##VIDEO ID:YriZprRWMTk## now 6:30 call this meeting is the Manchester by the SE select board to order um G ly y here yes an's here and John is here um this meeting is being recorded um and first item is public comments on non-agenda items are there great is there anyone don't see anyone raising their hand okay um the I have don't have a Chairman's report I do have a suggestion for Action items which is that at a future meeting well before the town meeting um like us to consider um amending the Town f law about construct heavy construction noise to exclude the LCD um and that won't please the people on Mill Street but um they are some distance from most of the and construction often begins earlier than 8 in the morning yes commercial construction minimum 7:00 7:00 Boston at 6 blasting wouldn't be inside that you're talking relative to noise specifically noise this is not General noise this is an amend it lists a series of things that are noisy I don't have to buy all my fingertips but how many construction Beed out this be uh as well have I don't believe it includes traffic but we can we I will put it on the get it on the action item and I will I will make sure that everybody sees what the uh what the current b l is also in the actions I just um we had a discussion on Ocean Street like a meeting or two ago and until I see something on a warrant I I like to kind of keep it on our action item list they um so we don't C them all um and then I just had a memory fog and couldn't remember where we were with the electricity aggregation did we finish that negotiate that or so it's it's in process still in process okay so we have the the consulting firm um right they just sent me the other day a draft I'd like to see that on the actions just so because it was two almost two years ago that the voters approved it so we have an action to do something and um they did say I think or somebody said some group said it was supposed to go a lot faster correct so the the dpu has has has uh approved just November a new streamline process so we're one of the first to go through that process we'll see how that we'll see how Streamlight it is we'll be optimistic okay um and the other thing I'd like to make sure is on is the um water quality on Forester Road or lack thereof oh speaking of water did we ever lift we never lifted the Water band we had enacted um is that something we should consider or we still in a I haven't heard Boo about the drought in weeks so let me check on that I don't think we officially listed um certainly put it on only because right right the state so we may want to just keep an action to track you know when to lift it and so we don't forget anything else for for us not to forget okay um first item on the agenda is the Manchester Yacht Club alcohol licensed and is there any the the should be better about reminding us when they change their officers which they do every two years the the officers who had been listed were a couple of years out any discussion on okay um is there a motion I'll make a motion to approve the uh alcohol license change of what is it manager and officer manager second discussion comments Jeff yes Ryan yes Kathy yes and says yes John says yes okay the next item is to eliminate parking within 20 ft of the crosswalk on Central Street by Seaside one I think we all know what that one was about is there any discussion I had a well just a question I guess if we move to that crosswalk back this way would we still lose the same number like up to the corner would we still lose the same number spots my concern I think would be truck's concern is the vehicle exiting the driveway okay what happens if we eliminated that crosswalk alt together we have one on the other side Chuck was not in favor of that we already eliminated one up the street well back huh I'd like that one back yeah exactly I mean that's obviously a conversation have to come I think uh business is going to lose one or two spots by uh following that 20 feet okay which will impact uh the boobird and and Jack The babash Shack but we and we already have a crosswalk just on the other side of the street have this discussion with Chuck uh I mean the two of them seem redundant as close as they are to each other I I think there's two issues I agree with you um I I think there's a shortterm need to do something right away okay which I think this um suggestion is directed U at but I also think we need a longer term look at where the appropriate place for a crosswalk is because I agree with you that's not the place for it it's I use it almost every single day it is an extremely dangerous spot even by eliminating the 20 foot sight line is still there's a curve it's a bad sight line and I agree with you the one near Mor Court was honestly I jwalk and that's where I cross because it's safer um so I do think we need a longer term discussion but in the short term I I agree we kind of need to do something however my question is in order to lose as few parking spaces as possible it was recommended to us that we paint lines on both both sides of that street to delineate where the parking spaces are because the number of parking spaces is purely a factor of who gets there first in the morning and where they happen to park and if they are not in the right spot you automatically lose a spot so a can of paint okay I mean I agree I think lose 20% of the parking we're losing parking every single day for no other reason than we haven't painted you notice under the uh hydr yes you've got it marked off it's marked off and that was plan to do on either side we need both sides the parking spaces marked off and then Brian I think that will alleviate some of the angst but to your point I think we need a longer term solution that's but in the short term like can we stop putting cones out there right now yeah yeah let's do that until we come up with that laun yeah because I I hate to see those spots go away but I do you know we got to do something right now well we had an incident right and we're luy that was just ultimately was and that was with the driver under the speed so this is two spots two spots on the side which is on either side before the crosswalk going eastbound and before the crossb and before the cross walk going westbound that was my recomendation okay right so understand the bigger issue is when you're on standing by the real estate office when you're facing the harbor that's where it's danger the westbound the westbound traffic yes yes yeah heading towards Beverly they can't see that you can't see the cars coming they can't see you crossing the other way is really you know it's it's not bad but but when you're trying to cross towards the harbor it's you're taking you're taking your life in your hands yeah so maybe down the road that's not the best place for it to exactly as long as we have it now until we can meet with I would advate just let's do something now and then yeah and and including paint I would really