##VIDEO ID:0QT__mhDpKM## one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all the agenda a motion I'll it any discussion or questions there if not those in favor say I I those oppose name carries 4.0 public comment looks like we have none tonight um 5.0 approval of the consent agenda need a motion I'll make the motion I'll second joh okay any discussion or questions on that those in favor say I those me he Communications um good evening everyone um it was very super busy um summer challenging with the weather especially when it came to baseball and summer wck but we managed through it um especially when that storm went through Raymond right during Championship it was pretty challenging um but we offered night baseball again third through e8th grade we had seven um teams playing with 15 coaches and 87 players um we still struggle with the shortage of fields and everyone having to share what we have um and the JB field gave us a little bit of a challenge with with the weeds and so forth but we navigated through that I want to recognize Tyler Reed he did a lot of volunteer hours to get that field ready and then also three of my staff Addison Peterson to and doly and especially Bryson Kim they did a lot to keep the fields maintained and ready for games um with them um but summer went well thank you to um Debbie and Brian Grant for doing the N ball again that was pretty successful um and then you can kind of see the numbers behind all the camps and everything else as far as the participation but when I add that all up it's almost 900 um experiences that kids had over the summer so I think that's that shows how busy it was so um and in your packet was the fall 24 booklet um that covers the months of September October and November we work really hard to try to create opportunities from birth to um older adults so that's good um we're in the middle of our youth football program um we have a youth football night on September 20th um we 56ers um obviously fifth and sixth grade we have 37 kids our coaches are Adam H Jake laora M hin houon Paul Reed Rob Baker Mike mcne um third and fourth grade FL football we play in Walmer we have four teams because we have 36 kids our coaches are Tyler Anderson Steve cond Matt kunan and Travis raskins and then we will also be offering first and second grade flight football after school on Wednesdays um our ECF and preschool screening our M Club starts on October 8th um one nice thing about that we provide meals for families and we always provide sibling care so that um is really good because then we provide parent education with that in addition to that we do some Standalone classes for our families and that's well we received also um preschool screening is in October 1st thanks to bethan unform church because they love us to use the church for them um and the popular pumpkin patch party oober 26 26 um adult basic basic education is going to start tomorrow night um it's going to be from 5: to 8 um Jennifer van EPS had her baby um a couple weeks ago now but Sonia Stark and Ann Hub are going to fill in during her M maternity lead one uh thing that we're offering this year to try to increase enrollment for our adults is to offer daycare and we hired Greta um Jarvis for that we are getting reimbursed by mbed for the cost of Greta time and any expenses connected with um supplies and things like that um our youth scholarship fund has a balance of a little over $ 3400 um community garden we had 10 gardeners this year and um with the rain it's been a little challenging with the weeds um and we still have struggles with stolen items and it's um made some cabbages stolen and so farth so I'm working with Jesse to try to um more security camera options and then more sign Edge to keep trespass results so that is unfortunate um in your packet too um was the Looney Lutheran um we have them coming on Saturday October 5th if you're familiar with like the church basement ladies it's similar to that so that'll be a fun evening but all money goes to the mpack program so it's really exciting that we can support them um I was approached by L Krueger from the man Lutheran Church while bringing them here and um and we're excited and then we got enough business sponsors to cover the cost of bringing them here so all the ticket sales will go directly to the man we're hoping for for um some good money for them as far as facility use the wlmart area Orchestra is here on July 11th the Girl Scouts will be having their recruitment meeting here on September 24th and Briggs Motley will have their craft sale on November 2nd any questions good to thank you Jim is not here he's had just a couple of items on his report he's uh proving couple extra coaches there that we approv he listed and then he's explained that bill for the Minnesota State High School description they are charging us less than last year I guess they're making some adjustments there okay um next on our Communications report is Tod all right thank you I'll just highlight a few things on the report that was included in your packet uh we had a very successful open house night on August 28th most of our classrooms had 100% attendance a few that just missed one so that was great to see uh great first week I think our building looked great on the inside floors were stripped waxed walls painted classrooms clean so uh you would never be able to tell we had the water props from last Christmas and January those events took place so uh Curt Matt did a wonderful job classrooms look great you had a chance to walk through those decorated signage a lot of school colors McCrae pride and just a great place for our kids to kind of start the school year off in uh I've had a chance to be in each classroom what