##VIDEO ID:3U6T7IEokQQ## e e e e e e e e e let the record reflector we've reconvened with all members present uh council president range and councilwoman Hanahan are absent excus tonight for those who are able please rise for pledge of allegiance I ask you to remain standing after the pledge I pledge Ali of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands naice please remain standing those who come here often know we take time at the beginning of the meeting to uh remember those of our longtime Madison residents or burough family who we lost recently Janet Bruns passed away on September 13th after a short illness Janet was predeceased by her loving husband Theodore Ted Bruns Jr with whom she shared over 60 years of marriage they raised four children Sharon Robin Theodore III and Jennifer she also Le behind 10 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren anet was born in Summit graduated from marown high school in 1953 before attending Berkeley secretarial scho school she retired from Harding Township school and then went on to the mendum Country Day School where she worked as a teacher Aid but we know Janet for her work as a Madison crossing guard she retired in that position on February 2024 after 18 years that's you know think about it that's a full generation of school children being crossed she loves seeing all the children and families every day her late husband Ted was also crossing guard and it was an honor for me to join Janet on Walnut Street last Friday for her last day on the job students parents school officials Madison police were all there to thank her and she did need a bit of helped with all the flowers and gifts and it was clear that she would have kept on working if her health allowed her to do so and for those that met Janet and Ted certainly knew there was not a nicer couple around to know became an Avid Reader four years ago read close to 200 books since then love knitting crocheting as well as strawberry milkshakes and Taylor's Ice Cream and Chester I check that out she was an active member of the First Presbyterian Church in New Vernon where she served as Deacon and Elder for many years also a member of women's auxiliary of New Vernon volunteer fire department for over 50 years he will be missed by all especially the students she crossed that were crossed safely by Janet over the years so let's take a moment to remember Janet runs pass our thoughts on to the family friends and students that she leaves behind thank you right can I have a motion for the executive minutes of August 12th and September 9th 2024 all in favor I I and a motion for the regular minutes of August 12 2024 some move second any corrections or changes nope all in favor I I and a motion for the regular minutes of September 9th 2024 second Corrections or changes all in favor I I welcome all I apologize for our late start we had a extended executive session went a little Beyond 8:00 and just in case case he's watching from home I want to wish Bruce Springsteen a happy birthday um today is 75 and uh we have now past the unofficial and official end of summer the days are shorter and it feels like it's there's a little bit more of Darkness on the edge of town I guess not enough Springsteen fans out there you know sorry oh God I want to uh thank uh council president Eric range for covering the last meeting while I was uh working remotely and it's good to be uh back and hopefully I'm not too rusty but it appears I might be already um and as a reminder September has uh five Mondays so our and the second Monday in October is a holiday so we'll have an extra week and a half in between meetings our our next meeting will be Wednesday October 16th please uh mark your calendar on that below here I could have my good friend guog Gill please come forward and we'll be calling a few more people up after we uh do this Proclamation this is a proclamation for Hispanic Heritage Month which is not obviously celebrated across the country but is a very special night or month for Madison when you think about our heritage here whereas in 1968 Hispanic heritage week was first celebrated and in 1988 it was expanded to cover a 30-day period starting September 15th and ending on October 15th and whereas Hispanic heritage month is an opportunity to honor the traditions and countless artistic scientific political and cultural contributions of Madison residents who Trace their roots to Spain Mexico Puerto Rico and the Spanish-speaking nations of Central America and South America and the Caribbean and whereas US Census Bureau estimates Hispanic Americans compromise comprise 19.5% of US population and 22.7% of New Jersey's population and approx 13% of Madison's population and whereas Hispanic Americans have fought in every war since the Revolutionary War and 60 Hispanic Americans have received the Congressional Medal of Honor our nation's highest Military Award for Valor in action against an enemy force and whereas the national theme for this year's National Hispanic hair to month is pioneers of change shaping the future together recognizes those of Hispanic descent who have been Trailblazers Paving way for future generations and whereas members of Madison Hispanic population work in areas which provide essential services including Healthcare retail stores and restaurants and whereas the same population contributes greatly to Madison by volunteer their time through churches and local philanthropic organizations now therefore I Robert H Conley the mayor of burough of Madison on behalf of the governing body hereby proclaimed September 15 202 24 through October 15 2024 is Hispanic herriage month we appreciate and honor the countless achievements our Hispanic neighbors and continue our efforts to ensure that Madison is welcoming and inclusive community thank you so uh thank you mayor on behalf of the entire Latino community of Madison we want to express our immense gratitude to all members of the conil and mayor for your continued support and willness to work with our community and thank you so much for welcoming us to Madison and also thank you for celebrating the Hispanic heritage mon so thank you so much mayor and all you guys and it's surprise to me like we are like 30 % of the people who live in M are Latino so this is a great number so also uh and a number I want to speak in Spanish because we had the whole uh Community father Johan from the church we just thank you so much Deana thank you so much and when I say you before you say uh mayor call us we are macedonians thank you so much all the colan Community not only the Colombian the whole Latino people who Liv from uh Puerto Rico where you say before guala and Ecuador Bolivia Paraguay Mexico and Salvador and thank you all you guys for celebra Armon thank you and uh Before I Let You Go I'd like to invite all those that came out to uh witness the presentation Proclamation come on up so we can get a nice picture of all you together you've been taking pictures and now we're going to