okay um good evening everyone um welcome to the hybrid meeting of the planning board for May 28 um this meeting is being recorded welcome um I'll start by opening meeting taking attendance um Chris Aly here s fber here uh Peter Morton here Mary Foley here and Gordon Brewster here and I um right thank you everybody and um we uh have added name tags so people can tell who we are and um Gail we'll uh work with you to get them actually um figured out going forward in the next couple weeks hopefully that will help the public know who we are um so those of you who are uh I don't see any anybody actually who a regular but um maybe be to listen after the fact May notice that we've changed the agenda a little bit we thought we would try something a little bit new um and we will take public comment at the end of the meeting which is often done with public meetings and gives the public an opportunity to comment on matters that come up to the m up during the meeting as well as other matters that they'd like to um bring us make us aware of um so I would first like to um take a minute to acknowledge and thank Christine deliso um who retiring member from the board Christine was appointed in FY 2018 to fill a vacancy and then got elected in 2018 to the to 2021 term and then in the 2021 to just this may 2024 term so she served for a total of more than six years including through the pandemic transition from in-person meetings to H to Virtual to hybrid and during that time the board has acted on a number of divisions of land special permits for projects such as the Pine Street plank field surf Village in chapter 91 permits for pro Boatyard in the Marine just to say a few welcome Laura Kenny no problem um so the board also un undertook during that time a comprehensive look at zoning and throughout her tenure Christine has been a strong voice for the issues she feels are important and she's been very willing to attend uh countless meetings of other boards including zba's hearings for shingle Place Hill many select board meetings and finance committees um so I'm s she can't be here tonight but in appreciation um of her six years of service we've decorated the meeting tonight we'll drop off this plan at her house so I just give her a round of Love great uh thank you I'd also now like to introduce new planning board members Peter Morton and Gordon Brewster thank you for being willing to serve on the planning board it's tons of fun oh you come up to Beed quickly um thirdly after the election it's customary for us to vote um members for one year term as planning board chair and vice chair so I guess at this time I'll take any motions to that effect so I'll make a motion that Sarah critt be the chair of the plan board awkward uh um any discussion um I guess I take a roll call vote um Chris only yes sber yes uh yes FY uh Gordon Brer and I'll obain as well thank you um Gail that was five yes and two extensions thank you for uh vot of confidence and I hope I think shoes to fil um Ron was extraordinarily organized and always um prepared so um hopefully I can do as well as he did in his six plus years as chair um I'll take a motion to appoint a vice chair I'll make a motion to s bber be the vice chair um we have a second second uh any discussion um all uh roll call Vote Yes two abstain I I vote Yes yes yes abstain yes great uh five yes and two exstension um thank you so um now to our business at hand um the first order of business is uh an approval not required application for 10 night Circle that was in our packets um and I think we did not get the M myar um here but um Mark has planned they were also in your packet um is the applicant Tim uh Collins on or a representative of him for him oh I see Tim Callin yeah I'm on the I'm on the uh Zoom call great thank you I the plans are for Old Road but the agenda says night Circle okay is the is this for night Circle or old s this is for um 96 old Essex Road the the property is owned by 96 old6 LLC and the address of the LLC is 10 night Circle okay so it says say here the um application does say the location description of the property is 96 old s on the application yeah I'm just afraid if any if any of Butters were looking at the agenda they wouldn't know that's true um however anrs are not subject to a butter notification or public so maybe we can at least discuss the application and we decide how we should act on it Mark do you have a recommendation or maybe um Mr Collins wants to give us a description of his uh start with that um description of the uh the work that you want to do yes thank you so much and thanks for volunteering uh your service to the town I appreciate it um this is a um our LLC purchased this property which is 60,000 square feet it's got one residential house on it and this Zone requires only um a minimum of 15,000 square feet for the lot so this is four times minimum size we are requesting to carve off a a 2,149 square foot parcel parcel a as shown on the lot uh and that parcel will actually be sold to the abing neighbor um to create a buffer zone for them and they've got a shed and some things in their backyard so that's the um this is a totally conforming lot in every way and creating that parcel and selling that parcel off will do nothing to make it um non-conforming so it's will remain a fully conforming lot um we have questions or comments does everybody see the parcel um Mark do you have any recommendations uh no it appears to meet the standard for for okay um I think I agree with Mary however that it was not agenda so maybe we can um we have 20 days right yeah we would have to ask probably for no June 2 will be May 20th just my days yeah yeah 11 was 10 21 days for the next meeting yeah the next meeting is June 10 oh no no no you know what we can do it when we do the task force yeah um that will be from Thursday it'd be better to just do it at a regular meeting makes you want to do it at the next regular meeting just to ask the confusion here is that the application because of the address was identified on the agenda as 10 nights Circle as opposed to as Mar pointed out 96 Old ess6 Road Old ess6 sorry actually the the plan itself is identified with an address that's why it's okay old old ethics Road LLC is identified as 10 night Circle and the plan of land is 96 old Essex Road so somehow when it was given to us it was picked up as old as night Circle so um so if the applicant's agreeable we can put it on the next planning board yeah agenda if you're agreeable it will be 21 days not 20 days um for this if you're agreeable we'll take it up first thing at June 10th meeting let me just um see if anybody has any additional um comments or concerns why don't we carefully at the plan and make sure it has everything we need s i just ask a general question the parcel is being sold to the jent the hen burger and yon okay so just as a buffer between the applicant's property and their property is that what it's just sold for that's correct no particular development reasons or anything size I think the question before us actually is even if they want to put a it with the um approval not required it simply does it um that the Lots conform to Frontage and an area what they want to do with it is not our um domain any work that was done on any of the parcels would be subject to zoning so if they want to put swimming pool for example swimming pools require special permit under our zoning bylaws so if that was the intent I'm not saying that's it is am I correct Mark um okay yeah so there is a something that looks like a road with a a circular drive at the end with doted line and it crosses over property boundary with Martha Elder is that an existing or a proposed Road within this parcel question Mr that's an existing um kind of like dirt driveway that was used by the previous owner I do not use it and it will be abandoned okay thank you um okay so with you your permission Mr Collins we're going to table this until June 10th and our apolog apologies for our failure to perfect okay I understand June 10th is fine yeah we also need the myars um yeah I provided that with all the copies of the application so someone there in town hall has it okay great and if anybody in the interim sees anything that they are concerned about um please let Mark know immediately so he can work the applicant to get it um remedied um great okay so we have a um public hearing at 7 o'clock for cell signaling Technologies it's not 7 o'clock yet so let's um talk about the um liaison committee task force updates um see if we can lock that up um for the new members we have um a list of other boards in town and we all have um responsibilities to leaon from time to time with those boards at our next meeting we'll uh show you that list I'll put it in the packet for next meeting um sometime this week Mark and I will get it together and then next so you can think a little bit about who you want to work with and um see the V you know the the areas where we some of them are easy I do know that um I got a call from the um CPA um Community preservation act team they um Ron um served as the lia onto that board and that was um a fairly active um responsibility so that's something that definitely is a a need that we should focus on um so we'll take that up next next time um so MBTA task force Chris you sure so uh last Thursday there was a joint meeting of the planing board and um the task force NBTA Zing task force and select board was present at the meeting also um and we went over a proposed language for the new bylaw that would put the town into compliance with the state law um we were hoping to get a bunch of comments on the the language but given that it was a Memorial Day weekend and um the short work week this week and we have this meeting tonight uh we I think we've well we've decided to postpone uh the discussion of this from this coming Thursday to a week from Thursday if that's amenable to the planning board and as part of that I would ask every member to uh carefully review the language and submit comments in writing please by next Friday so we can uh put them together and create create a new draft that can be considered the following Thursday to Thursday this I mean this Friday this Friday yeah this Friday May 31st is when we need the comments and the meeting will be the June 6 so if anyone like a paper copy of this I have some here please one and I'll put them on the um it should be on this it's on the website as well some people like to can I can I ask a question on that yeah of course um so I'm one of the ones that has a lot of comments and um so didn't have time this weekend but um so I assume I'm submitting them to mark but then I was told the task force wanted them um I did ask via an email and I'm sure you're still catching up if I could get the new model that lists the addresses for the finalized district and the the numbers I think that would be helpful um and so what I found um today starting it was redlining the document is there a better way think redlining for perfectly accept I mean making my own copy in Redline and adding comments um and then the final thing is I I'd like to understand how many meetings the planning board will have to discuss once we get it from the task force I think it's important that we discuss it as a board separate from the task force that um so we can come to some agreements as a board well I think our thought was to just discuss it with the Task Force at a joint at that joint meeting in a week from Thursday um ultimately at the planning board's um obligation so I and even if it's just one meeting with the task force I just don't think it's enough um for for at least for my stuff but so I'm just hoping we get some more time um to discuss as a board is my well I think we can see how far we get on next Thursday and if we need to put um time on our meeting on the 10th um we have another public hearing I think we could take up some time um Are there specific issues that you I mean I have one that I would like but I think we can talk about it with the task force so you know but Are there specific types of issues that you want to see the planning board discuss so I think I probably have three