##VIDEO ID:a09umcQgn_Q## e e all right ordinances we good we're live ordinances uh introduction and first reading ordinance number 202 24-21 an ordinance of the township of Maple Shade County of Burlington New Jersey amending chapter 200 of the Maple Shade Township Code entitled water regarding fees can I get a motion for introduction so me second comments roll call please there Mr Coffman yes m n yes Mrs vpy yes Mr whis approved mayor Smith approved uh publication date for that will be November 26 2025 no 20124 correct yes 24 let's not jump ahead too far this is the last minute backwards publication date will be November 26th 2024 with a December 12th 2024 um meeting all right um maybe I have publication I'm good right yes that was everything yes okay okay uh this is the public portion of the meeting for the consent agenda items only is anyone from the public wish to speak to Council in reference to the consent agenda items seeing none can I get a motion to close the public ption move second all in favor I consent agenda resolution 2024 r-17 authorizing engineering and design Services of Remington Vernick Engineers from April shet police station Renovations resolution 2024 r188 authorized transfer excuse me yeah authorized transfer of Appropriations resolution 2024 r-19 amend resolution 2024 r176 to amend purchase price for the purchase of an F550 4x4 ambulance remount under the hgac co-op resolution 2024 R-1 190 resolution of the township of Maple Shade authorizing the purchase of a hamro rescue system resolution 2024 R-1 191 resolution of the township of Maple Shade adopting the 2024 Bron County Hazard mitigation plan resolution 2024 R-1 192 award emergency contract for evaluation of damages to well number 12 from the Main Street water plant in an amount not to exceed $50,000 resolution 2024 R-1 193 amend contract with Levy Construction Company Incorporated for improvements to the municipal excuse me the municipal complex food pantry a hard work yeah exactly and and approved change order number one resolution 2024 R-1 194 amend shared services agreement with haddenfield burrow for construction code Services can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda so M check any comments Terry roll call please Mr Kaufman yes Miss news yes Mrs VY yes Mr whis approved mayor Smith approved approval of expenditures list Susan thank you our current fund Bill list is 2,169 4326 Utility Fund F bill is $2,926 capital fund bill is $855 32 utility Capital $ 32,4 66 our trust fund is $ 316,243 65 and our grant fund Bill list is $1,369 just as a note the current fund at the 2.1 million 1.99 million is for our County tax payment so um it's not all in you know just every everyday expenses but I have reviewed the above Bill list as submitted and recommend payment when funds are available make a motion to approve second comments roll call please T Mr cman yes is news yes Mrs VY yes Mr Weis approved mayor Smith approved this is a public meeting is there anyone from the public that wishes to address the council seeing none can I get a motion to close I me second all in favor staff and professional comments change it up well actually probably keep it the same that's okay go to councilwoman NOS I just wanted to tell everyone the Happy Thanksgiving uh enjoy yourselves your families and friends and luck to you absolutely Council woman like to send condolences out to the carer family this is a terrible time very sorry for your loss and uh this is time to gather the family together and appreciate each other so Happy Thanksgiving to all councilman Coffman thank you mayor um reiterate Mrs vul's condolences to the carser family um very difficult time for them so our our condolences uh in addition to uh Thanksgiving uh I wish everybody Happy Thanksgiving and uh that's all thank you mayor Monday November the 11th was Veterans Day our Maple Shade VFW L 2445 did a wonderful job of honoring those who have served and sacrificed the attendance by so many was much appreciated I want to send out a special thank you to Izzy diamon a sixth grader from steinhauer school who performed beautiful Renditions of God bless America and the national anthem I also want to send out condolences to the CER family and the many many friends and acquaintances for the loss of Kenny on that same day it was incredible to see the lines of people waiting to show the respects at Tillman's funeral home and the lph church was filled with family and friends the MSPCA food drive concluded on Wednesday the 13th with a truck park at the maple Shay Custard Stand and where non-p perishable donations were greatly accepted and appreciated there was an additional 5,000 items that were turned in the winners of the community Grant the group competition were Maple Shade cheerleader 745 items winning $1,000 Maple Shade girls softball $459 items winning $750 amped to damp dance 363 46 items winning 500 dollar Fierce diversity 141 items winning 251 $250 I should learn how to read I guess like start now in a competition such as this everyone is a winner Friday the 15th was a health fair right here at the township building which appears to have been very successful next Monday night the 25th there will be a business Appreciation Night held here at the municipal building beginning at 6:30 p.m. one week from today is Thanksgiving