ask that we paint the lines I mean yeah so previous boards had a different philosophy about painting parking spots but but the happy to do it the experts we hired recommended that the the you know need to be I mean I pull in I I live there okay and if I'm the first one there I try always I try to pull up as far up as as you can that's my spot and I get pissed when someone else is there but not everybody does that but there are times when you and like you come home and say you know look at this three wasted spots because they're not and there aren't a lot of people driving the little tiny smart carts who pack sell right pick them up turn them around Okay so so I think what we want to do is put the cones in now to block off so that it's safe for the moment um and get Chuck in um probably for our next meeting um with a plan to either remove a crosswalk or at least move one I would ask that he also consult with the bike and pedestrian committee because they had sent a letter um to Chief fitgerald they may have already have suggestions on the appropriate placement for the crosswalk so just I think they should be included when does they meet next I'm not sure actually I'm not sure it's they haven't had a meeting yet this month so then not posted I think yeah I think he can um I think you know Chuck can reach out to them in the interim and make sure that they he gets their feedback prior to our next meeting within the next two weeks so because I think they have discussed it so there was one further west right it was by Mo yeah yes that's the one that was removed that quite frankly where I jwalk because the sight lines are good the sunshine you know Depend and I what I understand the reason why it was taken away is something about the sidewalk not being wide enough to be ADA Compliant and that's why they took the crosswalk away but I don't understand why we couldn't have a non-compliant Ada you know non ADA Compliant crosswalk is that illegal or I mean it was there I thought it would have been grandfathered in even though we paved over it or whatever um that was my understanding why they took it away because the sidewalk was too th every crosswalk is supposed to have a ramp up some yeah and that it's real narrow on the yeah well I mean how much of the street would we take away you know we had to make that sidewalk ADA Compliant but from a sideline standpoint it's a it's a very nice spot look at some options yeah thank you thank you okay um the next I think we have a resolution on that basically um the regulations commercial war and I'm sorry I sent you 47 copies but people kept making B suggestions joh you look as if you have lots of comments well I do but then as I read it down further further then I say oh that comment up there doesn't apply so it looks like I have a lot but really I just just have a couple and thank you very much for working on this and put together so many versions I mean that takes a little bit time but I understand you got comments and then more comments and say hey this makes sense so I've got uh just a really a couple and one is um um that I I I think all of these are Moorings you say service Moorings up on the top but I think it's never referred to a service moing there are Moorings that I guess are involved with the uh that are involved with the uh with the the um two marinas yep but the question would be right now the payment is in full that also includes the uh water we permit the water we permit is paid by the boat yards that's right town now my question is the the payment from the voter to the um to the marina um has to be invited a certain date or the marina will say okay next person on the line understood so say the uh slips that are excuse me in in behind boerd those people all have to pay a water W yes and that's separate from the slips now I don't know who owns the slit cob yeah yeah okay so are those two different entities in other words the Waterway bill is paid to paid to the Harbor Master flips are there's a difference in state law between slips and bottom Bings um which is very significant um if it's if you approach the boat from the land on a ramp that's one thing and when Manchester Marine first put in their uh Marina the withen slips they had had land there and they dredged it so that they could put in those slips um bottom water bottom in Massachusetts belongs to the people and I think I think I'm just wondering at the we've got two way two ways we're administering some Moorings most of the moing are we're paying you pay to the Harbor Master and then for these you know the number of Wars whatever winds up in this provisional pool is being paid in a different way and I'm just wondering if they can't all be dealt with in the same fashion that's all there are two parts to the payment in the on the provisional part of it is for the tying it to the bottom and part of it is the part that the boards are renting to voters okay we could I mean I I just thought it you understand the rationale I had here you know and I was just wondering why can't they all be dealt with the same way also I don't know somebody with a 25 foot boat is in theory having to pay for a 40 foot slip now that's I that's the reason that it's done that way is that those Wars those those float yeah theat take up the space of a 45 boat I understand so I would like to see the town get paid for 45 even if the person who's renting it only has a 25 okay so that's so it's an observation I make and but I was not aware of the subtlety or not so subtle difference between a between a moing and a slip and L had his hand up for a minute Lan did you take your hand down or you want to comment on yeah comment on that topic well I I was just going to say the boat yards have always paid uh annually the Waterway fee for their Mings the intention was that they would continue to pay for the Waterway fee to the town for all of their service and transient Moorings and that the uh people who are assigned to the other Mings held by The boaty Yards would pay their Waterway for their boat being in that spot and then the agreement between those boter and the boaty yards that a that's a separate topic but the town would collect a Waterway fee for uh every single one of those moreing spot my concern there is that we're shorting the town because those things take up the space of two 45 foot boats right okay all right so I mean that's just an observation appreciate the comments on that second second uh question I had is um to all of those folks that wind up on provisional uh Moorings they must pay their fee in full at the start of the Season okay and we have to know that because that's really a financial interaction between the boat chard will let well the boat chard will let the Harbor Master know if they don't have their payments okay all right just so long as it's in advance there was some comment there with I think you had made the comment Greg with regard to billing disputes or problems with people