um so I'll call the meeting to order and I'll start with Sue here uh Chris yeah I'm here excellent um Gordon yeah uh Peter yeah and Laura's running a few minutes late I haven heard so did you hear anything from Mary no I haven't okay great um so we're gonna start off with um uh opening the public hearing and I left my script at home so um so we have a public hearing tonight for which we going to open um for uh three um Sarah you can open that in your email yeah know I I have a script that I forgot to print learning taking a page from um so we're opening the um application from for three public hearings the readed park floating dock expansion and addendum Morse Pier Fisherman's facility proposed docks and Pier repairs in phase two tux Point Public dock expand expansion and they have been properly noticed um the the reason we see these is because they are subject to chapter 91 licenses and our bylaws um say that the the um planning board must weigh in on um on those for using the special permit criteria so with that I'm going to turn it over to um fos engineering Fiona vardy I believe is going to start with the Reed Park um and the Morse Pier discussions and then we'll take up the Rotunda tux Point um we've allotted an hour for this um uh hearing and we also have uh so we expect that we will um continue it um if you have a public we will take comments from the board and from the public tonight so if you um and in that order so if you have a comment you want to make please raise your hand or I'll do my best to to see them and Gail will help us with that and Sue and Chris as well um so that I'll turn it over to Fiona um let me make you a co-host um so welcome Fiona party thank you I guess I start let me just ask Bion if you want to do any introductory remarks at all or oh gosh no let's leave it to the experts okay great thank you I'm just curious um if you're seeing the Google Earth on the screen all right great um well thank you very much for the opportunity for us to present these projects in Manchester um as Sarah mentioned we have submitted the special permit applications because we are subject to mass DP chapter 91 um they are both Municipal projects and located in the Manchester Inner Harbor I'll be talking about Reed Park first um and I should mention that both projects have been um developing in tandem with the main goals of alleviating congestion within the harbor and to support the town's Waterfront economy um okay so Reed Park is located just Southwest of Beach Street um it's an existing Municipal Waterfront facility that includes a 50ft long pile supported Pier with a 63 by4 foot aluminum gangway and approximately 340 feet of 8 foot wide floating docks um this work was completed in 2019 um and the site does include existing facil uh utilities um so the proposed project includes the expansion to the existing floating dock system in order to improve the access to the Waterfront um and will'll be providing additional dockage for recreational vessels as well as um the harbor Harbormaster vessel and law enforcement vessels as needed um the uh installation includes 228 by 24 foot floating um a floating dock system which will be reported by 23 12in diameter Timber piles um and as I said the the new floats will be connected to the existing floats um with galvanized hardware um and as I will go over a little bit more in a minute the um the re Park project will actually create an entire walkable connection between Reed and moscano Parks um which would be a great recreational um expansion um so several design iterations were considered for this project and advancing slides at all we're only seeing the Google Earth slide oh oh I'm sorry I thought I was showing you the um project plans see okay are you able to see the yes proposed plans okay all right sorry about that okay all right um so the project will be seeking funding from the state's boting infrastructure Grant um so several alternative designs were considered to meet the very specific guidelines for this grant um which includes maintaining a um an 18inch minimum clearance to the mudline on the land side the landward side of the floats as well is a minimum water depth of six feet on at least 50% of the um of the float on the seaword side um and that being said the the project and the number of piles have been designed to avoid and minimize impacts from the pile driving to the minimum extent possible um and as I said the product site is served by existing utilities um so it was uh aimed at avoiding the um Utilities in the existing area as well um I will stop there briefly let me know if anyone has any questions so far yes I do this is Gordon bruer this is the one you're showing is the preferred option correct correct so I know you went through a bunch of iterations to get to and this one seems to be the preferred one because of why because it it meets the the specific guidelines for the boarding infrastructure Grant um so that the project can obtain uh funding to support the project to support the work and if if I could add Fiona if you don't mind the other um the other thing uh that's really important is the outfall pipe coming from the waste treatment plant uh the the jog was a big that you see there 90 degree turn was a really big deal um getting that placed in the right spot uh and then giving us our appropriate STS front and back on the floats where's the waste water plant outfall you you try see the L coming through you control L you can probably make it red no I guess that let me know I need to zoom in further line is the is the oh I see it's okay I'll I'll add that unfortunately we don't have great plans of some rework that was done uh approximately 10 years ago and they changed the alignment uh as it came out of the Wastewater Plant and kind of in that specific area um you know we have very good plans from when the outfall was installed back in uh I think it was '92 um but to be you know very conservative um this alignment uh basically eliminated as much possibility of of you know the outfall interfering with of the piles um so that was a you know something that contributed to going with this this layout as well yes thank you Nate and how can you zoom back out how it's not shown the railroad bridge isn't shown on at least the plan I'm looking at just out of view yes just so if there's a boat on that outside of the parallel to the travel no that's a that's 100 foot that's 100 foot run uh the idea that that corner there we want to keep open because that uh 400 foot run along the tracks in the back there is where uh Dinges will tie up so uh there's plenty of room and plenty of water with this design allow the dingies to get in and out my question is tra if a boat is tied up on the short leg there by railroad bridge why would not be in the travel Lane of the already tight railroad bridge so actually it would be inside uh the U wooden wall there you would not actually in the channel tied up there so you're only going to tie on one side of the no it doesn't matter which if you're tied up on the outside on the Manchester Marine side you will not be in the channel you will not uh impede traffic in and out uh underneath the bridge and I just walked down there right before coming here and the woman told me that you have four feet at low what what woman where the first the dock Master there I asked how many feet at low and she said four feet except right where the giant boat is tied up right now yeah that's that's not correct from well okay um Jo here allows them to put the piles where they want to without interrupting three oh sorry sorry I'm talking to myself the so the configuration with that I thought it was very interesting that little L to the right to the top of the screen that allows you to avoid the sewer lines is that correct by with pile installation so the piles are aligned so that the idea is that they definitely will miss the sewer pipe but that jog has to be in place if you come from um if you look at the drawing to the right where the existing 250 ft ends out to uh that turn it's shallow right there so those floats had to be further out to get appropriate depth okay yeah that was it was actually quite an interesting analysis when I read all the uh the alternat that came up with with how this could be laid out here and the thought process behind it and how you arrived at it so this is good this good clarification all the credit to the engineers how many linear feet of um doc we're adding 500 to the 250 that exist plus the jog that comes down right the lower L isn't so I'm looking at 278 + 252 oh you know I didn't you know I didn't add the three uh free tieup spots either down at the beach Street end wait where's that that's that's not part of this yeah that's the three original docks 75 ft that were here from the 1930s is still part of this system the free high up space that's on the other end yep you can see it right there I don't see it it's it's to the far right on the beach Street end there's 75 feet that first 75 ft is the original 75 ft that um we had at Reed Park no all right um do you have more b or um not for Reed Park okay Laura has a question hi this is Laura Fiona and couple of questions regarding Public Access for the chapter 91 requirements and um for a small self- paddled boats like The Kayaks and paddle boards um so the first question is uh and I apologize I late so if you already talked about the kind of public welcome walking route between the two parks don't have not yet okay but you're gonna get to that yes okay and then the um second question is regarding small boats who don't need to tie off but might want to lift onto the um docks this is the place of Refuge or let to take a break or come up to ask park for the concert whatever it might be is there a place it's available to those voters it's accessible to the store right so we don't uh we never have a practice allowed The Kayaks and paddle boards to be on the dock it becomes uh whether it was the 75 ft or the current configuration it's just it's not safe so if you go um down to re park right now right next to the park itself there's a little shingle Beach there and boats will still be able to paddle in behind and get down to that nice little shingle Beach and haul kayaks and paddle boards up like they do now and uh walk up into the park and either to watch a concert or get an nice cream or more exercise on the on the side where you're saying the little skips are going to tie up or between the railroad tracks and the long BL correct yep yep there'll be room to do that at any TI high or low TI yep okay thanks for that and then you're going to get to the kind of publicly accessible there how you connect The Pedestrian between the two parts thought I heard say that when I came in yes yeah they're shown um on the morser product plans your Google Earth image if you go back to that it's uh unfortunately a uh the image in your on Google if I'm looking at it and in your document is not when the harbor is occupied and it doesn't reflect the new ex Pier I believe it's it must be maybe it's a winter image it is yeah this is offseason image for sure okay so we have a lot of boats mored there what happens to those Moorings or those so all of those Moorings are bwing and Stern so they don't swing there are I think um five that have to be relocated within that same area uh it's it's really just going to be a matter of um neatening up and making nice neat rows uh it'll be a lot like the uh new docks over in front of Manchester Marine excuse me where there's room on either side to travel down through it just requires a little bit of time and effort to put those in nice neat rows we won't lose any Mings and the goals of this can you just restate the goals here which are safety and what are the other goals well the the goals that I've always stated are safety uh uh the navigation piece but Public Access and uh this facility when completed if if completed I see as the longterm means of funding the harbor harbor projects infrastructure dredging seaw walls repairing peers when they need all those different uh important things that there was no funding source for 10 years ago uh and this this facility will go very very far toward making this Harbor self-funding and it also is a real Boon for the businesses in town all of the restaurants the stores they have all benefited just from what's already there so is this F this is Peter Morton is there a fiscal impact right in here somewhere you mean cost to the town no the well the benefits the fysical benefits to the town that you were just explaining sure so we'll we charge well for example we've got this little 250 ft now uh with no amenities uh at $3 a foot for overnight boers and the $10 uh an hour to come in and type and go use the restaurants last year this facility generated $32,000 which covered every dime of what it cost to staff it and then put money back into the general fund uh $20,000 back into the general fund um and then the benefit to all of the businesses who I think if you were to go downtown and and poll uh the stores they would tell you the bookstore the restaurants um would be the supermarket the hardware store Dunkin Donuts they would all share that uh they've seen an increase in traffic uh that's boating related because of the dock I hope that was the right answer to the question I mean is it reasonable to get something that projects what the new structure will generate oh well so just uh real simple math if um we're getting $3 a foot now with no amenities um we put in the water and electricity which is part of this plan we go to $5 a foot and we triple the space i i project that we could generate $150,000 a year at this facility that would be aund anyway $135,000 annually that could go back into maintaining the harbor paying for a bond that we'll have to raise to pay for dredging replacing a boat so one of the questions I have is that that certainly one of the um Harbor issues is the length of the Bing list you have enough space there for I don't know X boats 20 boats 15 how um and those are transient voters coming in and it doesn't help your Mo or the moing list which is a has for decades been a a problem um something that the taxpayers repeatedly want to see um shortened why why are we electing to have a dock space for transients at the expense of what could potentially be Waring space if we really have six feet there right so uh we could probably add another half a dozen Moorings right along the shore if everything were neatened and lined up just like we would do for uh the Reed Park project but this is also the commercial part of the harbor this is the area that for centuries has uh been dedicated to the commercial fisherman and uh I am not inclined to think it's a good idea to put recreational Moorings in an area uh and start squeezing out the commercial fisherman uh then the other piece is that I I have a hard time figuring out how the town will pay for its infrastructure needs in the coming decades when Grant funds drop up for Harbors like Manchester small communities like this uh when funding is going to go to Salem and Gloster New Bedford and Fair Haven and Boston all of those larger towns that uh are seeing impacts to their communities because of climate change uh I don't know where the money will come from to support the needs of community commities like Manchester and this this is real estate that fronts railroad tracks and a waste treatment plant um it's a an opportunity for the town to put itself in a good place fiscally to take care of itself in the coming decades that's that's been my thought process for this um and F can you just advance it to the um slide that shows the plan proposed plan please okay and then I I have one other question but um Sue and Chris if you have questions speak up um my so the goals are safety Public Access for transient Public Access long-term revenue and economic development right I think it's yeah if we're bringing it in public who don't know the harbor and we've got and you're worried about putting in Moorings for people because of the conflict with commercial boats how is how how does this I don't I'm trying to understand how safety is improved here it's very tight and people coming in with big boats spend the night how does that how does that improve safety well uh this part of the harbor when I first started was um we had no staff at the dock we had uh three 1H hour spots for boats up to 24 feet so you could get three boats on there and boats used to race into the harbor they raced and they rafted and they overwhelmed the fisherman's facility and they overwhelmed the boat club and the moment we put in the 250 ft with staff who made sure that the fisherman's facility wasn't used um by recreational boers uh cutting out our commercial fishermen and we started collecting revenue from a whole aspect of of boers that came and used this Harbor and never contributed a dime uh we improved uh safety pretty dramatically um I would say in this case the safety improvements will come from uh the realignment of the morning already vastly safer to drive down into the boat club or to this facility than it was because of the bowern Moorings part of this project is to finish up that piece and uh put these Mings exactly where they should be just like in Camden Harbor uh where vessels over 100 feet long sailing vessels over 100 feet long can come in and tie up at births and uh discharge and take on passengers and go in and out uh safely Camden is not a big Harbor um but they've done exactly this sort of thing with their Moorings and you can navigate safely I would argue this is we're a very different Community than Camden but that's just my opinion um and it's a very narrow passage to get there to put bring are you thinking of are there is there going to be a a limit on how long how large the vessels can be besides the fact that they'll bottom out at six feet we already have a limit in length of 60 feet uh we we've had our first year here before we put that length limit on we had an 85 foot boat come in and that was before we'd uh done following that we subsequently did some more adjustment of Moorings to open up the channel more now I would never encourage an 85 foot boat to come down on a weekend but I can tell you there's been many weekends where we've had 50 foot plus boats come down and uh safely navigate and tie up at the dock uh question uh Chris and um Studio any questions what we should probably do is jump to the other two pieces and then we'll um I'm sure we probably want to take a s sidewalk is my suggestion to look at this um so uh uh faith if you can jump to the um Wars here um overview sure okay so morph Pier is just across the Harbor from Reed Park um this products is intended this product is intended to alleviate the dockage for or the congestion for and support the commercial fisherman vessels um right now it includes the existing town-owned managed moristown pier and gangway and Landing floats um for uh Transit vessels and F performed an inspection of the pier and its components in 2022 um in order to um put forth a an engineering design plan to support the town's goals that we've been talking about and also