##VIDEO ID:Sq7f-wIAiEs## like to call this meeting to order this is Independent School District 8:32 this is a regular school board meeting on September 23rd 2024 at 7 o'clock P.M the MMI School District please join me for the Pledge of Allegiance flaged States thank you roll call of attendance please done approval of the agenda do I have a motion no moved by director doen second second by director Peterson any discussion all those in favor say I I I those opposed motion carries approval of the consent agenda oh moved by director Peterson second second by director doen any discussion all those in favor say I I those opposed motion carries presentations and recognition we'll get a Communications update from Alice okay um so tonight I'm gonna provide you with an overview of the communications operations at mamei Public Schools I'm going to highlight some um elements of our strategic plan and then also give you some numbers so you can see what kind of impact we're making um so I'll go over um what's on the screen here we're going to go everything from the current tools we use and how the impact we're making with those tools and then all the way at the end we'll kind of talk about what's ahead in the in the year ahead for communications um just as an overview um these are the main Communications that we use in our district um most of those you are very familiar with um what I wanted to show you though is that last item that's on the bottom called our virtual assistant or the AI tool um so the zepher virtual assistant is um something new that um we started on I started on August 29th it's running on all of our web pages um the since the installation so just not even a month that we've had it it has answered 381 questions um I have the ability to add a survey which I did um to test out I asked a question about what was your back to School experience like and we just used emojis for people to rate their experience and um we can input answers so you'll see um up on the screen right now and you can you can play around with it as well if you want to try it out um I can build some specific categories like so right now I know the three most common reasons or things that people are asking about on our website are construction school hours and homecoming so what I've done is I've built some actual like FAQs around those subjects so people can see that right away and just say oh yes I'm here for school hours and I can click that and find out um and then they can also I think I have the ability here let's see Dennis is that allowing me to type in oh yeah here might be lagging I was trying to type in school board oh that work though you want okay so it should um so it can take everything from like a question who's the principal of Wildwood Elementary School to just a term and then it'll pull up um information um one of the things so I I would mention we're the first school district in Minnesota to use um this company it's um called Always on and this is us being like really a big leader in Communications especially with our website right now and um I would say that this is not something that's um just off on its own I'm the driver of it so I have to make sure that I'm checking it is it putting out the right answers I'm going through and correcting um any incorrect um outputs but I just thought I'd share it with you because you might not you might not have explored it but um I think it's really important as as far as like our families staff and prospective families to find information we have search tools but we also have that which I think is um a really great way to support people who are looking for information um for our strategic plan ongoing work um I just wanted to note that in my role um there are responsibilities that are part of living the Strategic plan that are ongoing um every year so whether it's you know that top bullet things like dessert and dialogue um making sure we have consistent Communications like e- news every week that it's coming out and the district one is every month um that celebrating Excellence so for me that's making spotlights of our staff and our students um showing um informational campaigns why do we do assessment days so those are all things recently that you see that are intentional that I do that are part of my work that's just ongoing um that I do as part of the Strategic plan some specific things that happened um last year and I know you're familiar with a lot of the items um on the list but I want to highlight um on the bottom the translation options that um we've expanded in our district so just as a reminder this was part of the inclusive and Equitable education system um strategy that we had and that the specific result that we wanted to see was that mamei connects with families using culturally and linguistically appropriate strategies so we have a new translation tool that using on our website and then also all of our branded emails so whether it's ews or something that we're sending grade level or School level um Dennis is helping me out with this demonstration so at the top you see that translate button so I took our dis our latest District e translated in Spanish and then he's going to grab Chinese for me so this is how fast um families staff or um anyone who has access to of our messages can translate it um and use so they have the information they need another piece of our strategic plan that I wanted to highlight was in the agency um strategy and that we'll build learner agency through exceptional learning one of the result statements that we wanted to see was that all staff at mamei public schools have the tools and resources to utilize their strengths interests and expertise to be le leaders in their field I wanted to highlight some of the ways that I'm leading in the communic school communications field um this is my fourth school year running an internship program at the high school last year I had nine students um this year I'm in the process of interviewing students if you click on that link there that'll give you the overview slides that we used at the zephra learning showcase so you can see all the great work that students um help me with um I've done a few things where I'm bringing in um career speakers I'm mentoring alumni um I've been a speaker at a couple different events that I'd highlight the Minnesota school public relations conference I was a speaker there um I'm speaking at the community ed Association conference this fall about the community ed survey that I helped them Implement um and then I've on the national level I've been a podcast podcast guest and led two national webinars about the communications