who might be on Moorings and I don't I certainly do not want the moing fee to be part of that discussion in other words I'll pay you monthly and then all of a sudden they don't pay it in August or something okay and uh the last question I had and I think it can be um straightened out is that um I guess Moorings can be added or removed at you know each year and it could be any number I mean they could reduce the number of Serv warnings they have if they feel that we don't need to have I don't know 11 or 11 whatever it is whatever the number is okay all right but um there could be uh if if something is removed if a moing is removed it must be there for at least three years and I understand that somebody no I the more recent draft says when when I got the comments from Manchester Marine they did did not object to having to keep a moing in the provisional moing pool until the assign had an upom alternative so oh okay all right that is subsequent to this I indefinitely yes indefinite there was they saw and did not comment there or until vacated by an assin until it's vacated by the ass now when you say it it could be any moing if they want to have another moing back whoever whatever person that's got a provisional moing it's it's a pool of Moorings and so whichever one gets vacated they get that moing back if they wanted to put it back into the service moing category and so it's not designated a specific moing it's whatever moing becomes available first then you've satisfied that requirement that's not necessarily clear here so there might be a word or two that needs to go in there so can we dumb this down please so we're talking about Mings that the marinas control yep they have they have permit they have permits Y and at times they would want they the potential exists that it's becomes Surplus as it were they don't need it for tying up boats and they could then uh go to the the pool of uh so do does do they pay for those Moorings UPF front yes all right so I the question I have is then so the towns got their money for those Wars right uh and then all they have to do is they can try to recoup some of those those uh dollars inverti the cost or whatever it is for the months is going to be they're going to make a big profit on it but or and not a big advocate of government intervention here but why can't we cap that at like 15 or 20% basically the cost of their money administrative costs because it is a town asset well those and it isn't well those votes would be of no interest to anybody if they were in the boat yard's parking lot it's public asset not necessarily oh okay again I'm just throwing it out there I'm just trying I think that you don't want you know if it's why can't the if the town is getting their money um that's what we care about but we don't want someone problem the other problem is we're Bound by the state any seasonal Wars has to come from the list that's oh no I understand that but some of the concerns that you had as I recall is all right this is what the more is going to cost you up to uh to Rich for your blood we go on to someone else yeah okay T of that as it were the risk they run is if it's too high they go through the whole list and they don't and they don't get you know there's some orings that do not go okay no I'm just I'm just just trying to boil this down and and simplify it as so that bring up a different issue though moing are rare and sought after so we don't want to see moing go unused for multiple years at a time right it wouldn't probably wouldn't be multi because they set the price every year right I'm just wondering if there's a way for Bayon to um you know monitor that we wouldn't want moing to go empty right unused um and I'm not sure how this addresses that angle um well it's it since it's not C it's strongly in The Boar's interest to set a price where they will sell yeah M that's all on thek will deter no I I I don't have a problem with that at all I guess what I'm getting at is most marinas like you know if you don't use your SL you're allowed to have your slip empty for a year and if you don't put a boat in it the following year you lose the slip so I'm wondering if that type of you know industry Standard Process can be applied here to the moing you can't keep a moing empty for two three years that's just that's not right you know so you're saying somebody's paying for it but they're not using it yeah that's the scenario no nobody would be paying for it Mar are still pay Mar going to pay for it by January 15th they're going to pay for all getting money that's not what I'm concerned about getting that money if if moing go unused the list doesn't get any shorter right under what circumstance you're concerned that the marinas will set a price so high that no one will I'm asking is that you know I think I think we have to go back if if they don't get the $6,000 that they want out of it that's not in their interest they know they're going to have to pay us the what I don't know $22,000 for the whatever 40 foot boat is $1,500 or something the way I see it is they're going to set it at so much a foot probably whatever this slips are right and if you go out there in July and August there's not there not a bunch of empty slips out there I think what I'm worried about is the conversation or I think it might have been a recent update I apologize I think I got some of the updates mixed up but there was something about keeping the moing assignment until um must accept a regular moing assignment offered by the har master so basically someone keeping not keeping their moing assignment um year over year over year I just want to make sure that if that situation occurs the person actually has a boat in the morning not just keeping the assignment because they can afford to pay a fee you know what I'm saying um I wish I could apologize I didn't have the language here you want to make sure there's a boat on make sure there's a boat on the morning so even if someone is paying the boat yard some these things are rare right people there are some people willing to pay just because oh I'm going to get a boat you know I didn't get it this year I'm going to get it next year you know lots of things happen with boats and I just don't want to see any empty I think Bion handles that the way he does all of the other that's why I didn't quite see that I interject yeah uh so I I would say Kathy U the way to handle that is the same way we handle every other single morning if you have a moing you pay uh every single year uh you must use your moing at least every other year for 45 days okay and just applied the same I mean I I would assume we just appli the same rule to those Mings as we would any other moing in the harbor yes I'm I'm very comfortable with that I didn't this I guess maybe I didn't um pick up on this before this branding of a provisional moring program which I like um but I didn't see that language in here I like that language I'm perfectly fine if