##VIDEO ID:u8Vl0k2QnZQ## oh you got the message yep yeah um okay that shouldn't be I just closed it so I'm going to call us to order at um 625 [Music] okay thank you okay great um okay opening business over into Pledge of Allegiance of the United States of America to the stand indivisible liy and justice for all okay Commendation anyone have anation um public comment oh see is there a sign up sheet oh I why don't we leave one there the fol great right okay I'm gonna go just in the order I got these um I have Jonathan H welcome Jonathan name Jonathan 26 Ral Road and Marblehead Education Association so dear Marvel school committee members as dedicated Educators and concerned community members we are writing to you to express our growing frustration and concern regarding the current state of marble Hood Public Schools it has become increasingly evident that the problems facing our schools can not continue to be ignored the current path taken by the school committee has resulted in a historic turnover of 20% over 20% within the teacher unit leaving our Educators feeling disrespected undervalued and unsupported we urge the school committee to confront these issues headon and listen to the voices of community members and Frontline Educators it is essential to provide modern parental lead benefits and ensure competitive wages and salaries that align with neighboring districts as well as in the practice of paying hourly workers below State minimum wage our Educators deserve to feel valued for their hard work and we need to attract and retain the best talent for our students additionally we cannot Overlook the safety concerns within our schools addressing these issues is Paramount to creating a positive learning environment for both students and staff we are incredibly disappointed that you have refused to commit in any meaningful way to a solution that is inclusive of all stakeholders and creates transparency and accountability with regard to trainings practices and procedures we call on you to take immediate action to support our Educators and improve the conditions in Marvel head public schools by settling a fair contract with education workers in Marvel head it is time stop avoiding the problems and start working together towards real solutions our students in school Community deserve better this letter was signed by over 700 people of which 70% of them are Marble Head residents and Educators so I would like to submit this to each one of you for public record please spe teer by the end of this school year I will have spent 12200 hours in my car meeting to Marvel school I wish I could say it was much less but as our Sal salary schedule currently stand I can't afford to move closer nor will I ever be able to with a commute like that it gives me plenty of time to think about my lesson plans about my students but most importantly about I became an educator in October 2020 when I first came to Glover School Brian Nota interviewed me for the remote kindergarten position he said that he saw this passion for teaching and energy that just jumped through the computer screen it's really hard for me to say this but I like so many of my colleagues is struggling to continue to tap into that passion and energy given the current conditions in our schools and even saying this I feel guilty Educators is much like our nurses perform labor that is at its core caring for others we care so much that we feel guilty when we advocate for ourselves but I am a teacher and one of the most important things that I teach my students is to stand up for what's right for what they believe in and to advocate for themselves and for others after watching my colleagues ask for help and be ignored it's impossible to not feel defeated you're watching our kindergarten Paris be Fen a million in different directions and still make less than some of our high school students working in local businesses after school it's impossible to not feel defeated after sitting as a silent representative during our bargaining sessions and asking for commitment that would increase safety in our schools commitments that would have no budgetary impact whatsoever I'm hearing time and time again no it is impossible to not feel defeated lately in my almost hourong commute in the mornings I've asked myself how long can I and my colleagues continue to care for our students and meet their needs and this is how we feel how can we as a faculty and staff continue to pour from an empty cup for students who deserve us at our best who need us at our best being with my students and seeing them learn is what drives me and my colleagues to be our best each and every day even when it takes everything inside of me to get in the car and spend those 1200 hours commuting to this Comm community that I've given so much to our school committee needs to meaningfully negotiate a collective bargaining agreement that reflects the value that the Educators in this town bring to the community without a contract that solves the very real problems in our school in our schools excuse me I can honestly say that I don't know how much longer it can stay in Marblehead our community deserves better from its elected officials and we are here tonight to ask you to do the right thing and commit to investing in our schools our students staff to serve it on the list too yeah I'm gonna okay or you'll give me me okay before I again reading what I wrote I would like to address the fact that is it disrespectable to be 43 minutes if I show my it's the safety of our schoers and my classroom so I appreciate that this I just want to make it known that the agenda was that we return to open session no sooner than 6 p.m so it wasn't a set start time it's a little bit different when we have executive session before I feel I understand but we're in executive session so we can't leave until but I I appreciate I stand here today expressing my extreme concerns in regards to school safety and the lack thereof as a therapeutic teacher at the Village School for the past eight plus years I seen my school in this District through various transitions through it all I have been hit punched kicked spit on bit and have suffered a broken those due to students who are in crisis and Marvel head not having enough staff who are trained to support students and teachers Marblehead public schools has had an all-time low we do not have enough staff to meet the needs of the neediest of the student population putting students at RK we're unable to hire qualified staff due to the current situation in which school committee has put their Educators and your children who would take this job with the pre-mentioned safety risks when McDonald's and Starbucks heays more than tutors and Paris tutors and Par professionals by the way are our Backbone in special occasion since the end of last year Village itself has lost nine special life staff and she's number [Music] 10 these positions have been filled by staff who do not withhold the appropriate service ation have not been trained or simply have not been filled at all it affects the kids staff has left and will continue to leave we cannot sit back and watch our district set students up for failure time and time again no contract lowest pay scale on the North Shore this does not match the prestige in which Marble Head hold itself to Great towns make great communities and Marvel head public schools are in crisis the time for change is now the town owes it to our students to make schools a safe place for everyone thank you thank you my name is Jenny Wilkins um 22 I um am a teacher along with Laura um I'm also a parent I have three children in the school I have a fourth grader Creer and um I feel the same way Laura does I have been h k spit at I broke my kneecap um when I signed up to be a teacher I didn't expect to make big bucks I'm not here for the money I did expect to be safe I feel very strongly that right now we're short staffed everywhere we don't have we're in a crisis we we can't even prevent a crisis from happening because we we're having to leave students unsupported in classis so when when they then get into crisis we have to leave other students who are then going into crisis it's just a domino effect because nobody wants to come work in they're than you car 289 I am a social worker here at Mar High School and I'm reading this statement tonight on behalf of my friend Kate Kelly who is a Spanish teacher I'm 37 years old and this is my third year teaching for Marvel cut Public Schools I was ecstatic to make the change from my previous District it's closer to home and I was excited about Marvel head's reputation for excellent education last year before my second year I found out that I was by the time my son was born in March I had 21 paid days of maternity despite a supportive team at my school doctors who tried their very hardest to schedu me for late afternoon appointments and my determination to work through as much of the year as possible I was unable to save any more days I had complicated pregnancy my son was born with a clapped lip and required additional fetal monitoring and I was later diagnosed with colestasis which has an elevated risk still which required me to call out or use half sick days at several points of a year 21 days is not enough I deserved to have dedicated parental we my son deserved to have me at home to bond I still mourn the time I lost caring for my own son so that I could return to school to care for the marble head for Marble Head to thank you for your attention [Music] I just want to keep in mind we usually have Public public comment for 15 minutes we do have a handful of other names that's fine but much longer I have to take it to a vote explains and this is Megan right Megan welcome Megan um Community member parents um good evening here to talk about school nurses SCH nurses play a vital role in this district from caring for students with chronic htic or ENT physical and mental needs to developing and implementing dist policies for those who don't know the current unit a contract in the current unit a contract School nurses Bas restrictions on the SC salary School nurses are not eligible above an N colum and are limited to steps one meaning even if a nurse has a degree or credits Beyond a masters NPS won't recognize that even if a nurse has been here for more than 9 years NPS won't recognize it even for reference all the other Professionals in youday teachers guidance SLP are able to move freely through the salary schedule up to Lane m75 and Step 11 this is this is greater than this is a greater than $133,000 difference which by the way School nurses have the same Jessie requirements as all the other a proposal that the mea shared with the bargaining subcommittee back in March was to eliminate this inequitable cap on the salary dep in nurs Spates if the bargain subcommittee had done their homework they would have they would know that saying yes to this proposal it costed very little the amount that it would cost to move less than a handful of nurses from Step n to step 10 or absolutely nothing if the school committee continues to maintain that this contracts not be the m has talked a lot to the bargaining committee about zero cost proposals this proposal would cost the committee zero doar to say yes to today zero dollars to show respect to the small subset of Educators that care for some of the most valuable children in the city our current contract is not allowing heads to attract entertaining nurses Marblehead Educators including tutors par professionals custodians and teachers have endured lack luster contact with the promise of next time for far too long and that is enough good evening my name is Bill sha 17 brout drive as a parent of my brother school students Community member teacher of Marvel veterans Middle School for the past 22 years I am urging all of you to reflect on the lack of progress within negotiations after close to four months of negotiating I'm increasingly concerned and frustrated as I sit as a silent negotiator the meetings are agerial they're FR with tactics positioning all at the expense of actually addressing the issues that face our schools well I believe that both sides have counsil that are responsible for this unfortunate culture at these meetings I do believe the Marvel Education Association has at least been clear about their goals the issues facing our schools and maybe most importantly the Nea has clearly stated what needs to be done to maintain the superior education that we all have become accustomed to here in Mar I do not feel as though our school committee Representatives at the negotiations are actually able to respond to what the na is proposing instead of honestly considering what the people on the front lines have identified as critical weaknesses in our schools they're following following an oppositional methodology and negotiating tactics from marvet public school's attorney Elizabeth valer following her Playbook I find this very troubling because everyone at the table except attorney Valeria shares the same's goal of improving our schools she's being paid hundreds of dollars an hour by the town and will continue to be paid by the town regardless of the outcome or how long this process takes as a school Community your job's very difficult you're required to fulfill State mandates and B to the town's people that elected you I would like to think that you took this volunteer job to improve one schools I would like to thank that all the people in this room the teachers in our buildings are constituents that you consider as you said negotiating T to improve our schools but I do wonder I wonder where your priorities up it feels as though the financial burden of the town is more important than the quality and Lasting stability of our schools I'm grateful for your efforts to be fiscally responsible but neglecting the needs of our staff and our schools in an effort to save taxpayers money is a bad plan if we as a town do not address the wage disparity between Marblehead and the other marcial communities not to mention the communities we like to compare ourselves to based on academic exellence leave those out of it our schools are in a very worrisome Direction let's think about it our pay is the lowest there is no affordable hous the commute to get into this town is beyond challenging we have Decades of dysfunctional Administration who would want to come and working even works quality teachers are leaving this District as we speak to get away from the dysfunction and to look for a living wage I believe that stabilizing Mar public schools and creating an environment to retain and attract teachers must be your top priority I truly believe the work of this contract is critical for the next 10 plus years of this town in this school system if we want quality schools and we agree that it's our moral obligation to create and maintain strong schools it must start with supporting and paying the staff both parties both parties need to work together to effectively educate the community about the financial needs of our schools and ultimately present a united front that supports a fair and living wage thank you for taking time with us welcome thank you good evening everybody um Michael 43 Smith Street I'm 20 year educator Mar high school computer science and math teacher past 10 years I have one seveny old and one 11y old uh one around one at I'm here today to speak on behalf of teachers parents and students but specifically for my own kids my colleagues and for family friends in town I have a coworker whose grandfather Willi T who's a school committee member that worked rigorously with teachers to better their school system she said remember him always talking and meeting the teachers to see what they needed always in phone calls always just in the thick of it now there's a school building named after him I don't know what motivations you have nor is it any of my business however I noticed that from public records school committee has paid $43,000 in legal fees in the past 18 months I've sat in as a silent rep in many barain sessions