##VIDEO ID:XkqdyOdfCX4## all right we're okay um South tics fire department so just to give you a a quick uh snapshot we're still doing about 40% uh medical related on our runs we're we're about 28 we did about 2,800 runs through July we'll get to about 5,000 uh incidents annually and about 40% of those will be EMS um luckily we have had very few fires we've been doing um coverage uh for other towns in their fire headquarters or fire stations and also we've done about three or four building fires that we've attended but uh July was all Mutual Aid we had none come in we had no fires locally thank goodness we've gone out um one thing I wanted to raise with the committee and and bring it to the town full Township committee uh after I do a little bit more research is our EMS fees the last time we changed them was uh a couple years two or three years back we we now get um $1,050 for every transport I believe the fee is now uh acceptable up to $1,200 and I think you know we want to keep changing the fee and bring it up these are third-party payments we don't go after the individual but this is insurance company Medicare so um we should uh you know pass an ordinance and change the fees and so I'll work on that and bring it to the township committee when it's ready I assume everybody's okay with that sure yeah okay and that's all I have for the South essics fire department and so that brings us to the chief that's you Al you have to unmute think I'll be used to this thing by now uh go back to uh July uh just suiz our July uh crime report um in July we had so the big the big uh jobs that we're having are uh burglaries so in July last year we had four and this year we had one um we the total for the year were pretty even uh 20123 at this time to the end of August we had uh 24 we have 25 um this year so far I'll dig deeper into why um it kind of evened out um it slowed up between uh July and August uh even though we're still getting a few burglaries but I'll I'll I'll I'll dig deeper than that in a minute uh robberies are down uh 71% from last year so that's um a big number that went down um thefts have have uh gone up uh uh to August uh last year we had 138 this year we have 172 uh motor vehicle thefts have gone down they've been going down every year um 38 last year uh 30 this year uh most of most of the the the vehicle thefts are now are in conjunction with the burg burglaries we are we are receiving so um since we had the uptick in burglaries and these aren't the type of burglaries we're used to um you know the burglaries that you see during the day when most people are working during the day people will go in and uh still items these are happening overnight so um they usually wait for the resident to go to sleep they go in the house take the keys to these high-end vehicles and uh remove the vehicle this is uh as we as I've been stating the last couple meetings this is happening all over the state uh South Orange G mbour Union down in South Jersey um we started our detail on July 11th um and this is um from July 11th to August 13 um so I'm just going to read this out uh to let everybody know we what we have been doing um out here for these burglaries so since July 11 2024 to August 13 2024 the detective Bureau actively investigated approximately 28 incidents these incidents include burglaries attempt B burglaries motor vehicle thefts attempted motor vehicle theft attempted you hear me yep yes okay attempted carjacking robbery thefts from vehicles and trespassing due to the majority of our burglaries attempting burglaries occurring between the hours of 12 a.m. to 7 uh 7 amm the detective Bureau has been conducting details on a nightly basis to capture any offenders and or deter any activity within this time frame while the detective Bureau has been conducting these details there has been zero burglaries so that's from July 11th to August 13th um we we had a few since then but uh during this time frame it was Zero detective Bureau has identified four juvenile juveniles in the stolen in the stolen vehicles used in previous incidents in our Township and all reports and information is currently in review with the ESS County prosecutor's office even with zero attempted burglaries happening while the detective Bureau are on these details the detectives have pursued monitored numerous uh confirmed stolen vehicles that drove into our Township around the Wyoming Avenue area Irvington Avenue area Columbia High School area the harbor and the Hilton area in the last week detectives oberved a a confirmed stolen vehicle that was identified doing other burglary attempts and other jurisdictions parking uh in areas where previous attempt of brokies have occurred within this year detectiv pursued monitored the vehicle into Irvington later that day detectors monitored through our uh radio system a fresh carjack vehicle that occurred in Nork on South Orange Avenue detectors observed the vehicle in mwood a short time later and attempted to stop the vehicle due to time of the day uh this Pursuit was terminated uh due to the time of the day the TS were able to work with nework PD and with Intel from social media provide identification of two juvenile males who posted themselves inside the vehicle while detectives were conducting a burglary detail they were in communication with South Orange detectives who has eared a stolen vehicle in an area uh with numerous attempt of burgies within that week these incidents are being worked with Maplewood detectives uh who assisted with the idea of two suspects uh detectives pursued the vehicle in nor Maplewood detective on the detail director patrols to the South Orange Maplewood area of Wyoming shortly after three adult mails were stopped