take your picture on the faces of Madison here we [Applause] are councilman Forte please come and join me we also have a proclamation for uh Breast Cancer Awareness Month um and this is a um Proclamation that touches so many of us as I share each year it was almost 50 years ago that my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in a f far different time as far as we medical and diagnostic are now she died within 5 Years From liver cancer which started from with breast cancer so this is uh touches as I said touches all of us and the importance of uh breast cancer awareness whereas the burough of Madison values health of all of its citizens and whereas estimated 310,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year and one in eight in America will be diagnosed with breast cancer during the lifetime and whereas breast cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in women also ranked second as a cause for cancer death in women and whereas there is many Health disparities among underserved communities by income geography Insurance race e ethnicity age and gender who are disproportionately affected by this disease and whereas certain factors put some women at higher risk than others including age personal or family history of breast cancer specific genetic mutations and dense breast tissue and whereas with routine mamogram screening and follow-up testing breast cancer can be detected early when it can be more effectively treated and whereas there are more than 4 million breast cancer survivors in the United States including women still being treated now therefore I Robert H Cony the mayor of bur Mattis on behalf of the governing body hereby Proclaim October 2024 is Breast Cancer Awareness Month in recognition of support of the patients families and professionals leading the fight against breast cancer and reaffirm our commitment to commit breast cancer research and to educate all citizens about risk factors detection and treatment thank you mayor thank you I know uh breast cancer touched your family in a in a very uh deep way and uh I'm up here tonight because it did to mine as well my wife lost her mother breast cancer 37 years ago actually this week on the 21st of September uh I know firsthand how that impacts a family uh that that profound loss is uh is pretty deep and severe uh and it's really important that women get screened the screening really makes a difference my mother-in-law uh fought hard for multiple years and lost that battle um so hopefully this awareness uh helps save lives and it's it's really meaningful that Madison does this thank you mayor [Applause] all right we now move on to reports from committees we'll uh start with councilwoman Erick along we'll cover uh finance and Public Safety if have that one thank you mayor I'll start with Public Safety on behalf of uh council president range the fire department report um let's see the fire department has been busy training with its medical director to make sure the firefighters and EMTs are up to date with New Jersey Department of Health standards last week they all attended a stroke awareness class with the medical director and the good news is that the medical director has been very pleased with the EMS operation out of our fire department and has cleared the Madison Fire Department EMS to division to expand its scope of practice we've applied with the state to be able to administer albuterol CPAP and PE which are medications and Therapeutics to help patients breathe in open Airways there will also be a change to let EMTs use glucometers to help recognize diabetic emergencies all of these uh changes mean even better care for our residents and I want to commend uh the fire department and our EMS division for the consistent level of care that's allowed them to provide more types of care to our residents in October members of the fire department will be going to the fire academy to attend flashover training with the cedar NES fire department this training is to help firefighters become aware when flashover conditions are present and how to avoid and escape from it and lastly the fire prevention Bureau would like to remind everyone that October is fire prevention month the bureau and the department will be visiting visiting all the burough elementary schools to talk about fire safety the Madison police department reports that during the week of September 16th two new perdm Public Safety te telecommunicators started with our agency these two dispatchers are currently in the field training program which should last approximately 2 months we welcome Thomas and Melissa to the MPD ranks bottle Hill day planning is well on the way to prepare for our event on October 5th we look for forward to welcoming all residents vendors and visitors to Madison where we will ensure that safety is a top priority as it is every year Madison police department will also be present at a table to meet with visitors to present different types of programs that MPD offers and to answer any questions concerning Public Safety and community policing that is all for Public Safety tonight okay on to the final report the tax collector reminds us that the senior freeze uh PTR application is uh deadline application is November 1st any seniors who have not done so should bring their forms into the tax office by October 31st please contact the tax collector's office if you have any questions the finance department reports that on Friday September 16th the burough wired 4 4,677 2467 to the board of educ tion this is the monthly amount that is required to cover their operations and debt and budget season is here it's hard to believe that budget season has arrived this week Administration has been meeting with the various department heads to review their operating budgets this is an important first step in building the municipal budget department heads have been asked to keep their budgets flat for 2025 in addition to the operating budget Administration is working with department heads on the 5 year Capital plan Administration has sent over a draft 5-year Capital plan to each department head these documents will be discussed in the coming weeks and we hope to have a 5-year Capital plan plan presentation before the end of the year thank you mayor thank you uh Public Works and Engineering Mr landrian thank you mayor from the Department of Public Works with leaf collection season coming residents are reminded that yard waste can be still be placed in in at the curb in bags and containers on their designated pickup day regular curb side waste collection continues throughout the borrow until December 4th free leaf bags are available at the DPW Garage on John Avenue logs and branches cannot just be left at the curb they need to be tied in bundles no more than 4 ft long bagged or placed in containers and finally the parks department is continuing to work on Recreation Fields so that all fall sports teams have a place to play okay and now this is from the Madison environmental