##VIDEO ID:AgZMZUbV3WE## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Pat you're ready or not no we always have to wait for Pat how we doing Mr worry looks like it's up there it is good okay yes all right pursuant to section five chapter 231 public law 1975 this is the state for the record that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided to the public by posting and maintaining the annual notice of regular meetings on the bulletin board of the municipal building by mailing the annual notice of regular meetings for 2024 to the news record and the Star Ledger in December of 2023 and by filing said notice in the office of the Township Clerk cor here daffis present Luca here single here mayor Adams here whereas chapter 231 public laws of 1975 commonly known as the open public meanings act requires that all meanings of public bodies be open to the public and whereas section 7A provides that the governing body has a discretion to permit prohibit or regulate the AC of participation of the public at any meeting and where is desire the governing body to comply with the provision of this act St ton conduct its business in an orderly and expeditious manner now therefore be it resolved by the township committee Township mwood does hereby prohibit except a set forth in the formal agenda active participation in deliberation of the governing body by the public except as otherwise prescribed by law does limit the public to the observations of the actions and discussions of the governing body at all of its regular and special meetings so moved M K yes Mr daffis yes Mr DeLuca yes angle yes mayor Adams yes thank you I'd ask everyone to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I plg to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all and if you don't mind remain standing for I just have a statement I want to read um and ask for a moment of silence afterwards on this upcoming anniversary of October 7th terrorist attacks on Israel we paused to remember the lives tragically lost and the hostage hostages still being held by Hamas and honor the strength of those impacted the coming day marks a painful chapter in history reminding us of the profound effects of violence and Terror on individuals families and entire communities including our own here in Maplewood and South Orange we offer our deepest condolences to families both in the Middle East and here at home who continue to Bear the weight of this grief this anniversary is not only a time for mourning but also a moment to call for the release of the hostages and reaffirm our commitment to building a safer more compassionate world one where Terror and violence have no place where people all people can live with dignity and peace let us also be reminded of our shared responsibility to Foster understanding and cooperation so that we can work toward a future where these tragedies never happen again a moment silence please thank you so welcome to the Tuesday October 1st 2024 meeting of the Maplewood Township committee we have four proclamations tonight one is a celebratory birthday Centennial Proclamation uh breast cancer awareness month lgbtq plus History Month anti-bullying month and world day of bullying prevention after those proclamations are read we have an appointment to the historic preservation commission then we will move into our Board of Health meeting um after I just want to step back after the Centennial birthday Proclamation we will have um a five minute break to do a little celebrating before we get to the business of the meeting and then also the the celebrants can go celebrate in a more comfortable setting where they can actually talk and have fun so uh we also have one ordinance on for final passage tonight um on zoning and development regulations uh with regard to the demolition ordinance we have an introduction of an ordinance um with respect to fees for food establishments in particular food trucks then we have an ordinance amending the chapter 257 uh for vehicles and traffic regarding uh no parking spaces on South Orange Avenue by uh the top um then we have reports from departments we've received the September budget memo report um then we have administrative reports from Mr weary um and then we have Jessica almea in for our Jennifer cido um for the attorney's report then we'll hear from our Township Clerk Liz fritzen we'll then move to reports from elected officials we'll start with Committee Member DeLuca Committee Member angle will follow then Committee Member dafis Deputy Mayor kpe and then I go last there are no discussions item on tonight so that's good for the Mets game watching and debate so then we have the consent agenda and then we'll move into our final public comment I think I skipped the first public comment the first public comment is uh agenda items only the second one at the end of the meeting is for any subject matter so with that I would like to move on to the fun part of the meeting tonight um we have a 100th birthday celebration not just of Jimmy Carter our our former president whose birthday is today um and all of us are urging him to vote by mail um we're just kidding um but the more fun one is our local um Centennial birthday celebration for maryan Wier winoker sorry got it at least I corrected myself so back in 1924 which was a year before my my dad was born um we had a world population of 1.9 billion and the US population was 114 million but the more fun stuff is celebrity births obviously the same year as Jimmy Carter George HW Bush Lauren ball Truman capot and of course Don knots from Andy Griffith andyer that's the most important um the World Series champs were Washington Senators the Stanley Cup champs were the Montreal Canadians uh the NFL Champs were Cleveland Bulldogs and um slang we had slang words like Bearcat apparently was a lively woman which is interesting Bearcat um the a slang for liquor was giggle water which is okay kind of doesn't make me giggle in the news in the news the Little Orphan Annie Comic Strip by Harold gray was published for the first time in the New York daily news um and but what the fun one is uh what things cost so a new house in 1924 averaged $772 wow a new car was $265 a a stamp was 2 cents for a US postal stamp gallon of gas any guesses two cents 11 cents a gallon a dozen eggs 44 cents a dozen and a gallon of milk was 54 cents it doesn't say the average income so I'm assuming it's kind of you know matches up a little bit so but I would ask um our our celebrant if you will our birthday girl to come join me over at the podium did you drive here tonight Nancy drove she drives over here and comes to see me you know I do a lot of things except I don't hear so well okay I must admit well we're pleased to present this to you so I'm going to read through a little bit of this you don't mind whereas on October 2nd 2024 we celebrate the remarkable H 100th birthday of Maryanne Jean winoker a cherished resident of Maplewood and beloved member of our community and whereas born in St Louis Missouri in 1924 Marian has led a life enriched by education earning both a bachelor's and master's degree from Washington University exemplifying her commitment to lifelong