to recommend excuse me minor repairs to the the existing Pier so and this proposed condition site plan also shows the walkable connection that I mentioned earlier so the existing gangway will be repositioned and um four finger floats will be added to connect to the existing re Park float system and there are 4X 30ft finger float and in alignment on this side and then an additional singular 40 by3 finger flot will be added to the existing re Park float um the docking system will be supported by 14 uh 12in diameter piles and water service will be provided to the new slips via um the existing water service at the site okay oopsie sorry um does anyone have questions on this site plan so far no this is Gordon again would you mind describing I'm in masconomo park I want to get out to the to the new peers because this is another one when you went through quite an exhaustive analysis of options that could be put in here would you mind just describing how I get onto the pier get down on to I apologize it's the chief of police I have to take this I'll jump in um so you can use basically the existing gangway um similar to how you get down to the uh existing uh Landing float uh we're just basically reorient orientating uh that float to this new orientation so it's going from the existing mors Pier uh you know that's off of the driveway uh into masconomo and then you can then walk down around and they'll Connect into the existing read Park floats and can you be clear clear which of the Alternatives you're um recommending 3A one one 3A soor you're referring to the one on the screen p 11 yeah what what is the the alternative that you're looking at page 11 page 11 preferred alternative okay so 3A is your preferred alternative um correct I'm just double checking this here I think I think that's yes sorry everyone okay go ahead go back to the the preferred alternative I guess questions from the there was a question um that I couldn't answer um is that Gordon yeah so I think your question was how do you get down onto the floats yeah you see by the way did I agree with your analysis I think this one is the least impactful and probably best use of this of the uh Force but if you wouldn't mind sure sure yeah so this does take advantage of the dredging that the town and and the state paid for in uh 20178 it is in that dredge footprint um so you can access either if you were to go down to moris Pier today uh looking out the fisherman's Pier there's a ramp on the right that goes down to a float with two lobster boats that that's that would be the same location approximately U on that side of the the pier going down onto the floats and or alternatively you could go over to re park and go down the existing ramp there and the pilings are uh 20 ft above Lo water is that what I'm reading on all of both these projects how far above mean low water are the pilings and how far above the street level are the pilings yeah we can't so they'll they'll match existing uh read Park piles in material and uh elevations yeah so the uh this matches the um existing read Park float pile and also meets the FMA 100-year storm elevation um I if I zoom in and why pilings instead of anchors or or uh some sort of uh non piling so if if we were to put this on floats uh the movement would be too great for the ramp the existing ramp I if it never would have been signed off on uh we would have lost depending on wind direction we'd have lost room in the harbor or we'd have lost room between the floats in the shore potentially um taking away that required uh minimum clearance from the mudline and these are also infinitely safer I wouldn't if there's a storm coming in many cases uh when there's been a storm coming boats from area 7 have been able to come in and tie up safely at re Park dock during the storm If This Were A moing supported facility I never would have been able to do that is there any kind of policy that this is available to Waring holders in storm events and not to transients or is that how's that war so it's been just moing holders so far uh I have had people call from other communities and try to rent space during a storm um but my my policy and there's nothing in the rules and rigs is to allow voters from area 7 um to come in and use those docks so it's our boers I have another question I other questions go ahead I have a couple one is um and they're unrelated to each other one is uh how does this fit within the Harbor Master Plan well the Harbor Master Plan L is lagging still okay so it has addressed this area yet is there any overall statement about no but I think we should no unfortunately okay except that so the question was how that Laura was asking is how does this fit with an haror master plan except for the fact that um moing list length is of great concern to the people who came to the the length of the list the L length of the list and the fact that people sit on it for decades um and so um that's a different kind of Public Access um I also have a I have another question good um I thought a little bit about this um How do you it's just so much infrastructure in a storm to maintain it Winters and we're you know when I look at it I I think so the and then the other thing is you have kids playing at the playground at Mascoma Park first of all there is a pedestrian walkway across to Reed Park it's long the sidewalk but Co point we know that one out of 20 kids goes down on the dock without a life jacket and now you've got um a playground next door and a dock with all kinds of the lures of darkness and um boats coming and going and I I I I really worry about a thousand long thousand feet of dock by the time you go from mors Pier 800 whatever it is all the way around with kids and boats and um and to me it doesn't it doesn't add safety I I don't buy it just it doesn't add safety on traffic it doesn't add safety on pedestrians having a hard so I'd like f to help us understand you're the consultant and you've done these help us understand why this is adding safety to the harbor traffic and to the to the whole the whole area then I have one more comment yeah I'm wondering if there's a response from the F Consultants based on their work in this kind of project sure um well especially for the Morse uh portion of the harbor it's as you said it's intended to alleviate the congestion so relocating um births from from just existing traffic relocating the births to um the proposed Morse project um it will reduce the navigational hazards um and there's a little bit more open space for them to navigate as well um let me go back [Music] to Children already go down on those docks as well we see children down on the fisherman's floats on both sides often we have children that uh teenagers that jump and dive and swim off the pier uh and and what's changed with all of that is there's staff down there there are staff members working on the docks um they very much understand how we manage those docks and um the messaging that we give to people who come down uh to the young people that jump off the PE here uh and one of the advantages of having the uh Fisherman's floats go around that's commercial those are commercial boats uh but our staff will be able to walk around all the way around to the other side and um be there to either directly interact with children if it's children who are running down away from their parents untended or uh with the parents going over to the parents and saying hey listen if you're going to come down on these stocks you need to go back up and get one of the life jackets on the lender tender rack right there at moris Pier I think a real safety benefit was starting in 2019 and continues today and will be is the fact that we have staff people down there helping assisting directing making sure that people are being as safe as they can possibly be I have one other comment that is do we have a rendering of what this looks like from Beach Street the pilings because I've this I've never seen one quite different from the uh along the railroad tracks we spend a lot of time in our we will spend some time probably in our next public hearing talking about views from a highway and this is a view from our downtown town so um I'm wondering if you've done a a rendering of what that will look like we have not that wasn't considered in part of F's scope but we could certainly add it to their scope of work if that was something the planning board wanted to see um I think what we should do is maybe we're GNA take a site walk um out there and I know that it's going to be we probably have some public comment let's um wait uh any more comments from the board looks like Laura has come on these too because they're kind of a package sure um this is really related to construction uh not the permanent plan but I'm looking at the utility site plan s102 for Reed Park we're going back to the previous project and I'm seeing yeah maybe you could bring up s102 right so at the top of that drawing is a proposed six foot wide utility trench through the center of the park if I'm reading that correctly and uh just looking at the underly Google photos I'm thinking about um stewardship of the park so you have several large mature trees in there and I'm thinking about critical root Zone and the potential for impact on the park trees with that six foot wide utility trench so this may be diagramatic um to be verified but I think it's important to look at the best route for the utilities that does the least harm to the parks mature trees so this utility the proposed um trench it avoids all the existing trees in the park and it just goes through grass well the grass may have tree critical root zone so I think an arborist you know if we have to arborist or an independent arborist could verify that because the uh it needs to be out from you know under the drip line and there are also some best practices about how you actually trench within tree root zones to avoid harm so I think that would be a valuable service for and AR to be um taking a look at this and providing recommendations to the town yeah we can certainly do that and I'll note that you know because it will be a force main you know so it's going to be pumped it doesn't have to you know be a direct straight line so we would have some flexibility in in routing it you know around you know if we did encounter a large route or things like that that we can you know generally avoid it because it would be a you know so water and electricity or is there sewer too sewer sewer too y sewer because of a pump out correct correct where's the pump out down on the far end is where I've always envisioned it as far from the park as possible down where we would keep the majority of our Public Safety V at the end of the dock all right um Sue and Chris any comments or questions right now on these two all right um let's take any comments from the public on these two um we're going to probably be another excuse me sell signal probably need another 10 minutes before s okay thanks um any uh public comments um GA help me online Thea needs to take give up the screen for so I can see what's happening thanks Fiona thank you um I don't see any hands up Mr Gates I've got s comments can you state your name and [Music] UMES listening to the presentation doesn't sound like they any attention [Music] of climate change raising the surface level of new Harbor water considerably over the next five decades and I've got no idea if the bottom the harbor RSE in Tang faster or L as fast but whatever it does it is highly toxic especially in the inner haror where it is so toxic that when we drudge it we have to take the soil out well out the sea to get rid of it I've been told that it's too toxic landf I don't know that swimming in the general har with the increase of landbased infrastruct water based traffic worse in the coming decades and make them B even more and unhealthy using the shingle to launch kayaks sounds like a great idea but definely done with a place for children to go and play and splash around [Music] Fox okay great um let me just can I ask uh F if they've done any um excuse me let me let's just ask the consultant if they did any um toxicity tests or if there's uh if there's a um concern about toxicity that would be stirred up with pilings or other from this project do we still have faith on board on biona Yesa sorry uh no problem so we when we were doing doing the initial survey and and we did soil borings to test the existing conditions on the site and we also have the drudging results so no toxicity is not a concern at this site great thank you um my yeah a question give your name and mor 37 Proctor Street Manchester um a question and then a comment um so first the question um when you showed the new pier configuration at um at the fisherman's stock it looked like there were 4X 30 foot finger Piers sticking out and I was curious with those those would be for fishing boats that are currently on Moorings if that's correct and would those Moorings now be available for people who were on the waiting list and trying to get Mings in Manchester yeah so thanks myy uh the the goal moving what would probably be our most senior uh lobsterman into those spots would be to uh we have a wait list for uh commercial operators looking for a space in Manchester what I'd really like to see is to get um the number back up to what it was when I first started here so we'd move six maybe seven uh of the lobster boats in uh it wouldn't be all the big ones uh obviously the space would dictate that a couple would be the smaller ones but that we could then bring two or three uh of the lobstermen who are on the weit list for a spot in to bring the town back up to that uh same strength same number we had back in 2012 201 11 guess just a follow on is there sufficient parking for that fishing activity at Masano Park given all of the other activity there good question uh there was in 2012 so as far as 2024 goes I think we all know parking is a huge challenge are there any changes contemplated with this plan I I don't take any parking into consideration I for me the parking is parking for boats um as far as the uh commercial lobman one of the reasons I didn't want to bring in more than the number that were here when I started is partly because of that because of the the uh the issue with space up on land but I didn't I didn't think it would be unfair to try to get as close to that original number as possible we certainly have enough on the commercial weight list to to do that okay um do you have a quick comment I had a quick comment and it was really about the pilings and um there was a drawing that was a little hard to see showing elevation of pilings and I think you said they were 12 to 14 in in diameter steep and and I think we' started to see those showing up in Manchester and there was also a comment made about perhaps a rendering being made or available and I would strongly consider that there be a rendering put together so people have an understanding of what this is going to look like I think we've taken a harbor that is absolutely one of the gems on the coast of New England and we've transformed it into something that looks like a small Marina and um when you look at the pilings as you come into Manchester Harbor by tux point and as you come down this Harbor and you look at these green pilings they are here for a long time and I just feel that we ought to go into this eyes open and understand what these pilings look like as you come down Union Street and you look straight down Manchester Harbor at marble headlight in the distance you now have pilings all over the place and there will be more and more of them and I realize there's an economic advantage of $150,000 a year and Staffing to help with that but at the end of the day are we putting ourselves in a position where we've given up so much that this town has to look at for an economic gain that maybe should be questioned a little more carefully so I would strongly recommend we get some renderings of what these pilings look like from Union Street and from mascom Park and understand where this is going thank um let's um jump to one more set of pilings um uh who is um who do I need to give the um control to or or Fiona do you have the Jim do I yeah you can give it to me Jim okay thank you Fiona sorry Ann has a com sorry um Harrison about the height the Mr Gates's an Harrison 13 that's quite Mr Gates is concerned about t um sea level rise the pilings are as tall as they are to deal with the projected sea level rise the next 50 years so no the bottom probably won't come up that much and the park will certainly flood but the intention is to have the pilings tall enough that even with a major storm we're not going to have floats and boats traveling around the harbor alone unmoved thank you we're going to move to the uh we'll have we are not going to close this out tonight so don't don't um let's jump to the uh rotunda we do have a lot to get and we have Jimmy Hill from fo to guide us through that one yeah thanks for having me Jimmy Hill with f infrastructure and environment you guys say it like you're from Green Bay all right we're going to hit share here all right everybody see my screen I've got the just the application up uh so this is for tux Point tux Point phase two of the public doc facility project on behalf of the town of Manchester by the Sea I'm sorry can you just um shrink down your uh make this bigger and shrink down your table contents on the left sure I'll be jumping around so yep yep no problem if you can see that I'm just highlighting the area here U and we'll get in into some other photos and all that so here here's the existing um rotunda and solid Phil pier and Timber Pier coming out this actually there a photo from 2020 when we first did our inspection of the site um and it showed you know some some uh some piles that were unsatisfactory um that need to be replaced and obviously the site has kind of changed over time we've had some um uh some weather events and uh if you've been down to the site you see that it's R roped off currently um so I'm going to jump over to our existing conditions plan this would be on page 149 of the application um so we can see here it's the existing timber timber structure uh with with the Rotunda um we've got a solid fill paper lined uh uh ramp leading up to it um and then the uh the existing decking um there's some broken decking in there and some piles underneath um this is the existing elevation of the deck here I'll zoom in so everybody can see we got 14.1 uh mean low water feet mean low water so that's uh about two feet under the existing FEMA AE Zone um and so we're proposing to replace this with a uh this timber timber structure with a steel structure in the exact same footprint um the only thing that's really changing with the footprint is that we're reducing the number of piles we're going from uh a total of 36 12in Timber piles we're reducing that to 17 steel pipe piles um and we propos to raise the deck and elevation of five feet so that would be 19 feet mean low water and that's uh about 2 feet above that ae12 zone um in order to get up to this deck elevation we're going to have to uh angle