##VIDEO ID:n-ltq68-u60## yep you're good all right we're going to start with the uh open Board of Health meeting Su we have one uh report for the open Board of Health meeting it was one dog bite the owner was bit by the dog the end of it there cing easy enough this is a uh open public meeting does anyone have anything they'd like to mention in reference to the Board of Health meeting seeing none can I get a Mot to close second all in favor I and a motion to adjourn the public uh excuse me the Board of Health meeting so may second all in favor I all right ordinances second reading and public hearing ordinance 20244 B ordinance providing for various 2024 General Capital Improvements by and in the township of Maple Shade in the county of Burlington state of New Jersey appropriating $3,140 th000 therefore including cluding two grants in the aggregant amount of $445,900 and authorizing the issuance of $2,565 600 in bonds or notes to finance part of the cost thereof this is an open public meeting does anyone from the public have anything I'd like to say in reference to that ordinance saying none can I get a motion to close so made second all in F oh excuse me comments all in favor I I I can I get a motion to adopt May second any comments Moll call please T Mr Kaufman yes Miss NES yes Mrs VY yes Mr whis approved mayor Schmid approved ordinance number 20 24-15 Boden ordinance providing for various 2024 utility improvements by by and in the township of Maple Shade and the county of Burlington state of New Jersey appropriating $3 million therefore including including a grant in the amount of $850,000 and authorizing the issue of $2,475 bonds are notes to finance part of the cost thereof once again this is an open public meeting anyone from the public have anything they'd like to say in reference to ordinance number 24-15 please Robert Turner 17 South Fellowship these improvements here you just mentioned anything in there appropr the water B system for better fire protection we still have any any is any any progress being made on that so in this ordinance for this one is the utility these are all utility infrastructures one will include the Kings Highway water plant that will be able to be able to supply better infrastructure for that's not quite what I was getting I was considering the water Ms it really won't flow a lot of water for fire anything for that yet so yes so that is part of all of it that is improvements to our water mains improvements to our sewer infrastructure is all included in that yes all right that's important yes hope you guys take care of it [Applause] absolutely anyone else from the public seeing none can I get a motion to close second comments all in favor I and I get a motion to adopt so moveed second any comments roll call please T Mr Kaufman yes Miss noes yes Mrs VY yes Mr whis approved mayor Schmid approved ordinance number 20 24-16 reappropriation ordinance of the township of Maple Shade in the county of burington state of New Jersey providing for various capital and utility improvements and reappropriate 2,514 341.50 seeing none can I get a motion to close second comments all in favor I can I get a motion to adopt so moved second uh comments roll call please Ty Mr Kaufman yes Miss n yes Mrs vpy yes Mr whis approved May approved this is the public portion of the meeting for the consent agenda items any members of the public wishing to speak in reference to the consent consent excuse me consent agenda items please come forward now seeing none can I get a motion to close second all in favor I all right consent agenda resolution 2024 r-44 resolution in support of amendments to act PL 2019 C period 209 known as Paul's law resolution 2024 r-14 45 resolution amending professional service agreement with Donald M dty Esquire resolution 2024 d-146 resolution authorizing the transfer of excess and unclaimed bicycles from Maple shet Police Department to pedals for Progress resolution 2024 r-47 resolution authorizing establishment of lean for property maintenance for Block 35 lot 1.01 resolution 2024 r148 resolution authorizing establishments of lean for property maintenance for Block one Lot 10 resolution 2024 d-49 authorized Engineering Services of Remington and vernic Engineers for Park a waste water treatment plant screw pump repairs on number three resolution 2024 r-150 authorized Engineering Services of Remington and verick Engineers for Main Street wood plant well number 12 repairs resolution 2024 r-11 amend contract with think pavers hardscaping LLC for the roadway pavement restoration project which was North Cedar and Alexander Avenues and approved change order number one resolution 2024 r152 resolution requesting approval of items of Revenue and appropriation njsa 4A col 487 the opioid settlement proceeds resolution 2024 r153 resolution requesting permission from the dedication by Ryder for animal control fund resolution 2024 r154 resolation adopting the Oprah application form established by the government records Council in accordance in accordance with PL 2024 comma C period 16 resolution 2024 R -155 resolution authorizing establishments excuse me yeah establishment of lean for property maintenance for Block 113 lot 1.01 resolution 2024 r156 resolution authorizing establishment of lean for property maintenance for Block 204 lot 14 in resolution 2024 r157 resolution authorizing establishment of lean for property maintenance block nine lot 10.01 can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda so second any comments never I have comments you go first all right in regards to our first resolution Paul's law Paul is in the audience with us tonight yes you are and I have been involved with Paul's law since its Inception uh his mom's there today too Colleen um these two folks have worked tirelessly not only here in New Jersey