a great start uh they've done a wonderful job of setting those routines uh clear expectations and then just building those relationships that are really going to be instrumental in getting um the curriculum done this year and learning so uh that's first block is just making those connections with their their students uh schedules have been set our enrollment I'm sure we mentioned later but I think we're up five so steady down there on the prek 5 Wi Full Speed Ahead with the read act so uh we've been doing some individual training right now we've got 30 staff members that are involved in that for Middle four in middle school I think 26 in the elementary and then three more that are going to be in year two so 33 that are going through that process and uh September 16th is our first kind of PD day where they're going to work on that through Lexia that's that who provides that six hours of training Force off dat um fast Bridge testing so change and how we're going to assess so not as frequent we'll do that three times each year that first window opens up in September so that will be kind of on a benchmark between September 17th and the 27th we'll have our students go through that uh there'll be an academic component as well as a social and emotional learning component that goes with it so do that a few times and then week two why not right homecoming so uh we're super excited for that um I won't steal too much of jud's Thunder here but uh our staff has been a great job working with h with the high school and with Jud uh to make sure that we've got some things that are connected they really look forward to those times we can do things with the high school so whether that's petfest or some of those um class sharing days when we kind of Buddy up or or partner up with middle school and high school so we're looking forward to that do you have any questions for me I guess not thank you all right thank you all right J all right thank you very much I will Savor my one month of being able to report for elementary and now I slide back into my comfort zone of having all of my things talked about so um I say that in just everybody out there watching um workshops back school workshops were tremendous and it was really wonderful to be able to kind of cap things off with Kevin Honeycut speaker of the superintendent o editor before came in very motivational and just just a real good feel in order to kick things off and and get going at it open house was was really good again being able to take advantage of the the commons area and then not just focus on all everybody being in the gym it was so crowded in there when we had when we did that in the past so nice open area seemed like everybody came through and went and it doesn't really feel quite as busy as what it actually is because you just have all that space so open house was good uh and then again as Mr beram said uh some attendance type stuff um I think we're up six uh at the middle high level I had eight new student meetings just the first week of school and I got another one coming up right away tomorrow morning so we've got uh some new students coming in some old students returning to us after another ofie being out but it's always good to see them and uh more bodies in the building is great for us uh again homecoming week we've got coordination tomorrow afternoon and uh I try to learn things as I as I go through life and just try to remember and so I want to share something I learned with you it's never a good idea to leave the homecoming coronation Cape at the cleaner when they close on Monday at 6 so my wife will be doing me a gigantic favor and picking it up and dropping it off tomorrow morning so thank you heather weely um and so we've got weeks full of activities going on we're going to we're adding a parade I'll do a little bit of air quotes on that we're going to do an Olympic and as long as track painting cooperates with us we're going to be doing a walking parade around the track and have the Elementary in the stand so we can honor the groups and uh be able to just have maybe a new tradition into into the events for us as Mr rich said we got workshops coming up and nth grade is going to be taking a field trip next Wednesday uh to the Kathleen Jordan project and'll be graph is going to be taken that and then any hit the ground running already got the committee together start thinking about going over possible candidates and then they have their first getting after it any questions yeah what is that Captain Jordan project it's something history based yeah it's a historical piece which I just kind of right up your alley um it's I'm sorry I don't have that information so I'm not even going to pretend like I we we talked about it last spring and I just had it lined up and so when Mr hogra came was higher and I gave you said here you go so I'll be happy to email you if you like you know I I does it have to do with that woman who's chronically her grandmother her life history or is it not it might be yeah is that what that is okay because that sounded because there's multiple locations students are going to walk to to to get the okay all right that's all I had anybody else just wondering if you've got any feedback about an after oration at all or feedback no I so we started it with uh with snow week last year and it went well my I I can tell you right out of the gate of my philosophy behind it and I wanted to I want to feel it out now I'm in my fourth year I figure okay Now's the Time to do it homecoming is by the students for the students and I wanted to have it in the afternoon so at least it wasn't something that was disrupting the morning for any of the family members that would choose to take some time off