##VIDEO ID:91rWbWbyeD4## okay all right good evening ordinances and uh introduction and first reading ordinance number 20 24-17 an ordinance in the township of Maple Shade County of Burlington New Jersey accepting a blanket sanitary sewer line easement and dedication of sewer improvements within block9 1.01 lot one in the property known as Village of Stony Run can I get a motion for introduction so second any comments roll call please Mr cin yes Miss NES yes Mrs Wy yes Mr whis approved mayor schi approved publication date on that will be October 1 2024 with a public hearing on October 10 of 2024 ordinance number 202 24-18 an ordinance in the township of Maple Shade County of Burlington New Jersey accepting the dedication of a sanitary SE easement and existing improvements within block 195 lot 2.01 known as the route 73 Bowling Center can I get a motion for introduction so second any comments roll call please sorry Mr cofman yes Miss n yes Mrs FY yes Mr whis approved mayor schmi approved publication date for that will also be October 1 2024 and a public hearing on October 10 of 2024 um uh this is a public portion for the consent agenda is there any members of the audience wishing to address Council in reference to the consent agenda seeing none can I get a motion to close me second all in favor I all right consent agenda resolution 2024 r159 amend contract with Booth Mechanical Inc for the 2021 valve replacement project and approve a final change order as a decrease resolution 2024 d-160 award contract to bot electric for the Collins Lane Park project in the amount of $79,950 resolution 2024 R-1 161 authorization between Maple Shade Board of Education and the township of Maple Shade to provide a school resource officer resolution 2024 r162 authorizing a shed excuse me a shared services agreement between Maple Shade board Ed and the township of Maple Shade for class three officer Services can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda so moved second any comments roll call please oh I'm sorry yes good um the the two to the board of education is that additional or Replacements it's just renewals oh renewals RS any other comments uh roll call please sorry Mr cman yes Miss NES yes Mrs VY yes Mr whis approved mayor Smith approved uh approval of expenditures list Susan thank you current fund bill is $92,800 Bill is $225,700 is $51,988 75 utility capital is $61,200 $296,200 Grant fund Bill list is $182,600 are available make a motion to approve second any comments roll call please sry Mr cofman yes M NES yes Mrs vpy yes Mr whis approved mayor Smith approved this is the public portion of our meeting is there anyone from the public that would like to come up and speak with counsel I guess it's me it's you another roue name address 39 Lan how are you good I'm very good this evening uh I was just wondering if there's been any progress further discussion on closing the road for the um um Holiday Festival this year yes we're waiting on Main Street Maple shet to tell us whether or not their original offer of offering $3,000 towards the cost is um going to be accepted if it is then Council has agreed that we would close the roadway and use 2024 fund you'll take a vote on that tonight no there's no vote I'm just waiting once we hear from Main Street oh I think Diane's coming up once we hear I emailed you yesterday okay yeah I have I didn't rece two option two right no mind no option two was the three but you're so you're going to still contribute $33,000 then there we go okay so the next meeting we will have a road closure on for the for the for the F now we're as long as we're talking the 3,000 I would like the general public to know that we're actually paying 7,000 okay correct well not technically well yes yeah not okay we we can say it that way but the township yes is the $4,000 that the township would typically give to you for the um towards the cost of the festival is going to be used towards that um we you were able to get the receipts in for 2023 which you'll be getting a check that's cut with this bill list so okay and uh you know we're happy to do that for the tallship we're very happy to do it and we're also very happy to announce that we're offering another grant program for our businesses along Main Street so if you know any of the business if you're close to them they've been going around seeing the businesses but please encourage them to go on to our website to apply for another Grant and what does the money have to be used for with the grant well what we're trying to do is we would like things to be visual like we did last time I know a lot of the other grants we did uh was maybe for new signage uh perhaps for new window displays something that's very visible to the community to spark up you know or looks along the Main Street Community we we want to you know spiff it up if they need a paint job if we want to try and make it more Charming for whatever their ideas happen to be to make their own place more Charming so what's your address again my address yeah 1120 North I'm sorry Dian of course you have something um as far as the huh I'm sorry if you have something as far as the grant goes we'd be happy to put it out in our newsletter and then obviously put it out okay great very nice I'll I'll email you that I know some