##VIDEO ID:uZ5pzfPG7ew## e e e [Music] good morning I would like to call the meeting to order it is 8:30 good morning commissioner the first item on our agenda for today for is uh public commentary so I don't have a list but if you would like to speak it's back there well they didn't bring it to me sorry all right if anyone would like to speak for the CRA meeting please raise your hand remember I'm an old school teacher raise your hand okay there no public comments so let's move on to the consent agenda um the approval of the meeting minutes from September 24th um do I hear a motion for to be approval of the the last meeting's minutes I will make a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting thank you so much commissioner thank you Mr perno so there's been a motion to um accept the minutes um and a second um any discussion all right um manager would you call the role please commissioner pel yes commissioner pees yes commissioner W yes mayor btim Vander yes now we're moving on to new new business the discussion and possible approval of the lowest bid for construction of the 15th 16th and 17th Street sidewalk projects morning um this this project uh we've been working on this project for about a year now last fiscal year we did the um engineering plans for the sidewalk project um after that um we advertised we issued an RFP for the construction of um these sidewalks and received two bits um 850 construction um LLC submitted the lows bid in the amount of $453,500 um U I'd like to bring to the board's attention that this amount that we had um about $230,000 in our current budget for the construction of this so there's a deficiency here between the lowest bid and the the budgeted item so we have to bring this back mid year and make an adjustment accordingly any questions for Mr janky on this item do I hear a motion then for this item all motion to approve I'll second there's been a motion and a second for this item any discussion commissioners Miss Cindy manager call the role please commissioner pebles yes commissioner perno yes commissioner War yes may yes mayor ptim Vandergriff yes item number five on the new business is discussion and possible Award of CI services for this sidewalk construction project at 15th 16th and 17th Street to Panhandle engineering based on the master service agreement Mr Jane So this um agenda item goes hand inand with the previous agenda item um obviously uh since we just uh since the construction bid was just approved uh we have to hire an engineer that will actually oversee the construction to make sure that the sidewalk is build according to plan so construction engineering inspection um Services um we have a task order from Panhandle Engineering in the amount of $247 to do that um the project will be completed with an as buil certification that basically says the sidewalk was built according to the planes in the master service agreement uh is that on a rotation basis when you're choosing the engineering company says Panhandle engineering based on Master service agreement I think so we I believe we have three such agreements with or an agreement with Panhandle engineering one with duberry and then one with Mark McDonald and IC engineering no M MC just a the and um to my knowledge it's on a rotational basis based on their experience experience and Specialties thank you any other questions of Mr janky do I hear a motion for this item um just to be clear um before I make the motion Mr jeny sorry for I was looking at my phone and and I I just want to be stated what areas of 15th 16th and 17th Street are these so on on 15th Street um the sidewalk segment will be between Pennsylvania Avenue and Minnesota Avenue on 16th street the sidewalk will be uh between Ohio and Florida Florida Avenue and on 17th Street sidewalk segment will be between Indiana Avenue and Ohio Avenue I think I attached also a map that I saw a map that had Illinois on there that I was looking at I couldn't see a that's the next agenda item right I couldn't see a map for the the for the other plus I scrolled too far down so so these sidewalk segments will connect existing sidewalks with each other that's why there're it may look a little bit odd why did we pick you know three different streets but 17th Street will connect like going up to the park right that is correct yes and same thing with uh 16th Street we already have a sidewalk on Ohio Avenue and a sidewalk on Florida Avenue in in that area and we're connecting both sidewalks with each other and same with 15th Street the Sidewalk Ends at right at the Pennsylvania Avenue intersection and we'll pick it up there and since we just built one on on Minnesota Avenue we're connecting these two sidewalks as well I'd like to make the motion to approve we need a second I'll second so there's been a motion in a second on this item um Commissioners you have any other comments of questions does the audience have any questions or comments I have a question on the 17th Street situation where C Griffin is that sidewalk is right up against the the the the road which is very dangerous isn't there some kind of uh I don't know what what you call ordinance or whatever that it has to be so many feet from the road because I mean it's directly next to the street that sidewalk I'm not aware of any ordinance that um that prohibits a sidewalk right next to the road sometimes you you have to install um a concrete curb and then your sidewalk has to be 6 ft minimum width instead of 5 foot if we follow the dot guidelines other than that there is no requirement my knowledge um City attorney do you know of any violation there I would defer to the engineers on that I'm not aware what what Ben just said is correct it has to have the curb and then be a 6ot wide sidewalk to if it's up against the asphalt and sometimes you can't you don't have any room in the RightWay for the ditch or utilities to move it off the edge of pavement um enough so if you do you have to install it with a curb like there's a place that on the E8 street sidewalk we just did that had to scoot over to the asphalt and so it has a curb to protect the pedestrians walking so this has a curb right are we talking about the the proposed construction or existing sidewalk so so it's so if you look at where the batting cages are on 17th Street okay and the ballparks are you know the ball fields are right here so here's where the batting cage is and this is where the actual um uh sidewalk is so the sidewalks here here's the street there's no curb in between that sidewalk and the street it's just straight there's no actual like you know what I'm saying I thought you were talking about the construction I'll go out there and take a look I don't recall that sidewalk right off hand um but we'll look at that and see what what the deal is there thank you there's a motion on the floor uh city manager would you call the role please turned it off commissioner perno yes commissioner pebles yes commissioner War yes mayor proam Vander yes the next item is uh discussion and possible approval of Engineering Services for Illinois Avenue the sidewalk project to Panhandle engineering based on the master service agreement Mr janky so this is a new item a new cybor project for that we um added to the list for this fiscal year um we we looked at the corridor uh with City staff to see if we can possibly do this inhouse and we like like to do cybor projects in house in terms of engineering design if there are no complications if there are no ditches no uh no engineering challenges if you will um we felt more comfortable um hiring engineer for for this sidewalk segment because there are some ditches in the way that we need to address there is a significant slope uh in the roadway um that that we have to take into consideration so um our suggestion is to um hire an engineering firm for the design of this and that's why I created this agenda item for your um discussion and approval any questions commissioner is this another section where it's connecting to a a pre-existing sidewalk yes sir that's correct um so we're we already have a sidewalk on Third Street that leads us to um Porter Park and then also um a sidewalk segment on Illinois and 8th Street that's where it ends and that's where we're going to connect both sidewalks with we need uh if if we're going to proceed with approval then we need a motion a motion to approve a second there's been a motion in a second to this item any discussion i' I'd just like to Ben does this does this catch up with the um the sidewalk at um it says 8th Street right but isn't will that connect to 9th Street Where the Sidewalk goes all the way to the country club yes so it'll be continuous correct there we already have a sidewalk between on Illinois Avenue between 8th and 9th you've just done the project all the way down so honestly if someone was jogging and wanted to stay along the water's edge they could they could go right down Illinois after they come across the little Bridge there yes sir at the park really cool all I want to say that's really cool any comments from the public on this item there's been a motion and a second to this item please call the role commissioner pebles yes commissioner parno yes commissioner War yes mayor protim Vander yes it is 8:45 this meeting