e e good evening everyone it's Wednesday May 8th 2024 this is our regular Board of commissions meeting welcome everyone City attorney will you do the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance please your Hing father as the citizens of the city of madira beach meet to together to address our local concerns and opportunities we give thanks to you for the Bounty that we en enjoy in all aspects of our community life we ask for your inspiration to strive for excellence in our endeavors to serve the public grant us peace in our world and Harmony between all people to your greater glory this we pray amen I pledge Alle to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all city clerk we call the role please mayor rosc present vice mayor Brooks here commissioner tagini here commissioner Kerr here commissioner McAn here all are present all right thank you next up is approval of the agenda would someone like to make a motion to approve the agenda I'll make a motion to approve the agenda thank you second please I'll second the motion thank you city clerk we call the role please commissioner Kerr yes vice mayor Brooks yes commissioner mcgean yes commissioner tagini yes mayor rosad yes the motion carried five to zero all right thank you very much next up are proclamations and the first one is National safe boting week May 18th to the 24th representative from the Coast Guard would you like to come up both of you can it's okay here or there right here is fine usually we go there I'm just gonna read this I'm just going to read this to everybody for near for nearly 90 million Americans boating continues to be a popular recreational activity from coast to coast and everywhere in between people are taking to the water and enjoying time together boating sailing paddling and fishing during National safe boating week we want to bring special attention to this past time and remind recreational voters of the few tips to ensure that they and their loved ones are safe and responsible while exploring our nation's waterways proper planning for a day of boating begins even before leaving home and getting a free vessel safety check taking a safe boating course at the beginning of the Boating season filing a float plan with a trusted family member or friend and checking the weather before boating are key steps to enjoy boating everyone should always wear a United States codc approved life jacket while boating drowning Remains the number one cause of death for recreational boter each year and most drowning victims in recreational boating accidents are not wearing a life jacket safe and responsible boating includes never operating a boat while under the influence of drugs or alcohol and knowing basic navigation rules National safe boating week is observed to bring attention to important life-saving tips for recreational boers to have a safer more fun experience out on the water whereas on average 700 people die each year in boating related accidents in the US approximately 34s of these fatalities are caused by Drowning the vast majority of these accidents are caused by human error or poor judgment and not by the boat equipment or envir environmental factors and whereas a significant number of Voters who lose their lives by Drowning would be alive today had they worn their life jacket and whereas to combat these statistics the national safe boating Council in partnership with the United States Coast Guard and the National Association of State boating law administrators will launch the annual North American safy boting campaign during National safe boating week the campaign is designed to reach more than 70 million boter around North America and communicates this year's life-saving message boat smart boat safe wear it and now therefore I James Jim Rost mayor of the city of madere Beach Florida do hereby support the goals of the North American safe boating campaign and Proclaim May 18th through the 24th of 20 24 as National safe boting week and urge all boter to boat smart boat safe and wear it proclaimed this eth day of May 2024 no thank you think you picture pict commission sure let's let's everybody get if we can absolutely yeah you guys go that way well perfect smile thank you thank you oh thank you very like to thank you City M Beach for our conven support you've been doing this for 11 than 22 years whoa nice been a boater for 40 some years originally from Maryland hopefully we never have to go out there and save you absolutely I hope oh no thank you thank you for coming you have a great night all right that's Proclamation one of3 the next Proclamation is the annual Municipal Clerk's week this is the 55th annual Municipal Clerk's week May 5th through the 11th 2024 whereas the office of the municipal clerk a Tim honored and vital part of local government exists throughout the world world and whereas the office of the municipal clerk is the oldest among public servants and whereas the office of the municipal clerk provides the professional link between the citizens local governing bodies and agencies of government at all levels and whereas Municipal clerks have pledged to to be ever mindful of their neutrality and impartiality rendering equal service to all whereas the municipal clerk serves as the information center on functions of local government and Community whereas Municipal clerks continually strive to improve improve the administration of the Affairs of the office of the municipal clerk through participation in education programs seminars workshops and the annual meetings of their state provincial County and international professional organizations whereas it is most important that we recognize the accomplishments of the office of the municipal clerk now therefore I James Jim rosc the mayor of the city of Mader Beach do recognize this week of May 5th through May 11th as Municipal Clerk's week and I further extend appreciation to our municipal clerk CLA van blargan and to all Municipal clerks for the vital Services they perform and their exemplary dedication to the communities they represent dated this day of the eth day of May 20124 clar can we get you down there in front and then we'll just do the same get a photo I need a drink of water this time very photogenic thank you thank you okay the next Proclamation is National Public Works week National Public Works week Proclamation May 19th through the 25th of 20 24 advancing quality of life for all whereas Public Works professionals focus on infrastructure facilities and services that are of vital importance to sustainable and resilient communities and public health high quality of life and well-being of the people of the city of madir Beach Florida and whereas infrastructure facilities and services could not be provided without the dedicated efforts of Public Works professionals who are Engineers managers and employees at all levels of government and the private sector who are responsible for rebuilding improving and protecting our nation's Transportation water supply water treatment and solid way systems public buildings and other structures and Facilities essential for our citizens and whereas it is in the public interest for Citizens Civic leaders and children in the city of mider Beach Florida to gain knowledge of and maintain an ongoing interest and understanding of the importance of Public Works and Public Works programs in their respective communities and whereas the year 20124 marks the 64th annual National Public Works week sponsored by the American public works Association Canada Public Works Association too now therefore I James Jim rosc mayor of the city mider Beach here duby designate the week of May 19th through the 25th of 2024 as National Public Works week and urge all citizens to join with representatives of the American public works Association and government agencies and activities events and ceremonies designed to pay tribute to our Public Works professionals Engineers managers and employees and to recognize the subst stantial contributions they make to protecting our national health safety and quality of life in witness thereof High here onto set my hand and cause the Seal of the city of mid here Beach Florida to be affixed this eth day of May 2024 thank you you smile thank you thank you you next up is any presentations of Robin we have any okay so next up is public comment for any items that are not on the agenda if the anyone from the public would like to come up and talk to us we'd love to hear what you have to say Tom Edwards district one so a year ago mad beach Cantina had a stage put outside and ban and the noise was just terrible the the drums all we got was bass sound coming into the house did not have a permit and finally after 11 hours we finally got the Sheriff's Office to go ahead and shut it down I spoke with Jay hatch shortly afterwards and said Jay please don't issue us special permit for them if they go and ask for one and please pass it on the city manager well this year one was issued and they had the band out there the drum is beating it Echo off the surrounding buildings and all I can hear inside my house is boom boom boom for 12 hours so the city has adopted the county noise ordinance and the nor where's ordinance says waivers a city manager under this section must put in writing and shall contain all conditions upon which such permit shall be effective May prescribed any reasonable conditions or requirements they deem necessary to minimize adverse effects upon the community or the surrounding neighborhood including but not