##VIDEO ID:UD5tdA1aOM4## up how we doing take us out a practice session please John did you realize what a warm welcome you were G to today that was nice all all right this meeting of the ma board of education is open to members of the public to be physically present members of the public that attend will be asked to follow the same procedures as all other visitors to our schools those procedures can be found in the agenda page of our website additionally the board meeting will be live streamed for viewing purposes only anyone wishing to view the meeting May do so via Zoom webinar ID is 894 3637 8120 and the required password is 568 921 I call this meeting to order uh roll call please Dr joro will be uh Mr lamb from us this morning M Deo here Mr toova here Mr Denise here Mr Gallow Mr Hughes here m Mr kmari Miss Jansen Mr coplin Dr morthy here adequate notice of agenda of this meeting has been provided to the Ridgewood news and the record specifying that the ma Board of Education will meet on August 7th 2024 in the administrative office of 60 Ridge Road MAA New Jersey a copy was filed with the Township Clerk salute to the flag Mr Hughes if you would do that please I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right no need for executive session uh this morning in the beginning to move on to agenda questions please limit your questions at this time to resolutions under new business on this agenda it's a matter of fairness you're asked to limit your questions to no more than one and your remarks to no longer than three minutes if you're here representing a group please identify yourself the group and your position in the group if you're here as an individual please give us your name and address this section of public participation will be limited to 15 minutes uh I need a motion to open the meeting to the public Mr dis Silva second by Mr Denise we are officially open to the public seeing no one come forth at this time motion to close the meeting to the public Mr Hughes and second by Mr jilva uh we do not have a Mawa student representative report uh this morning so let's uh move on to superintendent report Dr jur uh good morning my report is going to be based on the uh presentations that we have in front we have Miss carella and Mr Gata who's going to be presenting our access NJ GPA and graduation Pathways data information good morning I'm going to be speaking about the access which is the assessing comprehension and communication English state to state um which is a test taken by our multilingual Learners in grades kindergarten through 12 which gives us information regarding their language proficiency specifically in District our students all took access for El's we did not take the alternate when looking at the assessment it's broken down into four domains speaking listening reading and writing and we're looking for a composite score of a 4.5 or greater to exit the program our groups are clustered by K 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 and 9 through 12 and I did want to just bring attention to the fact that students in grades 4 through 12 take the entire assessment online whereas students in grades K through three actually still take it um written by hand um in a test booklet I wanted to provide some sample questions so that you can see specifically what uh the access test looks like for our students um and as you can see this is a sample writing question where students are asked to look at pictures interpret a graph and then be able to write a step by step explanation including details so when we look at some of these sample questions um I really want you to recognize that some of these students are coming within the year or have only been here for a year or two and are really expected to not only have language but have academic content language as well and this is a sample of a middle school question where students are expected to again look at a chart then look at um a reading passage and then be able to interpret so these are just some sample questions um so that you can really see the rigor of the assessment um and even for example this you know this is a reading question but I want to not specifically that there's mathematical language involved in this reading question so when we are talking about what's necessary to really support our multilingual Learners within District it's not just language that's going to help them outside having conversation but the academic language that involves um specifically in this reading passage where we' been looking at um you know mathematical statements the speaking sample specifically require students to again involve academic context so we're talking about not just conversational skills but being able to incorporate vocabulary um that's used in all of our content classes so I wanted to take a look at our testing population this year um we had 64 ml students that participated in testing um so all 64 did participate so we had a 100% assessment rate including one student who is out of District so we sent one of our um teachers who is um trained in the uh administration of the access to be able to go to the ad of District placement to test the student um specifically I wanted to talk about the 26 6.6 new um students to District right the percentage of students that are new these students came within the year um many are newcomers so they're coming with not necessarily um the experience or the formal education that many students come from within different states so here are our numbers looking specifically from year of kindergarten to fifth grade these are all the students in 2023 that took the assessment and then took it again in 2024 and as you can see um our students so every student who took the assessment last year improved in every domain this year um specifically focusing on reading and I wanted to bring attention to that um this was something that we really honed in on this year working closely with um Dr Rino and our reading interventionists and really looking at multiple measures to determine which students needed the support um to have more uh specific Orin or uh intervention strategies so we're really excited to see that you know we felt that that worked really benefited them and the same goes for our 6 through 12 as you can see um our students who took the assessment in 2023 and then took it again this year increased in every single domain as well and again looking at that reading piece we really focused in specifically um looking at our I ready and our interventions and using our different types of literacy