or four large issues and then you know a lot of small issues but the large ones would be um we did a lot more research on the site plan review and what's allowed and what's not I think that's a big issue I think um inserting into the multi-family bylaw allowing accessory uses by right that we currently don't allow by right is problematic I think they'll should be taken out um and along with the site plan review issue is not allowing any special permitting for Earth removal storm water management flood plane Flood Control District and storm water so I think we as a community would um not benefit from that in any way so I think that needs to be reviewed strongly since we can't really do it inide plan so those are questions um for those are uh so the extent of site plan review and the special permit uh I say exemption um moving special permit to site plan review for issues we currently have for special permit Earth removal and water water over overlay water protection overlay are really that's a legal question right I mean we've been advised by our consultant that that's a um uh that that's that's what we have to we have to remove the special permit areas we can still keep in place the requirements that are the the the performance requirement performance requirements for each of the special permits however it's not a special permit it would just be reviewed under the site plan review process so we can still ensure compliance uh with the standards but it's not a discretionary permit where you can just say it's not the best interest of the town they meet the standard you to follow through and issue with the permit my concern is we cannot require compliance because we can't refuse a site plan for an as as a right build no that's not the case unfortunately that's what it says on m.gov so I think it's it's good to be able to discuss it if someone's not meeting this your performance standards and is not willing to do it or you write an approval adding these extra conditions that they have to meet then it's on the applicant to appeal it or you can deny it and they can appeal it as well and prove how they they would have to prove how they meet the standards so they would argue that they' met the standard so I again and you know we only have five minutes but I think it's a good thing for the planning board um and the task force and the the um consultant and Town Council to review because that is not what I've been reading on this States um sample overlay bylaw or um M.O or on the letters from eohc we have discussed Chris I sending the uh draft after we had do the edits next Thursday to Town Council um so that it does get reviewed for their opinion um you know again it's just preliminary this isn't the final review but just to make sure there's no fatal flaws before uh select vote to send it to the state so perhaps one of the dis the discussions might be whether we um submit something that we potentially think is has a has this fatal flaw we require special permits of these uh of the in these on these topics or removal on water supply protection and then and then see what hlc says that's one strategy or we um present something that we or we try to get alternative strategy is to get advice either from hlc specifically or from Town Council in advice but it seems seems to me that's a strategy question and maybe um that's the that that's the way to think about it rather than um to debate whether or not why those per special permits are there in the first place because they are right but I I believe I mean we'll get clarification I Emily's already said it very clearly that uh you cannot require special permits and you have to remove them from other zoning Provisions for your NBTA District so uh um and if you don't want to in a particular District then that's not an appropriate District to zone so I think for the most part the task force and the planning board has felt that the districts that they have chosen and voted on are appropriate and removing those requirements are not the requirements but removing the special permit requirement but not the standards is appropriate okay um is you that your understanding of what you read at on the hlc website as well that special permits cannot be required for those who are flying under the multi oh correct yeah okay so I think we're in agreement thec is reject rejected by laws because of that okay so I think we're in agreement then on that point that's good that's now the question is strategically how do we move it forward okay so um and then the extent to which site plan review can be um conditioned or a permit a building permit can be conditioned based on the conditions in the the performance conditions in site plan that's a question yeah and so I'm just asking for time to be able to flush it out so that members feel comfortable before passing on to the state um and then I do think accessory uses um that would be one of my comments as well that the task force and the planning board could talk about through um I think that's a maybe a specific list of what what would what is allowed under our current zoning and the proposal one that flag I flag was the swimming pool one um no we can talk about that okay great um so that so we will not meet this Thursday we will host a joint meeting um for June the Thursday June sixth I believe it is um the other um liaison update is that the harbor management plan um group um has a meeting next no next Monday yes next Monday um we are in the process of gathering a lot of input um from from stakeholders so if any board members um would like to give their input um to the committee let me know about any particular issues we can arrange um that um I did represent some of the concerns that had come up in our chapter 91 um permit process um when I spoke with them as a representative planning board I also and those issues were congestion and Harbor uh chapter 91 Public Access and public benefit um the conditions that we gave to those chapter 91 um uh permits and um the possibility of um a Harbor Marine use uh overlay District as something that might be um appropriate for certain areas where the boatyards are now so um that those are some of the issues that we're talking about but if you or if you know somebody um for example someone suggested that they speak with Bara Warren from Sing s coastwatch who's done a great deal with the um I resilience and the whole of sing sound so um contact me and we will um make that happen so more to come on that and there'll be a harbor tour at some point public harbor tour at some point the summer so um great all right 7 o'clock um so being 7 o'clock we're here to hear the application of old Cory LLC um courtesy of Mark lovsky for the special permit and site plan review as requested required under section 4.2d 19 and sections 12.5 and 12.6 of the zoning bylaw to constructed 60,000 foot office and research and development facility with a parking garage and surface parking totaling 535 spaces and other Associated site improvements on 41.4 plus or minus Acres located at two at Water AV assessor Map 37 lot seven and8 in the LCD zoning district and filed with the town clerk on January 28 um at this time I'll um as from I'll open the public hearing um roll call vote to do so Chris here Laura here Peter here Mary here gon here yes um some of you may recall that this hearing began back in I don't know March or April March 11 March 11 exactly um but uh passing of our chair and the um VY and and new member of the election we're effectively down to five members who could vote on this um application and the permit requires a super majority of the board given that we're a seven member board five members so we worked with um s signaling to delay the hearing and I very much appreciate your willingness to do that um so that we could have a full board um seated um we appreciate that um one of the provisions of state law is that if someone is out of town or um cannot attend there are allowed to watch one meeting by um the recording of one meeting but um we found felt that with five members that was um not fair to the applicant and to the town and to the public so really appreciate your willingness to do that and work but we'll work with you to keep this moving um so the other thing um yeah the planning board voted back in I don't know March or April I'm sure mark know wa to hire Weston and Samson to provide a third party review of the plans um is Weston Samson here tonight maybe yes Darren um is here from Western Samson since we're starting the public hearing all over again I felt that we discussed it that they could and they've already heard the uh intro portion again which we have to redo for our new members so um we hired Weston Samson to provide a third party view review at cell signal expense um and that review is actually begun and um the memo for um from West and Samson it we've started a um I will send out to you where it is there's under applications cell signaling there's a folder um for uh materials so don't have it just in our folders for a particular meeting um I will send a link to all of you with that um so it's easy to find um but anyway so West and Samson provided an initial um memo and I believe that c signaling has seen that and um has uh perhaps taken some of that into an into uh account and we felt that was appropriate given the their willingness to to wait um appreciate that so this hearing will take place over a number of meetings um and the format will generally follow a presentation by the sell signaling team um discussion with the board and um we have a pressing clarification while they're presenting I think we can uh take that but in general we'll ask them to present and then um after the board discusses we will have public comment and I believe there are copies of the plans on file with the town clerk yes and for anyone who wants to look at them that's voluminous you can see and it is on the website as well okay and it's on the website as well under planning board me under the planning board page on the left hand side there's and that's where the application that was filed was located excellent so it's on the website it's probably the best place to look at it for um now that where the Celtics aren't playing you can read the signaling application not not playing for a few days anyway um great with that um I will turn it over to the team and if you guys could as you present if you could introduce yourselves or maybe you want to introduce your whole thank you um we we were asked to make a streamlined presentation so should share that's precisely what you're going to do but before we start I just want to say that it's it is nice after all that to see some light at the end of the tunnel now uh and you may recall that with the help of the planning board this project started in uh 2021 at a time when we worked with the planning board to take a hard look at the uh zoning requirements in the LCT and it was determined that they were a deterrent to the development that was uh encouraged by the master plan so uh we went through a series of meetings with the planning board and it was a very Cooperative effort uh it opened the door for us to be here tonight ultimately at the April 2022 uh town meeting uh thanks to the planning board we the town approved multiple zoning changes that increased Building height from three stories which was a residential two stories which is essentially a Residential Building height to 55 ft and other dimensional requirements that made it feasible for Mark Allen and his team and Matt Connor to uh devise uh buildings and a site plan that could work to meet cell signaling needs subsequently we also have been to the Conservation Commission uh and they have issued orders of condition so we're uh finished with the Conservation Commission uh We've also been to the zoning board uh because not with understanding the change in the 55 foot to the 55 foot height limit uh because of the unusual topography uh it was uh challenging to design a building uh that could uh accommodate the needs of the company at at that height so we we did get a variance from the zoning board and uh we are now here tonight to tell you the