##VIDEO ID:OZCZ4pDNrfg## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e call the meeting to order it's now 503 um anyone sign for public commentary for the CRA meeting again with any anyone like to speak in public commentary section if not then we'll move on to the consent agenda we need the approval of the meeting minutes for the September 11th meeting move to approve a second it's been a motion was made by commissioner perno seconded by commissioner peoples any discussion um would you call the role please sure commissioner perno yes commissioner peoples yes commissioner War yes mayor proam VRI yes I'm moving to new business we will now have a discussion in possible approval of the final CRA budget for the physical year 24 and 25 Mr janky the manager gainor would you want to read the resolution first before uh you can go and and over it and then I will read it yes ma'am so uh we prepared um a budget a proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year for the Lin Haven CRA this uh budget was um prepared um with the help of the CRA Advisory Board and at this point I actually would like to point out that our newest Advisory Board member Mr David Switzer is in the audience today um would like to thank him uh here publicly for his commitment to the city and and um offering his help in volunteering in this uh capacity uh the proposed budget um has um is has revenues in the amount of 1,114 9914 proposed expenditures are 1,274 one87 and we're proposing a transfer from Reserve in the amount of 159,00 7 two um this point I'd be happy to answer any questions um I know we have been talking about the some of the projects uh that we're proposing um at the previous meeting I'd be happy to answer any other questions are there any questions just I just have one about Reserve how much you cra should spend every dollar right yes what's what's your reserve I mean is that dollars that didn't get spent previous year or I don't know the exact number of uh the reserves 700,000 I I do know that we will need um a significant amount of money for the improvements on Florida and Ohio Avenue although we have some reserves right now um those funds will be needed in the very near future thank you I just wanted to get it out there so yes sir any other questions like to make a motion that we uh that we approve the the budget for 2425 I believe the city manager needs to read the resolution yes ma'am resolution number 20249 9 a resolution adopting a final budget for the Len Haven community redevelopment Agency for the fiscal year 2422 24 2025 and appropriating for the purposes specify Redevelopment trust funds in amount specified for dispersement according to the said budget for the fiscal year 2024 2025 there's a motion on the floor by commissioner perno we need a second I'll second oh there is a motion by commissioner perno second by Mr commissioner peoples any discussion um any comments from the public um will the city manager please call the role commissioner perno yes commissioner pebles yes commissioner War yes mayor ptim Vander yes now we're moving to the discussion and possible approval of the goals and objectives analysis for the physical year of 20 425 C so this document um is a brand new document um for any CRA as a matter of fact um um cras are considered a special district in the State of Florida and the legislature um approved or passed um earlier this year some new rules some new reporting requirements um for Special Districts um one of the requir requirements is to specify to outline the goals and objectives um of that specific CRA for for that specific fiscal year um we had to create a document that outlines these items and also um um outlines the goals and objectives um and that it also um outlines the performance measures of these different goals and objectives um for the upcoming fiscal year but we prepared this document for the linh Haven CRA um it has to be approved or posted um on or before October 1 October 1st 2024 and then next year I think it's this December 1st of next year we actually have to go back look at our goals and objectives uh and our performance measures to see if we actually reach these goals and objectives so at this point I would be asking the C board for a consideration to approve the proposed goals and objectives um or I'd be happy to answer any questions about that are there any questions oh it looks good I'll compliment your own the writing of the objectives thank you mayam do I hear a motion a motion to approve second in motion uh a motion's been made by commissioner pupil and seconded by commissioner perno any further discussion any comments from the public you need to read yes no I just need to call R why don't you call the rooll commissioner pebles yes commissioner perno yes commissioner Ward yes mayor proam vandagriff yes this concludes the meeting um what's the time where was it's a 512 meting jour