everyone we have a pretty healthy agenda tonight so I'd like to get going like to welcome all to March 11ed FL board order Miss Katon here M ficio I think Missy here here mber here miss Kenny here like we have a quum tonight I'd like to remind everyone to and guests to be recognized by the chair you wish to speak this meeting being recorded acknowledgement receive a correspondence town of ESS DBA on 227 Sione on 228 chief Gerald on 228 more about that later as we have a full agenda tonight I'd like to move the public comment item to the end of the meeting we have plenty of public comments on well first item I'd like to open the continued public hearing from 226 on the earth removal for 19 Smith Point Road 19 SBR Hancock Associates like to acknowledge the letter we receive from Chief bgal asking due to the nature of the road for a public for a police detail during the trucking of the film um board made a site visit on Saturday and any further comments from the board on this um I guess I I did talk to um a couple of the neighbors there and they said that they had had a um some significant concerns about trucks the speed of the trucks when they were doing we work there this summer so I think Chief Fitzgerald's um recommendation for detail um at the site and perhaps have some uh some really explicit um Communications with the trucking folks about the speed at which they go down that road um maybe maybe get from Chief Fitzgerald a suggested limit maybe 15 miles per hour or something um in that well but that they get that they get act the drivers be given a you know explicit um and I I also think that you know to do that it should be to the extent possible grouped in um you know instead of over a long duration that we could maybe really encourage the applicant to do it you know over the over in know in a concerted effort so that it's it's all one day or all I mean it's not going to be one day but but it's I don't know Mark do you have a suggestion on that yeah well when we were there at least I talked to uh whoever the contractor who was there and he said most of the trucking would come in within a 4- day period most of the material brought in obviously there's time for trucks to remove the building that that demo will take some time and and site prep there'll be some trucks leaving as well but for to bring in the majority of the fill will be over 4day period I mean I wonder if there should be a detail if there's a certain over a certain number of trucks per on on a day if there should be a detail not just at the site but at the start of the road and there's so many walking it is a huge walking route um and I don't know if that's Overkill but um I think that's probably a little out of our purview we're just doing [Music] the we we I think we could condition Ace that's out of our Realm or saf I think yeah I mean safety is part of your purview so you could require because um that there be a police detail on site at the entrance as trucks are coming and going to make sure that you know there's not a car coming up the other way or if there are people walking you'll be able to you know something like that um I don't think it's necessary every day right um you know but but uh I think but for the the time period uh in which at the very least the uh fil material is being brought to the site um that would be one um and I guess um you know you could uh if you felt it was important you probably could require that when the demolition material is being removed from the site um you know not when they bring a back ho in a little dirt but maybe for the demo of the house I don't recall how many days he said they're trying to remove anything that's usable from the building first right before they Crush right so I mean maybe is there a way we could say if it's over a certain number of trucks in a day is the applicant on yes J good evening J black at hanok Associates um are you um have an idea of the duration of the uh Trucking for the Demolition and the fill so uh here with us tonight is Jeff Lawler who's the contractor uh Jeff do you have a an idea on those kind of timelines yeah so um the the demo um debris removal uh would would be approximately like a over a 3 to 4 day period of trucking um and the same goes for um bringing in the fill it would be about a about a 4- day uh period yeah um can they go out with the demo and come back with the film uh well they yeah unfortunately not for the demo the demo will be on in like you know in dump 40 yard dumpsters um but the you know any any other debris like that we're removing um concrete stone um unsuitable soils um those trucks would um bring good material in as they're bringing the other soils out so we will take advantage of that as well okay thank you um any other comments from the board uh just questions about erosion control I don't know if this is um over an acre but there will be a lot of disturbance and we're right on the water's edge and potentially a very windy site so there may be wind erosion as well as rain erosion so could you address how you'll keep the Disturbed area of soils for that whole duration protected from eroding into water bodies or or elsewhere uh well we yeah we have the um erosion control up as you saw uh on the site visit um we'll just you know maintain that daily um and walk the site multiple times a day to um you know keep debris from blowing around and will the um if you have a soiled stockpile either going out or coming in will that be covered as well it it will um we're going to try to minimize that um I think we'll we'll take out um what we excavate or or demo and um and then bring in what we we need to and spread it so uh we'll minimize any any stockpiling and if we do stockpile it'll be out um away from the um erosion control okay and if you have a storm in the forecast say youve got a plan to get a listic we'll plan ahead yeah we'll we'll uh like I said we're going to minimize what what we stock pile anyway but if we were to have a stock pile uh we would cover it thank you motion more questions I'm just trying to think of a threshold at which we want them to have this what's the um Chief Fitzgerald says it would be necessary to have a police detailed present when construction begins so the question is sort of what's the extent of our it seems unreasonable to ask for police detail through the entire construction process that's I don't think that's what he's saying yeah I would to when they're moving in the soil and when they're taking out the debris so may two four day windows so his letter did say when they when they were bringing in the 100 cubic yards cubic yards so if we want to add on to that I would say maybe on a threshold if they're bringing in more than bringing in or out more than 10 trucks truck loads I mean if you're going to do it over a 4- day period that would reduce the number of days that you have a police detail but if done that on other sites that that then claim they have don't go over the bylaw limit and have had many trucks a day I think that's a bit hard La has maybe I was um sorry I was just gonna this one we got a specific request from the chief so yeah I think the chief should dictate 10 is arbitrary so you know my 10 could be a heck of a lot trucks in one day causing disturbance on an narrow road or been spread out over four so yeah I think that um maybe we could ask for the um PD to just make a visit when construction starts and if they need to adjust you have to you have to be a little more specific than that yeah and and 10 tracks a day over the course of an eight or 10 hour days like one an hour so that's that's really nothing um pretty minimal so I think if we if we just specifi during the um during the demo and the removal of the demolition of the building in sight debris okay and then during the um yeah they're bringing in of the fill material and just specify it that specifically so there's an extra truck or two obviously we don't expect you to have to call right you know you're bringing the LOM in you know at the end of the job you don't need a detail but for for bringing in the majority of the fill or uh bringing out the building um or any other major excavation I mean again um you know I'm sure the chief will be reasonable okay and they observe the local speed limit which is okay so do I uh have a motion to uh approve the permit based with the conditions we just brought forth I somebody so uh I would just add like say a preconstruction meeting with the chief and myself um with the contractor just so that everybody hears and talks about the same thing and then that should okay great so moved second including a reconstruction okay and then we'll um get a final uh site um Mark will will he write up a you write up decision decision that's okay motion's been made and seconded any further discussion otherwise we'll vote Miss Tenny yes m h yes yes mber yes M chair votes yes okay thank you the uh for the public be public hearing is scheduled for seven so I'm going to take um another item ahead of that hopefully move on that and that would be the anr for 155 School Street phb M ML and the trust Min the applicants here thank you welcome and identif Mary min your address 155 Street give us a BRI sure we we um my sister and brother and I in my sister and brother getting um par old house and that my husband I get the smaller housing back and so we are just kind of configuring the plot line um so and move and work with Scott Grover our lawyer and in terms of you know what to where to move along to and is to move the line so that the field that kind of goes with 157 actually be long 157 if you know that house at all not I mean the front of that house s of faces that field and imag it's probably okay um are there any easements on the property there no um I asked the building inspector but he was on vacation but I have comments from Mar Mark and yeah um it appears that both Lots still have Frontage they're not changing the frontage all they're doing was moving the lot line and um the uh at the front yard setback it say 150 which is the distance it needs to maintain there then the lot Narrows down where the driveway is going to the house in the back number 155 and so um you know it's just it appears that that dotted plot line is disappearing so because that's the field that the house is oh yeah yes that's the field that the house faces right this is the used to be the front of the house and and actually there used to be a cut right there I'm guessing they probably came up there so so um it does meet the standard for for me um J you have your hand raised I do um when people are sitting on the back bench it's very difficult to hear them if they could stand and step forward they'll be closer to the mic that are in the center of the room thank you thank you Gail okay any uh comments from the board