limited to the use of Mufflers screens or other sound at tanting devices that was not done they had a deputy sitting out there in the median for 12 hours did not have a noise meter didn't do anything except he was supposed to keep make sure there's no problems that occur at there they had extended their drinking facility into the parking lot I spoke to a sergeant because the deputy said I don't have a noise meter but the sergeant does spoke to the sergeant I don't have noise meter either we can get one but he says since they have a special permit they can play the music as loud as they want typically it would be 72 DB but with a special permit they can go 80 110 there is no limit unless it's specifically put into the special permit so what I'm suggesting is that you have a workshop and we need to discuss this I'd be glad to come and discuss it with you maybe even have a DE who is a noise meter specialist come and talk about this issue there's also a part in the ordinance that if a person asks for a special permit waiver and it's not granted they can come to the city commission to ask for approval but there's nothing in here that says someone that's in the neighborhood can come and object to it so what I'm suggesting is that I think they have to apply 60 days in advance in order to go ahead and get a permit why not make it maybe 95 days in advance post it on the website so that people would have 45 days to go ahead and provide written objections if they were going to have a band they could just as easily had a couple guitar players and a singer instead of having drums there so if you I mean I I hear the band hands down at John's Pass four blocks away there's no reason they have to be that loud so it's it's something to consider and um if you do put on the workshop I certainly like to be notified so I can come there as I say I'd like to hear a deputy come that specialized in this and see what can be done to make it more reasonable for the neighborhoods thank you can I may I ask a question oh please do um what was the with the 12 hours what which 12 hours were there were they 10 a.m. 10: a.m. to 10: p.m. 10 p.m. they had rented the parking lot across the street the whole parking lot so no one could use the beach parking they had the whole lot I pointed out to the city manager that they actually had it marked off at 700 in the morning so they actually owe the city three additional hours of parking that they're not paying for and I just till 10 p.m. doesn't our noise ordinance cut off at 9:00 yes and the music was cut off at 9:00 p.m. oh okay and do you remember can you tell me what date that was that was this Sunday the 5th CCO Deo Sunday May 5th thank you thank you thank you thank you we will get this added to a workshop and we'll invite you back thank you sir Robin can we get it added to the workshop yes absolutely perfect is there any other public comment from any of the residents that like to come talk to us no seeing none we'll move on then next up is approval of the minutes from the 20244 d10 booc regular meeting minutes budget Workshop meeting minutes regular Workshop meeting minutes from uh 4 of 24 do we have any questions on those or do we have a motion to accept I reviewed them I didn't see any issue if no one else does I'd like to make a motion to accept the minutes as written all second all right thank you city clerk we call the role please commissioner Kerr yes vice mayor Brooks yes commissioner tagini yes commissioner McAn yes mayor Ros yes the motion carry 5 to zero all right thank you next up is consent agenda we have nothing there so we'll just move past that next up is public hearings we have ordinance 20 2404 would you like me to proceed mayor oh please okay thank you so um item 10A on your agenda is ordinance 202 24- 04 I'll read that ordinance by title only ordinance 20244 in ordinance of the city of Madera Beach Florida amending division 2 enforcement by special magistrate of article 7 code enforcement of the code of ordinances of the city of madira beach to reflect the changes that have been adopted in chapter 162 Florida Statutes deleting section 2- 380 priority of leans and ruming subsequent sections providing for conflict providing for codification providing for separability and providing for an effective date that was the second final reading of ordinance 20244 by title only it was first read on April 10th 2024 there have been no changes since that first reading all right thank you is there any public comment on this okay no public comment Commissioners any questions would someone like to make a motion then I'll make a motion to approve ordinance Mayor Brooks yes commissioner McAn yes commissioner tagini yes commissioner Kerr yes mayor rosc yes the motion carried five to zero okay City attorney item 10B on your agenda is a public hearing on ordinance 20246 I'll read that ordinance by title only this is ordinance 20246 an ordinance of the city of Madera Beach Florida amending section 2502 appointment and removal of AR article 8 special magistrate of chapter 2 administration of the code of ordinances of the city of Mader Beach to amend the approval process for the rate of compensation of the special magistrate providing for conflict providing for codification providing for severability and providing for an effective date that was the second final reading of ordinance 202 24-6 by title only it was first read on April 10th 2024 there have been no changes since that first reading all right thank you so much is there any public comment this okay we'll close public comment Commissioners you have any questions do we have a motion then I move we pass ordinance 20 2406 thank you do we have a second I'll second the motion thank you vice mayor City cler we call the role please commissioner tagler rainy yes vice mayor Brooks yes commissioner mcgean yes commissioner Kerr yes mayor rosc yes the motion carry five to zero all right next up is item 10 C this is a public hearing on ordinance 202 4-05 I'll read that ordinance by title only as well ordinance 202 24-5 an ordinance of the city of Madera Beach Florida adopting the fees and collection procedures manual repealing ordinance 2023-24 d05 by title only it was first read on April 10th 2024 there have been no changes since the first reading all right thank you so much is there any public comment on this all right no public comment Commissioners vice mayor do we have a motion I'll make a motion to approve ordinance 202 24-5 thank you so much do we have a second a second all right thank you city clerk we call the role please vice mayor Brooks yes commissioner tagini yes commissioner mcgean yes commissioner Kerr yes mayor rosc yes the motion carry five to zero okay now that we have everybody here would it be possible to move the ABP 2024 Sip and scoop up in front of the shade structures would that would that be possible because I see the people here okay is everybody okay with that okay all right mayor this this item 10e is a quas digial hearing for an alcoholic beverage permit 202 24-3 for Sip and scoop I'm going to go through the process with you as we normally do the applicant is Village Cafe of John's Pass LLC the address of the property is 1301 15-c Village Boulevard a summary of the application is that the applicant for the alcohol beverage permit 20243 is requesting authorization from the Board of Commissioners for the approval of a 2 cop alcoholic beverage license for the sale of beer and wine for consumption on premises at existing Sip and scoop Cafe located at 1315 Sweet Sea Village Boulevard madir Beach Florida this establishment is located in the C1 tourist commercial zoning District the future land use designation for the property is Activity Center the standards to be applied uh by the Commission in reviewing the application are as follows they're set forth in section 110- 532 when considering the alcoholic beverage application the Board of Commissioners shall consider the following factors number one the extent to which the location and the extent to which the proposed alcoholic beverage request will adversely affect the character of the existing neighborhood number two the extent to which the traffic generated as a result of the location of the proposed alcoholic beverage request will create congestion or present a safety hazard number three whether or not the proposed use is compatible with the particular location for which it is proposed number four whether or not the proposed use will adversely affect the public safety and number five no application for review under this section shall be considered until the applicant is paid in full any outstanding char charges fees interest fines or penalties owed by the applicant to the city under any section of the code the burden of proof is set forth in section 2-10 of your code I'm going to read that the applicant shall have the burden of proof at the hearing to show by a greater weight of the evidence the application is consistent with the city's comprehensive plan and complies with all procedural requirements of law conditions may be suggested by the applicant the city or any part party or may be imposed by the board which are intended to assure consistency and compliance the identity of the parties is Marcos Diaz for Village Cafe and of course the city the order of presentation tonight will be the city presenting first and then Mr Diaz I'm going to read the Quasi judicial procedures that we follow for this type of hearing this is a quas Judicial proceeding where the Board of Commissioners acts