and don't understand why we continue to pay for the Council if what we have here is the result I implore you to work with the teach you negotiate with us through your Council like Factory workers when we ask for fair WS more isn't always more we're not Factory right get work longer hours you get more we are skilled creative professionals everything is a barking to you if we ask for fair wages you ask for more of our time and give us more hops to jump through let me pose a rhetorical question this is what I want we want our teachers to be patient right empathetic passion that's what I want for my kids I certainly want my kids to have the best versions of their teachers does having to worry about our safe days allow us to do this does having multiple jobs to make ends meet make us better teachers this having to pay for child care to be at a meeting that could have been an email help improve the school system we've asked for fair and Equitable rights and benefits for all our colleagues we've asked for modern Humane rental Le and including pregnancy loss which you have rejected we've asked for common sense solutions to the problems that exist in our school systems and yet you still say no and I do understand there's fiscal respons ility but there's also that leg I believe the school committee's job is to help improve the school systems and by proing helps support the well-being of our teachers this includes our health and wellness I want my kids to have the best versions of our teachers as possible I'm being self do you me that everything about these negotiations seem contrary to that please reconsider their legal counseling and your position our school is not a factory I emplore you to work with the teachers and work with us thank you for your time from 6 um a parent um I was informed byend that these will be at 6 pm. I have schedule I know what are and I also know that we have to stop the meeting because we have another one that t so I you that next time if the meeting is at 6 we will SP the time at 6 I'd like to express uh appreciation for the remarking work our public schools have consistently done over the years and to urge the school committee to take an important step toward ensuring the Contin success by sporing better salaries for our Public School teachers for many years of public schools have been a beend of excellence in education this success is reflected in the high rankings they have consistently achieved at the state and at the national levels uh these are not merly numbers or statistics but a statement uh to the dedication and hard work of The Talented teachers that we that spend cess hours shaping the minds and futures of our students as a community we pride ourselves on having a school system that delers high standards of Education preparing students for success in life and contributing to a better Society however this level of Excellence cannot sustain if we do not properly recognize and reward the Educators who are in backr providing better salaries for our teachers is not just the token of appreciation it is an investment in our children's future and the continued success of our school system I'm aware I'm aware that the town's current fiscal status is strengthened and that there may not be enough funds to support the necessary salary increases at this moment this financial sfall is largely a result of past decisions made by the school committee this only fair that the committee takes responsible ility for this situation and proposes viable solutions to resolve it it is your duty as a Comm to ensure the school system functions efficiently and to remove any obstacles that hinded its progress that includes proposing alternative measures and strategies to improve the financial health of the schools as parent and a concerned Community member I am ready to step up and take active roles in any activities that could help address the financial liquidity of the schools whether it is through fundrais efforts volunteering or participating in initiatives that could help generate funds or find Creative Solutions and committed to doing my part to support our teachers and ensure the success of our schools I'm confident that working together we can overcome these challenges and secure the resources needed to keep our schools thriving our teacher deserve to be compensated thly for the incredible work they do they in and they out they're not just instructors they are mentors role models and source of stability for our students here I'm speaking about my children their salaries will ensure that they can focus on what they do best educating and inspiring the Next Generation I respectfully urge you to prioritize this matter and take action that reflects the value we place on education by doing so you'll be ensuring that our schools continues to thrive and our community regs proud of the achievements of its public school system thank you for your time and consideration [Music] uh we're gonna move on to District updates superintendent thank you back to follow clearly I will do my best um so District's updates uh school year is flying by um we'll be in the holidays before we know it uh firstly I just want to recognize that October's National principales month and I want to take a moment to thank and acknowledge our awesome H principles Michelle Carlson at high school Matt Fox at vets Mary Maxwell at Brown Scott Williams at Village and Frank k at Clover thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to Marvel head Public Schools um sunflowers planted by last year's fifth graders at Village made it to the top field Fair one was 11.5 ft tall and came in fourth place being only two inches shorter of short of the first place flower that was pretty cool uh the head on the flower was 13.5 inches across which landed them in third place uh in addition pumpkins corn purple beans all also sent along kudos to the Community Partners Barbara Burke and Javier Valdez where their work in the garden show there's more um those the two folks that I was aware of and to the students for the hard work and so congratulations uh to folks that went to this hsvi Fair our day of service for the high schools on October 23rd this promises to be a great day for all our students as they embark on many activities within our community um they go into 10 different um 10 or 12 different areas in town so that's that's I know Administration students really excited about that hopefully that will information be successful as it has been in the past I want to share that Dan Richards the assistant principal um at the high school school is headed to Washington tomorrow he'll be representing National Association of Secondary School principles board of directors he'll be meeting with the president's top AIDS in education who will be discussing a variety of topics including school safety funding for Community violence interventions and Partnerships safe storage which is a new tool for school leaders and Community parent uh Community parent discussions uh trauma related um to substance abuse of mental health along with other pertinent topics we look forward to hearing from Dan how that trip went and hopefully can bring back some really cool stuff us here in M uh the bike Walk and Roll took place at Brown school on October 9th Julie and I got to witness the excitement and success of the program thanks to Brown PTO and to the safe Ro to school program was really good to see so many um students partaking in the day and it was such a beautiful fall morning it was really fun they had the kiddos signing in on the um on the sidewalks and they ped them up to see which door won it was kind of neat in the morning starts of the day thank you for that um I wanted to recognize the great work that's being done um um with our ad Administration team and the guidance from Dr Dara Monte Jackson as we continue our deep initiative the Deep um stands for disruptive Equity education project this is uh it's focus is on Research based educational practices to ensure that all students have a sense of belonging in the voice of their education in order to promote success so these are this is some professional development that started last year we continued it into this year um Dr Denise mon jackon if you haven't seen her speak or haven't been a part of any of her um her education um she's well worth the time if she's at a conference or you know any kind of professional development she's really um she's uh well known for her her Equity work um is professional development that is Meaningful relevant and helps um the administr administrators reflect on practice and ensure that we are looking at classroom level actions schoolwide actions and districtwide actions that focus on helping students be a part of their learning community in meaningful and Equitable ways this work incorporates mtss which is multi-tier System of sports udl Universal Design for Learning umal is social emotional learning and crl culturally relevant teaching love our acony and education right um tonight you will hear um so I'm looking forward to the continued work it really has a trickle down effect you know a lot of the work we're going to do is is work we'll continue to do with the uh teaching staff the Educators in our school TOS to help um help them be successful and to be successful tonight you'll hear about our District's overarching impass results and the data that helps to inform instruction develop strategies and inform teaching practices school specific result results will be presented subsequently by the principles so that they could focus on the data in relation to their schools priority uh their schools the prior year results and so they can convey data that celebrates the strengths identifies areas of growth and outlines interventions their grade level specific so Julie is going to present an overarching um uh results tonight just kind of set the stage for that and uh the elementary schools will come and present at our next meeting on uh November 14th the secondary schools at the subse meeting on 11:21 and again they'll they'll present and talk about all things that are happening um the teachers the Educators in schools and um how that's how the students are doing and really uh highlight some some of the positives and some of the areas that we've identified as need exent ventions I think the committee and the community will see areas across all the schools where we perform very well in areas where we need to improve rigor and structal participation so we we share results um we're gonna share the good the bad in in not so great um because it's important to look at all those pieces and really to determine ways to um address deficits that we see and celebrate positives that are happening because of good teaching learner that's happening k Johnson our uh Meco director Julie and I um all attended the Meco conference on 104 at jillette Stadium it was an intense and impactful day where superintendant assistant superintendant and Meco directors came together with the Meco headquarters team and presenters to work on items geared toward bringing Meco districts together to focus on 13 commitments outlined for moving towards Meco 2.0 um this is a series of commitments that really speaks to school culture um and you know obviously the support of Educators and students uh so some of the commitments include racial equity and integration inclusive classroom pedagogy uh extracurricular opportunities for postsecondary Success Equitable hiring practices family connection to school and school Community just to name a few um so when we look at Meco we look at we're Meco District Meco students are our students and we're looking for ways to enhance their experience here in Marblehead and and enhance the experience for our students that live here in Marvel head um so these are some of the things that are happening kind of in conjunction with what what's going on in the SCH uh Athletics asked um our ad Kent to give me kind of an update so here's here's um gave me quite the update so I'm share that today um which is great our boys cross country team remains undefeated and he shared that this is a quote from our longtime coach in biology bi biology teachers John Brian Keenan his quote says quote The Varsity Boys travel to the Cape Cod Fairgrounds compete in the mstca Twilight Invitational as a team they finished second in the division 2 race leading the way for the team were will Seri and Nate Assa okay uh who finished first and second respectively which is awesome covering the 5K course in 15 um minutes 21 seconds and 15 minutes 26 seconds so that's super fast um they were in a pack with two other Runners for much of the race before surging ahead in the last mile they ran one of the best races I have seen Marvel head runners run in my 24 years of coaching so that's awesome so congratulations to uh both will and Nate and coach Brian for the great work there boys cross country is seven and0 girls team is four four and three both are headed to the MIAA division 2 States on 119 uh golf team finished 12 and3 in the season they recently competed in the miiaa division 2 sectionals on 10 six with a Seventh Place finish congratulations to the golf team boy soccer has gone H sorry has four games remaining they are 82 and four in the season M Playoffs begin the week of 1028 the volleyball team continues to do well they are nine and five with four matches remaining before the MIAA playoffs which begin the week of 1028 girls soccer 74 and four with three games remaining before the Mia playoffs beginning the week of 1028 the football team is won three in a row and is now three and2 on the season they have a game tomorrow night at Piper field the first of three regular season games remaining before Mia playoff begins on 118 our field hockey team is 3 11 to1 they had a huge 3 to1 upset over swamp Scott last week they have three games remaining first being this afternoon play came in earlier on Piper field before MIAA Playoffs begin the week of 10:28 so the overall fall records for athletics is 53 30 and9 as of 106 24 so I'd like to give a round of applause for all par go I have a few more things real quick I was asked to reflect on and report on attendance rates this this year so far attendance rates are decent but not great in my opinion we've had only 30 days of school so far and the uh attendance rates are as follows Glover is at 97.5% Village at 96.6% Brown is excuse me 96.8% vets is at 96.4% high school is at 96% I know that we can do better getting our students to school and to school on time and um beginning in school I mean being in school obviously makes a difference in Student Success I just want to frame absenteeism and tardiness in a way that might help um illustrate things in a poignant way so one or two days may not seem like that much but missing one day every two weeks equals 20 days a year four weeks a year and nearly 1.5 years of missed instruction over 13 years of schooling that's one or two days uh sorry that's one day missing one day every two weeks equals um sorry I desie considers chronic APM is missing 10% or 18 days of school even being late to school adds up exponentially missing just 10 minutes per day it's 50 minutes per week nearly 1.5 weeks per year and almost half a year of missed instruction over 13 years of schooling one hour per day equals roughly one day per week eight weeks per year over two and a half years of Mis instruction over 13 years of schooling so attendance matters um I think collaboration communication partnering with with families is very important these kiddos need to be in school to be able to be their best them um to be in front of these wonderful Educators and and learning um being a part of their education make great things happening about so that's I have for P I do think to we get an update I think the Thanksgiving for probably to get maybe in the next meeting get close to that get some yeah that not to talk about AB not no um have any response they heard so um we have had public comment and we are going to move forward with our agenda consent action and agenda items I've got