##VIDEO ID:7oz0W_MoQ9A## you good ready thank you Ed thanks Ed you too happy holidays good I'd like to call the meeting to order Johanna the notice requirements of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Atlantic City Press Star Ledger posted on the bulleon board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all electronic devices please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance IED Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice Johan take the role mayor Collins commissioner blumberg here commissioner horn here can I have a motion to approve the minutes from the December 5th regular meeting and workshop I'll make that motion second commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes let's open public comment this is anything hi good evening hi name and address Jason Silverstein 207 North Quincy Avenue thank you I'm here today because um I am building a new house at 8210 B short drive and there was a moratorium on my street trying to have a new gas line installed by South Jersey Gas and unfortunately um they had told me uh I didn't get approved for that gas line for new house and um I we I met with uh South Jersey engineers at my property on Tuesday and they told me if I connected to my existing gasline it would be undersized um I've noticed that South gas cut the road up on 82 03 B Drive West about three weeks ago so I brought that up to them and they said that was a mistake um so here I'm basically here tonight just to get permission to uh continue to house and finish typically in this type of instance uh we make them do extra extraordinary restoration infrared restoration and we let time go by and if it doesn't satisfy us we make them repay that portion of the street This Is Not Unusual um we have granted this in the past and I I see this as not being any different it's right around the bend so it's not going to be that visible and I do agree that there is a St there but it's undiz what they are proposing so by ordinance I can't Grant it has to be by the Govern isn't it typically done when we do this it's typically done via resolution correct yes so we would need a letter uh and then a recommendation from you and then we could vote on it at our next meeting via resolution okay that's that's typically the way the next meeting but I would I would vou for him at the next meeting for the resolution for your approv wrote the ordinance we have I think you have to post some money and give us the design and then you do a heat restruct from curve to curve gas the gas company does okay well who pay repays our street though gas compy they'll do it okay thing thing is um reason I'm here too is because you know we're going to the winter months so if I wait another month without getting gas that means I can't put heat on in the house and I'm trying to finish a house to move into this is my house that I would to be living with my family um and you know set me back another month is a a pretty big inconvenient excuse me but Jason our next meeting is January 2nd Oh I thought it was the end of the month I'm una aware I've never been to a commissioner's meeting by the way it's January 2nd January once it's voted on you don't have to wait for oh that's perfect it to be published or any it's not an ordance okay so I just come next Thursday and then no no no you got to get the letter okay okay to I'll share with the commission the hardship letter right what I wrot gu yes okay all right Roger can you connect with him and give him your number and no you got Roger all the time all right so I'll just forward him the the letter and then plan on being here January 2nd you don't have to we can handle and we'll contact you on Friday January 3D I'll I'll be around I'm not going really very important good I just s g got go through the procedure and that can be done by the second yeah okay that's fine everything I don't think they can come out it's the holidays anyway so Roger if I can ask can you would you just go take a look at have you looked at where he's talking about where they're going to be yes like where his is where he's going to where they're going to be tearing up the road so of plans all right good goodby me all right well thank you very much thank enjoy your holidays Steve ble 9600 L AV maret New Jersey just a couple questions are there any pending or proposed streetcape grants moving forward for Venter Avenue currently I don't think we've applied for any we haven't for is there a plan to apply they available we whenever they are available Jim Rell notifies us and applies grants Jim every Steve if you submit an Oprah request I can get the answer for you I understand I don't it's it's not that I'm just like simple things are on my mind just asking in general um the next question is I know the codes have changed since the co I co came and they allowed certain Street tables and things of that nature and and and Street vending and and um retail stores and things of that nature how has that changed recently you want me answer or you want answer well as you we can t all we'll T both give you you'll get both of us two two for the price of one take the governor's decree is uh expired uh November 30th however they passed a new law new legislation and the government signed it I believe on December 5th which makes the outdoor dining permanent but it's still up to the individuals towns and municipalities to draft resolution think ordinances to how we want to regulate that and we are in process of discussing how it's going to go forward okay is that limited to dining or is that dining and Retail such as Jama me crazy store or Christina or others up and down vent Avenue I think that's been successful so I think we're going to probably keep that so is it going to be building out to curb or curb into building yeah you have to keep a four foot wide minimum walkway we implemented that during Co is it currently both is it currently curb in and building out both it's everywhere right now based on yes both sides that's our code is written that way I believe so okay thank you it certainly looks that way when you look at Heritage or Jamaican me crazy or some of the other businesses well no you see both you see har is tight to the building you see jamaan me crazy on the off the curve line I'm was asking what is the normal code that we've established here in Margie we had correspond with the the new Governor's orders right and now that it's permanent state law and there'll still be you have to do it with the zoning permit every year right okay thank you 9704 veter Avenue Alana Alexander um Chief any maybe it isn't for chief but any news on um the teila bar for hours of operation music do we have that yet we have already we have had discussions already nothing I spoken to Roger commissioner we've been in meetings already regarding it for many things for the summer of 2025 those discussions have already taking place but nothing nothing so we don't know when the music will have to end well it's going to be all part of a that's part of their site plan approval correct it's going to be part of the site plan approval too so they discuss you have that not tonight though I don't have any but is it in plan I mean you have a plan for it s plan whatever decision or resolution was approv do you have the approval but I don't know music I never got like a time frame and hours of operation I don't think it was all discussed it it there is a time frame okay so if I did need that information do I call you Roger yes okay all right thank you 9600 ATL avue Mar New Jersey has that sight