e 5m this time open floor for public commentary figure out U where to put this u i I notice in the CRA and in the city the incentive program and it's not mentioned what it is here which incentive it is what the application is for and I don't have any bent information but I noticed in the application dealing with the paint incentive for the city of Len Haven and know this could be brought up later if that's the case um dealing with the city of ly Haven it did not allow uh the fuel depo and my question to that is um painting program for the city of L not include the Fuel Depot and naturally of course the CRA which has its own program um I don't understand how come the Fuel Depot is eliminated from the city of L Haven see that it was only annexed just recently anyway so uh the 1911 plat A&B was formed in 1911 hasn't been used for 70 years wasn't owned by Len haven oh when you that Force sold it to Island LLC it then becomes part of the city they found out that some of the property in there was not in the city and they annexed that in so uh my question is uh it's 1911 plat figure into the painting program for the city of Lin Haven which is copied from the CRA if this is the wrong place to present that I will gladly present it in another place but they are co- entwined here so that is my question thank you additional public [Music] commentary Mr Jen if you respond to that please good afternoon uh to answer Mr Walker's question this item is actually this would be part of a City commission meeting this um the 1911 plat area this incentive program the paint program um would apply to the 1911 plat area less than except the C area and the Fuel Depot area if you recall if you look at the application one of the questions um one of the requirements is that your residence has to be at least 10 years old so it was really designed for older homes to help the residents um update their homes um we all know that the field Depot doesn't have any homes um on site right now uh and therefore that's that was the reason why we excluded that right thank you is there additional public commentary all right moving on to our consent agenda Mo to accepted commiss yes commiss yes commission peoples yes yes two hour church meeting before got so yeah better get city of there Mr next item item on on the agenda is the approval of the new CRA commercial incentive for the linh Haven CRA U we talked about this extensively at the work sh uh at this point I'd be happy to answer any questions you might any questions yes I had a question um so this is pretty much for any business or does it have to have a certain Lan use code okay business for for any business yes it doesn't have to have a specific land use code um there are some limitations in terms of the type of business um that would qualify for this there are some exceptions and that was the other question I had is um it says sales and or service stations so when they say service stations does that mean gas stations or does that mean something else gas station yes sir okay perfect um yeah I think that's all I had unless someone's got something else I just kind of had a comment that I'm super pumped for this program uh I think it's a good incentive to bring people in I think this is a good tool that we can kind of use for the next year so to kind of gather data on what it brings in and and the type of stuff it can bring and I think that this is something that we can kind of uh Tinker with and evolve over the years to help incentivize specific types of businesses that our citizens want in the future and I think this is a a huge step in the right Direction so thank you um for everybody that did all the work to put this together because um I think it's awesome all right awesome all right any other questions comments I don't have a question but um I know one of the things I looked at I looked at the vision statement for the C and the vision statement says to promote a family oriented walkable Community with a vibrant small business friendly downtown area that preserves our local small town heritage and when I read that it kind of matches up with what's in there because I I think that's part of the reason why they wanted to exclude certain businesses the only recommendation I'd like to make is fast food establishments if we can make that so other than that I'm good with it I think it's great to exclude fast food exclude fast food establishments that's possible all right anyone else want comment on that I would be in favor of that just simply because I feel like the purpose for this this is to incentivize businesses that likely would might not come to Lind Haven otherwise and we don't have a lack of of fast food restaurants here in ly Haven so I don't think that uh when this was written I'm sure fast food rest restaurants were not the intent I know that we talked about it on Friday and odds of a fast restaurant coming in based on the size is pretty slim anyways but I do like the idea of adding uh fast food restaurants into the exceptions and you know how many times have we heard people say another gas station another fast food establishment and we we all in the commission pretty much know that we can't dictate what people can build on their on their Lots as long as it matches a land use code and they always seem to go wow look look at the commission just approved another gas station we it's not really up to us what goes there but I think this would be a great incentive program to bring the type of businesses that are congruent with the mission the vision statement of the CRA and not only that it's kind of congruent with What the residents are wanting so I I'd like to see