we just treat it's in the regular rules and rs okay and uh we would just apply it consistent right okay so good what you're saying is that someone who had the someone who has paid uh the Boatyard for the use of a float SP float space would lose it if they didn't put a boat on every other year yeah for 45 days whatever the rule is I just want the same rule to apply so so the marina still holds on to the moing but the there's subl goes back into the pool doesn't doesn't continue to read and the next person on list has has a chance yes yes I guess that's the intersection of what what's here and the current rules yes yes that's that's exactly right discussion thank you for putting all this together yeah my only comment I already gave you was about the threshold of the 2 half% and I yeah I saw you fix that so that's yeah so that's great thank you yes sorry Nick's 14 res Road M general manager of Manchester Marine I'm curious what the 2.5% change to that's the version i' SE um okay what I originally said that we don't want to see the the um Bo jards put up enormous changes so we okay 2 and a half% is the number of year-over-year increase that the town lives with um so that's where that number came from and Jeff suggested that maybe that wasn't didn't reflect the cost of of um material in the in in the water and on the water um so I added the percent change in the moing fees so that it would be 2 and a half% plus whatever change the mor F had oh so additionally yeah yeah so if our moing fees go my my concern was if our moing fees go up 20% some Year you guys can still capture that 20% plus your two and a half you know what I mean so wouldn't don't throw that number out to buy here hey um are we ready to vote yeah I'll make a motion to accept the provisional moing program as um presented on January 5th yeah January fifth edition version XXX okay you would think somebody who' done this before would have the sense to put in dat on with the addition of the what do you want call it the um use it or lose it provis use it or lose it okay that's in the general which yeah so that's in the general okay okay is there a second second Jeff yes yes Kathy says yes John says yes okay I think boards get to use Wars and the Waring the users will come off the list in a rational fashion thank you thank you for putting that together app y thank you everybody [Music] um the next is discussion items um first item here is the Waterfront event permit um I have trouble dealing with things that I get late on Monday afternoon and I don't think this is something that we absolutely urgently have to have done in January um and I would like to put this off perhaps for two meetings and I want to be sure that what we come up with for a water effect event permit um offers many there there are lots of events that happen on the Harbor the cardboard boat events um and and I'm not sure that the level of Regulation that this proposes is appropriate for everything that happens on the water like get a little and I'd like a little bit of quity on what is a water definition of a waterfront event yeah yeah what's the scope of applying whatever um rules we're going to set up um I think I had sent Greg a note this morning um because I had attended the meeting on the that everybody um you know came where everybody came together to discuss options um I didn't it this looked like a short list but not everything that we talked about so I wasn't sure what we were going to be discussing tonight for example we talked about if there were um Public Safety details that the event sponsor would have to pay for them that was one thing that stuck in my mind so I just felt like this document to your point um it was a short list but not necessarily everything we would want to discuss among the things that concern me there there are the high school sailing team for example when they have Races they put it out on social media it's it on the water event do we need to have the Coast Guard involved so if they're a good team no um so I will the definition of the a good point um and and there's every April or so Bion does a really good event where people bring in uh expired flares and you get to play with flares which most people don't get to do in the north you know about that EV yeah um and and it's things to do so okay anybody like I have a problem with this I mean like you say this we would not press for time right now and I it wasn't clear to me how this kind of gets integrated into the special event permit massage that particular you have to massage it a lot I would think because I mean it I would say there's a crossover but good Cheryl would have to work through they would okay um we'll all send our comments to Greg and uh take this one up later okay off the water um pan Transportation Authority right so we've had discussions in the past uh we had meeting with P Representatives come in um and I think it's it's decision time in terms of would we like to proceed um they're they're willing and able to uh to offer us some Services um it's as you know would be a shifting of dollars so the dollars that we currently pay to the MBTA you're allowed to shift that to your local Regional Transit Authority so it's it's not new dollars it's just taking existing dollars in shifting it towards kada instead of MBTA um and I think there's a way to supplement our current services to offer an expansion of of service so if if you're willing to take the next steps I would have kada draft up a formal proposal and that would then have them come back before you and it is um a decision of the select board to to make that move um so you can review their proposal and then make a decision at that time so if you have some thoughts on the shape of the the service that would be helpful to to have um May presented a couple three options the last time they were here so we can find tune those and and have you make a final decision as I recall and I'm looking at the notes from when they in August fth I guess it was 3 days is what we could get yes and would bit in and any more than that now it becomes incremental to us but that that was less than whatever we're what is it 150,000 we're paying the three days this cost like I don't know 110 or something something so that's what it would be three three days of service obviously I think it can be any three we no desire but that's a little bit further down the road yeah and then I think at that point once we know what the three days of service uh see can start adjusting their schedules I think the key thing was is then we can adjust schedules and run a little bit in the summer anyway run to like six o'clock or something and then then we would supplement it with our own bands to expand yeah daily hours correct yep seems like a no brand yeah so consensus is yes Greg please go ahead yep okay the community center um we start off you want to sh off yeah I'll start off I uh actually after we spoke Greg on Thursday I ran to Edward okay