up the structure and we're going to have to build a small angle on the solid fill as well well it'll be a 1 on20 slope um starting at let's see starting down here we the slope uh continues up through the the steel structure which will have the same Timber facade same design um as as as existing um and it actually will be the same rotunda so the retunda will be taken off and and put put back on um it'll be safely stored um as part of this project too there will be um uh the exist in gang way platform will be raised and there'll be some steel structure added to that uh to enhance it and I will jump now to a model because we do have a model of this project and I think everybody would like to see that um so this is how the view changes slightly um it actually enhances the view by reducing the number of piles the steel pipe piles these will be uh piles to match the uh the piles that were placed as phase one of the project where they they kind of reconfigured the uh floating the floating dock Zone over there those are the same steel let's see if we can see here yeah perfect great uh the steel pipe piles and these are just renderings not photos so they have caps on them and everything um so to kind of to summarize here we also have a uh order of conditions for the project from Conservation Commission um and we have a chapter 91 minor mod so uh we applied to chapter 91 full license and they came back with a minor mod to an unlicensed uh structure um and they they said that you know we're we're doing the right thing by raising the the Rotunda to that elevation um and no and no less and then staying within the footprint um you know from an aerial footprint and reducing the footprint of um of impacts with those steel pipe piles um if you are going through the alternates this is page 20 of the application oh page sorry page 19 uh the selected alternative is 1B um and that is a steel structure maintaining the existing peer footprint uh with 17 piles at a rough order magnitude cost of 2.3 million and that's is all I have thanks Jimmy questions from uh the board so if I may this is Gordon again so I went through the analysis that you did and what we're effectively ending up with is the Rotunda build on a platform or a up higher up in the air correct is it as simple as that correct yeah um and it's a steel structure with Timber facade instead of the existing Timber uh that's out there um which the anticipated service life for steel is about 50 years so we get a little bit more life out of it for uh for what we're building same footprint same walkway and the access to all the the new docks that are out there at floating docks will be the same as it is right now yeah so as part of phase one there was a new gang way that was secured and this gang way uh was was um purchased by town or however got it uh W with this project in mind with raising the retunda so that it it'll it'll fit that project too a question about the slope of the walkway that's being increased how what did you say what's the increase in slope there it'll be a one on20 slope so I can go back to we've got quite a bit of just here so we'll start with the existing the existing it's more flat it's actually just flat uh and the proposed will come up with a one on 20 to to meet that grade we couldn't do it all with the solid filler be too steep so the uh the steel structure will be angled to so it's a one 120 all the way through the solid fill um up until you get to an elevation 19 ft and so that slope is ADA Compliant great okay thank you yeah yeah Laura uh this is Laura is the um length is the run of the slope also compliant long is that 20 how long is that 5% slope 90 feet 90 feet so I think you need a landing or is that no I guess you're in a ramp so should be okay right that is a long run um I think it's important to get the details right on you know it's the historic structure overall I think like I have no comment on the raising it above the sea level rise and so forth um there have been some modifications made to the structure like the access to the the sort of gang way to the um to the float below where the kind of historic gate was removed and just some pressure treated kind of 2x4 you know rails were inserted in its place and so these are details but in terms of the finish of the um retaining wall and the you know the woodwork on the rails and Gates and so forth I think we should um look carefully at detailing that correctly so that it doesn't feel like it's you took the parts apart and put them back together in a way that is not um good steip of a historic resource so and and the the whole idea is to maintain the aesthetic right I mean the we're really just raising the structure making it so that that land or the you know the the ramp works with the structure um works with the the floats the gang way down to the floats and this is an alternative to the town landed on and yeah we do propose that you know we're we're matching the existing facade on the outside and then also with the you you know there will be a little bit more solid fill coming up above what is existing and so yeah in in the plans we do propose to match that to existing um and we found some contractors out there that do a really good job of that um you know matching the historic his uh historic aesthetic and that steel Stringer does that have any kind of a skirt over it are you just looking at the side of the Stringer yeah that that's shown right here uh the decorative Timber fatum okay yep so that would be very similar to what's what's out there now the the white paneling so uh Jimmy I think one of the things that was addressed here uh the the quick and easy uh deck and press treated deck and railings on the landing that goes down to the floats it would be important that we have and it may well already be but have the matching rail matching decking uh to the rest of the facility yeah that cut cut out that goes down the gang way is your is pretty coarsely done in contrast to the rest of the more ornamental wood work yeah so that would be corrected and then the gr Stones get picked up and relay and all of the same materials L down one yeah okay Gordon I I have this is a an aesthetic question question about the rotund itself it's been there for a long time the idea of taking it down and then putting it on Shore until the platform is built and then reconstructing it I assume we've done analysis on the on the Rotunda itself to see that that in fact can happen believe this part of the Alternatives analysis they they did look into that rather than building a new um we rather we did look into that rather than building a completely new rotunda um I believe this is a simple crane pick I do have Ben folle on I'm not sure if he has an answer for this exact question but he did work through some of these Alternatives um so I'm not sure if it's just a simple crane pick um or there's maybe more involved yeah just if you can hear me just want to make sure before I start talking we got you uh yeah so our our structural designer uh came up with a couple different alternatives for the pick uh so it was either build a steel structure underneath as a temporary lift or he really recommended uh taking it down in pieces so we can like that that straight straight up lift with uh the steel framing kind of messes with the structure itself so it's almost better to take it apart and then build it back together take it apart in pieces and build it back together so it will be the the same structure and then that way they can replace elements that need to be replaced uh if they see any like damage or Rod or yeah any any individual pieces that need to be be restored thanks Ben who or um Chris any comments or questions no okay can I just ask one last question so B on you mentioned uh grants being available for Morris and Reed Park construction is there any potential for grants for this project yeah so we secured 100% of Reed Park uh cport Economic Council gave 80% of the cost of the engineering permitting for the fisherman's facility and uh for U the Rotunda and when they do that they expect you to come back and apply for construction funding up to 80% so up and that's up to a million dollars through the seport Economic Council there's also another potential Grant opportunity through coastal zone management uh which could U get us a lot closer to the $2.3 million for this project now I say all this but if if the state doesn't like Manchester's plan for the MBTA then at least the seport Economic Council Grant will not be available to us we would not get that uh million dollar thank you so and then I'm not sure if that affects the coastal zone management Grant uh I suspect it would so then we'd be looking at uh some other funding uh reality okay um any comments from the public and I'm going to limit any comments to two minutes um on the Rotunda only I have a question for hold on okay um Mrs Gates go ahead I'm gonna ask that you speak just to the retunda and thank you one and I a question uh to the gentleman who just said if we don't have the mvpa plan voted for then they might not give us that has nothing to do with housing why there a time that we be ex Chris do you or sue you want to explain that or uh Mark maybe I'm gonna let Mark explain so the question if you couldn't here uh was why does the grant for the Rotunda have anything to do with the MBTA housing so if um the town does not pass the MBTA zoning bylaw that's been drafted and um and by the end of the year we would be do non-compliant with the law section 3A and um for being non-compliant we would no longer be eligible for a long list of state grants this is according would be one of them so is that corre is that allowed need to be done by the state to the towns and cities yes it's the it's the grants are from the state and the grants are from the state various offices at the state offer grants to cities and towns under the condition that you meet other requirements whether it's a Grant application requirement or a requirement of another law so I'm sure obtaining the special permits required by the town for these uh from the planning board for these are a requirement of the application just as uh being in compliance with Section 3A um is a requirement for the grants as well okay so um we need to continue these hearings um I'm sorry W curiously an Harrison 13 Tex Point Road are the materials that you're working from available to the rest of us yes they are either in my office or I believe gaale has a set of them as well you put them at this H clerk it would be also filed with the clerk okay yeah okay thank you um and I guess the other thing is are they available electronically because some of the um a lot of the numbers are too small to read or I need a magnifying like the depths of um on the outside of the floats right outside the floats and all kinds of important details um so maybe we can get one one uh copy electronically and then we can also put them on the website you have electronic copies in today's U meeting packet packet okay on SharePoint um excuse me SharePoint is not generally available no no we'll put so we'll get it on so we have it electronically we now need to put it in a generally available put it up on yeah web page yep I me word okay great thank you um so we need to continue this hearing um Mar's not here um it looks like July 9th is going to be a better date that's the Tuesday instead of July 8th um for people for this andell signaling um can we continue to to July 9th if that's ends up being a problem is that going to I guess we we could meet quickly and then and then let's schedule a site walk good okay so I'm does that work for people I think that works Sue and um Chris I think that worked for you okay great in of the in L of the E because the E has problem for problems um so we're going to continue to uh the July 9th um with a public hearing with a site walk to be scheduled between now and then um I also I think we maybe we can take it up at the end but I think we're going to want to see a rendering rev viw issue um the issues that came up the financial analysis the moing the net moing count uh of the two I think the two projects together and um a little bit more about the historic um maybe ask the historic commission or some a little bit more of a narrative about the historic uh Renovations and I think I've just circle them all they are all within our special criteria may we can talk about how that happens um okay would it be possible to forward the um questions to f um just so we can know what information would be helpful to provide we will great okay thank you um at this point I'll take a motion to uh continue this public hearing to I think we'll do 6:30 again yeah uh because sue you look like you're gonna say something so moved second July 9th all in favor okay thank you great thank you everybody for uh your time thank you Bion good night everybody Nate and Nate Jimmy thank you thanks all have a good night than okay tell somebody maybe will be sidewalk yeah we will oh they oh well before they left before they left I think we'll have to get back to them I want to keep this moving is on um Can somebody grab maybe we can take a quick stretch stand up everybody sounds good and um some oh you're here can you send uh Mark lovsky in folks please is this a requirement welcome Sarah it's scil May I remind you of something yes absolutely all the materials that are in SharePoint are also in the meeting packet um online in for the planning board so every meeting meeting packet has all the materials they they're in SharePoint and they're also in a meeting packet great thank you so much and thank you for putting them there that's I know takes a lot of work you don't want to duplicate the same thing yeah okay great okay great um we're going to reconvene the public hearing for self- signaling Technologies thank you for your patience once again just take three special permits um thank you welcome markovski and your team oh um who say share is mat are you on yet Matt are you on okay just make sure you sign in without your audience so any uh Preamble while he's signing in not much of a preamble except the fact that uh as the agenda States tonight's U meeting is for the purpose of uh reviewing civil engineering storm water and Landscaping as it relates to the cell signaling site uh this series of meetings is designed to confirm that we're satisfying the performance standards that are set forth in the zoning bylaw so tonight essentially we're talking about uh performance standards they're in sections 6.36 6.37 and 6310 and making the presentation tonight will be Matt funners behind me again from Hancock Associates uh he'll be followed by Josh Wilson who was a senior ecologist at bio habitats and he will explain how his hard work has informed at our last speaker ly gaka who will talk about the uh remarkable Landscaping plan for the uh site that is not terribly attractive at the moment so that's how we're going to proceed and we'll start with Matt so Matt are you on hello oh there you go I think you have your audio on no it can't be muted it has to be joint so you gotta go to the little carrot by Audio and say join without audio join by phone okay so you're you're not echoing so good all right is that better oh well he's uh working on that have you received anything from the finance committee have we receiv received are you still expecting something from the we should check in yeah I'll follow up um I'm M Conor Associates um so the the this even I'm going start off about some items then Josh is our colist online R through some stuff and then we to close us with uh so there we go um so I was going to go through the standards for the special permit there we go so lighting we're going to talk about on the eth so I'm not going to touch on that noise I'll touch on topographical standards and clearing site development standards pedestrian vehicle access was talked about at the last meeting on the 10th Aesthetics is going to be talked about on July 8th Landscaping walls fences as going to be biohabitats in 212 and then utilities uh security and Emergency Services I can touch on that and thisal impact we talked about on the 10th so everybody good with what I'm going to cover except that we may continue to the ninth instead of the eth just we we we'll make sure we come back to we [Laughter] great uh so standard 2 noise um talks about unreasonable impact on name bring properties so the interesting thing about this property is there's not a lot of nage but we do intend to have our standard hours of operation between 8 and five um and we would like a waiver for construction to start earlier and this relates back to the school of impacts we you talk about that L um so as I said we don't have a lot of neighbors um our property is this big chunk of dirt um our the neighbors to the north is a basically storage facility um and then we have the B Brook and it's Associated wetland in this area uh these guys over here this is the doctor's office this is the future DPW site are and obviously be at the map down below our nearest residential neighbors are over here on the other side of 128 so normal operations shouldn't be impacting any of our neighbors um and construction activities shouldn't be item three topal standards in C so this is talking about unnecessarily alterating altering topography and drainage minimizing disturbances to natural habitat ecosystems and providing natural buers proper um everybody's been to the site this is our natural habitat um it's a coring it's been blasted and um all kinds of disturbances that happen um went through several photos this is over where the proposed uh parking garage is going to be again it's all distur and this is looking from top of the clip um out over uh The Monuments in the this is our our NE storage and this is again a top of the CLI looking down my truck um but you can see it's just a big open Disturbed area that will work and I can I'm going to get a little bit into how we're trying to place everything so that we're not adding to more of the distur um Lynn's really going to touch on that to get chance to out all stuff um but when you look at our Disturbed site this is it it's this whole piece here and what we're proposing to do is almost entirely within that area um looking at it from a larger perspective uh again we have this is our site here this is our neighbor this is our other neighbor here and we have not a lot of anybody else in in the are so our natural features you can see out the the areas that are undisturbed throughout versus the areas that we had Disturbed that we working in before we leave the slide what is that rectangle pink parcel that's on the cleared area yeah what is that so uh many years ago well not many years ago but years ago um there was a separate parcel here um it has since been combined um this was grabbed from sgis which has not been updated today but that that rectangle here is absorbed I believe it was because the Mac you know more than I about I could be wrong um so standard four site development standards this gets into talking about preserving and enhancing the natural features of the site um it's in the site design