work that um I've done here in mamei I just want to Quick show you all the these different stories this is just a snapshot of some of the things that having an internship program in our school district has meant um whether it's photography or whether it's telling great stories all of these are clickable so you can click them and go right to the story but I just wanted to really highlight um the impact that student um storytelling has had in our district okay now we're going to get to some numbers okay yeah on can you just go back up to the Strategic plan strategic plan accomplishments and on the what does brand new architecture mean brand yeah new brand architecture oh new brand not brand new just kidding so that's part of that um logo implementation but it's also um when we talk about what our brand archetype is what's our what are we known for how are we uniquely showing up in the market place that um that's part of that implementation okay and then we just kind of skipped over this one can I go back to it St there for a second um then facilitate and Implement districtwide Zephyr sign project is that where each School wasn't that at a zephyr learning showcase was that that okay and then the districtwide and that's the consistent walking into a building sign not teachers classrooms correct right so each of our schools we conducted focus groups with students and um our objective was to make uh signs that felt it it was around belonging and what it meant to be as effort and just when you walk into a district building that was that project right correct yeahi those are throughout the buildings aren't they some um some of our well all of our buildings have school specific signs and then we also have districtwide ones okay as well so the project included building signs throughout the buildings y okay there was an example on that okay yeah you might remember those the one yeah um so annually we survey our families and um I look at these numbers um as overall sentiment about our district and just um how people are feeling informed and um I think the overall sentiment of our district um I would say anecdotally I hear from people outside of our district who work in school Communications and our numbers are very high um so I would just note that um and for for these numbers we traditionally see those two numbers are usually closely aligned we don't and it's helpful because it kind of informs like um that good sentiment about our district um the next numbers that I wanted to show you um was about feeling informed about our district so 9 7% feel informed about our district news and events 92% of our families said they strongly agree that the district D news um so I'm looking at these numbers every year that's what I do in the summer I look at um our principles look at them and then make adjustments and goals um for that next school year these are some numbers um that I look at uh on our school level ews so um what I do is I look at those numbers review it and then I ask the building to review we look at comments from families and make adjustments for either the content of their e or ways to improve it so these are at the beginning I shared what our tools are and then I went through and broke them down so you could kind of see um I won't go through all of this but I just wanted you to see and and things are clickable so you can go through and see but just to give you an idea especially the things that you know like oh we have a website how many people are going to our website how many pages are they how long are they spending there um when we send out those print newsletters how many people are receiving those um looking at our district un news that goes to over 6,000 people um and then you know looking at I I think I'd like to highlight too that uh lumni and friends that we have over 10,000 emails in that system right now where we're connecting staff up to bringing in career volunteers and then um one area that you may not know that we do some work in is that niche which is a marketing website and so that can show you that having a nice branded profiles you can click on that left side and see our profile so that's um showing up for families who are thinking about moving into our district or that are thinking about our our district and so you can see the numbers there 50% are in state um and then what's happening like that they're coming to our website um tonight I wanted to share a little bit about our District's efforts and social media so the two channels that we use are Facebook and Instagram Instagram so you can see um in 23 24 we reached um over 260,000 uh people on Facebook and that's um how many people saw any of our content at least once and then on Instagram um during that same time period we reached 62,000 people um and then I would just point out it's important for you and I'll show you in a little bit to see how many followers we have and then how many people we're actually reaching yeah the 261,000 is that number of Clips like on total posts or individual users that would be that meta decided that our content was was worthy for them to see um so Impressions they are sending it out so they're sending it out a lot but um it's actually people seeing it so they they at least saw they they saw it once we look at other things like engagement so like if someone likes or comments or shares our content that's another thing that I look at about so four years ago when I started on the board I remember there was some presentation or sharing out of like how to reach families and I remember still at that point four years ago print was the number one and I think about how much that's changed when you look at 261,000 that's that's incredible so one of the things that um uh that's foundational to my communications work is looking at research so I want to I want to know what's going on with Trends I want to um pay attention to things especially in social media so these are just some Trends I just wanted to point out for you that these are 2024 social media trends users want to see authentic transparent strategic plan and brand Focus contents um you may be doing this um yourself where you're making decisions about purchasing things everything from a home to where your child Goes to School based on social media content and Instagram um it's very popular on social media to watch videos and you'll see that with reals so reals populating on Instagram and Facebook or YouTube shorts there's a lot of private or social group sharing so um when we talk about engagement sometimes engagement can be hard to measure because people are privately texting a great video or they're