plan already been established and written for the mar for the teil bar to date you don't mean the site plan you mean the resolution of approval resolution of approval site plan for the hours of that part many many months ago I don't know about ours in the resolution but we have an ordinance and we have seasonal resolution and now we're looking to amend the ordinance to incorporate the new state law Okay so the answer is no there's no time his approval Roger do you recall in the planning approval there was and was that what was that time don't 10 a.m to 10: p.m. 10: a.m. to 4 a.m. yeah that's right you can play music from 10 p.m. all the way through the night to 10:00 a.m. in the morning no I'm sorry till 10 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. right I not positive I can't sweare to so that would be in the written site plan agenda or Amendment or is it Roger is there a document currently that someone could read that establishes their time of hours currently in relationship to the site plan there is it's in decision resolution where would someone find that you can open it thank you is it uh make a motion to close second commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes okay G open public comment again on on resolutions only if there's anything left to say no one so motion to close motion second commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion to to adopt resolution 299 2024 authorizing bill payment and claims I'll make that I'll second it commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may I have a motion for the consent agenda which consists of resolution number 300 2024 through 317 2024 I'll make that motion second commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes I'm finished Motion to adjourn I'll make that motion second commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes thank you for coming did hit five --------- ##VIDEO ID:xVO8IfuE8vk## I'd like to call the meeting to order Johanna the notice requirements of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Press of Atlantic City Star Ledger posted on the bulletin board in the municip ipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all cell phones please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic stands one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all Johanna please take the world mayor Collins commissioner blumberg I am here commissioner horn here we're gonna switch things up a little bit and go right to the proclamations and then we'll go to Ed yep sure John can you come up please we know that he's quiet and shy and very humble but we're going to make him stand for she is inin days of her 49th weding judge johen city of mar City ised to honor Judge John Rosen esteemed M of the community as well as theal retir after 49 ofed service judge johen served City in of as municip judge 20092 and Judge John Rosenberg was aded to the new and the United States district court for the District of New Jersey in December 1975 and there emed to the Supreme Court of the United States and United States thir court of appeals and through Hiser he has served on atlan County Bar Association a member of the new jpreme Court District One Ethics Committee former trustee and pres of legal services and former trustee and vice president of ATL hospitals and whereas John has served in of municipalities in Atlantic County from planning zoning solicitor Municipal solic municipal judge and joh aong of at County lovingly supported by his wife Jane his four daughters Mary and treasured by his Grand and it is and mayor commission Rosen judge and of service to City of Marg and municipali of the county of Atlanta now that the mayor and Board of Commissioners 19 2024 as hon judge joh [Applause] Rosen will not speak Exon depart [Applause] also here are EX master of add they have Inc EXP well experienced andure Ser May dep judge zision people a lot of and treated adate to have both of you guys it's been hon to you know learn from you guys I feel very forunate [Applause] hon Ser the city of mar city as municip for extraordinarily 4p to the service of justice and the of his community and served as of the County Municipal Association ear respect hisers anding a legacy in theal commun outside theud award from Association andly earned as young laer Jo GMS la7 a cified Civil Trial attorney and served as of County Association while coing showed over for local Jo suppinger Sam and his daughter-in-law Kelly and Heep appes ENC of his and colleagues his remark career Mayor andion de [Applause] so before Joe sits down uh there's really nobody uh nobody luier in this room than me uh five terms four of them the honor and the privilege of Mr s saring the in and when he was unavailable judge Rosenberg me in my fth one so uh I count myself very very honored and lucky to call these two men friends um I am the father of twins and in that regard uh I talk about my twins like their one so I'm not g to stray from that I want to say that I will talk about Joe and John as one first off they are both very handsome and distinguished so they have it they have that in common not like Arnold and Danny um their dedication to Margate unmatched unparalleled anywhere uh not forget about the county forget about the state of the of New Jersey but the United States as far as I'm concerned both true gentlemen in my 18 years not one complain came my way uh as it relates to their uh performance and service they're uh their fairness they're both honest both quiet and very humble uh two in my opinion two of the best of the best that uh we could possibly have had we were very very lucky that they chose to serve in Margate we will miss them we wish them well and a very happy and healthy retirement from this portion of your careers so thank you very [Applause] much thank you all I'll take a CU from uh Mor and be humble and quiet and just say thank you Chief Scot sta we're going to run our regular meeting now so anybody that feels like they want to leave you're not obligated to thank you very much for coming congratul everybody is safe and happy I Haven seen you long I haven't seen you in a long time yeah you know what when they were I know I my last time to see you everything good I hear all the time always the good and everything congratulations happy holidays no just let me know what the corrections are good let's begin with our Engineers report Ed thank you commissioner that is a tough act to follow but do my best um starting out as always with our dredging projects there's really no update um on the dredging permit or the salt marsh restoration still waiting here back from D DP on that front the Washington Avenue and Venter Avenue street skate project we got our grand extension from do that design is moving along nicely so we should be at a point where we're going to sit down with the steering committee again just to give the plans a once over before we proceed towards bidding the Amherst Avenue resiliency project is going to be a long long lead time with Green Acres is that we're looking at to utilize a Green Acres encumbered piece of land potentially for that pump station so um that is in progress working with um city city officials on just getting all of our paperwork together to go through the Green Acres process so I'll have uh minimal updates on that for a little while until we did a little further Alone um the sigm walkway project we did um go out to bid and uh the bids came in a little high over our budget so I believe there is a um item on theend today to reject those bids and re advertise