but across the country and uh I'm proud to say that I've been involved somewhat um did have an opportunity to go to the first signing the governor's few years ago I guess it was but uh congratulations Colleen and Paul once again um excellent excellent job thank you also mayor I just add with that this this one makes it so it's mandatory for two years that they have to they have to be retrained for every two years so that they're up on the newest procedures with dealing with they seizures to the original Law because when newers retire information to when it changes it needs to be updated so we can keep the 12,000 kids in New Jersey safe and we're actually working on Federal wonderful I sent yes great good job thank you fantastic thank you if I could I just wanted to clarify a couple things um there were some questions I know that came up regarding uh resolution 154 and the new Oprah laws um on Tuesday this past or last Tuesday September 3rd the new Oprah law was into effect and we are required to adopt the state's form for that so this was something this is not trying to come up with a new form um unfortunately the state has changed some things they've made things a little bit easier but they've also put some restrictions on a lot of commercial businesses that come in and they look for um they they basically put our Clerk and our staff to work to do all of their research for so that was what the oer record Act is for um and I did want to get back to the gentleman about the water infrastructure I apologize the ordinance that you had asked specifically the ordinance does state that the bonds for that in the utility and just wanted to get to you we are putting um $970,000 for various improvements to sanitary sewer Wastewater Treatment System including but not limited to the replacement of our sewer Mains acquisition and installation of a sewer system televising program as well so it will cover the infrastructure for water and sewer the step in the right direction absolutely so thank you all righty um so I need uh roll call please there yes sir Mr Kaufman yes Miss Nunes yes Mrs vpy yes Mr whis approved mayor Schmidt approved excuse me approval of expenditure list Susan thank you current current fund Bill list is 5,1 159,900 Bill list is $438,900 our utility capital is $ 53,3 4279 the trust fund is $434 7341 and our grant fund Bill list is $1 14,15 65 we want to make mention that the bill list includes a $109 million County tax payment a $2.6 million to the school uh to the schools for their school taxes that's about $4.5 million of the current fund of that 5.1 million the other $600,000 in expenses because the bill is it's I wanted to explain because it's so high uh there's $156,000 in a 2019 Bond ordinance that were required statuto to make our payment now $136,000 in insurances $46,000 to the county for recycling and tipping fees 42,000 in solid waste removal 40,000 in disposal 12,000 in fuel and 18,000 in gas and electric so it's about 450,000 remaining of the 600,000 so that left us with about 150,000 for repairs supplies um other maintenance items that we've had to do to the building I did have an opportunity obviously to review all the bill list as submitted and I do recommend payment when funds are available perfect thank you to approve the expenditure list second comments roll call please D Mr Coffman yes Miss NES yes Mrs Alie yes Mr we approved mayor's SM approved approval of August 2024 minutes make that motion second comments roll call please D Mr Coffman yes is news yes Mrs VY yes Mr West approved mayor Schmid approved this is a public meeting this is the public portion does anyone have anything they'd like to bring up to council Mar R 200 East Road just a quick question regarding the expenditure could you explain what the grant fund is yes Grant fund Bill list was 14,1 15965 so out of those we'll pay uh different grants that we have been awarded that that those monies out it might be uh clean communities it might be sustainable monies um so anything that's been awarded to us as a grant we have to keep that separate so that's what those payments are for okay thank you you're welcome uh hi I'm Emily Wallace I live at 453 Alexander a um next Tuesday on September 17th at 9: a.m. the Burlington County Library commission will consider cutting our community's library hours this commission wants to close our library on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:00 P p.m. in 2025 if they go through with this decision Maple Shades Library hour will no longer have comparable hours to our neighboring municipalities libraries please consider attending this meeting with me to let the commission know that we do not want to lose these Services because we value our local library um the link to the meeting is found on the county library website it's on Zoom at 9:00 a.m. and I'll email this link to you all directly I hope to see you there uh thank you can I Emily can I ask you a question is that just you said it's just Maple Shade they're shutting um they're going to consider closing our library hours or that's what I'm saying just changing the just Maple Shade no other ones within the county they weren't clear on those that they might be considering pton as well but they did not they weren't very forthcoming about more information I had actually found out about it from sustainable and when they told me about their meeting times and I had asked I had inquired to the library and to the county and I was told that they are considering two others pton is one of them um and then here it was just the Tuesday and Thursday evenings that they were considering and it's based on at least what they told me then which was a couple months ago was based on um employment not having enough people to work and then of course the actual flow of of people but it didn't