##VIDEO ID:56lh1w6FU_Q## good afternoon ladies and gentlemen welcome to the quarterly ioc committee meeting meeting I would like to begin with the Pledge of Allegiance a reminder of the values that unite us please stand I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty Justice all thank you as the action chair today I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone present superintendent Dr Diana gullet our School Board member Miss Lori Conrad District personnel thank you all for being here and board members Miss Williams would you like to proceed with the roll call yes Maryann Collins here Jane Morley here Melanie ler here Jennifer Edgars here Diana Williams here Pastor Howard absent Bobby Gunner Floyd m uh magwood here thank you sorry Ken osley is absent and Angie Lester thank you we have a COR thank you Miss Diana Williams at this time I would like to invite the motion to accept the minutes from our previous meetings if there are no Corrections we will proceed with approval I make motion to accept second second okay can I make a not thank you Dr Gard I hand it over to you for the District overview good evening Madam chair and ioc committee it's always a pleasure to be here with you it's always interesting for me to be on this side spend so much time on that side so uh again humbled to be here with all of you representing our amazing district and and 45,000 students I'm going to um do my overview of a little differently tonight and I'm going to start with showing a video and I'll talk about the video when it's over so Mr Christian if we can begin [Music] that want to make sure you can see that on stage [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you s [Applause] you fore [Applause] [Applause] you can just use the on camera audio to pick up like the tone of the room [Music] [Music] [Music] I hope you enjoyed that uh just oops little feedback just going to adjust thank you uh thank you to our um Communications team for putting that together nothing's more powerful than seeing some of the faces of the impact of the work that our referendum has afforded our community of students and our and our greater community and by the way I hope to see many of you at fafo this weekend because that's this weekend so I'm really excited about that um but wanted to Showcase some of that work that's happening we will put this on our website because I think it's important for our broader Community to continue to see how Greatful we are for the support I'm going to um have Miss rle come up in a moment because because what I'd like for Miss rle to do is also to recap the recent ioc visit to our schools I know that not all of you were able to make it and tour our schools so I want to make sure that she has an opportunity to come forward and talk about what um many of you were able to see so miss rle please good afternoon afternoon our team had the privilege of Hosting School tours this year for the ioc committee so that we could showcase some of these amazing opportunities that are happening across our district and how the referendum dollars are utilized to impact student learning the first tour was scheduled for September 13th we visited Reddit Coler Elementary and North Marian Middle School our first stop Mrs Horton's music class at Reddit colar Elementary where kindergart musicians were working on keeping a steady beat and singing properly using their head voices as well as creative musical movement Mrs Horton frequently ties literature into her lessons and used this story in the tall tall grass by Denise Fleming while incorporating a song she wrote herself then students were asked to create their own movements and sounds for the animal characters stop number two was Miss Jones ecoin studies class at North Marian High School Miss Jan students shared their passion for horses and the ecoin industry and how it impacts our very own Community they also shared about their day to-day experiences and the work they do with the horses on their campus we even had an opportunity to pet them while we were there the second tour took place on October 15th which had to be rescheduled from September 27th due to Hurricane Helen the first stop of the day was Maplewood Elementary Where Mrs rocha's kindergarten art students were creating background landscapes for the pumpkins they made in the previous lesson they learned they can use geometric shapes like squares and circles to draw pumpkins and a nighttime pumpkin landscape where they were able to add Crescent moons stars and grass all using oil pastels the second stop included a visit to miss piner's class and Vanguard at Vanguard High School where she teaches students who participate in the future educators academ we observed her students teaching their peers from a neighboring class the students coming from the neighboring class to participate in the lessons were were students with special needs they arrived filled with excitement and eager to learn from our teachers in training the carefully planned activities by the students in the Futures at Future Educators Academy were differentiated and they met the needs of each learner seeing the excitement on students faces and the increase in confidence as they demonstrated success on each task showed that this program has and will continue to have a lasting impact the future educator Academy students celebrated with those students they worked with as they were practicing how to engage encourage and motivate other students skills that are necessary for any successful teacher if you were able to join us we hope you enjoyed visiting our classrooms as much as we did and we look forward to celebrating more successes with our teachers and students thank you Mr R and we look forward ioc members to having um more tours in the future so you can get to see firsthand again the impact to all our students I'd like to take a moment to welcome Vice chair Conrad to bring some greetings on behalf of the school board thank you good evening Madam chair and board members I just want to start by saying thank you all for your commitment uh to the iicot committee and I I look up here and I see a lot of familiar faces and I know that you're busy in our schools you're busy in the community and so I just thank you for the time that you take out each quarter um to spend helping us review our the iic committee um Miss thrower was unable to be here today but she did have one um accom ation that she wanted me to bring forward so if you'll excuse me I am going to read it right from the bylaws um there was there were some calendar Day schedule that she felt would be difficult um for us to complete in a timely fashion just due to the holidays so I'm actually in the bylaws in section um five under meetings and the very last part of that section says the next organizational meeting will occur by January 1st 2025 and by January 1 in each subsequent