##VIDEO ID:O-hxAA5efsc## motion to reconvene tonight's board event meeting can I get a roll call please Mr Ser here M Weinstein here Mr kellerer here Mrs Aon here Mr Merkin here Mrs wingler here Mrs M here please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all thank you for coming out tonight I hope everybody's off to a great school year um we have a lot of people to recognize tonight which is the best part of the meetings um I got to attend several of the orientations and they went well the Manchester Township High School football team had an amazing win last weekend congratulations to Aiden lond for securing the win at the end of the game back to school nights have started please check the district website for time and dates I was also able to attend a few girls soccer games I got to watch the middle school girls uh start out their season with a victory over mccul and I also got to see the high school Hawks play Toms River East uh many board members will be going to training next week um at the Clarion in Toms River and we have the school boards convention coming up in October where many of us will also be receiving training um in honor of Hispanic heritage for month I leave you with a quote from Jesse es scante one of the greatest things you have in life is that no one has the authority to tell you what you want to be you're the one who will decide what you want to be respect yourself and respect the Integrity of others as well the greatest thing you have is your self-image positive opinion of yourself you must never let anyone take it from you thank you for coming out tonight Mrs Pedroza good evening everybody good evening that's Manchester spirit so glad to see everybody here this evening you'll see on the board agenda that there is a retirement for Alfred muso he is a bus driver he's been with us for 10 years so we wish him all the best um as you know the beginning of the school year is in a very exciting time filled with anticipation and New Beginnings however it's important to remember that it takes time for everyone to adjust to new routines and expectations and to settle in their new roles and responsibilities so with that in mind I'm just asking for a little patience we're improving the bus routes every day um thank you so much to our transportation department but I want to express to everyone my sincere gratitude for the incredible work you have done to ensure a very smooth start to the opening of the school year um our motto you know is Excellence by example and it perfectly encapsulates the high standards we set for ourselves and for our students your efforts have created a very smooth opening a positive supporting learning environment and I just would like to thank the entire School community in keeping with the importance of safe and positive and supportive learning environment at the Forefront I do want to address the letter that went home today our team here continues to work very closely with the Manchester Township Police Department on any and all safety concerns and security matters late last evening hence why my eyes look the way they do it was rather late we actually had a very concerning social media post that was brought to our attention by families and of students here at the middle school the incident prompted a thorough police investigation deeming the post to be of no credible threat to any of our Manchester Township Schools we take Safety and Security very very seriously and we work seamlessly with the Manchester Township Police Department and so I would just like to thank them for their continued support I'd like to thank them for being so Vigilant and I'd like to thank all of you for understanding that our priority is to work seamlessly with the Manchester Township Police Department and then as soon as possible we make sure we get Communications out out to all of our schools that is just truly who we are we want to be transparent we want to make sure that you are getting the information so I thank you very very much for your support and your patience and your understanding um it truly takes a village to raise a child and our district is fortunate to have such a dedicated and caring Community thank you again to our entire team for a great opening thank you to all of you for being here this evening and I would like to to now begin with our student recognition I think we're going to begin with our Eagle St I'd like to ask Mr Swift to come up I think also I thought I saw Ryan here Ryan if you want to come up and I don't know if your leader is here you have a scout leader here Ryan yes so congrat ulations to Ryan dley and I'm going to ask Mr Swift to explain a little bit about the project everyone can hear me right okay so I'm super proud because Ryan was one of the first students um that I had the pleasure of having in the Whiting School when I first became principal there 12 years ago so it's full circle and it's so exciting to see him um you know work towards such a prestigious award and also to uh decided he's going to get back to community right so we were really happy when his dad came and to us about how they might bring something special and many of you know um we received a $10,000 Grant several years ago and built an outdoor classroom and this is near that outdoor classrooms it's an extension of that project and we're really excited so I want to congratulate Brian on behalf of all the teachers and all the current students who raised money did the ni project and we're really excited to be able to use the structure this is you want to say anything uh yeah I guess I'll say uh I'm Ryan Dunley I'm a senior at maner Township High School I worked with Mrs Swift to do this amazing Eagle project I just want to say thank you to Mrs Swift she uh helped me grow as a person at the elementary school and she also let me goow to the Boy Scout and do the Seagle project so so Ryan what I'd like to say is that I know you since you were very very young man your mom used to help at rway school years ago when we did company called blessings in a backpack and she would bring her entire family including if they were little and they would help you would help actually prepare those backpacks