day I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving that's all I have mayor thank you sir uh obviously I'm going to ditto everything they say especially with the condolences of the carer family um their extended family I know that was uh was not an easy task so uh and I wish everyone in the township a Happy Thanksgiving anyone else have anything they'd like to put in okay thank you we'll move on then old business operations Susan thanks so our food bank project is moving along the windows have been framed out painting is almost complete and the floor is being prepped once these items are done we will get ready for the Cabinetry and carpentry work we have a strong deadline by 12:31 2024 uh they're working in a little bit of tight quarters now especially during the holiday season but we're making it work um still have lots to give so um yeah it's coming along great it's going to be a great great addition here uh today we accepted bids for the ases field Recreation Grant project at our next meeting we're going to be seeking approval for that award so that'll finally be done and and get get started and and get done Monday evening the bedc Met uh they're working on a residential tax incentive program that is an economic development initiative that provides property tax dollars as an incentive for residents to shop in town what happens is a property tax record reward card is given out and it's made available to all Township residents doesn't matter if you own or you rent um and then you can enroll in the program and this allows the residents to use the card at participating merchants throughout the community while accumulating property tox tax dollars towards their bill so it's a tax incentive you shop local you get the tax incentives and then it winds up uh coming off your tax bill so we'll be looking at that a little bit more uh going to get the vendor to come out and uh should be in front of council hopefully within the next by the next meeting we'll have somebody there on November 30th the bedc also hopes that our residents will kick off their holiday shopping season locally and join us for our small bz bash we're going to start the day off at 9:00 a.m. with a popup Market on Wallace Avenue where we're featuring local vendors and then throughout the day residents are going to be encouraged to continue their holiday shopping by visiting the local Merchants who are offering various discounts all that can be found on our web page we put a page on there for small Biz bash um all you have to do is shop in Maple Shade and you get the you get these discounts there's also going to be a chance to win a 70inch television in the sweep Stakes that we're holding uh all you have to do is complete a shopping passport and if that isn't enough of enticement we are going to have a very special guest they can take a selfie with an Elfie Buddy the elf will be traveling around town to help folks get into the local shopping holiday spirit that's what I'm excited about I can't wait to see this guy um it is a will Ferell uh impersonator he phenomenal so uh you will be seeing him popping up around in the stores and stuff so go take a selfie with an Elfie on the 30th uh past three days many of our staff attended the largest Municipal gathering in the nation which is the New Jersey League of municipalities annual conference conference provides extensive learning opportunities meaningful face-to-face networking and a comprehensive Showcase of the latest products Innovations to New Jersey's local government officials and professionals um I think every at least somebody from every Department was down there uh this year DPW was down there police was down there so uh it was really a great event uh DPW is currently picking up leaves in zone 4 so they are finishing up tomorrow will be their last day in zone four which is Thursday trash day so anybody listening that has not gotten their leaves out they have until tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock to put them out um there will be a second pickup but on Monday then we will start in zone five which is Friday trash day and again residents should have their leaves curbside by 6 p.m. and then the next week we start our second round of pickups and as you all uh had said too I just want to wish everyone a very healthy and happy Thanksgiving that's all for my report thank you and we did while we were down at the league the ones I was with we did meet with that vendor about the tax uh program the incentive program it's it's exciting it's awesome so um Dennis you're up and Steve so the the first thing I want to report on is well number 12 at the Main Street water plant which is currently providing all the water for the the township other than the little bit of purches we have in new New Jersey or American Water um has three Wells so uh two of them are in the lower PRM which had the best water quality and then well 8A is uh in this the middle PRM uh well 12 which is the newest of the wells uh started pumping sand uh so we went down there and we did investigation and it's 450 ft deep uh with a 50 foot screen area the at the bottom but we found a hole around 390 and it had about 18t of this is an 18 inch diameter a casing pipe and screen and it had about 18 ft of uh debris and sand at the at the bottom of the well so we had