sound like they were really certain that they were going to do it I guess there was a lot of of support to not do it so hopefully um if you could send me that link because they were supposed to include me in it and they did not I did ask to sit in on the meeting so I would be what are the other two it's pton and who else us they didn't us but they didn't tell me who the other was they when I had asked downstairs they said that there were three Al together us Pon and one other but they weren't sure and apparently downstairs wasn't given a lot of information either so cool I appreciate you listening thanks thank you anyone else seeing none oh I'm sorry here she comes how are you yeah she got new glasses uh Jo Mortimer at 39 Lancy Road uh I'm here on behalf of Main Street Maple shave uh we do have our holiday festival coming up I understand it's been set for December 7 14 14th December 14 14th from 4 to 7 p.m. now um I was not at the council meeting last month when they had the preliminary discussion about it uh nor at the planning meetings that they've had since then however I did go on YouTube and I saw a caption of what was discussed about it and I was very surprised that the council felt that this was a fundraiser for mle sh okay it is definitely not a fundraising event in fact I brought figure sheets for you that you can pass around to everyone now I can kind kind of understand why there might have been a little bit of a confusion because in years past prior to co and years past where we didn't have some amounts of money coming in we are doing a lot of fundraising of course on a monthly basis at the Holiday Fest we used to charge for all our activities like we used to charge for our pony rides we used to charge for the ferris wheel we used to charge for the tree since Co we have not done any of that because we have been raising our own money and we have those activities which are free now for the community so of course from the left hand side you can see all our cost for the event 11,500 some dollar and on the right hand side you can see the income that we had coming in which is 8700 some dollars so can see we were in red it was minus over $3600 this was for 2023 you said yes this was for last year and we're not even talking any other expenses now as far as the minus 3667 you might as well minus another 1,500 for this year because we did we are not receiving $3,000 from home it will only be $1,500 so I definitely want the council to understand this is not a fundraising event in any way shape or form this is something that we want to do for our community and we do it every year and we don't mind we get volunteers to help us and um we're trying to work out between the council and the township for our police of course that have to be there and the number one priority that we would like that we have talked about is for the road to be closed our number one priority in this Township has to be for the safety of our residents you have one child step out onto that street being it not being closed and that is not worth any dollars in the world to lose someone like that safety has to be our number one priority also the businesses on our main street we are here from them for them okay our president and our executive director walked the Main Street and found out that they normally there's nine businesses that are open on that particular Deb 11 more have committed to be open on that particular day so now we have 20 businesses that have agreed and they we looking into having some specials or maybe some hot chocolate or something for the public so we're planning it to be a very nice event now sad to say and I want you to realize why this is important I don't know if anyone else knows this but it is official now we are losing Urban promise we're losing our big corner on for L gr and when Mr anelli met with the people in charge of urban promise one of the things they said to us why is it the township having these big activities like they had before when they would CL the road and they could have been referring to the Holiday Fest they could have been referring to the sidewalk sale but these are the big days for our businesses and of course during the holiday hopefully people are going to shop so I am asking you to close Main Street close it down and of course I EMP to you it is not a fundraiser for nle shap now in terms of funding the police and the public works department I don't know what's been worked out because I wasn't at those meetings now in terms of the police my big question to you is and no F Chief because we admire the men in blue and the women in blue why Earth don't we have reserved policemen anymore because I remember them from years ago they used to step in on occasions like this and save money when we were having these particular events can we pull some of the retired people people from the school system that are there right now maybe it would save us a little bit of money but I mean we have to kind of think in terms outside the box we'll put it that so if I just may and I know Council already knows this because we've been going back and forth I heard from Diane your president on Tuesday she had sent me an email I did respond back to her about everything um and I appreciate this this was the first time she had sent me 2023 so I was able to look at that um I did notify her that Main Street that last year the township Township was always given $4,000 to wor to offset costs in 2023 we did the same thing we encumbered the funds but Main Street had never given us the receipts because it has to be reimbursable so currently there's $4,000 sitting from 2023 ready to go that will help towards your cost for this year so technically you weren't in the red from in 2023 you would have had our $4,000 as well so it's there I have asked Diane for the for the