making a screen recording and sharing it privately so we don't even see that they interacted with our video or um information long form content is um actually very popular so newsletters long form storytelling long captions so if you see a lot of the way I write our district social media content I have a lot of long form storytelling I'm doing that because that grabs What's um called um search engine optimization or SEO so that those words are being picked up in social media branded Graphics right now um are really not considered a best practice to use a lot of those so I'm very selective with um with how I share Graphics unless it has a a staff or student photo on it I don't use a lot of Graphics in our Communications so I was curious if you guys had any guesses about how long users are watching social media videos in 2024 like the what what what's the duration of a video that you think you would hang on for I was gonna say 30 seconds 15 to 20 seconds so's cheating when when I started we were making a lot of long form videos so long form videos are good for for many uses but really for social media they should be really short um that's really as long as you have your your audience captive for I just wanted to share with you some of the things that you might be seeing but you're not sure like oh this is why what Alice Cho how she's choosing to respond to some of the trends so I've focused on specific social Channel channels I want to do Facebook and Instagram really well so that's where we spend our time that's where um our families and our prospective amilies are um that's what they're they're those are the social channels they're using um I'm making sure that our content is aligned with our brand and our strategic plan I have a monthly content calendar um that's based on um storytelling themes for that are based on our brand and our strategic plan I use a lot of reels I'm usually posting at least one reel a week um and then crossposting that to Facebook um you'll see in our ews or even our website stories we're linking to some of our social content there I mentioned I'm using strategically using graphics for really only spotlights when I have a really great photo of a staff member um or a student and then I would say fundamental to what I'm doing is embracing being a lifelong learner that means I'm engaging in professional development being Dynamic trying things out and staying on top of Trends so we can as a district be a leader okay here's what happened after three years because this wasn't overnight that what I've been doing in our district so again reaches the number of people who saw any of our posts at least once in 2324 we had an overall reach of 261,000 and that was up from 5,700 in the school year of 2122 so this is Instagram so last school year we had an overall reach of 62,000 that was up from 5,2 2122 so it takes some time but I would just highlight like just I've been consistent with it and um and I think it's it's um speaks a lot of volumes of like just the great stories that many people around our district help me share and that um we're getting that out to so many people so finally I just wanted to share um just some things that you can um see coming up this school year so I'll be working on the implementation of um the finance and voter approv improve measures Communications um implementation of the portrait of a graduate um we're going to start using LinkedIn as a new Social account in our district so we have our LinkedIn account but we're really not using it um to really do a lot of our staff focused storytelling so I'm going to be starting to use that more this school year um the superintendent student cabinet is going to be starting next week and so you'll start to see more Communications about that um I'm working with Community Ed on some life skills and secondary success classes and opportunities bringing in some career speakers that AI tool on our website again I'm going to need to be the driver so I'm going to be working on that and making sure those outputs are um correct and then um the last thing that I wanted to highlight was the Smart Cookie and you'll see service mentorship academics um resilience and teamwork that's a um Excellence program that I'm starting with 350 de Bakery that's in town here so we're going to do some um cookie giveaway to students it's going to be a staff um nominated process so we're going to award some smart cookies um to our students this year and so you'll see that happen questions for Alis Dr Doan uh not as much of a question as a comment I think it's all really good stuff I love to seeing the social media presence obviously that's important um and specifically with LinkedIn um I think that's great going that direction as we try to you know as a as a board and stuff reach out to the community more and get more involvement from like private um parties and that sort of thing like I think having dedicated LinkedIn groups with professionals that are alumni or community members is a great opportunity for us to engage there so that's great um Al great really great stuff um first off I commend you for all the um leadership roles you've taken with respect to your your role here out out and about in the in the professional Community that's fantastic to see so thank you for doing that um on the AI information obviously it's it's probably very efficient or it's making the user um more efficient right by navigating the website having questions answered your taking on the role though I heard of checking and um hopefully that that's still a net gain because that I'm sure can be a lot of time and effort on your part but I'm sure that'll y y good so it sounds like it's also saving your time and other staff time as well great and then lastly on the E newss I couldn't help but notice although the 88% on the high school kind of an outlier compared to the other three I mean it's a high number but any rationale as to why they were lagging behind the other three okay got it okay thank you one more question um so as far as you know like the reach of the social media I think is amazing it makes me wonder in a classroom when a kid creates something and just has the audience of the teacher in the class being just that that's one thing when you use the world as your audience and you were able to put things out there are teachers using social media in that way are there class created accounts or we not there yet or School created accounts I'm just curious about that because I'm guessing teachers aren't going to use personal accounts to I'm just more curious if that's something people have explored or or not with Instagram