for students so I just know service is such a huge part of your family I'm not surprised to see him up here this evening but it really comes from the home and so congratulations to you your your scout leader as well and to your family thank you so [Applause] much awesome so we'll continue the celebrations with npds I believe I saw William Alexandra and Charlotte all in attendance this evening why don't they come up the B and I are so proud of you we want to thank you for being fifth grade bus ambassadors each day day with several other of their classmates pick up the youngest dragons and walk them safely to their correct bus and as you've heard this morning this afternoon busing is something that's very important to us it helps to keep those children safe and so we thank you because it does truly take a village and we are so proud that our fifth graders are true models and they are practicing Excellence by example so thank you to all three of you hold up your hold up your certific ready right here awesome awesome than we will continue with these two handsome young men who are representing Ridgeway Elementary School Miss T if you'd like to come up and join us I think I saw [Music] shaqua and able come on [Applause] up okay I'm still gon to read about Shakir either way Shakir is recognized for his hard work and the progress that he has made this year it's clear that he is put in a lot of effort and we have noticed in trying to stay focused making better choices even when things get tough so congratulations thank you for practicing determination and we will give his certificate to him at briu school thank you so much this young man comes from a wonderful family and AEL is celebrating for his incredible kindness and positive impact that he has made on Bridgeway School community he's friendly nature he's willing to help others embody the spirit of our dolphin mascot whether he's sharing a smile show those curly whites there offering helping hand including everyone in games he shows kindness makes a big difference keep shining your light and spreading Joy you are a wonderful example for your classmates he is very humble but he is truly very very kind we have a team here this if you'd like to come up Whiting School fifth grader Elena I don't believe Justin is Justin here tonight just is not here okay U William Constantine I don't think is here either Emily I think I saw Lexi is here in the front come on up Payton and Ryan congratulations to these fine students from Whiting Elementary School we help to bring our First Assembly to life at Whiting Elementary School by presenting skid this was during our rules rights and responsibilities assembly they included sharing ey messages that encourage our students for dealing with conflict and making good choices thank you for sharing to our school community and thank you so much for practicing Excellence by example take Smiles every hold it up here congratulations oh boy hold on got to do oh we're almost there everybody good job thank you so much thank you guys great job conratulations [Music] our next beautiful student is from Regional Bas school and her smile just lights up her room congratulations to Ariana she is our September student of the month she's she's just wonderful and has had a wonderful school year she's doing excellent in reading and working on her math skills activities of daily living and walking she's always a big help for her teacher Ariana is a student and we are so proud of her with pangling pride right that's right we talk about awesome you areuse for with penguin for you got it Ariana look right here good put hold it up good job so great job our next our St I think I saw Jacob is Jacob here M dri okay hi J or not you could give him a round of applause yeah so Jacob we're going to do a little pitch for you okay because Jacob is a talented hardworking eighth grader who is a member of the drama club and cor and I saw him and many of you probably did in Finding Nemo and he is just simply a star so if you haven't gone to a Middle School production I'm sure he'll be in it again this year he is something worth seeing um he participated in the Lorita Idol singing competition and played second congrats to you he also played in the leag in Manchester Rec Department Show Mean Girls this summer congratulations J our next students are representing our high school and I believe I saw Commander [Music] holer I'd like to recognize Mia kuso Xavier Samuels Lane Cleveland I always forget are you Commander Senior Chief I'm sorry Senior Chief I got to this right Senior Chief so great to see you here tonight Lane Cleveland Eric espanel Larry bus Conor McKay and Nikki kiss kisser am I saying that right they were just tremendous I actually was able to be part of the celebration that commemorated um September 11th at our town hall the C of the high school along with the Manchester Township Police Department provided a combined color guard for the memorial event and they were just simply outstanding as a matter of fact Laren you were just tremendous the way you I thought you I think you brought your instrument this evening did you yeah want to play a little for us that's okay listen honestly if you've ever gone to a military event these students are just standing they put their heart and soul into what they do and their commander and Senior Chief are just remarkable with the training that they do for their students they are Excellence by example and we are so proud to have you there today and all the events that you do so thank you for your outstanding work and thank you both for supporting these students guys smile right thank you so much so um seasons have started at the high school and Mr lisst I believe is here this evening to um recognize our senior Madison pastor and Dante morite Dante come on up okay well we want her there playing but I will tell you that these are just fine athletes and they represent the best in Manchester because they are both not only athletes but they are truly academic in nature as well as a third year player Madison has six goals and two assists the Hawks started the three and one coming into this week tonight they play at homeown so that is why Madison