placement of buildings facilities clearing for utility placement of buildings uh preventing impacts to rare and endangered species AR um sustainability and resilience um archaeological or historical resources again there aren't any um Pres of existing vegetation then's going to really talk about that um revation again um and limit clearance so earlier I showed you the aial of all the Disturbed areas and this is a site plan and it gets do a little bit of color here um but as far as the overall site all the zoning buffers are being maintained no variances required for Zs at all the area that we're clearing is basically everybody walked this with me the other when we went to the site but this ring Road here was that path that we walked it's all cleared it's all Disturbed up in this area even this I can barely I can barely see that cursor um so this area up in here this is uh is cleared as it St we walk this is is where we're going to have the parking area and even further up in here off screen it's still Disturbed outside of that area is in its natural state we're not touching it this area here we're trying to restore back to a normal as state um there is a this whole area down here is going to be buffered it's natural trees in there um and and the area within where the majority of our infrastructure is going is uh basically Cal dist so that dark green is basically what is out there right now for natural vegetation the lighter green um all this is what we're restoring with either plantings or grasses or native and then we're we have other areas like this is our Wetland this is our Basin this is our pled Basin here's another Basin here um and then you see where we have interior Landscaping pieces but at the end of the day there going to be more green on the site than there is right now as far as endangered species or anything of uh of that nature the nearest one is up here um here is our site this is sill Brook this is the Wetland on the other end of the Wetland U we have a endangered species um the nearest veral pool is over here and up there again nothing's on our site that we touch we do have a cold water Fisher that's all Sawmill Brook um don't ask what species a TR Michael was very much focused on making sure that the in that area City but this does impact our storm water design so in addition to the cold water Fisheries um I'm going to touch on I'm going to come back to that but uh the site is well the project is going to be lead architecture next week or next two weeks now we'll talk about that um but our resiliency our storm water is being designed for the 20190 St not the 2013 stor yes which storm in 2090 is your design storm you're going to get to yes I'm G to get that Ste your thunder all this so so nowadays we're designing for 2030 um which is go the one year is 3 in the 100 year is is 9.2 in we're doing 2090 which the one year is 3.8 in the 100 year is 17 is a sorry 11.7 in the 100e storm is our 25e storm essentially so all of our basins are bigger all of our infrastructure is bigger all of our TSS design is bigger when we get into uh so storm water um is designed to manage that these areas up here go down to this bacing this whole piece bends up coming down here and going out the wet here I have another slide that kind of discusses the this a little bit more can you make sure you don't use that um abbreviation so total suspended sure sorry um if I say yell at me too because um people who are watching and people who not in this world yep I'm uh so this becomes how we're doing our treatment we have we total suspended Sals um so there's a couple of different factors that come into play because we have a cold water fishery so we have to have um 40 44% of tost s saws removed from the system before we get to an infiltration B we also have a parking garage which has to have a oil water separator so as we broken the side up into a couple different keys this is our parking garage this is our oil water separator this parking garage goes through the oil water separator and then you can see this base over here this Basin is lined it's not an infiltration Bas everything in this area comes down and goes in the infiltration is that did you say that was aligned Bas yes was a holding Basin this area all comes down com in here this overflows into this Outlet control structure and it's going to go that way this piece right here here basically our Utility Yard we got a lot of trucks and stuff in there too drain from this goes into a separator and it doesn't go this way it actually goes that way um this building here has roof run off we're using the roof run off for our irrigation system so there's a 25 so 25,000 gon tank that gets build up from roof and used for irrigation whatever doesn't go into the tank overflows into the system and head that we have another little area here this is primarily grass areas and pedestrian areas this goes into this main run and this main run from so basically anything on this side of the site has had ample suspended solid treatment so it goes down into the infiltration coming over here we're taking this piece and this comes down into our uh planted Basin again this one's lined this all comes down in here goes into that phe two building clean goes into that piece as well this overflows into the infiltration Bas this area through here the one last little area that we couldn't get to go anything relatively easy so that has its own oil water separator uh for total suspend solid treatment that goes into the infiltration Bas that infiltration Basin is sized for infiltration for the entire site everything from that Basin overflows through an outet control structure and that goes into the s this all mimics what's going on up there right now how much of the runoff of the um outside of your scope of work but Mac and um Atwater a are also going to get captured just because of Overland get uh so the Mac doesn't drain in our Direction at all um it goes to Outwater Outwater p so the Mac is over here uh the Mac generally uh goes in this direction maybe a little bit of but the majority of the parking runs off into the um it's either going into the brook or it's going down Outwater which will eventually follow that up so you're not adding any offsite water to your system you know nope so the Mac is a separate part no I know but I just sometimes there's a benefit that okay just a few clarifying questions so it's 290 25 year storm Your Design storm yes which is roughly equivalent today the 29 2090 series of storms yeah are our design storms including up to the 100 Year stor including up to the 100 Year storm okay I thought you were saying the 25 year storm of 290 was your so uh so when you design where we're looking at runoff from all this these these Stone events so we're sizing our infrastructure based upon on um what's going on hydraulically with that those St um sometimes we can get away with sizing the um utility conduit for the 25e storm it's actually allowed in your program um it can get funky when you model it so that some of that stuff bypasses it goes to the next section so we get that a little bit but when when this is designed we basically right to the 100 year for modeling P there are I think there's like one catch so the backs up a little bit but it doesn't get to the top and that's get stor you're 100 storm you get a lot of other things going on okay great thank you and then the um question so you're treating 100% of the water on site yes all managed okay and then you had said 44% of the total suspended cells were removed before the infiltration Basin right and that's and then what's the coming out of the infiltration to the that's uh production I don't those numbers off the top because there a lot of little pieces but basically we're exceeding Mass code okay um so the 44% before you get to the infiltration is because it's a uh it's a large site it has high traffic volume so we have to get to that before it gets back in yeah okay and as we move through the site we have different circumstances so we have a we have areas that are grass they don't typically need that much TSS because there's not that going on sorry it's SP um then you have parking garages which have a lot of oils run off of car so that's where you want to put your o water separate I answer your question yeah and then I so you've got it all in the infiltration base and not average you're reducing it by 44% to get to the infiltration to get to the infiltration after that it's excess of 90% 90% okay great thank you mat it's so more of I'm sitting here thinking that the site is functioning right now the Wetland is there yeah functioning poorly like that the however water is making it to that Wetland somehow yes so whatever means here is what you're doing going to increase the flow to the Wetland or or be the same as or or less so what what the state code says is you cannot increase your Peak disar so what we're doing is we're not increasing our P charges uh actually I would say that most of them are decreased either marginally or depends on on the size and the Bas so it's hard to mimic everything exactly um so as we go through through the process and we modeled this in um we're we're running U we're running it's called hyat um we run it so that we're taking the water from these indidual areas based on the Storm event that's happening we red through everything it gets to the Basin we're required to infiltrate back into the ground a certain amounted to remove solid all these little get tossed into there and then at the end of the day we are trying to mimic what's going on right now okay so I guess the long and short of that question is that water that's coming from the new site will be potentially slightly less than the water is making it there right now and a whole lot better treatment treatment process as it goes along through the system yes uh Greg Greg had some great uh I would say also as we start to think about that think about what the plants do for the site actually there's so much uptake of water planting which you have none of now absolutely none of so it will it'll be a very significant transition which is not part of the modeling correct I I can share with the team uh videos of what's happening right now and because it's all a gravel or or rock surface all the water all the total suspended solids just running right down uh Beaver Dam into the Wetland none of that will occur with with this program I I I just have one as we're talking here well putting well having less flow into the wetlands be detrimental to the wetlands themselves no um it's like I said we're trying to mimic what's going on there as much as possible um the Greg's got some great videos but like what's going on with all that run off coming down eroding everything out dumping dumping all that SP solids back into the Wetland that does impact all right I'm not going to go into next but it does impact the the wildlife and and fish and any of the Marine so to say it's all recharged and all get it all gets back into the aquifer which does affect the water table which does impact that okay I guess that's ultimately what I was asking about this does it will it dry up apparently not is all being recharged yeah it's it's yeah you're not drying up that well so it's again we're trying to mimic what's going that makes it better thank you I think I just say you're trying to mimic the natural water cycle because what's going on out there is bare soil and a lot of erosion so we're trying to Mim make the runoff of what's going on up there in our design so that we're not increasing it or decreasing it there is some marginal decreas you're reducing the rate uh you you were there on the sidewalk you remember walking down Beaver Dam Road and you could see where those big runnel formed all that dumps into the we okay uh item eight utility Security emergency Serv um so this talks about adequate Services provided for Wastewater water site security underground utilities required um so the site is served by water and um anything in Blue on this uh screen is water anything in green SE uh water is being supplied from the bottom of the screen here as well as sewers so the water is an 8 in line that comes up Loops everything all these blue circles are hydrant H to work through with the chief um are our fire engineer has done through extensive modeling we make sure that everything works according to it water comes down through here this is the Mac over here there's a little wet L here but when you go down here you have 128 underneath 128 is an 18in conduit and a 24in conduit uh they were to the best of our knowledge put in place there so that you could get utilities underneath 12 without opening it up um those conduits right now and the 18 in contains uh water uh for the Mac um it contains two I believe their 5 in conduits one of them is empty and the other one is for uh Communications the 24 in empty so we are running uh our for man for sewer through that 24 in down the other side to M Street and this is been work through with uh DPW it's part of the utility Improvement package that was put out and bid a couple weeks ago um the for sewer Force goes to Mill go the forest and ties into the sewer system that's on Forest uh the water is already on Mill and we're tying into it it's already it comes up any questions on water and se s what was the last thing you just said about the water is already the last thing you just said I was writing something so um so the water system um is on M Street it's an 8 in system those Street we're tying into well it's already on already on the site so we're tying into it for that purpose um there's also some water improvement work going on um on hor Street uh that Main's going to 12 in and then School Street is also part of this project um there's main improvements going from right about where Essex uh the Essex Country Club is up to almost 128 that that's part of so that creates a loop with more volume for this thanks uh so this is gas and electric uh this is still being worked through uh to get everything to the site um but essentially that water R is going to be supplying electric and gas for the project uh gas is going to come in and has two service connections once reach building phases and electric has it's all underground uh for electric it comes in it ties into into switch gear which is this chunk right here comes into the building it also comes down underneath the drive as more switch gear and a generator there also gener right and then fire Services we did a turning movement analysis for the entire site um we did it for fire it was also done it for tractor trailers because they're a little bit bigger um and we will be getting tractor trailers on this St so uh but essentially you can see where it come down out water we can move throughout the entire site very clearly um there is a turnoff that's pulled in here to allow for the dve trailer to not necessarily back in but if there's a um trailer if there's no space then it doesn't have a place to pull off so it's not in that drive out uh creating a safety H has the fire chief seen this and yes do we have any communication from him Mark no we just follow and you submitted it to yeah we you get any comments written comments soon uh so there's a ass technology security plan um this was uh based on trolan and to Road maybe spell something wrong um so it's it's something that is in use right now it's based on their other facilities so it's it's um it's been submitted as part of this package to the planning board um has also been submitted to the police department and the fire department I have a question back on utilities sorry sure uh two questions one is um are you GNA do are you three questions do you have demand response you doing demand response generate you not sure yet not sure okay just for the load region good thing um you get you get paid for um are you going to do solar yep the entire parking garage is going to get covered so it's all rooftop yep okay so no ground mounted no ground and then the third thing on utilities is um the geothermal is again located just Wells but can you just show us on the plan since it is a util it is your uh about that so see these shaded areas this is where our de of thermal fields are going to be um they're not totally fled out at this time but uh depending on so phase one's going to be going with uh phase one which this area and then phase two is going to be this area uh the coordination of that is still on going and the actual layout still ongoing but aren those overlapping with your detention Basin yeah but they're six feet underground uh detention Basin no uh so this is this is a screening burn oh okay um so basically this area is getting built up so we don't have to look there um and this area is on this side of the pl Bas and I I know you're the answer but just these are closed loop a question ility plan do you have uh generators on the site and where in elevation are those located what talk about that yeah we do have two um phase one is here and we'll show you a section of how these are like a school bus you know they're not ins significant sizewise we'll show you a section of how we're screening that um phase two is here and all of this vegetation is kind of beyond our limit of work so that's to remain when we get to the phase two piece that phase two planting we will be doing something heavily planting around that so that size there that size there thanks Ln and in terms of the resiliency are you the elevation of the generators are not rooftop generators not rooftop there's a section that really displays what's going on but no they they're on the ground we're actually sinking them in a little bit to try hide and this which gear elevation is is ground mounted as well it is it is ground mounted I see what you you guys are getting at like Happ I think the way we haven't worried about that from the elevation standpoint it has to been something that's been driving us to get them higher correct I guess the larger question is is there a risk that in that 2090 storm event that the Wetland surface water comes higher what's that elevation of higher yeah yeah what are the elevations uh so so that well um is uh in the 500 years Stone I know because I'm modeling um is does not come out of the backs um and then so when you go from Outwater here Outwater here up the hill you've got about 40 to 60 foot of elevation which is I think part of the re of not taking on adjacent properties into our storm High just we're higher than everybody else ex and you're bearing all the electrical so no poles no poles we have some lights which are yeah thank [Music] you that's all I got okay we I'm sorry can we go back to the noise for a minute way back when when you started because you said that there would be no on on the other side of 128 will be impacted by a construction with the exception I assume of the blasting so that's a construction activity um we do you want do you want to touch on that you want just run okay so during construction uh we're going to have blasting it's going to be a couple of months of work that's going on out there um the blasting piece of it is about a minute every day or two um the hammering