sub subsequential year and so her concern was as elections take place in November and new board members uh for the district um come on board and then we hit the Thanksgiving holiday which for school there's time off and for Christmas there's a break and then January 1st comes very quickly for you all to have your organizational meeting and so her ask um of the committee was to maybe move that a little bit later in the month um I know that will take some time to review and we appreciate um you helping us out and however possible so thank you yes um we will regroup and um put together a different dates that will work with the school board as well as uh um the school board uh the board members so we will definitely coordinate that with uh the chairman and everybody else involved thank you thank you so much Vice chair Conrad we really appreciate our dedicated board so without further delay I would like to introduce Miss Boston Ellis we have a full group here and you're going to see some new faces today um telling the story about the work again the gratefulness that we have thank you so much for your service thank you so much for supporting the needs of more than 45,000 students and growing every day thank you as she comes up I think I might have overlooked someone on the attendance list did I June daily June daily she is sitting in for pastor Howard as an alternate so we'll include you on the um list of attendees here thank you so much thank you Dr gullet for the overview so good evening again good evening um we are also excited to present activities and uh the things that have occurred in the first quarter of the 2024 2025 year so we will be discussing expenditures as well as activities that are um have occurred during this quarter as Dr gullet said there are um there are about seven of us who are presenting tonight but we do have some new presenters and as we transition from one discussion to another I'll introduce them uh to you or reintroduce you to them you should also have uh several attachments that were provided by the district the first one is a synopsis of expenditures and budget for the referendum from July 1 through September 30th 2024 that includes the district as well as charter schools and a current year total to date uh you may recall that beginning last year we had to or we were statue required us to share uh referendum funds with the charter schools so that's one of the attachments um the next attachment that you should have is examples of expenditures by program uh Mr osley requested that we provide you some examples because we categorize Things based on how the Department of Education asked us to group them but he wanted some examples of uh what these expenditures mean what does it mean what does purchase services mean what does capital outlay mean so that is a new attempt attachment for you and then the last attachment is the 2024 25 referendum funded units so this is basically the budgeted staff as well as the actual staff that were in place at the end of September 30th I'd like to begin uh the PowerPoint presentation with just a summary of activities uh this one mill at berum which is a property tax um was enacted this is we are in our second renewal um and it was approved by by uh the voters November 8th 2022 it's effective July 1 2023 through June 30th 2027 so we are in the second year of a four-year referendum uh just as a reminder allowable use of funds it's not um um the the typical use is reading uh physical education art music library media vocational programs meet class size retain State Certified teachers parent professionals and school safety that was added in our first renewal so this second renewal includes uh school safety uh so our total collections from the 2015 2016 year and these are actual collections total 236 million and the schedule that you have in front of you is bye so including the current Year's budget we will have collected $236 million and including the current Year's um expenditure budget for expenditures we are spending $230 million this is just a another way of looking at our revenue and expenditures and you can see that our adopted budget for estimated revenues is 37.3 million uh We've collected about 40,000 through September and I was remind uh everyone that uh those those dollars don't begin to come in to the district basically until the end of November 1st of December that's when the property taxes are starting to be paid by our community but even though we we do not have the funds in we do have expenditures and you can see to the right that as of September 30th we have spent about 14% uh which totals about $6 million and that's why that fund balance is important for us uh because that will allow cash flow to happen and we don't have to borrow money from the general fund to make these payments excuse me I do have a question um the last time we met we had um the expenditures for the quarter of Joe oh actually that was a full year yes so when we looked at the expenditures and what was still left out going as far as we had a couple categories that still were only paid out around around 70% we'll just say that um so is there an update on any more money yes that will get to that and okay a minute perfect thank you so our total budgeted expenditures uh for this current year will be $43 million and these are in the categories that you see listed um so that's what we have budgeted expenditures for for this current year this slide basically gives you the actual expenditures uh it does not include the 2015 through and 2016 through 17 um but these are all the other year actual expenditures by program and I believe this is the question that you were um making here um our ending fund balance for 2324 which is a carryover to the beginning balance for 2425 was $ 11.7 million so we did not spend $1 million from the prior year so because referendum are restricted dollars those stay in that fund okay so those programs that were still at 70% paid out whatever was not paid out was just rolled into this year yes were there any budgeted it items that were not met at that time to have only 70% paid out uh the majority of the expenditures that did not occur probably tied into staff the vacancies at that time and maybe there were programs that uh um were not as expensive as uh that previously thought so but I think the majority of the funds that were carried over tied into salaries and benefits because of vacancies and we see that same scenario in our general fund as well thank you what each program does is submit uh what they believe they will need for the 24 25 year uh the district provides an estimate for the staffing that is needed and of course our referendum uh that is calculated based on the property values for the 2425 year and applying that one mill to that so those both of those numbers are estimates 37.3 million for revenue and 43 million for expenditures so