Brian yes Becky yes Kathy yes and says yes John yet okay the first item on the agenda is public comments on non agenda items is there anyone here who has yes I do okay did that surprise you no here I wanted to relay a story um very quick one the the a friend told me um she'd been out walking and decided she needed to bring a credit card on this nice long walk because you never know she got home and the credit card was no longer on her person so she scoured everywhere couldn't find it but decided just to wait a little bit before calling the credit card company little while later there's a knock on the door and it was the police so somebody had found the credit card gone to the police station turned it in and they delivered it to her but she did have to prove she is who she is um but I just thought that's community policing that's community policing and that's a wonderful small community um and somebody turned it in yep and the police mhm got it to her got it to her I just thought that was really nice story yes that's is there anyone online who has my concern is the battery that it's going to quit on me so I'm GNA check it every now and then okay good luck okay um Bey yeah I think that's my parents Mom hi Becky Becky hi Dad you might want to mute okay that has kind of taken a surprise how the Chairman's report this is this is go ahead and take that Beck's last thank you meeting um at least in this term um I hope it will not be the last we've heard of her she has been a terrific member of the Board of Select she's always prepared she knows how to mute her computer which is something I've never learned she keeps track of people who have their hands up but most important she is completely unafraid to say what she thinks whatever else anybody need so here is to Becky W that please oh my gosh thank beautiful oh [Music] my try it on only if my legs can swing this is perfect there'll be a spot in the House Becky you got to sit down again photo thank you thank you all very much years on the board of Selectmen a year of more or less involuntary chair which she handled with Grace and bl and nine years on the planning board which is right thank you very much chair I would like to say that this has been probably one of the most amazing experiences I've had um and I cannot recommend it enough it's it's I I know that I've gotten so much more and I'm sure many people might think I gave but um it's it's taught me a lot and I'm grateful for the opportunity to been able to do this little Mom and Dad hi Mom Dad hi Mom hi Dad so my parents call that's going to be a long distance oh my gosh thank you all that is just very dear very unexpected but oh my God hello Carol I would like to acknowledge the person who got me into everything in town Carol cabin well you might applaud her or you might not that I we the next thing we ordinarily do is go over the uh action items sorry for to go from the high to the low um is there are there any action items that we need to add or move okay so the items that we're picking up today are the H classrooms class homet classification um and the norshore regional 911 but the first thing on the agenda is a public tree hearing and um prehearing is part of of Manchester's uh protection of our shade trees shade trees are important and and the the goal of the hearing is to protect trees um and and this is part of uh chapter 87 of M general laws which is very long and sets out the procedure for uh when a public tree can be uh removed and the rules on what is a public tree are are in our two so we start with um the first tree that we're going to discuss is um 6 to8 Bridge Street which is um yes um I'm me jeel and I own that house at 6B street so just before we we just we just need a motion to open up yes we need a motion to open up the I'll make a motion to open up the hearing um all in favor Brian yes Becky yes Kathy yes answer yes to give you a little history of that brief history in the 5th of uh February in 1991 there was a petition to remove that tree at that time it was a 12 in in diameter tree but it but a letter from Holland imsy and the assessment of the Boston aerum said that that was the wrong tree to be planted there because this because ultimately the tree would press against the retaining wall and the future parking platform Bob the director of the DTW at that time spoke about against the removal of the tree because regardless of the advice of the experts he said the species generally grows up rather than wider the petion was the not I have here the board of selectman's notes which I will give to you and and the letter from Holland IM and in and um [Music] 97 2001 we wrote a letter to the DPW said the branches are hanging over the parking area and the leaks are pushing up the sidewalk in February of 2005 we wrote a letter to the board of Selectmen requesting the tree be removed because significant buckling in the pavement and cracks are starting to appear the tree is interfering with growth of trees at six Bridge Street property and we have a letter and the photos for that which I will give to you now today we come to uh 52024 the tree has to be removed I have pictures of what it looks like more importantly the root has to be removed because some of those roots have now pushed against the retaining wall and the parking problem after the route has been um uh removed and the tree has been removed hopefully we will agree to that but we're going to get in a structural engineer and hopefully if there is is damage we will have to tell show uh the town will have to be accountable so it looks like the aarum and the Holland nimley back in 1991 were correct about the tree on let me just give you these so that you will see I only made two copies I didn't know how many that you would need but you can see that this has gone on with we have pictures and this is what it looks like today so they're this is from the board of Select meeting the first time until no so the tree is a hazard both to the parking platform the retaining wall and sidewalk um I think it's important to note that the name please I'm sorry you need to give your name and address okay I'm I'm Kel husband it's it's no you need to give it for the record that's just what we have to and um I think that the if you saw the way that the tree The Roots had hung up the sidewalk it's pretty uh pretty noticeable when it's a pretty significantly safety Happ as it is pretty difficult to all baby carriage along that sidewalk that portion of the sidewalk and to me it seems like a no brainer to remove this obster plus the tree is dying the tree yeah you can see the see the lumps working y yes please I'm sorry I should have recognized you um what is your opinion on this um we spent uh considerable time pruning the tree um I stay here for the whole duration directed The Man uh we did what we thought we should do for the best interest of the tree taking into consideration the property owners's concerns uh I can only address the concern I can't address any structural concerns that's not my expertise but the tree is far from dying it's very healthy tree I pruned it in the manner that I would do to extend the trees's health and life and vigor this would the FR of trees like to speak to this well confer with Tom about I'm sorry I need to Jody Morris 11 Jersey link thank you madam chair um so I've confirmed with Tom about this because he's he's the three expert um I volunteer to look at trees and measure them so forth and uh I believe this is a pinote um and my understanding is generally Tom and tell me if I'm wrong the roots are very deep generally with oak trees which would be suitable understand the Arina said this was notal tree um but it was it was pruned extensively last uh December January I think um and I understand that it we've got before and after pictures it was overhanging the driveway and the street and everything it's now been pruned up and it's quite a manageable you know size and shape at this point uh and my feeling is is that having a heap sidewalk from you know from our standpoint of trying to protect and preserve trees we would be taking down a lot of trees in this town if a heap sidewalk was the main you know criteria to use sidewalk should be repaired and we can do that we've done that with other trees we've repaired the sidewalk so it's not as lumpy and expose some of the root color of the tree but the tree seems very healthy and I think the Tom's feeling is that it should be it should be Chuck is on the call may I say something here um let let let me go through you have each had a chance to speak I'm going Chuck dam is our the head of our Department of Public Works and he's the person who could speak definitively on the sidewalk how you doing uh Chuck Dam uh DPW uh yeah the the sidewalk is definitely uh you know heaved in certain areas from the root system of the tree uh I actually talked to forming about it today as well I guess there used to be a lot of Willows along uh Bridge Street so there may be additional roote systems from The Willows that were taken down previously um so you know we can open up the sidewalk and take it out to do it right we would typically plane the roots and so depending on you know the root system and where it is um you know it may mean more or less of the root system has to go to get a level plane uh for the for the sidewalk itself we'll say it doesn't appear that there is 36 inches of clearance between the back of sidewalk and the back a tree so it will be definitely a pinch point when you consider ADA compliance and things like that but um you know it's something that can be done it's just uh something that will continue to need to be be done if we leave the tree there Mr Henderson one more thing um if it it's it's an oak of it's a particular pin o um do they typically have shallow roots well what you have here if you have the buttress of the tree those roots in the flare they will continue to enlarge and expand uh By Nature its roots are deep uh but that's a normal occurrence when you put a tree uh like like the representative pres of the tree St we have that going on with any tree that we've planted uh I do agree with the aum's assessment that it may I I wasn't involved in PL this tree was probably planted in the 70s or something probably by friends of trees I'm not sure but I wasn't really involved in real in the 90s the essential the essence of my question is wood planing the roots to make the sidewalk level um do serious damage to the trade in your opinion uh I'd like to look at it again really I mean I I can't really I have uh we do have uh once the once the asphalt was removed and we saw them and the asphalt was cut nice and neat we'd have a better opportunity to examine how much you do we've uh We've uh we have done it with success with the locust trees downtown uh it is it's a very narrow spot yeah I I agree with Chuck to my memory there isn't 36 in between the trunk of the tree and I think there's a metal railing fence before the big drop off in the wall but uh probably at the time uh a different type of tree would have been better A lot of we didn't have a lot of you know yeah it's hard to change the past yeah right we learn by a mistake sometimes okay questions from the board question uh Tom is there any safety issue at this point with the tree not at all okay and Chuck says so far as the sidewalk is concerned planing can be any at any level when you say planing it can plane half an inch or an inch it depends upon what you want to do chuck could repair the sidewalk but put a car out for that is that correct is that the intention ah I don't know because I haven't really talked with Chuck about it uh what what we're talking I think about is I don't know what his minimum requirement for the width of the sidewalk would be so until the like I said it's hard for me to assess it without seeing I I know generally what I expect to see there and I think we could plan the roots off on that side of the tree certainly wouldn't affect its stability if that's what you mean of a tree falling over or anything like that well there's a concern there the more you cut a supp supposed to affect stability but you know if the tree stays we're going to be back where we are in 10 years it's it'll continue to grow okay oh um I I the the pictur that um the home owners submitted um regarding the cracks and the pavement it's it's hard to know what those come from um and I I think that when we look around at our town and what makes it um gives it the feeling that people all say they want to maintain it's the character part of the character is definitely the buildings but it's also the fact that we have a lot of Treeline areas streets sidewalks and I I think that unless a tree presents a very immediate problem I'm I don't see that we should just be taking down healthy trees any else yeah just a question um regarding uh I guess this might be for Chuck um aside from the sidewalk um do you see any issue with the uh retaining wall yeah to to be honest I haven't looked at the retaining wall uh so I'm not 100% sure about the Integrity of it so my my feeling is I I think it's a very healthy tree I I walk by it frequently um I think the sidewalk is manageable however if there is a concern about the retaining well I would like to know that before we decide to permanently keep the tree um I I haven't seen any evidence one way or another and to me that's that's a deciding factor may I just I I like to hear from everyone on the board um I think it looks like help tree looks like it can be managed my only concern would be the ADA compliance that's the only con I now as far as uh beyond that I think it's it's worth uh doing the immediate work that u i yes uh speaking of the retaining wall one piece of the wall one stone is already pushed out I'd say about 45 in and would lost some others plus the cracks in in the uh parking platform and we were told by the the tree company um that it is not a healthy thank you which company would that be M you yes I I'd like to know who the Tre company was all it was not help the people who the three called my stepdaughter the three was known three I was there for the whole time supervising that ping and I I would be very surprised at that young man he's very qualified Excell would consider that not a healthy tree but I'm willing to speak to she's not here tonight but I'm sure she would um I this is a back and forth that we we need to start thank you um are there Peter