he's on board just want to use the build right so we have certainly spoken in the past about using that building for uh public bathrooms public bathrooms number one yeah the welcoming Center welcoming Center yeah and then uh harbard Master office at least I'd like to see that as a temporary fix for the harbor Master's office My ultimate goal would see the harbor Master's office on the Harbor yeah we working real hard to to create a first class Waterfront and I think uh the har Master's office is to be a crowning Jewel but it certainly is in the right direction so but maybe it's a winter office depending on what we uh have a designed what the design cons up y regarding the um and that can be used for other events and [Music] other certainly manage that coming up with some other items shuffle board could be generic office that could be used for other things down the road so that that's fine what's what's the there's going to be some budgetary consideration in all of this because this is a lease or something yes well yes uh I've been told it'll be very user friendly we haven't talked real numbers at this point we had one number and I told him that didn't work so uh so I think we're in the ,500 range I think that what we talked about Greg yeah something like that okay and we'll just confirm that but it's incremental to our budget right so it is yes but that's not a crazy what about as far as retrofitting it to yeah the hold improvements that's that's uh that's a discussion we can have with the landlord uh obviously he can do it cheaper than we can do it yeah and I two years ago when we first had this when the center first came into the discussion mode he was willing to pay for the uh the public restrooms a big deal whether not that still on the table I don't know I think we kicked around maybe we between 30 and $50,000 I think to to do the right way of ADA Compliant and uh restrooms there so let's I think that at some point once we have the decision we're going to do this maybe we can ask Nate to to just do some preliminary budgeting on that and get an idea maybe a rough sketch idea we can get over to uh Edward and see if he can do it cheaper which he can you do his own people comes to that so just a question um I know we had talked about a welcoming Center but I thought at one point the museum had also or the historicals you know had entertained the concept of a welcoming Center there so I guess I don't want to interfere with something that either might already be in process or I just think we need to take that into consideration um what was was the museum proposing versus what we might be able to do at the community Cent the public bathrooms to me are no-brainer we've been screaming for that for years but when it comes to the welcoming Center if the museum has Staffing available it that actually might be a better seems like a better place my recollection with that well my recollection of that that that came out of the first Carnival first uh right and they guess behind the museum I haven't seen it there's a bath house or what what is it one of the old bath house the idea was to move it over to masconomo okay all right and then they realize that's not possible it's tough to get it in there but as a well you know like a nice but uh it's certainly something that we can I just think we need to discuss that and figure that out and and then my my third recommendation would be we really should go back to the facility strategy that Chuck outlined um what other uses for that space you know what other uses or space do we need and and where would that building be a good match so we shouldn't have to think of it off the fly it should be part Parcels something mentioned in the plan the other I think of that as more of a flexible space absolutely and and right now we have need for space for seniors we have acquired senior space right but it's some years from being fully functional I think we have to do full fundraising and so in the short term yeah I'm I'm just suggesting that we not forget that we had a facilities strategy we should incorporate that thinking just broadly into whatever this is another asset we need to include in that strategy and be thoughtful about shortterm or longterm how we want to use it that's all yeah but I think to your point I mean the senior center is probably uh 18 months to two years away I think if we approach uh fundraising differently we can be in the ground real soon and uh if not we're looking at four years as opposed to two years so but in the interim I mean the you have your would do you have your cofes over the church at church yeah that's been running for I guess a year and well a year and a half but over a year that's good they feel comfortable if they like it there comfortable there but if they want to move over going along fine this became this became the Genesis of the whole thing was senior coffees this is how this whole thing blew up with senior coffees all right and if Jason Balon can see Senior coffees out his window he'll be happy okay so yeah I will meet I will make us uh I will catch up with Edward in the next couple of days and then you and and I will sit with him all right and we'll him an agreement to bring back to you people it sounds terrific okay the Town Administrator recruitment preliminary screening committee um what do we need to do on so just a quick update we should have the draft profile um by the end of this week um so we I we turn that around quickly so that U this gets out on the street at the end of next week be the goal um so if if assuming I get it on Friday I get it all to you if you could get me any comments back um then I can calls those and send them right back to them so you caned by on Monday assuming that I get it on Friday that that would be very helpful and then yeah as I say it'll it'll officially advertised the street and'll conference called con 351 um that happens over the 23rd third week of January yeah Thursday Friday Saturday third week in January um and so in addition to that uh we have received a number of names for people interested serving on the on the screening preliminary screening committee and um Ann and I were talking and and she felt perhaps that inviting the moderator to serve on that committee as well might be so yeah before we start talking names I don't think we've really had a discussion on what we're looking for regarding the um townwide residents who might serve and I also suspect that we'll have more for former me former select board members then we have slots so I think it's customary to not talk about names but talk about criteria what are we looking for before we entertain a discussion on you know names um right so it be ideally you would make the selection at your next meeting on so I think we need to talk criteria now what my point for example uh we did discuss when talking about prior select board members it would be nice to have select board members who have gone through the