hi all right first thing we're going to do is a quick presentation um Jen would be up first correct and just hit that button on there hear me is it green no okay TR again okay doesn't slide good you can start thr it on the floor enough good evening I'm am here tonight to introduce you to our 2024 Charles Chuck Drass award recipient um we have chosen Mr Anthony eggner as the recipient this year Tony eggner is a true Maple Shade icon deeply deeply rooted in the community where he spent the better part of his life born in Philly Maple sha became his home at a young age and has since become an integral part of its fabric family is at the core of Tony's World married to Kathy he is a devoted father to three wonderful children Phil Jesse and Emily being pup-up to four grandchildren brings him joy and he cherishes every moment with them Sports especially the Phillies hold a special place in Tony's heart fueling his DieHard passion for the game especially the Phillies but perhaps equally dear to him is his love for the Beatles their music serving as a constant soundtrack to his life Tony's Community involvement is extensive and diverse he pours his heart into coaching he poured his heart into coaching Maple shet girls softball when his daughters were young shaping not just their skills and but also fostering a sense of teamwork and camaraderie his impact be extends Beyond support Beyond Sports Tony was an active member of the maple shave Moose Lodge for many years however however his true Spotlight shines through his DJ company expert entertainment for years he's lent his skills as an EMC and DJ to numerous Maple Shade events infusing them with his energy his commitment to the town's development and unity is evident through his roles in various organizations he's been an essential part of the maple sha Business Association Ser serving on The Advisory Board of Commerce notably Tony has also played a pivotal role in the Maple Shade 100-year committee celebration organizing a memorable history trolley tour through town as a conductor and tour guide he captivated attendees with insightful narratives painted a vivid picture of maple shade's Rich history Tony's commitment to preserving Maple shade's history went beyond organizing these hundred-year events he actively sought out an opportunity to have a Q&A session with exem long term residents Betty copio and Joe Dugan in a recorded session Tony delved deep into their their memories picking their brains for insights and anecdotes that painted a vivid picture of maple shade's history Tony's dedication didn't stop there he recognized the value of tangible memories and spent a considerable time with Mr Dugan converting his collection of old pictures and slides into digital format this thoughtful act ensures that the visual history of Maple Shade will be preserved and enjoyed by Future Generations allowing them to connect with the town's Heritage in a meaningful way 's efforts and Achieve archiving these sharing these historical Treasures is underlying his commitment to ensuring Maple shad's Legacy ensures through time when it comes to community Gatherings Tony is a familiar face behind the DJ equipment and events like the Halloween parade downtown dog parade and National Night Out to name a few his willingness to go above and beyond doesn't stop there he readily steps up into roles such as the Easter Bunny and Santa spreading Joy during those W of Seasons Mr Tony eggner embodies this true Spirit of a community leader always ready to lend a hand whenever it's needed his dedication enthusiasm and unwavering to commitment to Maple Shade has left an inable mark on the town and residents that live here I present to you Tony [Applause] eggner the secrets out Tony she let it go I was going to say turn the microphone try to make a funny out of it all the things that that she just said about you I didn't know any of but that's not true everything she said is is everything that you are and you do the Chuck trash award is pretty honorable award to receive it goes back to many many years ago in Maple Shade when Chuck Charles D dreas was the owner of the F and 10 did not live in Maple Shade but he gave back to this town without a question like many others have and like you do and it's an honor to stand here and give this to you so I'm just to make it more painful for you you're doing well thank you the 2023 Charles Chuck dress Award presented to Anthony Tony Eggman for your distinguished civil service and dedication to the township ofap sh [Applause] you Proclamation War Anthony Tony eggner the 2023 chalk dress award for distinguished civil service to the township of maple sh whereas volunteers are the lifeblood of communities selflessly giving their time energy and talents to help others and make the world a better place and whereas volunteers bring their unique perspectives experience experiences and skills to the causes they serve creating new connections and fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support within the organizations and communities they serve and whereas the Chuck trus award has been named after Chuck excuse me Charles Chuck tras former owner former owner of the Maple Shade Ben Franklin store also known as the Maple Shade 5 at ben who was recognized as having set the piece for community service and whereas the township of maple sh and the former Advisory Board of Commerce now known as the business and economic development commission have sub subsequently awarded recipients of this award for having reached high standards of concern for the well-being of the Maple Shade business community and therefore its residents and whereas Anthony Tony egner has been a lifelong resident of Maple Shade identifies him himself as just a concerned Citizen and has exemplified the true meaning of volunteerism and selfless selfless acts of civil mindfulness and whereas Tony's dedication and commitment to the township of Maple Shade are an inspiration to us all and his work deserves recognition and celebration now therefore be it resolved on behalf of the township of Maple Shade Town Council and the business and economic development commission will hereby recognize Tony egner as the 2023 truck Drass award recipient for his selflessness and exemplary acts of volunteerism and Civic service to the township of Maple Shade expressing our deepest appreciation for his dedication and commitment to the residents of the township and urge all residents to take this opportunity thank Tony