6:30 um I call this April 1st meeting of Select board to order I'm here in person yes here John is here he's here okay um is there someone who can see the um people who are dialed in yes thank you Greg is on and I'm I'll keep a watch on that as okay thank you oh yeah you probably should sorry we can do the whole thing over again because it's it's not recorded I don't think it's just I okay um is there any public comment on items not on the agenda hearing none um no the Chairman's report I don't have a Chairman's report um the next item yes that we don't have um Lea on never mind I'm on there in another capacity okay um we at this point we usually look at the action item um the only one that I noticed is the uh rights and inclusion committee I had some notes on that I I think we completed our action as the board yeah and that should be removed from the action items list hope um has an action to go come back to us but we we gave her feedback we're done until such time as a citizen comes forward with sure other information um let's see think there was something else oh um regarding the did you have anything else no I um I noticed the actions regarding the downtown Improvement committee um needs to change to a three-year term but it's not clear to me what has to happen what is what what needs to take place to make that happen I was surprised to see that on the action items I guess it's one I've never changed the term limit wanted to say something yeah so you can you can make that a three-year appointment when you do the next round of appointments in June okay so there's nothing we need to do to the Charter it's just when we do that June okay and are we miss did we complete the action to notify the Committees and all of that yep all of the board chairs okay that was done great and I'm I'm not sure we should take the proposed human rights off the to-do list because we still need to hear back and and that is something that that that's kind of the reason why I kind of kept it on there yeah I kind of think that needs to St on there it's not been finalized is that let's put it this way take my name off I have no action on that I took that action because of the work we were doing on the governance project right and we were waiting to give her a response we've given her that response so if somebody else has an action they'd like to to take I I don't have one that can be a quarterly Tickler do we even know if hope is going to come back and when we don't know but we can put something in June time comes and we'll listen but I I still think it's an it's an item that we weren't sorry yeah could you contact hope and point out to her that were waiting for her oh she already knows she contacted me okay yeah so she knows that we're waiting for her and we're not going to both sit here forever I will follow up with her again yeah perhaps get an estimate estimation as to when she's going to come back to us um the the last thing I had was the U action on the the uh North T Regional 911 review we did get the metrics sent out to all of us um I with all the rating we had for this meeting I haven't had a chance to look at them yet but I thought it might be good to have the discussion on that when we do the discussions with the police and fire chiefs that's going to happen at the next meeting sure let's let's put the review of the U Northshore 911 on when did we get those um the police chief mailed to us and Debbie did as well last week sometime yeah it's yeah you got it was a long report yes it I notic that yes which is why I um is there anything else in the actions that we need to okay other than we've got the uh update on our Bella and U the National Grid update that's not a specific item on the agenda but we do have it here right so Greg were you able to did you hear back from sitaa in the 48 Hours yes I did um and so that started in motion a series of back and forth with black Earth and different people at National Grid um some confusion over whether or not all the necessary permits were in hand indeed they have been in hand and some of the National Grid folks knew it but not others um we are still waiting to hear about the delivery date for that Transformer so that's still still up in the we still haven't had confirmation of a delivery date on both of those so the delivery date as well as the the other person on our Bella she was going to seven Arbella right she was going to get information about that as well um yes she said she was going to follow up on that I don't know the status of that then the other is on the agenda so so I bet that's why we should move next the 16th National Grid yeah okay I wonder if we could have National Grid now I her her performance the last time made it fairly clear that she can't produce information that she doesn't have and I think it would be fine if she gave got the information to Greg or Debbie when it's available and perhaps since we're putting more thing on on Debbie's list you could give a nudge and say you would like we would like to know what's going on on our bellet as well as the black okay right um the next item is to take up the c meeting um and the order on our agenda to begin by finalizing the budget um I guess the thing to do with the budget is to ask if there are any what we would do in in town meeting are there any holds are there any I'd like to hear about items that that people have questions on Becky um I have a question regarding the um the Harbor Master and this I don't know that this would specifically fall under this budget but it pertains to um the retirement group that he's classified in and Greg is that something that how would we how do we do that just because he that yeah it's it's it's separate from the budget process but it would be um requesting making a formal request to um kind of retirement that the positions in the harbard master office be reclassified it's basically a petition process to the ex Essex County Retirement Board that's what you were saying Debbie yeah okay um so they make the designation or the determination of the designation correct okay well then I will bring this up at another meeting Debbie may I add that to an action em Jun no just a suggestion yeah do you have anything else on the budget numb no not now ran no I'm good right now thank um just on the um I just wanted Greg to review with us the new positions that are being added um just a brief overview of why they're needed and um I guess the rationale for a permanent position rather than contractor labor to fill the Gap I just there aren't that many new positions but just wondering if you could run through that sure so just continuing with the Harbor Master so there is a proposal to add a new Deputy Harbor Master full-time position to the department it's it's currently um a department with one full-time person and then seasonal workers um and just over the over the 12 or so years that that we've had um the current Harbor Master in his position certainly the the activity on the waters and the administrative work loads have increased fairly significantly and the propos is to add a a new deputy position to help with that workload um so that's that's one position that's that's being proposed as being added um the second position is as you indicated um we are embarking on a a series of of large Capital Improvement projects and typically U one one way to manage those projects is to hire a clerk of The Works that is often through an engineering firm um the cost of that as an outsourced the clerk of the works is um you know pushes 175 to 200,000 a year or full-time work and we can we can do that inhouse in the 130 to 150 range um and felt that we would get better better service having our own full-time person and it would save dollars um in the long run as well so it would not be permanent it would be a position that would be envisioned for the next four or five years depending on on where Capital goes facility projects go after that time frame and we would have to re-evaluate and um the the position the folks that have have expressed a high level of interest um that might be hired for this position are folks who would would not be uh vested in our retirement system and therefore we would not have to worry about the long-term Legacy cost of a retiree um it takes a minimum of 10 years to become vested in the system and it's not Envision that this position would would be in place for that many years if I so that's a second that's a second full-time position I interrupt just quickly when you give the number the relative costs did you include um the non-retirement benefits health insurance so when you're so so again if you're if you're not invested and you're not eligible for but just just what is that is that 150 just salary or is it salary plus is it fully loaded it's fully loaded yes it does not include Legacy cost because they would not be vested and therefore they would not qualify for the Legacy cost you um I also wanted to um point out that the assistant Harbor Master position excuse me also comes into play with succession planning and um so there has also been discussion with Essex about um using some of our Harbor Master time uh to help them get their Harbor under control not not on the water but in terms of um organization organization um getting every everybody who was actually mored in the harbor on a moing list and and with a with a paid perit but that doesn't does that come into play with the comes into a place because that's that's something that this person could do in the winter in addition and Essex would pay us toex in theory Essex would pay us to do it the the other thing too talking about at some point he's get change Bas of uh who interacts with the the government agencies right and it's buying on then St back away from its responsibilities and government agencies becoming more and more comtable dealing with uh this Deputy M Deputy M makes a lot of sense yeah that's session point what else I'm sorry I have of the works question so is that going to be paid for through say the bond issue so what what the finance committee recommend is recommending is that so we reduced the amount of bonding and we added the the additional Staffing cost to the DPW budget and it's being um split between the three departments the DPW the highway department the uh water and R and the sewer Enterprise okay so those those numbers we don't see those numbers right now they're they're in the budget you don't see them itemized but they are in they are in the the you know the highway salary line and they're Incorporated in the indirect cost of the water and sewer operations okay so to to that point though by not including it in the bond making it part of operations there is no check and balance to make sure this is only a 5ye or fouryear position if you if it's not part of the project money that means it's built into the operations budget and if Greg for some reason is not here in four to five years uh and we are not here in four to five years that becomes a permanent position so I'm not completely sold on the finance committee's recom mendation on that position and I think it I understand generally that you want the salaries of employees to be in the operational budget generally that makes sense but if we are targeting this as a not permanent position like you said then it does not make sense to in my mind to put it in the operational budget it's too easy just to stay in there forever so right it it can go either way it's it's um it's a it's a ultimately it's your call um from an accounting perspective this is it's a little more problematic to put it into into the capital but it certainly isn't impossible [Music] um okay John how do you yeah I'm I'm just kind of cogitating about that and I understand the bond issue thing I I think I would prefer it in the bond because then it sticks out right um otherwise it doesn't although and all of a sudden yeah somebody doesn't just have not very much to do work always expands to fill 100% 100% you're right and and I guess I would feel better I mean I think I I think the probability that all six of us you know are going to be here four or five years from now is not good and there will be no institutional memory to have a check and balance on this position so I agree with John I I think it's best from that standpoint to to be part of the bond Becky um given that I don't have a background in finance and uh it seems that you all understand it I would defer to uh either fincom field or what you all just because I don't have a great just saw my checkbook you know that I don't have any background in Finance U but i' prefer to i' just uh defer the finance committee on this one okay so finance committee is saying put it in the operation budget I'm okay with it and although none of us may be around the finance committee goes on forever yes Sarah's gonna be [Music] like Sarah M Sarah melish does have her hand up if you want okay yes Sarah please um yes so when the finance committee looked at this we felt having the money in the operating budget it's more accountable than just having it rolled into the capital budget and when we made this change the capital budget was reduced by 400,000 and the salary line was 990,000 and there was no increase in the other lines such as medical so that the medical was already covered enough in the budget so it was a significant Delta and it didn't make sense to us that you pay interest and ser that you pay service debt on a position okay that makes sense to me um Sarah could you explain what you think the accountability is to make sure that this position is not a permanent position and only four to fiveyear position because that's the piece that I think John and I are questioning I I think we need to make sure that Andrea has that in her records so how how would that appear in the budget book next year for example Greg so in in terms of the staffing chart for for DPW it would be flagged as a temporary Clerk of the works position so that would track from year to year in that in that sense and how does that work uh when you say it it's Flag how is the tracking um connected to that um a a we could call it out as a separate salary line that would be one way um and