##VIDEO ID:iSrhBIeM0FI## it's YouTube it's gonna wait till 7 no it's YouTube you're good all right can I get a motion to come out recess so second all in favor I all right we're going to start with the open Board of Health meeting thank you uh we have one call it was a Hazmat call for a suspected discharge of a pesticide at a commercial business and they're still investigating so but other than that that's all we had for um it would be September all right this is a public meeting does anyone from the public have any comments and reference to the Board of Health seeing none can I get a motion to close the public portion me second any comments all in favor I I can I get a mo motion to adjourn the Board of Health meeting second all in favor I all right ordinances uh introduction and first reading uh ordinance number 20 24-19 an ordinance of the township of Maple Shade County of Burlington New Jersey amending Township Code chapter 22 land use procedures at section 22-23 regarding publication of decision can I get a motion for introduction so moved second roll call please there Mr caufman yes M Nunes yes Mrs VY yes Mr whis approved mayori approved publication date for that will be October 17 2024 with a public hearing on November 7 2024 ordinance's second reading and public hearing ordinance 20247 and ordinance to the township of Maple Shade County of burington New Jersey accepting a blanket sanitary sewer line easement and dedication of sewer improvements within block 1 19 1.01 lot one in the property known as Village of Stony Run this is an open public meeting does anyone have any comments in reference to ordinance 20247 seeing and hearing none can I get a motion to close so second any comments all in favor I can I get a motion to adopt so moved second any comments roll call please T Mr cman yes Miss NES yes Mrs vby yes Mr whis approved mayor Schmidt approved ordinance 20248 an ordinance of the township of Maple Shade County of brington New Jersey accepting the dedication of a sanitary sewer easement and easement excuse me and existing improvements within block 195 lot 2.01 known as Route 73 Bowling Center again this is a public meeting does anyone from the public have comments or questions in reference to 20248 seeing none can I get a motion to close so mate second comments all in favor I can I get a motion to adopt so moved second comments roll call please sorry Mr Kaufman yes Miss Nunes yes Mrs VY yes Mr Rees approved mayor approved this is the public portion of the meeting for the consent agenda items does anyone from the public wish to speak in reference to any of the consent agenda items seeing none can I get a motion to close second all in favor I consent agenda resolution 2024 d-164 author authorizing the use of the municipal lot gazebo Park and temporary street closure for the 2024 Holiday Fest resolution 2024 R-1 165 authorizing the temporary closure of Wallace Avenue and Margaret AV for the Main Street Maple Shade Holiday Festival Friday December 14th 2024 resolution 2024 r166 authorizing engineering design services for Remington and verdict Engineers for improvements to the lime system at the Main Street water plant resolution 2024 r167 authorized construction Engineering Services for improvements to North teras AV from West Front Street to West Main Street which is County Route 537 and then an amount not to exceed $623 c0 resolution 2024 r168 resolution requesting approval of items of Revenue and appropriation njsa 4A colum 487 to New Jersey DOT grant for East Front Street and Alexander Avenue resolution 2024 R-1 169 authorized flanigans Town Center 4 LLC to connect to a storm sewer system excuse me to connect a storm SE system to the municipal storm water basin at Rotary way resolution 2024 r170 authorize the installation of an air conditioning unit in Fieldhouse 2 at the woodl sports complex and the waiver of associated permit fees from April shade Youth Baseball can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda so me second any comments roll call please Ty Mr Kaufman yes m n yes Mrs vpy yes Mr whis approve mayor Smith approved approval of the expenditure list Susan thank you our current fund Bill list is 2,767 25260 Utility Fund bill is $323,700 capital fund bill is $248 748 our utility capital is $8,997 to8 trust fund Bill list is $16 16,640 127 and our grant fund Bill list is $ 4,232 And1 I have reviewed the above Bill list as submitted and recommend payment when funds are available make a motion to approve second comments roll call please there Mr cman yes Miss NES yes Mrs VY yes Mr Weis approved mayor SMI approved approval to September 20 24 minutes can I get a motion to approved all so moved second roll call please there Mr cman yes Miss noes yes yes Mrs vpy yes Mr West approved mayor SMI approved this is the public portion of the meeting is there anyone from the public that would wish to address Council how are you this evening hi I'm Jo ber b y r NE I live at 66 South po Avenue here in Maple sheade I've been here before to talk to to you about my um voting experiences at the VFW Post I told you about a voter intimidation sign I've told you that I was given the wrong paper to sign for my party I was required to enter the vote three times before I voted last time I went to vote the computers were down I was asked