the budgeted fund balance where we think we're going to end up at the end of this 2425 year right now is six about $6 million and that typically CL um will increase again based on position that were um not filled or if uh staff was there not the full year or um as I stated before expenditures come in lower than what was originally budgeted but again anything not spent in the previous year is rolled over into that the current year I have a question Miss bonellis I'm looking at the 2324 actual revenues and expenditures and I see that the expenditures were more compared to the revenues is there any particular reason why that was are you looking at slide six slide two two compared to all the other previous years why are they higher yes that could be due to increase in the number of staff that could be based on salary increases uh increase in benefits increase in programs um there programs that have been added uh every year uh programs that have been discontinued and and added so we at least I would expect to see an increase every year just based on the number of uh staff that is in that as well as Associated uh increases in in their salary and benefits okay thank you so our first category um you have known this as class size um during our budget work sessions our board made the decision this particular category was including teachers class-size teachers as well as kindergarten par professionals and our board made the decision to move those teachers uh into the general fund and then we you will see we also shifted some of the art music PE units from the general fund to um referendum so what we have in this category is kindergarten pair professionals and this is an allowable expense uh for referendum the total budget is $6.1 million and we have $179 kindergarten pair Professionals of which 175 have been filled so this goes back to the question of why there is additional money uh left at the remaining of the year so these these positions may have been filled by now but we're looking at it as of September 30th 2024 so we've spent to date about 13.80% of a budget of 6.1 million now we'll talk a little bit about physical education and Mrs Cornelius will come forward to provide that information good afternoon thank you for having me here today it isn't often that we get to share out all of the great things that are physical education teachers are doing every single day they have a huge impact on every student in all of our schools um each year Educators rely on assessments and the data created by those assessments to identify if learning objectives of a course are being met physical education is no different the Pacer test is a multi-stage aerobic capacity test that is administered to every third through fifth grade student in the fall and again in the spring this test provides valuable information about each student's physical fitness level PE teachers then use that data in combination with other formative assessments to drive their planning additionally goal setting is a large component of physical fitness this pre-test data allows students to identify their Baseline and set goals for maintaining or improving their own personal fitness levels you'll notice in the picture this is a snapshot from Sunrise Elementary School uh the largest Elementary School in our County um one of the probably the most impacted school with the new schools that are going to be opened will be sunrise and Marion Oaks and you can see they are very creative and how they manage their space and meet the needs of all their students some of the data this is just a snapshot not every school is included in this graph just for the sake of size of font um if you're interested in that additional data I'm happy to share it but this is just some of the schools that are included it shows beginning of school data as well as end ofe data roughly I usually ask them to turn it in by the end of September and then again we try to finish up in April just because of other standardized testing important things that go on in the schools each year our physical Educators partner with Fitness and Nutrition in schools to provide health education lessons that promote healthy habits students learn about how choices that they make every day can help build a healthy body as they are growing and developing in these Hands-On sessions students are introduced to the components of healthy living as well as how physical activity good nutrition water water consumption adequate sleep and breathing clean air is crucial as they grow we are so extremely grateful that the referendum funds physical education so that they can provide resources and education to our Learners to support Wellness because we all know that healthy bodies fuel healthy Minds thank you on slide 11 we'll look at physical education of the PE teachers there's 107 of which 104 have been filled also PE technicians there's a total of 25 and of which 25 have been filled this budget of $9.5 million uh we've spent about 14.86 uh perc uh of this budget predominantly salaries and benefits and you can look on your sheet to to see what kind of items make up the materials and supplies uh that are included in this budget as well as having been spent um next we will move on to the vocational programs um I spent some time at Belleview high at their magnet and CTE uh programs on a couple days ago and just amazed at what our students are doing um there are some some of the most gifted children and when they leave our school system they will leave with with not only um a degree but they will also leave with credits and uh all kinds of things that uh uh that they've learned and they've recouped from being a part of the magnet as well as the CTE program and before I get carried away because I was just so amazed at how smart and um what the what the students are doing and what our what our teachers are doing challenging them I'll um won't steal any more of the Thunder for Miss Audi she'll come forward good afternoon today I want to share some of the accomplishments we've had in our CTE programs just during this first quarter of school we have 18 teacher units that are referendum funded and in addition to those 18 units all of our CTE programs have been touched by referendum throughout the years whether it be through program upgrad or equipment or consumable materials we're very thankful for that support of the referendum funds we currently offer 40 CTE Pathways to students that represent 14 different Career Cluster areas this year we were able to open two new programs at Bellevue High and Westport HIgh we were able to expand our health science offerings by adding the new Behavior Health technician program we hope to see that program continue to grow at some other schools as we move forward we were also able to to open an artificial intelligence foundations program at Forest High we are always looking to keep our programs up