good evening everyone it's February 14th 2024 Happy Valentine's Day to everybody this is the Board of Commissioners meeting and we're calling the meeting to order can we have the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance please me Father we meet to serve our community to use our resources wisely and well to represent all members of our Community fairly and to make decisions that promote the common good we recognize the responsibility to the past and the future as well as all the rights and needs of both the individual and our community as trusted servants we seek blessings on our deliberations and on our efforts here today this we pray amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty Justice for All City Clerk we call the role please mayor rosc present vice mayor Kerr here commissioner tagini here commissioner mcgean here commissioner Brooks here all of present all right thank you next can we get approval of the agenda I make a motion to approve the agenda as written do we have a second I'll second that motion thank you city clerk we call the rooll please vice mayor Kerr yes commissioner Brooks yes commissioner mcin yes commissioner tagini yes mayor rosk yes the motion carry five to zero all right thank you uh we have any proclamations I don't see any next presentations uh we have the gulf beaches rotary and mayor and commission as they walk up I would like to introduce members of the GF beaches Rotary Club Mr John Maher Larry Butterfield John doctor Dennis Fagan and Larry Lun and turn it over sorry Larry bwag there's there's like five Larry sorry Larry and I'll have John Maher to proceed and good evening mayor and Commissioners John Mah with the gulf beaches rotary as you may or may not know we have a carnival each year that the city is our 50% partner in it's here at Rock Park and uh it's from this year May the 14th through the 17th and traditionally it's always around that time and I'm here tonight to present the proceeds to the city of their half of the uh earnings the revenue from our Carnival again we appreciate the city's partnership especially Jay hatch and obviously uh Robin Gomez is a member of our club and a big part of it every year it's uh gets a little more and more interesting and again this year we're having fireworks again and we're having uh several bands that are popular locally so we hope y'all will come out and visit with us and see our setup and see how we do it but again it's a great partnership with the city and we've done it for I believe seven years here in Madera Beach so it's a great setup and again we appreciate it here's our check it's 22$ 22,8 31.50 thank I don't know if y'all want to come and get a picture made with us or you guys yeah come and stand in front and I could have the commission stand up and be there in front of the mayor and Andrew's going to take your picture here in a moment hold the check a little higher couple two than you y thank you awesome next up is public comment for anything that's not on the current agenda please come up please come up we'd love to hear what you have to say hello my name is Charlie reneer born and raised Floridian grew up in the keys my father was a fisherman since 1950 fished out of kilargo Key West I currently have a fish house in Key West um it's been there since 1990 and I think in about 2006 or seven they they did a lot of changes in the fishing regulations which stopped us from catching a lot of grouper in Key West made most of the boats moved to Madera Beach few few out of Cortez um so I came to Madera Beach which is considered a group of capital of the world and I bought a fish house triangle Seafood there was several other fish houses around also bought a a Boatyard Snug Harbor uh I think the boaty yard had been there since the 30s and 40s and I think the Fish House was built in the 70s um I've got numerous boats that fish for me we feed over a million of people we produce a lot of seafood out of this area I've got about 200 families that make their living off of my property and I've invested a lot of money up here I've invested 789 million in property and Renovations I've invested 5 or $6 million in Longline boats and 8 or $9 million in grouper quota so we can feed the American citizens that don't get grouper because the fishery is a fishing is a dying fishery as you all know there once was fish houses all over there's not very many left and in the last five years I have been persistently hounded I've had the Panella Sheriff Department called on me the city of madira beach the fire department the FWC the Coast Guard Department of Environmental Protection EPA hundreds of complaints hundreds of complaints I bought current buildings that were here that was working making money I didn't build this Fish House in somebody's backyard somebody built houses in my backyard and now they're trying trying to throw me out and sooner or later I need some help from y'all to stop this because it is getting out of hand it is out of hand I've got Sheriff's people coming to my property looking at a sheen on the water telling me that it's an oil spill and I have the Coast Guard show up five minutes later and say they don't even know what they're looking at a fuel spill is red an oil spill is black a Sheen is a Sheen you can go to any public marina and you can see a Sheen Madera Beach all the way down all these beaches when the road when it rains the water drains off the road drains to right into the basins I've watched it numerous times tons of oil goes down in there and I get called on time and time and time again this week I had enough I trespassed your mayor I don't want him on my property anymore and I want you all to step up and do something about him trying to put me and my fisherman out of business it's out of control I've hired an attorney and whatever we got to do to fix this we have got to fix this he cannot move in this town and run everybody out that is not right and I'm just asking you all to step up put it on agenda whatever we have to do I have not had one fine for an oil spill have not had one fine for an oil spill or a fuel spill I have had them in my yard over 300 times in the last 5 years I've had inspectors come in and tell me I've got the cleanest boat yard in the State of Florida but yet I still got a man walking on my property taking pictures of stuff trying to get me in trouble that's not his job that's a D's job let them come let the Coast Guard come if there's something in the water the Coast Guard will come I don't need a neighbor of mine taking pictures every single day and calling me and please stay off my property thank you thank you for your comments sir is there any other public comment for items that aren't on the agenda please come forward would like to hear what you have to say so I'd like to make a request while the person who came up to the to speak if we could have this on a future um agenda a workshop so that we could talk about uh the roles of the commission and the things that we are held to and have a discussion about the fish house and the issues that are arising from there so we could talk about it openly because we can't talk about it independently so I think it would be a good discussion for the public as well I agree I also agree sounds like a plan all right next up is the consent agenda we have two items there the boc regular meeting minutes and the boc workshop meeting minutes do we have a motion to approve I reviewed them I didn't see any issues I make a motion to approve the M minutes as written I'll second all right city clerk we call the role please vice mayor Kerr yes commissioner tangerini yes commissioner mcgean yes commissioner Brooks yes mayor rosc yes motion carried 5 to zero all right thank you next up is public hearings ordinance 202 401 is that city clerk that's mine your honor okay mayor City attorney so um I'm going to read this ordinance by title only uh ordinance 202 24-1 an ordinance of the city of Madera Beach Florida calling for a municipal election on March 19th 2024 for the purpose of providing for one charter Amendment Amendment providing for publication authorizing election expenditures identifying the pelis County canvasing Board as the canvasing board for the March 19th 2024 municipal election providing for polling places providing for repeal of ordinances or parts of ordinances in Conflict here