##VIDEO ID:Bodw50OgXog## good evening I'd like to resume tonight's board event meeting can I get a roll call please Mr Ser here M Weinstein here Mr here Mr Keller here Mr ainson here Mr mkin Mr Mr M please join us in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible thank you for coming out it's nice to see so many faces here um my report is short many members attended the Ocean County School Boards Dinner on September 25th the topic was policies to ensure appropriate spectator Behavior at events so our policy committee will be working on that when Strauss ese comes out with some guidelines uh attendance was great at the back to school nights it was nice to see so many people out there and all of the groups the cpad PTA Etc with tables to encourage people to join conferences are taking PL place next week if you did not sign up uh make sure you reach out to your child's teachers to see if they could fit you in this is a great opportunity for you to sit down and discuss your child oneon-one uh next week many board members will be getting um our yearly training at the school board's convention and um we're looking forward to that and I leave you with a quote in honor of breast cancer breast cancer awareness month I'm I'm a fighter I'm a Survivor and I'll get through anything people can throw at me John Da thank you Mrs Pedroza good evening everybody um so this evening you'll see that we changed a little bit on the board agenda I actually asked um if we could move up our Student Government representatives to speak first in our lison from the base so we'll be doing that before the student recognition portion of our assembly this of our program tonight um I also wanted to let you know that there are two presentations on the agenda one will be conducted by Mrs ramundo and the curriculum Department she will be giving a synopsis of the test results and then one will be given by Mr George which is the hi self assessment you'll also see some retirements um on the on the agenda this evening I'd like to wish all the best to the following staff members Monica the Falco she was with us for 11 years congratulations and wishes to her John McCarthy um he is our Male carrier many of you know him as Mr John he has been with us for a total of eight years and he will be retiring in January and Mark Gardner retired as well five years in the district so congratulations to those staff members in Manchester we celebrate our team members and thank them for their dedication and their contributions to our students in our school the beginning of the month we celebrated and recognized school custodian day um thank you so much to our custodial staff I think we have some of the finest and cleanest buildings in around and I would just like to say to them they are in valuable and we are very appreciative of them we also recognize in October National principal month thank you for all you do to support our students our staff your leadership is extremely valuable and we appreciate appreciate you so congratulations and thank you to those two [Applause] groups as superintendent I am incredibly proud of the strong relationship that the district shares with the Joint Base our partnership has enriched the lives of our students and our families and we thank you one shining example is our Le buy program where service member volunteers support literacy efforts in our schools this program not only helps our Young Learners develop a love of reading but it also strengthens our bonds with the community and I thank you for helping us to coordinate that as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month this particular month we're reminded of the rich diversity that enhances our schools and this month our Focus was on Hispanic heritage and the readings and many of the partners that came were of the Hispanic um ethnicity so thank you so much for that and we are very very grateful to the base for that that support um in addition to that I do want to thank Miss tall and Miss zachan um in in June I believe the board allowed us to participate in the application for what's called pcast it's person centered approaches in school and transition and Miss TFA was just um notified that we actually received that award which will mean that we will get training for our staff and for our administrators to work in a partnership with ruers um it is a deal e funded program and that partnership will allow us to have transition planning inperson centered approaches in our schools overall it will allow us to be more effective and meaningful support for our students with disabilities fostering their success in their in their um actual Independence so thank you so much and thank you to the board for allowing us to put in for that particular partnership um other than that I'm going to ask everybody to mark your calendars uh I don't think that there's been a lot of publicity on this event but it is always well attended so trick or trunk thank you to the municipal Alliance it will be this Sunday October 20th at the Manchester High School it'll be at 7 p.m. there are going to be a lot of treats there there will be a lot of decorated cars as well I am going to try to decorate my car with the board office help right Mrs rundo our our theme will be Candy Land I'm an ' 80s girl so we're going to go back to the 80s so um I hope you can visit us that even I hope you'll be there Chris I hope to see you there and then the last thing I'm just going to remind you of is that um Veterans Day is approaching for over 20 years Manchester Township High School has welcomed local veterans in the community for its annual recognition program um this year's event will be at 2:45 on November 11th it will be the 20th annual so we are inviting all Community if you're a veteran we hope you can be there um and this point I'm going to turn it back to Mrs Mount thank you um would like to hear a report from our military