to date with the everchanging job market and are excited to see these new programs get off the ground we have 15,515 th000 students many of them actually participate in multiple CTE programs and complete in multiple programs um as they graduate high school every high school has a career choice Academy students can apply to attend outside of their base School this year we have over 1,000 students enrolled in those career choice cies brand new for this year my most exciting initiative in my opinion we're offering Maring County's first ever registered pre-apprenticeship program at lakew high school we've been working with students and parents in that program over the last month to get them registered and hopefully by the end of next week we'll have a final count of how many students are actually registered in that pre-apprenticeship this program gives students the opportunity to participate in 160 hour summer paid internship in the construction field and at the completion of two years of that program they participate as of the age 16 until they graduate um then they can seamlessly move straight into an apprenticeship program and get some time off of that apprenticeship program After High School one of our main goals in CTE is to expose students to as many career opportunities and work-based learning experiences as possible during the first quarter we've already had many students out to participate and work based learning and the number continues to grow as we move through the school year so far we've had 90 Health Science seniors Shadow at Advent Health as well as other medical practices throughout the community um we held two next workking events these events are put on through a partnership with the c at these events upper level students interact with business and industry leaders in their program area to learn more about careers in the field that they may not be aware of so far we've had 250 students attend those next working events our students also recently participated in the Okala film Derby during this event 77 digital video students were mentored and coached by the members of the film industry the film Derby actually culminated in students um competing in a competition where their videos were displayed at the Maran theater for the public to view our Logistics students recently toured custom windows to learn about their facilities and jobs in the logistics field this is just one of many industry tours that will take place throughout the year and just this week as she mentioned bellw High School we're very proud our CTE programs instead of going out into the community we welcomed the community into Belleview high school during the school day to attend student Le Tours of our CTE and magnet programs on that campus and it was really really impressive the things the students are learning and doing in those programs these are just some of the things our CTE students have been exposed to this quarter we look forward to offering more opportunities as the school year moves on both off- campus and off on campus for our students referendum fund helped to keep our programs up to date and allow us to expand into new areas of CTE as the job market changes we're grateful for all the support we receive for our programs and the impact it has on our students Futures thank you Miss Audi so now we'll move on to the uh actual expenditures uh for the vocational program as I stated previously um there are 20 vocational units 18 of which have been filled they've spent about 15.79% of their budget predominantly um salary and benefits uh some of the other items that are listed as purchase Services includes um charter bus and software licensing the Material supplies includes techbooks and some it accessories and some other technical classroom supplies the capital outlay includes it equipment Chromebooks computers monitors and iPads so those are some of the expenditures in addition to salary and benefits uh their total budget is $2.4 million now next we have a newcomer to the ioc presentation and that's Miss Hughes uh she is a coordinator of media related instructional Services good afternoon I'm bran Hughes and as the coordinator of instructional materials and library media Services I work closely with our media Specialists across the county in the time being in this role which has been very brief I have had the opportunity to be on school campuses in in many libraries across the county I can share that the media Specialists are all grateful for the role that they play on each of their campuses every day to promote a love for literacy during our media specialist in service day back in August 48 of our media Specialists from across the county came together at the Silver River Museum for a day of collaboration and professional learning which showcased worldbook Gale and bean stack each of these platforms promotes student love for learning and of course reading Internet safety in our elementary schools is a state mandated component of required instruction I am happy to share that 20,9 of our elementary age students have received instruction on Internet safety Because the Internet and technology is so easily accessible it is imperative that students learn the importance of being safe online even at a young age along with Internet safety our media Specialists teach our Upper Elementary age students students about cyber bullying and how to protect themselves from inappropriate internet behaviors worldbook online is a resource that is utilized in our K12 media centers Media Specialists use worldbook online to teach our students of all ages to conduct research and how to use valid resources to deepen their learning in the first quarter of this year our students conducted 15,000 searches using World Book Online students explore great appropriate academic cont content and topics that they are interested in in a safe and monitored digital environment another resource our media specialist across the county used to promote a love for for Learning and reading is Gail in context Gail is used to support research and students learning how to locate valid sources our students have searched topics videos pictures and articles 23,000 times this school year the use of the platforms like world book and Gale connect classroom learning to learning conducted in our media centers these connections these connections could not be made without the amazing work and knowledge of our media Specialists as of October 2nd media centers across the county have checked out a total of 84,3 bucks I look forward to continuing to see this number increase as we work together to continue toote to promote and increase Library circulation at all grade levels along with Library circulation our media Specialists support and promote our digital reading log beanstack beanstack is used to support tracking reading both at home and in our classrooms beanstack utilizes