takes a little bit longer where you're going to hear du D du um but we have no neighbors um our nearest neighbor is uh these a residential over here so you have 128 which comes up about 40 ft here comes across and then this Ridge line pops up even further so a big bu between Opera between those reg property the majority of the blasting is on this side of the flip base so even that portion is getting pushed away noise wise and then sorry one and so all the blasting for both phases will be done so it's a as well as it's an annoyance we're trying to get it done all at once uh it's also safer um to get all the blasting taken care of while there's no buildings in midd City okay and then the other thing that was on your first slide was the hours of op of construction yep so that is in the general bylaw section 45 understand um and it details specific activities that have to occur uh8 8 A.M and you have to go not a special permit or anything just to the board of Selman selectboard for uh for any uh modification of those hours so you don't have to come to us I I I think that it's the hours are set forth in your performance standards and I believe that it also specifically states that you have the right to wave those any any portion of those so we will be making a request at the appropriate time to allow for construction activity to start 6:30 in the morning as opposed to 8 and the premier reason for that is to get all the trucks on site before school buses and school traffic I think the issue is that the operation of heavy equipment I think that I'm worried about that pavement Breakers pile drivers um and last thing doesn't say end blasting but I think you can confir blasting eight to six so I think it's the pile drivers and I know this was in direct response to the year-long pile driving at 6:00 a.m. everybody could hear all over town of a particular project so I think that's the that's the one that's going to be a little bit harder I think I think it be very you just need to be specific exactly about what you want yeah we can we can come up with very specific going on but our thought was if we can get in there because you guys are very concerned with ess6 uh coming yeah all the school kids coming through but if we can get in there before they're there we don't impact their travel schedule they can get going we can come up with a activity schedule based upon you know what's going to happen at what time and make everybody yeah I think we can probably foree that's pile driving at 6: a is going to be a problem I I don't see that being happening but I understand where you're coming from two things the hours were first thought of as traffic mitigation and that makes sense uh and then in discussing the Mac uh I've had a number of meetings with them in their programming and where blasting would work well in their programming uh we're looking at trying to to set up a blast Maybe about 9:00 in the morning in order to facilitate that we have to start earlier than 8 to make it safe so that's one of the reasons we're looking at a 6:30 start and I will check with the The Last Tenant because his noise activity he was doing crushing in same operations that we would be acting performing uh to see what his his level of of noise was I don't think it's going to be a lot different but Matt is correct it's the blasting really is not a a noise impact as much as a percussion impact it's really the drilling that is going to be continuous for a number of months so we we can play that one by Year too but it's more of a safety consideration traffic consideration more than okay I think it just be specific about what you need but I think it's that percussive noise that s one that we've all heard yeah but I think it's also a great idea to be off getting your folks not to interfere with the school traffics that's great okay I'm done with my presentation anybody have questions on the Civil Sue or Chris any questions um what's uh what's saying comments on part no comments uh up to you how we present we were going to present our comments and go it's open on different topics we can go sequentially we want to just do it at the end then okay that's sounds fine great so I believe Josh is online I yeah can you all hear me yep yes okay great great um yeah sorry I couldn't I couldn't be there um and but I'm happy to happy to be here virtually and to present um essentially the ecological assessment that uh we biohabitats did um for cell signaling technology and for the project um in the site and really to um to really help uh help the the team understand the site as it is right now ecologically and where it could be um you know by habitats uh so for myself I'm a um I'm a as senior ecologist restoration ecologist with bioh habitat uh about 25 years of experience um doing everything Wetland delineations through permitting um both federal and state Massachusetts so uh in biohabitats we're an ecological planning firm um and really our mission um uh we're driven to restore the Earth and to inspire ecological stewardship so really when we were brought on board next slide please um we were brought on board uh really was to help the team bring an ecological planning aspect to the over all planning and design process so um not going to read every word on this but basically looking at the landscape context of the site uh what's going on ecologically the networks and natural resources uh really establish the planning foundations to to ensure that ecological systems um are not degraded but are and in fact are actually um are actually improved and really uh increasing ecological functions and ecological services and really again it's not a means to an end but it's a foundation we're really looking at trying to pull together all the information that goes into the biophysical aspects of of a site and and bring it uh bring it to bear on the landscape design as well as all the other aspects of the project uh storm water Etc uh next slide please so just this a lot of this information uh was in our report um you're probably familiar with it uh so I'm going to kind of go through it relatively quickly but obviously if you have questions U stop me um but this all should be relatively familiar um so really this site uh which is in the lower right quadrant of this uh this figure of image is within the Gulf of main Coastal lowland it's a biophysical region of Main in Massachusetts that extends along the Atlantic coast um it is part of the greater Eastern broadleaf uh Forest Province and lower New England Eco region section so um these things you probably are are familiar with and the region obviously we know with the heat it gets hot in the summer and cold in the winters and the topography at this site uh which actually shows up on our next slide um is pretty is pretty variable so we're located in a coastal plane physiography um a lot of glacial activity uh and that glacial activity was um also affected by the existing Bedrock hence the the mining services and the Quarry services that have uh activities that have happened on this site and so really a thin glacial till but really a lot of Bedrock on the site and the thin glacial till in the Uplands in the lowlands or The Valleys really a lot of outwash deposit so you have you have some some really nice uh Wetland areas like ass those Associated uh with Sawmill Brook next slide please um then we with regard to the Watershed we're in the north Coastal subbasin um and really the the capan chub point to castl neck Watershed uh it really drains the site drains to Sawmill Brook which then joins with cat Brook to form uh Little Pine Island Creek and then ultimately discharging um into the Massachusetts Bay northern part of Massachusetts Bay and then uh as as mentioned before Som Brook is classified as a cold water fishery habitat it actually contains um Native uh brook trout in it and that's one of the reasons why it's important that it's the the temperature be regulated and protected um the site is also um along the Atlantic Flyway Flyway so a lot of bird migration occurring um over and through the site um several dozen migratory Birds use this Flyway uh including song song birds Shorebirds ducks and Raptors so you really have a you know a great opportunity for not only not only species to nest and use the sight site in the adjacent area surrounding area but also to pass through um during the fall and the spring um so a lot of opportunities and I think that that's recognized um and you'll see later as I get through the actual habitat which is here uh so our land next next slide please um so that's the land cover and land use on the site you can see that the site is uh everything North is just North of Route 128 and it's everything is largely forward except for the site um and that forested area is really continuous tracks of of forested Upland um with forested non-forested freshwater wetlands so so really a lot of continuous uh continuous Forest land through this area and it's further refined when we looked at what Matt showed on the next which is shown on the next slide of the maap protected in ecological habitats um so again Sawmill Brook is the only map protected ecological habitat on site um it runs and which is basically on the edge of the western edge of the site um but there are you know nearby protected ecological habitats for uh endangered species um and certified vernal pools but again not on not on site um in fact the really nearby important ecological habitats are further to the north where you have a significant amount of core Forest um and un meaning that it's unfragmented uh which provides which provides improved habitats to to certain song birds that uh that don't like fragmented Woodland and then also uh you can see there's also some critical Vernal pool Upland which basic basically is areas where uh veral pool connectivity and that's you can see that up in the north um sort of north and east of the of the site uh next slide please and again I think this is this all is recognized in the region by just the extensive protect an open space and conservation land and how important it is to protect these continuous forests and um and minimize the amount of fragmentation in them um and so there is ownership within a mile of the site there's ownership by separate entities um and it's a significant amount of of open space that helps conserve continuous tracks of of wildlife habitat for for migration and diversity and next slide please and I think the site topography itself helps helps understand some of the Ecology of the site um so the Topography is basically broken into two parts the Western 2/3 is sort of developed and managed portions while the Eastern third is more native and naturalized um the Eastern no null um actually adjoins and extends what's currently um associated with protected habitat or open uh protected open space to the to the East and to the north um and actually it's it's it's very similar in terms of in terms of its General habitat um and uh vegetation assemblages and and diversity so the next slide here is want to just talk about the assessed communities and the the ecotypes that we've we went through um we looked at developed and managed areas um Upland areas in Wetlands so um I'll just jump right into some of the up the developed and managed is what it is I mean uh Matt talked a lot about that and I think you're familiar all familiar with that so I'm not going to spend any time other than that it's really not a lot of habitat available in those areas um really the habitat um the habitat comes uh when we looked at some of the areas that have remained remain foul fow foul fow um and and also you know generally had light management activity on it so the first is a a dry Disturbed dry meow Community these are in areas that are most recently been Disturbed and allowed to just revegetate uh it's a mix of rural weeds native dry Meadow species which are common at Disturbed sites uh Ragweed tany Golden Rod uh barnyard grass queenan's lace uh we also see um start to see some invasives coming in like Mug wart in that area um adjacent to these Disturbed Meadows next slide please are some of the distur wet Meadows these are very similar to the dry Meadows um the difference they're not Wetlands but they are there is more of a saturated condition longer duration of um water sitting on them so the weather conditions at this location they they're predominantly from surface drainage um and lead to a similar but a little bit more diverse assemblage of herbaceous species and mixed shrubs starting to come in um a lot of those species are like um are actually become uh some of the non-natives uh invasive ones such as common Reed or fragm mies purple Lo Strife Japanese not weed um we see start to see tree of heaven and multifloral road as Asiatic B sweet Oriental Bittersweet starting to come in um as as mowing is decreased and these Woody species are allowed to to flourish a little more next slide please and then the third sort of uh area that we see in this in these early undisturbed arees or early succession or scrub shrub species um these actually we we observed have a lot more of the Native species um coming in but this they're generally younger individuals of that early successional series uh species that we would see um you know such as gry Birch or Quaking Aspen but you start to see some some of the more long-term second layer of species or second succession of species which is them with some of the Oaks and such next slide please which then kind of is derived from the adjacent area to the to the east and north or the east of the Eastern side of the site um and that's really the Forest community of a Hemlock Beach mixed o Forest complex and this is an extension of again the areas off site to the north and east um it's it's an ecotone that's basically on this particular site um is adjacent it's uh consists largely of red oak Black Oak Scarlet Oak um as well as Hemlock and beaches um unfortunately uh like a lot of areas our forests are sort of impacted um by several diseases or or parasites um hemlocks as you know have the Wily Delan that's been dealing with that for some time uh in be in the beaches um longer term we've seen Beach bark disease but in the shorter term we're starting to see Beach Leaf Disease take its toll on a lot of beach trees so um while the h locks and the beaches are able to provide a lot of shade on the interior forest and canopy there is some some loss of that of those species um gradually because of these parasites so um what happens is those interior forests are going to see a transition um not just not in this site spec particularly but across New England and actually the whole the Northeast in general where you'll see a lot more light penetration a lot more stuff coming uh other species starting to come through but as of right now these are the species that that are there um so under story species that we will see come through are things like glow Bush blueberry or witch hazel um we also see smaller species such as tberry or sunflower Canada Mayflower and and ghost pipe throughout the this area um within that Hemlock Beach mixed Oak Forest complex next slide please um is sort of a subset to the area which is um which is an open hardwood Woodland this is an area within the forest complex that's more open Savannah like I'd see we'd say at the summit of a hillside um and the community and Community is similar to canopy with the Oaks and Hemlock uh you do start to see some Pines in there but the under story is a lot more densely populated with um with smaller trees like hop hornbeam or you might see things like Huckleberry viburnum Etc um all these types of things um provide different types of varying habitat for for species again more interior type of of forest habitat similar to what's what's offsite and then next uh slide please um the mixed Forest pockets and the highway Edge is another ecotype that we were we observed and this is really the stuff that's on the edges um things that have had been Disturbed long ago maybe when the whole site was cleared um have it had a chance to regenerate they're along the they're along the highway so there's there's some um salt spray and and other activity that's that's happening that's basically affecting the uh the growth in those areas but these are um again uh Beach Hemlock Oak but also you start to see some more Red Maple um with a more moderately dense under story uh of red maple huggleberry witch hazel Etc uh but you do also because of the amount of disturbance and the amount of um Edge that's there you start to see more of more invasives such as um Oriental Bittersweet or glossy Buckthorn or honeysuckle bush and Vine and then our last area um cover I sort of grouped all these together but as for the Wetland areas and these are really on the periphery I mean two two larger ones are on the periphery so you have Sawmill Brook on the on the west uh which we talked about before and then uh which really receives a lot of uh receives its its cold water um fishery designation because there is um a lot of forest around it um a lot of wetlands that are able to detain the water and cool it but also groundwater discharge that gets into the stream it's a supports those cold water Fisheries um and then on the Eastern side of the property is you know is a wetland that was flagged but extends further off to the um to the east to the East and that and both of these sort of are largely a red maple assemblage of uh forest with some sweet pepper sweet pepper bush High Bush blueberry um Sweet Birch underneath cinnamon fern so that type of that type of community in there um and really the so as we talked about in these assessed communities next slide please um we we really use these communities as the inspiration for the the planned landscape design um we want to draw strongly from the Native species and the communities that are that are um on this site but really that are adjacent to the site as well uh pulling from pulling from that Eastern third of the site we really want to understand you know what's what habitats are available what spe species are there and really how can we connect the ecology um of the surrounding site to the human needs and the uses on the site um and really try to find the balance between the two um this connection connection is intended to increase genetic diversity um of both Wildlife species as well as vegetation species uh we can really only control the vegetation species uh and what we plant but um those ve those species that we bring in that encourage certain Wildlife to use it uh given the type of the type of structure and the type of um the type of M or fruits that those types of species produce um Wildlife noted on site include really include typical Suburban um and assimilated mammal species like white white tail deer um to a certain extent coyote and Bobcat which are becoming a lot more common um and um daring as as we as their populations grow and then re and squirrels um you know throughout the site aome Etc so I really a lot of the species that we'd see there Aven species that we're seeing um are also generally Forest Edge species um like American crow