e e e e e e e e e e calling our meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. this time we'll have Pastor Trent Gan of First Baptist of Lin Haven to offer our morning prayer Pastor Gan here right our chap Frank Stevens will offer our morning prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance remain standing after vacation for the Pledge of Allegiance father we thank you for the privilege that you have given us to come together to uh govern the the city we pray blessing upon the those who have who are serving um give them wisdom and discernment we thank you for the employees of this city Lord that Faithfully serve the residents protect our First Responders our police our fire our M EMTs as they protect and serve the residents of blin Haven keep them safe we speak this in the name of Jesus Amen I pledge alleg to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all this time we open the floor for public commentary morning my name is Zach dealler 1600 Harvard Boulevard uh today I want to come up and speak about transparency in cities um for our Bastion of democracy to work it is imperative that both the city elected officials the city itself and the people of these cities have the ability to both speak and to have the ability to understand what's going on in the city you know we've we've heard a lot about the the Ricky Remy situation going on uh there has been a lot of you know anger in the way that it was handled um and and I want to point something out that my father was a sheriff's officer down in pellis County down in clear waterer in St Pete for 25 years served honorably and I love him to death um you know and he pointed out to me that had this happened down there and and this is an award-winning sheriff's office by the way he would have been put on administrative leave instantly it wouldn't have been a question when commissioners of this board tried to speak to that and tried to ask questions they were silenced why why were they silenced didn't we elect them to have a voice let's speak about voices okay we have an ordinance that's coming 1169 where we are going to do away with the way that this city has run for years and we're going to put the Power into one person's hands on who's going to make the rules for how we the citizens get to speak I don't think anybody in this room here believes in that at all there's verbiage in there that says that this could become a criminal thing if it's not followed we're going to make criminals out of the first amendment I don't believe that that's right but the main thing that I wanted to bring up is transparency and I'm going to bring up gree Pro again because that was a big topic for me and when I came up here to try to speak uh during the Quasi judicial part um I was told no sir we're not doing this today go sit down well it's my turn to speak and I want to bring something up uh one of the first donors not within the first months or anything like that but one of Jesse Nelson's first five donors within the first days of his campaign was Aaron LoveIt the man who signed the development order for grease Pro he didn't mention that 8 days later that development order was submitted signed and sealed and sent to it so on February 16th he received $1,000 from Mr love it and 8 days later it was submitted now did he mention that to you when he was under obligation to do so no might that have swayed your opinions I don't know but here's another interesting fact Mr Aon LoveIt has never donated money to any other commissioner or mayor whether elected not elected whether successful or not successful in Bay County since hurricane Michael what do you incline Mr Sir nothing I am just being truthful time's up thank you addition of public commentary yes sir and let's make it very clear when I received the donation had no idea development order was coming had no idea development order was coming had not talked with Mr lovet about his development order and so what we're asked under oath is have we communicated with anyone about their developments had not at all good morning Rich Walker 1106 Michigan Avenue um I'm on the same subject the gentleman's talking there um we've done some things for the last 20 years that I've been here that are being changed what I read on that proposed thing is there uh that you're going to change the public speaking thing again and the comment was made one portion of it going to be criminal when I read it I says okay what's going to be the crime if I commit this criminal thing and you you sir decide that I'm a criminal and you're going to sentence me what is it going to be I don't think You' defined that in your note in 2020 this was brought up by the era of the mayor and a commissioner one person was criticized put in jail almost killed by a police officer your sergeant of arms almost killed and I have pictures of that I wouldn't like that that's what's going to happen when you take me out of this building I don't like it not right that man took two years to solve the whole problem and it cost you a lot of money when he sued you you I don't think it's right to put in legislation legislation a law that's going to make it criminal speaking your right for the first amendment I know you're not infringing on the First Amendment and the First Amendment says that you're not allowed to infringe or abridge