commission the MC reports its Echo Garden Tour was a hit with some 900 190 tickets sold tow shade wide fire Wildfire Farm sold many native plants garden design designers carolly brown and blaner white had a table and it had great interest as did Blue Sky Green Earth farming or electric Landscaping which is now doing quiet lawn care in Madison they are thrilled to report that the Garden Club explained rain Gardens and invasive plants at the Gibbons Pine Park where invasive Japanese Burberry bushes had been removed MBC me NBC members opened their yards Brian mahand advised on organic lawn care Kate dunigan showed a new trink lawn projects Bridget D and others hosted tours including signage showing the number of caterpillars and moths each native plant supports the tour aims to marry Beauty and biodiversity we are proud to Nature with nature of reading nature of reading Bookshop which did a popup booth and sold out Nature's Best Hope by Doug talami its book was started by the Mec started the MC on its path in 2019 urge everyone to read it or watch t me Zoom link on roset thank you mayor thank you utilities Mr Haren pus thank you mayor welcome everybody from the community uh from the electric utility we want to give many thanks to the staff of the Madison electric utility for their creativity and hard work to expedite this cook Avenue parking lot project timing is crucial to have it finished by the time the holid holidays are here even by for bottle Hill day uh as the fall approaches and the daylight shortens the staff in the burough has installed temporary lighting from the electric utility to make the lot safer for customers and residents and our goal is to have the full parking lot available for bottle Hill day with the paving and striping to take place thereafter uh meter replacement continues in the burrow and the metertech company metertech company that we have contracted with has already placed 1,000 m still a few more to go from the water department they have also helped out with the cook cook Avenue project by Expediting the repair of a water main break in the lot on September 11th while they were on site replacing that water that water main break uh they took advantage of the uh opportunity to change one more curve box for butter and jam and now they have all the services to the buildings complete they also installed a new hydrant behind the Pet Shop was which was planned as part of the project the wellb which you anybody who's been coming to the meetings has been hearing about now for a long time the project has been completed successfully and the well is pumping up to 1200 gallons per minute which is the efficiency we were striving to achieve so now the burrow has five Wells and we will be able to satisfy the needs of the residents water uh with all the five walls working proper ly and that's all for the water and electric utility and I'm going to report for uh councilwoman honahan on the the Downtown Development commission uh with the help of the Director of Business Development Leisa Ellis the uh bottle Hill day like congresswoman ER just said is approaching uh it's going to be on October 5th Saturday hopefully a beautiful day two weeks from now uh in information regarding vendor applications an event sponsorship is posted on roseneck there's still room for vendors to register and get a SP a spot please send in your applications as soon as you can uh the Madison farmer farm and Artisan Market is open for business every Saturday it's going to run through December 14th uh it is in the uh Prospect Street parking lot adjacent to the ambulance Corps building uh there's great new uh vendors returning vendors there's music there every Saturday in a nice sense of community you'll see a lot of your neighbors out there shopping and just catching up uh with what's going on in town I've been there a few times I thought it was a great experience and I did some shopping of course the next regular meeting of the DDC the Downtown Development commission will be held on October 17th at 7:15 in the second floor committee room of this building uh the public is invited to attend the Chamber of Commerce New Jersey Economic Development Authority support and resources for small businesses it's a free seminar that's open to all it's going to be held on Wednesday October 2nd at 8:00 a.m. at the Madison community art center on Kings Road the njeda that's the acronym TEAM will share products designed to support small businesses please pre-register pre-register online the Madison Area Chamber of Commerce and the Madison ba992 are hosting the 29th annual Madison car show also on bottle Hill Day October 5th this event will be held in the Prospect Street parking lot next to the Ambulance Corp building so there will not be a farmers market that day right Ray correct okay you don't want to have go there with your bag ready to buy some fruits and vegetables and end that buying car uh the show will take place uh it's sponsored by I missed that did I you say that PBA yeah sponsored by the PBA and the Chamber of Commerce uh it's always a good turnout very fun event to attend uh the Madison Area Chamber of Commerce 2024 Halloween parade and magic show is scheduled for Saturday October 26th from 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. downtown children their parents and Guardians are invited to attend there's a hall Halloween costume parade followed by a magic show and then after the magic show will be trick-or-treating around downtown in the business areas we will not allow trick-or-treating to start before the end of the magic show just to keep some control it's a really fun event kids love it and the merchants love it also the chamber and the DDC are presenting a new event called The Rose City dog day and parade this fall it will be held on Saturday November 2nd from 11:00 a.m. until 2: p.m. please contact Karen at the Madison chamber her email is Madison chamber gmail.com or Lisa Ellis at DDC rosenet.org for more information regarding sponsorships or to find out more about the event the Madison Community Arts Center on Kings Road 30 paintings by Madison resident Nino ter Catelli are being shown at the center now through September 29th the galy hours are posted on the Madison Community Arts Center website and the paintings can be viewed informally before and after the Cent's events on Saturday September 29th from 1 to 5:00 p.m. nationally celebrated Shakespearean actor Randall Duke Kim and his wife Anie oioo will continue working with a company of professional actors on a project called discovering leer which will be a working through of the play King leier from an actor's standpoint Shakespearean scholar and fdu professor emeritus Harry kishan and Ellen Barry the former managing director of the Shakespeare Theater of New Jersey will assist them the event is free of charge and will continue on further dates as determined so that's Saturday September 29th from 1 to 5 the monthly literary Open Mic sponsored by Arts by