i' like to call the meeting to order please Johanna will you read the statement of compliance the notice requirements of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Atlantic City Press Star Ledger posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all electron devices please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance IED Al of the United States of America to the for it stands one nation God indivisible andice Johanna please take the role mayor Collins here commissioner blumberg I am here commissioner horn here is there a motion for the approval of the May 16th 2024 regular meeting and workshop Capital meeting minutes motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes we will now open to public comment if anyone has any comment please step forward to the microphone state your name and address seeing that there is none is there a motion to close public comment motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes we will now open up to public comment on resolutions on tonight's agenda if anyone has any comment please step forward to the microphone is there a motion to close public comment on resolutions motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes Johanna will you proceed please Mike uh if I may first um related to uh resolution 156 2024 if I if I just might ask the solicitor to um explain to us what that is to to the commission and to the public so we have a better idea and understanding of what we're doing here sure um this is a first step official step to moving to purchase the gasoline station which I would know as tailor we all we know as tailor uh to be utilized as a municipal parking lot this letter of intent will uh allow Jim Rella to present that to a state in time for a grant application the deal will not be contingent upon obtaining the Grant application as I understand it that is not uh that is spelled out in the letter of intent there will subsequently be an agreement of sale that the Commissioners have to agree upon there has to be an ordinance authorizing the purchase and of course there has to be funding available whether you do that by bonding Grant most likely a combination hopefully a combination and so this is a first step towards acquiring that site good good good good so just for clarification very early on we're very early on in the process here there's been no conversations related to how much we're going to pay what we're going to pay are we even GNA pay no it's two there's a price there's a dollar okay so million the the idea is is that this letter of intent does not obligate us no to anything as it relates to to buying this piece of is subject to an agreement of sale being approved by the governing body which will require the ability to have monies to pay for whether it be by authorization of bonding or a grant or a combination okay got thank you thank you Scott Jo okay may have the motion for resolution number 143 2024 authorizing bill payment and claims motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for resolution number 144 2024 authorizing payment to colar Home Center motion second mayor Collins I abstain commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for the consent agenda which consists of resolution number 145 2024 through resolution number 156 2024 motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes all right well don't want a time yeah the other one the other he's on his way from the academy today was chemical agent day so he's cleaning up I I'd like to say make a comment I thank you for reappointing me as Municipal solicitor for another year and uh you know you'd really make my day if he can get me Jason Kel's autograph could you possibly do that too throw that in the deal part of my contract so or a picture better yet a picture with them you should have negotiated that before we just approved it so yeah yeah that Kelsey apology was the most read post on the city of margate's Page ever ever thank you true so the um the grant is written that we have to have a means to purchase it but we cannot have possession of the property before the grant is awarded so this letter of intent is designed with the help of Jim Rella to time time it so the grants are awarded before we know um before we would go to closing what I'd really like to do sign res get Taylor's signat on that right away to jimella so he can submitted to yeah so this is the process has been a number of months and the deadline for this grant has keeps getting pushed back it was originally January then it was May now it's uh next Monday so um this is so this the timing of this is very important so that we can move forward um with that application just one other thing about it'd be great for that to be on display on the 26th that's great and I will say while we're waiting uh anyone interested or anyone listening or here uh our Margate baseball 8U machine pitch team is playing in Venter in the semi-finals tonight at six o'clock a victory uh and we host the championship tomorrow night so I am not our machine coach fortunately no pressure okay get the Bible andely I will support that I will support theti the consti of the United States of America of the United States of America and the constition and the consti of the state of New Jersey of the state of and that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and and and perform andarge per andarge all the duties of office all the duties of the office ofal enfor officw enforc offic in the police department in the police department of the city of of the city of to the best of my ability to the best of my understand there you go oh I don't know if they are not I got to believe that they are don't it's always the way the Bible likeed to all right is is there a motion to adjourn motion I will second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes thank you all coming --------- I'd like to call the meeting to order please