and thank you for sharing that press what were you doing you stab yourself in the mouth I'm at a higher table because my kitchen's hotter than the dining room so I just all right ready go we're ready to go okay all right so thank you all for being here for our July Public Safety Committee meeting um we will get the party started with um business minister for awaring and it's ort office emergency thank you uh we are looking at a what's projected to be a very active hurricane season this year so that's been the topic at recent OEM meetings and with utilities so uh we discussed it at length and they had a couple policy experts at the last OEM meeting with the county and we had some calls with utilities who were also preparing for anactive uh or season and you know what our response should be so that's something we're always keeping an eye on along with the heat which we've seen had have a lot of very hot days recently we've been you know putting out pretty frequent communication to the public about cooling centers and pool openings and what to do if you're you're experiencing heat stroke or heat exhaustion fortunately we haven't had to open any cooling centers to date but we have had a lot of use out of the pool which is always good so those are the the two things we'll be watching I'm sure for the next couple weeks that is the OEM report awesome did the um or I guess Chief I don't know if you heard anything have you heard anything back in regards to um the numbers like the changing it from four to eight instead of all day has that helped with some of the pressure on the staff yes I mean because for the same reason the the public wants to go to the pool you know we have um exhausted lifeguards are out in the sun in this heat uh patio staff managers and so we're trying to you know manage that as well and the public so far has been very responsive as have our guards you know it seems like with this 4 to eight and it could shift different days depending on what our stopping looks like and what maybe the public need looks like but right now we've received just positive feedback which is good P Mr jul is in the waiting room I just moved him over okay and time for him to give his report welcome Mr DeLuca how you doing doing well oh you're outside you're a bold Soul it's hot oh no he's down the shore stop so we have moved on to the next portion our uh scfd report um so the uh the tally of incidents from January through May is sort of On Target it's about 2,000 and which makes sense because we're you know somewhere around 5,000 for the year so uh again the you know the majority uh 35% is EMS and um as far as building fires uh cooking fires fires inst structures um it's under 5% which is a good thing we don't want higher numbers um but again you know uh without EMS we would have uh um you know there would be not a lot of calls at the moment so and how did July 4th turn out because I know that there were a couple of stray fireworks in the Big Show and then as I was coming home pretty much for the rest of the night into the next day I heard fireworks going off all over my neighborhood um folks haven't been watering their lawns so things are pretty dry out there I was just wondering if anything went down or if anything no I haven't heard any any kind of issue um the fireworks were uneventful we we we did learn actually uh both at at um juneth and the Fourth of July fireworks we need better communication with the fireworks um company because we in the past when the Fourth of July group did it they used walkie-talkies but we have not been using it so we had some difficulties in in conveying the message to the fireworks guys to start the show so it didn't start till about 9:10 and then by the time it got going uh towards the end it started to rain so um we're gonna I spoke to Melissa about that we're going to do a debriefing and we're GNA fix that for next year both for uh and and talk to Conlin about a better protocol for all the fireworks so that we have direct communication with uh the fireworks providers but other than that there was no issue and and chief I don't think there were any police issues right no I spoke to uh Lieutenant Garen who was in charge and set up the uh security for the event he said no issues yeah I gota give him props to that because coming out of the parking lot they made the decision to block off Valley and make people go up the hill and I think that helped a lot because there were a lot of people on foot but many of them came from Parker so The Pedestrian track was walking along um Valley Street and all the cars were going up Oakland VI and it just worked out and parked so it was a little congested and people started to get a little frustrated but for the most part it it seemed like folks were calm even though the numbers were outstanding we had crazy numbers the uh the one thing I think we will talk about um to Lieutenant when we do the uh debrief is um Chief we really did not have any human coverage at least this is what I've I was told up on Prospect so we didn't have any we used to have crossing guards or or CSO officers up there our parking enforcement officers up there but um we didn't have anybody up there and it was a little difficult particularly Oak viw Park um so we have to talk about that that's that I think is a prime location for our C folks and some of these other people for next year go does anyone have any questions for Mr DeLuca or for Mr wary should ask that before I moved on Mr wary mayor no okay great so Chief Sally it's on to you do you want to bring it up on your screen or do you want me to and you are muted I'll