##VIDEO ID:9SaCuvFSbbk## e good evening thank you for coming it is Wednesday September 11th 2024 and it is 6: p.m. I'd like to call to order the Board of Commissioners regular meeting City attorney would you please lead us in invocation and Pledge of Allegiance our heavenly father give us the power to clearly discern right from wrong allow our words and actions to be governed thereby and by the laws of this land we ask for inspiration to strive in our endeavors to serve the public we also ask you direct us so that Above All Things We Will discharge our duties for the benefit of the people we serve this we pray amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all city clerk would you please call the role Mayor Brooks here vice mayor tagini here commissioner Kerr here commissioner mcgean here commissioner gabay here all are present do we have an approval of the agenda I'll make a motion to approve the agenda do we have a second second city clerk would you call the role commissioner cerr yes vice mayor tagini yes commissioner MC yes commissioner gabay yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion Carri 5 to zero with no proclamations or presentations we'll move on to public comment public participation is encouraged if you are addressing the commission step to the podium and state your name and address for the record and the organization or group you represent please limit MIT your comments to 5 minutes and do not include any topic on the agenda public comment on agenda items will be allowed when they come up if you would like someone at the city to follow up on a comment or question made at the meeting you may fill out a comment card with the contact information and give it to the city manager comment cards are available at the back table in the commission Chambers completing a comment card is not mandatory for any quasi judicial public hearings that might be on the agenda an affected person may be a party to a quasi judicial proceeding and can be entitled to present evidence at the hearing including the sworn testimony of witnesses and relevant exhibits and other documentary evidence and to cross-examine all Witnesses by filing a notice of intent to be a party with the community development director not less than 5 days prior to the hearing do we have any public comment good evening uh mayor Commissioners my name is Tom Edwards I live in District One um I see that you have an an upcoming agenda is to try and get Duke Energy to come and talk about the undergrounding of the utilities which we very nice if we can get someone here um during our last hurricane my wife and I noticed noticed with the outages that there was a significant number of homes that were out in M deer Beach compared to what was out in Treasure Island or St Pete Beach or Readington Beach I mean we had significantly higher number I don't know and they have some undergrounding I don't know if it was undergrounding related or what the issue was and and I don't know if the city manager happened to have noticed that or gotten in inquiries about it but it would be something that uh if we can get someone here to talk about you know we keep hearing well the equipment isn't here I see a lot of Duke Energy subcontractors working along allong Sona Boulevard all along uh Briere Road and other places um and they're upgrading the system which is fine but it would be nice since it's been a couple of years now since we've started this project and we've only got a small portion we we do have the the the pipes underneath the ground there it's just a matter of starting to hook up and and getting things done so if we can get someone from duke here to talk about where we're at with this process would be very helpful thank you do we have any additional public comment with no additional public comment has the commission had the opportunity to re to review the mo minute I talk too much today evidently to to review the minutes uh yes yes I did I um everything looks good to me except for one word on page 32 page three of 12 in the first paragraph uh I'll just count the lines down one two three the eighth line it states uh he does not know why they should be impacted by their property insurance escalating the word Insurance should be property taxes so when you rebuild when you and you mitigate um based on flood I don't know why the property taxes should increase that's the only the only thing I caught any additional comments do we have a motion um I'll make a motion to to approve the M minutes as written with that one correction of taxes versus Insurance do we have a second second city clerk would you call the role please commissioner Kerr yes commissioner gayi yes commissioner mcgean yes vice mayor tangerini yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carry five to zero next is the consent agenda no one no items no items then we will move on to public hearings ordinance 2024-the and public hearing and I believe I will hand this over to staff I'm going to go ahead and read the ordinance by title read the ordinance thank you thank you mayor so this is ordinance 202 24-9 an ordinance of the city of Mader Beach Florida amending the code of ordinances of the city of Mader Beach to adopt appendix D to establish the John's Pass Village Activity Center development standards providing that s standards shall regulate development in the John's Pass Village District providing for permitted accessory and special exception uses providing for building Site Area requirements providing for setback requirements providing for residential vacation rental and temporary lodging use density providing for maximum Building height providing for maximum floor area ratio providing for impervious surface ratio providing for alternative temporary lodging use standards providing for design standards and guidelines providing for conflict providing for severability and providing for an effective date that was the second and final reading of ordinance 202 24-9 by title only there has been a change in the ordinance and it's reflected in the Staffing uh the change that was made um and they're also I believe in green and color in um in the ordinance you waiting on me now hand it over to staff okay thanks Tom um um so as you guys know this is the second reading this is our opportunity to put in place appendix D which will give the uh Land Development regulations and ordinance associated with the John's Pass Village Activity Center uh as Tom noted there was two changes that we've left in here in green verbiage changes um and since the workshop where we brought in a revision for the height related to commercial core that was removed and brought back to its original version during the first reading so I know there's a lot in here so I'm not sure if we want to if anybody has any specific questions or if we want to hop into the commercial core height discussion I'd like to see if we have any public comment is there any public comment um so I know Ray brought it up at the last meeting that at the workshops did you state your name oh I'm sorry Joanne clayin um I live on Gul Lane um I was at the workshop then sat at raised table and our our table had one of the Builders of the hotel and then all the rest residents and Ray Robin was there for a few minutes um we had a lot of questions on the height and then they brought in the the picture of the building 36 ft to Eve and everybody at our table was like 36 and there was so there was a lot of discussion about that and there was the word eve wasn't used but they said it's 36 two stories above the the parking underneath and that's what we went with because I believe I can't remember if you Andrew presented it um because it there was a lot of back and forth as to what the height was the word eve never came up and 100% no one said 54 to Eve you know it was this is the picture it's 36 Eve it's two stories above and that's pretty much how the workshop was presented so when Ray brought that up that's why you know our neighborhood all came out because we were at the workshop and we heard what Ray heard and I guess I'd really like that I I'd like you to consider that 54 to Eve adds two more stories to any building that's in there so now whatever's built is going to be be taller than what was presented as you know we were asked to to agree to existing height if you change the wording in that verbiage that changes it to two more stories above existing height so I just ask you to consider that and to change it I mean our table was all 36 36 36 um so thank you thank you do you have any additional comment I'm Jack Klein um living on Gulf Lane for over 50 years um our family had the boats at John's Pass um King Fish and L capan so we're longtime residents and we remember Madera Beach when it was a small fishing town and we recognized that progress must go on and we recognize that Revenue needs to be generated but not at the expense of what we're trying to keep and create within madira Beach uh it's still a a small town with buildings that exceed 50 feet at at John's Pass I don't I I don't understand the need to do that why if we agree on 36 ft and that is what goes goes down that should be what we stand by to maintain the type of atmosphere within Madera Beach that we need uh I would ask that you seriously reconsider these higher Heights especially at John's Pass thank you thank you additional comments mayor vice mayor commissioner Jeff beggins uh 429 Basa um I just wanted just for clarity's sake to say I was also at every single meeting that happened at this hearing from the ones in the village to the ones here right all over the place and the Workshops the Planning and Zoning meetings and the meetings here right and it was never 36 it was talked about being consistent the parking garage is way higher than the 55 that's in here so this is lower than the buildings that are already in the commercial core district and has already been voted on on planning and zonings and first readings and everything here so I think some things are getting confused with verbiage on there what was is presented is lower than what's actually there in the commercial Board District right now with the parking garage there so I just want to clarify that do you have any additional comments Tom Edwards uh district one resident and I've been here for 45 years um the the attraction for John pass Village is is it's a tourist attraction it's local attraction it has that walkability feel good and people don't want to go out and see tall buildings in that Village area I was at two of the sheret meetings that we had and we talked about height and you know looking at this this one diagram here where we were looking at you know from ground to the time of a chimney was 65 ft and there's no chimney there that was not the accurate information that we should have been given at these meetings and it's it's a significant um variation because there's no chimney there so we were actually talking about I think from ground to the top of the pitch of the roof was 55 ft was the top and so uh I ask you to please since we were given this information through through no no fault of anyone it was just the mistake that was happened is that you please consider going ahead and changing that if if you go 55 ft to the eaves it is increasing the height of the buildings in that area along the boardwalk which is significant thank you do I have any additional comments as Steve coic uh 7504 Chapel Avenue madira Beach uh madira Beach I'm sorry Port Richie uh if I may take one minute of your time that won't be on this subject uh if that would be all right I just came from the 911 memorial uh Channel 10 news has been filming there most of the evening most of the day I just want to thank the mayor Commissioners city manager city employees and then uh madira Beach Fire Department we have something very special there in spent most of the day there today and some of you were there this morning uh there's been a lot of Tears today been a lot of emotion today and I felt I had to come here and let you know that we should all be very very proud of what we have there and no matter what it takes it will continue to be there and there will always be someone there to explain how it got there who got it there and why it's there for eternity thank you very very much thank you do we have any additional comments mayor commissioner staff Bill Kars 400 150th Avenue madira Beach um I too was at every meeting in regards to the activity center Heights ISR FS um as we all know there's different districts in the activity center commercial core being one of them the John's Pass parking garage that's in the commercial core is taller than what you're proposing at 55 so we've kicked this can down the road I've been involved with it almost three years so I respectfully asked the commission to approve the commercial core area approve the rest of the activity center which doesn't include those Heights he referenced the boardwalk Boardwalk doesn't have anything to do with the 55 foot it's much lower so with all due respect I'd appreciate it if we could finally move this thing forward so we can save the village so we can get something done finally after three years thank you do we have any additional public comment with no additional comment staff okay excellent um I appreciate everybody's comment and I you know I took a step back and kind of went back through the documents we had submitted and and some of the conversation and and how kind of everything evolved so I kind of want to take a minute to kind of revisit that briefly and kind of show some of the the heights that we utilized and discussed with that um so