and identified on wyomi Avenue uh after they attempted to hide uh when they observed a mark Patrol unit uh other evidence is being used um for this crime to get charges 18 with it with 18 of the motor vehicle thefts attempts and and thefts from Vehicles these occurred during the day time evening hours most of these incidents detective Bureau is actively working directly with numerous agencies New Jersey State Police s County prosecutor's office nework PD South Orange Milburn Union Bloomfield and other agencies with these incidents detective Bureau has made tremendous strides in identifying the actors mostly juvenile who are report offend who are repeat offenders uh incident spreading across the state approximately 15 of these incidents were the juveniles were identifi identified and the detective Bureau is actively working with uh Juvenile Division and ESS County prosecutor's office it should be noted that during these details South Orange uh of uh South Orange Milburn and agencies around us are are also receiving these type of uh crimes um Springfield Avenue the uh Richards gas station we had a carjacking there um we uh did charge a a juvenile suspect for that and and that person has been charged with carjacking robbery and aggravated assault so we did make an arrest of a juvenile in that case uh uh another burglary of a vehicle detectives were able to track the vehicle in the norc with assistance of New Jersey State Police the vehicle and three occupants who bail who ran from the vehicle uh were were apprehended and um and brought to the county jail they were charged for uh receiving stolen property and alluding aggravated so against police officers so that's a uh snapshot of what we have been doing from that time frame there's other um other suspects we have identified and uh charges are pending um again we are still out there um these even with us making arrests these kind of crimes are still happening and um we have um we have some some folks identified and we're working with the prosecutors offic for charges that's where we're at with the prly details anybody got questions about the burglaries so Chief can you just clarify your work with the state a little bit to what you can explain yeah so um and it's not just the state it's the prosecutor's office and other agencies when we get this information we send the information to other agencies because they might have the same type of crimes um and they might be able to identify the same type of suspects so just because they're doing the crime here we have them identified we might be able to get additional charges uh with identification and with evidence if they're doing it in other areas so uh the state police assist assists us with that uh we work with them uh on on another case but I'm um so I'll leave it at that but um we're uh we work with these different agencies in in in identification our detectives doing real good in identifying these people and uh providing that information to other agencies so you feel like we're um the joint effort is is making some progress defin definitely sort of spr that's been going right right and I I was also say our our detective Bureau is um you know I think is identifying these these people more so than anybody else so uh Chief you kind of buried the headline the headline is the for the seven months of 2024 crime is down 41% over the same period in 2023 yes correct yeah correct I was I was excited about the burglary details that we been yeah no I understand that that's good but let's I think the high you know the high level number is you know that's that's a significant decrease and and I think that the reduction in robberies is particularly important because that's always a person to person situation right and as we saw over the years we there were more instances when we had robberies where people had guns or knives and that always can go bad real quickly definitely definitely and uh and I guess the stolen car stuff is leveled off um yeah 41% is is a good number yeah and and uh like the like the uh the straight car thefts have been going down from year to year right um so like the street like the car running on the street and things have been going down um yeah I just uh the beries are are U is what getting is what is getting us so we're we're on it and we're uh in those areas and we're doing a lot of good work there right oh that's great anybody have anything else on the the stats these stats um Chief you want to talk anything in particular particular about overtime you want to share with us yeah just that the uh the overtime is up um a lot and it's due a lot and it's it it's due to these details so we've been running these details almost every night okay with with patrolman and uh detectives um each have their own uh their their own um assignments on these details so one part of it is uh um deterring it um with with Mark units and lights and everything else and the other is um you know the investigation part of it and also um you know kind you know mix a match trying not to be detected and and catching whoever might be doing it so um again it's been working out but it's not it's not like when I was in Patrol and we had a rash of burglaries and you catch the guy who's doing the burglary then they stop this is we catch the guys but it still continued so we're we're still out there well and based on what you said around the you know the the apprehensions and the reductions the the cost benefit is sort of on the positive right now we may be spending more in overtime but we're getting good results from it right right you think it's going to continue through the year yeah I mean it's it's it's a little it's a little bit because we're still getting we're still getting