freedom of speech it's very bad to put in it legislation that you're going to arrest a citizen for an opinion that has the right to say additional public commentary good morning Christy maroy Port St Joe I I was wondering and you can hold your yes or NOS till after I'm finished but I was wondering if any of you and all of you had a chance to read uh the testimony that was in the Len Haven corruption uh hearing that concerned Ricky Ry and it was submitted to the attorney and of course two of the Commissioners and I suggested that the um attorney share that with the other Commissioners so that's one question and I was wondering if during some of your investigation you were able to talk to sheriff Tommy Ford and find out why his Deputy who showed up first to the hit and run for chief Ry why after that Deputy saw that it was Chief Ramy that did that hit and run through the um driver's license went back to the car and turned off his body Cam that is also available to you all to see um that whole situation and then it went on to uh the highway patrol the last thing that I really want to comment on is um I was very concerned and sorry that commissioner Vander was under siege and have been called stupid I don't think anyone should um really go down to that level including a police Chief when he says things about Commissioners but I think if you're going to judge you need to judge on both sides and what I have always tried to do is be as objective as I can and still be human and so I would say this I think that uh commissioner Vandergriff is a bright educated lady and she's been in the Ed education business critical thinking skills is something we should teach all our children and in order to do that that means you have to have the power of the knowledge and the information and then base that on your decision so I would prefer that people not go to a place of hit below the belt that that's not necessary the last thing that I want to say because I've seen these proclamations and maybe I missed something but March is women's history month I would like this commission since they're big on days months proclamations to maybe consider that it's women contribute a lot to society thank you thank you additional public commentary good morning everyone Jerry Parker R Place um I do want to speak on the Ricky Ry situation but I want to Echo as well um that I object to having signups for the commission I think it's stifling freedom of speech as well so I just want to put that on the record I think um with the situation with Ricky Remy being put in on administrative leave I think you need to know the definition of what administrative leave means it doesn't mean that he comes to work it means he goes home that's what administrative believe is yet you have decided to keep him on and if you've taken his badge and his gun and he's at work he still has access to the Gun Locker um it is my understanding that um he carries a gun strapped to his leg so um that's another concern but if he's deemed to be dangerous enough not to have his gun and be in the in the in the building that's just kicking the can further down the road the fact that his hearing got moved from April to June is also kicking the can down the road how long are yall going to do this are youall going to continually in hopes that this the Good citizens of Lin Haven get tired of this and just it goes away I assure you this is not going away if I have to come to every single meeting I will speak about it this man is a liability to the city and it's been proven it's been proven and if you didn't read James Finch's letter where's your discernment where's your ability to look at that and say whoa wait a wait a minute this man has done some things that aren't so great for the city so I ask you to look at those with discernment and make a decision you should be fired period thank you additional public commentary all right thank you moving on to the mayor's report have our Proclamation for month of the military child whereas military children embody the very best of America shouldering the unique challenges military life places on families across our nation and around the world with tenacity as their parents serve our nation and protect children everywhere and whereas these young Patriots often pack up their lives every few years starting new schools and making new friends and whereas military children embody courage and selflessness remaining Brave when their moms and dads are deployed and remaining resilient when celebrating birthdays and holidays with an empty seat at the dinner table and whereas military and Veteran children also take care of loved ones who are wounded ill or injured and far too many grow up with the unbearable pain of losing a parent and whereas being a military child means sacrificing for our country without ever wearing a uniform and whereas the people of the United States should honor the children of our service members and Veterans for their bravery and show our gratitude for their own service to our nation with appr apprpriate ceremonies and activities now therefore we the city of Lin Haven Proclaim April 2024 as month of the military child on this 9th day of April 2024 we have someone here to receive this Proclamation Proclamation for National alter of Awareness Month whereas America was founded on the idea