process right um that might be a preferred candidate if we had you know five former select board members and you know one or two of them have gone through this before that that might be nice right you could apply something similar to that to the residents at large someone who has experienced um selecting leaders or hiring leaders versus individual contributor so that's that's what I mean by criteria just point exp because you've been sitting in that chair way too long uh the it might be nice to find someone who remembers working with a different Town Administrator that's that's the point here right that's what I'm saying years back so I mean we're talking how long you been here 10 12 years 10 years it'll be 12 yeah all right so that's people with history like when I was speaking to uh who was I speaking to the gentleman doesn't matter no name no no uh on the the uh from the oh the Pepin yeah P pet pet I I I can't I don't know anything other than what I've experienced the last two and a half years I don't know what else to look for okay and even the same conversation I have with uh Miss Keegan today you know I only know what I know I think that duve Tales though what what we talked about the last time if someone has gone through this process before they worked with a prior Town Administrator when they hired Greg for example or they worked with a prior administrator before they hired Greg's predecessor so I think that's exactly also some Merit having people who work closely with Greg oh absolutely which is everyone but I think that we we're included in that that cohort and we're making the ultimate decision so um I think the screening committee is an opportunity to get different thinking and as long as it's a diverse group of different thinkers um but I do think experience is helpful either having hired leaders in the private sector or and or having gone through this process before um Town Administrator I will add Greg I think your opinion carries a lot of weight here absolutely because you're the one that's gone through this personally for a career right and gone through those changes and i' interested you put some pen to paper and say here are a couple of aspects what I think you should yeah yeah yeah plus you'll be involved with uh deeply involved with transition that's what I mean he he's gone through it and he says this is how they made the decisions and of course everyone was the right one that you went to or maybe not you know I'm not going to probably a couple okay so is that something um because I do think it's important we have some criteria in front of us before we talk names at the next meeting so is that something you want to send to us um as far as draft criteria whatever in an email or I just just trying to understand the process here when does the um screening committee actually have to be stood up by so they should be functional mid-February functional okay so for example another criteria we might consider is is it important for them to I remember we talked about this in the past um be here physically to conduct interviews of potential candidates or is you know Zoom acceptable if they happen to be a snowbird example I don't know if any snowbirds have applied but um so that might be a criteria we need to discuss do we care I have my feelings on that what are they pleas share them I I I think that a lot is loss on Zoom yeah agree that I think that uh you can read an awful lot about a person face to face look in the eye her in the eye and I if I had my TRS I would stay away from soon so preference might be for people who can be here in person physically be here okay so that's another example criteria um experience any other particular type of experience you might consider how are we going to get to the experience thing because I me we don't know everything everybody's done over their life time this is my point right so if there's something we want to know I think the people who are find give you a resume well I don't do a letter of intent is what was requested letter of letter of interest yeah screen yes who scre the screeners so so Greg is saying the assumption is we will interview them like we do the candidates for other committees so we'll get an opportunity to ask them those questions let's go through it one by one right so my my only suggestion is we should kind of think about what those questions are in advance so we're not looking at a person we know and really like and they're not be find out they're not the right suspect everybody on the list we know I suspect everybody on the list we know and like probably between the five of us we all know somebody right I think all of us probably know all of the folks you know just think I know what the list is I think perhaps what we ought to consider is doing the interviews in one meeting and perhaps maybe having an interim meeting if if the schedule requires it so that we talk to the people and think about it for a few days rather than having to make the decision special I think this isn't too important to uh hey what's the future of the town right exactly it's the most important decision we'll make this year I'm willing to car about a couple more hours of my time okay yeah just a couple so we're going to get Greg's recommendations why don't Kathy has given us several good ideas any suggestions to Greg and then Greg all right you consolidate that with yeah whatever else she got in is it is fa so are we suggesting then that we would begin to interview candidates that are meeting on the 21st I'm just I'm just that's what I was assuming you could have a special meeting to do the interviews um I for see a special meeting I think it's I don't so right now we have like eight or nine candidates combin four slot that's going to take up a good part of a night do it right yeah if you're doing 10 minutes a person which is short that's I think I'd like to find how many how many Mondays do we have well so if I could suggest maybe the next next Monday is planning board meeting of some significance but maybe we could do it on a Thursday yeah I was just going to suggest that our next meeting be on refining the criteria like you're going to consolidate what the feedback that we give you do we want to have a discussion on that before we start talking to people because what we might want to do is once we go through Greg's list with our enhancements give that to the nine people who have sent letters of MERS here's what we're looking for you may have some people that self- select out or at least they will be better prepared for the interview right so so special meeting after the 21st after the 21st 23rd or the 30th are you going Thursdays are you going to the MMA the connect 21 on the night of 23 23d doesn't yeah 23rd's not working for me either 30th I do I can do the 30th I'm you can't do the 27th what is like that a Monday I know it's a planning board meeting on the 27th but planning board meets twice a month so the 27th should