embassador please uh for for us uh there's not much this month uh first off I just want to thank the district for all your support for both the uh military connected uh children that are in the district as well as uh opening the doors to let our uh military folks go in and read it it really uh enriches them as well as as your students um yeah thanks for your support thank you thank you Jaden is our representative from Student Government Can you give your report please yes um here today to provide you with important information regarding um things that have happened at the high school since our last meeting so we start with things that we had happen we had our club Rush September 16th to the 20th basically it was a rush where all the student uh student created clubs SL staff advised clubs could promote their clubs right in front of the lunch room and it was a great it was a great opportunity for clubs to gain traction and clubs to gain popularity so that was a really good thing we had um we had Freshman Class elections end of September congratulations to the new cabinet members um we had a fall spirit week I have the themes written down um it was the 23rd to the 27th day one was students as teachers and teachers as students day two was twin day day three was wear pink day four was Jersey day and day five was class colors um we had our homecoming game September 27th which we won um homecoming dance uh Juniors hosted that and it was the theme was staring night it was September 28th was success really fun loved it um we had our corn uh we have a cornhole tournament we had our cornhole tournament sorry sorry um it was a great turnout there were 16 teams it was a mix of students and community members um it was a great time we raised $500 200 200 of which is going to go towards the winners and we're going to be dispersing the prizes soon we also raised $250 from Buffalo Wild Wings great um future events we're going to be having hopefully a applebe fundraiser at right after fall break um as Mr fro said trick or trunk is October 20th so it's very fun guys you should go um Christmas In the Pines is December 7th and we SJ will be using this as a fundraising opportunity as well as the winter vendor fair December 8th um that's pretty much it thank you for everything and thank you letting me be here that's it niob thank you for your good job we're going to begin with mtes and I believe this young man is here this evening am I correct Elijah here this okay I'm going to read it anyway and if you would like to accept his award I would appreciate that so Elijah is a first reader and he is kind and well-mannered young man who is not only hard workking in school but also a role model to those around him during recess he's always looking out for his friends and other student safety he's always willing to take another student to the nurse without hesitation and most importantly he shows him kindness which is fantastic so congratulations to Elijah thank you our next two students are from Ridgeway school and I'd like to invite up Abigale and Ed and ediga so Abigail is a kindergarten at briway school she's always participating in group discussions and activities she has a we of knowledge that drives our discussions outside the box whenever stud helped she's always there and she's an amazing young lady so congratulations to Abigail our other remarkable student is Edgar and he's a fifth leader who is at rway elementary school his quality are a great student leader and recently he was selected and demonstrated exceptional leadership and a commitment to responsibility he helps his peers he helps his teachers and he inspires those around him so thank you for being a role model and congratulations edar our next group of students come from whing elementary school and these are our bus saf I believe we have our bus saf here I'll make sure it's e Emily Joseph Ava Addie Josh Riley eie Billy and Daniel did I forget anybody good I got it okay that's good so our buses are student leaders in the area of Transportation they assist our kindergarten students with safely getting off the bus at arrival and on the bus for depart they help model and teach other students about bus safety their assistance AIDS our bus drivers in safely transporting students to and from school and this is a wonderful volunteer leadership position and they are certainly role models in their school we thank you Mrs Bole our transportation director actually thanks you and Mrs Swift outstanding young men and women so congratulations and guys right there ready awesome good job this next handsome young man makes me smile and he will make you smile too ch coming up he is a student at Regional Bas school and he is always making sure his teachers and friends are okay everything need how many of you know he's a personality let me tell you he's a gentleman he's a singer he's always for everyone he up every Everybody's Day amazing singing and his hilarious jokes Chris has made significant improvements with his behavior in school he continues to be had a great time and Chris you are such a smart young man so congratulations Chris what you and this is the night of singers we here okay hi come on middle school and Dy is a talented hardworking seventh grader who is a member of the drama club and corus jne was asked to lend her incredible talents this summer in a concert on the boardwalk in Seaside Height the concert featured G performers from New York City who performed in Anastasia of the Opera L Min Aladdin and more ja's powerful performance of four Unfortunate Souls from The Little Mermaid was well received by a large audience she also also recently performed in the amateur night at the Apollo Theater in New York City and placed first and we also don't want to forget our student athletes and I think I saw Caleb and mad are they here congratulations they represent you see us as our student athletes for the