##VIDEO ID:rC5eoPKln2g## philes like to call the meeting to order please Johanna would you read the statement of compliance the notice requirements of the open public meeting act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual meeting notice was sent to the Press of Atlantic City The Star Ledger posted on the Bolton board in the municipal building the municipal website and filed in the office of the municipal clerk please turn off all cell phones please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance attention toes Johanna please take the role mayor Collins here commissioner blumber I am here commissioner horn here here good afternoon everybody and welcome we will begin with Ed in our engineering report thank you mayor and good afternoon everyone um no update on our driving projects items A and B we have been following up with the D almost weekly just to get a status update from them I haven't gotten anything back definitive yet so we'll keep applying the pressure um to try to keep that moving and then uh no real update on the on the salt marsh restoration project which is being handled by stock at this point we can address some of the DP comments the 2023 Road program is almost ready to go out to bid that will be bid sometime this month uh so that'll be one of our next projects that gets awarded for construction the Washington Avenue Venter Avenue streetscape uh we're just about done with the traffic review before we can get those plans ready for another followup meeting with the steering committee I did reach out to our traffic group earlier this week that said we should have some this week so we're getting really close on that um and we've been keeping the do updated on our schedule with item e is Amherst Avenue that's going to be a little bit of a longer term item with the possible involvement of Green Acres so no update there at the moment we're putting that application package together for the Green Acres diversion uh no update on FNG which are the next projects that will go out to bid over at the Sig RM complex uh just about ready to go like I mentioned at the previous meeting we're just working on some of that final lighting design for the walkway um and then also the restro bu so those will be um ready for bid soon turning the page to item H thurow Avenue should be out the bid sometime next week um so that will also be one of our projects um that we will be awarding next the curbing gutter program the um field survey Works in progress that could also be a fall um construction project uh depending on the weather so that will be in our uh list of projects that'll hit the ground next the municipal building project is just about ready to go um we're just wrapping up the mechanical plans for that we did need to coordinate with some equipment that was previously pre-ordered um which is similar to how we did the previous phase of the municipal building renovation so we just want to make sure we don't have any duplication on the plans for you know items that were already paid for um so that project is getting close to bid as well so number of projects on the design list that'll soon be going out to bid um the next two items are 2024 Winchester Avenue project as well as a 2024 program that'll be part of kind of the next wave so those will probably go out to bid sometime in the winter or very early spring uh so we have the field survey work complete on Winchester and the survey work on the road program is currently in progress lead service line replacement project we are working on the plans that's also a bigger Longer lead item but we did want to get the engineering in process there since the ibank will require a full set of plans to uh formally approve our our funding so that in progress same goes for the new uh new Public Works building we did complete our geotechnical investigation so that's complete the field surve field survey is complete and we're just waiting on the um the revised floor plan from the architect so that we can kind of bless it and then receive some of the other design work so um that will be a bid sometime in the early New Year uh will be the new Public Works building no update on the storm water ordinance or mapping assistance Something That We're assisting the city on for compliance um the LaCrosse wall we have gone out for quotes so we will have quotes back from contractors on that shortly um for consideration of a ward the Marshall Avenue and Huntington Avenue uh traffic study is on the same timeline as the other traffic analysis for the streetcape so I hope to have th those results back this week so we can issue a recommendation on that intersection uh no real update on the spill prevention control and counter measures plan the EnV documents review um is in progress we do have a meeting scheduled with the environmental Professionals for the gas station site um that is scheduled for um Mid October so we will be meeting with them just to get some additional information and clarification uh so that we can kind of complete our review on um our pending Grant application list we did receive notice uh last week I believe from FEA that one of our grant applications which has been on this list for a number of years did a study for the mini Creek drainage Improvement probably three four five years ago um and we submitted that for potential FEA funding through um the flood mitigation assistance program which is a nationally competitive program and we did get notice that our project is being uh has been identified for further review which is a formal status that is a good indicator that we may