the project um we'll take a look at the scope of work see if we can modify it um to come in line with our budget um likewise for the restroom building over at the sigm project we also received bids in fact I believe we only received one bid on that project so we are also recommending that we reject and re advertise that project and hopefully we get uh some additional fiters get a little more of a competitive process for that project the municipal building office improvements phase two was bid um we did receive bids those bids came in within budget and there's an item on the agenda today to award that contract turning the page the next two pro item next two items are road projects that are in the design process that would be in the next round of projects that will go out to bid that's the uh FAL year 24 Winchester Avenue project and the 2024 Road program item J is our lead service line replacement project that is in progress um you know project another uh item that'll be going up to ibank sometime soon as we move closer towards bid documents item K is the new Public Works building that is in design item L is the engineering for the new parking lot on vender Avenue the uh field survey work has been completed on that as well as the boundary survey so we will begin to lay out um the bid the bid documents and design plans for that uh parking lot item m is the next phase of the bike lane painting on Atlantic Avenue we're also putting those plans and specs together to go out to bid uh likewise we have the next section of Atlantic Avenue roadway improvements from Huntington Avenue to Mansfield a um the survey work for that project is in progress and that would be coordinated with the bike lane painting for our storm water um ordinance and compliance we did get some additional feedback from D so we've gone a couple rounds with them now and this is um just to stay in compliance with the state requirements for storm water so we are addressing hopefully would be the last round of um comments on the um storm water compliance item p is the Environmental document review which was completed um and that duv tailes into item Q which was the phase one environmental report which I will comment on at the end of my report here just to shed a little more light on uh that item on the pending Grant applications the only one left on our list here is the mini Creek uh application to FEMA I think I mentioned this in past meetings that list used to be rather long and we've in obtaining a lot of grant money so um that's the reason why there's only one item left and we'll continue to pursue money for that project flipping over to page three under our construction projects uh there's nothing under our open maintenance bonds that list will be repopulated for 2025 no updates on our uh projects and closeout uh 2023 Road program um we had our preconstruction meeting we are doing the survey work for argal court to add that into the project um the Winchester Avenue 23 State a project we did have uh Paving scheduled but uh due to some weather issues I believe that's been rescheduled uh so I'll keep everybody posted there the basketball court project is a spring of 2025 start uh thlo Avenue uh we have some utility work that's underway and we also are adding in some additional road work um to that project and that uh survey work is complete we're just working on the plans the Redevelopment of well 9 is substantially complete uh project will soon be moving into the closeout phase the Winchester Avenue and Benson Avenue water main reconfiguration started this week the LaCrosse wall is in progress as far as just locating the wall and scheduling that construction and then the last item on the list here is the cban gutter program which was awarded at the last meeting to think of papers so I would like to um just briefly touch on the uh environmental work at the Taylor gas station site the phase one investigation as well as the environmental do I know there's been a lot of public interest in this project um understandably so um and we did Issue our phase one environmental report since the last meeting it's a very detailed document it's almost 2,800 pages long um details the history of the site um and what I thought would be helpful if I just covered it at a pretty high level just to kind of summarize you know what was found at the site and then the basic steps that the city would take if we were to move forward with this transaction and with this project generally speaking speaking um there was nothing unexpected found through this environmental review process in the sense that um what was found is not uncommon at a site that was operated as a gas as a gas station for decades um there were I think 12 underground storage tanks at one point or another on the site um all of those USS have been removed except for two um the two that haven't been removed are partially located under the garage building hav't been removed yet those two tanks have been abandoned in place in compliance with d meaning they could theoretically stay there they've been properly closed um there was also and all of this is covered everything that I mentioned so far there are several case numbers uh filed with the DP through Exxon who is the responsible party for these contamination issues um so all of these proper steps are being taken on their part in compliance with the njd lsrp program so there's proper case numbers they're doing proper steps that you would take for these types of issues the site has been monitored for groundwater for almost 30 years um so this has been um a long time uh under study um and that is also part of a an ongoing case and that will continue so there will be an ongoing groundwater monitoring process independent of whether or not the city buys that property um Exon is responsible to monitor the groundwater um over an extended period of time there were a couple locations on site and again these fall under the Exxon open case numbers with D um a couple locations of contaminated soil that the that that we are aware of and that um Exxon is aware of um and then beyond I guess that would cover everything that's kind of a known um item that falls under the open Exxon cases through our research and review in the phase one process um we did see on some historical maps in the southwest corner of the site near Franklin AB there were and these are maps going back into the 40s there were a couple underground storage tanks shown at that corner that are not currently being um looked at by Exxon so to speak we did a ground penetrating radar survey of the site we did check in that corner uh the GPR did not turn up any tanks so we didn't find any tanks on that corner but there was some concrete in that area so it wasn't completely definitive that there aren't tanks there if there are tanks those tanks um uh we would hold Exon responsible for those tanks um and what I would like to so that kind of covers what was found at the site and then just at a real high level um just the basic steps that if the city were to move forward with this project and how we would address um these items generally speaking um the items are the responsibility at Exxon and would be dealt with by Exxon and for any uh items that wouldn't be dealt with by Exxon there would be an environmental escro posted so that the city would not incur any cost to deal with any issues that were would be dealt with at the site so again just very generally speaking um if we were to move forward with this project the idea would be that the building on site would be demolished the canopy