um in our district what we've kind of what I've kind of found is we we had some school level accounts start um and we have to look at really a district LEL for our school district um but if we do have like in O we have a principal who really engaged in a lot of and then part um our teachers are not posting on pages unless like right I would say right now what we're working on in the district is to make sure that any of those pages that a staff member might facilitate that making that thect knows what ourti te have a lot of accounts but what we're trying to do is really figure out where are those accounts them hypothetically if a mod graduating class was having a class reunion would that be something the district would highlight if it reaches that many people supp I just want to Echo what has already been said but I remember before you were with our district and the the amount of um how great the communication is is is really I just want to highlight that you've made that happen um so thank you for all your work I know um I think your presentation shows a lot of what you do but I think um I I was there before any of it was here and so I can really say what I I've seen that start contrast and just really appreciate all that you do like to joke about our Communications Department because it's Alice Alice you yes one woman she's able to do a lot more than you're than one person yes forunate so El now has an assistant though AI assistant that's right that's right yeah uh okay so now welcome Max new come we've got our new student rep and we'll just ask you to uh introduce yourself tell us a little bit about yourself and then um share your report sounds good am I close enough right now all right well I'm Max everybody here and at home I'm currently a senior in mamei high school I'm in the mamei high school robotics club and real world design club and student council as every school board rep is at the moment obviously I'm planning to go to college I don't know where I'm going yet probably somewhere down south though I do like the sun although I love the winners but 17 years of it does get pretty darn long otherwise enough about me let's get into the report all right really early into the school year we've had a lot of stuff happen though first of all in student council we had our pink out car wash and that all those donations are going to the Randy shaver cancer research Community Fund and then student council right now now we've that's one of our big Main Events we've had so far but we are planning for a lot which I will get into in a bit here second sports right now football boys and girls soccer girls volleyball swim and dive cross country and girls tennis are in season so please try to make it out to some of those games it's really fun seeing people from your community out here and I know I go to a lot of them next all the big game we've had was the pink out game I don't know if any of you were able to make it there was a lot of pink a lot of powder and I had a lot of face paint on me so that was fun and a pink light up hat uh for donations for pink out we did sell bracelets at lunch we also had donations at the high school lunch we had buckets set out where kids would donate into the bucket for an individual teacher and that teacher would kiss a goat uh at the game so I don't know one of our staff members did kiss a goat twice I don't know why he went in for a second kiss uh but we were able to raise over $55,000 for the random shaver cancer research Community Fund and that was through high school we also had Middle School we also had Elementary football team participations we raising money next at OH Anderson over the summer I don't know if you have kids there if you heard it they painted they redid carpet updated the windows over the summer and they will do some more so if you're wondering like why did my classroom not get updated they're getting to it so don't worry about that next Wildwood we're welcoming the kindergarten class of 2037 this year and that makes me feel old and I'm only 17 last Friday they had their fun run which I will talk about a little bit coming up next things to look forward to oh we got a lot on this list first of all ma they have a get together The Zephyr get together it got rescheduled due to rain it was but now it's Thursday September 26 from 4:30 to 7 at pine tree apple orchards great way to connect with m enjoyi and a lot more and I don't know if any of you have been to the pine tree apple orchard they do have apples they also have strawberries too they have pies and donuts I've eaten so try to make it out next we have the OH Anderson Fun Run now that one's on September 27th that's this Friday week after Wilder one it's not just running there are tons of fun games there is a really great way to fundraise for your school there's a lot to cover with volunteering and everything so do make sure to check the O news about that because it's a bit too much to talk about here but I will tell you some of the money we've raised and what it goes for so first of all we've raised about $9,000 and that was by last Friday if we raise $155,000 kids get extra reset 20,000 they get a candy day and 27,000 they get movie and popcorn and I I know what you're thinking like why would I give my kids more candy at school when I don't even let them have it at home home I've just heard cand is really good for kids that's what the experts are saying me on that one next middle school they have a lot going on right now first of all they have the backpack food program which is a food support program so please it should be ending soon uh although for now it's gonna stay next we have a trip to Iceland this summer I don't know if you guys have been to Iceland or seen Iceland I I did do an eighth grade geography presentation on this and it's a pretty cool place you want to do that if you're interested your kids going there i' look into it because it's a big trip and also there's a lot more so check the youu school website stay informed next picture retakes Day picture day retak now I was actually sick for this so I'm gonna have to do this too but on Wildwood OH Anderson there's on October 10th coming up middle on October 31st so I got a little while prepare for that next we have the pat registration now if you don't know do have to write the message I'm not looking forward to that one but the registration is open but it does close on September 25th so I don't know if your kids haven't told you about that sign them up because it's really good uh they might not like it but they will after they take it next senior allight party planning we have a meeting on September 