ready he's ready to get started start Richie you you ready [Music] Perfect all right everyone we ready let's get started this meeting of the MAA board of education is open to members of the public to be physically present members of the public that attend will be asked to follow the same procedures as all other visitors to our schools those procedures can be found on the agenda page of our website Additionally the board meeting will be live streamed for viewing purposes only anyone wishing to view the meeting May do so via Zoom the webinar ID for this meeting is 86 9425 2038 and the required password is 934 637 right I call the meeting to order and we are going to have our first roll call by Mr lamb this evening thank you Dr morthy roll call Mr copin here Mr deero here Mr D Silva Mr Denise here Mr Gallow here Mr use here Mr karski Miss Janson here Dr Mor here all right um adequate notice of agenda of this meeting has been provided to the Ridgewood news and the record specifying that the Mawa Board of Education will meet on July 24th 20124 in the administrative offices 60 Ridge Road Mawa New Jersey copy was filed with the Township Clerk our salute to the flag Mr Denise would you lead us please thank you alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right thank you very much um all right we do not require a executive session in the beginning so we will uh move on to agenda questions please limit your questions at this time to resolutions under new business on this agenda as a matter of fairness you are asked to limit your questions to no more than one and your remarks to no longer than three minutes if you're here representing a group please identify yourself the group and your position in the group if you're here as an individual please give us your name and address this section of public participation will be limited to 15 minutes please specify the resolution you are referring to in your question um I need a motion to open the meeting to the public Mr dallow second by Mr Denise we are officially open to the public seeing no one coming forth at this time I need a motion to close the meeting to the public Mr Hughes second by Mr cin all right we don't have a MAA student representative report this evening uh so let's go on to Dr Doro and our superintendent's report yes thank you so mine is very brief um this is just a continuation of us um focusing on communicating to our public our students uh just what is available Mr Pascal brought this down today there are going to be signs up throughout um our high school this is aligned to our career career Pathways this is just an overview sign but as you can see in the bottom right corner each of the pathways will have their own sign just to bring heightened awareness to the students and any visitors who come through uh High School on what is available to our students so Mr Pascal was extremely proud of this and he wanted to bring it down um I had another item to discuss but Dr morthy has it so I'm excited for her to share it's aligned to um the pathways and other opportunities um and last but not least I want to formally welcome Mr lamb to the team um this is a day two together um and I'm very excited about the opportunities moving forward so welcome congratulations and I look forward to uh great things ahead thank you thank you Dr Doro um Mr lamb do you have any report for us this evening no just want to say thank you it's been a great first two days and I'm sure I'll have more to say next month thank you very much um Dr Fair our report thank you brief uh the first is this sign yeah this sign is uh one of eight different iterations so Mr Pascal wanted us to let everyone know that there are eight different types of signs that will be uh plastered throughout the uh the high school holidays I saw flight path yeah I got excited we're doing like pilot training or something that it's all about branding right opportunities are endless additionally uh our some of our summer programs have um they've started and clued already um our extended school year program our summer booster program as well as our Summer music program and Safety Town all had successful runs and Camp invention our steam experience for kids as well as kindergarten kickstar uh an introduction for our new incoming kindergarteners uh will begin next week on the 29th so so we are excited to have everyone joining us and want to thank our staff for job both on thank you very much thank you um my report as um Dr joro indicated first off though I just want to um on behalf of of the Board of Education and the trustees welcome Mr lamb um our new business administrator and we all look forward to uh working with you and welcome to MAA um so I was looking at the Twitter feed and love that Twitter feed although I don't have Twitter but I was looking at okay I is that the wrong thing to say I was on the Twitter I was laughing because you said you were looking at twiter feed which is just comical okay well thank you um several students were highlighted for their placements through our summer Thunderbird career and academic internship program I I I this is so excit Mr Gallow how excited are you I was Juiced Juiced I see that's the word Juiced so I thought let's take an opportunity to just um highlight a few of these students so we have arouch and I again it's just the first name so I'm just going to use first um who's with the township of MAA um then we have mia Who that lease right rits leit lits thank youits Advanced Technology Corporation and working in the finance department then we have David at code ninjas um and he's in the computer science pathway then we have Jordan and Harrison who were teaching maybe I'm assuming in the summer uh one of our music camps um they were teaching elementary and middle school students uh and there in the performing arts career pathway then we have fisa who's at pamis Pharmacy who's at in the biotch and Health Sciences pathway then we have Jean who's at Habitat for Humanity um in the business administration pathway Gavin who's also at leites Lites you just say it Mr gallin because obviously I can't get it um who's in the engineering and Technology pathway um then we have Emily who's at the Chinese Community Center of New Jersey um and she's at the in the business administration pathway then we have uh sarod who's at Beth Israel Medical Center uh and his pathway is biotech research and Sciences then we have Chase who's at Adipex um an international adtech company um business administration pathway uh and then I have another Mia so there must be two Mia we have uh the second Mia is at Flo dental and uh she's with the biotech and Health Sciences pathway so I just wanted to say I mean to see this and I think this is just a sampling because I know we have many more um but to see the real life experiences that many of us as board members um for many years have been you know really um uh talking about and and encouraging of to see this really continue to take off and grow and expand um is is really uh very exciting and congratulations to the team uh who's really put all this together I also want to say thank you to all our Thunderbird career partners and hosts because um to take on a student and give um your time and energy and so on I mean they grow tremendously but there's also you know time and effort involved so we really do appreciate um hosting our students this summer and we look forward to continuing to grow this program so congratulations looks like a big success all right um let's move on to board committee reports do we have any