Peter okay I just say one thing further not in general with all the policy on the trees uh what we feel we should have in the future when a person comes in to present an issue with a tree and says a tree company or so and so and this we would like to see that and know who that is and see if they're qualified I know most of the tree companies and most of the opers on the NorthShore personally and I can assess the situation better if I know who's making the statement that it's not a healthy tree thank you um good for you Peter yeah thank you go ahead hi this is Peter manassian at fivewood home Road in town um I drove by and and got out and took a look at the tree closely today walked Walked by and uh the tree has a beautiful healthy canopy the tree is definitely a healthy tree and it would be a real loss uh I if we lost that tree especially because it's really the very first tree that begins uh uh on Bridge Street on that side and it's it's in great condition it's remarkable how healthy the tree is being right next to the road that's also uh a case but it's a it's a tree that really needs to be maintained thank you before you go I think we need your street address fivewood home Road you get it I'm sorry okay thank you you're welcome um I I like Kathy regarding the um issues with the retaining wall are you as well as the driveway I I think that that things freeze and Tha Freez and on they move so I don't I think it's important that we before we go taking down a beautiful three um we need to determine what is actually causing the problem if it's the tree um and then we can address roots and go from there but I I think is um not responsible on our part to thank you liove the tree at this point no um any further public on is the board ready to vote um there this I guess we don't have a specific motion for this um is there a motion to keep not to um remove the tree at um 68 street so moved second further discussion fine the vote is not to remove yes not to remove yes I vote not remove yes yes okay thank you very much um you uh Mr H you will look at the tree um and The Roots and and you and the DPW will work [Music] oning the sidewalk very Sur great thank you very much the next tree is at 49 School Street um 49 School Street uh we have a little bit at the request of the owners I think uh probably last fall or last winter it's a pretty large mature red oak uh it appears we're not certain but I think the owners told us it was struck by lightning and removed a large leader from one side which made a large scar on the side away from the road which you can't see it has uh this is a tree that I did not supervise the fing they went and fed it a little bit while I was away certainly not to my specification is what I would have done uh uh there is a large limb out over the roadway on it that has what we call a flex stress crack in it uh it is here I would recommend the removal of that tree and giving the tree an excellent pring the injury on the inside of the tree appears to be walling off and closing off nicely that indicates to me that it's also a very healthy tree removing this and balancing the tree off certainly removing the Lim B heavy will certainly give the tree a chance to compensate and balance off on the other side which is a normal thing that they do and uh it's a lovely treated quite healthy unfortunately they have been stru I'm not sure that but what we like to see is that closing off nicely as it is after a severe injury like that and from the friends of trees thank you Jody moris um Tom and I have discussed this I actually went and looked at the tree and measured it um today and met with one of the homeowners and um she's very concerned about you know this dead wood in the tree and obviously this limb that's cracked is very is very concerning and it's also tangable electrical line kind of the that naal has improved already and in talking to Tom I think the idea of taking off the two large lers the one that um that has the crack in it and then another one above that also goes out over the road and really having making sure that Mr Henderson is there for the pruning I think that this would be a lovely tree it is a beautiful um northern I believe it's a northern red it has it has a 35 inch diameter it is huge and I think that I want to make sure that the homeowners feel safe with this tree but it needs some major poning it needs thinning out of the crown it needs Deadwood coming off it needs those two yard large limbs I think it's worth doing in Saving the tree because it's it's a beauty and we uh specifically brought some examples of the tree we did on bir street is the same thing could be accomplish with the entry I bought it for the homeowners not homeowner pardon me there's just one homeowner oh I'm Sor everybody keep home owners homeowner my wife and I own our joint I'm just a single person um yes I would like right so I'm Christina n SP at 49 School Street and um the tree was struck by lightning half the tree is Gone In fact when the tree was struck by lightning we lost a car we lost um the shutters of the of the house we lost the screen we lost the fence so it wasn't just a little portion of the tree that that um was lost um as I said to jod and and Marlene today I am very concerned because I've called DPW so many times because of big limbs we're not talking branches but big limbs that come off of that tree and continue to come off that tree and you know my number I know that your number number one priority is preserving the trees my number one priority I love nature I love trees but my number one priority is safety and um I've had people stop as they're walking by and saying when are you going to get rid of that tree this is a dangerous tree my sister who who um um is at 47 School Street had um a tree surgeon come for her tree Buckley tree surgery tree surgeons and he parked in the driveway and he wasn't even supposed to look at my tree but he said to her do you know who lives next door that tree is a dangerous tree because of the big crap so um every time there's a storm or bad winds I do get I get a little bit nervous I have a grandchild now and I'm know plenty of people and children in the neighborhood that walk by I just it's just it it is it's maybe because I saw that tree split in half and and saw the damage and what it did um it just makes me a little nervous and in fact there's even I I showed it to Marlene and to jod there's this Branch that's stuck in one of the lines which is separate from it's it went over like you know quite across the lines and when I walk down school street across the street because I'm I'm worried that that's going to come crashing down it's just stuck in the in the in the wires um so it's safety first that's my concern if if you could make the tree guarantee you that's it's not just going to be this half tree without those limbs because if you go around to the back of the tree you see that it's just a half a tree literally questions from the board Becky um I just want to address one of the comments our priority is not treats oh our priority as a board is is the town and the welfare of the town and I'm sure that's what you meant what I meant was when when when an had said about our number one priority is preserving the tree so that was so anyway refer I I just want to make sure that that got I was quoting from state law yeah yeah no that the I'm I was just wanting to make sure that it wasn't mistaken as our priority um I think that in terms of um promising safety we can't promise that someone's going to walk out of their house and not fall we can't promise that a tree branch won't fall there are many things we can't but we can work to make sure a tree is properly maintain as best we can um if we were to just take down trees because everybody's worried we would have no trees left and we wouldn't um so I I I think that uh we should take listen to what the tree Warden suggests and run the tree up to his specications and I would agree I think we do need to have if someone is going to quote um from an arborist or from a tree company we need to have the information of the company um and also when the comments when they looked at the tree and when the comments were made thank you che che yeah I I just want to say a couple things you know we we've actually been there twice to prune the tree uh so you know we understand that there are you know ongoing issues and the reason that it had a light pruning at first was one because Tom wasn't there but also two because of the wires and so we really need to rely on National Grid when it comes to working within the wires um and so I just want to make that clear that's you know also part of what's going on with this tree is it possible Chuck for the DPW to get in touch with National Grid and request that they do the pruning uh we certainly can um it's it would be very hard probably to have Tom there at the same time they are and vice versa but you know we can we can do our best um and then I will just say that you know and Tom might agree or disagree with this comment but I would say the uh the touch that National Grid and their Crews usually have with the trees is much less than Tom I perhaps we could arrange there there's General pruning and and the specific limbs that are involved with yes I did call National Grid about because somebody had said they should you know maybe they'll help you out and they said that they they couldn't help me so I mean perhaps if you know Bo spoke to them somebody else besides the homeowner maybe they would um they do gr um I'm sorry I don't CLA Claire oh I'm sorry CLA Leed 87 Bridge Street um I have taken down large trees that were threatening my home so I understand that concern um but one thing that I am also concern is with Brook the brook dream right there U the flooding the brook I've seen over the years but um a tree of that magnitude would be absorbing a lot of water and I don't know if that's to abstract a concept but the idea that that that tree is functioning to help us manage water than I yes uh I think the problem there with National Grid is they own that pole but those are Communications lines those are electrical lines so and they lease their Pole out I'm not sure but I could tell by looking at if it has a decoded number but uh they're not going to prune it to our standards for one reason we we and and as I say I brought the picture for the homeowner to see what we can accomplish if we really want to and such a magnificent tree like the one adjacent to it on the other house property we were able to save that somewhat we return the resp responsibility over that to the homeowner because they wanted it but it can be really this shows had before and after it's an exit I actually we wanted to select the board to look at this too don't you bring it up and we'll pass it [Music] around that was concern of yeah um was a concern of mine when I saw it initially and I want it to be the nice that you're chatting but I would really prefer that it comes through me um joh yeah so um Tom let me speak to Tom if you remove those two front branches and I assume you've got a photo that a Photoshop deal there or something a picture of of the injury in the the injury is in the back yeah but you consider this to be a safe situation if those two limbs in the front are pruned to your satisfaction I think a good pruning in dinting of the tree the tree will for many years I'm looking at those are big limbs they're put across yeah yeah we'll put it much more in Balance yes by lightning that side as to the side lightning reducing the weight on that side Peter man Peter manian please hi Peter manassian fivewood Home Road Again um I just want to say uh Mr Henderson just mentioned about the tree that's about 15 feet to to the side of this tree uh that was worked on if you stand back and look at those two trees the trees in question tonight and the tree that Tom mentioned that's in the neighbor's yard they are twins and I would defy anybody to tell the difference between the two they've got they've got wonderful canopies uh and uh they're the uh they're in great they're just two of the same actually um the other mention about Buckley I I don't know Buckley but I would want to know whether or not they have certified arborists on on hand or not so that we know what their what their um certification is and uh the uh the the uh the that one leader that was referenced uh that was struck by lightning uh you don't really even notice unless you really look at it and the tree isn't even fully out yet that that can be easily dealt with and it would and it would not be something that would be present so uh that's everything it's a tree absolutely worth worth holding on to and a beautiful big mature tree that's got many years left thank you emotion I think I think we have I think unless someone has new or different information and I do understand the two trees were not twins that one of them was planted by your parents um no J they're both Town trees okay I thought one of them was it was not the one that we did was not determined to be a town TR both town the same time you know what okay we're not supposed to have sidebars conversations are supposed to be with the chair so and that's just the way we're supposed to do it for open meeting so is there a motion to deny the request to remove that tree submit second yes John have I cut you off completely no no no I have my comments so I'm good okay Brian Yes Yes means not to remove I need more notes yeah uh yes I vot yes Becky yes Kathy yes answerers yes John says yes okay thank you very much the next tree is a one I would sorry can I just make an agenda comment I I think that I think the Christina would probably like to hear that the denial has happened but with the mitigation abely minutes mation would be um the removal of the two limbs that come out over the street and the Tangled Ines and and any further cutting back Deadwood and shaping and really getting the tree would be thank you and and okay do we need to put that on the list to follow backup as to when that gets done so that thank you that they know when it'll be done um we'd like to have an action in about six weeks yeah to check up on theing that theing is sched okay and if if I might unless somebody has any other reasons to not do so I recom I would recommend that we approve the removal of the other three trees one at one Highwood one at 59 Forest Street and one at 95 Pleasant Street I I have a