##VIDEO ID:0gcvNATUzho## um all right uh 6:30 being 6:30 um I'm going to call the meeting to order first I'm going to ask uh muffin or Jane or somebody online if they can hear us yes I can you um I called meeting to order uh let's see I think Mary Foley unless you're online not here um not here yet recording uh Sue filber here um Chris S Sarah Katon pres Peter Morton yeah gon Brer yeah Laura Tenny here good test of my M okay uh first order of business is uh to um uh continue the cell signaling public hearing to October 28 and given that we have that uh public hearing um we're probably gonna we're g to move it people be here at 6:15 sure yeah what day the week yeah tues if if they're going to continue what we'll do is we'll just delay the we'll open meeting through so there's no no sign sign tonight um they've request they've asked they're been willing to explore some additional you know sort of um uh you know work around at water out and they're still figuring out the existing conditions so um I'll take a motion to continue the public hearing to uh let's say 6:15 on October 28th for cell signaling at their request um and with their agreement um uh roll call Laura Tenny yes Gordon Brer yes Peter Morton yes yes Sarah Kon yes yes cor salony yes and Mary Foley is absent um great okay so we're not going to be taking self signaling um comments tonight um I will um just say that uh we're waiting on you know the combination of Chuck Dam and Greg and Mark to kind of make a recommendation to us so I've asked Gordon to sit in with them as they meet with cell signaling and if I can I will as well so then we're going to get a recommendation the decision is ours about how to move forward but I think we'll get a recommendation from the town um um engineer which I um think will be very helpful because at least I'm not an expert on many of these things and what the existing conditions are and what the um loads of various things are so and I think with the larger towns interest are so um if anybody has any objection to Gordon and me sitting in one those meetings um we will not make any decisions we will simply be the the ear so we can uh have more than just one just Mark um representing us there um the other update is Mark is not here tonight um the concom is without an agent and so he's unfortunately for at the concom um meeting um that's our business the um up just just a question the public hearing for the MBTA zoning is also on the 28 yes I seven it's seven okay it's gonna be a busy night okay y um and either on the 28th or subsequently TBD the planning board will also take a vote to um make a recommendation on the article there's two votes we will take one is to put the um the zoning on the warrant which is procedural thing and the other is uh to recommend or not recommend as the um you know planning board makes a recommendation on all zoning so yes question on procedure if as a result of the hearing changes minor changes whatever uh want to be considered by the planning board how does that happen a after we can do it after yeah closing long as if they don't substantively alter the notice to the hearing but they wouldn't they will be within okay s ask we couldn't just so just to clear by the one so for example we couldn't add in some big new requirement okay because it wouldn't have been in the unless it was in the posting we couldn't have had another District right right we couldn't change the districts because they weren't in the posting but we could um uh you know remove things that's always uh easy um and uh you know small things that that based on the pon said the format of that meeting will be here in this room well it's about the zoning it's about the format of the public hearing is about the zoning so section 9.4 we'll walk through the zoning um Mark and I just talked about this today so then we'll close the public hearing and talk about the zoning and then I expect that at that meeting we will also have a discussion about our recommendation um um with some um probably some data from the task force as it has come available about various things and then um I think it would be prudent to have a public comment period but it will be separate from the hearing it will be a um haven't quite that's the general outline yeah so so a couple things so that the report itself is public right now and on the site what about the Z right what about the um the districts the financial impact and the propensity of I don't have the financial impact do we have have the task force received the final final from the not from the fin okay but we do have the propensity to change we do and we also have the uh the um fiscal anal sorry the financial analysis for the 20% right great okay um so any other MBTA zoning I don't have the agenda open but um any other MBTA zoning updates um I would just say um on Saturday at the boosters Carnival we're going to have a table um from 1 to 5 just to informally speak with people as they walk by ask questions we love the maps hopefully we have the maps all updated but not the chart with all the height and hopefully that will be updated by then um and we'll have copies of the draft zoning that will be considered on the 28 for people to take with and take a look at um but we found that those forums are really helpful because people just stop by and everyone's at a different level in terms of how much they know or don't know and um so people feel pretty free to ask questions it's great one other things that talking about that that people seem to think that the zoning applies across the whole town yes and that as opposed to four districts so that's a really yeah okay any other updates um okay uh I did put in um the board asked for a report from the harbor management committee so put that just just today in the packet it it just appeared at um uh I don't know four three four o'clock I thought to put it in so um the hard management committee sort of chugging slowly along um and the real work there've been a lot of gathering of data for um from people um to get opinions but now the work of actually sort of so what um we are having a problem with some of our members attending so uh B supposed to be reaching out to see if people really want to stay and that's a select word um issue um any other updates from any committees on okay um we have two sets of minutes to approve but has do you have a print out of the I have a print out of the agenda yeah so what were the dates the dates are September 9th and September 23rd everybody was um you were not here here nth I was not here on the nth on the 9th okay so I'll take a motion to approve the minutes of September 9th um and Laura seconds um any discussion um all in favor um and Chris is abstaining okay um was not on okay and um uh 23rd 23rd I think everybody can vote on that um so take a motion moved second by Laura all in favor before weo I correction one correction so I did not vote against the CPC the acquisition of the land and oh okay you voted for it I vot no I didn't vote for it I abstained abstained okay so I didn't vote no Chris abstained on because you're on the CPC okay so um yeah did they have that uh the CPC have that discussion yet they did and they voted take to Mee they what voted unanimously take to town meeting okay it's up to the board's selement to put it on the board y okay great um any um other issues from the board any um public comment hearing none I move we turn second all in favor post wow so could you give me some details of this uh presentation