badges challenges and gamification to help media excuse me to help media Specialists and teachers promote and support a love for reading students earn badges for many reasons some of them include the first time the student has logged a reading session minut read and reading streaks students have earned over 24 thou 24,000 badges so far this year badges keep students motivated to reach goals set by teachers schools and District challenges not only do media Specialists use beanstack to track campus wide reading it is also used as a cataloging system for classroom libraries our media specialists at each School are responsible for approving classroom titles that are part of individual classroom libraries over the course of the first weeks students have logged over 7,000 books and over 330,000 minutes in beanstack inie The Bookworm vending machine which is located just outside in the lobby is a project funded by the Maran County Literacy committee and stocked by the public Education Foundation the Marian County Literacy committee is made up of teachers school-based administrators and community members the vending machine is stocked with high interest books and students earn tokens each quarter by logging minutes and beanstack on November 12th students from across the county will have the opportunity to visit the vending machine to redeem their quarter 1 reading tokens in April students across the county participated in the student media Festival this platform is supported by media specialist at each of our schools and provide a creative outlet for learning to our students as a followup to the Maran County Festival we are pleased to share that 63 of our winnings entries are going on to be recognized at the 50th annual gym harbon media Festival in Orlando on November 22nd thank you we welcome Miss Hughes to our ioc team glad to have you welcome for library media uh we have uh 40 eight positions and they've all been filled um we also have a budget of $4 million and spent to date about 15.25% you can see this has been consistent throughout um we do have some expenditures in the summer but most of those expenditures began in the month of August when school um is reconvened the majority of the expenditures are salary and benefits but there are some materials and supplies and again if you look to the attachment you can see what categories those are uh represented next we'll go on to Fine Arts um for with Miss Brook Hutto she's the coordinator of Visual and Performing Arts and she'll talk about art well as well as music good afternoon I'm so excited to see you guys again um I am BR cter coordinator for Fine Arts as always thank you for being here and for your contributions to this group the visual arts programs are up and running for the 2425 school year our fifth graders across the county have been busy preparing their tag art for the annual tax collector's kids tag art fundraiser our elementary and secondary programs alike are getting artwork ready for Fine Arts for Okala um the Okala Arts Festival which is this weekend in downtown Okala we hope you will come join us Shameless plug um it is from 10: a.m. to 5:00 p.m and in addition to having uh K to2 artwork on display we also have student performances from many of our schools in Mary County they will be performing as well on citizen Circle stage um in our first picture you will see one of our local artists Justin ALDC who came to Westport HIgh School to speak to Mrs Carter's student students the students are preparing to submit art to the student art competition at the Salvador Dolly Museum in St Pete um it's an annual competition they have and Justin is a surrealist artist himself so he came to help Inspire the students a little bit and talk to them a little bit about artwork um in a surrealist style um in the middle picture you will see this is Miss Mel bradrick from Dr NH Jones Elementary and she is celebrating dot day with her students um this is an annual International celebration of the book The Dot by Peter H Reynolds uh the statement just make a mark and see where it takes you celebrate self-expression and the journey that art can take you on this has become kind of an annual cultural celebration at her school the kids really look forward to it they decorate their own shirts they get super excited they create small dot artwork that fills her entire classroom so it's it's really a very um exciting schoolwide event now um and then finally you'll see a collaborative art project that one of our newest art teachers Miss Beasley worked on with her students at Legacy Elementary um this is a really cool collaborative project that they did with every fourth and fifth grade class each student received one small piece of the entire collaborative artwork um and they created because they are the Lions at Legacy they created a bunch of different lion compositions and then they actually hung in the Rotunda for their openhouse celebration at the beginning of the year so on our second slide you can see that all of our high school marching bands are pictured uh we have seven different high schools and every single one is represented on that those images um in one of ours we actually have a joint performance between um two of our high schools as well so band camps were held across the county two weeks before school began um they have been hard at work since the summer with our students preparing for their marching shows for this season their shows this year take you to ancient Greece the Land of Oz the world of Barbie and Beyond and we hope you have an opportunity to see them perform either at a high school football game or at their District performance assessment which will be on Saturday November 2nd at The Village's Charter High School uh we actually had their prea this past Tuesday at Trinity Catholic High School and it was it was really exciting to see all of our our bands out there supporting one another and the kids cheering each other on and last but not least we are highlighting our Quaver Music curriculum's latest edition for Maran County this is actually a very exciting Edition for us this is the student account feature we have not had this up until this year um prior we have had um we have had Quaver in the county and referendum has been helping to provide that for all of our elementary schools in Maran County um so while we have been using the Quaver program for the last few years this is the first year that all of our students from kindergarten through fifth grade have access to individual student accounts through their mcps desktop um this this feature allows students an incredible variety of interactive components that are included in the curriculum including learning about the science of sound practicing ear training oral training um composing their own songs and so much more both our teachers and students are incredibly excited to put these features to