questions they just had a couple questions um do you know how far the driveway is from the two lot lines so from the lot line to the right and then to the left because I know the Essex County Club driveway is right there right right so which which question is she so I see that there's the width is 40 feet yeah of this new line yeah so then how far is the driveway from the existing house new line lot one I don't understand the question um oh this is this is an existing driveway correct right yeah yeah the driveway is there yeah so how far is it now from the new line I'm just wondering if it's set back enough like at least 5 feet right it's seven feet between the the this big line in this in the driveway seven feet yeah I I mean I can show you on that side this is seven so that's seven feet right there that little SE right there yeah and then this would be thank you any other board questions Laura just a clarification so the kind of hammerhead shape of the lot line is to maintain the required 150 foot of Frontage there okay and the existing driveway to both houses uh so really the only change that you're making is moving the old lot line and making this kind of dog leg that line to kind give field to this house okay any other questions um motion to approve all right I I move that we uh endorse the approval not required plan of prepared for Peter and Lucy remilia by rural land surveys um dated 29 2024 uh scale scale uh one inch equal 60 feet uh sorry it's the um let me rephrase that the plan of land prepared for phb nominee trust and lmv nominee trust uh no RBI November 1st 2023 sorry Gail one in equals 60 feet is there a second second discussion ready to vote Miss Foy yes M filber yes yes Mr Kenny yes chair vot yes um I don't have a myw I then how many copies of the paper two two copies of the paper and one myar come back for the file and um the uh property owner gets the myar thank you okay well we did that pretty quick I'm wondering if we can get one more in that would be uh phenomenal okay so um this is an anr for 12 Plum Hill Road Hancock Associates with meml mlin the applicant okay welcome us a brief overview of what's going on sure so this is a uh is an existing lot that the owners actually used County ancient County way as access but they have Frontage In Summer Street um there is enough room on some Street to have Frontage for two lots um so what was committing is an anr for uh two lots in the single residence C with Frontage of 150 ft for the existing lot and 16490 ft for the new lot which we're referring to as lot 7B lot 7B has 6,7 67,0 661 ft or over 1.5 Acres the the existing lot that remains what we're refering to as lot 7A is 108,000 72 square feet or just shy of 2.5 acres um Lot B does have uh a little bit of wetlands in it which is shown about Midway back um and basically the the plan that you're seeing in front of you show set back lines U for front year front side and rear um and pretty much it thanks lot Mark you said you this yes yes it does any questions from the board so this ends up with two lots or three lots two so we're taking one existing lot and we're making it two lot two and I guess I'm confused so on Summer Street there's a frontage of 164 and then a frontage of 150 correct are both Lots having frontes on summer yes uh so legally they have to because ancient County way is not considered a a public even though they use it yeah well that's that's where their driveway has been since they built the house and that's what they use it's not a public way but it's a way it is a way but for Frontage to be allowed in space so are they going to actually build a driveway along this thing or is it just no they're maintaining their existing driveway it's just so that they can have Frontage so the town portion ends prior to their driveway and it's as you can see just a little gravel road so yeah um is the town Cloud all the way down there County way yeah I don't know the answer Mary so they're going to still have the driveway to ancient County way yes but if they sold this and the frontage is Summer Street could somebody have a driveway down to Summer Street they do not there's no reason they couldn't but they'd have to go through your process for driveway opening but I don't see any reason that they would because it's a as it stands their driveway is fully function well my concern would be because then the wetlands is right there and it looks like there's only I don't know where the driveway would I ideally there's no reason for them to change their driveway location it's it's solely from Frontage is what is why we're maintaining on some so the the mere presence of wetlands on a lot doesn't necessarily disqualify it as long as it's a permittable project in other words they could get a permit to cross the LS um driveway to the buildable portion which already has a house on it so um so the fact that they have to do a intermittent steam stream Crossing is not a uh unper permittable issue so any other questions from the board um any motion um I'll move that we endorse the plan um for 12 Plum Hill Road prepared for Brian Harvey E Street by handc Associates um what's the date here the plan date March 1 uh plan date oh thank you March 1 and scale of one in one inch equals 50 ft as approval not required your yes any further discussion just a question so if 7B becomes a buildable lot line because it meets the um Frontage and the setback and so forth uh if there were to be a property built in the future I assume it would have to go through the concom as far as it's Jency to Wetlands yes it's within the 100 okay so we're not giving development permission for that thank you any further discussion we'll take a vote call vote it's following yes yes yes yes that's sorry I set up just in the middle of the room this is from screen there Sarah that are half I sorry well you need one to then yeah that would but we actually yeah we have some in the other room that are orig called okay everyone [Music] tell so yeah you got to speak try to stand FL the center so the mic can Pi you up thank you time I'd like to open the public hearing on the application of old quar LLC for special and site plan review required under Section 4.2 Point D9 and sections 12.5 and 12.6 Zing bylaw to construct a 260,000 squ foot office and research and development facility with a parking garage and subsurface parking total 535 spaces and other Associated site improvements on 41.4 fer charel located at Atwater a assessor Map 37 Lot Number 7 and 8 in this LCD zoning District filed with town clerk on January 18 2024 the public hearing notice has been duly noticed and advertised in the cricet so just a few ground rules on the procedure we will hear some specifics from the applicant the applicant is I I understand will provide a 45 minute to 1 hour overview of the project specifically permitting to date relief that's being asked for history and needs and mission of cell signaling technology civil site conditions building design and Landscape architecture sustainability and any other expert discussion that may come up I will after the um presentation I'll callot on board members for questions and concerns additionally I will call on Town planner Mark Resnik for additional comments any comments or questions from town Services DPW police fire and then comments from our peer reviewer Weston Samson I will then take General comments and questions from the public the hearing is expected to continue to future dates on which specific topics will be discussed including comments from the peer review sample future topics will include site plan drainage water supply protection traffic sight lighting Landscaping bioh habitation geothermal and financial so with that in mind I will turn the it over to you mark do you need us help with slides or we'll be doing that so I got to make you a Cod that's what I that's what you were answering do I do that where are you on uh on me I'm on the top row but on what did you come up as a name wise nothing I'll see coners ah Mark so yours good evening I'm Mark lovsky a lawyer with offices at 8 Washington Street in Beverly and uh as there may be an audience uh viewing the meeting tonight for whom this is the first impression uh we may will be repeating some information that we've already presented to the planning board um but with me tonight as part of the presentation team or as the presentation team I'm just Jimmy Kimmel tonight as the presentation team will be uh Matt Connors who is uh the lead civil engineer from Hancock Associates Craig Thompson who is the Chief Operating Officer at cell signaling Greg construction manager from Columbia Construction Anthony machete who is the sustainability officer from cell signaling uh Samir sroi the lead architect from hga Lynn Giza who is the lead landscape architect from Studio 2112 and Peter you're here with us but I'm not sure you have a speaking role yet we may find out and we have support we have others here from C signaling too but those are the people who will be presenting tonight um I just uh following up on your introduction uh I will do a little bit of the history I guess and um this project started several years ago when Michael Com and the management team at cell signaling recognized that the growth and requirements of the company uh weren't being Satisfied by its existing facilities on TOA Road in Beverly uh toer Road in danvas Beverly and in Beverly and TR Lane in Danvers U thank you um so at that point uh the company conducted a search for properties on the North Shore with the help of Peter gordeau uh numerous properties were looked at uh that would have been uh less expensive to acquire and develop uh with a fewer hurdles uh but uh Michael col uh kept coming back kept coming back to Ed here he is uh cell signalings founder and uh uh Chief uh and CEO uh was attracted to the site in Manchester not withstanding the fact that was going to be significantly more expensive and uh with numerous issues uh in the in terms of development uh in any event uh he was persistent and the property was acquired in July of 2022 uh since then there's been a lot of homework done uh first off we realized that the uh zoning by law in the town uh wouldn't allow our use at that site and so with the help of the planning board uh we were able to uh coordinate Amendment of the zoning by law which allows us to be here tonight not necessarily to uh uh get what we're asking for as of right but to prove our case and uh what you did was open the door for us and it's now up to us to prove our case um additionally uh some of the dimensional requirements in the zoning bylaw were modified because previously for instance the height of a building in The Limited commercial District was limited to 35 ft and uh as we've explained to you before uh the floor height for laboratory