good evening it is Wednesday June the 26th 6: p.m I would like to call to order the Board of Commissioners regular Workshop meeting city clerk could you call the role I'll handle that since the city clerk stepped away so Mayor Brooks here commissioner McAn here commissioner Kerr here commissioner tagini okay roll call is completed public comment public participation is encouraged if you are addressing the commission step to the podium and state your name and address for the record and the organization or group you represent please limit your comments to five minutes and do not include any topic on the agenda public comment on agenda items will be allowed when they come up if you would like someone at the city to follow up on a comment or question made at the meeting you may fill out a comment card with the contact information and give to the city manager comment cards are available at the back table in the commission Chambers completing a comment card is not mandatory do we have any public comment please good evening Mike bie uh resident 445 137th Avenue Circle there a beach what what I would like the city commission to do is somehow to communicate to the state level of how the insurance is are just getting out of hand we can just send a a letter saying can they do something about it the flood insurance are going up the homeowners insurance are going up the wind hail and everything is going you know we got to do something at least send something let them know that we're concerned thank you thank you do we have any further public comment with no further comment we will move on to our first item which is grant writer consultation U I think commissioner Kerr had yeah I can start on this one um um with the city clerk's help I actually attended a uh grant writing uh class and just to try to understand what goes through uh rating grants um where to where to find grants how to fill out the materials um one of the first thing that they they brought up is that a typical uh successful Grant takes anywhere between 150 to 200 hours for us to lean on the STA to try to get grants for things in their departments I think that's an overreach and they're not trained in in grant writing um and um it's my belief after going through the grant writing process that this is something that we either need to have inhouse which would pay for itself I believe and help bring the the services that we need here to the city Andor just have someone uh like we do with our engineering contracts that when when we have a a capital project that we would like to um research grants that we have someone that we've already contracted with to be able to do that whether that's a I don't know if that's set up as an hourly basis like an engineering contract would be or a uh how that would be structured I'm not not sure but um I think it's something that we we need to take into consideration and bring um to a regular meeting for a vote do we have any public comment Madame mayor Commissioners staff um I remember maybe 10 12 years ago um the city had a consultant that would go out and write grants forget the gentleman's name but I'm sure if someone did some research they could maybe he's someone to talk to about that too because I know he was successful in bringing grants to the city in the past and that might have been 10 or 12 years ago something like that thank you very much do okaye I'm sorry do we have any further public comment I just wanted to mention that um as part of the class um it was brought to my attention there's so many resources that are available um to a professional grant writer um and their organizations that wouldn't necessarily be um available to uh just City staff and they they have enough on their plates to to do their jobs well they don't they're if they're writing grants they're not I don't know how they could do it without um you know competently or or the where the best it can be good evening so we do have that in our consultant ongoing Engineering Services that we B out this year that is something that was added for that reason to ensure that we have that um and I have consulted with cers which is who Jay has gone through they've been given our Capital Improvement plan and went out to seek to see if there was any grants available or upcoming that fit that plan so it was a phased phase was one was to go out and research and then phase two if we found grants was to then start grant writing for us we also have um through the Florida League of cities they offer us a portal where there are grants you can go in and search easily for Grants for things that we would want um they also assist in the grant writing that's part of our membership of the Florida League of cities as well as this morning at The Big C meeting um representative Cheney was here and she talked about the D and the opportunity for thousands of Grants and she actually listed a few grants that were out there and available that I took note of would be wonderful for our city for Parks parks and wreck o Open Spaces um but she had stated to us and she's a wonderful resource for our city she does great things for us um she had said that if we went on to the DP and looked through the opportunity for Grants there that she would assist us in getting those grants written and um often when you write a gr write for a grant you need a recommendation letter and she would provide that to us on any grant that we wanted to look into so I think that using a grant writer often can be really fantastic I also agree we should dig deeper into the resources that are out there and available to us to find grants that would suit us a lot of Grants often come with so many strings attached to them that it does not that it'll be for instance I was being told today about a grant that possibly we could get $500,000 but it's looking like it's going to cost us $700,000 to meet the requirements of the grant so a lot of times the grants don't make sense because it cost you more to complete their requirements than what you would get even though there are a lot of them out there but I I do think that we should have on an agenda in the future I would like to see things where we could Define things that we would like to see that would benefit the city get input from the community of what residents would like to see us do in our city and then we have a more targeted um of what we're looking for to send Robin and the Departments out to look into those portals and see if there's something available so I agree we should put something on an agenda you know if col K cers is that how I used to say it that they um I would I would think if they're if they have a grant writing staff that they would know of the D website and they'll scour scour that and you know we have all of our Capital Improvement projects and I know recently we um there's discussion about um uh bringing the the uh the docs the peers down at John's Pass that um I think that were rejected a few years back but like to bring those back uh for discussion and and if the board approves that I think um start looking for for Grants on on all that but absolutely it's a it's a it's so important and um great thank you I have one question and I mean this would be I guess for Robin or Megan or anyone sitting at the back of the room as a standard practice when we have a project do we already look for grants for those projects we do y yes to add uh the Florida League of cities their grant program Eis now has a different name but I did reach out to Jennifer bumgardner the one who is our contact so we're going to be going over they do have an extensive list also we did receive the information from Adriana through from Readington Beach from this morning's meeting and there are a considerable number of as you stated mayor open space land grant U op FL Florida forever grants and just a variety that you can use cultureal Recreation uh FD D the same excuse me the fish and wildlife has some grants as well available for Marina related uh and then also what to add to the workshop discussion that we will have probably either July or August will be whether we can contract specif for specific grants so Colliers for example may say well this is what might be available or Jennifer with the league the same and then we may then look individually what might be the require requirements if it is a Federal grant it typically has more requirements than well not necessarily but it what I recall especially any transportation grants for example are extremely extremely voluminous so that's where we can utilize a consultant or any type of we'll look at every possibility but we'll have a discussion we'll bring back what's been available and what we are looking to apply probably over the next two to four months and then go from there the grant uh writing for the city is very important um this morning with the Big C uh our representative Cheney said the money was out there and right now is the time for the city to come together get some of these grants and bring the money into mad beach city manager we have on the agenda next The Snack Shack concession agreement Second Amendment yes mayor and commission the as you are aware we do have a concession agreement with United Park Service they are uh provide a variety of uh well food beverage options U at across the street at archal park at the a concession area called The Snack Shack uh we have had an agreement with them since 2019 that original agreement provided for a an initial two-year agreement followed with two additional two-year agreements uh the agreement was amended back in 2021 the commission approved a three-year agreement with one additional year due to the covid year and the closure and during that time period uh we are now at the point as we approach the final renewal 2-year period for the agreement uh the United park services has agreed to um increase the base rent the monthly rent that we received by uh 5% is what we're proposing uh really all the other requirements would remain um the same um in the agreement it would just increase the again the rent by 5% um no other significant changes at this point once the two-year as we approach the conclusion of the next two years should it be approved then we will like we will proceed to issue a request for qualifications or um for the next time period for the concession agreement a United park services is current on all payments and they have complied um with the agreement um I think they've been a very good uh partner with the city um get many many accolades from users at the snack cheack I walk by there almost every day myself um we've had we've partnered for different events um I think even when we've brought any items of to their attention they pretty timely take care of them um and also Mark and Allen with United park services are here um should you have any questions specific to our concessioner but we'd be looking at a term beginning August um excuse me yeah August 1st um of this year through July 31st of 202 6 be happy to answer any questions you may do we have any public comment Commissioners um and the United park services agreeable with this I assume yes yes and um I don't have any comment other than I think it's a reasonable 5% uh each year um seems very reasonable I believe a lot of the CI citizens uh the visitors are happy with the partnership we have and so yeah definitely I have a question yes when we originally went into this contract did we go out to bid for it so yes um is there any need or thought that we should be doing that again or I mean most of the things that we do once I'm not advocating it per se but most of the things that we do we we RFP them well we or RFQ them I'm sorry we did for this one and then the agreement was a two-year term then two subsequent two-year terms twoe terms due to co a third year was added so we're exercising the final option in the current agreement so at the end of this would they be looking at doing a go back out and then that's I just wanted to clarify that thank you and one final thing we did submit this to the uni um the US National Park Service and they as long as the board City bard of commission approves it they are fine with the extension I just wanted to clarify that thank you oh I'm sorry and we will bring this back to for approval at the July uh 10th meeting thank you our next agenda item is discussion on the resignation letter for former mayor James rostic and mayor and commission as I've reviewed with each of you we've gone over the items uh that were listed in the email uh I've over the time as they occurred we've had many discussions we've addressed all the issues that have been listed on there there's really nothing else to add other than we obviously are here to provide the best possible Municipal Services every day and we will continue uh to do that every day um and if any of you have any questions or anything related to that um I'd be happy to to answer do we have any public comment with no public comment commission I do not have any comments on the resignation I felt like you addressed it to us and I'm comfortable with that explanation I have some comments um first I'd like to thank Mr rosc for his uh year of service I think he brought um some some good change some good ideas some good discussion um that said I'll say I once I read his resignation email that he sent out to Residents I took offense um he had he took the opportunity to to make some corruption accusations that I believe are unfounded and I would ask Mr rosc to retract that I I've had an opportunity to sit down with the city manager and go over all the items that were addressed um in his resignation email all all of which were taken to Department uh heads and that's his job I mean he he relies on his directors his supervisors I don't expect him to be going out to uh City staff to enforce smoking policy um if it's a repeat action then it's addressed per the um to per our handbook as far as you know I I I hear comments and I've heard comments for years about the building permit department having favors and and selecting in um giving giving some residents uh an okay to do things and looking Beyond uh code violations where I don't see you know I don't see that as true whenever these accusations come up um they're brought to the attention of the of that department and they as far as I understand they're they're refuted um and I support the city manager 100% I think as we voted on recently to to give him an a four-year extension on his contract it doesn't come lightly no one's perfect in their everyday um life jobs whatnot but I think Mr Gomez is doing a fantastic job and again I call on Mr rosc to either retract or have a have a chance to Wordsmith his comments at the at the end I don't I you know I want this thing to die so you know but at least give him the opportunity we live in a wonderful City I work with a Great Commission um and the staff is wonderful they take their their responsibilities and their job and their commitment to the city uh I mean we're I've since I've been here I've found that it's a family it's and um everyone is is putting the city's best interest at heart and and I'm I'm saddened that uh that this letter became public if this is something that um Mr rosc had a grievance on he had an opportunity to bring every one of these items and put it on a workshop for the board to address um the the mayor is one of five the difference between the mayor and any commission member is that he runs the meetings and he signs the documents or he or she I'm sorry um but it's not his directive to administer anything if he has a if he has a an issue let's let's talk about it let's bring it up to the board let's get public comment and um I support uh our city manager Robin Gomez 100% thank you I also agree with commissioner Kerr when I read the resignation letter and to be totally transparent I was very disappointed many times on this dis I've heard what a great team we had and everyone was working together however M Beach must move forward and stay positive negativity only breeds negativity we have 3.3 million visitors last year we have a low crime rate here at madir beach we have many new employment opportunities and I also agree with commissioner Kerr and our mayor that City manager Robin Gomez is doing a wonderful job thank you I do not want to speak to the resignation but I would like to speak to when I campaigned to be a commissioner I was asked what my agenda was I do not sit up here with with a Personal Agenda my agenda as I stated was to get a Kinder Community I stated it very clearly I wanted people to get along I wanted people to be kind to one another if we are always looking in the rearview mirror we cannot move forward and we do have a fantastic Community I've spent the last several months shadowing every Department in the city I believe I have two more left to go the last last one will be the marina which is the one I'm saving for last because I think it'll be the funnest but in my time in shadowing each department what I have been able to learn is a lot of times things that people in our community believe that the city is doing wrong or that it's corrupt or they're showing favorites there's a lot of misinformation in what each department does in our city and what their respons responsible for it has been my pleasure to be on this commission it has even more been my pleasure to be able to get to know the employees of the city and the managers and to work with Robin to work with each and every head of Department to listen to the employees talk about how they love working in madira beach and why good starts at the top and when you have good leadership you have good people in October we are going to have a Citizens University where the citizens of madira beach can sign up to come and learn some of what I've learned in how the city truly works in the inside and I really hope that when that gets announced officially that there will be more people than they can hold in the meeting and we will have to do multiple citizen universities it's time for madira beach to be United and heal and to quit looking for ways to tear each other down that is all I have on that thank you yes um I just just wanted to let everybody know I apologize for being a couple minutes late to the workshop but I was doing my duty of getting the application on the website the city manager secr uh Administrative Assistant helped me with that and also I made copies for the back table there's 20 applications on the back table to just let you know thank