two just in the staffing chart it would be indic you could indicate it as a as a temporary h of The Works position I would be comfortable with that if it was a separate salary line specifically stating not to exceed fiveyear position you know or some or some but I don't it needs to be I think that I think you need to have the flexibility I understand but there's got to be a flag to the potential next town administrator and the next you know select board to know that this was not intended to be Greg Chuck has his hand up in Chuck please I was just gonna Echo Greg's thoughts I mean I I do have a um you know hierarchy I have you know I have the people in my sorry I have the people in my budget you know I can break it out accordingly to make it temporary I would just say I actually do have a track record in this is we actually front-loaded positions when we were expecting retirements and then we reduced uh accordingly when those uh positions retired so this is in my mind the exact same thing I understand that some people may not be here myself included or you know people on the fincom are on the board but I think it's pretty easily you know addressed within the text not necessarily the budget lines my my question would be is given the um Capital project list that we have and looking and saying oh this is three or four or five years frankly we have 10 or 15 years worth of Capital activities here and right now I know you Chuck Between You Chuck and Nate you kind of split up your Clerk of the works hats on the various projects that we got right now we're going to be taking on more which is more than what you and Nate can deal with and that goes over there but is is do you envision that just the ones that are on this bond issue right now are the only ones because you know we've got all kinds of other things that are lined up in the coming several years and does this perpetuate that position I I definitely think that's potential um but I you know and it's definitely going to be year to year based on the projects that we have going on right now this position is you know I'm targeting more along Water and Sewer because those are the immediate upgrades that we are going to be making but uh you know it certainly could go longer but that's not my intention now um but you know I'm willing to have that discussion four or five years from now it's it's just impossible to say so you just got to do it one way or the other where it gets revisit that yeah maybe it should be a water sewer Clerk of works yeah I mean I yeah and I guess I would just look at it a couple ways is you know we're always you know the select board whether it's you guys or anybody else you know is looking at you know where are we fat and what are our salaries so like you know I think it's going to be a discussion no matter how we do it you know years to come um I guess the the only other thing I want to just make clear is like this is not a nice to have like we have to have this position whether it's in-house or uh you know hired out because of the procurement laws so just like the when the schools do their multi-million dollar projects This Is Us doing you know the town doing multi-million dollar projects and we have to um you know adhere to the same you know State procurement laws so I I just want to make sure that's that's understood and you know that's why you know it can roll in or out if if that's what you know the boards deemed necessary let me see if I can summarize Kathy is cons was concerned that if it was part of the salary line it would sort of get folded in and the next time we needed a clerk of the works we'd get a new one yes so we'd have two um and what Chuck what John is concerned about is we've got a lot of projects coming up how can we guarantee that this person won't go on for more than 10 years and my summary is if the person has done a good job on the previous projects then it will be worth our continuing and allowing him to join the Retirement Group it's more around not stating right now that there are sometimes when you hire a position that you you really are figuring in for the long term when Greg mentioned this particular position he didn't position it that way he positioned it as a four to fiveyear project management type role and and those type roles typically are not baked into an operational budget so that was I think what stimulated the conversation as long as there is some phrasing in the Staffing lines or whatever in my mind as long as there's some phrasing in here that distinguishes this as something that needs to be relooked at you know in four or five years I'm fine I just don't want to Blended in with all the salary line item so that there is no check and balance on what our intent is today that's all okay so are we content to leave this as the finance committee recommended stay with the finance committee recommendation as as notation the line item yes line item y Greg what's your third person so then there's a proposed increase of hours for our Communications coordinator so Tiffany marleta serves in that role um and has been um you know she started little below halftime we moved her up half timee and then two3 time and then three4 time and this takes it up to fulltime um so it's it's a an expansion from 3/4 time to fulltime so that's the third position and then the last position is is not really um adding hours but it's consolid ating a number of part-time positions into one so we have land use clerks for the planning board for the zba um or historic district commission um Etc and trying to consolidate that position into a single person who can then make sure that you know the left hand knows what the right hand is doing in terms of different boards and the different permitting processes that are underway someone who can be in town hall um during the week to provide customer support for applicants who are either seeking information before applying or they're in the middle of uh application process and they need some input as to where where it's going next Etc um so this this would as I say consolidate those part-time positions into into one full-time position on that one how are the humans that are currently doing that work being impacted so it would so we're we have some folks who are sort of hanging on helping us out but they are um some of them are looking to to let go of the role they're currently playing and um others may may want to apply for this full-time position okay so we're not adding funding it's just truly a consolidation of ours into a full fulltime role correct okay and was there anything on the assessor's office because we added a lot of salary some big salary increases there was that um add additional hours or adding existing humans or you know so that's part of the shift um so those the um the the assistant the assistance of assessor has been half and half building inspector and um land use and that that shift is still working progress depending on which way we're going with that so it depends on some final discussions that are needed and um and depending on on Final hiring and who who takes on what role have further questions I'm not sure I understood that last P that last part that was a bit confusing um so if you so the right now the the the dollars were split between the building inspector and the um assessors right and so the new version shows all of those dollars in the assessor okay but then so there's a shift was just a shift not a not an increase overall to the budget correct okay and those those were the only positions yes those are yeah a couple of questions um on the itemized list of uh money Appropriations the library I know needs 100 I guess up to $150,000 but that money already exists because it was an appropriated in in a previous year correct correct so we'd be redirecting right those funds timized numbers for walkway repaired building assessment reappropriation adds up to 50,000 and I'm just trying to match that up with the 150 that we need so so the original capital um allocation was 200,000 for the restrooms new Ada restrooms at the okay um and those have not moved forward correct based on a series of challenges um and so that 200 is being proposed to be divided up into three three New Uses one is the 150,000 for the matching uh funds for the state Grant to look at a possible renovation SL expansion of the library the second element is to fund at 435 um an detailed assessment of the building which is a precursor that's necessary for the submittal of the grant to the state Grant application to the state and then the third element is 6,500 for um improvements to the walkway the um I understand understand what's what's what's going on there um on the same list I don't know if this is the the right time to bring that up we we we got to get more police tasers and I don't know if you're the guy to answer that question a long discussion the last did right so it's not it's not more it's just the least payment for the ones we have but those are least payments we we purchase the tasers for the officers on a on a lease to own Arrangement okay you will get that question on April 24th yes you will I I'll make sure Alan will I'll make sure the chief is prepared to answer that but yes okay all right I I forget if we're in the last year we've got another year to go but that's a detail I can find out okay um my questions on the budget um in legal and Professional Services you're up $40,000 we overspent our last budget by at least that amount I think is that enough you know it's a good question and um historically we had we done pretty well this this past year and a half is has been a whole different story it's been a a much higher burn rate on on legal uh expenses um is that a a blip and will level back down or is it a new trend I I I am not sure um I I fear it's more of a new trend but we will we will see um so is it enough um you will see that we are asking for a supplement for this current year um which is one way to deal with we not having enough and also using the the fincom reserve account or shifting dollars have that have come in you know expenses that have come a little lower freeze up some dollars and sunlight items that we can shift towards towards Lego in the last couple months of the fiscal year um so so yes you think that this is may not be enough to cover our legal expenses but there are other ways of covering them and we can look at this question again next year um and and make adjustments this is not going to leave us in a major goal correct that that's that's my feeling on it exactly okay an if I may one one clarification these are all of the legal expenses right because I think a year ago we were talking about perhaps dividing it up into the various departments or groups that tend to use legal fees so that you knew what was going on in those areas but this captures all of the legal costs it does we have not divided It Up by okay I can't remember what happened from that discussion you know so but we do track what you know what dollars go for what yes so we we we're all we are able to do that um analysis of of what those dollars are going and if I to John's Point um I think maybe it might be good to have some information in advance of town meeting about how that's um been used today right yeah for example if we had a lot of zoning yeah issues over the past year that our people were trying to do themselves and need a lot of legal help with that that the 40a work is being done by a lot of Consultants with a lot of experience so maybe the legal cost won't be as high and there's also a lot of needing to get a Town Council for planning board and things like that um but it might be good to have some general idea of of what's going into defending the zba at this point too for our next meeting could Andrea produce a an overview of where the legal expens go yeah she she has that ongoing she she she updates it regularly and Debbie's been helping with I guess it's not could Andrea have it could we have it yes absolutely one one clarification it says legal SL Professional Services can we assume that this is largely just legal or are there other expenses professional expenses of significance that are in that part it's it's primarily legal there are occasional other Professional Services in there [Music] um but the bulk of it is is certainly um legal okay my other question um is the Conservation Commission salaries which went from 7,000 to 15 and then you you also see a a large increase then in their operating expenses because now we contract the the agent as a shared agent with Hamilton ah okay you've explained that to me three or four times thank you yeah not a problem that's really I that either so okay um with that discussion um uh is there a motion to approve the budget is presented so move second friendly friendly friendly Amendment just just to make sure that with the uh note on with the flagging of that one position the DPW position yes DPW quicker The Works to be identified except except yes further discussion Becky yes Brian yes Kathy yes and says yes John says yes excellent okay we have now that's the operating budget is presented there's also a presentation oh oh just where the revenues are and and the budget summary um is there anything in the budget summary that anyone would like to discuss and we will get to some of those when you go through the Articles yes yes okay no one seems to be jumping up and down good yeah okay starting on the warrant um are there questions on articles one or two article three which is the NorthShore Agricultural and Technical School District nobody okay that's $243 385 go um gone to good use I hope um article four that's what you just did Article Five um are there Becky do you have questions on Article Five I do not no I read the them over and found that if they were moved from one they were put to another um ran not at this point Kathy nope John I'm good okay my questions are um what were the storm damage repairs that were removed so their area in in the last um in the last couple three years we have started to add a a line item for for generic storm damage repair in that 25 to 50,000 a year range um and frankly it was just trying to make the numbers balanced that