buildings uh requires at least 15 ft and so it just wouldn't work that way but with your help and ultim Ely with the uh help of Voters at town meeting the zoning VI was Mo modified so that we could uh consider the pro property for this project that began a process of design and and and site review and in the course of that process it was determined that not withstanding the 55 ft height limit uh because of the topography and other un conditions of the site uh we needed uh relief from the zoning board so with the help of the zoning board we were able to obtain variances that uh enable us to request permission to build the building that is going to be proposed this evening um the the site was attractive to uh Michael I think because of its relationship with the the natural environment and because of its condition I speaking for him uh interrupt me if you like but I think he saw an opportunity to uh restore a piece of significantly scarred landscape he's always been an environmentalist and this had particular appeal to him he's also a town resident and uh that added an extra twist U it helps that I caught my first TR BR um so what we're what we're going to do with this team tonight is present an overview of the project uh as uh your chairman explained moments ago uh we anticipate subsequent meetings will delve into the performance standards that are set forth in the zoning bylaw uh we anticipate that we'll have in-depth discussions about traffic uh uh lighting noise uh civil engineering Etc and we are thoroughly prepared for those discussions and we look forward to the peer review from Weston Samson uh so with that I would like to introduce Craig to give you a little bit of the history of cell signaling and why this project is important to meet the needs of the company thank you Mark um I'm in a stand for this I'm just more used to doing that um I am the chief operating officer at CST I have been at the company for over 19 years now so I have a pretty strong familiarity with the company and what it's needs are and and the growth of the company um I wanted to start out by giving a little background information uh the you know many of you are probably familiar with the uh with the company and some of our background but there may be people watching who are not familiar so I wanted to start off with that but first I want to thank everyone here thank the board certainly the town of Manchester for having us present today we're very excited about this Milestone and certainly on like say behalf of the company um Michael who's there in the background now the co family you know we're very excited about this project so we have a you know a very simple but I think exciting Mission and that quite simply is to enable personalized Medicine by providing scientists around the globe with the highest quality research products and in addition to our our mission to enable you know sort of to Advanced science and and Therapeutics we have I would almost say an equally important Mission and that is to to do so in a manner that is both environmentally uh and socially responsible uh and these are equal pillars I think of CST and something quite frankly I think makes us unique okay the company was founded 25 years ago now uh by Michael uh it came out of New England biolabs which was founded by Michael's father several years ago uh and we share many of the same values as a result and we've been very successful over the past 25 years our products are now distributed in over 60 countries around the globe and I think it's safe to say that every leading Life Science Institute in the world working in in areas of Cell Biology uses our products uh and and they are in fact of the highest quality um our headquarters um are in Danvers as Mark said and primary production facility nearby uh in Beverly we also have sites of internationally as well that serve for greater distribution and support of our customers we have a site uh Serv in Europe and the Netherlands and then one in Tokyo and another in Shanghai and we have approximately 700 employees globally but I think it's important to point out that the vast majority of these employees are located here in Massachusetts right here on the North Shore all of our our Laboratories whether it's R&D or manufacturing is done here so everything is developed and manufactured and comes out of the NorthShore here to the rest of the world and that is something that you know we want to very much continue to do as we continue to grow there are a number of values that over the last 25 years that serve as a foundation for how C CSD operates it's how we make decisions uh and it helps develop and support the culture of our company and that includes Innovative science um absolute best-in-class products which is something we we are known for engaged employees and social responsibility uh these are all values that are very important to us uh and it's something that we use on a daily basis to make decisions and drive things and over the course of that 25 years we have now developed and released over 15,000 products that scientists all over the world use these are scientists working to better understand disease these are dis diseases that commonly afflict humans such as cancer diabetes and Alzheimer's disease and it's through a better understanding of disease that enables these same scientists to then develop better Therapeutics so we give the scientists the tools and then they use that to to to better understand biology and develop better Therapeutics and those are scientists in both academics as well as in biofarma companies all right and we've had the pleasure over the years to receive many Awards um have been recognized for both The Innovation and quality and contributions that are products and science but also the culture of our company and these are just a few awards that were given out even just last year and through our efforts um as part of our you know sort of environmental and social responsibility we um are focused on protecting the environment supporting both the local as well as Global community and inspiring the next generation of scientists through a variety of Grants um scholarships and a really robust intern program that is utilized by you know many of the young folks in the local community who then go on oftentimes to careers in science to further again Advance science we're also really proud that just recently over the last couple years we became the first life science company to become members of 1% for the planet and 1% for the planet is an organization that when you commit to it you agree that you are going to use 1% of your Topline Revenue to support the type of activities shown here and they're all approved by 1% for the planet and again we are you know we feel like we're reading by example it's not just enough for us to act the way we talk but we're trying to get others to do so as well and join us in this effort I think this slide is probably one of my favorites it helps in a very simple way sum up what CST is all about which is quite simply doing good science is important but just doing good is important as well and it's the combination of these these two things that you know really create the value that CST brings to the both the local community and the greater scientific Community around the globe so back to what we're really here for um we've been very fortunate very successful over the past 25 years as a result of our success and in order to continue to support our mission which is to Sport Science around the globe our customers are demanding more products and in order to meet the demands of our customers and support our mission we need to invest further in research and development our facilities in daners and Beverly have been fantastic and we expect them to continue to be fantastic to support the company in years to come but we're essentially capacity there we really have very little room for growth and so we need to find a place to expand and as Mark said we found that location here in Manchester the Atwater AB site provides CST with an opportunity not only to provide the future growth of our company but to restore a blighted sight and bring back you know I would see almostly maybe the glory that the site once was uh and we see that as both an opportunity as well as a commitment you know to the community in doing so um we estimate that upon completion of phase one there would be anywhere from maybe 175 to 200 employes on site and upon completion of phase two it would eventually enable approximately 500 inyes to be located on the site now every decision made by the company considers environmental impact as well as safety uh we've done our best over the years and the site nwat is an opportunity for us to continue to minimize our impact on the environment so when it comes to environmental safety safety our employees we're really proud that CST is an excellent standing with all regulars um we are registered we're a small quantity generator for hazardous waste meaning we don't generate large quantities and all hazardous waste is collected um and removed by a licensed third party none of it first down the drain all waste water at CST is nonhazardous and to be on the safe tide is all pH neutralized prior to discharge as well so again very limited impact on the um we also don't work with infectious disease we do operate at a BL uh to safety level but that allows our labs to work with basically human cells and tissues which are the exact same materials that our customers use in their research labs and academics or in biof Farmers that allows us to develop the products and test the products using the same systems that our customers use um and and with that I'm going to you know turn it over I guess to the rest of my colleagues here to really tell us a lot more about the Fantastic site that's really you know it's being developed here uh in the meantime over the course of the next several months myself and others we look forward to engaging with you and the rest of the community to ensure all your questions or concerns are addressed um so that you know exactly what you're getting into thank you follow pleas um my name is Samui I'm a principal with HDA and lead designer for the project and we are thrilled to be involved in this project as you heard from Craig uh self signaling and their vision and the goals for the project are exemplary and uh it's a dream project for us because it really is uh taking on a holistic approach to uh development and what we mean by alistic approach the AIA actually the American Institute for Architects have shifted their thinking recently in equating design Excellence they created What's called the framework for design excellence and it shifted from being kind of a beauty contest about the Aesthetics of design to really put it uh in par with