good use and you can see that the kids are very thrilled to be able to be on their on their their Chromebooks and and creating their own music now um we are thankful for the referendum funding which always allows us to continue to bring the Arts to a students of Marian County Public Schools I'm looking forward to showing you even more of the projects and performances that the accomplished this year including we just found out this week that uh Forest High School's Coral program and Westport High School's Coral program were both invited to participate at the Epcot Candlelite processional event um which they will be performing in December so we are very excited for them thank you again it's really awesome so we will take a look first at Art and then music um as far as the art program uh uh funded by the referendum we have uh 54 teachers 0.5 of Miss Hutto and then um 12.5 PA professionals one of which is vacant also there are additional um expenditures dues and fees materials and supplies and purchase Services uh which total 15.35% percent of a $4.8 million budget for art music uh there is a 0.5 coordinator uh music teachers 56 we have par Professionals of 12.5 of which 11.5 are filled at the end of September uh again majority of these expenditures are salaries and benefits there are some additional expenditures and your attachment will help you um see what kinds of items they are purchasing so they've spent 15.51% of their budget which totals $5.1 million next please welcome another new member to our our uh ioc committee team and her name is Nores Santiago she the coordinator of professional leadership and learning good afternoon school is underway and the new induction and Mentor program has had an amazing kickoff a new addition to our mentor and induction program for the 2425 school year is the new teacher Academy also known as NTA the NTA provides support through monthly courses that address the needs of our novice and early career Educators our novice educators are teachers who are entering their first year of teaching and early career educators are in their second or third year of teaching within this cohort 76% are career Changers this means that they hold a bachelor's degree or higher with a non-education major the new teacher Academy has opened to all early career and novice Educators the three sessions help participants develop skills in classroom environment engaging students in learning and using data to drive instruction participants attend the session once a month after school and they can elect to attend the course in person or virtually all participants complete a monthly survey reporting hours spent topics covered overall satisfaction with the program suggestions for topics for upcoming trainings and reflect on their work over the month program specialist provides weekly announcements and resources through a canvas course that all participants are enrolled in based on their role at this time the program specialist has completed 40 site visits the focus of the site visit is determined by the school's needs in the last two months site visits have covered a range of activities from classroom walkthroughs creation of site professional learning opportunities and review of program expectations All Leads and mentors attended their initial training course and reported that they are excited about the changes and enjoyed learning new skills for working with novice and early career Educators professional learning opportunities offer both inperson and a virtual option after school their dedication to the program was evident when over 58 mentors attended a virtual training that had to be rescheduled from 9:26 to 9:25 due to the hurricane referendum funds provided to the professional leadership and learning Department are used to support induction and mentoring the tiered structures we have in place allow us to provide support for teachers within the first three years of their educational Journey our goal is to make sure that every educator feels valued supported and equipped to help students learn and succeed we want to create a the smooth transition into the teaching profession help develop effective teaching techniques and encourage ongoing professional growth for our early career Educators most of these funds are paid out towards the end of the fiscal year because they are earmarked for mentor and Lead Mentor supplements hours are documented throughout the year through the monthly surveys completed by both the mentor and novice educator leads and mentors receive their supplement payment by June all teachers identify ifed as novice Which is less than 6 months of teaching experience receive a onetoone mentor who supports their growth in the Florida educator accomplished practices or feeds we currently have 170 teachers who fall into this category and have been assigned a qualified Mentor as positions are filled and applicants are cleared this number will continue to increase mentors dedicate 30 hours of support which amounts to approximately 1 hour a week to growing our newest talented and targeting areas where they have opportunities to develop their craft completing the full 30 hours of Mente support allows the mentor to be compensated for the full supplement amount of $1,100 lead mentors are selected by the school administration at all School sites to work with early career Educators early career Educators have taught for two to 3 years lead mentors facilitate the monthly school-based induction meetings driven from the needs specific to early career Educators and fiefs participants in these monthly professional learning sessions are early career Educators lead mentors help Educators set goals and access resources to help meet requirements to obtain professional certification lead mentors monitor surveys completed by all participants and meet quarterly to review survey data to ensure program requirements are being met and professional learning is meeting the needs reported lead mentors earn a supplement of $2,200 paid out of the end of the year for providing those 60 hours of support to the campus school-based induction participants we also are excited to have added a new Fine Arts cohort teachers that work in specialized areas such as art or PE are often the only teacher of their subject area on campus they now have virtual monthly sessions in addition to their on-site supports an expert Mentor uh is providing um in the area of the support needed this concludes my report thank you thank you as you can see they have a total budget of $628,000 uh no funds have been spent as of the end of uh September but as Miss Santiago stated the majority of those dollars are paid out at the end of the the school year next we'll move on to um safe schools uh as usual Mr Dennis mcfat will lead us into discussing this he is the executive director of safe schools thank you good afternoon afternoon as we Embrace