read it off I have addresses on here um I don't really want to give out I copy that so um I'm just GNA go by the um year comparison uh up to May from last year to this year um pretty much we're we're doing good with the robberies uh last year at this time we had five this year we only have one um aggravated assaults are pretty much the same eight in 2023 7 in 2024 um so the next two categories are the ones that we are concerned about uh burglaries last year at this time it was nine now we have uh 15 for May and then uh thefts 71 in 2023 and 108 in 2024 we actually have a decrease in Auto thefts in 2023 we were at 28 this year we're at 22 so that's the uh that's pretty much the stats up to may as far as our uh Major Crimes um as you see as you can see our U main concern are these uh burglaries that we are um getting in town I'm just going to read off a a memo I wrote um regarding the the burglaries in 2024 the township of Maplewood is experiencing an increase in burglaries the Maplewood Police Department is committed to preventing investigation and apprehending sub subjects for these crimes the perpetrators intend to enter the home locate vehicle keys and steal the car from the driveway or garage police recommend not confronting subjects but calling 911 these B these burglaries typically occur between 2:30 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. they are concentrated in the area affecting residents west of Springfield Avenue uh up to the Milburn border of Wyoming Avenue the ongoing investigation has highlighted target targeted vehicles in our town and nearby jurisdictions we are committed to keeping you informed about our progress the kind of cars we are seeing U BMW X3 X5 and M package Audi Q4 Q5 and Q8 Mercedes GLC GL and AMG package Porsche Macan and P cion and Range Rover your safe your safety is our top concern and dedicated to addressing this issue what we're doing as the police department proactively we have increased Patrol officers in the area during the time frame uh this this detail is high visibility detail occurs doing all three police shifts with marked vehicles and uniform officers uh detectives are on the street in the area during the time frame that I stated above the presence of unmarked vehicles and plane closed detectives um detectives are also conducting investigations on these burglaries the detective Bureau invest investigates and works with multiple jurisdictions including New Jersey State Police taskforce sharing data information the instest investigations include filled interviews canvasing the area video Gathering fingerprint submission and collecting evidence from crime scenes to identify and apprehend sub subjects what we're asking for the public continue to lock doors and use alarms camera systems if you have them call 911 immediately for any emergency at any time uh however call the police immediately for suspicious activity at your home between the hours of 2:30 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. officers will be in the area to provide quick response n emergency and or have information regarding the B burglaries or general information call our main number which is 973 762 3400 we also offer free home surveys uh which you can um sign up for on Maplewood so um we we we have um again as I mentioned in this memo we have areas mapped out we know the time frames um we have officers out there I was actually out there a couple nights and um our guys are moving around and I'm running into them so we we are we are moving um uh so um I could say we probably I don't know how many how many we might have prevented but I know two of them that we might have prevented where um a car saw our officer took off and went to another town um you know a stolen a car um you know saw saw one of our officers and and continued off so um so we continue to do these details we'll continue to be proactive and we are still investigating the ones that happened and we um are waiting for um certain evidence and um different information hopefully to uh make identification thanks Chief and thank you again for that press release that was very informative and helpful does anyone have any questions particularly for this for the chief no no thanks chief for being responsive and um clear on how this is going and explaining it to both Deputy Mayor and I and also just um having all the information and being on site that's also I'm sure that meant a lot to you guys and GRS and also we'll um as we get more information uh stuff that we can release we'll uh update the public about it so um you know this this uh perception of crime stuff is a tricky thing because you know we had somebody come we had last couple meetings we've had people come we had people from jacobe Street coming we had last week uh I can't remember exactly where she was from you know spoke to us Oakland Road okay so and you know then you see stuff online and what have you um I think that if if this occurs if this sort of Buzz keeps going I think we should consider something we've done in the past and that is to hold a town meeting on this which allows people to see the chief I mean it's one thing to see the press release it's another thing to see the chief and maybe the the you know head of detectives and and whoever else um first of all listen to what the people people are saying and second uh convey the message to them uh it's a little tricky because you don't want to feed on stuff but on the other hand you want to show that you're actually out there responding so I don't think we need to do it yet but it might if this continues we might want to be a little proactive