with to the extent of such conflict and providing for an effective date there was a second final reading of ordinance 2024-25 there have been no changes to the ordinance since it was first read okay thank you Commissioners you have any questions do you have a motion and we need a public hearing oh I'm sorry yes is there any public comment on this okay public comments closed all right now I'll make a motion to approve ordinance I'll second all right thank you C the clerk we call the RO please commissioner Brooks yes commissioner McAn yes commissioner tagini yes vice mayor Kerr yes mayor rosc yes the motion carry five to zero all right thank you next up is ordinance 20243 I'll read this ordinance by title only this is ordinance 202 24-3 an ordinance of the city of M Beach Florida creating section 66-70 provide duties of vehicle operators to actuate parking meters and amending section 66-72 to provide for additional limitations on parking and City parking lots and beach access easements in chapter 66 traffic and vehicles of the code of ordinances providing for conflict providing for codification providing for severability and providing for an effective date there was the first reading of ordinance 202 24-3 by title only uh the city clerk has handed out tonight the strikeout underlined version for some reason uh it did not carry through uh when it was put on uh the city's uh website so I I wanted you to have that in front of you so that you can see um what we've added um to to this ordinance so um I don't know Robin did you want me to cover it or did you did you want to do that yes you don't mind so in this ordinance first of all in reviewing the the city's code it wasn't absolutely clear um that there was a legal requirement to pay a parking meter fee so we wanted to make it absolutely clear to make sure that there was no challenges to it in the future so this is a proactive uh move to update your code to make it a little bit clearer so we've created this section um in the code and that's what this ordinance is doing that that 66-70 that specifically provides for a requirement that if you're going to park your car in a regulated parking space that you're going to pay the meter um so that you can see you know the additional Provisions in that that that would basically clean up um that issue in addition to that while we were looking at it um we determined that 6672 was not really clear on a number of different um parking violations that we have been uh issuing citations for and so we've cleaned that up a little bit too we've added some additional Provisions in this section of the code to make it absolutely clear when you're doing these types of things like parking in front of a driveway double parking parking too close to an intersection and so on those also um are set out in the code so that's what this ordinance is attempting to do clean up the code and and and um and add a provision specifically requiring the payment when you're in a parking space so so I'd be happy to answer any questions I don't know if Jamal's not here no okay and just to add to that we have had an almost every year the city has well historically has adopted an ordinance where we identify any changes to our fees and the rates that we charge for a variety of services including for parking so that has been in existence for years uh including the hourly rate that is charged including what the Fe what the penalties are or the violations for failing to pay or parking improperly or parking in a disabled space that has been an an ordinance when we look back through our code it just wasn't overly clear as Mr Tres stated so this will clarify this is very clear so as I've shared with all of you individuals who claim well it's not listed anywhere that I have to park in between the lines uh but why did I get a ticket when I parked 3 feet into the next space well so this is making it a little much Clear concise and while it will not alleviate all the appeals or concerns it it gives us just better language to apply uh I'm just curious was there were there incidents specifically that that that uh prompted us to do this or was this just work reading and trying to well reading through but I have shared with you the last couple of weeks numerous examples of and where individuals were very very very uh boisterous about I should not have received one again it's not listed anywhere that I have to specifically Park in a space and within the within a marked space all of our parking spaces that visitors utilize are marked meaning they have lines on both sides and again it it was just not according to several folks well it's not as clear as it could have been so now it will be I assume Jamal our parking director has had a chance to look at this yes yeah we we reviewed all this yes he just walked in oh yeah oh parking reviewed it we we're the ones that kind of looking through this the specifically violations parking violations tickets that were issued that's where when we started to look a little bit more into the language that we determin that we need to make this a little bit more clear just as we have by making it more clear or clearer out in the field by adding I think we've added about almost 200 signs in the past year just to make it much more visible that yes you do have to pay when you pull into a heavy tourist area such as John's Pass Village so in making it just easier better more visible this is where we realized we could make it a little bit again just a little bit more clear do some of these uh uh points apply to the the very few places where we have free parking on the streets like uh Drive I got assume driveways and end of the corner so it applies to that as well is that right right right you can't block a driveway you can't block an intersection Etc yeah some specifics you cannot Park in a manner that obstructs a public access to a public facility so a mailbox or a trash bin for example got it and that would be in our residential areas where you would need a well in areas where you both need a permit to park but even if you don't need a permit to park if you're on crystal crystal Drive the idea is that you don't park directly in front of someone's mailbox uh the whole day your mail will still be delivered but the idea is that's where we could issue a warning and or a violation thank you other Commissioners uh pretty soon I'm going on a ride along with Jamal and our Park parking director uh if you look at page three ordinance 202 24-3 03 um number four I'm just going to list them real quick number four number six number 10 13 and 16 all of those have been violations that I have witnessed right here in madir Beach Jamal is doing a great job of enforcing it I would like to see if we can get some copies of this so that when we do the ride along together we can help educate the people uh that are not up to uh the uh ordinances and uh hopefully uh we can pass those out thank you you any other Commissioners good idea um city manager you were citing the parking over into two spaces I don't see that addressed in this ordinance when you're when you're parked over the line am I overlooking something oh on page two the bottom and I'll bring it up on the big screen as well after section it begins with Section 66-72 limitations on parking and City parking lots and beach access easements it's number one all vehicles must park within designated meter spaces um and number two no part of the vehicle May extend beyond the limits of the marked parking space okay I was overlooking that um is you say we have 200 signs do any of the signs include any of this information not current not currently no the majority of the signs are reminding people that you must pay to park so they're in our visitor uh our me the metered spaces which has been historically the only area in parking that the city was enforcing um prior to more than a little over a year ago there was very little enforcement in neighborhoods so what we were discussing parking in front of a uh in front of a mailbox or in front of a driveway we really weren't our parking enforcement was not driving around and looking for those types of violations um but we can certainly add additional signage saying that you know you must park within the mark space I think a lot of those are those would be considered just a given or the common sense when you do pull into a a marked