learning and whereas in 194 49 Mary and married Gerald winoker embarking on a journey that would lead them to Essex County where they settled in Maplewood in 1953 making their house a home and nurturing a loving family and whereas maryan raised two daughters Nancy and Susan those are the names back in those days there were always NY and Susans in classrooms who attended local schools and she is now a proud grandmother and great grandmother mother whose family continues to grow and Thrive and whereas Marian's involvement in the Maplewood Garden Club and her passion for cooking and Bridge have allowed her to engage with neighbors and Friends fostering Community spirit and lifelong friendships and whereas a passion for genealogy Marian has traced her family history for over 200 years showcasing her dedication to preserving the past while sharing her rich family stories with all who will listen and whereas throughout her 70 years in Maplewood Marian has witnessed and embraced the changes in her Beloved Community providing insights and Reflections that enrich our shared history now therefore be a Proclaim that I Nancy Adams mayor of the township of Maplewood on behalf of the Maplewood Township committee do hereby recognize Mary and Jee winoker not only for reaching this extraordinary Milestone but for her contributions to our community and her dedication to family and her vibrant spirit that continues to inspire those around her in celebrating Marian's hundred years we honor her Legacy and the joy she brings to our lives wishing her a day filled with love and cherished memory I was going to tell you a lot of things he said them all they were just a few maybe anecdotes about Maplewood the way it used to be when I first came here um for one thing in those days we didn't have to keep our doors locked and there were two two grocery stores in the village one Meat Market one grocery store offered delivery service so my door was always open the man the delivery man would just open the door put the groceries on the counter put the meat in the refrigerator go out close the door that was the end of that every day or every other day so some things have changed but I I still love it just the way it is it's done so much for me the G Garden Club and the adult school learning to cook because I didn't really know much about cooking learned to cook from Mrs karuba at the adult school her cooking with wine and High Spirits and I still use her cookbook that's the name of it too oh so there one thing and another I learned to improve my bridge at the adult school help the Garden Club help my gardening and one other special thing that I like to talk about is in the winter time the fire department would flood part of the park and it would freeze and we could skate and there was even a skating a skate house where people could put on their skates and take them off afterwards it was just wonderful I loved every minute of being here and thank you for honoring me I'm honored I'm really honored thank you I can take it for you over to your daughter okay we're gonna take a few minute break because we have a little bit of um Refreshments for and some noise makers that uh our clerk got so we'll stay on but we're going to be like walking around in mosy cupcakes for everybody here we have enough cupcakes or we can yeah per you need silverware no I don't think so being car bir to [Music] youy bir hang on those and there's something here too right three differents I Dean's got it there's there's other there's other varieties up here if you want I still be up there I still be I don't know I don't know if I'll make 100 Council and yeah I main do the [Music] l oh that's that's that's my child awesome I know I've reviewed your email how I know I was like um [Music] appr I'm good thank you would I like one or should I not have I want one very good at all e think what e e e e e e e e e e e e there you are oh yeah just get it started yeah Mr where are you ready much are and we're still on actually I didn't ask if anyone wanted to say anything I think she had family members on Zoom but that's okay I'm not sure I can get back walking driving and still driving during the daytime it's wild yeah I don't think you want to yeah not a good look rule doesn't apply to public spaces not a good look thanks for that okay thank you everybody for your Indulgence on that special occasion um I think it was well worth it oh absolutely yes it's hard to hear you it's why is that suddenly hard to hear me now yeah just yep yeah oh okay yeah you want me to hammer all right we're moved to the next Proclamation we'll go to Committee Member angle for breast cancer awareness month thank you mayor whereas breast cancer will affect one in eight women in the United States and whereas this year an estimated 42,2 women will die from breast cancer in the US and whereas a man's lifetime risk of breast cancer is about 1 in 833 and whereas breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women and it's the second leading cancer death among women in the US and whereas in 2024 an estimated 310,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed among women including more than 2800 cases in men in the United States and whereas breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer related death for Latin women and death rates are 40% higher among black women than white women and whereas for Asian-American and Pacific Islander women breast cancer diagnosis rates continue to be underreported but as of 2022 breast cancer accounted for 35% of all new Cancers and has increased by over 10% in the past decade and whereas in Essex County 17.2% of women have received a mamogram in the past two years which is lower than the state rate and whereas 30% of all new cancer diagnosis in women will be breast cancer making it a significant Health concern and whereas improvements in early detection and effective treatment have contributed to a 43% decline in breast cancer deaths in the United States between 1989 and 2020 and whereas through early detection screenings 66% of breast cancer cases are diagnosed at an early stage when it is easier to treat and whereas over 4 million women are living with or Beyond breast cancer in the United States now therefore it be a proclaimed that I Deborah angel on behalf of Mayor Nancy Adams and the entire Township Committee of Maplewood in the county of Essex state of New Jersey that the month of October in the year 2024 be known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month accordingly I encourage all residents to talk to their healthc care provider and schedule a breast cancer screening thank you thank you thank you we uh LGT lgbtq plus Proclamation Mr thank you mayor we keep adding letters to this long acronym uh so ever since October 1994 when uh it was first proclaimed in October to recognize the contributions of the lgbtq plus Community uh it was started by Rodney Wilson an educator in Missouri we have been doing so and we have been doing so here in Maplewood as well um and we're very proud of the inclusive community that we are in our great Community uh especially for our lgbtqia plus families friends and Neighbors in 2019 New