schedule of bills you don't want to respond to all the power mess we have already had public comment and we're moving forward in our agenda so that's announced so we have scheduled bills um so I'm looking you should had in your package I'm looking for a motion to approve 14421 m565 in bills as of October 10th I have first I have a second I'm to do a v Callison Williams um I'll move on to Brian Oda in favor I'm gonna go for with a four Zer I didn't I see Al yeah I'm going to go Z okay I'm looking for approval of our minutes should have had in your package minutes for July 15 um um I'm looking for a motion to approve point out that there is a contract negotiations update coming as the next agenda item y we do have it on theenda anyone like to um looking for first to approve the minutes of July 15th someone Sarah in a second dooll call Alison Taylor nope in favor sarahx sorry ran Oda uh D Williams and Jen shner in favor so four to um looking we have our packet of memo discussing the disposition actually disposition of vehicles which was a memo from Todd um and there was Surplus property of plow trucks one thing I was wondering is like there's in meeting we had a chance for public comment so I appreciate it I understand we're moving students and that you have absolutely not at all your teacher just woke out you have children at scho sir you guys have money our out of order we need to stop talking sir private we cannot AFF that not helping it all know what guys I'm ask motion you you disrespect me by being5 you know and you just do I have a motion for recess you're not going into recess at 729 very well and elections are coming again and you know that you're not accountable for any of your actions just think a little bit about that just adult thank you should know that their permission just record who recorded us um the so they just performed an action there weren't I didn't see any hands but I don't I looked specifically can say full disclosure I don't no I did I actually mentioned it to Jen too there's no one no one had their hand up there I don't have the ability to do that or I would have done it I just reached know yeah yeah I hope that screaming means they won you put a e e e for training oh they do yeah yeah they do seriously yeah oh okay yeah you see them by the fire station no I haven't seen that so what what I will say is are rotted with holes in the bodies as well as the floor so what I will say is there's that need to be replaced so that's not part of tonight's discussion but it will be a lot of those being disposed we have't replac them okay okay great um so I need a motion to approve the disposition of the vehicles just describe Sarah second okay any other discussion okay I'm going to call for a vote Alison Taylor in favor Sarah in favor in favor Jen chap in favor zero do we lose everybody online no this no because you wrote in a problem okay um we're gonna move on to school committee communication discussion contract negotiation update so free to jump John need to and Frank if you can share our screen or not share the screen oh Al Williams hit a hand up he still on think he wants to vote again one second folks Al you there you just need to unmute now yeah I couldn't unmute myself until you allowed it until you made me co-host I apologize you missed the votes I I've been here the whole time and I was you can make the 4050 I was trying to give a thumbs up I'm sorry you know what I'm gonna make you a co-host that I'm gonna make you a co-host that way yeah won't yeah I'm sorry I I was because I can't text you I I was trying via my phone to text you I apologize but I know but I know you're paying attention to the meeting but I'm sorry I was I was listening to everything I just couldn't say anything so that's why yeah no no no no we have to do we have to yeah for sure okay um just need one second to get the document up and just I know this is often question We'll be asking um Stephen our Tech director to put this up on the website right away sometimes he does it tonight sometimes won't be S person tomorrow okay great I'm going to move forward so we're going to give an update on the school committee negotiations with the Massachusetts educ Marblehead Education Association October 17 2024 um I think one thing again just to um reiterate and I checked to make sure uh on the agenda it does say not to return before which while I fully understand the concern and and the comment and I you know I I would feel the same way unfortunately sometimes in executive session things do end up taking longer because we are asking more questions there's only two people on the bargaining subcommittee and so those executive sessions are the only time that the rest of the committee gets to you know find out you know what's happening and get their updates um I just and I think the point is that it does say not before six o'clock so it wasn't a 6 o'clock start time it's not so I know I think for people who aren't used to attending municipal or or public meetings they might not be used to the language and you know you look at a zoning uh agenda a planning agenda and you'll see three people are scheduled for 7:45 that means you cannot see an item prior to that list that time but it is allowable after so you always overshoot in in the air you know early I do think it's important to know that it was not done out of any lack of of respect okay um so um we're here to do an update we had presented this update um uh at our last school committee meeting and so we're going to use the same slides um and we're just going to update some of the slides so just the idea is to have this be sort of a living document so some of the um slides that don't have much change we're going to kind of go through quickly um and again this will be up on the the website for the school committee negotiations um on the school website hopefully by tomorrow next slide than okay so the same questions we had last month we have this year uh this month which is what are the questions in the community how do we get here why don't we have new contracts yet where are we in negotiations and where do we go from here next slide please thank you um negotiations began March 14 2024 um school committee had requested to bargain back in December and The Marble Head Education Association declined and said they weren't ready um we requested to bargain more frequently um early on in those early months the Massachusetts Teachers Association representative wasn't available um and the uh ma the Marblehead Marblehead um Education Association presented its wage goals in June but did not confirm their goal was their actual wage proposal until September 10th for the teachers union so we've been negotiating specifically on the wage proposal since November September I'm sorry September 10 went the wrong direction that's okay one one one Fair okay um why don't we have a contractor so the the Nea or the Union's wage proposals are unaffordable and unsustainable as we sit today and would result in layoffs of employees and negatively affecting our students the current wage proposals from the union total 11591 million of a budget increase over four years I do think it's important to note that we did have a proposal at our last um meeting where the union came forward with a request for a contract to span four years we have negotiating threeyear contract which is typical um well we don't have allowable four-year contracts in Massachusetts what we can do is negotiate a one-year contract which is the Year we're in right now and then have an immediate consecutive uh three-year contract so that it would be a span of years over uh two contracts and that is something that that we are the bargaining committee is um willing to look at um so what their Cent proposal is over the four years for all five unit contracts is a little over 11.5 million um factoring in Revenue increases as were expected um by the Town Administrator and has been estimated by the Town Administrator in finance committee um of a little over a million or a million dollars a year that would require either $7.59 million of a tax override to meet that need over the four years or layoffs of more than 75 staff members which represents about 15% of our staff based on average current average salaries um so it's a pretty significant um M to mind if you will based on what the current un and just and just to be clear um laying off the 75 staff members have you know estimates there is not because the people sitting at this table have have anything to do with determining operationally who we need or who we don't um it is simply a matter of cost and obviously the administrators at each school would have to come up with that but I think it's important to note because there's there's been some discussion about this and I'll probably be the one poking bears and asking questions about things that I've heard things that we see in the um in the community are social media or in the paper um it's not this committee saying we don't need these people we would have to do that in order to make the dollars work and I I I just want to make sure that that's clear without without a tax or a revenue SL next slide um so the cost of the current mea proposals then you'll see our proposals falling up to this um right now they Unit A over over four years would be a 33.9% increase or roughly 9.7 million over those four years for just unit a um for custodians it would be a 32% increase or roughly 644,000 for four years um the tutors would be 27.8 or roughly 735,000 over four years and the par professional request right now is for an 83% increase or to the tune of 4359 thou um 100,000 and the nea's proposal for permanent substitutes is looking for a 52% increase over the four years for a cost of $85,000 roughly it's important to note that this includes um steps as well as the significant um yearly increases I don't I think that some members in the Comm you don't understand that with the step program in our for example unit a um when you move through the steps you come in at step one ultimately the current contract ends at Step 11 you'll hear more about that to come um those are each year you get a raise according to your step anywhere between 4% and all the way up to 11% for that oneye anniversary um and then any additional Cola increases would be the percentages that on top of that and I think it's important to note too that um you know all of the units have what we call the step increases so every year for a period of years depending on the contract um up to a certain number of years each employee in the unit a the teachers are getting a raise and that was true this year too right so everyone who is eligible for step inre receed it um next SL thank so uh where are we in negotiations currently we're have ongoing negotiations with everyone a point of clarification to the custodians unit we made a request for a state mediator we had filed that the Department of Labor Relations has taken jurisdiction they did not throw it out they took jurisdiction and they've asked for an update by November so that that is Ono um SL our current school committee propos so for unit a currently we are um proposing a 10 and a half% for steps 1 through 10 over four years or 12% for Step 11 it's important to note that more than 2third of our staff are at Step 11 so this 12% over four years would affect more than two-thirds of our staff staff we've also added U proposed adding an additional step 12 so to further um growth for our top set there um two ERS we propos renaming as instructional assistance we have a tentative agreement right now um which is a bargaining term a glossery is going to be posted on our website as well so people can um look up those but the reason for that is our administrators have given us the feedback that as they post jobs that say tutors it's the ter T the term tutor apparently is very unique to Marblehead in other municipalities and school districts tutors would actually fall as under a pair of professional contract um so when people are seeing a job posting for tutor what they're envisioning is you know what we think about an old school tutor after school for math or science and um by switching it to instructional assistance it really speaks to more what the role is doing and um will be helpful in the recruiting process so we have a tentative agreement on that um we also propos removing the multi-year requirement prior to steping advancement well Unit A gets a step every year some of our units you'll hear about as we talk um in the current contract you have to work multiple years in order to advance to The Next Step what we're proposing is doing a way to that that requirement of for multi- years between steps and we're proposing a quicker step advancement so employees now Advance one wed step per year up to the maximum um so you'll hear about that in a lot of our units the custodians we have proposed reclassifying the wage groupings in year one this would Pro uh provide up to a 16% increase in the first year Alan for custodians um and then an additional 4 and a half% wage increase over the following two years we are proposing to increase their sick Le by 20% we're also proposing to increase their night differential by over 350% by the end of their contract for the Paris put a lot of work into this contract we have been in agreement we that the current wage scales needed to be looked at um so one of the things we're proposing is to reclassify our wage tables bring our prek kindergarten and special ed Pais to the top pay level it would be a new group a group f um to increase up to 65% for the starting wages in 34% wage increase for a top scale and as well as increase the rate of stepping at higher wage I just want to you know we will be putting up our wage our wage table in the next day or so but just for you know a frame of reference on that on the current contract prek kindergarten special ed caras could start at um $13 and some OD cents that's step one in the current contracts what we're proposing is in Year One their starting wage would be seven um no their their starting wage in year one would be $22 so we're proposing a lot of movement and um by the end of the contract the starting wage for that would be um 2289 so from 1385 to 2289 is what we're proposing um for our Paris there so I I think that's really you know important and I just I'm going to take slight detour to say you know this proposal was made on October 8th it was handed to the union they knew about that wage proposal and we received you know the letter we received that went out after that ignoring the fact that we're offering over $22 an hour for starting wages so you know it's important to note the dates that they that these purposal have um next slide for our permanent substitutes we're doing an addition of steps and a reduction of the time between steps to allow for fer wage advancement as well 23% wage increase for starting wages over three years and 177% increase for top steps over three years these are big numbers um we have them and continue continue to be agreeing to a Safety Committee um throughout the last several months we have been doing this um we had heard tremendous feedback about the success of the professional development advisory committee I can see Julia smiling over there so we've modeled the Safety Committee after the professional development advisory committee um we have proposed equal representation of Administrators and union members and um all bargaining units may be represented there's enough seats for every bargaining unit to be represented that of course the representatives are at the discretion of the Union will choose who represents them but we made sure we allowed for enough seats that every bargain be represented um we're also proposing advances in cental leave previously we maxed out at eight weeks and it all had to be used from the employees approve time we're proposing that you can go up to 12 weeks so that's a 50 % increase and that we will provide 12 Debs paid by the employer that will not be counted across against any error time so again these are new benefits