or metered lot that you do Park in between the lines but it actually already says that yeah so I mean right the current ordinance includes that language but I mean we can add a I mean we're I'm open to adding any other signage to encourage that but it's just I mean there aren't any signs that say you know we've had cars parked perpendicular uh in a spot so we we you can think it it's happened so how much do we put out I I I get all that I'm just um the hold on Jamal grab a microphone there's one right in front of you or come up to the podium but the the biggest violations are people failing to pay or continuing to pay uh and parking outside of the marked lines those are the those are the two biggest citations that enforcement issues good evening mayor and Commissioners vice mayor um yes uh so we've we found good use of like decals as well that can be placed on any sign pay to park sign that's Compact and visible reflective and those are relatively cheap to make I I utilize that for the the extension of uh Vehicles over 18 ft so RV parking so that's a good idea as well to place decals if like stickered decals on meters signage something with the ordinances specifically about staying within the lines that would be F or you will be fined you know fines apply to you know you can right Wordsmith it to make it as shortened as possible but if we want signage out there I mean I there was some reflection on disputes within disputes people stating that well it doesn't say that as you you guys discussed doesn't say that would stay within the lines but as Robin stated it's self-explanatory I mean yeah but we can add as as Jamal said we have I he reminded me he we have added certain decals in certain Lots like no vehicles uh greater than 18 feet and no backing in you know you cannot back in park because then we may not be able to see the plate so we can do I mean I'm sure we can add Jamal's very creative yeah we all want to just avoid disputes and we absolutely and that you know I yeah you're right we don't need more signs but we maybe we do right yeah and the decals are a wonderful idea yeah yeah and working with Megan she's she's not as enthusiastic as like putting a bunch of signs everywhere but if we can come back you know combine if you can figure out yeah if you can figure out some of keep it clean she likes everything very clean so I respect that so so do I yeah I appreciate that we we just want to make sure there's no confusion sure okay thank you any other Commissioners public comment would you like to comment on the part please come up Sir Bill you probably hear me from back here I speak Prett loud being in the military I'm a retired military disabled person each time I ask about the parking spaces down at Madera Beach I seem to get a different answer so can you tell me on a disabled placard what is the policy of parking at Madera Beach if you have a valid disabled license plate no I don't have I have a placard as I said the one that you hang when you hang up on the mirror right if it's valid you may Park in any marked City space for free you do not have to pay thank you that's what I'm trying to confirm thank you very much that is also listed on our website any other public comment on this all right we'll close public comment and then this is the first reading do do we have a motion I'll make a motion to approve ordinance 20243 I'll second the motion thank you City Clerk we call a role please VI mayor Kerr yes commissioner Brooks yes commissioner M yes commissioner tagini yes mayor rosc yes the motion carry five to zero all right next up City attorney thank you mayor this is a agenda item um 9 C that this is the the actual agenda item is two cop alcoholic beverage license application 20241 for for Osaka Japanese and Thai restaurant of madira beach this is a quasi judicial hearing I need to go through the process that we would normally go through in a quadal hearing first of all the applicant is Osaka Japanese an Tha of madira beach the address of the property is 696 150th Avenue a summary of the application is that the applicant is requesting authorization from the Board of Commissioners for approval of a 2 cop alcoholic beverage license for the sale of beer and wine for consumption on premise is at Osaka Japanese and Thai restaurant of madir beach located at 696 150th Avenue here in madira Beach uh the uh standards to be applied I'm just going to quickly read those they're set forth in section 110- 532 um when considering an alcoholic beverage application the Board of Commissioners shall consider the following factors number one the extent to which the uh the location and the extent of which the proposed alcoholic beverage request will adversely affect the character of the existing neighborhood Factor number two is the extent to which traffic generated as a result of the location of the proposed alcoholic beverage uh request will create congestion or present a safety hazard factor three is is whether or not the proposed use is compatible with a particular location for which it's proposed Factor number four is whether or not the proposed use will adversely affect the public safety and the last factor is that no application for review under this section shall be considered until the applicant is paid in full any outstanding charges fees interest fines or penalties owed by the applicant to the city under any section of the code under Section 2-10 of your code uh the burden of proof is as follows the applicant shall have the burden of proof at the hearing to show by a greater weight of the evidence that the application is consistent with the city comprehensive plan and complies with all procedural requirements of law conditions may be suggested by the applicant the city or any party uh may be I'm sorry uh the city or any party or may be imposed by the board which are intended to assure consistency um and compliance the identity of the parties are just the city and the applicant there are no notices of intent uh that have been filed for people to become affected parties the order of presentation will be uh normally it's the applicant first since there is no uh person other than the applicant the city will go ahead and present first so I think Mr Morris is going to do that I'm going to go ahead and read the quasa judicial procedures um this is a quas Judicial proceeding where the Board of Commissioners acts in a quad judicial rather than a legislative capacity at this hearing it is not the board's function to make law but rather to apply law that is already been established in a quadal hearing the board is required by law to make findings the fact based upon the evidence presented at the hearing and apply those findings of fact to previously established criteria contained in the code of ordinances in order to make a legal decision regarding the application before it the board may only consider the evidence at this hearing that the law considers competent substantial and relevant to the issues if the competent substantial relevant evidence that the hearing demonstrates that the applicant has met the criteria established in the code of ordinances and the board is required by law defined in favor of the applicant by the same token if the competent substantial and relevant evidence of the hearing demonstrates the applicants failed to meet that criteria then the board is required by law to find against the applicant is my time up yes here said too much so um at this time mayor and Commissioners I need to ask if there's been any experting Communications with the applicant I'm seeing no any conflicts of interest that need to be disclosed no no um and at this point I need to go ahead and swear in the witnesses Mr Morris you're going to testify is is the applicant here in the audience tonight okay so Mr Morris if you could raise your right hand you swear the testimony you're about to give is going to be the truth of the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes sir okay if you could go ahead and turn your mic on so we can hear you and go ahead and proceed with the uh application going to start with the background section the memo pursuant to Land Development code article six or see division six alcoholic beverages applicant for ABP 2024 d01 is requesting authorization from the board Commissioners for the approval of a 2op alcohol beverage license for the sale