labs and having our teachers hone in on specific targeted skills that we felt um were necessary for improvement of not just necessarily language but also understanding the target skills of the content standards so some of the intervention strategies that we used this past year that we are going to continue to use and then we have a couple new ones that we're going to be throwing in um is we did look at our curriculum and updated all of our weita standards specifically looking at our Ela um literacy development and really honing in on professional development I was proud to share that we had multiple sessions in January led by our multilingual learners teachers including a group of students um from the community problem solving Club up at the high school we also had two teachers attend the Isme or in Gillingham training and were able to turn key which really is a focus on literacy um and we all attended as a department interpreting access scores to guide instruction so now that we have this information on every single student we attended this Workshop to determine what is the best way to continue meeting the needs of all of these individual students so these scores are on paper they improve improved they're great but how do we then continue to increase these scores as they hopefully exit our program um we really take in a a stronghold I had a teacher here yesterday actually leading uh new teacher new teacher orientation for a small group instruction um we are going to be continuing the pushin model so for students who scored a 3.7 or greater we'll have them continue in the classrooms with our multilingual multilingual leaner teachers push it in um as well as our students who are newcomers or need more support we'll have the option also for small group instruction with our multilingual teachers as well as remaining the classroom for push in we are going to continue our after school tutoring where we really are targeting literacy language acquisition and content um and excited to share that we are we did create a class of um multilingual Learners pre-algebra Solutions 6 through eight at Ramapo Ridge um and we were actually just finalizing that curriculum yesterday we're really excited about it really looking at some of the pre it skills that would be needed to understand algebra and geometry and really focusing on remediating them so that then we can continue forward to bring our students up to grade level um and again that's a class where students are going to go into we are going to remediate and then they're going to push out into their regular grade level classes um and we're really excited more about bringing create really these real world experiences of application and language um to our students this past year we went to um the post office in MAA which was a really incredible experience our students had the opportunity to really speak about career Pathways um talk about opportunties for them as they further their academic careers um and where they could go next um and just having them in engage in conversation about you know there's different venues and opportunities out there that they didn't know and that were so close to home um something really excited to them they you know they were learning about the pension system when you take part of you know a that type of profession they were learning about how you can start at an hourly rate and work your way up um and it was really incredible to watch students see that there are so many opportunities available to them even in MAA I'm so close to home that could really further their their lives outside of um to school district going to pass over thank you good morning so the New Jersey graduat proficiency assessment is the test students need to pass to graduate your proficiency to graduate from uh M High School from High School back in 81 this whole the state started with the minimum basic skills test grade nine give grade nine students in ' 83 they went to high school proficiency test for grade n then in 88 when I graduated high school they went to the high school proficiency test for grade 11 and then hesa in 2001 and after 2001 what came next remember fa what's the test you got it that the next one and so now the NJ GPA and so this to test students and it's based on the grade 10 standards wrote a whole entire book uh the NJ GPA so um the student this is Al so if students do not pass the NJ GPA um they can take an alternate assessment um they either retake the test or they can do um a a there's a substitute cost a a group of Assessments he can take to pass or complete a portfolio right right now so this this test is given and we talk about these numbers this is the current class of 2025 our current seniors so as of today they're going into senior year we have six students who still have to meet that requirement right of the 203 students that we have and those six are already in line to pass the test part of their portfolio field process what done by October so last year again this is this this data for this year so class 2025 we tested 203 students in English and 202 in math two did not test were on home construction um and then you see the graduation ready with students above 725 92% in English and 83% in math and as I said as of now we have six students um they'll be they'll be done out folder here's the comparison of scores of the last three years the cut score in 2022 that numberers is a little lower was 750 the state changed to 725 but we are still well above the state average in all our the dis segregated data year to year you see the the nice growth um with the male uh population our special ed population off the charts okay from 49 last year to 71% okay that's Fant I mean amazing absolutely amazing that's a lot of the cross curricular approach moving those students and giving them more opportunities in general education courses U has really made a huge huge difference there's a mathematics okay it's been a decrease across the state my high school for the last few years Implement implemented a fourth year of a math class um most schools are only doing three um we have a threeyear graduation quir in math but most students take four years of math we added a statistics course um that has really really become very popular uh and really a lot of students want to take it we've gone from one section three years ago now I think we should running four and our strategies one thing I always loveed about ma is is the I would say the left hand knows what the right hand is doing U when I say the left hand the right hand the left hand the