the people will take place on Wednesday October 2nd the music open mic continues on on October 9th and the comedy open mic on October 16th very fun events to attend we have some talented people in the burrow who want to stand up and perform in front of the residents and last The Rose City buds Comedy Show featuring up and cominging New Jersey Comedians and popup shops will take place on Friday October 4th doors open 700 p.m. and the show starts at 8:00 p.m. uh one more thing on Sunday October 6 6 at 3 p.m. the New Jersey Jazz Society will present the documentary film Jimmy vanus Swinging with Frank and Bing the showing will be accompanied with live music events for the attire year can be viewed on the mcac landing page at Madison Arts nj.org mcmc you never have to leave the burrow to find entertainment it's amazing this place is great that's all thank you very much and thank you I forgot to mention you were going commun Affairs so thank you for covering and Health Mr Forte thank you mayor from the health department the health department will be hosting a diabetes self-management program beginning on Thursdays from September 26th through October 31st from 1: to 3:30 p.m. at Sage Elder Care 290 Broad Street in Summit this program is a six session 2 and a half hour Workshop designed for people with diabetes during the course participants will learn practical ways to deal with stress and fatigue discover better nutrition and exercise choices understand new treatment choices and learn better ways to talk with their doctor and family about their health the interactive curriculum will address topics such as managing symptoms problem solving action planning monitoring blood sugars and preventing complications handling stress and difficult emotions making a plan for healthy eating and safe exercise communication better sleep and relaxation interested residents should contact Amy Lewis at 98789 470 extension 480 thank you mayor thank you now move on to communication petitions uh yes mayor mayor and Council received an email dated September the 12th from Resident Molly um pooy of Fairwood Avenue thanking the mayor and counsel for their continued efforts to save the Drew forest and um that was the only one wece very much we now move on to our first of two invitations for public comment this one is limited to resolutions you may comment on the resolutions which I'm about to read and as also normally you can comment on our agenda discussions but there are none today if you want to comment on other topics that will be coming up shortly later in the meeting after our uh ordinances for hearing these are the resolutions that you may comment on and this will be also part of um the consent agenda towards the end of the meeting resolution 263 appointing Jane Bennett to the position of substitute crossing guard at uh current pay rate of $214 45 an hour uh resolution 264 approving issuance of plary retail consumption license uh theater exemption for the Shakespeare Theater of New Jersey resolution 265 approving the 5K run fun walk in Madison for Saturday November 2nd 2024 sponsored by Tory J sabatini and this is very important for those who are Born to Run uh resolution 266 uh resolution uh approving special event permit for Cars and Coffee showcase to be held on Kings Road Sunday October 29th this is between 6:30 a.m. and 300 p.m. resolution 267 is permitting restaurant bars and taverns to remain open until 2: a.m. on Thursday uh November 28th this is consistent with weekend hours uh and this is actually for Wednesday night but it's WR uh as the actual time will be Thursday uh resolution 268 accepting the retirement of uh director Public Works Ken O'Brien effective November 1st 2024 and if you happen to see Ken around town please thank him for his dedicated service to the Bureau of Madison over the years he's done a great job with his leadership resolution 269 is approving licenses uh for the Madison athletic foundation for March 18th 2025 resolution 270 is awarding agreement uh to Hunter Technologies for purchase installation and maintenance of phone system through New Jersey state contract uh and this is $160,000 over 5 year period resolution 271 is official authorizing or authorizing Madison to be officially included in the federal Highlands boundary this will allow us to apply for um funding for such things as the Drew Forest resolution 272 um is permitting Madison Little League to build a grand stand Press Box and back stop at Sunny vital uh field um and we'll give a little background on this during the consent agenda this is on the uh L leag field on rosevale Avenue resolution 273 is appointing Deborah gar garbiel to the position of Municipal registar in the health department and annual salary of $65,000 there is a vacancy there resolution 274 is appointing part-time per DM emergency uh medical technicians to the fire department this is for George Houston Jason and zel zelmo Christine Perez and Juliana do godlin at $30 an hour without benefits resolution 275 is approving Rafa license for Hickory Tree Chorus for November 16th resolution 2 76 is uh appointing John Wittenberg to position a probationary firefighter and this will be at salary consistent with the fmba association local 74 contract you may comment on any of those resolutions if you want to comment on any of those resolutions step forward state your name address and the resolution number you want to comment on or the resolution you don't have to give the number but just the resolution you want to comment on try to keep your comments to three minutes if possible give you a one minute grace and cut you off at four welcome hi Kirsten wallenstein for Westerly Avenue in Madison um I am coming to speak on behalf of friends of the Drew forest and we the friends of the Jew Forest applaud the burrow and thank the burough for the initiative to seek the federal designation of Madison as part of the expanded opportunity area for the highlands um we are only one town away from being included in the state designated Highland region and thus have not been able to take advantage of this really important program that helps conserve land and natural resources drinking water and things that we all rely on so as stated in tonight's resolution 271 this Federal designation would allow the buau to apply for funding for property acquisition through the multi-state highlands conservation act grant program without being part of the New Jersey Highlands region that's regulated by the highlands water protection and planning act in looking at the past history grants have been awarded in New Jersey for as much as $4.6 million and some for Less um the total has been over 17 million for since 2007 when the program started um notably New Jersey submitted no applications in 2020 2021 or 2022 um whereas other states New York Pennsylvania Connecticut have received funding um for every year since the grant program was introduced in 2007 so we think this would be a great funding source um and we strongly