25th to plan for the senior all night party parents they're looking for volunteers to help plan for that so come on in if you can biggest thing on the docet I think coming up is the homecoming game and parade now there's a lot a lot of candy on this one so really good for your kids there I know I feel tickets are available right now please go buy them and I think that's all we have for now well very entertaining I don't want to do my upate I was about to say that's a hard act to follow Barb yes Max I don't know if you left anything for Barb to share with us but that was very good you did I know one thing you took from me but that's all right I'm gonna highlight it anyway so I'll that was good job yeah that was very very thorough so all right you're up yep oh and I have a flicker okay so once again I will share some things around the district some awards and recognition and upcoming events so they may have been hit already so just some pictures um as you know we've well since since our last regular school board meeting we've welcomed back our students and staff and um just a few pictures from around the district and of course you've just you've just heard um a great presentation about our social media a number of these pictures you will find there on Instagram and Facebook portrait of a graduate um not so much for you because you have seen this but just for um the community just that we have we have finalized that portrait of a gr a graduate and um it was developed as a result for our strategic plan and um Comm a lot of community input both on the front end and on the back end so we'll be talking more about the portrait of a graduate um over over the course of this year and you'll be hearing more and more about that you'll also be hearing about wit and wisdom our our uh we are in our elementaries are implementing our new um curricular resource starting this school year so hopefully you've been you've been seeing some things or hearing about it from your kids at the elementary level um it is one of the curricula that was approved by um carrye and mde as highly aligned with the science of reading so um we are we are in the midst of it uh just going to Spotlight a couple new courses one is workplace communications class at the high school it's one of our English classes and it's for 11th and 12th grade students and it's focusing on essential communication skills to thrive in the modern workplace and here is a picture of um principal Han discussing discussing uh hiring practices and what he looks for and I will say he used the portrait of graduate to develop his presentation because he wanted to make sure that he started putting that out there for students so um he did use that when he was talking about this with students also Digital Arts a new class and we're really thankful to May for their support in getting this launched for us it's a new art class for seventh and eighth grade students and uh much if not all of that equipment was funded by U ma during the fund and need so here's a little video If you haven't seen it yet it's hoot um it's very cute it's a our safe routes to school we have uh new sidewalks if you haven't seen those yet along um going south along South War Road from o Anderson and then East um from Warner um along uh 72nd it is amaz so I was over at o today at the end of the day and I could not believe how many bikers there are there are so many bikers this year because of that sidewalk in particular going um South and then going through Katherine Abbott we have a lot of bikers so that's pretty exciting um uh so Community Education we did just have a food truck Friday on Friday and uh another another good turnout for that beautiful day and a couple Community upcoming community events Comedy Sports improv showstoppers and then moeri also our annual event here's one thing that Max stole my stole my thunder notice notice uh our own Max Nukem listed there as one of our semi finalists U for merit Scholars so we have three semi-finalists and six commended Scholars pretty exciting so good luck writing those essays you'll do great yeah congratulations that's a very big deal um also some awards and recognition um coming up on Monday I believe is her presentation it might be Tuesday uh Dr reel is was named as the Richard green Scholars scholar um by Masa our um School administrators uh Association and it's a an annual recognition of one research paper and so hers was chosen this year so she'll be presenting to um superintendents from throughout the state um Brian farmer is I don't know if you read about this this is a new this is something new again so he was recently high school was recently approved as a NASA hunch program um are you part of this at all you know what this is all about oh okay okay um yeah so it's there's a story that goes into it a little more detail on social media you might want to check it out but um uh Mr farmer is going to be collaborating with NASA engineers and supervising high school students researching and designing projects so it's pretty cool um I think it's one of six in the state one our school is one of six in the state that was chosen to do this program so pretty great so congratulations Dr Reichel and Mr Farmer for those and just some upcoming events um I'll just highlight October 27th that Modi faculty concert um that is a fundraiser for scholarships for students so I'll just put in a plug for that one and I know that um that Max highlighted a few of these already so thank you and that's it thank you well um so my construction update is that to I sent something today asking that question I was told um I was told soon I don't know did you have my the same Source I did soon um no there is another um construction meeting tomorrow and I'll I'll know more at that point um you know the latest was It was supposed to be done at the end of next week um I don't it seems really unlikely when I look but I I'm not I'm not in the business so I don't know for sure what that looks like um but soon is what I have for you I might have something more specific by tomorrow okay on to action item oh no board member calendar under discussion item so um is there does anyone have anything they want to call out on our Board calendar just want to remind everyone that uh our study sessions do start at 5:30 now yes director Regan um I just had a question for Dr Riel since she's here the um curriculum advisory that normally meets a handful of times to the year is it meeting both October and November it's on there twice okay that was one question I had because I sat on there twice um thought I had a second question but I don't remember what