you our next item is Community Development the madira Beach town center special area plan amendments to C3 C4 R3 zoning districts okay and we have a presentation for this item so Andrew is just pulling that up right now so this will sound very similar to the John's Pass Village zoning um and what we've been talking about in that process as well um let's pull up the presentation there we go okay so we'll be talking about the madira Beach town center special area plan and how uh we need to make amendments to the Land Development regulations looking at C3 C4 and R3 zoning districts so this slide looks very similar um locally we look at the County's uh land regulations along with our local land regulations so this is kind of how it um works together at the top we had four pelis they have their countywide plan which includes their rules their strategies they have a map as well and then locally we have two different plans we have our comprehensive plan which also has a future land used element a map and then we have our code of ordinances which is a land develop velopment regulations that's where you have your zoning and then your corresponding zoning map so similar to John's PA Village zoning how we've been talking about that those three different Maps those three different categories on every single land everything every single parcel so the area that we'll be talking about is the madira Beach town center area you can see that um probably best in these two maps this is our comprehensive plan future land use map this darker indigo color uh which is the plan Redevelopment mixed use which is p rmu and then at the county level is this this blue area which is an activity SE Center similar to John's Pass Village and then if you look over here at our Zone map you can see um a mix of different zones so back in 2007 the comprehensive plan that's our one of our local plans was amended to include that new use that pmu future land use category and then in ' 09 of the activity center was created along on the countywide plan map and then also this area was designated that pmu and then 2014 there's a few amendments to that special area plan now locally if you're thinking about John's Pass Village we had to have a special area plan activity centers must have an act special area plan attached to it that just kind of tells you how it works how it functions um and then going forward are there going to be any changes to the Land Development regulations like the zoning so that's what we're doing when John's Pass Village it kind of stopped at that time at the city at 20 um it was 2009 so there are amendments in uh the special area plan that refers to uh let's see these different character districts so this is in the special area plan um there's six different character districts there's some regulations in the special area plan that were never brought over to the zoning so that's what we are proposing is bringing those regulations that were in the special area plan bringing that over to the zoning making sure everything everything corresponds and this is also in your packet it's page one 115 and 116 just see a slightly larger version of this map with all the character districts and then the standards that were written into the special area plan so then comparing those standards with the zoning um as you can see there's different zones in each each character District so what we have in your packet is a draft of version of bringing these standards that were in the special area plan into the zoning and so this wouldn't change uh the land that is outside of of this area it would just say if you have the plan Redevelopment mixed use land use then your standards are as such or if you have the land use of planned Redevelopment mixed use and you're within this character District your standards are this then and you can kind of see that throughout the draft that we included so that starts on page 70 of the packet so it's really just cleaning up um what should have been in the code back in the day it just wasn't um brought into the code and then we did add a few small changes um including tow houses as a permitted use and then also including open rooftop uses as special exception uses and we talked about that in John's Pass Village a little bit um because right now we don't really we don't have that um specified in our code so that way it wouldn't be just a byright thing um anybody who wanted to use open rooftop uses would then have to go to the special magistrate there would be a mailing that would go out um prior to the hearing to all neighboring properties 300 feet do we have any public comment Tom Edwards district one resident so I'm concerned about this special exception use for rooftop uses it's for R3 which is residential and and you have uh multi families there and you're allowing a special magistrate to make a decision as if someone can have rooftop exception it really should be coming to the mission on that and it's almost like having a plan development so usually with rooftop activity you're talking about more noise in the residential area so where is this coming from right now open rooftop uses why why is a city making the decision to put something like that in there if she can't answer so anyways this is something you might consider to inquire about that again think it should be coming to the commission if you're and not just to a special magistrate so that you can have more input and you will make that decision just like you do with plan developments thank you do we have any further public comment with no public comment Commissioners thanks thanks Jenny I'm I'm a bit confused so on the map that that you have there now we we're showing the different zoning sections um they would all be wiped out and replaced with the um other map the the mbtc or or not because you're you're showing both the zoning and the character this I'm confused okay it's very confusing so um so first first question there would not be any map changes okay all the maps would stay the same uh these maps have been the same since I think it was 09 when they created this activity center madir Beach town center Activity Center so it was adopted at the county level and then it was adopted at the at our level at the comprehensive plan level but then it kind of just stopped um some of the standards were not adopted into the Land Development regulations like the zoning so now we're going back cleaning up areas that we've noticed should have been fixed and fixing them so this is just putting those standards that were written back in ' 09 back and then amended in uh 2014 bringing those over and putting them in the zone zoning okay so zoning isn't not changing correct but the area will come under a u a a it's just amendments to the to the code it it'll to bring in what was written in that special area plan and putting it in the Land Development regulations for the zoning I mean I I see the the the the highlighted changes we have like an R3 and and um what's brought up I'm just trying to absorb I guess how the future land use map the countywide map and and those districts so in one one way it was suggested okay this is becoming a new District or maybe defining the district and then we'll have character districts inside that I'm um similar to the John's Pass Village how it's one land use category in the comprehensive plan as well as the countywide plan but then we have this other document that really tells you uh the things within that area like the character districts but then you look at a map and you don't see the character districts on the comprehensive plan uh it's it's um brought up similar to that or it was created similar to that so this map here we go this is a little larger this map is within the madira Beach town center special area plan where you have those different character districts and then these are the standards for those character districts and so if you take this table which is copy paste from that special area plan right and then you look at our zoning in some cases they do not correspond so that's what we're inputting into the zoning saying oh if you are within this area then your standards may be slightly different and these are your standards and these are the standards that we're putting in there so let's take um um page 71 it's this second page um where we Ser the drafts if you look at um section 110- 230 building Site Area requirements you can see um subsection 4 properties and Resort facilities medium future land use category of the comp comprehensive plan have this Max have a maximum density of and what it is currently so none of that's changing and then properties in the plan Redevelopment mixed use which is this activity center area um have the following maximum densities and then it's broken up into those character districts and those densities are right here the residential um density 15 units temporary lodging 60 um floor area ratio ISR and then you can see further on in this it also talks about the height so just bringing all of those standards that are basically in the comprehensive plan and bringing it over to the zoning okay so R3 is basically on the beach and over where the town homes are when you're zoning map let me go to yeah so we have some of this property as well as an R3 y across so R3 right here across the street from city hall and then on 150th there's also R3 and then R3 is along the beach right but then they each of those is in a different character District yes so you can see on this map below it's in that character District uh the cause way District so we have some R3 properties in the causeway character District we have some R3 property in the peninsula district and then we also have it see in this yellow uh the beach front District so then if you go to uh page 72 you can see those character districts and then the standards in each so what are the character districts doing for us if we're not if it's not impacting the zoning I'm I'm I'm just totally confused so it should have been been written in the zoning so I I think what happened I haven't done um enough history of of the past I just know that this needs to get fixed um I think there was probably a consultant that put together this special area plan usually you have a consultant putting together the special area plan for cities um for these activity centers and then they probably walked away thinking that the city would make these amendments that never happened so current staff found these inconsistencies hey we need to fix this so we have different standards in the comprehensive plan and the Land Development regulations they need to correspond okay I mean I I can I put my arms around special character D I mean the character districts so you you can expect what's in the I mean same way with zoning it all kind of goes hand in hand I'm just trying to put my wrap my there's a lot of moving parts and we see it all the time so it's we understand it but I know that it's it's complicated it's hard it's hard to explain it's hard to wrap your mind around especially if you're not looking at these things all the time so what are what are the big takeaways I'm I'm sorry I don't mean that okay that's okay what are the what are the big takeaways I I I know that okay we have a lot a lot of this is redlined it's adding districts mainly um as was pointed out it does it did on the special exception uses add open rooftop uses in the R3 area which I'm sure we'll bring up and talk about in depth um I mean this is just introducing us to this this is we're not it is yeah has this been down to the has I say down I shouldn't have said that has the Planning Commission reviewed this with you is this not yet so it'll be going um in July July 1 okay they'll be seeing the exact same thing so we're getting it now so that we can start asking a billion questions tomorrow because we'll just trying to get the ball rolling it right you know the the basic gist of it is to clean up what was there exactly so these standards aren't new standards uh they're living in our comprehensive plan so it's it's it's not new it's just bringing it from the comprehensive plan over to the Land Development regulations which should have been done is this part of what Kim Le horn will be addressing and talking about and um no but we we made we told them that there is some inconsistencies that need to be cleaned up in in these documents so they're aware of it but um it's not something that they're going to be focusing on right right now okay and we're having that meeting tomorrow night at six o'clock right here yes the master plan so invite exciting yeah that' be great I have no comment at this time then we can move on to John's Pass Village Activity Center zoning okay and tonight we are it starts on 173 we have a draft included in your packets starts at 175 and I don't have a presentation I know that we've talked about this a lot um just going on the basics similar to the last item there's three different Maps there's three different standards so we have the countywide plan we have our comprehensive plan and then we have our zoning or code of ordinances um or Land Development regulations so John's Pass Village has been changed to an activity center at the countywide plan and then locally in the comprehensive plan it's been changed to activity center and now the last step is bringing all of that into the zoning and so the zoning has more of your setbacks your Heights um it also has your uses your intensities and densities and so after our workshops we put together a draft along with talking to Planning Commission as well as um everybody up here and public input and this is the draft that we have put together so we just wanted to put get any feedback from the commission or the public on this um this has already gone to Planning Commission this draft has already gone to plan Planning Commission and we plan to bring it back to Planning Commission and then Ford pelis will also review this um Mr tras will also review this in detail so before we start bringing up to the actual public hearings and rezoning of the area do we have any public comment Chuck Dylan once again yes basically and that's what I guess we should have had this before but what this is this is a preliminary we're going to see it on J on the 1 so we're going to decide it you know tear it all apart and then what we either pass on you guys might eventually see but we'll go over all of that John's Pass Village as well as the zoning up here so we're going to see it before you guys do and try to tear it apart as much as we can no offense Jenny but but more so uh what I'm trying to concern about is owning land beyond the property to the CCL line and this is something I'll be bringing up on our meeting but you can build to the CCL line but you don't own the property though and so it's going to be getting into the next thing which I'll be coming up with u some documentation about how we are losing our beach and I'm bringing this up under the John's Pass Village stuff because we're about to be setting up all setbacks uh height restrictions and all those things that we're going to be deciphering before you guys will even see it and we've had this John's Pass Village in front of us for quite a while and not stalling but we're trying to tear it apart and Jenny and them are doing a very good job and they're taking all of our information and getting back to us at the following meetings in that but one of my big thing is once again so do you own the land to the CCL and it's not in the land surveys but for tax purposes we're potentially losing out of a lot of tax money thank you do we have any additional public comment with no public comment Commission I look forward to uh looking this over again now it'll come back to another Workshop after the Planning Commission sees it correct yes so Planning Commission will see it as a workshop you'll see it next Workshop so you're gon to you're going to keep seeing this until so you might be a little sick and ter of it by the end but you're going to keep seeing this exactly the the wheels turn slow for a reason yes yes thank you well and we want to make sure that everybody's comfortable with it and then we get a lot of public input so that's also why it's taking taking a while and then we need to have the county review it um as as it should exactly get their blessing on it make sure everything is is done correctly I appreciate that thank you Jenny thank you Jenny Andrew you guys have put in a lot of great work you know we definitely appreciate it thank you thank you yeah we're pretty proud of it so and it's very exciting also a lot of hard work anything else okay with that we will move on to item C cat's public beach so mayor and commission just to we had discussed this item a month ago we said we'd be back on the Today the 26th of June uh Mr tras received the information from title search Etc so we wanted to just provide that information and proceed from there so um let's go back a little bit a couple of months ago there was a request to add something to the agenda the workshop agenda to discuss the caddies um Beach um I really didn't know when it was originally put on the agenda what we were going to be discussing then it became clear to me that we were going to be discussing the alcoholic beverage permit that was issued to the catdiy uh restaurant back in 2021 as some of you I hope all of you have seen the video of that meeting you you could see that there was a lot of discussion about the conditions that were being imposed upon the Caddy's owners um if they were in turn going to receive the alcoholic beverage permit one of those items was item number nine when the condition was originally provided in the um Memo from Linda portal the community development director at the time she had the following condition placed in the agenda packet item number 9 no chairs or tables supplied or contracted for Supply by the applicant will be placed on the beach just prior to the meeting there was a discussion evidently between Linda and the cat's representative about um agreeing to all the conditions except for a request by caddies to make sure that it was clear that the beach that was being referred to in paragraph 9 was not necessarily the private beach but it was in fact the public beach um during that meeting that was discussed um as to what uh what was going to be done with that condition and in fact the commission did approve the business T the I'm sorry the alcoholic beverage permit with condition 9 reflecting