for his offs Proclaim this 18th day of January [Applause] 202 stand I know that's hard to believe thank you you want to get a picture everybody go ahead Steve get in there two thank you you as this is a public meeting this is the public portion for the consent agenda items members of the public wishing to speak will be permitted to address comments or questions to council regarding resolutions listed under the consent agenda anybody like to speak on the agenda on the consent consent agenda all right seeing none motion to close public portion second all in favor I right resolution 2024 r33 authorize the aerial arvel mosquito control resolution 2024 r-34 authorized National Night Out event resolution 2024 r-35 authorized purchase of two Power Pro stretchers through New Jersey Bergen Co-op resolution 2024 4- r-36 Award of contract to JP Smith contractors for the wastewater treatment plant chlorine tank repairs and an amount not to exceed $174,500 motion to approve the consent agenda so made second comments roll call Terry Mr caufman yes Miss n yes Mrs Wy yes Mr whis approved mayor schnit approved next up is the approval of expenditure lists Susan thank you current fund bill is 3, 21072 42 Utility Fund bill is $556,500 trust fund $633,000 Bill list is $784 I have had the opportunity to review the bill list as submitted and recommend payment when funds are available also would like to mention that this total bill list is accountable from December from our meeting in December through now so it's over a month worth of bills all right thank you can I get a motion to approve the expenditure list so me second comments roll call tyl Mr Kaufman yes M noon yes Mrs Wy yes yes Mr whis approved mayor Schmid approved approval of December 22nd 2023 minutes can I get a motion will approve move second any comments who was the first um Chuck okay uh roll call please there Mr Kaufman yes Miss NES yes Mrs Wy yes Mr wh approve mayor Schmid approved all right this is the public portion of the meeting any members of the public wishing to speak will be permitted to address their comments to Council on any Municipal topic anyone have anything they'd like to say Mike Stevens 47 Cherry Avenue uh Maple and front that whole intersection one front at Maple is terrible terrible terrible I was hoping maybe somebody can contact some I don't know if it's our yard or the state highway I'm not sure Mike what do you mean by terrible give hot holes I mean just the condition of the road you're talking okay yeah thank you we DPW go out and take a look it probably won't be tomorrow but we can have him go out next week thank you anyone else seeing none I'll make a motion to close so move second all in favor I all right staff and professional comments start councilman news Council woman news there you go uh the weather is starting to really actually go ahead no the weather is actually starting to turn we're actually seeing winter for the first time in a few years so just be careful with you know hva systems make sure you don't you know go too crazy with that because everybody's inundated the calls are coming in to every every different uh possible company that can come and help you we don't want to run run out of heat so uh just be very due diligent of course with the icing on your stairs uh try to salt and just be very careful out there we're not used to it you would think that that's a little bit crazy but you know up north here we haven't seen much of anything so just uh make sure you think ahead before you do something while driving it it's just uh something we have to remind all of ourselves so that's all I have thank you C thank you congratulations Tony thank you for your dedication to Maple Shade and everything else that you do here with in town we really appreciate that you're very deserving of the award thank you very much um with the snow coming I'd like to urge everyone to please take their vehicles off the street if you have a driveway please park them in the driveway if you don't have a driveway because it is a snow emergency I think it would be okay for you to park it up on the sidewalk the more space you have covered the less you're going to have to shovel so and it also makes it so much easier for our road department to go down those streets that they don't have to Bob and weave um passed all the cars so please be careful and uh make sure you do go out and salt your street your sidewalks for your safety and for the people that are walking on them so thank you thank you councilman Kaufman thank you mayor um just to uh reiterate Claire's suggestion that if you can possibly get your vehicle off of the street uh it's much easier for our plow folks to go through and clear the street um you know know and um if you if you can't get it off unfortunately they're going to plow and you may not be able to get out so please if you can possibly do it get your vehicles up off the street um otherwise please be careful uh with the snow that's coming we all know that was a little bit last uh the other day well this is going to be even more according to the weather people so so please be careful um Tony congratulations buddy I really appreciate everything you've done for this town and uh I hope you continue to hang in there and do everything you can for us thank you that's all May thank you sir mayor well uh unfortunately I have to go along with the same comments the biggest thing to talk about tonight is the weather uh Tuesday night the 9th of this month the heavy rain and strong wind we had uh took a lot of power out for a lot of sections of Maple Shade uh one of those sections where I live and for many people it certainly affected uh their some pump in their basements um especially those that didn't have generators or access to generators um it was terrible not something we're used to we don't get that much rain at one time uh Monday night snow the REM remnants which are still here because of the cold weather um now tonight they're talking about a repeat and if not worse they're talking a little more uh accumulation um this is the first measurable snow we've had in two years or nearly two years just a few weeks short of that so be careful if you're out driving tonight especially tomorrow it's supposed to linger into late tomorrow um just coming a little bit of the time they're talking about a quarter to a half inch an hour which is really going to drag it out really um but there's some relief coming next week the middle of next week uh they're up into