e e e e e e e e e e e e of course the pl frame shot so you get a new frame cu the plow the I okay how are you L how you to see you how you been how's reti of treating you oh yeah I was going to say you were bored all right I'll make a I'll make a plan for 65 good to see you put you on spot thank you for reminding me though almost [Music] ready let the record reflect we reconvene with all members present for those that are able please rise for pled Allegiance I ask you remain standing after the pledge I pledge Al to FL of the United States of America indice please remain standing let us take a moment to remember members of our bur uh long time Madison residence who we lost over the last couple weeks a Madison resident almost uh years Jane Kenny BR Brun age 86 died on May 27th in her home in Madison she had a career as educator most recently at Bonnie Bray School in Burn's Township and she taught school for the um taught at the school for underserved at rescue for 25 years she was born in Orange in 38 uh it was a daughter of the late Daniel and Betty Kenny Kenny lived in nework for 20 years before moving to Madison in 1958 had been emplo employed by Point Pleasant Board of Education Madison and then by Bonnie Bray taught children for almost 30 years in between raising family of five children with her husband she attended St Vincent Academy in nework for high school graduated Mont CL State and uh with a Bachelor of Arts and Masters in special education from William Patterson she was a member of the St Thomas Moore and St Vincent Church and she was pred deceased by her husband of almost 42 years Arthur in 2007 she's survived by her five children Elizabeth Fano of Madison Mars plain's councilman Arthur Brun Matthew of Madison Edward of Frankl NES and Andrew of Randol and she has 12 leaves behind 12 grandchildren we also remember Dennis Mullins who died on May 22nd age 80 his obituary was not available but I can share some background on he served in Madison Council um for I believe it was two terms late ' 80s into the '90s and I can tell you uh personally that his work was greatly appreciated by our residents because I ran against him when he SE reelection and I lost in a landslide so it certainly was appreciated he his wife Judy and Vol who was a volunteer extraordinaire owned port heres for many years he is survived by his children Pamela John uh Dennis Jr and William and five grandchildren let us take a moment to remember Jane BR and Dennis Mullins and pass our thoughts on to the families and friends they leave behind thank you I have a motion for the executive minutes of April 8th 2024 I moved second all in favor I and a motion for the regular minutes of April 8 2024 move second any corrections or uh changes all in favor [Applause] I welcome all as was uh just a few comments tonight as mentioned at our last council meeting by council president range uh I was installed as president of New Jersey Conference of Mayors on May 22nd I had the honor to have H congresswoman Mikey Cheryl give me the oath of office now leading the oldest and largest uh mayor conference will give me the chance to support the work of Mayors across the state especially as it relates to lobbying for our communities in Trenton so it's a so keep me busy and uh I might stepping on Melissa's report but this past Saturday was uh our first uh farmers and Artisans Market of the new SE season and on a new day and for those that did go there you probably saw that by the turnout activity of each of the vendors booths it's clear that the new day will be a great success so uh please uh stop by and of course this past uh Monday was Memorial day and while the threat of severe weather forced the cancellation of the parade we had a ceremony downstairs to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and to preserve our freedom and um all the all the work that would not be possible without our um patriotic celebrations committee and their dedication um certainly we appreciate to have the parade was uh difficult for them to cancel it but um we honored those and also want to thank the American Legion for their work and earlier today we hosted uh Congress members Mikey Cheryl and Jamie Raskin In This Very Room for a discussion on Constitution a look back and a look forward we were joined by the family of Bri Brian snik and as you know Brian lost his life defending our capital on January 6 and it was such an honor to meet Brian's loving family and also to hear the expertise that Congressman Rasin has on the history and the future of our constitution so Proclamation and a we we're going to pass a resolution ahead of schedule so let me come on down here here with me there's a five mic phones in here I'm sure one is going to work ah microphone a should have started there can I have members of the HPC please come forward councilman Forte also are L on and long time member please join us this is a very special recognition this is uh May is historic preservation month and uh so traditionally the HPC has recognize what normally has been homeowners that have restored their homes to their original character and really added and preserved what Madison is a special makes it so special but this one is in in a way above Beyond of as far as historic preservation and the recipient um Mr Martin heler would have been here tonight but uh feeling a little bit under the weather so but he said please go ahead and present the uh Proclamation and um um he shared some comments I'll read shortly I just want to show before I start these will be on what was a masonic lodge for so many years 80 years will now be in the honor of Mark hel uh his son who died in 19 