that no chairs or tables supplied or contracted for Supply by the applicant will be placed on the public beach so then the question became what exactly was the public beach so um as you remember at the last Workshop I told you that we had ordered a title search on both the cat's property and the private Beach area uh that was immediately west of the Caddy's property to determine who actually owns that parcel um two independent uh title companies reviewed that particular um issue and came to the conclusion that that parcel was owned by the Caddy's owners and the reason that it was owned by caddies was because of the fact that one it was originally platted the plat provided that the lot um on the plat was immediately adjacent um to the Gulf of Mexico that was in 1937 since 1937 the sand um started appearing and getting deeper and deeper and it actually created this private beach parcel um it there's a term for that it's um the term that um that a real estate attorney calls it is um let me just get to it is a I believe a crean um so the question then becomes okay if all of this Sandy Beach was created who owns it the like I said these two title Underwriters determined that it was owned by um the caty restaurant owners and the reason being is is that the only other entity that has a legal right to that beach um was the state of Florida um and it was clear that the FD had took a position that it was not interested in this property so when they passed on it they don't assert a claim on it then there is the ownership issue has has been resolved and that is is that it's owned by caddies so I provided you with a survey that was prepared and some handwriting on it the handwriting is mine um cuz I thought it little I was was trying to be a um a little bit clearer as to what exactly we were talking about so if you look in the agenda package which is up on the monitor right now you'll see where I've listed private platted parcel that is the cat's restaurant property immediately adjacent to it is all this sand that has appeared since 1937 I've labeled that the private beach parcel because of the fact that Cates owns both of these Parcels the public Beach does not begin until the mean high water line which is in the bottom of the monitor but it's in the packet reflected that and at the mean high water line Westward is actually the public beach so the question then is is does caddies have the legal right and is it a violation of condition number nine that they Place chairs on their own private property which is I've labeled here is the private beach parcel would that be a violation of the B of the alcoholic beverage permit and the answer is no it's private property so with with that analysis being done um I don't really think that there's any other action that needs to take place it was kind of like in the beginning when we were talking about this at a workshop you know what are the rights and what aren't the rights well it's clear now legally Cates has the right to use its Beach its own property to place chairs on it now does that mean then that they can sell food um and have the food um you know migrate out to the beach area the answer is no because the other conditions um of the alcoholic beverage permit specifically address that and I'm just going to refer back to the agenda packet from 2021 in in condition number two it says the restaurant and Associated activity will be located on existing impervious surface within the approved site plan area inside the Coastal Construction Control line and will not impact the surrounding dunes or Beach so they are not allowed to serve people food or drinks on the private beach parcel because that does not fall within condition number two that was placed upon them so I'm hoping that answers the questions that have been raised um but I would be happy to try to answer any others but I want to make it absolutely clear this is just not my opinion it's two underwriting uh title companies and two lawyers other than me who have made that determination so do we have any any public comment if you just want to make a comment please come up to the podium and make the comment thank you I was just curious um if I go to the beach I go sit in one of the chairs um can I go up and get a beer and a burger and bring it to my chair I understand that they can't serve out there but that's it's more of a question so I don't know if this is the right form for that thank you Chuck Dylan that's that's why I sat at the edge of the table well according to Tom's uh things here we don't own any Beach because every property on Madera Beach is owns the water owns to the water they can do this at any time and it's uh it according to that everybody's got the private beach and that's what's happened at the place right next door so we have no beach so Madera Beach is all privately owned according to what they found thank you and I I have an email that you guys all had but could I come up and read that to put it in um from somebody else that wanted to be here and they had an email about the properties and the and that stuff you have four minutes for your public comment 350 this is an email from Mary pendas who sent to you guys in that the recent findings of the ownership of the beach area in front of caddies makes no sense I'm referring to properties located in book 21 page 23 and 24 recorded February 17th 1937 the beach flower property on the other side of kitty Stewart lot recorded a new deed in July of 23 to show their property goes down to the waterline this deed does state that no title search was cond conducted the beach club located next to the beach flower is part of the parsley survey from 1937 the beach club property description says they own down to the waterline guessing referring to how it was noted in 1937 deed so in penell County Appraiser site it shows their property going a few feet into the sand such as it appears on the 1937 survey the Caddy's lot that is part of the survey for second edition to Gulf Shores completed did February 17th 1937 when the parsley own the land states that they dedicate to the public all streets alleys and public spaces as noted on the survey Beach flower caddies nor the beach club Lots show that they include Beach based on the measurements listed on the survey the recorded Lots on of second ad to Gulf Shores have been available to everyone since 1937 why is it now showing that these properties own down to the high tide meanline I'm surprised that this has been has been questioned before there have been several owners of these lots and I would imagine that some have had some have had loans in order to purchase the Lots which would have required a mandatory title search by their lender in the fact these properties do own to the High tieline Why is it taken almost a hundred years for this information to be available has the interpretation changed does this mean the city did not have the correct information when making the decision to allow a business on the residential lot the city didn't have the correct information when adding restrictions to the liquor license I believe the City attorney was working for the city when the original restaurant was approved and when when the liquor license restrictions were applied is he the appropriate legal representation when representing the current potential cha changes do the residents have any rights since these areas have customary usage and the beach for more than a hundred years now that it has been declared the cad zones down to the mean high tide line it seems odd that the explanation from the city attorney would be that the beach must have grown and were the original options for the city could they request the state claim the land were you given all their options is the interpretation correct when the survey on the beach club doesn't show the same thing yet is part of the same original survey how is that possible the beach is considered wetlands and according to the beach flowers information that additional ownership of the beach is valued at ,000 so basically owning the beach doesn't incur any type of additional taxes the listed values in the tax record are for the building lot and building only as I am sure you are aware the residents are fearful that they will lose the beaches and they have been accustomed to using for over a hundred years none of this makes any sense I think the residents deserve a more informed explanation I also think the city of Madera Beach should have a better understanding of this issue because it's going to come up again and again as you see from the above information it makes no sense thank you for your attention I realized that you were not in office at the time of previous approvals and now have to deal with this issue thank you and that was an email that you all should have gotten from Mary pendas do we have any additional public comments Tom Edwards district one resident I believe you received a copy of my um my letter to you all concerning this and I agree with Mr tras analysis based upon what the attorney said if you have a private beach you could put chairs out there and the question that Mr KS brought up that you know if someone goes ahead and buys food or beverage can they walk out and then sit in the chairs I think that needs to be addressed and I I don't think they have the right and again miss portel was very clear that in condition two associate the restant and Associated activity will be located on existing impervious surface within the approved plan area inside the Coastal Construction and will not imped the surrounding dunes and Beaches they it's going to be associate ass activity you're not going to be able to buy Beverages and and food and carry it out to the beach because that's an Associated activity and it's not on the existing impervious surface and I think Mr TR may want to give you an opinion on that or do further research on that and when Mr ANS their attorney did his presentation and and the issue came up and you know he says um there won't be any take out to the beach there may be take out to home but not take out to the beach that's a quote that he said and you can go ahead and look at the video again but he specifically said that and he agreed to the conditions that was presented his client was sitting there Mr wyers they agreed to the conditions so I also interpret that that it could be mean you can't take self-service out to the beach and I think that that's the issue right now that you have to decide the only way they can get to the beach is they've got to carry it out through Kitty Stewart Park walkway because of the dunes and everything that's there if we're not allowing self-service and food deliveries to come and and deliver through the parks then why are we allowing these people to do that the other thing is as Miss Porter brought out if you're putting existing chairs out there now you're increasing the capacity so she said that that could affect parking and traffic and reom capacity and it has to be recalculated and when you go to go apply for a permit you give the alcoholic beverage people a site plan this is where I'm going to sell alcoholic beverages and serve and that's only on the impervious service they don't have anything that it goes out to the beach so I think you please need to go ahead and get a legal opinion on this and if they do move forward with sending service out there and the commission decides that they can't do that then I think you need to consider whether you go ahead and say that they're not living up to the standards that the city set and go after their alcohol permit which you have the right to do do have any additional public comment good evening Dan Kramer 1410 Gul Boulevard I think we have a a situation that can be used for taxation on there before it appears if I understood it correctly that Cades actually owns a parcel of land where they have their building and also the beach before they're allowing use of that property okay for public use now if they want to be using that property shouldn't it be we taxing that square footage as part of their parcel is that legal I don't know but it sounds like that's what they've been very nice not having people on the beach and other uh locations and condos in the area have not been restricting people to come on to the beach if they start claiming ownership then I have ownership of a parcel I pay taxes on that parcel if my parcel automatically doubles for whatever reason I'm not sure I understand 1937 even I wasn't born then uh that maybe we should be taxing that property and uh maybe that's how we get around this otherwise we're not going to have have a public beach the the second thing if I have another two minutes is that since we brought up the alcohol beverage license and we've been talking about various sections of it on there if you read section one it talks about an audit that should be done and I'm going to say let's say every calendar year that has to be at least 60% of their caddies uh of revenue from the restaurant and bar op operation basically that license considers that as section one so we should have I believe from our uh boc regular meeting of February 10th of 2021 do we have that is that public knowledge or available for that audit for the fiscal year or I say calendar year 21 calendar year 22 and calendar year 23 have they been basically living up to what was part of section one of their proposal thank you and I love madira Beach do we have any further public comment Linda Kramer 14010 GF Boulevard um question regarding a little bit of that what he was talking about was the 60% um of sales has to come from food you know is that actually being audited and complied with we don't know um the other thing is when we see because we live right there and we're already see the chairs are already out they have they've already contracted with the chair company and chairs are then they're renting chairs and getting income from their chair rental I was soon somebody's getting income from a chair rental are out there that's fine but the question is we're um we're already seeing people taking out food from caddies directly out to the beach um um you know we we've had issues with noise and and the music blaring where you can't even hear you can't even talk to the person next to you you know and we you know to me I think we should you know all that we're left to do is to call the sheriff's office which is really in my opinion not appropriate to bother the sheriff's office when there's you know a noise thing or who do we call if we see service on the beach um who do we call call when we see the trash I mean what what do residents do when they see that there's a breach in some of these agreements um and that's something we don't know because every time we call the sh well there's no noise audience well we can't do this and and I understand that but it leaves no recourse for um breach of contract potentially um and who do you contact and what are the consequences if there is a breach any additional public comment with no more public comment um I know that um some of the items that were brought up by the residents Robin can answer some of those questions because I'm sure if we don't already know the answers we want to right well although we're not voting on anything and any say but I know when we met this week you clarified a few things to me about the alcohol and food consumption um and that would be relevant information I think to share I think there's several things uh first of all if there is noise and there was noise when they had a band playing and then they had a DJ and so that was communicated and if that does happen by all means please call the sheriff you can call the non-emergency line but and explain what you're hearing and so they've been pretty good cat's has been pretty good about stopping I don't believe they've had a live band I don't think they have recently I don't I think they've had a DJ periodically and yes we did I think we had someone within the last month call and say the music was too loud at the DJ so we've addressed that with the deputies you shouldn't be able to hear it if you're down where the lady that just spoke um I've I live near there I shouldn't be hearing their music if I'm over on Palm Street on the other side there's there's no reason for it but that's I think not a gigantic gigantic issue I think there were more issues with construction Etc recently in terms of the the I will say in terms of the public beach uh the beach will always remain public um I I brought pulled pulled this up on the big screen because as you go up and down our beach almost every property with the there's an exception as you go south of 140th where you see the dunes most of the property lines do extend out into the sand and some of these have changed recently not just caddies but also Beach flow they're two Parcels they were not previously down to the mean high water line but as you go up and down our beach oh and I know this maybe you have to look at it a little closer from a distance but it most of these do go down to on the sand um I've been here two years and six months I've never had a problem going up and down the sand with only one exception and that would and that would be at the two locations the county park and archal park where those two concessionaires Place their umbrellas and chairs out there one concessionaire at the county park goes out early in the morning and starts drilling and putting the umbrellas so I've seen people get there before they get out there to claim their space anybody is perfectly Ava you're legally within our rights to do that I've even had people ask me I said by all means if you want to get out there at 6:00 a.m. go wherever you want to go um at archal Park they don't do the same process U with exceptions during the busier times holiday weekends they will go out and they will put the chairs and then when people come and rent the chairs any so that's the only instances other than during a storm where the public cannot walk up and down our two miles of wonderful white sandy beach the issue about the sand accretion and when the city placed installed the beach groins that's when the sand began to grow those are documents that I have read our clerk provided some history on the beach groins recently um that's what began to com the sand to acree um so the I will tell you I've had multiple residents make the same comments my property line goes down to the water line but the property appraiser did not show that those plats as as City