in a quasi judicial rather than a legislative capacity at this quad judicial hearing it is not the board's function to make law but rather to apply law that has already been established in a quasi judicial hearing the board is required by law to make findings of fact based upon the evidence presented at the hearing and apply those findings of fact previously established criteria containing the code of ordinances in order to make a legal decision regarding the application before it the board may only consider evidence at this hearing that the law considers competent substantial enrollement to the issues if the compet substantial and relevant evidence at this hearing demonstrates the applicant has met the criteria establishing the code of ordinances and the board is required by law to find in favor of the applicant by the same token if the competent substantial and relevant evidence at this hearing demonstrate the applicant has failed to meet the criteria establishing the code of ordinances then the board is required by law to find against the applicant at this point I need to ask each one of the Commissioners whether or not they need to disclose any expart Communications or any conflicts of interest before I swear in all the witnesses no no all right thank you all right anyone that's going to speak on this particular application I need you to stand up raise your right hand and be sworn under oath anyone that's going to speak you swear the testimony you're about to give is going to be the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth okay thank you all right so at this point is now time for the city to proceed uh with the presentation of this application all right uh so here's our presentation can you tell us who you are and what your job responsibilities are uh my name is Joe I'm with the city planning department uh I've been with the city a little few months short of a year uh my primary job functions include reviewing permit applications um and helping out wherever I can so on page starting on page 113 of the packet uh we have our memo for the alcohol all permit uh May 8th prepared for mayor Board of Commissioners from Community Development Department subject public hearing for 2 cop alcohol beverage license application 2024 d03 for sipping scoop located at 13015 Sweet Sea Village Boulevard madir Beach Florida 33708 background pursuing to Land Development code article VI division 6 alcohol beverages the application for ABP 2024-the sale of beer and wine for consumption on premises at the existing Sip and scoop Cafe located at 13015 sweet SE Village Boulevard madir Beach Florida 33708 The Establishment is located in the C1 tourist commercial zoning District future line use designated for this property is Activity Center pursuing to section 110- 539 the notice of public hearing has been properly sent to All Property Owners within 300 fet of the subject property 15 days prior 15 days before the scheduled consideration by the board of commission such notice has also been posted on the subject property at the Gul beaches public library City Hall and through city of mid Beach website discussion when considering the alcoholic beverage license application the Board of Commissioners shall consider the following factors one the extent to which the location and extent to which the proposed alcoholic beverage request will adversely affect the character of the neighborhood findings permitted permitting Sip and scoop in John's past Village to add beer and wine to the menu for consumption on premises would not negatively affect the character of the existing neighborhood the existing neighborhood is mostly commercial uses and additionally various other businesses in the same area have already already sered alcohol Bamboo Beach Bar Next Door currently serves liquor Sip and scoop is requesting a license that would be just for beer and wine two the extent to which traffic generated as a result of the location of the proposed alcoholic beverage requests will create congestion or present a safety hazard City staff's findings is the addition of alcohol to the menu will not affect congestion traffic generated or present to safety hazard Sip and scoop is located on a walk in a walkable part of the city Sip and scoop has agreed to install a bike rack on the premises with at least three stalls and has already purchased an applicable rack their bike rack will add three additional parking spot credentials to credits to their parking count the layout and number of seats that zp and scoop are not being changed from when it was built out in 2021 and with the addition of a bike rack the total number of parking spots will increase from what is existing before permitting alcohol to be served on premises three whether or not the proposed use is compatible with or with the particular location for which it is proposed staff finds the proposed alcohol use is compatible with the location Sip and scoop already serves more than just ice cream on their menu beer and wine would complement their existing food and beverage options for whether or not the proposed use will adversely affect the public safety Public Safety should not be adversely affected by Sip and scoop serving beer and wine for consumption on premises the cafe is more than 300 feet away from any established church synagogue Temple or place of religious worship public or private school operated for the instruction of miners or youth recreation community center these are businesses near there are businesses nearby that already sell Al alcohol five no application for review under this section shall be considered until the application applicant has paid in full any outstanding charges fees interests fines or penalties owed by the C by the applicant to the city under any section of the code the applicant has no outstanding fines or penalties owed to the city under any section of the code there's no anticipated fiscal impact and the staff recommendation recommends approval with with the condition that a bike rack with at least three stalls be install be added to the premises attach with the application uh we have the staff report is 113 through 115 which I just read through the local city application is Pages 116 through 122 page 123 is a survey of the property 124 is the owner's verification and support 125 through 127 is a site plan showing the seating plan which is not being changed by this application 128 and 129 are additional survey copies 130 through 136 are the mailing labels that were sent out 137 through 138 is the public notice 139 and 13 and 140 is the affected party form that was sent out and 141 to 142 is the Affidavit of mailing and posting and then 143 is the final part of this application which is uh the posting pictures and are you asking for the commission to take you the memorandum the staff report and all the attachments you just mentioned into the record yes okay mayor Commissioners this is the time if you have any questions for City staff um now would be the time to ask them and if there are no questions we'll go to the next step any questions yes I have one do they have bathroom facilities um I believe they do but I'll defer that question to the applicant okay the App application says Village Cafe at John's Pass LLC is that is that just the the parent company or is that a separate structure or is that how is that connected to what page are you looking on on the on the application yeah page 116 it's the is the permit [Music] application I believe that's the this the parent company or the company okay so it's just one building is what I'm getting at it's not it's not two different businesses it's one business okay that's all I wanted correct thank you any other questions from the commission no thank you so who on behalf of the applicant is going to be speaking tonight okay sir if you can come to the microphone if and if you could tell us what your name is what your connection to this application is okay my name is uh James Cody Johnson I am the Chief Operating Officer for uh Sip and sco Village Cafe LLC and for multiple business with the owners all right um do you have any questions of City staff before you have an opportunity to present your case uh no sir I couldn't uh clarify that hang on just a second you don't have any questions at all okay all right and are you going to be making uh the presentation of the application to the city commission yes sir okay all right now is the time for you to go ahead and proceed if you don't have any cross-examination of of the city's witness tell it tell the commission whatever you want to tell them about the application okay um for the 2op we just requested in for just an amenity for families that would be sitting on property on Sip and scbe private property to be indulging in a either a an adult beverage with their families that is more safe for the community to be relaxing while at the beach when they come from the beach to have more of a um a better relaxation for vacation or for just a a time for family interaction uh we do have bathrooms on the uh on site that were that are PID by the the opposing uh properties next to us as well that are maintained and we have two bathrooms for men and women um we do just want to just add the amenity just for a an expression of our gratitude for the community as well as help out any of again make a more of a familyfriendly atmosphere to make sure that if somebody wanted any kind of Beverage or any kind of consumption that it would be premised on property as well as maintained the utmost