it was taken out this year um you know we have um we have some old damage still that that we have not addressed fully the um the West Beach or stinky Beach uh the wall there is certainly um not as strong as it needs to be so but that's a very big project um so we do have some funds left in in the storm damage uh line the capital line from previous years which was the main reason why I I just I recommended not putting more money into it for now um and the other one was the fire engine replacement fund I understand that we just bought a ladder truck and this year we're buying an ambulance um but we still have other fire related vehicles that are going to have to be replaced in the future yeah so again a question of knowledge with that large outlay for a second ambulance um we were we were kicking the can a little bit on replenishing the replacement fund and talking to the chief obviously he'd prefer to have some money put in there every year but I believe he feels that the schedule can um can do okay with a with a Year's delay of of starting to replenish it he's uh he's listening in if he wants to chime in on that but I think that I think that's where we left the discussion um is Sarah still melish still available sah a comment on this yes I I think that the fire chief um gave us a long-term replacement plan um and that by putting the 470,000 into the ambulance because we're we're we're appropriating the money for the ambulance two years before it will be delivered um so therefore um based on the the recent acquisitions we've made um we felt it was appropriate to just put all the money towards the ambulance and then um restart the replacement fund next year thank in order to order the ambulance you have to show that you have the full appropriation so you can't can't order half an ambulance you can't order half an ambulance all right question can um I know that it was about a year ago that we looked at the fund schedule can Greg can you ask Chief McNeely to kind of update that or maybe Andre updates that I'm not sure who does because I've kind of lost track of where things are with the ambulance which was not on that schedule per se and now it's here at a 470 hit and of course the ladder money is now spent so things have shied around a little bit CH so yeah so the chief the chief does have yeah yeah so when I submitted my apparatus replacement plan uh to both the board and the fincom the ambulance 2 was added uh just because the time delayed to get an ambulance is 2 years and if you know God forbid something happens to our current ambulance that you just can't go to the dealership and pick them up so that was added I want to probably say five or six months ago uh during one of my last reviews okay so we we can get you that new schedule as well that be good the chief the chief has that laid out yeah I'll send it over tonight thank you any other questions on Article Five okay uh is there a motion on article doing the whole thing yeah I'm I'm trying to approve the warrant as we go as we go we did not approve one and two um we did approve one two and three are just sort of um so I think we we did vote on four okay we can ask Debbie Debbie what did we have I didn't hear that I didn't okay fine okay you want a motion on these okay motion on four on uh four and five yes okay I'll make I'll make a motion to approve article four and five I'm trying to think did we change anything at four I don't think so that's where we talked about the DP W position that's I think we we already approved that separately in an earlier task okay so so then I'll just make a motion to approve article we just do it on the we we approved it under the budget we haven't approve the art got it okay so we want four and five all right so approve articles four and five as shown here second discussion Becky yes yesy yes say yes John says yes okay article six which is theux service I think um we need to whomever speaks on this needs to make sure that it's made abundantly clear that this we're not this is going to be a self- sustaining um Enterprise or it will cease to function if it goes forward so we're just this is um essentially to get it started yeah so I I agree I think the article language needs to be beefed up too to make it clear we're not intending to use taxpayer dollars um but how how is Bion doing with the signups because he had until April 15th I think we gave gave him to uh to get the signups yeah I haven't uh gotten the latest count but he was pretty U pretty pleased with the response he's been getting um but I don't have an exact number for you what when is the deadline for getting these this warant approved we said the 15th of April okay the the 15th of April is is the deadline for signups I'm I'm asking about the warrant Greg yeah oh I'm sorry the warrant needs to be we need to finalize the warrant tonight it needs to be posted by Wednesday and we can change on the floor yeah okay I wouldn't be comfortable going through with it unless he has the requisite signups um I mean we can we can add a sentence or two here in the warrant if you if you like I I I think having a sentence that says that this will be a self-sustaining Enterprise um and that the funds that we're allocating will be paid back I even though whomever speaks on it will say that um I think that needs I I think that's an important thing to convey to absolutely I agree yeah so so bion's had about a week I think that went out I'm looking here the 25th is said two weeks oh it's only been 25th out one week also could you put parallel language in there after fiscal year 24 and fiscal year 25 I assume the operating expenses are coming out of each of those years so you should use the same language all both launch operating expenses the other one's called to pay the operating costs and I think it should be the same yeah yeah we can yeah that could be parallel should just read the same so that you're everybody knows you're talking that money's going to the same pot y do you want to put anything in there about because we had as part of The Proposal that the launch service would be retired if it didn't you know make a profit after or break even after three years I mean we had very specific language in The Proposal would it make sense to put that here so it's very clear it's not a never ending drain on the taxpayers it doesn't prove to be profitable yeah it's not Prof you know B that language we I I guess I don't understand item C I understand that we have to pay up until July and I understand that we have to pay for the votes right in advance but the other 41,000 should come out of the receipts that he should have in hand on April 15 maybe I mean the point should be made that that money is getting paid back A and C is coming back into the treasury and that's not necessarily put in here I mean b is over a period of time right but a and C should be coming back in fiscal year 25 immediately so I mean maybe C should be I understand you need the money for a but maybe C should be up to 41 and obviously it's going to be a lot less but so you can't you can't oh specific number yeah you have to approve a specific number you can't say up to or not exceeding we are giving it three years so if we're saying that it has to be at least break even in three years are we saying okay it can be supplemented for one but still has to be paid back I thought we were requiring that he have people with checks Y in yes but we were giving him the the number of uh checks in hand the number of customers that we were asking for this year was more than they had last year yes okay so we were going to give Bion a few years to find the right price point and customer count to make sure we're consistently breaking even or better yet making a profit okay um I just trying to dig up the money so I think we need to be careful about not um helping it to give it a a shot by so not funding would the cealing would the limit be that he would have to have this year to go forward interesting it's been like three weeks it honest to God I can't remember just bringing it up he had 55 going about 55 needed to go to 70 we definitely need to go up but we weren't I just want to make sure I get the language straight Greg do you have the agree the proposal handy um I I can get it I mean basically right- handy so that yeah the intent was that it would go forward if he was close and that's um in fact in the first year we weren't anticipating re repaying the the capital we saw that coming in year two so there's a little bit of a cushion there um but ultimately it's going to come down to a judgment call come you know mid April here do we think we have enough people to to justify it going forward we can make that call at the at the town meeting whether or not to recommend passing this over if we don't feel there's a sufficient number but the the language in the in the business plan said that it would the operations would have up you know would have three years in order to break even so right but there was some language in there about um not losing more than 10% I just I I don't that the the language talked about you know it would it would it would be within 10% of of total cost find it I just can't find I've got a summary of the stuff here but I don't have this I just have a break even analysis project p&l comment it was the what what week did we discuss this should have been in our package was that your last meeting the 18th was it not the 18th should be in the minutes in your package tonight package for the but I watched I I did watch it agenda okay launch service the discussion launch you had that report in your last packet last packet the report says the service would cover all operating costs starting the first year projected recovery of the purchase cost will take seven or eight years that's in the plan so do we need item C in article six the to your point that's what you're saying so you you still have to appropriate the money even if it's coming 100% from fees ah okay okay I get it right fine even if you don't use it even if you don't use it you have to have just to for I'm sorry Greg did you want to answer that answer yeah even if you don't even if you're not going to use it but if you anticipate using it then you need to appropriate it all right okay so this is not like the pars revolving funds where no this is not set up that way at least not yet okay so I'm reading what's in what was in our business plan was if not enough customers are obtained to cover expected operational costs the service will not run that season okay okay um and if the service experiences a 10% profit shortfall a loss over a three-year period the service will be discontinued and the launch boats will be sold so when we have budgeted such that we um you know we're setting the fee to cover all the costs right incl including the repayment of the boats but what we said as long as Bion collects enough money basically to cover the salaries and and everything else we would start at this year and give him you know the three years to find the right price point and number of customers that's what that's the language I was looking for um are there any other questions on article six other than we should decide who is going to speak to it and and be sure that at the meeting we're clear about what what the details of the rules are motion to approve AR six as written I think we still may want to have a sentence yeah further sentence saying that this this self support yes yeah you be amending that so the launch services to be fully funded by user fees just as a y That's fine fine declaratory statement y yep okay motion to approve article six as amended second discussion John yes yes yes yes that one was easy because it's numbers that we can all understand here we go into the $75 million range so yes article seven is the bond vote yes this would be subject to a ballot approval as well um so again is seeking that 7.7 I'm sorry 7.55 million doar 4.1 for Capital Improvements to the water system um and 3.45 for payments to the um improvements to the Wastewater system so Greg you said this this will go on a ballot later on correct it'll be as part of the Town election okay and it's excluded debt I'm sorry it's excluded it will be on the ballot as excluded debt correct this is this is proposed as a debt exclusion which means it's outside of the the limit to prop two and a half so it's it's anticipa Ed that it'll take a couple years before The Debt Service fully hits the tax rate um depending on how quickly the projects move forward we could do some Bond anticipation notes which um incurs a little more interest payments because you're paying interest but no principal um but it's a way to to make sure we we needed all the money and be before bonding for the full amount um and and typically there's a year delay when you borrow the money the first payment is is a year later so we would anticipate this hitting the tax rate in in in 27 fiscal 27 um and if it was before 7.5 it could add another two and a half percentage points to the tax rate each percentage point is worth how much for the average homeowner each percentage Point yes um two and a half say $300 no no no each percentage point is is uh not even a 100 typical typical 2 and a half% increase is a is around it's around the two for easy numbers it's around $250 okay um where there questions on article 7 motion motion to approve article 7 second yes yes yes says yes says yes article8 is so this is the the funding for the library matching Grant so this is taking approval redirecting 150,000 of the 200,000 that was previously appropriate created um as as a match toward what is hoped to be a um a grant from the state to pay for a study to look at options for renovations Andor expansion of the library I have concerns about this from the standpoint that when the monies were first approved weren't they um approved for the restroom renovation and I think to now I I I I think that um yeah what where did where did the restroom Renovations stand they decided they don't need them anymore I I forgot where this one stood well there still there's still a high need they they could not find a what a suitable place in their minds that that didn't uh compromise