Jersey became the second state in the nation to recognize the importance of educating its youth through the implementation of an lgbtqia plus curriculum in grades 5 through 12 only the second state in the nation in January of 2022 Governor Murphy and the New Jersey State Legislature passed into legislation uh passed legislation to codify same-sex marriage in New Jersey the township of Maplewood believes that diversity adds to the wealth of opinions expressions and culture in our town and the township committee this governing body has been and remains deeply committed to creating a community where everyone belongs where you belong you matter we see you the township Committee of Maplewood is here to Proclaim again this October AS lgbtqia Plus history month and now therefore be it proclaimed that on behalf of Mayor Nancy Adams and my fellow colleagues of the township Committee in the count uh of the township of maple the county of Essex that October in 2024 being known as lgbtq plus History Month in the township of Maplewood and we encourage all of our citizens to participate in lgbtqia plus History Month activities and before we move on to the next Proclamation I thought it'd be interesting to highlight some local uh meaning New Jersey based historical figures from the lgbtqia plus Community they include the following Walt Whitman that's right you heard that correct that Walt Whitman Babs sierin bab cerin was uh New Jersey Premier trans Advocate David mixner who started the marriage equality front um and fight for equality and I worked with David very closely uh Marsha P Johnson who was there on that fate fateful night in New York City at Stonewall That Changed History for the lgbtq Civil Rights um civil rights fight forever Sakia gun from New York New Jersey uh our great Statewide advocacy leader Christian fuscarino who's the executive director of Garden State equality and although uh the two of us are not as famous or you know historical figures uh not native to New Jersey uh I want to take a moment to a know Shannon cuddle our great trans Advocate um here in New Jersey um and myself for both of us making uh history uh in this space and uh thank you mayor for the opportunity to Proclaim um October AS lgbtqia Plus history month thank you and DEP May C would you do an anti-bullying month yes thank you mayor anti-bullying month and world day of bullying prevention October 7th is world day of bullying prevention and October is anti-bullying month 20% of students aged 12 to 18 experience bullying Nationwide and 31% of adults have experienced bull bullying in the workplace spreading lies and rumors is the most pervasive type of bullying with it affecting 21% of adults in the workplace and 133% of students age 12 to 18 the effects of bullying range from students losing interest in academic achievement lower grade grades to increasing Dropout rates and general effects include an increase in anxiety and depression causes loss of sleep and decreases overall mental and emotional health one of the top contributors to bullying remaining so pervasive is due to many being bystanders it's recommended for both students and those in the workplace to assess the situation document all incidents and Report what was done to a teacher counselor supervisor or human resources and never stop advocating for yourself until The Bullying situation is adequately handled you have the right to live a peaceful Life free of any form of harassment and if you or someone you know feels hopeless helpless and is thinking of harming themselves remember they can call the 988 the suicide and crisis he line or if it's an emergency police and medical services at 911 now therefore be it resolved on behalf of Nancy Adams the mayor of the township of Maplewood and on behalf of the Maplewood Township committee we proclaimed that October is anti-bullying month and that October 2nd is the 7th is the world day of bullying prevention I implore everyone who sees something wrong to speak out talk to the person potentially being bullied show them kindness and support them in whichever way you can as we must come to a point where enough is enough bullying and harassment are not rights of Passage and nor should they be seen as the norm just because something has become common in our society doesn't make it right and only through silence can bullying continue from generation to generation thank you thank you m Deputy Mayor okay with that we have a board and committees we have a historic preservation commission appointee Mr Duca thank you mayor uh we have um appointment tonight of our an alternate this will be the first alternate and uh dermol McCree would you come on up career sorry career yeah career good evening good evening sorry to say I'm I'm not a hundred years old so goals sorry don't be goals I wish I wish uh I'm in that good shape when I do turn yeah right she still drives amazing I mean so good evening uh my name is deal mccre uh I've been a resident in Maplewood for over 24 years um my daughters all graduated through schools three girls um the last one just recently graduated from Columbia so we're a little bit of empty nesters right now so uh my wife's been very active in the PTA for many years um I participated but I thought this would be a great Niche for me I saw the advertisement asking for volunteers to serve on the um uh historic preservation commission um I'm an architect I've I've been practicing um as a project architect for over 20 years um I've usually I'm the one that's presenting to a commission Department of buildings and so forth so um I understand what they're looking for so I I wanted to LM my experience my expertise to um be on the other side to help uh direct what the historic preservation in Maplewood is doing appreciate it thank you sounds great would you like to move uh yes I would move the appointment of Mr mcer to the um historic reservation commission I'll second yes congrat yes congrats thank you thank youa yes SLE yes mayor Adams yes thank you thank you for stepping up and enjoy your welcome aboard okay and with that we'll go into our Board of Health meeting Committee Member angle your turn thank you mayor pursuant to section five chapter 2 31 Public Law 1975 this is to State for the record that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided to the public by posting and maintaining the annual notice of regular meetings on the bulletin board of the municipal building by mailing the annual notice of regular meetings for 2024 to the news record and Star Ledger in December 2023 and by filing said notice to the off in the office of the Township Clerk here dff pres LCA here mayor Adams here M angle here whereas chapter 231 public L of 1975 commonly known as the open public me act requires the RO me of public aties be open to the public and whereas section 7A provides that the Board of Health has a discretion to permit prohibit or regulate the active participation of the public at any meeting and whereas desire the Maplewood Board of Health to comply with the provision of this act same time to conduct its business in an orderly and expeditious manner now therefore be resolved by the m Board of Health Township