Robin or black C Chickity you might see some some more slightly interior species like the Wood Thrush uh on the site um and then obviously Coastal species if you go out to the site and the back site you see a lot of a lot of gulls um that are in the area which are obviously because we're close to the ocean there's going to be quite a few caring gulls and black back go so really um again the idea that you know we wanted to work with with cell signaling technology and the team is to is to really bring to bear this the ecological quality um of the area that surrounds the site and really draw that that um ecological diversity uh to the site and provide some ecological uplift um by by establishing uh Native and natural communities on site um that can support the Wildlife that that is around the site and in those core habitats so that's the gist of I wanted what I wanted to share with you all um I'm certainly happy to answer any questions that might have been quick a little quick but hopefully that that helps you understand where where maybe what Lynn was gon is going to talk about and where she where she goes thank you I it was a great presentation Josh um thank you I'm really excited that the team is taking this ecological diversity approach to the site so I think it's um really an incredible opportunity and I'm I'm very excited about this approach but I had a few questions um just to dig in a little more are there some key species that you're managing for that might be more interior less Edge species um and are you trying to create corridors for them or what's your thinking on how do you kind of measure success here and how do you plan corridors or patches or whatever whatever the approach might be yeah I mean I think that I think that um Trying to minimize the amount of first of all minimize any uh fragmentation on the edges um and really getting some of those interior species and when we think of interior species a lot of times we're talking about about birds um as as our interior species um so you know like I said Wood Thrush even hermit thrushes can can thrive in these areas um and basically I don't think that we can we can expect to have um we can expect to have the the species interior species thrive in this on the site because it's not going to be an interior habitat um but I think being able to uh provide provide it the the migration the movement pathways through the site uh without having to cross through Open Fields and such um you know I think that that's for more of the Aman species um I think that's probably going to be critical so I think that part of the design approach uh working with with um with Lynn is just to to make sure that we provide enough density of vegetation um enough natural vegetation that that that those those pathways are exist and the they can migrate through it SOA corridors first yeah exactly um thank you a couple a few more questions um in terms of the management over time and I know you're talking about you know first day design today but you've got a different several different landscape type typologies some of them are successional and you have not weed and other pretty U nasty invasives so is there a thought about maning you know mowing um inputs to these various kinds of Landscapes is there an on andm plan being created it will be in the process we've been talking to Sal we don't have it yet yeah it's absolutely big part of it the invasiv that are out there are no joke I think to our benefit will be see much of it is open now but we will be clearing a lot and then you know planting so right some by excavation and some of the soil depths too then we soil um plan will kind of help with some of that some plac yeah that was my next question you're anticipating and so talk a little more about how the soils plan maps to these kind of different landscape typologies do you want me to go right because it's part of the our presentation I'm happy yeah let me um just see if there was anything else for Josh before I get into that um so before I think last two for Josh one is related to the thermal um storm water pollution management and you know do you have a point of view Josh on the kind of um landscape based treatment and their contribution to to reduction of thermal pollution because you said this is a cold water species yeah I think I think that this was spoken earlier too um and I think that you know whatever is going is being proposed is is going to be better than what's there now um a vegetated um a vegetated system especially with natural and Native uh vegetation is really going to increase evap transpiration um so water uptake um the soils will also uh will also hold more of that that water and allow it to U infiltrate as well as the the detention basins and retention B infiltration Basin that are there so I think all those in together combined um will be a vast Improvement on on the water quality in terms of in terms of temperature and therefore the protection of of Sal and the cold water fishery great and my last question for Josh I know we're not talking about sight lighting tonight but I wonder if Josh will be taking a look at the plan and thinking about any kind of wildlife impacts or if they're if you say dark sky and that's enough or can you just speak to the impacts of sight Lighting on a wild life I mean I haven't I haven't um looked at the the site lighting um I think that um so I I can't I can't speak to that we can talk about that the learning constitutionals but just to that point I think what we're trying to do is balance the programmatic needs right up the site everything is lead compliant so where is the dark sky and so um you know if it's it's if we had more space we'd say here's the corridor that's not lit but I think because the ring mode is really the definition so I think it's it's that balance I think we're trying to hit the the lighting is being worked on in a very um kind of rigorous and delicate way so that it's just enough for safety of you know human beings out there but there will be lights you know it might impact that but I think when we start to we can pull up the plan when we look at our edges where we're really buffering things like yeah heavily yeah we do have a lot of space where're it's not programmed right and so you know hopefully that can really support some of this kind of movement and helps the beautiful thing about the site is that we're do what we're doing it's going to be an improvement no matter what which is which is great but we do want to do it in the most thoughtful way right um do you want me to just questions anybody else have questions for Josh he'll stay on so I'm sure um so I think folks have seen the plan we can talk a bit about you know there's a lot of different programmed elements that we have in the exterior for the landscape pieces and um I'm going to go through some of the specific comments that we had from the Western Samson teams I do relate to landscape but it's always folded back to the way we've been working with Josh and the rest of the team so you'll see certain um uh labels here with BM screening Meadow some of this is the way we've designed this site to work programmatically based on what we're seeing the LI supporting so just for example we're not trying to do you know Big Trees in a meadow location where we know existing soils are very thin our soils plan is extensive and expensive that's one thing we know that we have to do a lot of that here but we're just trying to be very wise about how we go through that process and listen to the site and have it tell us already what to do doing well there and then how we can come in and kind of beef that up um I'll go forward but we can always come back to many of these elements we did just want to put in this plan I think uh at one point we had submitted this a supplemental material but what is it going to look like during phase one so just as a reminder to everybody this is the intended phase one plan um as Greg was talking about earlier all of the blasting for phase two will occur at this time and then we've kind worked very hard to say what is this going to look like you know for this amount of time we want to be judicious about not planting a lot of things here that we know we're going to have to rip out so the idea of this Meadow this is part of our grassland habitat you'll see a diagram that shows that in a bit um that happens here in a really kind of beautiful passive way with this from the lobby and all this will be very open again this is the thinner area of existing Disturbed Meadow thinner soils we're um terracing the actual Hillside so we're going to try to get some planting in some of the flat areas of The Terraces because we know it'll be there for a little bit and then um more vegetation down at the bottom so we're kind of surgically working through what can we do here for phase two and minimize the amount of disturbance then that we'll have to do when we when we actually construct that but what's beautiful about this one area is that at the at the top of the um quy wall here all of this existing vegetation we do not have to touch and that's really we're really looking for chances where there's quality vegetation on the site that has a broader scale to it that we don't have to touch and this is one of those kind of key moments this is as well you'll see other drawings those are the big ones and um so that's really important to us as we're going through so one of the questions that we had in section 4.6 was the preservation of existing vegetation this diagram was submitted but just to step us through um what we see here in the magenta these are areas where we've located that the vegetation can REM this is that big swap I was just talking about in this piece there's actually like a little chunk screen at the face of the Corey piece there we're really trying to keep as much as we can um it's fairly low it's not Big Trees we want to make sure that this view is maintained but if we can keep that it actually provides a nice buffer to portions of the edge it's not consistent some of these things are you know not uh high quality vegetation as as we've discussed but in the lighter tan there's some square footages of trees that we will have to remove in order to construct the project and then the darker brown there's um Russia under story so it's already Disturbed we're not removing a lot of additional material what we are doing is proposing a very significant amount of this and and we're just highlighting in the light green the trees that we're putting on the site in addition and then everything else is going to be green on the ground plane so we're excited about the transformation that that will provide um tree protection this was one of the questions I just wanted to we we did some the responses but just so everybody here knows that the tree protection fencing will be this is our standard specification 6 high chain link fencing at the drip line of the trees um so that nobody can get in there and like hang out in the shade and park in the shade and all of that so we're very serious we know there's not a lot of trees that we can keep on site so we want to make sure that we're doing all the right things during the construction period And when we as wonderful about that and then if there are particular things that need to be done to the existing treat that it will be done by certified arban so that's part of our specifications that will be adopted in the construction documents um you have wonderful requirements about soil your your uh byla so that's really fascinating to me in particular but what we start to see is that we've identified the locations based on the diagram that you'll see forthcoming of the uh typologies I think the big thing that the big one here that I just wanted to talk about is this call like the like the east 30 this is a very disturbed portion of the site that is not part of phase one or phase two construction but we know we need to do something to it um I think we're getting out there and doing some regrading and things now in order to the soil depth out here is extensive that we would have to provide in order to do a six in soil depth if we do four we're pretty confident we can get a sa next to grow on four and at least stabilize this as part of the project so that's the one thing where we're kind of saying in your specifications says you know we need six inches minimum this is one location we're saying if we can just do four that would be beneficial because it is a huge amount of area and we are you know able to hit it I think with a pretty extensive um erosion control dry SE next that will and then let them do get out kind of thing over time so that it will stabilize that area and reduce our erosion that's the natural the uplo grass L that you're trying to a thin soil or what what's the no this is I mean our Focus for design is really here sure this is one of those like oh God we have to do that too thing that's out there and so this would just be um a part of that you know let's get some soil in there and just get that with a seed mix and let it Hydro yeah we'll go through it's probably going to be one of those you know metal mixes or metal mixes that's good for you know erosion control quick germination and um you know duration over time so it'll be a mix it'll actually be probably from pollinator standpoint this is a big open field really cool um but this is something that is just not part from the designs portion of of this part of the project but we know that we need to address it so that's the reasoning for poising for in soil in that location as suppos to six yes in in the permanent established areas in close proximity to the building um minimum of six inches of soil even for the like grassland habitats that we're talking about irrigation did come up we are proposing irrigation on the project for establishment that's a big piece we're in investing a ton of money in the new plant material and we need it to be successful for all of us you know for the whole project to be successful so as part of and I think you will see that we're choosing the right native plant material to survive here but getting it established is is very critical um and so we do have uh as as it was mentioned earlier um our mwater harvesting system um Greg and I were going back and forth I said 25,000 I thought it was 25,000 he thinks it's 20,000 somewhere in there we've sized the tank appropriately to meet weed requirements and the areas that we need to irrigate it will also be collecting roof runoff condensate and um reverse osmosis water so which they do currently yep at um at their facilities so we have a great amount of resources for that tank which is that enough to meet the demand not that you want to use portable water but in a drought yeah we're trying to size and saying okay in a drought we're going to irrigate the prime areas which is like where they where they would have most um activity you know it's like the kind of front you know this no this is just going to have to deal on the very edges um so we've gone back and forth it's it's we're looking to size it appropriately have it meet the cost and then you know kind of work with the the primary areas that we're looking to irrigate also which you can see um as we get to some of the other ones but I think the areas on the edges we're g to get them up and running and then say you know do you estab do you provide irrigation for those over the establishment period as well the will yes exactly so the establishment The Establishment period it might be a draw a little bit so I think that's what we're trying to go back and forth and figure out the right way but it is yeah this is put on the ground and walk away from no exactly correct um so but the goal is that irrigation will not be from the Municipal Water um and that is in compliance with the the certifications so now I'm going to jump into seeing how um Josh and and our work has had really dovetailed so just in zooming in here and reiterating some of the landscape typologies that he identified just notice Disturbed Disturbed like early succession everything out there as you know is heavily Disturbed so um these areas in the kind of higher part at the the top of the Quarry very thin soils that's what we're seeing there they're Disturbed we have dry Meadows coming in we have a little bit of wet Meadow coming in but it's just telling us that that soil depth right now can't support other things at least not quite yet um the early successional areas that we were talking about some of these pieces um saying maybe it's a little less Disturbed other elements are coming in but what we're really focusing our primary toll for the actual landscape the planting pallet is going these biger more established areas sadly not using Hemlock or Beach though at all just unfortunate but not the most um appropriate thing to do here so on book is really kind of off of the property but as Matt mentioned we do have um detention areas in uh rain Gardens that we're going to be pulling some of that kind of plant typologist from so here's how we've organized the site with a lot of different um typologies that we've said these are the things that are really going to drive how we're going to plant and make the decisions about planting here I just in number one I think this these areas are the ones that are mostly pulled from here with more diversity the screening priorities are key and you'll we have diagram about this but this burm Super Key these areas this is where the generator is that's very key for larger plant material from day one and then this area down here so this is where we're spending a lot of the money early on whereas you know some of these areas with the backside of the garage we can put in a woodland restoration we can put in five foot Evergreens you know and have them it's a steep slope and just say the smaller they are in those particular conditions the better they will actually adapt over time so identifying some of the primary goals and a few other places is really helping us with our planting over quite an extensive site um I do want to highlight number seven we we'll over time we'll figure out how big that really wants to be but we do have the idea of doing a little Nursery out here we could plant smaller things that then could get transplanted for phase two so and even have it like a test thing it's it's a bunch of scientists in the building so they're really that cool um and number eight we also know that there's uh It's s England grassland habitat but they also have a program of um raised garden beds and stuff so for them for the for the folks there that's a wonderful amenity um we only have number 12 tiny little pieces of lawn but this is like a microclover lawn programmatically this is a really nice spot for folks from the building to come out that's like the one open Green Space around with a walking Loop and then in the basins we know at number nine um has to be all perennials vegetation so they can kind of mow get in there and mow periodically but then in number 10 we have more opportunities to do bigger rain Garden kind of moves so um you do have the plant list it's look it over