and and do something like a zoom town hall meeting on this yeah remember um uh last year or year and a half ago um Mr you had me come out and speak about the robberies were happening over on uh the Hilton section came out to Dart and spoke to uh the group there so um yeah I can see that uh you know taking place thank you any other further questions for the chief I just want to say we didn't forget about the rest of the town so that's we have regular Patrol we're on uh you know dealing with everything else we have to deal with um but um we just have extra for the uh locations that this is taking place at yeah I'm seeing the see their Gentleman on recers not in the parking lot but on the street so that was really cool to see today uh Miss pikers has a question hi it's Pasha um sorry I'm not on camera I'm attending for the maple community board uh but I'm also watching my kids at the pool so not a camera and I'm sorry about the background noise hopefully you can hear me uh I wanted to say on the topic of holding some kind of community Forum Etc we are actually planning on hosting something in the fall um really meant to see what is on the community's minds and when this came up at the last meeting last week I said I was like I'm absolutely certain that some of these issues around crime and Security will come up from some of the residents so um if you are thinking about hosting something make sure you reach out to us I think we can certainly coordinate we would obviously be inviting the chief the deputy chief and whoever else to that um sort of open Community Forum so no need to also host something you can do in partnership with us do you have to have dates for that just yet no I mean we just met last week and sort of said we want to do this um so next steps are for the community engagement subcommittee to work with the township figure out a good date a good place um thinking of that to heart probably late September October time frame but obviously you don't want to be in conflict with other stuff that's happening in town so looking into that now all right well thank you and keep us posted because um I'm pretty sure we also could make if necessary if the numbers are high enough Town Hall available as well yeah I think just on that kosha if we want to do a hybrid in person and zoom really town hall is the place to do it because we have the capacity there where we really don't have that in in the other uh public facilities that's good to know um how do you do it when you're in town hall because make guess everyone just sits up on the DI and then no we've got the cameras I mean the room is covered by the general camera and then the speakers but the the section where people could come up and ask questions is the podium off to the side and Mari um baa and and possibly even Ed we've got people who can handle the tech all right yeah it goes to show last time I was in off for a meeting sorry guys okay great I'll um I'll pass that on to the to that sub committee thanks thank you right my computer has frozen for some reason so I'm having to use my phone for my agenda um so going to the discussion items they've already kind of covered the burglary activity um basically of the report that Chief just read but um another bit of questioning were happening with the package stfts that went down on the Indiana um I know one of this these actually were directly attributed to um one of our unhoused um residents um but I don't know if there was any followup or if there's been any additional things that have happened yeah so uh yeah I checked there was only one aage step on Indiana um we did make an arrest um I'm not sure if he's on house or not I have not been able to um we do have a the person who was arrested does have an eye address um they were arrested and then it was found to have a warrant also for their arrest um the officers involved are um um I I had not had the opportunity to speak to them to uh determine if they um uh made that determination if the person was on house they are uh have been off the last few days with vacations and different stuff so um I can't confirm that the person was in the house but from the report he has an add he has an address and it was only one FF on Indiana package Amazon Amazon all right it could also be one of the scenarios where folks are nervous and make it bigger than it was before because it seemed like this person the way they described it in their email is that the person was found with multiple packages yeah he I think he had about two two or three different packages from the street um I think but I believe it was the same victim and um he was you know uh the rest was um he was cooperative and uh you know put into and then found out that he had a warrant as well so I think as far as like even that Community Forum that could be something we could bring up during that time period because there's still that General messaging for some folks particularly when incidents of littering and behavior and noise and what some folks would consider loitering but the rest of us is just using the public VES um associate with the community fridge we we want this initiative to continue but we also want it to be something that adds to the town versus makes things more difficult for folks um so I don't know there's there's G to be further discussion in regards to what some potential plans and stuff are going but I do want to report if folks who haven't been participating or listening to the public health um meetings that our health officer Davenport has mentioned that there is now um seven days a week somebody there for a few hours a day to