the 40s which will hopefully get rid of some of this uh one thing from my point of view being in the snow and ice management business for a lot of years if you go out tonight and put some salt or calcium chloride on your sidewalks when the snow comes it will not stick to it so it'll you'll be able to shovel it much easier uh and that's the the whole Treck of doing pre-treating and lastly uh everything that was said about Tony uh we'll we'll talk later about um is true he's a joy to have at uh at any of the events especially when he DJs I I know the first time he did a DJ job for the uh the moose I was so impressed by when people were just coming in sitting down he walked around with a tablet and a pencil I wasn't really know he could print but uh and he asked people what kind of music they wanted to hear uh and I thought that was pretty interesting because many times I go to a wedding or an event and the DJ is playing and playing and playing and everybody's sitting there uh Tony had everybody up uh and he always does he's just he's a great Entertainer so Tony welld deserved thank you and you probably won't hear this much from me about you for a long time that's all I have St thank you can I say one more thing I'm sorry I didn't say anything when I first spoke but you are the best I worked with you during the 100th anniversary and we worked well together you have nothing but energy and the best intention for every single part of anything that you do so I I appreciate everything that you know I've seen you do in all the years you've been here but the 100th anniversary you just took it over the top but thank you so much I really appreciate that sorry I didn't say it sooner all right thank you um I'm pretty much going to Echo everybody here what I had written down was the same thing congratulations Tony we do really appreciate you U I can't emphasize enough we only had two inches of snow the other day they're calling for 68 please park in your driveways park in your driveways let the DPW do its job um it's kind of weird that we have uh we have snow for the first time in almost two years my two-year-old granddaughter for the first time saw snow the other day it was it was really interesting so um yeah beyond that please everyone be safe and um stay home thank you um old business operations sure thanks um proud to finally say that our NJ do project on North CO's and Collins is reportedly complete uh next week we'll be scheduling a walkth through so that that project can finally be closed out so we'll be going through uh you know and looking at the final work also the biggest news probably and what will come to uh music to people's ears is the long awaited screw pump restoration project finally and officially began this week great dste are contractors they installed the bypass pump and the all the piping along with the permanent suction and the discharge lines our original plan was to move screw pump number one first uh being that that was the ladder of the two pumps however screw pump number two suffered a massive structural failure in the lower bearing of the housing um earlier this week so it was agreed upon that we're going to move number two first so unfortunately there still will be some sound it should not be anywhere near what it was um but number two was removed and it's on its way over to uh aoka Technologies and that'll be about a 5 to six month repair there um that one will come back when that comes back number one will then be will number one will then be repaired but we are pretty hopeful that the sound should subside uh with having that um that other pump that you know that uh that bypass pump that we put in so we're on our way to making those repairs as well um wanted to address just something I had a resident that called me um we had a draft agenda that was put up and then um for like our initial agenda that included our introduction of our annual salary ordinance um however that ordinance has been withdrawn as you know we talked about that we were not able to put that on our um agenda this week and that's because of the ongoing negotiations with our Teamsters we were hoping that that would be done um unfortunately we've been negotiating with them since October and despite our best efforts we just haven't been able to reach a consensus um our last meeting was December 13th and I have not heard back from them so we're hoping that uh come February we'll be able to put that ordinance back on obviously we need to have that ordinance in place to be able to give uh the contractual obligation to be able to you know obliged to our contractual obligations um so we're hoping that by February we'll have that back on but I did want to make sure that everybody knew that the rationale behind that decision was so that we didn't have to introduce multiple ordinances that we didn't have to make amendments um but we'll still be within our within our time frame of how we have to do things so um we are still searching for a part-time p recording secretary for our planning and zoning boards uh the current requirement is a maximum of two nights per month candidate needs to be experienced at roll call for meeting votes taking notes and drafting minutes land use board experience is preferred but it is not necessary anybody that's interested is still encouraged to reach out to me um and we I can get you going on that we can set up an interview as you're aware our shared service with mortown for our courtroom began on January 10th so mortown is now using our courtroom for their Municipal Court twice a month on Wednesday and we are receiving a stien that will offset those costs from them we have all spoken about somebody ordering snow this week being know one of the team captains for team no snow around here uh I'm losing that battle um but we just between the police department and and obviously our administrative staff and DPW we did want to remind everything remind our residents everything that you all did as well that there are no parking signs around town that means that parking is prohibited from having vehicles on that on those streets the police department did send out a Twitter and a nixel today on our Facebook page we did put up a copy of the ordinance which is chapter 1947 it does list the streets there um as councilwoman VY said if you're going to park on the sidewalk I can guarantee no one is giving you a ticket to you know during the snowstorm um but it does help our it helps our DPW Crews I can tell you that I