to come back and in the parking lot I was talking to the two people standing behind me in line and and they said they didn't think they could come back they were clearly dressed for their jobs the one person had two jobs the other person had an extended day that's disturbing um next month is the general election I am not excited about my voting experience at the BFW I ask you again will you please change the voting from the BFW to another place in Maple Shade and also I want to thank you all for the good that you do in our community and I want you to know that you're appreciated thank you thank you you so the two people that um you talked to did come back I was there okay they did come back they were able to vote thank you for telling me that we had problems every everyone in the Burlington County had problems with the machines in primary everyone um we've had classes we actually have holding an open house on the 17th for anybody to come up and get familiar with the machines the county allowed us to bring them here on the 17th from 930 to 2:30 anybody can go on we have a flyer on our website come up here handson get to know the machine that anybody's uncomfortable with them there's other options that you can vote um you can there's early voting you can go early uh there's seven locations throughout BR County it gives you more time to get hands on so it's they're supposed to be taking care of the glitches um that's the counting that sign that you're speaking of we can't make the VFW take it down but they covered they covered up every single election and that's the best we do early on I understand that but there's a new commander and he has been very he's been working with us the problem is there is nowhere else to put these voting machines we have seven at the firehouse we have five here we can't use the schools we don't have ADA Compliant buildings we just are out of places to hold as many districts as Maple Shade has we have 19 districts thank you thank you anyone else excuse me what was your address I I didn't get it 66 South B 66 uh seeing none can I get a motion to close the public portion so me second all in favor I I start with staff and professional comments um I'm going to pick on deputy cuz he usually has the best one and then we can all ride off of that well and I know you're away so we'll give you some I hate to disappoint you our thoughts and prayers go after all those affected in Florida during the recent storms the touch and truck event was held on October 6 it was a beautiful day and it was well attended clean communities will have another cleanup day this Sunday the 13th from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. a you can pick up supplies at the municipal building at 9:00 a.m. and you can contact clean communities at Maple shade.com for more information I know I'm going to jump ahead here but I'm just giving everybody a heads up Saturday October 26 26 will be the Halloween parade and October 31st is Halloween the fall leaf collection schedule is listed on the monthly newsletter that's as short as I get that was good I'll run over to you uh councilman cofman I just want to address the uh fall Lea you know it goes starting now through December don't put your leaves out until it's time to pick up in your District because what happens if you put them out they end up in the street we get rain and it clogs so uh if you can look on the Maple Shade website you'll see when you are able to put your leaves in um but quite honestly if you can and what's really good about it from a sustainable point if you can mulch your own leaves and leave them there on your lawn it help feed your La so think about that as an option as opposed to put the leaves out for pickup which we have to pick up and then there's a cost involved in that so uh that's that's my comment on that mayor thank you thank you councilman councilwoman NOS I do that all the time I get everywh thanks for nothing uh okay I just wanted to talk about just quickly the the poor people in North Carolina and Florida with the last two storms that have gone through and uh if there's any way anyone can help uh to alleviate their stress down there whether it's donations or anything like that you know we have to think about all those have been affected so just prayers go out to them uh all the people who have been fected in every single way so that's all I have to say just you know keep them in your prayers thank you C I just want to just get a little caveat to what Terry talked about how having the um machines up here on the 17th from 9:30 to 2:30 um the county also has the new machines at their County store in the moristown mall and they're they're there every Saturday from 10: to 2 um also um some key dates with regard to voting October 15th which is very quickly approaching is the deadline to register to vote if you're not yet registered October 29th is the deadline to request a vote by mail ballot October 26th through November 3rd is early voting you can go to uh Rowan College at Burlington County College in M Laurel on Route 38 and uh they'll be in the library meeting room Monday through Saturday 10: to 8 and Sunday 10 to 6 so if you think that you may have the possibility that you're not going to be able to make it to the polls on Election Day there is that