##VIDEO ID:0jFdE9lxC-0## to the stands Nation indivisible andice for [Music] agenda that aesome right coms favor say I all right we got busy month down in pk5 completed our bus safety we had fire prevention week with uh police kindergarten going going down to fire hall we did en roll the school which is a Statewide event I guess actually a national event where our kids met at the community center and they walked down to school together I was on the ninth um our third graders went to Wilmer to the orchestra so they had a good field trip there we also went to uh first graders on a field trip to go see Farms we've got the Raptor Center coming here on the 16th so we've been busy with a variety of things that us on our toes we also had poison prevention in today so good for our young kids especially with the pills that look a lot like candy these days so that's just a good reminder for them um just highlight two things off of the report that I gave you the first one we completed fast Bridge testing so fast Bridge replace star if you remember star from years past so this it's kind of part of what NBA require schools to do so we'll do it again in January and then again in the spring so uh three rounds of of testing so not as as frequent um from that uh Beth gson did just a great job helping staff kind of go through that for the first time pulling a lot of kids out out and then uh the data collection and that data is done by uh by Julie uh deacons for the most part so both Beth and Julie just been great this last month to help us get that data and then use it to take our lowrisk and high-risk students to put them into groups so our our interventions are in place now we're kind of Full Speed Ahead so we're excited to see what kind of Gam we can make before our next assessment coming up in January I think it's January 13th to the 24th is that next window4 so we feel pretty good about that then on the bottom uh I've been in uh each classroom doing kind of a a mini observation just a quick drop in and then I started the the full fledge observation on four of our non- tenur staff uh just great to get in the classroom got a lot of talented passionate uh teachers and a lot of really good things going on here so just excited to be able to watch that happen watch our kids make uh progress towards the goals that we're s so you have any questions for me I'd like to add something if you could share with the board uh Mr beram the fast bridge that we're currently doing um what what are we testing in the elementary school with fastbridge and then what do we use that data for great question so um the the tests are centered around reading and math uh we focused a lot of our our mtss time on reading this year but you can also use it for map so it gives us a score on the Reading part it kind of red flags student is at risk for dyslexia and then it puts them in either a a high risk a low risk or moderate risk or I guess no no risk so a little different the colors are different than what we've had in the past but basically puts them into kind of four categories if you think of the MCA test the exceeds meets partial doesn't kind of that same thing so on the partial or doesn't or the low risk and and highrisk those are the students that we try to put in small groups of about four or five and then work on interventions with those so those interventions done by the classroom teachers by our Title One staff and then by by Julie herself she Po and then math we we do the same thing just the interventions aren't quite as detailed so that's more just done in the classroom we use that same strategy to kind of separate those groups to help us identify which kids are the greatest risks and then what can we do to help them make those games so yeah so I have a question so how does all of this duvail into the other testing that we're that we're doing because um several years ago you look at the data both in reading and in math and we really have some areas that we could improve in what how does this data fit into that or doesn't it and what what else do we learn from great great question yeah so uh this is our first time with with fast Bridge so our I guess we anticipate that fast fridge will have a greater correlation to the MCA test because this is what Minnesota wants us to do um so the data that we get should be similar to what we're going to see come springtime so it helps us identify those atrisk kids sooner so that hopefully we can make those gains so um our staff has gone one step further and they've isolated certain kids that they're going to focus on to try to raise those so U they're working at interventions that are more detailed as well as for small groups so uh we use that data then hopefully to see some some progress when it comes to time MC intest again it's one day one snapshot but when we do this three times I think we get a pretty good view of that although we only do the fast fridge three times we do progress monitoring between those tests so those are just kind of shorter brief check-ins kind of help us see if we're making gains or if a kid needs to move from one group to the next so uh there there will be some progress monitoring between now in January 1 thank you yeah that's a long answer isn't it okay thank you when is your third set of testing is that at the end of the year or do you still have time to make some corrections and adjustments that will be um it will be before the MCAS but not substantially before so it should just kind of give us one more look at where we're at with about two weeks to kind of really focus on what we can do for MCAS yeah anything else all right we'll go with you thank you uh fairly light on the bullet points for you this month I do want to address real quick I feel like I think this is with I'm getting older you know all the time changes as you age I feel like every year I keep saying man we're already through the next the next time we have board meeting we're going to be over 25% through the school year and that just it just fls me every time I think about it anyway so we're a month into the books and homecoming week was fantastic uh I'm very happy to talk about uh we brought back the parade the parade looks a little bit different it looks a lot