of mwood does hereby prohibit except to set forth in the formal agenda active participation in deliberations of the Board of Health by the public except as otherwise described by law does limit the public to the observations of the actions and discussions of the Board of Health at all of its regular and special meetings I moved second right yes daffis yes Luca yes mayor Adams yes zle yes thank you I move to approve the Board of Health meeting minutes from September 3 3rd 2024 second right yes daffis yesca yes mayor Adams yes SLE yes now I turn things over to our health officer Candace Davenport hello good evening everyone happy October we're going to start off with our nursing updates we have a lot to uh inform you of and lots of things that we've done so uh for our month of September uh our nurses uh investigated 11 reportable um communicable infectious diseases as for our September 9th health screening that was done at the farmers market 17 people were screened with 12 diabetes risks assessments 14 stroke assessments and four A1C diabetes screenings um we also had Essex County daab there uh this division of family assistance and benefits and they were able to assist 28 people and two residents requested home visits we encourage everyone to uh come to our next ones which are October 7th that's next week and our final one at the last Farmers Market on November 4th um they'll be there from 2: to 6:00 p.m. next slide we also wanted to say that when we did the uh Maplewood drug disposal we uh were able to collect 17 pounds of unused or expired medication so um again at the farmers market when we have these U mobile drug disposals you can get rid of your expired and unused medication safely next slide we were also able to provide a rabies vaccine clinic so for anyone who needed a free rabies vaccine for their cat and dog we uh vaccinated 26 animals um this is triple the amount that we've had at our Spring Clinic and 80% of the people who attended were from the mapso area we just want to say a big thank you to Valley vet and Dr moros for volunteering his time um to to uh vaccinate our loved ones next slide we will have a flu vaccination clinic bringing the flu vaccination to you Tuesday October 15th at theart community center this will be held from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. convenient for anyone who's coming home from work or after school these will be fre free flu vaccines regardless of insurance status uh thanks to Essex County and they'll be providing the highd does senior flu vaccine uh that will be available upon request and this available for open to all ages next slide uh along that note Essex County is also offering other mobile uh health clinics I do want to highlight the one on the upper left which is um which actually happened today but they're actually having another one um October 9th and um November 8th they'll be coming to Maplewood and that's for the vaccine for children program so if anyone is missing vaccines for their child to start school we will actually have one November 8th at the high school so this is another partnership that we're doing with the high school with the school district and the county uh they also offer um screenings like they do at the farmers market and um those schedules are here as well next Slide the federal government is starting um again once again the free covid-19 test kits so uh you can now go on the website covid test. goov and Order uh your test free test kits you get four per family and this is all free so for the upcoming respiratory uh flu covid RSV season we encourage everyone to get their free at home covid test kits that can be mailed to you if you need any help with getting them there's a phone number uh as well um if you have trouble ordering them online as for Women's Health Updates this is something new I just wanted to make a plug for um a collaboration that we're doing with not your mother's men NJ um and uh our Township of South Orange as well uh they're doing um screening a documentary screening called the M Factor shredding the silence on menopause this will be shown on Tuesday October 22nd at 7 p.m. at the soac um it's a film that you can watch but also there's another addendum to that which is a brunch in January that will be held at the um Maplewood Country Club and we want to encourage people to attend that as well because there will be a lot of great speakers to talk about this very important topic but if you want to um learn more about it starting in October please come it's free to the Tuesday October 22nd showing at 7M also on women's health we do want to uh focus on the free postpartum visits called the universal home visiting that's done by our partners at partnership for Maternal Child Health uh again women um and families can uh request a nurse to visit them in the first two weeks that you come home to do some education and help you uh get started right with having a new baby moving on to our environmental health we had um three restaurant inspections as you can see um we've done started the school inspection since we are now going back into school um and looking at our tattoo parlors and other things that we license um as we move off of restaurant inspections next slide this is the report for August from our Animal Control Solutions contract we had 21 calls to them six bytes um four enforcements one cruelty neglect case uh three Strays and uh seven calls for wildlife moving on to our social services and mental health uh want to emphasize that tomorrow you can join us for National Coffee with a cop uh this is another collaboration that we're doing with the Maplewood Police Department uh where you can have coffee with the health department and um our Maplewood police officers and the community uh Community Services Division um it's going to be at 160 Maplewood Avenue at the Starbucks from 10: to 11: tomorrow is Wednesday October 2nd next slide one of the things that uh Dina prel who is our part-time crisis social worker was able to do was to um connect with Essex County and their reach for Recovery mobile van so this is a free service uh that they're trying to do at the county in terms of harm reduction and we're bringing it here to Maplewood uh we are also bringing it again um Wednesday October 23rd from 10: to 3: p.m. where people can access services on substance use assessment health and wellness screenings care coordination Naran distribution and community resource sharing it's really for anyone who is suffering uff ining from an substance use disorder or has a family or loved one um who might be suffering and you are supporting them um again this service is free and so we want to say that um just uh last week we had 13 people uh come so that was really great and we hope that more people will take advantage of this service moving on to our crisis intervention social workers report in September uh our social workers saw 18 uh people they provide 11 co- responses and 11 clinical cases next slide as for cspnj this is their September case report I do want to note that um Pam Baker who's the director for the homeless Outreach and engagement program at cspnj will be here next month to do a more