uh support the burough Council um and encourage them to vote Yes And as always thank everyone anyone else wishing to comment on any of the resolutions please step forward seeing none I close this part of the meeting we move on to ordinances hearing with the clerk please read the statement okay the ordinances scheduled for hearing were introduced by title and passed on a first reading at the regular meeting of the council held on September the 9th 2024 they were posted and filed according to law and copies were made available to the general public requesting scene I call ordinances for second reading ask the clerk to read sor by title ordinance 28224 ordinance of the burrow of Madison appropriating $660,000 from the general Capital Improvement fund for the purchase of a new Jeep vehicle and accessories I open hearing on ordinance 28 anyone wishing to comment on this or ordinance please step forward seeing none I close the hearing mayor I move ordinance 28-22 24 second any Council discussion roll call vote Please Mr yes Mr landrian yes Mr harm pus yes Mr Forte yes I declare ordinance 28-22 24 adopted and finally passed and ask the clerk to publish notice thereof a newspaper and file the ordinance accordance with the law ordinance 29-22 24 ordinance of the buau of Madison appropriating $3,820 from the municipal open space Recreation and historic preservation trust fund for repairs to the Museum of Early trades and crafts plock I open hearing on ordinance 29 anyone wishing to comment please step forward seeing none I close the hearing mayor I move ordinance 29 2024 vote Council discussion Public's knowledge this is part of a matching Grant which will allow the museum to uh go to substantial more funding to uh support the repairs uh roll call vote please miss erck yes Mr landrian yes Mr harn pis yes Mr Forte yes I declare ordinance 29-22 24 adopted and finally passed and ask the clerk to publish notice thereof in the newspaper and F the ordinance accordance of the law ordinance 30-22 ordinance of the burough of Madison appropriating $1,400,000 from the general Capital Improvement fund for the purchase of a new one Cyclone compressed air foam system fire engine I open hearing on ordinance 30 anyone wish to comment please step forward seeing none I close the hearing mayor I move ordinance 30-22 24 second Council discussion we're going to have a state-ofthe-art fire truck foam the Blaster like a Ghostbuster fire truck okay this is part of our uh capital budget for plan and we're not expected to get it for a few years right May we've discussed that at the last good planning thank youel this is a somewhat technical question that I don't know if anyone here can answer but I know in the past we've confirmed with our fire department that we do not use any foam uh chemicals for fire suppression that contain um past chemicals and I I'm assuming that that will extend to this new truck as well that product will not be included in the foam with this truck great thanks for confirming any other comments roll call vote please mck yes Mr landrian yes Mr harm pis yes Mr Forte yes I declare ordinance 30-22 24 adopt and finally passed and ask the clerk to publish notice thereof newspaper and follow the ordinance in accordance with the law we're now move on to our second of uh public comment period just when you may comment on any topic when you uh come up to Le ter please state your name name and address write the same on the clipboard try to keep your comments to three minutes but we will give you one minute grace and ask you to stop at four minutes welcome hi Rich pone 82 North Street um a lot of us residents are here tonight asking for help um regarding sewage backing up into our homes on North Street and to make sure that you are all aware of this problem if you H aren't already I know the storm on August 18th was a bad one for the entire town but the results of that storm are not uncommon for us whenever we get a lot of rain in a short amount of time the my understanding is the pump pumping station on North Street gets overwhelmed and can't keep up some of the things I have heard since I've moved to nor Street eight years ago and that hopefully you guys can clarify for us um the pumping station is sufficient however residents illegal tying their Sun pump discharge into the Sor lines and at one is causing the issue at one point from what I've heard I do not know this for a fact Madison had an amnesty program where residents would not be fined as long as they corrected the problem and discharge the sun pump water outside the home if that is true maybe we can try it again and somehow require proof of showing that the there is an outside discharge I've also heard that on North Street there are two sore lines a 12in that runs to Bernett Road pumps up to Fairview downhill into chadam the second is a 6in line that pumps up to Park Avenue and runs down to Main Street into chadam I'm just asking for clarification I don't expect it to be tonight um I also heard that the town had an opportunity to fix that 6in line and make it 12 in when they were doing work on the Park Avenue line I do not know when this was but the what I heard was that the town opted not to do it due to cost um I understand that the generator pump uh um at the pump station failed on August 18th um it happens happens at my job all the time um could you tell us the cause and has this been addressed um we've a bunch of us have had to take measures like installing check vals mine was $1900 that aren't perfect they don't always work and honestly I feel like it's a town issue that should reimburse us for for costs like that not to mention the cost of replacing flooring molding in our homes as a re as a result of the sewage backup um it's 2024 I feel like if it was your neighborhood you'd want you you'd not accept sewage backing up into your homes um I know we have a bunch of people here to speak on the issue a lot of us have videos of the day of August 18th um I'd be happy to email those to you as as well as a list of the questions that I have hopefully get some answers at some point thank you for your time thank you Rich and um as you mentioned there may be others commenting so we'll we'll hold on any comments on this until everyone's commented hello s welcome s see you how how has everybody spent a long time good I uh own 80 North Street I actually happen to be say your name name and address uh Salvatore poo 80 North Street and um obviously Madison a Rich's neighbor along with many other neighbors that are here this evening I've owned the home for 15 plus years I unfortunately have experienced what um rich just explained to you for 15 plus years um I've gone through the trouble of putting in the check valve myself back in 2020 um up until then it was just running around the house every time there was a storm would have pit my belly making sure um all all the drains that I had put check valves on um had paid uh plumbers spit check valves on um were also functioning properly