different than it used to but we utilized the track had a walking parade so all the high school groups and the grades were able to walk around the track we had the uh the elementary kids with the the uh the fans in the stands and so it was a nice way to kind of break in soft Breakin of the the track and the football get the kids walk around it uh we're looking at what we can do to improve it of course but for it to be a first try it was it was one of those things that's the start of making memories that you know when are talking about oh back in my day in school to be able to talk about that period something that uh definitely the staff wanted to bring back it was a good first step forward with with our kids that are currently here now again we continued with uh with our safety stuff so we're we're rolling with with all that the bus safety of course being one of those things that's it's important in John was making sure we were on top of that um I want to highlight bullet point number four Miss Cary came to me last spring and about this mobile priz conference stes and I kind of went okay what are we talking about here so anyway she said hey I've got a really cool option for kids they're doing it virtually this year so we don't need to go down to St Peter we could utilize the auditorium bring the kids into it let them attend certain sessions and the really cool thing was that it was about adolescent sleep and so good opportunity for them to be able to be exposed to that have this this wonderful I'll say the online venue uh but to have this really professionally conducted and performed opportunity for the kids to get about something that was really relevant to them whether or not they want to admit it so uh that was that was really good did that over two days uh and then we had our staff workshop on the 7th and we did some CPR um I have 90 on there that would have been the potential for the maximum of half I could have done it end up not being that high because we did make it optional for pairs to come in was a little bit of Le notice and never require they had something to do or other jobs if they were working but big thank you to Grant Paula and for for setting that up for us and and then we also threw in a a check off for the teachers that was on the indigenous people's uh component for cus that they need for their Li here so we were able to provide that link to them so they were able to get that taken care of as one of those options for them to do uh we also had blood drive carrying on with opportunities for kids to go places and learn about careers in colleges and um if you haven't figured it out over the my four years at the high school now that's something I'm passionate about I want kids to have a good opportunity to have an IDE out there for them a transition starting that transition kind of about 10th grade um and so that conference is rolling the night first one of two for the week and I will have some attendance members for you on that November questions for me right Jim now that you're here sorry I was working at 56 or football game right well most things you can read I'll just highlight a few things things um that you don't have to read first off as you see the um we played the conference Championship it's kind of exciting again against minota this is an extra game that that State High School league does not make us count so if it's an interc Conference Championship Game we're allowed to have an 18th event and uh so that's kind of beneficial and and it's kind of fun um girls tennis season did conclude last uh week at sou Falls both we lost in the first round and we had to play number one C mon video was a really quality team our numbers are good uh no question I talk to Lindsay a little bit about this the big thing right now is the girls got to have to really start putting them off seon time um a lot of the other programs you volleyballs has a lot of success right now and they go play weekend after weekend after weekend which I always have an expence about to they they need a break too but you know showing up and playing for 45 minutes here or there probably isn't going to take you to that next level so we have some good numbers out we have a lot of good kids out and but if we want to start winning we obviously have to start putting some summertime in maybe get involved in USA and things like that football we have had a little conflict or whatever in our district in the last two weeks we've been hearing about it and then I got official information today but you'll see the tournament dates but when we played cambi this year we got beat and then we got notified today that they had some ineligible players playing against us so that turned out to be a forfeit so they had to Forfeit their their two wins in the first six games of the season they weren't allowed to have any wins at that point um we're not really sure the talk right now is about seating most most conferences or most District uses what it's called the qrf and it's a point system last year our our region or our our district didn't want to do that so our coaches voted to do a voted to do a voting um seeding this year so we don't really know where that's going to go uh so cambi is 0 and7 excuse me one and seven they beat y last week and they go on and play either minota or bold this week who are R you know top five and say minota is one I can't remember who but it just depends on how the coaches vote uh this and again it's a big game for us tomorrow night if we beat yam with three wins we're probably in the playoffs so this year our section is decided not to play seven and eight and I think some of that goes back to when you have minota and bold in a number of years they ranked one and two in the state and then we're putting seven and eighth grade teams against them and you're losing by 60 or 70 points that's not good for them that's not good for the teams losing so this year we've decided to play a seventh and eighth grade game they have no ability to move on in the tournament but they the seventh and eighth grade team seventh and eighth place ranked team gets to play one game and the season is done and so only the one through six are in the C tournament so really tomorrow night as as big a