##VIDEO ID:ZwMUD6EB7QE## i' would like to call the meeting to order please Johanna will you read the statement of compliance the notice requirements of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Press of atlanic City Star Ledger posted on the Bolton board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all cell phones please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance pions IED to the flag of the United States of to the stand Johanna please take the role mayor Collins here commissioner blumberg I am here commissioner horn here welcome everybody we will begin with Ed and our engineering report thank you mayor good evening everyone um starting off with our J update there's really no update for this meeting I reported at the last meeting that we are re-engaged with the D uh they are working on getting us our next steps to finish out this permit process I'll keep everybody update updated once we hear back from them same goes for Shelter Island which is you know hand inand and on a parallel track with our dredge permit for our Washington Avenue street skate project which also include some work on vendor Avenue we did apply for a grant extension for the smaller Grant I mentioned at the last meeting that we have a $1.5 million Grant and then kind of a smaller Grant that's piggybacking on this project so we need an extension for that smaller Grant to kind of catch up with the bigger Grant because that's what's going to drive the project schedule we did get that extension to the dot um so the next step is to just meet with the steering committee and kind of finalize those plans and get that project out to bid uh no real update on the mhst Avenue resiliency project we're working on the Green Acres application for that project the Sig RM walkway project is out to bid uh we have a bid opening schedu for December 12th there's actually a number of projects on here that are out to bid including um the Sig RM restroom building which had a bid opening today we did only receive one bid on that project and the bid did come in over the engine's estimates so the expectation is that we'll reject and re advertise for bids and hopefully get some more bid interest on the second round uh so hopefully we'll have something for the next meeting uh item G is the curve and gutter program which is on the agenda today for award to think favers so we can get that project in the queue for construction turning the page our next phase of Municipal Building Renovations is out to bid bid opening is scheduled for a week from today so we will see how those bids come in for consideration at our next meeting no update on Winchester Avenue or the 24 Road program which is in the Engineering Process and would be part of the next round of projects to go out to bid lead service line project um we've had some discussion on that has couple meetings um that continues to be in progress we had a progress meeting with the ibank um earlier this week so everything is moving along there um as far as the engineering for that project likewise for the new Public Works building we had a progress meeting a couple weeks ago um we're into construction documents now um so once we have a good set of construction documents we'll put together a detailed construction cost estimate make sure that we're in line for you know our budget um and we are on schedule to bid that project um in the early part next year uh so continue to move forward there uh item m is U new to this list this is actually the engineering work for the new parking lot on vendor Avenue so that is in progress item n is the um painting of the bike Lanes on Atlantic Avenue the bike lanes that have not been painted yet uh so that is in the Engineering Process we're putting the plans together and we will phase that project with item o which is the res of Atlantic Avenue from Huntington to Mansfield so what is likely to happen is with the grant that we have for the bike lane painting we'll paint all of the lanes except for the part that we're going to repave and then after we repave we'll keep that contract open and paint those Lanes so that way we're not tearing up new paint um and then everything would be done once that road is resurfaced item p is just our ongoing coordination with the DP for storm water compliance which uh we had a meeting with them uh on the 27 in November just to kind of get on the same page to finish this out item q and item R are related to the new parking lot on vendor Avenue uh this is the Environmental review associated with that land acquisition which is substantially complete we will be issuing our report of findings which is very detailed um there's a lot of effort that went into this review um so that is wrapping up item s is just our running list of Grant applications which believe it or not is down to um and that's because we've essentially been approved for everything we've applied for on that list which is great news uh so they're all now in either engineering or construction which is good um turning to page three for our construction projects nothing to report under open open maintenance bonds that list will get renewed in 2025 no updates on our close out list for the 23 Road program we are adding some additional work to that contract on argal court uh just to kind of finish out that of roadway uh so we're working on the engineering plans for that to give to the contractor item X is uh Winchester Avenue um which is substantially complete we're just waiting for a Paving schedule obviously the weather will factor into that now uh item Y is the basketball court which is a spring construction project thow Avenue uh we will also be adding a little bit of work to that contract as well which is essentially just the cross streets to tie into thurow Avenue um their short BLX um just to get those paid as part of that contract so we are surveying those uh additional roads and we will be providing those plans to the contractor as well um well n Redevelopment is wrapping up uh we're just waiting on our back te to put that well back online sometime next week uh so that project's wrapping up the Winchester Avenue and bents and water main configuration there's no update there and then on the Lacross wall we're just sighting the wall uh to get that project uh moving and and construction that's so just to clarify add the therow Avenue I on here it says Fon Avenue only you mentioned streets so Fremont is part of that correct Fremont was already surveyed okay so Fremont was already surveyed because the dra because we're doing the drainage down to don't need to survey that but you're right that is included as the additional work as well great thank you all right we will move to our department head reports we're going to start with Chief Adams tonight thank you mayor Commissioners um I just want to First off talk about a couple events that are coming up we have the Winter Wonderland toy drive Festival which is a Cooperative event primarily run through the police department but all the city departments are involved along with veter and longfor that will be on December 13th from 5 to 8m and I can't say enough about uh