how you impact the environment and community and we adopter of that uh uh framework and uh the project here at cell signaling is an exemplary one that puts all of these things on an equal footing so we've assembled a great team of Consultants to do this in a holistic way you need all of these skills to come to there and these are reputable firms that do this uh nationally and internationally and you'll hear from some of us today and I'm sure during the review process you'll be seeing more of the Consultants so I want to talk about the master plan we started by setting out a master plan for the whole site uh I know the pointer here wouldn't work on the monitor so I'm I'm going to just with my fingers so the key kind of uh construct that organizes the whole uh master plan on side is the Loop Road you go in and the loop road takes you all around and if uh those of you have seen the site they know that it is actually because of the 40 activities there is a clip of about 40 ft that is in the middle of this uh Development Area that creates two levels what we call the upper meta and the quy bottom and the master plan aimed to actually unite those two by placing the buildings in a way that uh mitigates the two levels and connects them so you'll see further in the architecture how we do that so the idea of this v-shaped um arrangement of the two buildings with the lobby in the middle is uh to uh uh face North and Northwest beautiful Hillside um uh uh around this the kind of forest around this to the uh East there is the service yard uh hidden kind of in a low part of the uh site as well as the garage we pick that location for the garage because it's slowest and it'll have the least impact uh visually the garage is connected to the building on two levels and um two other main goals uh for the uh master plan where if you see to the north of our site is this kind of industrial uh Brady uh property and um cst's request of us was to do a natural shielding visually of that and what we did is this birming on the North edge of the site and planting that is at a tall kind of burm uh to visually Shield uh that property um and another uh request from CST that comes uh channeling the boards uh request and the town's concerned about the view from 128 to the development and I'll uh give more specific views later on as we describe the uh the architecture of how we achieved that and with that I turn it over to mat we we went a little out of order I think that Matt was going to oh we in order kind of made it up in the beginning but take your finger on the screen and move the little um if you stand up and move that window off the off the side there you go okay um so what we want to do is just make sure everybody's on the same page what you guys want to see so we've heard um you want to focus this meeting more on a general overview and then future meetings on specific pieces so our understanding is you want to talk about traffic at the second meeting you want to talk about civil and escapable well let me just interrupt you it's dependent on how the peer review stuff go so I wouldn't specifically say that this is the AER right now right similar completely understand it's you know as long as we're communicating we can figure out who we need to bring at that so that not everybody's sitting there fing up the back of your room so um so what i' like to do I'm a civil engineer for the project um I'm going to take you from a very high level um I know you guys know what the project is but people online might not and just kind of drill in here so the uh the project location is right off 128 where the big star is that's very hard to miss um and if you look at an areial and in purple is the lot lines that are associated with it you can see that to the north of the site which is over here um so this is our project site and to the north we have an industrial area the Brady property um just north of that this is uh large Wetland and as we go to the West this is the there's a doctor's office in this area and this is uh the Black Earth site which is going to be the future tpw site um heading to the you'll see Southwest of the site this is the Manchester Athletic Club and we have 128 separating um the rest of uh the town so Drilling in a little bit more this site has been uh used and abused for a while um it's a former qu it's currently uh has a lot of Earth moving equipment on it there's a lot of stock piles going on so you can see it's it's there's not much cover uh what cover is there we're going to try to rec keep blind's going to get into that in detail later on and then when you look at zoning anywhere to the north of 128 is limited commercial and we fit in with that and anywhere to the South Is Res single residential a so there's quite a large buffer between anything that we're doing and the nearest residential property um the next few photos are basically taking you through the site um I'm going to focus a lot on this big rockout crop because that's pretty much what we had to design around um Samir had hours and days and months of trying to figure out how to make this work with the project and we've had the same amount of time trying to figure out how to make all the utilities and Stor water work done um so this is Facing East um you're coming up uh I think behind is uh the Beaverbrook Road and you're facing East and you see the the very largest scar that's going on this is facing west um on there is an existing uh dirt Gravel drive that basically goes around the entire um feature so we're facing west and again you can see that this is a very large um obstacle that we have to overcome uh you can also see there's just about no top soil uh there is no top soil um there's very limited trees on the site it's all and pretty much push pushed away and there's a stock piles from Earth work going on all the time uh going up on top of the out crop this is looking to the north uh off in the distance you can see the lookout tower um but you're looking down you can see the uh the the neighboring uh industrial side the storage facility and you can see all the earthqu workk uh equipment that's on there and the soil stock piles that we're working around and again this is uh this is focused more on you know just the big drop that's there and you can kind of see how that's a very big impediment this is the upper Meadow area or what we're calling the Upper Meadow area um we're trying to keep this as much as green as possible there is open space but as you look out uh you're actually looking to the South um 128 is right there but you can't see it you're up above it um and there is a natural tree ring that we are trying to maintain and this is going to be the main entry into the site you're actually looking down towards the Mac which is on the left and the main entry is way down at the end but you can see from the large scale erosion that's going on on the site that lack of top soil is really a problem so the uh the Zoning for the site has 150t set backs to all rad um so you can uh so from 128 we're showing 100 ft and from Outwater a over there on the left we also have 1 ft all of the setbacks are 100 ft the building is completely out of the setbacks in all location when you look at what we're doing on the site the areas that are in dark green those are existing treed areas which we're trying to maintain the lighter green is what's going to be lawn areas and again Lyn's going to really dive into that our main buildings are in the peach color uh there's a ring road that goes around the entire site which provides um access and facility and support structures to the main buildings in the upper right hand corner uh we're providing uh parking areas to the neighboring Trustees of the reservation um and we're also providing access through the rain road to that area there's a lighter green at our storm water facilities and you can see we've parsed them to the left and to the right to try to mimic what's going on out there right now this plan shows uh the storm water system so pretty much all the storm water impacts we are taking to uh the upper left or the right the natural location for water to leave this site is in the upper left corner um as you come around on the right side storm water comes down into this Basin it's basically settling and infiltration Basin it overflows and goes to the basins on the left the the lower Basin is a uh wet Meadow type setup it's going to be planted it's going to look very nice and then the larger Basin on the bottom is an infiltration Basin flows from that base and discharge out into the Wetland and that's basically what they're doing right now uh this is water and sewer uh so water is in blue sewer is in green uh water is completely ringed on the Ring Road so we have access point and water goes down to the South side it's actually going underneath 128 in an existing culbert um sewer is similar we're grabbing it from the lowest side of the buildings which is the northern part goes to a pump station and then goes to the force M again it's going down through 128 two Street uh this is gas and electric electric is in red gas is in yellow uh we are basically getting gas and electric from atwat AV that's in process as as we go um electric comes into the site there is a generation facility for each of the uh phase one phase two as we're looking at this um and then gas comes in and provides services to building separately uh we are going for geothermal system um phase one phase two as outlined I know there's three areas here but they're phase one phase two um and they are it's a they're bore Fields um we can discuss that that a later meeting and for traffic uh we've done a study all along School Street at several locations um and basically what that study came back and said we have offsite mitigations of limited pavement marking for traffic signage excuse me at the section of School Street NW water um there's the potential for Traffic Control signal at the intersection of School Street um and this is to be determined at in the phase two after we get phase one phase two we'll come back we'll study it we'll make sure what's going on as what we think um and then we have uh accommodations for bicycles along School Street um construction schedule is is very high level at this point um but what we're expecting is end of 2024 we'll be doing BL end of 2024 beginning of 2025 we'll be doing geothermal we roll into site grading in 2025 utilities will come at the end of 2025 um site utilities will be most of 2025 for for the actual work that's on the site um so I should separate atwat utilities and actually getting that electric and gas to the site making sure that we can get across uh the brook and through the Wetland and making sure everything's working well then we're going to have foundations with pre-cast that's 2026 