of beer and wine for consumption on premises at Osaka Japanese and Thai restaurant of madir beach located at 696 150 Avenue madir Beach Florida this EST establishment is located in the C3 retail commercial zoning District the future Lance designation for the property's commercial General pursuing to section 110- 539 the notice of public hearing has been properly sent to All Property Owners within 300 ft of the subject property 15 days prior to the scheduled consideration by the board of commission such notice has also been posted to the subject property at the gulf beaches public library City Hall and the City of mad beach website um when considering the alcoholic beverage license application the board of commissioner shall consider the following factors uh the first one is the extent to which location and the extent to which the proposed alcohol beverage requests will adversely affect the character of the existing neighborhood permitting Osaka Japanese entire restaurant Beach to serve beer and wine for consumption on premises would not adversely affect the character of the existing neighborhood the existing neighborhood is mostly uh commercial uses um it's in the shopping plaza with a Publix and a slice within the past five years uh there was previously a sushi restaurant um Hinata Japanese steakhouse and seafood at at this uh location that was uh previously approved for uh the same type of 2 cop alcoholic coverage license back in uh 2016 uh the extent to which traffic generated as a result of the location of the proposed alcoholic beverage request will create congestion or present a safety haard pre previously restaurant with a two cop alcoholic beverage license was located at this location the minimum parking requirements of this property exceed the requirements of section 110- 971 additional traffic congestion should not be created by the proposed alcohol use uh the proposed alcohol use doesn't uh create uh present a safety hazard uh the next set of criteria is whether or not the proposed use is compatible with the particular location for which it is proposed uh the proposed alcohol use is compatible with the location other businesses in the shopping center also serve alcohol such as slice madira Beach which is another restaurant within the same shopping center um whether or not the proposed use will adversely affect Public Safety Public Safety should not be adversely affected by Osaka Japanese entire restaurant in madir Beach serving beer and wine for consumption on on the premises uh the restaurant is more than 300 ft away from any established church synagogue Temple or place of religious worship public or private school operate for the instruction of minors or youth recreation community center uh the 300 foot requirement is the minimum distance required usually for for bars and clubs and this is is classified as a restaurant but I I did measure of where the restaurant was located on the property it's more than 300 feet from the school just a the double check it um um the last set of criteria is no application for review under the section shall be considered until the applicant has paid in full any outstanding charges fees interest fines or penalties owed by the applicant to the city under any section of the code the applicant has no outstanding fines or penalties owed to the city under any section of the code um staff recommends approval of ABP 202 24-1 attached to it is their local application of for the city I include there there their um it also has their lease agreement with uh with the shopping center that shows that um the expected attendant would have like a like a beer and wine license their their state application that um and then their floor plan and the public notice mailing and posting for this application are you asking that you the this entire agenda package be received into evidence yes sir okay any questions from the commission to Mr Morris I have just one uh looking on page 53 this is public information we have a Social Security number here I'm not so sure that we should have that that is correct mayor we'll go ahead and black that out and uh if it's on the website we'll go ahead and remove uh also black it out on the website all right thank you any other questions from the commission being no questions from the commission then we can go ahead the city has no other Witnesses so is there anyone in the audience would like to address this issue yes sir if you could stand up and speak into the microphone hang on sir I don't know if you remember 10 years ago restaurant was located right over here where the drug store is now he moved to Park Boulevard he's been I've been a uh been at that Resturant for the past probably 15 to 20 years I just wanted to surprise him this evening because I live 300t from the from the rest I live at Sea Towers my building is the Washington building and I can look from my building right on over to where is located right there at the public shopping center next to the uh next to the nail salon but I just want to surprise him this evening but I guess he did not show up and it's one of the best restaurants around I've got to say that best rest and D he's back to the location Madera Beach well he'll do a fantastic job thank you thank thank you sir thank you thank you for your opinion and also thank you for your service sir anyone else from the public like to step forward yes sir step forward please state your name yes uh my name is Brian Nei I live in American Legion Drive so I'm one of the five Key West houses that's closest to the restaurant and we are also excited that they're coming to our neighborhood so everybody on our our street is very happy so wanted to let you know that as well thank you glad to hear that anyone else that would like to speak on this agenda item okay mayor it's back to the commission then for consideration and approval of the application okay Commissioners any questions do we have a motion I'd like to make a motion to approve the alcoholic beverage license application 2024 d01 for a Japanese and Tha restaurant I'll second well thank you kindly city clerk we call the role please vice mayor Kerr yes commissioner tagler reini yes commissioner mcgean yes commissioner Brooks yes mayor rosc yes the motion carry five to zero all right thank you next up is unfinished business do we have any all right next up then is item 11 contracts and agreements field internship agreement with SPC I guess that's chief good evening mayor vice mayor Commissioners this agreement is with spbc and it's basically just letting you have to do so many ride times when you're in paramedic school and they're gracious enough to allow our firefighters to do it while they're on duty that way they're they don't they're not taxed with such a time crunch trying to schedule it with other departments when we're doing exactly what the other departments are doing so this is basically just an agreement that we need to enter into with them to allow our firefighters to be their preceptors yeah okay City attorney do we need to make a motion to uh AC and vote on this yes mayor we do okay the St staff is recommending that the field internship agreement uh be approved okay first is there any public comment on this all right public comments closed Commissioners do we have a motion I'd like to make a motion to approve the field internship agreement with SPC do you have a second I a second all right thank you city clerk we call the rooll please commissioner Brooks yes commissioner McAn yes vice mayor Kerr yes commissioner tagini yes mayor rosc yes the motion carry 5 to zero all right thank you next up is RFP 20231 the digital information sign purchase mayor and commission this item as Mr Crabtree presented during the workshop is to accept staff's recommendation to proceed with the low bid and proceed with the purchase of the sign Brian that is correct and I'd like to address uh Mr Kerr commissioner Kerr here I did speak with the um visit uh St Pete Clearwater and there is a possibility of some funding to for that so we'll see what goes forward with there that's awesome Krabby I appreciate it um now if we go into this agreement prior to an accept any Grant offered is that a problem I wouldn't believe so because any grant that I've ever got or written you pay and then you get reimbursed by the grant so we could move forward great appreciate it