receipts if she who paid for the police last year so the police we paid for them that was something so the offer was made last year that we would forego that to close the roadway to do that to do 4,000 we' take that $4,000 I've again done the same thing and said listen you're going to have $4,000 from 2023 that will help you with your cost this year I understand that you're losing home in so you'll have that to go through this year if Main Street would be willing to forgo the $4,000 reimbursable funds we'll put that towards the cost and I've asked Council we'll cover the cost now that we know that there's not going to be a full parade so we don't have to cover all those hours and whatnot Township will be we can be in a position to be able to do a closure of the road way I still have to talk to Chief of Police we do a closure of the roadway we'll cover just as we offered last year DPW and the remaining amount of what it cost for the police department so it would just be that $4,000 reimbursable amount but you are going to get 20 23s which haven't which hasn't been issued yet because we didn't have the um the receipts so it is very very doable Council has been very well aware like I said Diane has the email I'm just waiting to hear back from your group um but I wanted you to see oh and I appreciate it like I said it was the first time I had seen it on we on Tuesday yeah yeah so I do appreciate it okay thank thank you much and it was actually a part of my uh report already tonight to go back from last year yes all right um anyone else from the public seeing none can I get a motion to close so second all in favor I start with some staff and professional comments um sure Mr Nelson has something very good for us but as usual we'll start with councilman Kaufman thank you mayor I have nothing that was easy skip Nelson because he's up and walking around Sandy I think you had the same as Mr caufman I I heard I did I did want to thank uh the VFW for hosting such a wonderful event uh it was good to see everybody we had uh a lot of people support and I app everyone appreciates each other here so just a a big thank you to everybody who was involved in getting that together and for the community coming out and supporting so that that's all I have and Happy fall you like to go or would you like Nelson to go first Mr your mayor everyone's relying on you wow lot of pressure no pressure there lot of pressure uh special thanks to Jen Nixon um and the bedc for the new event they created Market off Main which was held Saturday August 24th on Wallace Avenue behind the Gazebo Park it's always nice to see a new event created for the residents of Maple Shade piggy back on Sandy Maple Shade VFW Post 2445 had their annual clam bake this past Saturday and in spite of a few raindrops it was a great success those who Chuck Clans probably didn't think so but uh that was dry I know and I didn't want to mention his name uh thank you to all who helped out with the clan bake and all who attended the maple Shay Business Association in conjunction with the bedc held the Saturday September 7th car show because a prediction of inclement weather on Sunday September the 8th last Sunday which was a good decision because it was a great weather day it brought out approximately 80 of the finest of our local car collector Specialties it was held in the parking lot on Brew breaker Avenue which refer to which we refer to as the Acme parking lot or more recently the parking lot behind T and Elli we want to thank everyone who came out to show off their pride and joy and Our intention is to do it again next year the date and location will be determined the first presidential debate was televised this past Tuesday night and for those of you that were on the fence as to who to vote for this debate could have helped to sway your decision the importance of me mentioning it tonight is that you really need to make a decision and it's critical that you get out to vote and I say this all the time it's your Duty it's your obligation to get out the vote if you don't get out the vote you really shouldn't complain who gets in if you don't like them aside from the uh banter back and forth a side note is you should probably keep your pets fenced in or at least secured just saying tomorrow evening will be another movie in the park night at wood long field beginning at 8:00 P.M and finally this Sunday is our second annual Pizza Fest from noon until 300 p.m Outdoors at the Olden Cafe on Main Street for tickets and more detailed information visit www.th thinkmap shade.com SL Pizza Fest it's being sponsored by the Canon Corporation Fox metal Apartments uh I said it's from 12:00 to 3: and there will be uh at least seven of our pizza producers here in Maple Shade there and maybe some others so it's supposed to be a beautiful day take advantage of it hope to see you all there I have information on the pizza Fest I I have some of them too I actually have more than one if anybody would like one they're welcome that's uh that's it for me Mary that is plenty I thank you can yeah I just wanted to comment on the car show was a beautiful day it was H I was happy it was moved to that Sunday because that car was not coming out of the garage on Saturday and I don't know I was just so impressed there was this little blue car there called a Crossley I don't know if any of you ever heard of it but I talked to this man must been for a half hour and he educated me on the car and also the simple fact that when you have historic license plates apparently there is a statute in there that you have to do education with regard to having that and he said we just lived up to one of the tenants of having this historic plate because I have certainly educated you on the car and I actually said to him if I had a vote for that car show I would