detective Erin burelli for all her hard work and dedication in running these events and she puts it all together plans it runs it and gets everything out there for this and this is a great event for our for everyone for the whole Community but for our children especially on Friday December 20th and we'll get a flyer out by Monday with the route and information the fire department will do our annual Santa around town so another great event for the kids you know Santa will drive around town in the back of a Lifeboat and see all of our children waving high and giving them everything happiness Before Christmas um couple things with the weather today we're going to expect wind gust up to 50 miles an hour into tonight so just be careful out there if anything's not secured kind of maybe at this point it's too late leave it where it's at and we'll deal with it but if you see any wires aring wires down or something like that please call 911 immediately report the location and Report what the incident is so that we can get the proper people out there to ensure that it's safe for anybody out there um couple other things with coming up in the Hanukkah season I know people like to use candles for the holidays no pun intended but be careful with candles make sure you have a good clearance around any actual candles that you use to assure that there's no fires a lot of baking occurs during this time of year please make sure you pay attention that people are actually watching what they're doing in baking and if you're putting Christmas lights up which I a strong proponent and support 100% make sure you're using Christmas lights for Christmas and Hanukkah and hopefully everybody had a great Thanksgiving holiday and we look forward to the upcoming you know Christmas and Hanukkah holiday as well thank you that's all I have thank you Chief Roger thank mayor Commissioners just a couple things one is the uh sideway onto the was skap Project coming from the planed board uh in two weeks will be 92 Avenue which is that old hotel for redevelopment I believe put fiveing homes there so part of that project part of my review will be incorporating our plan with their plan so there might be some delay finalizing that project Avenue make sure we're on the same page tce also the beeld project at Island that's ongoing Margate is a small part of that but they will be traversing through Marg sometime in December January again the work here is minimal but we are part of that for now great thank you Roger Palama not too much to report we're just consistently busy today we attended the New Jersey Coastal Coalition monthly meeting um this month it was a mandatory meeting for members so that it will help with our our CRS rating when we recertify that's all I got great thank you Scott mayor we're moving forward with our purchase of the uh former gasoline service station tailor we have a tentative settlement for December 18th we're working out the final details in a written document with Exxon where Exxon will contribute monies toward demolition of the building and hopefully we'll have a commencement date for both demolition of the building which will run and their efforts they come in after us to finalize the clean up of the property so that is moving forward I know Ed people did their environmental investigation the report we're waiting to see that we'll also have a new survey and meets and bound description which I'd like to have that on the deed when we get the deed of conveyance just so that we're not surprised by it we're going to let Taylor uh occupy the building to move his business out and shut down everything afterwards he will be fully insured and it's it's typic many times in a commercial transaction so we're allow that so we are definitely moving forward and it's going to happen and that's what I have thank you Pat cont great thank you so I just have a brief update uh Public Works nothing really new out of the ordinary other than what Chief Adam said with the wind you know there was some cleanup and some some issues this morning and you know expecting the same uh tomorrow um for the W department basketball begins next week we have approximately 200 children in the wreck basketball program um additionally holiday beach tags are on sale Monday through Friday 9: to3 at the Pavilion they are also available online we do have a delay in the seasonal veteran and Senior tags um they did not come in as expected and we're hoping to have them next week um commissioner anything no commission blumberg anything nothing all right we will now open up to public comment if anyone has any comment please step forward to the microphone St your name and address hi everybody Kathy heitsman 22 South Adams Avenue I wondered if we could get some details about the environmental review those environmental documents for the gas station so I I really wouldn't want to kind of freestyle on that it's a very detailed report um but it's important to us sure other than um to say that it was a very thorough analysis there really were no major um items of areas of concern that came up other than what is already known um by the current owners of the site um as Scott mentioned once the building is demolished there's a little bit of work that um that Exon would need to do I I can help you on this one sure and then just one more item would be you know and I believe that again this is all part of the negotiations so that's the other reason why we can't speak too much about it but I think assures are being put in place so that once we do demolish if anything else comes up you know that we would that Exon is going to come in and and REM remediate whatever left to remediate right now they have remediated remediated portions of the property there are 19 monitoring Wells and uh once the actual building is demolished they can then come in with their heavy equipment and remove the contaminated soil any reminisent tanks or any of that stuff so Exxon will be responsible not the owner of the propert that's the deal sounds okay and then the same now what about the ground penetrating radar CLE we did that as a backup just to make sure that we had found everything it was a precautionary uh move on our part to just sweep the entire property to make sure they didn't screw up and miss anything will we get that before we go to CL we have that that's already did and so how did we do good nothing okay nothing was found but you jury could read it you is it going to be on the website I don't know about the website but I'll get you a copy of okay great I mean I there's no problem the fact is I'm we wanted that Scott it would require an open request would it require open request yes it would so I would have the request yes and how I do that you can go online and fill out the open requests are available at the Margate Citys fors you can just put o and it should show up okay and thank you for the thank you any other public comment is there a motion to close public comment motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes is there a motion to adjourn motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner plumberg yes commissioner horn yes