##VIDEO ID:AGH0f1x7Vnk## 7:13 p.m on Wednesday September 4th and I'll call the finance committee meeting to order we have in the room Peter Twining Tom Parkins myy kraton Dean nadis Andy Oldman and myself Sarah melish I'm I'm here remote Sarah Mike Pratt's on the phone thank you Mike um the first order of business is to elect to chair and vice chair as people are probably aware that we appoint them at the beginning of each year and I neglected to have it on the July agenda so here we are September and we need a chair and a vice chair I'm willing to continue unless somebody like to do it please do please do it wasn't quick enough Andy would you like to continue as Vice chair nobody else has interest with me as it is second in favor take a vote Peter yes Tom yes Andy yes Dean yes La yes and Sarah votes yes Mike and Mike votes yes Mike vot yes okay thank you on the agenda is the MBTA communities act fiscal analysis um I sent something out very late this afternoon afternoon um to people to kind of get them a sense of what we're being asked to do we've formally been asked by the planning board to do this um the town is not able to get one in time for town meeting from rkg Associates so what's happening is is rkg Associates is doing a uh propen propensity to develop plan um which is supposed to look at the zoning changes look at the existing housing stock determine number of new units and determine the speed with which those units might be built um given that information which I think is due the end of this month I think that report's due the end of this month um and and so then given that report that will give us that Baseline data of units in order to construct a fiscal analysis report um and this sample I gave you you know what we found when we did the cstd study was fire and police weren't really impacted um my guess is that's kind of the same except perhaps with the development up in the LCD um so it appears as if and then we have to we can work I can work with the assessor to get valuation numbers from her have her come up with a square footage for us so we can do that calculation um and then the school information we should have now I noticed in this study that they use an incremental calculation for the student School C so um that may be something we need to consider um they used you want to say 68% they use 133 what did they use they use 12,228 58% yeah um and I suppose we could contact the school once we have that data and kind of get a sense from them as to what the incremental impact might be so does this seem feasible so what's the delivery date on this what's the student multiplier multipliers the next box what is what is that I don't oh that was um a calculation they did as to number of Studios one bedrooms two bedrooms and three bedrooms and the assumed no it's on the page before the sue the sa is the um student ratio per unit okay and then they use that and we had done something with um the SLV um had done some type of a calculation and I think that I think what we did with with the SLV and we can do it more updated is is looking at the total population and the percentage of students that type of thing and and how how many people might live in the units and therefore the increase in population and what that might be um as a we did it find of like the way they've set it up here where we said single bedrooms were like no no potential for kids two bedrooms we had so many out of the total in three bedrooms we had a few more out of the total and that's how we got to the 90 potential 90 kids in the school system six years ago or something Mike yeah just quick comment because I mean a lot of it's a lot of it's just math right it's just running but so really the only subjective input that really drives is that you know subjective on the number of sa schoolage children right per unit and I'm just looking at the numbers that they used and they they look to me like really conservative um so I'm that's just my one comment there yeah I think I think perhaps we can recircle back around what was done with the SLV and just kind of get a sense as to what assumptions we made for that and see if it's still realistic we've lost a lot of students in Manchester um without losing population I think so um the numbers might be lower than what was done with SLV but um it's worth looking at but I agree theirs look unusually low like I that was my assumption okay so how do we address this my first thought um was was to um come up with a punch list of items but the the real cranking of the numbers I mean don't we have people in the assessor department or the treasures Department I mean employees Town employees might be able crunchy no no I think that um I certainly can meet with the with the assessor right and get get this the the value per square footage which will give us the real estate projected real estate taxes you feel that there's a lot of writing that's required or we we just the I think we can be somewhat more abbreviated I think that this study for Newton Needum excuse me um contains a lot of information on con commercial versus residential because I believe they have a different rate and we don't we don't have that issue um we have problem commercial we have just residential um we are trying to get um a a study a a feasibility study economic feasibility study is being done to determine whether we can include a 20% affordable um which would only impact um where there are five or more units so it seems to me that somehow we need to come up with Baseline numbers before we have that report and then once the