that all people are created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout their lives including millions of Americans on the autism spectrum who should be celebrated for their immersed contributions and unique perspectives and experiences making America a richer nation and some 5.4 million American adults and one in 36 children have been diagnosed with autism their experiences with the condition vary widely but their talents and potential are too often misunderstood or overlooked and whereas people with Autism routinely face unnecessary obstacles to securing employment and health care and children face bullying and barriers to education and whereas we can work to end these disparities and ensure they have an equal opportunity to reach their Dreams by making sure that people with Autism and those who support them have the resources and tools they need to communicate grow work and Achieve greater Independence and whereas diversity in all its forms is one of America's greatest strengths we recommit to making the promise of America real for every American on the autism spectrum upholding our most basic values of decency fairness and respect and whereas early diagnosis can make a big difference in helping people with Autism all all ages Thrive now therefore we the city Lin Haven do hereby to Proclaim April 2024 as National Autism Awareness Month on this 9th day of April 2024 their housing month whereas the fair housing act in April enacted on April 11 1968 enshrined in federal law the goal of eliminating racial segregation and ending housing discrimination in the United States and whereas the Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing based on race color religion sex familiar status national origin and disability and commits recipients of Federal funding to affirmatively further fair housing in their communities and whereas the city L Haven is committed to join to the mission and intent of Congress to provide fair and Equal Housing opportunities for all and a whereas our social fabric the economic health and environment are strengthening diverse inclusive communities and awas more than 50 years after the passage of the fair housing act discrimination persists and communities remain segregated and whereas acts of housing discrimination and barriers to Equal Housing Opportunity are repug to a common sense of decency and fairness now as a city L Haven we Proclaim April 2024 as fair housing month on this ninth day of April [Music] 2024 we have Mr Chuck SS here to receive this Proclamation for for housing month [Applause] right moving on to the mayor's report uh Spring Concert Series has been going uh really well great participation so thank you all for coming out and supporting uh that Community event and thank you all for uh for enjoying that too um also had a chance to go to the uh International Food Truck day and so that was really uh that was really great seeing all the um diverse food that we had out there from a international perspective and so um it was it was good to see all the people that come out to that and just uh enjoy one another there in our our community park so maybe one day hopefully to outgrow sharing Sheffield and maybe have to move it to uh K saw um with uh with all the people that were there but uh but it was great thank you to all the food trucks that participated I me they stayed all day even somewhat past the time that we had cut off to make sure that every person was served um before before they left cuz I think cut off was at 700 um I didn't leave till around 7:30 and the food trucks are still filling their orders and so um that was just great to see the the extra time that they extended cuz they had been there all day um sitting up early and staying through all day so um thank you to those that are part of it look forward to next year city manager shared some some good ideas about what we have going on next year with International Food Truck they actually learned about more food trucks in the area during that time so um hopefully we have additional food trucks and uh and maybe this will become our annual event that will uh identify Lin Haven a little bit differently than other cities um in the bay and as far as us being identified differently than other cities in the bay um I'm sure uh and I don't know why no one mentioned this doing public comary but uh City Lin Haven has been labeled the top 10 by World Atlas cities to live in the state of Florida so there's like 900 plus cities in the state of Florida and ly Haven is in the top 10 we're already in the top 10 for safest cities I'm already in the top two uh the number two safest city per capita meaning for the size of our city we're the number two safest city in the State of Florida and now World Atlas has declared us top 10 Place one of the top 10 cities in the State um to live in the state of Florida and so I think you know the cityin Haven we should uh give ourselves a round of applause for that to our staff our city that though we were um dismantled during Hurricane Michael that we built back built back better and stronger than what we were before and so to to receive that declaration I got several um congratulations from um from individuals for that so I would love to see uh Bernie Thompson the beacon uh report that that cin is one of the top 10 cities um in the State