question on for the one at road but but why don't we take a motion to remove the trees at 49 forest and 959 yeah 59 forest and 95 Pleasant that Brian yes just stress the comment that because the trees are virtually dead it's on the recommendation of the tree Warden okay um sorry Brian you've said yes yes yes yes yes yes okay um now what can you tell us about the tree at one Highwood um the tree at one Highwood to my recollection about five years ago maybe 10 lost one half yep uh uh it snapped off at about 20 ft up and we removed that came down the town cleaned it up and we flushed it off at its base as best as we could that side of the tree remaining cut on a double lead a big F like that is deteriorating is a r there it's hard to tell if that R from that inclusion where the two trunks met each other if there's any issue going on there without going in and doing wars of tree evaluation the homeowner's concern is I think they that they're afraid the tree will do do the same thing it has a little lean the other way but it's very hard vins are are very difficult to analyze without being up there in a bucket truck looking at each Joel cut when they're out in the open like that as opposed to being in the forest they tend to get more wind at and they tend to flex and move more myself where I here and were my home on the other issue I can I have empathy for the homeowner and that I would be a little nervous about having a tree that size that close that had previous damage and uh I certainly where it's not a shade tree is such a todu a shade tree a pine out in the open like that is much more likely to to create an issue or a safety issue than a hwood tree thank you that certainly answers my questions Becky um and I believe that the homeowner said that they would plant another tree is that correct Genie Stanton on high road hi be very happy to plant another tree just not a pine okay there any questions from the board is there a motion to remove the tree at one so Z Brian yes Bey yes Kathy yes and say yes no yes okay thank you very much thank you Tom thank you Jack um we now move to uh joint planning board interview and vote by the planet with the planning board or candidate G group Jody could you tell Sarah that we finally finished chair up new ch so do we hello sorry do we have planning board for that's the question can you tell any no uh not not plenty more members okay there is one person who is an iPhone but it doesn't say who they are so Laura is um available since I text her she's at the eological summit or whatever that is um and I haven't heard from and soon so um I think I would suggest that we don't have a forum and that we can uh repeat this and take our vote at our Thursday meeting that's okay I I think my understanding is that a joint meeting is a form of each committee rather than a sequential vote oh Mr inter yes simultaneous so you're saying that as long as there's a no no what I'm saying is I would like to defer the whole thing including the discussion from the um board if you're not going to yes I would agree with that that you can defer everything if you defer everything that that that our questions white and light the planning board and vice versa and having having serial meetings to to confirm I'm sorry Gordon it's okay he's real short um we will have a quum on Thursday and um we're Hing that all of you will be willing to come to the task force public forum um well at least three of us I I I don't remember what Jeff said about his availabity Anyway said and then we take this as a um 6 615 start to do this yeah so sorry about that did set let everybody know um a number of times doing best we can okay well we'll let you uh get we'll see you all on Thursday night almost 6:15 you're out of here okay thank you thank you very much for coming sorry I did we anticipated that this might Happ we did okay great thanks so much yeah okay now we're Suddenly at um you could jump toison updates or or consent um let's see um Brian's ready are there are there any questions on the consent agenda anything that we need to p no but I I did want to make one modification on F which is resignation of Gretchen wood as action incre and Ada and Ada oh other than that you want a motion to accept the consent agenda second yes yes says yes yes okay well that was easy that was okay yes I don't think we ever close the evidentiary oh I'm sorry thank you that's true I was just gonna say you did close the I have one drop to to do it now I move to the select Bo close the evidentiary portion of the hering other treatment second yes Bey yes yes and yes John yes okay thank you very much close the hearing I move that the board close the public tree hearing second yesy yes yes yes okay okay um Le's on updates John uh the only thing I have is um historic district commission has has the final report of the Town survey that the um that was performed by John Clemson that will be presented to us on Thursday at the same time of the NBTA Forum but this is life so and I I'm looking at it and he has catalog virtually every town every every house in town I thought he would pick only things that were say 50 years old or 75 years old there are some houses in here from 2005 not that they would be necessarily looked at but okay he's got a he's got a full list there so anyway that report will be available Thursday right and I I think that's that's all I've got just that yeah um Lots going on with the downtown Improvement committee so uh they're working to kind of and I'm trying to help them break up their big uh downtown Improvement 2.0 project into manageable chunks um and then work with uh Nate and Chuck to kind of really put together a prior set of priorities what what should be first second third and and how should that funding fit into our current plan so working on that um they also discussed the possibility of creating a downtown map so a lot of the local businesses when people come off the train they ask the same businesses where is this where is that so there's a sense of agreement that we should um create some sort of a map give it to the local businesses um for easy um distribution and helping tourists also there was a discussion of possibly U I believe the Historical Museum the Manchester museum has offered to be or is considering offering to be the um de facto um information center for the town so um you know we could provide them with maps they certainly have all the information needed on the town but um there's we don't really have a central information center right now and if they go that would be great um uh I know we're not going to talk bath that's a Hot Topic at downtown Improvement committee meeting always what about public bathrooms and so I just want to keep that on the radar we really um you know they they came up with a possible um consideration um would we consider kind of subcontracting to a local business to provide public bathrooms perhaps giving them a small stipend so some of the local businesses one in particular does let people you know they do let people use the bathrooms their bathrooms and their water bill goes crazy during the summer so um shortterm solution might be could we subcontract to a business to allow them to use the public use their we talked about that a few years ago and we didn't get any takers we have one I that has changed and we should we open that conversation okay all right so I'll get with you on that because that might be a nice short-term solution and then um bike and ped is also looking at um documenting walking paths and biking paths very much inspired by the Legacy bench project team you know they had that nice walking um map and so um one things happening there I think that's it um the planning board did not meet on Monday so so uh last Monday so I've got no update there um and I won't be here for the Thursday because I have a task at the um wayf finding meeting that night and as far as the maps go that was also part of what might be incorporated into all of wayfinding um and we have a member from the museum in attendance on those who was giving us saying the same thing um about possibly being an info center anyway um that's it so we meeting Thursday evening and then we have the rest of the meetings set up to bring We'll have the task force meet one more time before we come before the select board with a couple of options doesn't matter sorry no I won't be in attendance at the other meeting because I'll be the other yes thank you goad uh and getting ready for uh a busy time of year the uh the prey is pretty much running yourself at this point you know we are looking for a uh from last time so be uh Community star you I would ref that as a grand uh and I think that they'll uh uh the they will vote on it the uh uh for ju like can he votes on it next week the K Beach is fully staffed they get ready not ready but I mean ready are going to be uh tux again is uh as ready as they're going to be at this point so pox and W is is busy this is they busy and they have they were able to hire all the staff they needed yeah they're fully staff great pickle ball sound I don't want uh the uh still the end of May not there's no date there's uh they still again we're working with a vendor okay part of status status I was hoping it just kind fly right p Ming right along but no they uh I checked couple hours ago okay and they don't have a date yet they certain yet but it's it's elect the scheduled at the end of May um the school committee hasn't met and um there will be a public forum for the mbda zoning on Thursday at 6 and they can explain it even better than I can so that's 6 PM the MBTA zoning Forum yes okay so we we 6:30 6 that's 6:30 we need it 6:15 sorry I can make some of that and that's the 615 part is important because we need to have a quum oh yes I'm aware of that yeah so um we will we will regretfully say goodbye to you when you need to go to your next that's I think it's seven down the hall and that meeting is where just if anybody listening The Forum is here and on Zoom this room this room room five it's close enough to 7:30 and the chief is here Chief you weren't you didn't think this is going to happen so we also we have Alisa from Regional disat as well as Christopher Ryan okay who have both been extremely instrumental in all of this transition and chief s us off and then we can go over a year into our uh um transition into Regional dispatch things have gone smooth than I first expected um thanks to Chris and Allison and and her team or their their team um we're still waiting on some stuff uh our our laptops are in process for all the the Cruisers and the boat our um data conversion is still in process and I think Chris can probably speak to that uh more I can turn it over to them they're on thank you hi good evening can you hear me yes perfect thank you for having us tonight uh so yes as Chief indicated um I'll let Chris speaks to some of the the technological aspects of where we stand with some of the posto live items uh but we are also happy to report that it has been a very successful onboarding and a very good partnership thus far uh all parties in Manchester from uh the administration to the chief levels all the way down through all of the ranks have been uh very supportive and helpful and I think we've really established a good working relationship amongst our sta our um respective staffs uh so I think we are a year and two months past our our expedit did go live I think and Chris can correct me if I'm wrong but I think we went live in March of last year can you believe it I can't believe how quickly it's gone already uh and um uh we are poised to obviously continue doing some onboarding with uh potential other communities we did sign another IMA um because I believe you know you'd want updates just about our staffing and stuff like that and what it looks like for our services for your town and so we did sign an IMA with uh the town of North Reading their feasibility study and the information we did for them um uh anticipates their onboarding to go into effect sometime in the fall of 2025 so they're a larger Town there's a lot more to be done there so that will take a little bit longer um we are in good position uh with our current Staffing with Manchester in we will be doing continual additional hiring uh for when we bring in additional communities and we are looking at up Staffing uh in terms of uh Peak volume times during the summer because Manchester brings a lot of additional call volume in the summertime uh to our existing uh call volume levels and so um we just had an operations meeting today in fact to discuss that to make sure that we are setting ourselves up for success in all of our communities up for Success during the summer we did just uh uh have a great hiring round we have three new hires that we welcomed aboard that are in the final stages of their training uh and they will be completely signed off and complet complete their training prior to the summer which is excellent news because that helps us have a fully robust uh body of personnel to draw on during those summer months um if you have specific questions I'm happy to address them otherwise I can hand it off to Chris to kind of talk about those details that the chief referred to in terms of uh some of the post go live technical items body's looking at me yes I do have questions of course thank you Alison k b um again thank you for your um early transition of our town because we uh we did have some staffing issues and you pulled us in early we greatly appreciate that um in terms of could you speak a little bit as to how you determine whether or not uh you can handle additional towns so it sounds like North Reading isn't going live for another year and a half or so um what is your process for Ev valuating your team's Readiness to handle um another town that's question one and question two is who else is on the horizon if any sure so the process for evaluation is similar to what we did with your town uh when you submitted your letter of interest um so anytime we have any towns that have any sort of you know interest uh a lot of times it'll stop with peripheral meetings and fact finding on a Town's you know behalf but when they're serious about looking at the option they do the same thing they would submit of a letter of intent and our feasibility study process is really how Chris myself and my team um address sorry it's really weird when you have two earbuds in because like like I