attempts even when we're out there we just have recently um so that that kind of bothers us um but um through investigation um some of them might not be related to this group this this style of burgy so we're looking into that it might be something else so U so yeah we'll continue until um you know even even when we made these arrests or these identifications uh we still were out there because we weren't sure if they would stop or not and we're we're right they didn't stop so okay and chief um where do we stand on our table of organizations how are we doing with vacancies or we do we have any we're full we're we're we're not vacant okay anything on the horizon um no not that I know of right away no okay we're pretty good or um yeah yeah we're good we're good we talk we talk about some stuff offline but Patrick you have a a a guest in your room that you tried to get off camera come on I tried he's interested in our committee Hi how are you what's his name he's so much cuter than Luke put Luke in the chair he's excited because today's the first day he wor wore his Halloween pajamas oh can we see them wow it's early it's only September 11 oh cool what are they your pajamas oh look at that a pumpkin very cool pumpkin very Jack Lantern back say does daddy have pajamas like that no please no this is publicly recorded yeah YouTube you're on YouTube Luke should be the cutest part of the meeting all right go ahead yeah totally can we get one of those plugs ourselves I bet you like to plug us up I need for myself from time to time a little soothing yeah yeah I don't think you talk too much okay okay chief anything more you want to tell us we are going to go into executive just so you could share anything uh more confidential uh just um you know school started we're in the second week um I did uh you know if if anybody has any complaints about crossing guards or where they should be at times uh you can um you you know you can call our main number immediately or you can email me um I got a few um concerns but um I'm sure there's probably more out there um but I I only received two so um I know there's probably more but you gota let us you got to let me know so we can take care of it uh once I find out we uh do our best to take care of it okay uh and speaking of uh Crossing guards how are the vacancies there have we filled them all yeah we filled them all we just have to get um a couple trained um so we we we filled them we'll uh uh meet with them and then we'll we'll train them for like a couple weeks on their corner with a uh with a more senior guard and then they'll be ready to go so Patrick It Seems like by increasing the salary some we're getting a response we are yeah we just started advertising the new salary last week after it was approved at the township committee meeting so get some more response on that and then we have those two extra crossing guard spots that were approved in this year's budget so those will be people who are getting hired and then trained up but long term that'll really help us keep officers on the street that would otherwise get pulled off to cover post when guards are at sick so good news on the crossing guard front okay great uh Nancy Dean anything for the chief nope okay all right um so let's go to discussion items uh updating the rates for police outside jobs so uh I worked on this back in 2020 2021 and we set rates for 2021 at that time I guess we did this in 2020 for implementation in 20121 we have not updated those rates and um Patrick Chief I would like to have you take a look at this I mean we're still charging roughly $82 for General rate for an officer and I don't I would assume that it's costing us more for an officer over the last few years so um if you can take a look at that and we can um craft a new a new uh ordinance I I'm not sure if we do this by ordinance or resolution but whatever it is we ought to update the rates so that we have more current rates for off-duty uh employment sure yeah it goes It goes by the uh senior officer overtime that's how we but okay but I think we're still charging the $82 right yes it's less than what what it would be yeah yeah I mean it's probably yeah yeah so we may you know they they get that they get the money right they we don't actually pay do we pay them the $82 do we pay them their overtime rate uh it would be U yeah uh it's it's I think it's at 86 now but okay yeah all right so let's just get that squared away um and then the other thing Patrick you and I had a brief conversation about maybe doing um some other changes about how these get assigned yeah both I I think the chief and I know the uh the PBA SOA have an interest in moving to a company that uh will take in overtime requests straight from the contractor the event and then through a app they put that out to officers in the municipality those officers can you know on their phone respond back say if they're available not available the big one that does this is jobs for blue and I know that they' reached out to us a few times but there's some other people out there who who use it um I think there's a benefit I know there's a benefit to us one it's a better program in terms of how officers are able to respond and get picked for these assignments two they take the money and it keeps us out of the uh position of having to chase down extra money because the you know the detail went long and they didn't have enough in escrow um and then it does the timekeeping so when an officer shows up to a job they punch in on the app when an officer leaves they punch out you get those tickets so that you know if you're working a road job and that contractor you know maybe it's the county or maybe it's another private contractor wants