##VIDEO ID:59VpVIX1zDk## e e good evening thank you for coming I would like to call to order the Board of Commissioners regular meeting it is Wednesday August 14th 2024 6:m City attorney would you please lead us in the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance here Heavenly Father we come uh to you today asking your guidance wisdom and support as we begin this meeting help us to engage in meaningful discussion allow us to grow closer as a group and nurture the bonds of this community fill us with your grace as we make decisions that might affect the residents of the city of Mader Beach and continue to remind us that all we do here today all that we accomplish is for the betterment of the city of Madera Beach in this we pray amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all city clerk would you please call the role Mayor Brooks here vice mayor tagini here commissioner KK here commissioner McAn here commissioner gabay here all are present next on the agenda is the approval of the agenda do we have a motion so moved a second second city clerk would you call the role sorry strle commissioner gabay yes vice mayor tagini yes commissioner mcgean yes commissioner Kerr yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carry 5 to zero there are no proclamations or presentations this evening so we will move on to public comment public comment participation is encouraged if you are addressing the commission step to the podium and state your name and address for the record and the organization or group you represent please limit your comments to five minutes and do not include any topic on the agenda public comment on agenda items will be allowed when they come up if you would like someone at the city to follow up on a comment or question made at the meeting you may fill out a comment card with the contact information and give it to the city manager comment cards are available at the back table in the commission Chambers completing a comment card is not mandatory for any quasi judicial public hearings that might be on the agenda an affected person may become a party to a quasi judicial proceeding and can be entitled to present evidence at the hearing including the sworn testimony of witnesses and relevant exhibits and other documentary evidence and to cross-examine all Witnesses by filing a notice of intent to be a party with the community development director no less than 5 days prior to the hearing do we have any public comment please good evening my name is Nathan broer my address is at 2630 Miriam Street South in Gulfport uh I'm here this evening just to introduce myself I'm on your ballot November 5th I'm a candidate for state house in this District district 61 and I've made an intention to visit every city council or city commission meeting I can in the district I've grown up in the area never been fortunate enough to live here but I've come to this beach many times over my 50 years living in the area and have enjoyed seeing it grow and develop but I'm here to listen and to learn how you all work and what those most important issues are to you and hopefully we'll have a chance to speak with you all at some time in the next few months but thank you any additional public comment M mayor Commissioners I'm Jeff begs 429 basa Drive um just speaking as as a president today one of the things I'd love to see um the city look a little harder into is the illegal short-term rentals that are going around and I think they're becoming more rampant and I think it's degrading some of the the areas around the places that are not zoned for it are doing it and I think there's opportunities that we can look in for harder enforcements and kind of keeping the preserving the residential nature of certain areas so I just wanted to say that and see if it can come up on someone's radar and just kind of take a look and see what we can do to kind of make it painful for those who break the rules maybe look at adjusting the rules or doing some things to kind of keep the residential areas residential and keep the tourists where they're supposed to be according to the zoning so that's all I wanted to say thank you do we have any additional public comment with no more public comment we will move on to approval of the minutes if everyone has had the opportunity to review the minutes do we have a motion to approve M mayor I have a question yes there are um the there are three uh meetings that we have to minutes would you want them all in one vote or separately they can all be in one one okay yes thank you thank you I'll make a motion to approve the M minutes as written do we have a second a second city clerk would you call the role commissioner Kerr yes commissioner MC yes commissioner gabay yes vice mayor tagini yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carry five to zero we have nothing on the consent agenda so we will move to public hearings a ABP 20244 dicks Last Resort and I'll will hand this over to our City attorney thank you mayor uh um this is a quadal proceeding so I want to go through the process as required by our code first of all a summary of the application um the applicant for ABP 202 24-4 is requesting authorization from the Board of Commissioners for the approval of a 4 cop alcoholic beverage license for the sale of beer wine and liquor for consumption on premises at Dicks Last Resort Restaurant at 111 Boardwalk Place West Suite 203 here in the Beach uh the standards to be applied tonight for this application are the stands that are standards that are set forth in section 110- 532 those factors are as follows number one the extent to which the location and the extent to which the proposed alcoholic beverage request will adversely affect the character of the existing neighborhood number two the extent to which the traffic generated as a result of the location of the proposed alcoholic beverage request will create gestion or present a safety hazard number three whether or not the proposed use is compatible with the particular location for which it is proposed number four whether or not the proposed use will adversely affect the public safety and the last criteria is that no application for review under this section shall be considered until the applicant has paid in full any outstanding charges fees interest fines or penalties owed by the applicant to the city under any section of the code the burden of proof that you will apply tonight is set forth in section 2-10 a of the code um and I'm going to read that to you the applicant shall have the burden of proof at the hearing to show by the greater weight of the evidence that the application is consistent with the city's comprehensive plan and complies with all procedural requirements of law conditions may be suggested by the applicant the city or any party or may be imposed by the board which are intended to assure consistency and compliance the parties tonight are only two we have no affected parties that have filed notices of intent so the parties are the city of madira Beach and the applicant DLR madira Beach LLC the order of presentation would be normally for the applicant to uh go forward I'm not sure if the applicant is prepared to do that and I'm seeing that she is I'll introduce that attorney in just a moment I want to read the quadal proceed uh procedures that we're going to follow tonight this is a quadal proceeding where the Board of Commissioners acts in a qua judicial rather than a legislative capacity at this hearing it's not the board's function to make law but rather to apply law that has already been established in a quaal hearing the board is required by law to make findings the fact based upon the evidence presented at this hearing and apply those findings the fact to previously establish criteria contained in the code of ordinances in order to make a legal decision regarding the application before it the board may only consider the evidence at this hearing that the law considers competent substantial relevant to the issues if the competent substantial and relevant evidence at this hearing demonstrates that the applicant has met the criteria establishing the code of ordinances then the board is required by law to find in favor of the applicant by the same token if the competent substantial relevant evidence at this hearing demonstrates the applicant has failed to meet the criteria establishing code of ordinances then the board is required by law to find against the applicant at this point I need to ask you each of the Commissioners whether or not there have been any exper Communications or conflicts of interest that need to be closed I'm seeing none at this time I need to swear in the witnesses that are going to be speaking tonight so anyone that is going to speak if you can stand up raise your right hand I want to swear you under oath you swear that the testim you're about to give is going to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth okay thank you so we're GNA have the applicant proceed we did get a uh request for public comment it looks like from Amanda hin did I pronounce it correctly I believe that she is the attorney representing the applicant on this matter so we'll have her go ahead and begin that will be be immediately followed by the city's presentation um and then it'll be back to the commission for consideration so Amanda if you could introduce yourself and make your presentation good evening my name is Amanda Hassen um I am located at 119 South Monroe Street in Tallahassee Florida I'm here today on behalf of DLR Madera Beach LLC they're doing business as Dick's Last Resort uh they are looking to be located at 111 Boardwalk Place Suite 203 they are replacing a restaurant use that was currently there and they will be assuming the restaurant space um as you are aware a restaurant is a permitted use for this subject property uh the alcohol license that's being sought is a 4op SFS which is a special Food Service license for restaurants only uh that makes sure that the restaurant only incurs 51% of food and beverage sales and alcoholic beverage sales must be less than 51% and they will get regularly audited by the division of alcohol and tobacco to ensure that uh consistency as well as they must have at least 120 seats and this restaurant will have 76 seats inside and 44 seats outside the restaurant also will apply and be consistent with all of the requirements under the code of ordinances for this use um there's no expected nuisance or increase in parking needs or increase in traffic to be generated as it's compatible use there's currently a restaurant there I'm here for any questions that you may have and thank you for your time this evening any questions for the applicant not seeing any thank you thank you all right and Joe are you handling this presentation tonight if you could introduce yourself and go ahead and proceed with your presentation my name is Joseph Bagley I work for the planning and zoning department of madira beach I'll be presenting this alcoholic beverage permit application briefly going through the criteria in the city of Mader Beach Land Development recognition and uh just so we're clear this will'll be taking the new restaurant will be taking the place of previous John's Pass Grill if you know where that is and they also had the same type of alcoholic beverage permitted the extent to which the location and the extent to which the proposed alcoholic beverage request will adversely affect the character of the neighborhood permitting Dex dick SL resort to add beer Wine and Liquor to the menu for consumption on premises should not affect the character of the neighborhood the existing neighborhood is mostly commercial uses and various other businesses in the same area already serve alcohol John's Pas Grill which was the previous tenant of The Suite had the same for Coop alcoholic beverage license which was permitted through ABP 2022-2023 and also was expanded to the neighboring unit uh through ABP 20235 Additionally the applicant is aware of the noise ordinance in the city of madira Beach and they agree to that the character of the existing neighborhood will not be adversely affected finding number two that the extent to which traffic generated as a results of the location of the proposed alcoholic beverage request will create congestion or present a safety hazard dick SL Resort will be in a walkable part of the city and approving the restaurant to serve beer Wine and Liquor should not negatively affect traffic or present a safety hazard dick SL Resort has a parking agreement with John's Pass Plaza informly known as John's Pass parking garage as indicated in their lease and verified by email from the parking lot owner included as part of this agenda packet John's Pass Grill had the same parking lot agreement and stated a similar number of seats on their alcohol beverage permit applications therefore the traffic generated shouldn't be significantly more than the previous restaurant that was at this location finding number three whether or not the proposed use is compatible with the particular location for which it's proposed this proposed alcoholic use is compatible with the location restaurants are a permitted use within this zoning District any distance requirements of section 110- 530 or other section of the midor Beach Municipal Code would be met by this restaurant serving alcohol criteria four whether or not the proposed use will adversely affect Public Safety Public Safety should not be adversely affected by dickl Resort serving beer wine and liquor for consumption on premises there there are businesses nearby that already sell alcohol and Di slash Resort has other locations within the state that also have similar alcoholic beverage permits through the state criteria five no application for review under this