would be demolished Exxon would then come in remove those two storage tanks that they can't remove until the building's gone Exon will come in they would remove the two locations of contaminated soil um at their expense for both items as part of the demolition process we would do some tests if there are in fact any storage tanks at that corner if there are any storage tanks at that corner Exxon would um be held responsible for removing those tanks when they remove the other two tanks on the building if for any reason Exxon um put up a fight didn't want to remove those tanks at the corner that would be covered under the environmental escrow um and um other than that um if the parking lot were constructed there we would just need to make sure that the monitoring Wells which are there to monitor the groundwater over an extended perod of time remained accessible to the responsible party who is Exon to come in and do their quarterly checks on the groundwater monitoring Wells um that's a high level overview of kind of what the approach would be um the nuts and bolts of it are all still being worked out through the negotiation process um so you know there could be minor tweaks here or there but I think in Broad Strokes I think the main thing we want to um get across is that Exxon an environmental escr so anything that's not covered and the responsibility of Exxon the way that I understand Scott is negotiating this contract will be covered through an environmental escrow so that the cost to construct the parking lot at that location um would be the same as it would be to construct the same parking lot at a you know another site that's the general idea so I hope that's helpful um you know again the there's a lot of detail in the in the phase one report if anyone comp through it um but I thought it would be helpful just to cover it kind of in plain language with the the basic construct of the pl thank you Ed let's move to the department heads we'll start with Pat start off I met with uh RZ the company as far as looking into possible Transportation the summertime more a tram type of vehicle we looking at the possibilities um starting out you know slow to make sure cover everything U met with a uh couple companies about U getting a zoom the meeting U they came in took measurements uh looked at our current system to see where they could tap in or what they needed to upgrade uh I met with judge Salvo regarding some issues or some possibility of getting what he called banners hanging from our our utility pools um sounds like a pretty good project um to look into um honor our vs the citizens would be able to either purchase it or put their name in in their and they would end up hanging um we're still trying to figure out a little bit the details of the program like how and when we're going to hang them how long they hang make sure that you know we keep them up their respect damage or anything like that um basically have most of the issues that everyday issues here with Personnel issues and contracts and stuff this past week um and should be noted that we were recertified as a class five community Through Fe Community system um that's based on 16 or 17 different categories for compliance with flood plane management and drainage and stuff like that so um what that does is that allows for us to have the residents here to get 25% reduction of thanks Pat Scott with everything that edge said with regard to the uh Taylor's site and I think he gave a great overview of it situation uh other than that I do want to uh commend or back up the appointment of Tiffany cell for planning Services as we start to do our analysis of the development regulations in Margate uh I know that's a big issue with you Commissioners and um she's excellent I've worked with her in the past she's got a really good background planning so I look forward to her input with the city I'm sure she'll work well with Roger and and our planning board and everyone else other than that that's what I have thank you Scott Roger thank you Commissioners uh tonight is a plan board meeting at 7 o'clock four cases on the agenda and I'm I'm gonna miss Joe S also because Monday morning's John V and my office is on Court and I get to hear it something have to do with me but when I first heard Joe sa on the court I thought of was South pal anonio talking from ESPN sounds just like them close your eyes and sounds just like sou pal anonio you look at looks like them too so hope he missed and for Sunday afternoon briefs uh moving forward again I agree with Scott ab's assessment of Tiffany kuell now and known as Tiffy Mory she's a very good student at planning it's not just but also some particular master plan items that she has to address and possibly affordable housing if that need arises and also some type of planning overall planning scheme for the public works area to help assist and that's pretty much it thank you Roger Chief thank you commissioner just I have actually a few thank yous first of all I wanted to thank um public work the fire department the rec department for a great event last Friday night with the winter wonderland event without the input of all the Departments it wouldn't have been such a successful event takes a lot of planning a special thank you to detective eron burelli besides her duties her daily duties she spends a lot of our personal time setting up the event for the public for the kids and it really turns into a nice event uh we deliver the toys that were donated Tuesday it's it's really great seeing that so it's a it's a really great event it's a really really big thank you second I want to remind everybody with the holiday season remember when you're on the road be safe if you're attending parties be safe there's many options anym besides impaired driving there's ubber call a designated driver so like I said a lot of people celebrating let's just keep it safe Atlanta County hasn't had the best track record in the state recently when it comes to motor vehicle collision so we've been lucky in marget but I have everybody being diligent and and lastly I just want to my own personal thank you to Joe sa and John Rosenberger I worked with them for many years there are not a better judge not a better prosecutor to to to have I think marget was very lucky to have that's all I have thank you Lisa thank you commissioner uh good evening everyone just a few things um one we have a current plan with afflac for employees there's no cost to the city it's voluntary on the part of the employees and we currently have it where there's a December 1st um start to their plan year and I'm recommending that we switch it to January one that coincides with the rest of our health insurance so I have the preliminary documentation I received from our afflac represent representative so with the approval of the Commissioners I would like to proceed with moving it to a January 1 plan year um which would begin in 2026 because the plan year for 2025 um well which started December 1st of this year already began so if it's okay with you I'm going to proceed with that okay thank you thank you um the other thing I want to report is uh excellent news and very good for morgate um as I've mentioned throughout this past year the state contr controller's office was auditing our lifeguard pension plan I had a conversation with the to Auditors from that office and um they have a draft of the report but still needs to be reviewed by their Department which we anticipate receiving he said hopefully in January if not soon thereafter um there were a total of 12 towns