report comes be able to plug in the numbers um right Greg Greg in the car Greg federspiel muted yeah there we go sorry no problem yeah sorry not to be there um we needed you yes I'm glad you got I'm glad you got it working um so you should have both reports by the end of next week oh great with any luck okay so so those are they are getting those done for us and and we should be able to help pull together the various numbers that then can be plugged in okay what if we just use this as a template skin down the parts aren't relevant to Manchester and start from there and yeah it might need a little bit of explan explanation around the edges but this looks like it's a good template to start from right and I think that they explain their assumptions and they talk about the incremental the um phasing um something about only needing only 57 projecting only 57 Parcels to redevelop so I mean I I think that when they've then when they've done the numbers um the total density comes to like 589 but it's more like 200 plus units that would be new so sort of reading between the lines here the the end fiscal impact they're looking for is what is the impact of revenue for the town in the area of real estate taxes and CPA and vehicle excise taxes vehicle excise so people related revenue and real estate related revenue and then on the expense side it's really lease fire DPW impact Town Hall impact and predominantly School impact right right so those are kind of the big big pieces so I I think that we really need the report to sit down with fire chief and police chief to say okay given this report this propensity develop do you think there's an impact on your department regarding Staffing rights and like in terms of that impact that's the impact you're looking for number well it it's you know the thing about this this zoning in Manchester is it's in areas where there's already housing yes so if the police are doing their runs through that doesn't change their runs right that's why I just called I mean just you know but if if there when when we did the CST one the projected calls resulted in no additional staff being required um we just did it as a as a ratio of population I assume I was going to just ask that question is we just said okay 5,800 people current number of calls and budgets what happens if we add another 300 another 500 so just pretty much straight line math yeah so I think that that you know know I can meet with Michelle the appraiser and just kind of see if she can come up with a square footage assumption I think she's in the middle of doing assessments for this upcoming year um and if I can tell her the areas um you like to take a crack at this if you can get somebody to help maybe two of us okay do this I can I can work on it okay so some of the like the the police and fire seems pretty straightforward because we have we need 16 for minimum Staffing anyway so you know that there's not going to be a lot of increase there the schools have said they would be more efficient per student with more students so that's where the 0.58 comes whether it's 0.58 or 75 I don't know but to me the the more the tougher thing is like a lot of our roads are outdated and narrow and intersections only work at ultra low volumes and what kind of congestion improvements you know are we going to need to so people can still get out of their driveways and that type of thing um well I think that will come out of that report as to where they expect the buildings to occur and and how many you know what the density will be that might be some more tougher to try to get a finger and are we talking like you know like the kinds of development that's uh that's uh you know in town across from Crosby you know behind the Richdale yeah so the the one of the districts is Pine Street and on Pine Street they put a cap of five units per lot so you're not going to have more and I think they have a cap of three units in a building so you're talking a building for three units and one for two is the max at the um Newport Park they're allowing up to four stories and that has higher density um the presumably that would still be elderly um and then at powderhouse Lane Elm Street that goes to four stories with higher density um that that's already powderhouse Lane is already very dense um and then you have um Summer Street where the existing um 10 and 12 is um and you've got um a small portion of SE Street SE Street they've caped it four units per lot um so you theoretically could have Stanley's garage and Richdale or sea seab breze whatever the name is sold and that could be developed um but it's it's based on the size of the Lots so it's a density of 15 units per acre so if you rolled up if you rolled up all the potential lots and rather than try to figure every single one of them down to a Nat's eyel you said let's let's try and do the 8020 thing here let's just figure out where the biggest hit is maybe the top 80% or the top 65% extrapolate the balance so that helps with your Revenue projection well an rkg is going to be doing that for us which is great yeah the propensity to develop study should be saying how much is is likely to be built and the biggest um potential is the uh cap and storage and that's capped at 100 units could come down a little bit you know there's still juggling numbers um and I don't know how they calculate the propensity you know obviously property owner has to sell for it to maximum possible I me take it this to give the overall Maximum Impact don't you just assume everything no they're doing a calculation and I'm going