section shall be considered until the applicant has paid in full any outstanding charges fees interests fines or penalties owed to the city the applicant does not have any outstanding fines penalties owed to the city under any section of our code so staff recommends the approval of the AL alcohol permit application and then within the agenda packet uh we have their local application uh their state application email clarifying from the applicant to City staff the number of seats and their noris hours uh confirmation of their parking agreement with John's Pass parking garage which is from the owner the property owner's written approval of the application uh agent authorized notarization notorized affidavit form and the public notice of mailing and posting are you asking for the uh that information to be received into evidence yes okay anything further you wanted to present tonight no okay thank you Amanda do you have any qu a cross- examination of the city's WT okay all right uh is there a summary that you would like to give are you satisfied with your presentation okay the city want to summarize or are you satisfied your presentation we're satisfied okay so mayor it's back to the well let me ask you let me make one more thing any anybody else in the public want to speak on this agenda item that did not raise their hand earlier okay so it's back to the commission or consideration of this application so it' be a motion to approve and then you would vote it up or down do we have any comment or emotion I move we approve uh APB 20244 for Dick's Last Resort do we have a second I'll second city clerk would you call the role vice mayor tangerini yes commissioner Kerr yes commissioner McAn yes commissioner gayi yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carried five zero thank you we can move on to the next agenda item thank you our next agenda item is ordinance 2024-the and read that ordinance by title only this is ordinance 2014-08 an ordinance of the city of Madera Beach Florida amending chapter 110 zoning article 6 supplementary District regulations division 3 landscape fences Gates Hedges and walls of the city's land uh development code to provide further information on definitions and applicability of division to include the vision triangle amend front side and rear yards um and uh include fences around swing pools and location and height of fences Hedges and walls and add a non-conformity section providing for conflict providing codification and separability and providing for an effective date this is the second final reading of this ordinance the first reading was on July 10th and I would note that some revisions have been made to the ordinance and they're discussed in the staff memo um since the first reading does the staff have any presentation on this yes so starting on page 70 of the agenda packet uh there have been two changes since we brought this last time which I'll highlight as I go through all the changes one more time so starting on page 78 is where the ordinance begins on the agenda packet um the first change is with the definitions uh this was already approved at the last meeting but just going through it uh we are going to be starting using the building line definition when it comes to fence Heights and that would be defined by the less restrictive between the building setback in the zoning District or the structure B based on whichever would allow encroach further and we'll go back into that again one more time when we get into the height uh one of the two changes that we made from the last hearing is the definition of grade which we discussed adding of the higher side uh and what this means is when there's two properties if there's a fence being put up along a property line if there's two properties with different grade elevations adding this will allow us to measure the height from the higher side of those two sides which is how the Florida building code recognizes for swimming pool fences next change is number two building permits required uh we just want to outline that you don't need a permit to uh for a temporary construction fencing that would be part of the actual building permit you don't need a separate fence permit for that so we're just outlining that next would be four and five separating the opening requirements uh also this was approved in the last meeting uh but to go over it again where we had a lot of pre-manufactured fences that didn't meet the open fence criteria of the current code so this is a little bit less restrictive um with the opening sizes and it also separates requirements for all fences and then uh fences that have to be open such as fences that are on Open Water bodies above 3 ft uh we don't require we don't allow a fence taller than 3 feet unless it's open it can be up to 4 feet as an example so it would have to meet the open fence criteria another change that was already approved in the last meeting uh is just restating another section of the code where a fence is not allowed if it blocks an intersection visibility triangle which is um if you're near an intersection we don't want fences being put up that are going to block people's view um trying to make a turn um that that already exists in our code is just highlighting it in the yes it's limited to 3 feet in height within the intersection visibility 3 feet or less and then we get into height so none of uh just to go just to reiterate from last meeting none this is was already approved from last meeting no changes have been made to this section and no proposed changes are being made to the allowable Heights but what is being proposed is where the yards start because certain yards have different requirements for fence Heights such as a side yard you can be up to six feet while a front yard you can only be up to three or four feet depending on the type of the fence so this redefines what what exactly the front yard is versus the side yard which previously wasn't defined so we're doing that by referencing that building line definition which I spoke about earlier and then also we're allowing fences up to six feet uh adjacent to Su sewage lift stations we're adding City pocket Parks because that wasn't previously there uh along residential lines that are adjacent to commercial uses we're also adding in our fence code a reference to swimming pool fences Florida building code and our pool code of the Land Development regulations already require at least a 4ft fence around a swimming pool but that's not mentioned anywhere in our fence code so someone that's looking for a to put up a fence might not know that so we're just putting these requirements here and there was last time we brought this up in the last meeting there was a question about whether a fence is required on a caw wall for if there's a pool facing an Open Water body uh we looked into that and can confirm that it's not required and therefore we added the last sentence in number one so this was the second change from the last meeting so there were two changes since we approved since it was approved last meeting one was that the what I mentioned earlier and then this was the second change adding this second s this last sentence here that fences are not required to be installed parallel to the seaw wall for properties directly abing water bodies just to make that clear and then there was also a question last meeting on if a wing wall is required uh which if you're not familiar with that is it's a part of the fence that hangs over the seaw wall say on the side property line um we did confirm that is would be allowed but it's not required and the final change again this was already in the last meeting but is adding a non-conforming section stating that offenses Once you pull a permit have to meet this code uh typically other types of structure um are allowed to continue a non-conforming use um but for fenes we wanted to make it clear that all offenes have to follow this code once a permit is pulled and that's all the changes if anyone has any questions thank you do we have any public comment having no public comment Commissioners do you have any questions I have a question about the um on page 78 of the furthest vertical structure member of the primary structure on the subject property gets a little confusing there so what you're saying is if it's six foot requirement on the side of the house but it's only three foot in the back that vertical if it's let's call it 10 10 foot spans in between vertical members are you're saying that the as you go from the front of the house to the down the line if the back of the corner of the house you splits that 10- foot section then the next vertical member support member would have to be at six foot so correct the vertical member that's referenced in the section is talking about the vertical member of the structure not the fence and it it's a little bit weird the way we had to word it because we wanted to make sure we're including all different types of scenarios U but that's the vertical structural member of the primary structure so typically on a residential there would be the house but it's still the same question it's not really um so as you which if it's it's three foot in the backyard but six foot on the side yard m you don't split it in the middle of a 10-ft span you you split it at one or the other pole what is is that designated in here if so if assuming the structure is built beyond the setback so we're we're going by the structural member of the primary structure then it would be the furthest part of the structure is where the fence height would have to drop does that answer your question no I'm I'm a little dense I'm sorry so what we find is houses that were not built to the proper rear setback and let's say they encroach into it what we're trying to say is you your six foot fence can either run the length of your building line or has to meet the um setback requirement whichever is least rest restrictive so if you happen to have a home that was built years ago and encro into the rear setback you will be able to put a 6ft fence along there but that six foot immediately has to drop to three however you transition it once you pass that structure again like I say if you have if it's a 10- foot in between vertical post post Y and the six foot would carry on until the next post and then you would drop down no it would you have to design it such that at once you hit the corner of that house it's has to be right there that has to be 3et well what we find typically is the six foot posts will be right here and then they transition and by the time it hits the rear of the property it's transitioned down or we see him stop flush at 6 feet and then drop down to 3 feet that post has to be right there at the corner of correct you would have to have the post for the transition or like I said the transition happens prior to reaching the back of it that by the time you're at the back of the structure it's dropped down to is that is that clear in here I um we did the best we could if you want to offer any a different wording we're up for it we we did go back and forth on it Jenny yeah I I I'm just trying to understand yeah I would say that it's clear um it's also how we've been doing fences since I've been around uh since before my time Joe has uh Google Maps if that might be a little bit more clear so that 10 foot span you would have to break it in that scenario you would have to break it into a five foot span or of six foot or they could just drop it at the previous post that's already on the side yard because the six foot height that's just a maximum it doesn't mean the fence has to be 6 feet high um so whatever whoever the fence contractor and the owner whatever they want to decide but whatever they decide they would have to either split it up so that it's not 6t beyond the past the structure or it'll have to drop before it gets there with a previous post right and if you have a pool in your yard it has to be minimum four feet everywhere correct thank you any more comments from the commission no thank you do we have a motion I I move we approve ordinance 20 248 and a second I'll second city clerk would you call the role please vice mayor tagini yes commissioner Kerr yes commissioner gabay yes commissioner mcgean yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carried 5 to zero next on the agenda is ordinance 20 24-9 appendix D John's Pass Village Activity Center development standards and I'll hand this to the City attorney thank you mayor this is ordinance 20249 an ordinance of the city of M Beach Florida amending the code of ordinances of the city of Madera Beach to adopt appendix D to establish the Johns Pass Village Activity Center development standards providing that said standards shall regulate development in the John's Pass Village District providing for permitted accessory and special exception use uses providing for building Site Area requirements providing for setback requirements providing for residential vacation rental and temporary lodging use density providing for maximum Building height providing for maximum floor area ratio providing for impervious surface ratio providing for alternative temporary lodging use standards providing for design standards and guidelines providing for conflict providing for severability and providing for an effective date that was the first reading of ordinance 202 24-9 by title only and I'm not sure is Jenny GNA you going to present that one uh yes I'll present um so in March March 13th of this year both ordinance 2023 D1 and map of John's Pass Village Activity Center to create that Activity Center that we know of as John's Pass Village activi Center area so within one year we have to up update Our Land Development regulations what we typically think of as zoning so you will see four ordinances