attorney TR stated from the 1930s do say that the property line is to the Gulf Waters the Gulf Waters are now a couple hundred feet away from where they were in the 1930s or whenever the that occurred so what do we have now I think that's I'm not sure where we go from here because from my perspective the beach should be completely public to walk up and down um whether it's owned privately it is sand and that's really where the state should probably say yeah everything is public and then you can work out whether you can whatever Services can go on there um but that's really what should happen in terms of taking alcohol and food U we actually have both or well one rep one of our concessionaires that uh we have an agreement with and similarly I mean they've done nothing wrong I'm not stating that but people will walk up and purchase and then walk out to the sand that's been happening at Cades just as it has at The Snack Shack um it is well known that we we allow alcohol to go on our beach on the sand so how do we address whether they can or cannot um there is no from my knowledge I don't believe there's any language stating that you cannot go to The Snack Shack and then walk out with it um however and Tom can correct me but the alcoholic beverage permits are consumption on premise so I believe you're not allowed to take if you order an alcoholic beverage and then walk out of the premise with it um I think that's more of a legal question than anything um but there are conditions for caddies that did stipulate that all the activity will be within the impervious surface all restaurant activity Mr tras can aine but from my perspective that means I cannot go in there in order and then take get out to the beach how do you prevent that from happening is another question back to the resident's comment um we can certainly um prer Direction but it it's a little bit complicated because people take you know thousands of pounds of food literally onto the beach every day that they purchase somewhere else I think the issue in front of us is losing or residents and visitors losing the ability to kind of use sand that has been a ailable for decades mayor can I jump in so there's a couple things I wanted to answer some questions that were raised I want to address some issues too that you know that that Robin has briefly touched on if you're asking me my legal opinion can someone buy food or alcohol from caddies and walk out onto the private Beach uh property that I've mentioned um and and has in shown in the survey the answer is no absolutely not they cannot do that um what happens if they do do that well it's a violation of the conditions set forth in the um alcoholic beverage permit so we have options and that is is one option is to bring a code enforcement action one option is to revoke the alcoholic beverage permit but obviously they are the ones that have to monitor that it is not the city's responsibility to monitor their compliance with the required conditions so they will have to do that they will have to make sure that that's not happening whether it's you know stationing an employee out there on the sand to make sure that's their that's what they'll have to determine so I think I've answered the question that was raised by Mr Edwards and um M Mr Dylan also wanted to talk about this email that came from Miss um pend Pendergrass Pendergrast uh Mary um it's it's all good and great to make all sorts of assumptions based upon non-factual Legal Information um she did what she had available and reviewed certain things that are available to the public on the property praisers website which sometimes will lead you to a deed um but that's not what I did I did not search to do a title search on every property along the Beach I did a title search on CAD so I can't really respond other than to say the information or email is not factual because of the fact that there was no title search done for that particular property that she's talking about other than cat's she mentions the fact that there was no title search done so I don't know how you can you would want to rely upon that information as being accurate um the other thing um we had a speaker come up and say well why don't we tax this property well I can tell you with regard to caddies and the beach parcel that we've been talking about tonight that is um a recorded deed and they have been paying taxes on that or should have been paying taxes on that since they took ownership to it and that would have been prior to 2021 so that's already already happening I don't know what the value is and how much it really means but it is a recorded deed and and uh the property appraiser should be aware of that the tax collector should be collecting taxes on it the last question um that I wrote a note on is this alcohol versus food that really was not something that I was researching it is a condition it is a requirement that they um they submit an annual audit to the city for review uh I assume they're doing that if they're not they did they sub Jenny we received the one for 23 um I don't have it in front of me I think we we did receive it and it was more than 60% was food and I think it was 61.5 it was really close percent was food and the rest was alcohol so we did receive the report at least for the most recent year we'll ask for the prior two years yeah I think that we have 2022 and 2023 but I I don't have it in front of me so so they do have the legal obligation to provide that um it is not something that we need to ask for they should be providing it so we can make that available to the public if the public is interested on that so I think that I answered the four or five questions that were raised um but I'd be happy to take any direction do any further research or provide any additional information um that's being requested Commissioners I'll be happy to answer Mr car questions after the meeting I've watched the February 10th 2021 BC meeting um I could watch it again and again and probably still continue to pick up items but I will let me let me let me back up I will start that um Mr Winters Marcus Winters the owner or or I'm sure it's a a group of ownership but he would have the majority um is a highly respected uh person in the community business person in the community um during the during this meeting um Co was happening and the then city manager was read emails for a bit and Mr Winters was endorsed by Robin Miller with the Tampa Bay beaches chamber as well as being endorsed by Barry rubben with the Treasure Island madira Beach Chamber um so as far as Mr Winter's Integrity I don't don't challenge that um what I do challenge is the spirit of the of the agreement and I believe that by putting chairs on the beach whether it's public private I I'm not going to get into that argument um where you know his property ends um but if you want to put chairs out there what is the what's the incentive for for a business okay you have the chair of rental that's that's one I guess um but um and I'm I'm I'm kind of going around in circle here a little bit but during this whole presentation Linda portel stated many reasons why the restrictions for chairs on the beach was so important and she she referenced noise and trash and the turtles and the turtles being um receptive to not only light but to the additional noise um during their season laying eggs and um it all goes down to the spirit of the of the agreement the spirit of the agreement was we're not going to have any any chairs out on the beach um and I call on Mr Winters to to uh acknowledge that Spirit um to what Mr Edwards was stating at a hour and 22 minutes into the into the meeting uh I think it's Brian Al is the is the attorney and he said publicly that uh well I I'll read it um and it's I'm reading the transcript from YouTube so it's going to start in the middle of a sentence but with those conditions that Miss portal handed out as revised particular number nine to say public beach recognizing that if we do any portion of the beach that we could put chairs out there but that we won't serve out there so service will be limited to the restaurant it won't be a concession so there won't be any takeout to the Beach this is this is Caddy's attorney speaking there may be takeout to home but not take out to the beach and then the only other thing again Mr Mayor Ju Just to reiterate I just don't know if we can commit to number 12 so he goes on to to other conditions on the beach um if you can't take beverages or food out to the beach I wonder as a business person is the chair rental what the activity that you're looking for is the um the Goodwill that you you've you've earned over the years worth that chair rental business if it's monitored and it is found whether it's whether it's something that um caddies does knowingly or not if they take food Andor beverages out to the beach they would be violating their the uh alcohol license and I don't know that that makes sense that you want to jeopardize your alcohol license for something that you're you may not have control of you may not even consider so um it's totally I haven't heard one resident speak that that they're with with the chairs on the beach um we visited um the caddies and Sunset Beach it is a quite a different environment it's um if that's the environment you're looking for it can be found at the Cades on in Sunset Beach um but I think it it I think it goes against the spirit of the of the agreement and that's enough said Thank you in 2021 Caddy's uh was given the liquor license with the uh condition of number two no chairs or tables on a public beach or no food or service on their part of the beach um how many this is an open discussion this evening um I'd really like to know how many tables are we talking about um could we come to a compromise with Mr wyers and caddy as far as maybe a six Monon to a 9month probationary period to see how it goes if not the bottom line is he can still have a chairs and tables out there unfortunately I just don't see him being able to serve any food or beverage out there just to clarify it's um chairs and umbrellas yeah no tables thanks I think that um we're not here to vote on whether or not they can put chairs and umbrellas on the beach I can appreciate everyone's comments that they've had and and opinions about the situation I think that there are guidelines they have to follow and if they follow them then it will be fine if they don't that's a that's a conversation for a different day I don't feel comfortable sitting up here saying I know what they're going to do and not giving them the opportunity we can't keep them from putting the chairs on the beach correct correct so it's not a matter of us making a decision or a compromise or anything Cates does do a lot for the community they're they're a great um support of a lot of activities that go on in our city um and I think you have to give them the benefit of the doubt and see what they do and then if if it is terrible that's a whole another conversation for a different day any more convers with that we will move on to impact fees all right Mr Murphy is not here um but we did include the quote that we talked about at the last VOC Workshop you can find that on uh starting on page 236 of the packet I also included the uh chapter 92 the proportionate shared development fee which is our impact fees in our code um I also included the pellis county impact fee I know we briefly talked about that last Workshop as well and just how they have that uh broken up into square footage as well as use as a potential outcome but really I just we wanted to bring the quote before boc and and discuss that if we all wanted to move forward um or talk more about impact fees do we have any public comment on impact fees commission I'll start on this one since it's I I brought this to everyone's attention um and disrup disrupted the whole program I guess my point of contention is and you I think I followed up with a an email to Jenny and the and the city manager after our last meeting um and it has to do with with with density basically the residential property next to Cades was torn down there was there was two homes there it was torn down and they're building eight that's an impact a single family home wanting to uh you know a three-bedroom three bath that raises FEMA to FEMA standards guidelines and instead of a apartment sized kitchen that was in the previous home they want a large kitchen with a an island with and an an open living space and they want an office that didn't increase density that didn't increase an impact to the community um if that home goes from 2,000 square feet to 3,000 square feet I don't believe that that homeowner should be penalized for improving the neighborhood and I I believe that that is an improvement to the neighborhood they need to be encouraged um to do that um if you if you tear down a duplex and all sudden you turn that into into six dwelling units well that's increased density that's increased four new families that have just moved into the neighborhood that's what we should be concerned about uh a new condo you know we tear down a twostory three-story condo and put a five-story condo in because that's what the height limits are now and it just makes good business sense because the old the old structure was 50 60 80 years old who knows um and the maintenance cost now that's that is it could be considered residential but it's increasing density it's increasing the number of families that are that are uh using the services from the city so that's my point um um I'll leave it at that Eddie commissioner McAn do you have any comment well the bottom line is uh madira Beach is we're trying to bring in full-time residents in right now as everyone knows um the amount of people that live here currently full time has declined um the impact fee subject is something that a lot of people are on the fence about um I agree with a lot of what commissioner Kerr said if there's going to be a building that's going to be torn down and brought up and it's going to increase the density then um then of course the an impact fee is um required um residential neighborhoods where someone's trying to tear down their their their house and build up again to improve the neighborhood I don't understand why they should be um charged an impact fee so that's what I'm trying to say thank you I was on the Planning Commission when impact fees became a topic of discussion I do not recall all and I could not find it today how much we paid for that study for impact fees but it was quite a bit of money and there was a lot of discussion on whether or not we should have impact fees we shouldn't have impact fees at that time as I recall the impact fees for commercial and residential went hand inand um that is what we did I disagree that that when someone goes from 2,000 to 3,000 foot there is an impact on the city there's an impact on the construction that goes on there the trucks that are on the road that are hauling in the equipment that are driving up and down the roads there is impact and so the impact fee there is an impact to it our impact fee for residential as we demonstrated in the previous meeting when we discussed it is rather small it's not an exor amount and you know the reference was if you went from 2,000 to 4,000 square ft and you increased your home by 2,000 square fet and your impact fee was going to be 11 or it was either 11 12 or $1 13,000 you're going into a 4,000 foot house you're only paying impact fees on the additional square footage you're adding my concern today would be um because we can all disagree it was voted on by Planning Commission and the Commissioners at the time to push through the impact fees this quote is $30,000 for him to or for a study to be completed to tell us what impact fees would be if we went only to residential or only to Commercial and pulled out the residential I think $30,000 is a considerable amount of money to consider spending for a study that we've already paid for in the past and that two separate commissions a Planning Commission and a sitting set of Commissioners voted to pass through and make part of our fee schedule open discussion and and disagreement you know we don't have to be on the same page that's that's that's what makes us great that is correct we absolutely do not um you tear down your existing home and you rebuild a home you have permanent fees so for a 3,000 foot home what's roughly have any idea um I don't know the permit fees but I could tell you um we have the impact fees up so okay you do it all the time I just thought maybe it would be I'm yeah I think a permit fee Marc might know better Marc could answer probably I'm guessing about 14,000 it's 2% the value of the permit so whatever the value of the work is it's a percentage of that okay and right well we look at the average of average is about 700,000 roughly or that might be a little high we just saw it in our budget yeah it our budget meeting and average was 1 million 1.2 was it.2 yep Andrew yeah new home new home construction was the 1.2 over two two years average that that list of 15 homes or whatever it was it was so that's 24,000 for the permit just for the permit so we're double dipping because what so for that same 3,000 square foot let's say you start with a 2,000 foot home and now you made it 3,000 what's the additional impact fee right now the total and remember this will go up in October um for the give October nobody's going to build one before so it's uh $66.99 so like $7 per square po per additional Square per additional Square so it's 1,000 square ft it's $6,990 right so you have another 7,000 on top of the what it was what did we say was the permit Fe 14,000 14,000 so you have 50% of the of the permit fee as a penalty for improving your home I think think that's outrageous because again I don't feel if there's any impact from trucks or whatever on the streets that's part of the permit fee I don't see an additional I and and and if this this the study both of us was in the Planning Commission at the time that impact fee was not justified by um usage of the you heavy trucks on the road or whatever it was it had to do with city services the right the the recreation the uh utilities um I can't I'm not that good I'm getting old uh all the different all the different mo mobility um Public Safety Public Safety Public Safety oh you have it all up there look at that yeah yeah Mobility kind of Transportation yeah so so again it's not an impact on culture it's not an