good evening and thank you all for coming it is Wednesday June the 26th 5:30 I'd like to call to order the Board of Commissioners special meeting city clerk would you call the role Mayor Brooks here commissioner Kerr here commissioner MC here we have a quorum public comment public participation is encouraged if you are addressing the commission step to the podium and state your name and address for the record and the organization or group you represent please limit your comments to five minutes and do not include any topic on the agenda public comment on agenda items will be allowed when they come up if you would like someone at the city to follow up on a comment or question made at the meeting you may fill out a comment card with the contact information and give it to the city manager comment cards are available at the back table in the commission Chambers completing a comment card is not mandatory our first item on the agenda is the commissioner District 4 vacancy oh I'm sorry I'm sorry would anyone like to make a public comment thank you mayor Commissioners Chuck dill and 529 lilan drive you have control of $45 million budget and get very little pay almost voted volunteer commission and mayor need to be a paid decent wage I'm a free volunteer that you have appointed and two of you know what that was involving the planning committee the planning committee wants more responsibilities that starts with you you have to initiate all these things we would like more responsibility more doing of things we cannot start it as a Planning Commission it has to be brought from you guys finally why do we need districts and not just four Commissioners and a mayor would simplify by many many things thank you do we have any other public comments so I would like to make a comment um I talked with Robin this week I was going to wait until our next meeting to discuss this but because we had a public comment today I would like to bring it up um one of the things that we hear consistently from residents in madira beach is that their voices are not heard and it is not protocol to speak and get into a dialogue with someone when they come up to the commission um you actually shouldn't do it it is shows favoritism if you speak and get into a dialogue with with one resident and not another what I would like to propose and see if the commission agrees is if at the end of our meeting when we do our commission discussion we could take comments like Mr Dylan and anyone else that might come up during different topics and use the end of our meeting as a time for the commission to have discussions on those topics that were brought to us and see if we agree that we should or should not maybe place it on a workshop or have it on a future agenda so that the resident comments are not lost on us since we are not permitted to speak about anything outside of this chamber between the five that sit here um I would like to see what you think and if you agree or have comments it I think it's a great suggestion um if it's limited to a yes or a no to place it on a workshop I I agree I'm not looking to get into a great dialogue because I do think that a lot of times when um anyone that comes resident or non-resident uh business owner when they come and speak a lot of times the topics that they bring we don't even we we're not aware of them but it would give us the opportunity to talk about whether or not it's something we should have on a future um I think there's a big difference between a workshop or an agenda item for a meeting and be able to let that conversation move forward Eddie definitely I also agree with that as far as at the end yeah yes or no have a conversation is that something we would need to put that subject on a workshop so that we could or is that something we could just apply can we just start doing that at the end of our meeting I think you can start just doing that at the end of the meeting sure okay thank you I would agree with that awesome any other public comments now we will go to our first topic commissioner District Four vacancy I believe I'll hand this to Robin or the City attorney I'll be happy to handle it um so as you know uh mayor rosak resigned his position as mayor on June 14th pursuant to the city's Charter the vice mayor assumes the office of the mayor that's why Mayor Brooks is now sitting in that seat as a direct result of that it has caused a vacancy in The District 4 commission seat and therefore that Commission seat will need to be filled under Section 2.2 of the city's Charter it requires that action to take place within 30 days of the original resignation um that being June 14th so we have until July 14th in which to address the vacancy the unfortunately the charter does not provide a process and um so what what I have done um and I have provided you by email and it's the packet is a possible process for you to consider um this similar process has been used by other cities that we represent or very similar when we had all of the form six resignations um and we had to fill vacancies so we came up with this process and so although it's been tweaked just a little bit for Madar Beach the process that I would suggest and it's in my memory random date of June 17th is is as follows that you create or otherwise provide comments on an application or applicants in the packet I have provided you with a Form application that I created um and I will tell you that um Claire and I had a lot of discussions about the application by um by email um and it has been tweaked just a little bit um and that those tweaks are in the application that was on the day today the the tweaks to it were um basically to address um The Residency requirement both in the city and within District 4 um and it also provided some information relative to um the requirement of form one needing to be filled out and lastly there's an acknowledgement on the last page that the city clerk's office has received the application so I think that this application itself um will accomplish the task of providing you with some basic information about the applicants it doesn't mean that they can't provide more but at least at a minimum that these are the things that I think that are important for you to address uh when you look at your applicants so um one of two things two things need to happen tonight or at least I'm suggesting out tonight is determine what that application looks like and and the second thing is the actual process so back to the memo that I was mentioning to you um the memo that I drafted on June 17 that's in the packet so this is my recommendation as how the process would work number one the city clerk will make the vacancy application available to the public tonight after the commission approves whatever the form of the application is we didn't want to make any assumptions that the that the application that Claire and I created would be acceptable so once we have that we'll make it available otherwise it could have been made available ear earlier number two that the city clerk will accept completed applications through 4M on July 3rd 2024 is there any particular reason for that date not really it's basically to make sure that you get all the applications and that you have them available and can read them and digest them before meeting which is going to be on July 10th so if you wanted