Andrew's pulled up the picture you know it gives you a good visual of if you're standing on the road what the building to the right and to the left is so our goal when we kicked this off was to help people better understand when you're standing down there in the village am I standing next to a building that's 12T High 22 ft High 27 ft high so we did that and we did extract the permanent plan set to start pulling those Heights off of Andrew if you'll go to um will you go to 06 and uh no sorry that one okay yeah this one actually no so these are older set of plans so they were never digitally provided these are all scanned in so sometimes they get a little skewed so when we took the height the red is what we showed during the meetings the blue is what I've came back and added after the fact a little bit if you can zoom in more just past the chimney in the background you see the the outline line of of that and that is the back part of the Southside elevator roof and that is actually where we were taking the 55 ft from and Andrew if you can go back to here I'll take that sorry so what I've done on this drawing is I actually just took it was gray out so I kind of darkened it a little bit in both the upper drawing and then the lower one as well so that is actually the South Side so that is what you're seeing when you're going back to the Google Earth view Andrew if you'll go back to that that's like the highest point that you're seeing from the top of the Elevator Shaft and the stairwell so what I did on Friday and Monday is if you go to so on Friday I actually went out there and and decided to to take measurements um and I kind of broke that up into three chunks that you see here in the drawing I measured from the top of the garage slab to the top of the the elevator and the stairwell then I went to the parit and I measured down with the cloth tape and the weight I only hit Andrew once or twice with it so it went pretty other than that he's fine so I did measure down once I took that measurement I subtracted out the parit wall went down to the next floor and you see where I took the image that you see here that's labeled C so I basically you know took bites of the elephant measure measured it to give what was really built cuz we don't have as builts and typically as builts don't even have elevations on them so this is the actual measurements from what I was able to take and what you what we have is when you're standing on the road looking up to that uppermost point which is the top of the Elevator Shaft it came out to be 64 feet 2 in now plus or minus but we're pretty much right there above DFE it comes out to be 54 ft 2 in so then the height from grade to top of the parking garage slab and this is the parking garage slab that that's the uppermost one is 49 ft 8 in when you measure that then from DFE the top to the highest garage slab becomes 39 F 8 in with that um I did look at the information um that commissioner Kerr provided for his if you can pull up his letter and scroll down to the pictures he took and the information that he provided keep going and we we've filed a a missing a stolen report for the chimney so we are trying to find that sorry about that um keep going um okay the information provided here for the eve height from commissioner CER is absolutely correct so th those are the right measurements um um when I went back through the iterations of the conversations I I know that we started introducing stories and then we started going from the highest point to to take now measuring it from the eve line and I know staff thought that the goal there was if we measure to the eve line we're then giving a lot of flexibility for the fluctuation in the the rooftops and giving some EB and flow in the height and kind of giving it more flexibility with texture and it was never intended to it just kind of got lost in trying to combine an older building with newer build requirements working in the five stories how do you get to five stories reasonably 44t isn't really a good one to have commercial at grade so I think throughout the evolution of it we possibly got maybe further way of constantly comparing the height we ended up with as plus or minus the garage I think we started to morph into once we got to the bigger the bigger Lots what is reasonable there and then once you start to add in the required setbacks the step backs then we begin to control the bulk the mass and how it how it flows within the village so we never felt like we were losing that feel because we were putting in extra measures um so when we probably we probably should have had a deeper conversation when we went from the highest point and then took that to the E Line I think I think there was some got Lost in Translation a little bit as to what what you know everybody wanted so I don't know if that helps clarify anything but it kind of it's why we got here um why the conversation is we're having um and so with that I can answer any questions or clarify anything but I do feel like I have a very good feel for what was built there and kind of why why we presented it that way Commissioners um I'd like to start with January 5th 2004 page five everyone has that attachment when the variance for the garage was discussed and ultimately granted and at the time the variance was to not measure from the highest point of the building but to measure to the roof Eve at that point for this variance now they use base flood elevation not designed flood elevation so there's a 4ft difference so what they requested and ultimately was granted was a 40 40 feet Eve height and just for Giggles it was built at a with a 080 far so now we have a 2.0 far but that's my understanding is that the garage doesn't count as part of the far or didn't then anyway so that way that they could build a garage still have the hotel with limited limited uh capacity so they use that variance to build the garage which is in today's discussion we're talking about design flood elevation so by this variance we're looking at a 36t Eve height from design flood elevation which is what we've confirmed by Marcy's measurements so that's what's that's what's there um during the public meetings we had lots of discussion and specifically on the height in the commercial core what I heard was different tables wanted a maximum of 35 ft and some tables wanted a maximum of what's there now and when the tables that that wanted a maximum of what's there now in my opinion was in shorthand we made they made columns on the on the white pad of paper and wrote you know Table Three 55 ft they didn't write what's there now so it was a comparison of existing but but that 55 feet got written into this ordinance and in my opinion it was an error because the 55 ft is to the eve height the eve height at of the garage is 36 feet so my question I had a couple of questions prepared for the board just to make sure every everyone's going to make a vote so they just understood you know I was going to ask questions what's what's the tallest structure in John's Pass Village and the obvious answer is the garage everyone would agree to that I think it's just coming out now what is the tallest Eve height in the core in the commercial core and it's 36 ft it's at the garage other question is and that for those who attended the public meetings did anyone hear did anyone suggest from the public that they were in favor of a structure that was taller than the garage now would be a time to state that state that so in my humble opinion and this is the way my vote will go and if I'm able to if I'm allowed to have the floor and make and make a a motion to approve with with amendments I would approve I would change line item a as 36 feet 34 to 36 feet I would strike B and I would strike C but my question would be to City staff if I were to do that could that garage be built today yes yes or no answer and if not if the answer is no is it is it because of that slab height because right what Marcy just said was the slab height of the garage is 40 feet does that would that be a roof height would that be a flat roof height is that considered flat roof does that supersede the eve height or is that something else that needs to be amended in in our in our description and our definitions if the roof is at the at the top level I mean if the park is is at a top level that as long as it's hidden The Way It Is Now by The Roof structure that's okay I don't know so how we would view that is we would take the top of the garage floor as the highest point the slab and then above that par code You' be able to have up to 20 feet of the you know the parit the elevator Wells the parit exactly so that is that is how um how that's written okay interpreted so today what's existing to build that exact building we would have to change line item a to 40 feet is that what you're saying let me D let me double check so actually actually not because Eve height would still be 36 feet yes so yeah so this one's where it gets a yeah we're cutting exactly so what right now from DFE to top of the highest garage slab is is 39 ft 8 in so with the 40 ft you would be able to replicate this garage up to that that height that's not accounting for if there's any building code changes that would force something to be you know different and taller or more space or whatever that could force that I can't speak to that part um but to replicate it right now as it exists it would need to be 40t to top of slab to top a garage slab which would which would give another four feet to the Eve as well correct okay I I that's not enough to make a no vote that's that that would be something it's still taller than anything that's there but it's something that I I could live with and I think that the city I mean the residents could I don't I don't want you know I I know that there was a lot of debate when you know in 20 years ago when the garage was built that there's a lot of people that was very opposed to that I I get it but I'm just going by public comment not to build anything higher than what's existing and if I have an opportunity to make the motion that's how I would make it but I'll have comment from others have any additional comments the the DF the definition of DFE is really has come about lately used to be the height used to be measured by through by BFE so a lot of cities just went on measuring height from BF DFE you know has come about as you all know for insurance purposes and and trying new you know just bring more awareness um so I think that four feet of height should be automatically given in other words if if we measure the garage let's say from the ground not not from DF or BF if we measure the height from the ground so Marcy what would that be the garage from the ground so right now to from the from atg grade to top of the garage slab is 49 ft 8 in so roughly 50 ft from at grade to top of the garage slab the highest point okay and and some of the things that I just wanted to share these are just my thoughts you know there are there are several controlling factors height is just one of them the biggest controlling factor in my mind is um f and and and or units per acre so density intensity determines the mass of the building not necessarily the height so if if let's say uh units per acre F gives you and in this case it's two 2.0 right and we we talked about this so if the area of the land is one acre the f would be as you know one acre is 43560 so you multiply that by two that only gives you two floors and you have achieved your maximum intensity you can't go any higher even though the height can say go up to 100 feet you just cannot go any higher if you want to build two floors on that piece of land from my perspective and it's been my experience if if we allow a little bit more hike and I'm not saying to China by any means it it Narrows up the building the the development team would have the ability and the flexibility to narrow up the building and have at the ground level more visual effect and air pollution would also be would be addressed the air can flow better between the buildings and and if you're really standing right there by that building and you look up whether it's two feet higher or four four feet higher I don't I don't think I can see the difference so you know my my opinion could be somewhere somewhere in the middle but I think there are more controlling factors to establish the mass of a building setback step backs all those things over and above the density intensity so just just because for instance we vote for a certain height it doesn't mean it can be built but it gives the developer some flexibility to narrow the building up maybe go a little bit higher and as far as the eve height I I I do have a bit of a problem with that because if you establish the eve height to be a certain height dimensions then you can have um you know within that Eve height you can have other units you you can yeah from the outside you can undulate the building but you can have a mezzanine that you will never be able to see and measure because the height has been measuring to the eve not not necessarily the you know in other words the height of the building could be two 20 feet above the eve height and at at 20 feet you could also do couple of levels of mezanine and you will never see it so I I have a problem with with measuring the height to the eve of the building generally I would go to the top of the roof if it's flat or midpoint if it's hip roof any more comments yes hi uh Mary just a couple questions uh just so we can clarify this also and also I want to just say that uh I love our our passion here on the dis and I we have the ability to um