um can I I just I want to make sure that I next slide and then oh sorry no no you have your question no that's this is It's really just kind of in general sorry Frank um I just want to be clear so you're saying because I'm not on the bargaining subcommittee and I didn't ask this admittedly I asked a lot but I didn't ask this in exective session so I apologize I just want to clear on a point that you made there this proposal was in they had this proposal prior to the email that we received 600 yes okay next next slide so um this SL hasn't just has one quick update um we had the last time some other issues so front to leave um we just wanted to note that the bargaining subcommittee has increased uh the offer by 20% to include up to 12 work days of paid leave um and to allow the remainder of the of the personal leave approved uh by the employee to use up to 12 weeks of leave um going forward so that is an increase as well um the safety meetings Sarah talked about um Elementary student um lunch and recess recess just been a um uh an issue for the union and the school committee is obligated to ensure that we were that we meet 900 hours of required student learning time and there's also been discussion of athletic fees um to be waved um and and we'll talk about this in in a slide in a few moments but the athletic fees which are charged by many um school districts are an integral part of our ability to balance our budget um one just additional note on that regarding lunch in recess 100% know and understand the 900 hours that we need for time on learning also agree well I don't necessarily agree but I understand Legend recess do not count towards those 900 hours I firmly disagree and will always firmly disagree um and there is no bylaw or rule um because I've done extens have extensive discussions with desie on this uh time on learning can include walking from class to class changing from your snow pants out of your snow pants Etc um the choice to not include that is an administrative Choice that's not I I know you've been here for two minutes but that was a choice and it is something that it is still a hill that I will die on because I do firmly believe that an additional recess for our younger students is critical for success and I think all of the numbers will show that I just we we are continu to talk about on the policy sub committee but this um request was beyond even yes I I understand I just want to make sure that folks know or for whatever is being reported that that has okay next slide please next slide um which we also showed last time is it has not changed it's the tax l comparison between various towns these towns are um school districts that are similar to Marblehead in terms of demographics in terms of enrollment numbers and specifically in terms of per pupil expenditures um so what we looked at in these towns were the tax levy in other words how much how many dollars in taxes are collected in that Community per person per capita um and you can see that Wayland is at the top and an outlier at 6600 $30 per person marble had the lowest at$ 3494 swamp Scot's even higher than us at 3924 and these are Community these communities were selected because well they're part of the um States what they call Dart so it's the communities that they compare us to and these aren't all of them there are other communities that they compare us to as well but yes no I just that was just another question that we've seen why are you know the seemingly random um allotment which is not yeah and and that's also been out there in various media sources or social media sources that um you know that we sort of chose these communities to compare ourselves to but the state actually does it and do it for a reason statistically um because we are similar to to to many of these communities in terms of again you know number of students per people expenditure um demographics but the tax levy can vary by Community as you can see um different communities have different sources of revenue um that that can vary so next slide please the next slide just again hasn't changed it just talks about New Growth um so this is the area within our town that would provide new taxes or new tax revenue which essensially could go towards um school budget or you know Andor Town budget um and there's a bit of an outlier with and over they have a very large commercial base um and the other the rest of us are are similar in terms of our um our potential new growth marble Hood being the lowest and Our Town Administrator has talked about that many times um you know um in public um and offline has talked about how anemic our new growth is I think it's also important to note the town the town side of marelin has a structural deficit and it's been functioning in the structural deficit for many years and has been continually relying on free cash um which has been diminishing that's the definition of the structural deficit so the new growth um we would hope to be able to participate in um as a revenue source for the school budget and then to um help fund our salary contracts with our um various units are um I don't want to say compe there are other pressures within the town um on those new growth funds next slide please thank you how do we balance the budget again this slide same as last time and really what this is showing is you there's two sides to our budget right one is the expense side and our expenses fall into two categories we have salaries and we have all other expenses that's it so there's been some you know I've seen some sort of Graphics out there and the community sort of throwing on other types of expenses on the expense side of this fum um and you know every thing that we account for are accounted basically in these two categories and there's subcategories under them on the revenue side um that helps pay is what used to pay for these expenses you can see in the pie chart those are our funding sources for our budget we have the town meeting appropriation which comes from the tax lby of the town we have grants which we apply to on the federal and state level we have fees we charge athletic fees and others um room rental fees that we charge for folks that rent our properties um and very generous donations which I we talked about before from the people of Marblehead all of those add up to our budget The Lion Share of our budget without a doubt comes from the appropriation at town meeting next slide please and finally the funding formula this also has remained the same the number of Staff times our staff wages equals our salary budget and our salaries account for 80% of our budget and one of other things we look at in some of those other communities is the Staffing levels and we have the two ways to look at it we have the highest Staffing level compared to many of those other communities and we have the lowest student teacher ratio which is great you know which is great we're able to you know provide for our students and we have we have staff to do that but we are having to allocate our per people expenditure across a greater number of Staff greater staff number um than many of our other comparable commities so this brings us to the major go back one the effect one a major funding concern the mea's wage proposal increases which range from 27 to 83% across all five units require plus or minus a 10% tax override in the absence of that passing it would then trigger mandatory layoffs of more than 75 employees or more than 15% of our staff I say mandatory because we are obligated by state law to produce a balanced budget there's no credit card we're running up here we're not running into an equity line it has to be balanced if we don't get additional Revenue we have to lay off employees we don't want to do that that is why we are taking this process so seriously we don't want to lay off the numbers you're seeing here the the effects on our students would be catastrophic at 15% of our Labs um this is really important to point out Jen hit on it earlier I'm going to say it again this is to fund this contract alone this doesn't include our other additional expenses such as special education or or other expenses utilities that were every year this is for the this the contract alone and the big thing it doesn't include is the structural deficit we continue to hear about at the town every year we're running out of money a little more and more we've we fincom and select boore for two years now have continually told us we will need an override to fix the structural deficit the last estimate was between four and5 million to fix that structural deficit this number you see here does not include that four or five 5 million inste so we are facing the potential of a town meeting and a ballot where we're looking at a $45 million override for structural deficit in addition to uh the a multi-million doll I think what was it almost 8 million overy for just the contract what happens is the town it goes on as a menu you can vote for one you can vote for none you can vote for both the the the reality is we have continued to fail with overrides this town has continually not passed them so to wager 75 employees or 55% of our Workforce on an override of this magnitude is a really big risk that could really harm our students so that is that is the major funding concern the next slide we want to talk about what is oh yeah no no okay we want to talk about what is a proposition she have override process because look we hear you know I think the gentleman here was saying it too you need to just get more money there's a process it's laid out by Smash General W it starts with a warrant article for a proposition two and a half which becomes sponsored and then placed on the warrant then it's got a pass town meeting by a two-thirds vote after it passes town meeting it gets to the ballot it must receive a simple majority at the ballot here this last one is the Big Ticket item that very few people understand the first year that funding is guaranteed for the schools schools sponsors the article after the first year that funding reverts back to the townwide general fund to be appropriated by town meeting you hope the appropriation they follow the will of the people and they say you know this was brought forward by the school school for the schools but there is no law there's no legal mandate that that override that is passed gets reappropriated to the schools after that it is a one-year guarantee that's it so again year after year that money is not guaranteed you're back at the teeth okay that so I well there's nobody here but I think there's still some people online um it's unfortunate that people because that's really a critical piece um if we went for an override and I similar to all of the mass confusion around sell coffin sell evth you'll get all this money that is not how the process works the first year we would get the money that was agreed to at town meeting that was agreed to at the ballot when people voted for this we would not be guaranteed that the next year or the next year or the next year after that and that is a critical piece like more than a critical piece which is is I personally have concerns I've spoken out against how money is allocated to be schools from the town time and time again so this for me is another concern on that um unfortunately as Sarah noted it's this is the law this is the process we don't we can't take that it's not to say town meeting won't reallocate the schools y but anybody who's tell has realized come so demand or can go to the next side you'll see in quotes here demand and override we keep being told demand and override it's not just we say give it to us and it's given to us so there's a process as was laid out in the previous slide in you know we talked about the warrant at town meeting there's multiple options here for a town meeting we start with an option for a special town meeting now the select board had special town meeting on two agendas in September very well organized group of over 100 attended and spoke opposing and shutting down the idea I want to be clear they were not speaking against funding the schools that was not the intent of this group it was on a separate warrant article it was focused on that and I don't want to imply for a single second that they were speaking on anything other than that the point is it was on an agenda there was an easy path to for to a special time meeting um no members not one member of the staff or public spoken favor as using that special town meeting as a place to for an override article if they had if this large group you had seen here today or the 700 signatures you see had used those those meetings and said let's have town meeting and put an override request on it because once the by the way folks once the warrant's open it's open we can have leak blowers we can have everything back on it's open so there was not one member that showed up and um I was there Jen was online um and I spoke that was on M oh I spoke in um about the reality of Staff reductions if the will of the Town continue to turn down additional funding revenues um so special town meeting at least that one is off the plate it takes this 300 signatures folks so go for it um I want to jump in there I just want to make one comment too which I think keep going back to quoting Our Town Administrator key member of our bargaining team and you know that Keys Town Administrator has made it clear he has spoken publicly that um that an override well it need would need to be placed on the warrant as an article by a board really needs to come from the public it's going to be successful and we would need you know it needs to be significant um The Source really does need to come in terms of support loud and clearly from from the public or from certain groups BR and and I think also it's not just support to put that warrant on it's it's then the additional support to pass the warrant at town meeting getting enough people at town meeting to agree to it and then getting enough people at the ballot so it's it it's not it's not just getting the warrant it's all of those pieces and having having been through it having stunted for an override already it is a lot it's a lot of work you don't yeah May um so the next regular scheduled town meeting is May in 2025 um the school committee again must legally put forth a balanced budget to town meeting so that one of those first articles when we vote the balance budget that's that's the balance number that has to be what we have then the warrant for opens in January the school committee has placed an article for an additional School funding override for the past six years every year for the past six years we've put a placeholder there's been some years we've definitely postponed it we tried to push it through um two years well P two years uh it P time meeting two years first year it failed the town the ballot by 2/3 or two or I'm sorry a two to one margin and the second time by 400 votes um so it's important to point that out because we keep putting it out there the way town meeting works is if it's on the if it's an article even if the recommendation is indefinite postponement I mean praise the tree man he showed us all you can you can um bring it back bring it back on you can amend the the motion we aren't seeing voices doing it there's not one person standing up in these six years saying no give us that overall so get back to how the budget starts the super superintendent recommends the initial budget including Staffing levels and expenses they recommend the Staffing levels they recommend What expenses budget the school committee then determines if additional funding is needed to balance a budget thus the warrant article so this just kind of goes through what the process is it's really not as easy as us was calling you know at the H and saying we demand more money if it was trust me I would have either had money or been driven out of town years ago um all right so next SL that's you thank you um so just in wrapping up we're asking the same question to ourselves um and the full committee um going forward is