you're welcome thank you can Commissioners any other comments is there any public comment on this okay public comments closed then do we have a motion yeah I think we we went over this pretty well during the workshop and um I think it's a great idea I'd like to make a motion to approve uh the RFP 2020 3-11 digital information sign with I2 visual I'll second thank you kindly to the clerk we call the role please vice mayor Kerr yes commissioner tagini yes commissioner Brooks yes commissioner McAn yes mayor rosc yes the motion carry five to zero all right thank you next up is purchase the 2023 Chevy Silverado 5500 regular cab two wheel drive and mayor and commission this item which was also discussed at the workshop is part of our capital budget and capital budget in our public works department to proceed with purchasing a 20 23 Chevy Silverado 5500 regular cab that will be replacing a 204 uh Ford F550 uh this new one will be the chassis for the dur lift uh bucket truck that we use for various purposes across uh several departments we had budgeted 75,000 for the replacement the cost for the uh vehicle per the uh think the whether we piggyback with the city of Tallahassee or the State of Florida uh purchasing Pro yielded a price of $ 54,8 180 there will be some additional costs but will not be more than $220,000 we're waiting to see what the cost will what the total will be but it'll be under the 7 $25,000 budget uh once the chassis is fabricated to the bucket to the lift happy to answer any questions that you might have Commissioners just so I understand the you're going to reuse repurpose the bucket corre portion yes and put it on the new chassis that's correct any other Commissioners is there any public comment on this all right thank you do we have a motion then I'd like to make a mo motion to approve the purchase of the 2023 Chevy Silverado do you have a second a second all right thank you city clerk we call the RO mayor before we do that I just want to make sure the motion only includes the purchase of the truck and I think that maybe you would want to include in the motion up to $20,000 for the refab to put the whatever that is the body the body on the chassis so I just want to make sure we get it all done in at this meeting so I would like to add to my motion to include and not to exceed of $220,000 to cover the switching over the parts from the current truck to the new truck thank you second all right thank you city clerk will we call the role please yes commissioner tagini yes vice mayor Kerr yes commissioner tagini I mean mayor rosc yes the motion Carri five to zero all right thank you we get everybody we missed somebody I missed M yes uh oh now it's 5 to zero yes all right thank you next up is the fireworks agreement Jay good good evening mayor Commissioners um just bringing back the uh fireworks contract cont uh for our last discussion uh with this contract uh proposed contract we would have four dates for fireworks which would be March 16th May 4th July 3rd and November 9th um I know the hangup last time was uh trying to secure a barge for the July 3D date um at this point we tentatively have a barge um I have to find out finalized details for that uh but we have a local uh business that offered up a barge of a certain SI size and the uh it's a it's all verbal at this point as far as whether or not we can use it he says we can use it we have the ability to get the show in that way uh would be allowed to relocate here um we're just trying to iron out the final details of uh what that would look like um but that's where we stand with that right now so um the fireworks distributor that we have previously used is interested in making sure that that happens and then July 3rd being the date that was most likely for him to be able to help us out with um if it was a Fourth of July date there's challenges with the barge loading in and all that stuff so we would have to go to the other location so that's why we suggested July 3rd and then the other three dates align with uh other events that have taken place so where would the barge actually yet where where be shot off before when it was on the barge was it still relatively in the same area or was it more Central to the city mostly put it in the water between Rock Park and the the American Legion um it would be if you drew a straight line it's typically just north of that so we we stay out of the the channel make sure that we have a uh large enough fire radius for it safety radius which includes probably moving those boats out of it because the barge allows us to use much larger ordinance which means bigger booms essentially so um but yeah just right here off the point which it's not really more Central it's just closer to uh the city instead of the school it's closer to right it gives us this is our largest viewing area as far as it goes um you'll still see be able to see them just as clearly from wherever else around town that you have um putting it at the school unfortunately cuts off the view of a lot of folks on the other side just the chunk of folks just right uh am I trying to say here on the north side of town on the other side of the bridge there's a small area over there but then the American Legion viewing they also uh traditionally in the past they've helped sponsor it as well um that's a discussion we haven't had quite yet but part of that is being able to view it and it actually puts them directly behind the Marriott when we move it over there so we take one of the largest uh military organizations out of view of the fireworks for Fourth of July it was unintended consequence of the issues of the barge um and then it frees up the school for parking they typically like to use that for parking and that gives us more viewing there for anybody that wants to drive in or come over and then uh the other part of the third was that traffic with the with the sheriff's department it's easier for them to obtain the necessary Staffing to make sure that it's secure get people on and off the island as well as um have a boat on site for the the show with the barge can you flip your mic over so everybody can hear you I think it's facing the wrong way you're on the other one it's not working it's just not working that well but it doesn't I guess where I was getting to it really doesn't Aid and better viewing from boaa area or any it's it's still going to be this general area it's just um a little closer to here yeah because this is historically your largest viewing area I'm I'm sure you've already asked this question we're approving the agreement with Master py LLC they know about this barge and there they can use it it's it's a barge that you're not used to using is it a different barge uh correct he was aware of it we we long and short story called him said what are we looking for what are the requirements you need previously we needed a much larger a 30 by 90 which is a huge barge those are the ones you see the cranes on like in the bridge um we're looking at something more that's 20 by 40 so much smaller and then they can utilize a remote Detonator so they don't have to previous fireworks somebody had to sit on that barge with the explosive so with this barge they can do it remotely they don't have to be on and is there any chance that they we wouldn't get this barge and if so uh does Master pyro have an alternative plan we have we have other phone calls out we're exploring other options just in case um the uh the barge that we have now is a local company so there shouldn't be any issues with it um so we're just approving the agreement with Master pyro this is not a guarantee that we'll have the barge but it looks good is what you're saying this this is the first step in lining up the necess necessary items to do so correct yep so July 3rd with a barge bigger fireworks or July 4th no July 3D with a barge bigger fireworks and school parking to provide better parking for all of the people who would otherwise come to view the fireworks or July 4th at the school probably less smaller show not as visible throughout the community as getting it in the Waterway out here wherever there is would that be a good assessment of the yes and then um there was the minor issue last year with the sidew Wars fireworks right so I have the the owner of the company main technician that would be here on July 3rd and that's his big