don't know how singers do it I can't like hear myself sorry so if I keep fiddling um so uh the process would be the feasibility study is really for Chris and my team and myself to determine what that would look like what those needs would be if we are even able to bring on another Community right so like those factors of uh all those things that the Chiefs in Manchester did in terms of the workbook that data gives us the information we need about whether or not uh we are at a point where we can take them do we have enough infrastructure do we have enough staff is it within the fiscal budget of State 911 to accommodate you know the costs associated with bringing in these towns so uh that's why the uh that process is such an important part so when we got a letter of intent from North Reading we conducted a feasibility study with them and we said this is what we're going to need it's going to cost X you know x amount of dollars for the state to take them on do we have space physically in our Center what does it look like for Staffing and one of the major things for a town of a greater size um is usually the amount of bodies that we need in order to provide the service and so that's what would determine the whether or not a they can come in at all and B how long that onboarding process would take um so I hope that answers the question the feasibility study is really the process where we dig deep and we find out whether or not we can fit them into the capacity of our existing operation then once we make that determination um you know we go about the planning and and and enact the the the onboarding process with the timeline uh in terms of on the horizon we do have a letter of intent and we're conducting a feasibility study from the town of Rowley uh currently and um I think a long time ago we had done a feasibility study for lynfield I think that's still out on the street Chris but that was well over two years ago I would say and we haven't heard from them so that feasibility study I would dare to say isn't really even applicable anymore because so much has changed since we first conducted it um other than that we don't have any other official letters of intent um we have a lot of as we always do you know uh Chiefs or different members of towns and departments coming to talk to us very high level just to ask what it would look like what of the steps um but none that have uh you know gotten together uh and organized within their uh respective towns to come to us with a formal letter of intent sorry one last question um regarding I was looking at the information published on your website your metrics um do you need any help from us us specifically with um to reduce the number of business calls I noticed we have a lot of business calls going to your it seemed like a lot of business calls going to your lines for such a small town so the non-emergency calls so sure do do you need our help with that or are we similar to I'll let I'll let Chris jump in in a minute but I will say that it is not atypical for smaller towns to have more business calls we we are um that is something that is kind of the norm because usually with a smaller town your population is used to that um uh direct level of service where they are more familiar with calling like you know the one 1212 number and it's a public education and it's a culture shift for them to understand um how to properly or where to properly address their calls um Chris do you have concern with the number of business calls or how we can sort of mitigate that I mean we have the auto attendance system in place and we have the protocols in place to handle them yeah so good evening everyone um I I don't right now I don't have too many concerns with the business calls the uh the one thing uh Chief MCN and I were working on kind of rescripting um the fire department auto attendant and that was actually uh a case of the opposite where I think they were getting you know real calls were getting directed to the fire station when we wanted them to be directed to our staff at the Regional Center um so kind of the opposite of what uh the question was um but I think overall it uh is being handled pretty well so just to expand upon my question and is there anything you need from us I would say just probably continued education about like down 911 for emergencies you know and call you know the the local numbers for business calls otherwise I mean the amount of business calls you have are going to be the amount of business calls you have if they are truly trying to reach the police or the fire department for you know business related non-emergency questions thank um hi Alison hi I wanted to ask I know that that there's been some fluctuating um in terms of um the ability to hire have you seen are there more people interested in working for the regional center yeah so I mean I was just talking to other people in our industry in general so it comes in in waves right and it's not just our center it's definitely centers across the state across the country it's police departments it's fire departments it's Public Safety in general um what I can say is that while the appetite I might you know of applicants we may not have control over like we've talked about this before a lot of people nowadays they're looking for remote work they're looking for things that don't have the um heavy requirements of a public safety kind of uh industry job but what we can do is we can um increase the uh Outreach efforts and our strategic sort of planning of how we're recruiting how we're retaining how we're attracting candidates so that's something we're constantly working on at our agency you know we've been to at least three job fairs in the last two months we have two more scheduled um I'm working with the Commonwealth for resources they have through things like LinkedIn and handshake and these different platforms where we can sort of get our you know uh job postings out beyond the normal perhaps scope uh an audience that we usually reach and I will say that like I just said that we just had our past class and we had out of four we retained three so that's huge right and then what happens the next batch of applicants we ended up getting you know one out of that batch so it it tends to go in waves the thing is we never stop we have constant rolling recruitment um so we don't ever stop you know trying to get more talent because we know that even if we have an offer right now we're going to want to grow in the future and we're going to need to add additional Personnel the other thing I've been proactively doing is working with the Comm Commonwealth HR and with our unions to try to uh reclassify or uh level out however you want to term term it the pay scale for our employees trying to make our jobs more attractive and keep us competitive with all the other peace apps and regionals that are trying to also hire dispatchers at the same time that we are and where I while I can't speak exactly to it because HR is working to draw up some um proposals to work with the union and they're in kind of negotiations I will say that I have made strides and been successful in getting that to the table and and moving ahead so I'm hoping you know within the next fiscal year we're going to see a more attractive um offer sort of uh or scale if you will in terms of salary to be able to attract talent and and just to that you've got several in the pipeline have you recently lost anybody um we have we have lost people that did not pass the training program um like I said out of we had hired four we lost one um you know bi attrici because we we were not able to pass that person through the training program and we had one person decide that the regional model wasn't good for them and resign and went to a Lo local p app and that was Chris when was that two months ago yeah about two months about two months ago so you don't feel there's that's concern going forward with other communities I don't because that is the standard in our industry um if you look at our annual reports and Chris can back this up with some some of his um findings you'll see that that um our retention rate is is below the average um from what had been in the past when our Center went through um some some reworking and it's below what national averages um in general so it's part for the course we're used to do you mean the opposite your retention is below or sorry yeah what what attri or yeah our attrition rate is below with the averages yeah sorry that's better our retention rate is better yeah the opposite so I I'm what I'm saying is like we tend to see a very steady pattern of um you know attrition um because it's just the way this industry is we're either losing them because they can't pass training and so our numbers go up and down or you know in the past we've lost people because they've moved on to other Public Safety jobs they became police officers they became firefighters um or frankly because Regional dispatch is difficult we've had people that have left for for single piece apps ironically perhaps single piece apps that may be deciding to look at the regional later on so it's kind of it's kind of an interesting uh cycle thank you Allison and Chris Chris do you want to just talk to the techn do you just can he just give a brief update on the technical parts for just Allison I just have a couple of questions maybe Chris is the guy I'm not sure but all of this information is very encouraging this is a a good phone call a very good phone call I would say in general um couple of questions with regard to the call volume how was our call volume gone in the past year compared with previous year's end or what your expectation is or was sure and secondly is there anything that was kind of unexpected in this last year of uh I won't call it onboarding because we were on board but in your first year of experience with us is there anything that happened that was not expected sure so I think we we had originally made a plan that we were going to kind of like isolate a dispatcher for just Manchester Deeds when we brought them on to make sure it was successful because we weren't sure what the call voline would look like because we were you know we weren't sure what it would look like even in the summer um and I will say that we were overprepared um Chris might want to speak to this as well but the the call volume has not been overly taxing at all with our even with our where our current Staffing level is now so that's without adding any new people in with our new three sign offs um and I would hope that the police and fire would agree that we have been able to um handle their calls and and and it's been pretty seamless in terms of fitting into our current operation so I think the surprising thing is that it it didn't um we we expected maybe or we were being prepared and overly cautiously prepared for more call volume than we actually got now that just might have been last year though so we're not we're in the business of we know that there's no predictability in call volume ever right so that's why every year we look at and every month and every peak season we look at the possibility of increasing Staffing is needed right so last summer may not have been but it also rained a lot last summer like maybe we get a lot of hot weather this summer and our call volume's going to be higher especially in your town with the beaches and stuff like that so we are always we don't like uh get in a comfortable zone so to speak of like oh their call volume's not High um but I think it's been very manageable over the last year and we're like I said we're poised for the summer to in case it does in case we do see more of a peak um Chris do you want to speak to that more and then if there's anything that was surprising I can't really off the top of my head think of anything that was wildly surprising um I mean we've worked out some Kinks here and there and and you know did a lot of back and forth with the police and fire to make sure that we were providing the service they needed yeah so I'd say I mean as far as call volume goes I'd say it was probably kind of in line with what I was kind of estimating in my mind um you know and the staff's been able to handle that um as far as anything unexpected um I I'll take this in a in a on a good note um we've actually had some amazing involvement between the uh police and fire departments and and actually um they helped to get us um in with uh the school department uh to be able to do meet and greets with them um to start doing some testing um working on some active asant plans that we've been working on between Manchester and Essex so I mean uh that's a huge positive you know that I've seen um they've been excellent Partners um you know and same thing goes for the Harbor Master and other agencies we've had to work with it's really been a pleasure it's been no issues it's you know it's been a um everything's G really well good to be over prepared and overd deliver it's a good position to be in for sure um and I do have some uh if you'd like me to speak on some of the uh technological updates I'm happy to give you a quick update on those pieces there okay sorry um so the update so I mean that I did hear Chief it's Gerald kind of uh give a few of the updates uh for me so the uh the mdts um I've got mobile data terminals um for I've got one of the larger size and one of the smaller size and basically we're finalizing doing what uh what's called an image um and then we're just about at the finish line on that one right now um once that's completed that'll be sent out to the factory out in Kansas where they load that onto all of the computers um and uh the company TransCore out of Georgetown is going to be doing the work and uh assuming we can get these images sent out like this week or next week at the latest they've assured me should be able to get it all done by the end of the fiscal year which would be uh uh awesome you know if we can get that done before the 4th of July um the fire station alerting project is on hold kind of pending um some of the other procurements that we have going on um so we haven't been able to um move on that one but uh we have been moving pretty steadily on on the other projects uh and I have actually worked with Chief MCN on specifications for fire station alerting so um you know I think we're in a good position with that one to move when we're uh ready to do that one um couple of the other ones