so uh like to have the whole student body there and when I look at what the evening attendance looked like it was mainly just either the participants and parents or a lot of times it was just parents that would be at the event so having 400 plus students in the seats is is a good way toor C prob still welome oh yeah absolutely I know there's area schools that do live okay anything else for all right yeah good evening welcome to September uh September is School Board recognition month I think they changed that I think it used to be a different month um so they have us hopping but thank you very much for all of your service that that you give to to our school and to our kids and in our community so thank you each each of you the athletic project we just within the last last 10 days or so we signed a certificate of completion for the uh field with field Turf so we can use that space there still are things that still need to be done like the striping of the track and the finishing of some dirt work out there but we are allowed to begin to use the field and it's been used by more people than I even even would care to admit I know there's been many Elementary classes that have gone out there are many fire classes that have already gone out to use to use the space um and right now we're working on putting together um an expectation use the facility so that when Community Ed uses it they know the proper use of it or if we go out there for elementary fied they know what to leave in the school and what not to bring out there or things as simple is what shoes you know should you be wearing out there or on the surface or you what should you not have you know out there whether it's candy or sunflower seeds or gum or whatever that might be um the football team had their very first practice on Labor Day on September the 2nd under the lights so once it got dark the lights were turned on and uh the kids were were running faster and and playing harder than i' ever seen them play evening or especially during the practice so there certainly was a wow factor to them being able to be out there and in their space um the football coaches did a really good job of of allowing them to kind of explore their space too go up into the visitors um bleachers go to the home bleachers you know go into the Press Box take a peek at what that looks like you know walk to all end zones and wherever and just you realize like hey this this is yours and this is this is where you get to um play your games and practice and things like that um looking at uh the upcoming uses this is homecoming week as Jud already alluded to and then we will be having a grand opening on September of the 20 which is the next week so we will be inviting we be working with the paper means to be able to invite not only you folks to be there but also community members too and what that evening will look like jumping ahead to enrollment we have 789 total kids prek through 12 right now and looking across I thought I'd share just a couple of numbers so that you as a school board knew where we're at our smallest grade is first grade and we have 42 kids in first grade and our largest is seventh grade and we have 68 so you can see kind of the between the different class the difference in total numbers um mist is who we have our insurance through it's Minnesota Insurance Scholastic trust and what they what they're able to do is they come out and visit the schools that they that they work with and they will go into classrooms they will go into storage spaces they'll go into the kitchen they'll go into the Boiler Room they'll go into many different places and um they will walk around with Kim myself then also no and they'll give us suggestions um what is appropriate what what needs to be kind of cleaned up so that you meet the needs that their company has so we can we can get a good insurance rate um last year an example that M shared with us when we walked through the preschool and kindergarten um classrooms um we noticed that the outlets did not have covers on them and so that was brought to our attention and that to be up to code in those classrooms you need to have covers for those outlets and so it's things like that so that we can make good good decisions um going forward and safe decisions um as mentioned by both uh Jud and Todd we had great attendance on the 28th with our open house it's just so exciting to see the kids back into the building and you not only visiting their their teachers but also visiting their classroom and especially for the older kids their locker you know where is it at you know and it's there there were kids that have spent hours before school even started decorating their life how just important that that that is to them um the the process of of open house in the last couple years has become very streamlined and we've improved in a lot of different areas um you give you just a couple of Statistics open house of 2022 and 2023 $335,000 plus dollars were actually collected for fees whether it was for technology or for other things on that night like inperson check or cash 2023 2024 only 23,000 so $10,000 or so less was collected that night more people were confident with online you know paying for some of their fees and things like that this last year 2000 or just this last couple weeks ago um 2024 2005 2025 school year $111,000 was brought in that evening um with with Jesse's help and some other set we decided to set up a bank of a couple computers to have there at school uh right where the the lines were and if they wish to go online they they could do that and we had people that could help them through that process it's like you know what does this screen look like I might be kind of overwhelmed if