in your packet tonight this is the first one uh ordinance creates an appendix and that's what starts on page 86 of your packets tonight and within this ordinance um you are we are creating a new appendix that has all the uh development standards for John's Pass Village Activities center so we have those six character districts that we've discussed um previously for the past few years and then all the development standards that are in the special area plan that were also adopted into your comprehensive plan as well as the countywide plan you can see these six character districts um on page 88 it's also on the screen there so we can just go through this and then you have any questions we've seen this draft go before boc at workshops um previous workshops and it went to the Planning Commission on August 5th and was uh recommended approval from the Planning Commission unanimously and then also in your packets we've been working with the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Commission or Council so on page 108 of your packet they put together some visuals to help the public this will not be adopted just a supporting document and we can go through that as well just to show you setbacks Heights um permitted uses we may just show that that might be a better representation thank you Andrew so here is how the height is calculated so it's from design flood elevation to the eve line of the building if it's a flat roof to the top of the flat roof so here we have design flood elevation which is 4 feet above the base flood elevation and that is dependent on your flood insurance rate map your firm here's the setbacks I'm sorry may I ask questions about the height yes we can we can go into the height or is that or were you eluding to that down Road um that so this is a supporting document but it might be better to go to the actual language for the height discuss so so the is the height measured from DF or from the ground it's measured from DFE from D which is above BF yes okay so so it goes to the rooftop if the if the rooftop is flat yes now if we have hip roof and then it's to the eve line still to the eve line it doesn't matter if it's a hip roof or yes so all right so if it's flat roof then you may have parid walls and you may have like the Elevator Shaft and stairwells and so forth and so on how is that how does that play into these uh height calculations we do have a section in the code um see do you mind bringing that up um there's certain certain things that can exceed the height okay uh which is like your mechanical units um give us just minute scroll down I think it's at the very end of that section let me see yeah if you want yep so in section 110- 430 we have height regulations and subpart B is permitted exception to height regulations are chimneys cooling towers elevators stairways protective railings gas tanks Steeples water towers ornamental Towers or spires amateur radio towers and necessary mechanical opportuni may be erected as to their height in accordance with the existing or heret adopted ordinances of the municipality provided no Tower other than a church Spire or such communication Tower of a public building shall exceed 20 ft above the maximum allowable Building height limit or 20 feet above the main building roof and it kind of goes on with some other stuff but for the most part it's 20 feet above the LI the height limitation can't exceed it can't exceed 20 feet more than 20 feet above the height limitation but does that also include pergolas bergas or anything like that are not mentioned um like I said like the chimneys cooling towers elevators bulkheads fire Towers stairways protective railings gas tanks stles water towers ornamental Towers yeah I'm not um seeing any reference to like a Pergola or anything of that nature like an accessory structure of A Sort one thing the Planning Commission uh adopted in their motion is we did add the language for stories which kind of so basically with height you'd be regulated from the feat from DFE to the E Line and then the number of stories um so for example if you have more than half half an acre um in the commercial core um you get 55 ft from DFE but it's restricted to uh four stories over uh one story of ground floor commercial so um potentially five five stories from grade but that kind of keeps things Lim uh Limited in and like two ways with the feed and and the number of stories allowed are you pretty determined on adding the number of stories to what's allowable for height is that something that you have to have in I think so since uh we it was recommended to measure to the E line to assure that there's no hidden stories say within like a maner roof or um a gabled roof with Dormers just making sure that it's very clear that these are the maximum amount of stories thank you and those were based off of the master plan back in 2002 as well you reference that or typically you know height is height and then you have density that you try to adhere to and you sometimes developers like to squeeze but height is really what mostly matters not necessarily the number of stories yeah so this is measure ing to the eve line um provides a little bit of flexibility um a little encouragement to have those um like hipped or gabled roofs that you see with the Press metal um sanding seam roofs down there um but then flat roofs are also allowed it could be is appropriate in some areas um architecturally in your more traditional Main Street area so in the traditional Village area um we see more of the flat roofs so just gives a little bit of variety and um and variation in the in the roof pulation so going back to the new appendix d uh it really outlines what's in the special area plan that was approved back in March uh with the permitted uses accessory uses and uh the special exception use the one thing that we've added and you'll see this in a few different other ordinances later on and throughout the night uh for special exception uses they have to go to the special magistrate um the open rooftop use if commercial use or accessible to more than one temporary lodging vacation rental or residential unit you'll see that in the special exception uses and we' like to carry that throughout the city excuse me Jenny can I just ask a question about that se the yes special exception uses did you did I understand you to say anything listed there must go before a ma a magistrate yes that is correct and then there's 10 criteria that staff reviews and the special magistrate will review in making that determination it'll also be a public hearing um and neighbors will be notified VIA mail about the hearing as well thank you you're welcome and let's go 94 okay and we just discussed a little bit of the height and then the temporary residential vacation rental and temporary lodging use density this mirrors the special area plan that was [Music] approved same for the floor area ratio impervious surface ratio and then the alternative temporary lodging use standards one thing if using the alternative temporary lodging use standards uh the applicant would have to conform to all design standards and guidelines oh Jenny real quick um as far as um floor area ratio versus density which is units an acre mhm so floor area ratio is merely for commercial right or do you also so in in activity centers in the county it's an all-inclusive F so it's for all all uses I I know it's kind of confusing because later on in the night when we look at the C3 C4 and R3 zoning districts those are the proportional ones where it'll say like a like commercial or non-residential use for the F but in the John's Festival Activity Center every everything's going to be an all-inclusive F so you're going to be regulated with the density and and everything that will be including commercial space will be in the f is kind of un density and intensity and then remember if you use that alternative temporary lodging use standard you have to count the structured garage as well within the floor area ratio and that's from the county it's a little different than how you typically would and then here in section D 113 is the design standards and guidelines so the design standards are required um all the guidelines are just guidelines of what we would like to see in the area now if if anybody is applying for a PD zoning they would have to adhere to all the standards and guidelines in the section as well as if anybody is applying for the alternative temporary lodging use standards and that is appendix D so that is all that we have in this ordinance and like I stated before there is there are visuals from Tampa Bay Regional planning Council starting on 108 of the packet and that's just a supporting document that's not um that will not be adopted within the code is just something to support something that is a little easier to digest and see as the general public so there you have the boardwalk District commercial core the heights setbacks is that the John's Pass Resort character District that is the low intensity mix use character District zop pelican the traditional Village and then the transitional District right that is all I have do we have any public comment [Music] good evening everybody John connley uh Normandy Road um I heard you ask a question that a flat roof would be what 44 feet total in John's Pass is that what is the what is your finished height John this is just make statement public comment okay public comment not question and answer perod all right I wanted to all right so what I'm basically getting at is um so everybody understands this if we have a height of 44 feet plus Mechanicals meaning air conditioning uh elevators what have you why can't we come up to a finished 60 foot or 54 feet and make that common for everything so but that doesn't mean that because it's now going up to 60 feet that you can build a 60 feet we're still at basically what I understand is 44 feet plus Mechanicals um so everybody kind of like understands the finished height of all the buildings otherwise the lay person doesn't understand that in other words the flat roof is 44 feet and then you add Mechanicals but it's not 44 feet anymore it's the Mechanicals plus the Mechanicals I should say do we have any additional public comment with no more public comment commissioners thank you thank you mayor uh I just wanted to make a comment that last time we discussed this I had specifically asked for some a few items to be included in the transitional Zone requirements and uh I met with the department and with Mr G they told me this isn't really the place for it to go so I'm telling you this now because on our agenda setting the item I alcohol noise and special events I'd like we need to address those in that ordinance because it's not addressed in this this is specifically for the transitional Zone which starts at 131st goes to 133rd it's mostly multi family dwellings hotels there's one the business Cana right uh just just to I to acknowledge the the uniqueness of that zone all right so that's all I just wanted to bring that out that's that's why that agenda setting is there because it's not addressed in this ordinance thank you thank you um to follow commissioner Gay's um comment on uh parapet walls and pergas on page 101 in the design guidelines the letter after the last one there gabled GRS with Dormers are encouraged perhaps um that might be a section where you could either State about the parapet walls or flat roofs um and make the flat roof a little bit more clear um as I mentioned prior in my mind I'm looking at the eve as the as the ceiling height of the highest occupied space so um I don't want to beat that to death but if there's any word smithing that that encourages um one thing that might might help if on page 94 of the packet which is section D 108 maximum Building height that we were discussing internally um after the Planning Commission meeting is including let me go to it on the screen or something that might um help with with that language would be here we go uh the following maximum building Heights are measured from design flood elevation in the John's Pass Village District to the E line of the building or highest point of a flat roof so that could be something that uh if was motioned tonight we could add well to his to his point the highest point of the flat roof would not that would include the roof not the parit walls that's more of a aesthetic and it would be used for you know sight lines to so that you did not see mechanical equipment on the roof but it's they shouldn't be um penalized in height because they wanted to use that parit wall to to hide mechanical equipment or whatever is on the roof there yes and then in the design standards so those have to be adhered to so section D13 Aon 1A any new new mechanical units including heating ventilation air conditioning equipment an exhaust and Supply fan shall be located in visual usually inconspicuous area of a building such as shielded on a roof and not visible or shielded from the public right of way good so those would have to be shielded not and not visible anything new okay um I do have another question um further in the packet I think it mentions the uh floor area ratio the Max and the commercial core is 2.0 is that correct I would have to look at that to double check yes to on page 97 section D 110 maximum F commercial core is 2.0 okay so if you have a commercial core 2.0 of a far of 2.0 how do you reach four stories over ground FL commercial um that depends on the design of the building uh if you use alternative temporary lodging use standards we'd have to count the garage if not then the Garage would not be counted in the floor area ratio okay but even at even at four stories if you're not counting well no I'll go back if it's uh if it's temporary lodging you have to have commercial