receive that funding um that's a two3 million project so uh that would be great news um if we actually are able to secure that funding typically when you get that you're about a year out before you actually find out if you actually got the money they go through a whole Federal Environmental review um but that is a significant update that we're under consideration for that funding so that's great news uh turning the page to our construction projects um not a whole lot to update on this list other than we did have um two preconstruction meetings one for the Sig basketball court and one for the Redevelopment of well 9 and we have issued our notice to proceed for the Winchester Avenue and venson Avenue main reconfiguration so that project um get moving and that's it great thanks Ed uh just one question on Washington Avenue if we're close should we start planning that meeting or do you want to make sure you have the information I want to make it's DET way we might send traic so it signicantly change concept okay and you would need to redraft some base plans that's all believe me I've been pushing to get this meeting don't want to put the from the horse Okay so as soon as we're ready we'll thank you all right Ed is the um the the cross wall is there any opportunity there for some kind of economy of scale to look at our wall of fame that we were going to build over at the uh at the baseball field which we haven't um we haven't moved forward with we we dug a hole but right we don't have wall so we have that design done um we did just we just solicited a quote for the LaCrosse wall are they the same are we building them both out of block they're comparable I think they're a little bit different in size the the um wall of fame was a little more decorative right um but M cat do you think there would be something that we might look at to ask to right now we just have a hole in the ground the other issue is that um we expect the the cross wall will come in on the bit threshold which is why we did quotes right we add it in a second threshold we have toid so maybe we could at least see what this one comes in at as a barometer and that might give us a better feel the wall of however you want to proceed you know we have the design for the wall of so we can always go back out get up yeah I think so when we get these quotes maybe we'll look at it and see see how they compare but I think another alternative would be potentially a redesign of that wall of fame so that it is more cost effective because I think that came in signicant over budget yes so good okay I'll make a y just to close it anything for me is better than the hole in the ground and the you know found fencing that we have I got all right we will now go to our department head report Scott would you begin please yeah a couple things uh you may have heard me mention now we have a pool contractors asked for permission to use what is shown as a paper Street Danny this might involve you a little bit comes off of Jerome Avenue goes back behind to what is that bait bait he wants to build a pool on individual's private property but it's easier access for them to go down a paper Street that's there it is a street and he does have insurance so but then he he wanted something from the city that said it was okay for so I bring it up to you Mr Swain live remember Swain live right behind here right off and um they will take his Pool Company trucks to access the rear yard of somebody that wants to build a pool on their property but he wants to use that paper Street he's actually asked for permission I'm sure a lot of them haven't but he has asked for permission yeah he that's typical so Pat do you want to maybe just inspect to make sure the ground's not soft there's no issues with yeah no I I think yeah I agree great he's going to put it in writing exactly what he wants going to give us CER certificate going to show exactly where the subject property is gave us the address and his trucks uh it's much easier for him to go through that way than go through the side yard makes sense okay okay now up the new topic as you know we have our deal to sell that strip of land trade it off for brand new bulk End Street end and cash coming up but we have to go through a Green Acres hearing we have that scheduled for City Hall Johanna and I will be here on it's what is October 10th my dear yes it is Scott and uh I wish we didn't have to do it because on the Green Acres list that property is actually designated as p o part of and it's one where the bulkhead runs through it there's a there's a strip landward of the bulkhead and in the bulk of the lot is ocean word of the bulkhead this propert was donated or given to the city for nominal consideration back in the 30s by somebody named Cassie and it wasn't just this lot there was a whole bunch of the type of word found that but so the city owns it outright but it's on our Rossy list the Rossy list was actually written up by Green Acres they're the ones that put on their part of nevertheless they put it in writing they want us to go through the public hearing they still have to give their official consent which is a conditioned precedent before we go through with the transaction so hopefully that'll go smoothly on October 10th at six o'clock it's open to the public it's a public hearing and uh there we go we're off and running on that one um what else was there anything else no I think that's about it mayor all right thank you Scott Pat okay thank you mayor Commissioners I just got a few things here uh just an update with the water meter project Phase 1 through three