building in construction in Earnest is going to start 2026 and roll through to 2027 and then we'll wrap it up with heartscape and Landscapes at the end of 2027 that's phase one that is phase one and I'm going to hand it over to Sam you totally Chang the [Music] [Laughter] progam um so following up on the kind of the master plan description here's an area view looking North and you see that we selected to create this uh Cliff Gran having sort of a central feature and the buildings blanking it and framing a series of outdoor spaces the upper um space is what we're calling the Upper quad and it is going to be sort of a cloistered space on three sides and it drops down to uh what we're calling the quy garden um the the building is actually from the lower end if you look at it it's five stories tall but uh on the upper Meadow it's only two stories T and our approach architecturally to break down the mass is what we're calling kind of the cascading cubes as you see here so this is kind of transitioning from the upper level uh heading down and you see it's kind of broken down into uh uh volumes that uh thatc the yellow brick area is primarily where the labs and the offices are and what you see uh in blazed on the kind of this is the west side of the building is what we call S the social spine uh in the background on top is the main lobby and the entrance and this um social spine is the way we so here's the view an aerial view of the upper Meadow and that's where you see only two stories uh tall with a mechanical B above and the main entrance is the glass Pilan that is our lobby and multi use space so the glass Lobby is meant to be this uh um space for dining Gathering it is kind of a Social Hub social living room for the whole complex and of course it will be between the phase one and phase two connecting it is built out of mass Timber and that's to lower the carbon uh body carbon of the structure and U really frame the great views uh towards the next in terms of materials what we're trying to do is integrate into the side with the materials we've chosen a base of granite that steps up and that's where we're kind of connecting to the Granite on the cliff and there's a two tones of brick that we're using there's a Podium that lowest two floors that will be gray brick and then we have this kind of What's called the Sunburst yellow orange uh type brick that is the body of the rest of the building and we're using a copper tone uh uh color to create those features that are the vertical elements um on the west facade there you go so this is inspired by a lot of New England traditional work the and craftsmanship uh the granite we're trying to use something that is local in an or kind of something that is uh uh links well visually to the Granite onite uh and the grips again we'll be articulating in very traditional New England techology and we Show an example of this kind of copper uh fins that will articulate the west side and with that I want to turn it over to Anthony walk us through all the sustainability features that are both in the building and the site yeah thanks s I'll stand up quickly again Anthony maete sustainability director at Sal signaling this is a really exciting project I'm super excited to be part of it it's an exciting opportunity for us it's the first time we've built our own building from the ground up so when we look at some of the sustainability features we have a lot more opportunities to incorporate and go above and beyond what we've been able to do in our two existing spaces there's a lot to look at on this slide I just wanted to do a quick introduction to myself and some of the features and I think in subsequent meetings we can get into more detail and talk in um and about some of these specifically but high level looking at our sustainability goals we're really driving for building electrification so reducing to eliminate fossil fuel use to really lower and eliminate our greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change um in addition to the energy and emission side of things healthier materials and occupant health and well-being is also an important component so in the actual spaces and the materials on the previous slide you know Furniture indoor Environmental Quality indoor air quality all super important components for our employees and scientists who are going to be in the building or community members and other peers who may be visiting uh just calling out some of the features on the site we are obviously looking to maximize on-site Renewables for that building electri electrification so rooftop solar wherever we can put it you can see the garage with the other one on top of it and solar encompassing the entire roof there as Matt mentioned geothermal will be used for heating cooling and domestic hot water for both phases um we've also done a lot looking at connecting to Nature both indoor and outdoor spaces on the envelope side of things we are looking at utilizing a new Cutting Edge vacuum insulated glast technology which is really a game changer and looking at the way stretch codes and energy codes are progressing envelopes a key component for us to be able to reduce our load and electricity eating food so that's really exciting um bringing in lots of natural light into the spaces for our scientists and employees who will be in the buildings and then lastly I would just add we're also looking at battery storage and Lynn's going to get more into talking about Native plantings and Matt's talked a little bit about storm water and I know we'll get more into that on the Civil um ins sight side of things but we really designed the storm water um with resilience in mind so we're looking at the 2090 projections um considering climate change an increased intensity and frequency of precipitation events so it's really excited to be able to develop the site along those lines we are also working with an ecologist um that we've brought on board that's working closely with Lynn and her team so excited to be here and looking forward to getting into more deps about all these features now we tracking certification lead gold y uh well platinum and um the lead zero carbon so so all these will be certification that we're tracking yeah and we really using those to help guide our project team so lead leadership in energy and environmental design is really helping with the construction development of the site when we think about well it's really okay once the building is turned over to us and we're an occupant in the building how are we operating the building from a facilities perspective and how are we engaging in health and wellbeing for everyone was interacting with the building and the community the next two slides are about the view from 128 um so we did a lot of modeling and digital modeling and the images that you see on the bottom right are of the sort of an aerial uh with 128 this is looking North uh and the bottom left image is with the U development seen from high up and as you drop down from same angle to 128 you see that it disappears because of the train and the uh vegetation next image is of 128 heading south very similarly uh the development is seen in an area as we dropped down towards 128 uh it is really completely shielded visual we have an animation that we can show later half time thank you hi everyone again um I'm Lynn Isa principal and co-founder of studio 212 landcape architecture and we are very thrilled to be the Landscape Architects on this team as smear said it's a dream project architecturally this is a dream project from uh sustainable environmental side and Landscape side so we wanted to just start off with highlighting our connection to the monolith with the trustees of reservations it's actually we have a trail head right in our site on the upper right hand corner there you'll see um this is something that's really special for us uh Matt had mentioned earlier we do have a dedicated parking area at the trail head that's part of the design for 16 spaces those can be accessed through the campus and then there's some ongoing conversations that Mark is having with the trustees that figure out the proper ways to leverage this even further so um there's ongoing developing stories there but it's something that's really special to the site we feel like it's a wonderful shared amenity so taking a step back we have shown a number of existing conditions here we do like to do the before and after because it's pretty powerful when it comes to the site but this is um you see 128 labeled there you see the impacts of the project site the Manchester Athletic Club is to the lower right that is something that we're looking to screen from the project as well um and we see Brady the industrial sites but this starts to highlight the existing trail head that comes through our site that's part of the monoliths so that's our four picture this is the restoration of the site so it's been really important to I mean I'm sure you've all heard quite extensively tonight not only the ecological restoration but enhancement of what we can actually provide to this to the quy site so you see how the buildings here span upper and lower levels um and then you see a whole lot of green which is really the intense um in various ways so we'll get into that a little bit more as we look back from the other direction we have Brady on the right in Beaver Dam Road we see Outwater AB but this one I think really gives a good sense most of the folks here have been on site so I think you've been on the ground to really see what this is but the kind of extense of the the scarred area uh that we have to work with and a lot of the over industrial pieces there um so it's a beautiful Blank Slate for us to do some pretty powerful things with which is what we're showing here you start to see see if I can do it here maybe Matt you can do it online that's our trail head parking um and so it's a really wonderful shared amenity between CST and the public for this portion okay um Samir introduced us very briefly to the site plan in the beginning in the master plan I'll go through it again high level but we can carve into this a little bit more I think what I want to start with our main entry down on the lower left um and I can drive that Matt you got it thank you um so this is the main entry to the site and as you come up we have our visitor parking to the South and this really provides that main entry access to the lobby in the phase one building uh we as we move around the site we have pedestrian access through the entire Loop which is a really important thing for the wellness side of the goals of the project and then actually if we go to the north side of the phase 2 garage that's one space where we're working on um having some community garden spaces that's used for the the people who are working