space on the on the ground flooor in commercial core yes you have to have commercial on the ground floor so we're not talking about parking we're not using it as parking it's commercial yes now you could have a small um smaller commercial like retail like shops on the ground floor and then parking behind that and then maybe the second floor part of it could be parking and that wouldn't be counted really depends on the design and the size of the but but your stating that we're looking at four stories five stories tall um with a 2.0 that means it would be less than 50% of the buildable area is that correct I think it would be important to remember that not every inch of the lot would would be built over and there'd be open areas that wouldn't be counting towards the floor area like these like Veranda areas and or and then some buildings of in certain um character districts we do require step backs above a certain height like for example in in the John's Pass Resort above the third floor these have to be stepped back so it ends up being because of some of these o Open areas and that there are setbacks and step backs um um the the two ends up um encompassing um every everything down there because we looked at existing F ARS too of existing structures of similar height and scale so the so the two um encompassed and and worked for everything down there um here and patios don't are not it's only air conditioned space that's calculated into the bar no it's gross gross is based on Gross you determine floor area ratio and floor area ratio and density are State and and and regulated so we need to make sure we are we're not going above what they are requiring yes and those are the that's the floor area ratio that was also approved in the special area plan right no I'm not I'm not arguing the far I'm not I'm just I I have a little heartburn I I asked previously um why a quarter acre lot is is at height and Halfacre lot is another height and above a Halfacre lot is even another height I never really got an answer at the workshop it was more an explanation that we're going to you know there's going to be requirements for setbacks but I didn't get a real response or I didn't understand why it was why wouldn't they all be 55 why wouldn't they all be 34 we we um I guess from previous uh feedback we wanted to make sure that um we reduced the bulk of the height of the buildings to make it less imposing so the re so for example what why we for the 55 ft we require half an acre so you can do the step backs so from the street level it doesn't feel as tall of a building so it was kind of to R reduce the scale of the buildings a bit and make it more pedestrian friendly and walkable do we have the measurements to the existing Eve Heights now we have any idea uh to what what was measured on our walkth through um the highest one in the commercial core was 44 was that from grade that was from grade like yes grade okay so assuming what do we want to assume an8 8 foot grade 7 foot grade no it's probably four yes four foot grade proba three to you basically take 10 foot off of that so the highest was 34 feet above BFE that reasonable I mean I mean the parking structure down there is is a six floor parking structure I'm not talking I want to exclude the parking structure I'm talking about we're I want to my mind we're going to build build um buildings down there that are going to as part of another part of the code was it to have the uh fishing Village feel I that's a that drawing that's on the board right now that's on the monitor right now in my mind I'm just seeing that as a as problematic as far as the fishing Village we have to be careful that this is an activity center and not a hotel Center I mean I I am I embrac an opportunity to to to rebuild John's past Village I just want to do it the right way and you know to to meet the 60 units per acre or if they go to a alternate temporary lodging and and go through the the you know the Hoops I under I understand and embrace that I want every I want it to be a win-win but I don't I don't want my neighbors to say you ruined John's past Village that's that was that was where you know we love to attend our guests come to town we go we go down and we have dinner um I don't want it to become the John's past resort area where it's just temporary lodging or condos or it has I I want it to be a reason that people from Readington Beach come down and and spend their money enjoy the water so I'm you know I I still feel like this should have come back to another Workshop after the Planning Commission had their opportunity to look at and make comments you know we're we're being asked to vote on this tonight I'm not sure we're ready to and it's and it's mainly that I mean I'm I'm just looking at the far how how can you how can you meet the maximum far and also the meet the height and and build something that's reasonable I'm in in my mind I'm not pulling it together maybe I'm missing something I agree with you I agree with you I think um I think the staff is has done a wonderful job and they are so Advanced absolutely yeah you know not throwing stones answer for public and we need to slow down a little bit to to describe and explain things to public as we move forward so um yeah I think I another round of uh Workshop may be in order my opinion as well yes I also agree with that one war future meeting and they have done a great job I think it's just important that the uh madira Beach residents know also and we're all together on this uh there's no reason why we should Rush this through right now so I disagree I feel like we've had I couldn't I could not count how many meetings we've had on this subject how many public meetings we've had between inviting the public in Planning Commission meetings City commission meetings discussions one-on ones to be able to ask the questions to understand um and when I read through the packet this week I was very excited to see design stand standards because that is really what's going to keep John's Pass Village John's Pass Village and currently there are none there are no design standards really for anyone to have to follow if they wanted to build a hotel or a condo or retail building or what have you and until we adopt some designed standards for property owners to build by I mean we can keep pushing it to vote but we've set up here and have had exhaustive in conversations the public has come and has given lots of input I came to most of the workshops that the public came to I missed one or two but um they gave input and the the Community Development Department they took that input and that's how we got where we are today is from the input from the public um no one came here tonight to speak on this topic we've had public comment there's no one here that thinks there's something wrong with this tonight um and I just really felt like when I read through it that number one the Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve this and send it to us so it's not just being vetted by us the planning department the community that's come and given their input our Planning Commission voted on this and they had multiple meetings and the design standards that are in section D13 those are the standards that are going to keep John's Pass Village looking like John's Pass Village the encouragement to build a roof and then have decorative above is in keeping with the vibe of John's Pass um not only did the Planning Commission vote unanimously on this forward panelist has already reviewed it and they've given their blessing on it I think that it's time for us to move forward it doesn't mean that we can't make a recommendation or someone here can't recommend a change to the verbiage but I feel like it's time to vote and move this and let's get going with John's Pass so that we can ensure the Integrity of the village and until we vote on these items we will not be able to do that Miss mayor I I would have felt more comfortable if we had some sort of a uh some sort of a section as we see it there and it's really easy we I'm sure Marc knows what the flood zone is in John's Pass so you know show the ground and show the base flood elevation and four feet above that will be the design flood elevation and then the height from there would be to the eve height and then add another dimension from the eve height to the ground so if if you know I think we have that I I we have that yes we do have that that was at the last Workshop computer's not yes we do have that it's not included in tonight's pack I've seen that I don't know was this shared with the Planning Commission yes it was is it in this packet Ed in the I'm sorry it's basically shown in your drawings here from the what is it from Tampa Bay in a different it's not as pronounced as defined as Marcy strawing RC's drawing was perfect um but I'm I'm still I'm I'm not ready to vote on anything until we we uh understand this uh that you know the max far is 2.0 yet we're going to approve 55 ft and that realistically is 20 feet taller than the highest Eve that we have in John's Pass Village right now not not the parking garage the highest Eve walking through John's Pass when we did our tour we measured all the eaves that we could find that were high and we just made announcement that it was 44 feet above grade which we determined is roughly 34 feet above BFE so to have buildings that are 20 foot taller I can't vote for that I'm sorry if I suggest it you know if if we're divided on it we need that means we need more discussion on it I'm not I'm not ready to to do that I I would you know if a hotel is is is built that's great like my point before let's get into an agreement where um I'm I'm looking at older documents that we I mean this discussion's B been going on for decades and they were basically the same discussion about the height and what we want at John's Pass Village and the parking parking being an issue so if we require a hotel that goes in to have on-site parking well then it doesn't make any it's not feasible for a developer to to have first fourer commercial second floor parking and third floor uh as temporary lodging I get that so it needs to be worked in concert coordination with the city so the city actually benefits from the parking and the developer can can build first floor commercial and and at least uh two levels of accommodations a lot I mean that to me I mean I'm I'm not a developer I don't I don't know the math but that seems more reasonable and would retain the feel of the village in my humble opinion the f is dictated from what was agreed on with forward pelis correct correct yeah this is what they approved they said it was a neighborhood center even back in the day with the master plan they called it a neighborhood center um I mean the f is what it I mean with alternative temporary loging you standards you could get up if you have enough land you could get up to a three but you do have to include the parking structure but I mean we've looked at other activity centers in the county from Denon to Gulfport like all all over the place so I mean these ARs and that are pretty similar to like what you'd see there or or even like den and we looked some of the newer mixed use stuff there and it's it's pretty similar and just to clarify the different zoning areas fall under different F ARS different heights and your F and your height are tied together yes based on the size of your property so what might would make it I think confusing to some people is if the the it says you can be 10et tall okay that's what the code says but if you only have a quarter of an acre to meet the F that's allowed you can only be six feet tall I'm just using arbitrary numbers as a as a guide right so when you start thinking about height and F it's it's not that simple because what you're reading all has to be calculated together to determine what somebody really can get based on the size of the property just because the code says you can go x amount of feet tall doesn't mean you can get that if you don't have enough land and you can't meet the floor area ratio correct am I am I right in that that's correct and and even that with our requirements you have to make it look like separate building so you you you so something like the Cambria that you could build in town center you wouldn't be allowed to build that down in John's Pass because it would not meet these re requirements so I mean it's kind of tough that's what I I mean it's tough to kind of imagine what could be buil because it's so much different than what we have currently in our code or what's currently been built like up here in town center so it it's I guess it's and even back then with the master plan it it kind of like people don't really like the unknown but I mean sometimes you got to move forward at some point because the problem is like with previously how we've done it with either we back in the day we did variances then we got then we adopted allowed for PDS and we just kind of had just random development that wasn't really consist looking consistent sometimes it didn't even meet like a the right density intensity but like having those bad like kind of inconsistent outcomes like like we don't want to like ever go back to that want to move forward from that so um the visuals are are pretty pretty basic just to kind of just show like I think that's what's kind of hard it it these are very basic visuals just to show kind of how these regulations look but in the most basic sense like these aren't like super detailed AR architecture drawings it's just basically to show how the setbacks work how the height works and and basically they even get to in the so the traditional Village you can't build large hotels and that's a large part of John's Pass and then the commercial core you can't build large hotels either