programming and in other spaces too too too highly so they were not able to find what they felt was a suitable place that would not have too big of an impact on on Library operations and that they really feel like they need to look at this whole picture renovation expansion idea to find appropriate space for the needed restrooms I just find it a little disconcern erting that um that it's being it was approved for one thing and now we're we're we're trying to morph it into a different application and I'm not I don't know if I I don't feel comfortable with that it is a reappropriation I I understand straightforward so one 50 is going here and the other 50 is going to these other two projects on article five Article Five yes so here's a thought um because this came up at fincom meetings previously is that um if appropriated money sits unused for like two or three years or whatever it it should go away right if you haven't used it right it should go away so maybe the way we could handle this is is there a way to eliminate you know cancel the prior appropriation of 200,000 because they're not going to do the bathrooms so make the money go away and then have that be one article and then have a separate article requesting the 150 rather than blending it together I mean you can do that but that'll be the effect if you say no to this article then that one that 200 will well depending what happens in article eight 150 of that will flow back into the fund balance the net result is the same but but you could do it into those two different steps I mean the it's not sitting in so the net result is not the same the net result is only the same if both of those articles I proposed get approved if article 8 does um does not get approved they get to keep the 200 I guess well no no I'm sorry no the the 150 will will flow because it's it's a timing issue so we were allowing it to free cash wasn't certified I'm sorry let me back up free cash is certified as of July one of every year or June 30th of every year by the state and so as of last June 30th that 200,000 remained on the books it was still reserved for the restroom project and so the only way to get at it now rather than wait until it flows into the fund balance is to reappropriate it but if we don't do anything it will flow into the fund balance and then you can appropriate all of the fund balance but I I guess what Becky's point was and and when I'm kind of agreeing with is it feels to me like these are two separate issues do we fix the bathrooms now okay and separately do we support design for a renovation they're two different things right and I I think it's complet it's much clearer if we do it in the two steps I mean I may not have suggested the proper two steps um but um how long has it been since the the items were originally appropriated three years ago two years ago I mean there's been no movement on those bathrooms so they do they the trustees do not want to go forward with the renovation of the bathrooms okay then we should take the money away and and have a separate article that says talks about what they do want to do and they can stand on their own that's how I feel I just think it's we can we divide this article into two separate votes because there have been oh okay other Alan please yeah that's yeah and Sarah has her hand up after Allan Alan just from the standpoint of uh meeting efficiency and Effectiveness it seems to me that doing it in a single step when that's the intent makes more sense than dividing it into two Sarah yeah I I think we looked at this quite a bit um and originally we talked about having the 200,000 go back into free cash and then have new approach Appropriations for the library but we lose a year in the expense so that we're taxing people um for money that's going to free cash because we're using all of the reserves up to the 8% and we don't want to go any deeper if the 150,000 is not passed then that will will remain the original capital appropriation and then next year we can move it to free cash so I guess so I guess that makes sense but it feels like we still have $50,000 left in yeah I don't want to say play money that's not the right phrase but shouldn't whatever we do in this article equal $200,000 why why would we leave them with $50,000 in a bathroom budget that we know they're not going to use so it's slated it's slated to be reappropriated in Article Five it's already there in Article 5 it's already in article those items nine and items n and 10 in Article Five ising that remaining 50,000 so we're already reappropriated we've already reappropriated 50 of this no if it pass it passes but let's just say it's already it was an article that we said okay to 20 minutes ago yeah I mean it's Brian and I are talking over here that we've already approved something we've already taken away if we approve article you know the budget or Article Five excuse me then we've already taken away 50 um if article 8 does not go forward we're leaving them with $150,000 that they don't want to use and I guess we're waiting we'd have to wait another year to move to free cash I just I think this needs to if it's going to go forward um as one article I think it needs to be Rewritten because this was approved three years ago um for fiscal year 22 and I I just I I don't think it's I think it needs to be Rewritten if I'm gonna prove it okay Helen is is do you have any thoughts on the fact that we are using part of the 200,000 from the appropriation that we're revoking in article five and then in article 8 we're doing the actual saying that we're taking the money um out of the bathroom appropriation so so the motion for Article Five will list that same language about reappropriate 50 200 you don't see that in the article but the motion will specify okay that detail we were to move article 8 Article Five I think then it becomes a more then becomes clear that makes sense and I think it needs to be reated in in a way that is just that that's a little awkward right now unless we have the restatement because it's too late for us to post for another meeting before the warrant has to close uh Sarah has her hand up again yes still uh it was my understanding that the reason why we needed this separate article was because we have to accept the Grant and therefore it couldn't be contained within the capital um SE and therefore it had to be separate just because we have to accept the grant that right cor for it doesn't say it says to apply for accept and so not just accept I mean it still has to be applied for right allow them to to apply for the grant sorry if people agree with that's where I'm just I mean this is this is in my opinion putting the cart before the horse um before it's really been explained what it is the library is wanting to do or I mean they they want to get a a a grant and Monies to look into expansion and I think I mean has it even been explored if there's a an appetite throughout town to to do that I I I think that's what this vote is all about I I yeah so what happens if this vote gets turned down what happens to the other 50,000 that is appropriated based on this they already have it that still goes through they they have the 200,000 the 50 is already there we're just taking that out of the 200 and using it um okay but um this is this article is where we specifically say that we are taking the 200,000 it's just saying 150 of the so it's simply 150 it's not touching the other 50 it's just saying let's take this so so we we explain in Artic that we' have to explain in Article Five that there is $200,000 that the library doesn't want to use right and that's where that's coming from right okay well it does say reappropriate right doing the same with both with in both situations just that the second one is broken out because we have to apply for and accept a matching fund that's the only reason it's there otherwise it would have been number 11 under library right and this 50 it's still taking restroom renovation funds and re appropriating for that and just like it's taking the 150 and putting it toward this that's a whole I think exploration different type of application than really modifying expansion use so if article 8 is turned down it has no impact on anything in Article Five I don't think it does because that 50,000 is SE it's already been appropriated and it says reappropriate okay but but the but the motion for Article Five will include that detail it'll say and to reappropriate 50,000 of the 200,000 that was previously right appropriated for the library restrooms so if this article 8 gets approved as as is currently worded then they get their money to pursue the renovation 150,000 if it does not get approved then we have to wait a year to take it away that's a problem for the library Commission because these requests for proposal come up like every five years and the deadline for this is this summer no no I know I'm just saying if the voters do not approve this then then how do we take then that 150 would flow into the fund balance that would get certified this coming summer and it would be available to expend in FY 26 available to spend by the library no by anything by any have to be reappropriated it have to be appropriated yeah because they haven't used it will not have not used it in but I didn't understand that I thought there was no um expiration that we had to enforce that and move it and I just wanted to understand the the other thing is is that this appropriation I know isn't a foregone conclusion they have to apply and if they get turned down the money goes nowhere and then then return back to the yes then it would go into the well actually I guess it would get turned down after July 1 and you have to certify that for July 1 cor so and and you don't know if that money is going to be available or Not by July one I wouldn't worry about it okay I understand the concerns I think that all of these details need be part of the debate and the discussion that will surround article 8 so so tonight we are approving the language and the warrant um but not not we recommend approval or are we if we agree with it right that's what I'm saying I mean I I so we do need to know whether or not you want to recommend or make your recommendation at the time we haven't done that on the others and on this one there's a little bit of there may be some disagreement so I'm just clarifying um to date I think we have just approved the warrant we did not specifically say whether or not we recommend those other articles there have been times that we've not and and it's just it doesn't have to be unanimous to be perpet per right understand we can even majority we can we can take a position on yeah we should probably go back and clean up and and and and agree that we want the other articles the other so could I have a motion to recommend articles one through seven so second yeah Becky yes Brian Kathy yes an says yes yes okay now we will agree to put article do we have a motion to put article 8 on the warrant with our recommendation to be made on town meeting Flor I'll move that y second okay further discussion Bey no Brian yes Kathy yes yes yes okay okay so we get to debate this one again some other time I forgot what we talking okay and article n is the Masons um discussion no not by me motion I make a motion to accept article 93 second Becky yes ran yes yes and says yes John says yes I would like to make one comment the seniors would like to make this as soon as they can on the agenda here it's article nine but I guess they want to get to bed so they're just saying if it can be moved up at all although I don't see practically before the school discussion oh yeah um so you could you you could put it right after Article Five could be article six and just move everything down one okay okay so uh do we need a motion to recommend recommend that article nine become article six and then we move each one up from there so um article 9 becomes article 6 article 6 becomes seven seven becomes eight and eight becomes nine was was there any Greg was there any method to the order in which you put these articles together or is what Becky say fine it's fine I mean I I I was trying to group the capital projects together and but what one of those come in is not particularly uh material okay so the parents get to stay up late and the seniors get to nice this songs about okay have we specifically recommended article n was there a motion did you already move we finish well I made the motion to change the numbering nobody made a second nobody second it I'll second it okay so this is do we need to vote numbering I don't know do we need to vote on this to to change the numbering and move the Articles around Greg you don't that'll just be part of the whole warrant package and okay great never mind okay so do we want to go in the town report as supporting this yes okay I make a motion s board I just go go for recommend this article second article what okay Becky yes yes Kath yes yes yes okay um article 10 um so this is a bit of a house keeping item so we have received some opioid settlement monies and um uh those funds went into uh basically float into the fund balance because the state hadn't given us permission to create special accounts now we can do a special account and so we we want to create the special account and and transfer from fund balance that 8,000 plus almost 9,000 into this new account there a motion to do so so move second and to recommend as well and to recomend approval okayy yes Brian yes Kathy yes says yes John says yes article 11 that's the general school budget both operating in capital session I move to approve article move to approve and recommend article second Becky yes Brian yes yes answer yes Johan yes okay so article 12 is the funding for the feasibility study for potential new Elementary School in Essex so our share is um estimated to be 660,000 that's not a hard and fast number but it should be sufficient a huge amount of money it's a million a half doability study yeah H how is this split Greg or um it's one third goes to the district of the of the 1.5 million okay the remaining um million is divided according to the um Capital abortion formula I formula in