is a wonderful thing that means we're serving more of our residents uh we're offering more programs and we need the staff and the uh equipment and supplies to be able to do that so this is another sign of the growth of the city parks and grounds were increasing by $44,000 also um a good sign that we're increasing our services to the city uh there's one increase to the cont contractual Services I believe that it's moving money from one to another Communications on marketing we're increasing by $2,932 Animal Control is going down by $229,000 that has to do with some change in personnel there um the impact fees we're going to be using an additional $80,000 that we originally budgeted for CRA has increased by $76,000 again CRA is handled completely different than the rest of the city it is the cr's cra's responsibility to spend the money um on appropriate projects they have plenty of money in their reserves to be able to handle this increased budget the water department water department has cut $272,000 um they still have a very U modest Reserve number of 206 again that's putting money in the bank for future use so congratulations to the water department that's an amazing feat the sewer department is increasing the budget by $679,000 they are they are using money from their savings for this budget I am thrilled to death to see the um the cake being produced that in the long run will save the city a lot of money those sledg huling numbers were quite large U and still will be during this fiscal year but next year I'm hopeful that ends the storm water department we have as I previously stated we've moved all the hmgp projects to next year so you see a savings of 2,791 th000 um it's a little uh complicated here but we're reducing the revenues and reducing the expenditures so there's not really that there's no difference in what the city will spend it's just the numbers are deflated uh sanitation department as always is our healthiest of the Enterprise funds we've increased their budget by 9,130 uh we'll be using million3 of the impact fees for the Enterprise funds this year and the disaster recovery account uh the grand total of the budget for this fiscal year is 7,853 th000 that is a substantial decrease from what you've seen in years past as by where we're standing today you know that there were wrapping these projects up and I forecast that these numbers will continue to decrease in the coming years and lastly we have a little bit of money set aside in Co just in case no that was quick what questions can I answer for you I got one yes sir so uh when we see that the impact fees for let's just say for example sewer impact fees was initially to 2 million is and now it's down to 1 million um can you explain to me why an impact fee would drop in the budget that is not the revenue number you're looking at the money we're going to use okay so that's the amount that we planned on using versus the amount we're going to use correct got it okay makes sense and then that dis the disaster from 6 million to 7.8 that's the amount of money that's going to be spent on Disaster Recovery correct I know that there's um still some uh invoices open for this building there are still some invoices open for um Bas phase four we talked about this yesterday it was $227,000 that's still open for the sports complex uh and but I I think everything pretty much else is wrapped up we still have uh James Rogers Park which you guys have already approved we're waiting on FEMA uh to tell us to go ahead I think they're trying to decide if they want to go to ehp we haven't changed the footprint so we're pretty confident we may hear from them within the next month um and that's $890,000 don't we probably won't use it all this year because they're taking so long to come back so that project will probably land over into next year as well and then of course we decrease um the library because even if we started a library we would not spend that money entire year so for the sewer we know that sewer is uh how do I put it the unhealthiest of the Enterprise funds um the increase on that was that for the headworks going to be using a million dollars for the design that's for the expansion or is that just for the head expansion and remember that money comes out of impact fees so we're not taking money out of sewer fund that money comes out of impact fees and then when the increase um rates that we had for not just for sewer that should help out with a lot of the things that they need just for the uh everyday repair and maintenance and things like that that was the intent of the increases yes we see any issues with that in the future as far as bringing in enough revenue for that I will welcome the opportunity to discuss that last next time is that okay um I have not had a chance to review since I've come back understood welcome back thank you for sure any additional questions yeah I was also curious about uh I was going to ask you about what Sam had asked you I noticed that there was a a decrease but thank you for explaining it that does make sense um I was curious as to what is indirect recovery so what happens is each of the Enterprise funds contributes to the general fent portion of my salary a portion of this building a portion of the insurance is charged to the Enterprise funds the history on that is the city has determined 10% of the general fund should be charged to the the four Enterprise funds each year I recalculate the dollar value that the Enterprise funds will contribute if one Enterprise fund is uh substantially more than another Enterprise fund I do it proportionately so they don't each pay one quarter of that 10% I base it on the budgets so it will fluctuate and when you see the number in direct recovery at the bottom um that's what they're contributing to help pay for my salary and the building and the insurance and everything that it costs to run the city and it's 2,814 for1 about my classes um between the four Enterprise funds guess I have one more uh so on the storm water decreasing 39% spending this year because because we're going to use it next year is that going to affect next year's budget in a negative way no because those are Grant funded projects okay so the revenues will increase and the expenditures will increase the net will be zero there will be more activity we'll be writing more checks there will be more more projects but it's not coming out of the city's coffers it's coming from Grants okay perfect yeah that's I think that's what I had the hardest time understanding when I first looked at the budget just because a budget goes up or down doesn't necessarily mean um the spit spending more or less money it's all based on the the grants like hmdp grants and things so yeah you got to kind of put that in P well for me that's what I put in perspective when I look at it and kind of throws me off a little bit because it's like why did it go up so much and it's like well we're getting a lot of money for Grants and so we're not really spending more it's just we're getting more grants so which is a wonderful thing it is it is a great thing I just had one quick question on page 33 the you you explained the increase in spending in streets um to 995 61,000 and you said that about 600,000 was the sidewalk projects mhm but what is the additional three 100,000 if you if there was there's a dump dump truck there's a dump truck the dump truck okay um Chris how much is the dump truck paving road paving or okay BL so that's still a grant right okay d that we're getting closer there you go dump truck and Paving right is there a motion to uh approve the midye budget motion to approve second motion by commissioner Ward second by commissioner perno City manage if you'll call the vote do we do public commentary no any public commentary okay if you'll call the vot commissioner War yes commissioner perno yes commissioner Vandergriff yes commissioner eiles yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed uh reminder made to 23rd there'll be a mayor's Town Hall 5:30 p.m. May 23rd be a mayor's Town Hall 5:30 p.m. look forward to seeing you Mr Walker all right meeting adjourn