because the height height limits at the end of the day you can only get five stories from grade or four stories over one floor commercially you have The Veranda area and it's just and it has to look like separate buildings so I mean it it's not perfect but it it's a big improvement over what happened in town center up here so um mayor I'd like to just say uh based on the planning commission's recommendations all of the resident meetings I attended the multiple meetings I've had with our with our uh staff uh and the fact that I think the next five ordinances hinge on this yes am I correct in that may be the next three okay next three on it right right but I understand that uh one might feel passionate about specific thing perhaps we could find uh a motion that includes a a small change to one section if there's something specifically but I think to not vote on this uh I don't think that's an efficient a good use of our time and I I think it ignores the recommendations of the people who came before us that we you know we at the top of that pyramid A lot happened before it got here certainly I understand there might be want to tweak it but let's tweak it now and move on I think if it's there's just an F or some kind of a statistic you want to change by a couple of numbers let's make that motion but I I'd be in favor of moving forward with this um to to clarify I'm not CH I'm not asking to change the far I'm just I can't visualize a building that that's 20 foot taller than any existing structure in the area I'm just having I'm having a hard time trying to figure that out if it could be built with a 2.0 far I'm just having a hard time figuring it out but think Mercy has something to put in so F is for res retail and when it comes to hotels let's say do you use units per acre um and F yes so F controls the units per acre you would do the floor area ratio and the and the density the units per acre so it's an allinclusive and the F and the units per they are basically imposed To Us by the county they regulate density and tensity yes and that these uh the floor area ratio as well as the densities those were approved earlier in the year um and I think some of them were approved in 20 23 um but through the activity center designation well we can't change the F we can't change the units per acre so the designers I think would have to be very careful in how they designed the project to to to fit the site right so I I I must say that I after seeing the height I I feel more comfortable with that I I just don't think we can increase the F to and I understand commissioner Kerr he's he's trying to be practical in in visualizing how could you for instance have a piece of land and 100% of it is let's say commercial and then you can only build two two floors that's your F two floors entirely I I get that but that's a challenge that the designers would have to deal with it's not a change we can make no it's the county regulated any further comment so do we have a motion I move that we approve uh ordinance 20249 appending D John's past Village Activity Center development standards do we have a second second city clerk would you call the role vce mayor tagini yes Commission gay yes commissioner Kerr yes commissioner McAn yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carried five to zero next on the agenda is ordinance 2024 d10 C1 refer to appendix D and I will hand this over to the City attorney thank you mayor this is ordinance 20 24-10 and ordinance of the city of Madera Beach Florida amending chapter 110 zoning Article 5 districts division 5 C1 tourist commercial of the city's Land Development code to rename it as C1 John's Pass Village Activity Center providing further information on the purpose intent of the John's Pass Village Activity Center District replacing the development standards set forth in section 110- 257 through 110- 265 with a development standard set forth in appendix D John's Pass Village activity centered development standards providing for conflict codification and separability and providing for an effective date there was the first Greening of ordance 202 24-10 by title only okay ordinance 2024 d10 uh refers to uh the John's Pass Village Activity Center so renaming that C1 zoning district from tourist commercial to John's Pass Village activity center and then referring to that appendix D that we just discussed in the previous ordinance and then removing the rest of the design and development standards in that section this one's pretty straightforward just referring back to that appendix D for anything that's a Zone C1 are you done Jenny yes that's it do we have any public comment good evening Chuck Dyan 529 Lillian we beat these people up down the other sides and basically all of this is it's already been approved it's been approved so many times and Ry I understand your thoughts here and everything but yet we ate them up in the planning committee and we up one side and down the other and that's where we kind of got to this but to the extent of it's already been preapproved I mean you know it's been to how many meetings it's been to various things there and we had a long long meeting with this and and like was said like am said we approved it I mean you know and we went up one side of them and down the other so thank you thank you do we have any additional public comment commission no comment here with no comments do we have a motion I move that we approve ordinance 202 410 amending C1 to refer to appendix D do we have a second a second city clerk would you call the role vice mayor tagini yes commissioner mcgean yes commissioner Kerr yes commissioner M gabay yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carried five to zero the next item on our agenda is ordinance one John's Pass Village Activity Center zoning district and I will hand this over to the City attorney thank you mayor this is a quadal hearing so I'm going to read the ordinance by title only and then we'll go through the process so this is ordinance 202 4-11 ordinance of the city of Mader Beach Florida resoning certain real property from C1 John's Pass Village Activity Center C2 John's Pass Marine commercial C3 retail commercial C4 Marine Comm commercial PD plan development and R3 medium density multif family residential zoning districts to C1 John's Pass Village activity center for the area as set forth in the accompanying legal description and the partial identification numbers listed in exhibit a attached here to and hereby made a part of this ordinance providing for future revitalization and development within the activity center category to be consistent with and pursuant to the procedures guidelines and standards of the John's Pass Village Activity Center plan as a adopted by ordinance 20231 and providing for an effective date hereof that was a reading of ordinance 20241 by title only give you the summary of this obviously after reading the title this is an ordinance that rezones the entire John's Pass Village Activity Center to C1 John's Pass Village Activity Center zoning District um the parties in this case we did received one notice of intent from Miss Burman she's in the audience um and so we have one effect party and we also have obviously the city um as the applicant so uh the order of presentation would be the city presenting first and then the um and then miss Burman if she has anything that she wants to add I want to read the quasa judicial proceeding here uh procedures um this is a qual proceeding where the Board of Commissioners acts in a quas additional rather than a legislative capacity at this hearing it is not the board's function to make law but rather to apply law that has already been established in this hearing hearing the board is required by law to make findings of fact based upon the evidence presented at the hearing and apply those findings of fact to previously established criteria containing the code of ordinances in order to make a legal decision regarding the application before it the board may only consider evidence at this hearing that the law considers competent substantial and relevant to the issues if the competent substantial and relevant evidence at this hearing demonstrates the applicants met the criteria establish a good of ordinances and the board is required by law to find you in favor of the applicant by the same token of the competent subst on relevance relevant evidence that this hearing demonstrates that the applicant has failed to meet the criteria establish of ordinances then the board is required by law to find against the applicant again the applicant is the city anyone that's going to speak on this particular matter if you could stand up raise your right hand and be sworn under oath anyone that's going to speak on this Miss Burman are you gonna speak okay if you are you gonna stand up raise your right hand Miss Burman you need to stand up and raise your right hand okay you swear that the testimony you're about to give today is going to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth okay thank you okay so mayor we we'll have City staff go ahead and make this presentation all right so this one is also pretty straightforward based on what we were just discussing in the last two ordinances essentially it is rezoning this entire area that is outlined in Black to the new C1 zoning District the John's Pass Village Activity Center zoning district and then the character districts are defined in that appendix D that we discussed in the ordinance 20 24-9 and that is really all I have any questions of City staff yeah yes I have one question okay the property uh so to the I guess to the west of Golf Boulevard the zoning goes to the CCC line uh yes um but on the future land use map that is a um preservation um so um when uh the count County um for panel says are are GIS stuff for the shape file so they helped made the make the updated map uh they when they overlay the zoning they only they did it over the activity center which uh was um done along the uh cccl line um I I don't know the history of why it was zoned over the preservation area um at some point we might want to rezone that to something else that doesn't but that is just kind of a weird weird little um I guess Quirk on the map that that but that's what it is basically fully overlaid over what was changed to Activity Center back in March anything that's developable so the cccl is right along this line we see that in a lot of different um communities as well just looking up and down the beaches um the zoning map and then the future land use map sometimes isn't right on that line so like Andrew said that is something that we've talked about possibly doing in the future so where the let's say light brown is so what's the zoning there thatp uh this is R3 everything that's that's brown and then this is our this is the park the city park so you'd like to leave the R3 even though it's water WS of CCC line you still like to leave that at R3 as R3 and there's no density on it because like Andrew stated before it has the land used of preservation underneath it and then that area you can't build on that area as well wouldn't you wouldn't it make sense to change the zoning like together well this is the this is the area of um the activity center would you come back later and change that zoning it's it's all the way up and down the beach where it's past the cccl that the zoning is so there are other areas the entire city that yeah eventually will be be changed okay any other questions City staff not seeing any thank you I forgot to ask any um expert Communications or conflicts of interest that you need to declare okay so now miss Burman now is your opportunity to go ahead and speak did you want to come up to the podium and address the city commission okay just change your mind thank you appreciate that all right so it's now um is there anyone else in the public that didn't raise their hand before with like to speak on this agenda item not seeing any okay so it's back to the commission mayor for consideration of approval of this Ordinance do we have a motion uh I move we approve ordinance 202 24-11 reone John's Pass Village Activity Center to C1 John's past Village Activity Center zoning District do we have a second second city clerk would you call the role vce mayor tagini yes commissioner gabay yes commissioner McAn yes commissioner Kerr yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carried 5 to zero next on the agenda is ordinance 20 24-12 amending C2 to reserve and I will hand this over to the City attorney thank you mayor this is ordinance 20242 an ordinance of the city of Madera Beach Florida deleting division 6 John's Pass Marine commercial sections 110- 286 through 110- 295 of chapter 110 zoning Article 5 districts of the city's Land Development code providing for conflict codification severability and providing for an effective date that was the first reading of ordinance 202 24-12 by title only do we have any public comment with no public comment commission did you I don't know if see sta at I'm sorry I just skipped right over y'all I'm in a hurry to get done I guess it'll be really I apologize so this is pretty straightforward too sorry about that that's totally fine uh so C2 is this is this Boardwalk area so this like hot pink area on the map uh since this would be changed to the C1 zoning District there's no need for that C2 zoning District anymore more so it's removing all the development standards within C2 and then putting everything on reserve okay now do we have any public comment with no public comment Commissioners any comments I I have one question um since we are changing the zoning along the boardwalk from C2 to C1 are we creating any none um nonconformity no no with the appendix D and the development standards that really encompasses