professionalism are and as well as making sure that the businesses around us are to the are all are all um being more profitable and making more more business for the city as well okay any questions from the commission just I think I heard somebody say this it it's not just an ice cream paror you have a menu of food as well yes sir we're res owned as a cafe so we have a full menu for breakfast and lunch um options as well as we're open till we're open till the end of I'm sorry 10 o'clock every night so we do have the option for food to the till close so you you do have food options until 10 full full hours yes sir thank you any other questions all right thank you sir you can have a seat is there anyone in the public that wants to step forward and make a presentation to the commission yeah you want to you want to say something ma'am step forward then tell us who you are what your name is good afternoon my name is y and I have to last name Ruiz noan and I am in charge of Si and scoop so when employees are starting to work I am in charge of the training for the Barista position for the sales cashiers and for all of the food menu in the food menu we do have enough carbs and and sugar that will help a lot with the bean wine uh the favorite for all of the locals and tourists is the Cuban sandwich the other one is the Sicilian sandwich and as well we have a full menu for breakfast like um in bagos and in cang as well um most of the people who are coming they like the way that they doing in the chicken Sala sandwich with us and we also offering smoothies fresh smoothies with real fruits and uh the ice cream that are we serving is the Amish ice cream that is in sarota they provide that local Amish ice cream to us we are very proud to be the only one inside of JP who's selling this Amish creamy ice cream and I want to clarify that uh um the B rack is being already installed all right thank you thank you thank you thank you anyone else from the public want to step forward to make any presentation okay mayor it's back to the commission then for consideration okay Commissioners any questions do we have a motion then I I I just want to say I have a question I wonder why why didn't I know you sell food I I pass that place all the time you need to put that put that in the name somewhere I you Cuban and Sicilian sandwiches and I didn't know about that oh my God the chicken salad's good okay well I'll drop by good frozen lemonade too I mean that's why I mean I'm not I like ice cream but I the sandwiches sound good sorry didn't went off on a tangent and I I recommend the approval of APB 2012 24-3 with the condition that the bike rack with at least three stalls be added and it sounds like it already has do we have a second I'll second the motion thank you vice mayor city clerk we call the role please commissioner tagini yes vice mayor Brooks yes commissioner Kerr yes commissioner M McAn yes mayor rosang yes the motion Carri 5 to zero congrats [Applause] congratulations okay next up is ordinance 20242 the open accessory structur so mayor I'm going to go ahead and read that um ordinance by title only and I my understanding City staff is going to be making a presentation as well but I'll read the ordinance by title only 1 this is ordinance 20242 an ordinance of the city of Madera Beach Florida amending division 4 accessory structures of article 6 supplementary District regulations of chapter 110 zoning of the city's Land Development code to provide for applicability to provide definitions to require building permits for exess structures and provide for regulation of cheekies to provide for maintenance of accessory structures amend setbacks for rear yard accessory structures and lots on on water in R1 zoning District amend the setbacks for rear yard accessory structures on Lots on water in R2 zoning District amend the setbacks for accessory structures in C4 zoning district and add allowances for federal and state regulated structures add quantity to maximum size of accessory structures in R1 R2 and R3 zoning districts amend the maximum size for enclosed and open accessory structures for single family use duplex and multif family use and temporary lodging use add quantity to maximum size of accessory structures in C1 C2 and C3 and C4 zoning districts add a section to address construction trailers add a section to address outdoor kitchens providing for conflict severability and codification and providing for an effective date that was the first reading of end's 2012 24-02 by title only all right thank you um so at the end of last year boc directed City staff to research and amend the code to allow for shade structures or what we're calling these open accessory structures uh that would look slightly different than enclosed accessory structures what you think of as a shed um this ordinance creates multiple spe sections which includes a um applicability of division definitions building permit requirements um accessory structure maintenance excl things excluded from permitting construction trailers and outdoor kitchens this final version allows for open accessory structures at a percentage of the total lot size of 3.5% in addition to the already allowed enclosed accessory structure the amendment creates setbacks for the open accessory structures considering the sidey setbacks for each zoning district and structural elements of the seaw wall for Lots on the w in the C4 zoning District staff were aware of issues arising from accessory structures U that were required uh for federal and state regulations for those businesses um and those conflicted with the current accessory structure section in the code so staff added language to address those concerns the current code does not address construction trailers so we decided to add a new section to put in place regulations for those construction trailers um and that includes specific time limitations setbacks and evacuation plans um we also discussed with fdm with all these FEMA regulations and flood plane requirements the allowances of permanent outdoor kitchens and then created a new section um for that as well since we know that we will be seeing more outdoor kitchens with allowing for open accessory structures and I know that we we discussed um this ordinance at the last boc Workshop so you will see some minor changes last time you saw it on page 107 and 108 that the maximum size and quantity in R1 R2 and R3 zones the maximum height is 14 ft now from grade um another another change that we need to add um didn't realize we would need to add it until kind of a recent back and forth but in 110- 473 we're going to include verbiage regarding the cheekies is that what you oh sorry um okay um so 110- 473 where the red verbiage starts cheeki constructed by the mikasuki tribes of Indians of Florida or the seminal tribe of Florida are exempt from the Florida building CO Cod um but must obtain a building permit for Planning and Zoning purposes we're adding to that and a copy of the member tribe the member ID tribe um what we're finding is people want to say everything's a cheeky Hut but obviously they have to be built by the mikasuki or the simol and what is common practice and I've reached out to tribe members is they provide their member ID as verification that they are indeed the ones building the structure so we want to kind of codify that that at this time so we will be adding that so just just to confirm they that will be very specific in the ordinance that says in order to call something a cheky Hut you have to present this particular certification from the tribe that built it correct yes so I highlighted I don't know if you can see it up on the screen uh where that would go and so we would be asking for that um a so just say um but must obtain a building permit for Planning and Zoning purposes and includes a copy of a copy of the member tribe ID and we'll also um similar to like our other permits we'll have a permit checklist for what needs to be submitted this will also appear as a line item for your permit checklist as well and we'll we can typically provide examples or however we need to drive that home it's something we ask for now so it's not something additional or out of the question it's just making sure it's in the code so we can can point to it that we need that so to be to be clear you're not restricting all open structures to be built by correct correct only if they're calling you're calling it a cheeky correct yes then we need to see that um tribal ID exactly that's the only time but you can build an open accessory structure doesn't even even have to look like a tiki hut so right correct wanted to clarify that um I was thinking about this three and a half% and uh of the of the lot to be the Restriction now where is that measured from from the tips of the roof line so the that would be considered the footprint oh the footprint of the open accessory structure yes it would be the full roof so if you look at our so if the posts were inside of that of course they would be yes the footprint is the tips of the roof line correct and that right now is three and a half% it would Beall area would be 3 and a half% of your total lot so we get your lot square footage uh the property appraiser has that or you'd see it on a survey and then um the open assess restructure it's in the definition right here um the open assessory structures are measured for area and setbacks from the outermost point of any roof overhang right and that 3 and a half% was kind of I I know different sizes were thrown