rest of the story and what we're going to do is a little bit different in order than at the March 11th meeting uh we're going to start with uh Craig Thompson who's the chief operating officer from cell signaling who's going to give an overview of the history and uh mission of sou England he's going to be followed I think by Matt Connors who we're both going to talk about CS I do this every time anony is going to talk about sustainability uh he is the uh sustain Chief the sustainability officer at C then we're going to hear from Matt Connor then we're going to hear from Mark Allen who's here from hga filling in for Samir and I'm sure he's going to uh he's been involved in the project all along so this is not newe to Mark and then we're going to hear from Lynn gica I think and uh with us also we have Greg Culler from Columbia Construction Peter gordeaux who's really the Master of Ceremonies and Suzanne Martin who's also here from s signaling and Peter Muto so we've got a big team not everybody's gonna have a speaking role unless questions are asked that are specific to them uh but with that I would suggest that that we hear from C Thompson yeah can you go ahead and get started driving can you sh are you uh able to share y great I think so you should thank you for having us again welcome to the uh to the new board members um as Mark said we did put together an abbreviated version many some of this before so we TR summarize I want to give a little bit of background um on csts on ad Mission and values and it's part of our mission really our values uh my colleague Anthony is going to speak about a little more depth sustainability in terms of the company itself but also more importantly what we're planning to do in terms of the construction next slide so I've been at the company for about 20 years now um and the company itself that was 25 years old it was founded by Michael col in 1999 many of you are aware it's spun out of the new Babs another local company which was in fact founded by Michael's father and they've been around 50 years and we've been around 25 we share actually many of the same values uh that's where many of them come from originally as n and we continue to work you know closely this um our headquarters um which includes our R&D site is in in daners on TR Avenue right off at 128 and then we also maintain the manufacturing facility in Beverly uh in addition to that we are an international company or a global company we have three site additional sites from around the globe in the Netherlands to support our European customers as well as through Africa new East um a site in Tokyo as well as in Shanghai you know and at this point we um we support well over um 60 you know countries around the world in fact more than half of our products are sold outside of of the US and over the years we've grown to at this point almost 700 employees for Life Next SL um our mission it's really quite simple I mean our our goal is to develop manufacture um and sell the world's the highest quality research products that scientists all over the globe and biopharma and academics use to better understand cellular pathway way or mechanisms of disease particularly in the areas of cancer and neurod degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's uh excuse me can you just push the okay button on the screen so then there we go thank you now equ equally important to our scientific mission is the uh importance of us to acting in a socially I guess would consider responsible and that both of our efforts um to support scientists around the globe both locally and you know globally sustainability um local community you know these things are really values of our company they rest upon f with colors uh they have to do with Innovative science um the best-in-class products to support you know scientists around the globe engaged employees and social responsibilities you know at the cor of this two is really the the the engagement of our employees and how we support not only development of the best products but support our our customers around the globe and um again hear more from Anthony and money of our efforts locally and and these serve as the again the pillars of our everyday decision making within the companies next slide this is one of my favorite slides because I think it's the simplest way uh to categorize you CSD where we we feel that really doing good science is important um but it's just as important to just do good and it's really the combination of these these two uh that um really for us um say what CSP is all about that's we've been very fortunate though um we've been very successful we've been growing um you know very so rapidly over the past 25 or so years the demand for our products continues to increase uh you know from our customers around the globe we are essentially nearing capacity um our damers and Everly facilities particularly within the lab so in order for us to continue to support our mission uh develop and support more products and more scientists you know we do have to expand and this is where the site on that one you know comes in um this is an outstanding opportunity for CST not only to continue to drive um the development to manufacturing new products uh and support our customers but to do so in a manner that fits well with our values we need to restore uh you know delighted sight there uh bring it back uh into you know something that I think both the employeers of CST as well as the local community will appreciate uh using so it's a great opportunity for us not only support our customers but also that can give back for employees and local community as well um you know we we anticipate employment of the site would for phase one um initially be around 175 or 200 below to maybe 250 or so and up the phase two which would be the um the completion of the 260,000 square foot plan that we have in place which support up to 500 now I'm turn over toy Anthony he's going to talk a bit more detail about sustainability both of the company and at the site yeah thanks Craig just to really reiterate what he touched upon environmental and social responsibility are core to to our mission and Accord to our values and we were the first life science business member to join 1% for the planet so what that means is we are actually giving 1% at least 1% of our total annual revenue so not profit regardless if we're profitable um to environmentally driven nonprofits any so that's been really exciting and help expanded a lot of the philanthropy that we were already um we have a climate goal so we're looking at net zero emissions globally through all of our operations that Craig mentioned by 2029 which will be our 30th Anniversary um we have several run employee run Grant committees so awarding grants to local community nonprofits we have lots of employees that volunteer their time outside of work in our communities and then we also do a lot of work inspiring the next Generations so we have several scholarships we actually just started our internship program today Craig's daughter is my sustainability intern for the summer um so we're doing a lot on all these fronts and you know health is such a big purpose and that's you know why we exist but at the same time you know we really want to create a healthy planet for everyone to be you can go ahead to the next slide just want to give a very high level overview of some of the features and components that we've been able to work with Mark and the entire project team to incorporate on this project project this is really exciting I'm really excited to be part of this project it's the first time CST has had the opportunity to build their own building from the ground up so our headquarters in Danvers was an old hotel that we converted to a lab building um and our cha Road facility in Beverly was actually New England Bol specific so this is the first time we are really able to incorporate a lot of these sustainability components that have been retrofits or after the fact in our existing abilities um excuse me labs are very resource intensive so compared to an office building Municipal Building or School using a lot more energy generating a lot more waste using a lot more water so we're thinking a lot about that in the built environment but we're also looking at the sold for site in being able to revitalize and bring bringing native species you'll hear from Lynn and what we've been working on we also have a restoration biologist on the team the goal with the new building in both phases is really electrification so reducing fossil fuel use hopefully eliminating fossil fuel use on the site so being able to maximize Renewables whether that's solar PD we're going to use geothermal for heating and cooling and domestic hot water on site so that is a really exciting opportunity I think for us as we look at our peers in Kendall and Cambridge the Boston area we have a lot of opportunities being up here on the North Shore that they don't have 100 footprints that they're working to develop um we're doing a lot to engage our employees on the site so the climate side of things um energy load reduction emissions reduction is very important but health is also very important so we're looking at healthier materials in our spaces indoor air quality indoor Environmental Quality and then connecting to Nature outside and bringing it inside as well we are going to provide Public Access and have a trail head parking lot that will connect to the adjacent trustees mon property um and employees will be able to use that as well so lots of exciting things that we'll get into more details as we go um and talk more about the project but just wanted to highlight some of these and with that I think I'll that over to Matt Connor from hanock engineer um so I'm matth Connor I'm from hanock Associates I'm a regional engineering manager and uh a licensed PE in Massachusetts um I'm going to trying to keep this high level but we'll go through some of the site plans and uh touch on things that you guys would be interested I recognize that we're going to be diving in deep I believe in a second um so from a very high level uh our site is for um in north side of it we have a pretty significant Wetland and then on the left side plan left we have uh sill Brook and we have grp 12 uh the nearest residential zone is on the other side of 120 is on the sou side of the property so pretty much everything around this is commercial um we have some interesting topography uh in the middle of the site there's about a 64t cliff um that we're trying to work around we have the building split for a high and a low Mark's going to talk about that a little bit but this kind of gives you some as to what we're we're trying to work through this is a picture from the top of the cliffs looking uh out towards the monolith and one of our neighbors that's my pick up and then we have some uh interesting because of theography we have some uh challenging uh erosion control measures that we have to deal with this is or was the main drive up to the top Plateau area and you can see over um some rainstorms it starts to to get pretty grav um at the bottom of this is not shown the picture but one of the uh uh kind of short-term measures we've done is actually put hay BS across it to try to just control what's going on out there in the in uh here's our site um so basically what this shows is uh all the setbacks related to R 128 Atwater a our neighbors um and as far as zoning goes we're compliant throughout the project just aren in any of the setbacks um this shows the differences between green spaces that we have the built spaces and the pav spaces in the upper left hand corner I'll it a little bit more but we have some shaded green and that's basically tension uh and and other storm water basins we have a ring road that goes around the site it starts at Atwater R just before the Mac property and it Loops the property completely so we have a high side and a low side um and that provides two distinct entrances for the property on the far end we have a parking garage uh which is more of a utilitarian entry but we come in we have phase one and phase two for a nice front uh