talk to um members of the community and they schedule different times so there's always some Outreach constantly happening and they're starting to make inroads we can't force people to not be in town and we can't force them to take any of the community services available for them to use um to possibly make it a little bit easier for him to do things but at the same time um the work is being done and it's just not being reported on because there's nothing really to report until something changes um but it's happening and so the people who were in the Parks previously have been reached out to directly um the folks that were um over at the planing field and over at the the fridge themselves have been regularly repeatedly reached out to and hopefully over the next few months as they develop those relationships with the members of our um of our our community group that that's uh that we contracted to take care of them um they will get the services that they need all righty next on the list uh I put this on the agenda because I had three or four people in my neighborhood I'm over in lightning Brook um bring it up and the fact that the um pipe repairs there's I guess they're moving on to the next group or the next phase and we're wanting to know a bit and it's unfortunate that um engineer kitner is not here um so I'll have probably have to send them an email about that but many of the folks um felt that that information in particular about the fact that you have to boil your water or filter your water for many many months is is was new that came out of left field for most folks so I don't know what that whole idea around Communications um is supposed to be happening beforehand but to me something like that should be issued in advance not now that we're done here's what you should expect um and I put it in public even though it's a health thing because there's a lot of folks in the community who have babies and young children and it can be a problem if um we don't find out until after the fact that we've now got to go to a filter um or have bottled water available um so I'd love to find out what the next areas they're being targeted are and make sure that those folks are given that kind of information in advance versus afterwards so I'll formulate an email and I'll pop you all on it and send it out to um engineer kitner but um I felt and many people in our community felt that the information that was given out by njaw was inadequate and incomplete and it didn't fit sit right with most of the folks in the community we were happy that the work got finally done because it needed to be done but we didn't know all the details until they were leaving and that was kind of blah Mr wary can you um explain the communication that's supposed to happen or who's responsibility it is and all that stuff sure for American Water yeah New Jersey American Waters making the infrastructure upgrades and doing their lead service line replacement program it's a program since there utility that's governed by BPU in terms of notifications they make and how they perform the work we agree that uh you know more needs to be done regarding Communications with our residents in terms of timing in terms of language that the communications provided as well as lessening the impact of the construction on people in the uh the construction area we've been advocating for our residents to New Jersey American Water know that they had started to make notifications to people who were affected by the shut offs even their service lines weren't being replaced as well as translating some of the notices into Haitian Creole my understanding from New Jersey American Water about what the process should be and I've shared some of those materials with the township committee that they that they hand out is that they'll usually go out there and preig to identify if a lead service line exists if it does exist they make contact with the property owner schedule the replacement the property owners to again this all my understanding from New Jersey American water is supposed to sign off on the line being replaced and they're given literature on what to do after the replacement such as flushing they're also given an opportunity to receive a a pitcher to filter the water and to filter out any lead that may have been introduced into the water system as a result of the line replacement and with instructions on how to use that as far as you know when you know maybe that that process is not being followed properly and you know we should look at specific instances we can drill down with New Jersey American water as to why that's not taking place these lead service line Replacements aren't um restricted to one area in town you know they've been doing them you know throughout town for a few years now you know they they'll they'll come through and maybe work in Earnest for a couple of months and then maybe they're not in town for a few months and then they come back for for a few months uh but they're you know throughout Town they're responsible to replace every lead service line in town so there won't be an area that they don't touch do they notify us before they go I mean the township itself probably not right I mean we know that they're out there working but in terms of a detailed plan not always and and part of that we need to improve with New Jersey American water I think part of that is they don't know a lot of times if they have a lead service line to replace because a lot of this requires them to dig a hole to identify if a lead service line exists that requires replacement so if they have a street or an area with less