in 2023 with his Spirit lives on and then the senior center which will occupy the first floor will be the Peggy hel Senior Center of woman of Valor and so not only have we preserved an incredible building but it will be put to such a great use whereas the Madison historic preservation commission was established in 1993 to encourage a preservation of sites historic archaeological cultural and Scenic and art architectural signif significance to provide architectural advice recommendations on plans submitted for renovations to the facades of properties not only in the historic district but throughout the burrow of Madison and whereas the Madison Masonic lodge number 93 at 170 Main Street was built by the Presbyterian Church of chattam Township in 1825 as Madison and chattam were then part of chattam Township in 1846 to be it became the Presbyterian Church of Madison and was used by the congregation until 19 1930 when it was sold to the Masons who used it as their Lodge until 2022 when they put it up for sale we also just recently learned that it may be the oldest brick building in Mars County that is remaining today whereas immediately preservation minded CI residents groups in the burough Council looked at ways to purchase this important piece of Madison history which is both on the national uh national and New Jersey historic registers in addition to having fiction as I just said the first brick building in Madison the oldest brick building in mors county and whereas the buau was able to secure commitments of close to $600,000 from the New Jersey preservation trust in the Mars County Board of County Commissioners and at the October 11th 2023 uh council meeting Mr hel became the hero we needed when he presented $1 million check towards a purchase of the building with the agreement that it would be renovated and not demolished whereas the building will be used as a senior center for space for other community groups and will be known as the Peggy heler senior senent of Madison in honor of Mr hel's late wife Margaret and will be dedicated to Mr hel's late son Mark who passed away in 2023 and whereas the Madison historic preservation commission applauds Mr Herer for his dedication to preserving historic badison now therefore I Robert H County the mayor of B badison on behalf of goverment body hereby Rec recognize Mr Martin heler for his financial support to purchase purchase re renovate the repur and repurposing Masonic Lodge for the continued commitment to Madison and his historic preservation so we will present this to Martin her like to [Applause] before I read Martin's comments just a reminder there's different ways to again to be recognized for next May and you can reach out to the HPC if you're thinking about renovating your house it doesn't take a million dollar check but we'll certainly we we we we'll look at that those options too so and so this is from uh Martin I have an anecdotal tale to tell about 70 years or so I got out of the US Army at the end of the Korean war with an honorable discharge and some merous medals no good contact model l i was the contentious young man and spoke to the captains and Majors inappropriately as a Corporal this is classic Martin if you know him fast forward the next 70 years here I am a bit more moderate and now I'm getting a wonderful Proclamation honoring for my contribution to help preserve this marvelous Majestic building thank thanks to the Madison historic preservation committee I do not deserve this honor alone but I would like to share it with Ray Cody who negotiated the go the acquisition for several years with 70 or so members of The Lodge making it economic for me to purchase it I would also like to honor Jim berett who saw that there was money in the budget for the various needs the building has and finally I would honor the mayor and counsel who encouraged and appropriated the F funds needed and pass all kinds of resolutions to make it happen this most lovely and stately building will be a memorial forun for my wonderful burrow forever as long as Madison is I will end by saying that this is a gift that will be most beneficial to our buau and its citizens and I as it donor personally the the biggest principal beneficiary of this gift sign Mark I'm going to ask for a motion on resolution 158 2024 resolution of burrow Madison appointing Lieutenant James Blair to the position of fire captain in PID division of the Mars Mars and the Madison Fire Department in the burrow of Madison may I move uh resolution second any discussion roll call please yes yes yes yes Miss Hanahan yes Mr Forte yes Captain CL please come forward Family come on up chief it is always special to be uh given oath to a uh officer in whether it's a fire department or uh police department but uh James and I go way back from the days when he was quite young and a whole lot shorter help helping out helping Joe DiBiasi at Central lunch and I think shared this story before but when my wife was probably about 8 months pregnant in the dead of winter helping uh get her out of a snowbank and get in our driveway way back when he was helping people even before he became a firefighter so this is a great honor right hand left hand of the Bible perform perform all the duties of all the duties of captain of the Madison fire department captain of the Madison fire department according to V of my ability according to the V of my ability further Solly swear I further Solly swear I support the Constitution Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey I will bear true faith and Allegiance and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government and to the governments establish