is not here Dante has played for four years is a two-year Captain his defensive efforts have helped the Hawks get to two and one Dante plays on both sides of the ball but really shines at linebacker where he leads the team in tackles with 38 in three games mad Dante we are so proud of you you are good student and teammates and we're lucky to have you as part of our Hawks congratulations and if you'd like to support Dante and their team they will be this evening Friday evening playing at home I think Jackson Li 3 weeks we're home that's it so there were certainly coming to say congratulations to all of our athletes that are are performing and and participating in this year's season we wish them all the best of luck um I think that is everyone we good so I just want to say we recognize students each and every month and it's probably just truly the best part of our meeting but I will say to you when you SE children up here we are recognizing not only how well they are performing academically but just their character and when we talk about Excellence by example it is truly what we are are providing for our children and asking you to continue to support and that's what you do with our partnership uh what we are we repeatedly do Excellence then is not an act but a habit and for our kids it has been truly habit so thank you to the community thank you for supporting us and thank you to our wonderful students let's give them a nice round of app at this time we'd like to have the report from our military Ambassador hello uh so again we want to I want to thank the uh the board for its continued support for the uh military students and for the uh uh for the base arounds uh also during the PCS season uh it's been a real busy one to get students into and out of the school Embrace yeah all I have thank you um Miss copek would you like to give us a report on behalf of the student government good evening everyone my name is Jamie poek and I senior class president at Manchester to high school the reason that I'm speaking before you tonight is to provide you the board with current information regarding activities and events that have taken place or that are currently being planned within our high school Community since the last meeting here are the events that student council has been working on so our club Rush is September 16th to September 20th and this is when all the clubs are advertised through a means of posters signup sheets and communication for potential interested members our fall spirit week which is September 23rd to September 27th and we are currently voting on themes as a student body our back to school night which is next Tuesday September 24th so if you guys want to come go ahead um our homecoming game is September 27th and this is when the homecoming Court nominees will be announced our Dan is the following September 28th and our Freshman Class elections are September 30th so this is when the candidates of the student government board will present their speeches and vote for their class officers now I just want to say thank you for allowing me to represent mths Student Government at the board meeting this evening I am truly honored to be here with all of you and have the opportunity to fill you in on everything our sgaa has been working so hard on thank you again and have a great night thank you Mr Lorenson do you have a report uh just two quick items uh just one item on the agenda uh we will be terminating the contract with Lake Chris Elementary to provide their student meals for 2425 uh during a recent referendum they did some modifications to their kitchens and now we will be running their own program so we will be providing food to them until September 23rd and then they will be taking over with their own program uh so I just want to thank Joe and everybody at Lakehurst we we've been doing this with them for I think I'm I'm in my 17th year here so I think there was only one year they decided to test the waters and go to Central Regional and then they came back to us the next year so uh I wish them good luck and and we're here to help in any way possible but uh uh that's just an item on the agenda and just a quick update next month uh believe it or not we will start working on the budget process for the 25 26 school year uh we will also start working on our application for state school aid which determines what our state aid is going to be for the 25 26 School uh so as as those progress I will you provide updates at board meetings and let you know kind of where we're at each each step of that's it thank you at this time I would like to invite anybody um from the public to ask questions on agenda items only please come to the podium Mr Staples hi I see on the following donations Pharaoh's te's 144 t-shirts valued at $1,700 for the high school um who are those t-shirts for what's on them what's the purpose of them and why the donation we look into that specifically we'll look into that specifically with the High School Mr Adams is not here to be frank with you that donation came in um on his board report but I I cannot answer it this time but I will make sure that I get back to Mr Staples unless there's anybody from the high school that's aware of what that entails no I'll reach out to Mr St Mr stles I'll reach out to Mr Adams and we'll be in touch okay um I would just ask the board to ask a few questions if you don't know what those shirts are for or what's on them I would ask you to table the approval of them if we don't have enough information right now to give the public thank you thank you anybody else motion do okay um are there any board member reports um thank you I attended my very first football game and was at the Battle of beaches or beaches battle or whatever and it was it was very exciting the football team was just did an outstanding job it it's really it's really very heartwarming to watch these kids work as a team and the the the respect and uh the attention that all members of the team um pay to to the game it was uh it was very exciting um I also attended the middle the elementary school um back to school and they did an outstanding job um the teachers did a great job in explaining all the