of our other recipients based on the time of the year they also spend it like to put a couple tables out so and that's what we're looking for too visibility along Main Street absolutely okay thank you thank you anyone else from the public wish to speak seeing none can I get a motion to close the public all in favor staff and professional comments um I'm going to change it up just let the councilwoman new just to throw you a loop you were late I figur out not late but later than normal well the leaves are starting to fall as you notice so I guess uh just remember to keep them off the the curb because it really messes up our storm drains so that's one thing I know it's already starting so I'm not thrilled myself because it's a daily battle so uh just keep uh we'll keep you posted as to when the leaves are going to start to be picked up I know it's September but it's already starting I see them on the LA and that's that's all I have and Happy fall thank you got some woman Ving I have nothing other than I have to clean my gutters now yeah that's too Tony did you hear that you got to clean our gutters Tony clean your mother others uh councilwoman councilman cman excuse me I'm having a tough evening for some jeez um let me reiterate the leave issue because it does cause a problem if we ever get rain um if they do cause the uh them to back up and so please don't put them into the street until you know it's time for your for your pickup and pickup don't start till what sometime in October we just finished finished up the flyer so that'll be going around newsletter next week so another thing is just a little uh FYI um Michel shade Rotary will be doing a fundraiser in the month of November um where we will be inviting East Coast wrestling to come in and perform at nipet High School uh it'll be a fundraiser uh to uh you know do the things that we do mainly with the schools so more to come on that look for that in October um and uh it should be uh hopefully a pretty good fundraiser for us remember last year we did the basketball well this year we're going to do wrestling so uh more to come on that regular or Jello mud Jello is fun my how we have no no chairs or tables though just regular digressed thank you mayor that's all thank you Deputy Meer I can't follow that well I I will tell you this is probably the most brief comments that I've had in a couple of years last Saturday was a second annual Pizza Fest held at the Olden Cafe special thank goes out to Bill Lindsay and his family especially his daughters uh they were designated in charge of security and they did a great job because there were no problems uh um the d DJ was phenomenal and announcing by Tony eggner made it very enjoyable thank you to all the pizza providers it was a gorgeous weather day and it was well attended last Tuesday evening's bedc was packed full of new and interesting ideas for mle shade thanks to Jen so we all had plenty of homework to take with us we'll see how that turns out Sunday October 6th uh next Sunday not two days from now 11 to 2 will be the annual Touch of truck uh at the parking lot behind tacken Elli on Brew Baker lean bring the kids out there will be plenty to see touch and some to get into this event is sponsored by Citizens Bank right here in Maple Shade and organized by our Recreation Department thank you Lauren that's all I have to say well thank you and I have absolutely nothing to add to that so that'll be even better uh old business operations Sue uh I don't mean to correct you but were you going to mention something about signage we discussed I know was coming up soon give me a second I'm sorry I do have that written down somewhere overwhelm see I wrote my notes and I closed my phone that was my biggest mistake he paper and pencil easy there lady I'm trying to stay up with the kids is on fire all right uh what I want to read was an ordinance in regard to signage um we're having an issue already multiple political signs on people's Lawns under code 225-6545 this year is the first time we can put out any political signs um we've already had compl s uh DPW and code enforcement are actively removing signs from right ways and violators excuse me and violations will be issued for repeat offenders um additionally those residents who have multiple signs and are not in accordance will also receive notice of violations um these efforts are in response to a multitude of complaints being called into our code department so we're just trying to keep everyone on the up and up and make sure all the residents understand that is 30 days one per property and two for a corner property so just to piggy back off that too know today code enforcement had taken close to I think they he took seven signs today and DPW on average is collecting anywhere between 20 and 25 signs a week on public that's not just not just that's all signs right just in public rways along I know 73 um we've reached out to there there's that I buy mattress guy or I sell mattress guy um we've reached out to him and told him that he will um he will be fined so um it's just it's just they wind up it's junk so if we can just keep an eye on that it keeps our code enforcement and DPW guys happy too absolutely thank you all right now with that being said operations thank you uh just a couple things we're