to see your tickets in terms of when you punch in when you punch out where you were it'll track all that for you so there's a a really big benefit to it the one piece I have to figure out is they charge us a fee and so if we don't change our fees in terms of there's an administrative rate that we charge on top of that $ 8286 you were talking about if we don't change our fee at the end of the year we'd be earning less now we'd be doing less so there's you know some tradeoff there right now it's run through our uh our unions even though there's some consideration about you know or discussion about you know how we want it to run it run through our unions they have to put in a lot of time so we would be collecting less but spending less time doing it um but we could also increase our rates to at least to some extent to accommodate that so I need to look at what the appropriate overhead expense percentag is and I'll look at other municipalities in our area that use jobs for blue and similar program see what they're charging and I'll make a recommendation to uh to this group it could even be in the next month not our next meetings I I think I I would hope that we could do something like this because in addition to the cost at the police there's also the cost in finance we've got to track all this down you know every year in our audit we're flagged for this because we don't get the money up front all the time so um yeah if we could Outsource this that' be yes I I'll work to have a full recommendation at the next public safety meeting okay how would that impact when we have our own Road programs and we have the off duty police rate yeah so we can include that in our RFP that we want to have the opportunity to charge a different rid for our own events and you know operate generally in the way that we operate now in discussion with companies who do this they're able to build that in for us okay because that's not where they're making their money you know that's not the bulk of their work anyway and our officers are familiar with these programs I know Milbourne uses it and so when we take Milbourne jobs that's how we're getting it when our we being our officers and so they're familiar with it and they like how it operates and they've been on me to to get this done too so it's it's something I promise them to do and it's um you know it's certainly ready yeah when I did the research on this back in 2020 um I you know there were a lot of people who spoke about I looked at a couple different towns and a lot of some of the PE some of the people who are using this uh you know Outsourcing thought it was just great it just removes a whole layer of stuff because there's also you know I'm not saying it happens with us but there you know it tends to get favoritism in some of these agencies where the same people get the good jobs and other people don't um so it just eliminates that even if it's that's not a reality that favoritism you know it removes the um the opportunity for un new criticism yeah yeah right as long as you like amplifi like make sure we know that down any downsides but it sounds good right yeah I will I mean the big downside is you know what we may stand to lose in terms of overhead but I'll I'll present that yeah we now charge uh eight you know 10% $820 an hour for administration so we would lose that unless unless we kept charging some fee and had whatever this outsourced was a fee on top of that now most of these are private companies and just to go back to the road workor you know even though we pay for that that comes that we don't really pay for that that comes out of the com from the contractor right yeah so it just makes our contracts more expensive right y yeah okay uh I'm move to traffic enforcement plans so Chief I put this on here because um it it uh it it works out that on the morning of these meetings on the second Wednesday of the month we have an engineering Public Works and planning meeting and we're constantly being uh you know approached by folks who want traffic calming who want more enforcement who are concerned about speeding and so it's always on our mind this day so when we meet with you at night this is always on our mind traffic traffic traffic and enforcement and and honestly I took a look at the July um you know the July stats and you know I I just I'm I just want to put these numbers out there you know shift one had one radar ticket shift two had zero radar tickets shift three had two radar tickets uh shift one had 43 moving violations shift two had 28 and shift three had 101 moving violations it looks now that we only have one officer in the TR traffic detail um you know we've we've we've done less than 30 radar tickets year to date and we've done about, 1500 moving violations year to date um it's it's you know that's about One A Day or about I'm sorry about 10 a day um and you know we're hearing it from everyone that's speeding uh p pan people aren't honoring pedestrians um and you know the stop signs and and I'm I just and I hear it from you I read these uh monthly reports I see the lieutenants put down you know next month we'll concentrate on moving violations or we'll concentrate on traffic enforcement but the numbers don't change they're all low um so how do you respond to this how how do you give us some assurance that we're on on top of that so when when the folks come to us and talk about traffic safety we can assure them that not only are we dealing with it on the engineering side but that way you have some enforcement side of it too can I just add to that before you answer Chief just the um look the the traffic calming projects whether it's speed humps or or you know narrowing the the drive Lanes or whatever it is