service lines that are LED less replacement they're moving through quicker so they're they're spending less time in that area and then they're on to the next area sooner and the exact but I think they right and I think they could let us know where they're looking right yeah yeah absolutely and and then you know that that residents would be further notified if they find lead pipes so I think there needs to be more and um you can tell us as the governing body whether or not there's something we should be doing whether it's a communication to BPU or and or New Jersey American or just but I think it's it's not that hard um if they're going out and you know all they have to do is have a contact to even call when hey we're over on you know jacobe Street Tom I have yeah we have contacts for the project managers and all the residents receive contact for the project manager which is on the flyer that they're giving out again if they're supposed to be giving out if there are instances where residents say we're not receiving it we need to drill down on on that with a New Jersey American Water to understand where the process failed yeah I just think maybe um a meeting with them or something so that we can get Place some guidelines hey we're going to come to your town to look we're going to be looking over on ridgwood road looking over here if we find lead pipes then we'll notify you yet again so but but it needs to be coordinated mayor my my experience when I was mayor is that New Jersey American Water responds quickly to Mayors Okay so um I would suggest you coordinate with Patrick and Paul and Paul may be working with somebody in their um construction or operation but you may want to reach out to their Community Affairs person okay yeah and I've been in contact with that person as recent as today actually speaking with their senior director of communication external Affairs so maybe that's a a conversation that the three of us can have together me Paul with New Jersey American Water sure okay we'll coordinate it offline sure thanks mayor thanks Mr wary um so next time on the list thing I I put down the installation of Springfield Avenue crossy signals I meant to delate that because we've already gone through that that was last last meeting um I know they're happening and they're going up as they can come and so far they've been looking good I I had a couple people stop me at Maple Crest park and talk about how it seemed a little safer to cross over by the police department um I don't know if that's what place where one of them's gone but they did feel like they had more time and they weren't playing the human version of Frogger as she called it um trying to get her kid to the park so they're effective and people are happy to see them and we look see forward to seeing more of them go up so the uh the the the um uh schedule for redoing Springfield Avenue Paving is next spring of 2025 and at that time I think we'll be replacing all the signals and the lights um and we'll be we'll be switching out I'm hoping we'll be switching out to the new high-intensity beacons that we put on Bernette as opposed to what we have now with the uh on the non-ross on the non signalized intersection we just have the lights around the sign which aren't very effective right there's also are you with the high intensity are you talking about the ones that you and I have talked about before that um are used in Summit downtown or this even more so you know the ones that flash like that yeah they flash yeah it's like the one at on Bern at across from the the heart parking lot if you remember what that one looked like okay and it makes noise which is awesome um um all right drinking and drug use I I was in Dart day before yesterday and yet again in that corner over by uh the beginning of the Senior Center parking lot there was a lot of paraphernalia so kids are still going in those Corners kids for people I won't say kids I w't assume it's children um but people are still going there they're still drinking they're still smoking and they're still throwing their garbage out the window into the park and um dogs and kids are out there and I don't pick any of it up because I don't know if there's a needle or anything in it but I I just fear if that's the case so Chief I don't know what I with all the other things going on you've got a thousand things on your plate and bunch of balls in the air I know it's it's a difficult time right now but there still needs to be better um patrols and particular those dark areas in the park because we even now have paraphernalia we finding in Bardon yeah all um so we we conducted over 50 inspections there for the last month um you know maybe there the times we're getting there we're not seeing them actually doing it but I know the paraphernalia is there um I was driving through one day and I saw a group at the Gazebo towards the nework uh Wayside and I called it in um but um we we've done a whole bunch of checks maybe we need to um you know I I got to change I got to change the hours of when we're checking it maybe a little later um because I'm I'm being told that they're not seeing um the actual CDs happening when they arrive yeah because DPW is on it they pick it right up when they get out there it's one of their regular places so it gets picked up fairly often thank goodness but got to stop it from happening yeah is that the uh so it's mostly at the Gazebo area right towards the mostly at the Gazebo but where I was was actually by the senior center in the front Okay that dark corner under the trees over there that's where I was at yeah in the front I had it