guarantee for everything too I think from um feedback that I've received year after year even before I was on the commission just listening to Residents speak getting the fireworks back out in the bay in the Waterway between us and the legion would I'm sure it won't make everyone happy but there are a lot of people who really want it to go back to the way it was and they don't like the school it the views blocked for a lot of people and um I think if we could get it back on a barge would be fantastic and residents would be very pleased with that other Commissioners I'm fine with it is there any public comment on this okay do we do we have a motion then I move we approve the 2024 fireworks agreement with Master pyro LLC do we have a second I'll second thank you kindly city clerk we call the role please commissioner tagini yes vice mayor Kerr yes commissioner mcgean yes commissioner Brooks yes mayor Ros yes the motion carry 5 to zero okay new business Tampa Bay Coastal master plan mayor and commission we received a request from the Tampa Bay Regional planning Council U for a letter of support for a plan that and study that they will be performing called the Tampa Bay Coastal master plan uh we are requesting your approval to submit that letter of support uh for the project it's not going to cost us anything but simply showing that yes we would like to partner and with their study that I think we'll be looking at a variety of components related to living on a on an island at the coast uh regarding everything from obvious flooding storm preparation Transportation Emergency Management Etc um so that's uh the staff request to submit the letter I believe a copy of the letter is in the packet and and I know we we have a mayor's folder um I'm sorry it's in the mayor's folder and uh commissioner Brooks is the city's representative with the Tampa Bay Regional planning Council she's been attending meetings and uh very much providing uh what our our issues our what we're looking to get out obviously being a member of it and we certainly appreciate her time energy and attendance and support for our city with the council so I'd like to share a little if I might um when I first when we had the vacancy and needed someone to participate in this um Council I started attending uh they have we have meetings every other month and in the very beginning I felt very much like a fish out of water going to the meeting just not really kind of like you do when you get elected to the city commission and it it has the commit the the council has had some evolvement within the council they've made changes um one of the new things is a community liaison um there are a lot of things that this Council will do in working with our planning and zoning department in so many there's so many different Avenues to utilize them for grants for just all kinds of things and this past week we had our meeting for this month on Monday and our representative we were assigned our Liaisons this week and our representative is here um and maybe she'd come up and introduce herself we are going to be scheduling a meeting with myself her Robin and the planning and zoning department so that we can see how we can best partner with the Regional Council to be able to utilize them for our city in getting the things that we need and if you'd like to introduce yourself hi my name is Jamie Neville I'm actually the disaster recovery coordinator for the Tampa Bay Regional planning Council I also do their economic impact analysis on a few different um topics around the region as well um and yes I will be y'all's liaison um and really our goal at the Tampa Bay Regional planning council is to do Regional planning figure out y'all's needs and figure out if there's any way that we connect our federal partners with grants to get those needs moved forward um and um I can give y'all cards afterwards and y'all can contact me about anything um regarding the tbpc um and any needs in general and if I can't help you I know somebody else on our team can thank you thank you one one of the things that I I was early this week by an entire hour even though my calendar said to be there at 10:00 my brain said to be there at 9:00 and the benefit was um there were a group of the employees that were early also and we got to talk about a lot of different things and one of the meetings that I we were at recently where the boat that travels around and does the advertisement in the water they were talking about water quality tests and USF um so I was able to get a little bit more information on the lack of wall water quality tests in bokaa Bay and some information on how to possibly get that moved forward in starting some testing with the residents that have had um complaints over the years and especially our discussions recently on all of the boats that are out in the inter Coastal um getting something moved forward to be able to test that water and show where our water quality is there different times of the year we all know know that in the summer the water is dirty in the winter it gets really clear it's the winter summer Pro whatever and so it's it's a pretty exciting um organization and I see us really being able to utilize them a lot in the coming years okay thank you thank you this is all great news when I saw this on the in the agenda it was like well I had no idea um there's so much that this could bring to Mader the city of Mader Beach so I'm very excited for it anything we can do to support um you know the the partnership I'm all [Music] four okay I agree all right we want to make a motion to sign this letter it would be a motion to authorize the mayor to execute the letter yes do we have a motion I'd like to make a motion to authorize signing the Tampa Bay Coastal master plan letter all right thank you do have a second I'll second all right thank you so the clerk we call the role please commissioner Brooks yes vice mayor Kerr yes commissioner tagini yes commissioner mcgean yes mayor rosc yes the motion carry 5 to zero okay thank you next up would be staff reports all right next up is agenda setting for the boc workshop in February we've got the list there purchase the Kabota mini excavator City Hall satellite office the RFI 2023 -4 Coastal groin restoration bid discussion John's Pass Village activity center and Zoning Tampa Bay Beach's Chamber of Commerce check presentation and then the master plan mayor this item C uh sorry item D is is this one of the is this considered one of the public meetings to have discussion on this or or is is there something new going on it's just to give the what's been happening just continuation and we will have uh the county will be discussing the item at their February 20th meeting right so we will provide an update as to what that okay transpired thank you could we add to this meeting the discussion of the yeah you requested yes I I would like to move that to the following month depending on I'm going to meet with the city attorney and the city manager depending on the presentation I could do a three-hour presentation on the pollution and how the environment has suffered the last several years with all kinds of a document ation so all depends on what you want to do it's going to take I the request was to have it at the next meeting but it's up to all of you I mean I mean I I understand a presentation but I'd like to just have a a discussion on on what our role as the city commission is in I'd like to have a discussion because we can't talk about it outside of here so we can sit up here and talk about it and it could be a small discussion it be a big discussion um the opportunity for people to come and speak to it okay I think it would be important given the number of complaints that one resident has received I or one property owner I think it'd be a good idea to discuss okay so if I'm understanding correctly it's more of the the board's role in um this type of dispute or that is correct yeah okay all right next up reports and correspondence Board of Commissioners City attorney I know you had something for us yes mayor I've got three things I just want to go over I know that um I've already provided you with some documentation relative to the two lawsuits that have recently been resolved or at least um resolved with uh with the possibility of appeal want to talk to you about the um Schooner litigation