in the United States establish in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of people under the authority of people so help me [Applause] God e see you Captain congratulations Captain congratulations thank you so much all right buddy I see you a lot love okay we now move on to reports from committees Public Safety Council president range thank you mayor on the consent agenda tonight uh is a resolution authorizing a six-year agreement with the superior Officers Association here in Madison I'm grateful to both the burrow and SOA negotiation teams for their hard work to reach agreement which is beneficial to both the members of the SOA and the taxpayers m this agreement which adopts the burough offer from the fall of 2023 is being voluntarily accepted by both parties after extensive discussions with our arbitrator Brian kronik and without the need for him to impose a final ruling okay uh with with this contract we now have all of our bar bargaining units in Madison under contract so that's great news and thanks again to the negotiation committees who have worked on all of those um um contracts moving on from the police department tonight on June 1st Madison police department will begin their annual bike helmet Awards program the program sponsored by DeFalco's Towing and in conjunction with mol's ice cream raises awareness of bicycle safety each young bike rider observed by a Madison police officer wearing a helmet will be issued a ticket uh which is good for one small ice cream at M's uh please be on the lookout for our officers and please wear your helmets while you were biking whether you are a child or an adult for that matter um on june3rd members of the massis and police traffic safety unit and community relations unit will take part in the bicycle rodeo at Central Avenue School uh students from third to fifth grades will be part of the event which will teach bike riding safety wearing your helmet and a tuneup will be performed on each bike on June 5th newly hired officers and Madison residents uh Thomas TJ meter and Santiago random will graduate the essess County Police Academy with honors as we've noted before both recruits were Squad leaders of their respective recruit classes which placed them in uh supervisory and Leadership roles uh based on their leadership and hard work during the academy The Academy training was 6 months long and both officers will now be assigned to the Patrol Division to begin their field training Endeavors um also this week the traffic uh Safety Division installed flexib ballards uh to prevent left-and turns into and out of six Main Street uh also known as Chipotle tinos and Madison mud uh we hope these physical barriers will prevent the illegal turns that are dangerous and not permitted um and already advertised by about six or seven no left turn signs um um but this is a good reminder while you're not going to be able to physically make the left there anymore to please obey posted traffic signs uh prohibiting turns and uh also monitoring speed limits as well as you travel throughout the burrow from the fire department tonight the fire department uh continues to uh increase its call volume month over month um and already this year as we go into uh June uh the fire department has answered more than 750 calls so far this year so that's a pretty astounding number um on May 23rd the fire chief attended the Madison rotary club meeting and to talk about the fire department's new EMS program the fire department has implemented a new KNX knoxbox electronic key system each fire department apparatus is now equipped with new digital Vault that holds the key to the knockbox located at schools churches apartment buildings and almost every commercial building in town these keys are more secure than ever leaving a digital audit Trail Wherever Whenever a key is removed from those vaults so if you're not familiar with a knockbox um if you look downtown you'll see the little black boxes hanging on the side of the buildings usually it has a little reflective tab on it um those are keys where our emergency Personnel can can access and now we've got a great uh new system for that um along the same uh lines here we've got a update uh on a new program around nox boxes uh that will help us protect our most uh vulnerable residents soon through grants donations and private purchases we'll be introducing a residential noxbox uh program for homes these special door hangers and or mounted boxes will offer First Responders a fast way into your home if uh you were having a medical emergency without having to potentially damage your home by you know going knocking through the door or something um these boxes will hold the key to your home and only the fire department will have access uh via the same digitally secured knoxbox key used for the commercial boxes throughout Town more information on this program will be forthcoming um and that's all from Public Safety tonight thank you Ma very much I did attend the Rotary meeting when Chief uh spoken he did a incredible job so finance and bur clerk M ER thank you mayor the finance department reports that the audit committee had its first meeting via zoom on May 15th the committee talked about new accounting rules in other areas that the auditor will be focusing on during this year's audit there's a follow-up meeting with the committee to review the draft audit with the Auditors on Monday June 3rd this evening we have two small consent agenda resolutions to insert items of Reven into the budget these are ministerial but important actions that must be taken State Statute allows us to modify the adopted Municipal budget during the year so