##VIDEO ID:RR8Nq9P3W1g## I'd like to call the meeting to order please Johanna will you read the statement of compliance the notice requirements of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Atlantic City Press Star Ledger posted on the bulleon board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all El elic devices please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I to flag United States stand Johanna please take the role mayor Collins here commissioner blumber I am here commissioner horn here is there a motion for the approval of the August 15th 2024 regular and workshop Capital minutes and the February 15th 2024 and February 21st 2024 executive session minutes motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes all right we will now open it up to public comment if anyone has any public comment please step forward to the microphone state your name and address cor Yosi 7702 M Hurst Avenue um I had some questions from the last meeting I was supposed to get an answer back on concerning the uh lot that's across from the CVS that was uh that time supposed to be how much money was collected there and there's also a lease for the other 20 spots that lease is up and have never got any comments back about it for calls so is the lot going to be renewed again for 20 years for Crossman CVS to the current person so Dennis we were able to find that lease I'm pulling it up now um it was um signed in 2005 effective date January 2006 and it was a 50-year lease so it doesn't expire till 2056 that is ridiculous all right next question since we have billing charges now between Memorial Day and Labor Day what's that lot being leased for for the next 50 years for um I don't know I me do you know Johann or Lisa do you know the the dollar yeah the dollar amount for that um roughly we reive I believe it was $6,200 I'd have to look up it's um increased every three years in accordance with uh 6200 a year yes I I just pulled up the so the lease was $5,000 per year with a cost of living increase every three years so sounds like current year is ight over 20 spots which is not 12 you said it was 12 it was 20 spots it's rabbit will not be will be used by this person who owns it this property manager whoever for 50 years while I understand the last time the police chief was br in they collected $22,000 in one month so I'm a little confused now why would somebody give a 50-year lease on a property where they knew back in 2005 there was a problem with parking here I wish I could answer that for you Dennis but so you don't see a changing that agreement for 50-year agreement we read there is no exit clause for the city to remove themselves from that agreement okay who owns the property the city does I believe correct M so the city owns the property so half of it rented to this person who owns the other half what's whose names on this property for 50 years who owns that uh the original lease agreement was one entity and it has changed hands two or three times I believe so so who's the entity who do you I don't have the current entity who maintains the parking lot you do or do the the person who rents those 20 spots there I don't know the terms of the specific terms of the lease I believe they're responsible for the maintenance of the property I did not read through the entire well can somebody get an answer since it's for 50 years it doesn't make any sense that somebody would issue it a lease for 50 years when property is a I can't believe we get we get $6,200 for a year not a month a year this person we don't you know it's changed hands but the the property you know reverts to this per I think there's a it need to be looked into uh I've never heard of a 50-year lease given by a city to for a property unless there's something underhanded with it that's all I can say Dennis I agree with you there's a 50-year lease for that property there was a I believe is a 99 or 50y year lease for the SEPTA SEPTA property to me those are uh outrageous and should be shorter term because you know predicting in 2006 where we would be in 2056 I think uh you know that was a mistake on the city at at that time but we are bound by that agreement and well I would look I would say whoever our our lawyer is will have to look into that's ridiculous that is ridiculous there has to be something in that Clause that they can back out I I read it Scott has a copy there is there is no it's Ironclad right I nothing's 100% Ironclad right it is a valid contract and it's been in effect for over 20 years I think was entered into would you say 2004 well 200 20 end of 2005 effective date was January 1 2006 none of us were here at that time I wasn't it doesn't matter who's here it looks like it made no sense for 50 years so that's if you can look into it I would say you know but anyway the other thing was there was a statement made at the last a meeting by our chief a chief of police about 12,000 12,000 what it's it 12,000 calls he made mention of in reference to what Denis 12,000 that's what I'm saying he made that statement got out proudly in the meeting last one and said there was 12 we had 12,000 calls or whatever I don't know what but I went on on the crime scene here for Margate for 2023 we had 81 crimes reported to the state so what's 12,000 calls well calls are different go ahead with that so basically anytime an incident someone calls 911 or reports an incident an incident report is generated and the police responded to 12,000 calls for service during 2023 I'm pretty sure that's where the chief was going with that statement that they responded to and showed up for 12,000 plus incidents in 2023 okay 12,000 that's what my notes say yeah from my minutes 12,000 calls for assistant assist and 120 motor