it is now when I looked at this earlier um I don't know I lost it anyone oh director Donna um October 17th and 18th is Mea we also off the school close on the Wednesday the 16th as well yeah what is that day again is that part of mea or is that different Elementary School conferences all day thank you maybe secondary has school off oh okay are there conferences for secondary as well that day for Dennis it's conferences okay got it else um action items we start with approval of donations and grants for August 2024 totaling 20,000 9979 I have a motion move by director Regan second by director Doman any discussion all donations and grants are greatly appreciated the use of these funds will be to further the mission of the school district and are used towards the wishes of the donor all those in favor say I I those opposed motion carries okay approval of refinancing options we have our director Finance Amer so okay gonna introduce Matthew Hammer you're familiar with Matt here a few times a few times about uh this opportunity that we've got to save some signif and structure uh debt that we can approach and and address different the years but uh I'm going to keep that fairly short and I'm going to let Matt take you through the presentation tonight I'll talk a he'll talk a little bit about the parameters resolution uh that we'd like you to that we' we'd like you to approve uh as well and just know that finance committee met on the 16th uh looked at some different options and forwarded the option that you're going to see uh tonight so I'll let from there thank you Tim um Madam chair members of the board good evening Matthew Hammer from ERS um we do have a resolution that we're bringing before you uh tonight for the uh current refunding of the district's 2014 bonds um like Tim said we we've had some um conversations with the finance committee last Monday on the 16th and looked at various SC and and landed on a scenario uh that we're bringing forward tonight and that parameter that is established as part of the resolution is establishing um an estimated savings or minimum savings Target of around a million dollars in future value savings um and with that we're establishing a um minimum true interest cost of 3.15% um the there's a pre-sale Report with outlining um the assumption the detail of all the assumptions that we've uh we bringing forward but I'll just touch on the timeline at a high level um tonight we'll have the intent resolution that authorizes us to move forward with the bond sale um and there'll be some activity that we work with Barb and Tim on over the next uh couple weeks um in regards to getting the preliminary official statement ready to go to market um and we're targeting the October 14th for that and then taking bids on October 23rd um and as long as we're meeting the parameter the authorized officials as part of the parameter will be awarding um sale uh on the 23rd and then that will be ratified at the regular school board meeting on October 28th um when you look at the overall savings uh estimate um right now we have a little bit of cushion in those numbers um but like I said we're trying to Target at least a minimum Savings of a million dollars and if for some reason market conditions are changing over the next month we'll continue to monitor that um and uh it's not the end of the world if we would have to delay that sale but um all indications right now we'll be able to move forward with that sale later this month so I can answer any um questions folks have about the process um or any uh anything in regards to specific information within the report I will note that director Donna director doen and myself uh we all participated in that so I don't have any questions but I feel like because we talked through it thoroughly but um really appreciate all the work that's gone into this and I think we landed at a good place to to get a good amount of savings anyone have any questions okay I think we're ready to vote on it yep um we'll see you guys next month hopefully with good results you so I will need a motion to approve the refinancing options so by director Donna second by director Doan any discussion I think um the resolution can if I could just suggest that this is a resolution stating the intention of the school board to issue General Obligations School building refunding bonds um and I think that maybe you should I'll keep going um General obligation School building refunding bond series 2024a in the aggregate principal amount of approximately 22 M360 th000 and taking other actions with respect there too and then the the um resolution is below that so that is what you're moving on that all those in favor say I I those opposed motion carries okay now for the district education indoor air quality project okay so Adam and I are going to uh go through this with you it'll be short um you probably had a chance to look at the this and you can see that uh the bids turned out really well for us Cool Air Mechanical uh which happens to be the comp the company that uh did the OHA mechanical work the one that we uh have worked with in the past and have some experience with was the low bidder in this situation so um you know I don't have a lot to add other than Adam if you got anything you add um yeah so tonight we're just seeking the school board approval on the on the bed with cool a um site Logic the facility um team that we're working with that we work that we've been working with since 2022 that helped us with the IQ project at OA and did our facility assessment uh did verify the bids with cool air and they are comfortable with their their bid that they gave us um so tonight we're just asking for the school board approval to proceed um with this project and start ordering equitment because there still is some long lead items but um get this approved now we should be okay um all everything coming in material wise in the spring and that most of this is funded um that I've talked about with the facility board is most of it is leftover IQ bonds from our 2022 project and then there's a little bit of ltfm in there as well um some of the items we are not able to purchase through the IQ bonds um so we have to use ltfm for one of major item uh adding a new boiler so we have boiler redund questions okay I think we're familiar with this too all right I think we're ready to vote a motion director moved by director doen second second by director Peterson any discussion all those in favor say I I I those opposed motion carries and now for the approval of the preliminary 2024 pay 2025 Levy certification okay so again you're this is something you'd be familiar with