game as they've had you know all year they're either in the tournament which would most likely be a six seed I would guess um and again then you're playing three so it's not like you're having to play one of those two powerhouses right either so that's kind of what's going on in football volleyball you'll see the playoffs there we've really had a strong season and you know knock on for Micah we um so far this year last weekend we beat RTR who's ranked number one in the state when we went and played the three set tournament up in or over in the cities in Burnsville we beat both minota and Tyler who were I think two and three at that time and we lost to the number one rank team at that time I can't remember carel you number from but we lost to them in three sets I believe 16 to 14 well then there was another El I think so so we have played four of the five top teams in the state and beat um three of them so far now again that's uh they were three set matches but so we going into tournaments this is going to be a really interesting I could see any one of four teams come our section would be potential State finalist um lastly here on the events cross country they go to lever this this Thursday uh the one positive is that we we have the most cross country kids we've had for quite a few years we're up to 11 kids to see if you looked in that report second or third page third page but so our numbers are going up they uh that's good and bad when we go run at we go run places now we can't fit the 10 passenger van anymore so we have to take a couple vehicles and I guess that's a good thing dve let's see number two was actually jugs I got a little mixed up on that one that was the band concert was H not K that's why I'm not sure I put it in there musical practices have started I'm giving you a month little month extra notice now I normally tell you about two days before if you can put those dates on your calendar it'd be really nice you guys could make it to the auditorium for one of those events November 15 16 17 and see their hard work what is the thank you John I was going to just say that um Junior High boys basketball we still have a split season there's only four or five of us that do that and I have I always have mixed feelings about that I kind of like to go the longer season part of the problem is again our school day is still longer than most school days so some of these schools that do that they still have some of them have morning practices some of them will go you know they they get an hour and 15 minutes after school and then the other one goes after that the problem is now we're going till 7 o'clock and I don't know that I'm ready to take that step I wish I could figure that out um so I was asking tonight maybe we could build another Court um that would help me a lot if we can get that there but no that ideally it' be nice to have a full season just haven't figured out how to do it yet without having morning practices or really night practices and that's not good either you see the dance team starts next week and then I've asked for the majority of my winter coaches so thank you for approving those I got still a few positions I'm working on I did have Aon art resigned from the C Squad boys basketball position at this point and I'm still kind of working on haven't talked to people for the Junior High girls yet so I do have till January right that's all I have unless she have some questions I have something for you Mr okay um we have we have this fall we've been working with a trainer that has come out to help um with with h school activities could you share with the board where that where that conversation started and then maybe just some of the the highlights the last month or so with that sure only got 20 minutes yeah I know that's um Christopher Mr Christopher's wife is a physical therapist at the Olivia hospital and they brought up would we ever be interested in have her come and help and I will say there's a high major there's a high percentage of schools we play at that they have home field trainers why me they have one that comes in almost every day so they're there for practices they're for their their trainer is there for most of their events so we we talked to Heather Christopher and she'd be willing to do it and again not for free but she comes in and she's Works our home football games which has been really helpful um the other thing is and this isn't a slam on any coaches but there's a lot less training involved to be a coach nowadays you you have to go take a eight hour Saturday class or now I think you can do it online and then they give you eight more hours online where it used to be a full semester you had about 16 credits you would you would send spend the whole football season taping ankles and helping in the training room and those things for head coaches basically got thrown up in fact most schools don't even do a coaching minor anymore so it puts the coaches on a it makes it difficult for them too or maybe their training doesn't doesn't often help them what and what to do how to diagnose and so on so Heather has been staying at our at our home football games maybe down the road maybe she'll travel with us and U then if we find out we have injuries and we open it up to volleyball cross country and tennis and if there are injuries that need athletes that need working on or just diagnosis she's willing to come in Wednesday after she gets done to Olivia hospital she gets her about 4:15 and puts in the time she needs which has usually been about an hour hour and 15 minutes so it's not real long and we may we're probably going to carry that out she will not attend events during the remainder of the year with exception of a few big things we'll probably have her for a dance competition we'll have her for or hosting the home track meet excuse me we're hosting a home track meet and the home Conference Track Meet this year if our facilities in the grass ready but we'll probably have her for big events like that where there's a lot of teams involved and then she is still willing in the winter months if we have if my coaches reach out and say we have some injuries and stuff like that she's willing to come at after she gets done to work on Wednesdays