there so I think it's a program they currently have we're finding wonderful spaces to do that in the future we do have um a rainwater harvesting t tank as part of our irrigation needs an establishment for the project so that's built into this whole piece um and it's kind of Tuck we're not showing it on the surface because it's buried in a BM but then as we move towards the West we connect through the quy garden at the lower portion of the project so you'll start to see this a little bit more Samir has highlighted this earlier but this is the breakout space in the lower piece of the Quarry and then on the up level the upper quad this really takes advantage of the views and connection the views to the north and pulls out the lobby phase one and phase two buildings those all spill out onto that area and the lobby itself is incredibly visually chorus to connect the landscape on both sides for time I'll move on um can it be lost in replacement we did this analysis for the application I think it is very important for all of us to remember the quality of the plant material that's out there is not the highest so what we're able to do in the darker green is highlight the vegetation that we're looking to remain and we've worked painstakingly to do so um the areas in the brown in the lighter orange those are areas that we will need to clear in order to produce the project but in the light green we see that we're really looking at a major Improvement not only in canopy coverage but in the quality of that plant material that we're looking to design now so mat mentioned maybe Anthony mentioned to I think this the board has asked us to work with um an ecologist so we got in touch with Josh Wilson who's a senior ecologist at biohabitats and we've been developing the plant pallet and the the means of restoration with him and Matt's team as well um what Josh did did initially he came on on site and provided us with an ecological assessment of existing conditions everything that's out there landscape typologies what's there what's not there our soil depths and things and so we used that to develop our landscape typologies in our proposed condition so we have and you'll see in the application a very extensive plant pallet enlist that has been debted through everyone saying these are the appropriate things for these various typologies so as we advance to CDs we'll be pulling our plants from that and so we're really looking to completely change what's happening there on site and bring it back to a beautiful restored condition so this gives us a sense of moving through the New England grassland habitat um to our main entry so if you I'm a visitor I'm coming up this way and this is our experience as we come to the main lobby so as Samir talked about so this is a view of the entry Plaza I think the main lobby entry is to our left and we look back over to the pergola on someone outdoor dining on the south side of the site but um the materials that Samir was talking about on the building those will really make its way into the landscape as well so all of the Granite that's on the face of the building becomes our ground plane we're looking at salvaged Boulders and then native boulders to not only provide some seating but some breakup of spaces in the landscape this is a View South you can see the paracity of our main lobby um and so this Cory the upper quad is broken up into two different elevations so we can provide really wonderful larger Gatherings out there but it's still works on a day-to-day basis with some smaller um Gathering spaces space for people to work outside and and Dy so this is our major outcrop that's at the heart of the whole project we've all painstakingly worked to design around this so I think this is a really great one to kind of tell everyone and and share the story of how we've really worked so hard to restore the landscape and then um this is a beautiful sculptural backdrop for so many activities on the site with that Mark are you closing I think we're it that's it well I guess I will take it from here but there's not much left to be said um first of all uh you inspired uh us to uh design the project this way uh from the very beginning we heard from the planning board that visibility from 12 8 was a major issue uh we also heard an awful lot about drainage and Sawmill Brook and so Matt has uh worked very hard to make sure that the quality of and quantity of runoff is uh a vast Improvement uh so thank you again for your input I I don't know that we would have gotten there as quickly without it but we needed that kick it was good um at this Point uh I don't anticipate uh discussing the specific requirements for the special permit or the site plan approval we'll get into that as time goes by but I think that there are probably people who are virtually attending who may have questions as well as the planning board right I I wanted to emphasize to keep it at a high level for the public and for the boards um as we go through this um so with that in mind I'll just ask the board if they have any questions or comments on the presentation it's quite good by the way is it true you're GNA stock sill Brook with trout well there may be some still wild fish in there try to bring them back our best any other board just a high level question um this presentation was saying upwards of 500 employees and there was a recent newspaper article that said 800 so I'm trying to get clarification of how many employees the 500 is the right number is the cap yes um and those would be coming from the danver's office um well over time it would be a mix I mean initially it would be primarily coming out of the D site but it will be a combination of existing to new hyers question I hope this is get into the weeds too much but is the electric coming in underground or is that overhead underground is there any concern on these trees that are being planted because the substrate is rock that they would grow or there's a lot of different conditions out there and we're bringing in soils so the soil number is a big one in the budet okay but working with biohabitats we we've appropriately said here's our existing condition here so we can support it so we can get into that more but yeah it's a great question okay I wonder if you could explain a little bit more about the phase two and how um how thing what you know how long is that going to take to you know what's the schedule for that maybe you don't know and what will it will there be ar resting period sort of between the two phases or is do you know yet I can address that in part um the short answer is we don't know because it's really dependent upon business conditions more than anything um obviously phase two is part of our our growth plan and how rapidly we grow will in part depend on uh what the business needs are um I would say that there will definitely be a rest period in between of the minimum I would say two to three years I would say the soonest we would have a phase two complete would be probably say five years after phase one is completed and that's probably the soonest you want in my view we just kind of live in it for two or three years and then plan from there in terms of those two but again very dependent upon business all right um questions from the town I noticed the both Chiefs are on DPW and Mr res any questions or comments um a few questions more about traffic and um without getting into specific details but you mentioned the phase one traffic report uh kind of indicated some minor improvements to but no wholesale changes and that that indicated perhaps phase two might require things more significant offsite improvements yeah so the the the study that was done by Tec who will be here from that time um the study basically came up with for phase one um very minor improvements are needed when we get done with phase one the intent is to restudy what's going on and then make a determination at that point good as Craig said this is this is a five to 10 year project that we're doing yes any questions from West and Samson more concerns no uh no no we're working on our completeness review we've done just very broadside visits but we do need to schedule um with the applican an actual site visit um and then I guess just in terms of the order of topics we we're going to frontload the site civil storm water if that was acceptable to the board do that at the next hearing or not sorry not next heing well iess the first hearing that the technical elements are being reviewed and then doe traffic and then architecture landscape architecture and additional bi compliance yeah I'd like to maybe discuss that after meeting sure sure how that goes um okay uh any sorry one other question yeah moris just a um I didn't haven't gotten all the way through the packet but I have skimmed it um is there any going to be any discussion about the um the offsite electric capacity issues or at some point during the technical review there there a Daymark study that gler commission that talked about the electric capacity issues Peter you want to address that I mean just we don't have to talk about I just wanted to make sure that we were that it was going to be part of it's it's absolutely something that uh we can we can discuss at a future meeting ler has petitioned the CPU for intervenor status I think they step back there's a whole process going on with the GD modernization advisory commit commission um there's an awful lot going on and the the long and short of it is the NorthShore needs more electric power um that's good okay um I do notice Greg has it go ahead um appreciate the um holistic presentation tonight a couple things that I'll just be interested in are um you know what happens to the site between phase one and phase two I would assume that it would be paused for a while to what extent do you restore areas that are not going to come back and disturb or leave things in in maybe an interim kind of a state um so that would be interesting to know about there are also some areas outside the limit of work that are um appear to me from sidewalks and from looking at satellite images that are quite eroded and um you know bare soils there are some there's a depression sort of outside of the site more on the trustee side of thing that uh appear to be quite eroded and um you know an impact from prior uses of the site but if that is outside of the limit of work how would you propose to to mitigate that or repair that so that that erosion stops happening um another question I had was on the visibility from Route 128 I can see that you know the way the architecture is nestled into the site um done a lot to address that already I would be um curious to think about nighttime views that Atrium is going to emit a lot of beautiful light it's going to be quite lovely but it will also perhaps be