how will any proposal that we have going forward our proposal or the Union's proposal or hopefully what will be something in between we agree to how will it impact the education of the students in marate schools and is it affordable and sustainable and last slide last um Where Do We Go From Here Again similar to how we were last month we will continue to bargain a good faith with each of the units of the Union um Sarah explained the Department of Labor took jurisdiction of the custodians unit so we will continue to bargain and report back the results of our bargaining by November 8th and we'll then likely um if we haven't reached an agreement the Department of Labor will likely assign a mediator to us um and we're committed to bargaining a contract that meets the needs of our students our staff and community and I will close with this by saying that we have made we have made progress we absolutely have we were far apart we've come a little bit closer together we're meeting again on Monday we're meeting again the following Monday so um that's the good news and we hope that we will continue to be able to make that progress soon or sooner rather than later and be able to come to a contract that everyone um can I do think it's important because I I unfortunately witness some of our words getting a little massaged um to to clearly State as far as wages as you have seen in these tables we're still far far apart um it's still a gap that seems insurmountable from a funding standpoint um and quite frankly it's it's a wager on um services to our students that would be irresponsible at that level to make I I think if you can get that's a discussion but you know the idea of laying off 15% of our our Workforce is um not a responsible you know I'm just going to say I do think that in regards to the 600 emails I don't I I think you think we are facing the problems I don't I don't know that anybody is avoiding the problems I would I have a kid in this school system too and I I would suggest that people review this and maybe understand that there is only so much that we as these five people can do it is so hard day after day to read post after post you would think that these five people here are the devil Al's not here so he's online four people at the table obviously you guys W count um four people at the table Al's online to hear the names that were called the assumptions that get placed on us I have a child here too I want the best for my child too I grew up here when we had exemplary schools and we were you know we had a much more you know robust offering obviously it was 400 years ago so things didn't cost quite as much however I want that for my kid I want that for all of our students I want our teachers to feel valued I want and I'm not on the bargaining subcommittee so I don't know the intricacies of what happens there but I just want people to be mindful of how that I I think people we aren't avoiding problems I think we're trying to work towards Solutions I understand and in a perfect role I think we all would agree you want 40% here's 40% but there is an element of reality that we have to live in and it is so so hard but I I really do believe that Jen and Sarah and and everybody on the full committee whether you're we're on bargaining or not we want the best for you as well and I just I don't know I I hope after this presentation with the there's a lot more detail in this version of the presentation than the first one and I'm very grateful for this and thank you it's incredible times um I I I hope that people can see that no one is avoiding the problems there's no one up here that doesn't see that this is a problem um there's no one up here that doesn't want to work towards a real solution there's the safety I I think you're almost there on the safety right so that's you know from the safety perspective the Safety Committee perspective and I think that there has been some really great progress you're not there yet and I know that and I I know just looking at the numbers it seems insurmountable but I do think that you know I don't know I don't really know what the point of all that was just that um I just urge people to read through this I wish more people had stayed um to hear it I don't know how we have it's really hard to not get emot number one when people are are are talking about you know it hearkens me back to when we had the 94% non voted non-confidence and people told stories it's very difficult listening to these stories and I the Assumption though that because we can't do 40% means we must not care we don't respect people I think that those two things are far apart as well well um and I I think both things can be true I know it's true for me I don't want to speak for anybody else but I I feel like for my fellow committee members it's also true and I just I hope that this helps people in the community understand I hope we have more of an opportunity to talk about the not misinformation but maybe misunderstood um information I hope Jen and Sarah have the opportunity again I'm not on the bargaining subcommittee so I don't know all of the details that happen in those meetings um and thank you for the the time I know how long these things take and thank you for the time thank you to Mike who does has to go and you know crunch back all of these numbers when when I think one thing that we didn't talk about is when something is presented when they pres preent present something back to you the team and and Mike has to go back and and in their private caucus and run all the numbers and crunch all the numbers in the school system of this size this does take time um I understand how much time and effort is put into this and I just I'm appreciative with that um yeah I I just want to remind everybody um we will continue to update the website um Jen did a lot of work to um line out so glossery of terms because we you know we're used to a lot of these terms and what they all refer to but it's it's not necessarily needed to everybody else so those will be up on the website we're putting all of our salary wage tables that we're proposing up at the website so you can just see you know someone starting at this level uh Bachelors with no additional credits Unit A will come in and then by year four at the end of the contract we'll have realized a 15% wage increase through through advancement of steps and everything so please take a chance to look at that um and also part of the reason why we're doing this too is that we have been inundated with Communications from the public hundreds and hundreds and hundreds hundreds of communications from the public which um we're you know there's only two of us five of us you know this subcommittee communication subcommittee two of us some of us have day jobs um and other things so we're trying our best to get the communication out um with with the resources we have yes so please go to the website and um it isn't lost on me that this is our second update both have been clearly noted on agendas and both times we've had the entire audience get up and walk out right before the update so as not to have to see it um so I I think that hopefully we get to a point where we can continue to have these conversations and be open to Solutions I don't know how it happened so that is more of a conversation I understand they want answer anybody would want answers in their position um I don't know what at all if anything is even possible to have it be more of a conversation than than that and I I'm not this isn't not me it is hard because we have public comment I get it it's not a DI we we have policies for people who don't come often you realize you think it's a meeting with the public it is a meeting in public not with the public so a lot of times would have said in public comment if you stay for the rest of our agenda your questions and concerns are answered throughout the meeting according to the agenda items all of the concerns in that letter were addressed in our update so we did address everything in this letter through our update so we just want to be clear about that it might not be the update I think it's important to know though might not be the update people want right you know that's that's fair you know but we did not respond an entire presentation responding okay so I'm gonna move on just time um so we also now have so thanks and we will continue to do the updates um we um we're moving on to superintendent goals you superintendent goals subcommittee in the drop box says a superintendent file that's what the three documents are you want me to share my screen yes I need I pull it sorry all right share sadly there's nothing there's nothing good in there um okay so do you do you have an order you want profession prce that yeah of course good all right we good yes go ahead gonna I'll go ahead John okay so um I'm sharing my um myed administrator evaluation goals tonight sorry uh and there's three of them so there's a professional practice goal a district Improvement goal and then a student learning goal so I'll go to each goal um we had we had a go subcommittee um with Alas and Brian myself uh we I proposed goals somee gave me some feedback I tweaked the goals based upon the feedback we met again I did the same thing um again and so these are the goals here tonight for the committee's review um clearly if there's other you know more feedback or anything that you have on the goals certainly TW anything else forward so I will go through the goals professional practice goal um first goal is establishment of a consistent V wide culture and development of appropriate Staffing patterns to meet the needs of our needs of our students this a little bit of a nebulous goal but I think it's important to look at um the culture and the Staffing patterns um I will work the summary of the goal is I will work to determine clear Avenues of communication with staff parents caregivers and Community Partners so the perent stakeholders have venue to provide meaningful appropriate and perent feedback and input as we determine the current needs of the district the first step is working working towards this goal is to do an in-depth staff student analysis that will help inform the next steps required in order to determine how to meet all students where they are academically and socially Mo so um the first step on that you know we're literally going teacher by teacher classroom by classroom school by school um the name of the teacher how many students they have what school they're in what grade they're in um what you know step their on the Contex really to give a good overall picture so we can look at Staffing patterns in a meaningful way yes I just want to note that that's something that that as a committee um we've asked for you know in the past um I think it's important to know we have come Leaps and Bounds from a budget perspective in what we provide to the line item level detail we provide now this in in my opinion was one of the last pieces almost that we needed to feel like we have now shared absolutely everything possible we can with the public and we've you know then obviously making decisions off of what he finds um operationally and um I'm just super excited about that I just it's really great to see thank you and I um you know I would be remiss I to thank Julia for um doing the moment's work on getting this started and GNA continue to fill charts we're gonna sit down go through it sit down miking and just work through some um some different scenarios it is a lot so we we're getting there I know it's I know what I know when the request is made it's kind like oh let's have the numbers let's have it's not as easy set it's done so I just want to let you you know that we are working on this um why did I choose the goal I felt approved to develop a goal that focuses on Staffing patterns but that also helps create uh venues for establishment of holistic School culture promoting buying from all stakeholders we are currently in a state of flux in Marblehead and I'm hoping to provide consistency and stability while determining the best ways to serve all of our student populations in the most appropriate and effective manner to ensure success how will I measure this goal I will survey parents caregivers staff students and Community Partners to Garner feedback while working to establish Staffing patterns and promote positive School culture the feedback will help inform how we look at Staffing while identifying programming that may need adjusting while garnering input is important it is also necessary to ensure that stakeholder stakeholders understand that not all feedback it will necessarily be integrated in the plans procedures and protocols um surveys will be conducted in the fall um in November winter somewhere around January in Spring um April those are you know sensitive time so that's that's my Target anyway I will work with the school administrators and assistant superintendents to create accountability reports and determine what supports are necessary within the different educational environments while ensuring fiscal responsibility feedback and input from the school committee will help measure the progress of this goal as will the budgetary process and establishment of overall school budget um the evidence will be for enhance uh the evidence for enhancement of school culture will be provided based on results and discussions with administrative teams to PCOS and ongoing feedback from Community Partners actual Staffing CS student programming will be evidenced by administrating stakehold of feedback but primaries primarily for the establishment of fiscal responsible budget where appropriate Staffing patterns are clearly outlined to meet student Needs school culture shifts take time and would be evidenced by relationship building collaboration and ongoing discussions with stakeholders the timeline for the goal this goal's already begun soon as I step foot and Marble Head is started um but we will be ongo will be ongoing and made more apparent throughout the year as I gner input from stakeholders including the students school committee parents caregivers staff Community Partners by help us to have solid Staffing information delineated by the onset of the new year throughout the remainder of this school year The Establishment School culture is slightly more nebulous and therefore by the end of the school year the groundwork should should be in place by should build upon next year so this go this goal is kind of two toart um and a lot of it's going to depend on conversations and uh you know our admin teams and um P that we do it's it's going to incorporate a lot of those pieces School culture District culture is um something that takes time and this is kind of really just getting things kind of implemented in at the the base level so we can start moving that direction question yeah you want want to ask question for goal sure yeah um so I love the goal um when you talk you talk a little bit about going through classroom by classroom anding um I I like the CR level that special education department and providers that's so much more Nuance um can you just give us a brief idea of how you'll present that will it say you know this person is servicing this number of students for this number of and but what I'm looking at right now most special created because um a teacher may be um in charge of say 10 students that have special needs um but you know those students may be maybe six in the classroom and then some of those go out for you know inclusion for parts of the day it's not a typical classroom setting like would you know an English CL High School might have 17 students time we're gonna get as gr as we can without one identifying students because that's huge for me um and two just to get I think it's more to give the um the committee an idea of where we stand special in programming and more importantly how I work with Lisa Marie in Victoria around programming in general across the district so we can um um realize efficiencies and programming that's solid and safe for kids and has proper resources place and I won't