that the buau can accept and spend Grant monies our Municipal budget document includes a section for Grant revenue and another section for Grant Appropriations tonight resolutions 172 and 173 2024 modify the budget and establish the grant receivable and Grant expense lines tonight we are approving two grants one is for $3,900 from Morris County for additional funds that our health educator can use for alcohol and dry education and the second Grant is for $ 38,768 in clean Community Grant funds these monies can be used for garbage cans equipment the sidewalk sweeper and Staffing costs related with litter reduction in the burrow this is a state D grant program and the funds come from legislated user fees on manufacturer ERS wholesalers and Distributors that produce litter generating products that's all thank you very much and public works and Engineering Mr Landry again thank you mayor from the Department of Public Works the hanging flower baskets downtown have been all hung and are now ready for the summer the new electric blow mower is back and is out mowing daily it seems to be cutting very well and Cru are getting used to it mulch has been delivered and is spread throughout town and we are almost caught up with the parking lots the shade trees that were purchased are in the ground and being watered the shade tree board reminds residents if you want a tree please call public works at 973 59338 to be added to the list for full planting and finally part of the insurance company we had to remove the slide at Lucy D playground and a new new one is in on order we expect delivery in a couple of weeks the old one had rushed on it and was out of compliance with insurance insurance safety regulations thank you mayor thank you utilities Mr Alan ptis thank you mayor welcome public Council uh this is a big year with big Personnel changes at the electric utility tonight's agenda has a resolution appointing Vince Pat as a chief lineman replacing Joel Phillips who retired after 26 years of service he will be missed later in the year electric utility superintendent James matina will be retiring on December 1st he's been with the electric utility for 38 years dedicated service those are very big shoes to fill we have a talented pool of employees at JY mentored over the four years over the years to keep things running smoothly next Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. the utility advisory committee will be meeting to discuss the well-being construction project and the cook Avenue parking lot project schedule more to come on that bids are due on June 13th for the MRC carport project the bid documents were revised to encourage multiple submissions and competitive pricing the Boe was recently briefed on the project schedule because it potentially impacts par parking privileges for the Madison High School students they use the MRC auxiliary parking lot the project phasing schedule provides at one half of the main parking lot and the entire FL lot will be available at all times for student and event parking the B will be requesting a meeting with First Energy Corp and jcpnl officials to discuss our potential future load estimates given the robust development activity happening now and projected in the bur the bur is continuing to monitor the current and Future Energy Market regarding a potential electric purchase subject to finalizing green energy protocols for purchasing electric Crews have been busy energizing wellbe one of the Burrow's five Wells which is needed to help meet the residential demands for water service this summer and installing new electric infrastructure to support the burough sponsored wet Street affordable Housing and Community Place affordable housing development from the water utility on tonight's agenda is a contract to award to the company metere Tech the installation services for automated water meetings water meters throughout the town I think there's about 600 left to install many thanks to the Water Division staff who have been handling previously scheduled residential meter installations Madison has five Wells that Supply drinking water to our residents wellbe which we continue to talk about is currently under reconstruction and the initial startup of the well is due later in June each well is serviced on a PRI hour basis to ensure Peak Performance delivering water to the community the burrow encourages water conservation and will be implementing its annual voluntary water use restrictions during the summer months outdoor use for lawn and shrub ordering car washing driveway and sidewalk washing is reach restricted to alternate days residents and businesses with even numbered addresses may use water Outdoors on even numbered days while residents and businesses with odd numbered addresses are restricted to using water Outdoors on odd numbered dates the use of water Outdoors is permitted 12:01 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and then from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. midnight on the designated areas so you may be washing your car in the dark I don't know about those times ask about that Water Division interns will be painting HS around the town you to find their appearance that's all thank you I think I think the hours were for LA water and wash okay I just do it all in one bundle that it's a lot easier to wash your car when you can't see the dirt Lo clean uh Community Affairs miss high thank you mayor uh the Downtown Development commission kicked off the 2024 Madison farm and Artis Market this past Saturday and will be running through December 14th in the Prospect Street parking lot from 900 a.m. until 2: p.m. hopefully