have voted for his car over mine so he very was very very nice and I hope to see him at Pence Hawkins so um this was my f the next subject is the clan bake it was my first one ever it was great great the food was great the company was great the music was great we had a great time so if you get a chance to get it go next year please go the VFW does wonderful things for the township and go out and party for a day it was great and that's it awesome thank you obviously I'll ditto everything everyone said and would like to really thank the uh the um vendors and the like govern the volunteers thank you holy CRA day day uh the helped with the car show it was a lot bigger than we expected moving the date we figured we would lose about 25% of the cars which is about what we lost so um looking forward to do it a little bigger and a little better next year so thank you all right uh old business oh yeah actually Ty do you can you go over that voting yes um I just want to take a minute to obviously November is voting time again so a couple dates October 15th is the voter registration deadline for the general election October 23rd they're mailing the sample ballots for the general election October 26 through November 3rd is early voting um and all the information we have on our Township website on the popup uh it's a wealth of information it has videos on how to vote it shows you exactly how to maneuver the the new machines um we learned today we went to an open house uh we learned today that the Bron County corner store at the moristown mall has machines there every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. anybody that wants to go pole workers if they want to go and and get on the machine get familiar with it uh voters anybody that's interested that's a good thing to do get familiar with the thing that way you know there going to be lines it's a presidential you know what you're doing when you go in so that that's really really um important what would the time start Saturday Satur every Saturday from now till election day 10:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. 2 p.m. thank you now that's at the mown mall it's um between Cooper health and um italianos Maplewood restaurant s entrance it's right in there what was the second day the second day first one was October 15th second one was 23rd 23rd that's the ballots are out do you know when vote by mail are coming out the the deadline to apply no no when when they when they'll be sending out the vote by mail usually we get it before the November 4th is the deadline in person both my mail applications I think it's September September 20 September 20th 2 September um also on the popup it it shows you where your polling locations are it has a voting district map register to vote um vote by mail information early voting locations The Ballot Box location so please look at our um our website it's right on the pop up is when you first go in plan your vote uh it's very important the other thing we learned today which is uh interesting it's a change from the primary is when you go into a district um that has multiple districts you don't have to go to your District anymore you go in you go to anyone that has the eole book in front of them and you can register anywhere in that District so hopefully that will will get people moving and it won't be we're trying to get the the lines down so um educate yourself it's coming thank you awesome thank you for that Terry um operations so thank you our miscellaneous roadway restoration project was completed the week of August 19th you heard me speak about that a couple times it was Cedar Avenue and uh the 500 block of Alexander we're currently working on getting pricing for a project on South popper an additional road work to County Avenue will hopefully be awarded next week awarded in the next week uh 20 on August 28th we met with Jason Kaplan of Kaplan companies and spoke with him regarding a mixed use Redevelopment project he would like to bring to Maple Shade Kaplan companies is a family-owned developer with over 70 years of experience and over 200 2.5 million square feet of commercial and Retail Holdings as well as 4500 apartment units located throughout the Eastern United States they create smart growth communities and follow a Redevelopment model that balances social economic and an environmental mindset they're currently doing some due diligence within our community and we're looking forward to hearing back with them back from them probably within like the next 60 days we should hear from them design work is currently being done in the 700 block of East woodlon this is going to be addressing some drainage and a a roadway wash out that we've had that we've had there we have awarded the and going to be doing some sidewalk work in the area of Howard Yokum school this work will include crosswalk improvements as well we don't have a date for that yet we have a pre-construction meeting for the Maple Shade food bank that's going to take place on Monday the 16th RMV has submitted an NJ doot application for North Terrace Avenue so I expect to hear from them or at least from the dot by the end of the month hopefully beginning of October I'm also proud to report that we've finally been able to close out the Collins Lane in North Kohl's NJ do project finally um that was a labor of love and extremely intensive the last couple months we've gone back and forth with the do um R&V was critical in that in helping us with that as you know we were at risk to lose it um to lose that funding based on uh previous actions that had that had taken place um but it is closed we have gotten the uh affirmative response from the dot that they have approved everything so now we will be reimbursed which is which is huge so thank you to them uh Dennis and his team really pulled through