Southern Courtyard entry and then we go around to the parking garage down to the low side in the lighter gray is a uh parking area for our neighbors with the monolith um so we're providing some public amenities as we go and then we have in the uh between the parking garage and phase one phase two uh main buildings we have our more utility entrance of shipping and um mechanic spaces uh this plan shows more of the drainage Network um when PL on the upper right hand corner uh we have a detention Basin that collects majority of the water from that side of the site and then it will transfer it uh to the two detention or one of them is a um infiltration Basin the larger one and then there's rain Garden smaller one um believe lind's going to talk about the rinka uh so as we go through the site we have storm water we are maintaining the same drainage systems and and run off as we go through uh this plan kind of shows the utilities as we go so blue is water uh green is sewer uh basically what we're showing is we are supplying water in a loop around the site we've talked with the fire department we've been in contact with uh May CH with the DPW um but we're getting water from actually underneath 128 from build Bill Street uh similarly we're collecting sewage from the site from to a pump station and that's being discharged under 128 to Mill Street we're providing some detailing infrastructure as we just got it ID from public process that basically is for improvements to Mill and Forestry as well as supplying our our project and then we have red and yellow and this is electricity uh Supply and gas supply for our generators as Anthony discussed we're trying to limit whatever we have for fossil fuels on the project as much as possible uh and then big thing on this is geothermal so we have a couple bore Fields phase one and phase two bfield um and we have G on through several iterations to try to make this work um and I believe that uh we're pretty solid and where we are now and if you have questions on it I believe GRE can probably answer those uh as schedule everybody's always concerned about schedule uh this is a really big project um it's going to take us a bit of time we are trying to schedule blasting in 2024 um geothermal will start after that and then we'll get into some site grading towards the end of site grading we'll get into utility infrastructure on Outwater app um and site utilities as we go once that's done sometime in the end of 2025 beginning of 2026 we're going to start foundations and pre-cast we'll be in heavy construction from 2026 through 2027 and then we'll start doing our heartscape landscaping for the project 22% it's at least three years probably um and then this is uh the aerial aerial view looking sou and I'm going to hand it over to thanks Matt U good evening Mark Allen principal of hga Architects in Boston uh I'm going to show a few views of the building and then one of the key things will also show our views from 128 and that a questioned by the consult so uh this view is showing kind of you know an overall flip in the center exposed phase um two on the right off the page is the uh Manchester Athletic Club oration um the in the also in the center is our entry Pavilion at the top of the site a uh phase one uh building Mass then garage which is shown with solar PB the other areas of group are also shown PD on the available spaces uh and actually before we go to the next Slide the um General approach is to have a building mass that is leaner on the top of the site and then steps down as you as as it crosses the uh the cliff so taking advantage of the natural gr of sight to to uh to build volum this is A View From the Bottom of the Cory looking at that clip base in the center partially obscured is the lobby phase two would be off to the right this All Phase One um and then you see the kind of stepping two floor Flo is basically at the level of the top of the site addition three floors to step down and then we've taken advantage of those steps to create uh Terraces which is a nice feature there's also outdoor spaces at the top of the um Cliff that will be used by FKS and then Cory Garden at the bottom this is a view from the other direction so the building is kind of longer and lower at the top of the site phase one is on the right hand side the uh Lobby entry in the middle and then phase two uh to the left there and then lastly for views go to the next one this is also of the entry um uh looking just at phase one through the glasses the lobby phases Anthony mentioned one of the things trying to do is um build in a number of features around sustainability so behind the glass here you see the mass Timber structure um of that um Lobby Pavilion space and that's a strategy Mass Timber is a strategy we use to reduce the amount of embodied carbon that goes into constructions that's that's a nice feature the other thing that we're we're doing um is really trying to enhance the kind of indoor outdoor experience uh so that um so that it it really connects to a restored natural landscape okay the next are um two last slides that I've got are views from 128 this is looking North with CST on the left um and we have a video These are stills from the video along the bottom showing the the uh closed building um bir of VI and then on the right can see that it's completely obscured by its Fage so similarly if we go southbound um CST in this case is on the right Bird side you can see the general orientation when you're down at not even high height you're more like at 18 wheeler height you're still completely speared by deage I think we have the video on Tab to show perhaps later yeah you want to show the so they intend course is to demonstrate that that view is protected see see see the build questions on that I Haven quite what time of year is that supposed to be so um that the the photos that we took were in Fall Foliage uh and that was showing you know full Leaf treatment there are what we are doing is kind of back planting along the um the garage and building with uh Evergreen and Lyn can speak more precisely about that but that's the that's the attention um so yes next well Matt pulls this out at the end of this you guys are all going to be able to like recite the actual site plan to us you'll so while we're pulling this up um wait for it perfect um so what can I speak to on this we haven't heard from already the majority of our parking will be in the garage phase one and Phase 2 garage on the south side we have um uh our visitor spaces and DV spaces out there to the wellness piece that Anthony touched on earlier the actual the walkability of the site is pretty fabulous so it's really kind of throughout and then even coming down to the trail head parking for the monolith that was discussed previously uh we've worked pretty closely in sharing our Visions for this with the trustees and so having a dedicated parking area out there um we think is a a wonderful amenity for everybody including the people who work at CST um we do have some pretty interesting Restorations for the landscape so I think all of the wonderful sustainable things that the building is trying to do we're absolutely trying to match that with the landscape uh we have a number of of areas that we do need to heavily screen one being that 128 that we just discussed so at the southern part of the image here existing vegetation to remain we want to keep as much as possible but this is where we're really kind of heavily going at a lot of layered Evergreens in various sizes so some of it is um where we just had a a discussion today about our value engineering so where the big money goes is um to the southern part to make sure that we can heavily screen that and then also to the northern part so that when folks are in like level five of the building we have a little bit of screening for our neighbors to the north and some of the utility pieces so um I think folks have probably seen our very extensive planting list in there but some of that from a a real highlight the rain Gardens um and the lower query Garden these are places where we're really celebrating the ability to kind of restore the environments there and we understand that the stormw detention the two basins they have to from a maintenance perspective they have to be able to get a mower in there so that planting in the Basin is um a little it's more um fleshy perennials but in the rain Gardens we can have a little bit more uh expressive you know rain uh plant material that does really well in those conditions and actually will provide some sort of um little bit of cleaning of the water as well so I think if we go to the next one um this does highlight our 16 spaces that we're providing for the monolith we go ahead um more before and after images I think these are pretty telling in what we uh see with the site from the existing condition if we go to the next one you see a relationship also with 128 the mac and then uh Brady and and the other uh existing elements on the site the next set of images flips us around so this is one of those projects where like the and afters are really they're powerful so if we go to the next line this is what we're all envisioning a big restoration of what we can provide for the site to mitigate some of that erosion too that had come up at the last discussion we know it is an issue um if you go forward Matt if you don't mind this was part of our submission that we're required to do um taking an analysis of the canopy loss and replacement there's actually not as as an was saying earlier we've been working with a group from biohabitats psychologists so they've done a full assessment I believe you have that documentation of what's actually out there on site the quality of the plant material that's there is not very high so any of the canopy that we're actually losing will be um replaced and significantly then sum by much more stronger biodiverse plant material that's really going to help restore this location and if we go to the next one I think that's the we've worked really closely with all of the team to identify various landscape typologies where we can this is informing our planting pet so we're not only looking at the report that the folks from biohabitats provided but what's out there existing and doing very well that's actually a native plant material and then um what the soils are really telling us because the project itself we are bringing in quite a lot of soils for all of this we want to do it in a very judicious manner so that we're listening to what's there and not trying to say oh let's do all of this big Forest right on top of the exposed rock surface so that's what we're starting to work with um in this development not only these techologies but that's our our flant list kind of gives us that information that we'll be pulling from as we continue to go forward and I think that's well we got one more piece that we're adding on um because of the project delays we've had uh Columbia construction's been champing at the bit and uh Greg Keller uh has some plans that he's going to uh initiate in June uh that don't necessarily app uh require uh completion of of the special permit site plan review process we've reviewed that with PA Orlando and with respect to blasting and uh so I'm going to let Greg explain what he's going to anticipate starting in June and then moving forward I'm Greg Keller with colia construction we're a commercial construction firm out of North Fring we've actually partnered with self signaling for the last 20 years we truly Embrace their vision and have really uh esposed the the concepts of this project um they've asked us to look at the overall site how to best approach it uh as Matt said there's probably about 15 months of site preparation before a building even starts to take place and that includes uh creating a u a lot of rock removal a lot of new utilities throughout if anybody's actually walked the site I think we had a walk a few months ago it really is a uh a blighted site and so our first goal is to secure the site uh it's been open to machinery and and everyone else walking the site our first activity to secure the site prep the area