around during this whole discussion and what would be good and what would would not be um and then with the with the talks about the outdoor kitchen so that would take up actual space if someone did want to build an outdoor kitchen you're going to have some sort of counter space um that's going to take up any any actual place where someone could stand or sit or whatever but depending on what how they're going to build it or what they're going to build it for I guess what I'm getting to is um I looked up in the munic code a minimum building size minimum lot size is for madira beach and R1 District that's 5,000 square ft so just simple math 3 and a half% is 175 square feet um which is basically 13 by 13 that's 169 Square F feet um if it's in the R2 low density multi family residential that reduces to a minimum lot size now I'm talking about the smallest Lots in the city again that's 4,000 square feet which reduces that even smaller to 140 square you're starting to get smaller than a popup tent that you buy at Walmart or wherever I'm just thinking personally if I'd like to see that bump to at least 4% um it's a nice round number um it's not going to give you much more it' be on that smallest lot again on a larger lot it would be bigger but on um the smallest slots that's basically 14 by 14 versus 13 by 13 it's not a huge thing but um I would just I wanted to put it out there change that to at least 4% I know you went through a lot of work looking and trying to figure out what is existing uh maybe not in town but in surrounding areas and uh struggled with coming up with that um and I applaud you for that but I'd like to see at least bump the 4% and I think dialogue here on the commission about that I wouldn't have a problem with that at all an increase to four doesn't doesn't concern me beyond that I start questioning because even on you know small lot super small we don't want to uh make something that's going to impose on vision from other but I don't have a problem increasing to 4% I mean you're restricted by your setbacks anyway so I don't have an issue with that I don't have an issue with that either is there any public comment on this we forgot about the public here they're supposed to speak first please come up if you like to you guys are good okay yeah 4% sounds fine any other comments about the document well then I'd like to make a motion too well no I've I've got some comments I'm seeing a bit of a red flag and it worries me if you'd go to let's see it would be page 107 and uh let's see looks like about section 110 485 the one thing the the language in here and it's actually the last sentence that may exceed the maximum size with documentation that the additional size is required to maintain compliance that that sentence in itself could violate our own zoning code I think we have to be cautious of that that it says any size so that that's length width and height so we have to be careful that we're going to violate our own zoning code by writing this I'm going to re read that again accessory structures for working waterfronts or Marina uses is that where yeah correct that is correct which are required by federal or state regulations do not count towards the number of structures and may exceed the maximum size with documentation that the additional size is required to maintain compliance question do we know of any structures that meet this criteria uh we know that there's um two working waterfronts or commercial fishing areas that um are required to have like a shade area um as well as the ice machines or some some way to cool the fish when they come off and they don't necessarily meet the criteria in the code so we're kind of in a tough spot of you know if we do code enforcement then those are those are things that are essential to their business um but then trying to also regulate that is it's kind of a tough situation of they need it for their business but then we also want to make sure that we have regulations in place but if it's a requirement um coming from like the FDA or food safety some way to allow for that so that's language if I'm understanding it correctly this this you're just saying that this doesn't these Open Access open structures do not go against their uh footprint basically they're um of of building on that property open or enclosed open or enclosed so but they would have to prove the documentation so that's that's the thing that we we didn't want to just you can do whatever to your property obviously but um to prove or M or to show the um um that it's it's required to maintain the compliance that you're required to have that not you can just put as many accessory structures on your property but that it's essential and it's more to to the number because they still have to meet structure coverage and ISR requirements but if you need three structures to do that because of your business and understand we we've tried to find a subject matter expert on on this and we we can't seem to so we're kind of putting pulling together the best information we have to to be as reasonable as possible and recognizing that the working waterfronts are protected and we have to figure out how to navigate those Waters maybe this language should be pulled out here and put in another place I just I mean the language how it's written we could violate our own zoning code if they can provide a letter from somewhere I mean I think that's a danger sign it's it's not a violation it's an exception to the code right right so then we have somebody else come along and I'm sorry and have the me to Clause that's what I would be afraid of would have to be yeah I'm not really concerned about about the the me2 Clause if they have the the legal documentation that puts them in a position where a federal or state regulation says that you have they have to have this to operate then that then they have that documentation then then this will go into effect if they don't have it then it would not go into effect so you're not violating your zoning code by adding this you're just creating an exception to the code for that particular situation technically wouldn't we have to give the exception anyhow even if we didn't put it here if the go if the federal government says this is what you have to do this is a requirement they Trump us don't they this just makes it in writing where we have a guideline to follow to reference back to well there's currently we're kind of in a like a limbo um because we know that there's a few properties that have have more accessory structures um than what our code allows for and so we're not we're not going after that because we know it's a requirement um for their business and I think it's important for us to support our Waterfront businesses um very often we hear um and I I believe it we're two miles long and a smile wide we're the grouper capital of the world we were built on Fisher people and so I think it's important to make sure that if we're changing something in the code that we're thinking about those people who built this town or were a great part of building it anyhow I just want to understand the concern this this makes it less restrictive for those commercial only if it's being required by a government entity that they do it so if a if a if a government entity says you have to have this structure to be able to be compliant with D or EPA or fish and wildlife or whoever it is FDA it's FDA it's given an exception to that Waterfront business because it's only Commercial Business right it's given an exception to them to be able to have that additional building that's being legally required by a federal entity right and they have to approve the or they have to provide the paperwork I don't think they're getting anything extra to me the way that I read it was that it's just putting into writing where when somebody says why do they have that you can simply reference this is why it's written right here this is where the exception comes in for this business is the way I read it is the is the mayor's concern then that okay you are not a you're a uh restaurant you're commercial it's still commercial and you want to have a accessory structure enclosed or open and the working Waterfront neighbor he has it why can't I have it is that the concern one of several absolutely absolutely so I would I mean my my thought on that would be well no they wouldn't because the only reason the working waterfronts getting it is because it's being required by the federal government the restaurant's not going to get it just because they want an ice house they're not going to get an ice house they're not required by but it's an enclosed structure but I I I think it would be addressed in other parts of the code whether they could have it or not it we're we're just saying they can have it it's not counted against their overall footprint It also says in that sentence um accessory structures for working waterfronts or Marina uses so then your restaurant it wouldn't it wouldn't count to that only it's very very yeah it is very restrictive that's true thanks for pointing that out and then what about an impact study where C4 backs up to residential I don't see anything written in here about an impact study you think we ought to do one or I'll go back to my other point maybe this shouldn't be in this well in this document I just don't know um I it's it I guess the state's already kind of weighed in on the fact that you know if a working Waterfront is there and people build around it which has happened then the working water front takes