month of October Caleb and Madison are both great representation of what it means to be a student athlete they're both eighth grade leaders of our cross country team they work just as hard in the classroom as they do in the athletic Arena and they are excellent examples of what what it means to be a student athlete so congratulations and thank you our next students are representing the high school and they are Mauricio is she here didn't see her Bella Samantha mat SI and [Music] I also to say we have S right like to recognize students who volunteer their time inorder to serve individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in our community a big thank you to these students they are truly what vol tourism and service is all about they are talented they are dedicated they are extremely well um versed in terms of working with these students they are patient and we appreciate that because that is so important so thank you to all next I'd like to welcome up our student athletes from the high school we have Emma and Noah so Emma has helped lead our team record qualifying short Conference tournament and early season upset over number three wwn with five yeah no no I'm talking Emma it's okay five goals and a team leading nine assist she is a playmaker has become the backbone of her team at Center Midfield um and so congratulations to you our senior goal for Noah has been keeping the Hawks in every game on the way to a seven and six record he has 90 saves e in the conference and has had four shutouts on the season Emma and Noah represent us well on and off the field by m a strong academic and athletic work ethic deserving good Sportsmans and for being such solid players and athletes go back because I was advised that our young gentleman from MCS is here so if you don't mind they with me for a minute hi el our first grador and he is an MCS representative he is a hardworking kind well mannered young man during recess he's always looking out for his friend he's willing to take another student to the nurse we are so proud of you and you are certainly worth the weight so congratulations elij so when I was just like to say is it is so wonderful that we get together as a community to recognize our students and their contributions um our work here is so important but what your children provide to us the partnership we have with you as a family is just so important so I would like to just for this month give a quote about it's important for all of us to appreciate where we come from and how that history has really shaped us in many ways that we might not understand and that really just shows that the children the diversity being recognized for multiple things I think it's just a testament to our partnership here and the impact that we have our community so thank you so much thank you the families for supporting thank you for all the staff and and congratulations to all our s that for a different that's fun so I'd like to thank the board for letting us present tonight the information was shared previously um and for those in the audience the full presentation is linked on the agenda and will be placed on the website if people want to really dig into the date so this presentation will cover the 2024 njsla the access testing which is what our es students need to take and also the dlm um we will also be including some information about the fall njsla which was taken at the high school um those results were already presented as well as the NJ GPA results but it's important to see the information in connection um with so you know we all know our real goal in education is to help develop a level of learning but it would be naive to say that testing does not matter at all and so it is important for us to look at our testing results so we can notice Trends curriculum areas of success and also areas where we need to put some Focus moving forward so just a little um highlight of what we're going to be talking about so students in grades 3 through n took the njsla in English students in grades 3 through eight took the njsla math and then in the high school it's course based not grade based and so those students took the test in Algebra 1 geometry and Algebra 2 one thing to note because it's very hard to compare year to year is that the state sometimes changes who has to take the tests in high school so the previous year only ninth graders took the math assessment last year students in all grades took the math assessment so it's just interesting when you're comparing you're not really comparing Apples to Apples in the high school um we will also be talking about the access test that was also previously presented um to the board of education and there is a link within this presentation to the old um presentation um and then also the dlm which stands for the dynamic learning map which is something that students with um intellectual disabilities who cannot take the njsla qu so we all know that we have to look at data carefully this is a one day or three-day test depending on which test you're talking about um and also some of the things we used to use for comparison are no long over there so um they don't have dfg's anymore that could compare similar socioeconomic schools and at one point they were giving us pure schools schools that were similar to you all that went away so really all you have to compare yourself against is the state average um which is something we will talk about um and then also just as we begin to unpack we're going to have to look closely at things like demographics subgroups as well as our overall picture by the grade levels so we're going to jump right to the important part which what what do we get out of all of this data what are we seeing as our Trends so the first we're going to talk about some notable achievements so here are some areas where we're seeing some growth and some positive things so n9th grade ELA showed an 