so we're talking about preliminary Levy and I want to stress preliminary because these numbers will change back and forth there's a lot of updating that happens between now and when you do a final approval of the levy uh dece um I think we're scheduled for December uh by September 30th of each year the boards need to approve the preliminary do the second deadline is December 20 by December 28th um then we have to the boards boards have to approve the final Levy and again those two will be different uh there's a lot of updating that just continues to happen as we go through the process so again when we look at the different types of levies um we're we're really comprised of a voter approved levies which would be operating referendum of of course capital projects again that's another that's a referendum for technology and then building improvements and that's would be those would be your construction bonds so those are examples of the voter approved levies that we've got and then discretionary levies uh those are expenditures with Levy limits and categories authorized in law and so one of those one of those examples and Adam mention that is long-term facility maintenance there are other ones that are like lease Levy we uh we love lease a facility such as the one for the passengers program we're able to uh to lease uh to Levy for that lease so that would be another example or safe schools levy again another example of that so we look at the how how this compares the proposed 25 compares to the final pay for uh this last year uh you can see that that total is for for 24 uh was certified at 16,27 and if we just look at that bottom that change number and I will tell you the majority of that change is the Step Up in our lobby so we're moving uh in the in the operating lby that's are currently in place we're moving from 15 1295 that Levy steps up is that examp I just want to clarify something you said so um it's not that it continues after this one this is the last step of the levy um that was approved in 208 2018 yes correct so they every three years this is L so it doesn't continue on in right right it's not in limited to 10 years okay different programs that they're r prised that more often in their system large during that process during the levy process as we go through and we go through froms up or down in our later because they CL were student enrollment numbers how close were budgets expenditures did we everything we said we were going to lot of those cases that money uh gets reduced a lot of pluses and minuses so yeah so it's it's a process excuse me is that microphone on okay yeah it's just you're it's hard I'm having a hard time picking up picking you up a little bit but it's okay to keep talking it just might be that um so there you maybe you don't hear it there's this little kind of sound that's coming through I don't know so just make sure you speak up okay sounds good'll win out try to adjust it here a little bit too okay so then much better thank you is that better yeah oh awesome okay so it was just me all right all right I'll remember that uh so then we're looking at examples of what what the effect on the homeowners would be in this in this particular preliminary example so when we look at um where we we're seeing Market changes market value changes right now if we look at Washington County as a whole uh the median market value has actually dropped 2.6% so we've seen Market values drop in the county as a whole when we look at the district we're actually going up uh a tenth of a percent so um I think that's good news we're not going down uh but we're you know essentially pretty level um so that's and and again those are estimates from the county as well those are not final numbers but but they're estimates so if we look at uh for example and I'll pull the example the very first one uh in page 24 that First Column $57,600 that's the median uh market value for our district and when you look at that last year that the tax was the school tax was about was almost 20 about $2,300 and I'm just going to round here and then when you get to uh the next year going up uh let's see we're at about 2423 in this example so it does go up and you can you can see that effect on on those other homes as well um there was a change uh by the state on how um the market how the market impact is affected and there's a little bit of a formula so I won't go through it it's not uh not something that we probably need to to study but uh it does make a slight change in in the market value um exclusion so any questions on that no okay so then getting to that last slide um again what we like to do in this case of a preliminary ly is we want to be able to have an approval of the full statutory Authority uh given the school district for the Levy right now and the reason for that is there are technical corrections as I've mentioned uh there were some errors in some of the levy runs I saw we've kind of corrected and work through a lot of those um but you know it's just something we we really want to Levy to the authority right now and then and we'll see where it all comes in uh as we get closer to that final approval but uh um and then we've got the truth and Taxation scheduled for December 16th and uh then at that time you'll approve the the final Levy so any questions okay a motion to approve the preliminary tax levy at the maximum allowable for taxes payable in 2025 motion move by director Peterson second by director Donna any discussion all those in favor say iOS motion carries thank you thank okay now Schoolboard committee reports uh that I suppose so if you could skip me and come back okay can we start sure um so the ma report May last met on Monday September 16th um some of this is already been covered I think it's worth saying again because there's some great things happening um but to start off with this was not covered um the mission moment presentation was a literacy program update from the district and the decodable books uh presented by Lindsay scandin and Judy Livingston um to talk about the impact on the decodable books that may helped fund with the fund in need in 2023 um they talked about some data of uh prek to third grade and taking a look at um how those resources are utilized and how those are used to help support reading needs in those grades um the second thing I'll bring up um from ma is that they're looking at potentially um changing up their bylaws to add an ex official um member to the ma board which would be a current teacher someone who's currently teaching in the Mami schools to be a non- voting member um at on Ma so that's something that they want