vehicle crashes right okay so 12,000 calls in a year works out to like 2.1 calls an hour 24 hours a day that's like 52 calls I don't I can't believe we had 12,000 no it was 1,200 calls no no he said 12,000 because it's also your department as well you know to speak for this you know I can only speak for the fire department right in in 2023 we responded to 2200 calls for service where the fire department or EMS was requested to respond the police now you got to remember they handle all those other types of calls anytime someone calls whether it's for a dog barking someone walking on the beach a questionable individual or something that's wrong they document that as an incident in a police officer responds to investigate so I wouldn't say it would not surprise me that he spoke about 12,000 incident responses that they responded like it because I live okay I live right on the Main Street of Amhurst Avenue I can tell you how many times your fire trucks come down from the second Firehouse okay I could I I don't live down by here okay I can only question what I have there when you tell me maybe 2200 maybe for the entire year okay close number because EMS I can't tell you how many dra down here but when you tell me that they handle 10,000 calls after this 13 weeks the city is dead there's I mean from the statistics over here it's ridiculous I mean I'm glad I live in a safe town but but three people can call for the same incident then that's not considered 12,000 calls then you need then you need to say like the following here like for instance how many murders we had zero how many robberies we had one aggressive assaults don't make it sound like we have 12,000 individual call outs per officer here okay because they before the police department two every having a response every two for the number of police officers we have is impossible for then they handle maybe they have five calls and that it's one incident and that adds up to the 12,000 just like I said in March before the March meeting here that night we had five officers respond at 12:00 in front of my house because somebody was walking out at 12:00 and somebody called the police department so five police officers show up does that count as five incidents that's I said I would like him to explain 12 no Dennis that would be if there was one call to the police that would be one in well then then I think 12 somebody needs to check the 911 calls mayor can I one yeah absolutely I just want to give you an example the day that the Clydesdales were in the city of mar the fire department in that 24-hour period but primarily in a in a smaller period responded to 29 incidents during that 24-hour period fire department I can guarantee that the police department responded to 125 incidents during that same period no question 13 without a question 13 weeks crowds down here yes to to also I'm going to also defend any given day we could respond to 15 calls for service or 20 calls for service it could be February it could be April it could be June July or August but the average is 52 per day but that's an average that's that's taking 12,000 calls dividing it by 365 days it works out to 52 calls a day it wouldn't surprise they had okay no it's not I I would say check nine you say well something is because the last 39 weeks you don't have that much value uh how I can say volume down here the number of police your fire department doesn't go past my half starting now as many times as does in the summer we're down below 5,000 people here permanent residents so where is you're telling me 12,000 up thousand from last year so I would like that check by that okay I don't know this time to uh talk about ordinances or no it is not we okay all right then I will come back on that great thank you thank you uh Steve wman 9003 am Avenue Margate um just a followup question uh Chief Adams if you may uh when you have a fire department call in my experience at least one police officer goes out with you would that be added as a incident on their account absolutely absolutely so they would also be responding to whatever incident we're responding to as well as us so so there sort of is a an overlap there yeah but they still have their separate incident reporting system as well as us that's what I would think thank you thank you Steve Kathy heitsman 22 South Adams Avenue I wonder if we have any update on Margate Gardens and Margate what isn't it Margate Gardens that complex that had six or maybe 12 it's we have outside Council working on it we work oh okay so but there's no updates okay thank you all right is there a motion to close public comment motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes all right we will now have public comment on resolutions and ordinance adoption only please 772 Amhurst Avenue the one I have a question about here is ordinance number 17-20 224 it's an ordinance the police department what does it deal with that's being asked to be changed since we don't we find this out you know 24 hours before this meeting which one is it D ordinance 17- 2024 ordinance amending chapter 257 vehicle and traffic I believe these are handicap spots I believe so here they are Kathy handic streets shall be amended to add the following locations so we're adding handicap okay wouldn't it be easier to put that in there rather than just I mean this is what we get before a meeting this was published yesterday you know I'm saying so we look at it say okay we don't know it all right fine the whole meeting agenda is posted on the website 48 hours prior to no it wasn't yesterday it was not it was posted yesterday morning I checked it on Tuesday it was updated yesterday morning no Tuesday it was not there Tuesday at all I checked it all the way up to four