the orinal agreement which is roughly 2/3 1/3 yeah got a motion yes motion to approve and recommend and article 12 second so just so you know this is being proposed as a capital exclusion a one-time Capital exclusion to to raise those funds outside of the limits of two and a half and therefore it also requires a ballot vote and um as I said it's a one time so it would it would go away after after the one year so this would B L raised the taxes just under 2.2% and your operating budget was um coming in at 2% so and that's the end of the taxation articles on taxation is that the end of it so the net increase in um the tax show will be 4.1 is it yeah 4 point yeah 4.2 rounded yes discussion [Music] motion well I'll move to approve and recommend article 12 second Becky yes ran yes yes and says yes John yes okay and the next is also a school article and the what's the this is the final part is it Highland or is it Brook this is Highland I know it says Highland I no it isn't it it's the one across the school the high school right school okay it was did Highland Highland was done first and then Brook was done right yeah so the the school fronted all the money to pay for for both projects and basically you know the contribution back from the towns are are replenishing their reserves okay is this you want to just if you want to just say to cost refurbish the turf fields that's fine you don't have to why don't we just make it the turf field so we don't have to we have already paid I think we need to be specific we already paid for half of Brook Street and we haven't paid for anything else we we then we paid an additional 400,000 towards um the projects combined so we we have we have paid $800,000 we originally thought we would owe 1.2 because we thought the total price was going to be 1.6 in total um the total price came in a little better so we're our our total cost is is [Music] 1.048596 because of what Greg just explained that the school paid for all of it and we paid for pounds half of Brook Street and we paid another 400 for uncertainty and now we're finishing up the turke heeld projects do you want should the article say that I mean are we in a sense repaying the school district yeah the agreement was that the school district would font the money so that they could get the work done in finite time right and my my question is do we want to be that specific in the wording of the article because we really don't have a choice here and it's not a funding it's aing it's it's repaying the school district however we want to phrase that well the town's final share of the cost but I think Kathy's point is a good one some might think well I don't really want to pay for that so no and you got it yeah okay language I was just suggesting um for the purpose of um repaying the town's final share Manchester Essex Regional School District for the town's final share of the cost that's fine that's what's happening to refurbish the turf fields plural right just the second all right so it's just turps not Highland just say turps just tur because they fronted all of the money anyway for both Fields so it's really fible to be for any F Greg de do you have that language I will once I hear it okay okay this is to see if the town will vote to appropr or transfer from available funds BL to reimburse the school district how about for the purpose of repaying the town's final share of the cost to the school district to refurbish the turf fields comma or ta any or take any other action related there to is that purpose I I don't again I would suggest that these are the kind of details that get discuss when you make the motion and explain the article okay no I I I I think that the clearer we make the article the better I mean we're not funding we're repaying make that statement which is a distinction that most aren't going to really care about to be quite honest too many words but I think I would like to say that we're refurbishing the cost of refurbishing the to the the fields and we can explain the whole history okay motion to approve and recommend Article 13 with the amendment of removing at Highland field and inserting Fields second okay Becky yes yes Kathy yes antis yes John yes okay okay article 14 is the community preservation commit recommendations there I'll move to approve and recommend article 14 as printed second Becky yes Ryan Yes Bey yes and says yes John yes okay um Article 15 is the easement um for Access and parking at the housing authority and with the with the details to be filled in questions I assume that someone else has those numbers and yeah we'll get those filled in tomorrow okay great uh just a question on this Greg has has any discussion in DPW been had with regard to when this Project's going to be done or what the cost is um yeah so that's part of um the the CPC project you'll see it listed as a $20,000 was it up there yes okay all right we're all set so so that yeah that those are the dollars to cover it yeah I make a motion to accept and recommend Article 15 second Becky yes yes Kathy yes answerers yes John yes okay this is the next article is $100,000 or FY 24 legal expenses so this is where we started the meeting a while ago when we talked about legal expenses feels like about three days ago yes I moved to approve and recommend article 16 as presented second yes Brian yes yes and says yes joh yes okay um article 17 is the oped payment which we make every year motion to approve and recommend article 17 yes Becky says yes Brian yes Kathy yes and say Yes John yes okay article 18 um this is the so this is the annual Park and recck revolving fund but we have now added the Board of Health revolving fund as well so you see the two different programs and weet the maximum dollar amount in and out for those two funds questions discussion yes so so Greg for these these numbers here so so this is kind of the cash going in and out but is the cash the Delta at the end of the day or the end of the year is it expected to kind of break even or what's the story at a minimum Break Even there's there's some there's often times a little left over because some of the the collections May exceed the actual expense for a particular program you're right okay but they were expected more or less to break to be even this isn't necessarily a it's a cash outlay but it's just a it's just working capital so to speak yes correct and it's okay to have the um have it be left at a limit without giving a specific amount of what the spending will be correct I mean so the the whole concept of the revolving fund is you collect monies for certain programs those monies go to pay for that program and it you know it varies how many programs you're doing in a given year it it varies how many participants you have you know for a particular program know whether it be the after school program whether it be um you know special trips whether it be summer program in and field trips Etc and then on the board of health side it's um not that we want it to happen again but if we have to set up vaccination dispensing sites we we would have the ability to collect the budes and then have those monies go right out to pay for that without having to worry about having had appropriated those dollars ahead time motion to approve and recommend article 18 second yes yes Kathy yes and say Yes John yes okay um Article 19 eliminates um tobacco product lines and um go back to rely on um other biolog state St comme didn't we just approve these in the last meeting I thought isn't that what the Board of Health brought forward in the last meeting so there's two sets of regulations one are part of our general bylaws okay and then another is a set of of Board of Health regulations which are separate okay so this is this is dealing with um the general bylaw motion to approve and recommend Article 19 second Kathy yes sorry Becky yes one of these people things Brian yes and says yes John yes okay there thank you I will pay attention Okay um 20 is storm water um management great what do you recommend so um with with respect to with all due respect to Chuck I think we need to hold off on this one um I think there's more material here than than than we have really um publicized and I I'm just a little fearful that we haven't laid the the groundwork and and got the word out enough on this one um so what what has happened here is the the state DP came up with some some uh recommended storm water management by all language we adopted that uh a couple years ago was it maybe not even um and then Eep reviewed what the state had done and said wait a minute folks you you miss some things um so they've added a lot of definitions um which if if that's all they were doing then then it probably wouldn't be it probably be fine to go ahead but they've also you know change some procedures change some um inspection procedures and in language um again it's all being recommended and is a bit of a boilerplate but I I am a little concerned about the volume of changes here um and lack of time we have to get that out to the to the voters there are a couple of problems with the text there are two definitions which are different for um impervious surface um there there are some numbering glitches yeah I I agree this this one I had a really hard time getting through the changes I honestly and this doesn't meet my test of making it easy for people to do the right thing so um I personally need a lot more help with this one I asked to hear from Chuck sure um Chuck would you mind weighing in on what we were saying yeah uh I I do recognize that you know this is kind of last minute and wasn't my intention uh we were contacted by EPA what a month or two ago Greg not even so this is kind of par for the course for them this is part of our ms4 permit which is basically our ability to operate our drainage just like we operate a Wastewater Plant a water plant you know this is that permit um and so these changes will be required they are required uh this you know not being able to do them will mean we're out of compliance technically but I don't you know think that I'm going to go to jail over it so I think you guys are safe and then I would say from there you know we can do some more Outreach and you know get some more you know stuff online and whatnot but um you know so these are coming directly from EPA like Greg said and I would anticipate that there are a lot of other municipalities that have the same issues um and they weren't really looking at the calendar with respect to town meeting when they you know reached out about this stuff so um you know that's that's generally where we're at I will say these are incorporating some new lid um light infrastructure design with regards to storm water management so that's like kind of a new thing for ms4 so there are kind of like they were just trying to get everything um so that's that's all um but yeah we'll we could try get in the fall or whenever do you do do we have a time frame within which we have to comply or buy when yeah so technically the bylaw needed to be adopted like Greg said a few years ago um that was like a requirement of our ms4 permit um and so you know that that's what we tried to do um the them under realizing that it was out of compliance uh you know came up now and so technically by not adopting it you know say as soon as possible we will technically still be out of compliance because we're not you know mentioning the things that they're looking for but again um so it right now basically uh is the is the time frame but I don't think there's really a material difference between now and six months from now and this won't impact funding or FEA or anything else like that no this is this is more you know I think we when we do an annual report to for ms4 every year and as part of that report you know there there is a you know checkbox like have you adopted the bylaw this year in that report we'll say we adopted the bylaw we need to make you know the M the changes you know per year whatever email and so like you know they'll they'll see that we're in you know in work in progress um so I don't foresee it being an issue with you can just say well well we are you know it's in process to be presented B town meeting yep which is essentially what we did honestly the first couple years that it was required you know to be adopted in general because it it was like right along covid so it was like you know we're trying to have a short town meeting so we didn't do it because of covid yada yada yada so it's not that much different motion to remove article 20 is it Article 19 in article 20 20 are we doing it's 20 oh I'm sorry 20 just 20 sorry I second that okay so the vote is to not to put article 20 on the war right Becky yes Bri yes Kathy yes yes John yes okay 2021 which would then become 20 so I would I would recommend the same motion that you do not need to move forward with it this um that um in Consulting with Town Council the second time around he feel that it's not necessary that there is sufficient language in the bylaw to allow for those second driveway entrances um if if the planning board were to approve them there's some other other issues with that process but in terms of the bylaw allowing um allowing it it's it's not essential to do I move that we not recommend putting article the article about the driveway curb cuts on the war second Becky yes yes yes John yes um article 22 which is a citizen petition we um don't have a option not to put this on the warrant um I suggest that we make our recommendation on town meeting floor um and so I move that we place article 22 as petition now 20 thank you um and make a recommendation on count second Becky yes Brian yes Kathy yes answer yes yes okay um and the last one how keep I move to um approve and recommend article 23 presented second oh now Article 2 yes how many want uh maybe 20 20 21 21 okay yeah right okay okay Becky yes Brad yes Kathy yes yes joh yes okay now who does what the is there anything else we need to do on the warrant tonight tonight tonight do we need to decide who's doing what tonight I think we can do that atbe yes Greg have you frozen or you I think he's Frozen yes okay back okay we can ask Alan Alan do you think