priority as far as how things you know are viewed from that perspective so if you do live around it there is there is an impact right um I don't know that the accessory structures are causing that impact though it may be the functionality of that use whether even if they didn't have an accessory structure and it was one continuous building but they had noisy functions in that one building it's not the accessory structure that's creating the issue it's the the function of the business and how they have to work through that and we like I said we have tried to find a subject matter expert on this to help us and we can't we haven't really found that one person we've gotten bits and pieces here and there and we've done a lot of research but for the accessory structure part I'm not sure that that's what's triggering the real problem that we we're having and that we could have and that we're trying to possibly prevent or anticipate um we are aware of it though but I don't yeah I I was also going to jump in and say we have talked to kimley Horn who's doing our master plan and we told them that this is definitely something you know C4 working waterfronts commercial fishing up right next to residential I know those uses don't always go perfectly hand inand so um for them to really look at our codes and comprehensive plans with that in mind as well but wasn't the working Waterfront there prior to the residential I mean I only I can only think of two working waterfronts in my mind there's one by my house that's a a fish a fish house um or near my house and I'm assuming that's a working Waterfront yes and then there's one on Gulf Boulevard and they've both been here as way longer than way back before I can even remember before I ever moved to pelis County yes so I [Music] mean you can't in in my mind's eye how do you how do you sit up here and vote to regulate out a business that was there long before there were houses or condos or anything I mean in my case there's one right there it's I it's always been there I don't even think anything of it um when I go down Gul Boulevard and see fishbusters I can just think when I look at that I just think wow what have they done in five years to improve that place so I mean that's just that's my that is my personal observation when I go past um both of them I don't know I just try to think of ways to support them the best that we can and then jumping off of that um comment there is a Florida statute Marcy kind of mentioned it um just it's Florida statute 379 um 2351 and it's talking about commercial fishing that was there prior to residential neighborhoods and that it's very limited on what the locals can regulate um to make sure it's we don't see it as a nuisance and basically um rezone them something else that they couldn't operate as a business um I think it says like curtailment of um abolishment of um their business I could also send that to to boc um yeah yeah my comment shouldn't be construed as I'm trying to put somebody out of business that is not the case however with the research that's been done what we're talking about it was a boat yard in 2010 it changed from its use coat of boat yard over to a food processing facility after that and then it started more and more and expanding it expanding I just want to make sure that we're not going to do something here that's going to get us in trouble or bite us down the road that we're this all started with the tiki huts and The Cheeky huts and now it's progressed to this okay but then where is that residential impact study on this what are we going to do to the residents by allowing a structure that exceeds code if if they can get a letter to say I need a 27 story whatever the case may be that's my concern I just think it shouldn't be in this document but that's that's just my opinion I think Jenny you were saying that something you're it's like a work in progress with that then if it's still a work in progress this that part of the document shouldn't be there it should be extracted so we can vote and get this passed and then work on that another time is it possible to pass it if we extract section 110- 85 just or or does that doesn't work what I don't understand why we why we would choose so all we're doing is adding verbiage for clarification to extract section 110 484 is or 485 is to remove a whole section of the ordinance it's I mean it's already there we're just adding clarification verbage yeah what what's there now Jenny I it's so much readed and crossed off I'm not quite sure let's see let me let me scroll so it's it's currently 110 481 is that correct it's well it's currently 481 and then it would become 485 um because we added some some additional sections that we didn't have so it would probably be if you wanted to um relook at this later um maybe after kimley horn really dives into um C4 working with waterfronts commercial fishing I would say it probably be like this sentence and then I think there's another one give me just a minute if we go if we try to look up that mun code would we would we find what's there now oh currently yeah I think I found it um an accessory structure not to exceed 8 ft by 12 feet by 8T may be installed and only one accessory type structure may be placed on any lot or group of lots under the same ownership so right now there's a restriction not to exceed those dimensions and only one may be placed on any lot or group of lots under the same ownership so by having the proposed ordinance 110- 485 we still have the 8 ft by 12T but we're increasing that to 10 feet high right yes that's correct so it's it's providing two feet more height and we're allowing two structures versus a single structure yes and then it goes on to the total maximum size for all open accessory structure to be a total of three and a half but I propose 4% of the total land area of the lot so as far as the commercial it would that would be if you had one or two that's a total of 4% way I'm reading it the maximum height would be 20t which how's that how how can maximum height be 20 ft is that just on open yeah that's on open just for open so enclosed would be 10 ft yes okay um so it's actually being less restrictive with with this versus what was there so as far as the working Waterfront I don't think they're going to be up in arms if we're being less restrictive as far as the residential um I I don't I'm not I'm not seeing the issue but mayor and commission just to remind you that this whole process of this ordinance again is to address accessory structures that's what division 4 the this section of the code is so it's addressing all components found in the code under the terms accessory structure so you can I mean how you would like to proceed but I think to go back to the question of why is this just as you pointed out commissioner Kirby because it's in this part of the code so trying to provide and better Define and clarify accessory structures across all zoning districs Etc and classifications that's how this section was created to focus on Accessory structures not just cheeky or Tiki Huts or no I I I agree clar I mean remind everyone I see I believe it was back in 2022 there was an ordinance um I think it was tabled or put on hold I went on maternity leave so I'm not I don't exactly remember what happened to it um but it was addressing those working Waterfront um accessory structures so that's where we knew that there is some issue um there and so since we're touching the accessory structure section might as well bring that back in um and look at it again I have a quick question um as far as the same section here that we're talking about and it's kind of been touched on upon earlier uh the access accessory structures for working waterfronts or Marina uses which are required by federal or state regulations they do not count towards the number of structures they may exceed the maximum size as long as they have documentation and for the structures now they may exceeded the maximum size what would that what would that be as far as what their maximum size would be so the current maximum size is uh well that kind of if this was passed it would be um 28 feet wide by 12 feet long and 10 fet high enclosed accessory structures and then um could also have two open accessory structures with the total size not exceeding 4% of the lot total land area of the lot but to exceed that you would have to show the documentation prove the documentation with your permit Federal document exactly I think that sounds reasonable it it sounds like if they have to provide that and the right government says they have to have it I think this makes it easier to do okay I think it gives you a reference right in writing in our in our code it it also prevents uh requiring that certification prevents business from trying to build something that goes against our ordinance correct just randomly makes sense is there any public comment on this please come up thank you for coming thank you once again Chuck Dylan uh I thought all the heights were going to go down to 14 foot and this one's still at 20 foot and since you're going ahead and changing the three and a half to 4% I thought it was in residential commercial will stay at 20 yeah 14 for residential I I just thought yeah during the workshop that it was all going to be going down to 14 residential so you can have a 20 foot open structure on the Seas okay commercial commercial that was easy shouldn't have done that it's dead and other public comment on this okay Commissioners anything else do you have a motion