option to go up and vote early and they do utilize the same machines and it also gives you an opportunity to practice with them if you don't go you know over to moristown or up here so very important make sure everybody's able to vote thank you thank you I just like to chime in uh on Wednesday morning uh myself and a couple employees from up here had the chance to go to the recycling center up in Mount Holly um what an amazing facility uh the efficiency coming out of that building is just it's it's really impressive um you know you've heard us discussing a council meetings uh that the cost of trash removal is going through the roof uh and also that our recycling numbers are down so uh just trying to uh emphasize to our residents that you know we as a town we really need to start recycling uh it helps keeps your taxes in in line um you know it also helps you know save our planet for the the younger Generations coming up after us um so if everyone could just be a little more diligent with the recycling uh and recycle I would appreciate it and the township would appreciate it thank you Susan the anyone have anything nothing you good all right um old business operations thank you uh as you walked into the uh building tonight through the main entrance you may have noticed that by the elevators there was a recycling station sign um so we started that that basically their residents can drop off balloons Halloween costumes and that's where also they can continue with the ongoing plastic bag collection so um the Halloween obviously and the balloons that will change out occasionally the the bags the collection of the bags will stay there um residents are also reminded that all those Amazon mailing bags should not go into your regular recycling that was something that they had you know touched on yesterday um however they can be brought up here up to the building placed in the bin and the more we collect the more we earn towards free Tru benches so that program is still going on although the the number of the the pounds that they have to collect has has gone up but I know those those bins are filled every week I know they're collecting they're it's every morning I'm putting you know pushing down stuff clicking stuff that's been left at the front doors so um you know it's working DPW recently finished Road repair work at the inter section of mild and Spruce Avenue they're going to be working on several other areas in town as well some intersections that they're doing so you'll see them out and about also I know that we touched on Leaf season uh that is quickly approaching curbside leaf pickup Begins the week of November 4th it starts with Zone one and zone two which is Monday trash day Zone one and Tuesday trash collection is zone two crews are not going to be collecting leaves curbside until November 4th um as always there will be two rounds of collection residents not wanting to to wait until the scheduled collection day can bring their bag leaves leave the bags untied to the and they can bring them over to the gpw yard on Cutler Avenue Monday to Saturday um the township newsletter which can be found on our website has a copy of the leaf collection schedule for the year and we'll be putting that out through nixel and then again like on our social media Pages as well uh for business and economic development we're having our business appreciation reception that is scheduled for Monday November 25th so we're asking all business owners uh make sure you're checking your email if you haven't received your invite from our director if not uh please reach out to her and RSVP so that we can plan accordingly last year we had an excellent event we're hoping to do uh and have the same amount this year small Biz bash is also in the planning stages with several businesses already on board to offer discounts specials and a day filled with celebrating all of our small businesses around town There's even going to be a popup vendor Market that Saturday so small business Saturday will be uh definitely a a bustling time around here that's the Saturday after Thanksgiving Saturday after Thanksgiving yep no we touched on it uh about the election machine training that's coming next Thursday October 17th up here definitely want to thank our Township Clerk and my assistant Karen that they were able to do that and secure that so that was big was it was a big deal we were glad I know originally they said they weren't going to and uh they made some calls and said that they would come out so again you know we're encouraging people to come up get to see the machine put hands on it and uh you know figure it out before where they have to go to the polls on the 5th lastly tomorrow I just want to remind everybody that our municipal offices in DPW will be closed for a staff professional development day uh the day is going to be filled with we'll have four or five sessions regarding safety ethics wellness and Leadership and then we conclude with a team building exercise outside of the municipal building so um don't know how many of them are actually looking forward to it but again the morning we'll be spent training um and and learning different things just professional development and then uh tomorrow afternoon we'll do some team building thing and then we'll leave for the weekend so