to leave it to them to do whatever they they do um if they put a time scale on any of this is is there for example like over the next 12 years that should be in their report yeah it should be in their report as to a timeline yeah as to when the development is likely to occur so part of our cost analysis and revenue analysis maybe probably like regressing out right 10% the first two years and whatever yeah 30% in the next six or something like that yeah okay okay the biggest change I would see is in the vertical allowance you know and that's where the density is well all the other except for powderhouse Lane and Newport Park and the Brady property the storage everything else will be two and a half stories as it is today y as it is today um so that limits um what they can what people can do so sah the two reports that are coming are what are they called I don't know Greg do you know what those two reports are [Laughter] called well there's the there's the report on the affordable housing component okay and whether or not the uh economics of town real estate can justify the 20% affordable rather than 10% an economic feasibility so it's it's right it's a it's an affordable housing economic feasibility analysis yeah and then the second one is the propensity for development so that's studying the the projected rate of growth propensity comes with a timeline in it yeah I could look to see if I have a copy of that old that we did for the SLV because that that would have a lot of oh I have that oh I have that be I almost a good template right because yeah we know the calculations behind that well those are assumptions made five years ago right yeah but that's useful it might help in converting this to a town and we can use this as a template there's more here than we would probably have we could use templ down okay is there you know because we Mike pointed out the the numbers might be appear kind of low for school age children and I recall that was the our same takee when we were looking at that SLB that came from their side um but at the same time what the hell do we know um i' I guess I would be curious to compare their numbers back to the report that was done you know for the SLB project you know they might simply be sort of standard numbers that are expected for that kind of project there were like data points and I remember ours was probably more conservative that I can look it up like at 92 to like 105 students and I think the SLV economic think said oh probably like 13 so somewhere in between is where we land you know but like the CST thing you know it's one envelope here one envelope there it's so they used the 2017 residential demographic multipliers report from Massachusetts the actual sa ratios from existing multif Family Properties in Needum yeah well that will be a challenge for us and a proprietary list of residential development projects and sa ratios that rkg has compiled from communities around the Greater Boston region what these numbers to look like yeah yeah so but we can go back and look at what we did on the other one and kind of but we have fewer students now right and the we have a report um I believe it's in the is it in this report that has yeah so this report has population by age group that's the budget book which gives us some sense of you know so I don't know where this came from it must come from the Census so maybe we can get something from this year's census um that will give us Andrea on no I don't see you yeah so maybe we can get that okay Greg when do you think we need this well if if if we're able to get it done by mid mid October I think that would be mid October good yeah a good Target date to aim for can can I ask you a question sure I mean I I get that rkg basically just said no right like then that is what it is they're too busy or whatever but I mean I just isn't there other consultant firms or like what that would be able to cover in the play rkg I mean I just and again like right I don't like spending money for the sake of spending money but it just seems like an independent unbiased you know impartial expert group that does this stuff is I mean no offense to any of us we're all smart people but I don't know I just that's a fair point really I don't know if they're the only game in town locally I wouldn't think they're the only game so I I believe Mark Resnick Town planner has has contacted other Consultants I'll double check with him um but I know that with 177 communities doing this all at the same time the the Consultants are are very busy and overbooked Money Money talks with consultants usually but yeah I get it right right Greg do you know if if other people have made other towns have made their reports public yes is that available because that would be helpful too here but that's this need one right right we can we can certainly try to collect other samples but more you think about a community more like us yeah I mean if somebody like a cassid or Hingham or one of our peer groups has already completed this and and brought it onto their website for a town meeting pending could we um look at that yeah let let us take a look at that see what other reports we can find okay yeah Tom I think you had a link to NE uh was it um somewhere the capital plan Holliston is it hollist from that meeting that Seminary you went to last November it was in there it was like a s i I'll look I was looking at Mike do you recall that Mike sorry I was on mute yep what's up you recall that Municipal meeting we went to yeah the one down in h Sharon right was there something similar