agree to disagree sometimes but um it's uh to me it's uh very important that each one of us have our own opinions um how many how many character how many uh let's see how many uh districts are there in John's Pass six right sir okay and okay so we can break this down um out of the six how many can go to 55 ft the the only two that allow for that are uh the John's Pass Resort uh because of the existing uh six story from grade uh condominium buildings to allow them to build back um but you would need more than half an acre of land to do that and uh and then the other area to 55 feet is um commercial core commercial core and then we also added the Restriction related the story so in John's past Resort that is five stories over ground floor parking to match the existing buildings there and in the commercial core that is four stories over ground floor commercial that has to be flood proofed right and when we were doing the tour of John's Pass that day that really hot day you know um it as we pointed out the garage okay and the personality of that garage we didn't really see it as um 55 ft um building actually um because of where it's located you know I sometimes uh my friends always say what there's a parking garage in John's Pass you know and uh just my point is real quick if you're walking west to east okay and we allow the commercial core to go up uh 55 ft I don't see that as a big impact for the people that are visiting John's pass um we've already had the blessing of the Planning Commission we've had the blessing of uh forward pelis as a matter of fact one of the first readings it was 5 to zero here on the Das and we all agreed um the staff here also recommended it and I'm going to stick with my first recommendation uh love John's Pass I love the city of madira beach I don't believe that that's going to be a major impact and uh so that's my uh recommendation thank you any additional comments uh I've been doing a bit of a deep dive into this myself and it's not my area of expertise but I'm getting more and more uh expert at it uh my quest I have a couple questions uh I if commissioner gay says that it's going the height is 55 feet but is that going to the top or to the Eve so the 55 ft The Way It Was Written will go to the eve it will be measured from design flot elevation to the eve top of if it's a flat roof the top of the flat roof or garage slab would be the top of the last garage slab and currently the eve of the parking garage is 34 feet is that correct 36 36 yeah around 36 so how are we not allowing 55 minus 36 that much height by saying Eve allowing for an eve at 55 feet how how are we not allowing more height that's what's confusing to me I I appreciate commissioner Kerr commissioner Kerr's uh presentation and yours very much and uh I just want to try to understand how is it not because it seems like you're we're still the staff is still recommending the 55 ft so how is that not adding height can you explain that to me to a a non- architect so at the end of the day it adds height and there's I mean that's what's happened when you take it from if you say it's 55 ft to the highest point and now we're saying no the 55 ft will be measured to the E Line it is adding height and so you did ask me during the last Workshop meeting about that and I wish I would have expanded on that a little more um the buildable usable area is maxed out at 55 ft which is equal right now to the highest point of the garage but it's to the highest point of the Elevator Shaft and the stairwell so basically now you could build a building to that height approximately and then above that have upwards you could have a parit Elevator Shaft that could exceed that by 20 ft when that was being discussed and written um a lot of that like I said came came on the understanding that by doing the eveline height measurements you can have some texture to the roof and the facade like you see with the current garage we have um and so that's kind of how that came about and I think it was staff's understanding that there was the understanding that that would end up adding some height to what we have there provided you have a larger lot provided you still meet all the density requirements provided you do setbacks step backs all those things that kind of take away from that fear that you're going to create a canyon effect and things like that so we felt like by including the stories in addition to the eve line um that we were kind of boxing it in such that it's still is a controlled build um and wouldn't feel like 55 ft because of the setbacks and the stepb backs um and that's kind of where that came about as like a genuine understanding um again as we showed you the garage height and then begin to have the conversations about what a new build would look like what's more common now than when that was built or when other you know Condominiums were built um higher roofs things like that so that's how that occurred does that answer your question it does I mean but and I can't you know I'm looking at the basic facts if we have now allow if we are allowing 55 ft to the to the to the eve of a new building that's going to mat and for my if I'm right that's the the top of the Elevator Shaft that is correct yep and they could have an Elevator Shaft above that correct yep that so that that is exactly correct I think it's important to remember though the way this is written in in the ordinance you would have to have a step back for all the floors above the second story so I think the fear is they imagine like so in Seal right near here there's a a five story from grade holiday in that's a square box something like that wouldn't be allowed because it doesn't meet the design standards it doesn't meet this the step backs and and it doesn't look like separate buildings when in reality the way we've written it at grade you would just see the twostory part of the building and the upper floors would be step back and it would look like separate buildings it would have like separate storefronts and so Andrew for for a set back on the like third above the second floor does that mean that there's less room for uh units inside correct it would restrict density and intensity above the second floor correct so that's you're you're calling that a safeguard yeah to reduce bulk and and to keep within the character John's Pass thank you so I think it's it's important to remember that we've we've had workshops um commissioner Kerr we started working on this when we were on the Planning Commission together um staff presented a recommendation that didn't just come from the residents well it I mean it came from the residents and it went through the Planning Commission the Planning Commission had I don't even know how many meetings the Planning Commission has had on on this and the I the idea of the height isn't to allow a big tall building because you still have to adhere to the floor area ratio and I think that's important to remember that we can tell you you can build a 100 feet tall but if you don't have the floor area ratio for that and the county restricted that it's very restrictive and when you look at the F for the garage it did not include parking when you if you go to build something in the commercial Corridor now your F includes parking so you can't just go in and build a six-story building because parking is going to be tied to that so I mean for me in what I've heard in the meetings that I sat at the table at people were very interested in understanding the design and although I can appreciate the discussion on the height I agree with commissioner H that height although it does matter a great deal and I don't want to be misquoted height matters but these design elements are what really is going to matter when someone goes into building anything if the parking garage burns down tomorrow and they come in to rebuild that place the design is going to be different it's not going to be like past developments that have been approved in the city that were built into square boxes we're not going to build a square box we're not going to so instead of being three stories you're going to be five but it's going to be step back that's going to be architecturally pleasing to the pass and for me that's much more important than um starting all over on a few feet because I think that understanding the F understanding the design elements that are tied to it um and understanding that staff presented a recommendation and the Planning Commission exhaustively went over that with them and to just ignore staff's recommendation and the Planning Commission it doesn't seem I mean I I just don't see that as being what we should be doing I think we had good conversations we've had a lot of them as a commission we've talked about it and now here we are at the vote wanting to change what should have been changed in workshops and not today when we're on the second reading of voting on something that we need to move forward within the city we've been working on it for so long and I just personally think that as staff recommended as the Planning Commission recommended it is a good plan and I don't think that the few feet that we're discussing here is going to make a grand difference in the visual or architectural changes down in John's past for the commercial Corridor which is the only area where talking about changing final comment if we approve it as written we're overriding what the public approved disagree I disagree and and I will I said this at the last meeting at the workshop to go to what you're asking us to change to is encouraging a development agreement and that is one of the the things that the planning department has told us in meetings that they were part of what they were presenting was in kind keeping to discourage a developer for coming in and wanting a development agreement for bigger taller buildings so to go down as low as what you want to do would encourage a developer to come in and want a development agreement and that goes completely against what our staff has recommended for that reason well we agree to disagree then because the 36 feet Eve you can you can build that exact garage which is um very tall for the village it is the maximum of what the public uh stated that they would approve um I just don't think with the confusion with the short hand of writing 55 ft which got into the ordinance as a Eve height versus a a a top of roof line Ro top of stairwell height having that put into the ordinance that is I won't say it's recommended by the staff it's not recommended by the staff the staff is is writing down what they they wrote from the public meetings as that was their input what they received from the public meetings they don't have a dog in this fight they're not recommending anything they're just trying to put together what the input has been from each of the the board members with each of our our our walkthroughs through the village and the public meetings um and it was never it was never represented at any of the public meetings that the eve height was 55 ft on any on the existing buildings so I don't know how and I don't think the Planning Commission caught it whether they would have objected to it or not I don't think they caught it it took it took me to ask the question after the workshop which was less than just two weeks ago to for Marcy to even investigate it further to come up with the eve height to find out even what it was so nobody even knew what it was so to so to say that it was it's recommended by the Planning Commission and recommended by the public is an error the the public doesn't want anything taller than the garage oh go ahead I I love your passion um you know and this is probably one of the hardest discussions that we've had you know so far throughout the year you know um I believe you're gen generalizing The public's opinion uh you say public but have you actually went out and talked to everyone in every every District you know I I've also been to the workshops you know for the Saturday morning for The public's opinion and if I remember right I was sitting with some people at the table and it came out 55 to and and 34 um it was almost like it was a tie tie uh toss up um so even at Final Friday when we go there uh we talk about the height I have friends that own businesses in John's Pass and they are not concerned uh with the 55 um so this will be my last point but uh like I said I appreciate everyone up here and and your opinion and uh let's move forward on this and uh that's all thank you may I give you a quick illustration just something real quick I I just drew up a land let's say 100 feet by 100 feet that gives you 10,000 square feet of land and with the F of 10,000 multiplying by two you have 20,000 square feet of building that you can build over 10,000 square feet of land now if you take that 20,000 and divide it by five let's say you'll have five stories that it's about 50 ft or so you will end up with 4,000 square ft of floor 4,000 square feet of floor over 10,000 square feet of land just seems very unlikely for anyone to to build I'm I'm not following that math if you can if you can build two structures over over the uh base out the base floor at a 2.0 far that's you can you can build half of that square footage that footprint and go to four stories I'm not following you I'm sorry well right in the diagram and they'll show you the examples of far yeah the f is basically two so you multiply The Land by two the area by two that gives you the f that's that's how it's calculated multiply The Land by two okay that's the F and but but regardless okay the point was made about um um PDS well PDS give the they're