o'clock and Dennis this is the second reading for that ordinance so that was on the previous agenda the previous meeting's agenda was not discussed it was it was up for introduction at the last meeting the other agenda I think I have here is the two um 210-220 it's a resolution here about opposing the proposed rules to require more stringent rules for developing properties and it's being opposed by our person who is our director of Planning and Zoning can we get a reason why we're trying to oppose this because considering what happened at Marvin Gardens Margate Gardens and lamb bires and sunrise to Tequila you would think you would want more stringent building codes this would prevent them from making higher and raising the flood level the floorboard you okay why would why would that okay right now we're building it 11 feet 6 in they want to go two foot higher yes they want to go two foot higher we're opposed to we didn't did we oppose it when it's 11 feet 6 inches no but we're opposing this all right we don't oppose my concern with this is that you want them higher in other words you want them well I was told by our Planning and Zoning person that because I have solar power I should build my house higher because we have no you can build your house I you paying for it no okay no I don't think so no and then I had before these houses are built my solar power was there before that okay this is a state mandate that most of the South Jersey communities areos oh so that's that's what we're saying it's building another two foot higher yeah we believe we believe the current regulation is sufficient uh for for our issues and okay are we going to look into other issues let's say solar power that people have no I'm sorry I said are you going to look into the thing with people who are going with energy efficient things like solar power and whatever look into it in what regard putting laws into effect with building around homes like that existing already yeah I believe there are there are some laws already in place we have a Master Plan update coming up yet okay because I was told to build my house higher by our Planning and Zoning person which I thought was kind of ignorant at that time well I think that was because you were opposed to your neighbor building higher and therefore you felt that your solar panels were blocked my neighbor the house is two houses down the reason I about a shadow I do recall that right it does throw a sh it will throw a shadow on my home exactly but for that answer to say Bill your H higher that's well if you wanted to preserve the ability of your solar panels Max your solar energy you'd have to go up high no that was not how that is presented well that's what you're saying that's was not what he said that okay all right so you're saying that that this new master plan you're going to have things about solar power I mean people that solar panels in their homes the new master plan is going to look at every aspect of of building in in our community okay all right thank you thank you do we have any other comment on resolutions and ordinance adoption is there a motion to close public comment on resolutions and ordinance adoption motion I have a second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes Johanna will you proceed please may have a motion for the introduction of ordinance number 18 2024 Bond ordinance appropriating 1,900,000 and authorizing the issuance of 1,800 $50,000 in bonds and notes of the city of Margate City for various Capital Improvements were purpose authorized to be undertaken by the city of Margate City in the county of Atlantic New Jersey motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes may have a motion for the introduction of ordinance number 19 2024 ordinance Bond ordinance providing for various Water and Sewer utility Capital Improvements in and by the city of Margate City in the county of Atlantic New Jersey appropriating 950,000 dollars therefore and authorizing the issuance of 950,000 bonds or notes of the city for financing costs thereof second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes may have have a motion for the adoption of ordinance number 17 2024 an ordinance amending chapter 257 vehicle and traffic of the code of the city of morgate city county of Atlantic and state of New Jersey motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes may have a motion for resolution number to adopt resolution number 198 2024 authorizing bill payment and claims motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner plumberg yes commissioner horn yes may have a motion for the adoption of resolution number 199 2024 authorizing payment to colar Home Center motion second mayor Collins I abstain commissioner blumberg yes Commission horn yes may have a motion for the consent agenda to approve resolution number two thou or 200 2024 through resolution number 214 2024 motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner plumber yes commissioner horn yes at this time I'd like to have a motion to approve resolution number 250 2024 declaring closed executive session motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes at this time we'd like to last ask everyone to step outside we will resume at the end of our closed session thank you everybody we good okay sotion come out session may I have a motion to come out a close session motion I will second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes we need a brief [Music] statement City we are getting ready trial of okay may I have the motion to adjourn second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes uh any whatever --------- ##VIDEO ID:ezJ875bz6VY## I'd like to call the meeting to order please Johanna will you read the