be okay oh should be open yeah so that's a Monday night the 27th is that yeah that's do that's that's a good day plan any vo is a meeting 27 the second fourth second or fourth second or fourth okay so right no oh I mean I can I can do the 30th I just wasn't sure if Monday was up okay me earlier I can do the 30th or 30th or the 27th I mean but we're talking we do it early how early is early and we're talking a couple of hours right yeah I just rather than try early try to get it done before something else I prefer have an whole open night the 30th yeah I prefer yeah I can't meet too early on a 27th I regular time 30 wasn't good why that's a that's a fifth Thursday that's fifth Thursday you once you get into the fifth of any okay and that that will work with the schedule yes yes so then then you would have a regular meeting that following Monday where you could make the the decisions make the selection brilliant all right so we're calling 30 hang on a second I thought so I'm sorry we still need some time to talk about what the criteria are right so which dat do we on the 21st 21st okay sorry and then you meet on the 30th to do the interviews so interviews are on the 30th m yeah and then on February 3rd your regular meeting is when you would make your actual selections okay may or may not be here you be in Zoom so what time are we meeting on the I'm in British Columbia skiing somewhere 30th no on the week of of February 1 second I leave the 1 and I'm going for the week okay but I don't think we'd be pulling you off the slopes early you wouldn't except that I'm in a car because I'm moving around in various nothing for so I don't these are very irreverent people I schi with we we'll see what happens so we talking 6:30 or for the uh 30th 30 6:30 works for me that's on the 30th yeah R skers could have a beer while that's easy convince think Monday I know where I'm at not a long not a long drive Okay so we've got a schedule for criteria a schedule for interviews a schedule for decision got it so if we people have thoughts on criteria why you get them to next few days few days then I'll I'll put together a list um and I I will ask alen if he'd like to be involved if that's has a long history with yeah he's seen a couple of te that sounds like I I I don't I don't know whether he's going to be added but no that as Greg pointed out would make committee eight so it's possible a deadlock I think if we have a deadlock in that committee then we need to look harder get that's alen would have the longest perspective okay pleas on updates got nothing I got something um DPW I think we should all be aware uh on the water meter issue the RFP that Chuck is sending out for I guess three or four bids to come in on supplying the waters that's he expects to send that out this week going to come back over the next two or three weeks I think the bottom line is is that the water bills that go out in February will have will start to have this $25 hit for a water meter that nobody has yet okay so there may be some calls that will be coming in hey what's this $25 bill nobody's doing anything what am I getting for my money so I think we need to be aware of that I know that the DPW Department probably will because there will be a few people that will call but uh just need to be aware of that um the library will get its decision Friday on whether it wins supposed to be announced application supposed to be announced Friday and we are one of I think I think they going to be two winners I think there were five applicants in our size category oh in our category in our category and I think maybe there's there might be two or something but it's competitive let's just say that's it so we'll know the library will know how things will fit together for this is money for um the planning stage for the library uh Rehab Etc and nothing with the seniors in particular and the historic commission meets this Thursday there nothing uh no further news with regard to what's going on at um at uh the um cargo it's empty except it's empty so something will happen we thought they might come back to us this month uh based and I I had opportunity to chat with uh Sarah it has to go for the zba because a change of use H it's a change of use although that use is on the list but just because you're change it's not s say she has to see she hasn't seen anything yet so I understand yeah so that's two it's got the district commission and uh and that y anything uh nothing Thursday night I will be at SX tech for the grand opening of the um lcking pottage it's been a long yeah it's finally pretty much done yeah it's been a longterm project for the kids and whatnot so hopefully I'll get some pictures and post them but uh yeah it should be a good event meetings Fox and recck is running like a running like a talk EXC okay oh the consent agenda I move we approve the consent agenda second John yes say yes Kathy yes Brian yes yes okay administrators yeah just a few few updates um we will have the Ping review to next meeting little more kind to meet with to and Cheryl just to get everyone on the same page and get that a presentation ready so we'll have that for you on the 21st um uh we're anxious to get the final sign offs for the Culvert project here so that we can move forward thought we were there but not um so we continue to work on that it's a priority and um I hope to have better news next time have there at least been meetings because I thought at one point we had difficulty getting the lawyer or the party there at least some Communications happening the deadline again before we lose $6 million so it's not a hard and fast deadline but we will if we don't push the permitting process through we will lose the timing to for fall construction if we don't start construction fall that jeopardizes the fund right so I can't say definitively we use it but it puts it into question I think Nate says he's got to go out to bid soon right right we can't go out to bid until we know what the permit requirements are so do we have any more clarity as to what the business owner is looking for so um I believe believe we have responded positively to everything they have asked for are new things getting added every time we respond or are they not understanding our response or are they not agreeing with our response they're not agree they're not agreeing to what we have said and we don't understand by you do not have clarity as to what the problem is I had a conversation with her a few days before Christmas and it sounded like this was all set so I'm kind of surprised that but Friday before Christmas I thought it was all set and then Christmas Eve I was told by her lawyer that no it's the deal's on and I wasn't told why so there's been further communication since then and we ask for a definitive redlining of what we last proposed yeah ask for that for tomorrow or Wednesday that's where it is all right well keep us guess I'm not understand yeah I don't either because