of Florida despite all of the other issues that we've had going on in the past 3 or four years with the trials and the arrest and all those other things that we still are resilient and we still have made it through and we're still the beacon of uh we really are the beacon of Bay County and uh The Shining Light light on the Hills so congratulations to city manager staff and all the citizens because you make it a great place to live too um and so I'm very proud to live in Lin Haven that's why I came back after the storm could have gone anywhere else um in Bay County or Walton County but my family decided we wanted to come back to Lin Haven um because it was a great place to raise our family and so we here we are um so again in spite of all of what has happened we should be very proud of ourselves in Lin Haven that this is a destination where people want to live and I'm sure U Mr Chuck sours as a member of C Park in ATT test this is probably the number one city that people request to find a house in is uh is in Lin Haven not the beach not Panama City um not the outlying areas but everybody wants to move to Lin Haven and so that's why we do see the the progress here when it comes to um the buildings is because people want to move here so congratulations city of Lin Haven congratulations to the Commissioners I know uh commissioner perno being our senior commissioner was a part of the rebuild and so congratulations to you as well for all the work that you've put in to make Lin Haven one of the top 10 cities which then means if we're the top 10 in the state nobody else is on that list in Bay County then we're the number one city in Bay County so uh so we are truly Bay County's Premier City so that's something to be proud of and something to be thankful for but again I would love to see that on Bernie Thompson's report in Beacon of Bay County too all right that's my report for the day thank you mayor uh unfortunately I was not able to be at the international food truck festival or the concert in the park because I was I'm still in the air National Garden so I had to my weekend drill in Jacksonville but my family went and they had a great time and they bought a bunch of food and I'm still eating it for lunch so I'm excited for lunch today because I'm going to be having some some food from the food truck festival uh I also talked to a lot of um I I'll say a a lot as a relative term but I talked to many people about the upcoming ordinances chapter 10 and that we've been talking about and I got to say it was a lot of fun I really enjoy these conversations so if any of you see any future ordinances coming up that you want to talk about let's talk about it you know you probably um know some things that I don't know and thought of some things I haven't thought of so um please reach out to me um it's one of my favorite things that uh I've done since I've been part of the board is talking about the ordinances it's been a blast so please continue to reach out to me and let's have those conversations and figure out uh what you want to see changed or stay the same or modified um if you think about it the ordinances once once they go into effect I mean they affect us as Citizens our daily day-to-day lives like when it once it goes into effect it starts that day it's not like when you know at the federal level where it's got to start in the house and go up to the Senate and go up to the president like when an ordinance is enacted here it affects us that day so um please continue to reach out and talk to me about that kind of stuff I absolutely loved it um and with that that's my report all right thank you commissioner PE and uh thank your brother for uh putting on a great show for us and so certainly uh certainly appreciate it commissioner perno thank you mayor um thank you for mentioning that ly Haven is one of the top places to live um I've always thought so because um growing up in Florida Uh u l ly Haven uh uh reminded me of of where I grew up before it blew up you know and uh I just hope so we can maintain our our our quality of life that we have uh while we're experiencing the Florida boom that's going to be coming upon us here um I don't have much else to report I'm kind of fighting a little illness over the weekend so I didn't at a at a yeah I wouldn't attend the uh food trucks either or the concert in the park though I wanted to I could hear the concert in the park from my house but but I couldn't uh I couldn't get out of bed actually so but I'm I'm getting better I got up today so I do want to make one Shameless plug for a man who's in the audience uh uh the Kaleidoscope theater has got the U um Panic broadcast of 1938 playing and it's in its uh it's in its second week and uh we have one of the stars of the show here Mr Chris short and uh it's it's a it's it's a great play so uh if you want to get out and watch it they're they're they're going to be going Thursday night night Friday night Saturday night and Sunday mat and then the show's going to close out so you got four four more opportunities to see a great play and a playhouse that's one of the only privately funded playhouses in the State of Florida right here in ly Haven so it's a if you've never gone out and and and watched a play you can you know it we have it right here within our midst and I suggest everybody you get