8% increase in the number of students who are meeting or exceeding sixth grade ELA showed a 5.5% increase districtwide our Science assessment score showed a 3.7% increase um students in the Middle School who have 504 showed a 177% increase in meeting or exceeding in ela and our middle school algebra 1 which is the honors students at the middle school showed a 21.4% increase in students meeting or exceeding expectations in the NJ GPA some of the highlights first 79% of students are Ming or exceeding in ela and also I think it's important to look at that one from just in two years how far the scores have changed so in ela in 2022 we had 29% medum year exceeding and now in 2024 we had 79% math while the gains were not as um giant are still significant going from 37% to 49 particularly because the state average is only 55 in Ma so those are definitely some highlights of some progress all right so achievements in programming and instruction what are the things we're doing well that are hopefully tying into these results we have a continued focus on foundational literacy including foundations and just words um training for high School teachers in integrating a workshop model in ela high school and middle school a huge focus on vocabulary across all disciplines including word walls and tier vocabulary tier two vocabulary are words that are your academic words used in every discipline um continued implementation of our tiered system of support and I actually think that played a huge role at middle school last year I know Miss nichel was very um involved in um the tier system of supports and I think that improves our 504 scores a little bit by having those intervention um focus on data to drive instruction and really keeping data in the Forefront we have a district assessment committee but also each building has an assessment committee and dat is also talked about in grade level meetings department meetings and all sort of building meetings as well and then what has been some of our professional shelter construction which is um the SC out model where that is for how do we help our ml students and as we know our numbers have increased significantly we went from about 98 students tested the year before to over 200 students tested last year so we've more than doubled that number um the readers Writers Workshop model foundations dbqs which are used in social studies for for using multiple documents for um creating essays and using text based arguments and um open side and Link or some of the PD we have had and this is the slide that's less fun to talk about which just our areas of growth but it is important to be introspective so math across the district this still something we need to focus on all of the levels except Middle School albra and actually high school algebra saw a decrease in the number of students who met or ex seed and to be honest to be fair high school did not have a huge increase and is still behind the state average so it's still a focus area our sence scores are improving but they're still not at the state average um but if you look I think this is important the state averages are not where the state wants the averages to be anyway so in grade five we have 19.9 but the state is only at 27.6 so that is a focus area for this year Elementary Ela did see a slight decrease overall in students meeting or exceeding um and writing across the content areas does need to be a focused area moving forward um and in both math and Ela we do have to look at subgroups two our sub groups where we need some Focus excuse me um multilingual learners and special are two areas we have identified so then what are we going to be doing about these things and that is our strategies moving forward and some of them areum strategies just continued and enhancing and Summers with new things we need to look at so a districtwide focus on targeted small group instruction that is a goal in every building um in the district as well as goals for the administrators as well for things we want to focus on it was brought up at our district committee and each um building is focusing on that contined focus on Intervention practices and the system of supports um continue to give school teams opportunities to analyze data but also coaching teachers on how to use data and that's that second piece because you can't really have small group instruction without knowing get those small grp really targeted um differentiation and identifying um achievement gaps the that's where curriculum comes into is the issue that we need more support in how to implement the curriculum or does CC have a gap um analyzing the evidence statements that's already been happening in um building meetings looking at which skills we've missed and um also analyzing our Linkin Mark data um and some next steps one of the things I want to talk about is the foundational rename and writing going have you come talk about this piece that is State Focus for this year yeah one of the big focuses we have in the elementary school is focusing on foundational reading and writing skills as you know you approved um brand new curriculum that we had to reopt for the brand new 2023 standards for ELA within those standards there's a big focus on foundational reading and writing skills because what the research has shown us is that if we don't teach our students explicit phonics word attack and they will not be able to attack those higher level comprehension skills so we're putting a lot of emphasis in our primary grades in um making sure that our students are getting really targeted explicit instruction to learn the rules for reading our brain is not automatically designed to know how to read we actually have to teach our brain how to read and some for some children it comes easier than others so we're really working on um looking at data analyzing where certain students are having uh struggles in their skills and then