statement of compliance the notice the notice requirements of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Press of Atlantic City Star Ledger posted on the bulon board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all cell phones please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance States indice Johanna please take the role mayor Collins here commissioner blumberg I am here commissioner horn here welcome everybody we will begin with Ed and our engineering report certainly thank you mayor good afternoon everyone I'll just uh cover Updates this afternoon since we have added some items to the list really no update on item a which is our dredging project we have sent everything um over to D for their review we did check in with them a couple times since it's been submitted and they basically told us that it's in the queue and they will get to it as soon as possible for review so we'll keep following up there on the Shelter Island salt marsh restoration project uh we heard from Stockton that they will be Distributing their fishery questionnaire and collecting additional water quality data early next week and this is to follow up on comments we received from D so that process is moving forward uh no update on the 23 Road program for the streetcap in Washington Avenue we are close to reconvening with the steering committee uh we did uh conduct some traffic counts out in the project area those traffic counts have been completed and they are being reviewed we also worked uh with the fire department to make sure we are in the city's fire trucks properly On the Turning movements so we just want to put those final touches on the plans before we get back together with the steering committee and decide on the final design concept to to proceed with item e is the mher Avenue storm sewer or storm Pump Station project I've mentioned at previous meetings that um we were exploring alternative sites for the location of the pump station due to an impass on the Adams Avenue storm Vault that we were evaluating our best Prospect is is to locate this pump station near the Amherst Avenue waterfront park underneath the parking area so it'll be um you know a low impact uh to that area just so everyone understands this is an underground Pump Station Vault so it's not really even anything you would see from the surface other than the controls um the hitch there is that that is a Green Acres funded site so in order to locate uh The Pump Station there we would need a Green Acres diversion which is simply process heavy and just takes time so we did have a pre-application meeting with Green Acres on August 22nd um it was a favorable meeting and we got favorable feedback again it's just going to add to the timeline here so we are working with Mr batella on um coordinating with FEMA because we have FEMA funding associated with this so we may need to get a Time extension so we're just kind of running that all down as a possible best alternative and I'll keep everybody updated on that on item f is the Sig RM uh walkway replacement uh project so this Project's ready to go back out to bid other than the lighting that we're adding to the project so we did some field work a couple weeks ago once the lighting design is complete we can go back out to bid we do have several projects on the agenda today for award one of them is the basketball court reconstruction at sigm uh so that is on the agenda for award to think pavers today uh next item on the list uh is the restroom building at sigm which is being finalized to also go out to bid um around the same time as the walkway we're finishing up those plans no update on thow Avenue Redevelopment of well 9 is on the agenda today for award to AC schulties so we can get that project on the schedule for construction um and also we have on the agenda award to Arthur Henry for the Winchester Avenue and Benson Avenue water main reconfiguration project so we will move forward with that construction um no update on the 24 Kerman gutter program uh phase two of the municipal building office renovations is in progress no update on Winchester Avenue the next phase or the 2024 Road program those are both um projects that will go out to bid sometime in the fall uh lead service line replacement project we have completed our construction records research to refine our lead service line inventory and we're in the process of preparing those plans for the new Public Works building we did have a progress meeting with the architect on August 28th to take a look at our schematic design I think it was a good meeting we had some good input feedback that um I know we're we're going to take into consideration along with the architect um and then we'll have another iteration of that process meanwhile we do have uh the field survey being completed at the site so we can keep that part of the project moving no update on our uh flood warning and response plan it's just in progress along with our ms4 compliance uh we do have a small project a uh LaCrosse wall that we're putting together a design for that we can solicit quotes So that is um in progress Marshall and Huntington Avenue uh there was a request uh from the police chief to examine this intersection for a potential multi-way stop we had to conduct traffic counts in order to complete that study and those counts have been completed and we're just reviewing the data um in order to issue a recommendation jumping to the last page of the report uh we're helping the public works department out with a compliance item uh for a spill prevention control and countermeasures plan so we are putting that together with Public Works um item W is the Environmental document review for the gas station site that is in progress pending