we've been working on uh let's see as far as radio um radio work it's been kind of a um we've had a lot of involvement with getting the radio stuff uh to come to fruition uh we actually had to work out a memorandum of agreement with um the Gloucester fire department to put up a receiver site over in Gloucester uh and we also had to work with um DCR uh to get permission to put something on there uh on the fir Tower and Astic um so those two things actually took several months of going back and forth um but we did get the green light from from both of those agencies um we did go out and procure um Comcast for uh fiber uh connectivity uh and I'm happy to report just the other day I was able to do walkthroughs at uh all of the sites that we wanted to add uh fiber to um and actually just this morning I got notification that looks like they're going to be doing the fiber work in um I think it's the week of June 7th and they're hoping to actually turn it on the week of June 14th which would be uh excellent um because we've also done procurements for all of the actual radio equipment um and the vendor uh I've been working with him and he's actually looking to get all of that installed by the end of June as well so that I think we're in good shape to get the radio projects completed by by the end of June um and then a couple of let's see a couple of other things is just uh real quick is we did end up uh adding uh Manchester's I am responding account into ours so I mean we've been able to integrate that successfully um and then I know originally Manchester didn't want to join the um emergency notification system that we had um and then shortly after going live there was an indication that the the town did want to actually pursue joining our system um so we are on slated to be able to cut that over I think for a July one cut over I know I know the town uh actually switched vendors to the same vendor we're using now so I anticipate when we actually um assume ownership if you will of the the billing uh that should be a very smooth transition since you've already built everything on that side um the one hiccup if you will and I kind of saved this one for last is uh the one that kind of you know was data conversion um you know as far as being able to do the Manchester fire data conversion you know I think that will be able to get accomplished uh we've been trying to use one we were hoping to use one particular vendor um and this particular vendor we we've had a lot of trouble with as far as doing the um the Micro Systems the the pro four data conversion from your legacy police record system um apparently uh the guy that was the only person that we know of that that does it is retired and living on a boat uh down in a nicer area um so we're trying to find another vendor that we might be able to uh engage with to do the police data conversion you know that's kind of a we need to figure that piece out right now that's that's the last obstacle we need to overcome I'd say so the radio upgrades have been just a wonderful addition say for both fire and police once we get the Magnolia s side 11 I think that's to be a huge impact for us yeah exactly so it's it's it's been a great effort on their part it's a it's been a real plus I think I know that Chief MCD you're you're online did you have any other comments you want to add to this discussion uh no I think working with Allison and Chris uh since I've joined uh back to Manchester it's been uh delightful uh they're very easy to work with any issues that we have are quickly resolved and um it's been a seamless transition on the fire side and with some of the radio upgrades coming it's only going to get any better so I thank them for their uh cooperation and hard work com no again they've been it's gone smoother than I thought we had and obviously had to go two months early and uh it were all pretty much worked out better than expected thank thank you for your time appreciate it thank you all nice to see you thank you very much this a classic example if you don't notice it that they're doing a good job yeah y yes not hearing any it's a good reason to ask and get some good news once in a while is it this going to be an annual action item like once a year they'll so it would be my recommendation that yes they they are a strategic supplier to this town and I think we have a respons to do a check in I think they'd be happy too once a year okay that's fine that goes on the actions for long range next year next year we don't forget thank you okay um the next thing on our agenda um is the P service session you want to just Le off with so we have two gentlemen here with us tonight who would like to present to you a proposal for a um a new shuttle service for beachgoers um this is utilizing um electric bikes um they can better describe the the bikes once they get underway um so that they would like to present to you um this proposal if they are to go forward you need to issue a a license delivery license um a little different as a as electric bikes rather than a vehicle but nonetheless um it still requires you to grant grant a license um do we need to get insurance yes approv Insurance yes so so I think turn over to um to our two gentlemen here may can introduce themselves and take it from there thank you mind if we come behind the podium yeah that's fine awesome so thank you guys so much for giving us some time today would you like just to start with our name and address yes ma'am um I'm Matthew Lapin I live at One windir Park uh I'm on batal 8 marshan Street yes so we just want to say thank you guys so much for your time for giving us time out of this busy meeting to propose to you Beach Street shuttles so I think a little introduction for the two of us it's best way to start it so as I said I'm Matthew Lapin I attend SMU in Dallas Texas I go I study Finance at their School of Business W college has taken me far away over to Dallas my roots are still firmly planted in Manchester and I'm looking to have a positive impact on the community this summer hello hello everyone I'm Al Patel I'm studying at uh B College I'm currently uh majoring in real estate entrepreneurship and I also live in Rockport Massachusetts so growing up in Manchester singing beach has been an absolute critical point to the success of the Summers and spending so much time here i' I've witnessed The Barrage of people walking up and down the street in between downtown and singing Beach so what we're here today to do is propose a new efficient transportation service using Petty cabs to shuttle people to and from singing beach today my partner almond is going to be talking about why our custombuilt petty cabs will provide the most benefit to Manchester as well as what qualifies us to run such a business please hold all your questions till yeah yeah so we believe a uh a penny cab ople for Manchester we would purchase essentially a standard frame so we would not be building the frame so no safety issues there uh we would purchase a stand frame and then we would essentially customize it uh to our needs so essentially that would consist of storage underneath the seat just for smaller belongings that beachgoers would have towels small bags as well as external hooks for larger items like umbrellas or larger beach chairs um we would also make sure to have seat belts across this two to three person seater we're still working on the dimensions a little bit on that side depending on the frame and making it a custom built model um but seat belts just to ensure our passenger safety uh we're also going to have custom painting we're thinking more along the lines of of uh blue and white we can talk to town depending on what aesthetic uh you would like for encompassing Manchester and the beach field that comes along with the summer and then we would also just charge on a per ride basis and accepting cash or BOS whatever this year um so we believe that this not only does it increase um you know convenience for locals but it would also attract beachgoers from other areas who you know encounter this clear Transportation issue at least when Matt and I were younger uh we didn't have cars obviously so we would encountered this issue many many times lugging Beach here up that um that that steep hill but uh stor tourists could essentially just enjoy the singing sand and all the amazing amenes that come along with the singing Beach experience without the hassle of having to find parking near the beach and I know Manchester you need uh specific parking passes so that can also be an issue for Outsiders or non-locals um and then also you know lugging for GE each as I said so aside from just having local entrepreneurs to build this sta um in the community the service will Al also just focus on providing quality Care um as Matt and I said we spent all of our summers in Manchester and you know due to our local passion we really think that we could guarantee customer satisfaction by representing Manchester in a good light and showing you know whether it's uh tourists or locals The Good Side Manchester yeah so we know that these are very lofty goals and I want to ensure you that we're both very qualified to meet set goals I'm just going to give you a couple examples of what we've done in the past I know personally when I was very young I ran a successful lemonade business right out of mass and uh expanding on that I started a thriving dog Walking Company right in town last couple summers ago that proved to me very beneficial as well as this fall I was able to partner with my local business school to help small businesses um help consult for small businesses across Dallas mostly focusing on the scalability of those businesses yeah and then for me so being at bapson I just finished a yearlong course called fanme where essentially you get the firsthand experience of funding scaling and closing down a business start to finish um so we believe our joint entrepreneurial mindset will allow us to be extremely well-versed in not only just the business operations but also being receptive to feedback whether that be from local government or uh potential customers and I believe that would really really help us especially this feedback loop in the de developmental stages because we know we're kind of going to have to base certain actions on demand and how it goes in the first couple of weeks um but we believe this this will this mindset will allow us to overcome any challenges that we see in the near future yeah so be treat shuttles provides a p perfectly curated service designed for Singing Beach and this addition to Manchester would not only allow for stressfree commutes to and from the beach but it would also enhance the quality of life for locals and people coming to visit for the beach so we now like to open the floor to any questions you guys Becky thank you both I think this is a great idea um and we do have another shovel service in town um but a little competition can be a good thing and yours is a different model um my qu who would actually be the owner whose name would be on the petty cat I think my name would be on P okay um and have you looked into insurance at this yes we look we have looked into insurance I don't have specific companies or plans for you but we would look to ensure passenger driver and vehicle that would be essential essal yes ma'am of course I have a question um yeah it's a great idea definitely need it in town um so you haven't um finalized the the petty C version or customization but do you have a general sense as to how big it is yeah the dimensions sense the electric bike is just standard standard bike length and then the you have a bike attachment which attaches the petty cab which is probably like 10 in and then it's an 80 in in length uh attachment got it okay and so um on slower days yeah uh where would you put the petty Cab in between rides so as as Becky mentioned there's another service in town too and would you see yourself competing for that parking space yeah that's definitely a a valid question I think that we'll honestly be busy most of the day when we're just shuttling up and down Beach Street but we're not we've been uh offered space the park at 40 Beach Street Harbor Light Point as well but I think it would honestly be more beneficial to just run it out of masomo park or I'm not exactly sure the name of the park the one across from yeah exactly I think it would honestly be more beneficial to run out of there versus priv it okay you have just touched on one of the hot buttons which is parking are you going to be taking a a regular parking parking phase are you going to park on the brass at Masano yeah right on the sidewalk something like that I mean during night I uh I I would plan on storing it of course at my house so that's not not an overnight storage issue we're more focusing on just like during the day yeah which as of course it's theand dependent but we're planning on just running and switching batteries and just keeping it running until no more D I'm not sure that I'm thinking that it's a great idea to be running back and forth n um that's not the best that's not our call our sorry like back and forth without passengers you're say oh I would plan on picking up passengers on each from each I understand but on the on the day when it's marginal yes ma'am I just we had spent so much time trying to free up every parking space in town and I would like it if you found a place preferably perhaps in the MBTA parking behind 40 Beach or in 40 Beach yeah the is the UN yeah but please don't take up either a regular parking space or park on the sidewalk don't park on the sidewalk not all Park take understood and if we're running into a slow day where we don't think we're going to have much traction I'll just take the thing home he lives on School Street so it's not like that that's fine I just as a warning definitely understood is there a do you have a fe structure yet I mean could this unlike the petty cat unlike the beach shell which was just chips only right yes there's no real fee all right you you mention you're have a fee yeah I think it would be sorry what's the stru I think it would be a per ride per ride system per person or per per ride per ride regardless regardless you have two or three people as much stuff as you want cost maybe 10 to start maybe 15 if the demand's high each way or lower Uber surge just uh I mean are we going to get complaints receive I'm sorry we're going to get