to work with her kids and she's doing it on an hourly rate for us not call not not uh travel time nothing like that when she gets here so thank you no I just I just wanted to make sure that that was shared no that's very good thank you I think that sounds great option for question I was gonna say it's especially helpful like you you see during the football season I I believe do we have four coaches on staff for football yeah so you've got four coaches that are on staff and all of them have responsibilities during the game whether they're calling offense calling defense preparing special teams getting the next people in line ready and stuff like that and as soon as you have one injury now you have 25% of your coaching has to go deal with that you know and you might have somebody that's dealing with a a head trauma or a concussion and then somebody that has a wrist well now there's two coaches that that have to take care of that and when those things happen sometimes the person who has just an injured R wrist maybe isn't cared for as much as they they maybe should um just because somebody else has to still carry out the play you can't call a timeout to retake an ankle and stuff like that that's I've seen that as really being helpful to our coaching staff too that they can they can be prepared excuse me and Josh I did have one more thing just happened today we um U Mrs tenson applied to State High School Le they had and I can't remember they were going to give away like 30 aeds and it took into consideration the um uh three reduced and the uh three free and reduced population in your district and all that stuff and we got notified today that we're one of the schools that are receiving a free AED from them which is probably 15600 and and I'm happy about that because we we have two traveling ones which I said with softball and baseball and now it would be nice to S one with track in the spring so it's going to be handy having a third one at no cost promise that's it all right thanks Jim right Josh sure well thank you very much for coming in um October is uh principal appreciation U month and I just want to give a shout out to both both Mr weatley and Mr Bertram um both those guys dump in a tremendous amount of time and effort so that our day can run smoothly and so that our kids are getting the best education they could possibly get and the staff are are treated well as too um there are certainly are a lot of Joys to being a principal and there's also some challenges uh and I just appreciate the way that you guys both approach these things which is great wisdom um but also patience and also empathy for for the situation that they're in um as we talked about just briefly earlier The Outdoor Learning space is coming together um very nice with a tentative due date of having that wrapped up by December 1st and that would include a a um an outdoor classroom space and right now the roof was was put on the tin was put on today and um and then also to somewhere for storage um to put things like outdoor made microscopes and and snowshoes and things like that that are used out there U and then also to an upgrade of the paths that are out in the prairie um area and the Outdoor Classroom is not just for high school science but it's for anybody in our building any any classroom any age to go out there and integrate you know outdoor activities and what their curriculum is you know see art classes going out there and using the nature to to base you know their their drawings on or their paintings on you know I hope that elementary kids will have an opportunity to read books about put in the snow and being out there in the snow having those books read to them so across the district is the Hope for that use um FFA crop um Ben you know did a great job of just sharing a little bit about te so I won't go into detail about that but we did have two successful cting which is which is a nice thing um as Mr Wheatley said homecoming was a success this year um more and more opportunities for our high school and middle school kids and and elementary kids to do things together um which really builds great pride across the district under this Ro and as and as Mr weatley suggested or shared too that the walking parade was a was a success and it was fun to see everybody Out There Our nurse Donna organized on on the seventh CPR and also AED refresher courses and and sometimes refresher courses are watching a video and listening to somebody you know go through 10 points or things like that but the gentle that came up here from gr Falls from AA did a very nice job of of giving us the history and the background between why you use CPR and how have things changed over the last decade or so and then everybody did have an opportunity to do Hands-On you know with the CPR training too where where the the instructor went around and and and watched to see what the the chest compressions look like and what the breathing looked like so and and you did it very in a very confident way and build people's self-esteem because it's for those of you that have done you know CPR course stuff like that as adults sometimes that's difficult to do with other adults watching you know it's like oh go am I get a pass um but but all all the staff were able to take the assessment and do very well so appreciate uh her for setting up this uh possibly life-saving instruction um for us parent teacher conferences as mentioned they did start tonight the fall ones and they go on to the 24th I want to say thank you to Mr West Brock Mr West Brock worked with our administrative assistance um to build a different way for moms and dads and family members to sign up um for for conferences we were using signup genius which you you paid for um and and Jesse was able to put together um something that did not cost um and and certainly helped us with data privacy too so that you know other people didn't get to see other people's names out there on the worldwide web um sign up for activities and then um Mr Wheatley um with the help of of some staff put together a student reflection uh worksheet for each of the middle school and high school kids to prepare this last week so that they had input on how things are going in their individual classes