which is the Burk rist is the city of madira beach um on February 1st the appell at court um issued an opinion um that appeal uh brings the last Burke case to a conclusion um unless there is an appeal a further appeal they have 30 days in which to do that um the appeal time would run on this latest case that the city was successful in um would be March 4th so if there's no appeal um those will be final so that is something that's beneficial to the city that that Burke litigation is almost over in addition to that I want to let you know uh that the second district court of appeal has issued a ruling in the William Gay versus Hendrick Andrews Hodes and price um all Commissioners prior commissioners of the city of madir beach Mr Gay had filed lawsuit saying that there was a violation of the Sunshine Law and in the hiring of me and our Law Firm um the city was successful in defending that case as well uh the opinion uh was a PCA opinion which basically means there was no written opinion uh if there's no written opinion there is a very high likelihood that there will not be a further appeal uh but that appeal time is 30 days and so it will run also in March that will be on March 8th um and most recently in that same case Mr Gay had asked for his attorney's fees uh to be reimbursed by the city and that motion was denied by the court lastly I issued a memorandum to the city commission relative to the fire station litigation um it's my understanding that there is a mediation coming up um and um the attorney representing the city will need some direction from the commission and so so under Florida statute 28611 parent 8 you have the ability to have what we call a shade meeting it's really an out of the sunshine meeting um and and the way that works is I have to request it at a public meeting that's the purpose of this conversation right now am requesting that there be a shade meeting for the purposes of um or providing strategy relative to um case settlement the shade meeting um has been tentatively set up for February 28th at 4 p.m. that's 2 hours before your next meeting I think that the shade meeting will take about an hour those that will be present will be here the City commissioners um the city manager myself and the uh attorney representing the city I did receive uh responses back from the majority of you saying that it was clear in your calendar um so knowing that I've already received that approval I wanted you to know that I have already called the court reporter and we have scheduled the meeting for uh February 28th at 4 p.m. uh that will be in the shades conference room you remember we start the meeting here and then we'll retire to that meeting have the shade meeting and come back here for uh to close this public meeting so those are the three things that I needed to to go over tonight unless you have other questions thank you sorry one the time and date of the shade meeting February 28th 4M 4 P.M yes thank you okay thank you all right thank you city clerk do you have a report for us I have it attach I have it attached to the agenda the city manager has his under there we our report goes under where the charter officers are okay and then they have a place for the staffs so it's on there and I threw a little bit of history in there again so get an opportunity to look at that we'll do they reminding everybody the election's coming up we have the charter me on there and we also have the swearing in of the um commissioner cerr and tagini for a new two-year term and that will be on March the 28th at 5:30 and we're going to have a light reception starting at 4:30 in here so to me it's a big event and we appreciate everybody we appreciate the commission and we appreciate um commissioner cerr and tagini serving another two years all right thank you city manager do you have anything yes just to go over some of the highlights in the last couple of months as we typically have every month just provide an overview of some of the city operations we're we continue to remind obviously our residents of a variety of of different activities events uh everything relating from the trash collection the yard uh debris collection which is every Wednesday uh to reminding folks that they do need to return their trash containers recycling containers uh by the night of the date of collection also various methods that residents can reach out to us we remind folks that they should sign up uh on the city's web page for to receive emails from the city those emails provide updates on upcoming meetings on special events on a variety of different activities so that's on our uh and I'll get to it here up on the big screen but on our web page on the homepage uh anyone can scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and under a TBL listed help there's a a word subscribe you click on subscribe and that will bring you to the ability to enter your name and your email address and then you will receive considerable amount of updates from um the city via email uh we also put out obviously um abundance of information via Facebook on the city's website Etc uh an update we finally we did have in early J well late December early January uh the County's contractors completed the sand dun restorations in front of archbald Park and approximately about 8 700 ft to the south in front of the Ocean Sands condo towers and then one property to the north and that included the plantings um so we have now City staff have now cordoned off that area with posts and ropes and signs encouraging people to please stay off the dunes the plants are growing despite that it is the winter and we've had a considerable amount of of wind and another flood that happened toward the uh middle of December encouraging people to continue to stay off those Dunes um so that is greatly appreciated so that they do take hold we will be looking to return the mimat the mobility mat that was previously out there on the beach access uh I guess we can call it there are four Beach accesses or walkways at archal Park from the parking areas the the where the concession is out to the sand uh and the second one from the north if you're going north to south that is the one that had the mobility mat and we will be looking to return that uh as soon as the walkway is a little bit more compacted um we were given some specific Direction by pelis County to uh leave the sand as it was placed by the contractor and not uh level it out just yet uh the reason so that the plantings on both sides take and that the dunes are and for lack of a better term properly shaped by the by the weather and the elements so once we hopefully can add it in March uh I know we I've had probably half a dozen folks uh ask you know when is it coming back it's a little bit of a deterrent said we're working on it hope to have it back within a month to six weeks uh I did remind folks that we did not have a Mobility mat prior to a little over a year ago it was added uh great but in the interim because three of the three access points the three Southern ones have the hump we can call it the fourth one or the northernmost one which is the one that is the wider one that is accessed by our vehicles that one has leveled off so it is much easier for folks with disabilities and we've even had some of our our concession air out there at The Snack Shack let folks know hey tell them direct them to that access point it's it's level it's not I not the most ideal but at least it is level for folks who may have uh a need to some disabilities be able to get on it um so that's we'll hope again hope to have that in March and just a few updates on our some of our uh projects that are listed in in the reports our building department with the new software that was added this past year here uh for all thing to submit a building permit application the software is called MGO it does have the ability uh anybody can go and register you just need to put in your your name and a valid email address and then you will get back a confirmation to that email address that gives anybody access to the system and right now just by typing in an address it'll bring up the permits that have been issued to that specific address uh we are meeting with the contractor next week uh to go over it needs to be tweaked or refined because it's not as easy to register for it you there are a couple of screens that you have to