I found someone I parked over there yeah and bordon park said they found it by the bathroom well by the uh the the building which could also have been attributed to the person that was staying there because there was a lot of garbage that was there before all right well um I I'll update that and uh I'll make sure we get over there but we have been doing checks but I don't know I've been told it's I've been fruitful but um I'll uh I'll get on that is p is CPW cleaning up over there like on a daily basis to clean up that kind of garbage because you know just like graffiti attracts graffiti yeah and I know that they are they said that they have been and Miss KP had indicated that they're over there frequently to clean up yeah they're at the heart the cans are getting fil emptied regularly now and and things are getting picked up but they're always cleaning it's swear there's never a day they're not sweeping up and raking up bottles and tubes and things yeah and we're and we're doing the same type checks at uh Maple Crest uh Bardon uh uh deart uh we mentioned a Seth boy in school before um and we're conducting checks there as well um and the uh just while I'm talking we the Seth one in school um I spoke to superintendent today and I told him we'll be doing checks back there but we haven't been seeing the uh the Bas the late uh basketball playing or um the UN house person back there well to continue on the conversation on litter I don't know if this is something that folks are noticing or if it's maybe the garbage cans and the recycling falling over but coming back and driving around a lot during the July 4th week I saw garbage everywhere in Maplewood and it was kind of surprising how many plastic bottles and cans that were gathered in the drains especially at intersections and stuff and this mostly was driving from my house on jacobe into town so it would be parts of Bernette recers um a little bit of Hilton but there wasn't a street that didn't have litter and so I'm wondering because it's been a long time since I've seen any kind of anti- littering push we can make in this town but folks are getting really LAX in either tying their bags down or keeping the lids closed on the recycling if they're putting it on the corner maybe reminders need to be given out to the garbage guys hey if you spill it pick it up um but they're seeing a lot more litter and it's too hot to be turned into New York City sorry we got enough things to worry about we don't need to be New York here but folks I would love to think of maybe even something cooperation with public health a campaign for lit for litter and and reminding people it's not that difficult to just take it home if there's no garbage can near you and if there is a garbage can in near you don't throw it at it put in it sorry I had to talk to Alice um I don't know if this has been anyone else's experience but it has been mine for the last week or two I've noticed um more about around the storm drains throughout town I have I think that's got to do with the heavy rains um so uh yeah you know everything flows downhill and it is but there's so many cans around town almost I want say every intersection but pretty much every major intersection has cans on both sides so if you're a pedestrian I think it's yeah I think it might be a combination of both a public service announcement on that doesn't doesn't ever hurt so yeah Patrick our clean community's uh grant money what do we use that for I'll have to look I'll have to look get do something on something use some of that to do a education campaign or something right part of it has to be education so I can see specific to the education component what we're doing and we can gear something towards litter yeah because even July 4th which was weird the DPW was out in great numbers and this is before the rain fell near both of the cans that were near me there was garbage all around the cans but the cans weren't full so it was like people kind of threw it at the Canon if it didn't make it they were like H oh well and they just kept moving instead of going to pick it up even though it was their garbage um so that whole Community mindset I would love for something to come together around that because folks are getting LAX or have been laxed and it's time to step it up uh moving on ticketing and traffic enforcement I Know Chief this seems like it's like beat on Chief s day but um the speeding is still happening there's still there was a kid at the intersection of Rickers and and Bernett that almost got hit day before yesterday and he was in the crosswalk with his bike walking it across the street and people blow through that stop sign still my husband almost got T boned and we we we've been out there a lot as I'm looking at it now um radar that they take that stop as if I'm stopped four cars back behind someone who stopped then I've already stopped yeah because those are the culprits usually the one that's like third or fourth car back that just blow through the stop sign maybe they're doing it when we're leaving because we we've been out there I mean multi we have multi officer details uh special crime details radar detail my see them out there but you know maybe it's the thing when they see the officer there that's when they stop you know then when we're not there it's kind of different but um you know maybe we'll we'll look into different ways of doing that um I have a few ideas I don't want to talk about it on the online no online it also it also goes to um our Burly details that I want I have something in mind for too as well okay yeah well the pastor of the church on Bernett