for um getting rid of all the excess materials flattening out where we can and then starting uh a blasting activity in the cliff phas itself the uh as you saw in the buildings the building actually carves into that rock cliff so our main goal for the first couple months is drilling through from the top down and blasting out sections to create basically the the footprint for the building and so over the the first couple months that'll be the the sole activity uh we anticipate about three months of that work ongoing once that work's done then we'll bring in uh the geothermal team and they'll start drilling uh 600 foot Wells we're going to install approximately 72 600 foot Wells these Wells are uh closed loop so it will not have any water exchange whatsoever uh and then once we do that we anticipate that taking till the end of this year the beginning of next year we'll start all of the utilities coming in from the work underneath 128 creating the loop creating the Loop Road bringing in gas electric uh storm water management is is critical on this particular side and then creating the footprint to start the the foundations we didn't want to surprise you thank you so we're here as a team and if there's any question that uh we can help with tonight we'll do that otherwise I know you have lineup of subsequent uh continuations of the public hearing to specifically address uh topics that we alluded to tonight mat Mark what do you think should we ask anything from West Samson just um do you want to just do any any comments or um because I know you you've looked at it to date maybe just give us an overview of where we are uh sure yeah thanks thanks everyone this is Darren kirchen from Wesson and cson I'm a team leader uh environmental engineer LSP um so we've completed our initial peer review as was mentioned um and we received last week some additional information from the applicant including responses to comments um and some revised site plans and traffic study information um so our initial scope I guess just for timing included a the initial memo and then the three hearings and they anticipated having like a close out s of supplemental memo responding to comments the order has sort of changed at this point so um yeah talk with Mark a little bit about the timings we certainly want to support uh planning board on review of items so sounded like the traffic might be the first element um but also our scope I guess we I guess we wanted to attend this meeting today to understand sort of the next steps from the planning board's perspective and how we can support that um and then also just capture like the next steps for our our scope which again just just initially included uh the initial peer review which we've completed um some site visits which some of our team has completed we will have additional site visits um and then obviously the next step would be the The Logical just want to issue a technical response to the comments and just flag what's still outstanding to make those hearings more productive um as they come up uh in June and going forward from there can you give us just a overview of your initial comments um did you see any um significant issues that um that you've been discussing with them or um I'm sure there a lot of technical issues um are there any overview over overarching um concerns uh positive or negative uh sure so I'll start with the Positive so yeah we had architecture and Landscape architecture review so on those elements I think we were um you know as the applicant had presented they're using very um harmonious materials and plantings certainly are going to be a vast Improvement to the site um which as the photos show is a a quarry so having addition of of tree canopy will be significant um we had quite comprehensive review of subject area so there's noise standards that we've reviewed you know certainly the blasting is is going to be um part of that uh we had site development comments um again sort with interruptibility uh site civil storm water uh have quite a few technical comments that we're still digesting what we received uh last week on the storm water elements um it does look like the contractor is going to get a Construction general permit uh for all the work because they are modifying more than one acre so that was part of our review um and then I guess the main other element is just the traffic study so we're still reviewing that updated information we received last week um I think the phasing has been a question because there's two phases of work that are in the site plan and special permit um the traffic study I think has both elements covered but mostly focuses on the The Phase One um and I know that's going to be the the primary focus of the next hearing where we present at um a broad overview of some of the the general items gave you 30 pages of technical comments and we received about 26 pages of responses and we'll uh put all that in the folder yeah great okay um questions or comments from the board I ask a question just a general question I'll I'm not out of line here the phasing of the project there's two phases here not so much about the business operations what happens in the building but as far as the land preparation storm water utility service roadways Landscaping how is that how does that fit in with the if only phase one will be the first so so the phase one phase two buildings the site has to be constructed as you're building P build out to handle phase two on the initial construction correct so all all the utilities are under the P surfaces so can't sit there and rip up well we can but we'll rip up everything and will cost a whole lot more money so the intent is is all the storm gets installed as part of phase one all the utilities being installed part of phase one we're doing actually infrastructure to bring utilities to the site right now before we even get into phase one so there's a lot of moving parts for this whole when we get into phase two proper it's more of the building um we're going to bring services to those building Footprints as part of phase one based and actually GRE can touch on this but we're blasting the areas for phase two in phase one and then harassing those areas because once we get a building built we don't want to turn around and re blast those areas right next to there a whole lot of complication that nobody need um so there is part of the revised plan there is an interim grading plan that shows what we're doing with those areas and how we're taring so you'll be planting those areas the inter period yes the majority of it will be seeding just because we know that we'll be pulling that out but they will be adding soil and so that we can get things in there from an erosion control perspective um and then then once you know all the Blasting work is done there's you know it's more of like a a grassland habitat up at that upper piece and then the other pieces will be planted because phase one could be sitting there for like you know five six seven years so we want to make next question what is the I don't know don't me not it's it's it's a few years in between so we have time it wants to look um and we've we've done a number of renderings and things of what it will look like during its phase one piece so it doesn't look like it's just waiting for phase two to come in okay well in summary your utilities water waste gas Services roadways storm vage collection all that goes in as part of Phase One Construction right literally the building develop and the garage and phe two garage correct I have a few questions in you asked one of them um but I'll follow on with for clarity are we being looked to permit phase one and two now um and if it is that eight years out or whatever has have we as a planning board ever had that long of a site plan review special permit go as we all know things can change drastically you know overnight so are we comfortable permitting now for eight years out is my question I have no idea if it's just gonna be eight years I'm just using that tomorrow but I saw with the the one slide even phase one is five years right so build times to even get up and operational is about five years this is not a small project so when we look at uh actually getting to the point where everybody can start coming in looking the building and see can can get their uh operational efficiencies going there's going to be some time frame in between that before we can start thinking about the phas for um so and as you saw in the plans the phase one phase two buildings are are very closely related they're you know phase two isn't as planned out as phase one is but they work together so what we're trying to do is have this permitted so it's a complete project at the end of the day yeah I mean I guess it's just kind of an open question to the board because with other potential projects up in that area traffic studies could change um topographies could change so and and that the traffic is a very good point which is why our traffic report basically says at the end of phase phase one and before we start phase two we want to reevaluate traffic um that'll be a condition I suspect any approval we get yeah you're absolutely correct a lot of things can change between now and then um but but as the site is kind of self-containing and and there's not a lot of interaction with it really what we're trying to do is get that interior site fixed we have confidence that we can build it we have confidence from you guys that you'll let us build it and then as we progress we will address the traic the interaction the other any and then um so we had the views from 128 has anybody looked at views from it's now called the monoliths the AY Rock um will those views change I mean will they will will the view from those Vantage points have a clear view of this building now right like so instead of question um and then um um with the visuals with the trees and I know you said you were going to be planting Evergreens um but how many years does it take an evergreen to get that height that's going to block out that Pew if you look so we're planting in all different sizes and some of them we were putting in about you know 25 ft high so some of them were spending quite a lot of money on some of it will take some time um but it depends on the species but there's just and it's not all Evergreens it's a quite it's an extensive list so we are really looking to make sure that we are putting the biggest material where it's the most critical from 128 and then the Northeast so typically I mean we always say sleep creep and leap right when you when you plant something it's going to take you know three years until he really really really well established and then depending on the species which is very different we can get into that and more specifics of the landscape meeting but we're really trying to jump start things so that we are getting re good screening yes I have some of my own that I'm looking for the sleeping exactly not going so fast thank you yeah some people have suggested that they'd like to see the project for 120 uly enough so a couple questions how many employees are currently housed in daners and Beverly between the two sites we have about see about 550 employees based in Massachusetts so then this facility all completed it's intended to house those people or you intended to double in size as a company be a combination in the beginning we have no intention of closing either of the you know permit facilities um so phase one would be you know at least the people who would initially occupy it would primarily come out of the um current trash Lane facility in Danvers most part again it's what we call an R&D and Innovation Center so it would include you know we dividing up the R&D team at that point as well as housing a lot of the um the corporate functions in new facility as well and then the expectations that allows us to continue grow uh in multiple sites over time and then eventually again expanded as part of and that rendering that you showed was the 55 foot height is that what or it was okay and I think I read There are some um um utilities or something that may extend beyond that is that