that's all I have thank you Chief thank you mayor uh the shaders feeding shaders School food drive competitions complete uh in total we took in about 850 items from for the Maple Shade Food Bank the school that donated the most items was Howard Yokum school's prek wow jokingly uh amongst uh the principles uh there were some uh banter in reference to somebody stacking the event at the last minute um to win it for the prek but uh either way they win it so our nonprofit the M police chaplain Association will be hosting a pizza party for the prek kids and we'll work that out with PR principal REITs uh in a few weeks once we get closer to uh her time frame and once she wants to do it uh this week on the heels of that we kicked off our fil the truck townwide food drive in conjunction with our local businesses around town uh Misty has been working hard to get the donation containers out and our Flyers uh we'll be putting more information out about that uh as the event draws near with the uh newsletter uh but right now we're every having everything pushed out we're also doing a little bit more in the IP uh down the street which has been very helpful uh last year Eastern Lift and ston hard really came through for us with a good number of donations um you know the number from the shaders feeding shaders school program that's down by over half um so I think that's just reflective of the the current economic situation for a lot of folks which we're sympathetic to uh and part of the reason that we're doing what we're doing um in addition to the townwide food drive which is just everybody being generous to give what they can afford to give we're also doing our youth competition food drive there are prizes out there for this for any of the youth groups that are listening uh or connected to those who are listening $1,000 for first place 750 for second 500 for third 250 for 4th 4 um we will wrap up that event on Wednesday November 14th at the Custard Stand like we've traditionally done again we'll have more information coming out about that but basically anybody who comes to the closing event to drop off uh can go over and get a free water ice from Custard Stand and we'll uh hopefully have our vehicle out there in order to collect up all the donations and run them over to the food bank what day is that to you it's going to be Wednesday uh November 14 the 13th right set Wednesday November 14th I believe that's the date so the 13th is a Wednesday okay it'll be the 13th definitely Wednesday yep okay never mind yeah on September 19th uh Corporal Misty Weiss uh hosted the hope one bus of Burlington County along with the Volunteers of America uh Legacy treatment services in the Agape project in a municipal parking lot off of Brew Baker Lane and North Fork Landing Road uh it's the first time we've hosted the bus in town we've generally have done this activity out along the highway area near the hotels and motels um surprisingly we had about 40 people come up to the bus in that 3our window um we would have stayed longer out there but they had another event to go to after ours so they ended up moving along um Misty's going to be working with them to do another event and since we saw that kind of a response we're going to try to just move it around and see the different locations and what results we get from them but that was pretty beneficial um what folks would get who were stopping up there is connections to addiction treatment Mental Health Services food and security related issues and rental assistance just to name a few uh on Thursday September 26 2024 in the evening hours our agency was contacted about a juvenile victim who was assaulted by other several other juveniles that proceeded to punch and choke him in an effort to steal his high-end bicycle uh this happened at the Wawa on North Fork Landing Road the victim did sustain some minor injuries uh there were numerous recordings of the incident that were brought to the attention of the police uh through the quick work of our Patrol and investigative divisions a 14-year-old suspect was quickly apprehended and subsequently charged with robbery theft assault other charges and he was lodged in the juvenile detention center uh through the course of the investigation had followed two additional 15-year-old juveniles were also identified and charged accordingly the victim's bik was was recovered um these high-end uh BMX bikes with the big wheels the these things are 11 12 $1,300 they are really expensive um when we brought these juveniles in along with their Guardians uh we made it pretty clear to them that accountability and consequences mattered here in Maple shap and um you know that's why they're facing the charges that they're facing it was a pretty uh horrific thing to see and I know our officers were impacted by what they saw and hopefully you know the quick action and work that they did is going to send the message out there that just simply isn't going to be tolerated inle she uh lastly and with Halloween fast approaching just some quick reminders for everybody um you could see it's getting darker quick feels like faster this year than last year uh but you know if the kids are out there in the costumes just remember if they have reflective gear on and lights if they're going to be trick- or- treating into