wanted me to say thank you because that um electric sign that tells everybody their speed as they're coming through has really helped on Sundays and Wednesdays when they've had their Gatherings because they Park on both sides of the road and sometimes because there are no crosswalk marks in those areas near their building um they have to have their own people out there basically being traffic cops okay y but he said thank you for that sign he's like I don't know why he chose to put it there but it's helping so that used to be that used to be like a speed trap right Union was like 40 or something yeah when you cross the traffic light but it's now all 25 and people don't remember they don't realize it right all right cool is UN is Union putting any cops over there or any speed controls on their end side of the street do you know or maybe you could talk they reduced they reduced the speed limit to 25 and they've been out there yeah oh okay they're still painting lines because they just really they recently finished up completing that big construction project they had going on so they're still painting and putting out the flashers and stuff so they're not done yet okay I think it takes time for people to I mean we're talking about PSAs maybe um teaching people how to how to react at a four-way stop like what you're supposed to do but it sounds silly but I could think of a couple kids at the high school would happily record that PSA so it may not be that big of a or a big expense yeah we did a PSA we did a PSA last year with uh Columbia High School as far as cross crosswalk and crossing the street engagement was that the be like Cooper yeah Cooper know that he was in diapers that was a couple years ago be like Cooper yeah yeah that was it be like all right um finally I don't know we had any followup on it I forgot in between the last meeting and everything reaching out to Google Maps and to ways in regards to the community um um how do we influence them to let people know that this is a residential area not a cut through because there's still we have block parties happening and every time we show up for one there's a group of people that show up near the end or at some point and they want to cut through and they don't live on the Block they're just using the block to get to Springfield Avenue so it's the map that's telling them this is the way to go but it's going through people's neighborhoods with have cones and things up for events and they don't change they just this is where I'm going I've looked at this in Google Maps I haven't found a way to identify a local roadway that's not permitted or not that's not permitted that don't we that we don't prefer for directions so it you can do no through streets or times when the streets don't allow incoming traffic or one ways road closures you can report but just a roadway that's a public roadway but a local road that we don't prefer to be used for three traffic I haven't found a way to report those on Google Maps yeah because we've done all the traffic calming things we can do on vaness but that's a perfect example that's the one that's often given as the hey to get the Springfield go here um and we watch sometimes as the sparks fly off the undercarriages of these cars as they hit these speed helmets bumps well above 25 miles an hour um and they don't care yeah so we've done everything we can do on our end I I just wonder how we could f it but you said you left and there's no chance yeah I mean I can keep looking I think the problem becomes there's no reason that it's not allowed you know it's it's more a preference in that it's a local Road and it's not generally thought of as a street for cut through traffic or through traffic but it's not and it's 25 miles patri you might want to have a conversation with John McCormick just to see if they have any experience in doing that at Dynamic traffic okay because I know when we uh when we changed the left turn at Bernett and Tuscan Road they reported that so that got taken off you can't make left turns and when we created the dead end at Lexington uh when we made one way 44 Street one way we all we reported all that but as you say those are permanent changes right you know the temporary things like a block party is it's impossible and and I can find the ways to report what you're describing one ways no through traffic but there's no legal restriction on the roadways that we're discussing so what we would be reporting to something like Google Maps is a preference and we in a fair one we prefer for that not to be used as a through street but it's legally permissible I haven't found a way but I can still talk to John John maybe he's aware of some way around that that would get us the desired outcome all right um were there any other items that folks wanted to bring up for discussion or questions they may have had um we're going to get to the public comment right because somebody's here to talk to us about Maple Crest yep that's our next item so if that is the case let's do that so make sure she wants to come in a public portion we do have one member of the public in the attendee room if you would like to speak in public portion please raise your hand now and we'll move you over to panelist all right and Laura Campos is coming over welcome Laura you may unmute yourself and address the committee hi um I also have a traffic concern I guess it's traffic SLP parking um so there is a lot of use of maple crust Park on usually like Tuesday evenings and Saturday Sundays like a lot of use which is great but um some people are parking I don't know why um either in between the