the case right and we did get relief from the uh zoning board for those as well I don't know yeah the Mechanicals right so that your handling units and so forth typically go into a mechanical Penthouse that's the case here and I just I mean this may not be the time but just um the water and I'm new to this this is my second meeting so um I've been following it a little bit so these questions might be redundant um tapping into the town water and SE that's correct right and I'm just curious is there been um studies done about the impact of that and um the fact that we as a town are just passed some funding to um take a hard look at our water um facilities now and I just want to make sure that as we do that we keep this usage in mind not really question with respect to St my understanding is that 62,000 gallons of Flowage uh has been assigned to The Limited commercial district and as you may know uh we cooperated with the town in obtaining a massworks grant to extend sewer and water from Summer Street up Forest to Mill to 128 pardon me I did not know that so thank you that's so so that that project has been put out to bid by the town uh the bids came in last week I think it was last week and we've been meeting on a regular basis with Greg fedi and Chuck Dam to determine the mechanics of all that uh self signaling is making a contribution uh and we're now trying to work with the town because the town's interested in extending those lines down at Water Avenue to the Future DPW site which is going to be where the Compost Facility has been located so this there are a lot of pieces in motion here but the sewer the sewer question has been answered the the water question is S supply is not something that's been discussed okay all right then one last question for sustainability um so you talked about all the community work you do which is great how much of that work is done with the local uh high schools and elementary schools it's a high percentage um and you know kind of all around S6 and we've been expanding you know we do a lot in ders in Beverly where we have our two existing facilities and we've been working to do more so we've been doing work with the Manchester high school and middle school I believe we're a big supporter of change is simple as well a nonprofit that does Environmental Education in public schools so we support them and they're getting through a lot of schools so we do a lot of that and it's various I think it's again employees volunteering time and going and supporting science fairs or doing experiments with different groups and interns and interns as well so our internship program that started it just started college but we also have a high school thank you just going around Laura Tenny um thanks for the presentation a few uh questions that I have in no particular order the um the visibility from 128 I wanted to say there not any um concern about the Aesthetics of the building and the landscape those are going to be a vast improvement over the very degraded strip site uh so I can see that you're looking the renderings are showing leaf on season that the um building is screen the massing of the building is screen but I am curious about Leaf off season I think You' started to address that Lynn with the Evergreen screening it sounds like it's going to be vegetation versus topography mostly so I just want to understand that a little bit better when we get to that meeting about the how the building is going to be screened that's the massing of the building then I'm also thinking about um the light pollution from the building particularly given the glassy Atrium and you know that could be a matter of the hours that the building is lit but um I am wondering about that in terms of a nighttime visibility analysis of that Corridor and what you're going to see through the trees especially in Le offseason Mark to address that yeah um we from a site perspective we have uh fixtures that are um dark sky dark sky compliant uh we have looked at uh generally the light um spilling from the building there are fixtures that need to be on some 24 hours for just safety purposes emergency fixtures but they generally are you know keep keep the building relatively low lit uh they'll the lobby I'd have to that's a specific one that I'd have to probably respond back to sure the the current thinking on the lobby is that the lighting is not uniform throughout the space the occupancy of it is at the bottom of it so the lighting was to the floor level and where people are standing which would not be visible from 128 yeah because it's a double height space least that whole thing is kind of beaming out yeah let us come back to you with specifics on that yeah I think for me the visibility from the cordor is about how important that um kind of wooded feeling as a as a Gateway and an entry to capan is because I think you know our tourism economy and Our Kind the kind of character of the place are really um um that that kind of wooded Corridor is really important to that feeling of you're entering a place that's different from everything that's happening sort of South Danvers and Beyond so maintaining that I think is really important us about is it a beautiful building I'm sure it's going to be a beautiful building in landscape but really kind of protecting that c so um getting to that light pollution at that meeting um some other questions I had about the traffic studies and the phasing I know we'll get to that I know it's a phased um study if if this is a 500 person building and at some point it's enough of a demand that say um the catus system wants to serve it or some other kind of shuttle system have you thought about that circulation in the plan where there could be a future bus or Transit stop inside the circulation um did the grades of the road accommodated and the size of the road imagining they do since you have to have emergency erress but just a thought about circulation if you could accommodate a future um Transit stop in there um look forward to hearing more about resiliency and sustainability different topic but um certainly the wildlife biology and the habitat what are the key indicator species What U what are we really trying to um you know are there certain corridors that we're trying to and understanding that on a little bit more of a regional basis if there's any been any conversation with the trustees about what their specific goals or thoughts are um I know they're very kind of conservation minded in terms of um species protection and so forth be interested to hear more about that and then um the the storm water plan and uh erosion control I'll be curious to find out more to just understand sort of what's outside the limit of work linear area that showed kind a grass land cover in that lighter green and something Beyond there that was maybe a detention Pond you know how does that area that is not disturbed by this project but now you've kind of inherited this very degraded site and maybe some of are outside your limit of work you want to make sure that there the um sedimentation and the erosion that's happened from there is corrected and what the kind of long-term plan would be it's probably not you know it's not an area where people are going to not close to the building it's not a sort of high value landscape perhaps but it is really important I think to ecologically repair it to make sure that it's um resilient to bigger storms and is providing um you know infiltration as best they can and so forth and Wildlife connectivity so understanding what the plan is for that and then how you will manage the site over time from an operations and maintenance point of view invasive species management habitat management and so forth it be interesting to hear more about those are all my questions for now thank you Sue or Chris um I had the lighting question also um thinking about the M Street Forest Lane Forest Street area cross 128 um my other sort of more immediate uh concern is when things begin with the blasting and so I'm just interested in how the blasting is going to be occurring is it going to be all day is it I'm hoping that you are aware of our hours for blasting and that those will be strictly followed um because the blasting even for other parts of town it will be noticeable um so I would just love to hear you know the blasting schedule and what you envision the effect um that we'll all be feeling day to day well I I don't know what you're going to be feeling depends on on where you are this is very controlable iting uh the contractor that we're planning on uh hiring is main drilling blasting of the largest most experienced company in the New England area uh this is very controll blasting as we said most of the work is really inside the cliff so there's a lot of relief that happens beforehand so they we drill down a series of holes around and then reli off of those holes so that we're we're creating a new face basically what's there what's happened in the past that's been what they call open blasting they'll set a charge and you'll just let it go that's this is very very controlled much smaller blasting much much more refined area that's why we're looking at like a 100 day activity as opposed to just going in and you know blowing the whole site up very very controlled small blast scienti paid uh potentially a blast or two a day so again there's there's always a misnomer and a fear with blasting and this particular site and this the way we're actually creating the basically the the interior of the building is very very precise work so it's not going to be like we're creating you know an open area to put you know housing or anything else this is very specific inside side of that the footprint of the building there will be some minor blasting in areas where we have to put in utilities um and there will be a point uh that's close to 128 where we may have to have a rolling blockade for 128 which is not unusual uh and Main Drilling and Blasting will handle all the pering and they've done other work in town you know the procedure here very very well so um you know our our my hope and I'm meeting with them on Thursday it to have almost like a set time every day so you can expect it the the good thing is I do not feel that the surrounding areas will really feel it again we're not doing major charges the the Mac is probably the most affected by any of the blasting thank you well I just have one concern which is I one having is um very narrow border Street really and it's going to be handling a lot of traffic and I think the biggest concern is a potential conflict with pedestrians and bike fers and I know we've talked about this before that he really isn't enough width to make any significant improvements to the road itself um I was hoping maybe a boardwalk could be could be constructed to a side on the side of the road perhaps in the wetlands with the trustees approval and the way of relieving some of the conflict I don't think this is a deal breaker but just something that I hope you can consider I had a couple of comments um sort of similar um what uh offsite work are you doing sort of off the outside limits of your bound of your you know site the Atwater Avenue um we'll want to talk about that during our traffic discussion um is there going to be any proposed traffic calming is there a way we can encourage pedestrian safety with striping or uh you guys have experts who might be able to help us think about that um the other thing I think Mark you sent us I can't find it so it' be nice to see again a a table of contents of how our zoning matches with your plans I think we I you would Chris had suggested that um um maybe it's anyway sorry so I thought it was a brilliant idea that you would say section 6.3.7 A is found on this plan that plan uh if that's I think you did it you did it and we just need to did I do it actually and point I want that my I'll dig it out my larger point is that we actually have standards that we need to be mindful of that those are our guiding principles um and their performance standards so I'm sure that our consultant is looking at them carefully um there are two that um when I went through the