expensive it's a big pallet and you know when we start to get into CDs we'll say we're g to pull from these things but the team collectively so far has worked on what is the right palette it's actually been for landscape architect it's been super fun to go back and force with Josh and Josh's like how about this I'm like okay great how about this and some of them um are great we'll be working with the contractor because some native things are less commercially available so that's another thing but there are commercial nurseries out there that will supply some of these straight species that will do well in these conditions so um planting wise it's going to be super fascinating I think for all of us to kind of watch the process as we go this gives you just a sense this is what we shared with CST driving a lot of our ideas what we're what we're talking about when we say naturalized FM something that's more heavily planted successional Woodland you get low kind of perennials some scrub and then you get into larger trees um some of these elements that are just bigger looser grasses wet Meadow lots of pollinators so this is you know if we can bring the pollinators in and the birds you know and some of these other places that would be really amazing and I think everyone would be very happy about but this just get a sense of what those typologies mean when we're talking about them and then the areas that I mentioned previously I think the last hearing people were saying well how big are things going to be when they go in and I said we're going to spend our money in certain places and these two images highlight where the Big Trees will be going in so this is on the North side and then this next one this is just screen from 128 so to give a sense and people are like well how big is that really this is the range for many of these Evergreens that we're talking about not across the whole site but in these particular locations we're looking at spe in you know 12 to 14 16 up to 22 24 feet so that's why this is where the money is going and is that overlap with the irrigation some of those areas too because aren't they the screening area where eventually you're going to after establishment you're going to let that after establishment hopefully though yeah and so with the size of the trees on day one you might need more than a year potentially for establish usually we say two years for establishment and Lead will support that because it's just sometimes you know it depends on when things go in but two years is typically big to expect to yes yes exactly yeah out of the n on your one yeah exactly yeah um so we have pretty pictures of what we're looking at but this is all taken from the diversity of the trees that we're looking at in this like number one where we're really pulling from the you know existing more mature Forest trying to support that throughout the the project and I think from a habitat side we're really excited to see what this can do um all of these will be great fit for this location um lots of year round interest so we're highlighting the Evergreens here just because of the screening sensibilities but flowering trees great spring great fall color great habitat things that you know usually um you getting your berries on your shrubs and stuff which is also part of the whole scene but um lots of different texture lots of interest is what we're really going through for throughout the entire site I think the the fall color really being something that'll be amazing from 128 that Billy pops um this last one we know this is not native sometimes sometimes you just got to go with a big honk and green giant to get you to have that fast screening um from a you know also from a cost perspective that on the BM or around the generators on the BM so it's GNA back drop to the stuff happening in front so it's it's going to be like they're up on this SPM yeah and the round so this is the generator this is where we burned we burned up the two um we have a sunction coming through but this was about fencing so one of the questions was about fencing so we have only two types of fences on the project one being a fence on top of a retaining wall here as a utility piece um to screen that and we'll do the section so we're like really really it's gonna be it's really going to be that big um and so this is it gets to your questions too about the elevation so we're setting this doing a retan around it and this is an 8ot high fence that's on top of the retain wall and then the BM happens and this gets really heavily planted then you come down this is our Ring Road and this is where we're burning up the other side of Brady is over there uh we have to do a lot of these studies I think um the president Michael Com is really he does not want to see any of these things which you know is kind of driving the a lot of the design decisions to really kind of gang up the plant material here which is helpful for us from a design perspective but The Pedestrian experience is going to be lovely throughout the whole site but this is where the generator is behind this is the garage the generator is back in there so this is the type of fencing that we're thinking about to actually it's not a full um 100% opacity but an 80% that would be on top of that retaining wall to help screen some of these large generators so really this coupled with the birming coupled with plant material is going to do the job the other area that we have fencing is the guard rail um which is the same material that we're intending to do from the the architectural side of it so it's a 42 inch high guard that if you look at the grading here uh the grade start to drop down and we're putting that fencing lower planting around it so it doesn't inhibit the fuse that's the intention so it's a little like a like a haha kind of thing where you don't see that but it's it's going to be the same material as we have um all the guard rails on the on the building so it feels very seamless and then uh I think there was a question about the generator for phase two which I mentioned earlier but this is the proposed location for it um all of this vegetation is beyond our limit of work so that would stay and so we would kind of come back in and kind of beef this up more you start to see see a little bit of the grades that show the edge of this firm here so this is tucked down from the building but we do we will be looking at it screening more closely from the side of things good question on the generator in terms of the noise I don't know how they're being exercised monthly but is there any um noise impact for neighbors or well we currently exercise our generators weekly weekly for 15 minutes uh um there service in the monthly basis yeah I mean they make noise but you know you you can uh you can Abate some of that noise with um you know some attenuation equipment and stuff that can be put on the exhaust yeah to minimize that but it will make a little bit of noise for yeah but you've cited them in ways that they're not creating it Con that way okay thanks that's what I have that's yeah so open for questions um you but I don't mean monopolize so I can wait it's all yours um great presentation Lynn I'm I'm really excited about the diversity the planting pallet and the um you know the working with the wildlife biologist um a few questions you didn't talk on this um presentation about the accessible pedestrian route through the um campus can you just I can absolutely do that um so the everything has a sidewalk and the material changes we tried also in certain locations it's um asphalt then we go to concrete where it's a little bit closer to the front of the of the building um this is where the handicap parking is and for the visitors and the front entry so this is all accessible universally accessible coming up we worked um very closely to get those grades to work we do have a little um Boardwalk with stairs walkway up there I think that's kind of TVD um but so this is you know where accessible parking happens and then you come out here at the upper quad this is also a tiered condition but it's also it's a 5% walkway so we have an upper piece and lower pie so all of this is universally acceptable so that first walk not the boardwalk which is sort of another option if you choose to go that way but the the main entry is the accessible one there yes okay yep um accessible rout to the garage too the idea is that most people if they Park in a garage will go through the connector to the building but you can we we've worked that out over that bridge um then the site gets steeper so this stuff is not univers accessible just because it's what we have to accommodate but down at this lower level you can come out and this is uh the the pathway through here and I think all the way up through these walkways are universally acceptable the bend here that this kind of the RO gets a little bit steeper so coming out this whole piece is accessible this whole piece is accessible I think even over to here um and then just from The Pedestrian standpoint we have a sidewalk that runs around the whole thing I think what we really like down here is peeling That Sidewalk that pedestrian access away from the roadway so it's just a nicer experience you're really moving through you're moving through like a woodland nearly down here um we worked this BM condition here so it it hides the Quarry Garden from the roadway mhm lots of spill out we imagine from from the building actually out here and that this is a spot where you could actually you a lot of events and other things but um for folks that want to get out and do their laps at lunch you know it's uh I think we calculated before I'm not going to quite remember it maybe I knew you were G to go I know back to on that but we did we did calculate so you like yeah how many what is it for a lap um but even down here we did connect this is a a 5% walkway that brings you down to move between the rain garden and the storm water detention Basin which we thought was also again that like getting out and doing a lap in the middle of the day um access that way um and then we do have that the trail head parking and the connection to the mon Trails up there so you can walk the perimeter of the entire site even with some nooks and crannies in here um in a safe you know way so you're off of the vehicular Road and there's lighting there's pedestrian lighting pedestrian tail lighting yeah okay yes yes next meeting um hga will cover that but yes everything is there's there's safety pedestrian lighting low level along the whole walkway okay great and then the connection to the trails the I see the yellow indicating the trail on there I think the actual trail head is going through CST land is there any kind of discussion with the trustees about a permanent easement Trail okay yes uh it's been drafted and it's going to provide for the 16 car parking lot and access on the Loop Road okay great thank you um that's great I think I just had a couple more questions one of them was related to soil so you did talk a lot about the different soil depths and the different typologies in places where like in that front Meadow entry where I think you have six Ines of soil but you're also indicating some trees what's your plan there when you are planting trees in a more limited soil D pits so we'll do it the tree pits 36 inches from the tree pits okay so um we don't generally in the soils diagram we don't highlight that but the point there being that that is um I'm trying to go back to that drwing that that's uh part of the detail for the individual tree pit yeah so that those will be dug in that way yeah great my last question is just how the how working with the restoration ecologist while life biologist how has that you know kind of informed your process in a way that's different what do you think it's really bringing to this nicap plan I think it's really helpful to I think we always try to say the right plant the right place um we probably don't get as an as much in-depth existing conditions analysis as what Josh was able to provide so that was kind of interesting to see that like um you know things that we might do maybe intuitively it's back it's it's like factchecking us the whole way and to collaborate on another a bigger plant nerd than me um to really see of you know how we can just amp up the biodiversity here and in a really responsible sustainable way I think that's what's been really fascinating through through all of this yeah are you thinking about plant hardiness zones in that conversation too and changed exactly I think um I know they've recently changed things and made them you know a little bit warmer I still say that we have very cold snaps and so I'm not moving everything to like I I want a zone for zone four zone five plant material up there because yeah you know we're still getting very cold moments in the winter and the heat is one thing irrigation helps us with that you know for at least for establishment but trying to get that sweet spot yeah and things like sugar Maples or maybe like we'll see how they do basically yeah well and and this is where I think we're the other thing we're trying to do is balance straight species versus cultivar because there are total benefits to cultivars um for just that reason they're kind of you know genetically designed to do this thing but at the same time I'm coming back to realizing that straight species are not something that you should just do in a buffer zone area that there is from the from the overall diversity of genetic material that straight species finding the ones that are going to do well because not be all wacky or you find the straight species that could be you know we know they're there for a reason but like tuck them behind something let him do well I think that was that's been interesting too and then we biohabitats work with um you all on the operation maintenance plan so how you actually manage these Landscapes because you do have all these different typologies set up and some of them are going to require different mowing regimens and different inputs and do you leave the leaves and how often do you mow and all that it would be a shame to get to do this amazing work that you're doing and then have your sort of typical commercial landscape company come in and just destroy um no I think I think the whole team will be working together and you know Matt's group has their environmental side too I think it's going to be a you know we want to make it realistic for Peter this is the big thing too it has to be maintainable that's part of sustainability and a really key part of it so as we're working through this there's going to be areas that get less regular maintenance by Design and that's okay and then some areas that will get more maintenance because it's the front of the building and you know the little PODS of like beautiful planting certain places so we're trying we're we're working very hard is a hierarchy Yeah question done thank uh and we appreciate Laura's expertise in this area so um any question other questions or comments from the board um any uh public comments specifically about landscape storm water um and I'm a limit to two minutes Mrs Gates in Gates here I am again I didn't plan it was just coming from some place else elsewhere and I thought oh planning board I wonder what's going on so I'm glad to be here because I'm so pleased for what you're doing I don't think anybody else in this town has done PL like this one where anybody can build I what what is the percentage of the building comparing to the site I'm sorry can you repeat your question one thir place of the the building actually to the site how much of the building how much of the site does the building cover yeah right okay I mean approximately doesn't matter because you can see a lot of space compared good question thank you anybody online um have any comments or questions and um I I have to say something um uh I know that you CED so well about what is appropriate I I very knowledgeable very interested in plants and trees and everything all my life and I I think you're doing such a great job in planning everything I think it's great for this town to hear you because and I wish more people came because a lot of them complain when some is not heard or right but if they came they would have heard it and so if anybody he who like to complain this town that something went wrong maybe they should have been here well thank you okay um Mr Gates the building coverage is 6.6% that's amazing all right Mr Gates Jim Gates 201 this coule suggestions to marketing and other one some safety water the building that the set the uh lessons learned that I've had with parking garages early on in Michigan a parking garage fell apart one afternoon the whole load of cars in a heavily used Sal of the Bon observe a proper surfacing and type of concrete to resist salt penetration which literally Ain up car fluids from oil and gasoline trip to to the point where it just fth heart I know in Saudi Arabia we had to import sand to make concrete because their sand was not the right TR concern that we still hear some here this building is going to be built hopefully with the Massachusetts building CL that anticipates this problem if not be short with more in mind the problem coming up Mr B's mandate to try to get everybody to use electric vehicles we with a whole new F in the garage building the parking everybody's going to have to have a charging station and everybody's going to have Jew Li engine um tries and we're going to have ter problem if lithium starts [Music] exploding in a garage full cars with similar problem they going to have a b plan which you don't have any way of putting up okay I'm going to just stop you right Mr gra GNA we're talking tonight about storm water and Landscape so that's traffic question and I think um electric vehicles Electric Vehicle Safety is the matter for the building codes and the fire department so thank you for raising it but we're going to we're gonna keep our it's late and we're gonna keep ourselves to more more so let's just okay I think you've had your your comment let's um move on because we want we've got a lot still to talk about say one more minute no I'm gonna just I'm going to turn over right now to Weston and Samson app Mrs Gates and Mr Gates I will appreciate it because it's very important I say that y okay I'm GNA turn it over to our um consultant at Weston and Samson we do appreciate uh public comments but I'm trying to keeping up on topic on topic please on on the topic I was uh Mrs Gates please do I need to share with you you need to do I need to give you sharing drawings that I was just pull up just for reference but I can get started just you should have access now while he's pulling that up I will certainly um uh say to anyone who's listening or uh also Mr Mrs Gates if you have comments that you think we haven't heard you can also write to us um we'll be happy to and we do read all emails all right evening thank you I'm Darren k a team leader at won and Samson my colleague James Pearson site civil engineer has been on the call and we'll be presenting together today um so I'll