audited Brigantine had been audited a few years ago and I don't know if you recall but in the news there was several deficiencies but out of the 12 towns all audited morgie um is the only one without any findings um there was two comments throughout the year uh there was a lot of back and forth and with the assistance of Chief Adams and um Greg Smallwood and the other uh Beach Patrol staff the only two findings that they had which didn't reach the level of um a deficiency uh to be mentioned in the audit report um they were addressed and they were basically administrative type things and it was a good lesson I I actually thank them for going through the audit because they brought a few things to light so now um we have other things in place to help and track things but I wanted to make mention that we were the only town without any finding so thank you to me to to Dan uh to the beach Patrol and um so happy to hear about that and lastly I just want to also wish my congratulations to judge Rosenberger Joe sa and also to Greg Smallwood who is retiring and former um Beach Patrol Chief um they will all be missed and were definitely an asset to the city and merry Christmas happy Hanukkah happy healthy New Year to all thank you thank you Lisa Chief Adams thank you Commissioners uh one I'm going to start off an echo uh chief the event uh Last Friday Night the winter wonderland event was awesome and it was a great thing to be at and it was great for our community and without the efforts of detective burelli that event would never take place and wouldn't be able to happen how it does so hats off the chief anets in the police department and especially detective forelli to Echo Lisa and everybody else here tonight you know it to watch Judge Rosenberger in in court and see him in action and see U Mr part they were exceptional to the city of Margie and and an asset to everyone and you know since Lisa brought up Greg I'm just going to speak briefly on him Greg took over the beach in 2014 and really took the beach Patrol to another level he brought it from he had some issues and problems and he took it to the next level and brought it to something that is respected and they are topnotch they do a great job they're well trained well disciplined and really do an excellent job and I think Chief Smallwood lazy brown work for chief Graves moving forward and you know we wish Greg the best in his retir um there's three handouts up here if anybody's interested Christmas tree safety religious candle safety and winter holiday safety there's a lot of good fire safety information there and provided and if you have a live Christmas tree I'm just going to ask you to please make sure you keep it ordered and to use approved UL approved lights for the Christmas tree um Believe It or Not Christmas trees if anybody's ever seen the videos online how quick a Christmas tree can go up it can literally go up in seconds and that's going to spread the fire dramatically through the rest of the resid so please keep your Christmas tree watered barring no rain tomorrow night the fire department will uh escort Santa with the assistance of the police department through town in a Lifeboat um we plan on starting at 5 p.m from station number two at 405 Brunswick Drive the map is posted on the city web page the fire department Facebook the police department Facebook and the city Facebook page so if anybody needs information it's all out there it's posted and available but we're going to try and make our way through town and make it a pleasurable event for all of our families and friends and everybody out there and especially the kids um lastly I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah and a happy Heth new year for everyone please enjoy this time with family and friends thank you thank you Chief Johanna everything is moving along smoothly in the clerk's office um I also would like to wish everyone a very happy holidays and may they all be safe and pleasant thank you I uh I have one thing a special uh thank you to uh Mike maroy and the public work team for the extraordinary job that they have done once again with the holiday lights over at the rec complex um that that complex is beautiful I look forward to riding by there every night uh they put in Mike and his team put in a ton of work uh I know that uh Mr Yogi hilner is proud and smiles every time that he rides by there year after year uh we add a a little bit and it looks a little brighter and uh so thank you to Mike and the Public Works team that's all I have thank you we'll open up public comment only on items discussed at this meeting Dennis good evening uh Sher lilan Feld 7809 Wellington Avenue Margate three different items so Ed I'm assuming items L and Q are related to the parking lot gas station both of them yes gas station so what is field survey what what is involved in the field survey I know what the boundary survey is F survey it's a topographic survey this is all for the design work of par l so it's just surveying the features of the site the elevation not environmental okay however you did say that there are existing monitoring Wells there how many monitoring Wells and I'm I I'm trying to picture what they look like because obviously if there's monitoring wells around the site that's going to affect where people can are right in the number of spots or can you explain the monitoring Wells and locations y I think there's 19 monitoring Wells you see know BD Bas oh nice okay and then um also you said there's still some tanks there and from my experience with um underground storage tanks a lot of times you don't know the level of contamination until you actually remove them and see what's underneath so when coming up with the escrow how are you going to determine that who's the environmental company giving you the estimate and what's that amount going to be so I don't want to um jump in here need to that's still an ongo part of the negotiations but first off it's exxon's responsibility not ours there's number one and they're one of the the world's largest corporations I think they'll be able to it number two as an insurance in a backup we're going to be holding a substantial amount of monies in ESC okay but we have not finalized everything yet we're still partially in negotiations so just to emphasize what Scott said that the primary responsibility is exent our Our intention is to not have to utilize any of that ESC you know that will come in at their own expense and at their own direction to deal with these issues ESC is to protect the city yeah the two tanks that were abandoned in place are partially under the building believe they're filled with concrete they were abandoned in 1979 but I'm guessing the groundwater there's contamination on the groundwater which is why there's all this monitoring well Monitor and it's decreasing bases but that will take years for the ground water yeah and it's declining it takes many years those wells will stay there for for years to come no and I and I get that no matter who buys it Exxon is still responsible for that cleanup right so that's my understanding yes um okay so you don't really know that amount so my understanding also is that it was supposed to close yesterday but it didn't and is there a date that we have yet nothing permanent yet fixed okay so still moving Target as you negotiate moving Target didn't we have a time frame to get that that what was it um that bond for million dollar wasn't there a reason that we were trying to push this not we the city was trying to close before the end of the year is it