uh we can all get down there and enjoy the new vendors music and the sense of community planning is also underway for bottle Hill Day 2024 scheduled for Saturday October 5th from the Chamber of Commerce the fire extinguisher inspections will take place Tuesday June 4th from 11:30 a.m. through 3:30 p.m. their annual Awards dinner will be held on June 11th beginning at 6: p.m. Madison Community Art Center uh has many things going on Comedy will take the stage this Friday at 8:00 p.m. and six films will be be presented in June encourage you to look at the schedule online and the monthly Wednesday open mics will continue uh as has been happening the Madison Public Library adult open craft night will continue its residency at the art center on Monday June 10th all are welcome to attend many other events are available and can be found on the website thank you mayor thank you and health M Forte thank you mayor the warm weather brings ticks and mosquitoes also Thunder land residents are encouraged to protect themselves from ticks by avoiding areas with tall grass weeds and brush wearing an EPA approved propellant staying in the center of trails uh also check for ticks after time spent Outdoors paying special attention to under the arms behind the knees around the legs around the ears uh the belly button area and in the hair uh shower within 2 hours of spending time Outdoors mosquitoes can also carry diseases such as West n virus and residents can protect themselves by wearing EPA approved repellent containing de picaridin ir3535 or oil of Lemon Eucalyptus wearing long sleeves and pants when possible is also encouraged and removing standing water and clutter from yards um May is also melanoma awareness month the Health Department would like to remind residents that it's recommended that adults to a dermatologist for skinning Sam annually residents are also reminded to use sunscreen with PF 30 or higher and reapply every 2 hours when Outdoors um as mentioned last time May shines a spotlight on mental health awareness month and this is a Time dedicated to fostering understanding empathy and support for mental well-being this month is an opportunity to break down barriers challenge misconceptions and promote Pathways to healing and resistance the health department website has a resource compilation to discover what is available and how you can nurture your mental well-being uh just also a little bit on um bird flu the Board of Health thought it would be helpful to um have some pointers for residents while the highly pathogenic Avan influenza virus is low to humans everyone should take the following precautions which is to avoid contract with poultry wild birds or other animals that appear sick or dead avoid undercooked poultry meat and Eggs only drink pasteurized milk all milk sold legally in New Jersey is pasteurized but unpasturized raw milk can be found in Pennsylvania so if you're just over the Border that's an exposure possibly and residents are reminded to wash their hands and surfaces thoroughly before and after handling poultry meat and eggs thank you mayor very much I don't know if anyone covered it and so if they did I apologize but this Saturday at 9:00 is uh in honor of uh National Trails day we'll be cutting the ribbon at our uh new trails at Memorial Park just opposite Long View Avenue so please come and join us and move exting Communications and petitions um the bur Council received one communication from Mary James swich from Rosewood Avenue she telephoned about the construction occurring in her neighborhood thank you and now we move on to our first of two invitations for public comment this one is limited to resolutions that are on the agenda if you want to comment on um other topics you have to just wait a little bit longer you can talk come comment on other topics normally you also be able to comment on our agenda discussion but they are none today so these are the resolutions that you may comment on for tonight resolution 159 is po pointing um Vincent Patty to the position of Chief lineman as already mentioned resolution 160 authorize the participation in 2024 um employee health uh wellness program to madis Area YMCA resolution 161 is authorized in release of cash Bond guarantee for Park Valley uh Madison LLC which is a for Community Place this is in the amount of $7,500 resolution 162 is uh reappointing jacn cardini to the position of burrow tax assessor resolution 163 is authorized installation of rotary lending library box at the m Rose Garden Park resolution 164 is appointing part-time per DM emergency medical technicians to the madis fire department this is Michael Morrow and Matthew morrow at $30 an hour without benefits resolution 165 is ratifying the appointment of David argir to Summer intern position in public works at rate of $16 an hour resolution 166 is authorized a special event permit to allow the use of Summer Hill Park by Boy Scouts of America Act 124 on June 8th and 9th excuse me resolution 167 is granting courtesy use of folding chairs in Madison Garden Club resolution 168 put this on your calendar is proclaiming Saturday October 5th 2024 is ble Hill day and authorizing the beer garden resolution 169 is amending resolution 6 3-23 awarding contract to uh TTI TTI environmental Inc of moristown New Jersey in amount to $3,950 for Madison Public Library interior renovation of batement uh project resolution 170 is authorizing a collective bargaining agreement with the Madison Superior officers Associates as already mentioned in the report resolution 171 is approving special event permit for Cars and Coffee showcase to be held on King's Road on June 7th resolution 172 is