supervisors are at the ridge the same supervisor in high school so we're we're attacking we're getting to students early and when they leave 8th grade the supervisor and teachers know exactly what needs to be done at the high school so we're identifying those students early from the ridge we're getting them rural in CCR classes those career college readiness courses um and actually the kids actually love those classes especially particularly the math we put the kid in a student in a CCR class in math in the first semester and they'll want to stay in the second semester and just love that additional extra support um the one accelerator classes for a double period of math for those students who were struggling in math so fresh me will take out for one and it'll take out one accelerator which a double class of math so that by junior year we get the N GP these kids are ready to all and the same thing with math we have the CCR classes the um also um an assessment a alternative assessment uh class uh which we have not had to run so like I said this year we had the six kids um but we don't need to run this class is a class because by that point kids are ready to go class of 2024 you we talk about this that and all said and done and we look at where our students go and how they succeed uh this graduation rate this is the estimated number for class in 2024 now please understand this graduation rate okay last year we 226 seniors all 226 graduated okay so why is the graduation R out 100% um graduation calculated by cohort so we have students who left during that cohort that left M High School um certain special ed populations included because they're not they don't meet the state requirements from um um attendance requirements and academic requirements and some District students but all students who were walked in the building in September at M High School all here's our class 2024 statistics okay this the class just graduated 226 in new class 33 passes Subs competency test sat PSAT acup Placer uh and then 10 portfolio PS our SATs sat again is at600 still waiting for the the final numbers coming from college board um you see our math scores equivalent to last year um our evidence Reading Writing uh on par with where we were last year and a significant rise from the last two years and our combined score of 123 which is really impressive the AC the college will accept either an SAT or an act so part of our guidance plan is we have every student hates the PSAT that's 11th grade that the district pays for that information that data really gives our English and math teachers some really really good things to go from to help build and to work with students and so when stud take we always have students P we take a Practice Act and then students can choose between sat or act to submit to college and some some tests are some students are better geared towards an act or an SAT so we give those students an opportunity and the acts out of 36 there's four sections math English reading and Science and the composite is the total 25 AP numbers AP is out of one through five one through five student scores a three four or five three four five in an AP test and get college credit so last year our students with 210 students um take 477 exams and they get an average of 91 three 91% of our students will take will get college credit for most and our overall score is a 3.8 3. scores by subject is a 2 2024 scores you see the growth in computer science okay the English language okay language in comp is 4.0 just phenomenal I almost perfect um the last three years the second set we go for 24 subjects and you see all this this entire page is 3.8 3.8 3.9 4.0 3.8 you see the numbers again three or better with chicag college credit and the jump in US history from 3.5 to 4.4 jumping goo 4.1 to 4.6 okay really really phenomenal our post secary plans so 92.9% of my students myol students attending twoe techical Career School yeah yeah uh foure colleges were at 82% uh two-ear College by 7.5% other employment military year Gap year where our kids wind up our students wind up um really impress the schools and one the one piece that I really like to talk about is when we talk about building students from an academic standpoint the one thing that I really want to kind of point out is that we're students in MA High School 25 different states across the country and two countries okay we have a student attending uh School in um England and another student who is in France next year so the the the the confidence that our students develop from an academic and a uh emotional and social uh standpoint gives them the confidence to go out and just Branch out so we have students small high school students across the country open up for any questions [Music] uh thank you very much Miss Cara and Mr appreciate uh the uh very comprehensive presentation and it's very exciting to see how well our students are doing um Dr have any other anything else okay um all right uh there's no business administrator report um Dr be I think does not have report either um I don't have report this morning either any board committee reports board member remarks okay let's uh move on to new business other uh let's take 17 A and B I need a motion Mr Hugh second by mrva uh Dr m d yes Mr Dila yes Mr Denise yes Mr Gallow Mr Hughes yes Mr karski Miss Jansen Mr coplin Dr morthy yes all right let's move on to 18 uh new business Personnel we have 18 A through X uh I need a motion Mr Denise second by Mr Hughes uh all right Dr Jor M aano yes Mr dilva yes Mr Denise yes Mr Gallow Mr Hughes yes Mr kmari M Jansen Mr copin Dr morthy yes all right public questions or comment public participation at board meetings is in accordance with bylaw 0167 at this time members of the public may ask questions or make a comment on educational issues or School matters of community interest it's a matter of fairness you asked to limit your questions to no more than one and your remarks to no longer than 3 minutes if you're here representing a group please identify yourself the group and your position in the group if you're here as an individual please state your name and provide your address all right I need a motion to open the meeting to the public Mr dilva and second by Mr Hughes we are officially open to the public seeing no one come forward at this time motion to close the meeting to the public Mr Hughes and second by Mr Denise all right we do not require an executive session uh this morning so I need a motion to adjourn Mr uh Hughes and second by Mr D Silva thank you everyone have a good day