this evening okay board member remarks anyone Mr Galla I just have a quicky um last week one of our graduates from the class of 2015 received her doctor in neurobiology from Northeastern Unity so Dr carry Walter is now a Ram with a PhD a very uh and I can't even tell you what her thesis was but it was a very long thing related to uh eye and brain coordination nerve signaling and like so Dr car Walter good to hear thank you Mr Gallow anyone else Mr Poppin on the agenda tonight um whatever GG whatever this is 19 GG um Carrie PRK is going to be doing her Girl Scout Gold Award project here at the high school I just want to thank her for doing this uh Carrie is a very dear friend of my daughters and they've been in Girl Scouts since they were kindergarten together they're both going through the Gold Award project and every everything if you've ever had a daughter go through this project you know the amount of work it takes to get to this point to actually come in front of a a group to say hey this is what I want to do I want your commission to do it there's been a lot of things and challenges that that they've had to do get to this point so I just want to congratulate Carrie on getting to this point and I'm very excited to see what this is going to look like on our lower field it sounds sounds like an awesome project um and from the drawings we saw in our packet looks like it's going to be really cool additions in high school so thank you to Carrie thank you Mr and I would agree all the um girl scout gold Awards Eagle Scout projects that are done um at the schools um are are tremendous um and the work and dedication of the students that they put in um if you I've been through an Eagle Scout project and it's it's uh it's really very tremendous so yes thank you very much and it's La I think maybe board meeting should do the Labyrinth perhaps after a board me may not out we might get lost BR all right um Mr Hughes I just add one quick question about the contracts on P and Q utilizing the ARP ESS funding uh so it's my understanding I believe that the ARP f eventually will uh dry up is there oh this is p q huh p and q p andq under 18 18 this Rel to linkoln oh yeah link it and curriculum Associates so I noticed that we're using ARP and ESS ER funding I was just wondering if or how much longer it's my understanding I think drying up at some point soon how much longer we'll have the ARP funding and if if so like we really like these people that are Contracting will we develop another budgetary plan in the future to be fiscally responsible adding these that's that's very good question yes we have been uh fortunate enough to use uh the different fundings uh from from the the state and the federal government for both of these to get them up off the ground Dr bino has been looking at all of her budget lines in the curriculum um section of the budget and uh she already has plans um and I already started allocating funds accordingly when it does um clear up I believe um and Dr V correct me if I'm wrong next year um we we're covered for next year and it would be the 26 27 school year that we're going to have to make sure during the 25 26 school year when we're budgeting for that following year everything will be lined up but our our expectation is and we feel that we're in a good position to do that already because um because it is a good there's a it's a large amount of money we want to make sure that we're being responsible now so we can afford it down the road and I believe some of this is is start up one time money too so it's onetime funding one time cost so it's not like we have these costs forever and hour and hour and I think the r funding expires in September we have to commit by September this year it's done so you know we're always conscious of not using we never wanted to use the art money for things that we had to pay for in the future as many other districts did um but we also wanted to use everything we had so thank you no problem thank you very much um anyone else okay then let's uh let's move on to um old business let's take 17 A and B need a motion on the floor Mr Gallow second by Mr Hughes uh Mr lamb roll call please roll call Mr copin yes M Aero yes Mr Denise abstain Mr Gallow yes Mr use yes Miss T Jansen yes Dr Mor yes all right let's now take new business A2 HH um I need a motion on the floor Mr cin second by Miss T jansson uh and roll call please Mr L Mr C yes m d Aro yes Mr Denise yes Mr Gallow Yes except on check number 11 16320 and 116234 I'll be obing Mr use yes Miss jansson yes Dr Mor yes all right now let's take uh 19 new business Personnel again A2 HH there you go uh motion Mr copin second by Mr Denise question yes sure um a 19e just a comment and a question first of all I think this is a a fantastic hire uh Bill hun has been in the community forever uh it's well known and is going to do incredible at the rge I've seen him and interact with the kids and's going to be be great question I have is there was conversation about splitting the cost of his salary with the town has that been solidified or where are we in that process we had a number of meetings with the town um I reached out to our town business administrator um he's currently away um so I'm just waiting uh to hear back along the lines of uh of where we're going to go with that they were open to it I know that there was a lot of conversations at Town council meeting I don't know where where they're finalizing it um whether they are partnering with us or not we're going to move forward with it um you know as I shared before they were generous enough to offer in the beginning um they they set up a meeting um trying to remember what part of last last year and and how they started the meeting was we would like to partner with you um and we appreciated that partnership where we go from there um I'm hoping to get more information in the coming weeks but as I said we're a position that we we can take this on but if they would like to partner with us like they did with the SRO that would be appreciated so thank you the township will still be supporting us um the police force with training and certification gun training right yes and so there'll be corre so we have a fully integrated officer y thank you very much okay um I have the motion yes so Mr lamb oh M Jon okay go ahead question roll call Mr compl yes and thanks to all the volunteers on there there's a t for M yes Mr Denise yes Mr Gallow yes Mr use yes m s jansson yes Dr yes okay public questions or comment public participation at board meetings is in accordance with bylaw 0167 at this time members of the public may ask questions or make a comment on educational issues or School matters of community interest as a matter of fairness you're asked to limit your questions to no more than one and your remarks to no longer than three minutes if you're here representing a group please identify yourself the group and your position in the group if you're here as an individual please give us your name and address all right I need a motion to open the meeting to the public Mr Gallow second by Mr Hughes okay we are officially open to the public seeing no one coming forth at this time uh let's have a motion to close the meeting to the public Mr Hughes and second by Mr cin all right uh we will be uh going to Executive session and then um adjourning from there so let me get a motion to recess to Executive session Mr Gallow second by Miss T and uh we will then adjourn from there directly thank you everyone have a good evening got you guys are killing them not bad