these new mandates it is essential that we adapt and evolve while maintaining our commitment to collaboration best practices and the Safety and Security of our students and staff this year we will focus on key changes related to the access to access control particularly due to House Bill 1473 this legislation mandates that all Gates doors and access points that limit entry exit must remain closed and locked when students are on campus there are some exceptions are allowed only when these areas are actively M monitored by staff or have received specific exemptions documented in the Florida safe schools assessment tool better known as fsat based on other safety measures that are in that are put in place to enhance security we have begun adding additional cameras to our middle school campuses by cameras alone can cannot serve as an exemption they significantly improve our overall ability to monitor areas that cannot always be staffed and as you can see we got cameras here uh up on the no sorry right there on the screen um this is just a typical camera that we have uh we have them at all of our schools when we first started the C program or first started we roughly had about maybe a third of the schools that had cameras to date every school has cameras um at least 10 to 30 cameras at every every campus in Maran County um we are also implementing several other vital security measures including replacing outdated 383 locks to bolster Access Control increasing the number of school resource officers at three of our schools installing Panic Hardware on interior doors for added safety as you can see um these this Panic Hardware is added to some of our doors because our schools were built way back when and there just wasn't a sufficient locking mechanism but as house bille 1473 has come into play we have to go back to all of our schools and any kind of doors that we we have that may not have a locking mechanism on them um we we are installing the ser Panic safety Hardware as you see in this picture uh a lot of it to some of our older schools especially you know libraries which is another topic of discussion uh but we are doing all we can to just try and improve on school security the cameras the door buzzers the fences are just a small part of what we do but there's just so many other things that we have to do based on the Mandate at Sunrise Elementary we work with the school and T services department to construct a new side walk to provide a safer route for students and parents minimizing interactions with bus and vehicle traffic during drop off and pickup times we were having some issues with the kids and the parents trying to get to the campus and they were having a cross in front of some of the school buses and and and our vehicle traffic so that is a disaster waiting to happen so what we did at this school we installed a special sidewalk in a location now it gets them out of that uh danger zone of having to cross front of school buses and in our cars uh finally our referendum supports thorough scanning of volunteers on campus from July 1st through September 30th 2024 we utilize Raptor volunteer management to process over 6,000 200 volunteer applications these checks aligns with the Jessica Lansford act thus safeguarding our students and staff from potential threats as we continue to move forward with Safety and Security again 1473 is going to be real driving force behind everything we do and we know that we may come to you when we tell you that we're going to do things cameras door Brothers Again those are just basic security needs but this 1473 has put a totally different Twist on how we have to look at Safety and Security the state will come down and they come down regularly on what they call unannounced visits and they just show up in Maran County tell us that they here when they're on the school campus and they conduct what they call a compliance ience check and any type of doors or Gates that are unlocked or unmanned or not falling within the exemptions they will send an email to me the superintendent our school safety specialist and we have 24 hours to reply to that uh respond to that email or that compliance visit and then another uh 72 hours to get into compliance or show them how we're going to get in compliance uh it is a it's a tall task um but we're L and this just not a Maran County thing it's a Statewide thing I still have to say that the State of Florida is way above way so far Advanced when it comes to school security than any other state in this country we we love the fact that this legislators acted on school safety after the Margery storman shooting uh but unfortunately sometimes we're we're they're moving so fast that we can't always keep up but just know that we're doing our best and we just want to thank you all again for your continued support as we work together to create a safe learning and working environment for our school Community let us make this a great year thank you Mr M faton I have a question yes ma'am about the cameras is there how many cameras are there at each school do they have a camera at at the main entrance only or is it around throughout the whole building so each it it depends on the school and the makeup and design and the uniqueness of each school but each school has at least 10 SC cameras and we talking about most of the elementary schools but it could go up to 30 or 40 at all all of our high schools now as we continue to move forward we're going to add more cameras we just got a grant $644,000 which is a non-competitive grant that we get based on student numbers of FTE we get that every year it varies the cost V varies but we use all of that money towards cameras now keep in mind when we add cameras at some point five six seven years you've got to replace them so we have to be real careful about how many cameras we do put on our schools because at some point we've got to replace them and I always tell my team I don't want to put any more burden of hardship on you today that you can handle in 10 years because it's a good chance I won't be here a real good chance I won't be here but we don't want to put so much on our future Generations that we're not we don't want to add something and can't afford to keep it in years to come so as we put the in we have to be careful about where we put them monitoring the best we can the entire campus but also being careful not to just for the sake of numbers adding just to add thank you madam chair I have a question may I I know we have a lot of construction projects happening and some of those designs have been in the works for several years at completion will all of those new schools and new Wings reflect current legislative mandates yes ma'am it will and that's the that that's the beauty of new construction we can implement the safety measures in those that new construction um as it's being built and we can be up to speed