impact on Recreation it's not an impact on Mobility it's not an impact on Public Safety I want to encourage every single family home to raise their home female wants to do the same thing if you flood they want to give you a grant for $200,000 based on you meet all their conditions and we we don't and that's a whole another discussion within the city whether we we want to we want to do that but I would say it's a counter impact because we're relieving the stress on the fire and the EMS when we when we flood when we have uh hurricanes so I I don't see it I'm I'm we agree to this it's okay you want to spend $30,000 to do a study on impact fees that that is I mean it's $30,000 to get a study on impact fees and you you bring up the cost of permits I can't disagree they're expensive so is the argument impact fees or not argument but is the discussion impact fees or permit fees the discussion is before you put the First wall up by the time you pay your per perit fees and impact fees and if out here in the barri on the island in the city you need to do engineering studies um you need to do pilings before you put the First wall up your your six figures you're over $100,000 before you that's why the cost of a home is on average 1.2 million I if it was an extra couple hundred bucks it's just not justified it's just it's it's a penalty and I don't see how the penalty is Justified so anyway back to the $30,000 it wasn't done correctly in the beginning because I brought up the idea multiple times during the discussion in the Planning Commission can you know the whole reason we're talking about this is because we're we're building these condos on 150th we we you know all in this area we're we're we're adding structures that are going to impact culture Recreation Mobility Public Safety why is the burden of of all that falling on the residents and I understand there's tons of of permits and there's lots of cost to to build these structures don't get me wrong but that was the argument from the resident that even brought it to the Planning Commission for consideration and if I recall correctly it was $100,000 to do that study or to have Jerry work through and actually pull it all together but that was uh covered by a grant is there a grant for this I don't know um I I just don't it's a fairness thing I just don't think it's fair we want to encourage current residents to stay here and be able to decide to to rebuild that's that's the bottom line we can't Elevate our roads until we get our homes elevated you know it's all a building block and um it would I'd be just I don't know that I can be my mind can be changed commission McGee do you have anything additional real quick if you look at the impact fee fund um through back when we were looking at the U the uh Workshop earlier as far as our budget um the amount of money that was budgeted for the the impact Fe fund doesn't seem like it was that a lot of money do you remember how much money that was uh the impact fee fund how much uh revenues yeah yeah I have it here think we budgeted we're budgeting 185,000 in revenues for the impact fee fund for fy2 and the majority of that's coming from the residential yes uh impact fees okay yes okay so my point is um the majority of it is coming from recre or residential and not commercial um I personally believe that um we need to you know talk more about this impact fee what we're doing with the money you know um and also can we change it here and there just a little bit um and that's for future discussions thank you I'll just add real quick Robin did share a a graph of the uh or an Excel spreadsheet of the funds that we have received and I would say 90% 95% of of that was from residents because the commercial structures um were already approved plan permit it whatever so they couldn't be impacted so we're only looking at commercial structures they're not on the books yet and then a majority of our permits are single family homes single family homes residential M so it's counterproductive to what was in originally intended and that's my point next on the agenda is is Public Works um it is the restroom purchase Ada trailer so mayor and commission as U Miss weer comes up to the podium this item is related to the construction of the restrooms at archal Park and during the construction Renovations of the restrooms we will need temporary restrooms uh and as we research we realized the cost exceeded 30,000 or would exceed $30,000 so we issued a bid good evening again that is correct as Robin stated so we have to have restroom facilities at archal Park with hot water for the concession stand we provide those restrooms for the employees so the option to rent um porter potties it will not work over there so we initially reached out to multiple different vendors to rent a restroom trailer for a six-month period at least and that exceeded $50,000 just for the rental so then we decided to release an invitation to bid we received three submittal um so what you have in your packet is those three submittal the restroom trailer that I would recommend that we proceed with as you see in the submitt the specs that it has concluded included over exceeds what I had initially requested that exceeds um has a water tank on it so this gives us the option to not only spend $56,900 for just that six-month period but then moving forward for events and whatnot we will have a facility that we don't have to spend money on portable restrooms so this will have the option to have a freshwater tank so we can fully use it without having any hookups so over at the soccer Fields over at um the Mader Beach fundamental at the grunt hunt at different various um events over at Rock Park so the new um toilet is also on sourcewell so technically I didn't even have to go out to bid but I wasn't able to find that information until they submitted the Cals so everything is in there for you to see um you'll see that that restroom trailer goes above and beyond it has um it might be a little too fancy um but I've I've spoken to the owner I've asked about warranties that warranty far exceeded what I had initially requested I only requested one year for warranty for all this has five years on certain parts so it's five years um on the sorry let me find my spot uh Five Years on the sorry on parts and component components 20 years on the structure and all interior components made by their company is lifetime so the restroom trailer that we have at Tom and kitty storeart park has a different layout we had to modify that ramp significantly for an expense over $7,000 to make it actually Ada um that also is not easily movable so this this feature is is much easier for us to utilize I'm here for any question questions do we have any public comment Tom Edwards district one having worked uh numerous hurricane events and Hurricane Andrew where the city was completely devastated down there having something like this where you have workers coming in from outside and you're going to be doing things with cutting trees open up roads and things like that if if you take this off the island and then can bring it back it would certainly be useful to the workers that are doing hurricane cleanup and and taking care of power lines and things like that so I I think it would be a benefit to the city any additional public comment course Chuck Dylan can they it looks like the one that I believe believe that you chose look similar to Tom and kitty Stewart and maybe can they swap out the air conditioner any additional public comment Commissioners um did I see in here somewhere about stainless steel it's not stainless is it the framing is All Steel there are stainless steel sinks and all the um okay structure itself is corre steel it's all it's all metal yes that was one of the requirements in the bid okay so the um the air conditioner I was going to bring that up before we had public comment that is the second air conditioner that was installed on that restroom trailer and it died within a year what what is the warranty on this one uh on this air conditioner yeah on this facil on this a minimum of five years sweet correct yes the other one the bathroom trailer at Tom and kitty Stewart Park the whole restroom trailer I think was less than a year yeah the corrosion here is just crazy absolutely um I love the idea makes perfect sense appreciate all the all the work you put into it um now we just need to find a get you a building that you can store it in when it's not in use yes and to the comment we do take items when we have an evacuation we have an agreement with seminal where we take all of our equipment off the island this would be one of those perfect um how much are the regular porta potties the just you know the I do not have that number for you but Jay Jay rents them quite often he might have that answer for you to find out real quick how much the price of renting just a regular portet like we use for portet I'm thinking for like the seafood festival where we have what about 100 uh yeah we pay it's anytime that I've had an issue with a restroom we've had to rent at least three just to make sure there's two regular and an ADA it's a minimum of 5 500 just for a couple days well yeah and that's what I'm getting at is that down the road this was is going to more than pay for itself oh absolutely it will more than pay for itself with the project of archal and especially with you know recently we had the uh fast pitch softball uh a lot of families you know a lot of really nice families coming in um giving them the option of this you know um where they can actually wash their hands and U and how many stalls there's three stalls in there there's one Ada and then there are two single stalls one of the Stalls will have a a urinal and a toilet oh so I mean yeah so far I'm same same as same as the one at Kitty store this one is a little bit bigger and it's great because we have so many you know Jay knows and you know that we have so many events throughout the whole year yeah it's totally portable and and I think that uh it's a great idea so far thank you what what I agree thank you one more comment that'd be great does Kyer know we buying this no no they don't this is actually included in on the the cost of the arch ball restroom project I understand that no they don't this was kind of a a last minute as we're pre-planning for the project because we're getting ready to release the bid soon could you bring it to their attention I sure can yeah see if there's any offset cost that we can rra wonderful love it thank you you're welcome looks like we for the seafood festival two years ago we paid almost 7,000 and then last year it was like 6600 I don't how many Portables we get 50 or six no more than that that cost only went down because we rented feler yeah um they actually were more expensive per unit but you know just off the top of my head you guys mentioned the softball tournaments there are some fishing tournaments out here I don't know that we would necessarily use it for that but we have some other yeah some other smaller City events as well as um all of our soccer programming you see over at the school we rent a portalet year round over there and they absolutely detest that thing as you can imagine but it gets expensive it sits out there and gets cleaned over and over and over and over you know this would definitely be something oh we're gonna have fireworks on the third how quick can you get it here the bid says within 90 days of an issue but just this will not be used at events until the the arch ball completed yes so we probably wouldn't be able to use it for seafood Fest this coming year unless whomever the Builder is whenever we get those bids back is able to magically throw it up really quick so yeah thank you thank you thank you um so the only other thing is we discussed um talking about residents that come up for discussion prior to the meeting um Mike came up and wanted us to do something with the state about insurance I I think that it we could do a good update legislatively about insurance insurance I know that um representative Cheney spoke about that today at The Big C about insurance and that might be something we could have on a agenda to discuss get an update and discuss and see where the state is at for the residents your thoughts I would agree that's I'm I'm delinquent in getting the letter together that I um had promised regarding the homestead maybe we can roll that into that insurance and then you know as as a piece of you know what I call the homestead Relief act or Bill or whatever conversation so do we want to have that on our next Workshop to talk about insurance in Homestead sure we can and I'll work to try to draft preliminary something but I still work full-time so I'll try Robin do you have anything further no thank you very much good discussion thank you then it is 803 we are adjourned --------- good afternoon it's Wednesday June the 26 4 p.m. I'd like to call to order the Board of Commissioners budget Workshop meeting city clerk would you call the role Mayor Brooks here commissioner tagini commissioner cerr here commissioner MC here we have a quorum having no public comment we will move on to discussion items fiscal year 20 25 budget Workshop number three I I just want to make clear that you've you made that statement No public comment because there's no one in the public that is here that is correct there is no one here for public comment okay very good good afternoon uh mayor and commission and Robin Gomez madir Beach city manager um I'll turn it over to Andrew Laughlin our our finance uh Director City Treasurer in a moment just wanted to open or preface this this is our third uh budget Workshop or public workshop for the fiscal year 2025 budget as I shared with you uh previously we are in I would say the middle of some considerable Capital Improvement projects here in our city in our budgets the last couple of years and going forward are reflective of that in terms of the the number of projects and certainly the total size of the budget when you look at the operating versus versus the capital um budget which makes up for the current year about half of the total City's budget um and you'll see that that similar going into the future between a combination of some new structures to include a Public Works building a parking garage to road projects milling and resurfacing various streets to new bathrooms at archal Park just to to beach growing repairs that are occurring um today as we speak and this mainly this fiscal year but we'll carry over into next fiscal year so one other thing to to consider that our projects are multi-year so you do see what appear to be rep look like repetitive but it's just concluding one year beginning the other and attempting to correspondingly split the expenditures across two occasionally three fiscal years additionally we've discussed about the Investments that we continue so we're investing in our infrastructure and our ongoing maintenance obviously to make sure we have the super vibrant and clean and and beautiful and attractive City but also investing in our Personnel um and you'll see in the budget also proposed increases in salaries uh Personnel cost for all employees and similarly while we're not proposing any increases in U benefits other than we did the current year as approved last year for the current Year's budget we did offer an option for employees um those that were previously not uh eligible to join the Florida retirement system which did come with a bit of an increase but just to preface a few we're not we're looking at a minimal increase in Personnel we'll go through that detail um specifically one full-time equivalent and the and the deputy chief in the fire department we'll go through some of those um details so we're not growing in the number of employees um on the economic side of it obviously our economy continues to do well we received and I all of you have received a copy of the preliminary um the preliminary tax um the valuation increases for the current year and I believe they showed a little over a 9% increase in total real and personal property increase from the prior um for the current year that we will utilize for next year's fiscal 25 budget so economically again we continue to do fairly well uh and so our revenues correspondingly are continue to increase uh in again keeping in line with ensuring that we provide a a balanced budget which we are required to do under State Statute so we will kind of proceed and I'll turn it over to uh also at anytime if you have any questions please or any comments please feel free to to interrupt um just about all the department heads staff are here to answer any questions but please feel free to ask and we will I'll turn it over to Andrew great thanks a lot Robin so just looking at the agenda we're going to start with an ADV valorum analysis so we did get some preliminary taxable values from the Property Appraiser's office we'll go through what the uh estimated tax revenues we could receive based on the the uh current millage rate as well as some alternative millage rates we'll go through that then we'll tackle the budget by fund and Department we're actually a little over ambitious on this one I think in the uh we went through budget Workshop one we were just going to maybe go through operating we' already done Capital but we went ahead and provided everything Personnel operating capital and an estimate of Revenue so we do have a complete budget here for you albe be it an an early one so there's plenty of time from this Workshop to the next to the next that we can make any adjustments as you see fit and there could be some adjustments that occur in the next month to two months as as uh things may get uncovered uh that we didn't initially anticipate when we put the budget together but they should be more minor minor things so what we have here at least is a is a albeit preliminary a complete budget for the entire city which is great uh probably we're ahead of the game uh even from LA from prior years and that we've got this in front of you in June uh as Rob mentioned we'll go through some of the Personnel detail showing you um positions uh historical positions to current positions those that FTE count plus salaries weight and benefits uh some historical analysis all the way up to what we're budgeting for the next fiscal year um and then we'll get into uh some the details of the uh both positions and then on the capital side all the listing of the capital projects we've