to that is that what you're asking Dean well there was um Capital analysis report that what does that have to do with this I think it has a lot of the same paramet well I I mean I I think high level yes I think it'd be helpful to go to more of these meetings to just connect and write peer analysis but I'm not sure from a timing perspective that it gets exactly what we're looking for here I don't know okay let's see what Greg can come up with for us yeah and I'm also meeting with with a consultant on another project and they may be able to help give some guidance on this one as well let me I'm having that meeting on Monday okay great okay um so Andrea sent us information on the fiscal year 24 year end report did people have questions on that comments for we need to examine it more well I'm looking at the reserves free cash and stabilization so the actuals are interesting seem are generally a little more favorable than the forecast can we expect that same Trend this year right can you react to that can you hear me yeah so well I'm looking at the actuals are blank right but that because they're blank because it's not certified yet I understand and she gave us that information on the other report the actual when does the certification process complete I I not until the fall okay but she gave us um I think the other sheet she gave us the estimate this one right she showed you the the she gave you the estim total revenues right yep so so I mean again we're less we're less conservative but we are still taking in more than what has been projected and I would expect that to happen in the current fiscal year as well yeah okay that that's that seems to quite routinely happen so I want confirm it like it's it's it's getting closer and closer but right that's that's what I I mean we've really I'd argue tightened up right because the difference actual the forecast is is much much much tighter than in Prior years in my opinion is a good right I mean you're never going to hit the nail right on the head right but you know the tighter you get the better so it makes sense that um I think that this this fiscal this spreadsheet for the fiscal report has a tab on Revenue so we can use this when we're doing the next year's budget to kind of track back to say okay these were the estimates last year and this was the difference do we want to tighten it up anymore right correct yes and that investment income still is the I don't know wild card we'll have to talk about that more later when we get into doing the budget that investment income piece do we know what that last item on the misk recreational non-recreational pilot that we got 282,000 and we were expecting that was under local receipts that was the one that stuck it Dr out do you know Greg why that was so high I think there was something that came in unexpected the the last the last number yeah yeah the um the sale of the old ladder truck and and is one of the big numbers in there okay and then um we also have the reimbursement from the school for the SRO so we we can anticipate that now that that's that's pretty locked in yeah okay so everything else look like a pretty good estimate yeah so when we do the next budget we'll just have to see if there's anything else we're sell right okay okay it looks like for the next few agenda items I don't exactly have the right fiscal year I'm really talking fiscal year 26 not 25 oh was having a rough day um so the next item on the agenda is fiscal year 26 budget bonss and and I think kind of the discussion we wanted to have was do we want the leaz to spend more time on the budget piece with whoever their leaz oning with to actually get feedback and bring it back to the finance committee before we get to the actual budget piece in other words if there's things sticking up um should that be brought back so that we can discuss it earlier rather than later to kind of help with the speed along the budget process I don't know if that makes sense or not or if it's too complicated or too time consuming I think that would be good because otherwise it's sort of a done deal and we sit and complain about it as opposed to why is this so much more than last year does it make sense youan you mean to do that before their budget is formed I guess in in the fall before the budget is actually find you know put together in the budget book yeah I think it' be valuable does that make sense Greg well it it can it's all about timing yeah so if if if you want that um you know we we've always presented the preliminary budget you know third week of December say second third week of December um so that means flagging some issues in October which is which is doable it just means all of the ls on meeting in in the next few weeks to get that process going when are the Departments expected to hand in their budgets T typic to you for the initial yeah yeah so right usually department heads need to get to me their their initial requests by early November early no um that I'm meeting with them through November and finalizing the preliminary budget you know Thanksgiving week after Thanksgiving well maybe that's the time that because the department heads need time to really kind of formulate their needs so October I think would be too soon yeah so we can we can in the past for example we have had the department of heads meet with me and the leaon one of you as we sit down to review that preliminary request and at that time that that would be November where you could flag some potential issues and bring it back to the finance committee I think I think the piece