programs to the parents thank you thank you any other board members okay please move to the agenda section one I'm sorry is there any old business or correspondence no old business no correspondence okay section one a new business numbers 1 through five can I get a motion second second any discussion can I get a roll call please Mr Ser Miss Weinstein yes Mr Keller yes Mrs ainson yes Mr Merkin all of all of them uh M wingler um I'm going to obain on the executive meeting session because I wasn't here but yes every and Miss Mar yes on everything letter B contracts and waers number one can I get a motion motion sorry it should have been B it'll B and okay can I get a motion again sorry motion second any discussion make get a roll call please Mr serman yes M Weinstein yes Mr Kell yes Mrs ainson yes Mr M Mrs wingler yes Mr yes section two letter A numbers 1 through 4 can I get a motion please motion okay okay before we vote we will move to table Barrow te's and the donations will withdraw that from the agenda for tonight so we'll be voting on the other items any other discussion can I get a roll call please Mr Ser yes M Weinstein yes Mr kellerer yes Mrs ainson yes Mr mkin yes Mrs wingler yes Mrs M yes B Personnel numbers 1 through 66 can I get a motion please motion discussion can I get a roll call please Mr Ser yes Miss Weinstein Yes except for 61 are you abstaining or no yes Mr K yes Mr zson yes Mr Merkin yes Mrs wingler yes Mrs M yes a student Personnel numbers one and two can I get a motion please no second discussion can I get a roll call please Mr Ser yes M Weinstein yes Mr kellerer yes Mrs ainson yes Mr Merkin Mrs wingler yes Mrs M yes letter B special services number one can I get a motion please motion discussion kind of early in the year to be sending kids out of district is this something that was pre-planned is this something one one of these is a student transfer their transfering placements and one is a student that was on home instruction last year is now found the placement okay thank you any other discussion can I get a motion Please Mr seret M Weinstein yes Mr kellerer yes Mrs ainson yes Mr mkin Mrs yes yes section three a numbers 1 through five can I get a motion motion any discussion can I get a roll call please Mr Ser yes M Weinstein yes Mr Keller yes Mr ainson yes Mr mkin Mr wi yes yes at this time the floor is open for public comment is there anybody from the public that would like to come to the podium welcome back Mr [Music] Staples Dan singles MTP um I would just like to take a moment to thank I believe it's director rundo um for the opening day this year there was a huge um conversation about whether have a speaker not to have a speaker how to open the year etc etc etc um I got to tell you that I've been working in the district since 2006 um I've never felt the way that I felt like it was my first day um to show up to hear from the superintendent and then the video of high school graduates um that was heartfelt that was distributed to that initiative whoever did that that was genius and amazing um to hear from different years um and how their education in Manchester affected them and how we have that impact every day because as Educators and as support staff we don't get to say I fixed that car I built that house we don't get that gratification um but I got to tell you it was some people were moved to tears I got nothing but positive feedback about how amazing that went and how that kind of filled everybody's cup um and set the right tone to start years so whoever had part in that thank you very much because it was absolutely amazing thank you thank you Mrs Rondo for organizing that we have is that available for the public to view so it's funny you see that because well this I don't know I um to be frank with you I have to thank Mrs R tremendously because it really wasn't feasible for us to bring in a speaker as m staple shed and we were just kind of going back and forth back and forth and to be frank with you it was kind of my husband who had this idea who said to me you have wonderful students why don't you just reach out to your alumni and you give Mrs rundo an idea and she just flies with it and I I think she didn't sleep at all that weekend she spent a lot of time um getting those videos in and we did get some last minute right Mrs rundo that we were able to share out later the only thing I will say to you is we thought about putting it out online but we never prefaced it with letting the staff and the alumni know that that was what it was intended for so I I we could probably send something to them and just ask if they would be okay with it but then you know the thing is is that it was intended really just for our staff and it was some of them were very personal um so that's the reason why right Tracy they permission for us to listen and and and really I think that you know um going forward to Mr staples's um sentiment we we have such hard here and we have such um committed staff that to be frank with you we don't really need to bring in although Harry Wong's great two Wongs don't make go white but um you know we spent thousands and thousands of dollars on that and yet people are still talking about it and and to have teachers feel that they could take time out of their very busy summer or alumni take time out of their very busy you know work life or family life to send that in we all you know I I love the school that I graduated from but it was different it's not the way you have that feel for Manchester and so the personal connection go ahead Tre I just want to say just as a scope of it we had from 1990 up to 2023 so it really ran a very full gam and one of the things we wanted to like preface it as the impact because as Educators sometimes you don't see the impact of that happens 10 15 20 years after they move on but to see that they still had such strong feelings about very power except the Gil now part is a little much of course I love I love to talk so I'm sorry who comes down next time anybody else okay at this time I'd like to make a motion to adjourn this meeting can I get a second second all in favor have a great night everybody and have fun that all you're back to school nights