uh the insertion of item of Revenue as mentioned in report already 173 is also the insertion of um Revenue as already mentioned in report resolution 174 is confirming membership of Samuel d'angeles in the Madison host company number one and resolution 175 is awarding contract water beeter replacement project rebid to maritech Utility Services of korth so you may comment on any of those resolutions those will also be part of the consent agenda later in the agenda if you wish to comment on those resolutions step forward state your name and address and the resolution number you wish to comment on and then uh make your comments seeing none I close this part of the meeting and we move on to ordinance of hearing will the clerk please read the statement the ordinance schedule for hearing was introduced by title and passed on first reading at a regular meeting of the council held on May 13 2024 was posted and filed according to law and copies were made available to the general public requesting same I call up ordinances for second reading ask the clerk to read s ordinance by title ordinance 17-22 ordinance of the Bureau of Madison appropriating $55,000 from The General Capital Improvement fund for the purchase of automated license plates readers security cameras wiring and other related security equipments I open the hearing on ordinance 17-22 24 anyone wishing to comment on this ordinance please step forward seeing none I close the hearing mayor I move ordinance 17- 2024 second any Council discussion um just uh a little bit more background and thanks to uh councilwoman erlick for pointing this out last time just a little bit of background on the alpr program uh Madison has had uh automatic license plate readers installed in various locations uh in the burrow for a number of years now and they've been a key tool for the Madison police department and frankly police departments across Morris County uh and New Jersey in fighting certain types of crime um not just stolen cars and that sort of thing but other other incidents as well um but every time we have one of these the question is asked about that data and and how it works so um just to be clear the access to the alpr data is restricted uh and is governed by rules and regulations uh issued by the New Jersey attorney general's office the recordings are kept in uh Central servers hosted by Morris County um and are not generally accessible even to police Personnel outside of the strict uh regulations imposed by the Attorney General each year agencies like Madison that have alprs deployed are audited by the state police and um the staff that is permitted access to that data and the recordings must also complete uh a series of required trainings before they're granted access so hopefully that gives a little bit of background on that thank appreciate that any other comments I was going to comment mayor that maybe the next time the police chief comes to talk to us or Eric can get this data just an idea of how many situations have have been alerted to us because a cars coming to town with unregistered plates or some that's kind a lot of the issues that we we to look for at some yeah maybe at some point when we up update on other and general police things and other things he could bring us up today too sure I I know that it's that it's working in the Burrow's favor for sure yeah thank you any other comments okay roll call vote please miss Erick yes Mr landrian yes Mr range yes Mr harm pis yes M Hanahan yes Mr Forte yes I declare ordinance 17- 2024 adopted and finally passed and ask the clerk to publish notice there newspaper and fly ordinance accordance to the law ordinance 18- 2024 ordinance of the Bureau of Madison appropriating $25,000 from the general Cabo Improvement fund for the purchase of video and recording equipment for the police headquarters I open hearing for ordinance 18 anyone wishing to comment on this ordinance please step forward seeing none I close the hearing mayor I move ordinance 18-22 24 second any discussion we call vote please miss Erick yes Mr landrian yes Mr range yes Mr harm pus yes Miss Hanahan yes Mr Forte yes I declare ordinance 18- 2024 uh adopted and finally passed I ask the clerk to publish notice there of a newspaper fing ordance in accordance with the law we now move on to our second of invitation for public comment this is when you may comment on any topic you wish to comment please step up to lecturn state your name and address and write the same on the clipboard try to keep your comments to uh 3 minutes but we do give you a one minute grace and we'll stop you at for I have beenis since 196 for a while I moved right across Ro now home again for the last years on if you did the math yes I'm 647 old but I've seen a lot of changes in my 64 years in the town that I love um some are good some are not so good generally a lot of construction that's going on is fabulous unfortunately right now it's going on in St while it may it's not necessarily Tak into account the residents that live on our see similar things around the town so that is more more able to speak to some of it teach you can just actually bring that up to the clerk and then distri sorry and yep and if and if you're finished commment we'll restart the clock for it no he still gets the same time we have to treat everyone equally here state state your name and address even yeah surface there you know behind the house a fo R that's the of it if you look at it it's long at theis develop SES safety rail fence whatever you want to put as a barrier now we're looking at an elevation of 10 12 ft above ground level so how is that even remotely appropriate and the last