signs that says no parking between signs uh around the crosswalk were literally on the crosswalk um and my children and their friends um we live right across the street from the park have said it's really hard to see around these and they big trucks usually the are the ones that are parking in the crosswalk it's really hard to see around the trucks to cross the street in the crosswalk like I can't see a car like I literally had my kid my nine-year-old say the car almost hit me um and I like I don't want to call the police not emergency line all the time because I feel like I'm being a pain um I did call once and someone was sent over and they very kindly talked to the person but I saw the same person parking again in the crosswalk and so I said let me just go over and ask him maybe he's not seeing the sign maybe he doesn't see this giant parking space one car over in a legal area and he I asked him nicely please move out of the crosswalk and he laughed at me and told me he would move his car when the police well he either said if or when the police asked him to so I kind of feel like while it's nice to ask people nicely instead of giving them like a consequence it's it's they they they've clearly gotten the impression in my opinion that nothing's going to happen and they're just going to park there because they feel like it so um yeah I'm concerned about it because I think it's a safety issue particularly because people do also speed down um Oakland and a lot of kids are going across those streets into that Park not always well I'm sorry that's been your experience Chief um do you want to report it all yeah um so Chief before you respond I just want to inform you we we talked about this Laura this morning's engineering meeting and we asked the engineer to um in the area between the two signs to do some cross-hatching and or maybe even putting no no parking in the street so the cross-hatching would be striping there so that you know that you can't park um we also asked them to uh refresh the crosswalks there's four crosswalks there two of them are not in great shape two of them are okay but they're going to take a look at refreshing them um and I'll talk about the park after that but that's what we talked about as far as the parking situation we're going to try to use striping to make it clear that you can't park between um the two signs because that is the entrance and then Chief we talked about you know we just need the police to check it out there and give tickets out if people are parked in crosswalks or in the no parking area and just to clarify a little bit that the striping in the no parking areas would be obviously different from the side the crosswalk striping so it's like that hash mark in Orange that you see when you camp park somewhere yeah we'll we'll uh we'll check the parking but uh you you said it was two days or is it every day it's is it usually it's Tuesdays Saturdays and Sundays there's a lot of people playing soccer in the park in particular and it's those people um that are completely disregarding like they know they've had one of them had to move their cars before I pointed to the sign and he literally and you know he was like if the police ask me I'll move it and I was like really you want me to call the police there was literally a parking spot one car over that was legal okay and you said there were a trucks or or what they big pickup trucks pick up okay gotcha okay some of them are uh you know we've had this situation for a while some of them are um painter trucks uh pickup trucks workers trucks you know they come for soccer they they play soccer so they come from it's you know it's generally from around the area yeah gotcha okay but I think Chief you would you would encourage uh Laura to call the police she's not a bother she's a taxpayer right call us all the time anytime yes don't but but but but the thing is we will be out there so you won't have to call us thank you I appreciate that yeah yeah you also raised a question about people playing on the park on days when we close it because of rain or conditions so we talked about that we we are going to um develop some kind of signage and work with uh DPW with Department of Community uh Services when they close the park we'll put signs out there so that no one's supposed to be pay playing so that if in fact people are playing that at least would be give the police notice that the park is closed for ball playing and they should ask those folks to leave yeah thanks I I mean again like I I it's just when I pay fees for my kid to do ultimate and I get messages from the town like the fields are closed no ultimate today and then I see other people playing games on those same Fields um I find it I'm like this is confusing are the fields closed why are the fields closed is it because my it's not safe for the people is it not good for No it's it's because of the damage to the field okay thank so and and so we're going to try to address it that way I appreciate all of that thank you very much and thank you for letting us know Miss campers appreciate it um are there any other folks in attendees that may comment or not nope I don't believe we have anything to discuss an executive so we can bypass that and if there are no other items oh you okay I got one thing to mention in ex yeah okay well then we'll move into executive um thank you for being with us miss Campos we're going to be moving into executive so I move we go into closed second all right so hold on let me turn off YouTube andash is still with us as well depending on the nature of this she just said bye she's she's saying bye