it costs money it costs money the taxpayers and um while I know we can't enforce everywhere all the time I feel like if there's a way we can enforce more so that we have we spend less on you know physical improvements that not only cost money to install or implement but then cost money to maintain um and that's a problem I I think a big part of it too is we need some and maybe this comes from PD maybe it comes with our new Communications person to have uh education program to Residents about you know when you leave your house you're in public and you you have to watch out for yourself everything's not like taken care of for you and just education on you know pedestrian safety and the responsibility of drivers and pedestrians so I just wanted to add that in there but most importantly trying to like be nice if we didn't have a budget line for pedestrians traffic hming um and we could just do this with enforcement and and uh education yeah I understand um so uh I've been promoting enforcement to our officers but a lot of our officers what they do is they um they'll they'll use their discretion or use warnings uh which they're allowed to do but um you know I I tell them if we get a forcement in these areas and we wouldn't have to keep doing these details in these areas um you know the the four-way stop sign on Nork and Ruckers um if we if we do enforcement we do the we we do the tickets the person um you know uh traffic if they see us out there they're they're less likely to to to violate it I I always give this example when I drive home on to uh going through planes um years ago I got pulled over over there and to this day it was probably like seven years ago to this day I slow down because I think I'm gonna get that same ticket over there um so yes we've been uh low in issuing tickets for a long time um I do um am going to start uh having my supervisors do these details along with the officers uh to make sure that we're doing the proper enforce at these locations um as you guys well know the uh locations are everywhere in town right it's everybody speaking yes yeah no we know that we know that yeah that's I'm agreeing that's I just got one today from uh South Pearson and Valley of theed of uh lights being that light uh being run through so um we do we do put the details out they sit on the details but we have to have to have more supervision on what exactly is happening on these details when we're putting them out and so officer would um choose a warning over a ticket because why they don't want to go off time to court if necessary I I difference yeah I don't know the reasoning for it maybe they're just trying to be uh kind with it or they just um I you know but I I listen to the radio and I hear you know there's a traffic stop and then it was issued a warning um so I don't know if that's a that's a thing I don't know if that's if a warning is enough incentive for people to stop right that's why we have tickets yeah I make a suggestion yeah because we've been hearing about this for quite some time Chief uh does it make sense to conduct confidential surveys of our officers we could just do a survey um only in the department could be anonymous Administration can help us put a quick thing together couple questions and maybe this could help us get to the root cause of of what's going on right yeah look into that of uh find out what's happening um as far as the uh the traffic Bureau we're down to one is because we um may want a detective so um we'll fill that uh coming up but also we um have um accreditation uh coming up so we um have an officer in that in that area but um yeah definitely we need to um pick up the enforcement you know and when you when you look at the monthly report I'm sorry Dean when you look at the monthly reports um even these numbers that I'm putting out when you know when you talk about like shift 143 almost three qus of that are from two officers yeah and the rest are zeros and ones if that you know so it's it's it's there's there are some folks who just don't write tickets and I think we made it clear in the last go round with promotions that if people want to take leadership positions we're expecting them to be leaders and get the folks who are under them to to perform their jobs so I'm I'm heartened to hear that you're going to put supervisors out there because I think they need to to be out there and see because we're getting hammered Chief we're getting hammered by people people are paying high taxes and they feel unsafe I hear you Pat as the as the um appropriate Authority here what do you think about conducting a survey and collecting some data you think it's worth it I don't think it hurts to put the survey out I'm not sure what I think about until I see how many people respond and the types of responses but it certainly can't hurt to ask the questions you know I just want to be careful with uh how we evaluate the answers as all but that we won't know that until we see them so we can yeah we can put something out okay anything else on this traffic anybody okay um Chief we we received an email uh from Julia flath of walk bike ride South Orange asking us to make some changes in our reporting to include uh crashes that involve bikes and scooters and pedestrians did you see well I included in the uh agenda did you get that email yes I I received it okay so they she says that South Orange is gonna do this is there any hesitation on our part or any reason we can't do this too no I I already spoke to our our uh data office officer we got the categories ready to go and we're uh ready to fit that out we want to do it weekly though with our police blot yeah that's fine right that's what she's asking for okay yeah um okay and then uh