for us so um CME recently issued the bid specification for the Collins Lane lighting project that bid opening is scheduled for this Tuesday September 17th remember that's a lowlevel lighting we're not putting big Stadium lights up it's just lowl lighting to give extra security there to give a little bit light to the path um hopefully it'll be helpful for the police department you know at night time as well uh we completed our storm water prevention plan program filing finally as well so that was good um as I've been discussing that under the updated ms4 requirements issued by the D all municipalities are required to adhere to the reporting timelines and other storm water m Management Programs we are now 100% in compliance uh which that again was a huge task as well we're going to be reviewing a proposal for the development and maintenance of an ms4 infrastructure map that is now required um by the DP we have some more reporting that will need to be completed by January of 2026 so we'll be able to review their proposal get that started it's a lot of mapping infrastructure mapping that has to be done things that we just don't have but that we're required to have um all of our compliance items are up on our web page as well under the SP tab DPW has continued their work throughout town on several different projects they recently completed repainting several crosswalks in the area they've assembled and installed new bleachers at the Main Street the Main Street Soccer Complex they also finished the grooming of the turf field and are going to be working with the vendor to address some other issues that have come up with the turf um the turf was installed back in 2013 round so you know a normal turf field is normally anywhere between 8 to 10 years of lifespan band we've hit that Mark um on average it could be up to 15 some can last 25 when you have the better Turf um so we are working with the vendor that's going to come through hopefully uh once the seasons are over and we're going to be doing some repair work to that as well um we painted the pole over at the soccer complex to now we're just waiting on the um on the new sign so that should be within the next week and then that will be up we will have done the work to the main street soccer complex um as Mrs Mortimer had uh reported I was just going to follow up from our last meeting regarding the closing of Main Street as we've discussed and as I've provided you the information I believe that this this is doable I know I still have to speak to the Police Department chief and I have to catch up just on how many officers are going to be there um but as you know it is my recommendation that we close we can make the financial part of it work knowing now that we do not have a um full parade going I I think that it's very doable so if council is agreeable to that once I get all the numbers um I'd like to be able to put on on the agenda next meeting for the closure of the roadway if it works so uh lastly on our financial end uh with tonight's adoption of the capital ordinances and the reappropriation of former year funds that ranged back from 2009 to basically we had one from 2019 it wasn't but most of that money the reappropriation was from 2009 through like 2017 it was money the taxpayers that we fonded that taxpayers have already paid for so we've been able to reapo rate some of that um some of that money um we are going to start some of our larger capital projects so we have refurbishing of the jail cells three additional road projects storm water infrastructure departmental Capital items so we're set in a really good place um also to mention as of today we are 69.95 per of the way through the year so um we've expended just about 66% of our operating budget our department heads have all been given the heads up that our annual voluntaries spending freeze will be coming very soon uh and it's on the horizon so they're going to they've been taking a hard look at what their needs are for the next three months to set us up so this way we can go into January and February and be prepared um you know when we have to do our uh our temporary budget and that's all I have oh that's all some for my Activity thank you and thank you to all the uh employees that help make all that possible Chief thank you mayor uh Custer with a cop was hosted on Thursday August 29th from 6:30 to 7:30 by corpal Misty Weiss who's our Community Affairs officer and Rob Bennett who's our school resource officer along with Captain Brian W and our Soo team at the municipal complex served ice cream hot dogs and other snacks and gave away backpacks to those students in need they had several hundred kids and their parents showed up and it was great ready to bring the community and the police together uh it's always very well received and we always get a lot of positive feedback from that event think we I Chief I interrupt I think we were just under 900 cones this year it was a lot of Icey said I was on vacation so Misty Tex was a lot of ice cream yeah but it it's we try to keep the distribution list small in the school district so we're only really pulling in our Maple Shade kids um because that's one that could go quickly off the rails and we only have a limited supply of what we have so we try to take care of the Maple Shade students as best we can um school started our team's been out in force around each and all the schools doing their best to keep everyone safe and force the drop off and pickup patterns uh to be clear the school district each of the building principal sends out a letter to the parents and they give them the pattern of drop offs which is what we try to work with them to enforce uh in addition you know unfortunately we had another school shooting situation happen and then we had uh one of our local news Affiliates put out a