not just their academic grades but what's going well um what what could be improved upon so that they have you know their voices heard during conferences um you know sometimes if the child is there and you're sitting there with parent or the teacher the Empower things going and it's it's good you know and and what did you learn in school today nothing and do you have any homework no and it's just like you know it's it's the same thing so these were some open-ended reflection questions so that they had that prepared um for when moms and dads and family members came in tonight and then also on the 24th um centri care working again with with uh nurse Donna from Wilmer U we offered flu shots for staff and students and then for staff members that wish to have a covid uh vaccine updated they could have that done too um during the school day athletic project update on the 20th we had a ribbon cutting um ceremony and that was very well attended the first game was homecoming and we had close to 800 people um in attendance and then during the ribon there was close to 500 um people in attendance and uh as I was telling somebody today just what that attendance looked like we didn't have any seating left for the first G people were standing you name it they were standing there you know holding up the fence um so very good attendance um Sherry came over and cut the ceremonial ribbon um and she says hello to all of you if she didn't get to see you on that night um she misses all of you and working with you too um Jim invited ex football players alumni football players from from not only McCrae but mayard Clarity and Raymond to come and there was a couple that that showed up in their their Raymond Letterman's jackets and their Manor the jerseys and things like that so that was good to see there was over 50 um in attendance and they spread across the football field from about the 30 yard line to the other 30 yard line which was great and then Mr trulock also organized um and honored a couple of families of of football players that have deceased since they have uh left the the the McCrae program and then the 56ers played at so overall was a very good evening um right now the grass has been seated out there in the dirt and first it was prep and you saw the the pictures I sent with the weeds that were under control and that's those have all been tilled under and um actually yes they've all been tilled under and then grass has been planted and I just noticed today too that there's water out on the baseball and softball fields they they' the the plumbing is above ground right now in the spets out there but just so that grass can begin to grow before the um the hard hard freeze so at with with the athletic project um bus safety as both the principales me mentioned Palmer bus company did come out to help with our safety of our students for for some it was it was Hands-On for others it was conversation um but this meets the requirement um and I did not know this until last year but each school district has to have a policy and so mccrae's policy is 709 that says that you need to give instruction for anybody that is kindergarten through 10th grade now this year we also included of the preschool children as well so but just that you know you know why why does this happen and is there a policy there and we we got some assistance with uh from Ashley and Hannah and they're from the Statewide Health Improvement partnership um in short it's called ship that's a good group that that comes out to talk to about um drug drug abuse um use of tobacco um making good choices uh and they're a great resource for our school early o um I traveled over to Mon videoo and joined the crsp which is the county roadway safety plan they had two gentlemen from mot that are tra Traffic Safety engineers and they held a workshop just to gain information from constituents in the county about travel and traffic and really in short they're part of tzd which is towards zero deaths they trying to cut down on severe accidents that take place in our County so I was invited just to talk about the school district and you know where are their intersections that are not safe where are their sidewalks that could be improved where are their train crossing different things like that they they asked um different constituents from across the county um roller blades in the elementary school we are partnering with a group called State time and our PE teachers Haron ARs and Caitlyn hin Holz Holz have organized um this opportunity for all our Elementary Schools kindergarten through fifth grade to have access to rollerblades for a week coming up I believe it's just before holiday break um and even for those students that you you know we think of maybe that they they would be unable to stand um they also have some other wheeler type of activities that that those kids can participate so that each person has an opportunity to be involved and the the the program they provide curriculum for that week the skates and then also protective here for for all of our kids um the walk and ride bike to school was very successful um we were also we we also give a shout out to the chip County Sheriff's department and some also some local ambulance and fire and rescue people that came and made sure that safe that that route was safe um safe routs to school from the community center up to school and then finally I think it was probably about a month ago um Debbie gave me a call and put me in connection with a lady by the name of Jennifer who's the Ben director then stands for business education Network and I believe uh Debbie has been part of that too going in and out of schools to help career building um but also to just future planning and to hear from people that are in the field before you have to just leave school and go get a degree or something like that so working with Jennifer right now to set up a date but the goal would be is for her to to visit McCrae with her team um sometime yet this fall or early winter with our eighth graders so that is even have a question good thank you all right 6.2 committee reports I don't 6.3 board discussion anybody any questions or just a comment can we maybe take a walk around the building again and have the