seen from 128 maybe in addition to some of the poles no long the road so understanding that better and then also thinking about the leaf on versus Leaf off period and those views there are some areas where the existing vegetation on 128 within those kind of buffer zones is um kind of thinned down and there are some maybe call it sort of Quasi meow area and that's outside I think the limit of what you're proposing too intensively um rehabilitate so you know is it worth looking at that for additional ation or you know topography or something that might address those uh and then last question that again we can get to all these things later but in terms of the biohabitats report that was quite high level at this point and so they were setting some some goals and some principles but it would be great at a future meeting to get to specifics about you know how what are the key species that you're trying to um to you know to build out this habitat for and what are the uh habitat needs and the kind of corridors and connections that they would require I do want to say that I you know looking through it I saw in the GCA report there was one um I think a very early study of kind of just you know development footprint on the site and um buildings that were spread across the site with you could infer quite a lot more pavment to get to it so I what I really appreciate so far is the very compact footprint of the development and uh you know the limiting of the of the requirements for payment roads um vehicular traffics through the site and really limiting the extent of the architectural F so to the um what you're thinking about the the mitigation and the ecological repair of the sites I'll definitely be interested in thank you um Greg you have your hand up um sure thanks R I just I didn't know if we could just have a quick overview of of the access road and the Ring Road the grades that are contemplated um sort of the general width and construction of that road mean that water coming off of that water a so just taking it from the entrance way sort of what the grades might be in different sections again if we I can get that perhaps a later time if if you don't want to get into that kind of detail this ahead so um so the max grade on anywhere any point on the Ring Road is 10% uh the majority of the areas that are not being parked on the Ring Road are 20 foot wide two-way Lanes anywhere that we get into a parked area we bump up to 24 ft um so you can get in and out and um and then as you go around the area like the rear part of the uh garage again we're going back to 20 ft and then when you get down into the utility area um that basically depends there's some wide areas for tractor trailers pull off so they can back into the utility areas um and then there's but it's all two-way access It's relatively flat on the low side and it's relatively flat on the sorry it's relatively flat on the North side going across there's a little bit of undulation but it's not very steep all very wable on the south side it's relatively flat there's a lot of ADA compliance that we have to deal within that area for the parking really the Steep areas are coming up the hill from Outwater app and where you're going down behind the parking garage that's where it gets the okay thank you um at this point I'll open it to the public has any comments or questions at a high level use the hand raise feature the back yes in the back you could you stand in the center so see I know my nerves you're trying to finish um my name is Kina Gates and I live on School Street Desmond and so on and I didn't come for this reason I just happened to be here I again for something different like I have something to say about this um I know of Mr I've never met him even though we receiv three letters when they were applying because it was probably hearing that we might not approve we do appr all of our family so I don't know who he is he's right here and um uh actually I tried to call even your home nobody answered I try to everybody but you know I'm glad to know you so um I don't know why the town in general and a lot of people in town don't agree with me why are we so concerned about how it is seen from 128 so much when it's going to be a structure of a business it's not going to be a building with many apartments a lot of people would not be living there they would be there only during the day and then they would be gone to their own homes and I think from the early plans that they had I saw a beautiful design my son is an architect I we've had architects in our life and our family I think it's a wonderful structure I know you're trying to do the best you can because I think especially if you're from the town you won't try to hurt it and uh I heard you saying all the planting that will involved in this to make it make everything fit within the environmental area there and I think Bru is are a good idea to put on this on the big highway so the hi High more and um I think we should not really complain a lot about this project it's going to be well probably thought the town eventually will get together and agree to a lot of the things if they don't agree now now because I think as you see n progresses with the plans and everything um you'll have our vote and I know a lot of other people that I've talked to um are okay with it I know you have always people who don't agree with anything will never never agree so anyway good luck with it and I hope you really do well with them thank you thank MERS Roby oh sorry are you calling me yes I I just wanted to uh say give your name and address first oh sorry sorry Sylvia Fender at 52 Mascoma Street I I want to say kudos to the team this is fabulous and I think this will enrich the town and uh I'm just very impressed with that um and by the way if you need some deer to make it look really rustic we have an congratulations thank you any other comments from the public okay any other comments otherwise I'll M Hardy um oh can you hear me yeah sorry that's okay um but you can hear me now yes okay I um I wanted I wanted to say that um in the lead application process I believe um there are requirements to educate the public and have um um ways to uh talk about the building with the public and so then so sometime I'd love to hear what those plans are because that because I want to be there and I'm this just a great opportunity for um bringing the town in for education and um you know to be oriented so and I want to congratulate you too all of you everybody thank you okay thank you any other comments okay I'd like toh continue this um public hearing at which time um in I think our next meeting is April 8th if I'm wrong Mar our next meeting is March 25th sorry the next um public hearing the next meeting in which I think here review will be ready would be April 88th okay our next meeting is is the 25th you're correct so um I'd like to continue the meeting uh continue the public hearing to April 8th is that require a motion no yes yes it does yes yes it does so second any discussion those in favor Miss Tenny yes m m yes yes yes vot yes okay thank you allk thank you for great presentation we look forward to working with Mr we gonna get to at that meeting or is it before the meeting yes what's Samson's review so yeah I wanted yeah we'll let you know uh I want to discuss that with Mark and the other Mark it's more of a question of Are We you want us to respond to stuff that so I come up with a procedure on how we're want to discuss that yeah I mean generally if we can have the review comments beforehand um and at least Le uh even though you may not make adjustments or changes to the drawing at least you can respond to the concerns um at that that time and then you know subsequently make changes that get checked and so and we'll know which topics will be covering yeah I think uh I mean we'll talk but I think we'll we'll probably do the general site design in civil engineering at the next meeting and then probably traffic and then the items at the third meeting and then we'll Circle back depending upon how many questions and items come forward that need to be addressed and at subsequent meetings just want to understand expectations and and you have uh Matt's contact information if you need anything from him it just would probably be a good idea to copy mark on any oh yeah always okay thank you all for work throughout the summer hope April 8 yeah order yeahi give it more time want my email should we finish up meeting I'm surprised we made such um so driveway openings Mark said will will pass on that yes I met with Public Works um the U driveway opening by law and at the last meeting they have their own application that they're going to use um and uh so we marked it up and I'll make the final adjustments and send it out later this week [Music] um liaison meetings MBTA communities update okay so we had our zoning Forum thank you all for participating with that we got really good is a good thing and want more of them so we'll be doing that as well um the next meeting is with the planning board on the 25th and we'll be uh hopefully presenting actually some pretty firm ideas for what districts should be there going to be a couple of fresh old questions for us to another is are we willing to consider overly District in the LCD or not because we want to know that by the way the tradeoff is if we do one in the LCD every unit that gets the capacity there is probably going be built whereas if we do it in the downtown it's just going to be net additional on the other hand the more districts we put in the downtown puts more pressure on on the downtown so that's what we have to balance I think there is one we can get to but it's going to be something we as the plan to L in very carefully so 25th will be an interesting meeting we're looking forward to we're going to double up we're going to have each going to be online coming in oh beine question for yeah we get any data before the meeting to review yes well what I want to make sure what we know what through my data what data so if you're proposing overlay districts right um I would assume you've already have the underlying data which is how many units are currently in the district how many are multif family lot sizes all that kind of stuff and then what the capacity would be what's the Delta between what's currently there versus what would be built if it was owned yeah that's our intention yes once we identify the parameters um it is already available um from what's on the website you can easily figure out how many unit lot sizes and multifam obviously you could not figure out the Delta for yourself without applying the law to it so um once we identify the um the parameters of the location all that stuff is available on the town website but but we'll present that too um and then are we