they're not they're not so terrible that gives the city an opportunity to negotiate with with the with the with the plans with the developer it's not it's it's it's not such a bad thing so um I don't know I've made my point many times over over but in in my opinion the public they spoke they don't want anything taller than the garage if if if everyone wants to to vote otherwise there's nothing I can do I have one voice I just want to leave with I think that understanding the floor area ratio that you are held to in building anything in John's Pass is very restrictive and we I thought we had all agreed at some point that architectural was really important for anything being built down in the past and as who is saying you can only go you can only build so much on so much land so you're only going to get the and that's County the F ARS from the county that's not even us so I don't understand the argument I hear you and I respect it I respect very much but I felt like our planning depart or our Planning Commission I don't feel like they didn't know what they approved I feel like we have a planning depart or Planning Commission that is extremely diligent in asking questions and digging for information and exhaustively going at the planning department so to say that they didn't know what they were approving I I would strongly disagree with that and would see that as a very disrespectful comment because I think that they all work really hard and they take what they do seriously and I don't think they're voting on things that they don't know what they're voting on just that that is my opinion the statement was made as a this is easy to be confused it didn't even the the measurements didn't even come out until prior just prior to this meeting regarding the E versus the rooftop it's easy to get confused that's all but we had drawings of the buildings with height numbers on it I was never confused about that that wasn't something I was confused on okay I understood all of the heights they gave us we had had drawings with the parking garage showing where all of those heights were at so I disagree on being confused that was not something that I was confused on any additional comments comments do we have a motion I make a motion to approve ordinance 2024 d09 appendix D John's Pass Village Activity Center development standards second reading do we have a second second city clerk would you call the role please commissioner McAn yes commissioner gabay yes vice mayor tagini no commissioner cerr no Mayor Brooks yes the motion carried three to two next on the agenda is ordinance 202 24-10 C1 referred to appendix D second reading and public hearing I will hand this over to the City attorney thank you mayor this is ordinance 2024 d10 an ordinance of the city of Madera Beach Florida amending chapter 110 zoning Article 5 districts division 5 C1 tourist commercial of the city's Land Development code to rename it as C1 John's past Village Activity Center providing further information on purpose and intent of the John's Pass Village uh Activity Center District replacing development standards set forth in sections 110- 257 through 110- 265 with a development standard set forth in appendix D John's Pass Village activity centered development standards providing for conflict codification severability and providing for an effective date that was the second final reading of boins 20242 10 by title only there have been no changes to this ordinance since the first reading do we have any public comment City staff okay this one's pretty straightforward it just follows up what we just passed and it Rec categorizes and renames the zoning districts that will refer to the new standards and ordinances so kind of uh getting rid of utilizing the C1 to now revert you back to appendix D um which is the standards we just reviewed Commissioners any comments do we have a motion I move we pass uh appr approve ordinance 202 24-10 do we have a second a second Second City Clerk would you call the role please vice mayor tagini yes commissioner mcgean yes commissioner Kerr yes commissioner gayi yes Mayor Brooks yes motion carry five to zero next on the agenda is ordinance 2024-25 and I will hand this to the City attorney thank you mayor this is ordinance 202 24-11 ordinance of the city of Madera Beach Florida resoning Real Property from C1 Johns Pass Village Activity Center C2 Johns Pass Marine commercial C3 retail commercial C4 Marine commercial PD plan development and R3 medium density multifam residential zoning districts to C1 John's Pass Village activity center for the area as set forth in the accompanying legal description and partial identification numbers listed in exhibit a attached here to and made hereby and hereby made a part of this ordinance providing for future revitalization and development within this activity center category to be consistent with and pursuant to the procedures guidelines and standards of the John's Pass Village Activity Center plan as adopted by ordinance reading of ordinance 202 24-11 by title only there have been no changes since the first reading do we have any public comment staff so so this one is just uh changing our our zoning map uh we have to do it as a separate ordinance and it changes basically uh changes the area of the activity center to C1 and then in the other ordinance that was adopted it has the character District map as like a that's within the ordinance itself so on the zoning map youd you would see the C1 but then you would go to uh the appendix and it would have the character District map Commissioners any comments do we have a motion I move the approval of ordinance 2020 4-11 reone uh John's Pass Village Activity Center area to C1 John's Pass Village Activity Center zoning District do we have a second second city clerk would you call the role please vice mayor T gini yes commissioner Kerr yes commissioner gayi yes commissioner McAn yes Mayor Brooks yes motion carry 5 to zero next on the agenda is ordinance 2024-25 12 an ordinance of the city of Mader Beach Florida deleting division 6 John's Pass Marine commercial sections 110- 286 through 110- 295 of chapter 110 zoning Article 5 District of the city's Land Development code providing for conflict codification severability and providing for an effective date that was the second final reading of board ends 20242 by title only there have been no changes since the first reading do we have any public comment Chuck Dyan 529 lilan when do all of these go into effect is it immediately once they sign this or just out of curiosity so the ordinance become effective upon adoption so that would be today if they're approved M any further comment public comment staff this is mostly just a code cleanup um since now the activities it's been resed all C1 uh where we don't need this C2 zoning District but we're just it removes it but keeps it open just in case if we need to use it for something else in the in the future uh with the num uh numbers in the Land Development regulations commission any comments what is um what is your definition of Reserve what do you mean when you say reserve I'll go ahead and handle that it when you look at the code book on Muni code or actually the paper form there is usually at the end of a chapter a section of vision an article it'll just say sections whatever 110 256 6 through 110 260 reserved that's all it's doing it's just saving the numbers but it's not really providing any code content so there are going to be portions of your code that are going to have blank portions now where they're just you know we're not using those code numbers any longer and that's what we're doing here we're just taking the code language out um because it's no longer needed the numbers will be available to be used for something else in the future thank you yeah any additional comments do we have a motion I'd like to uh make a motion to approve ordinance 20 24-12 amending C2 to reserve do we have a second I'll second city clerk would you call the role please commissioner galii yes commissioner Kerr yes V mayor tagini yes commissioner mcgean yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carried by to zero next on the agenda is ordinance 20 24-13 C3 to be consistent with mbtc sap and I will hand this to the City attorney thank you mayor this is ordinance 20243 an ordinance of the city of Madar Beach Florida amending chapter 110 zoning Article 5 districts division 7 C3 retail commercial of the city's Land Development code providing further information on definition purpose and intent allowing tow houses as an allowed use including open toop rooftop uses as a special exception use including development standards that references density and intensity height floor area ratio and perp surface ratio regulations in the commercial core and transitional character districts from the madere Beach town center special area plan providing for conflict providing for codification and severability and providing for an effective that was the second final reading of Wars 20243 by title only um there have been no changes since the first reading do we have any public comment with no public comment staff so Bic see these NE next few ordinances are mostly just a code cleanup to um properly reference um The madira Beach town center special area plan and and the uh plan development mix use uh future land use and then in the character districts from the madira Beach town center special area plan and also to add um to bet regular currently we don't have anything that really regulates open rooftops so we wanted to make sure that that required a a a public meeting uh through the special magistrate as a special exception use which has a set criteria that it would have to meet um to to make sure uh that those uses are regulated and uh um and public input is is given um and then the town home one was more of just a a clarification that connect to our town home section of the uh code um and just properly reference it commission any comments I have one question uh the rooftops would that would would that describe in any ways any consumption of alcohol beverages I I mean the alcohol would have to be done in in a public hearing through through you guys um special magistr or no no a Board of Commissioners you guys vote on the Alcohol okay but but the rooftop itself would be voted on at the special magistrate so I guess I guess it'd be two P separate public hearings for different parts of that any additional comments thank you do we have a motion I move the approval of ordinance 202 24-13 C3 to be consistent with the nbtc sap do we have a second second city clerk would you call the role please vice mayor tagini yes commissioner gabay yes commissioner McAn yes commissioner Kerr yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion Carri 5 to zero next on the agenda is ordinance 2024-25 14 an ordinance of the city of Mader Beach Florida amending chapter 110 zoning Article 5 District's division 8 C4 Marine commercial of the city's Land Development code providing further information on definition purpose and intent allowing tow houses as an allowed use including open rooftop uses as a special exception use including development standards that references int density and intensity height floor area ratio and imp purpose surface ratio regulations in the causeway character district from the madira Beach town center special area plan providing for conflict codification severability and providing for an effective date that the second final reading of ordinance 20244 by title only and there have been no changes since the first reading do we have any public comment staff it's it's pretty similar to the previous ordinance um the main property or that's C4 Zone C4 is in that uh is a Causeway uh car character District um so it's it's pretty similar to the other ordinance commission any comments no comment do we have a motion I'll make a motion to approve ordinance 202 24-14 C-4 to be consistent with mbtc saap do we have a second thank you city clerk would you call the role please commissioner McAn yes vice mayor tagini yes commissioner cerr yes commissioner gayi yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carry 5 to zero next on the agenda is ordinance 202 24-15 R3 to be consistent with the mbtc saap I will hand this to the City attorney thank you mayor this is ordinance 202 24-15 in origin to the city of Mader Beach Florida amending chapter 110 zoning Article 5 districts division 4 R3 medium density multif family resid itial of the city's Land Development code providing further information on definition purpose and intent allowing tow houses as an allowed use including open rooftop uses as a special exception use including development standards that reference density and intensity height floor area ratio and impervious surface ratio regulations in the beachfront Causeway and Peninsula character districts from the from the madira Beach town center special area plan providing for for conflict codification severability and providing for an effective date this to is the second and final reading of ordinance 202 24-15 by title only and there have been no changes since the first reading do we have any public comment staff it's pretty similar to the other ordinance and as you can see in redage just basically transfers what was in the uh special area plan really the density intensity and and height into the ordinance and and regulate open rooftop uses aren't currently regulated now so now they they would be and require the public meeting and have to be the meet the criteria that special exception uses require in our code commission any comments Madame mayor i' like to