to give a little bit more time that really squeezes us on the agenda packet uh but you know obviously you're going to pick that that cut off time I think doing it on the third gives a week and this application is fairly easy to fill out and I think that most people that are interested are going to have the ability to do that in a week so next then is is well once you have the applications what do you do with them um and so I'm suggest at the July 10th meeting that the following process be used first is is that a five minute introduction by each applicant in alphabetical order um if it's an alphabetical order there is no preference given to any one person or the other so if you want to do it in some other way um we could do that my suggestion is alphabetical order um that five minute introduction by each applicant will be followed by a 10-minute question and answer period for each applicant by the commission commission members then the applicant will have three minutes to follow up address any additional concerns thoughts um based upon the question and answer period when the question and answer sessions for all of the applicants are done then what what I would suggest is the mayor open the floor for public comment five minute time limit per speaker this is not a question and answer period for the public it would just be a comment uh type situation only comments will be received and no questions from the public and then the last thing is is that the commission will vote by ballot to appoint the applicant on July 10th and once that applicant has been chosen he or she will be sworn in by the city clerk that night so that will give us about a 4-day leeway July 10th versus July 14th is our cut off um and based upon that it's my suggestion that the agenda item be for July 10th read review applications for the Board of Commissioners vacancy and appoint a district for commission member so with that um um I'd be happy to answer any questions any suggestions but we would like for you tonight to do two things again determine whether the application is acceptable and if not what changes need to be made um and the other is the actual process uh similar to what I had suggested in my memorandum or any other changes to it so do we have any public comment Chuck Dylan 529 Lillian what if there's no applicants I mean you know and like as I've sat through two things of the Board of Commissioners the first one or planning committee first one there were six applicants the last one when my term ended there was two upon three openings and so what are you going to do and there's been how many years that District 4 has not had anybody going for it so just as a matter of like what are you going to do if that happens you know and there you are at the last minute waiting for applications thank you do we have any more public comment with that Commissioners um yeah my this this all looks great um Mr tras um and Clara my question would be between um 3A and 3B assuming we have multiple applicants would each applicant come up and do their five minute introduction in series and Then followed by them coming back up for a qu 10-minute question answer period or would one applicant come up and be have his opportunity to uh introduce himself and take questions at that time personally I I think all the introductions should be done first and then the each applicant called back up for question I think it would be more of an advantage for an applicant that has a last name with starting with z that he would get a an idea of what questions might be on uh on the on the commission's mind so that would be my only input I really don't have any questions concerning the application process I think it was a great job congratulations um looking forward to all the applicants that come in and help us serve the city thank you very much I reviewed the application um and I don't have any issues with the application I would be curious to know your thoughts Mr tras on uh commissioner Kerr's comments on how to go through that process did you see that as going ABC or doing a for everyone then B so in the ones that I've seen it's the applicant steps up to the podium gives his five minute or five minute Spiel then question and answers and then they sit down but it doesn't really matter which way you want to do it um the reason that that we've done it that way in the past is that we don't have the upd down up down up down kind of situation um but it doesn't really matter whatever your preference is both will work if you think that there's an advantage given to those people that have ZL lettered last names like um like commissioner C is saying well then let's solve that and have everybody do their presentation first and then questions next doesn't really matter I can understand the the the fluid nature of the way it was originally intended um and rethinking it I really don't have an issue with that I mean we're probably the questions are going to be pertaining to their application regardless so it's not going to be as much of uh you know question on them being able to make each meeting or whatnot and that's not really something that's rehearsed or or well thought out so I I'd be I'd be fine with the continuity okay thinking it anything else do we have a motion we do we take it as a motion to approve yeah I would I would ask that there be a motion to approve the application and then a separate motion to approve the process any changes you want to make either okay um I'd like to make a motion to approve the application for District 4 commissioner do we have a second a second city clerk would you call the role commissioner Kerr yes commissioner mcen yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion carried three to zero and I'd like to make a motion for the process as outlined by Mr tras in his uh June 17th memorandum um we have a second I will Second City Clerk would you call the role commissioner Kerr yes commissioner MC yes Mayor Brooks yes the motion Carri three to zero thank you mayor can I also mention a couple other things about this so um the application will be made available tonight correct um you're going to be putting it on the city website Clara I'll be posting it on the city website okay and in addition to that I want to let you know it's in the packet that there will be an advertisement in the newspaper um of the need to fill this seat and that was also on the de yes the Tampa Bay Times came out today the gabber and the Beach Beacon is tomorrow so you've got it not only people that are picking it up on the website but they're all seeing also the advertisement and I will tell you that none of the other cities that I represent when we were doing the form six um resignations did an advertisement so the city has really gone above and beyond what other cities were doing on vacancies just want to make that known okay okay so then going on the um beginning conversation we had before we adjourn would we like to discuss the resident comment in regards to the commission's are you speaking of the resignation no he was speaking in regards no if no one okay in regards to our pay do we want to discuss that on future Workshop or a future meeting put that on a workshop sure Robin could we have that added for a workshop yes is there any other comments then we are adjourned it is 5:49 thank you thank you