uh it becomes a very scary thing every time I come down North Street during any storm and you see the water just lifting the manhole drains up um I've called the the town many times um I've had the the uh opportunity to speak to many Town employees um and they are very helpful but there's only so much they can do um I've reached out to other neighbors in the um on the street and they all seem to be experiencing the same problems um I didn't just think it was myself um it becomes uh gross it's very gross when the sword lines backing up into your house and there's all kinds of stuff floating around that shouldn't be floating around again I want to stress this isn't regular rain rain water coming up through your foundation because of pressure that builds up um through your basement floor this is actual sore water that starts coming up through your sinks um your toilets uh and showers that are situated at the basement level um it becomes very disturbing and and very um unhealthy um and I just wanted to make you guys aware of that hopefully we can get something resolved for the entire neighborhood I thank you guys for listening to me tonight thank you s anyone else wishing to comment please step forward um council members I was actually born and raised oh Teresa Nigro address y well I have several addresses on North Street but I will start with the one I'm currently living in which I own renovated and bought uh 49 North Street uh Teresa Nigro but I was born and raised on North Street uh the brick building which it was Rocko ios's building God Rest his soul then I moved to 12 then 10 and then I saved my money bought and renovated 49 and like my neighbors behind me uh this is not new knew I'm not going to tell you my age but ever since I've been on that street which is my whole life this has happened more than once um on August 18th at approximately 7:40 p.m. um I had to make a decision between taking care of my basement and going up the street to take care of my father Roco Nigro and my elderly diabetic mother I took pictures and it is indeed sewage water um and it's distressing because as you know anyone that has diabetes you were talking about clinics and things that is a health hazard uh North Street is a very tight Street many of us know each other since childhood um I love that street I love Madison and I want to come to some kind of um solution with this because there are many elderly people on that street that we look out for each other so when the power went out anybody that had a Thum pump you were opening your windows buckets and throwing it out um many residents do have precautions in place we've spent the money so now we need to come to you and say we're doing our part um but I am extremely concerned about the residents on that street that are elderly and can't take care of themselves and now we're trying to help them and we're caught between our own property and then our families which I will tell you is no longer happening in Madison where you have the children of people that have come here being able to purchase homes in Madison so for me that's my heart so I'm hoping that you hear all of us here we are North Street we're asking for your help because this has been happening for over 40 years in some cases where there's sewage back up I'm not saying this situation but North Street needs to be it's like a little Jewel Madison so we would appreciate your help in this thank you anyone else wishing to comment please step forward welcome Joe good evening mayor and Council uh my name is Joe P I reside at 17 but uh I'm the president of the Northstar Club on North Street and the same I feel the same way as these people the last storm we had raw storage come into our basement like we don't have furniture like these people have we have just the tables and chairs but we had to get surf pro and the cost us over $6,000 to remediate the uh situation so I'm here just to hope that you guys can help resolve the matter and go f take a step further to resolve it because we don't know where to go we go that down to the burrow they're going to probably bounce it back up to you people I would imagine I don't know but we appreciate all your help if you can give us some assistance down there I'll sign my name now thank you anyone else wishing to comment please step forward as Joe signs in want me put the north star's address or my address uh your address oh practically live at both places I know thank you again my name is Steven Miller I live at 100 North Street and I live in a house that was built by my wife's parents back in 1955 and they've been dealing with that problem since 1955 and it's a lot of anxiety every time you get a weather uh forecast for heavy rain or thunderstorms CU you know you you have to be home to deal with something and it's very unpleasant and I just hope you'll be able to find a way to help us out anyone else wishing to comment please step forward hi everyone I'm Excuse me I'm Valerie Triano I live at 10 for North Street um Steve's neighbor cross right across from the North Star Club so North Street is near and dear to my heart as well sorry I'm losing my voice um my grandpa built the house and I've lived there and owned the home for over 20 20 something years so I'm lucky enough that my husband's a plumber and he's able to fix things and um attend to them and and know what to do in these situations but as everyone else we you know shouldn't have to live like that on our street um so we are asking for help and we appreciate it um especially with the past storm that was that was rough thank Youk you anyone else wishing to comment please St forward yes my name is Rock nagro I came in this country March the 8th 1969 I came on another the street and I hope they going to Bear me on another the street the best Street in Madison and I know lot experience I'm a Breck full-time Breck 55 years of service and I know when the war CED through the through the basement at the old the house come out of the out of the floor I know I saw a lot of them I do a lot of reparation I get a lot of waterproof job but this c three time in my house in nine months the first okay the first one was at December day 1823 and one of the men from the town I called they come down oh yeah too much rain like I I like I was a stupid like I don't understand oh yeah okay what do you wanted me to do I pray my God okay now it's the the the 18 the August again it's three time now and I know exactly man where the word come from you know the juggle on the circle to play the ball like this came out of my bedroom just like that and I'm lucky because I got a pump all over my yard I collect rain water for my garden I got boxs of the P all over the ground and I got a lot of pump maybe six seven pump and I had to put two pump in my to try the through the window to pump the world so that's that's make you understand I prove I understand where the war come from that's the S that's the S something can be done I got a second wife a put you know my age