we're have we done what we need to for your purposes yes for tonight obviously we do need um movers seconders and speakers eventually but I don't think we need them tonight okay here I believe we have finalized the budget approved the warrant and discussed the article yes the next article can I ask um if because we have someone waiting in terms of consent agenda that we move consent agenda ahead of way finding since I am the only one here to yes on that certainly okay the we're moving to Madam Madam chair yes if we're done with the warrant and meeting I think I will sign off but there are so many fascinating things Yet to Come yes but that's that's why you guys get paid the big bucks thank you very much Al appreciate your my pleasure thank you and I'll see you on the on the 16th I guess yes night Alan thank you good evening thanks so I'm sorry an my I had a glitch in my connection um we forceed everything's fine don't worry covered everything we're done will slow down we moved consent agenda up just so that we can so I just I just didn't know where you stood with the pickle ball issue oh oh we haven't gotten there right but has that has bearing on the warrant okay sorry what is that um comment right yeah where does that stand I guess I guess I don't see it's in does it have to do with the it's in it's in your memo but it's not on it's not on our agenda well it's it's part of the warrant discussion but okay where so the question of whether or not to yeah that was put a question of funding so when you last talked about the pickle ball sound barer the the green light was given to use the revolving fund and the state has since opine that to use the revolving fund for that purpose would require vote at town meeting so if we want to pursue continuing using the revolving fund we would need to add an article to the warrant to um see if voters were to approve using funds from the evolving fund to pay for the sound bearers the AL the alternative is to use funds out of our um maintenance account the parking Fields maintenance accounts to pay for those out of current dollars but there was some hesit see at your last discussion to use tax dollars to do that at this point it's a part it's we if we put it as a vote on the on the at the town meeting I that that will delay it even further right correct my Becky seems to be nodding Kathy's nodding yeah I think um whatever whatever gets us there fastest is probably best right so are these monies in the maintenance account correct it's it's about 15 or 20,000 North yeah yeah in that 15,000 range yes so I guess the question would be if we agree to use the money in the maintenance account is there something else that won't happen um probably I don't have a so a lot of times there are are sort of surprise repairs that are needed you know a field gets torn up during the winter for some reason or another or so that's that's really what I'm getting at because it's been a really rain winter I just want to make sure if we use these funds for the pickle pickle ball sound barriers we're not in any way um preventing the fields from being in good shape um for for what they're needed this this season Y so I can certainly double check on that to make sure that that's the case I don't think we want to put it on the cwn getting at right I agree I just like I said my only concern is not making sure the fields are good shape for well it's all on I mean the field that on five street is new gu I'm only concerned about the potential damage for the you know really snowy winter better a really raining one uh question Greg I I assume you've discussed this with Cheryl in terms of this approach she's the one that has that budget well it's actually under DPW but they they work they work hand in hand on on figuring out what's needed all right they they they they know of this approach yes it's been yeah we've talked about it okay so yeah they were they were comfortable proceeding with this yes and and this is really I mean this is fiscal 24 this money is coming out of fiscal 24 correct it's current current dollars current current dollars and we've got three months left and it's it is it is a public park it is I move that we use money maintenance the from the maintenance budget to um fund um sound barriers at um the pickle ball courts on Summer Street second discussion Becky yes Brian yes Kathy yes answerers yes yes is that resolve that to your satisfaction Craig yes thank you very much I appreciate that okay sorry we got ahead of ourselves I don't think that affects it doesn't trying to give yes okay now we move the food truck look at the local election for May 21st from the um consent agenda to our next article discuss disc can we can we do both all the consent agenda um oh I see yep never mind there's no problem doing both but if we're going to discuss one of them it's not consent correct and I think we need to discuss this a little bit um because last time the location of the truck was clearly outside of the bowling area and this time it's been requested that it be moved to within 150 ft of of the hes no just outside but I'm a school no it's outside the 150 but on the school grounds okay I where exactly is it proposed you see the at the very bottom the map that was that was uh and it's circled in red chappie yeah this is an old drone shot when the construction was done yeah but what my assumption is I'm just kind of going by what the tennis Sports as the landmark there's Lincoln Street yeah way over here now my my question to you is the I think that the main entrance to the school is over here or over here um where is the actual polling entrance going to be polling entrance will be at the gymnasium which is quite close to there yes so it's in the same the same place it was for the primary beautiful so and and I um I did go walk things off before I came here theres meldon um what's the address twoo Street um I think that Diane had some concerns about it being that close and it also does would take up some more parking and that's very convenient parking it's very con yes and I I think that perhaps there is a parking area um in front of the main entrance to the school which would be further from would be off the street but further from um the entrance to the bowling area or use the same spot the same spot is so far away that um I mean I'm I yeah I think it was successful but um and even though in May it's not going to be dark at 6 o' probably be dark till 8 or 8:30 probably won't be sleeting either well that's just it it was it was pretty inclement then we don't know but the grilled cheeses were amazing my my desire would be for it to at least be visible from that that entrance and and that the entrance I believe is way over here uh this was I mean I didn't could you flip the map up just if you flip the map upside down and what you're holding it then that gives it yeah that's so I think that the pulling that the entrance that we used at the primary was over here Y and this lot now remember it's a town election and yes the whole purpose is to encourage people to come and vote um but a lot of those spots were empty again it was probably because of the weather I don't know what the ter primaries I think that was a there's another area um Circle right well there's a c there's there's the area in front of the school which is shown here on the on the more 2third of the way to the left um as kind of a an enclosed area um the other place that might be that might work that's probably two CLS sorry you got to remember that was a primary people show up they vote they're gone exactly they're here for two three hours no no no this is this is the election in May oh just the electional this is not the meeting okay this is just the election and from what I understand from Diane is that turnout for for Town elections it's just Town business is very small so I can't imagine that if these spots in fact are 150 Fe from the entrance from the door the door actual door of the facility right it doesn't mean 150 fet walk con con including the walk into the gymnasium correct okay so if that's the case I mean it would probably the truck would just sit down at this end of it at the far end yeah yeah yeah I I'm looking at that do you think that's actually more visible though well if everybody's coming and going here yeah and it's here yeah I mean the only other the place I thought would perhaps been a good spot was over here I think it'd be I I actually think that's not as good as where you were last time it was far away it was far away but everybody was going acoss the street to get too which is GNA uh you know um Diane on the ground Diane is on the meeting and she has her hand raised okay good yes hey hi everybody that parking lot is within the 150 foot rule that even that last parking spot right across the way from the entrance to the gym Y where we use is within the 150 foot rule so it would need to be away from there um the only way into the school to park is coming from Lincoln Street is that correct so I think that that might be the best spot but I don't know but I just wanted to mention that about the parking lot well if it's within that 150 ft I mean that just negates that already right that's fun is is the um parking lot in front of the entrance to the school within 150 ft um I'd have to check with the police chief been check his his um global map but um it should be 150 ft from the polling place in a circle so just from that door in a circle and that's where we allow people to hold signs and I've never seen anyone allowed to hold signs in front of the school building either they're usually down by the street yeah well the is Way Beyond 150 ft so even if say this the end of this circle that this was sent to me I didn't put the circle um so if that's within 150 ft right then then and all of this is within 150 ft right so the people that are down at the end they're just told they have to be there they they're beyond 150 ft I think and so okay um I yeah is this something that we can put off for two weeks oh sure okay why don't we get where don't we get an accurate get get a circle accurate description of where TR to get you we what seems to be the best location for it if the best place is down in the street it's down the street we've got we'll have some daylight still and we'll be a little warmer you know hopefully there will be a monsoon um but um so but do I have I can go ahead and hire the truck if you're prepared to have it on Lincoln Street if that's where it if that's where it lands that's where it lands sure well can we approve the truck and finalize the location that's what we're doing motion to approve the food truck for um count election in May May 21st Becky yes Brian yes Kathy yes yes John yes and we can put and to Todd has his hand up as well I think he had some maps that what happened Todd has his hand up sorry please yeah I just want to let you know I just sent you all the maps uh of the 150 fet in three different directions uh from the entrance to the polling door I just sent them to you all right now I don't know here um let's let's put the location off until the 16 thank you for the maps we use them but 16 so we're not meeting on Monday Mass the 16th I would like to have everybody have the pictures and I all I have is my cell phone and this thank you so I'll see you on April 16th 16th 16 16 thank you you're very welcome yeah thank you thank you um I just I just do motion to approve the minutes um as March 18th of March 18th with the Amendments sent to debie second John yes say yes Cathy yes Bri yes yes thank okay um I think we go back now to way finding sube update okay way finding subcommittee um we met on the 26th to have clarification of deliverables um and the sequence of Q&A uh so we are meeting next April 2nd Zoom 6 to 7:30 um and we will be talking about logo and branding and um have invited downtown Improvement committee uh Cheryl from Parks and W and Tiffany marleta for communications the following meeting will be May 7 from 6:00 to 7:30 and we have Mark faberman Who is the consultant will present several options of branding and Logo um and we um have invited again downtown Improvement Tiffany and Cheryl um we will plan on posting an article to the cricket and it will go on in Greg's um slot to be done miday to share the ideas um proposing two options that will be put out for feedback not necessarily to be given the final um say because that comes to the select board um but it will be asking for feedback next meeting is June 4th 6 to 7:30 and that's the mapping session to create the sign types in which locations including downtown Improvement committee DPW uh Chief Fitzgerald and Cheryl from Parks and wreck then we will be meeting with the planning board June 10th uh to present option what we what we're planning to them and then hopefully it come before the select board for the final meeting June 17th for the presentation of what has been determined get all that would you like me to send you a copy to here I'll send it to your right now thank you s by hand mail and everybody is invited to attend those meetings they are public and are posted on the town website so please come it's actually fascinating what what is been shown to us so far the different types of um branding and wayf finding that other towns have done and how you can get so much put sent across with a few Signs by um having them all be similar anyway very fun as if you're making rapid progress good well we have a it's always good to have a deadline and know what your deliverables are right Kathy absolutely plus Marlene Dolan is an amazing chair she is just she's all over it like butter on bread excellent yes okay um the next article on the agenda is notary public services and um Greg do you want to take this or should we ask um Diane yeah Diane's here she can certainly speak to it but the the teup is um as you saw from her numbers big increase in the request for for notary um I mean significant increases um area Banks I think are are scaling back and it's been driving more uses to uh the town hall um the concern about liability has been raised we have reached out to our insurance carrier to get coverage for it and then um I'll let Diane explain the