out there and watch it so um with that I'd like to say thank you to all our city employees um uh last week at some point I saw a big flat bed of uh sod in the parking lot of beob Brady and then I saw a bunch of uh city employees uh having lunch and man just to know that they're going out there and working really hard but they were in there having Smiles on their faces and enjoying what they were doing so it's it's stuff like that makes you proud to know that we got we got strong strong people in this city and I'd like to thank every one of our department heads and and all of our city employees so with that I'll end my report thank you commissioner perno and they'll be smiling more when that 10 for 10 comes back April 22nd April 22nd all right commissioner Ward um I don't have a whole lot um I did go to the International Food Truck uh Festival it was uh was pretty neat I appreciate whoever put the tables out there I think that made the event more enjoyable for people to sit down and just uh mingle and and talk and that and uh so yeah me and my family really enjoyed that um my next time with the commissioner is 20 April at 11:00 at Slim Chickens any residents wants to come out speak to me about whatever issue or feedback they may have uh be more than happy to have you and uh last thing I have is just thank you to the staff First Responders um everything yall do and and dispatchers thanks commissioner Vander gri your shirt actually matches our shirt today I try um I also want to thank the staff um they provide activities for our citizens on Saturdays after they've already put in a 40-hour work week and um I know it after working 40 hours I need a couple of days off but uh I appreciate it and I know the commission appreciates the planning and the hard work that goes in to providing these extra activities for our citizens so I also wanted to say thank you all right city manager thank you wless morning everybody are there any questions on the warrant list thank you so it really was a great International Food Truck day I had over 25 food trucks and so many people came out um truly thank the staff and everyone that worked that day and U mayor's right we're already planning for next year um to make it even bigger and better uh it was just great for our community to come out on a Saturday and enjoy so many things that were going on we had you know softball tournaments going on we had basketball tournaments going on so there was a lot of things um to do on that satday we are finishing up the uh midyear budget and that will come to the commission uh the next meeting um there's a finance committee meeting today at 1 uh this is really good news for the city in terms of um our old city hall and the clock I've had so many emails or people call me and ask me about are we going to refurbish that clock and get it back running the answer is yes um we had a um a vendor contractor who actually found someone who originally installed the clock um we were able to kind of piece it together to really um once the clock is put back in new clock it'll be upgraded it'll chime again it'll play the music it used to play and so I think uh that's something that people have been looking for after Hurricane Michael kind of destroyed everything we were able to put that um that piece back together again and so we've asked uh do to really clean up Highway 77 and we see that that's happening uh while we uh continue to clean Highway 77 up um also will be uh we will probably start our that um beautification Grant we got about $151,000 to beautify Highway 77 uh you'll probably see that in the next couple of months maybe go out to bid so we're pretty excited about that as well uh We've installed on dog stations on linh Haven rails to trail I think some of the Commissioners had asked about that people were you allowing their dogs to really poop on the trail so we put those dog stations there so please use those that surely help people who are utilizing the Trail and um we are also in um the phase of of course you'll see today the K Griffin uh parking um we that's really needed um at this point um we'll have a tree giveaway this Saturday uh the 13th begins at 7:00 a.m. in the sports complex um and then just a couple other things we met last week with Matt MD mat M McDonald on uh the preliminary meetings for the design of the new sewer plant this is going to be a very long process um and you'll probably see some some decisions come before you in the next couple of months about the treatment plant and how we're going to do that we also are pursuing dollars to um get the additional funding for a heads project uh we're actually going to apply for the Gul Coast Triumph Grant and see if we can get that money uh James Roger plans are in review with femo right now and so as soon as we get those back and they give us the okay we'll be able to put that out for you the 26th Street sidewalk is still in design it's about 80% finish at this point but the e8th Street sidewalk we will be B bidding that out in the next 30 days or so um so great things going on here and thank you that is my report thank you city manager City attorney have no report any questions for the City attorney all right moving on to our consent agenda approval of minutes 4 326 24 regular meeting minutes is there motion for this motion to approve second