asking our residents to please be mindful of all of our recycling rules and regulations Council I know I had shared that with you uh last week it's mandatory that residents recycle and just some helpful reminders about recycling include there should be no Styrofoam in your blue bins use only your blue bin uh that's issued by the County metal cans only that excludes paint and aerosol cans no yard waste can be in there no syringes no plastic bags um those plastic bags come up here we do it here for uh sustainable they can uh and clean communities we'll collect those the recyclables also should not be put in plastic bags and put in the um they getting a plastic bag cuz nobody gives them that anymore no there those recycled bag like the clear plastic recycling bags is what lots of our residents are doing now they're yeah they cannot take them they cannot go through the process plastic at the machine other than bottles and plastic milk containers right yeah so um so I'm bringing this up Maple Shade is below the county average of 236 pounds per six months for curbside recycling collection at single family home so we fall below the average and we're also below the average of 110 pounds every 6 months for collection in our multif family homes so we are below the county average for collection what's this by a lot or just a little uh in our multif family homes we're about 50% less than what the average wow town in the county is doing and on our single family homes we are it's enough we're probably about 10% lower um and it's an issue we recycling we want to do obviously we do get recycling trust monies from that as well the more we recycle the better we are um but it is is that caps on or caps off caps off so that's caps on I'm sorry caps on so these little brochures we have well not little ones they everyone should have received one of these we do have these up here as well we're going to be putting it back in our newsletter there's the recycle coach app um so there are a lot of tools for for recycling but we are going to be putting a a push out to recycle and um I know that there's you know again we do plastic bags we're recycling Halloween costumes too now and we're going to be doing um the balloon Heather are we definitely doing the balloon we able to get that okay so we're going to be doing plastic latex balloon Recycling and and all that as well so um just we want to get our numbers up and if I'm correct the obviously recycling costs us less to get rid of than normal trash correct correctly right and something that's going into trash that's not going in a recycle bin is actually costing as more yeah and right now we're making not we the county is making money off of some of those recyclings with recyclables so and it helps again when I file the recycling uh trust report you know in April next year it's uh it's based on our tonnage so recycle recycle recycle it does keep our taxes down County countywide also so it does help that we don't have to collect it absolutely absolutely so there's going to be a big push we're going to be putting a big push out in our um apartment complexes and uh condominium complexes those I've already spoken with the huler there and our Max consultant um who will be working on that for us as well aome uh DPW has been working in sever several different areas of town filling potholes and they're going to be making some small roadway repairs some uh so the residents will be seeing that in the next couple weeks uh this evening you've just awarded the Collins Lane lighting project so we're going to look to set our pre-construction meeting and get that project underway in the next few weeks that's being fully funded by a project uh by a grant project of $125,000 that we had received from the county so uh that will be a a nice new uh addition to Collins Lane Park we'll have some lowle lighting there uh our Recreation director is looking for participants and organizations to participate in the annual Halloween parade so we are calling all organizations and groups who may be interested in participating to please reach out to Lauren our parade is being held on Saturday October 26th and then just to do a brief uh overview on our department head reports for the for and through the month of August our tax collector has reported a collection rate of 1.27% higher than the same period last year so today we have receipts totaling 31,1 7,728 and some change our Construction department has reported that our permit fee collection for this year is up just about 2% even though our inspections for the year are down approximately 15% so we again I and I reported this a couple months ago where people are coming in for um permits they're not calling in for the inspection um and we encourage please call in for the inspection and and your final inspections because if we go out we find out it's not then there's a bigger issue that hasn't been inspected that's that one uh EMS has responded to 2 2,272 calls through August 31st that's 9.5 calls per day on average and an overall increase of approximately 133% over the same period last year year to date our fire Marshalls office has realized $1,899 in local Revenue State rebates we've uh received $26,400 had to go out and issue they've completed 364 inspections to date and we are approximately 