what is the town going to receive complaints about what they proceed to be overcharge private private business it's none of our business how much they charge we just say no not none of our business we'll take all yeah I've got a question regulatory wise and because we went through this last here with the with with the golf cart yeah yeah charging was a very big factor in terms of the category that you were in now I understand this is a bicycle the different situations yes sir are we dealing with the same kind of registration I don't know that you guys necessarily if I recall the issue with last year was the uh gentlemen were not adults they were under they were under 18 okay and so they were not allowed to charge at Fe these gentlemen are over 18 years right so that's not that's not a problem um so this is a Rick Shaw now are you are you buying off the shelf the uh the trailer that's going to be hooked onto the bike or are you making this so we're buying like the frame of the trailer and then we're going to renovate it for our own custom AES okay all right and the attachment is included in the frame of the trailer you going to give us a picture of that at some point absolutely I like to see that absolutely like the Seinfeld episode it's going to need a lot of remodeling yes definitely the spirit of full disclosure I've known this is what currently most all but it doesn't impact my decision the video of it driving one sorry and if you'd like to see a video of it in action this is what yeah okay okay that's fine that's good yeah that's what it looks like I have a question yes uh maybe it's a question for Greg but um would it be appropriate or advisable if we give these gentlemen our approval to take the next step and continueing path um and they eventually get a license as uh part of getting that license could we do some sort of safety inspection just to make sure everything is hunky dory um who is that something the town would do or who would be next question who inspects the renovation and I me or anyone is qualified to do that okay well is the does the insurance company if an insurance company is going to Ure them that would be so that's it's their responsibility to make sure it's if they want if they're insuring that would the risk the risk is the carrier so I would I would think they would okay they would take the time to make sure that it's a safe operation okay makes sense you that charge a very high premium I'm not sure was um uh you have a start date in mind I assume you want to move things along as fast I mean yeah June 1 would be ideal but it would definitely take definitely take a lot of moving to get there yeah so we we were just looking to see we're very eager to get to get going on this project and we're looking to see what you think would be the most advisable next steps the next the next step is to get insurance okay um and our next meeting is J that's going to be chck a kind of thing too because you got to get insurance but you don't have any to ensure you yeah Haven assembled it you haven't had it inspected so it's I think June 1st is is an adver it's gonna happen no meeting so is June 4th the more reasonable start date if we got everything complete came back for the June 3rd meeting with the insurance with the full Petty cab everything good to go do you think June 4th theoretically would be a appropriate start date de was that so if that of the 17th those are the two next meetings okay great the third and the 17th okay great and we need to know if you're ready the Thursday before the Thursday okay I uh not going to give you my 100% word but we will be ready is there a chance once you have it I'd like to see it absolutely I mean of course you must go for a ride I know uh it's going to take a couple days to get it here and get might feel free to wave us down we're happy to of registration has to be done with it bicycle well they have to get their delivery license right he can he can drive around town license which isry and then what would the process of getting theivery license come here your insurance you already filled out the application so yeah okay great awesome thank you guys so much thank you again for your time we're eager to get going on the next steps thank you and good luck thank you appreciate it before you before you walk out is there anybody um online who has a question or yes Mar DD M uh I just have a question regarding the width for three three wide would that be about 4 ft wide yeah it's about like 50 in and then what is the speed of the vehicle so the bike without any extra weight just would be on it can go comfortably 20 but I don't think with that it give 350 pounds it'll probably go somewhere between 12 and 15 miles hour the reason I was asking is uh on Beach Street speed limit is probably 20 yeah yeah so I don't see people trying to pass you you would not be able Y and it's going to be strong enough to pull three people up I ran some tests back Karen um hello Karen Bennett 28 Lincoln Street so my question is so that means they won't be using the bike lanes that we just kind of painted and sprayed and all that stuff bike Lanes Onan on the route they're going no no bike Lanes at all okay thank you there are no bik Lanes on Beach Street oh interesting thank you okay thank you very much you guys so much for your time we appreciate doing good luck say you won't see me next time it'll be a new person um the next item up is non-registered uh non-resident moing owner parking and I think Greg you have been talking with the school so the um the school is is amenable to allowing um parking in the upper parking lot um for um Mo holders who are not residents and bie has volunteered to sub leison for that effort I don't know that's if you had a chance to speak with folks today or not but um I know that we have the contact information to do so um so that's um that certainly is a viable option for folks um I think that's a good a good option certainly for the non school time for S of the height of the Season July and August um I think that works well it come you know prior to prior to to July I would say the season is not as as robust um but there are the additional options of um the Lincoln Street spots AC crossing the tennis courts so those are available we don't regulate the amount of time people park there um so that can be uh so first come first serve I think for um as another option besides if the school is not available they're still in session and um there's also the option of Sweeney park though again this through now until early July it's it's it's pretty heavily used so it's not as and it's it's not as lighted it's not as right secure um so again that doesn't I'm trying to think of of places when the school is not available what would are the additional options um and so then there is the question um kicked around the idea of maybe extending the ability at at tux I know that some are in favor some are against that so I think that's just something for you to resolve um so right now you said up to three nights at at tux um so right now would be daytime parking no overnight parking here along the seaw wall um but we've basically have said you know 6:00 AM to midnight as a as a time frame and then there would be the tux Point um for up to three nights unless you were to extend that and then the third option would be um at the high school or at Lincoln Street for options so that's that's where things s questions from the board yeah I I'm in favor of making tux a week now I I assume that one can also juggle cars as long as two people are involved one person be here some person can drop a car off at Tu point and then get picked up at tux Point as the boat's coming out right and do the reverse when you come back or they can sign up for the launch service yes I mean it depends what you got going on but I mean I I did that quite a bit when I well just had a lot of stuff you meet somebody at tuck on the way out yeah just reverse it coming back so just has to be two people or more that's all no I'm just uh fin is that the by going a week T we're basically limiting other nonresident more using uh those spots so I'm I'm more inclined to go with a three Tu go with three days and then um parking the cars away what do you mean eliminating non-resident um well some person is using it for a week that means other people other nonr can't use it right for a week but I mean non-residents come in for a day they park anywhere the point is we said you're going to limit it three three days you want to extend it to a week There's four days that that parking spot is taken away from other nonresident uh who might be there for an extended time right so my point is I mean the convenience factor being a tux okay as opposed if you going to be gone longer than three days than I think long-term parking should be either the high school SC or something like that but uh again I'm just thinking about how many non-resident blackets do we have okay and I think the number was like 6 uh did we ever get the resolution whether any placers were issued to Residents I thought you said yes I think we no longer will do that right we did it one time oh I I'm very aware of that again my point is this I would like to see tux limited to three days and then if you're going to be gone longer than three days then I'm sorry you're going to be inconvenient you're GNA have to move over to school similar the way Logan Airport handles and if you want to park it you know at a terminal it's short-term parking you want to park for a longer period of time you got to go in Central Parking or one of the satellites long-term parking is from away typically so I think that's the model that that that Brian is and and I I have an additional concern about the I I realize this is not up to the the town is not responsible for this but um the the school lot is lighted and there are cameras the text point I walk my dog there and um there's generations of broken glass in the grass and I know the police do a very good job of patrolling that but if there's one dark car there and a bunch of kids who who have seen you coming and said oh let's kind of hide a little bit doesn't happen as often as it used to but yeah um I how to say something other than Dr kids have really bad judgment all kids have really bad judgment yeah so and then you add under the influence I would just just think that for safety sake people would would prefer to be in a lot that's slighted and um so that becomes their choice yes but I'm saying is at three days three days that's it thing I didn't mention is um whether or not you want to consider post Labor Day differently during the height of the Season you're saying three days only in September when we really do see a significant reduction in news of Tu I'm will make that and and and the school needs their lot you lose the school option so when you lose the school option then parking could be length of parking could be increased at school start it starts in August right and again we still have the option of Sweeney right I think afterwe probably is an option late late summer ear early September start these but not as much do we need to decide now what day we're switching over and how long we're going or um well the more you can decide I think the better but but if you're wanting to hold off on that actual date but have a general concept that at least gives people a sense or can we perhaps just say that when school two days before school opens people have to be out of the school and that then um you allow par by the school the issue with that then comes into labor day do we allow extended parking before Labor Day when there are events going on down at the Chowder House or is [Music] that I mean it seems a fair compromise I I think to when the school Lots not available um I just wonder is a busy tux the place the times when the vot is really full mostly it's the red white and blue breakfast now that's that's something that we should probably exempt completely yeah yes I would agre um so that's sat 29 Saturday yeah um because at that point the whole lot is used in the place where one would put a car for longterm parking is where the ponies are be care you step um so we need to include that exempt date but the school is available there so right oh so y so it looks I'm just looking at the calendar it looks like the last day of school is June 13th if I'm reading this correct it's the first day of well I'm talking about the last day of school in June is so when they can start parking there right do we still have to get form from the school committee it's we're not really this is I mean but I mean if we're going to put on a website I think it's administratively being handled they should decide what day they can stop yeah because subject recover with yes but they're aware yes and obviously um I'm not sure there are so many details to this I'm not sure I can formulate a motion conveniently or maybe a couple of motions okay um the duration not Park after the last day of school and no more parking 2 days before school begins yes sir I'm sorry bety where s m um representing nonresident Waring holders and I'm a member of the Manchester har boat club I am not representing the baker I Community um I just need a little clarification here so um what you're saying is three days at Tu point and specific non overnight for eight spaces behind the police station then um so for longer term parking voters would be able to use um a stretch of Lincoln Street um starting relatively soon um and then the last day of school which is June 23d um we'd be able to start using the lot at the high school the upper lot for um longer term non-resident voter parking um three days at tux point three nights then after Labor Day a week or more than a week at tugs rather than Labor Day it needs to be several days before school starts okay rather than specific and do we know when school starts it starts the the week before Labor Day okay and it doesn't start on a Monday it starts on Monday before when day before Labor Day usually it's Wednesday before Labor Day so want to clear it out let's say Monday as soon as we can't use the high school then we're allowed to non-resident voters could be a tux point for a longer period than three days up to a week right okay and then any longer term parking after Labor Day would at Lincoln Street Lincoln Street or S and okay but isn't Sweeney that's don't they have SOC I don't we can't have Sweeney because