the process going forward and how to help limit some of it uh to keep it manageable and to keep our liability at a minimum as well um as she compared some notes with other communities so Diane if you want to take it from there that'd be great sure yeah so um I think notary public is a great service for the residents U we were having a lot of people come from all over to Manchester to notarized because we were notorized um you'll see I sent you the information there's a lot of town halls that aren't doing it um we started um after a training that I had we did start not using staff as Witnesses we will use anybody who might be a notary in town hall as a witness if need be but we try not to put any of the staff in that place because they don't have that um coverage and then uh Christina my assistant had mentioned that um the liability was an issue and doing things that are very um just more legal EAS the real estate transfers and wills and Powers of Attorney didn't seem to be the appropriate place to do it right at the Town Hall window so we've set up a a little um notary policies that I'm hoping that you guys will approve we have a few names of of other places people can go for notaries they come to town hall most of the time because it is it is a free service that we offer but Staples UPS um and there's actually a mobile notary locally that we can give out her number if people prefer want something so I just wanted you to look at it make sure you were okay with it see if you had any questions on it um and that's that question yes um Diane I I didn't see it in this but did you want to limit it to Town's people I I think it says it's a service for the residents says it right at the top um ah there we go solely for the residents hello you know but there's a lot of people that come in they work in town or they're dropping their child off I don't know there there's a lot of people that come from all over to notarize in Manchester I don't know if they're going they're going to the beach in the winter or what I don't know so I have a question um so not sure if it's Greg or yourself Diane but if there is always a reason when businesses stop offering a service okay so I just want to make sure we really understand what that reason is is it liability is it risk um or is it um um uh driving inefficiencies because it's distracting to um the staff that might be performing other core Services there's always a reason so what is the reason why a bank or some other business um is not wanting to do this service anymore so I think I can start to answer that the banks aren't doing it because it's it takes away from their other service I believe it's it's a Time cons it can be very timec consuming the notaries services that I would think would be easy to do in town hall you know affidavits permission to travel um moving money from here to there I mean easy things like that when people come in with a will or a power attorney there's pages of that and then there's Witnesses um and then you really it's liable I think the town now has the liability that covers us but it's still sometimes uncomfortable doing things about wills and Powers of Attorney and bringing Witnesses in so um why I wanted to limit it was primarily because some of that is a little bit uncomfortable at the window and I don't feel fully equipped to be able to do some of that but yeah so my question was more why the other business like the banks and it sounds like it's driving inefficiencies it's distracting people from their core Services what what you said um I don't you know what's funny with the bank I'm not sure I just do know that they were sending everyone to us and then literally a few months ago they came over with all their um not you had to keep a journal when you notorized all these blank journals and said well we're not notorized anymore and we send them to you so here you take these books so so what so um Greg you said you were looking at some insurance to cover our liability here um because it may not be covered satisfactorily already do I understand that right yeah it's a it's an additional U okay general rule of thumb here okay you you don't do stuff for free right okay so we either have to charge something to cover for the cost of the insurance and the labor um because if we don't do that then we are incentivizing other businesses which may do notorized we're going to get a request next year oh we need more staff in town hall people are coming in for you know these not so as a general rule when running Services you don't do stuff for free sometimes you might do that if you have people sitting around twiddling their thumbs and and you can offer a little side service to help keep people busy and keep your customers happy that's fine I just it doesn't seem like that's what we're necessarily doing here I I think the people at Town Hall here are busy and I just want to make sure that any additional cost because the volume has certainly gone up you're you're you're right um any additional cost especially for insurance um wondering why we're not charging in something um I can sort of answer that by state law I don't think I can charge more than um $2 a signature it might be even less than that isn't someone charging 250 yeah so maybe it's 250 250 Beverly's 250 yeah right so you know then then you're playing with change and whatnot I think it's important to have a service though you know it is a service for your residents for small things I think that's what it was meant to be it wasn't meant to do your your estate planning understand I I think U so I like that about it but I'm concerned about the increase in volume so what's not clear to me are are the guidelines that you've outlined here going to restrict the volume enough so that we don't get requests for additional Personnel to handle you know work this is a good good start we're already cutting out a whole lot of absolutely big time consuming you could give it a go and then I just want to be clear what is it that we would be doing and how many more than the 300 um and how much does the extra insurance cost you know that question has not been answered yet so so Diane right now you're taking all comers no we started putting this up um in December okay so in December all right so You' got three months so 316 you got for 2023 was all Commerce yes you did wills and all of that other stuff too you mean yes yes okay so and you do you know what your running rate is I mean you've got three months of experience now things um I I didn't check before I came home but we have I have been turning people away I have been turning people away so there's be curious about that does does cand savings er uh notary I don't know but that's still they might only do it for their customers I mean I I think it's a nice service to have for Town's people and I think that people would be happy to pay $2.50 for a simple document that needs to be notorized I'm not sure that paying $2.50 is cost effective it's just right I mean dealing with you have to collect the money and track yeah and I see what you're saying with fewer just to be collecting 250 I didn't even have 250 so could we could we find out what the what the insurance extra insurance need to find that out because you're gonna say it's going to cost us you know an extra 50 bucks to our insurance okay fine right but if it's $5,000 no not interested so so I'm interested in the insurance cost I'm also interested in how your running ratees going right yeah those are the two questions that those are that's the right way to phrase it got it can we bring this back for the 16th or we already jam-packed on there I don't think this would take long on the if we have the information like like the previous question if we have the information we make a quick okay could we get that information by the 16th yes so we're looking for notary numbers and insurance added insurance cost or added annual insurance cost right I think it looks good though Debbie I mean Diane I'm saying you I'm glad somebody else makes that kind of mistake oh no never okay um I think we've done that the next item is review and approve um parking guidelines and we have those and so I did notice uh um a change that we had requested last time that did not get into this copy um Greg it had to do with the visitor part parking placard um for the visitor parking it's not required that households have um without off street parking so that without off street parking phrase should not be in there it's it's households on um a resident only parking Street households residing on Resident only um I don't know how you want to pH it but oh too tired hous households on Resident only parking Street only parking parking or Street sections right because some streets just that section those are the ones that are allowed to have visitor passes it's perfectly fine if they have off street parking but they may not have enough for guests it's kind of the purpose of and then yeah I had another which was on the boater placard um it says and I didn't recall that we did one I mean one placard per moing per owner but what if there are four owners on a boat I mean you could have four cars coming at one time is that and that's that's okay or do you have I mean somebody could just put however many owners on the but for Buy on purposes there's only one owner listed for a moing that's a good point so how do we I I think that it should just be one placard per moing B bion's purposes I don't know B it's it's I I I'm I mean I had a joint ownership for quite a while and he had a copy of the title he wants to see both names on that and that's what it but so if I recall this discussion this is a courtesy that we offer that a lot of other towns don't and the my feeling was that we left the discussion it's one placard for moing that's what I thought too yeah okay you're right we didn't really get the discussion the one excuse me if I may sure would you didn't discuss it because it was already in there it wasn't a change and it's not new it used to be before I got here that anybody could get a a boater placard um and then we Cur brought it back to one per moing but there are a few and only a few that have joint ownership but they have they have a title or a piece of paper that says they are owner of this moing with so and so and they share the boat so there should never be a time when that moing has more than one car right well there might be two blackards issued to that Mo because there are two owners and I really want to say there's no more than three maybe four of those Bayan gives us those names shap one placard per moing one um per owner up to two or something like that okay what you have to do is on your placard you've got the license plate of the car you got two plates there because you got two owners on one more one placard one placard yeah and you can have the two on they can it's up to them so it's that won't work either because the two owners don't live together we understood that I understand they get so we don't put we don't put a license plate on the placard we put the moing number on the placard that's perfect so one placard and it's transferal they don't have to live together they can leave the placard on the boat right right exactly I I just it's it's again this is a courtesy and I think I I had placards a number of years ago and they did have the license number on the plers 10 15 years ago and but then they get a new car they got to bring it in you got the license plate the cars in the Shelf but so you want to say one placard per moing period yes and then can leave the placard on the boat yeah what gr I said I think let the people figure out how they want to deal with the one to figure it out courtesy go all the courtes all the way in got it I'm sorry to interrupt thank you no I had another on at the masomo and is Todd still on yep there he is okay um the question was and my question to Todd was there's no parking 2 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. why is it not midnight to six you know I'm not sure that was a a long time ago and I think that was because we had overnight Parkers for uh bers Island and that's when the bat of plard came into effect yeah I'm not sure why it was 2 am not midnight I mean why why not just midnight I think no ISS that I mean it doesn't matter either way I don't there's no real issue that we can speak of that to change it to midnight I mean there's some people down there that are fishing late at night you know coming in from their boats so maybe that's why it was two o'clock okay well that's why I was wondering on that um then my last question is regard is is um regarding who the Parking Clerk is do we need to state is it um cu the new Parking Clerk is is it pat now Todd uh Parking Clerk yeah the parking uh well is the parking you talking parking enforcement officer or the Parking Clerk the clerk the clerk yeah well it's still run through Diane's office but the parking officer is is going to be um uh Michelle so so these are polies though officer typically don't put people's names no no I don't mean names but I mean it's the policy of the Parking Clerk and the Parking Clerk is located where clerk's office which department that's what I'm just trying to clarify that's it by me um you have no I thought thought it was pretty clear to me on the um first page of it resident stickers are valid rather for the time indicated until the date [Music] indicated okay isn't it so the the the tags these are these are the regular tags they have a date on them they expire on that date okay so all right there other tags have like the visitor tags are good for between two days but this these are just they have an expiration they have an expiration yeah youd rather say date rather than time yes until the date indicated okay with those changes are we prepared to approve the new parking resident sticker policies um before we do that yep are we saying 2 to six is good at Masco I can imagine a fisherman coming in that way yeah okay that's what I was thinking all right um motion to approve the um parking guidelines um with the modification to uh Boer placards one per morning per owner visitor parking and the visitor parking Kathy