the dark time hours obviously it's great to have some adult supervision there um if you can cross with the kids at the crosswalks the designated crosswalks or at the intersections it's preferable uh what always makes us nervous is when we see the younger kids especially darting out between cars mid block that's very difficult especially as we're going in the dust the dark especially for our older population to be able to make that adjustment visually to see the children uh so again that reflective uh type stuff that's on their costumes would be great um curfew is going to be kicking in uh 8:00 for Mischief Night and 9:00 for Halloween we will be out there enforcing that so we're just asking all the folks at home just to please make sure you know where your kids are and that they're in the house by 8:00 on Mischief Night 9:00 by Halloween uh lastly for the kids who were bringing home the candy I know my parents always had the rule don't eat anything until we have a chance to inspect it and I just remind everybody of that simple rule I know it's hard for the kids to resist sometimes but I'd rather have the par parents getting an eyeball and everything before they eat anything and obviously if they see anything suspicious or they're concerned about it they give us a call 8562 34300 let us know and we'll come out and take a look at it and that is my report awesome thank you Chief appreciate it stepanie mayor site plan site plan yes site plan was pretty full there's an applicant um at the the pizza establishment on Waverly Avenue uh in the little shopping center there and they're just doing a change of ownership while the employees are going to stay the same the one employee is going to become the owner uh so it's a just a matter of him getting a new license Spruce Avenue uh there was they were seeking a determination for pre-existing non-conform duplex and they found out that that was had become a duplex prior to zoning Terrace Avenue um was a subdivision for a garage and a home the garage was a commercial business uh dream world furniture on Route um 38 is is looking to open up a retail furniture store again and that is the store that is next to Palace of Asia uh they were it was suggested to them that they do an awful lot of cleanup before they come in for variance charer Avenue was a variance approval for non nonconforming oversiz garage uh they're going to come in for Zoning for variance for that that and the last was uh the PS substation on Route 73 North they had come into site plan two or three months prior with a proposal to um finish what they wanted to do and be closer to Route 73 than any other business on 73 on the North side and we suggest Ed to them that they go back and uh look at things and they said that they know they wouldn't be able to move the electric because it was underground it was close toout 73 it would be a matter of changing multiple things and we suggested that they tried to do that because we didn't want the isore and they came back with a remarkable uh upgrade to what they're going to do and it's going to be very attractive uh it'll be set back um it's very very nice application and that's it fantastic thank you moving on to new business we do I have just two quick items uh one is Teran I just wanted to let you know that we're going to go ahead and send out the rfps for uh next year for our professionals they'll go start to go out on the 21st of October they'll be advertised on the 24th and then back on the 14th of November so just some dates there to remember and then the other was I received a request from the school district um I'm sure as everybody has heard uh the turf is basically complete now it is a rush to get the track done before their homecoming game on the 19th um they are requesting that the um not requesting he's going to be working on Saturday the V the contractor is going to be working on Saturday if they need Saturdays I gu if they need Sunday they're seeking permission if they could please work on Sunday he asked for 7:00 I told him 7 was not going to be good they're asking for like 9 to 5 if that's possible um I did ask you know what else is what needs to be done is there going to be a lot of noise is there going to be a lot of construction equipment at this point there will not be um but they could use that extra day if need be um I said I would ask and let's see an isue with that 9 to5 is better than seven yeah seven seven Seven's too early right so if everybody is okay I'll let the school know and then if they need to use it they will still tell us if they do so we can put something out um to the residents and I have asked that they obviously make the residents aware along there what time are they working on Saturday Saturday they'll work um 8 is where they're going to start well that's within the guidelines anyway that's everything it's it was the Sunday really that just a su yeah so I think that's perfectly fine okay that's all I have under new business fantastic anyone else have anything we do not need to go back into closed correct we weren't even in there that being said I'm looking for a motion to adjourn until the next council meeting which is scheduled for October 24th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. second all in favor all right thank you everyone for coming