Johanna will you read the statement of compliance the notice requirements of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Press of Atlantic City Star Ledger posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn on all s please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance unit States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for Johanna please take the role mayor Collins here commissioner blumber I am here commissioner horn here right welcome everybody Ed we will begin with our engineering report got it thank you mayor good afternoon everyone starting off as always with our dredging project item a so on the dredging permit itself we're plugging along with the new survey getting those plans wrapped up to submit for our final permit we should be ready soon uh to make that submission to DP and get the permit so we could talk about uh phasing and budgeting uh looking forward on The Shelter Island project I think we got an update from Stockton did we not um and I think they say they have some work to do over the summer so their their studies are seasonal so we got the feedback back from the EP they need to do some seasonal work so that piece itself will require some summertime um work so that is on a separate parallel track to the Citywide driving permit so that will kind of go keep going as we get our uh Citywide permit wrapped up itmc is a 2023 Road program which uh we've got the uh authorization to proceed with the 600 block of Fredericksburg ad which will be added to the project as part of uh the upcoming capital budget item D is the Washington Avenue street skate project along with some work on ventner Avenue um for Safe Streets to Transit we did finish up our survey we have our base plans ready to go and we have a meeting scheduled the steering committee next week correct next Wednesday uh so we will sit down with the steering committee we'll go over our concept plans take some feedback and I think from there we will fine-tune the concept present it to uh all of you and we can take a look at at it and see if we want to make some other changes before we kind of go Full Speed Ahead on the engineering piece so um that's an exciting project and it is uh moving along item e is Adams Avenue storm store Pump Station which we're going to change the name of this project to the Amherst Avenue storm store Pump Station because that's really the drainage area that it impacts um this Project's moving along we we're working with a uh a contractor to help us evaluate that Vault we ran into some issues with some debris in the vault um and that has being addressed to clean it out and then do a final evaluation on Adams Avenue Vault to see if we can repurpose that structure item f is the 300 400 blocks of thurlo Avenue which is part of the next Capital program we uh have our survey done base plans are done engineering is in progress same with item G which is well nine that'll be a fall construction project Winchester and Benson Avenue water main reconfiguration this is a new project to the list um with had a water main repair that we had to make earlier this year and this would be to address it with a more permanent fix so we don't have to run into any issues in the future so that one we are fast tracking to try to get that work done as soon as possible 2024 kbon gutter program is in progress we got the uh survey work being scheduled um and that'll be a fall construction project turning the page item J is our flood warning and response plan really no update here we're just um working on finalizing the plan item K is our ibank application for the lead service line replacement program we've been working with Mr Rella to lock down the ibank funding so we can move into the engineering phase we do have the engineering slated for this upcoming Capital Bond uh so we can move forward with with that which will include the overall phasing of the project and then we can talk about budgeting and how much we want to do in Phase One and things like that so it's a big project there'll be more to to discuss in the in the near future as we get into the engine in item L is our ongoing compliance for storm water uh management we are pretty much I think uh caught up there's just were some comments from D that we were addressing um so we just want to make sure we get squared away with them before we remove this from the list but we did address our ordinance requirements we had some mapping items that we had to complete so we're in good shape there item m is the next round of NJ do state a applications for fiscal year 2025 we will be applying for the resurfacing of Atlantic Avenue from Huntington to Mansfield uh there were a couple years there where we were doing some work on Atlantic Avenue we kind of took a break from that project but we do have another phase of um work to do on Atlantic so we're going to Pivot back to Atlantic with our NJ dot Grand application and that would be a 2025 project sure one question with our we talked about the high visibility bike Lanes yes how could we put so it's not to run of the problem we talked about if we were going to continue to do the project yep because I know we put in for the grant for the high visibility lanes for the rest of it we did so we applied for discretionary Aid funding to extend the green bike Lanes um so we would if we were successful in obtaining that funding um we could just combine both grants we would use the discretionary Aid funding for the lanes and then the the local Aid Municipal Aid funding for the road so we just do it that a matter of timing to make sure yes we didn't do it rip it up and redo we would not do that okay good duy noted um yeah exactly uh under our pending um Grant applications you see we have a couple on there uh that are still pending but the list has gotten shorter not because we're not going after grants but because we're receiving grants right so they are moving and