make a motion to approve ordinance 202 24-15 R3 to be consistent with Madera Beach town center special area plan do we have a second I'll second city clerk would you call the role please commissioner gabay yes commissioner Kerr yes vice mayor tagini yes commissioner MC yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carry five to zero next on the agenda is ordinance manual FY 2024 update number two I will hand this to the City attorney thank you mayor this is ordinance 20246 an ordinance to the city of madir Beach Florida adopting the fees and collections procedural manual repealing ordinance 2024 d05 providing for conflict providing for severability and providing for an effective date that was the second final reading of ordinance 2024 to16 by title only do we have any public comment staff sure this is a update to our fees and collections manual that we typically uh do annually we've had a workshop on this and an initial a first public reading so just to summarize this will be changes in the site plan review and Zoning update fees around that and increase in the parking rate from $3 to $4 uh per hour uh adding an uh anual $100 fee for a short-term vacation rental inspection and then various fee updates uh relating to the Municipal Marina commission any comments do we have a motion oh you have a comment I'm sorry Eddie sorry just the shortterm vacation rental inspection that's annually $100 right so that won't increase that's pretty much what we're set at that's what it would be said and any other deviation from that would require another update to the fees and collections manual with an ordinance with two readings yeah I don't have anything do we have a motion I'll make a motion to accept the ordinance 2020 adopted ordinance 20246 fees and collections procedure manual fiscal year 20 24 update number two do we have a second second city clerk would you call the role please commissioner Kerr yes commissioner mcgean yes commissioner gabay yes vice mayor tagini yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion Carri 5 to zero next on the agenda is ordinance is ordinance 202 24-17 an ordinance of the city of M M Florida amending chapter 62 taxation Article 2 local business tax section 62-60 local business tax schedule of the city's code of ordinances to increase the levy of the local business tax fees by 5% providing for conflict codification separability and providing for an effective date that was the second final reading of board ends 2024 17 by title only there have been no changes since the first reading do we have any public comment anything from staff mayor and commission this item uh as we previously discussed increases the business tax receipts formally the occupational licenses so any business any entity transacting business within our corporate City Limits has to obtain a business tax receipt uh we are looking to increase them by 5% we have the last increas occurred in 2014 commission any comments do we have a motion I move do we approve ordinance 20 24-17 do we have a second a second city clerk would you call the role please vice mayor tagini yes commission McAn yes commissioner gabay yes commissioner Kerr yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carry 5 to zero next on the agenda is unfinished business a flood insurance update Homestead issue letter to the state I believe commissioner cerr is going to I I can read that would you like me well everyone's read it I I don't need to read it um if anyone has any comments or objections if not I think it's going to be mailed out I don't know that it's been mailed yet need needs support approval yes I think at our last meeting you were going to get with um the planning department for their input on it Marcy had given me some input um Mr tras had given me some input very minor modifications um just word smithing basically do we have any public comment um I read it and I think it's great good work thank you very much for doing that yeah I just want to yeah thanks for your hard work on that it's a good letter thank you yeah definitely great job on that yeah any additional comments do we have a motion I make a motion to approve the flood insurance update Homestead issue letter to the state do we have a second I'll second city clerk would you call the role please commissioner McAn yes commissioner Kerr yes vice mayor tagini yes commissioner gayi yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carry five to zero next on the agenda is contracts and agreements approve FY 2025 tcso law enforcement Services contract thank you mayor uh mayor and commission this item is our annual agreement with the penis County Sheriff's Office for the Sheriff's Office to provide law enforcement Services uh in the item you will find uh a list of the services uh that are fabulous um deputies and staff provide from Patrol to code enforcement to community policing uh including school crossing guards and any other service that we may need anything from if uh Eagle up above the helicopter to flying the plane to the K9 to swat uh hopefully a lot of those we will never see no offense to sheriff gualter but those are the services that are provided in this agreement um here with us this evening and I do appreciate your patience and watching the entire commission meeting is Captain Mike um he uh was very jokingly telling me that I used to be his favorite city manager I made him sit through all the ordinances so no just so C uh I appreciate Captain for coming out um again this is a continuing agreement really the significant change or change is the um rates uh due to Personnel Service cost increases equipment cost increases uh but we're looking at just a little bit over a 7% increase from the current year to the to for all of the services that are listed uh as I mentioned to all of you when we discussed this at the workshop uh we're looking to look at how we deploy um and maybe deploy is not the well deploy um our community policing to be able to provide additional or not additional but uh alter the schedule to be able to have some additional visibility on the s particularly during the peak times of of the year so that we're covering some of the or enforcing a little bit more the ordinances out on our sand such as trash no dogs on the sand uh not having glass um on the sand uh grilling open fires so we're hoping to uh we're going to look to alter a little bit of the schedule but Captain if you anything you'd like to add thank you for waiting no problem May mayor vice mayor Commissioners uh we always obviously have been here before so we are reiterated every time I'm here we agree uh we enjoy our relationship we have with the city and its residents um like I said I'm a transplant but I'm across the bridge in seminal so I've been running around to these beaches for quite some time over 30 years so I it's my backyard so I'm used to this so I always enjoy this but uh as with even the prior city managers and stuff I would come down so more or less in case you had any question questions that I could answer before you vote type deal but I always enjoy being here and I I did joke about the whole thing but I understand how City Hall works and you guys all have a difficult job to do um but it's nice to actually be here do we have any public comment um our Sheriff's Office ma'am you need to come to the podium please we need to get you on the audio tape if you can give her a mic phone that would be so you don't have to come all the way up here but please just wait for the microphone thank you our Sheriff's Office is exemplary uh I've watched them uh in motion when there's been a drowning and you could not ask for finer people than we have with our sheriff's office thank you ma' we appreciate that thank you we have any additional public comment Commissioners questions thank you mayor Captain thanks for being here I'm I've lived on Mader Beach for 27 years and I've I've never had anything but positive interactions with the sheriff who have been around protecting us but uh this is a conversation that's been going on I want to ask you about something conversation going on with some of us Commissioners and the city manager ordinances uh uh enforcing ordinances on the beach and I don't think for one second that that's more important than some of most of the things that you have to do and I would never prioritize that but I'm just wondering what part of this would ad address uh dogs glass uh violins or whatever on on the beach where would that be a regular part of which officer's Duty where how would how would that work it's just general Patrol stuff so is being included in both your community policing as well as your Patrol Deputy so the way it works is if you all of an issue or anybody's an issue gets to us or gets to the city manager and we meet and talk we'll deploy resources differently so I know we had the cleanup stuff we talked about before we put people out there for the trash and that uh and it's not this is not um exclusive to Mader Beach so I deal with 10 cities all up and down um so it's not just here there's a dogs in other stuff other areas as well but it just would fall under the Ser service level we provide so the way it works those it'll tell me where we want to direct resources and then we'll meet and and and put them there so whether it's a directed Patrol on the beach um that's a lot of times we'll do that stuff like you have people concerns about traffic we'll put a directed Patrol and and then what that does is once it's in the system then all the deputies can see it so whoever happens to be working that time that day or whatever can do it so we've done it before we'll do director patrols on the beach we have the side by sides we we purchased the newer ones a couple years ago the Polaris ones um so they'll grab those now and they'll take them out on the beach because before it was difficult we had to always have a 4x4 great and I just want to take well since I have since I have you here I'm going to take this opportunity to say that uh the dogs on the beach is is a is growing problem uh around Sunset so now I've I've said it out loud uh dogs on the beach around Sunset is an issue that I personally and neighbors have noticed is just and it's usually residents it's not it's not guest so thank you very much for being here sorry I had to wait so long is that up and down or just partic the public accesses mostly public accesses very good yeah yeah as we've as we've discussed and I discussed with Captain liner um and even on occasion with the Corporal or Sergeant um as the captain said for directed patrols um and so the deputies do rotate and go in and out it it's I I know it seems to happen every night and it does happen frequently there are many nights where I do see deputies driving up and down right before Sunset and I have observed them tell dozens of people you cannot have your your dogs out here it it's something as I said that's why I had mentioned about trying to work on the scheduling so that we can even have one of our community policing deputies we currently have two Deputy Snider and Deputy Sim to be out there uh in addition to the patrol to be able to develop I think even better relation relationships with the residents that seem to try to go out when they look up and down the beach likely and if they don't see the lights or the vehicle coming around then they walk out there with the with the dog so we'll continue they've the in the time that I've been here it has been a a great great relationship and the response is almost immediate whether it's the Marine unit whether it's for pedestrians whether it's for the crosswalks um anything um the the respon has been extremely extremely quick professional and really addressing getting to the root of the issue and what can we do to further prevent it but when when we do have a little over three and a half million visitors it it gets it can be difficult but they're doing obviously the best that can be done it we're looking at additional signage you know other ways and other areas we're adding more cameras um one day there will likely be 24-hour cameras for our two miles on the sand so we'll be better able and we do provide that access to the deputies so we'll as we go forward we'll provide those updates but um which Speaking of that we did add for just a few hundred dollar a series of cameras at the 911 memorial um due to we had some people kind of wanting to reside in and around there because it is such a nice facility but um now we have the ability for the 24hour and I had mentioned before at John's Pass Park the parking area we added that earlier this year and it's really helped to just improve we want obviously our residents and our visitors to come out here and enjoy walking around going to the sand going to the pass going to all of our businesses and we want everyone to be safe from those that walk to those that drive here um we had an inci just this evening while we were in here of a an impaired driver and um did not end well for the for the or will not end well for the driver I'll leave it at that but CA some property damage fortunately no um personal damage to anyone um possibly other than the driver U but the response was immediate by both the sheriff's and of course our fire response so that we will continue this is something we monitor every day this is 365 days 24 hours a day we have deputies here present and if we need to there's other deputies I think available as we need them from across the bridge or or our neighboring cities um even Treasure Island will provide the kind of the mutual from Treasure Island PD if we need it and I think conversely the sheriff