already provided this to from in last Workshop there's maybe only a couple CH minor changes from last Workshop we can go through those and then we'll just wrap it up with any Q&A that you have shall we dig in all right let's dig in so starting on the adorm analysis just to give you first an overview of the the tax roll calendar and the stages of of budget preparation to adoption as it relates to the millage rate so by June 1 the property prop appraiser was to deliver that estimate of taxable value uh looks like I I believe I received that on May 29 so in this worksheet you see the adorm analysis in the uh top table middle column it says 2024 taxable value estimate as of 529 so the property appraiser was to deliver that by uh June 1st got a couple days early and that's where we're at the 2 Bill 23,26 213 Mill 2,488 I actually did get another estim a revised estimate just today uh from the property prais representative it was off uh it was actually slightly lower um but a very negligible amount so what you see here is is pretty much where it's at today but by July 1st uh we will also get the certifi formal certification of taxable value from the property appraiser that's the dr420 so that goes to all the taxing authorities so we'll receive that then which will calculate out what our not only our current millage rate is which we know but then also what the roll back rate would be um and then by July 30th so we'll have our our next workshop and that uh fourth Wednesday maybe July 24th and by that time I want to finalize from you all the plan on the millage rate going forward and I still want to talk about that today and have that dialogue so we can be well prepared for that July Workshop where I want everybody to be hopefully aligned on the direction we want to go and the in the millage rate that I then need to report by July 30th what the proposed millage rate and then the date time and place of our first public hearing will be so that's due on July 30th and we'll have one more Workshop to to cover that but like to get through a lot of that at least preliminarily in our discussions today then by August 19 the property appraiser will mail the trim notices to all the property owners and then in September is when we'll hold our two two public hearings so jumping right into our ADV valorum analysis you can see that millage rate at 2.75 Mills that's that fourth one down that is our current millage rate um and so if we kept it the same from FY 23 to FY 2324 to FY 2425 are projected out of alarm revenues will be uh 5, 78243 which would be an almost half a million dollar increase from this current fiscal year that we're in so 48236 from what we budgeted what we've budgeted is about 5, 299,000 what we've collected thus far is about 5, 220,000 so about 880,000 off um and so and we anticipate some collection activity uh from now to the end of the fiscal year um so we should at least hit hit Budget on fiscal year 2024 and that'll be what the that increase that we can expect if we keep the millage rate as is at 2.75 Mills and then if we want to reduce it to 2.6 or 2.5 or 2.25 you can see what those reductions would look like either increases from prior year or we start getting into a reduction in adval arm Revenue if we go down to 2.5 or lower you can also see then in that middle table uh if you had a $700,000 property um what that savings would look like if you were to if if commission was to reduce the millage rate to 2.5 then you'd have $175 savings on your on your annual tax bill uh or if you went all the way down to 2.25 it'd be about $350,000 savings what did I say so for so oh not quite yes $350 excuse me thank you so for every 0.25 in reduction you you're looking at a savings or re reduction in your property tax of $15 a month yeah you could based on a $700,000 $700,000 home yep you could work out that way and then in the next page just on the end of this page you can see just the the increases over time since property values have been historically increasing we did do a millage rate change as you can see from FY 2019 to 2020 from 2.2 to 2.75 the impetus behind that was issuance of debt uh for these uh area 357 storm water projects and the uh the debt that was issued to cover that and then the increase in millage was to capture that Revenue to help make those Debt Service payments and transfer that from general fund to the storm water fund an annual basis until that's debts paid down so that was the reason behind that increase and then it's been the same 2.75 from 2020 uh through current so then on the next page just goes in a little more detail of that uh of what your tax bill would look look like uh so we have um historical from FY 2022 to 2023 what that uh millage rate um was and then if the rate remains unchanged for FY 2023 2024 um and then show you well if it we had or excuse me what what it was in 2223 and then this past year 2023 to 2024 and you can see where there's some maybe small changes some uh the same for each of your different taxing authorities within uh uh city limits and then I propos the hypothetical well if we were to change the millage rate down to 2.25 what your total uh millage rate would be down from 16.14 one2 to 15. 6412 and what impact is that have on the average uh property tax bill so we just did that that comparison so you can see magnitude if it was 2.75 and then we went down to 2.25 but that that's assuming that of the other taxing authorities change their military correct and obviously we don't have that information and we won't until um at these the public hearings in September but assuming everything else stays the same but we changed our we lowered our rate what would that look like in your tax bill that's that's the analysis that was performed exactly okay but his historically with the tax taxable value increasing over the past years some if not all of the these other uh taxing authorities have reduced their millage rate not necessarily annually but every it's been going down some so yeah that's why I showed those two columns and what was Prior year to current year and what the millage rate was some that remained unchanged and some that did uh did provide some some decreases looks like none had any increases most stayed the same so then I broke it out between non-homesteaded properties homesteaded properties and then gave you both so I showed you assess value and then um then those T the exemptions 50,000 versus 20,000 25,000 so School taxable value versus Municipal tax over value there's a a difference there in the amount of exemptions so that's why those are two different columns um so I had to do a separate calculation based on the school taxable value versus Municipal taxable value for the school state and schools local and you can see non-homestead versus Homestead what those number of parcels look like um it's about kind of an even split when you combine them all together Homestead and non Homestead between single family homes condominiums that's looking like about 2/3 and then basically all other so almost your commercial properties hotel motel restaurants Etc U making up the all all other category um but obviously we're very single family home and condominium dominated uh here within the city and then obviously it makes sense on the homestead side you can see the vast much higher proportion of single family home to Total versus non-homestead single family home making up the the uh the lowest of the proportion and then we have in the third column to the from the right the average property tax per parcel here at the current rate and so what would that look like for an a an average the average single family home let's just if we look at average single family home at the current rate if you're um non-homesteaded it was $1,846 annually if we were to reduce our rate to 2.25 it would be 10,536 so a savings of 310 on average um for a sing a non-homesteaded single family home and if it was a homesteaded single family home average was 6,986 so about 7,000 and then if we reduce to be 6,784 for a reduction of $212 so back to your previous um page you're you're showing a 0.50 reduction but for that same 0.25 reduction you're looking at half of that 212 which is um what $56 you're looking at less than $10 a month Difference by a 0.25 reduction right for Homestead which in in my humble opinion that's what this is all this is what this is mainly about is the protecting our home Homestead and looking what's the best interest of the of the residents and that's that's my focus anyway but go ahead I'm sorry well I just want to yeah present present all the data that that I have available and dissected and hopefully it makes sense to you so you can see the the impact of of mill rate changes specifically to the city obviously the city is not the only taxing jurisdiction that resides on your tax bill there are many others but it is a part of it so just provide you all the information and if we were to make any reduction what would that average look like on an average single family home homesteaded versus non homesteaded so perfect thank you that was that was the analysis and um if you want anything further or into any detail uh tell me now or shoot me an email and based on all the the data I can pull from the property appraiser website I'm I'm happy to to dig further but hopefully this gave you at least a little bit of perspective on uh the implications of any changes that you would contemplate in the millage rate what that impact would be on the average homeowner would the all other on non-homestead does that include commercial properties primarily commercial properties yep so in the home Steed all other would be what would be an example of all other specifically the homesteaded yes I can uh pull that up I've got the list and I can kind of read it off great Point well single family condo I don't duplexes triplexes I think yeah multif family um I don't think we have any group homes um multif family would be like a townhouse would that be considered like an apartment building we have a few kind of four that are independently owned that they could Homestead that was my question because all other you're homesteading what would that be that would be considered other yeah primarily duplex duplex Apartments condo conversion vacant residential [Music] um duplex Triplex fourplex apartments 5 to n units I can see how many of those are we can certainly obtain a list I think it would be yeah I can I can it's interesting that yeah Ono conversion what else would be there's not there's not very much assessed value for other under Homestead I just made me curious I can think of like two duplexes where the owner does live on one side and then so then it's probably one of the partial homesteady homestead's half of the property but not the other that would that would seem reasonable to me but to the mayor's point if you rent property it's not deed separately as a duplex how is that Homestead you can still homestead you can still can yes you can rental property yes if you you it is a reduced Homestead because you I had a question from a resident on this so I spent a lot of time try to understand it there are a lot of interesting tax loophole opportunities to live in a home and actually have an apartment and the apartment would not be homesteaded but the house would be and on the on the tax assessor they give a different percentage of Homestead to your house because that one portion is not homesteaded I have a long explanation I could share with you but it's kind of hard to explain please do at some point that's fair it is very interesting very interesting because I I look at the the non Homestead Properties as rental income and they have every opportunity to adjust rates or whatever their income St strategy is uh so I don't focus on that I focus on the homestead and and what implications does adjusting the millage rate either up or down how that impacts our Homestead residents versus the overall loss to the City by adjusting it down I agree I do agree thank you Andrew it's great stuff yes thank you very much no problem so then the next page um and again I can I'll do this analysis again that's um the just the general adorm analysis I'll I'll provide that again but with millage rate showing what your roll back rate is what your current rate is and then maybe a couple in between once we get that information by July 1st from the um from the property appraisers just so you can see and then also when you take ultimately we take the vote if we do and I'll show you what requires a majority vote versus a two-thirds vote versus unanimous vote on in a particular millage rate so I can lay all that out in the next uh meeting and hopefully we can get consensus okay so then the next page is just I believe this was a specific request from one of you just to see what new home construction costs are just in the last 12 months and I think here's the detail that was pulled um uh from permitting records on the uh square footage of each home build the year it was built and the cost and your average cost of 1,244 1800 so so I make an assumption that that's uh living space that's air conditioned living space that's what we're looking at I believe that's heated but maybe J confirm sorry about that yes that is okay that's a living square footage and the average is 2,195 to average those numbers out Bas base yes thank you any other questions on ad or anything you all wanted uh discuss on the matter or thoughts on millage rate or the revenues or anything or shall we proceed on are you good I'm good so then this gets into just the meat of the budget and so what we budgeted for was maintaining a millage rate of 2.75 so using that uh property tax revenue amount of that 5782 5, 78243 as our proposed uh ADV valorum revenues that are in the general fund and so that's what we used to build the budget and so of course if that needs to change then we'll need to know that to to make that adjustment but uh based on that assumption and then other assumptions we made on on revenues and then getting uh feedback from the departments on on certain revenues as as well as all the uh operating expenses we put together a complete budget for you so first thing shows just your summary of revenues by fund you can see the general fund by far has the most revenues at 12 uh 12.8 million 5 something seven of that is is uh adval arm Revenue ADV arm taxes as I mentioned and there's another uh graph that gives more specifics to revenues in the general fund by type taxes intergovernmental Revenue charges for services Etc so we'll look at that in a moment but this at least breaks out and shows you of our total revenues and other inflows of 28.8 million this is what they are broken out by fund and then the next page will show you the expenditure side so what uh what are the funds uh total expenditures both Personnel operating and capital by fund and we break that out here and in alphabetical order by fund so you can see what those totals are to get total expenses and other outflows of 43 milon 971 and so you can see we need to present a balanced budget so in a balanced budget my total revenues and other inflows need to equal my total expenses and other outflows and so on the on the previous one on summary of revenues I was at 28.8 million and on the expenditures I'm at 43.9 so there's obviously a discrepancy there but that's where you bring in that what's called fund fund balance net position used and fund balance net position available so some funds budgeted to uh a a uh net you could say profit but net uh increase fund balance increase so um revenues and other inflows exceed expenditures and other outflows which uh lends to fund balance and net position available for future years in other funds we have a net deficit so we would be pulling existing fund balance and reserves that we do have in those funds and making them available to ultimately uh bring to a a a zero uh zero deficit where revenues and other inflows plus fund balance uh AA uh used equals expenses and other outflows and fun fund balance available so that total so your total budget then is 44 mil 861 251 and then the next page is the budget summary by character and that's where where you can see that Breakout by fund and I know it's maybe a little hard to see and I apologize for the the smaller font but if we kind of take this fund by fund you can see what all the the um inflows are by type taxes permits fees special assessments intergovernmental Revenue charges for services judgments fin forfeits miscellaneous revenues and other sources and then if we also need to use existing fund balance to then equal our total uses Personnel Services operating Capital outlay Debt Service grants and AIDS and other uses and then that gets us down to where our total sources equal our total uses so we do have some funds uh a couple funds like the uh impact fee fund where total revenues and other inflows do exceed proposed expenditures um that's strategically because we are trying to build up reserves in the impact fee fund go ahead can I slow you down here for a minute sure I want to back up a page or two uh the parking fund expend expenditures at6 million versus the parking fund reeven Revenue at 3.7 MH a what accounts for that you know I want to give kudos to both the the parking and the marina they're they're definitely a great source of revenue for from our tourism um that's a shout out uh to the directors on that but I don't understand what that what that six million there's something in there that's capital or something that's throwing that parking fund out of whack yep I I'll address that kind of fun by fun as we go through and see okay which which funds are profitable and which ones are showing a deficit but just to answer your question directly we have a $5 million kind of placeholder for that parking garage okay um so it's obviously very preliminary we don't have specifics on expend I apologize for asking the same questions Time After Time all good all good but we wanted to put something in there to show that we do have intent to spend capital budget not it's it's not actual right and so once those plans formalized we'll put something more formal together as far as what we'll be uh expending but we did just kind of have want to insert a PL a $5 million placeholder uh kind of ballpark of what we might anticipate to expend in 2025 and we do um and then we'd also have to make other considerations once everything kind of gets sorted out might we need to um to borrow in order to uh to