Chief I just want to alert you and and maybe uh um give you some direction here on the township committee has been uh has received a couple of requests now about for us to take a look at overnight parking on the street from two to six and um we said that we would talk to you know from an engineering perspective and we also talk to Public Safety uh you know I know in the past you have been in favor of keeping the overnight parking for security reasons and safety reasons just like your predecessors uh you know Deval and before Deval every every chief that I've ever dealt with has asked us not to change it um but we are getting some pressure and and and lives have changed and people you know work has changed and people need cars to get to work and more people are living home than before and it is it is getting to be a problem we're trying to figure out how to you know if if changes are necessary and I'm I'm not going to ask you you know well my colleagues can can jump in but I think what would be useful not to just have you talk off um you know sort of the top here but it would be useful to get from you and your your command staff and your your leadership there um sort of a a paper on why why we should keep it what are the benefits of keeping it um what would be the you know potential impacts if we removed it um would there be parts of town that make sense um you know that you you're seeing that you know people they're putting their cars out every night because they have no other choice uh and you know they get tickets some nights and some nights they don't I mean we we give out 2300 tickets already year to date so you know over seven months that's almost you know 175 tickets a month it's a lot of tickets um so you know the um I it would be useful I think if you could tell us and a just sort of reason the approach what do you think the benefits would be what what are the negatives so that we could continue the conversation I don't think anything is imminent but it is going to be a conversation and it's not going to be a conversation that goes away well um you know from my perspective with my officers just like you said um you know enforcement people need to feel safe um our midnight that that allows our midnight crew we we drive every street at night you know you're get a patrolman on every street uh issuing these tickets and giving uh and and and going to locations where we would you know we betroll the whole area but this this um our midnight tour is out and driving around in areas and you know you can't measure it but it it DET deter crime in some areas because officers out there is you ticket three in the morning you know um you know uh a potential person might come or whatever so we're we're out there um and that on top of their checks so it keeps our our midnight tour busy checking areas and being uh uh throughout the town also um uh if a if a car is parked out there um you know four or five days not touched or whatever it could it could be a recover stolen vehicle it could be a vehicle used for something else um so it allows us to um you know do a check on these on these vehicles that we normally wouldn't check if it wasn't for the overnight Parky yeah I understand that and and so what would be useful is if you could put it down into some kind of report for us or just a paper and then also if we were to change it you know what do you what would be what would be different I mean how how would it impede anything that you're doing now I mean I'm yeah I mean the car you know the that midnight shift can still drive down um you know Van Nest and still see the cars there they're still going to be going down that street it's just that there might be some cars parked on the street yeah and and but normally um a lot of times is the residents that are calling us for those overnight park no I understand that I understand all right it's usually complaint a complaint Street where we're going on right we're giving you the chance to make your case what what would be the reason why we should keep it well I was just gonna say you it's not just I I to Vic's point I think we want you to think about it and just kind of lay it out for us because we have so many requests we're having you know multif family homes with like two parking spaces but five or six cars so we're trying to just kind of figure out how do we solve this problem we've been thinking about private property that we could you know have them rent we've been thinking about public you know municipally owned property that we could give them permits for trying to figure out stuff you know nearby these areas so but we also know that a public safety issue and it has been for a long time and the reason so many towns have you know middle of the night they don't want cars parked on the street because it's easier to to P control and make make sure everything's safe because they can see things easier and so on and so forth so I guess what we just want is like you to kind of think through it not necessarily talk about it here and just kind of give us your your thoughts or even if you have other ideas of solutions because you know we're we're more densely populated than we used to be and we're we're just trying to make you know just trying to solve this issue that's happening with too many people yeah okay I'll I'll put some on pap Dean I think you wanted to say something no I think the mayor covered it really well we know the Chief's position keep it uh don't change anything but you know I we what we're trying to say here is that we don't think that's sustainable long term because of the issues the mayor mentioned so if we were to change it or lift it entirely how do we do that how do we be creative and still balance