motion by commissioner Ward second by commissioner perno City minut you call the vote commissioner War yes commissioner perno yes commissioner pebles yes commissioner Vander Griff yes mayor Nelson yes motion [Music] pass new business first reading by title only of ordinance 1167 request for annexation parcel number 0835 d-121 Cashel Mara Drive ordinance number 1167 an ordinance annexing into the municipal limits of the city of L Haven Florida certain contiguous compact unincorporated land located in Bay County Florida for an approximate 0.2 plus or minus Acres of property partial number 08835 - 0000 as is more particularly described here in pursuant to chapter Florida stat pursuant to Florida statutes section 71.445980 land repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in Conflict here with and reting infected date all right um are there any questions for the director of Planning and Development all right first reading by title only of ordinance 1168 request for small scale future land use map Amendment parcel number 0835 d00 d121 calor Drive ordinance number 1168 an ordinance providing for the adoption pursuant to chapter 163 Florida statues of land use change from Bay County public institutional to City of Lin Haven mixed shoes for an approximate 0.2 plus or minus Acres of property located at 121 cashar Drive in the city of Lin Haven Bay County Florida repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with and providing effective date any questions about that all right number 11 first reading by title only of ordinance 1169 and meing article 7 public meetings of chapter 2 of the city's codes of ordinances ordinance number 1169 an ordinance of the city of Lin Haven Florida amending chapter 7 excuse me article 7 public meetings of chapter 2 of the city's code of ordinances authorizing public participation guidelines and decorum rules to be adopted by resolution of the city city commission repealing provisions of ordinances in Conflict here with providing for codification and reciting an effective date thank you um although this is not for us to vote on today would like to have some discussion about it cuz seeming there is some confusion that I think needs to have some uh Clarity uh first as we're going through the ordinances um on page 41 section one says article 7 CH 2 of the CIT in Haven code of ordinances is hereby amended as follows deleted text has a strike through it new text is doubled underlined and bold so several people came up and I guess insinuated that we had added some things to it but those things were already in the ordinance before we got it or before we start reviewing it and so I think it's important that as you're reading the ordinances moving forward that if it's just regular print not bold not double underline then it was already in the previous ordinance so we're not changing I think someone said we're going to start throwing people in jail and that's under violation of rules the only thing we added to section 2-21 violation of rules is rules for public participation in theorum adopted by the city commission that's it so statute 8 7 or the reference to statute ordinance is that we're adopting a resolution which will have the rules in that so that's really what's being added to this specific ordinance is section 2-200 rules of procedure the city commission shall adopt rules governing public participation in the cor by resolution to be amended from time to time so that that's really what we're adding or what we're changing um to it yes sir and the only difference between an ordinance or well one of the major difference between ordinance resolution is ordinance requires two readings resolution only requires one reading but it will still be voted by us as the commission corre I think there was one statement made that the mayor would be able to determine all this and that's not true that would be us as the commission as a whole correct yeah I'm not determining the rules for the resolution that's what we're all discussing and voting on um I guess people just want to give the mayor all the P control but the charter doesn't do that either so I I don't know um but uh so yeah that's what's in our um in our ordinances that's what's being changed practically and then again even when it comes to signing in that's was already in the previous ordinance we're not making that up that was in the previous ordinance and it was actually not suggested by me suggested by our commission that we do that because today if we wanted to follow up let's say with Mr Zach I don't have his information cuz he left before we could discuss this to provide Clarity so hopefully he watches the rest of Facebook and YouTube to to clarify um what he was actually stating in regard to this ordinance so um so that was part of the sign in obviously on a day like today we only have three or four people um that to hear but there's been previous meetings where I literally have to look in the back and see somebody with a ball cap on and say hey guy with the blue ball cap so that was part of it so that we could one have better decorum in order whenever we have a large meetings um and two so that we could uh easily identify and follow follow up and three I mean everybody wants us to be like Panama City so that's what they're doing too so um so I thought that you know that's why