fund the entire project um so it's a little too preliminary to come to you with that information but once we have better information we'll make those decisions but ultimately we just wanted to show there is a a major Capital purchase uh uh Capital activity plan in the parking fund so had you not had that five million then you would be showing a a pretty nice profit in the uh in the park no I I I get that um I this is I've had an opportunity to go through the process several times now and I've never been able to get my head around what is the you know minus Capital cost what does it cost to run this City versus what the revenue is coming in now again you know if I was running my my home I know I have a an operating cost of X I can throw my repeatable expenditures in um and anything above that I have an opportunity to kind of save for you know future you know uh new car you know improvements to the home whatever something to to actually save on I I never get that feel from the way that it's all presented and maybe it's just it's broken down so many different ways it's hard to get the numbers satisfactory in my mind you know do we have a a $20 million budget to run this city minus Capital expend expenditures but we need 10 another 10 million because there's always improvements to the roads and to the sanitation and to the um things we want to do like building return um parking garages that are going to have return on investment I never get that feel and maybe like I said maybe I need just need a little assistance with that or some Direct but if I'm not getting it and I've said through it so many time not so many several times I'm I would think unless you're an accountant so many of our residents don't have a real feel for it either all they all they can see is wow you know we have a $45 million budget what's that mean it has to be a balanced budget what's that mean you know are we now we're talking about um borrowing money uh the ition would be so that we can cover those um improvements those par that parking garage that um improvements to our our water mains and our roads and you know but if covid hit for God sake it doesn't um and we had to fund the city just to keep the employees uh funded and and the air conditioning running um how do I get it feel for that number I I love the feedback appreciate that and the intention is just to make it confusing so you won't ask questions but clearly you're you're breaking that mold but let me let me in fact I'll I'll put that as a note to present this as an additional uh schedule in the next Workshop is let's pull out the capital and understand well how is the city just doing operationally you can you can kind of get to it from here but I'll I'll put a a better depiction of that in the next workshop and make that an actual table but what you could do um if you look at this budget summary by character that's that um that's scheduled you know for each fund and that in the total in the uses section you've got Capital outlay that's 60 Capital outlay so that's all those are all your Capital costs and they're quite significant so if you pulled that out and then I also would then pull out anything in sources under 33 intergovernmental Revenue because we might have some coww projects that may be Grant funded um I would pull that out as well and say okay well then what's left that's basically the cost of operations and the revenues to support them and we actually would be we'd be looking very good operationally I mean just take parking fund for example we've got 3,728 750 of of Revenue and then if we just minused out that five million of 5.15 million of capital outlay you know we'd have about a million in change of expenses so roughly 2.7 million of of uh in increase uh of excess of of revenues over expenditures in the parking fund right um just looking at general fund so here we showing 3133 million of fund balance net carry over used that's actually not bad because we don't have any parking revenues any any transfers from the parking fund going in a general fund that's budgeted because we have it all budgeted to stay in the parking fund to help uh beef up reserves to help pay for that major future Capital project and again that's to try to so we understand it better right and that's the whole the whole point that was was made a couple last year the year before that actually create the parking um the parking fund fund yeah dedicated fund so you can see where those and that's all those that source of revenues and then the the cost of op of operating the parking yep so what I'll do is I'll I'll I can strip that out and Sh show you just purely operational where where the city lands and I have no concerns there so oh my God are we going to make payroll absolutely can we fund $50 million of capital project project over the next few years well we might have to talk about that right that's that's a bigger number and that's that's of what the concern is is the capital needs and you know storm water drainage Improvement projects that's where the most of the um the big expenditures are as you can see in the storm water fund that Capital outlay number just for next year is uh almost $7 million right so that's why we did Issue debt we're still working on um extinguishing uh those remaining debt proceeds and then we've got the next um slate of projects and then we would have to look at do we need to potentially issue debt uh for future projects as we get closer to that date so those are things we need to monitor in the long term as we look at our long-term capital Improvement plan and that's why we present five to six years of of estimated future Capital but operationally we you know the city is is looking good if you just pull out Capital pull out Grant related r revenues from capital projects you'll see that uh most funds um operate at a excessive revenues over expenditures we have a lot lot on our plate tonight so I won't try to hold you up too much just to add to that commissioner the that spreadsheet that's up on the big screens I just highlighted it in blue that's the expenses for personal or Personnel Services so salaries Plus benefits that are total projected for next fiscal year at just over 8.6 million and then right after the second line ex other expenditures expenses at 10.2 million uh if you op I'm sorry operating expenditures expenses at 10.2 million to give kind of to answer your question that's most the majority of the cost to operate the city um with the just over 80 full-time equivalent positions everything that is done every day so so it's really as easy as taking out the capital outlay uh line of $20 million correct so our operating budget is basically 23 million yeah that includes U 24 million yeah debt and other uses yeah which you can't debt you can't can't decide you know because we're not getting tourism that we can't pay our debt we have to pay yeah so just take out the capital to give you an idea so roughly we have a $20 million budget Plus Capital expenditures correct okay yes that that sums it up perfect thank you exactly and so there's two funds where we we do show that excess that's the impact fee fund as I was mentioning is we're trying to accumulate um impact fee revenues to then plan for uh expenditures but we did uh and that might even I believe that's a adjustment from the um previous workshop on on Capital that we did uh budget for a $45,000 uh project I think that's Recreation related to pull that out of the uh uh to fund that out of the impact fee fund so that's the $45,000 expense and we're budging 85,86 in in revenue and then the marina the marina fund is also um earning profit $748,000 is what we have budgeted uh to drop to the bottom line in the marina fund and so then we go just onto the next pages that digs we then we dig more into the general fund and know and then I mentioned before here's where we break out Revenue so you can see what those inflows are by character so charges for services taxes permits fees special ass assessments so just information that gets to the 12.8 million um total for the general fund that taxes 7 million much of that is ADV vorum then we have other things like half cent sales tax um maybe Municipal Revenue sharing communication Services tax so on so forth then the next page you have your general fund expenditure summary so this is just by character Personnel operating Capital outlay it gives you this and as well as a pie chart no Debt Service out of the general fund we've got Debt Service out of the storm water fund and Debt Service out of The Debt Service fund but you can see in that other uses number of a little over two million that's a lot of that transfer activity to those funds to make those Debt Service payments then we get we break it out our expenditures by department to get to that 15, 979 351 number and so this just shows what all the um total departmental expenses are within the general fund can I stop you there for a second yep sure um we've made significant um increases in the Fire EMS and um I support that 100% my question I know that these resources are divided upon divided with other uh cities up and down the beaches here um so we're seeing the expenditure on there where do we see the re the cost sharing on that is that is that above I mean and how is that structured do you know you're saying our contracts that we'll have with other uh jurisdictions that pay for fire Services we just um voted to you bring our salaries uh closer to what the county is what neighboring areas are to to bring our fire station um up to par now we we made that decision on on our own from BAS basically I guess paying for that I don't know which fund it would be I guess the general fund um but don't how does that impact our revenue from neighboring jurisdictions that share in our improvements do do we does that get adjusted at some point so we do have a two accounts within the within the fire department on the revenue side one's Readington Beach fire contract and one's panel's County EMS and so we do show that history as well as the 24 budget and the 25 um budget and that is in the Fire EMS section okay I I just bring it up I think it's something that we should have a dialogue on just so we understand maybe it's just me that I don't understand how that is adjusted you know is it like a annual thing that's brought up with our other jurisdictions contract the take the time to today to really address it but um I'm just want to understand is that an annual thing that we we do it's adjusted every year by the Tampa Bay economic um the the organization is so is that b based on um people being served I know like with the with the library it changes based on um residents you know with the interlocal agreement is it's is no they go off of a percent AG throughout the Tampa Bay Region I'm not sure how they calculate that it's usually between 6 and 9% it's it's not any higher than that usually but that that's a that's the adjustment for the Readington contracts every year when we vote in an increase it's it's some of that is shared proportionately with the neighboring areas that City seal splits the contract with us and we both we split it 50/50 we this past year believe it was 270,000 that we got and seal got the the same amount okay I I just don't want it to to to um you know some some residents I would imagine U push back on any expenditures not just fire any mess but um well I I I'd like to be able to show how our revenues have in increased well that's if you go to page 23 in the pack packet under the Fire EMS section of our budget under there are two line items about Midway down Readington Beach fire contract and then pelis County EMS and you can see the increases over from fiscal 23 through the current Year's budget projected and then what we're budgeting for next year so that shows some of the increases I think to to answer your question that we are forecasted to receive um but again and then we do cover the additional the increases that that part of the three-year collective bargaining agreement through I mean just through other general fund Revenue growth as well but quite a bit is captured here you can the to your question again the panel's County EMS is increasing over 100,000 for example perfect okay and the Readington Beach contract by what 11 or 12,000 and our accounting software codes all not only expenses by department but we also intentionally code revenues by Department um a lot of other accounting systems is just expense only but we do revenue and expense so you can trace actual revenues that a specific Department generates to that department instead of just making it General so we have many of our revenues are in the non-departmental department ID if it's more General to the city like your advm taxes but those revenues like Recreation has a bunch right where they're generating spec revenues specific to operations within Recreation and we code that to that recreation department and you'll see that in in those budget Pages where we'll show both the revenues they generate and their expenses great thank you so we were at the general fund expenditure summary so that just showed you all their outflows uh by department and then after that we go right into these details of each department uh we give a little overview of the department and then some preliminary figures of like I mentioned those revenue account codes and expenditure account codes that hit those respective departments by uh we also by by the time we'll uh finalize the budget we'll also have uh accomplishment fy2 24 accomplishments and fy2 goals and objectives that will add to each of the department so you can see what those departmental initiatives are for the upcoming uh budget year so we can go in as little or as much detail at the line item level uh by Department that you want maybe I can just kind of briefly stop at each one say you know questions feel free to ask so just you know kind of starting on Board of Commissioners any questions like for example you might be like gez why is our budget doubled almost you guys are expensive uh you can see a lot of that is just the addition the additional line on Group Insurance right so that was uh now offering group health insurance uh to the members of the commission that did not occur uh previously and since we don't know who's taking insurance and who's not we are budging for each of you to be taking the insurance but you're budgeting for both salary and insurance which that would be an error because it's one or the other if you're taking the insurance then you're not taking the salary correct we can yeah we can adjust that we can adjust that then Y and how would you like that adjusted maybe keep the salaries and and zero out the insurance Max you should put in the budget would be the difference between the but the salary and Social Security and and anything that goes along with the salary yeah and the benefits are higher so we can Ben budget for the benefits it would be if the benefits exceed what the what the salary would be and Associated fund okay we can take we can put the delta in the group insurance right and then the actual would would have to come below what the what the budget it was yep sounds good okay we'll make that change for um for the next Workshop okay and so that group insurance number will be lower to take the total minus commission and Social Security against it anything on city clerk if nothing there next is city manager just a couple Revenue items on the the city manager's office overseas the the retail shop at the the front of City Hall so we've got couple items for the U sales of the merchandise and then the next page is the expenses um personnel and operating and one uh on Capital Improvement and it's not a new position the executive salary and the city manager if you're Cur if you're wondering where it's just broken out the city manager salary versus the rest of the stuff yep that's why salaries and wages is lower than prior than previous because we moved that to Executive salary that's to follow the State of Florida prescribed chart of accounts then next Community [Music] Development some Revenue items on your btrs that Community Development manages some plan review fees application fees and then your expenses personnel and operating I think we had just I think I had mentioned briefly in the past looking at several revenues and adjustments that we would be looking to make and this is one I believe ID shared with each of you we are looking for an increase in the local business tax receipt um I think we are uh restricted by Statute for no more than a 5% increase um we have not raised our local business tax for many years so we're looking to increase for next year and again these are nominal um some businesses pay typically under $100 for the whole year some of them are paying like $9 and 41 cents or some crazy weird number like that yeah what what is the 150 and Capital Improvements under city manager under city manager yeah what's that budgeted for let me pull that up is that for improvements to our sound system that's in um that's in your Capital Improvement plan at the end that's in general fund that City Hall veranda and stair replacement oh okay yeah reping everything up looking to replace the tile along the stair on the second floor Veranda of City Hall current tile is not all slip resistant and grout is coming up on the stairs then we have uh Finance all operating expenses for finance nothing Capital related no revenues then we have Fire EMS so we do have some revenues from that as we as we discussed that I show in the general fund and there's also some impact fee revenues that are relating to Public Safety that we code to the fire department and then your expenses on the next page a bigger increase in budgeted salaries for 25 compared to 24 um some of that is the the deputy fire chief position um as well as the the increases through the union negotiations and then some Capital as well that some of which that's coming out of general fund and then some that's coming out of our local option sales tax fund or loss fund that's fund 103 and all those details are in our our in our um Capital Improvement plan at the um end of this packet then HR uh we used to have salaries coming out of HR right now from a Personnel standpoint HR is is managed out of the city manager's office so we have no uh Human Resources expenses on the Personnel side and then just a little bit on the um operating expenses biggest of which software support services where I think our our uh