navigate through um for somebody whose computer fairly computer savvy it'll be easy but I I had to go it took me an extra I mean about two or three minutes to figure it out so not that I'm that computer savy but I'm also not a novice so we're going to work on tweak it and make sure that it is super easy you click it'll take you to a search page well it'll take you to the page to register if it absolutely has to do that again that's just a name and a valid email address and then hopefully the next once you've received that confirmation you'll be able to go directly to a screen that will take you to a search and you type in an address and it'll bring up the if you want to look at whatever permits have been issued for that specific address so it is out there it's working obviously for anybody who needs to file a permit I have heard nothing but that how easy it is to file a permit I have yet to hear not that I'm on it or speaking with people every single day but I've probably had 30 to 40 users who have told me that it is fairly e very easy to use it um so again if there are you know if you encounter anybody who may have any questions on it please direct them um to our building folks to in the first floor specifically um Holden Pinker or or Barb Scott and they will get them all squared away um other than we appreciate those of you that did attend obviously quite a few of the events in the last couple of months from our holiday events to in January the library had a grand reopening and event to kind of a little fundraiser and obviously to to open their time capsule um we continue to promote the the library and the activities that they have and just remind folks that it is a very good resource out there they do have a notary they can teach folks how to use a computer not to mention that they have computers available and um and their hours are a little bit later than city hall because we have a tablet available at our lobby that we are directing folks uh mainly for parking um and there's also one on the first floor by the way a laptop that is accessible but the library has multip multiple uh computers and they're open until 6: p.m. um during the week on some of our projects uh the at the next Workshop we will uh hear an overview from Public Works about the firm that we are looking to choose we received nine bids uh for the beach groin work to uh begin the the restoration the refurbishment of the 22 groins so uh we will hear that at the next meeting we did receive all of the permits um the reason we got finally to the advertising and and soliciting bids uh the John's Pass dredging we're still we're hopeful that within a month or two we would receive the permit from the the final permit from the Army Corps and then that Pro once that does happen that process will move very quickly Because the actual work weather pending will take no more than a week to to physically dredge the area that needs to be dredged so it will move very once we get to that uh Point I've been sharing with folks that two years to get a permit to do a week's to two weeks worth of work um but unfortunately that's a part of the process um in both months report you'll see data for our building department our parking our Marina um revenues and and activity that has occurred I do want to point out that our I mean our building permit activity continues to really to steady it hasn't declined um if and um which is good news that there still continues to be a lot of a lot of well both development and Redevelopment but certainly a lot of uh folks you know taking care of their property uh our and the marina as well the the marina does have some EB and flow in their activity of course when the weather's not so good you don't have as many people going out on their boats consequently we're not selling as much fuel Sundries or other items out of the marina um however obvious people are using their slips and so some Revenue stays constant throughout the year um our parking has seen a bit of a decline in Revenue um approximately about 11% through the first quarter um that's attributable a little bit to the weather um we we have we are not seeing a decline in visitors though um the data that we've received from the data that is available at visit St Peak Clearwater the number of trips uh through both airports even Port Tampa um there is a segment of obviously the visitors that come to Tampa Bay that go on cruises a lot of them will you know fly through one of the airports then go to Port Tampa they are also tracked as visitors to the area um but they have seen an increase in the number of visitors going through there um what we believe is happening for our parking uh is a combination of just fewer people actually driving their own car um so they are or renting a car they are relying on ride shars to where they are staying um as well as obviously when the weather is bad we're not having day Trippers so our day Trippers do the those are the ones that you really see a huge difference when the weather is obviously not as as good um but we'll keep monitoring that we're still well above the preco year and even above 2021 um a third of the way through the year um and just keep an eye out for upcoming events as you heard earlier in March uh we do have the 4-day carnival we have uh later um a few cleanups that happen every month in uh later be next Thursday through Sunday is the start of our college softball game games a series where we this year we will have about 20 I think 27 colleges and universities uh play uh approximately 75 softball games at our three Fields out here at Rock Park that begins on the 22nd and then continues through the first two weekends in March uh right before the carnival and one other pretty neat day is on Monday March 11th we have kite day um so folks who want to come out and fly kite bring the family um we've had upwards of 6 to 700 people out here at rock park in front of the rec center and of course we're hoping that that's a windy day um which a lot of days are windy here and they seem to be this year more than last year that we've seen a lot more wind uh but that's on Monday March the 11th and plenty more events coming forward uh so please I encourage folks to sign up if you haven't uh on the city's website to receive um our emails Lots of good information in those emails happy to answer any questions any questions do you know what the balance is on the extra 50 cents in parking that's going towards our next parking garage we just exceeded we're right at a million dollars I think I I can look that up and get to you in about two minutes uh yeah so I didn't include that in the just curious with all the parking Revenue information yeah I recall it's pretty close to a million that's close enough which is the again the additional uh 50 cents when we increased the parking the hourly parking rate from $250 to $3 and I think I've discussed at some point this coming year we will discuss our that same hourly parking rate uh for your reference our both of our neighbors to our South have increased um their rates Treasure Island is at 375 an hour with the exception of the lot adjacent to their community center that is at $3 an hour and St Pete Beach has gone to $4 an hour on Saturdays and Sundays they are at 475 an hour so we are we are still the lowest of all parking from 1503d Avenue all the way down to the tip of passag Grill the city of mad Madera Beach has the cheapest parking rate at $3 an hour now we just need more spots coming soon so we passed thank you we passed just a resolution uh to segregate 50 cents for um parking meters for debt for future Debt Service and then also then another 50 cents for the parking garage think you're asking specifically in the parking garage the parking fund was created in 2023 uh through September 30 2023 we had $477,000 um reserved for parking meter for parking garage now through today it's 586 th000 but we also accumulated monies in the general fund before we had a parking fund and those monies in the general fund were I think 400 let's see $4,790 so take 586 plus 400 you're almost at a million almost dedicated the parking garage from those um parking meter fees it's a great down payment yeah thank you anything else well it's 7:23 p.m. we're going to adjourn at this time thank you happy Valentine's Day Happy Valentine's dayy Valentine's Day everybody thank you