we're probably trying to do that as well but uh just want to clarify um and thank you commissioner W for your comments on that as well that this specific ordinance isn't really changing any rules so as you're reading the ordinances if it's a strike through it then that means that it's being deleted and if it's double underlined and bold that means that it's something that's being added okay now is that going to be true for all the ordinances that we are reviewing and adopting it's an amending ordinance yes if it's a brand new policy that's been created for the first time it won't be emol and underlined got it so when we're going through like chapter 10 with the animal ordinances then as people are reading through that then they can see what's being deleted and what's being added by we will follow the same legislative format old underline instru okay got it thank you um any other I guess questions or comments on article number seven public meetings in Chapter 2 any other questions for the City attorney so we can all have a clarification while we're in the sunshine all right moving on to number 12 quaz Judicial public hearing beginning at 9:41 discussion and possible approval of a request for development order 1609 Iowa Avenue K Griffin parking cin Haven Amy and then the swearing in you swear or affirm the testimony you'll give today is the truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you uh this is an application for a development order for a parking lot to serve K Griffin Park the applicant is the city city of Lin Haven the address is 1609 Iowa Avenue parcel number 10507 - 0000000000 the property size 0.688 Acres approximately and the land juice on it is public institutional it is not located in the CRA and is currently vacant the project engineer is William Thompson from Panhandle engineering who is here today if you had any questions for him and our reviewing engineer is the actor Chris short from dubury Incorporated um he reviewed the plans for the city and he's also here this uh project is a parking lot to serve C Griffin Park we've needed increased parking there for uh some time and this parking lot will have 41 regular stalls and 12 golf cart or motorcycle stalls the storm water infrastructure and Landscaping improvements are also part of this development order and it went to the Planning Commission last Tuesday and they recommended unanimous approval this is the area that shows the location that red arrow is uh pointing down to the vacant site that will become the parking lot and these are the site plans which were in the commissioner packets thank you right were there any questions for Miss Amanda I do I do I was just wondering were there any objections at the planning committee did any residents show up and complain about no ma'am we haven't had any phone calls or Walkins or anybody at the meetings all right any additional questions are there any comments from the public yes ma'am chrisy maoy Port St Joe um so it looked like a very treed parcel is that correct a treed parcel property a lot of those trees were um taken out by Hurricane Michael so it did have them before then and then there were some just a few left there okay and I assume that it'll be uh impervious parking have you thought about maybe doing more pervious parking uh and do some tree planting um for a couple of reasons you know you've got storm water runoff issues floting issues and uh trying to bring the trees back and I I say this throughout the entire Panhandle because we are all changing and being here for you know 56 years uh little worried about where we're going all in for future growth but smart growth and good infrastructure so I'm just wondering if there's a way to uh keep some of that area not with impervious but with perious and there's new materials out there and because people will be out there enjoying a park it's not like they're going to be wearing high heels so maybe there's some things that the city can think about instead of just building Retention Ponds and storm water but maybe do something um that will set a trend for other municipalities throughout uh the Panhandle so that's just a concept thank you additional commentary here Parker R place I live right around the corner from this and um I've said this before in a meeting is there some kind of rule when you build a sidewalk that it has to have an amount of leadway in between the sidewalk and the road because that's a very huge concern of mine when I ride down that road on 17th street the sidewalk if someone was to like step off the sidewalk they would be in the road that's a huge concern I think it was a design flaw when y'all built that because in the way the cars are parked at an angle I'm glad y'all are doing this additional parking but the way they are and I've said this before poor and I'm glad y'all put up the little flashing signs and stuff that's great but I still see you know a kid running around and then being right in the road so I don't know if something can be corrected with that because that is a huge concern of mine as far as safety goes thank you thank you yeah um I will tell you in our TRC meetings in our meetings with that this that was one of our major concerns is safety um we actually changed the a little bit so that we could get um get the folks off of the sides of the street I think that