I can ask somebody hey what's the next step um that was very successful um that night alone on or that day alone on the 28th $5,000 was done just through rev track that day online um so looking at some of those statistics you know um certainly our are our our families are getting more and more accustomed to being online and we hope to again next year have more computers but also have additional staff that can look over each person's shoulder just to kind of help them out if they get to a ro block something I wish to do this year is create a McCrae leadership advisory team and this would be a monthly collaboration and people that I've invited include uh principes directors law enforcement Transportation school nurse and the the idea behind it is each month to be able to give kind of a state of the district with these folks and so there can be collaboration that we conversation um back and forth and that is something when we get closer to the first one I would invite any of you if you wish to see what that what that looks like um you certainly could participate not expected but if that's something you would desire to see um we'd love to have you activities um they're in they're in full swing um you know already in that first week of school you have students that are catching buses to go participate you know across the whole southwestern part of the state you know and then they're coming home with smiles on their face with different successes they've had um especially with our our so cross country is is is a a sport in the fall that you have personal bests and I think that's just great to see that you might not have come in first you might not have come in second but you improved 10 seconds on the last race you you ran I just I think those are just so not that not that other activities aren't beneficial but I think that it's just so wonderful to see for our kids to have those personal bests um back to school Workshop um as Jud and Todd mentioned we had Kevin Honeycut who came to speak um um Aaron hes also came from IA which is the institute for environmental assessment and just shared some safety things the bloodborne pathogens um just making sure we're up to code and getting good um instruction with that uh Sheriff D wson along with Rich and Stephanie who are both chiw County Sheriff deputies came to talk about school safety you know and looking at the the crisis that took place in Georgia you know that last week um that that certainly is a conversation that we have at at pray whether it's myself and Jud myself and Todd and other staff just always being on the lookout for how can we make this school kids safer um at the very bottom I mentioned uh staff IDs that's something that I'm encouraging staff to to participate in this year that is wearing a staff ID um you know not only you know for somebody that's walking to that may not know if that's a staff member or if it's somebody from the community but also too for our kids um when they see somebody that's wearing a name badge they trust oh I could go to that person I bet they could probably help me find you fill in the blank you whether it's something as simple as their lock or their classroom but also hey I need to find the nearest bathroom now uh and and so that is something that we are doing this year um we also Woodland Center came to talk about mental health drug abuse bullying and also Suicide Prevention all important things for our staff to have each and every fall as we go back to school quick update on telby telby is the professional educated licensing and standards boards and uh within Minnesota education within the tier or within the teachers licenses there's four different tiers um a a a a student or I should say a teacher that goes to a traditional fouryear school and does student teaching when they leave their college or university they're out of tier three is is where they where they' start at then after having three years of service in the state of Minnesota or being tenured in a district then they can move to tier four so you might ask why did you jump over tier one and tier two what are those tier one and tier two was was introduced a handful of years ago to allow those that have a four-year degree but don't have this the traditional student teaching to be able to get into a public education a public school and teach um there are some parameters with that there's only a certain amount of years you can be a tier one teacher before you actually have to go back to school to um learn the student teaching in the pedagogy and things of that nature um right now and then then tier two okay would would be those folks that have started a program but they haven't finished it a student teaching um type of of program so across our district we have one tier one teacher we have zero tier 2 teachers we have 16 tier three teachers and 52 tier 4 Teachers um the majority if not all no it's not all the majority of the 16 that are tier three after they renew their license this year they will tier four so they've already been tenured here at McCrae and if they were to go anywhere else they would after one year of of service that's just a little bit about um what we currently have at McCrae we have also we have two teachers that are out of field and you can teach out of field up to five different times um during Co pby granted that year as a wash so you didn't have to count that towards your five and I don't know the reason for it but 2024 2025 school year also does not count um towards their their five total and I talked already about the the staff I any questions you folks might have me just wondering with the last legislative session if there's got a recap maybe at the next meeting about what is all what the