Grant applications um buried the lead here lead here but we we were notified last week that the NJ do has awarded us $750,000 to paint the remainder of the bike Lanes on Atlantic Avenue which is great news um so that is a grant from the do um and this is something that we have talked about meeting so we now have funding to complete um the bike lane painting jumping down to our construction project list you can see a lot of our projects have been completed moved into closeout we'll have a few that are going to show up on the construction uh section next meeting that we're awarding today um there's just one project left on the list for maintenance Bond inspections before the end of the year we have closed out one of our projects on the list uh for the Atlantic Avenue bike lane painting and one of our projects has moved into the closeout phas that's the Avenue and venson Avenue bulkhead project so that is now in closeout and then we have the Winchester Avenue project from Claremont to Douglas which um is scheduled to start sometime this month and then our most recent phase of the municipal building office Renovations is substantially complete and that will soon move into close out that's my report great thank you Ed Scott would you like to begin with our department head reports please very briefly uh we did get a notice earlier this week too late for this agenda where the easement agreement with the state of New Jersey and the D for the $500,000 Grant they wanted some very minor changes oddly enough last year we executed that soal it's called an easement agreement it's an agreement for 15 years that makes sure that the money and the property Lucy the Alin is is utilized as it is UTI as it is utilized so uh and the inquiry was can they just amend the contract without a resolution which nah better not but this is a new Administration mayor Becker had signed that last easement so for the next meeting I'll have another resolution prepared there's really nothing they were very innocuous changes to this agreement with the state it was a condition of getting $500,000 for Lucy the Elephant which uh I don't know if they've received the 500,000 yet or not that that's I don't know if Lisa would know that or not maybe not not yet but uh it's coming it's supposedly a grant so um and these easements are for 15 years which I found to be very interesting that's contrary to The Rosy list issues we have secondly speaking of Rossy list we're going forward with the Osborne Avenue um Police Department Matt Hinson very Cooperative they got the sign he's helped me with the sign the sign company we have to post a 4x4 foot sign on that uh parcel of land we're going to have our Hearing in October which is mandated by the Green Acres people um our position has been and remains that this was excluded from the Green Acres list and the fact is when you look at the the rosi agreement prepared by Green Acres it says part of for this particular line they still want us to go through this formality so they're the big dog we're the little dog so we will we will do as they instruct and then but we're still moving forward I have that contract finalized their lawyers happy ultimately we get 165 ft of Bulkhead we get new handicapped access new stairway and about $222,000 so looks like a pretty good deal we moving forward that's about it mayor great thank you uh so Pat was unable to be be here tonight so I will be uh giving an update on his behalf uh for Public Works uh we are 73 % complete for Phase 1 through three of the meter project um over 2,000 meters are complete uh this weekend we have the dean renazzo surf for a cause at decar Avenue beach so Public Works will be setting up a stage uh for that for their operations there uh the relief Cabanas will be remain on the beach until the end of September and we will leave eight trash cans on the beach uh throughout the winter and that is it for public works I will now hand it over to you Lisa is that actually has been a big deal but the people in the winter time really do use those trash cans and that's great I'm GL to hear yeah and we've been looking at some of the trash cans are uh aged and in repair so that is uh something we're looking at for replacement as well that's nice that's great yeah and we have grant money for that also y all right Lisa all right thank you good afternoon everyone uh just a few things to update you on uh a few years ago as you are aware we entered into a contract with Atlantic City Electric to replace the street lights with LED lights phase one um it's been a little difficult getting in touch with the person overseeing the project at Atlantic Electric was originally told phase one had been completed and that we would be invoiced soon um because the project was about $350,000 and I kept asking them when we will be build the latest update was that there's actually 32 lights remaining um to be installed in Phase One and once that is completed we will be invoiced for that I've also been asking for a proposal for phase two um of that project which was actually funded in 2023 so um Atlantic Electric now they need to complete an audit on their end and do some work on their end prior to sending that and I'm told that we will be receiving that proposal you know once that is done I don't know I follow up with Bill Edwards who had retired from Atlantic Electric but who returned as a contractor so um Atlantic Electric has a lot on their plate right now due to their install of the smart meters um so things have been delayed tremendously but um as I get other information I will let you know so hopefully we could at least proceed with phase two you know in the near future because we will begin realizing savings due to the LED lights um okay as