it's missing is that Leah isans are me when that budget's being developed but nothing's really being brought back to the finance committee to get everyone to react on it on issues that are then coming up in the development process right not you know not the routine stuff but anything that's kind of a little unusual unusual sub substantial change one day right way or the other does that make sense Greg yes yes so again if that if that can that can discuss can happen you know right around Thanksgiving time obviously the holidays there but we would need that feedback you know early December at the latest in order to incorporate it into the preliminary budget proposal so what if we for example had our liaison meetings in early November or mid November when Greg has received the budgets from the various departments and then um we try to have a line item in one of our agendas toward the latter part of November or very early December to sort of say our early liaison looks come up with these comments these thoughts on DPW these thoughts on fire these thoughts on police whatever and um push that to Greg and and he has a chance to kind of view that with the group their group before it all gets into print and then then of course it's is that early now when when does it turn into print Greg when when December when we meet okay but I was just saying when in December yeah it it's really you know it all comes together very last minute and the sad we we're we're printing the two days before the meeting and that meeting is usually mid December right like the 15th or somewhere around the middle of the month yeah with the 18 18th is uh well yeah 18th would be a Wednesday so we tried to get third week of December first week of December back to Greg yeah so liaison meet with Greg and various Department folks early November and then we try to make sure we get comments to him um first week of December right and it's um and that gives Greg time to go back to various department heads and say hey we're getting a little kid back on this IDE or that item what do you think so what finance committee meeting with the um 12 124 that's really that's the first Wednesday in December that's that's early enough for Greg though yeah that that could work you know what Thanksgiving the week before or is there a week in between that week before is Thanksgiving yeah okay all right all right I believe Thanksgiving is the 28th so it's a little later this year yep okay isn't it the fourth Wednesday y Thursday yeah Thursday sorry yeah 28th is the fourth Thursday so it's late Thanksgiving is uh right 28th okay okay so we're the we've always had this conversation that you know it is police fire and DPW that are you know the primary focus and it's not so Town Hall I think if there's going to be Staffing changes and there's always stuff cropping up in town hall we can kind of catch up with Greg on that you know sort of directly no but where where I'm going is yeah um it could be helpful to pair up on okay those those bigger departments you know so that we have more than one person's perspective on conversation that Happ that makes sense is that really it please fire DPW Town Hall I miss Harbor he's kind of saying please fire and say the first three and town hall is you know definitely important but you know Greg's meetings and we have OPP to yeah I mean the're they all total up to be important but in this context yeah our our our experience has been that you know those three are the ones that deserve the most Focus har would be could be with the police right well yeah I fully agree that I think team up I do think you hear a lot yeah okay are we ready to do that tonight or another meeting you create the chams I'm sorry I didn't know what that that was yes them now okay you like to be part of the DPW team that's possible yeah I'm pretty uh knowledgeable in that stuff so that as well you both can tackle truck's tires see my face okay fire happy to participate in fire okay do you still want to do fire okay so Andy and Tom I've had a couple of talk with okay police I'll I'll stay with police if that works Mike you want to do police too sure who's doing DPW with Dean Peter Peter joining thank you and I'll touch Bas with Greg on Town Hall okay so we should aim for first meetings with these folks probably what Greg like ended first week in November like second week in November well you can meet well you can meet with them in advance of the joint meetings with Greg if you want yeah maybe we have one meeting before they finalize in early November okay touch Bas with them and see what their thoughts are and chief MC already asked yeah okay yeah um just to get a sense for what people are looking for good okay okay next is for the fiscal year 26 operations do we have are there areas we want Greg to focus on are there areas of concerns um are there thoughts regarding how services are provided a multitasking do we have any thoughts on any of those things regionalization yeah that's what I was high high level regionalization opportunities right I mean the police chief in Essex is retiring right yeah they're they're about to see a big change in their active volunteer police isn't Volunteer Fire I'm sorry fire yeah but police the police chief is he's retire he's retiring said I heard fir I think I Polie did I say Polie I'm heard so Greg do you think there's an opportunity there given that knowledge so so Todd and I have reached out to our counterparts in essics um I'm I'm not overly optimistic but the the conversations can continue a little bit but the real challenge is they don't have a second in command uh a lieutenant position or a captain position so that makes it that makes it much harder to share a chief without having that position so if they share a chief then they will likely feel compelled to hire you know a second in command so they're not really gaining that much okay and speaking of that is is Todd still make sure you speak up so that Gail can hear it on the report okay is Todd still planning to to retire is I mean I heard that he was going to do that at some point but is it going to be sooner than later it's not in this 26 budget I don't think correct and you know if if some Regional opportunities arose that would be an incentive for him to stay on longer I guess one of the things we should think about is sort of long-term Staffing and changes and it's always better to think about these things a little earlier um than last minute and what the implications are just for the town like how how would we go about you know job descriptions that type of thing and I'm sure you've got that under control or thought about it GRE but um right we're definitely putting yeah putting putting more energy into succession planning and and uh you know we certainly have a number of number of retirements coming up in the next few years so yes there will be a fair amount of turnover because of because of retirements Greg will be gone so it won't be his problem that's what I'm worried about okay does that give you enough information from us it's kind of General Greg yeah I mean obviously as ideas come come up into people's minds I I on all ears we are just remind folks we are hoping to get our operational audit done on all on most departments and with an eye towards are there efficiencies with it that we're we should take advantage of so that'll that'll get underway Ember here or and and of September and when will it be done time for Budget season so it'll be done um it it probably won't be done finalized until first of the year but I'm hoping to get at least some preliminary okay yeah yeah preliminary for it okay and then I think I'm going to be losing service here real soon so if if you're when I get to the house I should be able to log in again okay um so the next items on the agenda were inadvertently included and we covered them at the last meeting that's the water and sewer and the Harbor Master so we won't cover those tonight um next item is the fiscal year 26 long-term capital plan components now one of our goals was to start long-term capital plan planning I just respond to this and yeah before before I I I lose you I'll just I'll just quickly say that um department heads have have all submitted long range capital okay or at least we'll will'll by the Yeah by this week was the due date so we're just starting in on all of that now um and I've I've done a initial swipe at a at the real big facility needs for the next 40 years and see how it might fit in um and so we I am planning to have the material ready for you um in in October okay great thank you all right so that'll do me for now thanks um that's about all we had so worried saw this huge agenda have to bring my sleeping back okay so we have no time to minutes to financial updates because he's gone um approve minute July minutes people have a chance to look at those good to mean submitted some comments so we have a motion to approve them with Jean comments so moved Andy moves Tom Peter Tom Peter second all in favor I'm I'm abstaining too Sarah Mike OB stains okay um next is our meeting schedule for the balance of 2024 this do we need to read Wednesday yes we do Andy so it seems like we've got that we've got those reports on the MBTA stuff coming in the end of next week 13 um so we could meet on the 18th of September does that work for people yes you could do either the 18th or the 25th 18th is my prence okay I can't do the 18 we can't do the 18th how about the 27 how about October 7 October second I'm getting a new shoulder he's gonna be out for the month of October we already have a meeting October 2 which one I think we need to meet in September to go with those reports don't you think um okay let's Circle back around to September how many so who can't do the 18th Andy I could do the 18th really if everybody can do it I okay can you do the 18th Mike uh yes what about for the 25th we had more people of problems on the 25th right 25th was everybody locked into Wednesdays it's possible I could free up on the 18th I have a sort of a tenative meeting schedule okay to check on it let's stick with 918 and then we get to October um the 2 and the 16th 16 good oh we already do the what weeks after last finish we get the data on the 18 results second he needs it need it by mid October so if we meet every other week that would be 10 2 1016 10:30 11:13 I'll give people off the day before Thanksgiving um 124 second second Wednesday of the month I'm going to have issues but skip over it in October and then so we say 9:18 102 10:16 10:30 1113 124 and I don't know what we do about the meeting of the joint um budget because I can't do the 18th because of zba unless we unless we don't have any applications sorry the the second the 16th the 30th and then November 13th and December 4th and then we have a joint budget meeting either it could be the 16th jointly with the select Monday the 16th with the select board November yeah so I'm sorry did we say in October we 2 16th and 30th yes okay and then in November we're talking November 13th 13th December 4th and 16th right 16th is a Monday is there only one meeting in November