tree has been shakened at fall down on on school districts and whatnot yeah I will certainly do that um you know La last year we had so much this year was actually so compared there was less uh and and it's because we're going into a big election is that there weren't as many large events but certainly I will y thank I'll share some things absolutely anything else thank you Josh I believe we don't have any committee reports this week board discussion 6.3 anybody have anything they want to add I just want to say thank you after we expressed a concern last month about the weeds and stuff it looks much better there's still some along the building here but it does look much better and really looks very attractive when you drive up to the to the facility so thank you to the maintenance staff thank you and I see we have a new concrete SL yeah it looks really nice and we have a couple extra pieces of concrete I don't have it in the board report but we did replace the the concrete at the entrance of the middle school high school office um also to to if you to go to the back of the building the north side of the building there's there's some concrete that has been put in um to the to the west of the egg and Industrial Arts area um there was some grass back in there but there there's also spouts that come off of the roof where water comes off and so we put more Concrete in there to get that water away from away from the oh and the Outdoor Classroom um is happening um the the sticks have been put up for it um one of the board members Mr John did a great job with his crew to to get that in in short time and um yeah that would be great to use so when is that projected to be ready I think it do we end of October it has to be done by December oh okay this year yeah hopefully sooner rather than later we got get everybody in to do their piece have there been any updates on like the walking path and that it's it's been mowed a handful of times um they they have used it already it's just not as leveled as it probably should do but once we've in there level it and put the the crush uh granite or the crush concrete in we'll make for a nice place for you not only our kids to use during the day but I think cross country will use it too for different activities and other other sports too okay sounds good okay 7.0 business items I need a motion to certify the 24 payable 25 Levy for the that motion a second second okay and you did include that or you it's uh verification website's not up yet for they got the ly out today or Friday but they don't have that site up yet so I just checked it at 5 to 6 and it still wasn't okay and it's not just us I emailed a whole bunch of people and they're like yep I can get it either so but the first one doesn't matter as much because we always do the maximum amount so that yeah we always do that and then make an and yeah and then you know we have to have the official one done right okay so we can go ahead and approve this because we always do the maximum anybody else that any questions about that okay those in favor say I okay 7.2 we need a motion to approve the resolution for the nfhs grant for the aeds that makes my heart Happy second I'll second John John okay so that I guess is on the sheet here go ahead where Minnesota State High School lead Foundation was formed to provide support for Minnesota's High School youth to participate in athletics and fine grants whereas the governing board of IDs 2180 McCrae schools recognizes the value of student participation in extracurricular activities and whereas the mshsl foundation is offering grants and funding to assist schools to provide seminars training opportunities or support for specific School functions for students faculty members officials and others who are involved in athletic and Fine Arts programs therefore be it resolved that the government governing board of ISD 2180 McCrae schools supports the School's application to the Minnesota State High School league Foundation for nfhs AED formb Grant to provide the opportunity for school members to receive an AED through this grant process the school will be credited with receiving a partial Form B Grant have any questions about that okay now we have to do a roll call vote so ask individually de yes John yes y all right yes yes as so will this be located in The District in the school here then or on the ball diamond or this one is for one of the teams we have all the teams covered except there I think cross country doesn't necessarily have one with them all the time okay or yeah or the football team for practices I can't remember which it was but otherwise there you know there's always one in the gyms for volleyball think PR country has one with them but and then the game football games always had the ambulances there and stuff but for practices I think we needed one more to get everybody cover you explain when an a automated external defibrillator it is the machine that shocks the heart when somebody suffers the sudden cardiac or best I just offer that if any students would like to have the training I'd be more than willing to certify them I have 20 mannequins and the same amount of trainers and would be willing to work with the students I do that for several other districts so so are the coaches trained in how to use this okay so we passed and adopted that that's the last thing on our list uh we do have let's got a board meeting October that's today the next one is Tuesday no this is September oh I'm sorry you're right October I'm way ahead y month October 14th and then November 12 and then the December 9th is a trth and Taxation limits okay I need a motion to adjourn all right carel on a second Mark those in favor say I word Jed at what 6:34