I talked to her seemed like it was it was ready to go so and again if if the preference is to do more talking about the easan all we need for now is the chapter 91 form sign right you can take more time on the E but the the desire was to wrap it all up which we were happy to do right right I that's I got the impression from her that she was too but maybe I don't know what happened so I can't speak to that but so I'm very anxious that this come together because there's a lot writing on it represent eight eight years of work on this project yeah I mean um you guys going to go back to her I tenants aware of this whole situation oh yeah very well aware what are your feelings on it do they have a feeling on it yeah you don't have to say yeah no my impr put it that way and I wasn't G to argue with him when he had a par of my here um I just ask that could be a constituency that would be helpful here or not you're thinking maybe this week and then but when is the deadline you gave her Wednesday I'm sorry so you going to me with t was the deadline I gave for the red line for for a deal for a deal so we've asked for the lawyer said he would try to get a red line To Us by the end of business tomorrow okay at this point you just have a request to meet but you do not have a response from that so the lawyer came back and said meet next Thursday the 16th and I said that's too late we need it sooner than that okay and that's where it stands right now so you're looking for another date so and then he said he would try to get a Redline version to us to them to business tomorrow okay is this the first time we've had a red line from them we have never had a red line we keep giving them versions and they keep saying oh so this is the first so this is progress because they've actually the lawyer actually said he would get a red line and that's that's not that is something they have never said before okay so that's you take the win where you can but it's not a win yet but it's not a win but it's a step in the right direction but I I think all right so so I have asked the engineers to see if there's an alternative that avoids the property all get yeah and they're working on that as well good okay so C Plan B is always good right well can you let us know if you don't have something this week yes I I'll will keep your posted def keep your post I like is a plan B yeah and do they know there's a plan B they will know that's that's there's a finite amount of space between right um uh Chuck's comment earlier today was you know anything's anything's engineer it's just a matter of cost so um I'll compare that cost to the delay and I mean it' be worth it quite frankly it's absolutely if it's a clear go y I don't I mean within reason I don't care how much more not gonna be $6 million probably yeah okay okay they should some point they should know this I get confirmation that was the first that became the first thing then it was then I was reading the draft agreement and dedicated parking and all kinds of stuff it just it just keeps the goal post keeps yeah I like the Plan B option I hope that works yeah back we'll it's confusing at best yeah salting at worst it we're talking less than 100 square ft for for permanent it's it's minimal yeah we can do away with half of that we could get away with 50 square feet so maybe we can eliminate that last 50 squ let's try real hard five by 10 areas that's what we're talking about yeah stay tuned um so um obviously anual town meeting and the elections are scheduled April 28th for the annual town meeting which means the deadline for petition articles is February 27th 60 days ahead so what was it petition articles are due February 27 um and uh the election will be U May 20th is the date and papers are now available for the various positions that are open we have housing Stay Stay Stay [Laughter] firm and downstairs and downstairs I told Christine yes I will be as well so we have U three coun very good news so the three Constable positions are up the Housing Authority has one slot as does the library trustees um we all know the moderator Position will be vacant and open there are any is there any interest at all have you heard any kind of no one has come to me to talk about it so I think that's one that deserves some attention some convers ations appropriate um three planning board positions and then two two board members here three planning boards three planning boards because of one was a what about school committee two oh I'm sorry and two School committees yeah additional AR so that's that's where we are um there is because we have change town meeting the data forward it's later closer to the election close enough that you can have one warrant we have always had two warrants a warrant for the town meeting and a warrant for the the election um so tradition says we keep we stick with the two War approach um you can consolidate create one warrant it means one registration date last day for regist Reg to be on the voter list okay so what that means is if we have one warrant we would be excluding some people from the election who would otherwise be able to vote in the election it would be an earlier registration deadline than we are used to yeah yeah for for for election the so we can keep it the same there's no there's no uh is there any cost savings to the town minimum nomenal okay if it was phenomenal or something like that' be one thing but why M was success yeah it it it means I think that we doesn't mean that we can reflect decisions of count meeting in the one so for example if we have a borrowing those those have to be the the um ballot the ballot articles need to be set prior to our to fine Essex seems to be able to do that yeah basically you put it on assuming it's going to pass and if it doesn't pass you it just becomes a loot issue you know you don't count the vote people vote on it at the to yeah and this is so annual it's 10 signatures for a citizen petition yes and and when does the warrant have to be finalized your sorry so the warrant gets finalized has be posted by the April 7th check that first early April fin three weeks yeah I think it's 21 days few weeks since one more important where's Debbie yes she got the flu for a while both her and her husband are out for the count at the moment I hope they're doing a little better than they were a couple days ago so lastly just that your next meeting will be Tuesday instead of Monday because of but weing y all right and everything else that day so that's that's all I had in favor wow this is impressive ER thank you for coming good luck CH how much is the clar winr money to the library consent CL winter TST 15 oh 15 15 change 15 mon yeah and that's just for the library that was yeah that's new yeah that's an addition to the I guess what they addition to the annual they give it well and that that was my other question they give it that they say upkeep and maintenance of and they don't ever say what it is for