everything that's already built down there thank you any other comments do we have a motion I'll make a motion to approve ordinance 202 24-12 amending C2 to reserve the first reading and public hearing do we have a second second City would you call the role please commissioner mcgean yes commissioner gabay yes vice mayor tagini yes commissioner Kerr yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carried five to zero next on the agenda is ordinance 202 24-3 C3 to be consistent with mbtc sap and I will hand this over to the City attorney this is ordinance 202 24-13 an ordinance to the city of Mader Beach Florida amending chapter 110 zoning Article 5 districts division 7 C3 retail commercial of the city's Land Development code providing further information on definition purpose and intent allowing tow houses as an allowed use including open rooftop uses as a special exception use including development standards that references density and intensity height floor area ratio and purpose surface ratio regulations in the commercial core and transition character districts from the madira Beach town center special area plan providing for conflict codification severability and providing for an effective date that was the first reading of ens 202 24-13 by title only okay and this went to boc Workshop I believe two months ago a month or two months ago um so in essence the madir Beach town center special area plan which is an activity center it's very similar to the John's Pass Village Activity Center um it was adopted back in 2007 to activity center and then there were some updates believe uh 2014 was the last update to the special area plan and So within the activity center there are certain densities and intensities um we also saw height within the special area plan for the Madera Beach town center that were never brought into the Land Development regulations so just what we did with John's Pass Village bringing those standards from our comprehensive plan as well as the countywide plan and then bringing that into the Land Development regulations that's in essence what we're doing in these next three ordinances so first we were touching the C3 zoning District to be consistent with the special area plan that was adopted um in 2009 and then amended in 2014 so in the beginning is referencing the rmu land use and the comprehensive plan as well as the activity center make this a little larger it's very small there we make it a little bit larger there we go and the activity center plan category and the countywide plan and one addition is adding tow houses as an allowed use and also adding that open rooftop balconies and elevated Terrace uses if commercial use or accessible to more than one temporary lodging vacation rental or residential unit that would have to go through the special exception use so what we were just discussing in John's Pass Village that would have to go to the special magistrate there would be a public hearing um Everybody within 300 feet of that property would be notified and then they would have to meet that 10 criteria and then building Site Area required ments including the activity center the Madar Beach town center Activity Center which is the pr muu the intensity and uh what density in this case and then outlining the properties located in these different um comprehensive plan future land use categories of the comprehensive plan and within the special area plan for the Madar Beach town center it also included the height uh which is measured a little bit differently than how we typically measure height in these districts so the height is not changing U for the areas in the commercial general or or residential office retail areas but it's including that high that was in the special area plan that was adopted back in 09 and 2014 so it's measured from measured by stories from base flood elevation and that's how it's written in the special area plan and this is very similar as well just including the floor area ratio that was adopted in the special area plan as well as the imperious surface ratio but Jenny I'm sorry so we are a bit inconsistent right when it comes to measuring Heights yes so typically how we measure it is from the design flood elevation to the highest point of the building um in the Johns pest Village Activity Center um from public workshops and from input it was asked to measure it from design flood elevation to the E Line base flood design flood so base flood plus the freeboard and in here I can show you the special area plan document so here are all the character districts that were approved back with madir Beach town center and the development standards you can see here stories above BF base flood elevation so this doesn't have the height how we measure it typically it just says the stories so in ordinance 202 24-13 it's really bringing these standards that were approved back in 2009 and 2014 and bringing that into the Land Development regulations and that's all I have do we have any public comment with no public comment Commissioners do we have a motion uh I move uh we pass ordinance 202 24-13 C3 to be consistent with mbtc sap amends the C3 retail commercial zoning District to reference parties within the pr muu future land use category and other minor updates including town houses as an allowed use and open rooftop uses as a special exception do we have a second a second city clerk would you call the role vice mayor tagini yes commissioner mcgean yes commissioner Kerr yes commissioner gabay yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion Carri five to zero next item on our agenda is ordinance 2024-25 14 an ordinance of the city of M madir Beach Florida amending chapter 110 zoning Article 5 District division 8 C4 Marine commercial of the city's Land Development code providing further information on definition purpose an intent allowing town houses as an allowed use including open top I'm sorry open rooftop uses as special exception use including development standards that references density intensity height Flor are ratio and imper surface ratio regulations in the causeway character district from the Madera Beach town center special area plan providing for conflict codification and separability and providing for an effective date that was reading a board in 24-14 by title only okay I'll sound like I'm on repeat so this is bringing every all the development standards within those character districts that are within the C4 zoning District over from the special area plan and putting that into the Land Development regulations and then the other two additions as the open rooftop balcony and elevated Terrace usage is um if commercial or accessible to more than one temporary lodging vacation rental or residential unit that that would have to go through the special exception use process as well as allowing town houses as a permitted use um besides that it looks very similar to the last ordinance that we just reviewed um just bringing over the design standards that were approved back in 2009 and 2014 into the land devel regulations thank you do we have any public comment with no public comment do we have any commission comments I would like to just point out that each one of these has gone to forward penis and been approved by forward penis yes that's correct thank you vice mayor do you have any comment sorry no that's okay okay so do we have a motion I'll make a motion to approve ordinance 2024-the consistent with MB I'm sorry 14 to be consistent with mbtc sap a second city clerk would you call the role please commissioner mcgean yes tagini yes commissioner gabay yes commissioner Kerr Mayor Brooks yes the motion carried five to zero next on the agenda is ordinance 2024-the be consistent with mbtc saap I will hand this over to the City attorney mayor Commissioners this is ordinance 202 24-15 an ordinance of the city of Madera Beach Florida amending chapter 110 zoning Article 5 districts division 4 R3 medium density multi family residential of the city's Land Development code providing further information on definition purpose and intent allowing town houses as an allowed use including open rooftop uses as a special exception use including development standards that references density and intensity height floor area ratio and a perace surface ratio regulations in the beachfront Causeway and Peninsula character districts from the madira Beach town center special area plan providing for conflict codification of cability and providing for an effective day that was the first reading of won's 2024 -15 by title only all right and this is very similar to the last two bringing over those development standards from the special area plan that was approved and putting them in the Land Development regulations as well as allowing Town Homes town houses as permitted use and then including that open rooftop balcony and elevated Terrace use as a special exception use that would have to go through the special magistrate do we have any public comment with no public comment Commissioners any comments do we have a motion I move approve ordinance 2024 D15 R3 to be consistent with mbtc sap do we have a second second city clerk would you call the role please V mayor tangerini yes commissioner gay yes commissioner Kerr yes commissioner mcgean yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carried 5 to zero next on the agenda is ordinance 2024 16 fees and collection procedures manual fiscal year 2024 update number two first reading and public hearing and I will hand this over to the City attorney thank you mayor this is ordinance 202 24-16 an ordinance of the city of Madera Beach Florida adopting the fees and collection procedures manual repealing ordinance 202 24-5 providing for conflict providing for cability and providing for an effective date it was the first reading of ordinance 202 4-16 by title only not sure if there's going to be a presentation I'm happy to this so I presented this the last Workshop so you have in the agenda memo the four bullets outlining the uh updates of fees and development services Finance fire in Marina we typically do pro uh provide an update to our fees and collection manual at least once annually uh we did one earlier this fiscal year relating to a specific fee in the building services but this is the update that we presented to you in the workshop and uh hoping for your uh approval do we have any public comment Chuck Dylan 529 I'm not sure well we didn't see this but I'm not sure whether or not with that increase will some of this increase potentially go to the parking garage just a question do we have any additional public comment Commissioners so I did have a clar or a question or not a question but a statement um just for the record that there is a part of approving this um new fees in collection is actually a savings to people who are building um we removed some fees that go out for submitting plans and site plan so I think that's notable that there is no longer a fee for a preliminary site site plan there's no longer fees for additional submittals of site plans um I think that's wonderful we reduced on the zoning and Land Development regulation interpretations fees and made it just one flat fee no matter what um was coming whether was 13 units or a single family forel I think that was uh positive hopefully as seen by our residents that are doing building and submitting plans and then um the raising of the parking to $4 an hour I thought that we did discuss that uh money would still go into the parking fund yes towards building our parking garage and then um there was a short term vacation rental inspection annually added for $100 that is in keeping with other communities my understanding so I thought that it was some good changes on our part for the community any other comments and also mayor and commission updating our Marina slip rental fees or various fees in the marina operations that go into the marina um fund any additional comments do we have a motion I'll make a motion to adopt the ordinance 2024-25 update number two do we have a second Second City Clerk would you call the role please commissioner Kerr yes commissioner gabay yes vice mayor tagini yes commissioner McAn yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carried five to zero next on the agenda is ordinance 2024-25 17 an ordinance of the city of M Beach florid amending chapter 62 taxation Article 2 local business tax section 62-60 local business tax schedule of the city's code of ordinances to increase the levy of the local business tax fees by 5% providing for conflict codification severability and providing for an effective date that was the first reading of ordinance 202 24-17 by title only and Jenny are you handling this one yes I am um our business tax tax receipts btrs have not been updated since uh 2014 and we are allowed to increase that 5% every other year so this is just an increase by 5% across the board on all the btrs do we have any public comment with no public comment Commissioners any comments I just want to State for the record that these fees that are collected do go into the general fund so they are not allocated towards any specific spending but our general fund do we have a motion I move the approval of ordinance 202 24-17 and a second a second city clerk would you call the role please V mayor tagini yes commissioner M yes commissioner gabay yes commissioner Kerr yes Mayor Brooks yes motion carried five to zero having no unfinished business we will move right into new business the first item is resolution 2014-04 adoption of section 125 the cafeteria plan and I believe I will hand this over to our Andrew I'm I'm going to go ahead and read the resolution by title first um um so this is resolution 20244 resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the city of Madera Beach