will provide whatever is needed um and we've even had St um City of St Petersburg um I know when there have been a few instances and if it's kind of multi City where you know the city comes around and I and I will say the relationship among the Departments between the sheriff and the neighboring um well I mentioned two of them the cities that have their own police is the best that I've seen I've been in pelis County almost 25 years and I can tell you when I was up the road it was a different relationship between uh City policing and the penel county sheriffs not because I think I will say captain liner was I think way down in Patrol back in the day so I'll give him credit that it's improved as as he's progressed through his career but and and I've spent a met quite a few of those that are in leadership in the Sheriff's Office over the years and it is a a much much more Cooperative uh collaborative effort to ensure just the the most positive Public Safety in penel County I'm I'm honored that we have the law enforcement that we do have not just in our city provided by the sheriffs but really the entire County because what impacts seal or St Petersburg or the Readington can impact us in a matter of seconds so and also and whether by by land or by water or by sea that response is there the Marine unit is equally responsive air to right and air well and air right fortunately we don't have too many incidents in the um in the air I don't want to have but responding to e um either distress swimmers or boers Etc that happens very very quickly thank you Mr Gomez and Captain I did not want to suggest for a second that we were lacking in any service I didn't take it I just wanted to say what I said about out loud because it's been a a topic of conversation completely understand and again thank you so much for being here thank you mayor and mayor and vice mayor it's and I don't want to stand up here and say like a contracts guidelines here's what it boils down to the sheriff is very like we are a full service provider so my job is when youall have a concern or the city manager or whatever it is they get to me to solve that problem so whether it's dogs on the beach or litter over here or burglaries here or drunks here or people running over wiping out fire hydrants we provide what we need to provide and and it doesn't have to specifically be spelled out in the document it basically just says I'm going to give you somebody and he is going to solve your problems and for now that's me so you're welcome any additional comments I also wanted to thank Captain ler for making himself available here tonight to us uh no doubt uh Sheriff's Office provides first class service to our community tapping into Sheriff's Office resources is is amazing there's a big force behind us once we have you with us and thank you for your service service thank you very much I appreciate that and I'll pass that alone to other troops definitely great job I've been here since 2005 uh I think I said that earlier but the safety of our community over the years has really um went uh to an amazing level the the crime is way way down I mean if you can remember 2005 uh it was quite different back then but um you know you can't put a price on safety and you guys are doing a great job thank you very much thank you for coming tonight no problem so do we have a motion I move that we approve the uh fiscal year 2025 pcso law enforcement Services contract do we have a second I'll second city clerk would you call the role please vice mayor tagini yes commissioner Kerr yes commissioner gabay yes commissioner McAn yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carry five to Zero thanks thank you for your time thank you next on the agenda is Gulf Beach's Public Library service contract October 1st 2024 through September 30th 2025 and mayor and commission annually we are provided a budget by the gulf beaches public library uh which provides Library services to the five cities Treasure Island Madera Beach Readington Beach North Readington Beach and Readington Shores uh that was approved by all of you a couple of months ago this is the annual um Services agreement that's formalizes the the fact that we've entered into an agreement and the city will be providing the funding um that was detailed in the Gul beaches public Li's budget do we have any public comment commission no comment do we have a motion I'll make a motion to approve the 2020 October 1st 2024 through September 30th 2025 golf Beach's Library contract do we have a second city clerk will you call the role commissioner Kerr yes commissioner McAn yes commissioner gabay yes vice mayor tagini yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carry 5 to zero next on the agenda is the ITB number 24-7 awning over parking pad storage at the fire station right good evening mayor vice mayor commission U this is the ITB that was presented to you all at the workshop with morat construction um this is the covered storage area over there next to the Firehouse where they just did the asphalt um part of the arpa funds that is where that's going to come from and there we have a pre-construction meeting with them tentative Tomorrow based on an approval so if you any questions do we have any public comment commissioners any questions comments I have a question why do we need the commission's approval for putting an awning because it get we got one quote and it came in at 55,000 and that was over the threshold and so we assumed that all the quotes were going to come in that over the $30,000 um threshold for requiring to go out to bid but this one did not but just to keep everything above board figured we would just continue with the process okay thank you any additional comments or questions my only question is I imagine you have a set of drawings that you've reviewed and approved yes they're not part of tentative what they submitted in their packet is is what I I guess uh gave them the approval for or um the word I'm looking for proposal to yall to approve that was in our packet at the workshop yes was it drawings were in our package I think so there was it it was pretty basic 40 feet long 20 feet wide metal metal poles metal or aluminum awning wind rating wind speed rating of 155 miles per hour yeah I remember they were above and beyond what other people were doing for the money so sounds great perfect I'd like to make a motion to approve the in invitation to bid 20 4-07 awning over parking pad storage at the fire station do we have a second I'll make a second city clerk would you call the role please commissioner Kerr yes commissioner McAn yes commissioner gay yes vice mayor tagini yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carry five to zero next on the agenda is approval of the 2024 Emergency Medical Services ALS first responder agreement and fiscal year 25 alsf FR budget yes so this is again what we presented at the workshop and this will coincide with the new Sunstar agreement with the county which is for five years so instead of coming back to the commission every two or three years this will end or this will come back for approval every five years which coincides with the uh Sunstar paramedic contract with the county it does not affect the the annual budget I'll still be able to have interaction with the county make my request for whatever percentages we need to and I'll still come to you every year for the alsr budget but the alsr agreement is for five years do we have any public comment Commissioners do we have a motion I'll make a motion to approve the 2024 Emergency Medical Services ALS first responder agreement do we have a second a second city clerk would you call the role please commissioner Kerr yes vice mayor tagini yes commissioner gagi yes commissioner McAn yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion Carri five to zero next on the agenda is approval of construction manager at risk for Readington EMS station yes so again this was presented at the last Workshop um it was one of those kind of weird contracts or weird situations where it was pellis County money we were managing the project and it's on North Readington Beach property and with being the project manager figured we would just go talking with attorney tras and Asen Felder as well they said just go through our procurement process just again keep everything above board and that's where we are we chose builtmore construction they just recently complete completed the um South Pasadena fire station brand new I spoke to Chief Mixon their punch list is very very minor so we feel really confident with this construction company do we have any public comment Commissioners I have a question um so builtmore will do the construction they're the construction manager at risk as well yes so they will do the construction and construction manager at risk both they yeah they're they're the construction manager at risk I'm the project manager they're kind of working for me but yet they're going to go out to bid for all the different trades the various trades concrete Plumbing electrical what have you and that falls under them and kind of takes a lot of the burden off of me um not to throw another fire department on the bus another fire department um a little more Inland that fire chief decided to take on this project all by himself and they're going on three years and they still have not moved in so so um so will there be additional fee for construction management at risk yeah yeah I believe their total cost is 7% of the total project but again that's comes from NS County right but then the the uh construction manager at risk would be additional cost to 7% of the total whatever their proposal is they gave me we didn't want to get into too much before it was actually approved and they said they gave us a tenative budget uh or proposal that it would come in roughly about $6 million the total budget is 7.4 million so we should come in under budget and again that comes up from penel County okay yeah so that 7% is not over overhead and profit that there's additional cost in other words there's there's overhead and profit that the contracts are charge for project I'll say if they if they said the total project was going to be $6 million whatever 7% of 6 million would be is what they would get paid for being the construction manager at risk and going out to bid for the various trades and the uh permitting inspections plan reviews what have you and do the construction yes I see okay any additional comments do we have a motion I'll make a motion to approve of construction manager risk Readington EMS station um I have to name them yes yeah built more built more construction or just built more yep that's do we have a second second city clerk would you call the role please commissioner Kerr yes commissioner gabay yes VI mayor tagini yes commissioner MC yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carry 5 to zero a thank you guys very much and I appreciate everybody attending the 911 Ceremony this morning it was a it was a great ceremony so thank you thank you so proud Chief please go home chief yeah next on the agenda is RFP 2024-the all right so basically this is an approval for what we talked about in the workshop prior and if you have any questions or anything else that might have come up so let us know I think we pretty much went over everything let me do we have any public comment City commission I'm just saying we went over it at the workshop I don't have anything additional to add do you have a consultant that works with us to obtain the permits we we don't need to pull a County permit we use rub and Ruben Carlson to do some drawings and to assess our seaw walls and see what repairs or Replacements were needed when you replace the seaw wall you don't have to go to D no you'll what you'll do is if you don't go past one foot so you don't need a Cy permit to do yeah so as long as you're not building out or going high land word of the seaw wall is you're going to erect another seaw wall and then leave the old seaw wall there or pull it out they they'll probably they most likely will leave it there okay thank you y is it going to affect the amphibious cleanup next year it will not we'll be all done it won't affect the boat parade or nothing like that so in case y'all didn't see it the amphibious cleanup was pretty fantastic it was instead of having like how once a month we do the trash Pirates cleanup on the beach this was get in your boat and get in the water and go out and get garbage and trash how many pounds of trash came in oh there was a lot of trash uh there was a lot of we did a lot of derel trap removals in the area so we obtained a permit through FWC to go around and we got a group of people together with boats the mayor and her husband went out and um they went out and got a bunch I think they got like 13 traps or something so we removed over 30 traps from the area that were just you know in this area that are Hazard to boating a hazard to marine life things like that so it was a good good job it was a great event it was put on by Mr Krabby and our rec department and partnered with the well they partner with public works too because they got to pick up all track sanitation helped us out huge pile of stinky stinky yucky gross y was weird things that came out of the water but it was so much fun I wanted to give you that because thank you that was a lot of hard work andbody yeah it was awesome great idea it was it was fun this is the third year right third one yeah third year yeah um do we have a motion uh I move that we accept the RFP 202 24-3 and approve spieler Foundation to proceed with the