still on NTA I had some questions on it looks like the Town Administrator wrote his latest blog on the MBTA and it just seems differing data than what's been discussed prior so I'm having some questions of what where we're going with this I take it up with him or mean what the so the March 8th blog was about an MBTA question oh and there's just information in there that doesn't sync up to other stuff and so I'm just questioning where the Greg Greg you have Greg wrote it no he didn't he didn't oh who wrote it Anna Harrison wrote it actually so did she write it with the task force yes yeah so can I ask you guys or you know I'm not sure what data you're talking about so could it be more specific so it's it says that onethird of the town is on sewer and I checked the again the cwmp report and I have a aort that um sewer task force report that has we half is on sewer and half is on septic so oneir is correct um area instead of number of households I don't know and I'm not sure you don't have just empty land doesn't have sewer re setic well yeah sure if you have an empty lot and the sewer is out in the street then yeah that lot has sewer I'm not sure that's what I meant but yeah because then you'd say even less because if none of the L LCD has it then but I mean I it would be a strange way to look at things if it was by land um but and then it's talks about um if you had an eight units it would be an apartment block I don't know what an apartment block is apartment block is a is a block of Apartments it's a building a single building of apartment so are we looking at this as kind of like if you do six units it's a six unit block no no we haven't we haven't written the Reg ulations for what the maximum size of the building is how many units you can put in design review requirements so you're asking questions that we don't really have answers yet at the upcoming meetings I'm just say I'm just because this was very confusing it's it's it's I haven't I haven't read it but um just yeah because then it says if we extrapolate out like a 6,000 square foot lot and we do what's more in character for Manchester a three family that's better than on a bigger lot but if you do that then that equates to 21 units per acre if you take 6,000 you know so I I just it was more confusing than than helpful and so I'm just wondering um I have a also have a comment on MBTA um i' just like to uh anybody watching the tape tonight tape or on listening online I just want to make it clear that there was a meeting of a political action committee and um make people understand that that is not the deciding body or the making that that group is not making recommendations to the T task force and there was some um confusing information presented there so invite people to come to the task force meetings or to the planning board meeting and not be confused um the the group did a good job of saying that it was a political action committee very much opposed to the um MBTA zoning but the but people should come to the task force and to the to the forums to uh get the correct information great thank you for the update a fresh update next meeting so Ian wrote this so I'll ask her sure okay because yeah it doesn't make any sense the update on the Harbor yes oh Harbor update there will be a forum on March 19th um at 7 at the high school um there will be the purpose of the Forum is to get input on people's um interests and concerns about the harbor broadly speaking the coastline really um recreational voting water quality concerns um Public Access uh issues and opportunities ideas that people have safe voting um you know both winter and summer um and there'll be a series of it's very short presentation but um tables where people can go on around and give their comments so it's scheduled from 7 to 8:30 I would think the active time you know people can drop in and give their comments and leave um there'll be quite a bit of um a push on social media and vir tool Sarah or just in person uh it will be just in person there'll be other opportunities for people to give input but um it's a you know a great opportunity it's been largely organized by the consultant Urban Harbor's who has um done this at a number of other communities um and the flyer has a link to their website so you can see what Harbor management plans look like I can actually send you all the the flyer as well and please feel free to come or distribute it good a question on that so um so Urban Harbors did um glou Harbor overlay um and it's kind of like the MBTA in the sense that it then becomes the state overlay district is that what's looking to be done for Manchester uh not necessarily we're not that far along it could there could be um proposed zoning overlay districts if there's a certain um use that is consistent with the um Harbor protection or um water related uses but that's not NE we're not that far along yet to know what the needs are but if the plan is um has State involvement as a process if if czm is um involved then uh it can become the basis for zoning um overlays but we're not anywhere near that yet okay yeah I know because I I I mean I just know that yeah there's issues with that as with you know anything really but um because then it takes local control out um well I don't think that's the impa okay thank you uh BC is sleeping until after town meeting we've done our work so I have nothing to report any other um committees or comments from anyone okay we have a regular minute meeting minutes 212 and 2:26 I think Dale has posted them to our site has anyone have any I'm sorry I miss those oh I miss I'm sorry I think they were there no they're not they're not there oh they're not sorry no okay so no meeting minutes to approve um I left us to the end any public comment to the board on any items that's not on the agenda uh this is Jay blackit with hanok Associates I just had a quick question going going back to 19 Smith Point Road uh we had discussed the second driveway being included in the special permit um was that included does that need to be voted on no I think you have to file that separately yeah driveway opening and that will come to the board as it's a double driveway so I would contact Gail or Mark how to do that okay thank you I we had no plan so I didn't want can I make the comment yes please identify yourself Kina Gates school stond um you said for something that was not discussed which is something I have a question yes um um two per two properties just out of our four sides are Street and two our own properties two labor properties were sold about a month apart from each other so they all are going to be not only changing owners but also the terrain is going to be changed from what it looks from both of them we received uh in uh sometime after the holidays a paper announcing that uh it was going to be uh certain dwelling there and it was a applications with uh conservation and conservation when we went there it was already approved because the fil the 18th of December just for Christmas within five days they could put in the paper then had only five days to go we were not around we were in Boston we had hospital thingss and so on so we couldn't say anything we didn't even know and so um we have nothing against changing you know homes uh restoring them you know adding and so on but we live in an area that is so dense and the plant we went to the conservation when I came back and uh I got all the copies that they had to work with to give it permission so in a so they were expanding that TW story building actually three story and uh instead of making there it was two apartments every floor had one apartment and I think they might be making it the same way or separating two dwellings build a new dwelling and leave the old one as one and another in the new dwelling plus uh garages they say they will have garage built if they take a certain space from the property uh that was not a building on it so it seems that they are digging now a lot more than they applied for and I'm wondering what do we do in a case that you don't want to complain to neighbors that they're they would apply for a building permit and then the building inspector would would tell them what zoning laws apply so do they let anybody know about this or they just go ahead and uh no they have to to build you need a building permit we didn't uh receive anything ourselves as AB buts they sent us all the record we have a record of all the ab buts that the 300 feed from the um premises they sent to so what's your concern what's your concern a lot of people don't care who don't live next door you know if if I'm not next door to your house and somebody builds in front of your house it's your uh duty to go and maybe say something about it because I would not go and complain about someone who agrees to have it next to the neighbor but when I see downtown every tree on every property disappearing just because they're building a driveway or because they're adding a house that is taking the whole lot uh I know these people who purchased it already put a sign for sale and the building is not even there they're selling every property for a m250 so it's not really that they bought it to live there to beautify the area they just bought it to make money and they're hearing about this new law that is coming up about more dense areas built everywhere and I wonder how how could we do this without having proper rules yet established and these people are taking most of the area I thought uh we weren't years ago I wanted to expand our property towards a garden side and my husband said no you cannot have 40% has to be left as property open to you know the the lot so these people are taking more I think than what they appli for they applied for a garage and now they're putting in other structure that's an Enforcement issue I don't think it's a planning board issue um no I'm just need to the ability inspector get involved if there's something that's out of in not in cooperation with the zoning bylaw it needs to be addressed because uh parking Park yeah we don't have that power I know I know I'm just bringing it up as a subject goes on and parking there is so needed because every house has more than a car and they park in front of our home because we have a long Frontage now there are more two two big dwellings and two car garages I'm sure they will need more parking so where these people are going to park if they don't leave enough space for parking it's parking minimums In the Zone by one and anyway thank you that's that's you know it's just a general thing not not I didn't bring it as my issue but a general thing especially downtown when we are like this okay thank you anybody else anything else take a motion to adjourn second all those in favor anybody against adjourning I never thank you all for coming you