training our teachers on how to provide small group instruction that's really targeted to skill not just necessarily level um so we're working on that we have a lot programs in place um and this goes K through five this used to be a a k through 2ish three um initiative but now the standards go all the way through fifth grade so our teachers are going to get more resources in grammar instruction um prefixes suffixes um breaking apart words morphology um things that used to be more in the primary grade but um the state and the country has really realized this need um and also when you look at this data you have to remember that those third graders were Co kids in kindergarten so those were the kids that um went out in March um and in first grade they were learning in a hybrid model so we still are trying to catch up from the learning loss that those those kids may have experienced so we're doing everything we can to Target our instruction use the data um and really give them a SK instruction so one other big area that we know needs to be a focus is science um and so I'm going to have Mrs talk to you a little bit about open science and what it is um and how we're trying to explore that particularly at the middle school where it's more fleshed out at the state level um and how that will hopefully help our students become a little more conceptual thinkers in science instead of just memorize spend the information back down so the open sided platform is an inquiry based platform that we are using currently using and so what that really means is that our teachers are presenting a phenomenon an idea that getting the students to think about what is going on it might be a video it might be an article and they're trying to make sense in the world around them before the teacher actually incorporates in an activity that they're learning from and so what we're doing um this year is that we're going to be teing off Jackson bringing some teachers from the Middle School out to Jackson to see this in place and special classrooms and then we're going to look at our planning and pcing guide and and start looking at the curricula and making sure it's all the line so we can tightly make that connection for the MSS so a few other things in terms of professional development um that we've been exploring so I mentioned the shelter instruction by the end of this year 100% of our teachers should be sheltered instruction trained say start with this at the beginning come in June I think the guarantee but they should have that right now all of the elementary teachers who were with us last year were trained and also at the middle school the high schools just has more teachers so we were still working through it but they were about 75 80% at the end of last year so by the end of this year um that's something that everyone should be trained in and that is important because as we mentioned our ml numbers are growing exponentially and very quickly and and so we just have to make sure we are prepared to support our students and make those situations better and then the other thing I did want to mention is that um we are bringing in some training in math so we have Dennis shearing coming who is one of the experts in the state on M Construction we've had him before but we are bringing him back to hit at a few different levels to just try to keep holstering that when we look at the NJ GPA we do see gains in math but math doesn't change as quickly as laa and that an El person I don't want to throw us under the bus it's a little easier in ela but those SK spiral and so you can kind of pick them up and catch them up a little bit later but math takes a little longer to make those changes so we just have to keep reinforcing um that and then the other area that we had mentioned being a need was special ed and that is something that I have already been collaborating um with Mrs Moore we' sat down a few times because we feel like it's very important for our departments to work together on that situation um to really try to address that so if you've been exploring some possibilities we're bringing in some training in math UC in the elementary schools which is just a little bit of a different way to teach map in like your LL level classes to maybe those a little bit better but we are exploring um some options but as I said math does take a little bit longer to see the gain sometimes so that is what we have for you this is resources that are linked so anyone in the audience that wants to see this presentation at home there are some links there to the state information um and also just thank you to the board again for all your support all of these things that I'm mentioning that we're putting in place cost money and capital of human time you know for subs and things like that so we do appreciate your support because I think we all have the same goal we want to move the students along but we had to work together to do that so we do support you know we do appreciate all of your support and if you guys have any questions we could try thank you Excell Mr George can you do your presentation please evening everybody so tonight I'm here to take us through the self assessment for uh the hip self assessment so uh just to refresh the memory this is a process that we go through every year and each of the building school safety teams does a self assessment uh at the end of the school year and we come back in September we look at the assessment talk about some things we want to focus on this year and then we just recently submitted our assessments to the to the state uh so that's the process that we do it in so what they ask us to do is look at eight core elements there's 26 indicators in each of those areas and we're scoring ourselves from a zero to a three um so if you got a 52 or 66% in across the category we meeting the expectations of the state um and we also in addition to this twice a year