to airlift that out so we could video it properly and do an evaluation and that was the 50,000 you approved here for all the work pulling the well pumping motor uh basically everything was fried being pumped into sand uh so I'm going to have a bid ready for award at the December meeting because obviously we want to get this well back we can get by with one well um through the winter months and into spring but by next summer obviously we want to have this well uh back in service uh so we can line the well we'll go into in the existing 18inch pipe we'll put a additional um gravel pack down at the bottom and we'll come all the way up to the surface with a 12 inch uh casing and then we'll put that in place um I'd gotten prices to come stainless steel all the way to the top and there was little OSS was a little a sticker shock so so the screen and then about 30 ft up into the outer casing will be stainless and then we'll transfer transition to carbon steel at that point um we are putting it out to bid again I'll have bids for a award for that so we're looking at probably another $250,000 to bring their well back into service going for me 18 to 12 is not an issue um so we do have a pump selected that we can put in there we possibly an Ask additional stages uh we may drop down to 1,000 gallons per minute a pumping rate but we have vfds uh where you vary the speeds on these pumps anyway so we're not always running we very seldom run them at 1250 gallons per minute so with having a well 11 at that and well 8A we probably should be okay uh obviously the other thing is happening is the Kings Highway water plan has not been functioning the technology Antiquated and doesn't meet some of the new regulations that are uh been promulgated uh we hopefully in the middle of December maybe the 16th and we're hoping to do settlement on a the land next to that unfortunately the existing site has a is in a flood way uh so we'd have to work within our existing uh footprint and probably Elevate everything uh so we don't place any additional water when you're working in a a floodway and some of the RS are changing so buying this parcel which is upgrading it where our wells 10 and nine are currently located is going to serve and it's also an ideal the state's been coming back to us wanting us to have additional water storage uh for resiliency just having we do have a lot of inter connections but when we take that tank offline for painting and it's getting uh towards the time where we're going to have to do that again uh and it it becomes very challenging when you have that tank offline to keep the water pressure and then also to support any 3,000 Gall permitted fire you may have at that time so uh having another tank in the future it wouldn't have to be as big as this current one um is something that we definitely should uh uh plan for in the future so how long do you think till we have to paint again um we we do we've had a about two years ago we had a inspection report on uh where they going with robotics and looked at everything um so usually 20year life is what you get out of and it's been maybe about 2008 when we painted it last so we've been watching yeah and the last time we went in there and did that work it was it was a little challenging there was some pit holes where it was leaking and stuff so you got to watch and get in there make sure the coating's protecting uh so you get your maximum life out of the yeah so why did well 12 fail I you know it's it's it's bizarre because just been bad steel we had the same thing with the the Main Street Force main which was put in in 1989 and why that duct iron has failed prematurely all through town uh obviously we've been replacing a little bit here and we have the the one project where they're going to be replacing everything from the coming out of the pump station going down Route 73 uh and then that's that's phase one but we have a lot lot more of that force me to replace in the coming years um so those are some of the ongoing projects water main projects with we just completed County uh there were some storm drain Pro um work done also there that'll be repaved here in December and that'll complete that Project ROSE is scheduled to go in uh December and then we'll be bidding Alexander make an award on that we need to do that over the winter because there's a state aid PR project that has a timeline which we have to complete so we want to uh and Alexander's had some of a number of water main brakes so we want to fix that and give a little bit of settlement period before uhu before we do the road uh repayment um and also part of it is with water quality act we have to do so many miles of water improvements and then the other thing is the EPA has been really on us about extraneous flows with the sump pumps and things like that so some of the sewer projects we received bids uh U the other day for Main Street sewer uh as part of the looking for extraneous flows we had did a video televising of a the uid region that goes to the ukl pump station because that seems to have our our highest and it's an older section and there on Main Street there's uh when we do when you do these inspections you're looking for you classify certain defects and for four and five defects or it either means it's failed or it's going to fail in the next 5 years