turning into actual capital projects which is great um item o is uh just a running list of pending capital projects which will also be reduced once we get the uh capital budget in place and the bonding in place a couple of these projects are going to move towards implementation jumping down to our construction projects really no update under maintenance bonds the projects and closeout list you can see there's one item that's going to come off the list for the Benson Avenue water tank so that project is closed out uh Winchester Avenue project between Douglas and exitor substantially complete we're just putting together a final punch list to get that project wrapped up and closed out next phase of Winchester Avenue from Claremont to Douglas we did have our pre-construction meeting we're holding off construction until September so it's to not have a uh Road under construction during the summer season so that'll be a September start but they'll hit the ground running item U is our beach bulk head cut throughs at suar and Benson which we also had our precon um for they intend to start at suar Avenue next week and have the project completed by the end of the month so that's good news uh and then the last item on here is our next phase of the municipal building improvements we have our contracts we had our pre-construction meeting I think we have uh plans in the Construction office for permitting and um they're getting ready to get started that's my report great thank you Ed we will now move to our department head reports Scott would you begin please couple things yes and I don't know if that access not we'll have to out the details also have the ordinance and paperwork s so so I think how we've done the others is their engineer would do a a plan that we would review and improve that's how we've done it and then we do the inspections you tell City standards yep of course yep that's great thank you Scott Pat Uh good morning good morning good afternoon mayor Commissioners um we Day weekend went well for public works very busy did about uh five trucks each day on Saturday and Monday trash off the beach and uh about 150 cars come through the public yard on Sunday and every dumpster was maxed out we had a couple complaints about the noise cuz the ACA helped us out and pulled the dumpsters 5:30 in the morning but told them not to do that again but they did help us out and uh we had a beach clean up last Friday with Lenny high school that went very well and uh set today we set up for the elections and the water meter project update it's about phase one and two is about 66% done about uh 147 meters installed so far so it's going well little slow process but it's just starting to pick up now that's all I got thank you thank you Pat Roger too ti What Scott said uh they want to build a bulkhead at elevation 15 which is two feet higher than our ordinance which is permitted but I just wanted to present that to you at that area 15 would work the the beach is much higher there and we had a planning board meeting last Thursday that was earings and uh we had mixed use development at the Burger Bus site so that was approved and uh three residential units and three two store fronts so that's it thank you Roger Chief Hinson thank you mayor Commissioners just to dovetail for what Pat said I think we saw almost historic numbers for Memorial Day weekend with the nice days we have that equates into the police dep we had over 600 calls for service between Friday and Monday afternoon um I think we saw that every business in town from Hot Bagels to the Min Golf Course to castles to our restaurants was filled to capacity uh with our calls for service it was everything from assaults DWIs motor vehicle stops parking complaints and of course juvenile complaints I think we were pretty lucky compared to some of the other short towns up and down the coast with uh some of the Antics I should say from uh from some juvenile but we had a lot of in for the weekend and it went as well as can be expected um again we will see it ramped up for the summer you'll see on the agenda there's two class two officers that we are swearing in for the summer season they'll be handling some crowd things parking complaints special events so they'll they'll be out and about also just one update uh you'll see a lot right now there's a large road road project going on I will say in area two from Washington to kage jaen 's a lot of detours again we're kind of at the mercy of South Jersey Gas they're replacing a 4 in line so there are going to be detours that's going to be for another two to three weeks so hopefully that will be wrapped up the next two to three weeks but there will be some detours over the next few weeks just so the motors will beware so I have Matt for clarification is it um class one officers or class two class one officers Chief Adams thank you mayor Commissioners uh you know I'm going to duvail off the same thing that that Pat and chief Hinson both said uh same thing it was busy for us but I can say this the only difference was we were busier day into early evening and then kind of shut down after that you know post midnight wasn't too bad on our end um and thankfully it wasn't too crazy uh one of the things I would like to remind people or residents especially when barbecuing this is our season make sure you you have prev maintenance you clean your grill and and you keep it prepared um keep clearance around your grill minimum 3ot clearance all around your grill uh people tend to put it right up against their vinyl siding and next thing you know the vinyl siding is on fire and the way homes are built I know they look great but vinyl siding to a vinyl sopit it can be in your attic in a matter of seconds if you don't take the proper precaution of a clearance um fire department open house will be held on June 26th at uh 6: p.m. at the Margate Library we look forward to that event every year