mentioned visitor parking that it's uh remove the phrase without off street parking households on on streets which are resident only on streets households residing on uh streets which are resident only are entitled blah blah blah okay motion made and a change that an had from time to date yes thank you John are those three changes I'll second that motion did you make that motion Becky I did okay John yes answerers yes Kathy yes Brian yes yes great okay um energy aggregation update um thank you D thank you d y thank you um we had a question from um a resident which I think we all got um about this and is this something that actually works and how do they my question is how do they separate the green electrons from the brown electrons well if I could before we go there this has already been approved at town meeting okay it's just taken us and Greg's been working on this for some time so this is already approved okay and Y there we go okay so it's the question of selecting selecting the so uh after reading the materials Greg U that was in the package honestly I had a hard time distinguishing the differences so when faced with vendor selection discussions it's always nice to have a summary you know here's vendor one here's vendor two here's the criteria you know kind of just a one-page matrix here's the criteria used for selecting someone and then you rate each vendor against the criteria and you get some sense as to where their strengths and weaknesses are it's worth going through that if there are significant differences if there are no significant differences and it's just a price thing you know then that's um you might have to go through all the detail but where where is your head here on the comparison so they they are very similar um price is not an option the price they charge is set by state law they're allowed to take one tenth of one cent per kilowatt hour as their fee for the services they provide us um so from a from a cost perspective they're both the same um one firm is is um is solely dedicated to aggregation and they have done probably double the number of towns than than the other firm the other firm does uh work in other areas of of energy and and utility law um so they're they they have a little more diverse Focus um we are in the process of checking references and and listening to um some other communities and their experiences and so we will pull that together and and provide a final set of recommendations for you um I really just wanted to give you an update on where things are and what about the savings um as part of the program do are they competitive in terms of they offer different savings options yeah they're very comparable in terms of the savings that they have been able to realize for for residents um this is different than than your typical solicitation that you might be getting in the mail from from third- party suppliers so this is so we use this aggregator this vendor to go out onto the market and to and secure a a multi-year fixed price for for electricity on a kilowatt hour basis um and they they they go out on the market they advise you when you might want to lock in you know some sometimes they say well the market is is very volatile right now you might want to sit out a few months and wait until things settle down um but then they they advise us as as when it is timely in their mind to lock in a price and then that price is fixed for the duration of the contract um people do not have to participate um people can always choose not to participate and continue how they're currently purchasing their electric um National Grid will always be the um provider in terms of the wires and being responsible for billing and and National Grid will always be the the face that people interact with in terms of um reliability and and issues with transmission that that stays the same what will changes instead of um the default supplier through National Grid you would be getting your electricity through a new supplier but again people have the choice of participating or not so in terms of trying to choose one firm over the other um not quite ready to make that final recommendation we will provide you a summary of what each uh what we feel each strength the strengths that each bring to the table um but they are I will tell you now they're very similar uh in terms of their process and track records um as I say one has done significantly more communities than the other but they have both done a large number of communities so sorry go ahead um I I I so we're getting some references here Greg I assume that one of the questions that should be asked is what's the conversion rate in a community in terms of participation I don't know whether they get a lot of adoption here I think the savings are around what say maybe 10% or something yeah it's not a lot but there's some I think the key thing is that it is fairly steady and National Grid as we probably all know about two years ago went crazy right so National Grid is is is setting that price every six months right and there's a lot of variability here here there'll be a lot less right so under under the under your default service through grid you know you typically will pay more in the winter and less in the summer um through these aggregations you have a set fee year round you might pay a little more than the grid rate in the summer but you'll pay even less in the winter to offset what you might pay a little more in the summertime and yes typically what they are seeing is you know in that 10% range of of savings it also provides yeah the other thing and I I attended part of the presentation here if you've already got a a third-party provider for your electricity you have to abide by whatever contract you've got there you can't just opt into this you've got to run it out or that there's a penalty that they have well a contract that's your problem but once you have the option to move you can move if you wish and they say that typically in a in a community 10 to 15% of people have third- party providers so I think that's a good question to ask Greg because this is not you don't opt in you have to opt out well you can opt in also but I but I think the the way correct me if I'm wrong Greg everybody is put in and then people don't want the service they have to opt out it's not an opt-in it's an opt out that's correct just like just like you have to opt just like you're automatically enrolled in Grid corrent right exactly although people who are on third party provid they will not get that dis offer so that's the question Greg okay so they won't get they won't be put in the pool because they already have a contract somewhere else or do they or does everybody who has a third party provider now have to opt out manually no I don't think they put in the pool in the first place I can confirm that okay um I a question um it it it said that uh when I was reading through these that um the town town will set energy goals that are representative who who in the town would be doing that would that be through the DPW through your ultimately it's you as a as a board okay so just like water if if you want you know if you want an Advisory Group to to weigh in on it you can okay um so yes you can you can offer different levels of of um renewable energy as part of the port right you can go off of what the state requires currently or you can go above that you go up to as far as 100% Renewables if if you want typically they offer two or three choices I think we don't need to do anything on this right now correct y yeah I wanted to provide an update and if you had questions make sure I get them answered for you and um we'll be coming back to you with um with more details and in a recommendation good thank you okay now we are at the Town Administrator report You Ready for Me yep I'm sorry so yeah very quickly um uh tomorrow night there is a a forum that the town green organization is sponsoring on impact of climate change seeing it as a sort of a um broader overview that gets us ready for a set of um workshops that'll be held at the end of the month um so tomorrow night is a sort of an overview of impacts that we can expect um walk through the simulated hurricane that um that Harvard did for for us a year ago or so and then look at a summary of the vulnerability action plan that that Pon O'Neal did for us last year um and then that will tee up what we will have at the end of the month end of end of April first of May a design shet looking at specifically at at Mas masconomo Park and what kind of a redesign might we want to consider so that the park is more resilient to uh to flooding may be able to absorb Waters and so remain a park that we can use and and and enjoy um so that'll be a specific project whereas tomorrow night is is more of a broader overview and then the end of the month we'll dive into a specific look at Masco and what design options we might want to consider down the road um that was one of the recommendations that came out of the vulnerability action plan was to take a specific look at Masco and see what sort of new designs we might want to consider going forward so like I say that'll tomorrow night is the is is the webinar that's available people can sign up through the town green website and then um they'll also be doing an hourlong field trip on Friday afternoon at 3 meeting at mascow and then we'll have the um f O'Neal form design shet um the end of April and the 1st of May and we'll put up more information on that as the time gets closer that will also be um available they're going to take that I was G to ask if any of this is going to be recorded that's going to be recorded I won't I got have another meeting I can't make that but all right I'll go on Friday yeah I'm going to go Friday as well yeah so so that's that second item I just wanted to with you in terms of andal town meeting and and holding some open forums regarding the Articles um couple of couple of different options we could um meet earlier on the 16th your next meeting that's the Tuesday day after Patriots Day um and then again that Thursday in preparation for the meeting on the 24th or um would you like to do the 11th and the 18th as two Thursdays as a possibility um putting out there for different options that you think might make sense in terms of giving people plenty of opportunity to ask questions and get informed on the various articles for town leting so don't know if you have strong preference either way or if you want to think about it and let us know what to set up and I cannot meet on the 11th I like the 16th the 16th is our regular so you're talking about doing it our regular meeting what pretty it's pretty yeah I I can't do the 16th but I don't have to be it yall don't have to be at all the [Music] meetings should we day send a text around or to the eight you know see what day I mean is an 18th um every can everybody do the 18th I can do the 18th I can do the 18th it's questionable it B what time are you thinking on the 18 uh thinking of a you know 6:30 or 7 o'clock for one hour yeah I would yes exactly I can do the 18 I can't to the here I can zoom well that's three of us who can I'm I'm flexible on the weather forecast yeah I'm flexible on the 18th I I mean we don't all have to be there no um let's shoot the 18 okay one session one session what time 6:30 or 7 6:30 is that what you're said Greg yeah 6:30 or 7 would is typical but seven might be easier for people I'm going to do one yeah yeah 18 7 p.m. so what do you think going to be the Hot Topics that's a good question school we won't be answering that should anything say it again um there's there's the L service which there many questions about there's the library um expansion gra the Senor Cent and the Senor Center those are three none of them are hot some of them are they're warm yeah but which those questions can be easily addressed should we try to have somebody from the library available to talk about the library that might be and would you invite you know the Manchester members of the school committee or one of them to answer questions on the budget or someone from the school district just in case we won't be as you know I'm not sure we want to I think the school budget is is an up or down vote that's yeah I don't and and I think if we try during the discussion we get into the details people get the impression that they get to P right right but um should we have we have the library right what's the um do we need and we would buy on yep about the launch we CH or do we want to just leave it that and now so we can work on getting you know the appropriate people in the room and having information I think we could get more to help I mean the tobacco thing is just I think fairly straightforward yeah I think we can answer the tobacco thing it's just that you don't want to have the same information in four different places right right actually I think it's good we're having it on the 18th because if on the 16th we're going to decide who's going to speak to each article then we can make sure that that's good okay you have Tiffany yeah just yeah we'll we'll tea up time for more in- depth discussion about what we're doing with Communications and the new web website Etc we'll get that teed up for you in the next meeting so the only thing is that is school vacation week I just thought I mentioned the the week of the 16th and that's why we're meeting on the 16th instead in the 15th well and and school vacation week though um doesn't off okay a lot of sports uh Seasons going on yeah um there's the 23rd that's the night before before the meeting okay I think this I mean I people can they can email questions if they have them beyond the meeting I think 18's a good day it's close enough the town meeting but they won't forget week before about so you want a motion to adjourn um I want to check with Greg and make sure that we've covered all of his I'm I'm all set thank you good motion to adjourn look forward to seeing you back soon yeah yes get that arm elevator my arm around oh wow there you go L we want to sign your cast thank you Greg all right thank all of you okay we have a motion in a second all in favor my little foury old you know you got the on