Leeds whack that are going along the building we' talked about that before and it's kind of First Impressions very good and then I'm just wondering now that we're almost well almost a quter window school year and what I'm hearing from other districts is that they're just seeing um an increase in the children who need some additional assistance whether it's SP or titled or what not have we had discussions with the sped team I know in the past have talked about the concern about the space and what not have we had discussions with them this year what have we heard and what are we doing about it sure so at the end of the year we did have conversation with our our sted program across the district um at that point we made the decision I came to the board and asked if we could add one uh FTE in SP and we did do that and so that that person has alleviated um some of the um case manager loads of our elementary and our middle school high school kids um the sped department has had a conversation to put together a list of kind of some of their priorities as a department across the district and our special ed director is has shared those things with me um I have not met with the entire special ed Department yet this this fall as an entire group um but I think we owe it owe it to all of those kids not just in special letter title to to put you know to put forth the best possible environment for them and so those those those um those conversations will continue to be and we have when in regards to like you know what action steps we have a brand new special ed director through the co-op his name is Larry Severson and uh I asked him this late summer and then early fall too to to seek other school dist that have a similar setup with their special ed suite and how it's been successful um so that we can kind of model that too or at least give resources to our staff I think it's great that we're giving input from other districts but I also think we've got the expertise right here in this district and they know what's workable within their environment so I appreciate if you could visit with them more about if the environment is conducive and if it is not and then just let us know at the next I will say too in regards to not only our special ed staff but also our Core teaching staff they really have had they really have done a nice job this fall you know being very confident going to Mr Wheatley or going to Mr Bertram or coming down to my office just to talk about first their successes but also their their concerns so um it's been a very good start with just open and honest communication but I think that that's yes we can always improve in those areas so I appreciate okay any got anything else you want to bring okay if not 7.0 business items we have two policies 7.1 adopt policy 506 need a motion for do you want me to give just a a short version of each of these a sentence or so so 506 has to do with student discipline in the last year so some of the state statutes with student discipline change so that's one change you will see in the red line um msba the other um item is is schools are encouraged each each year to look at at at policy 506 to see if what they're saying in the discipline policy is what they're doing okay so an example would be if a student was removed from a classroom what are the steps for them you know or where are they going you know are they just are they sent to the band room are they sent to go take a lap on the football field you have you have to put that down just in a short phrase but it's it's something that uh this fall both Mr beram and we and I and and ORD of students Sarah Mo sat down to to update so that's what 506 that's what you're looking at tonight and then 611 has to do with homeschooling and the only change within that document is that it um do you remember what our that was BL yes yeah it was um what paragraph okay four is it four okay I remember saying okay so at the end at the end of D I think one of the last phrases we added a deadline to when homeschooled materials will be purchased so right now if a homeschooled family would like a textbook if they have materials and things like that it's been kind of open-ended and so therefore they could be purchasing I suppose in June but yet we have to close our books and start the new year June 30th and so it would be helpful to have the beginning of the year is kind of that the time in which we respect that we'll try to get those resources but we're not in a point where we're going to be purchasing anything more for this school does that purchase is it based upon like a homeschooled parent request or is it based upon what the school offers us for I think it's it's both you know I think if if a if whatever the curriculum is that they want at home does not align with what the the um the school standards are the school curriculum I believe we could deny that but if it was they may not have the exact same text sixth grade l so not giving you a very clear answer because I'm I'm not exactly sure but that would be we would look into that most of the time it's a reimbursement they purchase it and they yeah give us the receipt so I know kind of like flip-flopped over second policy no no no that's right and I just had a question about that too so if a student does decide to participate in one of our um classes here y do we then are we able to collect state aid for that portion of the time that they're in the district yes yeah that's in all in the Mars report okay just just for my own other FYI so if it is a Christian based materials State funding can't pay for that so it has to be for something that is non religious based I should say Okay anybody else got any questions about that I better get a motion here for adopting policy 506 that's the student discipline I'll make a motion any other questions about that before okay those in favor say iose me okay 7.2 policy 611 home school Mo I'll second that that one any other questions on that particular policy no all right those in favor say iose me okay 8.0 upcoming meetings pleas November 12 then that truth and Taxation meeting is always before the regular meeting de okay I need a motion to adour start second I'll second that yep 643 right and then we favor say I