after that it's the sof soccer softball whatever they do the fall but they usually for yeah so yeah so maybe Sweeney doesn't work foret about this so I'm I'm my question is um are there more Municipal streets that could be used and why is that Chief says no most of them are posted res right okay but couldn't some of those streets be used for particularly outside the center of town be used for president that would be up to the to the board but I'm not in favor that there are quite a few slots on Lincoln Street across from Memorial School right and that's six or eight I think there's six or eight spots there more than that there's one that that's a long as it's not so tennis tenis is spring spr yeah that's spring so we not Computing there yeah there's something going on that think at uh yeah tennis is so I'm just thinking is there any other spot that could be used for non-resident Boer after Labor Day I I don't again I don't think that that is you mean more than a week because tux is available for a week but right I think we've exhausted them yeah I don't that's the spot why you need more than a dozen spaces I don't really know think that's our yeah probably probably not I mean um in 2022 when um the upper lot was being used except for uh at the high school except for um big weekends like the 4th of July there was maybe 10 okay but um that was at that point it was just for Baker's Islanders it wasn't included the Manchester Harbor boat club and other boat club the yach club wasn't included the yach club has it own so yeah okay I mean I mean that's 10 spots that are going longer than a week and I understand people are out for several days but they parket tuck right right but the number of people that are going to be gone for a month in September my problem that's that's not our problem someone's got to be gone a month they you know usually toig gone for a month they usually get dropped off of the airport too yeah I mean I'm I'm liking this to airport yeah okay you got short-term parking you got long-term parking and you got people picking you up ubering getting back and forth people been commuting for a long time can do it and we just we're limited to the amount of time we haven't done I mean there are Ubers I could you I mean come drop your things off and then tax or I mean tax on yeah I'm not ubering from name it's not you know we're not we are not responsible for providing parking for everybody now why not that this has anything to do with the decision but why did why does Salem not allow parking for Baker's Island actually well I don't know about Baker's Island but Salem actually offers um 72-hour parking or more depending on where you park again why why are I mean as as Baker's island is part of Salem is it not that's true so if you're paying taxes to Salem do they not provide parking for Bakers and and I'm not I'm not I just I just and failing to understand why it's Manchester's responsibility to provide long-term parking for anybody that's what I don't understand okay so and I'm not asking for long clear I'm not representing Baker owners so that's a whole other issue um my understanding from talking with a number of people is that in the 1960s the town of Manchester accepted federal funds for dredging and at that time um they were it was predominantly resident Waring holders and the string that was attached to that dredging money was that it could not be kept as let's do this through me and if I may I think that um that that you know that was we have dread many times since then my point is still standing that I don't think it's the responsibility of the select board I I agree with you chapter 91 does not require that we provide long-term parment nine months a year right um and it requires that we not discriminate among moing applicants and we not charge different fees for mornings but in terms of of getting to your boat we currently allow non-residents to when I was a kid non-residents couldn't tie up to the dingy so you joined the hover boat club um and I believe that we now allow non-residents to sh was was Noah thank you um but um so I think the state does not go the federal government does not go as far as it's Pro required that we provide longterm I agree we're doing this because we think that the non-resident voters contribute to the community in ways other than paying taxes on um and and we'd like to have you be happy but um we're getting to the very edges of of of where we can find Space just to be clear I mean even you know like I said I had my boat somewhere else the marina I belong too has certain number of parking spaces if I don't get there early on a sunny day I have to find another way to get to my boat you know even a marina that you pay for only has a certain number of spaces to give so I I I hope you feel that we are doing everything that we can but as far as the long-term parking I mean I don't even get that where I am now uh but we do there are a dozen spaces there on Lincoln Street so I think I think you know I mean let's see what happens there I find difficult that that's not enough at this point but well I don't know that um and I just don't quite understand um but I appreciate that thank you no um Robert Levens of South B I'm speaking for myself as a moring holder out of town moring holder I just have a question a theoretical question um um I appreciate what you just apparently decided tonight I appreciate it and I think it work fine I just um I'm a little let's forget about vo parking all together let's forget about that for a moment uh let's say someone who has a car who registers a car and pays taxes excise taxes on their car lives out of town and wants to park overnight on the street in man how is that person that he doesn't live in manchest any different from the person who does the same thing but lives in manchest what do the residents of Manchester think we that person who might pack overnight in Manchester is going to do that they're afraid of didn't we just eliminate long-term packing manester we we did we did did eliminate seven spaces that were available for multi-on parking for residents I'm just asking a question because I don't know the answer I think I understand the question so I I would um what I have heard as a request is for the non-residents to be allowed access to more of the core of downtown okay um that you asked if there are other streets where where people could park on and everything around the the water is non-resident during the summer so um I'm sorry excuse me resident during the summer so um you know if you're going to park out in Essex and take a cab I I mean I on yeah way up I don't I just asking a question that's if you want to park way up on Pine Street by Black Earth or something I I don't know is that a problem or are there Trails there is that one of the reasons I I don't know to them yeah I mean there way far away from downtown I I don't think we've discussed it at all or prohibited it butan School Street doesn't School Street has the trail so people use those Trails I'm I'm not certainly asking to open a Ken worms I'm just trying to just trying to understand that's so I thank you for your your time Mar crd long-term res nonresident since 1989 um just regarding the spaces out here last year I don't believe there were any problems there was limited to 12 spots uh Brian's comment regarding you know limiting limiting it to three days at tuck point um would open up more spaces for other nonresident moring holders to park uh like I said I don't think there was a problem last year we had space using just the 12 spots so that doesn't seem to be a problem um the signage down at Lincoln Street I believe there is signage there that talks about 2hour parking no signage on okay great um and then as far as uh hearts and Recreation and Tux point is talks under the jurisdiction of the Parks and Recreation Department yes short answer is yes okay wouldn't we have to say where we should be parking down there no well they We Will We Will designate an area working through par okay great all right that's that was my question I know that I know there's grass areas and there's gravel areas and and uh will it be designated by signs and just so that you're all aware I mean I heard the comment it's like an airport it's not really like an airport it's it's a harbor we have a boat we go cruising on the boat we uh it's not a big boat it's 30 ft long and uh it's comfortable we really enjoy we go cruising down the cake we go cruising uh to the islands we cruising to main this year we're out to Nova Scotia 7 days it doesn't it's it's a little longer than seven days to get back here from Nova Scotia those are the reasons why we're looking for parking just a place to put our car where it's going to be safe where we aren't going to have to worry about going against the storm or putting ourselves at risk because we might get a parking ticket or the car might get towed on the way to on the way home manchest have we provided you with a solution that you think would work uh yeah but it's it's I can see how difficult it is for all of you it's going to be a lot of documentation a lot of Patrol work and I I just want you to try to understand some of the Dynamics and I appreciate everything that you've all done um so I hope that I hope that the school for you I hope the 7day limit isn't going to be a problem s limit well so you're in September the lack of seven days the the yeah so if we're yeah the Nova Scotia trip yeah the Nova Scotia I understand seven days that was tux after Labor Day we do not Define a timeline I don't think at the high school and I got understand our cruising calendar 10 11 12ed by our parking situation here in M right I understand how many spaces are in that lot in the school yeah a lot a lot I think that should oh I don't think he's worried he's not worried about Jo August is we're good for Jo a also think again it's I can appreciate that done cruising my husband improved up no scoa I get that but I also just don't feel that it's the town of Manchester's responsibility to provide long-term parking for nonresidents I I we don't even really do it for residents who go south for the winter we don't we don't so we have okay to take these our down into consideration first and foremost and I I think that that if somebody wants to go cruising for a longer period of time than what we a lot for Arrangements the yeah that's that's I mean just like we do when we go cruising it's our responsibility um trying to summarize this good got all that Debbie um watch the video on okay so it's you said when school got out June 13th so according to the calendar June 13th is the last day of and I think rather than giving a specific date we should say after the last day parking allow at the school the day after school closes for the season or for the summer and then parking at the school up to however many days prior to the start of school the one day before Labor Day yeah um and that the spaces on Lincoln Street are available whenever and how we don't need to state that though because that's that's no one checks how long somebody's nothing posted at those spots so if you wanted to go for a lawn Cruise in September that would be the spot to go but again that's we don't need to include that in a motion I didn't stress P um I didn't hear when Lincoln Street is available for parking overnight now there are no yeah there's no there are no that's Avil those Beach goes at Pock are going to be really upset I think that's that's a good thing and then that's one motion okay so I'm sorry point of clarification yeah do we have the authority to make a motion for something no that's that's I'm sorry you're right good point but then our motion is yeah it's to modify um to allow for parking at tux point for up to one week after um after labor labor day is that okay so there's there's has made a motion to allow parking seven up to seven a parking at tuex point after Labor Day is there a second I would say Seven Days Seven Days second Brian yes Becky yes Kathy yes an yes yes Lincoln Street doesn't require anything schol we can't do anything about can make its own rules um Sweeny I think we took off of of conflict with and and since the chief has asked for some changes to that reflect over use of parking in the sing area I think probably that's about something s s's availability overlaps with the school availability so we're not really gaining yeah no not did we already uh agree on what happens with the with the spaces out here daily parking did do that yeah okay with the extended time in other words I don't know 6:00 to midnight or whatever it was 6 to midnight we don't check before 8 yeah okay and that covers everything cover yes that's that's rare um so Sweeny is not going to be used or is swe Sweeney nobody's going to check but Sweeney does not do does not not check residence parking there's no posted parking in the area and we don't that the problem is that when there are sporting events there that overlap with sporting events at the high school there's overflow parking from the high school to Sweeney and then swiy overflows into the nearby streets and so it doesn't sound like Sweeny is a good option Sween is not swe not it's not something I don't think we can promote Ken Bennett has Karen please hello Karen Bennett 28 Lincoln Street um couple of questions one is how many non-residents more non non-resident Moorings do we have do we know I'm sorry about 400 40% sorry there's 665 Total Wars 403 are resident 262 are 262 I stand corrected nonresonant okay thank you um great thank you I I appreciate that information um have we taken into consideration at the high school because I live right next to it um the lights we don't want those lights on all the time because they are they do shut down and it's a beautiful thing because all the houses around here are impacted by that so are we taking that into consideration when we're parking at the high school and my second question is um what about the cost if we're putting the lights on and we we got everything going are we going to be charging these people for something because as a resident I'm going to be paying taxes for what's going on at the school and they're not so the the lights and the EXT any extra charges up to the school up to the school okay and so should I go to the school to talk about the lighting situation at night yeah we're talking about the upper back lot that's furthest away from residents okay all