you know there's two ordinances on the agenda for introduction um which primarily consists of funding the construction for our 2024 Road program and state aid project for both uh the road portion and the drainage portion it also includes design of the 2025 Road program um construction of the 2024 curbing gutter program and some equipment for public works and phase two of the municipal building buing improvements um so I did prepare the supplemental debt statement tomorrow uh once I receive you know the documents from the clerk's office I will have that submitted um for our next meeting I know I was in touch with Johanna and commissioner horn and mayor and um excuse me I'm sorry mayor Collins are available to change the meeting to October 1st but my I'm not sure if you email me back or not I kind of lost and I told Johan I didn't think I was going to be here but uh I I will double check okay so is it okay that we move the meeting or have a meeting on October 1st I at what time would you like to start that meeting it's a Tuesday since I have advertisement to do I can we can hold it whenever it's convenient for everyone I we give commissioner blumberg till tomorrow to see if he's available and then we'll we'll make that decision okay and then it will be posted on the municipal website for the people to follow great thank you thank you for that um also the only other thing I want to do is acknowledge Fred Verna who retired after 25 years his retirement took effect September 1st so I just wanted to State it publicly and appreciate his years of service he will be missed for sure um and that's all I have thank you great thank you Lisa Chief Adams thank you mayor Commissioners and to Echo Lisa's comments uh Fred is Miss because it was nice having that it person on a daily basis to handle and answer the questions that were needed so it was really nice having him and congratulations on his 25 years and his retirement uh just a few things for the fire department uh pretty much Labor Day weekend was uneventful for us the town was crowded but our call volume was you know I would say average to normal for a weekend in the summer it wasn't anything absorbent or anything like that uh fire department's in the process of finishing up our extrication training with all of our fire department shifts we have one shift left and basically what that entails if anybody's interested is we practice cutting up vehicles in the event uh it's needed for a motor vehicle accident where we have to extricate the person out of the car the guys get chance to work Hands-On with the tools and actually you know work with them in a non uh emergent environment so they can actually learn the tools and learn all the the processes of them uh we have fire prevention week coming up October 6th to October 12th where we'll be visiting the schools preschool senior citizen Pavilion uh Pavilion we're preparing for fall FunFest um the beach Patrol just to add um the beaches have been open all week we have three beaches open today and three tomorrow that'll be Claremont Huntington and Washington Avenue uh over the weekend we will have Claremont Huntington Osborne and Washington Avenue as guarded beaches and we're working with commissioner horn to see if we can consider possibly weather dependent opening on September 14th and 15 but once we make that decision uh Jesse and Shannon have doing a great job of getting it out on our social media page We'll advise everyone and keep everyone a prize uh but it has been a really strong Beach season and the last couple weeks the water has been relatively rough and creating some hazards for our beach patrons so please if you're out there and you're on the beach only swim at guarded and protected bathing beaches do not think you can swim anywhere you want if you get in trouble there's going to be a delay in the response because it's going to be someone calling 911 for you and then the lifeguards responding to the 911 call so please only swim at guarded and protected beaches uh thank you that's it thank you Chief Johanna all good in the clerk's office all right commissioner blumberg anything uh yeah just one thing uh thank you to Lisa and Dan I I can tell you that um I work with Fred for the 18 years that I've been here uh he uh is and was in fact the most dedicated hardworking man I ever met uh he he is missed um and he was for those of us that spent time with him he was way more than it he was he was our goto for everything um you know anything that was Margate you know folks that needed an answer would go to Fred so congratulations on your retirement and uh best best of luck that's all I have thank you commissioner commission no all right we will now open up to public comment if anyone has any comment on anything discussed in this meeting please step forward to the microphone state your name and address Kathy heitsman 22 South Adams Avenue we've been hearing about these water meters that are being installed is that whole process and I've been meaning to ask is that change now like we won flat fee for water and sewage you all have individual meters or what so the meters they're just digital meters the the fee structure is not changing as a result of the meters but it it'll just be a digital read so um I don't know off hand Lisa you might know the what the threshold is before you go you know over your base feet for the water but used to be I think 120,000 gallons but no to answer your question no the fee is not changing as of now yes thank you Kathy is there a motion to close public comment motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumber yes commissioner horn yes is there a motion to adjourn motion I will second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes