##VIDEO ID:YezRG7v62jo## e e okay we're good all good all right we're going to start with the uh open Board of Health meeting you uh for the month of October for November it's uh we had one sanitary condition we had two dog bites one cat bite and one Hazmat which was a heating oil but everything has been remediated and looked into and closed out this is a public Board of Health meeting does anyone from the public have anything I'd like to mention in reference to the Board of Health saying none can I get a motion to close so may second any comments in favor I I motion to adjourn so move second all in favor I I all right uh we have our best practices presentation hello Andy hi hi Andy heavy good evening um as you know in October we had to complete the best practices inventory which is an annual questionnaire from the state that asks a variety of questions on everchanging topics an acceptable number of affirmative answers must be provided in order to ensure that the township receives 100% of its state yeah we have un you have to leave that open sir it's an open public meeting this year there were 69 questions 52 scored and 17 unscored once again the scored questions are broken in out into two categories core competencies and best practices core competencies cover statutory and Regulatory Compliance obligations which the state considers critical to sound Municipal finance and operations best practices cover questions which involve fiscal and operational practices that are of significant benefit to many municipalities but are not foundational in nature and may not be uniformly applicable to all municipalities as always this requires a team effort to complete as the questions this year covered such varied topics as affordable housing cyber security budgeting and finance ethics lead paint remediation transparency and several other topics a municipality had to obtain a minimum score of 35 points in order to receive its full amount of state aid we were able to obtain a score of 42 which is well above the minimum needed so Maple Shade will be receiving 100% of its state aid allotment of 1.7 million once again I'd like to thank the manager the department heads and all the staff that assist assisted me in the completion of this very important document thank you we'd like to thank your department because as always you did a phenomenal job than thank you appreciate it thank you Ry all right ordinances uh IND introductions and first readings ordinance number 202 24-20 an an ordinance to amend chapter 95 fire prevention of the Township Code to add article four yeah open open air burning and recreational fires um can I get a motion for introduction so moved second any comments roll call please sry Mr Kaufman yes M yes Mrs wpy yes Mr West yes mayor schmith approv publication date will be November 14th of 2024 public hearing will be December 12th of 2024 ordinance's second reading and public hearing ordinance number 202 24-19 an ordinance at the township of Maple Shade County of brington New Jersey amending Township Code chapter 22 land use procedures at section 22-23 regarding publication of decisions this is an open public meeting does anyone from the public have anything they'd like to bring up in reference to ordinance 202 24-19 seeing none can I get a motion to close so second any comments all in favor I I can I get a motion to adopt ordinance 202 24-19 so moved second comments roll call please Mr Kaufman yes Miss noon yes Mrs vpy yes Mr whis Mayor schmi approved all right before we do the public portion for the consent agenda um I have a statement on I would like to make in reference to I apologize I'm going to read it because this way I don't get it wrong um just to set a record straight on my part at our last meeting I shared the fire department's call response figures and mentioned that the IFC wasn't responding to night calls it was absolutely a mistake on my part to clarify the IFC is currently not involved in fire responses for residents of Maple Shade I was referring to the original IFC volunteers 16 of whom have completed the required testing and training to become part of the Maple Shade fire department and have the authority to do so unfortunately both these volunteers as well as the new msfd recruits continue to face challenges with overnight responses the key point I wanted to make in support with the data was that the town of Maple Shade is still working towards being fully covered during periods when the department is operating on a volunteer only basis this is a serious concern particularly giving that the particularly given that the incoming member of C members of council have campaigned on a platform on restoring our volunteer only fire department it is critical for residents to stay informed and engaged with the fire department's operations one issue worth noting is that while the township rents space from the IFC we do not have full access to that space specifically the upstairs area which would be converted into sleeping quarters for volunteers allowing us to properly staff the overnight hours this SP space is currently inaccessible to the township having sleeping quarters would allow volunteers to maintain obtain full-time jobs during the day while still being able to handle night shifts this is common practice at many firehouses the upstair upstairs area has been restricted from non IFC members and is currently being used as a lounger bar it is long sense been council's position that this is an improper use of the space particularly given that the building is leased by the municipality the existence of a lounge or a bar raises significant legal and insurance concerns for the municipality and should not permitted in any property owned or leased by the township I encourage the residents to continue asking questions about the fire department's response times and to stay involved with these important discussions thank you so this is the public portion for the consent agenda items is there anyone from the public that would like to make comments in reference to the consent agenda okay well watch your mail you tell me to so to sh I want to Bar 200 resolution 2024 R 184 um it's regarding the application for Mr Green jeans LLC um have you checked to see that this is a regular business check to see what what is it Mr Green je LLC Mr Nice greens LLC so we for the Cannabis licenses what they do they're required to fill out an application and all that the township is doing is approving that yes that is the location is and that they can we don't have authority to issue their cannabis license the next step for them once they get a resolution of support saying that the location that they're looking at is okay they go to the state of New Jersey and then the state of New Jersey issues their cannabis license so if they don't meet those requirements then they're not able they won't get a cannabis license we look for things such as they have enough finances they have enough money in the bank to if they would have to outfit a building we look to make sure that they have support we look for what they have to have a union agreement saying that what kind of staff that they're going to have so it's the things that they're going to bring to the community is all that we're looking in our for to be able to recommend the resolution so at some point there's a registration is there's a license they're required to get a C license not to the township does not license them the state licensed them anyone else in reference to the consent agenda uh hearing none can I get a motion to close or seeing none can I get a motion to close so me sir all in favor I consent agenda resolution number 2024 R-1 182 resolution of the township of Maple Shade authorizing the purchase of a poers pro XD full sizee with medlight transport uh stretcher resolution 2024 r- 183 appoint Frank buy to the business and economic development commission resolution 2024 r- 1884 resolution of the township Council of the township of Mel shade in support of the state cannabis retail application of Mr Nice greens LLC resolution 2024 R-1 185 Award of contract to Malco Products Inc in amount not to exceed $ 32,7 something5 for the purchase and installation of a new automatic lubrication system can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda uh roll call please second thank you Mr kman yes Miss NES yes Mrs wpy yes Mr whis approved mayor Schmidt approved excuse me approval of expenditures current fund billis 2,777 72348 Utility Fund 4 8,684 56 Capital fund $ 58,5 45.75 utility Capital $28,600 trust fund is $26,845 187 and the grant fund billus is $4,595 I've reviewed the above billis as submitted and recommend payment when funds are available make a motion to approve second comments roll call please T Mr cof yes Miss NES yes Mrs vpy yes Mr whis approved mayor Schmidt approved approval of the October 2024 minutes can I get a motion I make a motion second any comments what if there needs to be a correction U come up and tell me what you're thinking Mike okay so at the last meeting yeah can we have your name in my name is Mike Newman 511 Alexander Avenue uh you may know me from the last meeting as being referenced as a spineless keyboard Warrior so Nelson in the last meeting if it's just we're just correcting the minutes if you have an issue correcting minutes so Nelson stated that everything that I put on social media was incorrect or a lot so I've known Nelson for 40 years correct had conversations with you Steve and with you Nelson about the IFC Steve you call me we had a good conversation Nelson you called me and the reason I put that out there is because during our conversation after we talked about how the township should consider consolidating Services then I you made a state to me don't forget 60% of your taxes are related to school budet and you also made a comment in reference to one of my children working for the school board how you would not forget that that is absolutely true Michael if you have that on recording I'll believe it I would not say that about your daughter real so that's right did you call me did you call me we had a conversation okay very good what was the purpose of your conversation to try and intimidate me and this this I this is better for you you've known me a long time you've known Nelson you say 40 years we need to just have a conversation it doesn't need to be here in Council no it's not going to be Mike stop before mik stop st stop stop Michael I'm going to have the gentleman on back remove you that's fine so then that's where we're going to go and then we can have a phone call that's it that's it you can make your comments dur I have five minutes make my comment that's not for now com what I said to you when you stood up have a moment your comments may be made during the public portion this we to correct the minutes to make a notice so if you would like something to be corrected in the minutes it should be corrected because n correct my so it's not it's not a matter of correcting the minut the minutes reflect what was said by council at that meeting he said it he did say it sir and that's what stands is what was said I understand please make your comments during public comment and mayor please keep to the agenda yes ma'am so the only reason brought out and it was because it was a I understand I understand all right can I get a motion to approve the October 2024 minutes we did that already made roll call did we do a roll call we have to do a roll okay I'm I didn't think we I'm sorry yeah can I get a roll call please Mr Kaufman obain Miss NES yes Mrs wpy yes Mr whis approved mayor Smith approved all right this is the public portion of the meeting there's anyone from public that would like to speak to council please come for I for far if you didn't I'd like to have a phone call conversation with you but it need to be on a public record it doesn't like Mr Newman if you have comments to make please make him add and allow him to make his comments please may the council continues and specifically you Nelson you specifically get up here and tell untruths or half truths like when you told everybody on the record here that neither you or anybody else from Town Council was receiving paid health care benefits it's like the old story when someone says that they got hung for stealing a rope but when in fact there was a horse tied to the end of the Rope the part you left out of your statement was that you had been receiving paid health benefits but you intentionally left out those words so that the people of the town would be misled I have never but it into Township Council matters I've known Nelson for 40 years I didn't wake up one day and decide I'm going to throw away a 40-year friendship but when someone says something about my family your darn rights I'm going to get up on my high horse and address it so Nelson you did call me you did threaten my daughter's employment and that's unquestionable unquestionably wrong and you're going to say if I have a recording you'll listen to it that's the case why would you wait until now to say something about that because as I said in my Facebook post I was going to do everything in my power to help you find your way out of power and you know what I did that by helping these three honorable people that are taking over okay so you succeeded absolutely okay and you're gone in January I know that okay very good so that's all I wanted to say to correct the record but don't use your power to call me and try and threaten me I've never done that I've never done that you absolutely did thank you that's you and against me well I okay we Mike let's before my so I think your record has shown up here that you will absolutely make statements from the de that will mislead people I think most of the people in town know that which is why you got the least amount of votes in the June primary feel free to call me if you want to talk after you want to call me a spineless keyboard Warrior I'm right here I'll come talk to you face to face but I'm going to do it on the record [Applause] thank anyone else in the public have anything to bring up on the public portion seeing none can I get a motion to close so I moved second all in favor I I sta from professional comments turn it around a little bit I want to turn my to my right and go to councilwoman no me first you first veter say is coming up so we would love to see you there for the ceremony uh we have to honor our veterans and I did want to congratulate our new councilman coming in for January so I have to put that on the record and let's uh get together for the veterans and make sure we support thank you absolutely thank you woman yeah also with Arch of Veterans Day 1111 at 11:00 a.m. and I'm assuming it's going to be at the uh war memorial war memorial I think my notation last was it was it must have rained last year because they had it at the hall um also congratulations to the uh Victors in the election uh wish you luck I wish you knowledge I'm available if you need any information um it's a rough it was a rough election National as well as local and we're all going to just have to heal and work for the betterment of the town so thank you oh just one thing 24 years ago I was elected to cancel on this day it just struck me when I looked at the calendar and so November 7th thank you for your service you're very welcome councilman cofman thank you mayor just a couple things uh first of all congratulations to the uh new council members that are coming in again as uh Mrs WBY said if you have need information want to know anything I'm here been here for a while feel free to reach out to me and I'll be happy to answer any questions that you might have that I that I can um second thing is that one week from tonight M shade Rotary will have its Fall fundraiser at the high school um East Coast wrestling will be there to put on a wrestling match um it involves uh four matches and a uh the last one is a uh 16 person over the Rope regular wrestling regular wrestling we doing here east east coast East Coast wrestling um and uh they're here tickets are still available um feel free to to reach out um off all their website and again everything that all the profits that we make on that goes to the school district for various projects that the that we do with the school district so just want to let you know one week from tonight 6:30 at the M shed High School last thing I want to do is I drive around town see lots of leaves in the street please don't put your leaves out until it's pickup time um for your thing and that's available on the mapet uh website you can look to see exactly when they could be put out because if we ever get any rain um they may they may have a problem with the with the G so please uh please do that and check to see when you should put them out and put them out at that time I believe signs go up they are yep week before they go up before they go up and let you know when they the leadership go that's all mayor thank you thank you may first thing I'd like to do is comment on Tuesday's election obviously not everyone was happy with the outcome but what we do here as American citizens as we accept the results unite and move forward congratulations to all who won the positions they were running for and I wish them the very best special thank you goes out to our Police Department public works department election workers the staff here at the municipal building especially Terry and Susan our condolences go out to the family and friends of Frank troso who passed away Saturday October 26th a long time Maple Shader past councilman and mayor more than one more than on one occasion and longtime Maple Shade businessman coming up next Monday the 11th I know it's been brought up I just want want to detail it a little bit uh is Veterans Day there will be a service of a war memorial on the corner of Fellowship Road in Main Street at 11:00 a.m. all are welcome and actually urge to come out to show respect for those that made the ultimate sacrifice so we're able to realize the freedoms that we have as is often stated freedom is not free many have made the element sacrifice November 11th is the day to honor those Warriors Friday November 15th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. there will be a health fair right here in the municipal building please check our Township web page and our Andor our newsletter for additional information November 19 19 20 and 21 is the Lian municipalities in Atlantic City many of us will be doing day trips that's it for me and I'm losing my voice by the moment so I need to take a sinus give with everything that everyone else here has said um can we move on to all business I'm sorry excuse me yeah go ahead go ahead I just want to to say um I ran over 40 elections in my career as a clerk here and I especially want to thank the voters of maple shet um this past election has been the absolute worst um I've been on the email with the clerks of Burlington County non-stop for the last two days and Burlington County really got hit with a real really rough election this time around um we have new machines the voters did were unfamiliar with machines but Maple shet voters were very patient very sweet and very kind to the work we did and I thank them a lot and and I just wanted to express that I just had one more thing um as as as you all know I'm sure e sham has has a very bad fire going on now so we have to be very diligent with the water restrictions that we have that we we really have to make make sure that we have nothing that can catch fire make sure that everything is taken care of within your own neighborhood and your your own your own properties because that's just one scary situation down there so no one has mentioned I did forget to mention it again Frank to Roo I was very sorry I forgot to mention that but I my my condolences to their family and thank you no I'm ready for old business okay old business ready yes ma' okay y my operations report I'll keep it quick there were several things that were already mentioned but just to kind of um follow up with them one our Collins Lane lighting project is here in completion we're anticipating that uh right now we're probably about 80% done so they expect that by next week he'll be completely finished so uh that'll be great uh as mayor mayor sorry councilman cman had uh had mentioned leaf collection is currently underway we're in zones one and two that's Monday and Tuesday trash days trash collection collection days next week will start uh Tuesday November 12th there will be no collection on Monday for Veterans Day uh leaf collection will be done in Zone 3 that's Wednesday trash collection residents should have their leaves at the curb no later than 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday and a copy of the leaf collection can be found on our website if you recall at the last meeting we reported about the DCA determining that the township is obligated to provide 78 units in the round four for fair share obligations on Monday October 28th Eileen and I met with our fair share housing attorney and our planner to discuss the best course of action and addressing that number and it has been determined that we're going to be looking at housing locations that we currently have here in town uh that are not considered part of our obligation or we don't have units there that we can use um we're going to see if we can pick up some additional units in those areas uh lessening what the township will need to plan for in round four as a reminder we will need to pass a resolution prior to January 31st committing ourselves to the number determined by the DCA so we thought that's probably the best course of action um and we'll move forward that way uh also reminding residents as uh Miss noon said that we currently are under a wildfire risk here specifically as well in Maple Shade residents are prohibited from having wood or charcoal fires the only permitted outdoor fire is one that is contained in an elevated stove and fueled only by propane natural gas or electricity so there is no burning of any wood outside if you have a wood fire pit it's not completely contained you cannot burn in there um the fire right before we got to the meeting the fire in eam Township is just over 200 Acres uh there's about 10 homes that are in uh are in the way that have been evacuated um so I'm sure that by this point uh there's probably some more you know we'll have some more information at the end of this meeting but at that point before we started 0% of it was contained so it definitely is a risk hoping to get some rain maybe Monday or Tuesday but uh still as you had said please be careful I believe even having a fire in your house if there you know happen to get Amber going up you don't even want to do that correct nothing correct no wood and let's do nothing nothing to precipitate anything happening here thank goodness it's 80 degrees I don't think I know nobody need a fire right now um and then as uh Mr re said as well the league of municipalities annual conference uh November 19th to 21st during this time many of our offices will be closed as staff attends that that's how we earn our continuing education credits required for our licenses so we just remind residents that if they're planning on coming up that week sometime between the 19th and the 21st just give a call don't want them to have to make the trip up if you know nobody's here and then they get frustrated you know we'll do our best to help how we can in all the offices uh but some offices will see closures during that week that's all I have absolutely thank you do we have a police report this evening or no there is not one unfortunately uh Captain Weiss could not make it in he had an emergency had a family emergency okay thank you um depy mayor site plan site there was a pretty extensive site plan last night and if I could find it I would tell you about it um 14 moris Avenue is Eastern Lift Truck uh they had bought another building on Mars Avenue and they want to expand into there most of it is going to be storage um some of their outside storage will go in it um they're recommended to move forward to the zoning board um because everything they had was in order 18 East Main Street uh is where the Methodist Church was um there's a crafter a laser crafter that wants to go in there and he does nothing but wood workking and no saws uh everything is by laser so that's a permitted use and it looks like he will be going in there six North Fork cleaning Road uh which is on the corner of uh Fork Landing and Main Street there is a fella who um was pretty unusual he buys a lot of toys um has tons of things that he's going to sell uh everything thing is new as he said um and he is just um as he said last night want to make kids smile so uh he's going to have a toy store there 21 North Fork Landing uh is the old Bank uh there's a pharmacy wants to move in there they're called a compounding pharmacy uh I had never heard that expression and what that means is when there are people that need two medications put together they grind them up and put them together a lot of them is for infants uh and a lot for handicapped they are not in the business to do regular prescriptions although they can do them uh they said the majority of their business is mail order where people send the prescription in they compound it and then they mail it out so there's going to be very little vehicle traffic there they're going to make some changes to it but not many the owners of the company live in Marlon uh their store right now is up in North Jersey and they said most of their business is from South Jersey uh Cherry Hill Camden Mount laurl moristown all of our surrounding towns so they wanted they're really anxious to get in down here and they fell in love with that building because of the parking the municipal lot across the street and close to Main Street the next application was Cher Avenue uh person bought that property it had a building on it that was built out just about to the back property line and both side property lines no one seemed to know about about it until he came in to get permits to do some renovations to the house they went out and looked at it um he had already purchased it and what they did was work with him to remove about a third of the building uh so it was not covering the entire property he agreed to that he's going to move into the zoning board um and get a variance for the sidey set setbacks but uh it it looks like it should be accepted uh there are a couple more uh applications that were just in the audience last night that came in um and there retail businesses that want to come into town that's all I have that's good bu people coming in that's fantastic I have a question on that's first one uh Nelson Mar no next one the church yes what Church did you say it was yeah that's I was question the Lutheran church Lutheran Church I guess no no it was an Episcopal Church episcopal episcopal church yeah okay okay lwood was on is now on Main was on Main Street right that was onw that was on lywood right yeah yes that's an Episcopal F yeah that's what I do there none of that now all right thank you sir um new business do have two just two things for new business that came up um one you all received the dra mural application for seven West Germantown more so just looking for an okay for the location um I do have a question into sustainable uh about the photo dragonflies are adorable I did speak with Heather Taro about it and just said that there's supposed to be some sort of message as to know why you're not supposed to dump down storm drains so she was working on that with the applicant and then we also wanted to know the size of it as well um just a to make sure we want to just put some parameters in there but if you are okay with the location we at least know that we can go forward once we have that information on the rest if you receive the information you want I'm fine with it yeah I'm good location okay so all five of us are good with that just have to tie it into storm drain so I know that um when I spoke with Heather the other night she said that they were working on getting something yeah to figure out what they could do so um and then the other one was something that we've been tossing around we mentioned uh brief very briefly at the last meeting typically in November we only have one meeting this year with the way that um Thanksgiving fell it we scheduled two um but there was some discussion that we were not going to have that second meeting uh on November 21st and just need to know what council's pleasure is to do that it is the day that the league ends um so you know as far the otherc there would be five weeks between meetings that is the only concern that there would be yes we do have the approval obviously we can pay bills um so that's not a problem because we will have another meeting that we will be able to pay you know we will be able to put on the bill list uh for approval so and the bills that would basically be paid would not be anything that is other than you know anything that's statutory or utility bills right health insurance is payrolls those sorts of things is what we would authorize to pay prior to the bill list but and the 21st is the last day of the league right 21st is the last day of the leag and the ordinance is scheduled for November December well most most of the other years we we haven't had a meeting because of uh because of the league so leag or so I'm I'm fine I'm fine with I think if we don't need one I'm fine with that so the next be December 12th as long as we don't have any ordinances that are delayed or deferred right correct I mean we could also uh get it back on if something happens to we could we also do the same then we will just take the position that there will not be a meeting on November 21st unless something should come up and it necessitates us meeting that day and the next one will be the 12th December 12th DEC 12 right excuse me we need to get some tea and honey I don't know what the heck's going on you got a DP is that all that's all I'm sorry yes all right U no need to go back into close counselor all right with that being said I'd like to get a motion to adjourn until the next Township council meeting which will now be scheduled for December 12th 6:30 I move