received a complaint the other day that one of our trucks you know went around the truck and plowed the truck in well I know you know it truck was in the street I mean there's nothing that our guys can do so they do the best that they can but anywhere that you can move the vehicles if people would like to park in the municiple parking lot that is fine it's not a problem just to get it off the street so we can get the streets clear um and then in closing I would be remiss if I did not make mention of our DPW director as you all know Dave KS is retiring at the end of this month um and while we are very excited for him uh as he begins this next chapter he's going to get plenty of time to fish and spend with his grandkids and his wife although I don't know how excited his wife is for him to be home uh she did ask if I would keep him and uh but honestly these past four years with Dave has been an integral part of our team I don't think any of us would deny that um we're going to miss him tremendously he has reshaped how our public works department does work um he's provided a tremendous amount of support to every single one of our departments in this municipality he's been a key player in our community with our forward momentum moving forward in doing things and providing riding and revamping Services across town his expansive knowledge of basically everything he is like a walking encyclopedia he has knowledge of everything um has really had a profound effect on all of us and as the old proverb says you give a man a fish and you feed him for a day you teach a man to fish and he will feed you for a lifetime uh there's no doubt that what Dave has taught us will uh will stay with every single one of them I believe his you know his DPW guys will agree with that I know up here um and I know you know myself too I he has been a wealth of knowledge for me and uh it it it really has been um it's it's just been a great working relationship I didn't know who he was when he came in you know four years ago sat down I thought why is a guy from Hamilton that has 880,000 people population coming in here at the end of his career one to well there's no doubt why he came here um it was definitely to help us move forward and uh he's done a great job so we wish him nothing but the best that's it all right right thank you and I would definitely Echo that Dave is uh for a short time I've been on Council he has definitely been an integral part of this Township Deputy Mayor site plan yes there was no site plan in January uh the next site plan if there is any business to be presented will be February 6th for site plan review it's my report thank you sir the Cannabis ordinance what do we yes so we need to move forward uh with discussing as you know we um reached out to an attorney that has that does specialty is um Ron God yeah that guy I Ron I can see him perfectly but I forget his last name just it's totally eluding me um but we need to decide if we're going to have uh we're going to put a small committee with Council together how we're going to move forward do we want to bring him in and have a special meeting so we can start to move also Council I know you were you were tasked with saying what type of cannabis businesses do you know do we want to have so I really I need some direction from you as to how you would like to go do we want to have a special meeting do we want to bring them in to one of our regular meetings um mandelo sorry um and have them you know and start the process so I do currently I have two uh companies that are hot to trot they've identified locations here in town they're just waiting to hear from the municipality as far as what we're going to allow um so we we need to move it's time time for us to move forward on let's put some dates together yeah that work for him and work for us get them in here do we want to do it as a special meeting or so that we only concentrate should be a special meeting okay I agree okay let me know the dates on that so I can okay all my notes together I will um I will put some dates together circulate them and then I'll get with him as well will it be full full counsel or will it be a committee I'm thinking full counsel at first and then we can he can he can help guide us into what's best I know he originally said that he felt a smaller a smaller committee would be good um so that we could start that way and then we can start bringing you know the those that else that you know those other team players that are going to key players that are going to need to be part of it so okay all right great new business Financial disclosure statements yes um you all received the letter I received on December 29th of 23 for the 1923 Financial disclosure statement enforcement from DCA um there are two outstanding members uh one is being worked on but the other one is now a planning board member so Council really needs to decide what they're going to do with that member um they can't continue if they didn't pay Their fines or file their disclosure statements so we have um that leaves us with um another vacancy so so right now the only issue is the planning board one that particular person the other one is is being worked on it it'll probably be rectified the one from zoning board as this individual I'm sure this individual has been advised right yes he would he received the letter so he's aware of it um and he has an alternate on the planning board right now he is yes yeah no he was a regular meeting a regular member because there are no alternates at this point right okay has anyone spoken to him or I mean like are we getting anywhere with it or what do we need to we're not hearing anything from them I've sent emails getting response my suggestion would be maybe if you could reach out say let me call I had a conversation with him about being on the board so let me reach out to him and um I mean it needs to be rectified it's state law so unfortunately it has to be done if he's not comfortable filling it out we understand but you know we do have them on the roles as a you know as a member and it is a requirement so I I have a Citizens request for them I'll bring up next week for the planning board okay okay aw all right with that being said um we are going to go back into Clos session um so let's make a motion to go back into close second was you Sandy yeah well I fine all in favor I I formal action may be taken upon conclusion of closed session thank you everyone for coming this evening appreciate your time