we're reporting all the trainings and the programs and the things that we're doing in all the buildings so when we look at the core elements they really ask us questions like you know what are we doing in these areas so the first one is our hi programs approaches and initiatives um and here they're asking have schools established implemented and assessed programs are they designed to prevent and address H has the school safety team look for patterns and reviewed School uh climate policies across our district here we had a 14.33 out of 15 or 95% of the buildings felt like we were you know um past we were meeting passing the expectations in this area and to give you an idea we were at a meeting recently and we're looking at some situations that are happening in the building and one of the buildings is noticing you know what our buses continue to be unstructured time is tough right uh you'll see that the elementaries have done the school safeties they're putting in programs to address some of those things that they're seeing and that's kind of what the the school safety team in the building is brought together to do uh core element to is training on the board of education approved in policy and the procedures was training provided did it include training on the protected categories and was it discussed students obviously in the beginning of the year we have assemblies with all the kids talking about expectations what kind of behavior you know what do we want our buildings to look like and and sound like and be like so that's always an important time there uh last year we gave ourselves a 7.67 or 85% so again we're exceeding the expectations of that area core core element number three is other sta construction and training programs has each staff member received two hours of training like prevention does the training include Suicide Prevention does the school safety team get PD to support the programs sometimes these can be areas that are more difficult to provide to get the whole team out of the building for training in different areas but you know each building goes through so here we gave ourselves across the district to 12.83% um core element for talks about the curriculum and instruction on him and other related information and skills here we have ourselves an 89% are we you know providing age appropriate instruction are we observing the we of respect which was just last week lots of stuff going on in all the buildings um in terms of spirit events and different things to just kind of highlight you know all the things that we want to to highlight in regards to how we want the mutual respect we want to see in our buildings core element number five is hid Personnel does each school have an anti-bullying specialist in a school safety team do they meet twice a year at the school and District level uh there we're giving ourselves a 90% we have two anti-b specialists at least in each building um and often times we have more people than that train if we need to utilize their services um and so those are things that and we meet also as a a building schools uh District team as well twice a year uh core element six is uh School level hid incident reporting there we're giv ourselves 9 and7 do we implement the procedures it's one of the nice things that hster is kind of brought to the district now if parents or students have concerns they can rep those incidents right online it can be done anonymously we take all those situations very seriously and we investigate it so that was a something that we initiated two years ago that helps us to exceed the expectations in that area in core element number seven the investigation procedures do we follow the policy notifying completing the investigation and preparing the report for the superintendent again hipster really gives us a place where we can uh task by Tas go through that process make sure we're meeting all the deadlines that we need to be meeting um and you know that gets reflected in that 100% store from that perspective um and then our district our H reporting 95% is there a procedure for S reporting have already posting the grades on the school and District website so once these things get put up into the State website we also post them on our website we have a whole section for parents on on hi where they can find these presentations uh and so we gave ourselves a 94.5 across there so we're at 92.1 going across again um so we feel very good about the programs and the things we're doing each year is always unique so it's hard to say based on last year what we're going to focus on this year but it certainly gives us some things to talk about and some areas to um to look at and these this just gives you the Breakout by each School in regards to those scores um and just a lot of credit to all of our building school safety teams they spend a lot of time talking through a lot of things it's always a great time to bring people together and and look at you know what things went well what are some things we want to try to do a little bit more of next year and that's always a um that's always a good process to go through and when you look at just some of the key findings I mean again we're exceeding the expectations we feel good about the work we do um and this just kind of shows that you know where some of our stronger areas are 100% on qu indicator 7 and 97% on qu indicator 6 um and then you're not going to find we didn't find that there were any weak areas but that doesn't mean that there's there's not things that we want to you know take a look at whether we talking to kids about certain areas going over again the idea of what is harass intimidation bullying what's the difference between conflict and bullying and and how can we help handle yeah so U my question kind of ties into next look at core indicator number one is 95.5 right do we know why it's not 96 or why it's not 97 because the the the