uh to switch to the beach Patrol gear uh we had our test our annual lifeguard test on Saturday it was one of the biggest attended it was over 40 applicants that that took the test for the beach Patrol and without speaking for chief Graves but maybe commissioner cor can Echo it but I believe we're looking at somewhere 15 W cards for this season um which is a high number for us but it's not the highest the beach Patrol also starting June 8th which is this coming Saturday we will have eight beaches open argal Claremont Huntington Drome Osborne thurlo Washington and Jefferson and they will remain open now through the remainder of the Season daily on June 15th we'll add Gladstone on June 22nd We'll add Cedar Grove and Madison and then final Beach to open for the season will be on June 29th will be vendom Avenue uh that's all I have today thank you great thank you Johanna I'd like to remind everyone that tomorrow is primary day we have moved District three and District 4 back to the municipal building at 901 Winchester Avenue they will no longer be voting at Ty school that's it thank you we will now open up to public comment if anyone has any comment from for anything discussed in this meeting please step forward to the microphone state your name and address seeing that there is none is there a motion to close public comment motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes commissioner blumberg anything to add yeah I have a couple of questions for uh Mr at Dennis please and I might admiss um can you just tell me on the green uh the potential paint the green bike Lanes what's the what are we looking at as far as if we get money on the grant the pending Grant end um when would we expect that we might get that money so that this year next year well so so that Grant application is under what they call their local Aid infrastructure fund which is basically their discretionary Aid fund it's a rolling fund that you can apply any time of year for it's not like the annuals um I think that Jim Rell actually just submitted that grand application last week but um that is to say that a they're a little less predictable on when you hear back but B they can also be a little quicker you can hear a little quicker so I would think it wouldn't be unrealistic for us to hear heads or Tales this year on whether or not we're get that fund again if we got money there we would we could paint for next summer yes to have and and the idea is then could we if we don't get money for the road for for the Atlantic Avenue Road program could we paint from Longport to Mansfield and then leave that spot uh from Huntington to man for for when we got money yeah that's exactly where that's kind of where I was going with it also just so but but the idea is we don't have to wait we we don't have to wait we could paint yes um if we wanted to we could paint tomorrow if we could find the money fun but the idea is if this one grant that we're talking about is worth waiting for why not wait right and then try and paint from long P right to to mans yes because just to play that out a little more the the grant we're applying for for the road will probably also hear on this year but it'll be towards the end of the year that's a big project probably unlikely we would get that done before the summer but you could just paint the balance of the lanes leave that part in the middle and then do that when we do the riv so there's different ways to skin a cat on got it and then my my last question is related to are did we did he put in to paint green on Amherst plan on am I don't think we did for this one I think it was just for Atlantic okay so if if my fellow Commissioners and the chief agree I think we should look into painting uh amher green and there I would suggest that the the demarcation be that you can ride your bike either way there I you know because people are riding their bikes on Amherst and they're going both ways I don't know if that's good or bad or Le I know it's illegal that's a problem but we got a problem there that would be the problem we have a problem there that would be a little bit of a problem that especially if we get MTH right correct especially to make that two ways on a oneway street I could kind of paint it at night no one can see any all right but anyway we should look at at at see yeah we talked to Mr his advice was to apply for one and then the next one not to co-mingle them um but just so everyone we're talking about along the prominade there we maybe get an idea what that would cost us we did a cost estimate so we know what Amur would cost us yep it's on our budget sheet for consideration so and I think what we did was because we already had part of the existing project to finish that out to finish that project out first because it's all kind of it's two parts of the same project right yep so and then we can make the Amhurst Avenue a separate project and get a grant hopefully get a gr that as all right well the good news is they're on our radar that's that's all I have thank you and just along the same lines when we're talking Washington Avenue streetcape there are bike lanes for that are they going to be the same green cover so on that and again this is just a concept but that concept actually is an off Street two-way bikel so um it would be literally out of the road it would be you know in in the sidewalk area so you it wouldn't even be comingled with traffic so to speak so so in that sense Would we not need the green there or would you still recommend well we could look at it if we got it would be physically it would be physically separated be physically delineated the two right so we might not need it okay y great thank you horn all right is there a motion to adjourn motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes all right we are we will roll right into the we need to hold off till our gentleman being warning well we can do it I mean we can