plan I didn't see any mention of I think we're probably um have you checked with the historic commission to see if there's any reason to need a archa archaeological or historic resources the inventory um it says we may may require it but um I would ask that you just check with them it's a pretty disturb site I would expect we don't but um that just ask them to weigh in if you don't mind um the other one is um you haven't mentioned irrigation and um it's a fairly large site I'm sure that a lot you'll need to irrigate a lot of things at least to get them established and what will be your source of irrigation water um do you plan to use a um irrigation well or do you plan to use potable water um I can answer that now for you appropriate we do have a rainwater harvesting system it will be doing you know capture from from the site and um condensate and um our our reverse osmosis water from the building so it's all been heavily tweat the irrigation plan is in the documents that were sent for the application so that is documented in there yes and then there was a question that came from that from um Wesson and Samson that we did respond to okay um the other thing is as you do your um geothermal Wells um do you anticipate any dewater any water management in that groundw management definitely and have you done there's some permitting usually for that uh water management we intend on recharging at the site the site's large enough that it will handle a recharge of the discharged water okay so Weston Samson should be sure to look at that dewater that water management plan during construction yeah I I just know where the site big issue um and then maybe for Anthony I'm I'm just this is more of a curiosity not a but 70 Wells for 200,000 foot building that's 70 Wells not very manyy 70 Wells for phase one which is 127,000 so phase two we're anticipating another 80 well so in total it'll be somewhere around 15 okay and then that question for the landscape it looked almost like you were putting vegetation I thought in the same area as the wells is that possible it's the wells are deep yeah well I know yeah you don't you don't even see them when you're done exactly and then in some places we're actually grading taught but that's they can get along yeah okay um great well we look forward to the next um do do you know when the next meeting will be June 10th so we anticipate being ready for you at every one of our second and fourth meetings as long as we have something to talk about uh have you determine the topic for the 10th so that's we're um it's whatever you I guess and what want to want to talk about but and we're happy to take two our suggestion was that we take a couple of topics so that we can move you through tell us what you'd like to hear and we will present it so um so there was some discussion about traffic but usually we kind of in past I often tried to do the uh the basic site and civil engineering drainage um do that first so that there's a full understanding of what's occurring on the site and how it's going to function how it be developed um and then do traffic next um but it can kind of go either way because we have done a kind of a general overview tonight so I think what we so I think Laura had suggested having storm water and Landscape um and civil all together because they're inter it's it's not just pretty plantings um so that would be a suggestion um and I guess we're open to how what works for your Consultants given vacations and and what but um vacations we can do I don't think I'm allowed to take but um and I think traffic is an area where there'll be a fair amount of discussion yeah um but we could even try to do more you know I think storm water and Landscape is also obviously of great interest and probably some back and forth with Weston Samson we'll kind of look to you to tell us which topics you want and if we want to we certainly understand we don't have besides that anr we currently don't have anything else um a lot will depend on uh what the status of the back and forth between uh Matt and Weston Samson is you should be in touch with Mark about what topics you want yeah and uh they may in the course of the peer review uh highlight the key topics and then we'd be happy to address them okay right now we're planning on you for June 10th and June what 24th 24th and July uh 8 and July 22nd if we need so um recognizing you waited for us we're we we're planning on you seeing a lot of you so as as it makes sense we will be in touch with Mark and and we'll coordinate the presentation with you sure okay and we may want to do a S sidewalk but let me see if um uh let's see Gail has her hand up and then we may may have comments want to take public comments uh Gail go ahead we do have applications coming in um for uh the peers um near masomo Park and we will have three applications coming in from fth Associates two came in today and there'll be another coming in next week or a little later so we have multiple applications um about uh the peers and the work that's going in uh around that area great thank you I wanted to give you the heads up on that okay great so much for our Hiatus and mvta Zoning too um okay great uh is there any uh anybody uh want to make some public comment and let me just just uh give us a little guidelines for how Terry I'll get to you in just a second thank you um because this is a public hearing um I'm going to ask people um at each of our meetings to wait to be recognized um and to please keep your comments relative relevant to the application before us um and even if possible how our zoning applies um but we're you know happy to also try to ask questions um if there's a lot of public comment may have to limit time to a couple of minutes as we do at town meeting but hopefully we can get everybody's questions and comments out and um and if we have questions that are um the same from a couple different people we're going to try to consolidate those please state your name and address and um we don't take questions in the chat um and we will take public comments each night of the hearing so if for some reason you don't get your comments uh into the record tonight there'll be other opportunities um with that's Preamble um Terry common thank you thank you Carri cman 2B surf Village a couple of questions first I think I'm very impressed with this site plan and the work that's going on here uh my primary area of interest is going to be the transportation plan in and out and the surrounding impact on the surrounding area I'd like to commend you for that stem work that you're doing as the father of the Middle School school science teacher so keep it going um with regard to questions who is or What entity is responsible for coordinating the traffic plan around the um work that's going to be happening on Forest and uh Mill Street and then is anyone coordinating with mass do on the um infrastructure around the on-ramps and off ramps at school Street Mark can you answer that I I would suspect that the town uh Chuck Dam will be coordinating the traffic uh issues with respect to Mill and Forest because that's a town project uh with respect to the ramps uh is there is there anything in the uh in the uh traffic report that dealt with those ramps during construction uh there were study points um we have bring the TC s you speak up so it can sorry um so Tec is our traffic consultant um we would I I'm fairly confident there were several study points for the project as it went through town um that was the the phase one didn't really trigger any Improvement requirements but phase two would was one of the reasons we wanted to revisit this as we go that's a great question for for Sam from te to address at a later time so Terry we're going to take that up at our traffic meeting which probably be next in two weeks or in four weeks I would guess and there is I'm sorry there is a me study that meepa did of the impacts on traffic um on and off of 128 I'm not I don't recall if they I looked at it a while ago they looked at during construction or just at completion we'll make sure that great see attend that meeting okay yeah thank you great thank you um I don't see any other comments online anybody I don't see anybody public here oh sorry I com I am public of course I'm a very impressive presentation thank you um and I hope we can resurrect this traffic study that was done for SLV um on the on and on ramps just so we can include because that's that was 130 some odd units and there for approximately the same amount of traffic coming through so it's a good point um maybe we can ask scale to provide um the board and the CST team the SLV um traffic study Gail is that something you have you must have your hands can get your hands on that right um I do and the 40b is all still online so we can pick it up right out of there okay great thank you that's a good suggestion and U maybe uh make sure Mark we'll make sure Weston Samson sees that as well that's great another I think they did it like December 29th or something which was a problem but that's okay um it's still data okay great good go good thought um any other questions or comments I just have a question it wasn't brought up tonight but um I thought our local building inspector was not going to be the building inspector on these large projects was I incorrect that but um I believe that these large projects are under withf controlled construction um maybe Peter can't where Mark can Define that I know the um School building uh the high school building was under control construction which meant that the the engineers and The Architects of record stamped plans to certify that they complied with building codes and other elements of the um plan that that's correct yeah yeah um so that's my assumption but there will obviously be oversight by the building inspector as well I don't have we can maybe ask Greg for any clarification good question well I I just thought we had had a prior conversation that um with the bigger projects in town that the applicant was I I don't quote me but I thought that we had said that that you know due to capacity um time researching that it wasn't going to be the local building inspector we were going to do a different option so I'm just asking well I mean usually the build inspector is still responsible for overseeing the construction of the building however he may um utilize additional um you know Consultants to assist him and as well as revealing you know has built so to speak uh testing reports and all the other things that are submitted to his office so um so again that'll be some further discussion for the Building Commissioner to uh to determine how he's going to handle that at the meetings to he was going now generally The Building Commissioner is responsible for the building so larger projects often times the planning board has a site inspector who will uh inspect the site construction to to ensure that roads are constructed uh in accordance with the the drawings basins Landscaping are installed certain ways so you know again that's discussion that we can have down as as we move forward whether we continue to use Wesson and Samson to do some of those uh on-site inspections and so that's a good question that's that's quite um common yeah there's sometimes a per Guarantee Bond as well yes um I know when I was on the planning board in Newbury we had large subdivisions and we had a consultant that did exactly what you've described and we held a promised bond that we released based on their recommendation so but I think it's a good point that we should um talk about further um okay um site uh walk um some of you some of us haven't been there in a while some of us have maybe never been up at least to the site so we Mark was suggesting that um we may want to have another sidewalk we I think we had also suggested that if the public making it open to the public who may not have seen the particularly how Disturbed the site is so um if you're amable to that um we need to set a date and post that um people have gone before made I would request a week day a week day y okay nice evening yeah um well I was going to suggest maybe before our M June 10th meeting we did it at five o'clock 5 to 6 I'm just thinking you I mean some people some of us have been there before and may not may not be able to make it but um then people coming from your team out of town but you know not all of you need to go I think Peter can so I think Matt will be it do it behind yeah bring your bug spray um okay ten let's um post that for five o'clock to six o'clock on the get sandwiches or slime June 10th on June 10th how do that sound okay as a proposal okay great um thank you and then I guess do we need a motion to continue the hearing um yes yes I'll take a motion to continue the uh hearing to um Jun June 10th at 7M um uh so move so move by filber I'll second okay um I'll I think can we we don't need to do voice V do we yeah oh we have to vote take a vote Al yes filber yes Henny yes yes buy yes yeser and great in the votes yes um great thank you very much team as usual for being um prepared and um promting appreciate it thanks thanks for the light3 pages yes right yeah mine to another one yeah I might just leave this here I found if I took the appendices out a lot like um okay great thank you so much um um this time is if um I'll ask there is any additional public comment um I'm not yeah um I don't see anybody addition public comments thank you um clarifying question I think it's Mar so all the all this is there anything new that was put in our packet since then I know the team's been working so what what is new which is what s mentioned was placed in the U the folder under applications for 2024 is a folder for CST it's the um the Wesson and Samson initial oh great okay and then be probably the um the response to the comments probably go next as well and we will also put in the full app although it's on the web page we'll upload we have to have it broken out yeah I to put it on the full application contain here yeah that's the full application is not on in that folder it's on the uh pling wood website on the left hand side you'll see CST and all the the application is there and that should also be what you got on the thumb drive right uh the pH yes thank you for the writer okay yeah okay great did you say there was an updated um traffic study no just the so one right that we asked the SLB which was a good suggestion um okay anything else good um right um I take uh minutes approval for March 11 2024 second discussion um you guys not v um uh all in favor the chair votes yes that's five uh yes and two extensions scale um motion to approve the U minutes of March 25th so moved have a second sure okay um again um any discussion comments um all in favor again five and two extensions um so our next meetings we're going to add uh Thursday June 6th for task force and planning board then we have June 10th and June 2 4th and July 8th um and at the next meeting among the things that Gail mentioned I don't know about yet we'll be talking about the aons to other committees um okay any other matters that um we didn't anticipate before setting the agenda oh I had a question um where is our rules and regulations there are our rules you sent me an email about that uh Gail sent the I asked her and she and I haven't had a chance to follow up so I will um put them in our a place where we can all find them but we um voted two things one is the committee handbook and then a draft with track changes which uh of our rules which are kind of in that limbo state that I'll put them in a place we can find them and send them to everybody yes I think it would be good for new members and um if it's still in draft we should try to get them out of draft so what I'll try and do because we have two new members I'll see what we have in our our SharePoint for folders and if I need to create a new one for like rules and rs I'll put in all the current resing I'll put in whatever we have for rules and rs whatever other appropriate um planning board related things so that they'll be in one place I think we need to do yeah we need a little bit of um reorganization of our you know maybe moving some things to Archive not losing anything and then um yeah I'll try that Gail um responded to when the rules and when they were what their is so I just haven't had a chance to send it back yeah she did respond I don't yeah you were sick last week and yeah so okay so our homework um is by Friday to review the zoning the draft Zoning for the um uh task force and I think Mary you know you can send your input as questions or as comments in an email or if you have specific um to and that's because we can't send it to everybody because then it becomes technically deliberation and we may not be able to change every comment that people put in we will do our best at making changes to um and then if you don't see a the next meeting your changes in there that's the opportunity to say oh I sent a comment about something on page three um is you know why did that get changed you know and then we would explain why we felt it wasn't um a good change or we changed something else so we don't need to do make that adjustment so so not extend everything and try and make an evaluation I'll discuss it with our consultant with Emily and try and get a a uh one version s back out out with Tuesday or Wednesday so the other thing is if there are topics such as um Mary identified and I agree on um that are things to be discussed so should pools be allowed by right in the beaverdam road district is on my list um so I'll send that as a topic to discuss and then may they can go on the agenda to just rather than sending it as I think that should be crossed out that's not very you know um those are and then I think um the question of uh the special permit we understand I think we agree that special permits cannot be allowed for the multi family housing that sounds to me like we agree what we dis maybe the discussion is is that the course of action we want to pursue um so the course of action could change by removing Parcels that are in the water protection district that's one that takes that one off the table or going forward with what we believe is a non-compliant version or leaving it as it seems to me at least as an example of the three we and we can vote that that seems to me that I mean as an example but I just argue make the point that if you submit a non-compliant version you know you're submitting a non-compliant version so that's not you're not doing your job your job is to submit the compliant version to come up something that uh you know that will pass must um so I think that's the charge of but let's have it have that discussion and vote whether whether we want to pursue which which path we want to pursue I think um I mean we have one member who would like to just like to propose that we I think that we require special Hermits for every so well no I know you can right that's not my proposal okay so maybe you can make a specific proposal that that we can that's actionable yeah so just to to clarify then so then I think we're just sending to you kind of typos and or or even even substantive suggestions that even even if it's something I can't change maybe I'll keep a running list and so that the there can be a discussion of those items as well so we can have two things one is all the corrections and changes and I don't think that pool should be as of right right and please make it a special permit because we can make that a special permit the housing's not but oh I yeah that that part so and that that point has been made already so so I will probably make that change but um uh but other things and then other things things that maybe Oh e dams in the Water Resource District I would like to discuss something even though the committee's already you know uh voted that District but at least you can make that point right and I'll have a list of that or you know obviously that's a huge thing but M more minor things I guess my point is that when we make when we make suggestions they should be actionable something that we can make a decision rather than just a a problem um so than saying well I don't like that we the pool thing suggest that we continue to make it a special per so think about it as things that can be implemented um and um and if we disagree voted um but I think we're all in agreement that um special permits for those items in the with multif family would be a non-compliant so I guess that's that's not was not our charge question um following on so if there I would want to know that we want to flag things that as we discussed them pool no pool special permit whether we're making a recommendation about something that's going to bring us out of compliance because that's got to have more filters on it than I don't like Pools by right well if it's going to bring us out of compliance I'm not going to make the change okay well that's I just I will add it to the second list that someone brought up the fact that we should add a new special permit requirement for you know like so I think if there noed plans exactly is there's Clarity you know transparency around that we're not making that change because it's going to bring us out of compliance just let's just be clear that we don't want to you know chew around this thing so much that we oh we pulled this district and we pull that district and now we're not making work and same with dimensionally I some you know comments about whether the parking requirements for you know the denser districts are going to make they might be compliant but are they actually going to make it feasible given the spatial constraints um so you know those are things to discuss but I just want to make sure we don't accidentally tip it out of compliance so you'll keep us honest on that do my best okay Mary um I just have a concern in the process because I don't want us to be out of um in an open meeting law violation so if board members are sending you comments and you're picking and choosing because we've gone down this road before and you pick and choose which ones you're going to change that violates the open meeting law so if it's SP your errors that's fine but you can't take a planning board member's opinion and change the document without discussing it well at a meeting or this is and perhaps this isn't a planning board document yet um it doesn't really matter um it can be changed for discussion you know at the next meeting so that's that's not a open meeting law violation um you know so I think a staff member can make changes to a document and then presented as a version two well I'll pull out the open meeting log again but but so then we'll have this will be draft three so if we give you comments by Friday when will we have draft three to of you before the meeting uh hopefully by the end of the day Monday you say Tuesday well you said Tuesday I know if I don't put put a death pressure on myself to do it it'll be the end of the day Tuesday so yeah I'm just trying to make sure it could be a blanky document so yeah well if uh I know Chris has already sent changes in and so some trickling before okay we'll try to get them in would help Mark if we get it in before Friday okay great um and questions also we can ask yeah yeah understand we have two new people who have although they have seen several of them na okay great um anything else I just have one question what packet were you talking about um we'll show you it's on the um it's on the once you sign in with your email yeah it's on one drive on SharePoint there's a so there's like a um for E we can show you the after this there's a meetings folder and there's a folder for each of our meetings and that's sort of the in years ago we used to get a a packet of actual giant folder of stuff so um like this like that usually but um this is yeah seriously um so H yeah that works too the meeting the meeting packets are also posted on the website on the planning board website if you want to see everything that's in the SharePoint folder it's posted on the website for residents who are interested so there is still a meeting packet usually gets there Monday morning thank you you're welcome okay um any other um I move weour a second second all in favor great thank you everybody thank you um thank you ready