formal presentation now that we are already six months into the program which is amazing so just to break down some of these numbers um for September they had they saw 21 unique cases by the street Outreach team there's the male to female ratio um and the homeless Outreach engagement saw 12 people um and then their Resource Assistance was provided to nine individuals diversion and Prevention Services they saw seven people and two uh cases were closed so just to give you some idea of what are Resource Assistance um the resources they provide are ID assistance housing applications driver's licenses rest bit referrals to enter a program and get on their waiting list birth certificate assistance Social Security card replacement assistance health insurance replacement cards and Senior tax freeze application assistance so these are all things that uh residents need um in order to um get the social services uh that they're looking for and some you just need a little help applying for the application online and they're able to do that also just an update um as of May uh we were able to note that they have had um 66 total engagements since May so um they're really getting out there we've also put out the cspnj warmline uh we have an um a press release that's linked to our Township website and this is the warm line that people can call um if they have any questions um or see someone who may be in need of assistance um and may be unhoused as for the diversion and Prevention Services the two cases that were closed um had to deal with hold on back rent uh was provided uh to households to prevent eviction and legal assistance was provided um to prevent a lockout so those were um resolved and then outstanding uh diversion services that are still um in process are things like securing assistance for a family uh for senior housing um helping with securing unemployment possible back rent uh back rent in legal assistance for a a rental and um a back rent for someone with disability as well as accessing GED classes uh for free at at better life so all of these things are diversion and prevention to um help our residents prevent homelessness and they've been doing a fantastic job next slide again we want to highlight that people can come and uh people are taking advantage on Saturdays from 12: to 2 to come to the library and I want to thank the Librarians for having cspnj there um to utilize the the uh computers uh so that they can help people fill out those applications and learn more about things like anchor and um legal aid assistance and um health insurance so some people don't even know the services that are available to them so we're happy to do that school has started so we if you pass by our elementary schools in both Maplewood and South Orange as well as our two middle schools you will see um a lawn sign that says parents who spend 15 minutes per day with their child can improve their health and well-being um as you can see as I mentioned before you can see um each of the schools has their own little logo um attached to it we just thought you know when we talk about mental health we want to also talk about how to support your child in a very positive way um and just spending 15 minutes a day makes all the difference in the world lastly because this presentation is shared online we always want to make sure that people know as mentioned by uh deputy mayor kripe uh the 988 number um as well as the 911 phone number and uh poison control and 211 for social services and that is it for my presentation thank you very much thank you Miss dport before I open it up to my colleagues for questions I know last month we had a little bit of a conversation about the warm line and we brought it back to committee and then we put out the press release so can you just tell the public like when to call the warm line when to call the PD just break that down a little bit sure sure okay so um the warm line is available um you can call and if the uh CSP andj staff are on shift they will respond to you however if they're not available uh they'll respond the next business day when they are here um ideally we'd like people to leave um information so for example if you see someone unhoused um you know in the park or you know somewhere you might want to say they're location what time you might have seen them that would um let us know that okay maybe they'll be there again and we'll visit around that same time um any kind of um you know clothing that could distinguish them or like they were carrying a bag a black bag that would help so that we can um look for them and identify them quickly um and then they go and reach out to them and they talk to them and see what social services they might need um again that phone number is not 24/7 like the um make the right call numbers like those three-digit numbers uh but they are available for homeless Outreach and engagement thank you so much um do I have any questions for my colleagues for the health officer this evening Mr DeLuca yeah have two um with the animal animal control we have a um situation on Franklin Avenue where a dog runs pretty uh open you know it's a yeah um it's somebody's house but they they don't really control the dog and the dog attacks other dogs attacks people and stuff so what is the procedure for something like that H okay so if you have um a dog that is running loose all the time or I don't know just gets out let's say get out break out yeah all right if if we can identify the owner of the dog um ACS or our department will go and ask them you know about their ability to to cordin off the dog and keep the dog safe if however you know and then we follow up with them if they have a license if they don't have a license if they don't have a rabies vaccine um you know the dog can't the dog can't be running around at large so that's another violation to the township um if however it is unowned or is astray ACS and the PD would assist to coordin it off and then take it yeah no it's it's not a stray it's not a stray and as you might imagine it's not the only issue with this residence with this house so okay what number do they call so they can call our um office and uh they can let us know about some of the information if this happens so outside of weekday hours like running around at 9:00 at night the PD is definitely the people to call okay um so yeah anytime in weekends or after hours call the PD and then they will call ACS to identify um or or seize the dog if needed and then I I think I had a question on your inspections can you go back to that if I can remember I think it was on the inspections the Mets one yes they did 8 to four in case anybody wants to know the Mets one go Mets uh no the inspections the environmental SE yeah I think environmental oh there it is okay chicken coops chicken coops yes are we do we actually have are those seven individual coups or houses or is that seven individual homes it is and what's our Max 10 11 um I believe it was 15 15 in total and you could have a maximum of five per home but these houses usually don't have more than right so these are seven different homes pretty cool fresh eggs the eggs are thankfully no roosters that thankfully no