90% complete in our transition from the state laa to the maple to the Mapleshade laa on the fire department side of things there have been 280 incidents five working fires one extrication 21 public education events that they've attended nine investigations and currently we have 30 active personnel which does include our officers and we have three individuals that are pending appointments and lastly Keef Chief Kerr has reported that we have met the minimum requirements of the state of New Jersey Division of fire safety po Nims and NFPA standards for issued standing operating guidelines and procedures that's all I have for my reports thank you awesome thank you now you get the follow up on that Dennis okay uh just give you a brief update on if I can stay brief uh on the various projects ongoing in the township I'm going start with the water Wastewater projects uh at the Wastewater Plant there's three screw pumps that are the the main feed into the plant and we had issues with the bearings and they were very loud and was affecting residents we s completed the replacement of the first two here this last month and then we're authorized to move with the pump three so we'll be putting that out the bid and hopefully get the same team but the project won't very well uh overall uh the chlorine contact tank if you've seen how the structure looked before we started that we've already did the inner and outer channel uh we um are starting next week with the inner Channel where we have to actually do some bypassing of the the effluent uh around decoronation so forth but we're deal dealing with njd enforcement they're aware of uh some of the challenges we're dealing with that but it's really a nice looking Improvement when we get done with that uh Main Street Force main uh we had another break down there Fort glanding Road that whole Force main that goes from um Main Street all the way across to the Park Avenue Water Plant Still Remains an issue uh we ordered a contractor Ro construction who's going to be starting shortly we're doing the submittals they're going to be putting in uh the meter Vault and a bypass at the pump station and they're going to be going down Route 73 towards the railro bridge uh the future phase then uh will we continue from there but we've had two or three breaks in that section in the last two years and this gets problematic when you're out there right on Route 73 so uh that project uh should be going to construction uh this fall uh well 12 you authorized me to go out there and do a a service of the well pumping motor Unfortunately today uh the the well started pumping sand and it jammed up the pump uh so now we're sort of in emergency situation so I'm going to have to come back and do an emergency cont track for that I mean AC short he's out there on Monday they were out there a little bit today but we're going to pull the well pumping motor and then televis it to see if we can find out what the source of sand is now that well is only 20 years old so a well should last 75 years with no problem so I'm just hoping it's just a displacement in the gravel pack down in the screen area that we can do with some Redevelopment but uh I'll keep you posted we were going to replace the the the pump motor and the pump itself anyway so uh those um improvements will would have been a cost uh I will work out and get getting prices here and get emergency contract in place for that work uh winds are bypassed um someday we want to replace that station they got metal cans uh we did emergency repair there because the Metal's like rusting through and uh if you know where it's at it's like an ad drainage eement between two homes uh so we were able to put a bypass uh in there uh this summer and now we have a a means that if that station would go down for any reason we can throw a pump in there and connect to a manhole and keep the the sewer flowing in that region uh Rose Avenue water main we're going to be bidding that in October uh we uh County Road was the first phase uh we've had a lot of breaks in both rows and County and uh so they became a high target areas for water main Replacements uh counting should be being repaid uh in the next month or so so we're looking at possible some drainage improvements so we're trying to work out the one intersection was really in a bad situation you have waterf flow issues because there no inlets there but uh we're really Limited in what we can do so that's Andy's job to come up with a solution so yeah that Street's a mess I every day it's a mess uh as far as the Kings Highway water plant um we have the Congressional Grant so we're eventually going to want to move forward with with utilizing that probably bring Wells nine and 10 uh up to service and we're also in the process of the purchasing the additional land we need because the existing plants in a a flood plane and it would really restrict us what we can do there in the future but we really do need uh that plant back in service at some point in the future because the Main Street plant's starting to get a little aged to it now and uh and some of the new regulations coming out with 14 dioxane and just the the P foses that we don't have issues we're in compliance with everything but we're always as they keep dropping the limits you get closer and closer