that against public safety that's all okay um I know we have uh a member of our community board on police Katrina Campbell's in the O in the attendee can we move her over just to see if U she'd like to speak to us yes should be coming over now hello how you doing doing great it's all it always is nice when Zoom says I'm being promoted to a panelist yeah like a job important right so now that you're promoted would you like to share anything with us I would I guess these are mostly as as I I try to take this time as a citizen to also just share a few things um so I I'll do that if that's okay um but just want to acknowledge um I'm not sure if you already did obviously September 11th and so they're all all kinds of memorials and just want to thank you all for doing your public service um thank the chief for doing his many years of public service and uh you know we don't take it lightly what you all do so um just want to acknowledge that first um and then I do have a couple of things I'll try to do them really quickly um one I just want to note for the community board on police I mean um some of you were there in the room but I just want to acknowledge the really excellent presentation from our crisis intervention social workers um for those who may listen to this recording or watch later um it's really really good to see the work that they're doing and to see the increase um in the work that they're having to do so um I just I think we should continue to advocate for their presence and and you know to the extent necessary more resources in the future um but just want to highlight that from from the board um from um what you all were just talking about so this is me as citizen sorry I'm sorry to stop you there before I forget uh Pat have we publicized that report from our crisis intervention folks is it available on the website not yet we're planning a press release for it so we've got a press release going out this week for cspnj for homeless Outreach and then we to go out next week for CW we'll be sure to include that might be great and and it might be nice I think Kasha did a lot of work to uh promote that but whoever from the board really worked on that might be good to just get a a comment from them on on the success of that or or councilman daus so that would be great um so um I just want to comment the overnight parking um I a huge advocate for keeping that rule in place um I can tell you that on in my neighborhood in particular um when I see cars on the street or on my own block at night almost certainly there are people in those cars um and I mean I won't go into detail for so that I'm not identifying people but um it it there it's loud it creates noise issues I think it creates issues with people knowing they can sort of camp out on a block um and I do think that it creates certainly concern for me about safety and what else is going to happen people and you know especially because we now have legalized marijuana um but I don't think it's public you know you smoke in public but you get a lot of that as well when you see people parked on the street you know there's a lot of that it's just um and it's not very very nice for Citizens like myself um a couple of things a a a friend of mine who lives on New York way who knew that I served on the community board on policing asked me to just alert the public but also you all to the importance of um cars the traffic point right cars stopping when there are school buses sometimes those school buses are going to different schools not necessarily in the district um but making sure that cars are stopping when the school bus has the stop sign out um because you know New York way in particular is quite narrow so it's it's really um difficult for young kids who are trying to to board the buses um and then from my own standpoint um just a couple of things um I probably have said before I'm a runner um I walk a lot around in the neighborhood and um today I went out for a nice run this evening before the meeting and it was one of the first times that I did not run into cars that are parked across the sidewalk um or people on motorized vehicles including children on the sidewalk and I have not yet found an ordinance that speaks to either of those things um I'm sure they exist and you know there's some user error here but would love for the committee to speak to if you already have efforts underway or to consider if you don't have efforts underway um really getting on top of these things it may seem like nothing but I I saw a lady with a stroller this morning trying to go around the corner um on Bernett Avenue and had to go out into the street because the car is blocking the sidewalk um and when you're walking down the street walking your dog or you know elderly people or I mean even just totally healthy young people um when you've got somebody on a motorized bike or skateboard coming down the sidewalk at you it it it is not a good feeling um and I work in New York and this is a huge problem in New York City it's not going to be that kind of issue here I know but it would just be really great to understand what are the rules um and if you have a minor person who's on a motorized scooter skateboard or bike like are they supposed to be on the street or they supposed to be on the sidewalk it would just be good to have clarification and maybe maybe before or we have some kind of police response in terms of tickets perhaps do a public relations campaign um to alert people and educate them as to this issue and whatever you know what the rule is going to be um I think that's it only last thing I will say is that this meeting is really hard to find on the public website um weirdly when you go to today's calendar you do