rubric so to speak is about a 75 page document and often times it's for example do we do we have certif certification that every person that comes into our building when I mean every person I mean anybody who comes into work on equipment in the kitchen has been you know trained on all of the core indicators and we always go from the perspective of if we don't have the hard evidence if I don't have the certificate then we're not going to say we're exceeding ourselves so we can self evaluable it's all self valuable yeah not as far as saying okay hey we need to do better here so next year we can get a 96 instead of a 9 correct correct uh and often times it's you know the the team will say l or I know we're doing this but I don't have Pro well if we don't have proof of it that we're going to make sure we get proof next year you know moving forward um and again our hi Personnel those are all things that you know the board has made a real uh a focus area so we have more than enough people trained to go through those procedures and you know those are just um you know good things to happen anybody have any questions again it is a it is a CommunityWide uh effort and um you know it's always good to see some of the new programs and seeing the the new safeties and the buildings with their with their sashes on and so proud of what they're doing in the buildings and and but when you see those guys out on the bus platform you know helping all the elementary kids get off the bus plus you know you hope that those are the kinds of things that can move the needle um in those areas and so um it's always great to see what's kind Mr lenson do you have a report for us yeah just uh two quick things uh we have a few Transportation items on the agenda tonight uh two are requests to use our buses one from the township and one from the police department um in case like this they are responsible for full costs of operation Insurance all that stuff we're just providing them the buses for an event uh we're also disposing three school buses on the agenda tonight these are school buses that can no longer transport students uh so we will be putting them up for sale on go deals uh if the buses don't sell we'll likely uh scrap it uh on October 15th we did our upload for the application for state school aid uh this is the application that determines what our state is for next school year 25 26 uh preliminary numbers look favorable um we've seen some big shifts in what I would call the higher weighted areas of the formula uh MLL free reduced lunch special ed um the only issue is the preliminary information we're getting now is uh state aid is a very big uncertainty for the upcoming year um what we're being told from the doe right now is flat would be a best case scenario now I'm not 100% sure how that could be because they are supposed to be funding based on enrollment that's what they've been doing that was the whole point so you know right now we're just going to wait and see uh but we will you know like we do every year we plan essentially two budgets we plan one at Flat state aid and we plan one well really three but you know we plan one at flat we plan one with a potential cut and one with a potential increase um and you know that's what we'll do again this year and if any new information becomes available we'll let you know thank you at this time we'd like to invite any residents to come to the microphone to ask questions or speak about agenda items only are there any board member reports is there any old business or correspondence uh no business no corresponds okay we're going to move to the agenda section one new business numbers 1 through 4 can I get a motion motion second discussion can I get a roll call please Mr Ser yes M Weinstein yes Mr P yes Mr kellerer yes Mrs ainson yes Mr Merkin yes Mrs wingler yes Mrs yes um sections B through D can I get a motion Mo discussion who was the second any discussion can I get a roll call please Mr Ser yes M Weinstein yes Mr P yes Mr kellerer yes Mrs ainson yes Mr mkin yes Mrs wingler yes this is M yes section two A administrative number one can I get a motion please second discussion just would like to thank everybody for all their generous donations to our students of Manchester Township can I get a roll call please Mrs serer yes M Weinstein yes Mr P yes Mr Kart yes Mrs ainson yes Mr mkin yes Mrs wiber yes Mrs yes B Personnel numbers 1 to 43 can I get a motion discussion just like to congratulate all those retiring and I wish you the best move forward thank you for your service here can I get a roll call please Mr seret yes M Weinstein yes Mr P from 36 yes else Mr ker yes Mrs ainson yes Mr Mur yes Mrs wiber yes Mrs M yes uh a student personnel number one can I get a motion please motion discussion can I get a roll call please Mr serman yes M Weinstein yes Mr P yes Mr kellerer yes Mrs ainson yes Mr mgan yes Mr wiler yes Mr yes B special services numbers one and two can I get a motion please motion second discussion I have a question so when we have a lot of added District placements um have we had any success in our 30day evaluations when a kid is sent out of District or comes to us in an out of District placement from a new school have we been able to bring anybody back answer we have them uh this particular one has been in works for about six months it's been my are we looking to create any new programs in house any other discussion can I get a roll call please Mr Ser M Weinstein yes Mr P Mr kellerer yes m zson yes Mr Lin M wiler yes Miss M yes section three Finance numbers 1 through five can I get a motion motion second discussion can I get a roll call please Mrs Ser yes Miss Weinstein yes Mr P yes Mr kellerer yes Mrs ainson yes Mr mkin yes Mrs wi yes Mrs M yes at this time we'd like to invite the public to come forward if they have any comments [Applause] just please state your name and your address at the M matter