we're about 80% completed right now about 2500 2 21 meters all together installed uh the last week of October October 28th will be due to fire hydrant flushing so we'll put it on social media and send out a phone blast work with Danny and get to send that out and uh we had we had a just ended a go deals auction uh working with the police of fire and we uh brought in over $94,000 so that's all I got great you thank you Pat Chief thank you may uh not much to report just wanted to one say thank you to the Business Association and all of our city businesses and I me Public Works did an outstanding job as well but uh what a great event the uh fall FunFest the crowd Saturday afternoon was tremendous and hopefully the local businesses fared well from that but really they did put on a nice event as always and the weather held out for us uh two we have National prevention week coming up October 6th to October 12th for those that don't know or understand the history behind that it was enacted in 1925 by President Calvin kulage and proclaimed fire prevention week of national observance in recognition of the Great Chicago Fire which occurred from October 8th to 10th 1871 uh killed more than 250 people left 100,000 homeless and burned more than 200 2,000 acres on the same day was an even bigger fire in Wisconsin called the Theo fire was on a reservation the difference was it killed five times as many people didn't get the reserve we get out and visit our schools and talk with the kids and go to the senior citizen and if anybody out there wants any information from the fire department for that just out to usy to help them provide them whatever and that's all I have to report today thank you Chief Johanna I have nothing to report all right I just want to also say thank you to the MBA and our police fire and Public Works departments uh caught a break with the weather this year although it was hot out there if anyone was there on Saturday I feel like it was a lot hotter than we expected but we'll take it over the rain that we were uh that was potentially in the forecast all right we will now open up to public comment if anyone has any comment if anything discussed in this meeting please step forward to the microphone state your name and address Stephen Alman 9003 mher stavin Margate I was uh at the FunFest on Saturday uh representing the advisory board uh chairing uh sharing a booth with Recreation and right next door to uh Public Works uh it was a great event uh all day or did get a little bit hot I uh I was asking Pat earlier about a question that a a resident asked me and I didn't have the answer for his gentlemen who were Manning the booth didn't have an answer for us either and uh he gave it to me just a little while ago but uh I had a question from a resident asking about the municipal building their concern was that the municipal building is not completely occupied because of mold on the second floor I'm repeating what I was asked um and wondered whether it was wise to continue to put funds into U renovating that building if at some foreseeable future date it might be dismantled so I didn't have an answer for that and I thought I would ask here sure Steve so so when we have our Capital meetings this has been a topic of discussion um over you know the last year and a half uh there's plenty of work that needs to be done to um get that building where it needs to be functional for all of our employees and all the staff in there we're trying to take a wise approach to spending and not um not overspend because we don't know the full extent um Ed's uh Team put together a full assessment of that building with all cost estimates of of what the long-term plan would be to get that building 100% um compliant want to be able to occupy all the rooms a lot of the rooms upstairs are are used for storage currently so we're taking a cautious approach and you know the improvements we're doing now are uh are necessary to continue to function the you know we're be again being careful with with how much we're spending on these projects uh and we just have an eye towards the future in that regard but there are there are some some things that we need to do in order to function on a daily basis still that that we're just not not quite there so uh is it in the foreseeable future that that building might be abandoned and and replaced with something or other so I I I think one option is that we stay there long term for the for the foreseeable future the other option would be that we we look at other options for a municipal building if we look at other options for a building you know that project by the time plans are designed all those things are figured out it would be many years into the future okay so it's necessary for us to make these improvements now knowing that we're going to be in that building for at least the next say 10 years and you know but but part of what we're doing is we're looking at 5 10 and 20 year Capital plans so we can say what you know and not just that building but what does you know our senior Pavilion and our library look like where do where do they have to go what about our lifeguard and police and fire you know so we're looking at all buildings and and kind of looking at a a really long-term future at the same time very good thank you sir you're welcome thank you any other comment on items discussed in this meeting there a motion to close public comment motion second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes is there a motion to adjourn motion I will second mayor Collins yes commissioner blumberg yes commissioner horn yes