to do with a grant money waser Lisa I don't think so no oh we uh I can I can answer that we at the time that this was initially brought up there was a grant we were applying for a grant and we didn't get that Grant so that uh time frame went away okay because that initially that was part of the um I would say justification I don't know if that's the right word was that there was this grant to help in the purchase so um okay and then um Anna thank you by the way and then on another subject um Pat you spoke about the zoom great to hear I'm sure there'll be a lot of people happy including our our snowbirds that have places in Florida um what's the time the last I had heard we were trying to get an IT person or like what's what's the status with that so I met with a couple different people talked to a couple different people on the phone try to get uh different viewpoints as to what system we would like what kind of system we would like what kind of their action so all that stuff I guess goes into play um latest one uh was last week they came down they put measurements in here um they're looking at the camera system that we have and trying to decide how they want to hook this up hook that up so um I'm assuming she said it would be two weeks that's going to fall right after the holiday um so I'm assuming probably by the beginning of the year I should have a better idea as far as costs I would tell you if you look at like a town like Stone Harbor they have an amazing system might want to contact them their system is is really very um sophisticated but you know again their complimentary Shore Community maybe they' be able to provide some guidance on what they have thank you very much okay and then my last thing is I have not seen anything on Polar Bear Plunge like nowhere are we having the marget polar be PCH I see the stuff on oh so we need a sponsor there's always a business that sponsor there I can't can't push the business but the police is always like we just we just the are you planning to be like somewhere in the area I can't always I I know who you're talking about yeah he want to know if you're going to jump in yes all right I just like I Saw V publicizing their can we maybe have it as a city run event mean this was not a topic mentioned sorry I have we have the police here so I thought it was a city event but thank you okay evening everyone Steven bag Leo 97 or 9600 Atlantic Avenue Margate New Jersey just some simple questions um so the prop the the city is going to close on the parking lot proposed parking lot of the Liberty golf station with a no further action letter or they're going to assume the liability of the contaminants are on site absolutely not how you could draw that conclusion is beyond me I didn't conclude anything I may we are not assuming any responsibility for the contamination it is exons so Exon the event schedule due to the contaminants in the water the event the event the the air rating of the of the air of the water underneath due to contaminants in the soil right we talked about vents the city's going to have vents on this site monitoring monitoring Wells they're already there they're there is there a schedule how long they're going to be there they will be there for many years I do not know the number it depends on how much it degrades how much the contamination it eliminates itself understand the insurance company or Carrier that's going to insure this for Exxon who are they are they three I'm not aware of insurance Exon they pay for it directly who's they Exon okay so do we know if they are class three 3A insurance carrier not Insurance London it's Exxon Corporation so it's not an insurance company it's Exxon guaranteeing the this contentment right thank you and one last question what is the budget scheduled for this trolley that's going to be transporting people that was mentioned tonight U I can answer I so currently we do not have a budget we wouldn't create a budget without having an idea what it would cost so have we done any research on what it will cost or a company or anything we're actually met with a company earlier this week we have to figure out exactly how many uh trolley tra cars we might look at and how best efficient uh set of those far before we actually kind of understand so you're in the early stages yes whom would that company pay that's giving you the advisement of how it should how you may want to schedule your transportation company that we would probably go out to bid and then if we got whatever came in as low as bitter would give us the idea so I'm not trying to be rude or anything but so Atlantic City has a tram cars on the boardwalk I don't know if it's a reputable company that's been in business for a long period of time or you're just premature on this and maybe it's too early to ask these questions well we're kind of trying to start something here we're creating program we're going to look at it we're look at the budget we're going to see if it's feasible we see if it's possible there's some uh hurdles we have to go through as far as legalities whether or not we can get them approved for the roadway those types of things insurance and things like that the other thing is we'd also like look at safety for the people that are on there so you understand I think that's a great idea I also think the parking lot's a great idea I'm just asking questions so I know moving forward thank you gentlemen thank you hello time Jama CRA 943 V Avenue so I guess I'm going to go on L the parking lot so it came to my knowledge today that this piece ofer offered to the city purchase for aie which pieces so that is ont this is the piece of property that would have saved your city who offered it uh it's been for sale Ross just to get you straight is that solar T's property yes right it was never to my knowledge and I'm the city soloer was not offered to the city it has been on the market and a developer has it under agreement to develop so it I'm not aware of that because commun to to whom was it offered well so this piece of property as in the property that was across the street from me that the sheriff took and sold would have really solved your entire City's problem okay it's on Washington Avenue people could have went there parked their car walked to the Back Bay did their thing back there come up to the front shocked and did everything they wanted and you let it go for four million he was asking okay you know what I don't care if it was 426 it's smaller you guys have a big problem problem is that we can't Shuffle people around to support our businesses okay I'm 30 years I've told you I no longer like to go to work because everything that comes through my draw is negative energy okay now this property hasn't gone to settlement yet and either has your gas station I think maybe you have to get together and talk about it this property will save your city's bleeding problem so I don't know what to say quite enough thank you that was a lot wasn't it yeah but I think you guys better put this on your table and talk about it because the parking lot that you're getting ready to purchase doesn't help enough you think those whatever it is 50 businesses up there most of them having zero parking they don't need any assistance at all not as much as this side of town which is on Mammoth Avenue next Public Works par right okay Mammoth Avenue at Washington Avenue which was your master plan okay like you can't let that go kidding all right so I'd love to hear where's the mayor he has a his children personal got an event for his daughter okay yeah um I'm