city-owned seaw wall replacement and repairs locations listed for the total amount of 329,000 m650 th000 sorry my eyes AR focusing on the zeros we have a second I'll second it I'm just want to make sure that sorry thousand $329,600 correct okay I saw another zero correct city clerk would you call the role please bassme tagini yes commissioner McAn yes commissioner gabay yes commissioner cerr yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion Carri 5 to zero thank you next on the agenda is ITV 202 24-8 the archal restroom project contract approval good evening mayor and Commissioners this is the um the arch bald bathrooms the new bathrooms we discussed this pretty in detail at the workshop um so I would like to recommend that we proceed with the approval of cor's construction um as I mentioned prior to in the workshop that when I originally did the bid I forgot to include a 10% um so that is included in you will see that in the recommendation um um I am here for any questions you may have do we have any public comment Commissioners I know we discussed this last time but how long will this operation take to construct approximately seven months at most okay so we're hoping to start construction we actually have a pre-con meeting next week on Tuesday um the only thing that will hold us up from not starting October 1st is not having the restroom trailer in time so we have to have hot water for The Snack Shack employees so I can't just have portal potties over there so depending on timing wise and I should have a an estimate from the restroom trailer um by the pre-construction meeting we could rent one for a month but they are incredibly expensive so we will we will work around the schedule but the restroom trailer said that they would get it to us within 90 days of receiving the PO and they've had the PO for 30 so aren't we buying a Resturant yes we are purchasing a Resturant yes but we have to wait for it to arrive and it's coming from Canada okay and then one once we're finished with the the archall park will know where to place the restroom trailer once we're finished with archal Park the restroom trailer will be used for events that we are currently renting porter potties for so there's there's not going to be a certain place that it will go will it'll be used all over the place oh really it won't have a home no it will not have a home thank you well with all the activities that we're getting going in the city for the residents I'm sure it'll get used it will any other questions or comments do we have a motion I'll make a motion to approve the uh itb2 24-8 archal restroom project contract for 95,4 7.80 yes that is with the 10% contingency with Kors construction do we have a second second city clerk would you call the role please commissioner Kerr yes commissioner mcgean yes vice mayor tagini yes commissioner gabay yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carry five to zero next on the agenda is Rubicon software contract approval hello again this is the contract and the software that um we highly need for our sanitation department as I mentioned in the workshop we are currently working in the Stone Age we are working off of a spreadsheet that for commercial changes often um this software will it will be up toate immediately when someone makes a change I will not have to send out a text um it also has GPS and it has a dash cam So currently one of the biggest things one of the biggest issues that we're having is residents aren't putting their trash can out in time so they're putting it out the morning of but after the driver has already been there so they're then calling and saying that their trash was missed this will allow me to go back into the address show that oh well you didn't have your trash can out in time that's why it's very important to have your trash out by 7:00 a.m. on the morning of if you can't put it out the night before it's really okay so we will be able to make changes daily if needed it will route out the whole entire map so I can make it to where they start at John's Pass Village so we're out of the busy areas by 10:00 a.m. and then route the most effective way to do the rest of the route and then also note things in the system versus sending a text I hate cell phones but unfortunately in the sanitation department we use them often to send pictures if there's an issue to send bulk item pictures all of it will be in this one system and it will be easily tracked so I am requesting that we approve this contract with Rubicon for a three-year term um as I mentioned prior to the reason for it Go being from $1 17,22 25 for the first year to down to $2,444 to the second and third is due to the software rental in the dash C c s now I think it's perview that we have the dash cams if we weren't to have those I think it the price would go down to $99,000 but I think it's incredibly liability wise for us I think it's it's definitely needed do we have any public comment Commissioners this is this is the same uh software you talked about at the at the workshop right no changes no [Music] changes any so our contract is for three years yes thank you any additional comments just seems very expensive for software so we're going to be spending over 12,000 over ,000 dollar a month Forever Until and when it goes up software is pricey software is very expensive and and honestly for liability wise we would I mean just and you looked at other options I'm sure I did and our neighboring City that mirrors pretty much identically except for Sunday pickups is using know anything subscription based typically there's other ways to do it I'm I'm going to support you but typically I mean you can buy all the hardware and have it installed and um there's typically other options the easy way out is the subscription based of anything um I'll support you but I don't know that it's the most cost effective way to to get there but that's you're the director and I'm going to I'll Trust it I'll Trust you on it thank you so the um $122,000 a year that we will pay also covers the hardware yes it covers everything it covers the software up the programming side of it um yes everything is covered under that um I think I said it at the last meeting but I'm going to say it again having having ridden in the sanitation department and on the sanitation one of the trucks and followed behind I can really appreciate the value in the tool Megan will get here in helping her to Route the trucks um when you when they do the um commercial and they get into John's Pass you got to get in and get out because if they're not out by 10:00 the traffic that starts rolling in um and I looked into this I looked it up I did some research online I I definitely see the tool I also see it in when I rode with them if they come upon extra garbage they have to stop and take a picture and text it to her with this software and with this Hardware they won't have to do that they will be it'll take the picture it'll be there and it's going it's going to do so much more than just provide routing um being able to take the phone out of their hand yes is a big deal so um and also being able to quickly look and see whether or not it was missed or if it wasn't there and providing yet again fantastic service to our community thank you so any additional comments do we have a motion I move the approval of the contract with Rub for a three-year term for the sanitation software which includes GPS dash cams and routing software do we have a second second city clerk would you call the role please thank you vce mayor tagini yes commissioner gabay yes commissioner McAn yes commissioner cerr yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carried 5 to zero thank you next on the agenda is new business forward pelis reappointment plan my apologies it should say reapportionment plan I think there was a typo on one of them I wondered sorry about that so the the item we received a request from forward pelis uh for commission approval of their change to the makeup of the uh forward pelis board um you do have a numerous documents that they provided to uh show the changes and what the state required and based on census data for one um and it explains how certain cities are getting more seats um so they're expanding the size of the board uh for one um but also looking for I'm sorry looking some of the seats are reallocated based on again mainly population but for example splitting the the Inland communities that are listed into two seats um to allow as it states for shorter rotation times we are governed Under The Big C uh as the represent representative member to the Ford pelis U board so um the chart in the agenda kind of uh outlines uh the changes and how the the makeup of the board and how they'll the number of votes that each uh Community or grouping uh receives in this process so that's the request that they've asked of us do we have any any public comment like with no comments do we have a motion I'll make a motion to approve for panelo's uh reappoint I meantion reapportionment yes plan I'll second city clerk would you call the role please commissioner McAn yes vice mayor tagler rainy yes commissioner gabay yes commissioner Kerr yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion Carri 5 to zero next is agenda setting for the September 30th 2024 boc regular Workshop meeting yes mayor and commissioner we have scheduled two presentations we heard from representative Linda Cheney office about a check presentation the legislature appropriated a $100,000 amount for to assist with our Seawall um replacement so the representative would like to present that to the city also the executive director for the Tampa Bay Beach's Chamber of Commerce will give an update on their chamber and then the list of items based on prior um commission uh requests comments uh but the first item C we're uh we will be bringing a Second Amendment to the lease with saltwater destination excuse me that should be saltwater destination LLC they are our beach equipment uh concessioner at archal Park they provide the chairs and The Umbrellas um also to discuss the where or the request that we've received about possibly putting a playground somewhere near or around 140th Avenue in that area um discuss the court of honor that's been kind of in our budget now for more than a year and where we are with that boat docks Rock Park and the John's Pass kind of bell tower and east end areas discuss our public versus private city regulatory uh on our sand on the beach exactly how that um works as sections in our city code update for the C1 zoning District out of Community Development I will'll provide an update on the bokaa street end Park uh project steuart Park bathroom and Landscaping update where we are uh again is we've discussed the Landscaping with the neighbor with the construction of the beach flower Condo building we'll have an ordinance for plan development to discuss a grant from forward pelis or the possibility also the Gulf Boulevard undergrounding project we've reached out to Duke hopefully can get a representative from Duke Energy to be able to provide us an an update on where we are I think as many of you noticed the our contractor was installing the undergrounding the um not the fiber itself but the actual uh piping where the actual lines will go through so that has been ongoing for a little bit more than a month Miss we for hello again so you've seen the construction on Gulf Boulevard that is our Gulf Boulevard undergrounding project they're installing the conduit conduit with that being said though the conduit they install the conduit but then Duke Energy then comes back and pulls the wires along with spectrum and Frontier so what we've seen in the past this is the third phase and I've been here for all three Duke Energy will take their precious time um they are not going to pull on a on Gulf Lane until the whole project is complete we should have all conduit in the ground by the end of this year so could I ask you a question on um to follow up on Mr Edwards asking about having someone here I know that in past conversations you've tried to get somebody to come I've been trying for a year any chance that somebody will show up highly unlikely because they they I have asked them to come here and explain to you all their process and what it looks like from start to the to from the start of planning to the start of construction and they they they will not agree or I've given them months and months and months of commission meetings and they will not come just so we asked it and it's on the record that yes try and absolutely thank you you're welcome Megan I have a question for you if you don't mind mayor yes real quick um would they be using directional board to put the conduit in or would that mostly open they are Directional Boring the conduit currently yeah they are doing it right at their own risk in other words if they if they hit an existing utility and they damage it at their own cost they will be they're responsible yes yes absolutely and they've done that and and it's going to happen unfortunately um we have Utilities in the ground that are very shallow and some that are very deep and pelis County unfortunately when they replace or install a new they do not remove the old so sometimes it will get confused with an active or or a dead abandoned yeah yes so we've already down in front of 137th um they've already hit a water line it's unfortunately it's going to happen we've seen it with Frontier um it's just as long as say their liabil so absolutely 100% their liability yeah we've had who um subcontractors for AT&T yes Frontier I believe for the county