roosters and no roosters definitely no roosters any other questions from my colleagues for our health officer then we invite the public to address our health officer and ask any questions is there anybody here in town hall that would like to ask our health officer any questions Mr wary will you help facilitate online if any members of the public joining on Zoom would like to speak in public portion for the health dep the Board of Health please raise your hand now I see no hands thank you with that I um move we adjourn until our next scheduled meeting on Wednesday November 6 Second Great yes yes Luca yes mayor Adams yes M angle yes back to you mayor thank you you thank you Committee Member angle um Now we move to public comment uh this is for agenda items only our first you have three minutes to speak and give your name and address and to address the township committee is there anyone in the room who would like to address the township committee on any agenda items the second that any public comment a that's not on the agenda is at the toward the after the consent agenda so in a little bit so okay anyone online Mr worry anyone joining us on Zoom would like to speak on agenda items only please raise your hand now I see no hands okay great then we'll move on to ordinances on Final passage Miss fritsen mayor item number nine ordinance on Final passage ordinance number 21 3129 d24 is an ordinance to amend chapter 271 of the code of the township of mwood entitled zoning and development regulations this ordinance will amend article 8 historic preservation of chapter 271 of the township codee to modify the procedures by which applications for demolition permits for principle structures located in residential zones are reviewed and approved this ordinance has been published copies posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building and copies made available to the general public in accordance with the law um we are forgoing a hearing on this until it goes to the planning board is that correct correct okay so is there any discussion among the township committee no okay so I'd ask for a motion mayor I move this ordinance to be adopted as a whole and the clerk be directed to publish the same that can't be oh yeah no because we didn't have the public he to table it to the 15th right okay that's because there wasn't a planning board meeting between when produced right so I will uh move that we uh table this until October 15th second okay M K yes s daffis yes Luca yes single yes mayor Adams yes thank you uh Miss briten introduction of new ordinances uh yes mayor item 10A ordinance number 3130 d24 is an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 123 of the code of the township mwood entitled fees and chapter 305 entitled food establishments with respect to food Tru this ordinance will revise permit procedures with respect to food trucks okay may we get a motion Mr Deus certainly mayor I move the passage of this ordinance on first reading its publication according to law in the Maplewood South Orange News Record in a hearing to be held on October 15 I'll second m priton m k yes AIS yes Luca yes zle yes mayor Adams yes thank you we have one more ordinance on introduction yes mayor also an introduction ordinance 3131 D's 24 is an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 257 of the code Township entitled vehicles and traffic to implement parking limits on a portion of South Orange Avenue this ordinance will add a no parking area on a portion of South Orange Avenue okay can we get a motion Mr DeLuca I move the passage of this ordinance on first reading its publication according to law in the Maplewood South Orange News Record and a hearing to be held on October 15th 20124 I'll second roll call M C yes Mr daffis yes Mr Luca yes M angle yes mayor Adams yes thank you um we have reports we have all received the September budget memo does anyone have anything questions or comments okay then we'll move to administrative reports Mr weary thank you mayor I'd like to thank the health department they held an employee Wellness day today for all of our staff right here in town hall so we had uh they had RWJ Barnabas come in and give a presentation on Healthy Lifestyles and then they gave screenings for blood pressure stroke pulmonary diabetes and also administered flu shots to anybody uh on our staff who was interested I already had mine but thank you for your concern so uh so that was great and that was uh one of the first times at least recently that they've held something like this so thank you again to the health department for their hard work on that and we have quite a few employee appointments on the resolution on the consent agenda tonight there are eight appointments so welcome to our new staff members they'll be joining us in the police department Community Development Public Works and Health Department that's my report thank you mayor great any questions for Mr wary from my colleagues nope okay we'll move to our Township attorney substitute Miss Al Al almea almea almea almea you got an extra vow in there oh well my husband gave it to me [Laughter] so um so tonight uh we have one item to discuss under the um Town Township attorney we've received a request from a municipal resident who took advantage of the affordable housing mortgage loan and she has or he she they have applied for a mortgage which will be a subreg of our well which will be I'm sorry subordinate to our mortgage so we're going to we've been asked by the mortgage company that she's they are refinancing with to sign a sub subordination agreement so at this time I would like to see if there would be a motion to allow Mr warry to sign the subordination agreement sure I'll move it I'll second second yes Mr dff yes Mr delca yes M angle yes mayor Adams yes thank you anything else from no mayor legal any questions for our legal department I have a whole department thank you okay we'll move on to our Township Clerk Miss priton thanks mayor uh just to report that uh uh the last date of register to vote for the November election is uh two weeks from tonight that's Tuesday October 15th and uh the clerk's office will remain open straight through till 900 PM um and again uh all the voting information is up on the township website I think it's um uh pretty clear it covers uh the early voting options the locations um how to get an and te uh vote by mail and uh our Dropbox so uh we're getting a lot of phone calls we get a lot of walk-ins with questions and we're happy to uh help the uh voters other item is uh the volunteer appreciation dinner scheduled for Monday October 21st has a lot of enthusiasm a lot of people are coming and I think it's going to be a great night but you have to be a Township volunteer correct correct well I'm just motivating people to volunteer uh and children welcome okay so uh again uh you should have been contacted by now by your uh chair or lay aison and um that's Monday October 21st and it you know it's a short night it's a school night and it goes from 6: till 8 but it's usually over about 7:30 okay thank you thank you any questions for Township Clerk okay then we'll move to reports from elected officials