go into the rest of my special ed um stuff right now but with my background Special Ed I really um passionate about how we provide services to students and I'm very well aware of how much um work needs to be done in special education here mad so it's a it's a huge priority for me yes right now we get our Monday um our Monday numbers which already show us you know Miss Smith has 26 kids in a class and and we so we have a little bit of and I love that you're going to the next level because we have a clear view of ker six we don't it's kind of a mystery what happens above that because of the way we report it so it will be good to see those numbers above it but I do think we'll need somewhat more of a granular level especially since the number of tutors we have is so high compared to our student body I really it comes down to our student sta ratio is 10.3 State um average is 11.9 we need a lot of data to show the public why we need that yeah and I think you know obviously as superintendent I want work with our administrative team to look at Staffing we would always do that regardless of where things are right now we would do that year to year to year anyway um look at where the efficiencies can be made look at where we need to shore up certain programming where we need to you know tutors parents may need to go this school from that school depending upon kids transitioning from different pad all that stuff in the special ed realm because really that's where a lot of the movement happens right and then also case load so you look at you know uh Specialists and uh you know that may provide you know speech or OT or PT like how many students they have on the case load how is that case broken down how do they they go back and forth between multiple Schools are they to one school does the you know someone have a case load of 10 kids someone else have a case load of 30 kids and that's not Equitable you know but narrative would be important not just numbers on spread right but then the other piece of that which is very difficult um and again I don't want to go too far down the rabbit hole but like speaking about speech and language right so for instance if you have 10 students on your case I'm just making up numbers 10 students on your case Lo some else might have 20 20 those 20 students may be a lot less needy than those of the 10 so that 10 could like really feel like a case Lo to 25 or 30 whether 20 you know what I mean so and that's happens everyone especially right so those are the things that are really hard to kind of put on paper and say here look you know um so it's really about those deeper dive conversations with staff with principles with um just to see where the actual needs are um and again you know we're walking into a lot of stuff that needs some some attention and um you know we working on that as best we can but that will come out through some of this you'll see some of that and then you'll see as we go through the year we going to start looking at programming a lot differently I just want to make sure as we set a goal that we're being from measurability that's where we always tripped out is the measurability right that we're being clear about our expectations ability is and that you know want yeah and I think so I should have said this at the beginning so typically when I do my goals um you know I will bring updates to the community in the ongoing way I'm not going to wait till the end of the year and say Here's all the stuff I did right so you will know as we're going to the year where I stand with all my goals and I'm all about giving me feedback and saying in in giving you you know giving you information about say like I set this goal I thought it was really attainable only macro I'm not even going to make it close and I want to have those conversations as support um school committee superintendent relationship is truly important to me and we have to have that dialogue and you know I don't take things I don't take offense to things and you say like this is measurable all I goture out right so yeah it's not fat as sck Skin um so I think you know I think those are things that I'm I'm I'm I'm hoping that we have those that time think that's exactly the point uh one of my points that you touched on SAR is when in our subcommittee when we talked about this is ensuring number one that it's measurable but also ensuring that this is going to give the public that next level yeah it's really it's really about getting across the Finish Line with the overrides to your previous slides the one of the main right the last you know the biggest issue now is the contract the biggest issue now in order to meet for the contract contract is potentially an override and I think the next step of what we need again I'm not discounting it all the absolutely tremendous amount of work that has been done in the last two years to improve what we provide to the public um and how we provide it I think this will be that next level layer of providing more information to the public so that they understand the numbers so that we're not constantly hearing back your enrollments down your level of steem how is this happening but you know and that's and that's you know part and parcel of what happens right so so here's here's a meta stuff right so you have X amount of students in the district x amount of staff in the district the student numbers go down no one wants to say we need to like change the staff from to meet the need you know to meet the number of students you know principles and no offense Brian but principles have a way of saying I have these staff in my building I don't want them to leave to go even though that staff might serve those the students over there better if I if they leave my building I'm never going to get it back so it's there's some some of that that happens naturally um so I also want to make the point that the Staffing levels in this discussion isn't it it's it's to figure out programming District it's to figure out where we need to be it's not it's it's you know it's not to say punitive or yeah but having worked with police only a short while I think she's straightening out the mess she was left with first and now she's beginning to really clear up all of these process she's amazing she is I mean I sat to a met a CPAC meeting with her and she was explaining all things she's already done with the rec she some and I just want to say this out loud because I think you know lelisa Marie is listening or GNA watch it later I mean what she needs to understand is I think there's been my opinion in short time of been there there's been a lack of expectation setting for staff um around special ed stuff and I think that's led to some of the conversations about we're unsafe we're Staffing I think some of the safety concerns that are born out is because we don't have we haven't established in maintained uh programming appropriately which includes staff but also includes how do we run a program how do we make sure that the program is staffed properly with the right people and the right resources that's not always a number scheme it's not let's throw more bodies at it it's let's look at the actual program and I know Lisa Mar has the same philosophy as I do that's what those bodies do we went from four or five bcbas down to one the whole district and now we're coming back to having bcbas in each building which are the people who actually put these programs together some of more difficult children that have problems in managing their behaviors so I think by having Lis Maria looking at these things we're going to start to straighten out so we know how to improve safety by providing the right support staff to the program set up correct that that pieces into what into this go line right so and then the the second part that is it doesn't happen overnight so it's it takes time to create programming and get them up and running properly because realistic I'll share I had a meeting with a parent this some day this week I can't together um child's in an out of District placement talked about like what did that look like how did that how do we get to this point what you know what would what would had have to happen for that child to come back in District and my my answer was we need to make sure that we're through all the stuff we talked about establishing programs I would never ever never recommend if I a special ed director or overseen that I would never recommend someone back in the district until I knew the programming is solid in the district so that kid isn't being set up for failure and I've done it in other in my previous District it takes a long time it takes the right people but it's doable and I'm really excited about the work that's already getting done here all yeah know it's amazing my last Quick this was a quick one um on five ability you talk about um evidence-based by surveying results administrator teams PCOS and ongoing feedback I would just give the feedback that it's important to give an opportunity to our parent Community Beyond just the PCOS and PTO um we have a very active Community some people you know maybe indifferent you know whether it's boosters or other groups so I would I would offer it off if you can to the parent body as a whole in some way rather than just yeah number four says how will you measure this goal okay I just wanted to make sure it was just it was just those I was I already felt like I was repeating parents sta but I also I also think it's important to note Sarah because I know something let talk about for is having you know intermittent checkpoints about it right and so he's he wants to do that with kind of we talked about the November January April well out presentation one thank you I app that well I think they go I have I have what I think is a really small thing up in I believe it's number three why did you choose this goal if you can scroll down a little bit please oh sorry let me get back to it I apologize yeah no no worries number three do with some background noise so thank you goe no that's fine I I'm just you know is it that second sentence we are currently in a state of flux in Marblehead one I'm not sure that even needs to be stated right this is a forward-looking goal or two is what do you mean by that right you know and you've just mentioned some examples but I'm not sure it needs to be a part it's being additive here you know I would just say like Hey we're we will uh continue to provide consisten and stability I think is a better way to start that sentence I I I I appreciate that feedback I you know I think I think I won't make excuse I just I just think I wanted to recognize that we are in the state fo but I'm certainly I can certainly make that change well I hold on like I I mean I defer to the subcommittee one case um and I think I mean Al I understand your point but I don't you know I don't think it helps to not State you know sort of where we are St yeah I mean maybe that could be Wordsmith a little differently um well you're to me you're assuming a a Baseline and I'm I think the goal here is more to help understand what that Baseline it is and where we need to improve again I just didn't think it was addtive I I think this is an awesome goal and I agree with everything everyone said but just I have no problem just if the subcommittee wants to take that under advisement and I'll support whatever they decide I'm fine with that to the extent that I kind of we revamped our goal writing for IEPs and I think one of the provisions is that we make them um forward- facing and that they're supposed to be written in a growth mindset versus like [Music] a so I I I hear that but I did actually didn't pick up on that at all I I agree that we defer to so yeah we're we're meeting again when we're meeting again we'll talk about that I'm not withholding no no I think I think if we do a vote on minor stuff like that would just say do you want to go to number two yes yes yes sorry I'm getting there school movement is that uh School Improvement yes uh so Marblehead School District Improvement plan um par IP dip uh 25 2025 to 2028 so that's the that's the overarching goal um what I'll say is that currently marble have we have a student plan for Success um in place in in the district it's supposed to go to as written this goes to 2026 um I think there was a lot of work done on that I don't I don't want to be smart to anyone that worked on the goal but what I look at is um my understanding with District Improvement goals is it's much more robust than that so um I uh I felt it was prudent especially coming as a new administrator and having a new administrative team um to start working on the district Improvement plan now going into next year hopefully we can get in place for next year um and not you know wait a whole another year um so Massachusetts requires the establishment implementation of a district Improvement plan or a dip um for the public schools in threeyear increments actually we have a fivey year I'm not sure why but it's supposed to be every three years uh the dip is sometimes referred to as a strategic plan so we use those can we somewhere in this use that term because that's the ter we continually get asked heard about um if it's called the district mean it's mean they're interchangeable so even if it's just to say also known yeah I did that there but I put top referred to um that's why I put there anyway um and the other I just just Shar that the other reason I like it as District Improvement plan because we have school Improvement plans and as you as you'll hear we we like to dub tail those together so it kind of sounds sounds the same too um why I choose this goal I just mentioned the plan for Success it's du to be revamped um it's important the new plan is created and the plan ensures input and feedback from all stakeholders each School Improvement plan is supposed to align with the district Improvement plan and that will obious the focus as we develop the updated plan for the district so right now when our when when our um principales come and do their school Improvement plans this year it won't be aligned to this this dip yet because it won't be finished in time so anytime you update your District approvement plan there's always that kind of lag time so we'll be like six months off of one another but next year we be fully implemented so all the conversations that we have going into next year will be in regard to how um school plans and our evaluation goals are aligned to the district plan so you'll see some of that right away but most of it will be kind of fully Implement fully implemented can I ask you a question about the school Improvement plans yes um the previous superintendent wanted lower elementary school to be identical in their school Improvement plans which never made sense me because school Improvement plans mean it's for your school and each school has different needs so making one both schools sort of makes school improval plans not quite acurate so so how I would answer that is there there's certain things that I think make sense where you do that overlapping like for instance handbooks like you could do a i I don't know how we do here I haven't seen how so you do like a kada six H or kada you know K3 whatever um because most of the things you do are similar you want to make sure there's consistency now um School Improvement plans there's some things that obviously carry across both schools because you know just say it's glover and brown you're going to see a lot of similarities because you're going to have that uh horizontal alignment right and then there's going to be similarities with Village in the junior high and high school you going see that vertical liit um I I agree with you Brian that they should be separate because they're individual School Improvement plans there will be when we get to that point when you see Glovers School Improvement plan in brown there's got be a lot of similarities but there are going to be specific differences because different schools have different needs so I think I think when we get to that point you'll see how