somewhat confusing uh header to a store story that caused a lot of Heartache for the school district to have to F the phone calls I know the superintendent was reaching out to our team but we were already out there in force um so you know we're just going to keep our presence up really just addressing a number of things traffic concerns obviously dress addressing a pick up and drop off and and just making sure that everybody is comfortable and safe when we're out there it gives our officers a chance to high five the kids coming in the school kind of set the tone for the day hopefully with a positive environment so we'll continue continue that for the next few weeks uh I don't know if anybody's heard yet but the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission is releasing new temporary tags for vehicles that are going to be going out hitting the dealership so that should have started around the second week of August um the current tags will remain to be issued up until November 1st and then after that it will only be the new registration tags they look very similar I have a picture here but it's kind of smaller they have some uh features added to them like a hologram and things that make them difficult to copy um there's certain States whose temporary tags are a lot of cars and they're fraudulent so New Jersey is doing a pretty good job of trying to dial that in because this stuff is happening sometimes at the dealership level so New Jersey's pretty specific about what they're looking to do to stop that from happening at that dealership level um next I'll report on following a series of reports that uh were made to the police department in reference to peeping Tom incidents taking place at the fox meow apartment complex during mid to late August our Patrol Division did a great job putting an operation together uh during the uh late night and overnight hours they ended up locating a subject uh who was detained and through their on-site investigation uh found him responsible for four incidents so he was charged accordingly with four peering incidents uh the investigation still continuing I want to just recognize Sergeant Turner and officer o Conor who who were instrumental and putting that together and apprehending the individual they did a great job and I appreciate them taking a lead on the incident for the Department Monday our shaders feeding shaders food program is kicking off so what that is is that's our food drive that we run within the school district uh Misty just sent me an email today everything is set up and ready to roll for the 16th so we'll start that uh on the heels of that event that's when we will spin up our townwide food drive that we do and we usually do that in partnership with the Business Association and also we will spin that up for the Youth competition that we do as well uh we will go back out with the same prizes $1,000 for first place 750 for second 500 for third 250 for fourth so for our Sports programs out there uh that food drive will be coming up we'll get the flyer out with all the dates locked down shortly but I just wanted to announce that everybody is aware that we will be kicking off the food drives and then we'll also announce where we're going to wrap it up this year we usually wrap it up at the Custard Stand um and offer up free water rice to anybody who's dropping off donations so we appreciate that um the last thing I just wanted to cover is I met with Chief hudnell today from Mount Laurel if you were not aware of what happened in Mount Laurel it is uh a traffic nightmare over there right now they had pole in the area uh of 73 in Fellowship go down it took down a series of other polls oh oh my god um they have pretty much a major detour going on around the 73 uh Fellowship area uh 295 the turnpike has restricted access right now I would tell you to go on to mount Laurel's uh Facebook page just to look for updates they also said they would put stuff out on their nixel I know before I came up here the officers were telling me our our calls are getting delayed because we're getting H hung up in traffic because traffic is backing up around the area and naturally everybody is looking for the way around on their GPS to figure out how do I get around this situation uh one of my guys was coming in to hit the gym to work out before work and he said it was it was just too backed up he had to jump off and then ended up coming in here to work out instead but he said the traffic is really backed up up there should be winding down as we go through the night um but he said the way that this situation unfold it is a significant traffic issue so I just want to alert everybody plan ahead you know look at what your alternate routes are um to go down to meet with him at his station I actually just went down through Morristown and popped over on 38 and that was fine but if you come back to that 73 area you can expect some issues was there an accident or the uh there was a crash uh and the individual ended up taking out this poll and in the PSC and World sometimes there's a few polls you just can't hit that was that PO oh my God and it has just caused a uh a series of events take place which are not good right um so he has Department of Transportation and New Jersey state police involved helping him out over there obviously uh they were just making us aware of what was going on so we could pass that information on the all of you and that's my report when do they think that'll be resolved uh unknown date at this point in time yeah I I if I have to project something like that this could go a couple of days in order to get everything I don't know how many polls are down over there but uh it's it's bad and uh generally when they put something out to us in the way that they did then you know it's a pretty significant event