Florida adopting a section 125 cafeteria plan providing for conflict providing for cability and providing for an effective date there was a reading of resolution 2024 d04 by title only so as I mentioned our Workshop this just formerly memorializes a plan document uh for health and other an benefits for our employees to ensure compliance with uh IRC Internal Revenue code section 125 so that's the the purpose of this asking for your approval do we have any public comment no public comment Commissioners Madame mayor I'd like to make a motion to approve resolution 2024 d04 adoption of section 125 cafeteria plan do we have a second I'll second city clerk would you call the role please commissioner gabay yes commissioner Kerr yes commissioner MC yes vice mayor tagini yes Mayor Brooks the motion carry 5 to zero next item on the agenda is resolution 2024-the closure I will hand this to the City attorney thank you mayor this is resolution 202 4-05 resolution of the city of madira Beach Florida establishing Sunday December 22nd 2024 Sunday December 21st 2025 Sunday December 20th my birthday 2026 Sunday December 19th 2027 Sunday December 17 2028 as the dates for the annual Florida gulf beaches holiday haathon starting in madira Beach adjacent to City Hall south of madira way west of Gul Boulevard heading north in the Northbound Lanes of G Boulevard to Indian Shores allowing temporary road restrictions to be created between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. to be fielded adjusted as necessary by the penis County Sheriff's Office authorizing the city manager to sign the Florida Department of Transportation applications provided by the race director for temporary closing of a state road providing for reading by title only and providing for an effective date that was reading of resolution 20245 by title L and the birthday comment is not in the title okay right um good evening mayor and Commissioners uh very simply put this is uh I believe the fourth time that we have done this for this organization um as stated in there they start here in our parking lot um drop off Runners typically they hug the right lane run north and they end up at a park in Largo uh they're essentially asking for us to close the road or allow for them to close the road we don't this is all the work we do is this he needs it for future sponsor uh secur and all that stuff so um they literally they drop off they go he cleans up they leave uh any any additional stuff that they leave on site uh Port they use Portable Restrooms that they put in the Windixie parking lot they Park in Windixie parking lot there's really no heavy lift for the city it's just uh we're a starting point everybody gets to come see City Hall and run so that's the summation of that thank you Jay do we have any public comment Commissioners with no comments do we have a motion I make a motion to adopt resolution 20124 d05 the holiday haathon road closure do we have a second a second city clerk would you call the role please commissioner MC yes vice mayor tagini yes commissioner Kerr yes commissioner gabay yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carry five to zero next on the agenda is the appointments for the Civil Service Commission City attorney so this um is an agenda item to fill a vacancy position for the um Civil Service Commission which has a partial term expiring on October 30th 2026 and also to address Mr Tila's um term which expires on October 30th 2024 the recommendation for the Board of Commissioners is as follows uh number one appoint James Michael Paul to serve as a member of the Civil Service Commission for a partial term expiring October 30th 2026 and number two appoint Paul Tila to serve as a member of the Civil Service Commission for a new term expiring on October 30th 2027 um those were the only two applicants there are no other um applicants for these positions are either one of them here tonight yeah do we have any public comment I had asked the um applicants reach down Paul took was not not able to attend and the applicant had litigation today so uh he was not able to attend today commission I'm not I'm not clear are there two positions available or just one three two oh two for this one and there's three for the next agenda item okay okay so I mean but yeah the Civil Service Commission has one vacancy that has been vacant for a while and then two that are expiring October of this year Year got it thanks so we're going to fill the vacancy Mr Tila is requesting to be reappointed uh Miss Ponte is not going to be reappoint has requested to not be reappointed so we will have one vacancy after this yes okay thanks just need that clarification I can speak on behalf I mean in favor of Mr tilk I know him very well he's very uh committed to the the committee makes uh he's a he's a a good addition to the to the uh committee so um City attorney since the recommendation is for the board to appoint Mr Paul and Mr tilka do we need to just have a motion to move forward with that yeah I would just suggest move staff recommendation and that would Encompass those two items that I just mentioned items one and two which is Mr Paul and Mr T do we have a motion I'll make a motion to approve the staff recommendations for a part for appointing uh James Michael Paul and Paul Tila to serve on the Civil Service Commission do we have a second a second city clerk would you call the role please commissioner Kerr yes commissioner McAn yes vice mayor tagini yes a yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carry five to zero next on the agenda is appointments to the Planning Commission City attorney yes Mr uh M Miss mayor the um did you did you want to handle this Clara no I have ballots for oh you have the ballots requires ballots all right let me just go over then the Planning Commission has um three uh members that need to have uh that you need to address tonight one position is currently vacant one position is currently held by Mr Connelly which is going to expire on September 30th 2024 and one is for Mr John Mayor um it also going to expire on September 30th 2024 but you have five applicants of course Mr Connelly and Mr Mayor um and then you also have three additional that you have in your P packet Mark Cloud Whitney Richardson and Randall Keys the recommendation of staff is is that the Board of Commissioners choose three of the five applicants to serve on the Planning Commission one of those applicants will fill the partial term expiring September 30th 2025 which is currently vacant and then two applicants for the term expiring on uh September 30th 2027 that's Mr Connelly's position and Mr mayor's position and you can do that in um you've provided a ballot is that what you're saying Clara right okay and then so I guess you can submit the ballot and did you want to give any further Direction on that well if they're going to reappoint if the board is going to reappoint chooses to reappoint the two to the um the expiring terms that are current members I you can vote on that I mean and we can do a ballot on the three is anyone here to speak on their behalf or any of the applicants here besides John all three three of the five okay maybe we just have each one of the applicants step forward and yes tell us anything that they want that that would be helpful they don't have to obviously no okay John Connelly Normandy Road um I've served on a planning board for like two and a half years I enjoy it greatly um looking forward to doing it again thanks good evening my name is Whitney dwas Richardson and it's nice to see all of our faces in the same room I have no experience on a planning committee before but I do know that I'm young I am the Next Generation that is coming up into madir Beach so having someone with fresh ideas and being able to bring something to the table and contribute to the community is very important to me I live on West parsley thank you thank you my name's Rand keys I uh lived on 145th Avenue since 1985 I worked at the excuse me the Mader Beach post office from 1975 to 1979 while I lived in Readington Beach right down the road from the Fort Knox lounge and then uh moved here permanently in 1985 and worked here from 1985 to 2008 when I retired um I used to fish when I was a kid with my grandparents off the very old John's Pass Bridge from 1958 on we used just that was our our regularly Friday and Saturday night I'm intimately aware of the structure of mere Beach and also a lot of the history of madere beach um I think I could serve on the Planning Commission and do a good job thank you I have one comment um one of the applicants reached out to me um Mark Cloud he was unable to be here he and his wife had already scheduled a trip out of the country but um I did want to say on his behalf for him he's very interested in serving on the Planning Commission um he is to note his qualifications he is a retired engineer um and I just wanted to let everyone know that's why he's not here tonight so just to be clear Clara this ballot that you have is is to fill the vacant position correct this is one you're work sending out right now okay I've listed all the applicant on there I so are we to select three so the bottom line is is you have three positions open and you need to fill three um you have miss you have two that are currently on the board so the answer is yes you're going to need to pick three out of the five can we ask any questions to the candidates that are here absolutely um Mr keys are you able to answer a question for me can you stand up here Mr Keys oh thank you there's a microphone there okay that's good long as it's um are you available for daytime meetings and evening meetings both yes and no or checked um I'm available for both meetings daytime or evening okay but on the on the application we have all four boxes are checked um I'm sure that was an error but um I want to get a clarification on that I don't know how that happened because I could make I could make any of them I also wanted to add I was uh I've been a licensed uh real estate salesperson since 1987 and also hold a 100 ton captain's license since 198 7 thank you clear are there names on each one of these ballots the Commissioners yes to okay I see how you did it okay got it I see it now okay all right so mayor now we just you'd fill out pick three of the five and then once you're done with your ballot if the city clerk will pick them up and calculate them and give you who your Planning Commission members are have a question real quick for Whitney on you don't have to come up here you can just grab that mic if you want oh okay so's you're a big advocate of a playground in near or around 140th Avenue right I am and you have a you host a monthly mom's event and how many uh generally monthly do uh how many people are in attendance to that right now we have eight moms eight moms okay that's fantastic that I just wanted to um go over that one more time actually I think that's a great idea for the community I um instead of uh coming all the way here you know 140th Avenue is a nice spot also okay thank you e okay mayor may ask a question um any of the board members um is this um do they have to be present here tonight to be they don't have to be no okay just just wondering e I'll read the selection from each um commission member Mayor Brooks Mark Cloud John miger John connley vice mayor tagini Mark Cloud John meager John connley commissioner Kerr Mark Cloud Randall keys John miger commissioner MC Whitney Richardson Randall Keys John connley commissioner gabay Mark Cloud John meager and John Conley there were four votes for Mark cloud one for Whitney Richardson Randall Keys is two John miger is four and John connley is four so the three applicants with the highest selection the votes is Mark Cloud John meager and John mcconley thank you city clerk and thank you to everyone who did their application and came tonight moving on the next item on the agenda is contract approval RFP the previous Workshop American janitorial um they interviewed with us back in I don't a month or so ago maybe a little bit longer the savings to the city will be upwards of $144,000 annually um so the annual cost is going to be $136,300 covers every city planning facility so if you have any questions I'm here do we have any public comment with no public comment Commissioners I just want to say great job you're saving us this contract is lower than our previous contract and with greater expectations so good job thank you very much so do we have a motion move that we approve the contract for American janitorial Inc for a three-year term with two one-year optional renewals do we have a second second city clerk would you call the role please vice mayor tagini yes commissioner gabay yes commissioner Kerr yes commissioner McAn yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion Carri 5 to zero the next item is agenda setting August for the August 28th 2024 boc regular Workshop meeting um Robin before I hand this to you I'd just like to make one comment um in our open comments at the beginning of the meeting there was a request about short-term rentals and we've been discussing adding things I just wanted to go for on the record that that is an item that Robin is going to bring before us in September to discuss short-term rental enforcement and to discuss code enforcement on tall grass and um derel items in the yards that sort of thing so that the individual that came will know that that is something we're going to address down the road thank you yeah mayor commissioner the items in the agenda packet sorry we lost the feed up here on the big screens um looking at I believe on one the first item letter A that we've discussed before uh election candidates and where they can place signs uh we utilize the we have referred people to the