I enjoyed back to school night high school I just have a question about the auxiliary gym floor doors were Hadlock sh and she can't do guess yoga and some other things going on there ETA how long no I I don't have an ETA but what we we did have water damage in that gym uh we did have some water damage so it did warp the floor a little bit we know where what damage came from uh right now we believe this was when we had this was weeks ago but we had a bunch of rain and we actually believe it came up from underground it wasn't anything it didn't come in from the roof for the walls or anything like that uh so we're just in the process of waiting to get that done I do know we our our facilities guy has contracted a vendor they've come out and taken a look at it it's just a matter enough them coming out and doing the work we're going to address the drainage issues then we we you know we've been dealing with them for years here um so yes so we are we are going to try to find out what the cause what the cause of that was but yeah I mean it's something it's something we've dealt with in Manchester for for years on our fields and everywhere else you know when we so unfortunately when we get large amounts of rain here our soils and things like that does not yeah drain drain the watero engine as they're going to fix yeah no they're yeah they're absolutely going to fix it okay um oh actually here I'm sorry yeah actually we do have an updated email so they they were actually out here yesterday and they actually cut the floor yesterday okay uh so they're they're actually working on it now and trying to level it back out so hopefully we'll have it open soon this is this says by the end of the month uh it'll be available um now another question uh scoreboard I know this has been an ongoing thing since my daughter was a freshman um she's now a senior I know um there was some equipment issues apparently the machine that digs a hole was a problem we have ETA on that which scoreboards are we talking about is this is this small I I he's not here but I've been asking about this um I did speak to him I believe I emailed you did and he did call me back um apparently a hydraulic issue with this truck that big SES but I it's my it's my understanding that what ended up happening is exactly what you're talking about okay and then they did call that company again to see when they can get out as soon as they possibly can I believe they were saying that there is a possibility um that they could come out and try to work on it over the by the end of the month but it still requires like a lot of process because once they start drilling then we have to have our guy come in and do some of the the wiring so um I'm hoping that we can get it done before it gets very cold out but I was hoping to try to get it done before the season ends I I'm sorry I don't believe that to be no I just feel bad for the kids do it's hard from The Spectators to see we have a whole scoreboard is Big it's in the sun um okay at least if the kids next year can Doo it that would be great yeah and we've been we've certainly been on top of it the problem is is that there's not a lot of people that come out and do this kind of work and they already committed to this gentleman and he started to do the job so at this point they're trying to stay true stay through with him we did ask him when are we on the actual list of when would be coming out but I think weather sometimes plays a factor into it but we are constantly communicating with him and trying to get him out as soon as possible know L said he had a list and he was going through the list my thing is I understand your truck is down but you can rent there's other options out there just to me it's just kind of sad I'm in the industry I understand that but um now with that being said parking for field ho is on the grass now I'm being told by the grounds that that is not Township or that is not uh school property that's across from the field now there's a sign that is for field AR paring this summer the grass was super high um I did reach out the grounds and they said they were busy and they were look at it possibly reach out to the township um I did not reach out to alius which I could if I really want um I just didn't want to do that but um but I understand if that's not school property why is there sign saying parking for field a and then if that's the case why does the school don't harass on that problem further down in woodlock so I believe that's owned by K but I could be wrong that could be Town property I don't know and still understand why grounds is able to dump the grass but yet they can't M it's not you know we're not talking little grass we're talking pretty high yeah it's just it's sad when you have other schools coming from around other you know from the state and they go there and it kind of looks you know I wish there would be a little bit more signage also but you know again it's just something to address for me next year I'm going to I I'm going to speak to the buildings and ground supervisor and ask him some of these questions and have them reach out to you I do have I think I have your your name and your number I will make sure that I did email um grass was get that's question I had for two is that they'll cut the field for the girls to play but the spectator grph is crazy hot it's like you're mowing can you I get I understand that you know it's not a lot of time Day short whatever it's again it's just pride in the work and just to the other schools looking at home our school going you know really so um all right that would be great that's all I have thank you very much we'll be in touch thank you very much thank you Mr scalo is there anybody else that would like to come to the microphone I'd like to make a motion to adjourn our meeting get a second all in favor hi have a good night everybody our next our next meeting [Music]