just Dive Right into our topic areas um so we will be discussing the topographic changes in clearing which we actually had no comments um we'll be reviewing site development standards aesthetic standards Landscaping as was previously discussed utilities and then lastly storm water and operations and maintenance PL um I had plan for the next yearing to discuss normal standards so we haven't responded the com for those so we will in the next hearing discussing just presenting that information so diving into our first comment obviously we've issued two members at this point both in April and June um and we've been tracking responses from the initial files and the supplemental information received made from the applicant um so tonight I'll just be highlighting those open items and questions so as was mentioned earlier items 4.3 and 4.6 uh were addressed with respect to tree protection of existing trees and limiting uh clearing from utility trenches uh item 4.8 however is related to construction activities of parking during construction offices trailers stockl equipment material and limiting that uh those construction phase activities so we suggest the applicant um sort of clarify on the plans where those items are listed for item 4.8 or add to the drawings um as they had done with 1236 with again specific construction phase I fing clearing um as was also mentioned was the Hydro Seating the B requires six inches of Lo in all the served areas to be completed as lawn or grass um and the applicant will either need to meet that bot or request a waiver from the planning board um I just want to show I guess more specifically where that is because it is a substantial grading change it's about 20 ft it's a mounded area um off of that parking going to be the trail head so this is going to be a substantial earthwork and school disturbance area um so the success and erosion controls that are in place by proper planting vegetation it's critical so the bot does f for six Ines can be a waiver and this is the the profile that the applicants um put in for this they do have the six inches are meeting the standard around the building but in this one area as was discussed you there might be future construction it's sort out of the immediate work area but it is being disturbed substantially and graded substantially um so I just wanted to highlight that one item so is that the same area that you mentioned although okay I didn't realiz it had such a big grade grade change it's G to be a large Mount so the stability that what is the slope on that uh the Finish SL is 3 to one issue what we're trying to do is is mimic what's already out there so as you so it's h it's currently where the prior tenant was stock by materials so as you this this large it's ugly right now but what we're trying to do is is we looked at theography two here and somewhere between 2:1 and 3:1 so we're trying to do is mimic that as we come so it comes up it's very steep through here you can see but as we pull this back and then comes up and then we're going to come back down so that whole area kind of becomes a little bit more natural the side facing the is it much I'm sorry the the right along the road is even steeper this is even steeper this is this is basically what we're trying to do is get this down um it's 10% through here we're trying to get it down as quickly as possible POS so we could have this more walkable so that's kind of what it's currently anyway Thea Road SE but then but then the landform is that more than 3 to one at that this this landf is two to one that's two to one and the six in of of soil is along the 2 to1 L where is where where were you asking for the waiver asking for weer for this piece well we would only want we would want four this is going to be planted with treaties and we're going to have to do Juke Ming and some things there for stablishment but this is um this kind of like area that's further out so even um with some of the steepness here to try to get this because we're not planting it heavily we just want to se it um it will have to have erosion control and things to go down and a quick you know germinating mix uh but that's just sort of another reason why cost wise uh and stability wise to get four you know 4 Ines of of loan out there soil planting soil would be that's what we're asking for the waiver and that's not irrigated right correct we have to do it for establishment might but it might just be we haven't quite figured that one out yet yeah and I guess my question for Western Samson is is that does that seem prudent as a waiver I mean what's your recommendation on that request sure for like a lawn and grass here we would specify six in again this is not really serving that purpose it's temporary erosion control 3:1 slope is standard slope that we would also use um for slope stability so and that applicant I gu to pull up that detail too they are preparing subgrade um as well the 12 Ines of material under the 4 in will be decompacted at least so there will be a little bit more root penetration and um so it wouldn't be unreasonable thank you so that covers the initial items that was still section four so we briefly included the aesthetic standard too just the only comment that we had open was on May 28th there was a presentation and video of the the screening from the highway which is helpful um we were just seeking an additional documentation for that that applicant has communicated with extensive study of the screening we wanted to just get some more information that video was one point we wanted to look at the topographic high from from the highway to to review screening um and then moving more deeply into the Landscaping um so just one of the items that was noted was that uh we had asked for additional shade trees in the May response to comment the applicant had indicated that was going to be provided on Landscaping plans um we only have the sight C on the traffic plan so it might just be a issue so I think you were looking for four or five trees along the this side of the of the phase of the phase two garage so I think we sent you drawing and said like we can do yeah the comment so yeah we just need the plan from that app and so the comment indicated that was addressed and we can confirm that as we get the plan um and then similarly on the maintenance which was discussed sens of the operations maintenance plan of landscaping featur is critical um that's going to be developed in construction understand so um that could be a a condition of approval if the planning board receives a copy would be a recommendation yeah I just I just in a side on that the when the high school was built the operation maintenance plan was developed sort of at the end of construction and it was subject to planning board approval and um I think in that case was conom approval as well so um and it was filed with a you know some annual boing and so I think there's precedent for us to great um and then moving into the utilities which was also touched on um so there's been coordination between the applicant and the Department of Public Works on water um there was mentioned of a BD package that also went out so we were just seeking that documentation to be able to but those connections are beyond the supp um similarly there's been discussion of the fire alarm system um so we actually didn't receive a response to that comment for 8.5 um which is the fire alarm system and and we requested that information from fire chief as well um we would also Ben from that documentation the fire alarm system needs all the requirements um so I think with that I will transfer it over to my colleague James Pearson uh for the site civil storm water elements yes good evening can everyone hear me this is James with Weston Samson Sor do you need uh no yeah we're just going to go through the comments we'll just if you want the plans I can James okay and you can hear mear you well okay great so this is our section 10 uh within our memo um stormw water management standards so um we were looking at this kind of from the standpoint of article 23 of the Town General bylaws and also um the state storm water management standards and just kind of General good engineering practice um so by and large um we had a number of comments that that we had made in here that um predominantly had to do with just various technical things that that were kind of like coordination issues between the plans and the calculations that were submitted and after having gone through these with a couple of different rounds of submissions um it it appears that uh you know the engineer has for the most part addressed most of the items that we had concerns about um you know I'm happy to touch on any one of these specifically if if there are any questions anyone has about them um but I think what I'd like to do really is just focus on the ones that I think uh still kind of remain outstanding and they are there are quite honestly things that um the board could potentially consider addressing by way of conditions of approval um so one of them um let's see here we have it uh I don't Darren I don't know if we have a copy of our our memo in front of us or anything but it's it's really under the Massachusetts storm water management standards under standard three I had commented about um there being a need for some test pits within the rain Garden area so the uh the applicants plans had a number of test pits and borings through throughout the site and um some of them were somewhere in the rough vicinity of the largest of these rain Gardens that they're doing but uh they're still about 60 feet away now the Massachusetts St mot handbook tells you you're supposed to do um test pits within the foot of any anything that's doing infiltration so they have an infiltration Basin and a rain Garden both which you're supposed to be able to infiltrate um I can kind of see why maybe they haven't done the test pits in the borings right now and that is because the the proposed rain garden and proposed infiltration Basin are within the footprint of what are currently recreational facilities so it's like tennis courts and things and so obviously that would be a little disruptive to those areas um we've often seen um other other boards in other towns grants um conditions where they'll kind of allow the project to get approved under the condition that the applicant go out and do these confirmatory test pits before they get really deeply into construction so that they can sort of confirm the conditions at the exact locations of those storm water bmps um and and and so that they can do so early in the process of of of really prior to starting any major construction so that if there's any redesign that's required it can kind of get dealt with right away um rather than you know halfway through the project and then we find out that the storm water Bas they designed you know has a technical problem um so I I guess my suggestion to the board would be you know they haven't done test pits within those footprint of those basins there's something that should be done is it something that we have to force them to do before you guys vote to approve the projects in my opinion I I think you could probably vote to approve the project but you could just add this as a condition that they'll do these test pits prior to prior to Construction um so then moving along um just scrolling down bear with me for a minute I'm going down through through the my notes here so uh under item 10 uh actually no This was um this was just kind of one of these miscellaneous things that we kind of noticed on here um we had originally noted that there were some discrepancies um on the plans between some of the uh storm storm water structures and some of what the Cal showed there still were a few minor inconsist inconsistencies between the Cals and the and the plants and that's with regard to some of the rim elevations of certain structures specifically catch Basin 10 14 drain manhole 12 and drain manhole 15 and uh you know if the applicant's taking notes I'm happy to repeat those but those will be in in a in a memo that will issue as well um so just a few a few little minor things there that that could still be addressed but again those could easily I I could see those being conditions where you know the board could vote to approve the project and just tell them you know hey this is condition that you just kind of need to clean up these little minor inconsistencies in the plans um and then there was another one with regard to um operations and maintenance plans so under under article 23 section 7 operation and maintenance plans of the general bylaw um there's a requirement that there's supposed to be a formal operation and maintenance agreement um I looked through the applicant's latest submission and I couldn't find where there was a formal onm agreement that had been included in there um again this could be addressed with a condition you know the board could condition the project to say that you know the applicants will be required to submit this formal agreement um you know at whatever point the board feels is most logical for them to do so um so those were really kind of the main uh outstanding items and again all three of them in my opinion are things that the board could potentially address just by issuing um you know conditions as part of their approval um just in general you know looking through the storm water management designed for this project it looks like the applicant is really using pretty pretty typical kinds of storm water management features that uh that most of us who who do storm water design work are accustomed to using on on these types of projects you know again it's you know there's kind of a pipe conveyant system it discharges to to things like grain Gardens an infiltration Basin we have one of the basins is actually a wet Basin um the the project was was noted again due to its traffic volume as being uh technically speaking would fall kind of under the category of a land use with a higher potential pollutant load um you know and they provided some stor water bmps to address sort of the the you know the greater pre-treatment standard that would be associated with that so that looked reasonable to us um Al a lot of the parking is happening in a parking garage and the parking garage somewh run up from what I understand it's going to be run through an oil grit separator um so that's so that kind of addresses that standard as well um so again I'm not going to go through each and every one of these item by item I was just going to highlight the things that I think are still just kind of outstanding items and again happy to answer any questions if there is a specific concern that anyone has about anything in particular thank you anything else there okay I guess the only question I would have is Mark or um and and on the question of the um tests the test for the um because that does those dictate your final design right so yeah generally we would should have those done and completed I mean you have equipment out there on the site and they have been tearing up the um the ports and everything else so to complete those at this Point's pretty yeah yeah he's he's absolutely correct we didn't do it because it's it's important area um the factor of safety that we used on that is is significant I think we have a our civil contractors out there when he gets equipment on the site more than happy to go do a test bit but we do have about 2004 holes through the entire site at this point so we we're pretty confident of what on so if you want to make it a comptition of approval more than happy to yeah I guess the only issue is that if you have to redesign your whole your system anyway it's your risk I confident I mean that is I guess that R and not well we still have some time before it may catch up with that okay sounds great um great I think uh that concludes things for tonight unless there's H chis or um so comments okay great thank you um everyone so we will take a motion to continue and I think we've decided we're going to meet on July 9th that's a Tuesday um I think Mark and I may chat a little bit about Mark and I chat about how we're gonna kind of get this thing over the finish line so there's in my mind a possibility we might meet briefly on the night take up our other special permits that night and add a dedicated sell signal night but we'll well thing is you got to continue it to a date and time certain but we could always continue it that so nice suggest that we continue until the 9th at 7:30 and then we'll discuss after this we'll then discuss like the Salk and and um so okay so well I'll take a motion to continue the sell signaling uh public hearing to July 9th at Tuesday July 9th at 7:30 some uh second second all in favor all right okay all right I think the last thing we have to do tonight thank you um so if you guys can kind of tip toe out so we can continue our um our business here um do need you're on time for the par um I think um so always the red white and blue breakfast we can do it at you had special parking special parking probably not the best day um I live right around corner whenever what about Monday what about M next Monday night or next Monday night July July Sue and Chris July is okay why don't we shoot for that maybe at 6 where are we gonna meet uh re Park yeah Park you got next Monday July 1st and then provided that the applicant that's bu on or f one of the I don't think okay um great and um we have uh minutes of June 10th um I have a motion for the minute to approve the minutes of June 10th so move so move okay I got a second from Peter uh motion from Sue any discussion only when I last checked the folder they weren't in there yet what when I last checked the folder sorry they were not there Iain okay all in favor and one exstension um five yes one exstension um any other business um I actually have one other business which is the bike and pedestrian committee is meeting tomorrow night I'm going to try to go I think they're talking about is yourtee know that you if any of us can go and just listen to their conversation they're gonna they've sent us a memo I have a draft that they probably discussed tomorrow which is fairly similar to some of the comments that we brought up and discussed at this meeting about app Water right about traffic coming about school there's some other requests in there that maybe um little bit more than shoot for the moon yeah also meeting as well uh don't it's in one of these two one of 6:30 so um still on is it tomorrow or Wednesday oh is it Wednesday yeah yeah it's Wednesday because tomorrow's CB it is at 6 in town hall on Wednesday but let me know if you can't go okay great um any other business I move to a jour uh the select I guess everybody knows the select board voted to send this off to uh oh the MBTA NBTA so you're working on the final application yes uh uh says it should be completed ready to submit uh by the end of the day when okay great just make sure we all get conf call about some legal language so great okay great I had a motion to adjourn from Chris and I think Gordon was seconding that uh all in favor thank you everybody