I be able to go to sleep at night that's that's I leave it way at 10 nor street thank you very much anyone else wishing to be heard please step forward I think hello Mar Conley hello everyone I'm his son Antonio Nigro 10 North Street I live on the ground level so not good um had to get in a hotel one time then I ended up staying upstairs at my parents and it just causes a lot of turmoil when this happens it's happened more than once my father said it's three times that's not it's happened in the past too but it's at the point now where it's causing so many problems between me and my wife me and my mother my father can't take it anymore we need to do something about this there's no reason North Street should be treated like that that street the amount of history that is on that street no one can hold a stick to that street how important that street is the amount of people that live there the amount of people that raised families there maybe it's not as fancy as up in the orchard but people love that street I don't have much to say they already basically said it I I don't want to get angry I I'm I'm a passionate person I love this town I've ra born raised lived here unfortunately I can't afford a house in this town that's all another story because we have everyone coming from everywhere buying up all these beautiful houses knocking them down and building little Mickey Mouse man mansions and here I am I've been working hard my whole life I still am afraid to buy a house in this town I'm afraid I don't want to go to do I don't want to go to Newton I don't want to go all the way out there I don't want to go that far I want to stay where the people I love and grew up with but it's just hard like I said that's another conversation but I don't want the the the sewage to be the reason why I have to leave and move to another town I know everybody in this town I know you too Mr Connelly I know everybody and I don't want to be pushed away and I don't want this sewage issue to be another reason why I move away from this town I work here I work in in FL Park I just yeah I don't know I hope there's something you guys can do I really do I think there should be a lot more people here cuz I really believe the whole street is having issues people are embarrassed they don't want to to tell you they're sewage in their basement I'm afraid when it rains to even go to bed all right that's all I can say thank you for listening thank you anyone else wishing to comment please step forward none I close this part of the meeting and let me just uh give some feedback and I'll have uh Administration also support Court um Rich who started off did a very good job of explaining the uh um that uh you know for most of Madison and first I want to um thank thank you all for coming out and appreciate the frustration and understand what you're going through and anxiety you have to deal with so uh we take this very seriously but just to give a little more background for those that maybe uh audience are watching at home um understand different parts of town for the most part the sewer system in in Madison just relies on gravity that it flows from the higher points to the treatment plant in chadam but there are neighborhoods that are below that level and we have to rely on pump stations to lift the sewage up to the level where then it flows by gravity um there are towns primarily in Hudson County where they actually have combined systems which means the storm water and sanitary sewer are mixed together and what happens when it gets overwhelmed because that means all both storm and sanitary end up with sewer treatment plant and when you have these catastrophic storms it just overwhelms and flows into the river untreated What's Happening Here is we we have two separate systems we have a storm and sanitary and ideally the sanitary is nothing but sanitary but it's is very clear when you have issues like this during storms there's what's called inii infiltration which means the water tables coming up and leaks into the lines that's not the problem there's the inflow that overwhelms the system that overwhelms of the pump station and if it can't move out it's got it water is going to find everyone knows plumbers spoke everyone knows that water will find a path and that's what what what happens here um as I said ideally it's only sanitary and we need to find out why and what is causing the storm water to end up in the system at such levels it could be as Rich mentioned it could be illegally hooked up some pumps or all those at home a sump pump must be hooked up to storm it could be going out to the uh gutter but it's not going into a sink or sanitary line that means gets treated as sewage and in worst cases it causes backups so that's one thing there could be other reasons why there's this inflow so we'll have to look at it so I'll ask Administration to um come up with a uh a plan as to what uh a number one is why are we overwhelmed at this pump station in particular or this is not the only Pump Station in town um we we had that question on the clarification on the uh lines of the two lines so we'll get an answer on that um um if you're correct on that you know more I i' I've learned some I've learned something new so we will check and see you know exactly how it is are those lines obviously those lines are designed to handle the sanitary but they're not able to handle the combin that's coming in but if we can get rid of the combin it would be better uh from what you understand there was an issue with the generator that day uh for one of the storms um so if we can figure out what went there so we'll get the answers out there we'll get some of these short-term answers that'll help you and obviously what you're helping looking for what I would call and has already been quoted a good night's sleep when the rain's coming down you're able to sleep at night and we'll try to figure out a way to give you that piece of mind so we'll find out what what what is going on and also the the burrow does have insurance coverage for these type of claims but in order to pursue that you have to file What's called the notice of claim within 90 days so if there incident was on August 18th you have until approximately November 18th that form's available on the website it's also available through Miss Osborne's office the clerk's office on the ground floor so I'd encourage anybody who sustained a loss to put your bills together you don't need a lawyer it's very simple form we submit it to our carrier and hopefully they'll entertain it uh as obviously it's a sounds like it was a pre-existing condition you've experienced more than once and we'll try to reimburse you for those damages to your property but I know that's not enough you want to sleep so I hear what the mayor's saying too we'll work on that as well but in the meantime please file those forms with the clerk so we can hopefully process you some reimbursement and we'll and we'll try to get the um shortterm and long-term answers