they'll differ I and I would agree but again as we move forward into next year those School Improvement plans will dtail what the district are that intended to how will I measure this goal this goal will be measured by steps outlined to complete the plan and the completion approval and dissemination of the plan itself um in early fall I will take the current plan for success I just going to talk about it it's just easier so um plan for Success exists I'm GNA use that as a framework right and then so I take that as a framework I put it into the template that's uh you know Desi has a template for um School Improvement plans where it outlines different um different areas of uh outl different areas that you're supposed to F fall follow so there's Finance there's um professional development all those kind of things so I'll take the things in the school Improvement plan for Success put them into the the template and my plan is to go through the go through what's in the plan for Success see what is still relevant and needs to be a part of the new plan see what either we've completed out of that plan or it's not relevant anymore sift those things out that'll be in done with conjunction with uh Julia and with Mike piffling and Mar and then once we go through that um we'll add things in that we think need to be in there from from the um admin level we'll shoot that out to the principles we'll get their feedback We'll add in their input red through the chart again um send that out to uh staff and like upper level students get their input I'm sorry s out the staff get their input then s out the parents and caregivers the students get their input bring that back and then bring it to the school committee for um forite that's a lot of steps it's a lot of work um in how I do it which is vastly different than probably what you've seen in the past or what I've experienced in the past is instead of having u a committee of like 25 people 30 people sitting in a room like this and try to hammer it out I do it like I just said it and I do that electronically so I put it in the chart I send it out I get input from all the administrators and then I go through and I add added in I put out to all the staff so it won't be just a smattering of teachers or Educators par everyone will have a chance to put their input into the plan I'll sift through it things that are per you'll see a lot of overlap a lot of the same same things will be in there and then we send out the caregivers and parents will get that input as well so at the end of the day we'll have input for probably in this in this community probably thousands of people right which is a good thing um and then you know will have that input and you know it's one of those things where you can't put every single thing that someone writes down into a plan but what I what I generally do I I go through and I look at all the commonalities put that language in things are kind of high level that maybe we didn't think of as administrat or put that in there's things that probably don't make sense in a district Improvement plan but I don't toss the the baby out bath where I put that the side and me if we have to have discussions about it that maybe are separate from this um so at the end of the day uh it'll be a comprehensive plan input from all stakeholders um at different levels for the committee and I think one of the things that stood out to me here which I know back can get Sarah to something that you and I had had mentioned numerous times is having a plan that has intermittent steps it's not see in see in a few years and hope we're there um so that we can make sure because life does happen and we have to be open to life happening so there may be things that have to shift or get delayed or move things around or we may be able to do things faster um one never knows so I I think that's one of the pieces that really important to me when we walking through this on the subcommittee level and I think you're and you're right so there may be things that are in the plan that you know won't be done in the first year threee plan and maybe things are are meant to carry across allod there may be things that we think we're going to get to in three years and they won't then take care of to the plan so my thing is it's always it's a document but it's a live document it's not let put it on the binder and stick it on a shelf and bring it up three years later and do it again it's we'll always be referring to it for school plan we'll look back and you know I'm sure that you guys will hold me accountable to what's in there which is great so we we go through that and we just kind of make sure that we're following yes always there um thank you first of all um you in the first two pages you've hit on two things that we've all been asking for quite time so I appreciate that um basically if this strategic plan or District includ plan can tell us who is doing what when it with what money and what the result that we're going to measure is like that will be everything our community has been asking for um what I will ask if we can maybe do is where we talk about that you hope to present it in April or May if it's possible you explained very robust I understand that if we could possibly have that in mid April I say that because that this plan will be very good to answer a lot of the questions that come to us through the process of um our budget hearing and town meeting and things like that because we'll be able to say everything in our budget tracks back to this plan they were being built simultaneously this is what what our vision is so if we could have that it's it's going to be such a powerful document I think that it would be a shame for it to get produced a couple days after you know timey we can bring that a headlight by three weeks that would be amazing and I think so I just I pulled out a template like this is a previous one I had done that that I had I pulled so just just to give an idea so it's like the goal on ccum instruction evaluation and then to your point Improvement strategies you list all the strategies who's responsible for it you list that the resources needed list all that may not have like actual dollars you know necessarily doll amounts but you can tell where it's getting funded from and then how do you assess that so there's all those all those areas so each there be a goal uh core values and then objectives under each goal that will clearly identify all the different um areas that we need to if there's an area that's a big number like a new curriculum you don't need to put the number in but maybe just know there will be a significant financial yeah and I think you know and I think again you're looking at this as a three-year plan so there's some things be very evident first year is something we have to plan for it should all D together that's that's really that's really the plan um the plan plan sounds great other questions I'm going there student learning go thank you student learning goal um ensuring that students have a voice in their teaching and learning I think I mentioned this before so um one of the shared administrator goals that they have with the principles is is around student voice I think it's very important um my goal around student voice and teach is really kind of the oversight of them making sure they're doing what they need to do in their schools and then helping um uh make sure they have the right resources make sure they have the Avenues to to do that so I'll work with administrators to establish vehicles for student voice it's appropriate for p 34 6 78 9 12 and District where we want to ensure students are our first priority we need to establish specific ways that students can share their opinions and feedback meaningful ways um again there be be um Sur will go out there'll also be uh principles have already started working with students in their buildings and they're coming up with different ways to Garner student voice I think I shared this in one meeting somewhere with uh like Mary Maxi created a student learning a student leadership team and uh it's awesome I see I think I see a proud mom over there um so you know the kids are coming in they're meeting and and realistically what I've seen in the past when I've done this in in previous district is you're we're going to get really cool information from students and it's really important to me to make sure that they have a voice in their learning it's not just teachers saying this is what you're going to learn we have to hear from kids and kids at the younger level will tell you what they need just don't ever ask them so we're going to ask them and we're going to look at um all the levels and things that are already in place here high high school we're going to look at how we enhance that how we get to a different level I'm going to start working with the different schools try to get in groups of kids and things like that as part of this goal so um that's the overarching goal I me we go into more specifics but it's really a matter this this initial goal is for me to make sure that this districtwide initiative is getting off the ground that I'm F that folks accountable to it but also start integrate my my um my administrative ke into student voice one of the best things I think about all of these goals is how important it clearly is to John to have that feedback from students teachers administrators community members and I I just want to call that out because I think it's just a theme that you you see throughout these and I think that's just a wonderful opion and I'm excited for that it's I mean I we can be sure it's not all going to be positive um but that's the only way that you can improve and that you can start to Garner um you know more more positive interactions is by allowing people the opportunity to have you know those have those moments where they can share their thoughts their feelings and we can you know analyze it and see sometimes you can share your feedback and we may not be able to do anything about it that's a truth as well um but even just having that that opportunity I think is really great and I just want to thank you for that so thank you I appreciate that so on this one I love that you are saying you're going to invite them to have them present to us at meetings yes not because just because special interest and um but I think it's really important to have a return continually to return the focus back to we're here to educate students I know last year we had some kids um students come to perform twice during the year from the orchestra and things like that you know just a five minute first quance but it really it highlighted the work we're doing with the kids I think a lot of times it's easy what we saw being this meeting to kind about the adults it's to show that work with the kids so I really appreciate how you're going to do that and the six o'clock meeting time will allow that more easily I was opposed to the but it will allow that more easily for those students particularly those younger ones um to come so I appreciate that yeah and I'm work you know we'll start working on you know we met with we're meeting with the principls about the upcoming mcast that you mcast stuff we meet next you start talking about when they can bring their student spotlights in and stuff what those look like and um you know when they can happen I want to be mindful we're gonna have sips and the handbooks Spotlight and cast so try did you have any other coms well just very interesting I mean I I had asked this while we were having a SubCom how do you get the younger kids to be able to express I mean third grade and up I could see them easily handling questions about oh they express themselves loud and clear well yeah no I'm saying third and up but I'm not so sure about kidg first and second grade I mean they're kind of young you'll be surprised but I'm looking forward to seeing I make their wishes no so Al did you have any questions or comments no no thanks Jen thanks for asking um okay so I think we are expected to vote on this yes um so is there any other um I I want to thank Al um Brian for suggesting this subcommittee at first I didn't really grasp it this was very successful process so thank you for presenting this to us and um I'd be honored to make a motion to approve the polls as presented so move second she was oh I'm sorry the chair okay I'm gonna you want to make comment no no I just wanted to say I I'm just very grateful uh you know for our superintendent for for make putting the time in to write these detailed um goals and really taking in Brian and my speed May we've met for like six hours all together um since our since our Workshop meeting um and it was incredibly valuable time and I just want to thank you both for that as well so I'm G to call for Ellison Taylor in favor Sarah Fox in favor ran in favor Al Williams in favor J chap in favor five to zero thank you guys very much appreciate that looking forward to see forward hey Jen I just have a kind of a point of order I guess question um I need to leave soon unfortunately um but I I wanted to know if we wanted to continue to talk about open negotiations we talked about that at previous meetings and I know we're not meeting for a little while after this and is that like a new business is that that was something that was in executive session and needs to stay in executive session I could talk to you offline about that okay if that's okay just yeah that uh well that has been a subject that was in executive session that hasn't been brought out of the session so I speak to about that okay well can't accept something good now so talk that offline okay okay thank you I'm sorry we probably want I would like more information on that and I think it would be good for the public to understand that as well um yeah so what I can say is that anything that is discussed in executive session remains in executive session until there is a vote to release that executive session to take it out that's un um no so did you say we were tbling the school committee goals for this week well no I want we definitely we have a draft I think in the interest of time it's nine o'clock we have a lot left still so I think just table it um for next time and then we didn't have draft in the Box did we or did I oh it may not have been in the bo we we were supposed to meet a final time and then there was just a little scheduling um for fuffle so I don't think the draft was in the Box we were just going to show it to you and share to you I had it up to share on my screen as well but I think in the interest of time if every I'm just one person but if everybody's okay with that it's already 9 o' we have a lot I more things to go through so we just put it on the agenda for next meeting awesome thank you appreciate the work You' doing um so we have um the athletic handbook um which is our next vote um should have seen a two versions in your Dropbox one was a Redline version that showed the Chang from the current athletic c book is for our student athletes and the proposed changes and then a clean copy of the new changes um so did anyone have any questions on that or I just wanted to say I've read through it and I had sent an email to um athletic director Kent whe and I mentioned to John and copied him as well that I just really appreciated the hard work and the effort that um Kent will and Mr will went in put into that handbook I really felt that hopefully folks if this gets past um we get a chance to read it between the mission statement discussion around sportsmanship discussions around um conflict resolution expectations on team captains I mean it really to me like talked about the holistic student athlete and how I mean we all know how important that's been and is to the town of marad to Mar High School but I think he just really made the effort to put it in in caught by it any any if I may I met with him at the beginning of school year he told me about all these things and meet with coaches and students and all that stuff so he made it all happen already because it's good practice and I