Mr DeLuca thank you mayor uh the about four items here the first is the South S6 fire department is celebrating fire prevention month and actually it's next week uh this Sunday we're going to start um October 6th we're going to have open houses at our three firehouses so people can go in there and bring your kids sit on the fir trucks um look at all the apparatus uh on the week of the 15th through the 18th we're going to have fire demos at the two train stations in Maplewood and South Orange we're also going to be at each uh Municipal farmers market and there'll be um we'll actually have something that shows you how to use a fire extinguisher it's a sort of a video type thing and then on Sunday October 20th there's going to be a chili cook off among the firefighters so cool South Orange house at the yeah headquarters right when is that Sunday October 20th I don't have the time yet so yeah miss that yeah should be a hot one be on fire fire yeah a three alarmer no okay oh God uh the Maplewood Library ideas Festival next uh Wednesday October 9th 7 p.m. right here in this room there'll be an evening with Barry sonel uh he's a film writer and TV director he wrote a book best possible place worst possible time and he'll be discussing his new book right here excellent and also at the library at the Hilton branch on Tuesday October 15 at 4M we're going to have meet the Olympians and you're going to be able to meet maplewood's Jackie dubrovic who's the fencer and South oranges Tia Davidson who is a soccer player both gold medalists both gold medalists and they will be there and lastly um believe it or not we're having our first demolition review on October 28th do you tell for a house on calling and we have two more lined up so yeah wow all right coming down that's all I have any questions for Committee Member D no okay you're off the hook Committee Member angle thank you I want to remind residents that the 2024 old timey mapo family Folly's talent show is coming back to the Woodlands auditions are Wednesday October 9th from 6:00 to 8 at the Woodland you can just show up you don't need to sign up in advance um if you can't make auditions but want to take part in this really fun show video submissions will be accepted from Wednesday October 9th through Wednesday October 16th and the address is mapsof falles gmail. and you can go to the Maplewood artsand culture. org website to find this information and um it's a really fun talent show for all ages so we encourage residents to come out um I want to thank the environmental advisory committee and the Hilton neighborhood association for the cleanup of lightning Brook um which would seemed very successful and I was sad to miss it I know many of my colleagues were there and looks like tons of trash was stop so remember to use garbage cans and not glitter and um that is my report thank you any questions for Miss angle I see no questions okay we'll move on to Committee Member de I have no report mayor that's what few times in a row and don't get used to it because there's a lot coming down the bike I never get used to a lot of Big Ticket items it's not like time reserved if you don't use it you use it I do want to take this opportunity I'm sorry your report is finished our taxpayers are watching yes um I just want to take this moment to uh wish our Jewish friends and neighbors um happy and peaceful Jewish holidays as uh the holidays are about to begin with rashash Shana upon us uh especially in light of 107 um right around the corner so um happy and happy and peaceful holidays that's it thank you thank you any questions for Mr daffi no Deputy Mayor kpe thank you mayor um welcome back yeah um actually want to say thank you to the township for all the support um during my mother's eventual her Decline and her eventual death um it's been hard for all of us but we know now that she's not in pain that is what's giving us Solace um report's fairly simple Recreation um the travel basketball team out registration is open um it's for boys and girls um grades 3 through eight in Maplewood and South Orange so practice begins on October the 20th so please sign up quickly and the advice for um folks that are looking to do things via Rec desk is to get your registrations and your logins and test them early because once these registrations open a lot of folks flood um the the site and if you're behind the ball you might miss out and end up on a waiting list so please test early and often that also includes recreational basketball there's less commitment but your chance to um learn the fundamentals learn how to play the game and um registration is already open for that and that program begins in December but we're not leaving out the adults so the adults that are 30 and older who want to keep fit or relive their Glory Days you can sign up for adult open gym basketball registration opens this Sunday the 6th so sign up um Ski Club registration has is opening on October the 8th um at 10:00 a.m. again that's another hot ticket so folks want to register on Rec DES in advance um but I a part of the ski club um it's open for Maplewood and South Orange rut students in grades six through 12 and it runs five Fridays beginning in January but it doesn't happen without the support of chaperon so we need Ski Club chaperon as well you get a season pass and you get to have a lot of fun skiing at Mountain Creek with the other young people in the community and who knows you might be able to show them a thing or two um our senior social is on the 15th at 10:30 in the morning and we're hoping that our seniors ages 55 and older will come out for Community conversation brainstorming and socializing and this is the last call 1010 at 11:00 a.m. to go see Jersey Boys at the Papermill Playhouse so it's the story of Frankie Valley in the Four Seasons it's kind of cool I haven't seen it yet so I might sneak on that bus must good show good show um and finally get your costumes ready for the annual senior Halloween party on October 30th from 12:00 to 2 p.m. at the senior center fun games lunch and a costume contest will make it for a beautiful afternoon and yes I did not write that did not write that little horn did not write that five yep I go and that is my report great report ghostly report ghost okay we're gonna have to get his mic and his horn away from him any question for Deputy Mayor C no seeing none have just a couple things um we had a recognition of our Maplewood Olympian for fencing that Mr Duca just mentioned this was um we raised the Olympic flag we had a proclamation for Jackie du dubich I can only do it when I'm not reading it out loud and we also did a proclamation honoring New Jersey fencing Alliance for their um success over all these years in turning out some high class athletes and more than one Olympian so um then we have um a senior freeze and anchor program um education session is being scheduled for later this month the date hasn't been determined we're having trouble getting assembly woman Hall's calendar in sync with um our our own so that should be later this month so keep an eye out for a date for that with assemblywoman um gett Hall we have um just uh mayor Romano of our Milburn