payroll HR payroll software uh is born in HR and that's the biggest expense out of HR then it some expenses out of it vast majority of which is through our contracted provider so again no salaries and wages there just all um mainly um contractual services and John's Pass Village yeah what is what is the revenue side of that it's a state Appropriations on the John's Pass Village I believe that's the confirm that's the dredging project so we have uh maintenance dredging for 750k and then State Appropriations to fund that for the 750k okay and we have that as an operating expense not capital and then it doesn't really produce an asset owned by the city as a result it's it's a therefore consider an operating expenditure then law enforcement so that start um contractual service with penel County you can see what we have budget in 2025 and that's um from what was recently uh approved by commission I believe u for the upcoming fiscal year so that's contractual you can see that plus the history and then legal services for our beloved City attorney and then uh small amount for other other legal expenses and then some non- retainer uh expenses as well and then we've got non-departmental most of those are our revenues that aren't specific to any other department so they kind of fall in that catchall non-departmental category and then same thing with expenses those expenses that kind of Encompass City operation in general that don't really apply specifically to their department so a lot of our utilities um Telephone over overall Building Maintenance um Fireworks Christmas decorations Etc and then also shows our transfer activity so we have showing a transfer out to The Debt Service fund to make that annual Debt Service payment on um I believe it's a 2013 debt that we it's remaining and then the transfer to the storm water fund for almost 1.5 million for uh Debt Service for storm water and then a little bit on Parks again no uh no Personnel in Parks just mainly um Services Water Services Solid Waste Disposal then we've got Public Works Administration and there we've got both personnel and some operating and again we got uh wrapping up Gulf Boulevard undergrounding and again not a capital expense but considered operating since those are not our the city's roads so we've got 625,000 budget left for Gulf Boulevard undergrounding and then 1 million in Capital Improvements that's detailed out at the at the back of our our uh document then Recreation you've got our handful of recreation accounts summer programs after school programs field rentals uh leagues and then at the end the impact fee revenues that'll be going to Recreation it's going to hit the impact fee fund and then we have our Recreation expenses all detailed outs Personnel operating and capital then you've got the archabald park so now we're out of out of general fund and now we're into our other all other funds of the city so we've got archabal Park revenues and expenses State appropriation then we have uh parking revenues that's at archal uh uh archal Beach parking so we capture that Revenue in the archal fund all other uh parking uh receipt activity is booked in the parking fund so archal is the one exception for those those meters that gets booked to the archal fund fund 110 and then on the expense side you've got some Personnel that gets allocated to archal some uh operating expenses mainly maintenance activities Solid Waste Disposal Water Services Etc and then the capital projects biggest of which is the beach growing renourishment then you've got the building fund main Revenue source of Revenue is uh it's all in one jail account and building permits a little bit on applications fees and interest but obviously the main is your building permit revenue and then you've got your um salaries and wages and benefits and uh operating and then a little bit on Capital as well biggest one is that $500,000 for we talked about in the last meeting for the uh Public Works facility with um with a uh section for building almost wrapping up then you got The Debt Service fund that's just simple that's the transfers in any interest earned on those transfers in from general fund and then The Debt Service principal interest that we anticipate to pay for next fiscal year for the outstanding debt and then next the gas tax fund so this is just we get gas tax revenues and then we pay for uh maintenance of streets and uh the electric for the street lights so that's pretty consistent recurring uh annual on an annual basis no surprises there then the impact fee fund f it shows all our different impact fee revenues from 23 what we budget in 24 what we expect what we're projecting to finish in collections in 24 and then budgeting in 25 so that is growing over time and then we're just starting to now allocate some uh eligible Capital uh Improvement projects to be spent with impact fee dollars starting in FY 25 and that's going to be for uh that $45,000 for uh Recreation then your local option sales tax fund that's that 7 Cent that's your penny for panelas Budget at $700,000 and then 2.8 million of budgeted expenditures and local option sales tax on the capital and so we do have quite a difference there but we also have a buildup of of fund balance in that lost fund that's accumulated over the years from the ex ESS of those revenues and um Less in in capital expenditures then the marina fund a variety of of revenues uh from your fuel fuel sales we also offset that with a contra revenue for fuel purchases diesel sales uh propane sales purchase sales of your uh items from their store as well as the offsetting Contra Revenue against that on the purchases and so that lands you at the net revenues of 1,961 20000 and then on the next page are all your expenses Personnel operating and um just a little bit of capital if any and a Debt Service payment to the general fund uh for an inter fund loan and and that payments budget for 140,000 and then the next one parking fund so 3.7 million budgeted for revenues and you can see all those jail accounts broken out by the different regions areas Village Boulevard City South Beach John's Pass Village Etc as well as parking fine estimated collections for parking fines and then your expenses so 6, 225,000 but you see that we have that big $5 million number in Capital Improvements uh as we make starting to formulate a plan on uh paying for the parking garage then the sanitation fund primary source of Revenue in that is your sanitation charges that's uh uh build through penell uh panel's County utilities and so total revenues there we get the 1.8 million and then we also have a recycling service fee and then uh interest earnings totaling 1.88 million and then our expenditures and I believe we have no Capital expenditures planned for FY 25 some vehicle replacement ments that will occur in 26 and Beyond but no capital in 25 then the storm water fund you've got a storm water grant um as well as some storm water service charges also that are included on the utility bills uh build through penel County Utilities some interest earnings 3 point and then the transfer from the fund 3.5 million revenue and then you can see all the expenses heavily dominated in the on the capital side and those details of those capital projects are in our Capital section and so that's everything by the department all the way down to the individual GL account string um for every every account in the chart of accounts of the city I have a question hit me you spurred my interest when you um I don't know what page page 25 John's Pass Village um so we spend 1.2 million you have another million in Capital Improvements budgeted um 1.2 million annually just running John's Pass Village is a gem but just how much of a gem is it to the city we have a expense an annual expense of 1.2 just to keep it now you of course you had the avalor taxes of all the businesses down there of course you have the parking Revenue which is tremendous um I'd like to be able to get a a feel I don't want to create work but you know a feel for what is the value of John's Pass Village to this community um you get push back we get from people that don't like tourism um because it's too much too you know too much traffic or any issue that comes with tourism but um what is the value of having that asset versus like Readington Beach they don't have an asset like that that just brings tourism you know yeah you have the condos um kind of same with the arch Ball Park maybe that's already more defined because you have the parking fund parking Revenue right in there and you have the expenses and it's a little easier to delineate um but I'm just just curious just is a a talking point that um that John's Pass Village because we have it there that helps support the community by $4 million a year that all offsets cost to the community You by whatever that number is just just just curious um I mean quantitatively we've we've got parking Revenue that we can easily quantify we have Village B uh um John's Pass Village parking Revenue in a specific general ledger account we could also look at the properties in John's Pass Village and see what those taxable I don't want I don't want to but that's quantitative and then you've got qualitative factors well that's that's absolutely true but um just as a I'm the numbers guy but maybe someone else could chime in on those well we there's no discussion that that is the gem of mad beach we all enjoy it we can go down and and when we have family visit or friends visit it's a it's a it's a wonderful piece of mad beach history of who we are there's no question of that I'm I don't want to the by asking the question I don't want to put in anyone's mind that you know it's it's not an asset even if it's it's an expense to the residents overall you look at it and it's not really generating any additional Revenue that's used for capital projects that we have or whatever just um just a curious question that it's never never been addressed as far as I well just as Andrew stated and up on the screen for example we're budgeting for next year about 2.7 million that we will collect just in parking um between John's Pass Village um I'm sorry well John's Pass Village plus the Village Boulevard parking is 1.95 million okay just in parking yeah part of then with there's a not sure if the John's Pass Village includes the surface line lot that's the surface lot U so 1.95 million we're not counting anything obviously people that pay a park across the bridge at the South the John's Pass Park parking lot use the village as well so you know say 50% of that and the businesses make make and we have business taxes we have sales tax collection we have uh utility taxes for electric for water uh from the businesses in the village all of that you could spitball it is it a $5 million probably closer I mean somewhere probably in the neighborhood of probably 3 to four million we don't you know property taxes are probably I mean I'm going to just kind of guesstimate probably a little over a million dollars so that's why I said probably approaching four to five million a year in Revenue that's generated from the activity it's something we we can enjoy every day much and it actually helps fund the our expenses but I was just trying to get a feel is it it's it's a $4 million yeah it's four to five million when we generate even special events generate yeah how many tourists does it bring for sporting events Recreation and other it's clearly a huge draw part of the the economic impact that we have for example from the seafood festival was was into the millions it was that's what I was coming up here to mention it was a they actually did an impact study this last year it was projected at 6 and a half million okay for that weekend so that's for that someone has kind of thought this through and 6 and a half million love it yeah just from the visit St B Clearwater the contractor that they use to generate economic impact from a variety of events countywide and then that $1 million for the capital is to Mill and resurface John's Pass Village um so that's not an ongoing right talking I expect it and then why I adjust it to 1.2 as an expense yeah so it cost us 1.2 to generate 6.5 that's a that's a that's a win I'd take that in any business class thank you thank you yeah even I mean I'm Krabby might know best obviously but I'm sure some of the fleet uses our fuel to refuel the majority of boats or Etc so and also businesses obviously and visitors to the Village are are the economic impact has to be into the into the tens of millions because the Maj you have a percentage that are staying in properties in madira um so they're generating that activity plus shopping not just in the village and the boardwalk but in other areas I see half a dozen of the water water businesses in the village that obtain their unlet fuel from pretty much one place in the city because we have one gas station so you can kind of keep adding to the economic impact and it is into the likely into the tens of millions someone someone done a study I mean I I knew it was positive I just didn't know how positive and I thought it was a question worth asking y hard to argue it's not an asset of the city in conclusion thank you Andrew as always no problem just the last couple uh Pages here and that'll wrap up the uh the workshop items on on my agenda so we've got the funded positions Personnel Services this just gives you some historical perspective dating back to 2018 all the way now through 2025 by department so you can see any uh uh changes there in number of personnel as well as the Personnel Services costs wages and benefits from uh historically to now so just giving that to you on a summarized basis and then we also provide the funded positions by department just so you can see uh the position titles of all um all employees within the city and some we have like for example in Building Services the community development director that's 0.1 position right so that's Jenny's position that does that gets allocated between Building Services and Community Development so we do have some folks mostly at the director level that we do allocate uh their uh time and ultimately their personnel costs among different departments and then others that may just be part-time that might be uh considered less than less than one FTE so that's just information for you if you had any questions on on positions at all I stated earlier we are as you can see in the screen our full-time equivalent going from 8356 to 83.7 n so very negligible increase um over Citywide um and as that slide shows at the end the growth from 18 to 25 26% or just a little over what 3% on average from year to year and then the last uh page is really just a repeat of what we've already gone over so I won't necessarily belabor that and unless you had particular questions historical capital outlay and then our Capital Improvement plan of which there may have only been uh a couple very minor changes uh probably the biggest one is including the field maintenance vehicle for 45,000 well start to now want to spend impact fee dollars since we now have them mostly in the general in the um in in the recreation side so we've got our first budgeted Capital project for impact fee fund for 45,000 and so our total for Capital we present that on that on that one-page summary by fund is 20, 101,5 and then we show the next the following Pages a Breakout by each project title and description not only for FY 25 but for the uh four years subsequent to that so give you a Five-Year Plan of project expenditures by fund for archal building general fund the local option sales tax fund the marina fund the parking fund sanitation fund storm water fund and again again we've already been been through these so don't need to go through one by one unless you uh have anything you want to ask about I'm fine if not that'll just take us right to the Q&A and the preparation for the July Workshop so my plan for the July Workshop is present something very similar and again we might have some some things that come to light and different uh departments might bring some information to me and say hey need to update this because I got this information I'll make those changes and we can also keep note of that so I can inform you all of any changes from the last version that you saw onto the next um and then we'll try to um finalize the the plan for the ADV valorum the millage rate so I can submit that to the property appraiser in that Dr 422 form and that'll go on the uh on the trim notices to all the property owners within madira Beach what their proposed millage rate will be and their um estimated um tax liability and that'll take that's that's the July plan and then the August plan will be the absolute complete budget document including the city manager message my summary so all the The Narrative versions as well and then all these schedules and tables and then um if that's good for you all that would be the last Workshop assuming you're then good with the final uh uh document for adoption we'll have our two public meetings in September and call it a day sounds good and just add one other um as I mentioned earlier about increases in uh that IID mentioned earlier the business tax receipt as I mentioned a 5% increase we have discussed up here at a prior workshop for parking um look going from $3 an hour to $4 an hour for parking uh visitor parking at each one of our spaces and that's reflected in the in the budget we did y to show that and I believe just a few other increases um and crabby I think some in the marina for some and but we will bring each one of these back to you individually um to well to discuss and to approve to discuss at the July Workshop um and then to they do have to be adopted via an ordinance so there will be two readings and public hearings for any the fee increases um including the business tax receipt um at those meetings um and have the opportunity for more discussion and more input for all the fee increases but again mainly business tax receipt parking and again uh business tax receipt is in the general fund parking is in the parking fund any increases in the Marine Marina are in the marina fund and if we have any other um specific increases across departments we'll obviously identify those but they will all be part of when we bring back the the manual for our fee and expense manual great do we have any public comment Commissioners fine great job Andrew thank you thank you very nicely done with that we're adjourned it is 522