think that's great so I appreciated the work you did on the as well so hopefully T make sure it's definitely table uh but let me just take this vote sorry um so can I ask for a motion to approve the a Campa so moved second I'm gonna do a roll call um Alison Taylor in favor s Fox ran in favor and okay J shner in favor so four to zero and now that he's okay um we do have an mcast update um I know it's late so I think we should go forward yeah yeah just I just want to get the consens of the committee do you want to go ahead with that or do you feel that I mean long night can we can can I make a suggestion um maybe Julia can go through the um thing tonight and then we're gonna come back next week for some warm cast maybe we can our next meeting isn't until well TOS but yeah yeah I'm I was just start panic I was say if she could do the the presentation and we can do like the f discussion next meeting sure so we'll do the presentation hold questions or coms that would be my suggestion us to email you any questions or comments so that when you come back you're prepared to answer them I will I think that we should just table it and have the presentation and the discussion um at the next I'm not comfortable with having a presentation and not being able to ask questions by well I'm fine with holding it for the next meeting and then being able to ask the question same time I'm okay I just ha I'm sorry that you had sorry it's okay can I ask the question and the answer may be that it doesn't work because I know that the goal here is that you'll present kind of an umbrella and then the individual schools would it make sense for us to have us a meeting dedicated entirely to MC where every everybody comes present or no I I don't know what the answer I don't think I don't think the I don't think the principles are mind either way we just split them up just because I didn't want have sitting here for like seven hours but oh it was a conference conference yeah you're right why don't I work with the the super offline and that out okay okay me I I can do that but I'm sorry we can do that but I think there was a conflict so I just had to figure out what they conflict was so I terrible that we could do this in November it's not not yeah I just I again I I wanted to do I asked Julia to do the overarching one just because there were questions there was an article in the paper about themc I just want to at least get some of the information out so then we could give the principles a little bit more time to go through the data but whatever the will of committee is I'm sure I mean is here anyway I mean it sounds like um it's the well it sounds like the will of the committee is to move this table just to the another meeting okay that I'll work the time I I don't it's totally fine and I will still welcome any feedback or comments so I can even if you you had it you know let me know you know I always have question absolutely absolutely let's move on to subcommittee and Le on updates I hly do you want to take a quick break I I can go I'm fine I can I have I want to give my sa Village sa why we take a 5 minute update okay I'm honestly e e e e e e e the um finance committee or finance leison will be meeting next week for joint meeting with pcom um to lay out the budget calendar um talk about the year in close projections currently for FY 25 and you know talk about what our goals are for the FY 26 Budget Building process so um that meeting will be next Thursday or is it Thursday I 24th yeah 10 10 so um I'll get that meeting posted for Monday um or by tomorrow tomorrow Monday um and that will be our kickoff meeting oh we've given our big up yeah we have the bargain goals yeah yeah that's it so we're gonna me working on the school Comm y next meeting will be ready we do have a full we do have a full draft though and and 100% would have just presented it for discussion tonight but any interest of time because I think that'll be a a de discussion we want feedback um The Village um School advisory committee Council met um and I I joined just as a as a participant uh there was a really great group there Julia gave us a wonderful presentation on Title One um and Title One is the the federal program that determines you know how financial support to go to schools U depending on their percentage of lowincome students um in Marblehead of course we we don't get that much but we do get some um and she talked about how that was used and the role of forgetting the specific title instructional instruction coach y an instructional coach um that that those funds are used for an instructional coach and they have seen you know fantastic results from that so that was really exciting to hear um they Stephanie trainer and Kate Fon in particular were were there and they it was just a very wonderful meeting from the perspective of people providing feedback um there were parents there too and I I don't know all of all of their names um yet unfortunately um but obviously those two teachers I'm familiar with and they provided some really great anecdotes about how they what they're working on from a professional development or um just working with other teachers and making sure that curriculums fan across I think what what they've done a lot of work on is ensuring that there's kind of a continuation of learning across ages and groups um not only just at Village but from Village to vets as well um but I I just loved how much information they were willing to share um and some funny anecdote stories as well and then of course principal Williams went through um a little bit of the school Improvement plan and how that ties back to the plan for success and I added that you know John would be Pres presenting his goals and that one of his goals is to also um really dig in to the plan for success and and determine um how it can be more more detailed with benchmarks and really ensure that we are working we're all working towards that goal but without a specific plan and dates attached to it and expectations um set properly which you heard a lot of him speak about in our goals um that's going to help kind of shift and and provide a much more detailed rigorous document for next year's School plan to um to be built off of because of course he was not here last year that one so Rec last week last Thursday sometimes they BL together and our next meeting is November 14th at 3 o'clock at Village in the library I went to the Glover sa meeting today it uh was very Lively there he's got a heck of a crew between the teachers and parents they were all excited I mean was nice to see the enthusiasm sa meeting they're planning out all sorts of stuff they started looking at the Sip actually and they were determined already they didn't want to have the same one as proud so they they're moving ahead and right and I think that's really important to give these um sa's true autonomy because they're supposed to be de developing the um School Improvement plan and to say they have to match is really to say we're not really taking your individual inut so I love that thank you for sure I attended the superintendent Safety Committee and that was moving forward all of the schools are doing all the drills they're focused on safety they have a lot of questions about even traffic patterns I still talk about that and asking for crosswalks CR so I think that's moving Ahad very positively and then the communication subcommittee I want to thank Al for joining in on his cruise I mean he's the only guy know which sitting in this room while his wife is out there walking around the ship and talking to me about communication subcommittee and we're moving ahead I had hoped to be able to present the more just a draft of what more um newsletter would look like but as I've been talking to Julia I just keep running there's so many prompts I couldn't show it because when you really look at the format that we're proposing I think you'll like it and then you can but I made it a mock one up just so you get an idea what could go in it it's not the actual proposal because that's up to um you because you're going to be the one writes Weekly Newsletter a monthly newsletter correct or I'm not sure about that or you can ask the communication subcommittee to write ideas and then you can just take them plug them into the Spore I think that's the easi way rather than ask you to write the whole thing can I um ask a question about the safety set committ yep now I know that a lot of what happens in there is confidential for very good reasons because we want to protect the safety um was it touched on the crossing guard situation I know that police have been trying to stack the crossing guard situation put in plug right there yeah so it's it's hard I know just seeing it happen B every morning and afternoon yeah so uh she she spoke at length to the crossing guard situation um uh to my understanding that he he sent me like fly or whatever I had it sent out all the principles and stuff say he be a crossing guard um so yeah there's definitely they have a little bit in trouble staff things some of those um those spots and um but yeah they're working on it I said I'd be more happy to push the information out hopefully get some some bites on that um you know he's gonna continue look at that try to sa accordingly so okay I I tell you this much I drivve them down the street around school time there are police officers acting as Crossing cost effect I actually have an idea yeah so I think you know just one those things we have a lot just have lot you know it's it's there's no easy solution to it but so thank any other um subit moving on to closing business new business school commit announcements and requests um one thing I wanted um to put before the committee to consider um that we would talk about you matter we can talk about at the next meeting is I have a um contract proposal for the committee from The Firm slowing at Manis which is a Communications company this would be a contract um to work with us um during the um process of negotiating a collective bargaining agreement with our units um we talked about our challenges in being able to get um Communications out in a timely manner so I had gone forward um and had spoken to a couple of different organizations this was one that we had a great conversation with um they have put forth a proposal specifically for this purpose um to help us during this time um with an upper limit which I will have here in the contract so I ask the committee to consider taking a look at it discuss this which you would need to do in an open meeting um and potentially voted in meeting I think it's important to know um we' talked about this how important it is to be getting information out in a timely manner I'm dealing with the media I am getting media contacts I am getting to the point where I can't do all this so I'm just putting it out there that um certainly not looking to bring on any additional costs um this is um a necessity I believe um that was uh that is necessary so I'm just asking the committee to consider it next should we discuss it now so that if if it's the will that you know you movee for two weeks or do you want to up I think have to put it on an agenda to have a discuss part of it on it oh I thought we could discuss it well I okay you know also part of the to this is that other lore school districts are using these consultants for the same purpose so we're not the only one saying we need Communications help for this purpose for this purpose the purpose even you know I we can discuss it further I have very strong reservations about this but I think we all yeah I do I don't we're gonna we're gonna just start doing it if we don't say we table so I'm just asking it's new business asking um putting it before the committee for consideration I will put it out in the drop Box's not here to um any other request suggestion yeah since I've been in the district this problem with the budget and shortfalls every year has been chronic since I've been here and I think it's time we have a joint meeting with the select board talking about long-term plans to remedy this problem it's not just us Police Department Fire Department Public Works all of them come at the same time with I need money I need trucks I need cops I need this I need that and it gets to be a tradeoff well school committee is asking for this we're gonna take this from you should be that way we should be working together with the select board to start addressing long-term plans and I mean I'm not saying this year's problema we're but we really need to start putting the focus on people who control taxes because that's where the revenue comes so I I really would like us consider it ask for an open meeting with the select board the school committee and fincom so we can sit down and really look long term at how we're going to fix this problem over years can't done night but you know what I'm saying I think we we've been pushing this problem off since I've been the district every year no increase in your budget just get the 2% in there and no increase in your operating cost so we can't keep operating like this that's why this thing is broken it's so long I think I was G to say real quickly just one little cor is that the spect board does not control the taxes right that's town meeting that does that um but um what I could do is I can I will reach out to Cher and come on Judge to the chair of Select board and just you know pass on this message I think um that we also should depending on the response to that whether we will need to take a vot yes I don't I'm happy to make a motion to enable the chair to request a joint meeting schedule it we don't need to take I mean we don't need to vote to schedule joint what would be the agenda yeah that that's really what I meant what I meant was let me just have a convers ation and then we may need to make a formal request that's what I'm saying and that we might need to want and I don't think now have to do it there there may I'm just anticipating there may be a question as to what exactly do you want that to look like we may need to deliberate that make a motion and then bring it to I just brought discussion can we put that on the next agenda yeah I don't disagree with with doing that been biggest proponent of fighting for more on all levels from the town or up in the vocal about it um so I fully um fully support that I just want to make sure we're clear on what the agenda is because I know that they will want to know what the agenda is too and you know we just want to be clear put it on the agenda actually all right so before one person has a raised hand um just want to note that we don't have a public comment has ended um so I'm not sure if you have a question you can EMA you can certainly email it in school committee Marblehead schools.org yeah or you can call um uh any one well any one of us phone numbers I have my phone number leave on the website so to um yes my phone number is so please feel free to call me directly and I'll prob that for a while so you call me tonight another hour or so um let's see anything else okay I'm asking from no I just was going to say I do want to thank all of uh our teachers and staff that came um tonight I I do understand on I sit on this side of the table um and you can say things like elections matter and you're here for the people hopefully I've um proven myself to the best of of my ability and if not that's okay too I'm always here to have those discussions um but I just want to thank you all for coming um I understand you all have lives and some of you are driving quite far um and I understand that too and so thank you for you know um caring about our students the way you do I know that this is not an easy time venturing to guess it's not an easy situation for anybody um and I I just wanted to express that thank you um and Mr mem if you want to stay on after we adjourn and everyone's off I'll I'll open up you and I can have a conversation that will help and then maybe we can have future meeting for public mon um motion toour reest nove second second and all in favor favor