a lot more sitdown restaurants but um and I think this would could possibly help with that there any other comments commissioner perno commissioner vandagriff all right so um guess we would need a motion with the addition of what uh commissioner Ward just stated yep I make a motion to uh approve this just adding fast food establishment as uh excluded businesses just just one thing what is what is fast fit we got a motion on the floor okay so less second then we'll come back if there's a second for it I'll second all right commissioner perno but what I mean we're we're putting a tag on something here that might create more controversy than a simple application like there's fast food there's fast casual there's no I mean you know you go into you go into some places you order you sit down you know and they bring it to you you know oh that that's you know that your that's your classification of a sit down restaurant then there's there's fast food that's you know you don't you don't have a server you order it the counter get a number they might have seats they might not you know is that really fast food like Nuke cedy you know it's called fast casual so are we I'm splitting hairs but what we're doing is creating a caveat that could on the butt later you know what I mean in a certain way what what was the example you said the example business you said I'm talking about something you know you have you have three you have different concepts that call themselves fast casual you know and they're considered fast food you know like you know you have a you look at a you look at a Checkers you look at a um um big chickens uh you know these little places that are they're they're they're part restaurant part fast food if you say fast food you just took them out of the game but they really they really are supplying as far as the supply and demand goes they kind of they're kind of a hybrid you know what I mean right so so in a way like like it's going to be up to us to determine what's fast food and what's not you know so I I'm just you know as a restaurant guy I know there's different there's different compartments that stuffs in and then there's some that are in both you know you know so we got to look at that you know there might there might be a you know Popeyes you know they might have a place where they sit down but it's fast you know so I'm I'm just you know far as my where where where my you know where my where my livings made there's different types of that stuff that's a good question Taco's way it's fast food but it's sit down you know what I mean yeah it's a good question but but but I I I just know that you know we're going to get faced with something down the road and oh we we we said fast food wasn't in it but you know they have to identify themselves could we make the caveat that fast through restaurants will drive-throughs the caveat with a drive-thru because that's typically what we're kind of trying to get away from right the fast food restaurants that have drive-throughs because typically if I mean like for example tacos way there would be no argument there because it's not you have to go in their order I mean you can take it out but that's not really what we're trying to eliminate here but then you take like sunnies that's kind of what you're getting at I think right sunnes has they have a drive-thru they have you know that's fair point Y I just I just think what we're what what we're doing is you know might just be creating something that where we're to me I'd look at Sunny's more of not so much fast food in my opinion but then you you look at other ones like Slim Chickens I would consider that fast food you even even the Casual restaurants are gearing themselves more for tog go business because tog go business is being more of the future more more you're trying to get more revenue from from stuff like that your your deliveries your door Dash you know and and I I'm not saying what you're saying I feel it but it's just the definition thing that we just need to Define it um do the these appc these applications come before the commission right yes right so ultimately the commission could make the decision on if that's fast food or not okay leave it is and then I would per per case basis I would say I would caveat with that where my decision would be based on if we ever got an application where we're like is that considered fast food or not I would I would look at it as is it mainly uh sit down eating you know okay all right so there is a motion on the floor to um accept this line item with the uh I guess with the the added addendum that is not it's excluding fast food restaurants um and then it's been seconded by commissioner people so you wanting that motion to stay as is yes okay all right is there any public commentary response from the public yes ma'am you can you come to the mic please thank you when you're speaking about fast food are you just trying to focus on like National chains franchises is that more what I need to clarify as like you don't want another McDonald's over there but say I wanted to open a sandwich shop fast food but it's not a huge chain it's hard to pinpoint to that cuz like sunnies for instance I would consider that sit down restaurant but that's a I don't know if it's national chain but it's a chain like are we trying to get Mom and Pop kind of places in there but right is that more the focus of what we're that's what I'm my vision is because F yeah like you said fast food is Broad like that so that's just what I want to see all right additional public commentary right city manager if you call the vote Yes Excuse me yes no commissioner perno no yes f