to accept I'd like to make a motion to accept ordinance 20242 with the addition of including the tribal ID certification increasing to 4% lot size and that's it I'll second city clerk we call the role please vice mayor Brooks yes commissioner Kerr yes commissioner mcgean yes commissioner tagini yes mayor rosc yes the motion carried five to zero okay next up is unfinished business do we have any city manager or let's carry on no chief next up is contracts and agreements rating an EMS station funding agreement all right good evening mayor vice mayor uh Commissioners uh before you is the final clean uh contract between us and penel County EMS um this was the essentially the same contract we brought to you at the workshop um it's allowing madira Beach to become the project manager for the Readington EMS station um the only thing again the only thing that they had to change was normally municipalities front the money and then they make a a request at the county for reimbursement the only thing that they changed was now we have access to the entire 7.4 million so we don't have to front anything well done thank you sir Commission any comments thank you this is this has been uh over 15 years in the making trying to get this station up and running and going and it's just the cans been kicked down the road so much and again this was a dead project May rosc um Robin they they were in the meeting with all the Readington Mayors Barry Burton and we made a pitch last ditch effort and they they agreed that we could do it go ahead and fil in about our Zoom meeting the other day to allay any fears okay so mayor rosc had a couple concerns the original the agreement says that they will buy our medic unit from US ship it up to the Readington station and then with that money we would replace our current medic unit uh the mayor had a concern that we were going to lower the level of service to our residents so with that we had a meeting with Craig ha who's the uh public or EMS director for pelis County uh he he said he put it in writing that once we break ground have a firmer timeline that the county about 6 months out the county will provide a vehicle we'll wrap it or letter it outfit it it'll look very similar to what we have here instead of 25 it'll say 91 on the side and move it up there there's no decrease in service to any citizen of madira beach great and that's all that's your work Chief let's see here so um I guess we need to have a motion to approve yes yeah I Ive I recom I moved that we fund the agreement for the EMS station in Readington beaches do we have a second sorry no I said that wrong oops move that we approve the agreement the r Beach's EMS station funding agreement thank you okay sorry I'll second the motion thank you city clerk we call the role please commissioner tagini yes vice mayor Brooks yes commissioner Kerr yes commissioner McAn yes mayor rosc yes the motion carry five to zero all right next up is approve agreement with M contract and courp to construct code enforcement satellite office Mayor and commission this as we have discussed a few times we issued a bid uh to fill in the what we're calling kind of a satellite office but it's really the downstairs the remaining open area on the ground floor of this uh building um and we received uh replies to the bid as we had explained before the the item before used to approve an agreement with the low bid uh Mali Contracting Corporation uh to complete the work for a not to exceed $260,000 which is the budget the bid amount was 2119 29,6 184 with an additional U 40,000 for various items including flood paneling uh cabling Etc so again the amount not to exceed 260,000 uh upon approval work would begin um and I believe it would be for a total of approximately four months for the work to be completed which would just provide additional offices and space and storage areas again downstairs essentially underneath the stairs walking up here to the second floor um of City Hall to be utilized by our building department uh as well as partially by our pelis County sheriff's deputies that work in and out of this facility be happy to answer any question questions public comment do we have any public comment on this okay commission mayor commission sorry one final thing the entire cost of this project is being funded through the building fund so it's not a general fund expenditure so this is being paid out of the revenues that are collected uh for um building permits and related services for the city to comply with the Florida building code thank you for the clarification Commissioners vice mayor you have any questions I have a question so Robin I don't have a printed packet I'm viewing mine online and Page 212 through 29 or 19 18 are black is that not supposed to be anything there to view ours are black too for print yeah it's like I didn't know I'm not sure why I think that's just what how the packet came that's a redaction I'm Sor or yeah public I can find out exactly what okay so is that what would that be on those pages I would have to check now that because I didn't my apologies I didn't see that in see it either the online version I don't would you redact from the public why would if there yeah that's a good question I'd have to find out and get back there's possibly a reason you would but I just don't know why that make any sense prob the plans and that explain that shouldn't be it's all public so we'd I'd have to get back with you we could bring it back and explain what that is if you would like well I was guessing that it's maybe floor plan or something like that it's still yeah it's a public building and it's well could because it is Public Safety related um and enforcement because it is part of our building code enfor not code Code Enforcement but building enforcing the building codes right it would it would be exempt there's a specific public record exemption for the infrastructure uh and blueprints of the city city hall facility okay I'm not sure what that is but there is an exemption okay yeah been nice if we had an explanation because it's like we got a whole lot of black pages okay I I don't have an issue with approving it I mean we've discussed it it was discussed yeah it's been discussed a few times and I can bring explain what that is tomorrow and just provide that to all of you so my apologies that it's not in here I had a version that had and I think it's site plans and different yeah but I will confirm that and provide that tomorrow morning so we can hold I mean however your pleasure to proceed or no I don't think yeah the printed and the online the same yeah yeah yeah any questions I don't see any reason to hold it up absolutely not you have a motion then yeah I'll make a motion to approve the agreement with Mali Contracting Corporation to construct the code enforcement satellite office I'll do we have a second I'll second thank you kindly city clerk we call the role please vice mayor Brooks yes commissioner Kerr yes commissioner tagini yes commissioner McAn yes mayor rosc yes the motion carry 5 to zero all right thank you all right next up is new business we have resolution 22 24-3 mayor I'll read that resolution by title only this is resolution 20 24-3 resolution the Board of Commissioners of the city of madir Beach Florida amending the budget for fiscal year 2024 October 1 2023 through September 30th 2024 by increasing Appropriations for expenditures in the general fund the arch Bal Park fund the building fund the sanitation fund the storm water fund the marina fund and the parking fund and providing for an effective date that was the reading of resolution 202 24-3 by title only all right thank you so I can give a quick synopsis on this so uh and we went over this in our budget Workshop so shouldn't be of any surprise typically this the city around mid year goes through a budget versus actual analysis determines if there's any actual expenditures that haven't aligned with budgeted expectations when the budget process was was undergoing uh we have uh in exhibit a uh various uh amendments to the budget with the reasons explained have necessarily rehash that since we already went through that in the workshop and gain your comfort but if you want to readdress any of those I'm more than happy to otherwise I'd recommend the approval of this resolution 20243 is there any public comment on this first all right Commissioners your pleasure motion I'll make a motion to approve resolution 20243 fiscal year 2024 budget amendment number two thank you thank you city clerk we call the role please V mayor Brooks yes commissioner Kerr yes commissioner mcgean yes commissioner tagini yes mayor rosc yes the motion carry five to zero all right thank you next up staff reports do we have anything no all right next up is agenda setting for the next boc Workshop what sticks out as a sore thumb right away is I would like to get the beach chairs umbrella on the hand is number one I think that's just move that up the line item list and then we have city manager employment agreement Second Amendment John's P Village zoning Park and garage update by Centennial Park the fy2 GF beaches public library budget noise ordinance HR classifications compensation studying the I collective bargaining agreement does if anybody would like to add anything please contact the city manager mayor you'd mentioned the noise ordinance based on the residents comment I already put up there to discuss so no I think based on just prior discussions regarding the noise I think that's why it was already up there