to being uh non-compliant but right now uh we're certainly meeting all regs and even the proposed regs uh but we're right right there at the limit now unfortunately because of that all this posos money is being paid out by all these uh lawsuits by dupon 3M so forth it's going to be only well AA probably would qualify so I don't know where that's going we've been submitting all those Grant applications um we don't use well 8 a lot so you know when we show our pumpage and the reason we don't use it a lot is over at the Main Street water plant we have three Wells all 1,50 gallons a minute uh Wells 11 and 12 are in the lower PRM and the water quality is better there so when you're pumping out of the the middle PRM you're getting like 18 parts per million of iron so it takes a lot more more cost to to treat that water so obviously we're we utilize the The Source that's a little bit better but we need it as firm capacity like well 12 goes down if we ever need the second well now we at least have well A8 day uh to operate so that's a little bit of the strategy there uh I know the operations wants us to replace the lime system that's one of the capital projects you'll see coming shortly uh it's been it's been a maintenance issue for him for the last 20 years and so if you go and look at that lime room and see the electrical and stuff in there we want to move some of the electrical panels do some uh ventilation improvements and just overall improvements to to that system so that's one of the projects that on the capital for next year U so that's it for the water Wastewater side of things uh from the township side uh we started the we awarded a contract for the food bank uh some of the improvements are and we're getting reviewing the shop drawing we're trying to work the timing is not very good because the grant that we have has to be used by February and obviously in in November December like big food distribution days so we are working the contractor seems to work with us and Susan to just come up with the logistics of how we can keep that going I know they deferred their demolition start uh to try to work with us the best they can but again they still have that February uh timeline to be completed so um the logistics are all being uh talked about in what and they have been worked out so we have a full plan and I already spoke with the food bank will be set to go so there will just move operations to that front area room like we had discussed yeah so we're good there's a issue with a flanigans with an in easement for storm sewer but there's needs to be an agreement so I don't know if this is the place to talk about but at some point in time we need to come up with that agreement uh for what they're proposing to do out there and conditions yeah I think we did take that off the agenda just because we don't have all our tees crossed and eyes di I'll be glad to talk to you about it and then obviously we have to make decisions on that I think we're ready to yeah I think you can go ahead and this evening if you if you're not prepared yet Dennis I understand yeah you haven't had a chance I would be prepared and or Annie both of us are prepared um so their legal description needed a little work but they they have an easement from their neighboring property to go across right now there's Overland flow going to a Township storm Basin so what they're proposing to do won't increase the the amount of water going to the Basin but the Basin needs some maintenance they're going to be putting a head wall there and they're going to be hard piping from their property across the neighboring property into that um I think there they probably should add a manhole and there should be delineation between what they own and what we own so we can work that out and then obviously they should probably Bond their work and I I would like them to do a little bit more you know maybe it is our responsibility to go in there and maintain that Basin but we have a lot of basins to maintain so if they're going to allow them to do this maybe we can get some kind of agreement that they go in there and do some little uh Cleanup in that Basin uh just to get it functioning looking better uh when they put the head wall in there but it's I don't see any downside you eliminate erosion and so forth when you're actually uh piping in there they're going to be doing a Paving improvements to their parking lot which I'm sure they're doing with the planning board the site plan uh so I I think it's a positive but it there does need to be an agreement drafted on allowing them do that but I think we can ask for certain conditions abely so the residents know the property we're speaking about is off of um Collins and the the rotary yeah rotary Drive is where the uh the Basin is so yeah by Police and Fire Credit there I guess I were you've done about plans yes so I guess tonight memorialize to be able to memorialize at the next meeting we can give you a few terms that we would want to see condition wise that okay for for an agreement okay so we'll get those junction junction yeah some we just have to flush some of that thank you okay isn't that wa really yeah it's Willow it's Willow that's they front on Willow but then the basin's out the I apologize yes okay fa that's what I thought and then uh as