and there in front of Viking the furniture it's been continuous problems and we have a you know a couple five defects there so that section of sewer and a couple other sections in Main Street are it's going to be presented next uh month for reward the bids uh Booth was low at of 5634 we had 540 budgeted we had seven biders ranging from the low bid up to over 850,000 so um that's a a little bit on that project um transactional I've met with them they have a failed septic they have about 1,500 gallons I estimate on on their peak days uh so it's really equivalent to like six homes uh I'm talking to them about terms and obviously any any conditions would have to be brought back for Council for approval uh obviously if they can contribute something towards projects it would eliminate sump pumps or get rid of extraneous flows and then we obviously with our rate structure uh so we can the idea is uh we can take in you know uh we'll consider it uh um being a good neighbor that there's other parts of cin Miss and Tide we have a little bit higher fee that we get from uh for those usages uh but if we can also get some kind of contribution back on it and again it comes back to be a council decision decision whether You' accept the terms that would be uh proposed so I hope to have that for you possibly in December also um I'll try to get that in advance so you at least have time to look at it and consider um I haven't got anything formal back from them and they haven't really done any plans or there is a a paper Street which they intend to go across and and make their Connection in but uh they need to verify that that's really existing um those are the primary things there's a number of other water Wastewater projects the everything at the plants running really well it's probably one of is best it has because of the low flows and with the the rain they they're really uh producing well I gu so but well that just goes to proof what hooking your St pump in to this the sewer system does well you it's interesting when you last spring when we had a really wet period know if you went out and you saw the ones where discharge into the street it's amazing how much water a some pum po out yes definitely so definitely so I was interested I asked Susan to reach out to you because I thought we've had this drought let's see what the inflow has been and it's it's what 30% lower yeah it's at least that yes and and then that also affects how the water is cleaned yeah if it's right and it's been a better percentage with that as well correct yeah the plant performs very well except when you really get high flows you do wash out your biological and it takes a little bit more time to establish it the way it's set up they go into a storm mode and you're able to protect certain elements in the plant but it still makes it a little more challenging from an operational standpoint when you're dealing with u flows when your normal flows are 3 point I mean the normal flows maybe 2.5 2.6 the plants rate for 3.4 and uh those wet weather flows you can get 12 million gowns a day usually so that's wild so um Susan covered some of the projects it's been been helpful with the Food Kitchen you just the coordination there because obviously this is a busy time of year and we have the grant that has to be used up here by the end of the year so that seems to be going well and hopefully it's a nice project at the end of the day we talked about you awarded tonight the the police uh the police uh has been getting some Department of Correction NOS or things that are not in current compliance so we met with the chief and basically the Project's going to uh change around a little bit things on the sally port and how they bring prisoners in and how the processing room and the holding cells bringing them up to current Department of Correction standards the challenge is that's the logistics of keeping an active uh police things like that when you have this construction going so some of that has to be worked out and so forth but uh that's that's the project that was uh uh approved this evening yeah and we only get a waiver we've only been able to we've been getting a waiver up until this point and then I guess it was probably but now probably nine months ago 10 months ago we were told we were no longer going to qualify for the waiver so this project has to go forward um because then if not then they you know especially with our accreditation and whatever so it's something that has to be done uh North KS and roll one that's going to be bid into spring as a DOT Grant project and Terrace is another grand project we have and that'll be late spring or early summer that that'll be out to bid and that's that's pretty much of a summary of some of the active projects awful lot very good thank you both for your help of that thank you that be mayor site plan I reported on site plan at the last meeting next site plan will be December 3rd if there are applications thank you sir uh any new business anyone else have anything they like to bring up for new business wow look at that and we do not need to go back into closed correct all right in that case I would like to get a motion to adjourn until the next council meeting which will be scheduled for December 12th 2024 starting with close session at 6:30 p.m. sh move second all in favor I