asking you to talk about but of course we can't interfere with the contract well that's not true oh we can interfere in a third party's contract well I don't think this contract has gone to the table be right but please do your research okay because this will save most of your aggravation thank you happy healthy you have a great holiday bye even sander 9704 vetner Avenue I'm back to the zoom um I had a conversation with the mayor and Pat um back in November and I thank you so much for um getting some information now it's been like six months with no information and um I really do appreciate that I don't know the companies I don't know if you want to tell me the companies or we G to have another conversation later in date okay but um I did um contact UM Barbera uh um Solutions I don't know do you know the name well they did um Kate May County and I don't know I think I did talk to Michael about this um I'm sorry the mayor about this um and he did look into the website I don't know if you did I think we talked about it but the I mean the website's awesome and their Zoom is awesome the IT program is awesome so um I have their resolution I did make a copy for you um they have their print out of the cost which was nothing of what we spoke about really nothing it's not even near interested in it it's not it's not near of what um your numbers were to me good um so here's a copy of their resolution and what they offer thank you and also here's um a service contract from them and um Wes is wonderful they're very very professional and here's two pages of their clients that they're not a fly by night I mean they do all medical they do the police they do I mean they they're major major company and they're also willing to um and or would like to work with Margate and Venter together to keep their costs down which I think when I spoke to the mayor that that would be something that would really work for both of both of Margate and vetner to do take over the it because I know we don't have it and um take you know the zoom and whatever but their their website is just so awesome and he's willing to work with you and he's a great guy I mean I spoke to him a few times in the last since we spoke which was like November so if you would just give him a shot or you know let's just try and get this going absolutely and instead of like playing around with the little guys he's a big guy he's willing to work with you and I I really appreciate it if you reach out to him no problem okay West Barber thank you okay thank you good evening my name is Mark nyser of 15 Seaside Court I'd like to go back to the parking lot with a couple quick questions all the information that I've heard over the last whatever it is months was that this grant of a million dollars was was going to help help us with the finances of this parking lot not only the purchase but also the engineering that goes with it now that we just found out that we're not getting the grant does that change the situation and are you still considering are you considering not doing this project are you considering not I mean it's costing a lot more now for the residents so I can tell you from where where I sit and uh there's um I I think it's public knowledge that I was not in favor of spending the money the bonding the money that we bonded knowing that we were not so we didn't just find out we knew before prior to bonding the money that we were not going to get Grant the commission decided that the project was uh something that would be good for the city uh it was voted on the uh Bond was the money uh the resolution was passed to borrow the money um the idea for me now is once this is um agreed to uh and the details are worked out with the purchase that uh this becomes more of a parklike setting than it does uh become a parking lot there will be parking spaces but it will for me it will help to beautify that area um but I I don't want to speak I can't speak for Mike because he's not here uh Kathy can speak for herself um if again for me there were problems with this um with the environmental study and we couldn't come to an agreement uh that wouldn't make me unhappy so um that's just where I sit I think the majority of people in this town agree with you one other question for the engineer let's say this property is purchased in the near future at what point can you actually start construction on the site or do you have to wait for all the environmental issues to be uh get a no no further action letter no we would not need to wait so you could start immediately yes is Exxon in agreement with that that's negoti six weeks after we get the building down okay do you have a time frame and when do you think this is going to close now we're still negotiating some fine points as to p and indemnifications we've got all the essential terms done it should be stressed that most of the tanks and contamination are long going but there are remnants and there are two tanks that were abandoned in place under the building the game plan Eddie you want to get in the game plan well I think I laid up whole game plan me he did I mean were you here Sir Mr ncer when what's that when Eddie laid it out yeah I was here yeah I mean that's that's basically what it is we want to try to get a parking lot operational there for this summer so I just want to clarify because I understand the nature of your question um would we need to wait so when I say yes we could begin immediately immediately meaning just like any other Capital project we can begin immediately we have to demolish the building we have to do the plans we have to go out the bid we have to get a contractor all the normal process but there's not going to be a waiting period we're waiting for the to approve some green light that we can now construct that's what I meant it doesn't sound like it'll be ready for the summer that whole process okay um well there's an over under I guess we'll see we'll see about that okay thank you very much do I need to restate my name and everything yes please Steven bagle 9600 Atlantic Avenue morgate New Jersey um is there a schedule that Exon well let me back up are we is city of mar going to close on his property based off of contracts and agreements with Exxon to remediate the location yes yes is there a time schedule delineated in these related documents they're not final okay they're not finalized is Exxon going to bond this project to ensure that the city has no exposures no thank you I may want to clarify that there's no bond there's cash being put up so you don't need a bond hi robin8 Su um on the parking lot is there anything that we as um full-time residents of Margate can do to stop this parking lot I mean I know you guys the three of you well mayor's not here but you know after hearing all the public comment and how everyone basically is opposed to it still V I got to stop you right there okay I've had at least 40 people tell me how much they're in favor of this 40 oh at least that's but most people don't want to come and sit here for two hours and get up and complain the number one issue is I understand Kath you can speak for this when you walk door to door the number one issue is lack of Park everybody says we want to protect our commercial districts can I and I will defend it I'm just I just I take the exception everybody in Margate when that's not I think if you put it to a vote to the citizens of Margate who are here full-time who could vote I think you guys are probably scared to do that because I think think you would see that more than 40 people are opposed to it I think 