up to date on the security measures not to go back and retrofit cost a whole lot more so it's best to do it while we're building the new schools and we've already met with um facilities and the different uh players in this building these schools to make sure that we have all of these mandates and everything needed at our new schools thank you thank you any other questions Mrs Boston Alice I have a question just as I look at the uh general fund referendum breakdown of the of the um budget for this year uh can you tell me is the PGM the professional learning the professional leadership and learning is what the PGM is sorry oh that that's a short for program that's program is that what that's for yes okay and that was one of the categories I was talking about from the 23 to 24 year um as of June 31st there was still over 50% that was not paid out so was that eventually paid out or were there just not that many people in as mentors right we are still uh believe it or not in the midst of closing out last year we're working with the Auditors and what we do typically is once we get the all clear from the Auditors we'll redo that last um the prior years and then you'll be able to see the exact expenditures so what we did um a couple of months ago that was just based on preliminary information but that's a excellent question we'll be bringing you back two different packets of information thank you for that um just want to add to um what um Mr MC faten stated uh safe schools the the mandates are are increasing and for those of you who've been around the last few years you'll see that that the number is growing um we're now up to $9.7 million for that budget uh well spent on things like Guardians and all the other items that we are not able to provide for in our general fund um we do get mandates and as he stated they come fast and furious and the safe um schools Department worked very hard uh under the leadership of Dr gullet to get all of these mandates met uh but this is a part of our funding that is what we call uh it's partially funded or it's not fully funded we receive um a little under $4 million in a general fund uh but of course I'm sure you know that does not meet the the needs of our schools in terms of safety so as he stated um there are grants available and we take every opportunity to apply for grants and also you know thanks to the referendum we were able to to do a lot of catchup uh of the things that we need to do but this is a program that's very much needed uh We've also in the last couple of months we've had to add two more SRO so those type of expenses uh continue to grow and we're looking um to the referendum to help um make sure that we meet the needs the last time we didn't get to go through um the uh charter schools and I'll do those really really quickly um they uh last year were given an opportunity to participate in the referendum the way we allocate those dollars it's based on what is provided to the district then we compare their student count to the total student account and then they receive a percentage of the referendum funds um as you can see here they they have provided us uh about six different categories that they have created uh budgeted expenditures for to the total of 700 and 46,000 and they're using uh the categories that are available on this particular Slide the way we handle the charter schools is we take their budget for the year and give them 25% every quarter of that budget and then after the fact they provide to us what they actually uh spent and then by the end of the year we reconcile uh those dollars as well so we have to deal with them a little bit different we do the same thing in the general fund we provide the funding and when there are changes in their enrollment we make changes in the funding that they receive but just one to provide a a little context uh to this it's it's not a lot of money but because they have a uh they have the right to handle this the way they want to handle it we're getting their information uh after the fact and and and as I stated they are using the correct categories they're just providing the information after the end of the quarter and and the rest of the slides are pretty much uh redundant um basically sharing with you uh what their budget is and what they've spent and as I said we provide a u just a fourth every quarter and then reconcile it as we receive uh their reports and they do use some of these funds for safe schools as well professional development and safe schools and I believe our district I know our district Works in conjunction with them um in terms of what the legislators say and what they need to uh make sure that they are uh providing for the safety of their schools and students and staff so we're at um a if you want to have any additional questions or comments M Morley I'll turn it back over to you or do we have any questions I just have one comment on the oh excuse me on the breakdown of the positions what's available what's filled per School uh is there is there any way or is it not pertinent to this that we could also put those professional leadership and learning positions on there as well just so we could see that that's been filled it as needed so when you're talking about the professional leadership and learning you're talking about the mentors correct um I'm sure we can try to do that only because it's a it's a large part of the budget that is allocated so it be it'd be good to see you know what are positions that haven't been filled and where you know that type of thing well they're not U full-time units they're staff that's already working and they would be paid a stien uh but I think we can we could probably do that with Santiago we could probably provide to you probably in a note at the bottom to say how many mentors we have and um so yes thank you Miss Boston Alis our uh next me meeting this I would like to take a moment to confirm the date and time for our next meeting as far as January goes we will regroup and coordinate with the chairman and everybody else involved to set the dates as well as April 17 I was told that due to the renovation of this uh place we may have to move to the to the uh um to a different building a different location the county commissioner's build um place so that's going to be tentatively discussed and um determined to be determined but July 17 and October 16 those are those will be those will be fine no that's going to be sent in an email do we have any other matters to discuss I was curious has the annual report to the school board been made working on it okay okay I was just curious that's all thank you if there are no further items on the um I would like to move forward to adjourn this meeting a motion to adjourn can I have a motion toj a second thank you all for your time and contribution and I look forward to your next to our next meeting I'm [Music] sure for