right that that is more reasonable uh for sure but I just you know if there's 262 non-residents how many of them are going to be looking for parking spots because we all know there's no parking available and I don't think we owe anything to non-residents and honestly we should be just saying sorry we have a parking issue here you all have to figure it out it's not our issue thank you thank you um that's my response to to miss benett is that last year you sold 82 parking spaces or parking blackards to 262 nonresident Waring holders those non-resident Waring holders have worked to find other places because we understand Manchester has particularly in the center of town has has some parking purches so we have tried very hard to limit our parking footprint in this community um so the fact that only 82 parking PLS were sold last year I think is yes we make motion to end this um I I think we have talked this one through um and we we have what we desate um and and I think did we vote on the we voted on the one motion which was for the uh that was tux extended that was the only one we really had to vote on not all we need to so I think we're set but I I'm sorry M working did I hear that Lea's on for the school all right out of my I would like to make one more comment though well no it's not our responsibility um I do think that we we don't the intent is not to be inconsiderate of people who come to our town that I I that is not the intent at all um I think we're fortunate that we had three meetings on this and we've discussed it for over a half an hour tonight we we are trying to find something that worse well this was more in response to the comment um Mrs Bennett made that I I just think that I I wanted to make clear that that that this sort of isolationism is not our int not immigrant it's not really not really fair Becky not fair Becky be recognized and and I disrespectful is all I have to say thank you yes she is let is too much from everybody let's go on to the next topic um which is the harbor Master's office we're almost a half an hour late on that thank you very much you we don't come next we will it's nice to see you smile once in a while thank you Todd thank you Todd thank you Todd um do we need him for what are we going to do Road the Harold Street we already okay har Master Harbor Master office we all know and class yeah Bion I don't see Bion on no I don't think he's here tonight okay thank God so my yeah and the reason that I wanted the the classification brought up is that um I I looking forward with the assistant or Deputy Harbor Master that we're looking at the qualifications the state is requiring are have change are are have changed and they're more in line with um safety officers um which currently the Harbor Master office is not designated as Public Safety um and I think that that um with Peter the the town did vote to allow him to have the retirement at at the F4 the the umet the previous Peter M Peter Ms yes as the and and but that was done and correct me Greg please I think that was done um um at a town meeting and a one-time thing was that correct well so so he was he was a police off certified officer so it it it was a logical um decision to have him be in group four going forward with the new rules and regulations I think um a new Harbor Master should be required to have the The Academy training be a public safety officer and and therefore again it would make sense to have that position that be INR for because it is a public safety position well and even now what I think that our Harbor Master does is he can go on a vessel or she yes I I I spent a lot of time chatting about that he he he is a able to board and he's able to ticket so Bion and I just chatted with Bion the other day about this um and the type ticket for safety for certain safety issues but not not the full range you can't he can't as power as someone speeding through a no wake zone you can't pull them over right however the next iteration right will be able to do that can I ask a question so um I understand where we're going okay potentially but how did we get from group one to group four for the current situation that's what I don't understand because um I just I'm presuming that each group has a higher level of compensation or is that not true no okay it's it's a timing issue Okay so um my other question is the other Harbor M current Harbor Masters we have some data that talks about you know all the harbor Masters along the coast what are their grades I mean that would be the very first question I would ask um it's it's a mix okay and the state it's new the requirement that the state is doing so I'm totally on board with if we're going to post a position new and it has more stringent requirements on board with potentially the group for that's that makes total sense um potentially however um the current situation is where I'm struggling a bit and also I I hope we don't um do anything until we get a proper financial analysis because this is a potentially long-term financial decision for the town so anything with a financial impact we ought to give fincom an opportunity to weigh in um on that before we make a final decision so if if if you wanted to to change it now to impact the current holder of the office you would you would need special legislation you would have to be a special so that would take time it's too late to do that for this legislative session um and the CL is going to run out so so it won't impact I'm assuming by is okay with a couple more years he's going to he'll have the same he'll have the same retirement package once he hit 65 it's the same okay there's no difference um so I I really think the focus is on the future the deput so the deputy I wouldn't I wouldn't do okay so the deputy would stay in the group one but my question to to that point is is that anybody who is looking at that position expects that they would at some point in time become the Harbor Master and the decision to join here is hey where am I going when I become a Harbor Master right and if you're group one as a Harbor Master and you're well I don't know maybe a deput is also group one he look at and say maybe I'm not going to apply for this because I don't have all of the advantages that a group four would have when I get ostensibly promoted several years down the road that would be my career path so um but I think we want to make it clear that with the change that happen at the state level in terms of qualifications and certification of Harbor Masters that requires Academy training just like okay all right so my my question is this being driven by Bion because of Bion who Bion is or is it because of the recruiting initiative makes sense I it's really State driven from the new requirements okay so this is just regulatory yes oh okay all right I didn't know what the driver was here I mean you know it certainly has been on buyan buy for a number of years um but it's not affecting him isn't this why we have a police officer on the boat on the bo exact so we got a group we got a group four person on the boat police enforcement up uh however under water going there are plenty of times when it's only the Harbor Master on water right right understand but he can't do certain things the environmental police or a real police officer you know so all of these towns up and down are going to have to conform with this at some point not have to I'm strongly recommended I don't believe it's a mandate um have to verify that you won't be able to have a certified oress if they're not to be a trained but I don't know if that precludes you from them nonetheless okay certifi certified certified as group four or certified what certified mean certified as as as a fully trained Public Safety Officer G to the attend I understand yeah so they're all gonna so I mean honestly I think um when making this type of decision typically you kind of get some other data and way the pros and I haven't seen any data other than what's been in our package and that's not enough for me you know it sounds like we're in a good place why don't we agree to ask the finance committee to take this under consideration um collect some data colle data prepare an article for the special legislation making that change this is at the state level at the state level and and and um if if we missed this session already um we have some time but let's get the information together and this whatever we need to do to apply for that and talk about it again in September on the action list yeah and in the meantime if there are candidates that are asking questions about this we're working toward this and it sounds like it's going to take some time anyway yes but for anybody who isv viewing to be assistant Harbor Master this that's not a relevant question because how this would affect that person as well down the line but it could affect their decision right that's what I mean that they need to know the road we're going down and and they need to know that that before they be if before they're promoted to govern they will need to go go to police the is a point of clarification the special act you were referring to is that to change the classification for the Harbor Master period or only to change it for the current incumbent okay very but not R it's not a retro so let us pull together more details good discussion I that's this is not something that has to to be resolved tonight for no down the road it was to get it on the action L thank you my going away present okay oh come on not going anywhere I hope she's going lots of places I'm sure she is okay administrator yeah very brief um election Dr tomor certainly is encouraged to vote in addition to the officers that are being elected we do have those three Gall questions two two related to the one and Sewer fond and the third one related to the school usability stud for S6 those on open 7: a.m. to 8:00 p.m. memorial school the uh your June 3 meeting your next meeting will be uh a joint meeting with the planning board and the task force the NTA task force reviewing in detail the proposal the hope is that that is in actually our next meeting is Thursday that's true your next regular meeting is June 3rd your next special meeting is Thursday the 23rd um where you'll meet with the plan board to fill a vacancy on the board and and then following that is a public for um Z and then there'll be a presentation again to you on at your meeting on the 3 and the hope is then to um wrap up the proposal and ship it up to the state for them to review and hopefully approve what has been proposed is this the last form it's the last form before it gets shipped off to the state that's what I no that's what I mean in other words this is the last before goes to the state first goes after the Forum I think it goes to the planning board and the planning board turns it over to us on the 17th and then we say yes okay so but the last point where the public can head on generally we accept public comment on issues during our meetings yes okay yeah so um moving forward with a number of fronts on on Mason building including hiring a professional fundraiser through the friends of the Council of Aging to that effort underway um meeting with with the the representatives of the Mason on the the pns the purchase and sales agreement and the condo docs as well and and working with legal counsel on both of those um and then we'll also start the process of of finding um an OPM we have an opportunity perhaps of having that inous and um depending on how the state budget process um proceeds representative Fate has put into the house region of the budget um some seed buy for us for for the community for the Senor St so would like that'll survive that process and we'll have some some funds there to help get us started and didn't you have a couple of um residents who had expressed an interest in supporting a senior center couple years ago didn't yes yeah most defly yeah so we'll certainly be reaching out to them soon having concered effort nice I have a couple of comments which I should have made earlier but uh on the offsite um I'd like to have some idea I approached the art Club I have not been turned down um they would like to know they would like to know when we would like to do it the best nights for them I believe are Tuesday maybe Monday I'm thinking of an evening 5 to seven perhaps sort of a time to make it possible for people who actually work Jo us um Jeff Jeff's a worker too he's a work too so um we did it Saturday last time okay yeah we do on Saturday I'm not it's Saturday midday but that might be a little problematic you know I think that uh something nice about sitting at a yach club between five and seven I'm not doesn't offend me um so have a bar oh yeah but we'd have to hire the for public meeting yeah your chip though right um so Tuesday um and Thursday are days when the club doesn't regularly have events in the evening is either of those at sometime in mid June okay mid June I'm away um I'm out of the country from June 5th coming back on the 11th okay um it's uh are we still talking evenings I was thinking okay 13 18 20 maybe ends on June 20th i' if I had a preference it would be Tuesdays because Thursdays looks like summer time this beginning of the weekend okay yes that's true we all have our schedule it is is it yes it isar for you it's like Friday Junior yeah I will I will I will talk to the club and see if we can come up with something after June 11th um that we're we can we can meet and the other as most of you many of you are aware June 12th is going to be southorn day and there will be a party from four to six at the chter house um to thank her for 40 years of service to the town um and I'm going to ask that that you put on the agenda for the 3 to have a proclamation declaring June's 12th in Laur day in Manchester all you got was a lousy chair four I think she prob probably has a couple prob her whole dining she's moving to Brooksby Village so the a chair seemed like the wrong thing the friends of trees donated a tree and that's ni she has she has gone to it was planted and she has gone to stand next to it and get her picture taken I think she's already moved I think yeah like like this week yeah within the week she I think it was a gradual transition yeah I would agree but so those are my notes and I would welcome some [Music] move yes and yes and yes and don't leave before your side right signatures of the day more signatures Becky more hey