mayor next door um she has asked uh fellow Mayors throughout um the immediate area to um just kind of remind their communities of pedestrian safety and vehicular safety especially now that schools open not only to drive carefully and be alert and especially now it's starting to get darker earlier to look out for commuters as well as they um walk to and from the train station um and just to look up pedestrians look up from your phones when you're crossing the street just because it's a crosswalk doesn't mean you can just walk into it let's uh eye contact between pedestrians and drivers would be really helpful so we want everybody to stay safe so um that's all I have except for a Happy New Year to our Jewish friends and family and uh that starts tomorrow at sundown I believe right yes so um that's all I have any questions for me nope great okay so now we have no discussion items and we'll move to this consent agenda could I get a motion I move the consent agenda second right yes daff yes Luca yes SLE yes mayor Adams yes thank you this brings us to our second public comment um session on any subject matter is there anyone in you can come up to the microphone please introduce yourself and where you live and then also uh you have three minutes to speak thank you evening my name is Elise Vasquez and I live at 15 gway Terrace and I have something to read on behalf of the residents of gway Terrace okay we the residents gway Terrace in Maplewood New Jersey individually and collectively hereby request that the Maplewood Township committee include garway Terrace on the list of streets to be repaired fully repaved in 2025 we have children of all ages the elderly and persons with disabilities residing on our street and all are experiencing and or have experienced harms at times quite serious directly caused by the Township's failure to repave our road for more than 20 years the last time the road was repaved from top to bottom was in the summer of 2003 due to the poor condition of the road we have experienced the following injuries to children when walking running biking and playing due to potholes deep ruts missing chunks of asphalt near the curbs and loose pieces of asphalt in the street the injuries have included Cuts scrapes and bruises to knees elbows and faces sprained ankles Twisted knees and other similar injuries to adults inability of persons with physical mobility issues and the elderly to go for for walks without serious risk of falling due to the uneven and unsafe Road surface significant pooling of water in the summer creating fertile breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects and in the winter causing sizable patches of ice in front of our walkways and driveways putting residents and guests at risk car car tire and RI and rim damage caused by potholes especially when driving at night because they cannot be seen as well as the premature wearing out of shock absorbers and struts as a dead end street we have no sidewalks people are invited and expected to walk play Run and Ride bicycles Etc in the street requests by individual residents for the township to repave over the years have been met with the same refrain your street is just a small dead end and as a result gets put to the bottom of the list if the size of the street determines access to Township Services then our tax bracket should be significantly lower than is for other residents but clearly that is not the case the township has permitted hazardous Street conditions on garway Terrace to persist for far too long we are asking you the town the committee members to take our request seriously not only because this is a liability issue for the for the township of Maplewood but also because it is a quality of life issue for all gway Terrace residents thank you thank you very much um I know I was back in March I someone got in touch with me via email about G weight and I alerted our engineer who said they would do some um limited overlay Paving this year and hopefully that was done do you know if that was done it hasn't last okay all right well Mr wory will you alert Mr kitner tomorrow to the issue and have engineering go take a look because I think um it'll be if they can fix what they can fix now and then and um it'll be on for possibly for the road program in next year if you have a question you can come up I don't have a question I'm actually here with members of our block because could you give your name and Diana Adamson Aries number 13 gway ter okay I've gone to public works I've come to town hall I've personally been involved with all of these people in trying to get the work done hatchwork was done it doesn't help okay there still stream damage on the street and everything and we have copies of this statement that we're happy to share with sure you can leave that with us but it really you know we just I personally had just keep getting bumped Public Works they'd look at it they came they did some Patchwork you know what we're grateful for what they did but it doesn't fix Street understood and I'm sure it'll be on Mr kittner's list for the roog program next year and then of course it'll be normal budget discussions that's what he said in his email that it should be on his list but of course it's budgetary but thank you we now yes please thank you for letting us know and for bringing it to our attention take a look tomorrow Mr DeLuca you want to add that appreciate your advocacy yeah so we have uh watch the wires we have an engineering Public Works meeting next Wednesday morning and we'll put this on the agenda just to get an update from Mr kittner as to what their plans are what their what they've done and what their plans are um again what the mayor said you know we have um every year we do our budget our capital budget we look at how many streets we can do how many linear feet of streets we can we can pave uh it only comes out to about eight streets to 10 streets a year so we'll certainly make sure that um Mr hner is aware of the situation there as we go into the budget year for 2025 yeah and that's an open meeting if at 8 AM next Wednesday the uh what's date 9th 10th the 9th nth on Zoom you can log into to zoom from home if you give me um or if you give the clerk someone's email I'll make sure that I email you the agenda for that meeting if you want to come to that meeting and hear what M Mr kitner has to say and Mr Duca schedule public comment at that meeting in the beginning so no no it's a zoom meeting yeah yeah but I just need one person's email or and then we can go from there it's also on our website no give it to I don't want you to do it publicly you just give it to the clerk otherwise people who you know the thousands of people that watch itam all three people is there anyone else from the public who would like to address the township committee here in town hall seeing none Mr wary is there anyone on Zoom if any members of the public joining on Zoom would like to speak in public portion please raise your hand now I see no hands mayor okay with that Mr DeLuca would you motion move we adjourn second second Miss priton could you callor all right yes Z yes Luka yes SLE yes Bor Adams yes thank you all we