far as the road program we'll probably be bidding at East in front East Front Alexander uh I think we have to with the grants and stuff we want to have something uh bid for by November now there's two funding sources so we're trying to work out so we can maximize the funds for the project so that's the one hurdle that's keeping us from putting out the bid we need to get the the approvals from both of these funding agents that's East Front what was the other Street Alexander and we're thinking of maybe doing one with doing one with the one Grant and the other with the other Grant but we need to talk to them about the logistics of that sure two separate roadways East Front is the one that's Fork to Styles correct and then Alexander unless there's questions that wraps up what I have all makes perfect sense to me thank you nothing thank you thank you sir Deputy Mayor kick it over to site plan there was no site plan uh since last meeting and the next site plan is October 1st and I got the agenda already and it's full busy so it will be a busy site plan fantastic thank you um new business small business bash in November yeah I just wanted to give some exciting news as part of the bedc meeting um Jen had introduced a small Biz Bash that's going to be held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving uh Jen's working it's going to be an event that includes all businesses in uh the township that day to encourage shop small um Saturday so uh just wanted people to know that that's coming to please uh get ready watch what's going on there'll be discounts we're asking our business some of our business owners how they're going to get involved is again to for entice people to come and Shop if you shop in one store you know you might get 10% off and we're going we're trying to put together like a happy hour and maybe a breakfast hour to be able to get all of our businesses uh you know that can um what's the DAT November 30th yeah the 30th after uh Thanksgiving so um yeah it just just an exciting event that the BDC is putting together as far as um you know our businesses go Jen went she walked what you walked every business almost right handed it out had a great response from from all the businesses they're looking forward to getting you know to be a part of it um and it's just going to be something that's really going to draw people not only to our downtown area but also to our outlying businesses as we kick off the holiday season so it should be a huge uh a huge success we're looking forward to it um and then the other new business that I have um is as you know we've started the the mural applica application process we've been looking working with clean communities um they have their storm drain mural application so a little bit different trying to just make sure that it all falls into our ordinance in front of you is a copy of the storm drain mural application we have we do have our first one this is someone that's already adopted a storm drain um they're looking to put a mural there um you all like I said I know that you all have the application uh with a picture of it the last process of it is is once clean communities looks at and says yes it it goes along with their program Jen looks at it from the mural being in charge of the murals and the mural ordin in town then it needs to come to council and Council needs to say yes no I part of that process is just so that we don't have a drain mural on every single Corner every single every single drain we're trying to space it out the the goal of the program is education call so again there has to be some sort of educational component but this is the first one I know that uh clean communities has um they have partnered with with an artist in town is it the Heather is it the art teacher um not for this one not for this one okay all right so we do have different people that are helping but this is it if the council is okay with it then we can give the clear goahead um that it can start and obviously again you know we want to keep we're going to make sure that things get coordinated that we have the coordinates of the drain uh locations so in the same paint as last time non-toxic you know AB copacetic yes yeah oh great good was not want not so but again you know it is something that that falls under clean communities we're good if we need more paint obviously we can we can purchase it so um yeah it's the start of of the Arts I know that clean communities and sustainable you're working on a full art program to to bring Arts into the community so this is just the start of the wall the wall art hopefully okay we're hoping okay we're hoping one stuff time so yes so Council saying that wasn't forgotten so so if council is okay with this uh likeing communities go ahead and they can uh give the go ahead y absolutely do we need to take a vote on that or just just just to memorialize it that's fine fine know that you've looked at it and we're good pleas well all is well and that's all for uh new business fantastic uh anyone else have any comments they'd like to bring up Council no reason to go back into closed correct no sir fantastic so with that being said I'm going to look for a motion to adjourn till the next town council meeting which is scheduled for October 10 2024 at 6:30 p.m. you have it so