also I'm sure I think we've had even contractors for penel County yes they go through the process of having all all the utilities marked um but it it's it's a work in progress yeah thank you you real quick wi it yes um while you're up here um just recently in the past with the past flooding that we've had um I've had uh residents in District 3 come up and and talk to me as you know um about the uh the flooding I would like to know if we can also put that on a uh discussion sure and also uh would it be possible if I could go on a right along with the the people that do that to check the storm drains is that check the storm drains I mean I wouldn't be climbing in them or anything yeah of course I think you actually just they're actually working through the city right now doing Barnacle cleaning and and that would be great let me check your schedule and then I can let Robin know yeah and then Robin or we can definitely let you know whenever we're doing the ones right there by your house we've been jetting those ones a lot that horseshoe 144th yeah yes I appreciate it thank you it's a several layers and and we can when we discuss it but making sure that the drains street level or Surface level are clear then as Megan stated cleaning inside then we have valves that need cleaning and testing or not testing but making sure that there's nothing blocking them so in essence they're being reviewed and and checked so it's a variety and then I mean I think we go even we do the barle removal from the water side from the water side in to keep them as obstruction free as possible so we've started to do that a little bit with greater frequency um just that's been a significant comment in the time I've been here what are we doing to keep those clear how often are they checked so we've increased that to try to keep them as clear as possible and reminding residents please be mindful and don't pollute so much um even grass clippings to just regular debris uh pieces of palm fronts yes are a huge huge issue this is everywhere but it's a big issue and even just you know people have asked me when I've been walking even on Gulf Boulevard why are you picking up the Palm fronts because the pieces the smaller thicker because they'll end up in the storm drains uh and they'll just create more blockage I don't know if any you see me now you know why I'm doing that anybody ever has witnessed a storm drain great completely covered with landscaping material that comes from the resident yards once you clear the top of that it is literally like a toil toilet bowl if the tide is right now we have to know that if the tide is too high and we have a rain event there is nowhere for that water to go the pressure of that water is not great enough to push through the pressure of the tide coming through so we do have to know that as well definitely I appreciate that I'm looking forward to that and really great it's very very interesting yes and um and there's also um to bre out there certain certain newspapers or newsletters that are wrapped in plastic that are all over the place that uh we could also cut down on that for full disclosure about a quarter of my recycling bin was full of those they are everywhere we we we clean them up far too often not to mention I'm I'm not a fan of mulch I'm sorry if you all are but I it is one of our main main issues and with the valves when you have the valves you get one little piece that blocks it and then everybody wonders why the valves well we help us help you yeah um we can't be there 247 to make sure that your you know debris is not getting inside so that's a very long discussion though we could go on for hours AR aren't many of these valves underwater all the time no what can they not be if they're below sea level they're not they're not below we have to get it we have to get a usually a zero tide but some of them are up high enough yeah um the guys just checked we have seven no I'm sorry no we don't we have I believe it's nine total valves in the city most of them in bogy boaa and then you have um one on puit three and 137th okay good thank you Robin um on in code enforcement could we add docks sure to that for discussion and I and that came from our weekend of picking up trash in the Waterway I noticed many many docks that are derel are in really bad shape um and the other thing and we discussed this earlier in the week a little bit was on the John's Pass dredging um could we see if the company that's pulling our permit would come they'll be here in October they'll be here in October oober October 14th okay and the last one was to look at our ordinances for alcohol noise special events I have one more question on Golf Boulevard where we had the spring is that spring back H you had to bring it up commissioner I didn't bring I was having a very good day until now what happened yes fortunately it looks like it's springing up on the on the southbound lane the southbound Middle Lane unfortunately we noticed that last week um I did call fdot today and I let them know because they spent a significant amount of money putting in an underd drain over $200,000 but and unfortunately an artisian well is going to find the path of lease resistance so that is what happened so we don't know the full extent of it yet we are you know watching it but it is fdot road so I'm going to let them handle it but they've been notified and they have been notified yes okay thank you you're welcome next on the agenda oh did we have any public comments I asked that but I forgot so um next is reports and correspondence Board of Commissioners 2024 boc meeting schedule again mayor and commission our next scheduled meeting is Monday Monday September 30th which we will have the special meeting for the second reading of the millage ordinance and our budget ordinance for next year followed by the regular Workshop so that's on Monday September 30th and then October's a little bit of a change as our regular meeting is on Monday October the 14th instead of Wednesday and then we do go back at Wednesday the 23rd for the workshop and then November and December we just have one um or one day of both the work regular meeting and the workshops any question any changes from that no and then we will bring you probably um I would say I guess Claire if we could have a calendar for 2025 at the November meeting and we can review have all of you review and if you want to propose or make any changes to the F to the calendar for calendar year 2025 we can do that at our November meeting happy to do that thank you City attorney just two things I'm sorry um Madam mayor I have I do have a question I apologize um recently and I and I got a some text messages and calls from from some County Commissioners that there was an issue with one of the highrises in this town apparently both elevators were out of commission and um and and there were some some sort of issues and I I've looked into it and it's really not a part of the city's job typically it should be the the HOA um board that has to basically manage that but I'm just wondering if we should look into some sort of a code see if there is anything that um you know because because during design and during permitting we we require um stairwells and elevators and things of that nature to to accommodate the the need of of the residents but when the times are are tough and situations happen there's nobody to respond to that so I'm just wondering if we could just discuss that among our team and um see if there's any sort of a solution that we can come up with we can yeah we can discuss that add that to the workshop is it you want to add it to probably better for October Pro yes probably time yeah thank you sorry about that if there's no further discussion City attorney just have two things for you I just want to remind you that we have the Victoria Cardone a motion for contempt hearing next week on September 18th and if you have questions about that please ask me outside U of this meeting um and also wanted to let you know that the fire station case is going to mediation on December the 19th um and if you again if you have questions about that let Rober and I know or the Chief Fire Chief know we'll be able to hopefully answer your questions on that okay that's it city clerk I hope everybody had an opportunity to read the little bit of um historical documents that I had on the agenda and I do have um a couple other things that I'm going to bring up at the next city clerk's report one we had a fun center way back in the day the little go-karts and all that the kids rode around in different events that we had in the city back when any comments any public comment with no comments city manager just a reminder of next Wednesday September the 18th beginning at 4M uh we will have a public meeting here in the chambers with the Florida Department of Transportation representatives to discuss the 150th Avenue um and essentially toward Gulf Boulevard of traffic um matters regarding pedestrians vehicular traffic potential changes to everything from signalized intersection to crosswalks to speed limits to additional signage so that'll be opportunity to for residents anyone and everyone else to share directly with fdot so that'll be here next Wednesday September the 18th beginning at 400 p.m. um also I do want to thank I know I told the chief to go home because he's been here way too long as well as staff but I think the chief and his staff did a great job this morning at the 911 remembrance event so I want to thank all of them as well as multiple multiple city employees and across multiple departments from Recreation to Public Works to building and Community Development so big thank you to all of them for setting up getting speakers Etc thank you marer for your very good comments so it was very humbling uh very emotional of experience obviously so I want to thank everyone for that and also thank you to the commission for everything that you do I keep hearing from employees that they truly see a governing body that is working very well um and very supportive of Staff uh definitely appreciate that we thank you for that and as has been stated several times not always going to agree but uh we really do appreciate how each and every one of you are how you manage and how you handle all the discussions up here so I've even heard from other cities the the marked improvement over the years I guess mad beach had developed a reputation among many other things so glad to see all of that and finally we will begin October this second um and I think I've shared with all of you individually Wednesday October the 2nd will be our first uh Citizens Academy or the first session um we will have 19 residents um individuals participating they will spend the first Wednesday of each month learning about a different part of the city and they're going to start by learning about the commission and managers and really the administration of the city on Wednesday October the 2nd and then every first Wednesday thereafter going to different learning about a different part of the city is enrollment closed for that yes we we closed it just a couple of weeks ago and we will provide dinner for the participants and so uh all of you are welcome to attend we are going obviously they're going to be announced in the whole schedule um but the first one will be in the really the introductory and should be a lot of fun I'm excited for that from there hopefully we grow more individuals interested in wanting to serve in Civil Service planning commissions and serving in the future many many years years down the road on the commission so happy about that the city had a Citizens Academy about five six years ago I was told um so it's we're glad to have it back and the D re deck tomorrow night yes thank you commissioner so want to thank also Recreation um Department mainly a Max molski for Burger Week the inaugural Burger Week that took place from the 23rd of August to the 30th had hundreds and hundreds of people from what I was told actually thousands and thousands of burgers were consumed throughout the 16 participating restaurants so big thank you to everybody that attended and ate a burger and certainly all the restaurants that participated they were excited it it was a very exciting week um I was able to eat at three of them before I left uh I think we had a few folks who believed you had to go to all of them I had 10 I wanted to go to all of them but it didn't work out had 10 and they were it was it was fantastic um it drew us into places that I don't normally go that I will go back um it also it was it was really really fun to see the excitement and just to see how engaged people got and I mean it was and and even the servers like when you would go in and you say I want the burger of the week it was so it was really fun it was Max did a fantastic job from burgers with seafood with pizza to I mean I love them but greasy Burgers to to spicy Burgers to burgers with a lot burgers with kimchi they also had Seafood Waltz had a shrimp burger shrimp burger now you tell me now that it's over so tomorrow night um Thursday September the 12th will be sort of the wrapup Gathering or celebration at the Dair Shack on Gulf Boulevard and the staff will announce the I think it was most creative Burger most Innovative the awards and then those that submitted a passport where and we'll be we'll be drawing for the prizes for those participants that submitted a passport and we're hoping to do it again again yeah it was really I'm hungry now so can we wrap this meeting up please so if we have nothing further that's all thank you it is 8:20 six and we're adjourned for