fa is 17th Street if I'm not mistaken but um yes we have um done a few things there and Bobby I can't remember uh some additional things we did for safety you you may want to speak to the main things we did for safety was add the sidewalks pushed them away from the road up by the pond and collected them all at the corner right that was some major yeah so we limited it to one road crossing so any questions from Mr Baker while he's here regarding this all right any other comments from the public right is there a motion from the [Music] commission I'll motion to approve second motion by commissioner PE second by commissioner perno city manager if you call the vote commissioner peoples yes commissioner perno yes commissioner War yes commissioner Vander yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed hearing closes at 9:48 p [Music] a.m. right agenda item number 13 further discussion only of chapter 10 articles 1 and two of the uh city codes we did have a good a chance to really discuss this to discuss this uh in depth on Friday so if you uh did Miss part of that discussion please review um the um audio posting of that um but also um just is there any additional discussion from the commission I know uh commissioner vrff had some questions and I did to in regards to the um length of the RAB shots and from understanding there are variants for one two and 3 years so we may need to update our language to reflect that um for the uh the one and two threee um shot variants though those are offered Florida State Statute requires once every 12 months okay once every 12 months all right so um I will let some citizens was was asking us to to update that I will let them know that uh F in Florida statute that is still that um that 12 month um that we have to abide by here um in the in the city any other additional comments I guess I got one more I was thinking about it more this weekend uh back to the chicken and foul thing um do we have a reason why the limit is six like do we have any like data on why we're people are limited to only six chickens probably because we don't want a chicken farm I was just wondering like if if we want to go back and re-review like that number if that's the the correct number some super minor but just something I was thinking about is there a particular reason for that Mr Faris can I say something um this chicken issue is something that has come up over the years uh you might want to look at the minutes from meetings in the past particularly when Joel Schubert was here um because we actually put in like licensing for chickens for a very short time so I think if you look at past minutes of commission meeting you might get a bit more information perhaps as to some of the reasons y I can pull those for you all and send them out if that's a question that needs to be answered we'll pull that yeah and can you I guess make sure we have the rooster stuff in there too cuz people do ask me about roosters um so we can understand why we don't have roosters there's different rumors like some people say one person got attacked by a rooster when it was a kid so they don't like roosters that's why they voted against it so there's different that's what I hear I mean people say stuff I mean that's what they told me like this person didn't like roosters because the rooster attacked them when they was a child so they didn't want roosters in Lin Haven so I mean that's what I heard but not very many citizens ask for Roosters I don't think we would like you know the cocka do at 5:00 in the morning or 4:00 depending what time the rooster wakes up um but yeah so let's just stick to the chickens though but I I mean that's what somebody told me so I wasn't sure we could verify that noise got it got my grandmother used to have roosters when I was a kid so yeah so I understand yeah but I'm just saying you know historical data that's what someone told me when I asked about it they said this person didn't like roosters could they got attacked as a kid so um any other comments on articles 1 and two of the city codes and Mr Ferris I guess as we're going through chapter 10 one of the things another C citizen did sent to me as well was um whether or not the leas law leash law was actually enforcable um was was one of their concerns is that something that was enforceable or is there something we need to add penalties to um ly Haven City Limits has a direct control uh stipulation in there so your your animal has to be under Direct Control whether it's auditory if your dog listens immediately one of the things we talked about was a shot collar or a handheld leash so um yes if if the dog is not on a leash and not under Direct Control then it would be in violation of the Direct Control stipulation of the ordinance okay Al it just can't be on a leash and a leash and the dog is walking behind you they actually have to have a leash in hand um that happened at a food truck and we just asked that person please pick up your leash and uh so that means they have control when they have leash in hand not on the ground and one of the things we changed over the last year or two is making our Parks more pet friendly and we stipulated that you had to have a leash no longer than 6 feet okay all right any additional comments on uh discussion for chapter 10 if not have a great week meeting adjourn