yeah because we have three in October just confirming what I was hearing that's yeah and the 27th is the day before Thanksgiving so that would be two weeks after that okay and so therefore we're meeting December 4th which is three weeks after that November 13th and then yeah what's the second meeting in December is that the 18th or I think it's probably going to be the 16th 16th that'll be the Monday joint with the select board because they meet on the first and the third Monday and I can't do the Wednesday well we cancel zba this month because no applications I think our thousand fee is helping us there we go serious so I have a conflict on the November 13th could since it's the only reading of the month could we move it to the 20th and that's still two weeks from the bo what do people think 20 November 20th instead of November 13th okay and then we might be able to give our draft of the U the aison budget the aison first okay do the 20th okay yeah we'll do instead of November 13th we'll do November 20th okay you okay with that Mike yep I was on mute yep that works great thank you one more so so I got September 18 October 26 and 30 yep and 11:20 and 124 and then the joint meeting is Select at 11:16 1260 1260 yeah and then in 2025 we'll start up our weekly meetings on January 8th we get a break this year because New Year is on is on a Wednesday so I'm sorry was our next meeting September 18th 18th okay 18 18 de 16 don't get me confused okay and then we'll have in 2025 we so I have conflicts the fourth Wednesday of the month because we' switched our zba to the fourth Wednesday okay so the question is is that week can we meet on Thursday and instead the fourth wednesday3 yeah we're gonna start our weekly meetings on Wednesday the 8th and then the fourth week of the month I have a conflict with zba I'm wanting to meet on Thursday on that week inste yeah I think so is the week of the 20th you consider the fourth week I think so I got to I have to double check with Gil to be honest I'm not sure what are I can do the 23rd I can't do the 30th so okay makes a differ so it sounds like 118 115 123 potentially which is a Thursday and 129 which is the U yeah last Wednesday month yeah say the January ones again 185 123 and 129 I'm assuming zba is on 122 because that's the fourth Wednesday through okay 25 yeah 212 25 29 212 12 29 227 and then it would be 35 312 319 hopefully that's it yeah we may have a may have a a little because of a school meeting or something in there right that's one that we try to yeah to should yeah I can't remember when the school meets when the school public hearings are It's usually the third we usually try to do it like the third week in February second or third week in February yeah before it goes to um their whole final final Final maybe 212 we'll see I don't I can't remember what their dates okay so we're relatively good on that yeah um any other business I I had one for Chuck um I heard that there was a new criteria with the pasas um and it was involving the cost of disposal of the used filter and whether in the long run we're better off with a higher doing the ionization um treatment that um eliminates the waste versus doing the activated carbon which we have to still dispose of you know periodically and I don't know if it's worth it for this size system system to do a a quick count to see which what the payoff is but that has come up across the industry that I've read so I don't know if that's too technical but it was a big question I had that I wanted to to alert you about there's I see you're on do you have any comment on that yeah I mean so I we did do a lcca on the different types of media uh we're we're doing the piloting now and so that will better inform that decision I have not I mean if you want to for me the literature that you are reading I'll take a look and if it's worth having the consultant you know we're not we're not too late we haven't made any of those like final decisions yet right so you know we'll we'll reevaluate it if the you know that math changes but I haven't I haven't heard that for myself yet okay I I'll for it to you okay great y thanks anything else I I have one I'll throw out there which I guess Greg not being on that would he'd be my target audience but I just think um given the probability right that we're going to be issuing significant amounts of debt in the you know near future it'd be nice to have some kind of conversation with one of the ratings agencies you know I'm guessing they're not going to we're not a big enough whatever for they're going to show up in person but maybe some kind of Zoom you know could be set up or something um you know I'm more familiar with that with with the private sector but I got to believe conceptually it's the same on the municipal side and I just think it'd be good to you know have one of those ratings agencies you know do a walkth through 30,000 foot you know what would happen if right you issued x million more in debt you know what would that do to your credit rating and you know just whatever I've seen it on the private side I just think it' be something nice you know okay yeah yeah and the timing effect of that too Mike I mean is it better to do it all at once or in pieces and how does that affect things right right but the sooner the better in terms of talking to the quote unquote experts right right okay we'll try to get that on an agenda item anything else with that I'll take a motion to adjourn all in favor Mike are you in favor of a journey I am in favor yes okay that long agenda too and I thought