penel County property appraiser site which does include all the lines but um any discussion that's come I from the Commission in the past um discuss the commission districts um flood insurance update Homestead issues discuss awarding a bid for awnings over the parking storage area at the fire station archal Park bathroom project the construction manager at risk for the north Readington fire station uh looking for approval of the EMS agreements for fiscal 25 seaw wall repair replacement and also as mentioned earlier any alcohol and special events the ordinances related to those three items and certainly any other items that you would like to add do we need to open this to public comment it's a lot yes Robin do we need to open this to public comment or is this if You' like sure do we have any public comment no public comment Commissioners anything else you want to add I think it looks good m's on there yeah well I know where all my stuff is it's in September okay but that's good too then we'll move on to reports and correspondence Board of Commissioners 2024 boc meeting schedule Madame mayor I have one change to the board of Comm Commissioners meeting schedule where I have the um upcoming candidate qualifying period we're adding the mayor to that the mayor position yes thank you very much Clara any comments public comments commissioners are we did we are we still talking about the meeting schedule yes it just didn't sound like she said something in regards to the meetings but if but that's fine uh is any are any dates changed since the last time we looked at this no okay we would change them here yeah or look for your input as to any changes but nothing has changed from the last time we looked at it she was addressing um vice mayor the candidate qualification period Well um it just says District 3 and District Four going to add mayor to that the mayor see that's what she was saying sorry I was confused that's okay that's okay any other [Music] comments um City attorney I think I've spoke enough tonight I'd be happy to answer any questions though thank you city clerk well on mine um I did add some 2002 history and that was on madira tomorrow project madira Beach vision and program the Citywide master plan when they worked on that and there's a lot of good information in that this is just the articles that had come out and I have the the whole program on that the committee meeting the minutes and all of that if anybody would like to me to send those to you Clara um when I sat with you you were showing me the software where all of the history of madira beach all of our meetings and everything is being uploaded into could you remind me the name of that program that is laser fish laser that is one of the items we've got ready and everything um I checked with laser fish they've got all the build out done they're finishing the process now and then uh Laura and I will be adding stuff in and U seeing what it's going to look like then when we post it shouldn't be long it should be by the end of the month or by the middle of next month then we're going to get feedback from everybody of how you go in and do some research on you know in the public portal and all and it'll be open to the public yes it will yes ma'am so I wanted to just yes ma'am so um when I sat with Clara's Department the laser fish is pretty cool in that if you're interested in the history of Mader Beach or you're interested in reading about things that have happened in the past or been approved or you want to go back and do it it's it's really going to be a fun place to go and read if you're so inclined but a lot of neat history in our city that um I think a lot of people know and a lot of people don't know but it's it is there is a lot of very unique um quirky fun things to read and it will be available for the public yes it will be um and what I've seen so far it appears it'll be pretty user friendly for searching so it'll be um like I said I think it's going to be really neat yeah and one good thing about it the the documents for each topic will be centralized right so what we find in scan we're trying to put them in the same category where you're not looking in different places of course some items do reflect other areas but we're trying to take all the project and the ad hoc meetings and all that they're going to be together and it's very interesting and like in the 70s in the early 70s that's where they did a lot of conversation about John's past Village and how they got started with that and everything you know we've got the old designs and all it's just wonderful stuff to read lots of people have opinions and memories and then there's the black and white articles and facts that go along with it not that people's memories aren't facts but you have whatever what people recall and then you can go read how it how it was written about I shouldn't say because that doesn't necessarily mean it's facts that's correct and the board of adjust but it is really neat the the um the minutes of the meetings alone are yes yeah and mayor to add to that the laser fish software really is the purpose of it is for public usage for the public to be able to research and any the major thousands and thousands of pages of documents from meeting minutes to agendas to contracts uh agreements Etc to projects the city approved uh it's really a wealth of the M where the meat of the city will be located again thousands and thousands of pages and documents very easy to search and to navigate through it many other cities use it so it's essentially the repository of the city of Madera Beach in addition to all the historical um just about every document that we we will be able to make public and that would be almost every document we have essentially to the public yes it's very interesting and it's a starting point and you know this is the first time using a program like this so that I know understand there may be some tweaks that's reason I welcome feedback from staff management and uh the public and you know because we can make tweaks and whatever we want it to be a great program right I think it is I think it's going to be pretty neat for residents to be able to do research and read history so Madame mayor if I may um just want to bring up uh tropical storm Debbie just real quick is that okay I think we weathered the storm really really well uh my hats off to our city manager he was tirelessly all over the place he was dedicated he really did a wonderful job for our city uh it was exciting luckily nothing major happened but uh we weathered the storm and and our public works department they deserve a huge shout out um they worked uh Megan how many days straight did Public Works work 14 days straight without a day off and fire trucks over the place we are very lucky that we have such an incredible staff in this city and the between Public Works and the fire department and the rec department and every Department in our within our city that pulls together and works together and I know that for public works when we have a storm it is especially taxing on them yes um Robin was sharing with me this week how I believe it was the Saturday before the storm the tents that were left on the beach that had they not gone out and removed those tents they were abandoned broken but they were left on the beach had they not gone out and removed those tents they would have ended up in the water in the gulf and that would be a real problem so I mean when you see the public works department out whether they're cutting our grass or picking up our trash or working in our um uh landscaping or they're just they're cleaning the beach somebody should say thank you because they definitely deserve it they show up when we're all at home because it's raining hard the fire department and Public Works are out there yes and Robin is not to Discount our city manager because he is amazing the trash the trash Pirates the day before cleaned up the beach so that was a good thing they're an amazing organization also but city manager well that's I was going to cover a little bit of the storm but thank you for the the comments and absolutely a gigantic thank you obviously to our public work staff and the fire department and and the directors are in the back here the fire chief Clint belel and Public Works director Megan webford for their obviously leadership guidance and just keeping the city moving and responding as we needed and of course then the preparations and then the cleanup after which fortunately we did as commissioner go said fared quite well we had some minor flooding um of course any flooding is not minor to if your house floods even if you get just a little bit of water inside um but it could have been a lot worse had the storm followed a different path but so we were fortunately spared from that of course the winds uh did create a little bit of an issue at times and uh and the heavy heavy rain I think we totaled a little bit over 12 Ines of rain um so with all of the rain with the push pull of the moon on the water I think we fared quite quite well minimal erosion out on the sand so the dunes I think did what they were supposed to you can see a little bit of the I forget the word i i to me I call it that it's like if somebody had a giant knife and cut the the Dune and but there's a specific word for that I can't remember the word but we didn't have very much of that out particularly down at Js pass park by Monday afternoon um excuse me by Tuesday morning for the most part we were back to normal um with just a little bit of water still receding at John's Pass Park parking lot and of course picking up literally hundreds and hundreds of palm fronts and other debris tree Landscaping debris as opposed to actual structured debris although there's still little pieces of signs that we'll pick up here and there on the curb side of some of the streets but overall I think we fared well also I mean thanks to penell County Emergency Management they do quite a bit of the work and keeping everyone informed and holding the status updates on on what's Happening and fortunately wasn't overly overly taxing and thankfully nobody had a video and there were no cameras when I was out and a Squall went by at archal Park and I had to quickly Sprint back because it felt like somebody was shooting me with little pellets um as a the wi probably gusted up over 60 mes an hour and people are probably why why is that person standing out there but everything worked out well took you a picture I took you a picture well yeah well that was a different one this was a second time because I did run into commissioner go Sunday evening almost Sunday night so but this was on Monday morning so again thank you to all City staff and I mean they again we want to keep the city looking as best as it possibly can and obviously uh keep it running dayto day uh after I do want to point out and just remind we do have we've been issuing through our media upcoming public meetings sat this coming Saturday the 17th at 11:00 a.m. and the public meetings I'm going to mention are all here at City Hall in the commission Chambers but this Saturday to get input on on a a parking garage uh somewhere in and around John's Pass Village if that's how eventually the city proceeds but we'd like to get public input on that and that's this Saturday the 17th at 11:00 a.m. and then a second one on Wednesday August the 21st at 6 PM right here then also on Tuesday August the 20th another public meeting the third one on our water safety swim zones and proposed if we choose to proceed at some point with a lifeguard program so we encourage residents businesses we even welcome visitors to come and provide some input on those uh three opportunities to to just tell us what you think and what may or may not uh we you would like to see um then toward the end of the month we do have a final Friday on August 30th um but two days prior on Wednesday August the 28th a reminder we will have our our the last um public budget Workshop uh prior to the required public hearings and readings of our ordinance or our budget for next year so we encourage people to come out that meeting begins at 400 p.m. followed by the workshop on the 30th of August and I think I've shared with all of you I will be um traveling out of the area I'm taking my daughter back to her second year of college um across the ocean so I will be out from the 27th returning on September the 4th but you can still reach me via phone text email fortunately the great coverage over in the uh the island so if you have any questions or comments we'll be updating the city manager's report as well that I typically would report um we'll be you'll see a little bit of a update to that coming in the next couple of weeks and then back to reporting providing that report at either the workshops or the council regular commission regular meetings but they are on the city's website by the way in the city manager's uh page and encourage anybody any questions anybody listening or watching please let us know we are not obviously not everywhere all the time although we try to be but we do still encourage people to participate this is your C this is our city your government we are here to provide the best most effective efficient services that we can and our 85 employees including the five of you um do a fabulous job every day and we but we still need in from folks so please let us know anything needing attention of course we do welcome all comments concerns we do appreciate any any positive comments as well which we do get from time to time so we definitely appreciate that and thank you to all five of you for the continued support and lots happening and we'll start to see some more projects underway over the next few months thank you thank you thank you it is 8:34 we are adjourned