that teacher perspective uh at their meetings um ma also wanted to recognize the many years of service by one of their trustees Dave Bennett and so they voted him in as a lifetime trustee for May so I believe Barb you can correct me but I feel like it's over 30 years 30 plus years he's served May something like that I don't remember been very long time yeah so um so Dave Bennett will be a lifetime trustee with ma other things uh the may fall or the the fall fund Drive is underway right now um there's a really easy way to be able to pledge to the fall fund Drive I would love for the school board to consider what we are going to do as a board um to support our schools in Ma and um when I was at the meeting that night um I scanned the QR code they gave me within about five seconds my contribution was made and I went online and found out that um I could also match it with my employer so that was one thing that I didn't know so that's something that maybe um if you interested but knowing that that money then goes back to support um the efforts in our school so the fall fun drive is underway um max already mentioned I think superintendent duffan already mentioned the zepher get together that event somehow is cursed by rain the last two years last year it was amazing um and it was a ton of fun but it rained and this year we had that storm as well so they've rescheduled for this Thursday I think Thursday looks good right so far so um 430 to 7 was that right Max I think that was the time 4:37 I think they said same place same time move it by one week so um if people are available that was a really fun event and they are adding some new things out there um as well this year so and I guess lastly I'll add that no I have two things um um May um sponsored um $3,000 with the school supplies that help serve 128 students in our district for school supplies that are needed so thank you to May for that and that Wildwood artist series there are a couple of concerts I I know that that one was already mentioned October 27th is our music faculty concert but for families who are attending the music faculty concert afterwards they're going to have a trunk a treat so you can trick-or treat at people's Trunks from 1 to three I believe is the time I could be wrong on that I'm pretty sure it was trunk of treat from 1 to three that sounds like that's before it's in the Wildwood parking lot in the Wildwood parking lot from one to three okay one to three um so Trunk or Treat so that's super fun you just like saying it it was fun I liked it um okay so then they want the kids to wear their costoms from trun or treat to the to the concert the concert so the concert was after I thought the timing SC con after okay um September what was the date that one already passed that was yesterday um January 25th is Billy mlin at 7 p.m. so that's they're doing a limited Wildwood artist concert series just three of them this year um the first one was September 22nd Sean Johnson and the big band experience then we have October 27th the music faculty January 25th is Billy mlin at 7M ma will be at the homecoming parade along with all sorts of other groups on October 4th and as the mom of the football captain I hope to see all of you out there at the game on October 4th we need the community support um to bring home a W for the zers and that is it for my report from ma thank you all right uh are you ready yet sure I can just briefly had to look back um amsd at amsd we heard from Peter Leatherman did a another survey and we're we're very familiar with his surveys and I will send you a link to the video because as you know there's just so much you get from his presentation beyond the slides but um just a he doesn't annual survey for amsd and just shares results um things that he's curious some of it is questions annual questions and other things are just things he's curious about himself so and he'll share that so I'll share the link with you so you can watch it msba legislative updates hey two things last Thursday there was a webinar that I'm waiting for them to post to msba so you can go back and watch it it's not archived yet but again it was a Statewide survey of Morris Letterman doing how what's the political landscape in our Public Schools right now and I am dying to watch it so it was live last Thursday but it will be posted I don't know how I wonder if it's the same one was it called political Landscapes of public schools I would well I think it was I don't think it was quite well anyway I would imagine there would be some overlap okay can you share that link when you find it yeah yeah I you're going to send it to everyone right thank you yeah Leslie's sending it out I asked her to okay and does anyone know how long Barber Stacy does it take an msba live webinar to be archived do you know a month I don't I feel like it's a week or two okay okay and then the next Schoolboard coffee and conversations from 8: to 9:00 a.m. is um October 1st and I know I say it every time coping what did I say you said School board coffee in conversation well same thing not our school board oh no not our school board msba coffee I know I say it every time but if you can jump on they're great okay hey great thank you uh Northeast Metro 916 board do you have any we all get the notes from Lucy so she always makes sure we get those so I'm guessing that's everything okay and any other board reports yes sir okay I'll keep going um just a couple more things what Kelly brought up the PTO is trying this trunker treat thing um at Wildwood first annual they're going to give it a whirl and then like Kelly said they're trying to back it up with then just head over to shiaka and watch the music uh concert because it's those kids that trunker treat it's their music teachers performing right after the PTO is looking for any book donations if you guys or neighbors grandparents are cleaning out bookshelves please somehow get them to the PTO they just give them out for free to kids at different events throughout the year so when your kids outgrow a book please pass it on to the PTO oh the fun run this Friday is they're desperate for oh volunteers um it does not have to be a parent if you have a grandparent who would love to spend a couple hours with their grandchild send them to o on Friday and they are going to try alternating months of am and p.m. PTO meetings so if nights don't work for you but you have an hour on a Wednesday morning once a month and want to know what the PTO is doing in the district they're going to try mornings any other board reports okay well with that can I second director Peterson all those in favor say I I I good