picture is our neighbor two door's downhouse her Ranch is now sandwiched between two as I like to refer to on mcmansions on her eastern and western side her house gets no sunlight during the day now again I think what we're pushing for is a look at the zoning and tightening it and making more limitations and various are one minute I'm done all right thank you Ed and we we' have uh we we exchanged emails and um app answering us I think we just want to feel like we're respecting each other yeah yeah so um and actually once we stop the com so can't have the dialogue but I appreciate you recognizing the communication Dennis Harrington visited the site and uh is noted some things especially with with the wall and what our uh our regulations uh when you take that wall and then put the protective fence on top what what that actually means and so we're getting some clarification on that uh Eric and I uh both serve on the planning board we've had some discussions about uh the U Mass of homes and um that word mass as they compare to other neighboring house and and what can be done so there are some steps we're taken there so I appreciate your taking the time to uh share your experience on on Rosewood hello Brian Mortenson 18 rtle just wanted to let you know that I had an informal conversation with the operator of the new battery powered mower and he getting good reviews you're you're on the right track I wanted to keep in mind that aside from all the other benefits of this mower the human benefit to the operator is is great the pollution is less the noise pollution and the uh particulate pollution is less so I urge you to stay on the right path and I urge you to shift and and move your focus to the backpack blowers because that's going to help the people that operate that and that'll help us tell the other companies to think about the employees who have to operate this equipment as well and think about their health benefits that are immediate with this new battery powered equipment I think that what we're looking at now is what they were looking at 100 years ago when they got the first gas powered mow and there was naysayers and if you look back into the 1980s when Japan started bringing fuel injected cars that were more efficient and there was Nays and they said we need to keep the Big Gas Guzzlers so progress is never easy but we're doing good so keep up the good work thank you thank you Brian anyone else wishing to comment please step forward you can go if doing this right for the first time signing my name I don't think I've ever told okay we won't tell anyone that's terrible is it it's uh Mary Jan at 10 terce 3 years believe it um but anyway I'm here tonight on behalf of the friends of the duw forest which I also cannot believe that we've been a a group of people that have worked together for the last three years for saving the environmental Integrity of the forest and I apologize to those people who know all this about us but it it it it I just wanted to say that last Monday and Tuesday as you are well aware we had the hearing uh with Drew and uh and Madison and I'm very proud to say that the friends of the Drew Forest were able to be there represented by an attorney and an environmental expert because we did file an amikas brief solely dedicated to the environmental issue issues that we are very concerned about that the Drew Forest is facing if some development should happen there um we truly represented the the forest and I've represented trees in this County or in this town before not necessarily in the in the forest but in other places and I think it's very important to represent the trees um so I I I just want to say that I think and I think what what I want is most of all is and I said this to the uh the minister at um U Grace um Methodist Church and that we want peace for the bunnies peace for the bats and peace for all the furry and Feathered Friends that live in the forest thank you thank you very much G anyone else wishing to comment please step forward seeing none I close this part of the meeting we we have no introductions of ordinances will we move on to the consent agenda resolutions where the court please read the statement consent agenda resolutions will be enacted with a single motion any resolutions requiring expenditure is supported by a certification of availability of funds any resolution requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda all resolutions will be reflected Ed in full in the minutes mayor I move the consent agenda resolutions 159 d224 through 175 d202 second any uh resolutions that need to be pulled or any discussion roll call vote please miss Erick yes Miss landrian yes Mr range yes Mr harm pis yes Mr Hanahan yes Mr Forte yes yes all right there is no unfinished business move on to approval of vouchers will the clerk please read the voucher TOS current fund 7 mil 579,000 5669 96 General Capital fund $ 66,1 75 electric operating fund $432,900 Electric Capital fund $ 3,976 water operating fund $ 53,6 6450 water Capital fund $139,200 59 trust funds $149,600 68 the total is 8,424 56651 May I move approval of the vouchers second any discussion roll call vote please miss Erick yes Miss El landrian yes Mr range yes Mr Harlem pis yes Miss Hanahan yes Mr Forte yes only new business is to uh tell people that while we've been sitting here hearing that Thunder there's also been quite a bit of rain coming down there's some localized uh flooding issues uh it was right up to the sidewalk down below so please on your way home home be very careful not driv to any standing water and with that Mary I move to a journ all in favor I thank you all and good luck out there