40 is a pretty low number you should do nothing to help our business or commercial I think you should not have open space no I think you should can I finish speaking you keep interrupting me I think that yes you should absolutely do something to benefit the business districts in Margate where it will truly benefit all the businesses is and not maybe one particular business people are not going to park in that parking lot and then walk to the businesses and carry their stuff all the way back that does not help the bit the end of Margate where there's a ton more businesses where people live people shop it you know castles they have a parking lot people got a Starbuck you know all those stores right there I have never and I live at the other end I have never even in the and I live here fulltime have had an issue getting a parking spot up there ever and I certainly wouldn't drive to that parking lot to park and then have carry my parkage you know my packages where there is an issue is at the end of Marque where I live where raz's store is all there there is no parking down there none you can drive and drive and drive for 20 minutes half an hour 45 minutes and never find a parking spot agree with a th% you agree age with me I agree with you then do something down at that end you know is anybody here when first started talking about that lot people said no no no don't waste money it's a shame that lot should have been you're right okay then concentrate on that end and not the end where I've never opportun I mean I mean look at this is a perfect a $ million opportunity that now is going to cost more because we're not getting a grant when us the citizens have never been notified that the grant didn't happen apparently you guys knew the grant wasn't going to happen we didn't know the grant wasn't going to happen until today but according to Mr Bloomberg it you guys knew about the grant a lot of things happen here that we never know about had the grant we've applied for you applied for it and you were hoping to get it and that was one of the reasons you guys approved it that's not that's all our understanding is isn't it a lot of shaking here wow interesting so is there anything that we can do as Citizens to maybe get this out to a vote to the people of Margate that actually care about our town and care you know because obviously we don't care about the town I you can really say that yeah actually I I don't yeah do you have do you have any other comments so we can stop I want an answer to my question what can we do to get this to a vote to the people of Margate there's nothing there's nothing we can do you three two and absentee mayor have the final word on everything doesn't matter what we say you three have a final say so my comment at this time which I never like to comment um openly I am for the parking lot and to say that businesses on one end of town don't matter but the other end of town that's not I didn't say that I said that I'm going to speak well M could interrupt me and speak I let him speak I didn't say that there was a m on citizen advisory committee who was very against the parking lot she's like what I live down here there's not much going on she went to get her hair done and she couldn't find a spot and she drove around and around and she called up and she said I have to reschedule does this happen and the woman says this happens all the time and she went back to the citizen advisory committee and said I was wrong so just like the Back Bay dredging or the playgrounds not everybody's going to agree but we have to do things that we think is best for the city and we have to make decisions that aren't going to be popular with everyone but I will correct you the people here that aren't happy with it that's the people we hear all the time thank you we need this I would love to do a park atmosphere something like that as well it's needed we anything we can buy anything that will help a little bit I'm all for it but I think it'd be interesting if you put it out to a vote then you truly would see how many of the full-time residents because we are the ones that live here full-time are truly in favor of it and then you would really know you shouldn't be afraid of that if you think everybody is for it thank you Steve leave a 9600 land cabin in morgate New Jersey so I think the parking lot is a great idea it's something that's most definitely needed I commend you guys for moving forward and securing it and I remind this community when this when there was a lot available across the street from Johnny's there was more adverse public comments keeping the city from purchasing that spot for $750,000 if I remember correctly so 509 you're right rosos so I think you're doing a wonderful job I'm just asking questions I like to keep on top of things I believe in it I think o ra timing making me crazy 94 13 ventner Avenue back to the parking lot I get the land grab okay you got to grab every bit of land that you can find to stop this okay you have seven bedrooms everyone's coming to visit those people take the street so their family could take the parking on their driveways it's obvious doesn't take hard to or long to assess it I got a phone call on my way home from New York last night from Emily maresi do you know her everyone know Emily I know and she called me and she said hey Ross I hear you you know you might be interested in the store across the street that was by the sheriff took taken by the sheriff so I said Billy Emily you know I was maybe thinking about that I have a concept and I said what are you doing why are you getting out of there she said well I bought that so that I could do settlements and have both sides of the team and their attorneys and the buyers and the sellers and the title companies and everybody come and settle in my nice little 200 square foot stupid place and she said but nobody can find a parking space so I want to sell it I can't keep it and no one can get to me that's what she said to me I was like floor no I wasn't because that is the truth okay no one can get anywhere now if you're talking about a land grab that is your land grab okay it's in the center of your town where most of the problems are occurring okay so whatever you need to do to grab that land you're not going to see it again for the rest of my life or yours okay it's not going to be there like I told John Amadeo if you don't take that from the sheriff we're gonna die and you're never going to see land like that ever again it's the same as this Washington Avenue it's going to save the city and the merchants and all of us that put a hard earned time soul and everything into your community to support it so I'm for land grabs but the right land grabs I don't care what this thing costs it's the only thing left that's going to save you I brought the trolley I brought the guy I brought I did my work like I told you before I don't want to be here I'd rather be at the ocean at a Mada okay but I got eight phone calls saying Ros can come to meeting Ros can come to meeting I really didn't want to but I care enough about my myself first and my business and everything I've done for 30 years and I care about the customers and I do care about the town this is your land grab don't let it go okay thank you thank you br is there any other public comments I'll make a motion we close public comment second commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes can we have a motion forment I'll make that motion second commissioner blumberg yes commissioner hor yes we're GNA go right into the next meting meeting