and we'll pull people together Joe we really can't uh yes yeah so so so for August you're you're still good can you notice sorry it's called the notice of claim it's it's like a six-page document single space very simple to fill out and uh Jim's probably going to go get we'll have a supply here on the way out so that you can just take them with you tonight and just fill them out by hand you don't need to type them you don't need an attorney if you take it home tonight and bring it back just bring it back before the 90 days that's a very strict deadline the state imposes then we can't do anything so please return them before the 90 days thank you and you can it's on our website again so it's also so if you go to rosenet.org and probably put in the SE search notice of claim you should be able to find it so thank you again for coming out and sharing your concern we take it very seriously and we'll get the answers to you thank you we now move on to introduction ordinances which are none so we go on to consent agenda resolutions consent agenda resolutions will be enacted with a single motion any resolution requiring expenditure is supported by a certification of availability of funds any resolution requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda all resolutions will be reflected in full in the minutes mayor I move consent agenda items uh resolutions R 263-2020 through R 276 D 2024 and we'll actually we'll pull 272 just to do separately so we can uh provide some background on that for consent will be two 63 through uh 27 2 2 269 275 27 sorry 273 to 275 uh 271 yes right just up sorry um I'll second it all right any others that need to be pulled okay any other discussion on those on on those that are not included not not the uh one yeah mayor one one thing just on 268 I'd like to uh extend my congratulations to Ken O'Brien upon his retirement thank you for his service to the buau thank you very much so I would second that John good suggestion thank you very much uh resolution 266 2024 so there the the event is called Cars and Coffee showcase it's a Sunday motor event yes they have to be mentioned as the sponsor of the event am I misreading it maybe I misreading it it's actually a BMW event that hosted at sending Motors a BMW event got it so they're closing down Kings Road for the day or for for a period of time forun the day but we'll have four uniform officers there to control it's review by the police and the police have signed off on it and required four uniform officers paid by suay Motors in BMW to monitor the attendance the the traffic far as the parking all the traffic sure I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun great comments on on those loc call vote please M erlick yes Mr landrian yes Mr harm pus yes but I'm going to abstain from voting on resolution 264 2024 Mr Forte actually 267 267 also mayor I will abstain from resolution 267 uh okay that's fine stay from that and Mr Forte yes all right I may a motion for resolution 272 uh mayor I move resolution 272 d224 second um some background Jim just left the room so I yep thank you background on the grand stand and Press Box okay this is a proposal by the Madison Little League who has received an anonymous donation well it's not Anonymous to them but Anonymous to us a substantial donation to make improvements to the sunny vatal field on uh at Memorial Park on Rosell uh Avenue and the proposed improvements would consist of a new back stop that would be state-of-the-art that would be flanked by Ada accessible uh bleachers for um adequate seating for the first time in a long time that would be sandwiched between a uh Press Box uh and there would also be a um batting cage established on one of the sidelines and the resolution that's provided here would be that any current use of the facility would not change so whatever events that they use their PA system uh and the hours that they currently operate would be maintained so even though they have these improvements hopefully the impact on the neighborhood will be the same that it is now but it will be a substantial Improvement at no cost of the taxpayers and we're very thankful to the donor and there's also a private vendor contractor who has children in the program who's donating his uh and the labor and supervision of the project so it's a total uh privately funded initiative by the Madison little league and we're supportive of it and as mentioned a couple of key things again the ADA compliance to make it barrier free for those that want to watch the games will be added safety um for uh screening for foul balls I know Boston Dodge field can be a a worrisome thing um and this is the primary field for up to Major level I'm not so um and the the use will be consistent with as it is today it'll just be more appropriate for what happens and while we're talking about that field and Joe p is here I want to it's been a while since you what was it last year you painted the uh dugouts but thank you for donating that work to the Little League yes Rachel uh can you clarify that there won't be any new uh outdoor lighting added as part of this it's not proposed in the resolution or the plan and it specifically says that the burrow will control the use and activity as we do at all other events so there's no plan for lighting at that location okay thank you any as as we know Lighting on any field would be much further discussion just wanted to Y make sure that's in the in the record so thank you any other comments Tom yeah I just want to comment mayor and uh thank all the volunteers who've gotten behind this they were very thorough in their planning there's uh Volunteers in the uh Youth Baseball group that are from different Industries who are also helping out it's a lot of time it's been donated to planet and they also very conscious of doing it appropriately to the Burrow's um uh consideration so I think it's going to be a good project a fantastic project at the end of the day and I know that Jim's got very involved in it too fortunately for us thanks Jim Rachel I was going to say the same thing I just wanted to add to to thank Jim brunette for stepping up and marshalling all of the parties that needed to be engaged to move this ahead quickly uh Jim you went above and beyond to get this going thank you for that Marshall Jim any other comments roll call vote on resolution 272 Mr yes Mr landrian yes Mr harm pis yes Mr Forte yes there is no unfinished business of the vouchers the uh please read theou yes from the current fund 4,272 66713 from the general Capital fund $59,999 from the electric operating fund $558,500 47 and from the Electric Capital fund $440 64 from the water operating fund $6,195 from the water Capital fund $42,988 and from the trust $ 31554 41 the total is 5,299 125 mayor I move approval of the vouchers second discussion roll call vote please M erck yes Mr landrian yes Mr harm pis yes Forte yes there is no new business mayor I move to adjourn all in favor I I thank you all thank you