that we're dealing with awesome they've been announcing on the local news by 7 o'clock tomorrow morning yeah I somebody's pulling that out of some place I I I couldn't even answer where that's coming from at 2:30 this afternoon um they did not have answers yet on where things were going but uh he just wanted to make sure we were in the loop as what was happening you see all those bucket trucks out there a Wonder they're not tangled up yeah gota you gota you got to be really careful with that high voltage you're talking I think it's 69,000 volts on the top line up there it will melt through asphalt and um you know it's something you got to be really careful about so you know we're steering clear of the area but unfortunately if we get called out that way um there's a good chance it could be a little bit of a delayed response just cuz we're dealing with the same traffic as everybody else when we responding the thing so unless it's a lights and Sirens situ situation we're going to be in a flow of traffic with everyone else got to get the helicopter out you ordered your new helicopter didn't you Scott W is a pilot yeah this is true um thank you Chief thank you um site plan Mr uh Deputy Mayor site plan was pretty busy this month um there was an application for a residential home on Martin Avenue uh was for a variance to had a porch on the front of their house they are going to or have gone to um zoning and I don't know the status of that 300 South Lola Road what we refer to as the Acme shopping center was an application for a vacant unit that was in the past assurance and insurance agency and they want to convert it to a dance studio 3120 Route 73 North is vacant land which would be north of High Street and just past the Suburban propane gas company um the folks own the the vacant property it's been unused for years and years Palace of Asia uh owners have bought the property uh there're the folks that also bought Fant fontanas and mle Hill restaurant uh and they have interest in building a large catering facility at that location uh 701 705 East Main Street is the Maple Hill restaurant that was recently purchased by the folks that own Palace of Asia and they offered a concept plan reviewing a concept plan review for exterior improvements to the property and finally 447 Route 38 is the old K bridal store on Route 38 eastbound that is looking for approval to open a cannabis dispensary known as high-profile Maple Shade LLC that was it that's all huh all right thank you Deputy Mayor um back to our fun topic of solid waste yep so Solid Waste I've started the bid specification for it hopefully get that out that'll be done hopefully by the end of the month I can send that up to the state to have them review it uh and look however this part of solid waste is also discuss to discuss our Max program which is our apartment complexes and our condominium complexes um we are at believe it or not I none of us could believe we are at our three-year Mark um that is just well it's actually next June but in terms of solid waste it's now um and we have agreed collectively as all of the towns that we are going to stay with the same collector um they've been doing a a pretty decent job is what it is their collection rate is just about just about 97 98% um which is good in in the world of collection believe it or not so uh we are going to stay with them we're going to award them a one-year contract um and just stay another one-year contract on on top of the three years so um so that would be it so we will be good solid waste that way with our with our apartment complexes and our Condominiums it's just we are still working on the one for uh residential service so and those prices are going up quickly so I want to get that out um hope behind that too is obviously you know the company that's here now we're hoping that they bid um you know that they stay in town knowing that they have these other towns and everything around so that's it all right well thank you um do we have any new business we have on here is is the easement but I don't think it doesn't need to be discussed on that one um I I see what's been presented but I don't know if Dennis yod received the uh storm order calculations okay I don't see him copied on that letter so we just need to follow up on okay so that will be it I'll follow up with Dennis tomorrow then and ask him and then list it for the next agenda okay and then Council I as soon as I get those I will forward those to you in addition to what you already have please thank you okay the only other uh new business that I wanted to make mention is that we have been notified that Huntsman site down on uh 73 has been repurchased and reacquired by a PO R USA so apparently it is the same saw that sign yeah H um the Huntsman CC CBC yes so um they're looking to get in there they've reached out to uh the State Fire Marshal because there's some open uh some open violations on the building that they were unaware of but they have acquired the site and they're going to be going in there so um continuing the same same same business yeah same what it called poly po Rio p o l y r poo p o l y r h e o USA so I Googled them and tried to get a fonetic of spelling of I probably a combination of jointure of two names yeah I guess so I have an email into them anyway just to introduce myself and say hey it would be great to meet you to have our staff meet as well and to come before board just to say hello um I haven't heard anything back so very good thank you councelor there's no reason to go back in the close correct that's correct all right so at that being said I'd like to make a motion to adjourn until the next council meeting which is scheduled for September 26th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. so second all in favor I I thank you everyone for coming