I so we beat you to it well no I think it was about what our chat at the house the other day I think so and thank everybody thank you for that sure but we it'll be I think comprehensive to cover cover everything and everything else we have to cover everything just like we did where we've made the parking bulletproof agreed yes um I'd like to add something uh I spent May 2nd and May 3d on a grant writing uh training seminar um learned a lot not that I plan on doing grant writing I just wanted to know more about it I think um that we should consider either hiring a grant writer either uh the way we do our engineering firms we uh go through the qualifications figure out who they are and on an as needed basis um we use them time material or I just like to talk about the process because it could mean um additional funding that we receive here to pay for uh additional services so I like to get that on the yeah can add that to talk about it Grant wrer anything else okay all right next up uh reports and correspondence uh Board of Commissioners with the 2024 boc meeting schedule that's attached in the packet I believe yeah and then is there anything from the Board of Commissioners if you have any changes sorry to interrupt any changes this would be a good time to present and I know we have I think at least one from the vice mayor but any others this is the best time to try to set the schedule changes make changes as needed so I know commissioner cerr you had a date in um September right we spoke about it and it's actually in the minutes of the um yep of the workshop so I think when I watched the workshop y'all talked about possibly moving it to the 30th either the Friday the 25th or Monday the 30th whichever works best for requirements so everyone my thought was I I'm I'm I'm not opposed to coming on a Friday but Fridays are typically I think that's a hard day to get people to show up for I'm not opposed to Friday or Monday I would be good either way is there preference I'm good either wayse I have a preference for Monday okay then then I would say I I agree Monday the 30th would be great Monday September 30th would be our uh second reading and public hearing to adopt the budget the fiscal year 2025 uh millage rate ordinance and the budget and followed by the regular Workshop meeting so Monday September the 30th the budget um second reading and public hearing would be at 5:30 I think we have a I believe that's what it was yeah well 5:45 is fine usually that's what we've done at 15 minutes before 54 5:45 p.m. for the budget the second reading and public hearing Miller and and fiscal year 25 budget but does that take the place of the regular Workshop meeting no then the workshop meeting would begin at 6: p.m. on on Monday on Monday the 30th so okay and then I have a request um I have a I have a request if we could change the meeting on the 9th and October 9th octob I'm sorry yes October 9th um I wouldn't propose to do it the Wednesday before because that would be the Wednesday after the Monday meeting but if we if everyone would be agreeable to moving that to any time the next week matter and I don't have a preference on a day just if we could accommodate that day I would rather not miss the meeting if I could absolutely we need everybody here now whatever yeah I'm flexible so whatever everybody else decides on great Mondays are always good for me okay I've heard that before okay so move it to Monday so Monday October the 14th if that yeah that that's Works that'd be fine I would like to recommend um because I know that we had had a meeting that we moved up and I heard from several residents that they didn't realize we had moved it because we moved it so maybe on these meetings where we're changing the dates and times if we could really do an extra effort of blasting we will ADV through our social media and notice notifications and to let people know and be reminded well on that we could just make a an effort that the meeting be pushed back a few days like both of these will be but on the calendar of events state that it's been moved so that anyone's tracking it on our website they haven't missed out they just have an opportunity to push it back so that first the regular meeting in October will now be on Monday October the 14th 2024 beginning at 6 PM got it thank you very much thanks everyone for their flexibility it's all good all right then uh any other sorry before any other changes to the rest of the 2024 schedule since we have the so I schedule up I just want to go on record as saying is that I don't I don't have my work schedule yet but I as we agreed I'll give ample notice if I want to request a change uh I I didn't have too many this year so I'm hoping it won't be too bad just just want to go on record of saying that no I think I think we can all be flexible all okay thank you okay okay next up uh city clerk's report do you have something for us yes um in my Clerk's report I decided I would do the our action summary just adding all our you know the items that we cover um at every meeting and I'm going to work backwards and add last year's and then also uh commissioner CER and I are working on keeping the the future Workshop items up to date and I'm going back to see each time that we talked about them in the last couple of years or so and like Claris said we've been working back and forth on this it's not it's not really complete yet correct um it's going to be updated as we're creating Workshop items this would be a great resource for the board to look back and say you know I'd really like an update on this or we really need to push this forward and give an give ideas on where we are on things or we forgot about this exactly well it's because there's so many things and that's really the point absolutely we can't let things fall through the cracks but thank thank you for bearing with us yes anything else so the one for the next regular meeting will be have a lot more information well thank you kindly you're very welcome city manager just a reminder on in two weeks Wednesday May the 22nd will be our next uh budget workshop for next year's budget fiscal year 2025 that'll begin at 4M we're going to focus on our capital budget but certainly any we'll meet I'll meet with each one of you before um but certainly anything that you like to add coming up for fiscal 25 but that'll be the focus of that budget Workshop followed by the regular um Workshop commission workshop at 6 PM so again on the 22nd Wednesday May 22nd again the budget Workshop beginning at 400 PM all right and also on the just quickly Saturday May the 18th there is a beach cleanup that is being uh kind run by by the our one of our local environmental groups of trash Turtles uh that's from 7:30 to 10:30 at Archer bald Park uh the focus will be on reminding folks about leaving no trace on the sand but specifically filling holes now that we're into sea turtle nesting season just as that's concluding we will also have at archal Park a life boating or life safety life vest giveaway um for folks that go on boats so that'll be believe from 10: until noon at archal so on Saturday May the 18th and also I think I we had discussed this several times our beach growing project started two days ago um so the contractor began the process of as we've explained to many many uh mainly a lot of visitors uh but residents as well the process of digging Excavating to uncover the beach groins which the majority of the approximately 200 feet long groins the majority is buried under the sand so the Excavating to expose to then strengthen to ensure the durability of the groins that as far as we know for the last almost 70 years have helped to retain the sand on our 2 miles of sand so that start Ed a little bit of of inconveniences will occur including having to walk around some construction areas they're well marked they'll be very well identified and probably the biggest question that I've received is why is it happening during sea turtle nesting season there's never a good time to start anything on the sand if we started after sea turtle nesting season then we would be working right through the peak of our visitor season from which would be February essentially through May um so there's positives and drawbacks but rest assured that the Clearwater Marine Aquarium sea turtle nesting folks are doing their due diligence every day and they are notifying the the city as well as the contractor the okay to begin any identified Nest areas obviously will not be disturbed or go anywhere near with the construction they will go back after the nests of of are no longer there the hatchlings have hopefully made their way back to the gulf so we do ask just anybody that watches this just to bear with us we apologize for the inconvenience but unfortunately progress has some inconveniences for us all even in Paradise thank you mayor all right thank you only thing I want to say is our last cleanup with the trash Pirates we need some more people out there I was down at John's past we had four people that's all we had down there and it wasn't so nice I think it's one of the smallest they've had in year in a long time it it it was it is what it is though just we just got to get the word out that you know that's our number one tourist design our destination that we've got the help keep it pristine and we could always use the help even if it's not the typical day to go down there just show up with the bucket and have at it please and that's all I have anybody else time is 7:39 we will adjourn thank you