not get that this meeting was happening even though you the engineering things so it would be great if that could be fixed because I think that's probably a reason you don't get citizens who are attending and I think this is one of the better meetings that happens in town yeah we have a we have a problem ourselves getting on so just on the bike stuff you there isting there is a Prohibition on bikes on the sidewalk so they're not we we have talked about it we've talked about taking a look at um maybe tightening the ordinance particularly with uh electric bikes um we did get some comments from the the um walk bike ride group of South Orange um you know to go slow here because we're trying not to we're trying to encourage people to ride their bikes and passing laws that prohibit that you know prohibit certain things could be in Conflict so we have to work some things out but right now there you're not supposed to be riding a bike on the sidewalk and you're not supposed to be c yeah you're not supposed to be blocking a sidewalk either right is that right Chief we can give a TI for blocking a sidewalk that's correct that's one of that's one of the things we we do with protesters we you can't you got to keep moving or right from right so even a car you can't have a car now having having said that you know we know that there are some very difficult parking situations on the courts off of boen you know Troy Evelyn um the the the the you know off times they're you know they're parking their cars and they have one car that hangs over a bit into the sidewalk I mean on the courts it's it's less of a pedestrian problem because people generally aren't walking there because you know they're dead ends essentially but um you know it is it is a little bit of a balancing act because we could give tickets to somebody on Evelyn Court I'm sure every night for blocking a sidewalk and and that's it's just it's just one of the realities that we're faced with about overnight parking how do we do that because these yeah yeah when these things were built and approved no one thought that people would have multiple cars you know to the extent that they do yeah I just want to I'm I'm sorry May Adam it's okay I was just agreeing with Mr DeLuca that it's it's you know we're trying to we were just talking about trying to you know accommodate people who have too many cars and living in a multif family and one of the things they're going to do is try to cram as many as they can to the driveway and that's by by Nature it's gonna right happen over the sidewalk and I just think I mean obviously yes it's a dilemma because on the one hand we want to prioritize I mean residents have needs and we have a growing resident population on the other hand residents have needs and if you're walking out with your kid or dog or whatever or by yourself going for a run you you deserve to be safe and you know think about Rucker street right which is quite busy and if you're cutting out into the street and back I think it's an issue I do want to highlight you know in 20 17 my daughter who had just turned 14 I'm sure these numbers are wrong um but she had just turned 14 three days in um was hit by a car on Springfield Avenue she was riding her bike on Springfield Avenue and crossing a driveway for a liquor store and a Truck hit her um the the accident was determined to be her fault because she was 3 days past being age 14 and apparently the rule was you have to be once you turn 14 you're supposed to ride your bike in the street um so it's interesting that there they didn't give her a ticket but you know they they said the accident was her fault and and here I'm not speaking to just bikes you know non-motorized bikes I'm saying when your bike has a motor on it it seems to me that it should not be on the sidewalk I think the Dilemma there is when you are a child a minor child who is on a motorized bike or skateboard or whatever should you be on the sidewalk or should you not I don't I actually think that's a slightly smaller issue because most of the people I see are full grown adults but um I just want to H just kind of show the Nuance there a little no no we're absolutely you know we have uh we have a couple of people that are on Springfield Avenue on motorized um you know skateboards or scooters and it's a problem and then we have some people who fly down the center of uh Springfield Avenue in the turn lane on motorized bikes you know they're putting their life into danger indeed so we're looking to figure out how to how to do this it's it's been a bit of a challenge I think with with all the new technology and and and the fact that things that used to be just for adults who you know knew how to be my son used to ride along Bo all over Brooklyn and New York us just I just didn't think about it because there there was nothing I could do about it and it was very dangerous but that was his mode of transportation but it's but now you have stuff that are little tiny kids are on and yeah it's it's tough to keep up with this kind of stuff and and try to make everybody safe but it is called a sidewalk for a reason so yeah so yeah thank you thank you for hearing us okay thanks a lot uh we're into public comment is there anyone who would like to address the uh Public Safety Committee you can raise your hand I see no hands all right so uh Chief do you have anything for us in executive do you feel you need to go in or no oh you can't hear you I guess I guess you're trying to be really uh Incognito yeah why not I you know okay uh so we'll uh if we can get a motion to go into executive moved move second all in favor I yep okay thank you everyone we're going to go into close session now and Patrick you'll take us off uh